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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 13, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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recent years, it is now likely that more native-born mexicans are leaving the that is the sta finding of a new analysis of u.s. and mexican census data, arrest records and interviews by the pew hispanic center. jeff laselle led the search. >> we've actually seen the population from mexico living here shrinking over the last few years. >> getting smaller? >> yes. >> although the news has been about how it's enlarging? >> that's right. >> reporter: how did it happen? certainly the smashing economy killed the jobs that spurred millions of americans to brave the possible arrests. there is no denying this is also a victory for the heavy hand of
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the law. >> these guys patrol this area day and night, and they're sign. >> reporter: we sent our national security producer down to take a look, and she said part of what made it work was making parts of the border look a bit like a war zone. >> what war zones look like are tough, rugged areas that are difficult to get to, difficult to monitor, difficult to see what's going on and see who is going where. >> and they have a lot of military equipment moving around. >> exactly. special forces are now part of toolbox or border protection in this country. >> reporter: pew notes that fundinfor the border patrol more than doubled over the past seven years. on the border now? almost 27,000 border patrols and agents, more than 10,000 motion detectors, nine surveillance-manned droenz. >> they have high-definition cameras that help us at night. >> 125 airplanes and
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helicopters. pursuit of immigrants has also been stepped up inland. more than a quarter of a million were picked up in 2010 alone. add efforts by states to pass laws against illegal immigrants -- >> i think it's fair to say the purpose of them is to make life difficult for the unauthorized immigrants. and it seems to be doing that. >> reporter: still, washington is not taking much credit for this victory forged by republican and democratic presidents alike. in simple terms, plitical analysts suggest democrats don't want to crow too much for fear of annoying their liberal base, republicans don't want to admit anything is going right with the democrat in the oval office. and a university recently found 7 to 10 voters support the immigration law now before the supreme court. but beyond the politics, federal agents remain concerned because as the number of immigrants they
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capture declines, they spill over the line. >> the ones they're concerned about are the other than mexicans. those are people coming from places like afghanistan, pakistan, yemen. >> how many of these people are there? >> so far, three months of this year, 19,000. >> reporter: how seriously do they take the threat of this? >> very seriously. >> reporter: granted, many of those people are from other latin american countries. still, pew says there are still 11 million undocumented mexican workers in the united states, and no one knows if current trends will continue once the u.s. economy recovers. >> the question for the future is whether the job magnet of the u.s. will continue to draw people or whether enforcement and conditions in mexico will keep people home again. >> reporter: so maybe all of that makes washington hesitant to say that what we're doing is working. because on the border, the
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battle is always changing politically, economically and strategically. >> i don't think when you're looking at border security and you're looking at keeping the country safe something is ever going to work because the threat is constantly changing. the threat is changing and evolving and adapting. andhe second we think, in washington or anywhere in the country, that it works, we're all in trouble. >> reporter: in just a moment, a woman in trouble, a man going around in circles, and how a pooch saved the presidency is and just might do it again. [ male announcer ] fighting pepperoni heartburn and pepperoni breath?
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of our u.s. olympic team. . a woman here in washington, d.c. has found herself in trouble again which is really no surprise because she always does. in trouble with presidents, ceos, celebrities and sports stars. she asks for it. the simple truth is, in this town full of scandal, she is the one that big names call when things go wrong. and now she is going public. >> we all know in the past i've made some mistakes. i've done some terrible things. i made a horrible mistake. >> reporter: that's her, on the edge of the michael vick dog fighting scandal. on the edge of congressional turmoil. on the edge of the bill clinton-monica lewinsky affair. in all of washington, there is
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no one edgier than judy smith. >> i really do enjoy it. i think it's in my dna. >> reporter: it's in your dna to get phone calls in the middle of the night to handle a crisis? >> to help them out, yes. >> reporter: hollywood likes it, too. the new tv show "scandal" is based on judy smith's life and work. >> that's why the president hired him into the largest court in the land. >> which i could have stopped if you hadn't cut off my access. >> you know why i cut off your access. >> reporter: so what is she to do? she is, simply put, a fixer. she's been involved in some of the biggest crises d.c. has ever seen. the marion barry prosecution, the clarence thomas and anita hill clash over a supreme court
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seat. the chandra levy case. her expertise lies in taking massive problems and making them smaller by developing strategies for those at the center of the storm. is this fundamentally about accepting responsibility or avoiding it? >> oh, it has to be about accepting responsibility, without a doubt. >> reporter: but that can be a tall order when you're talking about really big people in really big trouble. >> oh, i agree. i agree. but i think it's the only way to get through that trouble. if you don't, you know, accept responsibility, if you don't admit that you made a mistake, you won't be able to deal with the crisis. >> reporter: raised as one of five kids in d.c., smith attended catholic schools where she mediated disputes among classmates. went to college, became a lawyer, and wound up in crisis central, the white house, where she learned many of her skills. >> the president said that he wants to run a clean, hard-hitting campaign. we also have here today with
