tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 11, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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morning. the fbi found the girls in a wooded area in mississippi yesterday. the rescue ended a nationwide manhunt for alleged kidnapper adam mayes who is also suspected of killing the girls' mother and older sister. authorities say mayes killed himself as officers moved in. >> mayes pulled a semiautomatic pistol from his waistband and shot himself in the head and was later pronounced dead at a local hospital. other agents moved in to rescue kyliyah and alexandria who were lying on the ground nearby. the girls were hungry, thirsty, and dehydrated. the head of the biggest bank in the country is admitting to a trading mistake that cost jpmorgan chase $2 billion and counting. jamie dimond made the surprise announcement during a conference call yesterday. he said the loss was a case of, quote, bad judgment.
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>> we've more work to do, but it's obvious at this point that there were many errors, sloppiness and bad judgment. we're going to management it. we're not going to do something stupid. we're willing to hold as long as necessary inventory and we're willing to bear volatility. >> the improving economy is actually not good news for some americans who have been out of work for a long time. they're going to lose their unemployment checks as of this week. as the economy actually gets better, the federal program providing extended benefits is ending. more than 200,000 people in eight states are going to lose their benefits. about half of them are in california. a possible new milestone in the fight against aids. for first time an fda panel is backing a pill to prevent hiv infection. truvada tablets are all right used to treat patients who have the disease. it may be approved for daily use for people at high risk of
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adopting the virus. we now know the two little girls who were rescued in mississippi yesterday watched as their alleged kidnapper shot himself in the head. it is just yet another horrible detail that is coming out of this case that began in tennessee just two weeks ago. the hunt for alexandria and kyliyah bain intensified after their mother and older sister were found dead. george howell is joining us from whiteville, tennessee. george, i mean, when you think about what this family has gone through and what these little girls have endured already, it's hard to wrap your head around it. what is the fbi saying about what they are learning what these little girls went through? >> reporter: suzanne, we learned from a source that three other people were now charged or were now arrested rather in this case. one person for apparently filing a false report with police. the other two for illegal possession of a firearm. and we also learned from that
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source that one -- that one of the people arrested for illegal possession of the firearm may have given adam mayes the weapon he used to kill himself. we also learned from a source -- we learned this from a source, obviously that the cause of death, that's really what everyone here is talking about. i just went into city hall and really this is the new fact that people are having a real hard time with to be quite frank. the cause of death, strangulation for joanne pabain and her oldest daughter. at this point investigators are looking through all the facts of the case, mainly looking at teresa mayes, the only person charged with murder at this point, suzanne. >> george, do we have any idea if the two little girls, the ones who have survived, if they actually saw the mother or the older sister being killed? >> reporter: we do understand that that may have happened. when you read through the police report, the affidavit, you do get the sense that these girls,
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they all traveled together. apparently they traveled together from tennessee down to mississippi, and we learned that teresa mayes may have loaded the bodies into the car and helped to drive down to mississippi. so you do get the sense they saw their mother and older sister killed and also they were there when adam mayes shot himself in the head. >> do you have any idea how these little girls are doing today? >> reporter: we do know that they were released from the hospital just last night. and from what we've heard from investigators, they were dehydrated, they were exhausted from being in the woods for however long they were there. but we believe that they will be or may have been reunited with their father. at this point obviously in this community just hoping for their welfare. >> all right. george howell, really just a very upsetting, upsetting case. thank you very much. here is a rundown of some of the stories we're covering over the next hour. a former classmate of mitt romney says he's feeling remorse about pinning down a terrified
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student, cutting off his hair in high school. romney says he does not remember taking part in that attack. also, the father of american p.o.w. is appealing directly to the taliban to release his son. and this "time" magazine cover kauzicausing a lot of buz about how old is too old to breast-feed. i'll talk to a mother who says breast-feeding older children should not be a problem. sweet! [ male announcer ] the solid thunk of the door on the jetta. thanks, mister! [ meow ] [ male announcer ] another example of volkswagen quality. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month.
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] pringles... bursting with more flavor. [ crunch! ] first lady michelle obama just delivered the commencement address at virginia tech. comes five years after that massacre on the campus that left 33 people dead. bri ann that keanna keilar is a campus and she's joining us live. talk a little bit about what the
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first lady's theme was. >> reporter: it was very interesting because it was very much tailored to virginia tech. this class is the first class that actually applied to virginia tech even after the shooting. so when you talk to the students here, they'll tell you that the shootings, while they remember them, they didn't really define their experience at all. so she really spoke to that because what's certainly interesting is if you ask the average person about virginia tech, they certainly do define virginia tech by the shootings. michelle obama said to the students, there's always people who will define you by one isolated incident, and you in virginia techno that especially well. she said if they tell people where they've gone to school and someone says, wait, isn't that the school where, she said interrupt them there and say, yes, that is the school that turns out amazingly academic achievers, people who are members of their community. so it was very much a tailored
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message that she had for this really unique class here at virginia tech. >> brianna, did she reveal anything personal about herself? did she talk about her own life experience and life story? sometimes she likes to do that. >> reporter: yeah, she did. we heard some things that i think normally we don't hear. she said after she graduated college, she said she had a great high-paying job, a great office at one of chicago's top paying or pardon me largest law firms, and she said, you know, on paper it looked like a great job but very quickly she lost one of her best friends to cancer. she lost her dad after a struggle with multiple skcleross and she said she ultimately decided to go into a career that was more about public service. this is interesting because following the tragedy here at virginia tech, one of the things that came out of it was very much an emphasis on service. i spoke with a lot of students, and it's pretty amazing the things they're doing. one couple that i spoke with is heading to the philippines for six months to teach college
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students in the philippines how to read and do computer skills. so obviously the first lady did her research and i suppose you're not really surprised because not to interject too many politics into this, but there certainly is a political element to this. virginia is a swing state. certainly i'm sure that factored in the decision as t first-degree la-- first lady's office determined where she was give her commencement speech. >> thank you. later we'll hear from mitt romney in charlotte, north carolina. that's up next. n and i never missed opening day. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better, and that means... game on! symbicort is for copd,
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north carolina. that is this hour, it's actually right now. but romney also facing some questions about an incident from years ago when he was in high school. he was accused of pinning down a fellow student and cutting off chunks of his hair. jim acosta is joining us live from the romney campaign. the trail there. jim, they're trying to move beyond that i imagine. are they still getting questions about this? >> reporter: they are. you know, suzanne, this came out in "the washington post" yesterday, and when you say turn the page, they are literally trying to turn the page. it is on page one of the "washington post." the story broke online yesterday. it's about these five former classmates of mitt romney who say they witnessed a young mitt romney then back in 1965, nearly 50 years ago, along with a group of friends holding down and cutting the hair of a fellow classmate, and last night i had a chance to catch up over the phone with one of those former classmates who says he witnessed this incident. his name is phillip maxwell, and, you know, he was really
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struck, suzanne, by the fact that mitt romney came out yesterday and said he did not recall this incident, and i asked maxwell about this. i want to show you a couple quotes from the conversation that i had with him. one of them goes as follows. this is phil maxwell, an attorney in michigan right now. he says he doesn't remember it and i find it difficult to believe. it's unfortunate that mitt, he called him mitt, simply hasn't owned up to his behavior. and, you know, a lot of people are saying, well, this is back in high school. was this just teasing, a prank, that sort of thing? he said, no, this is bullying. he called it an assault. i said should voters out there take this into consideration? here is what he had to say. quote, i guess you have to take it into account. are you the kind of person who would stop the abuse of an innocent person? those comments from phillip maxwell, and as you know, suzanne, mitt romney talked about this in an interview with fox yesterday. he said he did not recall the incident, but he apologized for what he called pranks back in his high school days and any
