tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 15, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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millions out of work. at the same time obama builds his campaign by the same. a new ad is attacking mitt romney for his work and head of bain capital, a private equity firm whose business dealings sometimes led to people losing their jobs. that's what happened at the kansas city steel mill that's the focus of the new obama campaign ad. featuring workers who say that mitt romney and others ruined their lives. >> having a good paying job that you can support and raise a family on is hugely important. >> the sale of bain capital. >> i know how business works. >> bain capital was the majority owner. they were responsible. mitt romney was deeply involved in the influence that he exorcised over these companies. >> they made as much money off it as they could. they filed for bankruptcy without any concern for the
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family os they have communities. >> they were like a vampire. came in and sucked the life out of us. >> vampire that came in and sucked the life out of us. pretty strong words. the ad is clearly designed to tug on emotions to paint mitt romney as a heartless corporate raider who cared nothing for the workers at the steel mill. the romney campaign points out that romney wasn't actively managing bain when that plant closed. you can make the argument that the ad is fair game because he repeatedly said he created jobs even though the goal of bain capital was money creation. that's what private equity is all about. what's interesting is the obama campaign ad came out at about 6:00 a.m. yesterday. at about 6:00 p.m. yesterday, president obama was in new york at a private fund raiser at the home of this man named tony james. he's the president of blackstone which is a private equity firm. that has just like bain made business deals that have shut
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down factories, put people out of work. 270 workers at a food plant, 800 at a travel service company. the list goes on and on. bain and blackstone had teamed up for companies. if the head of bain is labeled a vampire, shouldn't the campaign have someone headed blackstone as well. there are arguments to be made about whether what they do is good or bad. but keeping them honest. isn't it disingenuous to drive a stake into the heart of the one so-called vampire in the morning and have a steak with another at night. you get the point. we know 60 people paid $35,800 a plate. romney campaign did not waste time striking back against the new ad releasing its own ad also using somber music, slow motion, and steel workers.
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it focuses on a couple called steel dynamics that bain invested in with romney's guidance with happier results. >> when others shied away, mitt romney's team stepped in. >> building a dream with over 6,000 employees today. >> if it wasn't for a company like steel dynamic, the county wouldn't have a lot. >> american workers in a small town proving that anything is possible in america. >> anything is possible in america. certainly anything goes in american politics in an election year. joining me now is contributor ari fleischer, former white house contributor. cornell, the fact that they release this ad against romney. the same day a fund raiser by a private equity giant, isn't that
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kind of hypocritical. >> first a couple things. first you refer to a vampire and that language. vampire and vulture capitalist is not something that comes out of our mouth. that comes from the republican primary. >> but you have somebody in that ad saying vampire and that's the obama campaign made that ad and they had that person say vampire whether or not they came up with it on their own. >> you've never heard anyone from the obama campaign say -- call a vampire or vulture. but bottom line is this. if mitt romney is going to make the predicate of his run that he's going to fix the economy, going to create jobs and the primary -- his time was spent ahead of bain, we have a right to examine that. we have a right to look at what he did at bain to make his money and unfold that for the american people. >> i totally agree with that. but i'm not arguing that. and i don't think anyone is
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arguing that. it just -- on the same day that he's attacking bain capital for being a private equity firm and what they do -- >> this is -- >> he's entertaining others. >> he's not attacking equity firms. what we're pointing out is this is what mitt romney has done. you know, this is the central predicate of him running for office. and what he's done at bain capital is make an awful lot of money for himself while putting an awful lot of people out of work. his job there wasn't making jobs. his job there was in fact making money for himself. if you're going to be the president of the united states, the american people have the right to ask do we want these values and these wall street values and culture at 1600 pennsylvania avenue? that's what we're pointing out. we're not attacking private equity firms. what we are doing is examining his record at bain capital. >> but on the very same day reaching out a hand and asking for money from people who do the exact same thing that mitt romney does and has worked with
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bain capital, even just the timing of it, did someone not realize that? >> well, look. again, i think -- you know, no one's attacking private equity firms. heck. i wish i owned a private equity firm. however, what we want to convey to the american people is this is what he did for a living. given what he did for a living putting people out of work making millions of dollars for himself, should we then put him in the white house. it's as simple as that. it's not about attacking private equity firms. >> ari, in your opinion is it about attacking private equity? is it hypocritical? >> yeah. that was one absurd sentence after another. who came from the auto industry called this ad unfair. it is. it's worse than that because it's an indication of the president's world view.