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us -- when you're working in the white house, anything can happen during the course of the day. it's very fast paced. you have to be able to decide exactly what you're going to say very quickly, and you're always -- really, you're at the center of the universe there. >> reporter: she also learned about keeping secrets. smith is breaking her famous silence a bit to promote her new book, "good self bad self" about how anyone can get into and out of a mess. but she remains cagey about her clients. for example, she still will not confirm reports that she hid moni monica lewinsky in a church during the scandal. and as for current clients? don't even go there. >> can that be handled good or bad? >> can we stop for a second? >> why? >> i can't reveal that one. >> she also won't reveal where she lives, what kind of car she
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drives. you didn't want us to come to your office. >> no, didn't want to you come to my home. because usually when a crisis happens, the first place the press comes out, and i love all of you guys, people will come and camp out at your office, your home, your car. you know, wherever you are. >> reporter: you think you've got our number. that's different than loving us. >> you guys probably think you have my number, too, and that's how that works. but that's okay. that's okay. >> reporter: for all that, like her character in "scandal," smith prides herself on her toughness and straight talk for those who pay for it. >> i know that people usually look at crisis communications as someone that spins and a fixer. my view on that is that you can't spin. you have to tell the truth about what happened. if there is a -- >> it isn't just a spin, is it?
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>> it's not, it's the truth. >> reporter: and here's another truth. >> it's a dirty little secret. and dirty little secrets always come out, don't they, cyrus? >> reporter: hollywood endings aside, her work is often messy, often exhausting and always expected. even as we were wrapping up this story, her phone rang, and with a quick goodbye, judy smith hailed a cab and was off to save someone's day. i guess the good part is in washington, you'll never run out of clients. >> we always have crisis in washington, don't we? that's always going on. yes, absolutely. in a moment, fast times, finals and tempting fate with a smile. >> do you have a girlfriend? >> i do not. that one doesn't quite fit in the schedule right now. >> elizabeth o'leary goes round and round with a rising star.
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nascar is fighting to regain its traction. the bad economy hit its blue collar fan base very hard, and attendance at races fell dramatically in recent years. but now a new star is rising on the truck racing circuit with movie star good looks, quick reflexes and a brain for business like the sport has never seen. lizzy o'leary caught up with him in north carolina. >> reporter: it's not unusual to
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see a nascar driver do 185 miles an hour. he can turn without a trace of fear. or break down a problem with his crew chief. >> better than it was before! it felt tight right after the center. >> reporter: but strip away the sponsorships and all the engine noise, and it is most unusual to find a driver like this one. >> we're sharpening your understanding in both parts and lumen, make the similarities and differences between the two of them. >> reporter: welcome to the double life of pauly hirocca, professional nascar driver and senior at duke university. >> it's a very exciting time. >> you wanted to be a driver for how long? >> i started racing when i was seven and i wanted to do it before then, as long as i can remember. >> why did you go to duke? >> i reached a point near my senior year in high school when
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gu guidance counselors in high school said, you've got the grades to go to college, you should do that. and others were saying, you're a racer, put college off for a few years. i felt like i could actually play them together and leverage both to make them better. >> reporter: in today's world of sports where branding can make or break you, pauly is a trifecta of magic. he's a great driver with a charming personality and an instinct for playing to the cameras that's almost uncanny. >> when i got to duke my first semester -- do we need to redo that because of the lens? >> you are not producing this interview, buddy! >> reporter: he's also working on something almost unheard of among nascar drivers: a college degree. and it's serving him well. as a business major, he knew from the start that nascar is expensive. traditionally, young drivers like pauly just try to join
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well-established teams. >> unless you have some level of financial backing, you just can't break in. especially post recession, it's becoming even more pronounced. >> reporter: interested in being the driver's seat off the track as well, pauly started his own company and reached out toin ve -- to investors, setting up his own pit crew. one of his first ones, duke university professor curt hagen. >> i had no idea who he was. he showed up in the dean's suite and had an idea i could help him with nascar. i tried as hard as i could to discourage him, and he's no easy person to discourage. >> reporter: he has met lots of professionals that became stars. >> reporter: shane bayau, grant hill, pauly -- is there a
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quality they all share? >> yes. they're willing to take advice, they're willing to take chances, and they're willing to take responsibility. >> reporter: pauly is the first duke athlete who >> and then you can fuel the whole truck right here before you roll that little bit extra. that's a snappy loose. >> i'm watching you sell it to me. do you turn it off? >> i don't know that it's necessarily a sales pitch as much as it's something that i'm really passionate about and really enjoy it, enjoy talking about and getting excited about. >> perhaps the only thing he enjoys more than talking is competing. >> not exactly like the go-carts you started in. >> not quite. they were a lot faster and a lot more agile than these. >> we took him to a local go-kart track for a few competitive rounds.