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harm that might have been done. here is what he had to say. >> i don't recall the incident myself, but i've seen the reports, and not going to argue with that. there's no question but that i did some stupid things when i was in high school, and obviously if i hurt anyone by virtue of that, i would be very sorry for it and apologize for it. >> reporter: just to give you a sense, suzanne, as to how sensitive this issue has become for the romney campaign, they went about finding statements from two other former classmates of mitt romney who issued statements on the campaign's behalf to reporters yesterday. i received a couple of those statements. one of them from a classmate who said, yes, mitt romney back in those days was clownish in his words, liked to engage in a lot of pranks, but not malicious. that was his wording saying that mitt romney was just not that kind of person. so you're getting sort of a he said/he said in terms of what mitt romney was like back then. keep in mind, suzanne, we all did things back in high school
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we might regret. president obama in his autobiography "dreams of my father" talked about his drug use when he was in high school. so these are things voters have to take into consideration. does the behavior of a presidential candidate all the way back in high school enter into their considerations and that's for the individual voter to decide. >> gym, do jim, do we know if ty campaign is reaching out to his fellow classmates like maxwell, the guy you talked to, who is coming out saying i'm disappointed, i don't believe he couldn't recall this incident? are they trying to reach out to the people directly involved in the incident? >> reporter: no. when i talked to phillip maxwell last night, he said, no, he had not heard from the romney campaign. and i have to say, my sense of it from talking to the romney campaign about this is that they're ready to move on. you can see mitt romney on the other side of the screen right now. he's down in charlotte talking about the economy, and, suzanne, he's going to be down at liberty university in virginia tomorrow
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also talking about the economy. and it's striking he's going to do that because as you know, suzanne, that is a very conservative school, a very socially conservative school filled with a lot of evangelical students. ice going he's going to use that opportunity to talk about economic issues. it is interesting to see the romney campaign and the candidate himself stay away from some of the sensitive issues. >> probably over the weekend as well, we will see a battle of the commencement speeches. i know president obama is going to go to barn hardt. what do we make of the messages just based on the schools they've selected. >> reporter: obviously the battleground state selection is very important in all of this. it's no accident that mitt romney is going to be in virginia tomorrow. one thing you can really take to the bank from the romney campaign during this period right now is that they are
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hyperfocused on the economy right now. last night when president obama was out in seattle giving that fund-raising speech and he said during that speech sometimes i forget about the magnitude of the recession, instantly on twitter romney campaign aide seized on that comment, started retweeting it. the rnc came out with a video talking about that statement that the president made. they feel that's the issue they want to talk about, the economy. they don't want to talk about any of these other things. most especially that story in "the washington post." they'd like to put that behind them. >> jim, thank you very much. obviously mitt romney campaigning there speaking in north carolina talking about the economy. this is a company that makes residential/commercial pipes and fittings. let's just listen in briefly. >> the old school liberal policies of the past with bigger and bigger deficits, more intrusive government. that's what you're seeing today
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and that's why it's been so hard for this economy to recover. this recovery has been the slowest, most tepid since hoover. it's been that way because the president's policies have not encouraged this economy to grow. they scared the dickens out of banks, scared the dickens out of insurance companies, they scared employers in the manufacturing sector. my view is if we have the right policies, labor policies, fair between management and organized labor, if we have as well a president that will finally get our budget balanced, if we also have -- [ cheers and applause ] if we take care of our energy policies and take advantage of the resources we have to bring the cost of energy down, i'll bet you use a lot of energy here, don't you? yeah. if energy costs are down, it makes it better for foundries and more facilities like this can survive. i believe also if we have the right trade policies, opening up
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markets for american goods but cracking down on cheaters like china when they take away our jobs. [ cheers and applause ] >> mitt romney there in north carolina talking about jobs and the economy. we've got the latest as well on the negotiations with the taliban to free an american soldier captured in afghanistan three years ago. ♪ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine ♪
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released releas released a video proving he was alive in 2009. bergdahl's family is not satisfied. they took over where the government, they say, stopped. here is chris lawrence with the story. >> reporter: the fate. a captured american soldier may rest on how much the u.s. government will give up to get him back. behind the scenes u.s. officials have been engaging in covert diplomacy with the taliban regarding reconciliation. a u.s. official tells cnn part of the negotiation involves the u.s. transferring five of its taliban riser ins in exchange for bowe bergdahl's release. >> first and foremost, our heart goes out to the bergdahl family. >> reporter: bergdahl's father has been making direct appeals to the militants holding his son and has told other news outlets he's frustrated. >> i practicey this video may b shown to our only son. >> reporter: military officials say they're constantly reminded of their search. >> if you go to the centcom
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command center where there is a conference room, there's about a 4 x 6 foot poster of bowe bergdahl sitting in front of the podium to remind them and therefore us every day that he remains missing in action. >> reporter: bergdahl disappeared in his rugged region along the pakistani border where he was stationed in 2009. u.s. officials say he walked off his some bat outpost but in a video the taliban released, bergdahl claims he was captured when he fell behind on patrol. an administration official says they would have worked out some kind of sequence, perhaps moving some two taliban prisoner from guantanamo to qatar and once berg hall was dahl was releasede more go. >> the agency was asked to assess these five individuals, their significance, and the risks that could be incurred by
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their release. >> at one point there's a release that says they're too dangerous to release. >> chris lawrence is joining us live from the pentagon. so the pentagon thought about exchanging some of those prisoners for bowe bergdahl. they chose not to. what we didn't haer in the repo report, it was actually the taliban who thought of that idea. >> reporter: from everything we've heard the taliban were initially receptive to this idea, suzanne. in fact, at the beginning of the year there was an announcement they were going to open up this negotiating office in the midst of all these negotiations, but there was fierce opposition on capitol hill. there was a real question about how dangerous some of these men were and, again, you had a lot of road blocks put up, and i think now it's going to be very tough. >> chris, we know the father
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here is taking matters into his own hands now. he doesn't believe that the government is really doing enough. he sent an appeal out on youtube, and even appealed in a local language, speaking a local language here. this is very unconventional. does he think that it's going to actually work? >> from all accounts, suzanne, he just seems at his wits' end. he has not seen his son since he came home for christmas nearly four years ago. i think they are very, very frustrated and they're looking at how this negotiation aspect has become somewhat political now. they know it's an election year, which may be working against any sort of big deal that could become an election issue. so i think they're frustrated, and now you see them in this video that you're about to see making a direct appeal even to pakistan's government. >> i personally appeal to general ka la ni and general
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pasha. our family is counting on your professional integrity and honor to secure the safe return of our son, and we thank you. our family knows the high price that has been paid by your men in the army and the frontier corps. we give our condolences and thanks to the families of those who have fallen for pakistan. >> so a very direct appeal. there is a feeling or a sense that the taliban have moved bowe bergdahl around somewhat since they captured him, and now the father obviously is appealing to the pakistani government to try to do more to find him. >> all right. chris lawrence, thank you. this "time" magazine cover of a mother and a 3-year-old sparking a debate now. how old is too old to breast-feed? we're going to talk to a mother who says it's not too old. clarence otis jr. has a lot
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admission by a man in charge at jpmorgan chase. jamie dimond is telling investors he lost $2 billion since april. he says it was a case of, quote, bad judgment. alison kosik is at the new york stock exchange. so alison, tell us what happened here, first of all. >> reporter: the short answer, suzanne, jpmorgan gambled and they made risky bets and here is what's ironic is those bets were meant to protect against possible losses on jpmorgan's other investments, but all that backfired and the bets wound up producing losses of their own. this all, of course, coming out in a surprise conference call that happened last night called by ceo jamie dimon. this, of course, coming as a big shock for shares of financials on wall street, no the to mention shares of jpmorgan down more than 8%. we're watching shares of morgan stanley, citigroup, goldman sachs getting hit hard today.
