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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 14, 2012 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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carol costello where "cnn newsroom" begins. >> happening in the newsroom a multibillion dollar birthday gift and not a hoodie or sneakers. mark zuckerberg the 28-year-old million success story opening a present called ipo which could make facebook worth 100 billion. from a birthday to a blunder. jpmorgan chase taking a bet and losing big time. heads rolling this morning. the ceo saying his bank was sloppy and stupid. manhunt. fbi agents stephen missing in the mountain. bloodhounds sent for the search. "newsweek" calling president obama the first gay president complete with a rainbow colored halo. so we are asking this morning while social issues are in the headlines, why isn't anyone talking about the number one issue? the economy! newsroom begins right now.
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good morning to you. i'm carol costello. he is young, rich, and powerful and this morning some startling reminders of just how high mark zuckerberg towers over mere mortals like you' and me. later being week you might be able to buy stock in facebook his college dorm room project that might be worth $100 million. a higher market value than disney or ford. zuckerberg will be meeting with shareholders in chicago in denver starting today. all this week, we are covering the facebook phenomena in depth and begin with silicon valley correspondent dan simon. >> reporter: -- >> i'm glad this isn't out live. >> reporter: 2006 about two years after launching facebook from his harvard dorm. a nervous and camera shy mark ze zuckerberg. >> can i start that a different way? >> reporter: sits down for a cnn
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interview. mark, can just say your name and pronounce it so nobody messes it it up and we have it on tape? >> sure. it's mark zuckerberg. >> reporter: how would you like to be identified? >> founder and ceo. >> reporter: outside of silicon valley he was such an unknown quantity our producer had to ask the most basic of questions. >> how did the company start? >> it dent start at a company. i was a sophomore at harvard and -- and we needed to -- i guess -- i haven't really been asked how the company was started before. >> how did facebook start? good answer. >> i'm a little embarrassed. you would think that i would have been asked that like a ton of times! >> reporter: speaking wise? he may have been rough around the edges. but even then, it was clear zuckerberg had a laser-like focus of what he wanted facebook to become. >> we view the site as sort of an information directory. it helps you better understand
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what is going on around you and once you're better informed about the people around you and what is going on, you're in a better position to meet people, connect with all of these people. >> reporter: like bill gates and steve jobs before him, zuckerberg is one of those rare ceos whose accomplishments and fame and persons make him a compelling figure. >> in private i think mark is an entertaining and engaging fellow who is funny and who has got a lot of friends. >> reporter: david kirkpatrick is what you might call a facebook historian. author of best selling book "the facebook effect. >> he is much more relaxed in private than public. i don't think to this day he would like to be as much as a public figure as he is. if it were up to him, he would never be on a stage. he mostly would be sitting in front of a computer coding because that is what he loves to do. >> do you see facebook as your dream job or stepping stone to something else? >> stepping stone?
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i don't necessarily think about what my dream job would be, but i guess this is pretty cool. i get to build what i want. that's awesome. >> reporter: it's interesting to get a glimpse of facebook's small office back then. notice the newspapers on the desk. it was only six years ago, but this was preiphone and ipad. one that hasn't changed is zuckerberg's attire. t-shirt and sandals and also unchanged, and, most important. >> hi. i'm mark zuckerberg, founder of facebook and online qrt. >> i'm not building a company for the sake of building a company because i think it's a good way to make a lot of money. i think that the philosophy that this company has is that you solve an important problem and then you have the ability to have a good business, but the basis of all that is solving an important problem. >> oh, but as he takes his company public, he is going to make lots and lots of money. dan simon is live in san francisco. one question.
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you know, as zuckerberg takes his company public, he has to impress the big-time financial guys. will he be wearing his hoodie and maybe flip-flops or be in a suit and tie? >> reporter: you know, i think he is going to wear the hoodie. he has worn it the entire time as he has taken this road show to the investors. don't you just love the fact that our producer at that time, carol, asked him if facebook was a stepping stone in that is a classic piece of video. but i think you raise an important point here. you know, he has been so focused over these past few years just trying to build this business and he has done whatever he wanted to do in terms of developing the product. now, for the first time, he has to worry about quarterly profits and so i think people who are observing this company are wondering if that is somehow going to to change him and facebook and if it does change facebook, they hope it doesn't, you know, dampen the innovation we have seen the fast few years. >> we will be watching all week
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long. dan simon reporting live in san francisco this morning. let's turn the page to a textbook page not to do business. days after revealing the nation's largest bank lost $2 billion in risky investments, jpmorgan's top man faces new fallout. a government watchdog on the bank bailout says ceo jamie dimon has see resign from the u.s. federal reserve board. liz about this warren says it would shore up the trust. >> there has been a guerrilla war out there in which the largest financial institutions have been doing everything they can to make sure that financial regulations don't get put in place and if they do get put in place, that they are loaded with loopholes and not very effective. >> alison kosik is at the new york stock exchange. any chance jamie dimon will resign from that board? >> reporter: your guess as as good as mine with that. if the calls go stronger and
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stronger it may very well happen. look. the new regulations that elizabeth warren talks about these are what is known as the v volcker rule. the rules kick in in jum. the iron y-- july. these big banks lobbying for this tougher oversight saying it's not effective. dimon says he is not against all of it, just some of it. he spoke over the weekend on nbc's "meet the press." >> we have supported 70% or so of dodd/frank. we always had a higher capital liquidity to make up for mistakes and problems and, obviously, a tough economy. we support an oversight committee and some of the new compensation rules that we followed most of them. we support a lot of it. >>. >> reporter: he supports a lot of it. he, obviously, doesn't support
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all of. the problem with this elizabeth warren says banks need nor oversight. she says these banks need to move to what she calls boring banking meeting separating their retailing banking to the risky trades banks do with their own money. she said it's easier said than done. jpmorgan says it was protecting against possible losses in other areas. clearly it didn't work in their favor on these trades. carol? >> alison kosik live at the new york stock exchange. possess. the economy is issue number one for americans and not necessarily what president obama and mitt romney are talking about to the class of 2012. today, in new york, the president is expected to speak about women's issues when he delivers the commencement address at the all female bernard college. women helped him win in 2008 and he is hoping they will do the same this time around. as for romney, he is trying to win over social conservatives, a crucial part of the gop base. he spoke to the graduating class
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at liberty university on saturday. it's the nation's largest evangelical university. let's not forget the other big social issue. the debate over same-sex marriage. this "newsweek" cover puts it front and center and shows the president with a rainbow halo over his head and calls him the first gay president. the new issue of new yorker makes reference of it in support of the president's support of same-sex marriage and features rainbow colored columns at the white house. joining me is dan lothian, white house correspondent. we don't know exactly what will be in the president's commencement speech before the women of barnard college. do you suppose he will pivot at all and talk about the economy? >> reporter: the president always has the economy as part of all the speeches he delivers. you're right. this social issue of same-sex marriage has been something that has been discussed quite a bit. these covers, in particular, "newsweek," quite provocative
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giving folks a lot of things to talk about. andrew sullivan is the writer of that "newsweek" cover story and goes into what he believes is the importance of what the president did and what was behind the president's decision and what is interesting about all of this it comes just after a weekend where across the country you saw in pulpits and african-american churches, a sort of disconnect over a divide over what the president did. some who supported the president in 2008 now pulling back the support because they disagree with mr. obama on this issue. others clearly stating that they disagree with the president but still plan to support him but as he pointed out, it's interesting that this continues to be getting so much of the focus when most americans really care about the economy and when you look at the polling down at the bottom is this issue of same-sex marriage. now the question is how will this impact president obama in the upcoming election? and the latest poll from gallup shows probably not a whole lot.
