tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 15, 2012 11:00am-1:00pm EDT
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mississippi's highways. right now police are scrambling to track down a shooter who investigators believe could be using drivers on the state's highways as his targets. two drivers have been found dead since last week and police fear that more could be targeted. the mississippi bureau of investigation is looking at a number of scenarios right now but says that the suspect may be luring his victims by posing as a fake cop preying on unsuspecting drivers late in the night. martin savidge has been following all the developments closely for us. let's go ahead an take a look. we put together a map of exactly where the two highway murders occurred. we're talking about just three days apart, right? 55 miles away from each other. >> that's correct. >> what do we know about the two victims? >> well, we're talking about a 74-year-old man who was driving from nebraska, and he was the first victim, 1:30 in the morning. that's thomas schlender, and then friday, 2, 15 a.m., lori anne carswell, a local woman,
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found shot dead out of her vehicle. schlender is found shot dead inside his vehicle. five shell casings were retrieved from his murder scene. this is also what we know. it appear that is the vehicles were not broken down, yet they were found at the side of the road on the shoulder. so this is why authorities have this -- >> they think it's a cop or someone posing as a cop. >> that's what they fear. >> the problem is we're so vulnerable, especially late at night which is what is common with these two cases. you have someone driving alone late at night, flashing lights maybe comes on behind them, they pull over, and it appears they became victims. there are no witnesses to any of this. so we're sort of -- this is what authorities are surmising what happened. >> we don't have an m.o. >> we don't but we have a real strong concern here because of the fact that people would be so vulnerable. so the warning that's going out from authorities is pretty straightforward. if somebody pulls up behind you, if you get the flashing blue lights, turn on your flashers,
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drive slowly, go to a public place, a well-lit public place, and call 911. rather aronnic. you' you're being pulled over by the police, call the police. >> i grew up in san diego and i remember a case exactly like this. they pull you over, you roll down your window, you trusted person, and there you go. >> that's what makes this so scary. we can all put ourselves into that circumstance. what would you do? right now authorities are really stumped. they haven't got any clear indication who this may be. one or maybe more people. >> all right. we'll follow it. thanks so much, martin. investigators say that the shell casings from both shooting scenes were sent to the state crime lab and are currently being analyzed. the motive still under investigation. we're live at the u.s. capitol where president obama is taking part in an annual service honoring peace officers killed in the line of duty.
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he's due to speak in about 20 minutes from now. you'll hear him live right here on cnn. she's been at john edwards' side throughout the entire trial, and today cate edwards may be doing more than just watching. she's expected to testify, possibly as early as today as the defense sets out to refute prosecution claims that six-figure gifts from wealthy patrons aren't gifts at all, but illegal ccs to edwards' 2008 run for president. we last heard there was no decision yet on edwards himself taking the stand. with a click of a button, you bring us pretty amazing stories about your family, your life, your community. now it's our turn to honor you and the extraordinary work that you, the viewer, do for us. just logon to to vote. tell us who you think deserves this year's community choice award. here is the nominees for breaking news.
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just a quick note for those of you heading out the door. you can can't watching cnn from your mobile phone or if you're heading back to work, you can also watch cnn live from your desktop. go to 37. more fallout from the pardons handed out by healaley barbour. a grand jury has just charged this pardoned recipient with drunken driving leading to a death among other crimes which could send harry bostick back to prison for 30 years. charity smith was killed in an accident just days after his pardon application for a previous dui was approved boy the state parole board and send to governor barbour. bostick was sitting in a jail cell for the october crash when barbour okayed the pardon wiping his 2009 conviction right off his record.
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the governor says he didn't know about the fatal crash and didn't know about charity smith but his office apparently did. ed lavandera has been on this story for months for us. why was he even considered for a pardon? >> reporter: you have to understand a little bit about his background. he's a retired former irs investigator. from what we can gather he had been doing some work for various law firms in the oxford, mississippi, area and in the course of doing that work, he came across some rather influential friends, former u.s. attorneys, people very connected in republican circles in the state of mississippi who either new governor barbour or knew the secretary of state and through them and when this application process was going on last summer, they wrote blowing letters on harry bostick's behalf. they said this was a man who had stopped drinking, had gone through a dark period in his life when he was charged and arrested for dui three times. he was serving the sentence almost like a probation of that
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sentence on that third dui at the time of his arrest. but these letters were all sent to the governor's office. they claim he had stopped drinking, had turned his life around, that he had gone through a dark period because his son had died tragically and he was going through a divorce. but they all vowed up and down that he had stopped drinking and that was forwarded in a pardon application to the governor's office. >> what effect, if any, does this pardon for the 2009 conviction have on the new case? >> reporter: well, the way it works in mississippi is that if you're found guilty of a third dui offense, regardless of what it is, it is a felony, up to five years in prison, no less than one year. he was going through a drug and alcohol program that in many cases many people in these situations go through. that third felony essentially wiped away. so on september 30th of last year, this application process gets to the governor's office, and he was recommended for a pardon by a 3-2 vote, and then a
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week later he's involved in this accident drinking where this 18-year-old girl, charitity smith, is killed. he is sent to jail because he had violated the terms of his arrest on that third dui, but essentially what has happened is that third dui is gone. this fourth one now would become his third one. obviously that, as this goes forward and the judge -- if he's found guilty, this could affect the sentencing, but what authorities here have done or what the grand jury has done is indicted him of dui death, a much more serious charge. that alone could face him up to 25 years in prison. >> ed lavandera, thanks so much. charity smith's mother says she hopes no one gives bostick anymore pardons. she says i pray for justice. well, she's lost her job, she's been arrested twice. now rupert murdoch's former right-hand woman is the first person hit with criminal charges in the phone hacking probe that's shaken murdoch's global
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media empire. rebekah brooks faces three counts of conspiring to pervert the course of justice. maximum punishment, life in prison. cnn's dan rivers is joining me now from london. let's remind our viewers exactly what brooks did within murdoch's empire and how -- what she did that allegedly got her into so much trouble here. >> okay. so she was a rising star in rupert murdoch's media empire. she was ceo of news international, which was in charge of a number of newspapers here but most notably "the news of the world" the infamous tabloid that was closed down last summer. what it is alleged she did is effectively conceal evidence from the police who were looking into how widespread phone hacking was at that tabloid and at other news international newspapers. three counts, as you mentioned, she's been charged with basically concealing evidence from the police, removing seven boxes of material from news
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international's archives, and also hiding effectively computers, telephones, documents from the police that may have been -- may have contained important evidence about how widespread phone hacking was and how high up the chain of command the knowledge of phone hacking went. so pretty serious charges. perverting the course of justice is a skero serious offense here. it can carry a life sentence. you could get life. no one has recently been given life for it. the chances are you'd be looking at a few months, perhaps a couple of years, but nevertheless if she is found guilty, it would be a pretty sensational result and an ignominious final chapter to this whole saga. the trial will probably be more than a year away before we see this go to court. >> dan rivers, thanks so much.
