tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 9, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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night which rejected same-sex marriage. and i think that the president felt at a certain point, and i can't speak for him that once you're under pressure there are only so many choices left for you. and it's pretty clear the way the president was he heading on this, they've always said, look, we're the ones who got rid of don't ask don't tell. the justice department no longer defends the defense of marriage act. so you knew what direction the president was heading. i think there were conversations about whether this would be good politically or not good politically for the president because this could rally mitt romney's conservative base. this could hurt the president with some voters in battleground states like ohio and iowa, for example. but in the end, the president, i
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think, the president feels he would have no choice to come out is. saying you're evolving is not a good thing to say during a campaign. >> some statements have now come out. wolf blitzer, bah tok you. what is he saying? >> the president is saying bluntly this, i'll read it to you. eh says in this interview with abc's robin roberts, i have to tell you over the course of several years, as i have talked to friends and family and neighbors, when i think about memory memb members of my own staff in incredibly committed mon nothing rouse relationships, same-sex relationships or raising kids together. when i think about the soldiers or airmen or marine or sailors fight on my behalf yet feel constrained even now that don't ask don't tell is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a
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certain point, and here's what the president says, i have just concluded that for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that i think same-sex couples should be able to get married. that's an excerpt that abc news has released. he says this is a personal position. it's interesting, the president went on to say, some of this is also generational. you know when i go to college campus campuses, sometimes i talk to college republicans who think that i have terrible policies on the economy and foreign policy, but are very clear when it comes to same-sex equality or, you know, believe in equality, they are much more comfortable with it. malia and sasha have friends whose parents are same-sex coup couples. there are times michelle and i have been sitting around the dinner table and talking about their friends and it wouldn't dawn on them that their
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parents should be differently. that's something that prompts a change in perspective. so you get the point. the president of the united states obviously in a dramatic fashion in this interview wanted to clarify once and for all that his position has evolved. he supports same-sex marriage and he's making that clear right now. >> we now have the video. let's just roll it. >> i have been going through an evolution on this issue. i have always been adamant that gay and lesbian americans should be treated fairly and equally. and that's why in addition to everything we've done in this administration, rolling back don't ask don't tell so that outstaptding americans can defend our country.
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i've stood on the side of is broader equality for the lgbt community. and i hesitated on gay marriage in part because i thought civil unions would be sufficient, that that was something that would give people hospital visitation rights and other elements that we take for granted. and i was sensitive to the fact that for a lot of people, you know, the word marriage was something that evokes very powerful traditions, religious beliefs and so forth. but i have to tell you that over the course of several years, as i talk to friends and family and neighbors, when i think about members of my own staff who are incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex
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relationships who are raising kids together, when i think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained even now that don't ask don't tell is gone, because they're not able to commit themselves in a marriage. at a certain point, i've just concluded that for me persona y personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that i think same-sex coup. s should be able to get married. >> should be able to affirm that same-sex couples should be able to get married. president obama making an historic statement here today with respect to same-sex marriage. we're talking about this news here with a in um ber of folks in washington, d.c. i want to bring in john king. because john king, as we listen to this and we let that statement reverberate, this is an election year.