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you wonder why the business community is not generating jobs and jobs are being oppressed in the obama economy it's because they're sitting on their cash because they don't trust president obama. he's so anti-business. he in this ad is expressing what he thinks about the private sector at large. that's the problem with it. he'll raise money. if you're for president obama, it'll give you a pass. if you're against president obama and you're the private sector, he attacks you. the fact of the matter is everybody in the private sector has created some jobs and they've lost some jobs. sometimes people get laid off from work. other days you hire more people. this has been the dynamic that makes america great. barack obama will only attack somebody if they ever let somebody go from their job. it's fundamentally -- >> let me push back. isn't it fair game if mitt romney is portraying himself as a job creator and that's what he's portraying his time at bain
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capital. private equity firms talk about making money for investors. and, you know, there's nothing wrong with that. there's nothing illegal about that. isn't this then fair game if romney's saying well, i was all about job creation when in fact he was about money creation for himself, his partners, and his investors. >> well, the fact of the matter in a capitalist country if you're going to make money you can hire people. i heard romney on the stump where he regularly says some of our investments worked out and we were able to create jobs. sports authority. and other investments didn't work out. in the case of this steel mill, they went in 1993 to invest in it. they were going under back then. half the steel mills were in the '80s and '90s. they got it eight extra years of life as a result of bain hopefully helping the company. i think they would have gone under way earlier had it not
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been what private equity and bain were able to do. what's troubling is when president obama focuses only on the minus sign and says, put somebody on the air to call them vultures. if they're a vulture, the private sector is a vulture. that's the problem i have with president obama at large. that's why the private economy is so hurting under the obama years. >> well, quite frankly -- >> go ahead. >> quite frankly, the private sector is doing pretty good. 26 months of job growth under this president. it still doesn't -- >> 23 million unemployed is pretty good? that's a problem. >> how many were unemployed when he put his hand on that bible and took that oath after your guy destroyed the economy after bill clinton built it back? >> the average under george bush was 5.8%. >> we're talking about the -- >> one at a time. >> we're talking about the economic collapse --
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>> guys, one at a time. >> and we've had the recovery in the nation's history because the president is suppressing job creation. under the stimulus, the president promised us the unemployment rate would be 5.6% right now. it's at 8.1%. >> you know, what you can't escape is -- the fact that -- >> i know you want to change the subject. >> guys -- >> what you can't escape the fact is that -- >> guys, no kwun can hear you when you're both talking. >> we were losing thousands of jobs a month when he came in. now we're gaining jobs every month. that was because of what president obama did. from moving away from the failed policies of which your guys did. that's his record. and quite frankly for us to sort of point out what -- what he did at bain destroying jobs, cutting benefits, line his own profits and make millions more himself,
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that's fair game. absolutely that's fair game. >> what you're seeing is the president's -- >> final thought. >> i think what you're hearing is in 2012 the president will run a blame and complain and not solve. that's a formula to be a one-term president. >> all right. we've got to go. >> he solved a lot of problems, quite frankly. >> cornel belcher -- >> what we don't want to see a return to the policies that got us in this mess. >> thank you. let us know what you think. follow us on twitter. what do you think? is it hypocritical for the president to attack mitt romney on this the same day as he's reaching out for money from private equity firms? let me know. still to come, breaking news in the trayvon martin case. a medical report showed george zimmerman had a broken nose, two black eyes, and cuts the day after he shot trayvon martin. i'll be joined to talk about
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breaking news tonight. the trayvon martin case revelations. a medical report compiled by the george zimmerman family doctor showed black eyes, cuts on his head. and a minor back injury the day after he shot and killed trayvon martin. in this security video in the police station where george zimmerman was requested, you can see marks on his head. he claims she shot martin in self-defense. also tonight reporting that trayvon martin's autopsy report shows the 17-year-old had injuries to his knuckles when he died. matt, you he did tails about george zimmerman's medical condition. what can you tell us? >> well, the morning after that shooting february 27th, he goes to his family doctor. and she looks him over. she sees as you mention the broken nose, cuts on the back of the head, two black eyes. also mentions a couple of things he told her specifically that
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zimmerman thought of -- had nauseous feelings when he thought of the violence the night before. she also recommended he go see a psychologist for an evaluation. she also recommended an ear, nose, and throat doctor which he declined. that sets up a number of times that george zimmerman did not go and seek additional treatment despite the fact his doctor recommended so. >> are there details about the mental state that bring us back to other of his friends saying that he might have been suffering from ptsd. >> afterwards. but we're talking about before. and there's some question about the medications that he was on the night before and during the period of that shooting. he was taking aderol. wondering if that had effect, it probably did not. but there was clearly some