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when asked whether or not they would -- voters would be more or less likely to support the president of what did, more likely 13% and less likely 26% and no difference at all, 60%. by this will continue to be the topic of discussion for some time to come. >> dan lothian live at the white house, thank you. before we leave the world of politics we would like to leave it laughing. if you caught "saturday night live" you know what i'm talking about. vice president joe biden and former president george w. bush reunited in all of their glory. >> i'm just so sick of the way presidents are always riding me! i'm an adult! >> hey, hey, i've been there. i've been there. i used to catch grief all the time from president cheney. >> uh-huh. >> i'd be in the oval office hooking up the slurpy machine and settling into a "charles in charge" marathon own that penguin would come waddling in and get your damn pants on! we are about to bomb blah, blah,
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dibbly blah. >> that's funny! florida a&m board of trusts meet today. does the famed marching band deserve to play again after the hazing related death of a band member? ♪ [ female announcer ] i found the best cafe in the world.
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florida a&m university's board of trustees meet today to talk about the future of the school's marching band that is under suspension since the hazing related death of drum major robert champion.
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13 people face charges in connection with the death. the bands's long time director julian white resigned under pressure last week. a massive manhunt under way in florida for a missing fbi agent said to work on national security type cases. 35-year-old stephen imans is said to be suicidal and possibly carrying a handgun. police do not think he's a threat to anyone but himself but urges the public not to approach him. the agent was last seen by his family thursday night. a gruesome discovery on a major highway in mexico. 80 miles southwest of the u.s. border. the mutilated remains of at least 49 bodies were found in garbage bags. the area has been a battleground for two drug cartels but officials say the victims could be immigrants. >> in the last few days, we haven't had reports of large numbers of missing people. that's why we believe there is a possibility that the victims could be from a different state or my granigrants.
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we are not ruling out any possibilities at this point. >> we want in rafael. it seemed like the violence was dying down a little but then this happens. >> exactly. it's incredible. it's not only the way the victims were killed. it's just that whoever did this was trying to send a message. all of the bodies decapitated and mutilated and hands missing, feet missing. so the message there was very strong. right next to the body there was a message, a graffiti on a wall claiming that the organization known as los asiot was not responsible for this and it's not confirmed and authorities are looking at all of the possibilities at this point. >> irm the victims immigrants? >> it is not known. the two possibilities are the one you mentioned there could be migrants from central america, that has been a corridor for migrants trying to reach the united states for many, many years. the other possibility, it may be
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part of this turf war between two very powerful criminal organizations in a part of mexico. talking about the cartel known as los asito and the other one known as the gulf cartel. >> americans planning a trip to mexico this summer, should we be worried, more worried? >> there is no indication, according to authorities, that this particular attack was directed at civilians, domestic, or foreign. there have been several warnings issued by the department of states about traveling to border states in mexico. but on the other hand, you also have to look at tourism numbers in mexico. americans are still flocking to mexican beaches as well as canadians and europeans. for the most part, those places that people know very well remain safe. it is those border states south of texas, south of new mexico and arizona that have been have become very violent. >> rafael romo, thanks very much. still ahead your chance to talk back. why aren't the presidential candidates talking more about the economy? that is the talkback question
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this morning, john edwards defense team begins presenting
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its case in his corruption trial. the former democratic presidential candidate has pleaded not guilty to violating campaign contribution laws. prosecutors say he used hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign money to conceal his affair with rielle hunter. joe johns previews the defense. >> reporter: the defense is expected to start putting on its own witnesses and testimony in the john edwards campaign finance trial. among the first in a handful of witnesses who could be called to the stand by the edwards defense team wade smith a long time north carolina attorney and friend of john edwards. testimony came in earlier in the trial suggesting that wade smith said john edwards knew that some of the hush money coming in from a wealthy benefactor was for edwards benefit. the money and question at the center of the case was used by edwards "fixers and to pay expenses for his mistress rielle hunter and her baby girl. the question is whether the money should be considered a campaign contribution to support edwards political aspir tragsatr
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if it should be considered a gift. the defense is putting on its case after the prosecution rested and the judge refused on friday to dismiss the case. other witnesses who could be called include a woman who handled campaign finance disclosure reports to the federal election commission and a former pollster and political adviser to he'd wards. still no indication whether edwards himself or his mistress rielle hunter will testify. some legal experts say either move could be risky for the defense. carol? now your chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. the question for you this morning, why aren't the presidential candidates talking more about the economy? politicians seem to keep talking about social issues like a supposed war on women or same-sex marriage. today, president obama will speak at barnard college for women and tape a appearance for "the view" and attend a fund-raiser for ricky martin. i don't think the economy is
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front and center at that even. after mitt romney's speech to liberty university where he drew a line in the sand on the subject of marriage. >> marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman. >> keep in mind those same liberty students could have a tough time find ago job in this economy. when the candidates do talk about the economy, it's often to attack one another. like the new obama campaign ad featuring steel workers who say romney's bain capital firm cost them their jobs. >> i was devastated. it makes me angry. those guys were all rich. they all have more more than than they will ever spend but didn't have the money to take care of the very people who made the money for them. >> bain capital walked away with a lot of money they made off of this plan. we view mitt romney as a job destroyer. >> in speeches, mr. romney talks
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about obama being to the left of bill clinton. a cnn/orc poll shows 53% of the americans say the economy, not social issues, is the most important issue facing the country today. but what are they hearing? recently from the president about homeowner and student loan relief. from romney about how the free market helps economic growth. but americans appear ready to hear big, bold plans on how to fix things but will they? the talkback question for you today. why aren't candidates talking more about the economy? i'll read your comments later this morning. think twice before you pad your resume with a fibula. that advice comes too late for a yahoo top man. today he has new reason to polish his resume. ♪ [ male announcer ] at scottrade, you won't just find us online, you'll also find us in person, with dedicated support teams
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>> we just got this news in to cnn. we learned of a new casualty in the staggering 2 billion loss at the nation's largest bank. jpmorgan chase chief investment officer is retiring in the wake of those risky investments. ina drew was with the company more than 30 years. let's bring in christine romans who is our business genius reporter. so has she -- it's interesting she is retiring. she hasn't been fired. >> no. she hasn't been fired. jamie dimon the ceo of jpmorgan to praise ina drew and saying she is a great partner over her many years at the firm and despite our recent losses, he says in the cio, the division she ran in london, ina vast contributions to our company should not be overshadowed by these events.