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facebook goes public on friday and according to an inside source, investor response has been nothing short of pandemonium. expect shares to cost $34 to $38 each, and if it hits the highest range, the company could be worth up to $81 billion. but as you know facebook's power and influence didn't happen overnight. dan simon goes in depth on its extraordinary rise. >> reporter: it may be the biggest, but facebook wasn't the first social network. >> thank you, mark. >> reporter: to understand its rise, you also shave to look at the missed opportunities. >> facebook has focused like a
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laser on the quality of the product. >> reporter: something that wasn't done by rival sites like myspace and friendster according to industry insiders. >> friendster's problem was performance. when their usage spiked, they had -- their page load times went from almost instantaneous to taking 30, 40 seconds. users wouldn't put up with that. >> reporter: the fall of myspace was even more pronounced. rupert murdoch bought the site in 2005 for $580 million. last year it sold for $35 million. >> those two companies both thought of themselves more as sort of fashion and truly social businesses whereas facebook through zuckerberg thought of itself as a company using technology to make the world more social. he didn't think of it and he still doesn't think of it as a quote, unquote social network. >> across what servers? >> reporter: as the competition floundered, zuckerberg assembled a world class team of engineers focusing entirely on the
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product, constantly rolling out new features. >> we're making it possible to build a completely new class of apps. >> reporter: and allowing other innovative companies to build on top of its platform. facebook enabled the rise of zynga which made video games social. zynga mushroomed into a $5 billion company. >> more than a dozen developers have worked with us to build social music apps. >> reporter: facebook tentacles are long. virtually every company and every new digital service considers its facebook strategy. >> it has a capacity to bring sort of this social interaction that we have with our friends throughout everything we do in life, and the potential of that is vast. >> reporter: but challenges lurk ahead. facebook has lagged in mobile. part of the reason it shelled out $1 billion for instagram. it also needs to keep growing its advising and its user base.
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while having to continue actually fend off competitors. >> what mark zuckerberg worried about is not the googles of the world. what he worries about is the upstart, the three guys in a garage that figure out the new social network. >> reporter: with seemingly unlimited money and talent, facebook appears to have few obstacles but in the world of technology, it's dangerous to think that way. just ask the folks at blackberry and yahoo!. dan simon, cnn, menlo park, california. >> as we mentioned the ipo is set for friday. we have he can tensive coverage all week leading up to that highly anticipated event. a quick check of the markets. wall street started on the upswing today. if you are one of the millions of men
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what are you waiting for? when we got married. i had three kids. and she became the full time mother of three. it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. those years were crazy. so, as we go into this next phase, you know, a big part of it for us is that there isn't anything on the schedule.
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if you are out of a job or starting to look for one, you need a resume these going to get you noticed. alison kosik is going to tell us how to craft that stand out resume. >> you know how much time it takes to make that first impression? 15 seconds. that's how long recruiting directors will actually spend on your resume. now, we spoke with brad karsh, the president of jb training solutions. he says what he need to do is emphasize what makes you unique. he toll us recruiters will lose interest if you're res mume sous like it could have been written by anybody holding your job. it never pays to lie or embellish. even a small fib can damage your reputation. brad told us lies are irreversible even if you take them off your resume. those who saw it earlier, they may still notice. >> what about a cover letter? >> those are important.
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brad told us cover letters are the most misunderstood aspect of job searches because like with your resume, you really need to manufacture sigher size what makes you unique. he says you should keep your cover letter to about ten sentences. begin with killer opening line to hook the recruiter and keep your paragraphs short. the topics you could include and emphasize include how you became attracted to the field in the first place, including some interesting experience that's related to your field. talk about a great opportunity that you had or your background in the field and, of course, don't forget to mention your passion for the job responsibilities because you put all that in the cover letter you have a better chance of wowing the recruiter. >> alison, thank you so much. and we just mentioned president obama is on capitol hill, and he is honoring the fallen officers that have been slain in the line of duty since 2011. the fbi says that that number totaled 72 last year.
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let's listen in for a moment. >> their families are in our thoughts and prayers as we remember the quiet courage of the men and women we have lost. these are officers like detective john falcon of poughkeepsie, new york. in february detective falcon responded to a shot, fire call, on main street, and when he arrived on the scene he saw a man holding a gun with one hand and a small child with the other. now, in a situation like that, every instinct pushes us towards self-preservation, but when the suspect fled still holding the child, detective falcon didn't think twice. he took off in pursuit and tragically in the struggle that followed he was shot and killed. he is survived by his parents,
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but there's another survivor as well, a 3-year-old child who might not be alive today had it not been for the sacrifice of a hero who gave his life for another. this willingness to risk everything for a complete stranger is extraordinary, and yet among our nation's law enforcement officers it is also commonplace. last summer the north platte river was running high near douglas, wyoming, when a teenage girl got caught in the current. deputy brian goss of the converse county sheriff's office jumped in after her. the girl was eventually pulled from the water, but deputy goss was swept away and he's survived by his wife, amy. today we remember a man who swore to protect his neighbors and who kept that promise no
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matter what the cost. i suspect that at that moment deputy goss wasn't trying to be a hero. he was just doing his job. you can find that bravery, the courage to do your duty, day in and day out in so many officers across our country. one of those officers was deputy sheriff susan hopper from clark county, ohio. deputy hopper was known as the go-to person in her department. no task was too large or too small. and on new year's day 2011, deputy hopper arrived at a crime scene and began a preliminary investigation just as she had done many times during her 12 years of service. but as she was photographing evidence, a man opened the door of his trailer and fired at her with a shotgun killing her.