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wall street is kind of worried about what other banks are doing. they want to know if jpmorgan is doing this, what kind of bets are these other banks making, especially the banks that aren't as strong as jpmorgan. >> jpmorgan obviously one of the stronger banks. are they concerned it will hit its reputation pretty bad? >> at least in the short term you can expect its reputation is going to take a hit, no tt to mention jamie dimond. even president obama called him to washington for meetings on the economy, but clearly in this conference call we're about to play a bit of it, you can hear that jamie dimon is clearly not a happy camper. >> speaking for the senior management team and myself, wile we can't assure you we won't make astakes mistakes, we'll as we will try not to. what happens violates our own standards and principles of how we want to operate the company. this is not how we want to run a
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business. >> as you hear jamie dimon owning up to what happened, he's clearly not hiding. he says the losses were caused by cloppinesloppiness. he warns that loss could gross into a bigger loss possibly. >> what does it mean going forward? are we talking about more federal regulation? >> it revives the conversation about oversight. keep in mind new regulations are going into effect by the end of july, and what those new regulations look to do is limit how much banks trade with their own money. interestingly enough, dimond has spoken out against the tougher reforms and he's still standing his ground. dimond defending jpmorgan saying, you know, when you look at everything that the firm has done at this point, they've been very careful, even though that this wasn't -- though his argument i don't think is holding up too much at least for today. suzanne? >> alison kosik, thank you. so what's wrong with breast-feeding a young boy?
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nothing according to this mom. >> as long as both are happy doing it, then why not? >> take a look at the facts behind the buzz over the "time" magazine cover. [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ] [ thunk ] sweet! [ male announcer ] the solid thunk of the door on the jetta. thanks, mister! [ meow ] [ male announcer ] another example of volkswagen quality. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month.
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self-confidence. the provocative cover also fueling some national debate. deborah feyerick has the story. >> there were a lot of people who were surprised. you're still breast-feeding? >> reporter: for dancer heather mcfadden, breast-feeding her 3 1/2-year-old son is the most northerly thing in the world. >> it's a relationship between the mother and the child, and so as long as both are happy doing it, then why not? >> reporter: yet "time" magazine's latest cover is making a lot of people very uncomfortable. >> when they can walk and they can talk, they can go to the refrigerator. it's gross. >> i think it stops at 12 or 18 months. that's where you stop. you dra draw the line there. >> society is looking at me like i'm the weird one, and we're not. we're not weird. we're actually quite normal. it's just in this culture, in our culture, it's viewed as weird. >> reporter: "time's" newest
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cover girl told the "today" show she understanding the reaction even though the cover ignores the nurturing side of the experience. >> i understand why "time" chose this picture, because it is going to be such a -- it did create such a media craze. >> reporter: the cover is so in your face, it could backfire. >> that is an important part of attachment. it is healthy for the child, but to look at these prolonged -- these sort of extreme opinions about it might turn some people off to the whole thing. >> reporter: behind the controversial photos is a decades' old debate on the benefits of attachment parenting which says babies develop a strong emotional bond and feel secure the more they're held and the more sensitive parents are to baby's needs. that includes extended breast-feeding, bed sharing, and baby slings. pediatrician dr. william sears started the movement 20 years ago. >> the kids who are most attached early on who learn the concept of trust, these kids
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actually grew up to be the most independent and naturally secure children. >> reporter: but for mom blogger jennifer levinson who had five kids in under five years, breast-feeding, she says was not in the cards. >> my approach to parenting is surviving, making it through every day with nobody hurt and everybody fed. maybe bathed if we're lucky and happy. i don't judge those that breast-feed, and those that breast-feed should not judge me. >> reporter: after all, being a good mom isn't just about doing one thing right. it's about doing hundreds of things every day the best you can so that your child is happy, balanced, and loved. deborah feyerick, cnn, new york. so there's a big range of strong reactions to this breast-feeding issue and the "time" magazine provocative cover. may mayim bialik, you may know her from the '90s "blossom" and "the
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big bang theory." nice to have you here. i know you're an advocate of the attached parenting style that believes that it is beneficial to breast-feed children beyond infancy. you as well also breast-feed your 3-year-old. is that correct? >> yeah. i mean, just to clarify, attachment parenting takes no stance on how long you should breast-feed. the notion is to educate people about breast-feeding. if you do bottle feed, it should mimic breast-feeding as much as possible and in general the concepts of positive discipline, the concepts of believing that a child has a voice whether it's a newborn voice or a 1-year-old voice, that's what then forms all your decisions about how long you breast-feed, how long you sleep safely with your child, how long you hold them in a sling, and how long you let their needs really be part of yours. >> so tell us about your own experience. why do you still breast-feed your 3-year-old? >> i breast-feed my 3-year-old
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because he's not done breast-feeding and i'm not ready to tell him not to. he's absolutely showing the nomplal p normal progression. i did night wean him at 3. it is nutritionally beneficial. it is still a tremendous source of discipline and of bonding that occurs between a mother and a child, and as i said, we are doing all of the things, we are setting boundaries. i do not breast-feed him in public. so to me those are all the normal pathways. it may not be the pathway most people think. we don't all nurse older kids. but the notion that a child's voice matters, that every child is different, that's the basis of attachment parenting. it doesn't have to do with how long you do any of these things. >> and at what point do you feel like both you and your child will be finished with the breast-feeding phase of this?
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>> before high school is what we're taught to say by the leche league international. we stopped breast-feedinged a night when he was 3. i stopped pumping at work when he was 3. he goes days without and those will keep increasing and he will be done. and i hope he will be done soon and if at any point it is not okay with me, then that's a conversation that i will gently have with my child and that's how we've done it about breast-feeding in public. he can tantrum all he wants. if it's not working for mama to breast-feed in the middle of the supermarket we can absolutely have that conversation but i'm not going to do something that's not okay with me and he can't force me to breast-feed him any more than i can force him to breast-feed. >> i know you were probably just kidding when you said high school there, but -- >> yes. >> let me ask you this. the cover of "time" magazine, the mother who is on that cover, she was asked many questions about that pose on the cover, and she said, you know, people are calling social services on her, they are saying that this is child molestation. how do you answer those critics
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who really don't understand what this is when you are breast-feeding a 3-year-old? >> i think that to add any element of sexualization is absurd. it's offensive. it should be offensive to all parents. the fact that this might not be the pose i would have chosen or that this mother would have chosen. the fact she chose to put herself in a photo shoot like this is not really the issue. the issue is "time reque" has c -- chosen to sensationalize this. i think that the issues has gotten off in a lot of different places but breasts are not made for sexual pleasure alone. they were designed to deliver nurturing nutrition and immunological properties to a child. >> what do you think of that cover?