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he is letting her retire and praising her in this press release. he is on the record saying these trades should not have happened and were not vetted and dean meet the dimon rule. the dimon rule of the kind of risks that this company takes. so management changes there. matt zaimes is the new cio and a couple of other people leaving as well. people in london are bracing to see what kind of other fallout there could be within this division. we do know as well that the trading losses could swell another billion or so and we will be watching that as well because a trade that turned against the company and we're told that some of my sources are saying some of these positions might be hard to get out of. you know? you can't reverse $2 billion in trading position overnight so something they have to try to do overall. the stock down 9% overall yesterday and see if it it's down. the premarket down a percent and a half when i checked an hour ago. we will be looking to see if the
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banks get hit again here. but one after another, people coming out and saying, come on, these banks are big, they are complicated. if jamie dimon could tell analysts concerns about this were tempest in a tea pot and turn around and say it's a $2 billion trading loss, if he didn't each know what was going on there, isn't that more evidence these banks are too big and too complicated? others will say, look. it's a 2 billion trading loss and the company made 19 billion last year and it hurt but they can absorb it. mark zuckkberzukberger. >> it's birthday he turns 28 today. he cofounded facebook in his harvard dorm room in 2004. jerry round announces a day to get a handle on the california state deficit. a spokesman says brown brown
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includes a tax hike up to 3% for the wealthiest californians and a sales tax bump the next four years and cuts to health programs in other services. lawmakers must approve a spending plan by june 15th. florida a&m university board of trustees meet today to talk about the future of the school's marching band that is under suspension since the hazing related death of drum major robert champion. 13 people face charges in connection with that death. the band's long time director julian white resigned under pressure last week. one of the best known companies on the internet is looking for a new boss this morning. yahoo has pushed out ceo scott thompson less than two weeks after it was discovered his resume claimed a college degree he dent really earn. adding to the injury, the "wall street journal" is reporting this morning before resigning, thompson announced he has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. dan simon is our silicon valley correspondent. so what is going on?
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they pushed him out? did they fire him? what happened? did he resign? do we know? >> reporter: officiay, they are saying he is stepping down but i think it's very clear that he would have been forced out. you know, this whole storm was engulfing him and yahoo and then he comes out and tells the board that he also has cancer at the same time. this is a very strange twist to the story. just a little background. just to remind everybody what happened here. his official biography on the yahoo page said he had a college degree in accounting and computer science but he only had the accounting degree. a shareholder discovered the error and upset about the way yahoo! has been running things and he brought it to the media's attention. everyone pounced and yahoo! was forced to make a change here. the ironical thing is yahoo! has is ranked number four in visited
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web sites and generated a ton of revenue but this is an enormous distraction for yahoo! and they have suffered a huge beating in the press as a result of this incident. >> so, dan, we are wondering this guy was on the job for four months. will he get a golden parachute? >> reporter: you know, we're not so sure about that in terms of the compensation package. i would imagine that he'll exit with something but, you know, he was only there for four months. a lot of shareholder angst in terms of the declining relevance of yahoo!. there is still a popular website but a lot of people don't know what this company stands for any more. it really hasn't changed over the y50e6789s. th years. . they missed out on facebook and twitter. they need to bring some somebody who will offer some direction and put the company towards a bath toward success and growth which they haven't really had in the past few years. whether or not they get behind this incident quickly remains to be seen but it it was an
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enormous distraction and scott thompson is now out. >> dan simon, live in san francisco. next, if the economy is the main concern of voters, why aren't we seeing some big, bold plans for the candidates? i went to a small high school. the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore. i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful.
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men running for president this year seem to keep talking about social issues. according to a poll, 53% of americans say the economy tops their list of the most important issues facing the nation yet the country is going bonkers over social issues. "newsweek" claims mr. obama is the president's first gay president and not claimed he or mr. romney is the first recession proof presidential candidate. welcome to you both for joining us lz and will. >> i didn't know i was left leaning. thank you for clearing that up for me. >> you are.
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>> you're in the middle. >> how do you -- i don't know. i'm just -- i'm the transparency morning. if i got it wrong, you tell me, lz. >> it's all right. >> lz i was talking to some random people over the weekend. all of them say where is this big, bold economic plan from these two men running for president? why aren't we seeing a plan? >> well, it's simple. there isn't a plan. what i mean by that there is no silver bullet. our problems are complicated and it takes a complicated conversation and that can't package in a 30-second campaign ad. there is not a single thing that is going to fix what is going on. so that's why you don't hear it. you hear things are easley digestible which are the social issues. >> voters seem to be angry about that, will. i already got a hundred comments on my facebook page what lz
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says, they don't have a plan. but we want to see a plan. >> no. we don't. lz is kind of right. economics is too complex, carol. too tough. people can't really wrap their brains around it. >> come on! >> what they want is the economy to be better. they want it to be better but how you get from a to b is the complex stuff we don't want to talk about. talk about the gay thing again and not talking about stimulus or austerity or tax reform. that's white noise and bad for conversation. >> so are you blaming the voters for this? >> absolutely, i am! first of all, let me say this also. we have to correct misconsepgs. there is a bold obama economic plan. talk about the 800 billion dollar stimulus. he has a bold plan in years for now. run ago trillion plus deficits for two to three years and stimulus by his cain economic theory. the question whether or not it works. what are you rating doing right
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now as i talk about that? you think people want to hear about this? they want to go back. can we talk about that gay marriage thing again, please? can we do that? >> by the way, will, i don't know what you define as working or not working. all i know is 12 months from president obama got into office, there were job losses and past 26 months job gains so i don't want what you quantify as working or not working. i do know the bleeding was stopped by the stimulus package. will is right. that's boring stuff. we can go on and on measuring numbers and coming up whether this or that is better but that's boring stuff. >> one more thing. i won't bore you. let me offer one more thing. voters don't like the answers. by the way, here is a conservative bold economic plan. tax reform. simplifying the tax code but requires doing away with your mortgage interest rate dekion and employer provided health
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care benefits. >> i can think of a few other avenues of tax reform. you're right. but maybe you're both right because all we see from the candidates on the economy are attack ads. the obama campaign put out new attack ad on the web this morning. let's watch. >> i was devastated. it mikakes me angry. those guys are all rich and have more money than they can spend but yet didn't have the money to take care of the people that made the money for them. >> bain capital walked away with a lot of money they made off of this plan. we view mitt romney as a job destroyer. >> lz, this is, obviously, not a plan. it's attacking romney for bain capital but it's not really attacking romney's plan either. >> well, i think what it does do is just kind of give a perspective. what is one of my criticisms about romney is that i think he is probably a very, very smart business person, but you don't
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need to do a business person or -- in other words, we don't need a business person to run the country because a business person's job is make money and cut the fat and move on and be as profitable as possible. when you're running a country, the fat happens to be the people and you still need to decide what is going to happen to people, and i don't see the compassion anything that romney says about the fat, in other words, the people he trims and cuts. i think that particular ad kind of illustrates that question about romney, will he be compassionate enough to care about the people who may have to be trimmed. >> last word, will? >> that's not an economic ad. that is an emotional ad. mitt romney is not responsible for the job losses of steel workers. we have three times the output of steel -- i'm sorry, that's not right. we output more steel today than 1970 at a third of the workers. there is an economic message not an ad to make you cry for guys who lost their job which is sad but that is not the point of
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economics. >> it's not just sad, it's reality. >> it is reality. >> it's emotional. the people who are out of work. they are not sad. they are americans and you have to have compassion for the americans. >> see? i'm not bored any more! >> are you not? >> no, i'm not. >> are you entertained? >> thanks to both of you. i was like -- i was thrilled with this little talk we were having! lz and will, thanks. they have done it again! >> there w an idea. to bring together a group of remarkable people. >> oh, and are they remarkable? you betcha. avengers" tops 1 billion at the box office. how long can it stay on top? >> gentlemen? what are you prepared to do? geget t totogegethther, yoyou u cacameme t to o ththe. bebecacaususe e heherere a at, wewe'r're e ononlyly a abob. fifindndining g yoyou u ththe e isis a allll w we e do.