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today we remember not just a fine officer, but a wife, a mother, and a stepmother. like all those we honor today h de deputy hopper is also survived by the fellow officers who she meant so much to and who meant so much to her. last week her childhood friend, sergeant chris schultz, posted her flag at a memorial in ohio. he made a promise in her memory. he said, to honor her, we will keep going and continue to do what we've done no matter how hard it is at times. we will keep going. there's no pledge that better honors the memory of those we have lotiost, and there are no better words to capture the unbreakable spirit of those who
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wear the badge. because even in the face of tragedy i know that so many of you will return home and continue to do what you've always done. some of you will kiss your husbands or wives good-bye each morning and send them out the door not knowing what might happen that day. some of you are children and parents, sisters and brothers whose pride is mixed with worry, and, of course, there are the officers themselves. every american who wears the badge knows the burdens that come with it. the long hours and the stress, the knowledge that just about any moment could be a matter of life or death. you carry these burdens so the rest of us don't have to. and this shared sense of purpose brings you together and it brings you to our nation's capital today. you come from different states and different backgrounds and different walks of life, but i
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know that you come here as a community, one family united by a quiet strength and a willingness to sacrifice on behalf of others. the rest of us can never fully understand what you go through, but please know that we hold you in our hearts. not just today but always. we are forever in your debt, and it is on behalf of all of us, the entire american people, that i offer my thoughts, my prayers, and my thanks. may god shine a light upon the fallen and comfort the mourning. may he protect the peacemakers who protect us every day, and may he bless now and forever the united states of america. [ applause ]
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>> every american that wears the badge knows the burdens that comes with it. president obama there on the hill taking part in an annual service honoring law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty. ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum ♪ - ♪ ai, ai, ai - ♪ bum-bum - ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum - ♪ [ ice rattles rhythmically ] ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum ♪ ♪ [ imitates guitar noise ] ♪ [ vocalizing up-tempo heavy metal song ] ♪ [ vocalizing continues ] ♪ [ all singing ] the redesigned, 8-passenger pilot. smarter thinking. from honda.
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if you're a fan of dan brown, this next story is going to ring a lot of bells, but it's all true. investigators in rome are analyzing bones that they dug up yesterday from the burial plot of a notorious italian mobster. and it all happened on the grounds of a vatican church. they're looking for clues to the 1983 kidnapping of the 15-year-old daughter of a vatican employee. why they suspect a tie to
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organized crime, what they suspect the girl's kidnappers were up to, and why a mob boss was buried in a vatican crypt all are questions i put to our reporter in rome. barbie, where do we even begin? tell us about this mobster and the missing teen. >> reporter: well, you know, it is really a very complicated story, but enrico was a mobster who was shot in rome in 1990. around about 1997 an investigative reporter discovered he was buried inside this vatican church, which is attached to a pontificaled ed ay run by opus dei. there's been lots of conspiracy theories on whether he was involved in a vatican money laundering scandal. that seems to be the flavor of
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the days. but the vatican was very transparent in terms of allowing the investigators from rome to open up his crypt because they're looking for a way to close the case of a 15-year-old daughter of a vatican employee who disappeared in 1983. they were wondering if her bones would be found in the crypt along with the mobster. what they found instead were about a dozen boxes of human remains. they found the mobster. he was completely perfectly observed to the extent they could take fingerprints to positive confirm his body. now they have dozens of boxes of bones they have to analyze. they will probably do a date analysis first to see if they could possibly belong to or be affiliated with anyone of the era -- >> so let me ask you, do they think possibly that's bones could be the bones of this 15-year-old girl who was kidnapped? >> reporter: that's what they're
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looking for. you have to remember churches in rome are burial grounds. the church has been used for 200 years to bury bishops, cardinals, and a mobster. whether they will find any ties to this girl, it's a real controversy. the investigators at the scene yesterday said it will be easy to date some of those bones quite quickly. we should have an answer in the next few days. >> one more interesting twist, barbie, because i think this is fascinating, the fact this american archbishop could figure into all of this as well. >> reporter: that's right. there have been a number of anonymous callers over the past 15 years who have given clues to what happened to the girl, to the ties to the vatican, to the ties to a man convicted of the assassination attempt on pope john paul ii. whether this american has anything to do with it, the vatican is definitely being
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silent on that. they haven't made any particular comment, but he was named by one of the anonymous callers, said that he's the one who ordered the abduction and assassination of this young 15-year-old girl. what we don't know though, what we won't know is exactly what happened to her even if they find these bones or if they find these ties. it's going to take a long time before those particular questions are answered. but her brother was there at the scene yesterday and he was convinced that, you know, that there will be an answer one way or another. he doesn't think they'll find anything to do with his sister in this crypt. >> it's definitely fascinating, possible break-through in a 29-year-old vatican mystery. barbie, thanks so much. great! tyler here will show you everything.
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no employer is allowed to discriminate against the disabled. it's the law. but fast food giant burger kipg is facing a lawsuit for allegedly doing exactly that. we're about to introduce you to christopher pena who worked at burger king for seven years. a model employee, he says. so much so pena says he was promoted several times eventually becoming the district manager over nine locations in virginia beach. even serving as a spokesperson of sorts quoted in press releases while opening a number of burger king restaurants. christopher pena was fired. why? he says because he told his supervisor he was hiv positive. pena is now suing burger king
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for discrimination under the american disabilities act. christopher pena joining me now from virginia beach along with his attorney, victor viramonte s. christopher, i want to start with you. full disclosure here, you are refusing to reveal how you contracted hiv, is that correct? >> yes, that's correct. >> okay. is there -- could you give me a reason for that? >> it really has no bearing on my case with burger king. >> got you. point made. all right. so let's move along here. you were diagnosed with hiv last april. when you told your supervisor that you were hiv positive, what was the reaction? what did your supervisor say to you? >> when i told my supervisor about my status, there wasn't much of a reaction. it was mainly just an
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acknowledgment and then moved on in conversation. >> okay. so according to your lawsuit h, burger king told you you were being fired because of your performance. did you ever get a poor performance review? did you ever get any kind of disciplinary action or warning of any type before you came forward and said you were hiv positive? >> no. prior to disclosing my hiv status, i had never received any type of disciplinary action. >> okay. so it was after you told your supervisor that all of a sudden issues were being brought forward to you about your performance. what happened? >> well, that's correct. after i had informed my supervisor, basically the main issue centered around i had a manager who had misplaced or taken money from one of the restaurants who i had dismissed under the guidance of human
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resources, and that was in large part the basis of why he was te -- i was terminated. >> we reached out to burger king and they issued this statement. victor, maybe i'll get you to respond to this. it says the company thoroughly investigated mr. pena's allegations and determined he was terminated for appropriate business reasons. the company is confident that as the facts are presented these allegations of discrimination are unfounded and bkc's actions involving mr. pena will be fully supported by nondiscriminatory business reasons. bkc prohibits and will not tolerate any such discrimination or retaliation against employees. victor, as you pursued this case, what exactly are these business reasons that mr. pena was terminated for? >> well, in any kind of employment discrimination case, a large, sophisticated company like burger king corporation is
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going to come out with some sort of explanation. in this case they say that an employee with seven years of work history with them who has been promoted multiple times who they have given their corporate stamp of approval all of a sudden became a deficient employee that they absolutely had to terminate. i think they're going to have trouble selling that story in a court of law and i don't think that story is going to fly. that's what make this is a good civil rights case. >> and christopher, why did you feel the need to tell your supervisor about your situation, your condition? >> well, when i told my supervisor, it was just prior to my beginning treatment, and at the time i didn't know what kind of side effects. i had heard several things but i didn't know what the side effects i would experience, so i really just wanted to make it aware just in case, you know, side effects arose from my treatment. >> and how are you feeling now? >> i'm feeling good. i feel great. thank you. >> definitely.