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effect the shooting had on george zimmerman afterwards. his family members and friends said he didn't stop crying for days afterwards. he was clearly significantly affected by it. >> i appreciate the report. thanks. i want to bring in on the phone ben crump, attorney for trayvon martin's family also analyst jeffrey toobin. these injuries seem to be consistent with zimmerman's claims all along. what's your response to this latest news? >> the family has very strong positions about this family physician's report that was done the next day. what we do know is on february 26th, the e.r. person there didn't believe his injuries were significant enough for him to go to the hospital. they didn't even put a band-aid on his head. we all saw the video 30 minutes after he shot and kill sd trayvon martin. so we saw his injuries with our own eyes. that's important. he didn't have a concussion. that's what the report says. he wasn't diagnosed with a
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concussion. remember, he said that his head had been beat repeatedly against pavement. for over a minute. but there was no concussion. and also there are no stitches. that is very important. we ought to put this in context, anderson. let's not forget that trayvon martin was fighting a man with a 9 millimeter gun. he was in a battle for his life that tragically he lost. and we also have to remember that he didn't start this fight. george zimmerman got out his car and pursued trayvon martin. had he just stayed in his car, there would be no need for george zimmerman to stand his ground. and i have to say this because we just got a glimpse of this report, anderson. what says why he came to the doctor. he sought an appointment with
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the doctor to get legal clearance to return to work. so it is very suspicious that he doesn't have to go to the doctor february 26th when he shoots and kills trayvon martin. doesn't have to go to the e.r., but then the next morning he has to go. we do know one thing, anderson. and that is trayvon martin was taken away in an ambulance. he lost the battle for his life. >> jeff toobin, what do you make of all this? >> i wonder if i can ask ben a question there. you said you know that zimmerman was the aggressor. how do you know that? what's the evidence that once he gets out of the car that zimmerman is the aggressor rather than trayvon martin? >> just the 911 tape, jeffrey. you can listen to that tape and listen to what he says. in his state of mind that he's going to make sure that this f-ing a-hole don't get away this
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time. and that's important. it's also equally important he's running after him. we hear that with our own ears. so everything else is zimmerman's version. if you look at the objective evidence, that video taken 30 minutes after he shoots and kills trayvon martin, you listen to those 911 tapes. that's not something to -- we can judge that for ourselves. that's most important when you're trying to weigh credibility. >> but the 911 tapes only tell us what zimmerman was saying when he was in that vehicle. we haven't heard any direct eyewitness testimony about what happened after he got out of that vehicle. >> i think we have heard some. but i'm trying to just say listen to the objective evidence. there's going to be a full trial. we want everybody to wait until all the evidence comes out. that's what we've always asked for. we think george zimmerman has a right to a fair and impartial trial. all trayvon's parents have
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wanted from day one was justice. they wanted to make sure that trayvon martin got a fair trial just as george zimmerman -- he would have shot george zimmerman that he would have got a fair trial. >> jeff, i mean, information in a case like this is often leaked out by law enforcement, by people with -- who want to further a certain narrative. what do you make of the latest information? >> first of all, it's good that wre talking about actual information. you know, medical reports that show show facts about this opposed to people assuming what happened. frankly i think the evidence that came out today will be useful for the defense. it is one thing to say that george zimmerman was attacked, as the defense will say. now they can say, look, he had a broken nose. he had lacerations on the back of his neck. and apparently trayvon martin had injuries to his knuckles which suggest he was hitting someone. those are fact. they don't decide the case.
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they are not the only facts in the case. but they are certainly useful facts for the defense in arguing that this was a shooting in self-defense. >> we're going to continue obviously to get more facts as we approach the time for trial. yeah, benjamin? >> trayvon was fighting for his life. >> and you're saying that why he would have injuries on his hands. >> absolutely. he was standing his ground. it was self-defense. if somebody got a gun, i want to fight for my life. >> that's a very good argument. i mean, these are the kind of arguments that are going to be played out in front of the jury. and now at least we have some facts, some actual evidence to discuss that. >> more to learn from forensic reports, ballistic reports. i appreciate your time. there's a new twist in the mississippi pardons mess that
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could mean justice for the family of charity smith. the drunk driver who killed her is charged with crime. why was the three-time convicted felony on the road in the first place? and why was he pardoned by haley barbour after the deadly crash? we're keeping them honest next. it's very important to understand how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards.