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yu about 48 minutes past the hour. checking top stories. birthday gift for facebook founder mark zuckerberg who turns 28 years old today. his company is making its shares publicly available this week and could make facebook soar to 100 billion dollars. shuttnext month the "enterp
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will be hoisted on to a barge and taken to the retired aircraft carrier. i'm telling you, there is no stopping these guys. >> no orchs but i don't play well with others. >> big man in a suit of armor. take that away, what are you? >> genius "playboy" philanthropist. >> they break the box office record another weekend. after 19 days in the theaters, it's already become a billion with a b, million dollar blockbuster. blockbuster, rather. accusations piling up against john travolta. a former cruise ship imply now claims he was inappropriately touched by john travolta. nichelle turner is live in california to tell us more. >> third allegation now against
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the former "pulp fiction" star this man is staying john travolta offered him money for sex. the man says he turned it down. in an interview with a news outlet he says he reported the incident to his royal caribbean supervisors and cnn obtained a statement from royal caribbean international staying zonby was an employee and says these claims are without merit. the attorney who filed the sexual harassment suit for john doe's one and two apologized to john travolta's attorney saying one of the plaintiffs, john doe number one was wrong about the date of the alleged assault. he claims john travolta sexually
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assaulted him while giving the actor a massage. travolta's attorney says he was in new york when the assault occurred allegedly. a photograph of travolta which singer says was taken at the new york fitting also bears this time stamp of january 16th at 4:30 p.m. so this one definitely is far from over. it just seems like that it may be a never ending cycle. i should tell you that the attorney did say he would no longer represent john doe number one because of this mix-up but will represent john doe number two. >> that's a mess. >> sara highland, the actress on "modern family" has been keeping a secret. >> she has. you know, she often makes audiences laugh on screen. she's a boy crazy text messaging teen on "modern family."
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most audiences are unaware of her health issues. she's 21 and she tells abc news that she's been struggling with kidney disease since she was 9 years old and many times she would be in pain especially if she didn't get at least ten hours of sleep. this has had an impact while working on "modern family." she would sit down to hide her exhaustion and sometimes she would lay her head down for rest. here's the good news. she has had a kidney transplant surgery. her dad was her donor. she's recovering. castmates and co-stars have been coming around helping her out. her mom on the show has been playing her mom off the show. ho hopefully she'll be okay to start the new season up in the fall. >> we hope so. thank you so much. >> sure. >> your chance to talk back on one of the day's big stories. the question this morning, why aren't candidates talking more about the economy? where are their big bold plans?
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your responses coming up. every time a local business opens its doors or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business, it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $6.4 billion in new credit to small businesses across the country last year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible.
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>> yet for you today, why aren't candidates talking more about the economy. because there's nothing any of them can do about it. this from bob, what can a president do about the economy other than creating public jobs to fix our crumbling infrastructure. republicans want to take from the poor to give to the rich. this from walter.
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i have come to the conclusion that anyone will say anything to get the title of president. this from bob, there is no solution that a president alone can do to solve the money issues we face. any freshman in college knows this after one economy class. and this from barbara. obama is not talking about the economy because he can't. now he's riding the gay marriage wagon. that doesn't create jobs. keep the conversation going we're following a lot of developments in the next hour of "cnn newsroom." >> i'm following the facebook ipo frenzy. i haven't seen this much interest in an ipo since -- well, ever. it's mark zuckerberg's birthday. we'll tell you what that means to get a gift of a share coming up at the top of the hour. >> i'm alina cho. the largest manhunt in 20 years is under way in southern california. authorities are looking not for
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a fugitive but for a fellow fbi agent. i will have the latest on the search coming up at the top of the hour. >> it is dubbed the best band in the land but some are calling for the famu marching band to be disbanded since the death of one of its drum majors, robert champion. in a little more than an hour, school leaders are expected to come together to talk about what's next. i'm george howell. that live report in the next hour. >> the naacp is telling millions of african-americans to vote this november but some fear they will not be allowed to vote. i'll ask the naacp senior vice president for campaigns about that and about obama's same-sex marriage endorsement and its impact. that comes your way in 20 minutes. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone likes a bit of order in their life. virtual wallet helps you get it. keep track of spending, move money with a slide, and use the calendar. all to see your money how you want. ♪
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good morning to you. i'm carol costello just ahead in the "newsroom" get ready for a facebook frenzy. shares of the social networking giant go on sale this week. can you still buy? should you? we're taking a closer look. the secret service prostitution scandal in colombia sparks a warning from a top commander to his troops in chicago. no alcohol, no prostitutes. naacp is launching a nationwide drive to get people to the polls and we're asking how president obama's support for same-sex marriage is impacting the group's effort.