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talk to me about the timing of this. obviously, this is great news for folks who support gay marriage. but you talk about those independent voters who are so, so key come november, and folks on mitt romney's team, how does this play with them? >> it's a gamble for the president. it's a bold, personal choice for the president. if you go back and show those pictures just a moment ago, not only is this a political leader making this statement, brooke, it's the president of the united states. it's the first president of the united states, he's sitting in the white house, the seal of the united states of america and the american flag, this is the first american president sitting in the white house to say, i think same sex couples should be able to marry. and the president acknowledged the use of the term marriage. that's one of the reasons he's been hung up on this. you hear him talking about his dpaugter, about young americans. when he goes to college campus
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ps . the president knows pretty well that young americans are with him on this issue. they have pressured him. gay americans have supported him, the gay and less bean community. the question is, how does it play out in what we know is a very, very close competitive election. and even the president's own political team will tell you, there are risks here. number one, this will energize evangelical christians who might have some doubts about mitt romney. they have just seen the president of the united states sitting in the white house endorsing something they very, very much oppose on moral and religious grounds. so this will help mitt romney energize his base. the question is, does it cost the president? if you get addition from young voter, addition from gay and lesbians who might have been disappointed and stayed ho em. if you get that addition on the democratic side, do you also get subtraction? are there conservative democrats who say sorry, mr. president, i'm not with you on this one. krit kri to me, brooke, african-americans and latinos. any latinos who are catholics,
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where they're told homosexuality isn't just wrong, it's evil. a lot of african-american preachers in southern churches across this country. this is a big risk by this president. >> i read this thing was put together yesterday, yesterday afternoon. they flew robin roberts up to washington and then back to new york. or they will be. tell me what you know about how this whole thing came together. >> i know this wasn't the white
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house's plan to roll this out this week. the president's campaign was going to unveil their first positive ad campaign this week and starting to make their case for reelection. his congressional to-do list was to be pressing on the major initiatives the campaign wanted to focus on. because of the vice president's comments and arnie duncan's comment, it sort of the forced the president's hand. as you say, they put together an interview with robin roberts. as we understand it, source from yesterday. she came up to do that interview quickly. today, i understand that on abc, while we've been on, robin roberts reported that she pressed the president on whether he was angry with the vice president and arnie duncan because of their comments and the president laughed it off saying no. from a number of people i've spoken with outside the white
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house, activists on this issue, brooke, it was their sense that they believe president's white house was going to come to this issue before the election. this simply forced it to happen sooner and not on a time frame of their own choosing. and, you know, it does -- it is politically risky move coming a day after the north carolina ballot initiative. and all these risks that joon has laid out. but i would underscore again, and the president made that point clear in this interview that they see it also as motivating the youth vote. this is a big issue for young voters. i would not underestimate how they will play that in this campaign. >> it was a key voting bloc in 2008 and again it will be in 2012. this wasn't on the book for the president this week. you say he laughed off comments about the vice president making
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a very clear stance and arnie duncan, secretary of education. was there any one particular thing, that one catalyst that said all right, mr. president, today is the day we do this. >> it's not really hard to deduce that this was coming to a critical head. there was no way he could walk away from addressing this sooner rather than later. we were constantly -- we were pressing them in the briefing room. the next time he held a press availability, we were going to sd ask him, have you evolved yet. he was not going to be able to duck this question any further. so either he was going to have to face it at the press conference or the next time he went to reporters or he could arrange for an interview to sit down and address it in a setting of his choosing. it's usually a white house's choice to pick a setting of their own choosing ather than wait for a prez conference.
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and so it seems that they decided to do it today. and on monday, i pointed out he's going to have a fundraiser with ricky martin in new york. there will be a lot of lgbt donors. he's going to share a stage with one of the leaders of the freedom to marry movement. so it seems wise to get ahead of that and do it this week rather than when he's with a lot of gay and lesbian donors next week. >> sure, do it today. thank you so much. we're going to stay on this breaking historic news now. we're hearing the president officially finished liz evolution and saying yes, indeed, he does believe that gay men and women should be legally married. we're going to get reaction from the human rights campaign, reaction from the lgbt community on this stunning news today.
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and supporting gay marriage. i want to quote him. he said, quote, at a certain point, i just concluded that for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that i think same-sex couples should be able to get married. this coming down just a little while ago. i want to bring in michael schwartz. your reaction? >> it's a tremendous day. we are so glad the president has come out in full support of marriage equality, recognizing that gay and lesbian couples are just as committed, just as loving and need all the protections that marriage affords. >> tell me about the human rights cam pin. this is your living, lobbying the fe federal government to make sure the lgbt community has equal rights, can get married. >> that's right. we're the largest civil rights organization.
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for lgbt. the president has expanded opportunities and protections for our commune 2i from the end oof don't ask don't tell and hospital visitation regular laces and hate crimes law. now we're elated to see him evolve, as many americans have evolved to the position of supporting full equality through marriage. a. >> i was stalking to someone about amendment one on the ballot which eltly passed. i asked this person, are you frustrated that the president has been fairly nebulous in this evolving stance. how frustrating has that been for you? and do all your frustrations just go away now that we hear what he said this afternoon? >> well, i think the community has longed to hear this from the president, you know, given that he has been such an ally and
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friend to our community. i think the evolution that he arct articulated today and has in the past is reflective of what a lot of americans have gone through. they magt have, you know, haed some misconceptions or weren't quite there yet on the marriage issue. but those conversations really have pro-veled this issue forward. and the president is representative of where the country is going and that's into an inclusive and welcoming place for all couples. >> i want to bring in gloria borjer. let's just take a look here. we're going to look at this pole. the question was, should same sex marriages be recognized as equal. it's pretty close. >> it's very close.