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the drug war in mexico. this time dozens of bodies turned up headless and mutilated. and they left a calling card at the scene or did they? why it's hard to determine which cartel is responsible. that's ahead. hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings? hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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a mother's search for justice. a grand jury has charged this man who fs pardoned by haley barbour for a fatal accident last october. negligently caused the death of charity smith when she crossed paths with him. she pulled on to a highway. you can see how the bad the crash was. now bostic was arrested for driving under the influence. but it wasn't the first time. he'd already been arrested three
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times for drunk driving. this dash cam video shows one of these arrests. he'd racked up three dui convictions, all of them a matter of public record. that did not stop haley barbour from pardoning bostic nearly three months after smith's funeral. barbour says they don't know about he last dui conviction. he defended his decision on john king usa. >> the power of pardon and state is to give people a second chance who have repented, rehabilitated and redeemed themselves. >> repented, rehabilitated and redeemed themselves. harry bostic was sitting in jail on his fourth dui arrest when he received the pardon from haley barbour. does that sound like
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rehabilitated to you? governor barbour has refused our invitations for interview, that spanned the last five months. watch. >> mind if we talk to you quick? >> who refused the requests to be on the program. we would love you to come on the show and answer questions. >> can you talk to us about the pardons? >> an open invitation stands for governor barbour to come on this program. >> can you talk to us? >> despite repeated requests, governor barbour will not come on this program. we tried multiple times. >> can we get a chance to talk about the pardons? >> not really. when a supreme court rules, it'll be time to talk. i'm not so presumptuous to predict what the supreme court is going to do. when they rule, we can talk. >> when they rule we can talk. they ruled but barbour didn't keep his promise to talk to us.
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his office today said they couldn't fit us in his schedule. ed lavendara joins me now. what kind of jail time is this guy bostic now looking at? >> well, it's a little bit complicated. but this fourth arrest he's been charged with dui in this indictment will become technically his third. he faces between one and five years, five years being the max. but most importantly is the dui death charge that he now faces. that faces a maximum of 25 years. at least he's facing 30 years in all this. also charged with fleeing the scene as well. >> he turned himself into police. is he still in jail now? was he released on bail? >> we were told he turned himself in and he's been ae leased on a $50,000 bond. he's back in oxford, mississippi. >> this was the fourth dui
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charge. the third was wiped off his record. how does that bpardon he got frm barbour effect what kind of punishment he might face? >> the way it works in mississippi and i've talked to several attorneys there today. it doesn't matter after you get your third, fourth, fifth. everything is still for those simple dui charges they remain a felony even if it would have been a misdemeanor charge. but they all become -- remain felonies. they're up to five years. if it's your third time, fourth time, fifth time, the judge will see all of that. so essentially that third one is gone and this will be the third one. it's likely he could get the same sentence he got the first time which was a year of house arrest and participation of a drug and alcohol program. so depends on if he's convicted in all of this and what the judge will decide and that trial is still several months away. >> has governor barbour -- i know he won't talk to us or you.
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he's done plenty of other interviews in the past five months. has he commented on why he pardoned this guy at all? has he ever expressed regret, remorse? >> the fascinating thing about this is you remember those murders were the ones that got most of the attention. but this case highlights the way all of this was handled behind the scenes. bostic is a former investigator living in oxford. he had influential friends that wrote glowing letters on his behalf saying he trned his life around, stopped drinking. barbour said he was unaware of the accident that killed charity smith. but as you know we got ahold of e-mails that said it was those same friends that wrote back and tried to get to the governor's saufs saying look, we heard this guy's had another accident. he should not be pardoned. all of that was ignored. >> i'm told just a couple hours ago that barbour was on msnbc. i would ask any other reporter who gets a chance to interview
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the governor, throw him a question about this. it would be great to get him on the record explaining how he could give a pardon to a guy sitting in jail on his fourth dui and not make a kmechbt on it in the five months since then. anybody does interview him, maybe ask him that question. ed, appreciate it. charity smith as we said was just 18 years old when she was killed in that terrible car crash. she was saving money for college. she had a lot of big plans for her life. charity's mom linda smith told me a couple months ago she doesn't have good days anymore. losing her daughter has been unbearable as you can imagine. she joins me again tonight. thank you so much for being with us. i'm sure this has been a tough day for you. how are you holding up when you got the word he was going to be charged? >> i was praying for justice and i felt like -- that if he -- if
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it's served. i just don't know how this is going to turn out, you know? i mean, for his third one he -- he got probation. and we know how that turned out. so, i mean, i'm glad they charged him, but i still don't know how this is going to turn out. >> has the former governor at all reached out to you? has anybody tried to explain from his office why they gave this guy a pardon? >> no. no one has called me. no one has tried to get in touch with me. no one. >> if you could talk to governor barbour, what would you say to had him? what would you ask him?