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president obama and the man who hopes to beat him in november are talking about everything but the economy these days. the president is expected to speak about women's related issues when he delivers the commencement address at the all female barnard college today. mitt romney is trying to get support among social conservatives and reiterated his support for traditional marriage while speaking to graduates at liberty university. "newsweek" also bringing the debate with this cover. president obama with a rainbow halo over his head calling him the first gay president. directing me now is the director for the center of politics at the university of virginia. hi, larry. >> how are you? >> i know your mantra. any day those economies aren't talking about the economy is a
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wasted day. are they wasting lots of days these days? >> well, they are wasting days. they are getti inting off the interstate highway and traveling on subsidiary roads. some of paved. gay marriage is paved. it's a legitimate controversy. some of them are dirt roads that have nothing to do with anything. there are a lot of days. there are six months left until the election. believe me, they will have to talk about the economy most of the time because the candidates really don't run the campaign, the voters do. that's always a shock to people. they really do have the most influence on what's discussed. >> let me run this by you. i just had a conversation with our cnn contributors who claim voters don't want to hear stories on the economy. they don't want to hear big bold plans because they are too hard to understand. >> i will admit that you can have a eyes glazing over effect if you have too many numbers and too much data and a lot of the
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data on the economy is couldn contradictary. it's about jobs and that age old question if you are better off today than four years ago. candidates have hundreds of staff members. that's what they are there for to take complex concepts and simplify it and connect with voters. >> has any candidate done that yet? >> i think some attempts have been made. we're starting to see new ads released almost on a daily basis. some by the candidates and some by supporting organizations and super pacs. you'll see most of the discussion on the economy in these 30 second and 60-second sound bites. maybe it's not wise or good but that's the way we run campaigns in the united states. that's how most people will get
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their connection to the economy and have some of their basic questions answered about what the plans the candidates are proposing really are. >> larry, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thanks, carol. just minutes ago we learned of a new casualty in that staggering $2 billion loss at the nation's largest bank. jpmorgan chase chief investment officer is retiring in wake the risky retirements. drew was with the company for more than 30 years. two other top executives are also resigning. in the meantime, ceo jamie dimon is under fire from a former watchdog. elizabeth warren says dimon should resign from the new york federal reserve board. she says the move would shore up public trust still rattled from the 2008 financial meltdown. one of the best known companies on the internet is looking for a new boss. scott thompson has been pushed off less than two weeks it was discovered that he padded his resume with a college degree he didn't have.
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"the wall street journal" reports that before resigning, thompson announced he's been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. dan simon joins us live from san francisco. so, did thompson resign, was he pushed out, was he fired, what? >> reporter: i think it's clear he was pushed out. despite the fact that he has this cancer and it's very sad thing, he was still intent on trying to remain at the company even while this personal crisis was unfolding in front of him with his health. this is a situation that really arose a little more than a week ago, carol, when it came out that on his biography said that he had a degree in accounting and computer science. he only had the degree in accounting. this was discovered by activist shareholder who has been upset with the way yahoo! has been running things. he brought it to the media's attention and this whole thing developed really fast. at a certain point the
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transgression itself was irrelevant. i talked to a senior executive at yahoo! and it said that thompson lost confidence in his employees over this episode and he really had to go. >> i don't know. it just seems a bit shocking to me that a man of that stature applying for such a job would pad his resume. just strange. >> reporter: well, you know, the big joke in silicon valley is that you have a lot of college dropouts running these companies so they don't really care about your resume unless you lie about it. so, you know, whether or not he lied, that's really open to interpretation but we do know that he really bungled the public relations response after it. he tried to issue an apology but he didn't really directly apologize for the transgression and so the board really had no other choice but to make this move. >> dan simon live in san francisco. facebook shares are ready for sale this friday but they are not going to be as easy to buy as you might think.
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christine romans with an in depth look at why in 20 minutes. a u.s. general issues a reminder for troops supporting an upcoming nato summit in chicago. do not solicit prostitutes or engage in conduct which is unprofessional or unbecoming as a member of the armed forces. that message comes on the heels of the secret service prostitution scandal in colombia. the senate homeland security committee is one of four congressional committees investigating the scandal. secret service director mark sullivan and acting inspector general charles edwards have been called to testify on that committee's public hearing. a massive search under way for a missing fbi agent in southern california. burbank police say there's no sign of foul play but they are worried about the safety of steven ivans. he specializes in national security issues for the bureau. alina cho was following this story. what can you tell us? >> good morning. this has sparked the largest
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manhunt in this area in 20 years. what's so troubling about this story is that special agent steven ivens is said to be possibly suicidal. authorities won't say why they believe that's the case but understandably it is a very big reason why those searching for him right now are so concerned. here's what we know at this point. ivens is 35 years old. last seen on thursday night according to authorities. the very next day on friday morning police say he left his burbank home on foot and then simply disappeared. it is believed that he took his handgun with him. >> there is no history of violence associated with special agent ivens or any known threat to the community as the investigation has uncovered no evidence of foul play. special agent ivens is known to have been distraught and investigators believe he may possibly be suicidal. >> he's said to be an avid hiker
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and runner. fbi officials say that dogs had actually tracked ivens scent near the mountains east of burbank but authorities have since widened their search and now looking throughout l.a. county. 100 fbi agents, 40 sheriff's deputies, dozens more law enforcement officers. the big question remains why would this fbi agent, well liked by colleagues, a father and husband, simply vanish, why would he leave and more importantly where is he now? those are questions that we simply cannot answer at this point. >> so they are not afraid he'll hurt anyone else. they're afraid he's going hurt himself and then there's this whole issue of national security and the knowledge that he carries with him. >> that's right. they are not -- authorities obviously are going to be speaking and have been speaking with his family. they are speaking to a lot of his colleagues. here's what we can tell you about him and his work as you
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mentioned he works in national security. been with the fbi for about three years. works on counterterrorism cases. said to be a valuable member of the team. never had any disciplinary problems. and before that, he was an l.a. police officer for eight years. he's a man who has a long history in law enforcement. obviously a very unusual bizarre case and one that we're following very closely. >> alina cho live in new york for us. shuttle "enterprise" is a step closer to its final destination. over the weekend the shuttle was separated from a 747 at jfk in a process nasa calls demating. next month it will be taken to the retired aircraft carrier that houses the museum. naacp is launching a drive to register hundreds of thousands of african-american voters. will the group reach its goal with new state laws making it harder to register? we'll talk about that after a break. it's very important to understand
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how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies. and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card,
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the key is to have a good strategy. the same goes for my retirement. with the plan my financial advisor and i put together, a quick check and i know my retirement is on course. [ male announcer ] with wells fargo advisor's envision plan, you always know where you stand. in fact, 93 percent of envision plan holders say they will retire on their own terms. get started on the plan you need today -- wells fargo advisors. together we'll go far. this isn't good. stocks down 140 points right now. less than an hour after opening bell. alison kosik is at the new york
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stock exchange. is it jpmorgan chase or something else? >> it's a little bit about jpmorgan chase but what you are seeing is europe. europe and the banks. those two items front and center on wall street. you see the dow dropping 152 points. investors are keeping a close watch on what's happening in europe. there's a meeting of european finance ministers this week and a big worry about stability in europe and political changes there. remember, greece is still trying to put together its government so you have that uncertainty hanging over the markets today. and as you said, jpmorgan chase, that's a factor as well. we're watching shares of jpmorgan falling almost 3% as we watch the developments continue to come out. heads are starting to roll there. you remember a top executive christine talked about in the last hour has resigned and wall street is expecting more fallout to come especially in the form of new regulation. other big banks are trading lower. the dow did have its worst week since december last week.