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and with regard to the lawsuit, why sue? why speak out? what do you hope to accomplish here? >> well, for starters, you know, i really hope that my speaking out will, you know, stop this from happening to any other people. discrimination is not right on any level. you know, and it took a lot for me to come out and share my story, and, you know, that's why, you know, so that this does not happen to other people. >> and, victor, final question for you, you did file a charge of discrimination to the equal employment opportunity commission, the eeoc, but it decided not to sue burger king directly. why did you decide to continue to go forward and sue? >> this is a very strong case for many of the reasons i articulated. the equal employment opportunity commission gets a large number of cases.
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they give individuals like mr. pena the option to go into federal court if they want to. not only is this an employment discrimination case but burger king not only took away mr. pena's livelihood, they took away his health care and an hiv situation, that is extremely problematic and creates even more liability for the company. >> victor and christopher, we will definitely follow this case. please keep us updated. i appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> you bet. >> a similar suit was filed in march against a los angeles restaurant where a worker claimed he was fired because he has aids. ♪ rocky, rocky mountain high ♪ ♪ all my exes live in texas ♪ ♪ born on the bayou [ female announcer ] the perfect song for everywhere can be downloaded almost anywhere. ♪ i'm back, back in the new york groove ♪ [ male announcer ] the nation's largest 4g network. covering 2,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon.
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>> the war on women. we heard a lot about it in washington and on the campaign trail. but what about the war for women? the president rocked the women vote in 2008, then you throw in yesterday's commencement at barnard college t all woman's school, and you would think that he'd have the whole female voter thing working for him. not so fast a. new poll shows the president is actually trailing mitt romney among women, and it wasn't too long ago the president had a double digit lead in our cnn/orc poll.
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there it is, down by 2. let's start with you. what's going on? >> look, i don't think any one can be surprised, no one expected the gaps in the poll to stay as wide as they were. obviously as mitt romney is now left the carnival of the republican primary process he's gotten away from a lot of the extreme rhetoric that dominated that particular campaign period. and he's of course the romney strategy is to try to keep the refer ren come on barack obama. of course, the good news for the president is people are feeling better about the economy. the trajectory is improving but for the obama campaign now is to make this not a referendum but a choice between both campaigns. >> sherry. >> this president has been talking down women for the longest time. in january romney was ahead of obama in the polls with recommend, so they started the thing about with claiming there is a gop war on women, people aren't buying it.
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women own small businesses, create more jobs than all of the fortune 500 company began. we don't want him saying we're losers, we're victims, we need government handouts. we want a president with good strong pro business agenda like mitt romney, he's going to let us do what we do best which is create jobs, and i think that women in this country just got sick of the negativity of we worked so hard and so long to get as far as we have and we have obama telling us that well, you know, we can't do anything without a government hand-out. it's just -- and american women in this country have caught on. >> quickly, sherry. let's remember you said everything about barack obama. but didn't begin to discuss what mitt romney's record is. his support for the ryan budget plan, that takes away funding for small business opportunities. takes away job training. focuses on -- >> i'll tell you what -- >> less regulation, getting government out of the way so we can do what we do best. we don't want all of this,
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quote, coverage. >> let's talk business. mitt romney's record at bain capital is back in the disputelight. got a pair of new political ads. the obama camp rolling out this one. >> those guys were all rich, they all have more money than they will ever spend. yet they didn't have the money to take care of the very people that made the money for them. >> bain capital walked away with a lot of money they made off of this plant. we view mitt romney as a job destroyer. >> in response t romney campaign, rolled this one out. >> mitt romney's private sector leadership team stepped in. >> building a dream with over 6,000 employees today. >> if it wasn't for a company like steel dynamics this county wouldn't have a lot. >> all right. two different ads. two different angles. who's got the advantage?
