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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 14, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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speed. this hour live president obama about to give the commencement address at barnard college in new york. we'll bring it to you live. dozens of fbi agents, some of them using bloodhounds are on a manhunt for one of their own. they're looking for steven ivans, an agent who went missing from his home last week. he's being described as suicidal and could be carrying a handgun. police don't think he's a threat to anyone else but himself, but they're urging the public not to approach him if they see him. days after revealing that the nation's largest bank lost $2 billion in risky investments, jpmorgan has its first casualty. the chief investment officer retiring after more than 30 years. over the weekend ceo jamie dimon gave a mea culpa of his own. >> it was a stupid thing that we should never have done but we're still going to earn a lot of money this quarter. it isn't like the company is jeopardized. we hurt ourselves and our credibility, yes, and that we've got to fully expect and pay the price for that.
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>> may not be enough. a former government watch dog on the bank bailout says dimon should resign from the new york federal reserve board. elizabeth warren says the move would shore up public trust which is still rattled from the 2008 financial meltdown. >> there's been a guerilla war out there in which the largest financial institutions have been doing everything they can to make sure that financial regulations don't get put in place, and if they do get put in place, that they're loaded with loopholes and not very effective. >> authorities in mexico, they are trying to calm the public after discovering 49 decapitated and dismembered bodies scattered on the size of the road just 80 miles from the texas border. the killings are believed to be the work of a notorious drug cartel. we have more on the developing story in 40 minutes. florida a&m university marching band will remain suspended through the next school year. that was just you a nounsed the last year by the university's
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president during a conference call with trustees. he says university officials are setting new rules following last year's hazing death of band member robert champion. >> i was heavily influenced by the need to be respectful of robert champion's family as well as other alleged victims. a young man lost his life. we got a new poll that says we're actually getting happier. this is a gallup poll that uses something called a well-being index. right now the index is just about 80, so the last time it was that high was 2008. the numbers arrive by asking people about their emotional state, whether they learned something interesting the day before, or whether they smiled or laughed that day. good for us. it's a big day for former senator and presidential candidate john edwards. well, after three weeks of hearing the government's case against him, his defense team now gets to explain their side
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of the story. edwards is charged with lying, conspiracy, campaign finance violations, all of it stemming from an affair with a campaign staffer, rielle hunter, who also bore him a child. diane dimond is a special cornered for "newsweek" and the daily beast. she's live outside the courthouse in greensboro, north carolina. diane, you bring us all things from behind the scenes here. this is edwards' big opportunity to tell his side of the story. how does he start? >> reporter: well, that's an interesting question because we thought maybe there would be some big first witness, but that was laura haggard. taking nothing away from her, but it was pretty dry testimony this morning. >> who is she? >> she was the chief financial officer for the john edwards for president campaign back in 2008. she's the one who filed all the s.e.c. reports and according to the sixth count of the six-count indictment, it charges john edwards used -- willfully used
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trickery to get his campaign people to file false statements. this is the woman who would have filed the statement. she repeatedly said that she did not think that money that went to rielle hunter constituted a campaign contribution but she mostly said that outside the jury. the jury was not in the room when she said it. so it all comes down to who is going to decide what's a campaign contribution. will it be the. of laura haggard or another s.e.c. commissioner who will be here to testify or is that something that will be up to the jury? the judge is going to have a hearing probably a two-hour-long hearing on that today, but so far that's what we've heard. then we went to harrison hickman. he's on the stand as we broke for lunch. harrison hickman is a pollster, a political consultant for many years. he's done six presidential campaigns, 20 senatorial campaigns, very experienced. he's a good old boy from north
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carolina. this jury really likes him. he was asked about when he first met john edwards and he said 1997, and we had a lot in common. we're about the same edge. we both come from small towns, and we joke about that. he said that john edwards is from robbins and he said in robbins the welcome and good-bye sign are all on one sign, and i said, sure, my town was so small we had drivers ed and sex ed in the same car. so it's very light hearted so far with harrison hickman, and the jury does like him. they were starting to take notes and then they just leaned forward and listened to his story. >> probably laughed at that one, too. let me ask you this, diane, now that it's john edwards' turn to tet out there and tell his side of the story, what's his demeanor? is he strutting into the courthouse now or does he seem the same? does he seem a little more confident now that he gets to talk about what happened from his point of view? >> reporter: good question. you know, he's very stoic in there. he used to be more gregarious at
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the beginning of this trial. i think it's wearing on him. he looks like he's lost some weight. his suits are draping a little more than he should. and he looks pale to me. during the testimony he sits very quietly. he doesn't rustle around and bring attention to himself. he sits there quietly and he often does one of these, almost like he's praying. when something embarrassing comes up, the hands move up to this point. and i notice that he doesn't really talk to his mother and father who are here, and his daughter kat daughter cate. they sit in the row behind him. there's not a lot of conversation that goes on between them. i really have to feel for these parents. they must be in their ai80s. they're small and frail looking but they're here every day for their boy, johnny reed. >> what do we think of the
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jurors? do they seem to be reengaged? i know they had a day off and this is definitely a turn in the case. do they seem as if they're paying attention, as if they really want to get john edwards' side of all of this? >> reporter: well, i think so. however, at least one of them fell asleep today during this federal election forum description. i almost fell asleep during that as well. i'm kidding, but -- >> we need you, diane. we need you to be awake. >> reporter: i'm here to be honest with you. it was a little dull. but they do pay attention. they're an odd combination. there's a corporate vice president. there is a human resources woman. there is a financial consultant. there's a fireman. there's three mechanics on the jury. so there's various different combinations of attentiveness. the men in the back row i must say often lean against the back and they do appear to just doze off or at least zone out a little bit. >> die ann, as long as you stay
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awa awake, that's all that really matters right now. >> reporter: i promise. >> diane, good to see you, as always. thanks for the details. here is a run down of some of the stories we're covering. should politicians be judged for behaving badly when they were young? >> i did some stupid things when i was in high school. >> i experimented with marijuana a time or two and i didn't like it. >> hear what americans and the experts have to say, and major fallout from j.p. mpmorgajpmorg investments. we'll look at what it meges for your money. also nasty e-mails flou over a mother's day editorial about not choosing to be a mom. you can watch cnn live on your computer while you're at work. head to you inspired a ron howard production. with your photographs.