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the dow fell 1.7%. this is sort of more of the same. carol? >> alison kosik at the new york stock exchange. 15 minutes past the hour. mark zuckerberg's facebook is expected to sell stock to the public this week for the first time. the initial public offering could value his company had more than $100 billion. zuckerberg turns 28 today. he co-founded facebook in his harvard dorm room in 2004. famu's marching band has been under suspension. the long-term director resigned under pressure last week. north carolina's governor says she's embarrassed after voters there passed amendment one to the state's constitution. the law bans same-sex marriage and civil unions. this is wrong for north carolina.
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clearly and simply people around the country are watching us and they are really confused. folks are saying what in the world is going on in north carolina. we look like mississippi. >> you can imagine that last part didn't sit well with mississippi's governor calling the comment petty and says north carolina voters are more in tune with his state's traditional values than values of their own democratic governor. black pastors have been strong supporters of president obama but the allegiance is being tested with the president announcement that he supports same-sex marriage. the issue was raised in many sunday sermons. >> reporter: from baltimore -- >> i love the president but i cannot support what he has done. >> reporter: to atlanta. >> i'm not mad with the president. >> reporter: to new york. >> it's no one's business. it's only the couples involvement. it shouldn't be a community concern. >> reporter: black pastors and church goers tackled the topic
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of same-sex marriage sunday. days after president obama expressed his support for it. at a church in washington where the obamas celebrated easter last year, the reverend believes the president got it wrong. >> we would have preferred had he not weighed in on the issue. >> reporter: he and his congregation have been praying for president obama every sunday for years. and this day was no different. >> will this hurt the african-american communities support for the president in the upcoming election? i would hope not. we have larger challenges. >> reporter: a member who is gay says the president took a courageous stand. >> i'm a black gay male and also a baptist and i feel that things will change and opinions will
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change and you lift it up to the lord. >> reporter: polls show they are more likely than whites to oppose same-sex marriage. that opposition has softened in recent years. in baltimore pastor emmett burns is so upset he publicly withdrew his support for president obama on sunday and says the issue will cost him the election. >> people i know, people have come up to me are saying that they don't support this. they don't like this. they are disappointed with the president and they plan to stay home. i don't plan to vote for romney for sure. right now i plan to stay home. >> reporter: burns who is also a maryland legislature is leading a petition drive to force a public vote on a state law legalizing same-sex marriages. >> same-sex marriage split between the president and black pastors comes as the naacp is launching a major voter registration drive. marvin randolph is the group's
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senior vice president for campaigns. welcome. >> good morning. >> so you heard what reverend burns said in baltimore. he said that african-american voters are going to stay home and not vote for the president. this could cost the president his job. do you agree? >> well, i think what's important this election year is that we remind people of what's at stake. and whether you care about racial profiling, whether you care about women's rights, whether you care about workers rights, the only way to effect the issues that you care about is by voting at the ballot box. the only way to vote at the ballot box is by registering and turning out on election day. we have to make sure that african-americans don't stay home this year. remind them of what's at stake. >> it's a difficult thing any way. i mean, people aren't really that motivated to vote this year any way because the economy is getting better but it's getting better so slowly so that may keep voters at home. also, you've got this issue that same-sex marriage that may keep voters at home and also you have
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a number of voter i.d. laws going into effect across the country which will also make it harder for minorities to vote in the upcoming elections. >> i think what we have to remind people of and what this campaign that we launch this year, this is my vote is about, is reminding people what is at stake. the common misconception is this is just about the presidential election. there are places where there are sheriffs and police commissioners and judges elected and appointed and things that matter in our community every day are decided by whether or not you vote. and naacp this year is launching an historic campaign to make sure that we're bringing the ability of people to turn out and vote and making is simpler for people at the polls instead of more difficult. >> how are you doing that? how are you convincing people? >> what's unique about this campaign is that we are blending the deep broad set of activists across the nation with 21st
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century campaign technology. what does that mean? it means that if you want to get information about what your voting rights are this year or laws are in your state, you can go to this is my and find out what the rules and laws are. you can also fill out a registration form while you are on the website. if you are not internet savvy, pick up the phone and dial 866-my vote 1 and we'll send you a registration form. the last presidential election cycle black youth turned out at a record 17% higher. our birthday gift over 500,000 youth across the nation is we're sending them a filled out voter registration form that all they have to do is sign and send in. we've got to make sure that our response to this coordinated attack against voting rights is a coordinated campaign that makes it simpler for people to vote. >> marvin randolph from naacp, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you so much. we asked you to talk back on
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one of the big stories of the day. the question this morning, why aren't presidential candidates talking more about the economy? that's next. ♪
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[ male announcer ] american innovation. 29 years ago, it helped us invent the minivan. ♪ today dodge grand caravan is the most awarded minivan ever. ♪ who knows where innovation can take us next? ♪ directions to th ♪
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now is your chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. the question this morning, why aren't candidates talking more about the economy? politicians keep talking about social issues like the war on women or same-sex marriage. today president obama will speak at barnard college for women and tape an appearance for "the view" and then he'll attend a fund-raiser with ricky martin and i don't think the economy will be front and center at that event. this comes after mitt romney's speech to student at evangelical christian college liberty university where he drew a line in the sand on the subject of marriage. >> marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman. [ applause ] >> keep in mind those same liberty students could have a tough time finding a job in this economy. when the candidates do talk about the economy, it's often to attack one another like the new obama campaign ad featuring steel workers who say romney's bain capital firm cost them
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their jobs. >> i was devastated. it makes me angry. those guys were all rich. they all had more money than they'll ever spend but they didn't have money to take care of the very people that made the money for them. >> bain capital walked away with a lot of money they made off of this plan. review mitt romney as a job destroyer. >> in speeches mr. romney talks about mr. obama being to the left of bill clinton. a cnn/orc poll shows 53% of americans say the economy, not social issues, is the most important issue facing the country but what are they hearing? recently from the president about homeowner and student loan relief and from romney about how the free market helps economic growth. americans appear ready to hear big bold plans on how to fix things but will they? the talk back question for you today, why aren't candidates talking more about the economy?