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in 19 nun 9 so they really need to be more honest on that. secondly, mitt romney is responsible at bain for creating 100,000 jobs, making money for people. that's the way this supposed to be, that helps everybody. so i think the obama ad is disingenuous. he gets a bump until people look at the details then not so much. still this is romney's plus for romney. >> robert. >> you know, there are a enough people from both parties just mimicking talking points on all of the networks, let's understand what these ads are about. it's an effort by the obama -- >> i don't have talking points, robert, by the way. >> an effort to try tee fine the romney record before the super pac period where the specialist money lines up trying to define barack obama. i think what's most important if you look at these ads is to focus on the fact that the best define how to make america competitive in the world, provide security at home is the
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person that's going to win the election and mobilize people focusing on the economy. and by the way, sherry, it would be helpful if mitt romney said at least twine speeches the same number of jobs he created at bain capital. he changes the number. >> the bottom line is this ad on the part of obama is a lie because mitt romney was not at that company, they are disingenuous. people understand that. we've caught this president in this campaign in some pa noky yonoses a couple of times. >> i tell you. >> we'll be back. ♪ [music plays]
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>> he was born a free man and he went to his grave as the first african-american federal officer to be killed in the line of duty. william henderson foot was lynched by a white mob in mississippi in 1883. his killers were irate that foot tried to prevent the lynching of another black man. foote was a member of the bureau of internal revenue, a forerunner of the firearms and explosive. his great grand niece and decent dents on hand when the atf awarded him his gold star medal. foote's name is the latest to be added to the atf's memorial wall
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and says foote's service and murder slipped through the cracks of history. that does it for us. "cnn newsroom" continues with suzanne malveaux. >> nice to see you. live from studio 7, i'm suzanne malveaux. i'm about to take through all of it, it is noon eastern, 9:00 a.m. on the west coast. we begin with -- death toll rising in syria. an opposition group says at least 22 people were killed today alone. the u.n.-backed cease-fire is being completely ignored. now there is concern of third party militants getting involved. a jihadist group is denying it was involved in recent suicide bombings that killed 55 people in damascus. >> compelling testimony ahead in john edwards' corruption trial. we are expecting his daughter to take the stand in his defense. the former presidential candidate is charged with lying, conspiracy and campaign finance violations. prosecutors say he illegally
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used almost $1 million from donors to hide his pregnant mistress. we'll be outside the courthouse with updates. >> he was considered the golden boy of banking. at this moment jamie dimon of jpmorgan chase is in the hot seat. he has apologized for what he call as terrible mistake. but he was able to calm the anxiety of shareholders, we'll take a look inside the meeting. we'll look and see what does it mean for dimon but for your money, your investments, the economy, all of this after the 2008 financial meltdown. >> jpmorgan shareholders have seen the company stock plunge by more than 14% in the last five trading sessions. so, did they hear anything today in the meeting to reassure them? poppy harlou is joining us live. give us a sense what if it was like, i know they were live streaming this. were there fireworks, was there
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a sense there was a lot of tough questions for dimon? >> reporter: it was relatively calm, i mean, there weren't fireworks, it was a full room here in tampa, i would expect about give or take 300 people, most of them shareholders, some analysts, some press. jamie dimon kicked off the meet as he always does but he said generally i would start by going through the business of the year, how the bank is doing. he said given all of the attention on the news i'm going to start with that, that is the $2 billion trading loss and now late last week he apologized again that this happened, said there is really no reason that this should have happened, that the bank made a mistake but it's focusing on going forward and changing that. i wanted you to take a listen. this is audio, there was no video cameras in there, audio from jamie dimon as he opened up this meeting. >> we all want better, smarter and stronger regulation based on fact analysis.
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second, i quote, we agree with the intent of the rule, if that intent is eliminate and assure markets is done away that doesn't jeopardize financial institution or its clients. >> this is key. he talked about the volker rule a number of times, a rule that is part of wall street reform as you know, it is not fully written. we don't expect to see it written or implemented until at least this summer. ed would say that evening bas cannot make directional trades or trades to benefit them that they would profit off, within the institution itself f. they are commercial banks that you and i use, for example. he has been criticized because he has spoken out against parts of the volker rule. he made it clear in this meeting that he and the banks support about 70% of wall street reform as a whole but doesn't just want more regulation. he wants smarter, simpler regulations. >> and poppy, did the shareholders take action when it comes to his compensation
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package or a possible -- the possibility of stripping him of some of his power? >> reporter: they did discuss that. there were shareholder votes. when it comes to compensation by an overwhelming amount, 91% of those that voted by proxy or here voted in favor of that compensation package for jamie dimon and the top lieutenants. the issue of stripping dimon of his chairman role did come up among shareholder comments they came up to the microphone. i want you to take a listen to one of the people that smoke, her name is lisa linsly, here by proxy representing a pension fund. this is what she had to say. >> lost over 50 billion. the stakes are too high to continue business as usual where an all powerful ceo is his own boss. >> however, that did not get enough votes to succeed, jamie dimon will remain as chairman and ceo.
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just to give you color, jamie dimon was cool, calm and collected, he addressed some of the questions, he did not address some of the others, about ten questions. the meeting lasted less than an hour. >> all right. thank you so much, poppy. i want to talk about the huge loss at jpmorgan, what it means for your finances and what it says about the need to regulate wall street's risky business. alison, we talked about the shareholders. what do we think is the impact for the rest of us, i mean do we even know if our money is safe? >> right now it really should not have any effect on jpmorgan's retail operations meaning the bank account and chase for example, look, this is a big loss for jpmorgan financially and for its reputation. but it should be able to absorb at least the financial part. but i think the bigger part of this is the bank really is not to build up customers' confidence and even bigger impact you may see if you are invested in the financial sector, if you let's say have a
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401(k) that has some of thefs banks like jpmorgan chase, bank of america, these banks, these stocks have been hit hard. you look at jpmorgan shares, shares have plunged 12% between friday and yesterday, so this is an interesting turn of events for financials because they had been one of the best this year but may be under pressure, there are going to be stronger calls for tougher regulation. >> what do we think the feeling is on wall street? you've got big headlines. $2 billion loss. is there still a feeling they need to be more regulations? >> surprisingly traders say you know, more market regulation is needed and i find this a surprise because broadly speaking wall street tends to be against regulation. you know, luke at what banks do, spend millions lobbying against regulation. traders say market regulations set the rules, there is this play book, creates stability and order and gives confidence.
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there is a flip side. a danger in too much regulation because that could limit their ability to function as they see fit to make money. one thing i want to mention to you, that we just learned from "the wall street journal," the department of justice is opening an inquiry into this trading loss. not a big surprise when something like this happens you get regulators, the government looking into what handed. president obama mentioned this on "the view" that this will be investigated. >> let's listen in. let's take a look at that. >> jpmorgan is one of the best managed banks there is, jamie dimon is one of the smartest bankers we've got and they still lost $2 billion and counting. precisely because they were making bets in these derivative markets, we don't know all of the details yet, it's going to be investigated. but this is why we passed wall street reform. >> so alison, it's interesting
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when you look at that because jamie dimon a friend of the white house from wall street, but he's saying that even dimon got it wrong. there is a great debate taking place whether or not they really did enough on the president's watch. >> exactly. if you listen to what the president is saying he is being cautious because he said you know, they have a history, dimon and obama, but things could be changing because the president needs to look tough on wall street. it's an election year and that $2 billion trading loss is sparking a huge outrage with just about any one you walk up to. if you listen to the president is hedging a little in that statement. he's critical of how jpmorgan lost that $2 billion, he's reiterating the need for regulation but he's also going out there and praising dimon so appears to be keeping the door open to business relationship. think about it. dimon is on the business council that consults with politicians, he visited with obama 20 times so far this year so he's got to
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walk that fine line. not completely slam dimon but appear tough on regulation. >> fine line to walk there. alison, good to see you as always. >> neat new first girlfriend of france, yes, girlfriend. france's new president has not put a ring on. who is this woman that will be the first lady and why do the french call her the rottweiler? then a story of love, lost. >> i need to fight for what's right. >> his partner died and he wasn't even allowed at the funeral. one man turns his grief into a video that goes viral. as he fights for same-sex marriage. and facebook for sale. you heard the hype. we go in depth. can you buy in?