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>> you know, 15 years ago, i think about 25% of americans thought that same sex marriages should be legal. you see the american public has, not to jofr use the wooveruse td on the issue. and politically, another interesting thing, brooke, is nose independent voters we talked about as being so important, they evolved on this issue with the majority of them saying that they approve same sex marriage. look at that, 57% to 40. obviously republicans are flipped on that. very much overwhelmingly opposed. and democrats overwhelmingly for is. it's no surprise. mitt romney who very strongly is against gay marriage came out today and said that he will
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defend the defense of marriage act, and not only that, in separating himself from the president, he said he would fight for an amendment to the constitution that defines marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman. so you see how this is going to break down very clearly between mitt romney and president obama. >> yeah, and i think, though, i was talking to john king a moment ago. to his point, this could galvanize the evangelical christians who thought mitt romney was perhaps too moderate. we we'll see in both the costs and the reward. the president said, it's up to the states here when it comes to gay marriage. in terms of substance, what does that mean? >> well, i mean, you' seen a majority of states have approved these anti-gay marriage amendments. i think there's less than a dozen states, it may be as few
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as eight who have actually approved gay marriage. and this is something now that's pending in the courts. we have the famous case of proposition eight that is pending in the courts, the california case on gay marriage. the states have been very, very slow to embrace this. public opinion is changing dramatically. and so you see the country is essentially moving pretty slowly in this direction. it's taken about 15 years, but i think it's evolving for lack of a better word. >> it's evolving, but still when you look at that poll. we've been sort of wondering how this will play with mitt romney. we now have reaction from former massachusetts govr nofr.
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the president speaking this afternoon, telling robin roberts that he does believe in gay marriage. he believe men should be able to marry men and women should be able to marry women. to be totally clear, this sound we're about to hear from mitt romney, this is not in direct reaction to the president's interview moments ago. this is on topic earlier today. >> ever since joe biden brought
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up the subject. this has been a headache to the white house. mitt romney has been asked this question on a rope line earlier today and he opted not to answer the question on a rope line but in an interview, he did weigh in on the subject. >> also, most americans by a narrow margin support it. what do you think? >> well, when these issues were raised in my state of massachusetts, i indicated my view which is i do not favor marriage between people of the same gender and i don't favor civil unions if they're identical to marriage other than by name. my view is domestic partnership benefit, hospital visitation rights and the like are appropriate, but the others are not. >> so there you go, brooke. could not be a more stark contrast between mitt romney and president obama on this issue of
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gay marriage. essentially, mitt romney had to take this position during the republican presidential process or he was going to have a tough time getting nominated by his party. newt gingrich was accusing him of flip flopping. and gay republicans will bring up during the 1994 senate race between mitt romney and ted kennedy, mitt romney was saying something very different on the issue of equal rights for gays and lesbians. he was positioning himself as a champion of that cause, someone who would be more effective than ted kennedy on that issue. he's obviously had an evolution, you might say. to now he's obviously very much against same-sex marriage and he made that pretty clear earlier today. >> okay, jim acosta, thank you very much. if you hear any more, let us know. meantime, let's go back to washington. john king, a couple of questions for you. i guess when i think about this big picture and you think of
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general election, you think battleground states. i mentioned amendment 1 yesterday, the referendum on the ballot which passed. president obama won north carolina in 2008. how does this play in those key states come november. >> that is the great question. because you were just talking to gloria about the polls. there's no question that nationally public opinion is moving toward supporting same-sex marriage. but we decide presidential elections on a state by state basis. there's the gallup poll there. 50% nationally, but look, 48% no. what you have is a still divided country. when you look at the state by state, already some republican republicans, even the log cabin republicans who are saying thank you, mr. president, log cabin republicans saying why didn't he say something before north carolina voters went to the polls just yesterday. a lot of people are going to be asking that question, brooke, why now? if the president was going to evolve, why didn't he evolve more quickly and do this before the middle of a heated election
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year. let's just give the president the benefit of the doubt, and say this has been doug personal personally. but a fine political reporter for "the new york times" talked about how the uh obama political team was divided on this issue. they understand the risks and the down side. they ultimately decided he was hurting his brand by hedging, by ekwif it -- equivocating and making it murky. you just showed the gallup poll number. i have been reading wall street journal polls going back many years. this is interesting. in march 2004, only 30% of americans favored same-sex marriage. by october 2009, it was 41%. naen the latest nbc wall street journal poll, it was 49%. those numbers essentially the same when you take the statistical errors of polling.