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he went after me time and again, other drivers, even my cameraman. at daytona, pauly crashed in a big way. yet, he crawled from the wreckage like the college student he is calling it a learning experience. >> when do you lose your fear? >> as a race car driver, you have to be fearless. you're going to wreck. it's going to happen. it might be no fault of your own. it might be your fault. it's inevitable. you can't be afraid of that. you have to spend a lot of time with your safety equipment. once your belts are secured and your suit is zipped up, you can't be afraid. you can't. >> graduation is not far off now, and he acknowledges that his double life has cost him a bit of a college experience. >> do you have a girlfriend? >> i do not. that one doesn't quite fit in the schedule right now. >> still, he's a quick learner. there's plenty of time for that. >> i haven't had the typical college experience. i've had an awesome college
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experience. >> for now, it's about moving as fast as he can, both on the track and beyond it. all right. it's not quite over yet. when we come back, the presidential dog fight that bites. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. dude you don't understand, this is my dad's car.
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mr mitt romney continues to be hounded by his dog. the former governor's decision 30 years ago to take the family dog to canada on top of his car. all of this may seem silly until you consider that in d.c., strange things can happen when political animals start prowling. >> reporter: ever since george washington, presidents have been judged by the dogs they run with. no wonder myth romney and president obama are trying to laugh off cracks like these. >> mitt romney ever invites you to go for a ride, call shotgun. and if the president tries to butter you, run. >> reporter: there is, however, reason for them to take it at least a little seriously. >> presidents and their pets
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have a long and storied history. >> reporter: garret is editor and chief of the washingtonian magazine. >> most people don't get the rise and fall of politics, but we can get if you connect with a dog. >> reporter: presidents have kept company with critters of all types. theodore roosevelt turned the white house into a zoo with parrots, horses, zebras, snakes, and a one-legged chicken. >> john quincy adams used to love surprising guests in the white house with an alligator he kept in a bathtub. >> reporter: william taft had a cow. calvin coolidge, like roosevelt, had it all. lion cubs, a goose, a bob cat, a raccoon, and a hippo named billy. >> both teddy roosevelt and
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calvin coolidge gave large parts of their menagerie to the national zoo here in washington. even today, many, if not most of the hippos in zoos in the united states, are descendents of that original calvin coolidge hippo. >> reporter: but dogs have always been the most likely pick for first pet, for better or worse. for example, there was a story going around that during a tour islands, a scottish terrier was left behind and someone was sent back to rescue him. fdr declawed his critics with humor. >> my family don't resent attacks. but fala does resent them. >> reporter: it is a measure of how well the speech worked that fala wound up as part of the fdr
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memorial. richard nixon pulled a similar trick, defending himself against accusations he received improper giftings by listing his kids' dog checker as one of them. >> i just want to say this right now, that regardless of what they say about it, we're going to keep it. >> reporter: voters ate it up. it does not always go well. johnson picked his beagle up by the ears, and animal lovers howled. still, almost every president has had at least one dog and maybe, just maybe, there is a reason beyond politics. >> the presidency is a very lonely undertaking. i think there are very many moments in the white house where what you really want to do is take your pet for a walk. and with that, it's time for us to take a walk. you can find out more about all of these stories on i'm tom foreman. thanks for watching.
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when i was asked to be a part of this documentary, i absolutely said yes right off the bat. because it's important to raise awareness about guys coming home
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