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>> he saw the e-mail. and he pardoned this man anyway. did he not commit a crime himself? is that not a crime? i would ask him if that would have been his daughter that this man had hit, would he still have pardoned him? >> i know you've been getting support from people in the community, people who are outraged by this -- by what happened and interested in charity's story. that's got to feel -- does that help at all? >> look. i know a lot of people love my daughter. but it doesn't change the fact
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that i don't have her. i mean, i love everybody that's -- i mean, they've done lots of things for me. and i know everybody's praying for justice, but it still doesn't change the fact i do not have my daughter. >> linda smith, we'll continue to try to get some sort of answers from the former governor. i wish you strength in the days ahead. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> linda smith. just south of the border the violent drug war rages in mexico. dozens are murdered in the latest violence. determining which gang is involved is not that easy. we'll see why next. [ banker ] mike and brenda found a house that they really wanted.
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a vicious and bloody drug war is taking another violent turn. 49 decapitated bodies were fund on the border. this latest round of violence bears the mark of the turf war of drug cartels. and the bodies are likely members or associates. over the last several years, the gangs have used brutality murders as warnings for the business in mexico. so which cartel is likely responsible for these murders? well, the answer may not be as clear as it looks. we want to warn you. the images you're about to see are different to watch. >> reporter: at this grizzly scene, an unmistakable message. the z for the zeta cartel. is this seeing the opening in a new gang war?
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>> there had been some indications that the zetas were responsible for this. it's not beyond the realm of possibilities that this was perpetrated by a rival cartel. >> reporter: the area where the 49 decapitated bodies were dumped, mexico's highway 40. it's a major route for drugs, cash, and guns going to and from the u.s. but it's zeta territory. no reason for them to draw that kind of attention on their own turf. then there's this. new video posted from the rival cartel. it shows a woman cutting off a man's head then dismembering him. the title, a warning to the zetas. commander diabolo finishing with the zetas. and another cartel recently joined forces against the zetas. >> you're looking at the
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continuation in that vicinity. >> reporter: since 2010 the cartels have expanded their operations, the fight for the territory has grown increasingly violent. and are now fighting back. >> literally on a day-to-day basis, control of this channel shifts. >> reporter: the zetas are feared for good reason. many are commandos who turned their military know how into a killing machine. so powerful and wealthy they've even recruited young americans to protect their interests in the u.s. reta from texas says he was just 13 years old when he was trained to be a killer. i love doing it, he says, killing the first person i loved it. i thought i was superman. it's a battle over billions of dollars and survival. zetas are at war with el chapo.
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the mexican government is offering millions ffr the capture but it pales in comparison to the wealth they have amassed. >> i'm not very optimistic that el chap o is going to be caught. he is very well wired within the mexican security and military apparatus. >> reporter: an estimated 50,000 people have died in this war. the 49 decapitated bodies may be an ominous foreshadowing of yet another deadly convulsion of violence. cnn, los angeles. >> so much murdered. let's dig deeper with fred burton. he's vice president of corporate security at a global intelligence company. also with us rusty fleming, maker of the documentary "drug wars." fred, do you think the zetas were behind this? they are known for cutting off heads. >> i don't think so, anderson.