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if you're trying to get to the electoral votes, there are a lot of people that are going to tell you by supporting same-sex marriage in those states, you just made it impossible to win indiana. you have rural conservatives and evangelicals who will say no way, mr. president. you have a lot of younger voters in northern virginia who will say amen, mr. president. this will be a fascinating question as we go forward. it's important to look at this state by state. what the president did today is adopt the dick cheney position. if it's up to the states, it
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should be up to them. >> if you're in "x" state and you hear the president say okay, i'm for gay marriage but it's up for the states to decide. what does that mean? >> he personally favors it. he's putting barack obama's stamp of approval on this. he's putting the current incumbent president of the united states. and that's where you see all of the statements coming out. they're talking about the history of this. the sitting president of the united states. mayor michael bloomberg said anytime a president backs a major advancement in civil rights, that advancement ultimately succeeds. but, you know, the president is not saying we should have a constitutional amendment or national legislation legalizing same-sex marriage. he's saying that marriage as it traditionally has been is an issue left to the states. we've seen this, there are some states that allow marriage, same-sex marriage. and there are a number of states
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that have constitutional amendments that ban same-sex marriage. the president added his voice to a debate that's not only going to continue but because the president is now front and center intensify. >> thank you. you saw the banner. the president now supports same-sex marriage. what was the context of that quote? we're going to replay the interview for you. and we're going to get more reaction and speak with an openly gay american. see how this is resonating in the lgbt community. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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the president of the united states now says he supports equal rights when it comes to marriage. he spoke to abc news just a little while ago. take a listen. >> i have to say, i've been going through an evolution on this issue. i've all been adamant that gay and lesbian americans should be treated fairly and equally. and that's why in addition to everything we've done in this this administration, rolling back don't ask, don't tell so that, you know, outstanding americans can serve our country, whether it's no longer defending the defense against marriage act, which tried to federalize what has historically been state law, i stood on the side of broader equality for the lgbt
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community. and i had hesitated on gay marriage in part because i thought civil unions would be sufficient, that that was something that would be give people hospital visitation rights and other elements that we take for granted. the word marriage evokes a lot of powerful traditions and religious beliefs. but i have to tell you over the course of several years, as i talked to friends and family and neighbors, when i think about members of my own staff who are incredibly committed in monogamous relationships who are raising kids together. when i think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or
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sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that don't ask don't tell is gone, because they're not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a certain point, i've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that i think same-sex couples should be able to get married. a. >> i want to bring in an openly gay american, a cnn contributor. and z., you just heard that sound. what was your first reaction? >> my first reaction was welcome to the right side of history, mr. president. he's been straddling the fence for a number of years and it's nice to finally see him say those words.
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for him to say i do not believe these are second class citizens is a very, very wonderful thing to hear. and the work begins. >> is there a part of you that's frustrated that it took him this long to evolve? >> you know, i'm more frustrated over the fact that we have seen this script over and over again in this country from women's rights to civil rights and the civil rights movement. we've had so many instances, you know. the rights for people with special needs to be able to work. i mean, we keep going through the same conversation over and over again. we're judging people based on what they are, not who they are. so the frustration for me is that we're still having this conversation. >> i thank you for calling in.
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i do want to let all of you know watching that we are getting more details when it comes to the context of this decision that the president made. he mentioned how, you know, he thinks of colleagues he works with, thinks of his family, thinks also of men and women in uniform who are fighting for hir rights yet they still do not have the same rights back here at home. and we're learning that part of this conversation also involved his wife, the first lady of the united states. we're going to check in with a lit built more color there after this. hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge!
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breaking news here. the president is now speaking up. his evolution has finished when it comes to equal rights an gay marriage. he says he now fully supports gay marriage. we're also learning that the first lady of course, your wife, plays a bit of a role when it comes to one's stance is on something so significant.