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♪ ♪ ♪ so i brought it to mike at meineke. we gave her car a free road handling check. i like free. free is good. my money. my choice. my meineke. more for mitt romney it was accusations of bullying that some called an assault. for president obama it was an admission of drinking and experimenting with drugs. are those actions from as far back as high school even
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relevant? jay caan carol ta jason carroll takes a look. >> reporter: mitt romney like candidates before him find himself in hot water for something that took place far in his past. he says he doesn't remember the incident but acknowledges he was not a perfect teenager. >> i did some stupid thing when i was in high school and obviously if i hurt anyone by virtue of that, i would be very sorry for it and apologize for it. >> reporter: the apology coming after "the washington post" broke the story of romney's antics decades ago when he and his friends are alleged to have pinned down another student who was presumed to be gay and cut off his hair while the boy cried. >> i don't think anybody is going to blame him, you know, something happened in high school in the '60s. but his response was very weasely. >> reporter: romney is certainly not the first presidential candidate cited for shall we say youthful indiscretions. >> got into drinking and
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experimented with drugs. >> reporter: president obama told this classroom about his drug use and also talked about it in his autobiography "dreams of my father." president bill clinton acknowledged his own marijuana use while studying at oxford at this debate. >> i experimented with marijuana a time or two and i didn't like it, and didn't inhale and never tried it again. >> for former president george w. bush, the issue was excessive drinking in his college years. later bush admitted to being arrested for dui when he was 30 years old. he overcame the incidents by saying he quit drinking and was born again. bush used those stories to his advantage by saying he had progressed, he had evolved, and he had redeemed himself. >> reporter: should a presidential candidate like romney be judged for bullying another student in high school? should that have any bearing on his moral guidance now? >> i don't really subscribe to the philosophy of, you know, boys will be boys or in high school we all do wild things. >> bullying is a very important
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issue, but i don't think what someone does in high school informs them as an adult. you have to have the whole total of the personality. >> many people are very forgiving. we forget the electorate is human, and they know bullies who turned out to be okay. they know people who used drugs in their youth but were fine, upstanding citizens when they were older. >> reporter: the bottom line for candidates often boils down to how they handle the situation. if other incidents arise, it could end up dogging the candidate, but more often than not, voters just seem to forgive and forget. jason carroll, cnn, new york. president obama is about to address graduates at barnard college in new york. the commencement speech comes on the heels of his endorsement of same-sex marriage and it follows an address by mitt romney this weekend at liberty university where romney reaffirmed his opposition to same-sex marriage. i want to bring in jessica yellin live from new york. so, jessica, first of all, we
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know the president is sharing a stage with the gay activist, the founder of freedom to marry. do we expect president obama will talk about his position on same-sex marriage? >> i'm advised that, no, that's not going to be in this speech. this speech really focused on women and messages of sort of going out into the world, stories that he has learned from women who have inspired him in his life persevered over obstacles. you know, you mention evan wolfson, who is the founder of freedom to marry. i think he's about to get an award if he isn't getting it right now as we speak. he had said last week before the president came out for same-sex marriage that if the president hadn't come out by now, he would have leaned over and whispered in the president's ear, please do so now, please come out for same-sex marriage now. evan wolfson has released statements and been on our air praising the president. >> interesting backstory. we know this is an all-women's college here. it is this part of the
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president's effort to reach out to female voters? do we think it's a campaign to actually win them over? >> reporter: so i'm told it's not an explicitly political speech. again, it will sound a lot like a commencement address from someone who is not a politician, but between us, of course, yes. why is he speaking to a women's college at a time when the campaign is overtly trying to court women voters and from there he goes to appear on what? "the view" with an overwhelmingly female audience. of course, we could see this as one more gentle step to reach out to women voters. >> just between us, right, jessica? just between us. and then also there's a fund-raiser hosted by ricky martin while he's in new york as well. tell us a little bit about that. >> reporter: la vidaloca. he has two fund-raisers.
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one by ricky martin. and then from there this is somewhat surprising. he's going to a fund-raiser uptown hosted by a major wall street executive, and that's a little surprising because, you know, the president has been having some trouble raising money from wall street after some of the rhetoric he's used against wall street. we reported on that a lot. so he is bringing in some cash from the street, not a lot. we're told today they hope to raise a little over $3 million all told, suzanne. >> he's hitting a lot of different groups there in new york ought at once. all right. jessica, we're going to take a quick break and then we'll come back and, of course, we'll listen in on president obama live as soon as he starts that commencement speech. thanks, jessica. and a choice. take advil now and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪
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president obama addressing graduates at barnard college in new york. this is the commencement speech he's going to be delivering momentarily and let's listen in. he's now getting the medal of distinction from barnard college. >> and now i have the great honor of presenting the citation to the president of the united states, barack obama. [ cheers and applause ]
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barack obama, 44th president of the united states of america. in this exuberant presentation of the college's highest honor, we pay tribute to your leadership of our nation and your place in our world. from 1961 in honolulu, hawaii, to this stellar moment in may, the chronicle of your life has enthralled us. the early years in indonesia that sparked your independence and opened your eyes to the breadth of humanithumanity. college first at occidental and then here in new york where you earned your degree at the great columbia university on whose lawn we now stand. to chicago to work with communities in need and then on to harvard law school becoming
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the first african-american president of the harvard law review -- [ cheers and applause ] -- and graduating magna cum laude. you deepened your commitment to public service because you understood grassroots was the way. as your mentor put it, if you're not trying to really change things out there, you might as well forget it. then in 1992 in one of your all-time best slam dunks, you had the good fortune to marry michel michelle. [ cheers and applause ] with her by your side, you served two terms as illinois state senator and just months before winning a u.s. senate seat representing the land of lincoln, gave a speech at the 2004 democratic national convention that was as brilliant
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as it was decisive. [ cheers and applause ] when you said that we stand on the crossroads of history, perhaps you had no idea that the country and the world would forever know your name. on january 20th, 2009, standing smack on those historical crossroads, you were sworn in as president of the united states. since then -- [ cheers and applause ] since then in three years and 115 days in office you have led the way on preventing hate crimes and providing affordable health care. [ cheers and applause ] on reforming student loan programs, credit card debt --
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[ cheers and applause ] -- and financial regulation. you have reinvigorated the auto industry, raised fuel efficiency, and overturned restrictions on stem cell research. [ cheers and applause ] you have ended the war in iraq, turned the tide in afghanistan, and made certain that regardless of sexual orientation, those serving our country have the freedom both to ask and to tell. [ cheers and applause ] and just days ago you affirmed your belief that the right to marriage belongs to us all. [ cheers and applause ] for women in particular you have helped to ensure the equal pay we all deserve by signing the
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lily ledbetter act into law. [ cheers and applause ] you have removed barriers to women in the military, improved access to health services, and repeatedly supported our right to choose. [ cheers and applause ] and time and again you have put your trust in the long list of gifted and remarkable women leaders. supreme court justices sonia sotomayor and elena kagan, secretary of state hillary clinton -- [ cheers and applause ] -- senior adviser valerie jarrett -- [ cheers and applause ] janet napolitano, hill do solis, susan rice, lisa jackson, women running everything from homeland security --
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[ cheers and applause ] -- to the epa. your wisdom in these selections comes as no surprise because, after all, it is the extraordinary women in your own life who shaped it most profoundly. the strength and level-headedness you learned from your grandmother, toots, the values of honesty, fairness, and independent judgment that your mother, ann, instilled, along with her constancy and capacity for wonder. the special bond with your terrific sister and barnard alumni, maya, the devoted partnership you share with first lady michelle obama who awes us in her own right, and sasha and malia, who give us hope. clearly, mr. president, you know something that the 594 barnard graduates seated proudly before you are well on their way to
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discovering. that there's no opportunity they cannot embrace, no dream they cannot make real. you have demonstrated this truth through your own amazing story, your own compelling example, your own irrepressible spirit. it is a profound honor for us to come together on this historic day, not only to present you, president barack obama, with the 2012 barnard medal of distinction, but to give you our unwavering promise to go forth, like you, in pursuit of a sounder, a freer, and a whole lot smarter world. you have our deepest thanks. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you so much. thank you. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you so much.