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are you offended by that cover? >> i'm actually more offended because i think it's going to turn people off who probably are already very attachment parenting friendly. i think it's going to make them not want to use that term. you'd be amazed how many people i hear from who say i had a natural birth, we breast-fed, i co-slept for about six months to a year. i don't hit my kids and i believe their voice matters but i'm not an attachment parenting person. honestly you have just defined basically the tenets of attachment parents. it's pictures like this that will turn people off to understanding more. that's why i wrote beyond the sling to show what it literally looks like. i don't think i'm better than other people. i'm far from perfect, but attachment parenting is a decision people make that absolutely is biologically supported. it's not a new style of parenting. it's the way mammals and primates parent, period. >> and just to be clear here, what do you find bothersome about the magazine cover because
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it seems as if you are uncomfortable with the magazine cover as others are as well but you are an advocate of attached parenting. >> right. and i think that points to the complexity and the sensationalization that's occurred. even people who support -- even people who breast-feed children this age know that to take an image that is not showing the kind of nurturing aspect that you do see in some of the inside photos and to place the are you mom enough, to act like attachment parenting is about you better stay home with your kids or you're not mom enough for us, that's what's to me is so confusing and that's what's confusing to me about the image. it's not conveying really either side clearly. it's meant to sell magazines. >> can you clear up for people who might be ignorant of breast-feeding what that looks like to breast-feed a 3-year-old. because that magazine cover looks like, you know, very cavalier, very strange in a way. >> right. >> how is that picture inaccurate when it comes to
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breast-feeding a 3-year-old. what does that look like? >> keeping in mind that, you know, my 3-year-old doesn't speak as much as others, but, yes, there's absolutely a physical limitation to breast-feeding a 3-year-old the way you would a baby. when my son breast feeds now, we curl up in a chair and we look at each other, and he looks like the embodiment of comfort and love and security. i have often -- i write for a parenting website and i have written about how there is almost no tantrum that i have not been able to soothe and calm down by holding my child in my arms and by breast-feeding them. i'm not saying it only happens if you breast-feed them, but that's what it looks like. it's loving and it's beautiful, and we chose to sleep safely with our children, and at night when fred would breast-feed as a 3-year-old before he stopped nursing at night, he was in my arms. there's nothing creepy or weird
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about it. milk again has nutritional and immunological properties into toddlerhood. wh it may not work for everyone and that's okay. there is nothing physically or biologically or psychological wrong though with breast-feeding until it is no longer mutually desirable and ending that gently. >> all right. mayim, thank you for your perspective. we really appreciate it. we have a question, of course. did "time" magazine really have to use this photo to showcase breast-feeding? some mothers say it demonized what is supposed to be warm and magazine has to say. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers.
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"time" magazine cover on stands grabbing a lot of people's attention, showing a mother posing with her breast-feeding child who turns 4 next month. cover's generating a debate on nursing and also about the cover itself. some say it was used for shock value. even people who support nursing children past infancy. they feel the image paints an inaccurate extreme picture of the practice. well, here responded to criticism jeffrey klugar joining us from new york. let's get straight to it. how do you respond to the criticism? i just spoke with an actress and somebody mayim bialik who also breast feeds a 3 1/2-year-old. she says this is inaccurate, it doesn't really portray the reality of breast-feeding a young child.
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>> well, i mean, certainly. that's a child standing on a chair and nursing is not the typical way that parents breast-feed, particularly with a child that large. but i think the virtue of this cover is the fact that we're having this conversation, is the fact that the very striking nature of that issue has made people look at the magazine, has made people think about the issue. and i think when people open the magazine and read the piece which was written by one of our reporters kate pickard, they'll see this is an exhaustively written story that explores attachment parenting and all sides of this issue. and i do want to comment also on the cover line. are you mom enough? that question isn't intended to be answered in the yes or no by anybody. what it's intended to do is raise the idea that these questions are asked and whether
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you're an attachment parent, whether you are not an attachment parent. i don't know any parent in the world who doesn't wonder or worry am i good enough mom or dad. and i think that's what we're trying to raise here. >> well, jeffrey, there's some mothers who are looking at this and they say it's inappropriate because it looks like it's sexualizing breast-feeding here. >> sure. and i don't -- that's one dimension of it that i must honestly say i don't see. i don't see the cover as sexualizing. i see it as actually a rather lovely image. certainly the mom is an attractive person. but plenty of nursing moms are attractive people. simply because we show an attractive woman and an adorable young boy nursing doesn't mean that this is sexualized. >> well, it's not necessarily that she's attractive or not. the mothers are saying, look, this is not how you breast-feed a 3-plus-year-old here. it's a much more nurturing
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experience than seeing someone in khaki shorts and looking one eye on the camera and one eye over at his mom. was this the mother? was this her idea? >> well, i wasn't present at the photo shoot. but i certainly -- and i know if you go on the website, you'll see a lot of the outtakes not just from this mother and child but also some of the others. and no, there are a wide range of poses that are chosen. clearly we're not pretending that we burst into their house in l.a. and found them in this position and photographed them and they agreed to it. anything on a cover of a magazine that a posed picture is by definition posed. and therefore it's not a truly natural image. however, again, the idea that this image is one that's strikingly framed and strikingly photographed also means that the cover is strikingly received. and if that can get people looking at this issue and reading this story and thinking
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about the question, i think that does a lot of good. >> sure. there's a lot of people looking at this and they're talking about the subject. one of the other things, jeffrey, that they are concerned about that people are criticizing "time" magazine for is the fact you see this child's face and he's almost 4 years old and that this is something that potentially he will be teased and harassed and known for for the rest of his life and whether or not that was a responsible decision, as well. >> and that is -- that's a question that i've gotten too. and here's my feeling about this. i don't know what the impact will be on this little boy. i spent time with both of these folks this morning and find them wonderful and charming and well adjusted. and no one else asking that question knows what the impact will be on that little boy. but there is one person in the world who knows that child better than any other human alive and that's his mama. and i strongly suspect that jamie would not put her child in that position if she weren't
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fully maternally comfortable with the fact that this was not going to have any negative blowback. >> all right, jeffrey, we'll have to leave it there. thank you very much for your perspective as well as your time. obviously a subject that is garnering a lot of attention. thank you so much, appreciate it. cnn newsroom continues after the break with don lemon. it doesn't leave room for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day, or the to-do list of tomorrow. only 14 clubs pick up the right one and drive it right down the middle of pure michigan. your trip begins at diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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court. so live during this show, i'm going to speak with him. there he is. sheriff joe arpaio. the man in charge of jpmorgan chase, jamie dimon is his name and he's telling investors that the country's biggest bank lost $2 billion in the past six weeks and expects to lose more. alison kosik at the new york stock exchange. this is not good, but the markets appear to be taking this in stride. are stocks getting hit here? >> you know, financials are getting hit pretty hard. the overall market, though, pretty much holding its own. when you hear something like this, when the average joe hears this kind of story, this is why everybody loves to hate big banks and why you hear congress pounding their fists about tougher regulations. what's happened is we learned from a conference call last night from jamie dimon, the ceo of jpmorgan chase, jpmorgan gambled and lost making some big