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so i brought it to mike at meineke. we gave her car a free road handling check. i like free. free is good. my money. my choice. my meineke. president obama says he supports same-sex marriage but leaves it. there barbara walters on "the view" asked the president whether he would fight the current law that defines marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman. it's called the defense of
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marriage act or doma. here's what the president said. >> my justice department has said to the courts we don't think the defense of marriage act is constitutional, this is something that historically had been determined at the state level, and part of my believing ultimately that civil unions weren't sufficient. >> will you personally fight to repeal that act? >> well, look. congress is clearly on notice that i think it's a bad idea. >> president obama's campaign has tap add 23-year-old white house assistant to head up its outreach to religious communities. michael wear is going to become the campaign's faith vote direct e that's next week. i want to bring in dan lothian. tell us about what do we know about him, first of all? >> reporter: well, what we know about him is that he has been working here in the office, the faith-based office here at the white house, focusing on issues
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such as adoption and foster care among other issues. he is comes from a cath rick background but attend as non-denomational church here in washington described as an evangelical type church. he was an intern in the obama campaign back in 2008, focusing on faith-related issues. what is so important about this position, as you know, there are policy issues that overlap with religious issues and there are concerns that have to be addressed by a campaign. so, he would be the person to reach out to churches, to religious organizations and i should point out that this is not the first time that the campaign has done this. the obama campaign in 2008 did have someone who was overseeing religious outreach to churches. and to other religious organizations. now sources say that the recent
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controversy surrounding the president's decision to support same-sex marriage was not the driving factor behind this appointment as you know, there have been a lot of ministers, religious organizations, african-american, otherwise, who have had their concerns and differences with the president but again, sources say that the timing behind this was not related to that. >> dan, i can feel for you. i've been there where you are with the truck backing up behind you. >> the timing. the timing. >> the timing is perfect. always happens. right when you go live. real quick for you, dan. do we think that michael wear is going to be instrumental in trying to help some of the black clergy who have spoken out and feel uncomfortable with the president's position on same-sex marriage, is he going to be reaching out to them directly? because we know there's already been some trying to mend the fences between the president and some of these leaders.
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>> reporter: well, look. his position as the main point person for religious organizations and churches no doubt that will be part of his portfol portfolio. in addition one of the things that was driving the timing of this announcement or this appointment is the concerns among some of the catholic bishops over the issue of contraceptive and religious freedom and so, he has sort of been brought in to try to deal with some of those concerns. but again, the issue of same-sex marriage and african-american leaders is huge, and that will continue to be a major issue for the campaign and this white house reaching out to the african-american community. >> okay. dan, thank you. good to see you as always. >> she is not the wife but the girlfriend of the new french president and holding down her own high-powered job. the french call her the rottweiler. you can watch cnn live on your computer while you're at work.
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france's new president francois hollande has been sworn into office. he has a new approach to tackle the problems plaguing europe. first is a trip to germany to meet with chancellor angela merkel. we're told that the plane was struck by lightning. i want to bring in a new development we heard. obviously it was a very important trip, his first day in office. what happened? >> it's not starting out smoothly, is it. he takes off from paris, it was a stormy day all day today in paris. he was shaking hands and taking over from nicolas sarkozy in the rain, many times not using an umbrella louisiana his plane did take off from paris. he was on the way to this very important working dinner with angela merkel. the eurozone crisis has a global impact. it's a question of whether or not this union can save the common currency the euro, also whether countries such as greece are going to stay in the
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eurozone. we're hearing his plane was struck by lightning. this wasn't just the pilot deciding he was going to avoid a storm. the plane was struck according to reuters, turned back around, on its way to berlin. we don't know if it's landed in paris yet and we don't know if he's going to take another flight or wait until tomorrow. >> do we know how he is doing? is everybody okay? do we know? >> from what we hear everybody is fine. it's not an unusual, i mean, it is unusual but not necessarily a very dangerous thing for a plane to be hit by lightning. i'm no expert but everybody seems to be fine and the plane has either landed or about to land in paris. the weather is dreadful. >> let's hope this is not a sign of things to come. his first day. >> his first day on the job. you know, this eurozone crisis and how to deal with it, these leaders, angela merkel and the french president disagree and markets are jittery about it. >> that's a very important trip. obviously he'll make that trip another time when the weather is
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better. tell us originally we were going to talk about she's not the first lady, she is the first girlfriend. they are not married. tell us about her and what do they call her? >> she's not going to be calleded the first lady in french. she prefers the term companion. she likes to be called that. in france things are different. in the united states it's important for a politician to be married, to abide by a certain set of rules. in france they are more flexible. and french voters are more forgiving, if a politician is married, he or she has an affair, perhaps they are willing to forgive that. in the case of valerie trierweiler, this is the new first -- the new companion, i guess. and take a look. this is a profile of her i put together for you. she is france's first unmarried
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premier dame. valerie trierweiler, the girlfriend of francois hollande. she prefers the term companion. a relationship that began in 2005 while they were both with their former partners. >> translator: they have known each other for a very long time. valerie, because of paris match and before that she was with another paper. she was always a political journalist, she followed the socialist party so they have known each other at least 20 years. rafrnlths feisty political journalist t twice divorced mother of three gave up her career to actively campaign for hollande. she has big shoes to fill. size 38 peep toe pumps to be precise. singer, super model and outgoing first lady has always fashion to the spotlight.