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thank you very much. thank you. thank you so much. thank you. thank you. thank you, everybody. please, please, have a seat. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, president spar, trustees, president bollinger. hello, class of 2012! [ cheers and applause ] congratulations on reaching this day. thank you for the honor of being able to be a part of it. there are so many people who are proud of you, your parents, family, faculty, friends, all of whom share in this achieve am, so please give them a big round of applause. [ cheers and applause ]
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to all the moms who are here today, you could not ask for a better mother's day gift than to see all of these folks graduate. [ cheers and applause ] i have to say though whenever i come to these things, i start thinking about malia and sasha graduating and i start tearing up. it's terrible. i don't know how you guys are holding it together. i will begin by telling a hard truth. i'm a columbia college graduate. i know there can be a little bit of a sibling rivalry here. but i'm honored, nevertheless, to be your commencement speaker today, although i have got to say you set a pretty high bar
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given the past three years. [ cheers and applause ] hillary clinton, meryl streep, cheryl sandburg. these are not easy acts to follow, but i will point out hillary is doing an extraordinary job as one of the finest secretaries of state america has ever had. [ cheers and applause ] we gave meryl the presidential medal of arts and humanities. [ cheers and applause ] cheryl is not just a good friend, she's also one of our economic advisers. so it's like the old saying goes, keep your friends close and your barnard commencement speakers even closer. [ cheers and applause ] there's wisdom in that. now, the year i graduated, this
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area looks familiar, the year i graduated was 1983. the first year women were admitted to columbia. sally ride was the first american woman in space. music was all about michael and the moon walk. we had the walkman. >> do it! >> no, no moon walking. no moon walking today. we had the walkman, not ipods. some of the streets around here were not quite so inviting. times square was not a family destination. so i know this is all ancient
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history. nothing worse than commencement speakers droning on about bygone days, but for all the differences, the class of 1983 actually had a lot in common with all of you. for we, too, were heading out into a world at a moment when our country was still recovering from a particularly severe economic recession. it was a time of change. it was a time of uncertainty. it was a time of passionate political debates. you can related to this. because just as you were starting out finding your way around this campus, an economic crisis struck that would claim more than 5 million jobs before the end of your freshman year. since then some of you have probably seen parents put off retirement, friends struggle to
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find work, and you may be looking toward the future with that same sense of concern that my generation did when we were sitting where you are now. of course, as young women you're also going to grapple with some unique challenges, like whether you will be able to earn equal pay for equal work, whether you'll be able to balance the demands of your job and your family, whether you'll be able to fully control decisions about your own health. and while opportunities for women have grown exponentially over the last 30 years, as young people in many ways you have it even tougher than we did. this recession has been more brutal. the job losses steeper. politics seems nastier. congress more gridlocked than ever. some folks in the financial world have not exactly been the model corporate citizens.
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no wonder that faith in our institutions has never been lower. particularly when good news doesn't get the same kind of ratings as bad news anymore. every day you receive a steady stream of sensationalism and scandal and stories with a message that suggests change isn't possible, that you can't make a difference, that you won't be able to close that gap between life as it is and life as you want it to be. my job today is to tell you don't believe it. because as tough as things have been, i am convinced you are tougher. i have seen your passion, and i have seen your service. i have seen you engage, and i have seen you turn out in record numbers. i have heard your voices
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amplified by creativity and a digital fluency that those of us in older generations can barely comprehend. i have seen a generation eager, impatient even, to step into the rushing waters of history and change its course. and that defiant, can-do spirit is what runs through the veins of american history. it's the lifeblood of all our progress. and it is that spirit which we need your generation to embrace and rekindle right now. see, the question is not whether things will get better, they always do. the question is not whether we've got the solutions to our challenges, we've had them within our grasp for quite some time. we know, folk, that this country
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would be better off if more americans were able to get the kind of education that you've received here at barnard -- [ cheers and applause ] -- if more people could get the specific skills and training that employers are looking for today. we know that we'd all be better off if we invest in science and technology that sparks new businesses and medical break-throughs. if we developed more clean energy so we could use less foreign oil and reduce the carbon pollution that's threatening our planet. [ cheers and applause ] we know that we're better off when there are rules that stop big banks from making bad bets with other people's money and when -- >> the president speaking at the barnard college. you can see more of the president's speech on coming up next, today we're
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talking about motherhood. actually a decision not to be a mother. hear why this mother's day editorial is causing a lot of buzz. let's get the wheels turning. use our strength & stability to open new opportunities. to lend, and lift ...every business...every dream... to new heights of prosperity. good things are happening. just look up. with u.s. bank.