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risky bets. and ironically these bets were meant to protect against possible losses on jpmorgan's other investments. all of this, of course, backfiring because the bets produced losses of their own. and this really came as a huge shock to wall street. and you can see that playing out in the financial shares right now, especially jpmorgan, shares are down almost 9% now. other shares, as well, goldman sachs, getting hit pretty hard, 3.25%, morgan stanley, citigroup, all feeling it. wall street is sort of spreading the love, meaning the hate at this point when you see the selling going on because they're worried about, you know, what are these other banks doing? what kind of bets are they making? especially since these other banks when they're against jpmorgan, they're not as strong as jpmorgan, which is considered the healthiest and cleanest of banks, which is why it came as a huge surprise and shock to wall street. >> i think it's important, you say that the healthiest and the cleanest of banks because -- obviously it's probably going to affect jpmorgan's reputation. but what about the reputation,
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as well, of the man at the top? jamie dimon. it's a confidence shaker, i'm sure. >> it is, it is a confidence shaker, but i think it's only going to be in the short-term that you're going to see, you know, jpmorgan has sort of the black eye. and same with jamie dimon. the fact is, you look at jamie dimon, he's a very well-respected leader in this industry. even president obama called him to washington for meetings on the economy. and jamie dimon in this conference call last night was clearly agitated, not happy about what's happened. and he's not running from it. he's owning up to it, being very blunt saying the losses were caused by sloppiness and really just poor judgment. and he's also warning that that $2 billion loss could grow. he is giving that fair warning to investors. >> all right. we'll be following the story, especially as we get closer to the markets closing. more news unfolding. rapid-fire style. so let's roll it. first up at this hour
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potato, polar mogul is about to be sentenced. legal experts believe the move was to protect his assets to a civil suit relating to the killing. and a verdict could come down in the trial for the murders of singer jennifer hudson's family members. the accused william balfour is hudson's former brother-in-law. prosecutors say he killed hudson's mother, brother, and her 7-year-old nephew. a suicide car bomb attempt is foiled in syria's largest city. syrian state media says government forces killed the bomber before he was able to detonate more than a ton of explosives. this comes a day after two car bombs killed at least 55 people and wounded 370 in damascus. the fbi didn't find any stolen paintings in a raid on a reputed mobster's home. the feds were looking for leads in the 1990 heist at boston's
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isabella steward garden museum. they dug up the yard in connecticut and reportedly found at least one gun, but none of the 13 stolen artworks valued at $500 million. the intense search for two missing teenage girls, tennessee girls, and their suspected kidnapper ends in mississippi. both girls are safe, they're abductor who was on the fbi's ten most wanted list is dead. adam mayes killed himself last night as a s.w.a.t. team moved in on his hiding place in the mississippi woods. a lot of information coming in and a live report in mississippi in just a few minutes on cnn. there's a lot more news brewing this minute. watch. a magazine cover has america talking. a mom breast-feeding her 3-year-old son. i'm asking, what's the big freaking deal? i'm don lemon. the news starts right now. some say mitt romney was a bully in high school. nearly half century ago. does this impact what you do in
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the voting booth? plus, halle berry lashes out at the paparazzi. i've got the dramatic video. and it involves her young daughter. if you made a list of countries from around the world... ...with the best math scores. ...the united states would be on that list. in 25th place. let's raise academic standards across the nation.
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i'm done. my skin's so raw. try new gold bond friction defense stick. it soothes skin and reduces friction. think bond. gold bond. ♪ this stuff works was it bullying, hazing, or a harmless high school prank? did it even happen at all? mitt romney saying he doesn't remember shearing off a fellow student's bleach blond hair in the 1960s, but a handful of his former schoolmates says the hahai hair -- i want you to listen to
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what mitt romney said on fox news. >> i don't recall the incident myself, but i've seen the reports and not going to argue with that. there's no question that i did some stupid things when i was in high school. and obviously if i hurt anyone by virtue of that, i would be very sorry for it and apologize for it. >> all right, paul steinhauser's our political editor here at cnn. this alleged incident reported first by the "washington post" would've occurred nearly half century ago. romney would have been a kid. what's the big deal here? >> that's the campaign's argument too, don. they're saying, basically, look, judge mitt romney now by what he says and does nowadays. don't judge him by what he did when he was a teenager in high school some 45 to 50 years ago. that's the point the campaign is making. a lot of republican pundits are saying the same thing that the media is making way too much of the story which is turning into a he said/he said story. we've got a lot of hes, including the "washington post,"
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and he also describes some troubling things. don, to me, the interesting thing is that mitt romney says he doesn't remember this incident. yes, he's apologizing for it if he hurt anybody, but he says he doesn't remember. he said that about three or four times now since yesterday. to me this is the kind of incident you would remember, don, even 45 years later. >> i think that's the problem people have with it. you don't remember you did something like this with a number of other people and you don't really remember it? i think that's the issue not necessarily the act. it's the response to it. i want to play something for our viewers. it's romney a little bit out of his comfort zone here out in colorado on wednesday, paul. and he was asked about a series of social issues. >> i'm not going to weigh in on colorado's process. i had in my state, a process relating to gay marriage and civil union. i express my view then and it remains the same. >> should children brought here illegally by their parents and raised here receive in-state
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college tuition? >> no, my view is to receive in-state college tuition, a person should be a legal resident of the united states. >> one of our viewers bill ferguson asked should marijuana be legalized for medical use? >> aren't there issues of significance you'd like to talk about? >> this is significant -- >> the economy, the growth of jobs, the need to put people back to work, the challenges of iran. >> so when you're a politician, you learn to pivot a lot. and that was -- that wasn't a smooth pivot. he only wants to talk about the economy and iran. there's always a way to do it. what did you make of that? >> yeah, it seems he's a little frustrated there. and i think it was apparent there for this reason. mitt romney and his campaign are trying to make this election a referendum on president obama. of course he's the incumbent, it should be. they're trying to say that president obama's not done a good job on creating jobs and they're trying to pivot back to that every time they get moved away from it. the same-sex marriage announcement from the president earlier this week definitely
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moved the ball away from the economy and so did this new story that we were just talking about about romney from his school days. mitt romney wants to move it back and you saw his frustration with that reporter in that he wants to talk about the economy, some foreign and international events, as well. not such social issues and other issues, don. >> what's interesting with that and the other bullying stories, some people say the timing is suspect and even with this it presents a problem at least to the romney campaign because we all know the president came out this week in favor of same-sex marriage. do the romney folks see that as an opportunity for them? or do they see it as a challenge? it's not something that he himself seems eager to talk about as you heard right there. >> right. he is not so eager to talk about it, but i have talked to some romney campaign aides, others close to the campaign. listen, they acknowledge it. the same-sex marriage decision by the president may help mitt romney solidify his base. remember back to the republican primaries. social conservative voters and they are a big part of the
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republican base. don, you and i very well remember that mitt romney did not do so well with them and the other republican candidates. well, the president's decision may actually help mitt romney solidify that base as he moves against the president in the general election. and remember tomorrow mitt romney gives the commencement address at liberty university, an evangelical school. you know, we'll see how much he talks about same-sex marriage tomorrow in the commencement address. >> he wanted to get the evangelicals and they see this as a way to get it, may be a gift to the campaign. appreciate it. it is site of a deadly shooting spree, and today at virginia tech, you'll hear from michelle obama. ch. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before.