10:26 am i'll read comments later this hour. facebook is for sale. getting your hands on some shares may not be as easy as writing a check. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer together. we really missed a great opportunity -- dodged a bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved. we got everything in order so that we can move on the next place we found. which was clear on the other side of town. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move.
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in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪ and the next great idea could be yours. i have two car insurances in front of you here. let's start with car insurance x. four million people switched to that car insurance alone just last year. mmm,
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it's got a nice bouquet. our second car insurance, y. mmmmm, oh, i can see by your face they just lost another customer. you chose geico over the competitor. calm down, calm down. you're getting carried away. it's real milk full of calcium and vitamin d. and tastes simply delicious. for those of us with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk. >> just about 30 minutes past the hour. checking our top stories. a massive search under way for a missing fbi agent in california. steven ivens is suicidal and
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possibly armed. he specializes in national security issues. john edwards' defense team presents its case today. he's accused of violating campaign laws by funneling donors money to his mistress and mother of his child. last week the judge turned down the defense motion to dismiss the charges. new fallout from that staggering $2 billion loss at the nation's largest bank. jpmorgan chase chief investment officer is retiring in the wake of risky investments. a government watchdog says ceo jamie dimon should resign from the federal reserve board shoring up public trust still rattled from the 2008 financial meltdown. >> there's been a guerrilla war out there in which the largest financial institutions are doing everything they can to make sure
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that financial regulations don't get put in place and if they do that they are loaded with loopholes and not very effective. >> warren helped oversea the t.a.r.p. program and is now running for a senate seat in massachusetts. all this week we're going in depth on facebook which is set to go public this week. the company plans to sell 337 million shares at $28 to $35 a share making it the biggest ipo in history with a value over $100 billion. to christine romans in new york. wow. >> it's a lot of money, carol. and there's so much hype and frenzy about buying these shares. the question isn't really should you buy facebook but can you buy facebook? suits meet the hoodie. facebook's mark zuckerberg gets rock star treatment on his company's road show but should he get your money when his
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company goes public? facebook will price that ipo between $28 and $35 a share. >> wait a month after the stock has been released. the mutual funds and institutional investors will be major ones buying up stock. when the stock opens, i believe it will come in between $100 a share when it gets released. let the hype go down. >> reporter: because a lot of rich people get in before you ever will. investmentanks underwriting the ipo get the first crash at shares. they sell them to their best clients, hedge funds, big money managers and insiders. they get that ipo price. then retail investors, the little guys get their shot. dead last. etrade is an underwriter of ipo and will have some shares available. td ameritrade. >> what's your budget?
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that's valuable to make sure you limit the price you're willing to pay on that particular stock. >> the most famous investor will not buy the facebook ipo. >> the idea that something coming out on monday that is being offered with significant commissions and all kinds of published and seller electing the time to sell will be the single most investment i can make is impossible. >> reporter: make sure you are maxing out your 401(k) and are balanced properly and have a right mix of investments. that's a surer bet. brokerage houses don't let anyone buy ipos. not just anyone can walk in on a risky ipo. they are risky investments. unless you have traded stocks before and know what you're doing, you're not likely to get a shot. td aameritrade will give
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investors the opportunity. charles schwab, clients need $100 million in their accounts or executed 36 trades in the last year. that's not me. i'm sure it's not you. also additional eligibility requirements. i will tell you i went and put in one of those limit orders and let you know if anyone gives me this but i doubt it. >> i'll call you later today. >> call me friday. friday i'll know for sure. >> will do. thanks. it's dominated the talk for more than a week now. the debate over same-sex marriage and president obama's support for it. the political buzz panel is ready to jump in. [ female announcer ] the power to become a better investor has gone mobile.
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man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. political buzz is your rapid fire look at the best political topics of the day.
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three questions and 30 seconds on the clock. playing with us today, maria ca cardona and right leaning will cain. first question, it's been a full week since joe biden forced mr. obama's hand on the same-sex marriage issue and we're still talking about it. just look at the new covers of "newsweek" and the new yorker today. the president will give the commencement at all women's college and go to a fund-raiser featuring ricky martin today and appear on "the view" on tuesday. i ask you, when will the president concentrate on the economy? >> he actually has never stopped concentrating on the economy. we actually have a president who can walk and chew gum at the same time. in fact, other than the interview where he stated his stance on gay marriage, he's been talking about student loans. he's been talking about giving homeowners relief from those who are under water on their mortgage. he's been talking about giving jobs to veterans and giving tax
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cuts to small businesses. he's been talking about how to make this economy continue to work and create jobs. so he has not stopped talking about it. i know this is stuff that we love because it's crack for us but the president is focused on the economy. >> will? >> right. right. like this manufactured war on women and this choreographed gay marriage talk over the last week. those weren't purposeful distractions from talking about the economy. he's not going to talk about the economy. that's the answer. he's going to do everything he can to avoid this being the topic that we talk about and think about and vote upon. it's not just because his record right now isn't the one he's the most proud of. it's also because it's may. the election is in november. talking about the economy right now would be like looking up third quarter of a game pointing to the scoreboard. it's not over. between the chinese economy slowing down and citizens leveraging up, europe falling apart, economy is hard thing to bank on right now. ably i blew through the buzzer.
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sorry. >> recession deja vu all over again. jpmorgan chase makes a bad bet and we all suffer. i thought this kind of thing wasn't supposed to happen anymore. which candidate has the big bold idea to make sure big banks don't fail again? will? >> neither of them. there is no big bold idea to ensure that banks don't fail. businesses of every stripe and size fail across this country from lemonade stands to banks. you can't put religious devotion on the concept of regulation to think you're going to end failure. you're not. all you can do is end the failure being socialized on the rest of us. that's too big to fail is too big to exist. if a bank fails and has huge ripple effects across society, we have to reduce them to a size where they fail and it can go just like any other business in the economy. fail and go away. >> maria? >> i actually agree with will on this one thing.
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we can't regulate or legislate failure or nonfailure. that's up to businesses. what we can do and what this president is doing is to make sure when those big businesses fail, it's not you and i and will and other taxpayers that are left holding the bag and having to pay for it, which is exactly what happened in 2008. that's why this president and this congress passed the dodd frank financial reform bill because it focuses on protecting taxpayers and making sure that jpmorgan when they make risky investments, they have to pay for it and not us. >> 20 seconds each. third question. a former obama speech writer will write a sitcom for nbc about a dysfunctional first family. on whom is he basing his characters? >> who news. clearly it's not this first family because they are ideal as the writer himself have said. maybe it was grover cleveland.