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when we got married. i had three kids. and she became the full time mother of three. it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. those years were crazy. so, as we go into this next phase, you know, a big part of it for us is that there isn't anything on the schedule.
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visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. we've heard the stats before. few american women are choosing to have children compared to 20 or 30 years ago. on mother's day our usual editor kat kinsman wrote an editorial about the reason she's chosen to not have children. here is how it starts. on mother's day no one is going to send me flowers or a card. i will not be awakened by sweet giggling toddlers bearing a tray of breakfast or receive an a awkward but heartfelt hug from a gangly teenage son or end a phone call with a teary dorm bound daughter saying i love you mom, and i am no one's mother and i never will be. kat kinsman is joining us from
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new york. tell us why you decided to write this very personal story. >> well, i have always known that children were just not in the cards for me. i didn't have that drive. i didn't have that feeling that i really wanted to be a mother. and i fully respect all of my friends and all of my family who do, but it really would have helped me perhaps in my teens, my 20s, to have a representation out there of a woman who is married, who has decided not to have children, and isn't filled with pangs of regret, who isn't a selfish person, who isn't as is often portrayed in stories, in media, on tv shows, as somebody who isn't fully a woman because they haven't had children. i have a really lovely fulfilling life and i just wanted to put that out there to other women who were in the same place that, you know, this is really a valid and lovely decision you can make. >> and how do people respond to your editorial? >> luckily, overwhelmingly positively, and i think people were waiting for a representation like this where we're not shown as these sort of
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broken, pathetic creatures, but, of course, other people did step up and share the usual commentary. i will read a few of the responses i got. a gentleman named chad baker, who has recently at 38 had his first child said, until you have kids, you'll never realize how hopelessly pointless your existence is without them. in your case ignorance of this joy may be the only bliss you ever experience. thanks for choosing mother's day to share with everyone how you have failed at the only reason you exist biologically speaking. i always consider a story not finished. one it's published i jump into the comments right away. i had to write back. i hope you're not teaching your daughter that her only purpose on earth is to have children. that was echoed on some of the other responses i got. a person said my husband and i
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are very happy the way things are. but to the outside world we are not complete. to all of the well-meaning and maybe not so well-meaning people who try to encourage others to have a baby, please, please, please stop. a lot of people ran across that. a lot of people saying you'll change your mind, you'll never know. a lot of us have made up our minds. >> did it surprise you you got such emotional responses from people, people who really are so passionate about this on both sides? >> it really didn't surprise me so much. i was surprised how many, but it's such a heated issue, and it's something i'm lucky enough to have always known this about myself, but there are so many sort of unkind things said by a lot of people to people who have made this decision. there's really an implication that you don't know what you're doing, that you're never going to find a man, that you're selfish somehow and that's always really surprised me a lot. i've been really lucky this that my family has never really
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pressured me to do this. >> all right. well, kat, we really appreciate the read. it's a great read here. sorry we have to let you go here, but you can read kat's article. just go to, go to the editor's choice section, click on the headline, i'll never be a mother. syrian city of homs is almost a ghost town, but the mortar attacks keep coming and the people who are fleeing, they end up in refugee camps where our anderson cooper is at one of those camps along the turkish border. we're going to talk to him live. you can watch cnn live on your computer. head to ere at the hd but one dark stormy evening... there were two things i could tell: she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her what our other cats love, purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was healthy, happy, and definitely part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete.
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here syria is being slapped with new sonkss today. it's the european union expressing frustration. anderson cooper is at the syrian/turkish border. we know it's been more than a year since this bloodshed
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started. there's no end in sight. and you've been talking to the syrian refugees. can you hear us, anderson, first of all? i understand anderson cannot hear us. is that right? all right. we're going to take a quick break. we're going see if we can reconnect on anderson on the turnish/syrian border.
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are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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give us a sense of what you have seen, these refugees that have been pleaing syria and what kind of lives they live now. >> syrians now in camps along the turkish syrian border. there's many more in lebanon, others in iraq. and keep on coming. basically every single day we have a report about 100 or so arrived in camp. they're real relatively safe compared to a lot of refugee games around the world. refugee camps by their very nature are places of suffering or loss. everyone has lost a brother, a sister, a son, a cousin. they often show you photographs
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of those who died. and they all want to rego back. up the regime of bah schad al assad hassen fallen they can't do that. but as you know, there's no end to the vie lance in sight. there's basically kind of a stalemate. the government can't stop the patriot tests, can't crush the rebelli rebelli rebellion. at the same time, the opposition fighters, the rebels are not well armed enough or not big enough in number in order to overthrow the government. there's no end in sight to this and no telling how long these people are going to be living in these refugee camps. >> anderson, when you talk to the people there, what do they tell you that they need the most? what are they asking the international community to do? >> well, there's certainly a lot of frustration directed towards the international community. they want to know why the world
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isn't paying more attention. why people aren't helping. they certainly want arms. they want funds north to be able to get weapons in order to be able to fight the regime. there had been pledges made by a variety of countries. a lot of the fighters say they haven't really seen much. on the ground. ept help in order to try to fight this fight and overthrow the government. >> andersson, thank you so much. appreciate your time. know you're going to have much more tonight on your show. this is going to be a report. more firsthand accounts of what it's like to be there live through the unrelenting violence that began more than a year ago. that is 8:00 eastern on cnn. is one of the world's largest 307 lagss facing extinction inless than 1,000 years? why one researcher says the clock is already ticking. reliev. it helps me get back in the game.