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but that could be out of character for france's new first lady who says she will keep her day job. >> translator: she wants to stay a normal woman. she says herself that she has no family wealth, she has three children, three adolescents who she still looks after and for her it's crucial she remains independent. especial especially fngly with regard to her husband shext does not want to sponge off the state. for the first time in france we could have a first lady who is a working woman. >> but working as a political journalist. when you're in a relationship with the government official, no less the president, could be viewed as a conflict of interest. even so, it wouldn't be the first time in france, the former foreign minister is married to a woman in the news business. work aside, relationships among paris's power elite have been complicated. bruney sarkozy married her
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husband after he divorced his second whif wile in office. the last socialist president had a wife and a mistress. fathered children with both. even though he ordered a cabinet official and top aide to marry their girlfriends for protocol. but it seems, times may have changed. >> translator: i think the french public wants a revolution in opinion. a lot of couples in france live together, so does hollande and trierwiler. the couple are at the head of a step family. >> france says first pupal may never feel the need to marry but then again, they haven't ruled it out. >> she says she wants the role of premier dame be redefined. i have my own opinion. but i'm going to live my life. >> it was the name rottweiler,
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she is feisty and independent. >> a play on her name. trierweiler. i have to train myself to say it. >> good to see you as always. >> terror on the highway. a killer may be posing as a cop pulling people over, then shooting them. >> someone attempts to pull them over using flashing lights and they feel unsafe or unsure who that person is, to call -- use cell phone, call 911. thanks, mister! [ meow ] [ male announcer ] another example of volkswagen quality. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month. we make meeting times, lunch times and conference times. but what we'd rather be making are tee times. tee times are the official start of what we love to do. the time for shots we'd rather forget,
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and the ones we'll talk about forever. in michigan long days, relaxing weather and more than 800 pristine courses make for the perfect tee time. because being able to play all day is pure michigan. today is gonna be ant important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers.
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terror on the highway in mississippi. authorities are on the hunt for a killer who may be posing as a police officer pulling cars over and then shooting drivers. they are asking for the public's help after two deadly shootings that took place about 50 miles apart. police are actually telling people to be careful about pulling over if they see flashing lights. >> the things that we want people to realize, if they or feel like they are going to be pulled over, the first thing to
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do is turn on your flashers and dial 911. >> in britain t phone hacking scandal has snagged a former top executive at ruper murdoch's empire. they charged rebecca brooks with trying to obstruct a police investigation. she was the boss at news international where police were investigating charges of hacking into the phones of politicians, celebrities and many others. five others have been charged. >> a month ago seemed impossible, but suddenly mitt romney edging out president obama with a key voting group. women. going to find out what is driving the switch with our political panel.
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strategist, good to see you both here. let's talk a little about this. david brooks, new york times, had an op-ed today. it describes the president as the espn man, and he says that he has this kind of personality, leadership style that appeals to folks across party lines and to younger voters. he says obama has displayed a kind of espn masculinity, post feminist in his values but traditional in style, hyper competitive, restrained, not given to self doubt, rarely self indulgent. he goes on to say that obama has defined a version of manliness that is post boomer in policy but pre-boomer in manners. wow. what do you think, alice? >> well, i think one of the key points he made in his column is that obama himself is much more popular than his policies. his policies have failed to make things better for the american people. he is the person that brought us
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bigger government, bigger spending and done nothing to make things better for the american people. when it gets down to it, he's the kind of guy if you want to equate it to your data guy, the espn guy, he's cool, likable, fun but when it gets down to november when you walk down the aisle and you want to marry the guy you want someone who is responsible, someone like governor romney who will do what is foremost, turn the economy around, create jobs and make this a better place for all americans and they trust governor romney to do that and turn the economy around and create jobs. >> alice is saying that obama is not marriage material. >> yes, i sort of picked up on that, too. interestingly enough. but you know, i would say that when voters are looking to marry somebody in terms of who they want to choose for their president, what we keep seeing time and time again is that voters vote with their gut instincts, they vote for the person who they believe is on their side.
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they vote for the person they believe understands the problems that they are going through and get the issues that they are facing each and every day. middle class families, working class families are the ones hardest hit in this recession and president obama's policies have put us on a path of greater job creation, greater economic growth, tax cuts for small businesses and middle class families. at the end of the day they are going to choose somebody who they like, who they see understand what is they are going through and that is mitt romney's biggest problem. >> let's look at this here because you've got a poll here, obviously they are both battling for the female vote. president obama over the weekend delivering a commencement address that is at an all-women's liberal arts college. now this poll that shows that romney is slightly ahead of president obama when it comes to women voters. 46% to 44%. why do we think that it is so close and even perhaps turning in romney's favor?
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alice. >> i think first and foremost, going back to the issue of jobs and the economy. women are just as concerned about that critical, those critical issues as men are. women are concerned about future generations, about putting food on the table, concerned when they graduate there are no jobs out there. that's a problem. they see that president obama is not the person who has made things better for themselves currently looking for a job or future generations. we're not only seeing that women are rallying behind governor romney, overall that poll shows governor romney ahead of president obama across all of the electorate. >> how does president obama counter that argument? >> i think he counters it by continuing to do what he's doing which is, frankly, pointing out the stark differences in the visions between what he wants to continue to do with the country and what governor romney would do if he became president. that is continue to look out for middle class families, working mothers, for working class
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families as well who again are the ones who have been the hardest hit in this recession. and what we're also seeing is that people are slowly feeling better about this economy but president obama understands that more needs to be done. governor romney is completely out of touch. >> i want to interrupt. i want a piece of sound here. former president bill clinton speaking at a summit in washington and he talked about what he thought the main problem is in terms of getting things done. i want you to listen. >> getting all the stake holders together with the goal of making an agreement doesn't ask anybody to change their mind, doesn't ask anybody to ignore their interests, it just says in the end a decision is better than an impasse. that may be more important than anything else in this whole thing. >> he's talking about the fact that nothing is getting done in congress and that folks, they can't agree on anything. alice, whether or not it's romney or president obama who ends up in the white house, come
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next year here, they have got to deal with congress. they have to deal with the congress that is not accomplishing anything. how do they do that? >> certainly you need have compromise, you have to have reaching across the aisle. seems the only time that non-bipartisanship is called out is when republicans aren't reaching across the aisle enough. and the fact of the matter is the president was speaking at a fiscal summit and fiscal matters are key in this election. what we're seeing is republicans are recognizing the fact that obama's big government, big spending, big government policies aren't working. stay firm and stand up for what they believe is the best way to turn the economy around, reducing the size of government, reducing spending. those policies, they are currently not working. >> maria, real quick. we're talking about congress. how do either one of these leaders deal with a congress that cannot get anything done? >> well, i think that ty follow president clinton's advice but i think we also have
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to hold congress's feet to the fire. let's remember that president obama was the one that tried to bring republicans in for the grand bargain. thought he had a deal, then speaker baseballer basically went back and his base said no way, you can't make this deal. mitch mcconnell's pry mortgage, not to find solution, not to make an agreement, to make this president a one-term president. we need to hold congress degrees's feet to the fire. >> we've got to leave it there. good to see you. we'll continue this debate. >> thanks. >> young man's fight for same-sex marriage goes viral. shane made an apaysing video to a memorial to his partner. it's gotten more than a million views. ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone likes a bit of order in their life. virtual wallet helps you get it. keep track of spending, move money with a slide, and use the calendar.