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the first lady michelle obama gave the commencement speech at virginia tech today. the graduating class was the first class to after the university went through an horrific shooting rampage three years ago. 30 people were killed and mrs. obama remembered that in her sendoff to the graduates. >> there will always be folks who make assumptions about you based on superficial things like where you're from or what you're wearing or how you look. there will always be folks who judge you based on just one thing that you say or do. folks who define you based on one isolated incident. and here at virginia tech, i know you all know a thing or two about what that's like. but you also know that in the end, people can only define you
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if you let them. when you all are out there in the world and you meet someone and you tell them that you're from virginia tech and they say, huh, isn't that the school where i want you to interrupt them right there and say, yes, it is the school where we have some of the best academic programs and professors in the country. that's what you tell them. you tell them, yes. it is the school where students are passionate about serving their country and supporting each other. and by the way, also has the best campus food you'll ever eat. who can say that? you tell them, yes, it's the school where we produce graduates who are leaders and industries and pillars of their communities and who carry their hokie pride with them every day for the rest of their lives. say, yes, that is the school i
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attend, that is virginia tech. graduates, that is who you are. that is what it means to be part of the hokie nation. >> our white house correspondent brianna keilar was on campus to hear mrs. obama. brianna, it is this generation, that's the first thing really most people think about when you say virginia tech. i wonder what the response was to the first lady's message. >> it was well-received, don. i mean when you say virginia tech, most people it's the first thing that they think of, but when you think of the class that graduated today, they were high school juniors when the shootings happened. this is the first class that applied to virginia tech after the shootings. so when you talk to these students, they'll tell you that they feel like it doesn't have -- they remember, of course, the victims, but they say it doesn't really have much of an impact, certainly on their day-to-day life. that's what you really heard mrs. obama talking about sort of this idea that yes, perhaps,
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other people are defining you because of this connection to virginia tech. but, you know, look toward the future and you don't have to have that definition, don. >> thank you, brianna keilar, and congratulations to the graduates. all right. you know, it's a hold-your-breath kind of day for anyone with a 401(k) or any financial investments. as you just heard as we told you a little bit ago, jpmorgan chase lost a bunch of money, $2 billion to be exact in just the past six months, the reason for the loss, stupidity. that's one of the words used by morgan's chief exec and you can hear jamie dimon for yourself on this conference call with analysts and investors. >> these were egregious mistakes, self-inflicted, we are accountable, and what happens violates our standards and principles about how we want to operate the company. this is not how we want to run a business. >> no way to run a business. there are lots of people who would agree with that statement. reporter jeff horowitz. he investigated how morgan chase
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operated. thank you for joining us. dimon says morgan chase will fix this and move on. he said that a number of times. isn't this deja vu. the same practices that tanked the economy back in 2008? didn't they learn then? >> this is actually very, very similar to some of the things that happened back in 2008. what the first wave of tension was devoted to jpmorgan lost $2 billion, how did you do that? at this point, i think attention is starting to shift to how jpmorgan lost that money and the particular set of assumptions that went very wrong. and you're dead right about the repeat of 2008 in the sense this was model risk. basically jpmorgan thought they understood the bets they were taking. they had models that evaluated how much risk there was and those models were, unfortunately, very, very wrong. that's perhaps more embarrassing than losing the $2 billion itself. >> especially with a reputation for jpmorgan chase. i mean it is one of the most well-respected and stable, it appears, banks among them.
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how serious is this? and before you answer that, i want to play another part of that phone call for you. we're going to hear mike mayo. he's going to ask a question that a lot of people are asking right now. >> this is kind of sensitive, but you pride yourself in the company on being great risk managers and this is a mistake and as you say you'll learn from that. but is there any sense that the mistake made in the cio office could also be in place elsewhere at jpmorgan? >> mike, we operate in risk business and obviously it puts egg on our face and we deserve any criticism we get. so feel free to give it to us and we'll probably agree with you. but we think we run a good company with good risk management. we are not in a business where we're not going to make mistakes. >> okay. going to make mistakes, egg on their face. i'm wondering if that's putting it too lightly for him. how big is this one? >> here's the problem is that the $2 billion isn't the issue.
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this is a unit that has $375 billion withholdings any given day. this is .5% at best of what they've got exposed. the issue is that when your models are wrong and you lose $2 billion, who is to say you couldn't have lost $10 billion or $15 billion, and that's what happened in 2008. you noted jamie dimon's reputation. jpmorgan chase did not do this in 2008. they weren't the ones that ended up with these sorts of mistakes and this is all the more surprising. >> what about the worker who earns -- excuse me, maybe $60,000, $70,000 a year, has a 401(k), retirement is linked to wall street whether they like it or not. should that worker trust these guys? >> i don't think that worker has anything too much to worry about from this. i think this is sort of something on a national policy more. so the 401(k) is going to go up and down depending on the recovery. the only real concern would be if another blow up in the ba
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banking sector were to derail that recovery. it's more concerning. this $2 billion is not going to harm anybody. it's just -- the problem is this suggests people are making some of the same mistakes that ran us aground in 2008. >> yeah. it's funny i sat here in 2008 and now again i'm going, wait, didn't we already do this? it's like groundhog's day. we appreciate it. thank you, jeff. next hour, i'm going to be talking with former labor secretary robert reich. an opinion piece called for breaking up the big banks. you don't want to miss that conversation. how much trouble are you in if you're separated from your spouse for 16 years and then you remarry without getting a divorce? that's what the father of actress reese witherspoon is facing and we are on the case. c this man is about to be the millionth customer.
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would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase if our two-year rate goes up. if your bank makes you miss out, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. all right. just when you thought you'd heard everything about hollywood, here comes this. reese witherspoon's father is
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being sued for bigamy by the actress' mother. joey jackson on the case for us. help me work through this. while the headline sounds sensational, the particulars of this case sound really sad. >> you know, they really do. it's a great idea she has here. this is the concern. yes, it's true they haven't been married for 16 years and as a result of that, you know, they're not connected in that way. but she's concerned that her husband is being taken advantage of. apparently there's some issues with dementia and there's a concern that with having this woman who he married, number one, you know, it's illegal, don, to get married twice, right? you can only get married once, so if you do, it's bigamy. she's looking to annul the marriage and not have this new woman in his life dissipate assets together. that's why she's seeking to get this marriage annulled and seeking to not have this woman interfere with any of the assets he's acquired over the years. looks like she loves him, at least she says that in her complaint and looking to protect
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him and his future financial interests. >> reese's dad and the woman's husband's name is john witherspoon. but in an affidavit filed by reese's mother doesn't paint a nice picture of her husband's new relationship. >> you mean the relationship that -- oh, the affidavit, it's horrific. look, the bottom line is that there's some concern here -- >> come on, joey, wake up, man. >> hello. there's some concern here that, of course, this woman is completely taking advantage of the situation, and as a result of the dementia involved is attempting to inject herself into his life. and there's an indication that when the wife confronted him and said what are you doing getting married again? and he said, what are you talking about? i'm not married. there's a real fair concern that she's trying to take advantage of him and by making this court filing, there'll be a protection of that so hep doesn't give out
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any money he doesn't supposed to and she doesn't get anything she's entitled to. they're going back to court and we'll see what happens at that time. maybe a favorable outcome not for her, but, of course, for the separated wife. >> for him not remembering, there's something going on here. there are more layers to this. let's move on. >> always. >> let's move on now. remember when somebody broke through the roof of a luxury car dealer, repelled down, and then stole guy fieri's $200,000 lamborghini? the 17-year-old accused of that crime was in court yesterday, joey. and there's a lot more serious -- this is a lot more serious than a car theft, isn't it? >> it could be. and here's the point. the problem here with the latest appearances is it's attempted murder. he was driving by on a motorcycle and there's a young woman involved. she apparently didn't want involvement with him. here's the problem, attempted
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murder is a very specific intent crime. it's not where you can just, for example, fire a gun. that's a reckless action, it shouldn't occur. i'm not saying anyone should fire at anyone, but attempted murder means you have to specifically intend to kill. and if they could just argue, that is the defense, he was attempting to scare or frighten or something else, it eliminates that intent element and therefore does not make it attempted murder. and the other issue, quickly, don, in the case involves whether it should be really tried in juvenile court or an adult court. there's a world of difference between the two. he is 17, he is immature. we know as a result of not reaching adulthood that there are people who do things as children that they wouldn't do as adults. his attorney's going to be fighting very hard to keep this in juvenile court because right now we know it's in superior court. one of the motions he's making is to return it to that -- >> 17 right on the border there, we'll see. >> exactly. >> thank you, appreciate it. have a great weekend. >> thank you, you too. it has got america talking. and talking and talking and
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arguing, a magazine cover. the one you just saw showing a mom breast-feeding her 3-year-old son. it's got many people asking how old is too old? how much attachment is too much? but i'm about to ask my next guest. is it really a big deal? judging by our morning meeting today, it was a very spirited conversation let's put it that way. [ male announcer ] introducing the dell xps 13 ultrabook™, powered by a second gen intel® core™ i5 or i7 processor. everything. and more. ♪
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♪ i woke up to a new day ♪ every little thing gonna go my way ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] kraft singles have no artificial flavors and they're always made with milk so all you taste is something amazing. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i found ♪ ♪
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all right. seeing it up on your tv screen, that's one thing, but what about the supermarket shelf. it's going to be hard to miss at the checkout stand. the cover of the new "time" magazine. take a good look. a mom breast-feeding her 3-year-old son with the caption "are you mom enough?" now some parents look at this and say if he's old enough to ask for a cookie with that milk, then he's old enough for -- he's too old for breast-feeding.