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population will fade away within 1,000 years. it may seem like a lot of time, but in terms of human civilization, it's actually pretty quick. right now, there are more than 16.5 million children in japan, but by the professor's calculations, there will be only one japanese child left by the year 3011. wow. cnn news room continues with ashleigh been afield after this quick break. if there was a pill
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hi, everyone. i'm ashleighbanfield in for brooke baldwin today. everyone is calling about a magazine cover, calling him america's first gay president. i'm going to speak to the editor about putting that cover out there. first, however, the fallout intensifying over the $2 billion bungle at jpmorgan chase. $2 billion down. the stock price down 9%. and now its chief investment officer out on the street. one of the top women on wall street, ina drew, retiring, not kicked out, retiring. it was her unit that posted that 10-digit loss. lizie so leeo'leary with that s. does she get a golden parachute? >> that's what we get to see when the dpaen puts out those papers that everyone can comb
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through with the regulators who look at this. we know she made about $15 million a year for the two previous years. this unit, we're all talking about this one trade, but they did make a lot of money for the bank. so it's not unreasonable to think that she is probably going to walk away with a fair chunk of change. certainly when you look at what her annual compensation had been over the last couple of years. >> that's one woman's story. i have 2 billion other reasons to ask you this next question. how does this kind of thing happen? banking regulations, so to speak, there are eyes on wall street. how do you get a loss like this? and is this something we need to be concerned about as we move forward? >> well, i think a lot of americans are out there thinking wait a minute, what about dodd/frank. that great big piece of the financial reform legislation. what happened? why isn't this prevented? one of the things that was in dodd/frank, and this is where people really have to question,
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whether a bank that takes deposits can also at the same time make great, big risky bets a the other side of the bank. there was a rule called the volcker rule that was supposed to say if you take deposits you can't make those risky trades and it's sort of in limbo. one of the big questions has been that banks, like jpmorgan chase ceo wanted to water down that part of dodd frank. that's the big conversation on capitol hill. do those rules need to be tougher? is and is this an argument for the volcker rule and a stricter interpretation of this law that was passed. >> do we need -- i know elizabeth warren was calling for his head, but not at the head of jpmorgan chase, i understand it.
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she doesn't want him sitting on the new york fed. >> right. the new york fed is an interesting animal it.'s one of those regulators that also had a lot of top banking minds in the country, and those tend to be the top ceos of the big bank as a part of it, so that regulators can be close to the people making decisions. it's really a question of what your regulator is supposed to do so, or how you think about what your regulator is supposed to be, whether he's supposed to be on the outside looking in saying follow these rules or they're supposed to be on the inside listening to the people who run institutions. and it seems to be that the fed is sort sof in the middle of those two decisions, but we have also seen there was a lot of listening to the folks on the inside and maybe not a lot of listening to folks critical on the outside. >> not the last we'll be listening to this. thanks for that. and we also have more news unfolding right now. it's "rapid fire" so roll it.
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and here we go. yahoo's new departed ceo has thyroid cancer. scott thompson is out at yahoo after the company learneds he padded his resume. he fibbed about having a degree in computer science. he had a degree, just not in computer science. also a kidnapper who raised baby she stole to adulthood is going to have to wait to learn her fight. you might remember she admitted to snatching a 3-week-old baby. she found herself on a website and lo and behold found out who her parents are. john edwards, the defense is about to take its place. he's accused of misusing campaign money to hide an affair with a mistress. also the drums and the symbols will go quiet, at least for the next year at florida's a&m
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school. the marching band suspended through 2013, all punishment for a hazing incident that led to the death of the drum major robert champion. >> i was heavily influenced by the need to be respectful of robert champion's family, as well as other alleged victims. a young man lost his life. >> and also making news today, arizona in flames. five different wildfires, sering across nearly 6,000 acres. hundreds of firefighters out in full force, trying to do their level best to get a happened ble. arizona didn't get a lot of rain this sinter, soo zo the state is a end toer box right now. also we have a lot more to cover in the next two hours. watch. be all that you can be. just how many are still out of
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reach? i'm ashley been afield, the news starts now. a stunning discovery, dozens of bodies without their head. now fears grow as drug gangs get closer to the u.s. border. plus a wife wakes up to find her husband gone. the frantic search for a missing fbi agent just became the biggest of its kind. but why? there are no straight lines. only the twists and turns of an unpredictable industry. so the eighty-thousand employees at delta... must anticipate the unexpected. and never let the rules overrule common sense. this is how we tame the unwieldiness of air travel, until it's not just lines you see... it's the world.
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so i brought it to mike at meineke. we gave her car a free road handling check. i like free. free is good. my money. my choice. my meineke. >> go erm a, go strong, go ladies. the army is opening up combat-related jobs to women. while the army times" reports it opens up about 3% of combat jobs to them, there's still about 30% of army jobs that are for men only. why did they change? why is this happening? >> basically, it changed because of the experiences of a lot of women in iraq and afghanistan over the last 10 years, they've learned a lot. and the battlefield has really
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changed. it's no longer as linear as it was in the past. a lot of women who had been serving as attachments to come of the more combat oriented units, they were getting caught up in conflict, in combat, supply units, i thinks this like that. the military felt it just made sense to open up some of these jobs. now, there tb about a quarter of a million jobs that women were not allowed to go to. this opens up about 5% of them. some people say there was no reason to open up these jobs to women, that the jobs had been performed just fine. others say the policy didn't go 235r enough and should have open opened up even more combat jobs to women. >> we need to be careful about combat-related or combat jobs. as i understand it, we are really not even close at this point to women on the frontlines
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in shoot 'em up. >> that's right. these are jobs that would niecely be -- they're not frontline, they're not the guys kicking down the doors and things like that. but they're jobs that could attach or co-locate with actual combat teams. what this means now is the army or whatever branch can recruit women to go into some of these jobs and some women in the army could cross train if they were interested. it does open the door. when you look at the idea of the first class of women training to go aboard submarines for the u.s. navy, the female engagement teams that walked the patrols in afghanistan with some of their marines, it's a step along the way. it's probably not where we're going to end up in 10 to 15 years when, you know, when you
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look at the issue of women serving in combat. >> i harken back to jessica lynch. she was part of a mechanics brigade. we're you can tag about expanding roles that end up either adjacent to close to or within a stone's throw to the frontline but just not frontline, you know, identified work? >> exactly. what is the frontline? it's one thing in iraq or afghanistan. who knows what the front line is going to be in the year 2020 or 2025. as the military gets more and more technological. in other words, your brain being -- required a lot more than just your braun, you know, you may see more of these specialties start to open up to women where physical strength isn't necessarily, you know, the biggest asset that you can bring to the job. >> when we're talking about
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physical strength, something like special ops division is still, you know, one part -- well i'm not going to suggest how many parts fsh some parts physical braun and many parts savvy. we're not talking about women in special operations, are we? >> no, no. we. >>er not even close to that. we're not even talking about women in recon patrols and things like that, much less special operations. that's probably still a long way down the road if that happens. >> all right, chris lawrence, nice to see you at the pentagon. thanks for that. moving on, a zip line adventure going horribly wrong. a graduate student fighting for her life. >> see the miraculous survival. and that's really i think that's the story that's inspired us and the nation at this point. >> a flesh eating bacteria has already taken amy copeland's leg and part of her abdomen. but will she also lose her fingers? you're about to hear from her parents.