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i want to bring in candy crowley, no surprise that michelle obama and he had many a conversation about how they feel on this huge issue. >> no. we're not talking about nuclear throw weight here. we're talking about something that people have very personal deep feelings about, particularly religious feelings. the president when he said he was opposed to gay marriage before that period for his evolution. he said as a christian, i believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. so there are all kinds of things that come to play, there are personal as well as political and policy and all of that. but to make this kind of decision, i think clearly would involve, as we already know, his watching his children grow up and knowing families that have same-sex unions with children, you know, that are forming families as well as your wife. i mean, your spouse is somebody
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you talk over these kinds of personal contributions that you have. >> what about, candy, just the timing of it all. i talked to jessica yellin at the white house. this certainly wasn't on the books to be happening this week with the president. we know the back story with joe biden coming out, speaking in favor of equal rights. tt president clearly was under a bit of pressure. >> he was. and he had these upcoming fundraisers. maybe last year it was in 2010 during an election year when the president would go to fundraisers for the lgbt community. and he would be talking and people would interrupt him about two things. same-sex marriage as well as don't ask don't tell. he was interrupted so the whole story line. you know, he's friendly to the lgbt community, et cetera, et cetera, was always interrupted by what was paramount importance in that community.
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so he was coming up to some more events where that was likely to pak taik place. now why did it happen in an election year? how about last year? he's been evolving for some time. i think you will look at, and certainly republicans and critics will look at this and say he's doing this for election purposes. i mean, i think that his aides are saying this is risky and there's some risk to it, i imagine, but listen, i remember talking to many, many months ago early last year, someone to be on president obama's re-election team. they mentioned four groups to me of administrator importance. african-americans and keeping up their participation in the voting process. for a re-elect. latinos and getting more registered and having more of them vote democratic. along with young people. bringing along those people who
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kwr too young to vote for president obama last year. and guess what, the lgbt community. they put a lot of money in it or put a lot of effort into it. i don't think it's at all surprising that an evolving position has now become an actual position. i would tell you that i think one of the political ramifications of this might be felt by other democrats. >> how so? >> well, i will bet you that every newspaper in whatever district in conservative, swing and heavily democratic states are now calling their representative or senator saying how do you feel. t president changed his position. how do you feel about it? i think it puts pressure on a lot of democrats out there that held the president's previous position. i don't think harry reid is all that pleased this is coming up now. but there you go. i mean, that's politics.
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>> mitd romney has been speaking about this particular issue, given what we heard from joe biden and arnie duncan. and now we're going to hear from mitt romney next. raining. oooh...let's get tomato soup delivered. [siri] i found a number of restaurants [siri] whose reviews mention tomato soup and that deliver. good, 'cause i don't wanna put on real shoes. remind me to clean up...tomorrow. [siri] ok, i'll remind you. excellent. today, we're dancing. play 'shake, rattle and roll.' ♪
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equality when it comes to marriage. that coming down just in the last hour. we are also, though, hearing a little bit more from mitt romney speaking out this morn on his stance when it comes to gay marriage. >> most coloradoans support same-sex civil unions and most americans by a narrow margin do, too. what's your stance? what do you think? >> i i indicated my view in massachusetts. i do not favor marriage or civil uniyuan unions if they're i dent call other than by name. i think rights and the like are appropriate, but that the others are not. >> mitt romney on same-sex marriage. let's check in with wolf blitzer working on a show for "situation room" which i'm sure you will be doing much, much more on this historic statement from the white house, the back story on this interview and everything else. who will you be talking to? >> we've got, you know, all of our reporters and all of our
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analysts and we'll be getting representatives of various gay rights organizations and the other side as well, those who are very upset and they'll be republicans and democrats. the political fallout from this potentially could be rather significant on the plus side for the president. as you know, brooke, this could energize a lot of that liberal base out there. there was a deep concern in the obama-biden campaign leadership that maybe they weren't generating enough support out there as they had four years ago, for example, when the president kicked off his campaign officially last saturday in ohio state university. there were thousands of empty seats inside that stadium on the campus of ohio state university. four years ago that wouldn't have happened so that might energize some of the base for the president's historic decision today. on the other side, there are a lot of religious people, kath lishgs evangelical christians, baptists who strongly oppose same-sex marriage and that may