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simply because this was on their patch. it would be bad for business for them to have done this on their very lucrative piece of the drug supply chain. >> it's a fairly common tactic, isn't it? law enforcement, they try to disrupt the activities of the cartel rivals in its home territory. >> well, when you look at this, the more probable suspects would be the seneloa or the gulf cartel or fractured gangs that came in into this turf, dumped the bodies and placed a poor claim of credit to try to implicate the zetas for this. but i don't think that the zetas were behind this. >> rusty, what do you think? you've been inside the organization. does it sound like their m.o.? >> oh, it -- you know, i think it was just exactly what fred's saying. that there's been a lot of
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counter-intelligence and misinformation. that's how they conduct their war. i think this is very likely another cartel that's trying to hang it on the zetas and trying to make it look like them. the zetas are not the drug dealers from old. you know, they are military trained. they run with military structure and discipline. and they have a network that is far more sophisticated than other drug networks. they're going to use that. reta, i interviewed him once. and that kid like many others were trained in mexico just like we would train any other special forces soldier.
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and they're doing that even here. they're recruiting kids now to get degrees in computer science. so they can hack into data bases. and they can run money laundering operations. they want them to get into criminal justice and get a criminal justice degree so they can become lawyers or policemen. you know, they're thinking that is the most forward thinking car tell out there. and that's what they've done. they told me five years ago that what their goal was they wanted to take these kids ten, 12, 13 years old and raise them up and bring up a better generation of narco terrorists than they are. and that's what they're doing. >> fred burton, i appreciate it. rusty fleming, thanks for being on here tonight.
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and what we pioneered here. all goes here. the one. the accord. smarter thinking from honda. let's get caught up on other stories we're following. isha is here with the news and business bulletin. >> a u.n. convoy hit by in syria. three vehicles were damaged. opposition groups say the attack happened around the time government forces opened fire on a nearby funeral procession killing 23 people. john edwards was not away an
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elderly heiress donated for the affair. that came from an adviser to edwards. the defense could call his daughter cate to the stand tomorrow then wrap up. jpmorgan have approved a $20 million pay package for jamie dimon despite the $2 billion trading loss. and a cute dog is at the center of an ugly custody fight. a new york man claims his ex-girlfriend dognapped his pooch when they broke up. he says he's willing to spend up to $60,000 in court costs and go into debt just to get the doggy back. >> wow. not pretty. time now for our beat 360 winners. our chance to show up staffers for a better caption. today president obama doing a push up on the white house basketball court last month.
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our staff winner is elise. her caption, i will have arms like michelle, i will have arms like michelle. our viewer winner is john, obama sees his shadow, seven more months of presidency. your t-shirt is on the way. up next, how did msnbc host go from jeopardy to the ridiculist? he's in good company. ♪ what started as a whisper every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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i've got to add chris matt use. i know how it goes. he was on jeopardy last night. part of the power players week. he was up against robert gibbs and lizzie o'leary. the rest of the show was apparently too much of a heart bal. >> let's go back to -- what is cross word clues -- i mean, i'm sorry. go $200 for the category cross word clues. >> at blank soldier. >> at ease soldier. what is at ease soldier? what is ease? >> at ease, chris matthews. things didn't get much better there. >> who is gary powers? >> we need the full name. >> who is gary powers? >> no. >> it wasn't pretty. i don't want to be tough on chris matthews. i'm a big fan of his. i'm actually on jeopardy this
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friday. i've been on the show a twice before. first time i cleaned up. >> correct. >> who is archie bunker? >> he's the one. >> canada is right. >> that's it. >> that's it. indeed. you're the leader and the winner today. >> all right. second time, not only did i lose, as i've said before, i lost to cheech. >> cheech? >> what a camelot? >> yes. you're the winner today. >> i know what you're thinking, all the stoner movies how could anyone lose to cheech marin? bzs it's jeopardy, it's tough. it's not like i lost a spelling bee to a 12-year-old. >> m-a-l-i-a-b-l-e. [ laughter ] wait a minute, what did i say? hold on?
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i hate this game. >> not only did i lose to a 12-year-old. he spent the entire time just laughing at me. as for chris on jeopardy, by the end of the game, he was fed up with proper game show procedure. >> keanu reeves was in this capital -- >> what is beirut? >> what is beirut? i had that before chris said it. >> to heck with the buzzer. just start blurting out buzzers. and it's not a true game of jeopardy without a ke ya knew reeves question. chris matt use you are the champion on tonight's ridiculist. we'll see you one hour from now. another edition at 10:00 p.m. eastern. "piers morgan tonight" starts now. tonight, how the mighty have
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