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>> minute by minute, hour by hour, parents are watching as a
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flesh-eating bacteria ravages their beautiful daughter. sthe she was over a river on a zip line and the zip line snapped. she got a huge gash on her leg and the bacteria entered her body. now she's suffering a flesh-eating disease. why the bacteria hit amy copeland so hard. >> many different kinds of bacteria can cause this disease. she, unfortunately, got inverdicted with a particularly virulent bacteria that lives in the water. this is pretty rare. we don't have exact numbers. no one really knows, but it is really unusual. but unfortunately, the small number of people who do get the disease, about 25% of them die. it took doctors a while to
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figure out she had this disease. that's not unusual. the signs can be subtle. amy went to the hospital about four times before they figured out what this was. she was given one antibiotic that wasn't strong enough. she was prescribed a pain killer. she needed a stronger antibiotic, which she did eventually get. >> and she may have eventually received those antibiotiantibio it's too late. now she lost her leg, part of her abdomen, she's on a breathing tube and the sad part is she might also lose her fingers. her parents recognize this is a moment by moment story, but they are pointing to her amazing outlook. >> the doctors are doing the best they can to try to save as much of her extensions, her hands as they possibly can. and literally, it's day by day or even hour by hour. we really don't see the
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suffering side of it. we see the miraculous survival. when we told her how long she had been at the hospital, her eyes just widened in horror. she goes i've got to work on my thesis. after we assured her of that, her eyes grew big again. we couldn't understand what she was saying. we called the nurse in, who was a little better at lip reading and the nurse looked at her lips and looked at us. i think she's saying job. and i asked her, amy, are you worried about losing your job? and she nodded her head. >> those parents are counting down to what they're calling amy day. that's the day her breathing tube is set to be removed. they're elated about that, but they're scared about that. that's also the day they may have to tell her that she could be losing more of her limbs. an absolute tragic story. living in a tent for more than a year, not knowing if you'll ever go home. many syrians are stuck running
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for their lye lives as violence erupts in their country. anderson is cocooper is live on syrian border. if you're headed out the door, you can continue to watch cnn from your mobile phone. or if you're at work, you can also watch live from your desk top. just don't tell your boss. or tell him it's, you know, research. to prepare for turbule. the key is to have a good strategy. the same goes for my retirement. with the plan my financial advisor and i put together, a quick check and i know my retirement is on course. [ male announcer ] with wells fargo advisor's envision plan, you always know where you stand. in fact, 93 percent of envision plan holders say they will retire on their own terms. get started on the plan you need today -- wells fargo advisors. together we'll go far.
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tough times call for tough college grads and the president said the grads today are very much equal to that task. mr. obama spoke to barnard college, the all women's school in new york. pretty excited group. what a deal for those grads, you get the president as your commencement speaker. not half bad. listen to what the president had to say to them. >> of course, as young women,
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you're also going to gaple with unique challenge, like whether you're be able to get equal pay for equal work, whether you're be able to balance the demands of your job and your family, whether you'll be fully able to control decisions about your own health. while opportunities for women have grown exponentially over the last 30 years, as young people in many ways, you have it even tougher than we did. this recession has been more brutal, the job losses steeper. politics seems nastier, congress more gridlocked than ever. some folks in the financial world have not exactly been model corporate citizens. no wonder that faith in our institutions has never been lower, particularly when good news doesn't get the same kind
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of ratings as bad news anymore. or every day, you receive a steady stream of sensationalism and scandal and stories with a message that supg change isn't possible. that you can't make a difference. that you won't be able to close that gap between life as it is and life as you want it to be. my job today is to tell you don't believe it. because as tough as things have been, i'm cop vinced you are tougher. i've seen your passion and i've seen your service. i've seen you engaged and i've seen you turn out in record numbers. i've heard your voices amplified by creativity and a digital fluency that those of us in older generations can barely comprehend. i've seen a generation eager,
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impatient even, to step into the rushing waters of history and change its course. and that defiant, can-do spirit is what runs through the veins of american history. it's the life blood of all our progress, and it's that spirit with which we need your generation to embrace and rekindle right now. >> and we're going to hear more from the president a little bit later on. we're also going to talk about the very provocative magazine cover that declares barack obama to be the first gay president. hope you'll stick around for that. in the men time, we want to talk about this. mortar shells erupting across syria today in what's become a daily occurrence in that country. now there's a twist, though. in the meantime, there's an attempt to stop increasing violence, all the time european foreign ministers have new
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sanctions on the syrian regime and are urging it to adapt a u.n.-backed peace plan. but even with a cease-fire deal in place, 1,000 people have been killed in just the last month. again, there's a cease-fire in place, and 1,000 people are dead just during that cease-fire. some of them executed, some of them tortured to death according to the opposition activists. it's been 14 month since all of this began. the syrian president's forces began cracking shutdown on anti-government protester tos. since then, the infrastructure has really begun to unravel. anderson cooper is in turkey near the border. turkey is just one place where refugees are streaming across the border. there's also iraq, lebanon and different border koun frips how bad is it where you are, anderson? >> well, there's about 23,000 syrians now in these camps along the turkish border. the turkish government is doing a good job of maintaining,
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running these camps. they're very clean, well organized and more importantly, they're more or less safe 37 but refugee camps by their very nature are miserable places. these are people who have had their lives uprooted, who have had their businesses destroyed. who have lost loved ones. i haven't met anybody who doesn't know somebody who has died in this conflict, died mostly going out and protesting in the streets. as you know, some 14 months ago when this uprising began, it bhe gan as peaceful protests in the stwreets. people not even calling for regime change. just calling for reform. it was only after the assad regime responded with bullets and mortars and torture of men, women and even children that this became a violent uprising. and it shows no signs of letting up. the latest violence is just the latest example of that. you now have a situation where the regime has not been able to stop the protests, no matter what
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they've done, no matter how many people they've killed. some 9,000 opposition forces, some say more than that. no matter how many people they've imprisoned, they have not been able to stop these -- the people from crying out for freedom. the not been able to stop the so-called free syrian army and other forces from trying to overthrow the regime. at the same token, the opposition forces are not strong enough or well armed enough or well equipped enough to be able to overthrow that regime. so the violence continues. for the people in the refugee camps, there's no sign they're going to be able to go home anytime soon. >> apart from the fear of not knowing that you can return. if there's civil discourse or unrest or war, the neighboring countries bear the brunt of the refugee crisis. and those can be veritable cities for decades. the problem is they also end up being bases for the opposition. do you think there's any truth to that where you are? and if it is an operation base for the opposition that it could