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all right. this is totally normal, they're the ones who subscribe to attachment parents like rayani and we're also joined by jeff gardere, a clinical psychologist. thank you, jeff. good to see you. first to layani. tell us about this approach to parenting. because -- you're making a lot of people feel guilty, i think. >> oh, i hope not. that's not our intention at all. our intention is to give people choices and make the best choice for their kids. all of us want the best for our kids and it's about researching and information with what makes sense in your gut. >> "time" magazine, they got what they wanted with this cover because everyone, we're having a conversation about it now. it's generating a lot of conversation. going to sell well. when -- this article is not just about breast-feeding, you see this kid on the cover, that's one part of it. how old is too old? >> i think that's a personal choice, i absolutely do.
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i think it's something we all need to decide and have as much information about it as we can. and attachment parenting is about making choices that give consistent, loving care to your child. >> jeff, i want to bring you in here and ask you a similar question. 3-year-old breast-feeding, when do you cut the cord? well, and again, i think leyani has a good point. it is the choice of the parent, and i would then caution parents to think about peer pressure and your child. yes, you want to do the best for your child and that's what attachment parenting is about listening to the voice of your child. but you also have to listen to some of the other voices too. what happens when a child who is 4, 5, 6 years old is having the breast of the mother in a park somewhere and this child's friends and other people nearby and what may happen as far as some criticisms and how that child may take it. so there's a point of diminishing returns versus the
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health benefits of continued breast-feeding. >> what do you say to that? do you think a kid's going to be ostracized or laughed at because he's breast-feeding at a certain age? >> i can speak from my experience my children have not experienced any of that. and it's something we do in our home. we do it in the privacy of our home. it is not something we want to flaunt to everyone. it's something that works for us. >> what's the big deal? when i saw this cover, maybe i'm different, i didn't see the big deal because i see people breast-feeding all the time, i think that's a normal part of it. and i'm wondering if when i said you're making people feel guilty if we -- if we need to reev reevaluate parenting and when to let go and when to not and when to go back into the job place if at all when you have a kid. do you agree? >> i think that women who want to work should work and find consistent loving care through providers or family. this is not a choice for working moms versus stay at home moms. absolutely. this is about finding a place, an environment for your child that is consistent and loving
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and meeting their needs. >> there are critics who say this is more for the mother -- this is more about the mother than the child. the mother can't let go therefore she wants to have this attachment. >> absolutely not. for me it's like -- like your child learning to ride a bike, you know, you can say go get on that bike and they'll fall over and you can hang on to the back of the bike, and once they get it, they're going to ride away from you when they're ready on their time with their support. >> i want to listen to the mom on the cover. let's listen to the mom on the cover of the magazine and then we'll talk. >> not at all, and i think intimacy is extremely important in a marriage and i think a strong marriage is going to be a great foundation to show your children how to be raised confident and happy. and i had that with my family too. my parents were great role models for me. >> and that's going to be on tonight, that was jamie lynn gromin. going to be on tonight.
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she was asked whether it hurts her marriage. is that something that, jeff, that couples have to think about when they're going into this extreme parenting about -- whether it's going to hurt the relationship that brought the child into the world. >> well, it could interfere in the relationship when you look at attachment parenting. it's a situation of where as part of that attachment parenting we keep kids in the bed 4, 5, 6 years old and you have to look, of course, your children are your primary concern but you have to look at your marriage, your relationship too. and having a child in the middle of the bed or on the side of the bed, but in that marital bed could negatively impact that relationship, and we've heard not women so much, but men husbands complain about this. so you have to hear those voices too. and i think that's important. >> attachment parenting is spending more time with the child as the doctor said letting the child sleep with you, breast-feeding maybe for a longer period of time. >> possibly if that's a choice. attached parents also bottle
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field and also have them sleep near them not in the bed. >> what's the difference between normal parenting -- regular parenting and attachment parenting? >> oh, i would hope this is normal. >> what we see as traditional. >> well, and that's a good word you said because historically this is the way people have raised their child, it's only within the past 150 years people have put their babies alone in a room. this is normal all over the world. and if you'd like to find out if it's negatively impacting my marriage, you are happy to ask my husband. tomorrow i'm going out on a nice mother's day date without our children. >> i'll leave that to you. but thank you. thank you, jeff gardere. interesting conversation. as america talks breast-feeding, you probably missed something very important, the navy just tested a missile intercepter designed to fight off attacks by countries with long-range weapons. you're about to see and hear how this works, don't miss it.
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[ man ] when i went to get my first new car, my dad said to get a subaru because they last. ♪ he drives a legacy, but i'm nothing like him. i got the new impreza. maybe i should have picked a different color... [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza. experience love that lasts. ♪ experience love that lasts. ♪ pop goes the world ♪ it goes something like this ♪ everybody here is a friend of mine ♪ ♪ everybody, tell me, have you heard? ♪
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♪ pop goes the world ♪ pop goes the world [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... a powerful three-in-one detergent that cleans, brightens, and fights stains. pop in. stand out. as we celebrate mother's day sunday, we introduce you to a mom who tragically lost her son in a drowning accident six years ago. with black children three times more likely to drown than whites, she turned her grief into a project that is now saving lives. meet wanda. this week's cnn hero.