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for more of the inside story, visit personal voof one gay man's fight for same-sex marriage is going viral. more than 2 million people have watched this video on youtube alone. shane posted it just a few days ago on the first anniversary of his partner's death. we'd like to play a little bit for you.
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shane joins us from los angeles. shane made this video as a remembrance to his partner tom. it goes on for another eight minutes or so. and shane, i'm sorry, we didn't really have time to show everybody the whole thing. can you tell us what happened next in your story when tom came out to his parents. >> first of all, thank you for having me. so after tom came out to his family, they were outraged, and they blamed me for making him gay. and if you fast forward to may 7, 2011, tom was photographing one of our best friends and he got too close to the edge of her roof and fell off and he passed away, unfortunately. and after he passed away his mother flew from indiana to take him back home even though he no longer considered indiana to be his home. and tom and i, we didn't have wills, i wasn't a power of
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attorney, so really there was nothing that i could say or do to stop her from taking him back to indiana. >> how were you treated by tom's family by his parents after he died? >> his mother actually came out to visit us quite a few times, and she never apologized for what had happened when he did come out, but i actually assumed that by her coming to see us she did accept us, and then after he passed away and after she came to california to take him back home, and then you know, i was not a part of planning the funeral services at all and really had no idea what was happening. the point where we were waiting for the coroner to release his body, when they did, she promised me she would let me know what was happening and i never heard from her again. so what happened is my mother and my best friend and i, we
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flew to indiana, assuming we could attend the funeral. then i received a phone call from one of his relatives letting me know i wasn't welcome. if i did show up i would be harmed. i was scared. >> and so, they have basically, they havetioned you from the family, you have never been able to see him again. is that right? you were not at the funeral, not at the burial. you were not welcomed. >> no. yeah. so you know, it's unimaginable but i wasn't able to be there. fortnalitily i was able to have my own memorial service for him in los angeles where all of his friends and family here could celebrate his life. >> shane, what -- why did you make this video? what did you want people to understand? >> well, originally putting the video together was therapeutic for me, and i was dreading the anniversary of his passing. and i really had to ask myself you know, well, shane, you can dwell on this, you can feel sorry for yourself, or maybe you can make the most of this tragic
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situation and you can do your part to maybe inspire people to protect themselves so. this won't happen to them. or maybe inspire people to view gay people differently, view gay marriage differently. and almost like humanize the issue. that was my goal. >> would it have been different, do you think, if you had been married to your partner to tom? you would have had those rights that you were denied, is that right? >> right. exactly. had we been able to marry, i would have been able to plan his funeral, i would be able to go to the hospital and get the medical records to find out what happened exactly. so there are so many things that i could have done or would be able to do had we been able to marry. >> what kind of -- sorry. what kind of response have you gotten from people? have they been mostly supportive, have people learned from your story? have you gotten criticism? >> the response has been
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unimaginable. i never anticipated that this video would resonate with people from literally all over the world. and i received hundreds of e-mails and tweets from people thanking me for sharing the story, and it's actually shocking how many people out there have gone through very similar experiences. you know, it's still shocking to read some of these e-mails. it's also comforting at the same time i have the support and love from people all over, and you know, not just support and love for me but for tom because really, this is our story. and tom's touching lives even though he is no longer here. that's a pretty incredible thing. >> that's a very powerful message. and have you given up on tom's parents? have you reached out to the family? has there been any reconciliation, do you believe there is still hope? >> you know, i don't think that i will talk to his parents. i hope at some point that i'll be able to maybe communicate with his niece and nephew.
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i only hope. but you know, you never know. i have forgiven them for everything that happened and i had to really just tell myself that i need to kind of move on with my life, so there's really at this point no need to talk to his parents. >> shane, we appreciate your story. i know a lot of people have been paying attention, two million people who watched so far and a lot of people have learned from your relationship. thank you once again, shane. appreciate it. should mention as well that cnn did reach out to tom's parents to try to see if they would like to talk about it, their side of the story, we have not yet heard back from them. moving on, can't remember the last time that stocks got this much attention in the media but all of the buzz, it's around facebook. is at smart buy? what does it mean? putting the biggest social media network up for sale. what does it mean to the economy? by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions...
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we're going in depth on facebook, the company getting ready to sell its stock to the public starting on fr i. demand has been so high facebook is raising the price target alison is at the stock exchange. wow. how much more expensive are we talking about? >> it's getting more expensive. before the target price range for a share of facebook was between $28 and $35. now facebook expects its price to be from $34 to $38 each. that's when facebook opens up
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its shares to the public on friday. that's the expected date. the final pricing is expected to happen on thursday. i keep saying expected because things can change with this public offering for facebook shares. the price is going higher because there's a strong demand for these shares. facebook executives have been in the middle of this road show, going around the country pitching the ipo, the public offering, to potential invest investors. they found more people want it. the more people who want this stock the more you can sell it for. you know what, a source told cnn money the response has been nothing short of pandemonium. so a lot of hype in this. >> what about the value of facebook. we heard it was worth what, $100 billion? >> now it's more, so the more expensive the shares go the more facebook as a company is worth. with this new price range if they get that higher range close to $38, facebook could
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potentially be worth as a company, about 1$106 billion, this includes shares that mark zuckerberg and facebook employees earn. if they would sell their shares, zuckerberg's stock could be worth a lot more, up to $19 billion. you know what, before you plunk down your money, stop and ask this question. will demand hold up. there is a lot of hype with this like there had been with other public offerings of these ipos. pandora was one that went public. their stock dropped 50%. groupon down 50%. there are questions but the hype seems to be winning out. >> thank you, alison. the question of course to buy or not to buy. that is what a lot of folks wonder. we've got ten reasons why you should not. and later he grew up in the projects, now runs an emtire.
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