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be a dangerous place to live as well? >> well, there's no doubt. the turkish government doesn't even call the syrians here refugees. they call them invited guests and they have an open border policy. so they allow people from the camps to go back into syria and come back across. there's no doubt opposition fighters are living in these refugee camps. members of the army crossing over, taking part in fighting and coming back. there's no doubt that that is happening. whether that makes the camps themselves more dangerous, it -- evidence doesn't really show that. there was an incident at a camp back in april where some skirmishes near the border and people retreating across were shot and some turkish people as well helping the people across the border were also shot. but you don't see is the mattic attacks against these camps. they have been, by and large, safe. >> what about just the turkish government trying to deal with
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this. they may be calling this a group of invited guests. we have seen refugees thatter literally permanent refugees and have been for decades. are the turks worried this is a beyond the point of no return situations? >> well, turkey would like more support in operating these camps. they have received some supplieses for the u.n. high commissioner for refugees. but this has been a turkish operation. these are probably the best run, best organized, you know, cleanest, safest refugee camps i have ever seen. but certainly, it it's -- you know, if more people keep coming, and we do see more people coming every day from syria, if if the numbers continue to grow it's going to become a bigger and bigger burden on the turkish population. and, you know, they're going to
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obviously want to try to get some help from other countries as well. >> yeah, and let's hope the conditions there continue to be, as you describe them, much more acceptable than many other refugee camps. good work keeping the spotlight on this story. it's not going away and it definitely needs to be highlighted. thank you. also want to remind you to watch more of anderson's reporting tonight on "ac: 360." make sure your tune in a an fbi agent suddenly vanishes. and we're told he's armed. not only that, but suicidal. why is there such a massive search under way? what does he know? what was he working on? and this just in to cnn. ron paul is suspending his campaign. but he's not getting ouft of the republican race. what, ewe say? we'll explain. ♪
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>> welcome whack -- back. ron paul says he's going to end active campaigning. so does that mean what it sounds like? here's the deal. this was just into me and i said suspend. and i'm not so sure this is a suspension. there is -- there is method to the madness and every word counts when it comes to campaigning, fundraising and delega delegates. >> a brand-new statement put out by the republican presidential campaign just in the last few minutes. not a suspension, not like what we saw with former house speaker newt gingrich and former senator from pennsylvania rick santorum. here's what he says in his statement. moving forward, however, we will no longer spend resources campaigning in the primary states that have not yet voted. doing so with any hope of success would take many tens of millions of dollars we simply do not have. he also says in a statement this, though. our campaign will continue to work the state convention
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process. so i guess two things here. he's not going to go out and stump, spend money, put up ads any more in the few remaining states. and there are a bunch still who are going to be voting later this month and in june. not doing that, but he will continue to try to secure delegates from his statement his 'marches towards the convention in tampa. and he's had some success much to the chagrin of the romney campaign the last few years. a lot of ron paul supporters flooding these conventions and grabbing delegates. >> so working the state convention process to try to shore up some of those delegates to take to the national convention. what exactly can ron paul do at the national convention if he has a few delegates. as i recall, he has not won a single races yet, but it doesn't mean he dpunt have a couple of arrows in the quiver, right? >> mitt romney is the presumed nominee according to our latest estimate.
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he has almost 1,000 delegates, 1,1344 needed to clirj. but that's not a problem. he's the nominee. ron paul had about 100 delegates according to our recent estimate. he's trying to grab some more. he wants to probably have a nice speaking role at the convention in tampa, but he also wants to have a say in the republican party platform in the conventions. i think that's one of the reasons why you see him pushing the fight. not a suspension of his campaign. he talked about the money there. he's got about $1 .8 million in the bank, according to our last report as of april 1. money is an issue for ron paul. then again, he's had success raising money online. >> i for one am glad he's not going away. i adore him. i wish her mman cain did the sa thing. always good to see you. thank you, sir. we got this for you. heads are certainly starting to role at jpmorgan chase. see the woman on your screen?
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her name is ina drew and she is out. she resigned today as the firm's chief investment officer and she's the first exec to fall after jpmorgan lost $2 billion in really crappy trading. drew is retiring. she's not forced out. she's retiring. she was one of the most powerful women on wall street. also, an intense manhunt is under way for this man. it's happening in california. he is a missing fbi agent who authorities describe as suicidal and possibly carrying a handgun. his name, 35-year-old steven ivans was last seen by his family on thursday at his burbank home. they've been using blood hounds to try to track him in a rugged mountain area nearby. and 150 law enforcement officers are out there trying to find him.
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>> we have rorts of his inclination to commit suicide. >> we have no sighting but we're still looking. >> he works on national secure-time is kas and counterterrorism. >> another prosecution has rested and now the defense in the john edward trial is unve unveiling its evidence. will the former presidential candidate take the stand himself? find out coming up. [ male announcer ] citi turns 200 this year.
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jurors have been hearing details of how he tried to cover up his affair and his baby while seeking the oval office. the degrees ebegins today in his trial and it's a trial on charges that he misused campaign funds in that big old cover-up. cnn's joe johns is kol following this story. joe? >> stepping aside the lies and politics, the defense tried to refocus on the allegations of campaign law violations that are at the center of the case. the first witness for the
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defense was a former chief financial officer for the edwards presidential campaign in 2008 who was in charge of telling the federal election commission how the campaign got its money and where the money went. haggard said she didn't believe hundreds of thousands of dollars from edwards' ben ne factors which was used by his fixers and his mistress to cover up the affair was actually a campaign contribution at all. therefore she said it didn't have to be disclosed. haggard's testimony was also to help him out on the sixth and final count, charging that he caused false statements to be filed in the sec reports. she took full responsibility for the reports and said edwards never had anything to do with them. also on the stand was harrison hickman, a well known pollster and political consultant and friend of john edwards who talked about how a cancer diagnosis for edwards' wife elizabeth completely changed the former senator's focus on his political career.