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i heard his family had dysfunctionalty there. >> will? >> i don't think you have to go that far back into history to find a dysfunctional first family. i haven't seen the show but from what i read it has a single child, it's a dysfunctional family like one this had to deal with infidelity. what kind of presidency could that be? how far back do i have to go? do i have to go a decade? a little more than a decade. 12 or 13 years, right, maria? can you help me out? >> are you talking about jimmy carter. i don't think that's fair. >> right. >> will cain, maria cardona, thanks for playing today. in the next hour of "newsroom," a live interview with jerry fallwell junior. we'll ask him if romney's remarks at the university over the weekend helped him win over
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evangelical voters. every family has its little secrets. even the one on television. now a modern family cast member reveals the truth about her health. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! the key is to have a good strategy. the same goes for my retirement. with the plan my financial advisor and i put together,
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a quick check and i know my retirement is on course. [ male announcer ] with wells fargo advisor's envision plan, you always know where you stand. in fact, 93 percent of envision plan holders say they will retire on their own terms. get started on the plan you need today -- wells fargo advisors. together we'll go far.
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how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies. 45 minutes past the hour. facebook is expected to sell stock to the public this week for the first time. the initial public offering could value the company at more than $100 billion. that's the co-founder mark z
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zuckerberg. that's his birthday turning 28 today. he came up with facebook in his harvard dormroom in 2004. john edwards' team starts providing of this defense case pleading not guilty to violating campaign contribution laws. prosecutors say he used campaign money to conceal his affair with rielle hunter. the shuttle "enterprise" is a step closer to its final destination. over the weekend the shuttle was separated from a 747 at jfk. next month the "enterprise" will be hoisted on a barge and taken out to the retired aircraft carrier which is the museum. the ferocious five avengers are bringing in a -- i can't speak. i'm stunned by how much money is brought in. it's brought in a billion dollars in just 19 days.
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that's insane. i just saw the movie this weekend. i'm not really that surprised. it was good. it was fun. >> it was. it definitely was. two words for you, carol. cha ching. that first weekend haul of 207 million was record shattering. the second, just more of the same. the superhero ensemble earned more than 103 million at the box office this weekend. so the official numbers will be released later today but many people believe that the action adventure will top that $1 billion with a b mark in box office revenue worldwide. disney is a billion dollars in 19 days, yes, please. they announced they plan the sequel. i know you said you just saw it. so many a-listers. for me, i loved mark as hulk.
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he made the movie. he was fantastic. >> i love the dr. banner character. i found him alluring. let's talk about -- my husband and i had this conversation about the movie. let me tell you, my husband really enjoyed that conversation. any way, let's talk about "modern family." a cast member keeping a painful secret. tell us about it. >> absolutely. sara hyland is a boy crazy texting messeniging teen. she's would be in a lot of pain if she didn't get 12 hours of sleep. sara says she would sit down or text on her phone during a scene to hide her exhaustion. she's a fighter. just last month she underwent kidney transplant surgery and
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the donor was her dad. luckily they were a perfect match. hyland plans to spend the summer recovering while they take break from filming. she had help from her co-star who play hers mother on the show paying her visits and cleaning her house which is great. sounds like something claire would do from the show. >> that's awesome. thanks. >> absolutely, carol. >> want information on everything breaking in the entertainment world? tune into "showbiz tonight" at 11:00 eastern on hln. moms to be, here's something to expect when you're expecting. drama over baby names. we now know which ones were most popular last year. the social security administration says these are the top five names for boys. noah came in at number five. jayden was forth. william came in third. mason was number two and jacob was number one. eva came in at number five.
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olivier fourth. emma third. isabella second and sophia topped the list. the fate of florida a&m university's marching band could be decided today. in a few minutes the university's board of directors will meet to discuss what to do after the hazing related death of a band member. i love cash back. with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, we earn more cash back for the things we buy most. 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. no annual fee. that's 1% back on...
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in just a few minutes, florida a&m's university will talk about the school's marching band which has been suspended since the hazing related death of drum major robert champion. george howell has been following this story from the very beginning. first of all, give us a sense of how important this ban is to the university? >> let's talk about long history. this ban was established in 1982. it has a long history. these band members perform at presidential inaugurations and taken top honors at countless competition. this is the school's money maker. people come to see this band. you can imagine all eyes are on this band waiting to see what
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will happen at this conference call where school leaders talk about what's next. >> what could happen? the band could be suspended for a longer period of time or eliminated all together? >> pam champion was clear. she wants to see this band disbanded until it's cleaned from top to bottom. what that means, could it mean new people to lead the band also looking through what's been called the culture of hazing within the band. that has yet to be determined. we do know the band has been on suspension and could remain on suspension. we expect school leaders to talk about the status of the band and whether that suspension continues. >> even former band leaders who have left the university say the band shouldn't come back next year because that would be too soon? >> again, it's a culture of hazing. people are looking at this band now with such a long history and how long has this been happening? has it been a decade? has it been longer? trying to figure out who is behind the hazing and how to root it out. that's what people are looking at. whether the band gets back on
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the field has yet to be determined. it all depends upon when they feel the culture of hazing is gone. >> i know you are dying to listen to that conference call. >> california high school students are getting high marks for healthy eating. a new study shows that california students eat fewer calories per day than students in other states. the state restricts the kind of junk foods available in school vending machines or snack bars. more work needs to be done to ensure that schools have healthy alternatives in lunchroom menus. we asked you to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. the question today, why aren't presidential candidates talking more about the economy? your responses next.
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we ask you to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. the question why aren't presidential candidates talking more about the economy. phillip says would you talk about something that you don't know how to fix. walter says i don't think gay marriage issue is a distraction. we need social perspectives of the candidate to be revealed before they get elected. better now than in office. and because they don't want to deal with it. would you want to talk about boring i'll change it later it will work out in the end economy and this from nancy. it's easier to sling mud at each other than to roll up their sleeves and come up with legitimate answers. keep the conversation going. thank you for your comments. i'm carol costello. thank you for joining me today.
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"cnnewsroom" continues right now with kyra phillips. >> hello, everyone. i'm kyra phillips. it's 11:00 on the east coast and 8:00 out west. we begin with massive manhunt taking place in southern california. not for a known criminal but for a highly trained and specially skilled fbi agent. they fear that he's armed and suicidal. search teams are searching through rugged areas outside of burbank where dogs are following his scent. alina cho is following the story. do we know why his family called this is and are so concerned? >> ultimately we don't know. that's why this story is so bizarre and so confusing. remember, this is a man who is married. he has a 1-year-old child. a son. seemed to be happy at work. liked by his colleagues. never had any disciplinary problems. we are told that he's an avid hiker and runner. dogs had picked up his scent


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