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hurt him in a state like north carolina, in a state like virginia and maybe even in ohio. you have six months to go, so a lot can play out on this issue, but obviously an important decision will be all over in "the situation room." wolf blitzer, thank you. we will see you in a matter of nine minutes in "the situation room." we'll get a quick break in and then we gl to the uk where the queen is speaking to parliament here on this historic 57th time she has ever done this in this diamond jubilee year in london. that's next. ♪ you make me happy when skies are gray ♪ [ female announcer ] you know exactly what it takes to make them feel better. ♪ you make me happy [ female announcer ] that's why you choose children's tylenol. the same brand your mom trusted for you when you were young. ♪ how much i love you [ humming ] [ female announcer ] children's tylenol, the #1 brand of pain and fever relief recommended by pediatricians and used by moms decade after decade. [ humming ]
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he wore his hoodie monday to his presentation to get investors buy facebook stock just before it goes public and an analyst shows quote, the mark of immaturity and yet the analyst gave a buy rating for the stock. >> queen elizabeth spoke to parliament for the 57th time in her reign. the annual event is known as her majesty's most gracious speech. she spoke for about ten minutes and echoed the ambition oftentimes heard on this side of the atlantic. >> my minister's first priority will be to reduce the deficit and restore economic stability. >> next month the queen celebrates 60 years on the throne. we hope you join us. watch the diamond jubilee celebration and i'll be there and i'll see you live from london. >> john travolta calls the lawsuit against the actor absurd and mysterious. two massage therapists said he
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groped one and sexually assaulted the other. he plans to sue for malicious prosecution. the massage therapists are asking for $2 million in damages. in texas, this is tough to look at. a horrifying moment caught on camera. you see the city bus hits a university of texas student. obviously, we're telling you the story. he's okay. you saw the young man was able to walk away amazingly moments later with minor injuries. >> the postal service has backed off a plan to save half a million dollars a year by closing post offices in rural america. the agency wanted to close thousands of post offices that didn't make much money, but the public backlash was swift and now plans to keep rural post offices open, but for fewer hours and it will force thousands into part-time jobs and offer buyouts to 13,000 post masters nationwide. hundreds of occupy protesters showed up at the bank of america headquarters in
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charlotte, north carolina. shareholders were in town and they were meeting and our affiliate there wsoc are reporting police did arrest five people. protesters say they're against the bank's foreclosure practices and coal mine investments and satellite images show new activity have upped suspicions about key iranian military site. the international atomic energy agency suspects nuclear weapons research has taken place at this complex. this is just southeast of tehran. there are concerns the site is being cleaned before nuclear inspectors are then allowed in. you know tehran continues to deny nuclear research has ever taken place here. also this -- ladies and gentlemen, mr. bert baccharat. >> that will get stuck in your head for the rest of the day. >> just as true now as when bert bacharach composed it. a special honor for the man
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behind such hits search as "the what the world needs now is love," "i say a little prayer" and raindrops keep falling on my head." he is honoring with the library of congress gershwin prize for popular song. >> we have got know word what happened inside john edwards' trial. a white house official took the stand. yep, an aide from the white house. we're taking you to greensboro. checks, newspapers, bills. a lot of people get their medications only through the mail. small businesses depend on this processing plant. they want to shut down 3000 post offices, cut 100,000 jobs. they're gonna be putting people out of work everywhere. the american people depend on the postal service.
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top white house official on the stand today in the john edwards trial. hey, joe. >> reporter: deputy white house press secretary jen palmieri who was a communications adviser for j john edwards and a close friend of the late elizabeth edwards. when reports of edwards' affair surfaced she told him apparently speak budget campaign for president, don't think if it's true you'll be able to survive
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it because she said the story got right to the heart of what people liked about him. palmieri said she was summoned to a meeting at a hotel room in davenport, iowa, attended by both the edwards' as well as wealthy trial lawyer fred baron and his wife lisa bloom. he gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to try to cover up the affair, though by the time of this meeting, october 2007 much of the story was in the process of being revealed. when she got to the meeting palmieri said elizabeth edwards was very upset because baron and blue had been in contact with edwards' mistress rielle hunter. she learned lisa had taken hunter on a shopping trip. they tried to explain saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer. rielle is a loose cannon. she could go to the media. a whole stream of prosecution witnesses expected on the stand this afternoon. the prosecution saying it still hopes to wrap up its case by the end of the week.
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