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one of the most highly anticipated witnesses of the trial wade smith could also take the stand today. he is a lawyer and long-time friend of john edwards from right here in north carolina. ashleigh? >> joe johns reporting for us. now to the other side of the border with mexico, where nearly 50 torsos, no heads, no feet, stuffed into garbage bags and left outside of a refinery town as the drug gang war intensifies. is it about to spill into our country? i'll talk to the mayor of one american border town who served with the fbi and knows a thing or two. [ pilot ] flying teaches me to prepare for turbulence.
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got a good one for you. some full contact politics in south korea. here we go. yeah, that's never good. the left wing united progressive party was gathering to talk about a recent vote rigging scandal. four party co-chairs stepped down and they were discussing whether there should be more z resignatire resignations and that's when this happened. 100 angry party members rushing the podium. all right, elsewhere, 49 bodies decapitated and dismembered, left in garbage bags on the side
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of the road in mexico. all of this, only 80 miles from the u.s. border. those victims names, they identities still a mystery at this hour, but this comes as no surprise that cartel violence is expected in the carnage. the mayor of loredo, texas, also an fbi agent, spent time not only in mexico, but a long time in laredo. how is laredo is dealing with this? are you concerned and does the united states need to start worrying that this violence is getting too close for comfort? >> well, we have always taken the necessary measures. we're monitoring this very carefully. we have approximately 4,000 law enforcement officials, the city, the county, the state and federal officials always monitoring this situation. our police department is on top of things. one thing we always want to make
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sure we're ready to respond to a spillover, which is limited in our community because we have used the necessary resources to make sure that that crime doesn't spill over to the u.s. site. we'll be on the ready to ensure our citizens are safe. but this activity as i understand from talking to some of the officials in the state is suspected to be cartel rival activity. but we also have to make sure that we brace for whatever may happen. and we're using the resources and making sure that we act in a proactive fashion. in this particular case, the bodies were found close to mcallen and not towards the laredo side. but it doesn't matter because we're all a border and we have to make sure that we ensure the safety of all of our citizens on our side. >> there are a lot of other border towns.
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>> el paso. >> yeah. listen, and it goes beyond texas as well. my question to you is this -- for any americans out there watching cnn right now and listening to your interview and saying look, that's tragic, but that's mexico, that's really not my problem. is it our problem? are we the cause because we're buying the drugs. >> well, you know, i've heard president calderon mention several times, and to an extent he's right. we have to make sure we intercept the weapons going south. make sure we intercept the stolen cars going south and intercept the money that's the root of the problem. we also have to ensure that there's an appetite for drugs, we need to reduce that. but it's a partnership. i think we have to work together to ensure the safety. but, you know, it's -- >> we've been saying for years it's a partnership. we've had just say no since the '80s. you were one of the flagship members of that campaign and you were actually with the fbi from the '80s and beyond. it doesn't seem to be getting any better.
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>> you know, it's really fwriegtenning. there was a story in monterrey, a 12-year-old boy used as a lookout for organized crime. he was getting paid $750 a month. so it's pretty scary, but i can assure you, i want to assure the american people watching us right now that the american side of the border is safe. our law enforcement agencies all the way from the city to the feds are working together. they're sharing intelligence and that's extreme important. that's really the basic law enforcement. we have to make sure we react proactively. we've been able to increase our force here, thanks to the administration. we had 22 new police officers. i think it's all about a team effort. that's the bottom line. >> i hope it's true what you say, that we are safe.
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a. >> thank you very much. probably seen this on the newsstand. it's latest "newsweek" cover. but you probably didn't hear what they were thinking that sparked the conversation. i'll ask the editor what were you thinking? plus silicone valley is infamous for the perks the employees get when they go to the office. you're about to get a behind the scenes look at what really looks like little gym, doesn't it? personal bartenders, slides in the office. not kidding. you'll find out in a moment what's there. throughout our entire lives. ♪ one a day women's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. ♪ it has more of seven antioxidants
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lennox mobile app with an energy-savings calculator to show how much you'll save... with lennox. innovation never felt so good. get ready to get really jealous about what some offices have out there. i'll bet you don't have a slide in our home or office do you? the competition in silicone valley has a lot of competition for talent. so the perks are awesome. i thought it was really great at cnn because we get water and katie, coffee. it's awfully nice, i must say.
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but you have been to some of the most fabulous places to work in silicon valley. what did you find? >> we have a new hot chocolate flavor in the machine and i was freaking out. there. >> es a shortage of great talent. fighting over engineers and developers, companies are upping the perk, including their office space. i had a chance to narrow down three of the hottest offices to work for. before we get into it, it's a very work hard, play hard environment. hard to get in, but once you're through the door, it can be pretty amazing. let's start with no cubicles, no offices. they use scooters to get around. there's swings for people to work off of. all you can eat snacks, ping-pong tables, gaming consoles and here you see, this was the killer for me. there's an indoor slide to get you from floor two to floor one. i love hipstomatic. that is an office that only has 13 employees.
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it's an iphone app that allows you to put up vintage photos. it's average to stop down and play some call of duty on a huge project tor screen and drink a pdr. they've installed a roof top for happy hour. nice little options. they also painted the entire office with magnetic paint. you can put photos up around and enjoy them. 10 those are two of the top two and we'll also get to the third one. >> that bartender was pouring real drinks or mocktails. >> oh, no, they're drinking all day. >> so katie, what's the deal with like zynga? >> a lot of people might be familiar with words with friends, draw something,
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farmville, citiville. this is, like, the mecca of all places to work. it's like a six-story amusement park. you're going through a light-up tunnel. and the people to dog ratio. for every nine people there's one dog. there's also a kitchen, an you was bar, a sweet shop. there's a basement rec room with arcade-style games, ping-pong, a full bar, shuffle board, vintage arcade games. also a full gym and wellness center. also 100-person ampitheater. a genius bar, so if you have any problems with your computers, you can walk right up and they'll solve it for you. and there's a mother's room to take care of all of your mom needs. >> i just hope they're setting the trend for the rest of us. eventually that will make its way across the rest of the country so we'll have swings and slides and the bartender. i love that. seriously. think that's going to work out? >> i think so. i think we should


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