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>> josh went to spend the night with friends. i had no clue they were coming to the lake. right about here is where josh was where the raft capsized and he went down. very hard for me to believe that just like that my son had drown and he was gone. my father, he instilled in us to fear water so i in turn didn't take my son around water. children don't have to drown. my name is wanda butts, i save lives by providing swimming lessons and water safety skills. african-american children are three times more likely to drown than white children. that's why we started the josh project to educate families about the importance of being
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water safe. >> take the ring to the victim. >> many parents don't know how to swim. >> he was afraid of the water. he was the first in my family to learn how to swim. he's come a long way to not liking water in his face to getting dunked under. >> you like it? all right. i'm so happy to see that so many of them have learned how to swim. good job. that's one life we saved. it takes me back to josh and how the tragedy was turned into triumph and it makes me happy. >> all right! you know, you might have missed this, but it's not a small thing. the pentagon says a new enemy missile killer has passed a new hurdle. the anti-missile missile was fired from a u.s. warship. that found and took down a missile launch from hawaii. and joining me now from tucson, arizona, the president of the
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rathion missile systems. what can this missile do that other defense missiles can't do? >> good to see you, don. first let me say this was an incredible day for the nation. an extraordinary achievement by the u.s. navy, by the missile defense agency, by the men and women of uniform, by the men and women of my company and industrial partners. this is the 20th successful intercept of a missile defense threat in outer space. but what was really important about yesterday's test was this was the first successful test of the next generation what is called the block 1-b standard missile 3 which were in development which were going to deploy to forces around the world in a few years. today the block -- >> i understand that. and it's great. but what i want -- and i think what the viewer wants to know is we know about missiles and the defense system, but what can this missile do that other missiles don't do? >> well, what we have done is we've added the ability to have
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a different sensor onboard that can detect new and more sophisticated kinds of threats in outer space. we've added a more robust divert and attitude control system that allows it to maneuver more flexibly in outer space, a new capability to address the threats that are emerging in places like korea and iran. >> and i think what people want to know is why is this such an innovation when i introduced you, it's the anti-missile missile. so i want to -- i want you to give me a scenario in which this new sm-3 as it's called might be used to down an enemy. for example, north korea shoots a missile at south korea. what happens? >> with a class destroyer deployed in that region, the combat system would detect the missile, form a firing solution, launch the standard missile 3 into outerspace and it would intercept it. and really this is like hitting
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a bullet with a bullet going thousands of miles per hour in outer space and we aim at a specific point that will create a lethal effect. just the mere impact at a specific point on the target missile is what creates the destruction. >> that's pretty precise. >> it is. it is. it's extraordinary. this is real rocket science. >> okay. now as you know, north korea, we've been talking about the scenario before. north korea fired a long-range rocket and it fizzled, we all know that. but let's say the north suddenly makes a big advance and they do it soon and is able to hurl a warhead toward, i don't know let's say california, would we be able now to shoot that down with this new innovation? >> well, with this particular missile, this is more of a tactical missile focused on protecting our allies and deployed forces. there's another system deployed in alaska called the ground-based intercepter which is really aimed at addressing long-range threat such as that. but we're also looking at
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improvements to the standard missile 3 over time to deploy it on land as part of the adaptive approach that's the president's approach to growing the missile defense capabilities that will eventually protect europe and the homeland from say an iranian threat, as well, for long-range stress. this is all part of the development process and yesterday's test was a great step in that direction. >> all right, taylor lawrence is from the missile systems. thank you. >> thank you, don. he is known as america's toughest sheriff, but the feds are now saying, see you in court, joe arpaio, the government is suing him. joining me live to respond is the man himself and there you see him on the screen. i've got tough questions for him.
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the people who love arizona's joe arpaio call him america's toughest sheriff. the people who don't say he routinely abuses his authority. the latter group includes the department of justice accusing arpaio and his office of violating civil rights. >> there's reasonable cause to believe that mcso and sheriff arpaio engage in a pattern of practice of discriminatory policing of latinos. >> here he is now. from maricopa county, arizona, sheriff joe arpaio. so, sheriff, there's no way you're going to stand for this without a fight, i'm sure. >> well, i'll tell you, don, i spent many, many years with the department of justice head of the federal drug and enforcement mexico, turkey, i can go on and on. 30 years of my life fighting drug traffic with the justice department, now they're going
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after me because i'm following the law, took an oath of office to do, and they want to get rid of this sheriff, want to monitor my office, take over my office for political reasons. and i'm not going to stand for it. >> are you worried, sheriff? >> why should i be worried? i don't worry. my dedicated deputy sheriffs are doing their job. and i don't like the justice department saying we are racist and we have a pattern of racial profiling. so you know what? they'd had their press conference december 15th, just when the supreme court was going to hear the 1070 law. now the supreme court has heard it just recently, they have another press conference, the attorney general was under fire in december 15, now he's under fire again. so every time there's a problem in washington, they come to me. i guess i'm the poster boy for fighting illegal immigration. so i'm not going to let the -- >> sheriff, you're not going to -- no, go ahead, you're not
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going to let what? >> i'm not going to let the federal government run my office. i'm the elected constitutional sheriff. i report to the people, 4 million in this county. they want to take over my office and i have to tell them every time i want to do something. that's the problem with this lawsuit. that's the sticking point. >> let's go on because you talk about, you said they say we're racist and you're not. and if you look at the evidence and you look at what has been reported and what's on the record, for example, and just giving one example and there are a number of them. one example from the complaints says a pregnant latina, a u.s. citizen pulled over in her driveway, the complaint says the officer slammed her against her car and shoved her in the back of a hot patrol car for 30 minutes, cited for failure to show i.d., but everything was dropped. people will question that or look at that and say how was that not profiling, sheriff? >> reporter: you mean one case out of 51,000 illegal aliens that we have arrested on the streets --
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>> that was just one example that we cited. but go ahead. >> okay. well, i don't know. they won't give us the facts. they are talking about. that he they refuse to give us witnesses and how they came about this. i have no idea. but you know what? going to court, they're going to have to put up, explain everything, show their evidence, and we will be able to defend ourselves. >> okay. another -- in a 2009 interview, you said i think we're doing something good if they're leaving. if they're leaving, you're referring to latinos. how can you say that? when your county is 30% hispanic and that percentage is growing quickly. >> no, i said by enforcing the state laws and the federal laws until obama took away my authority under the federal laws. no, i was saying as a deterrence. instead of being arrested by my
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office or law enforcement, if they're leaving and going back to the country that they came from, i think that's a good thing. they're here illegally. so if criminals want to leave and go back, i think that's very beneficial. >> okay. and i think obviously many people feel that way because they keep choosing you to be their sheriff, is that -- do you feel that? >> well, they keep electing me because i'm doing my job. i have compassion for the mexican people. i lived there for four years, i was a director there south america, turkey, texas, i know where the u.s. border is having been the top law enforcing guy there for all of 12 years. i have compassion. but i'll tell you, enforcing the law overrides my compassion. that's what i took an oath of office to do. >> i asked you if you were worried and you said you're going to defend yourself. but every time you defend -- and i don't know if you're going to pay for it personally, i think not. correct me if i'm wrong, knxv
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crunched the number, more than 1,800 lawsuits have been filed since you've been in charge. the cost to defend them has been $50 million and that doesn't include payments by your insurance company. the question many people will ask is why should the taxpayer keep footing the bill every time you get sued? >> i have a big organization. you say 1,800? probably three quarters of that was they didn't like the food i feed them. those things have been settled out of court with no money. so i don't know where you're getting the figure. $60 million? you know 20 years i've been the sheriff, $60 million that's not true either, it's less than that. go look into any other large law enforcement organization that don't even run the jails and see what they're paying out. it's all politics -- >> we have a second here. you remember the whole thing about dressing inmates in pink. there are people who say -- and you can respond to this quickly, that you are just a bully with a gun. and they go that guy, what a
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jerk. what do you say to them? >> well, first of all, i don't carry a gun even though i get a million threats. i'm not a bully with a gun. i'm a professional 50-year law enforcement officer. that's my response to those critics that want to get rid of me and try to force me to resign. >> all right. sheriff joe arpaio, thank you so much. appreciate you joining us. >> thank you, don. any minute now, president barack obama is expect to speak live about what he plans to do to fix the heart of the economic problems in this country. i've always looked up to my brother.
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