tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 18, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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they arrested him for another crime. fear had spread across a three-state area because investigators thought he might have been posing as a police officer. now they say the shooter was apparently not impersonating an you a ser. an event that enraged the catholic church was interrupted by an abortion protester. it was a speech by health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius at georgetown university. let's listen. >> having spent my entire life in public service -- i spent my entire life in public service -- [ cheers and applause ] >> cheers of support there from the graduates. the church had blasted georgetown for inviting sebelius not because of the obama administration's position on abortion, but church leaders instead were angry over sebelius' support of a law requiring employers, even religious institutions, to provide birth control coverage.
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the most hyped stock offering of the year got off kind of to a bumpy start. shares of facebook jumped more than 10% in the first minutes of trading, but then they started to go the other way. at one point the stock was hovering around an initial point of $38 before rising again. alison kosik has been watching all this at the nasdaq market site. alison, give us a sense, i imagine people were pretty surprised that the stock didn't take off. >> that's what you saw happen with the numbers. you saw that play out in the numbers. the expectations were really high to see facebook shares jump even as much as 30%. when out of the gate they didn't jump that much, i mean, 12.5%, it's a good day to start, but the expectations were beyond that. what you saw at least according to one analyst i talked to said when they didn't -- when a lot of traders and a lot of investors didn't see that pop materialize, they went ahead and sold. right now though facebook shares are doing pretty well. they're up a little over 8%. other internet stocks not doing as well. groupon, linkedin are down
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because of that initial pop that didn't happen. we've also learned that shares of zynga have been held. that's after a circuit breaker kicked in which means the stock fell too far too fast, and one analyst sort of termed it this way. he said a lot of people who held onto that zynga stock, zynga was actually the appetizer. that once facebook went public, the thinking was that they would either hold it if facebook did well, but because facebook did not have that pop, you saw investors run to the exits. suzanne? >> now that the stock is being traded for facebook, would individual investors start buying in on these shares? >> exactly. that's what they can do right now. they can go ahead and look to buy that price at $40.94 if they can get in at that price, something around there. facebook shares are open to the public. the initial offer price was $38. obviously shares are up now a little over 7%. suzanne? >> all right, alison, following all the developments. thank you.
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nerve-racking, possibly life-changing day for john edwards. a jury is now deliberating his fate. the former presidential candidate could face three decades behind bars if convicted on all six corruption charges. a verdict could come any time now. diane dimond is outside the courthouse in greensboro, north carolina. she's a special correspondent for "newsweek" and the daily beast and also we're privileged to have her every day to talk about this from the courthouse. first of all, diane, tell us what did you find out about what the jurors asked the judge? >> reporter: yeah, the jury has been seated. the four alternates have been chosen and put in a different room so we're left with four women and eight men on the panel. they were in deliberations for about 2, 2 1/2 hours and they came out to ask their first set of questions. first of all, they want a complete exhibit list, all the exhibit that is came in, they'd like to have a list of that, no problem. they also want a list of -- they want to see and handle and hold
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and read all of the notes that bunny mellon sent to john edwards and/or andrew young while she was mailing these checks to them. even some of the notes before that that she just wrote s, you know, to say i'm a big supporter. they wanted the transcript of bunny mellon's attorney, alex forger. we came to the courthouse and he said he warned her she had already given the max. this could not be considered a campaign contribution and veld have given him money even if hadn't been running for president, she liked him that much. the judge told the jury i'm not going to give you that transcript, you need to rely on your own memory about what he said. so she brought them in, last i was in the courtroom, she brought them in to tell them this and tell them, you know, stop for a while, go eat some lunch, and then have at it in the afternoon. >> maybe with a little lunch they'll remember some things there. what does this say, do you think, about the mint set of these jurors that they have asked for all these transcripts and all this information early
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on in the process? >> reporter: you know, it's really interesting because to my mind it was the bunny mellon money that the prosecution never specifically tied john edwards to. he tied him, i thought, to the fred baron money that came later. he was overheard on an airplane right with fred baron discussing hiding rielle hunter from the media. so i think maybe the jury thinks like i do, you know, what about that bunny mellon money? can we tie john edwards to that money or was that all andrew young as the defense says? it tells me they're thinking very logically. the first counts they're supposed to go through, the first two, go to bunny mellon. they're probably just taking it chronologically which is really smart. >> diane, paint the outlook, if you will, for john edwards if he is found guilty or if he's not found -- not guilty.
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his fate is in their hands now. >> reporter: oh, yeah, and, you know, when i was last in the courthouse, john edwards is not in the courtroom. the media is in there. we're able to mill in and out, but john edwards is outside, right outside the door sitting on a bench with his attorney and his parents. it's like they don't really have a special room for him to go to, so that's where he sits. he faces 30 years in prison and a $1.5 million fine. even if he's acquitted of all the charges, suzanne, i can't imagine what he will do in the future. he certainly cannot be an elected official again i wouldn't think. i don't think his dream of becoming a u.s. supreme court justice is going to come true. i don't know if he could be an effective trial lawyer again. he was so successful doing that here in north carolina. so, look, i don't want to be flip about it, but he's a multimillionaire. he has a huge estate in chapel hill, north carolina. he has three young children to
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take care of now alone without his wife, elizabeth. so what does he do? i think at least for a while he just retreats into his life and keeps his head down if he is acquitted. >> final question here, diane. you say they don't really have a special place for him or his family. are people able to actually approach john edwards or approach his team and actually go up to him and talk to him, not the jurors themselves but other people who might -- yourself or others covering the story or people who are curious about what's going on? >> reporter: yeah. yes. as a matter of fact, now that the jury, you know, has the case and the case has rested, we are allowed to approach and speak, not many do, but this morning when john edwards walked in, my colleague from "the new york times," kim severson, looked up and said, hi, john, how are you doing, and he said i'm doing okay and he went over to his seat at the defense table. i think there is a room in the back where they're able to stow their briefcases and their sweaters or coats, you know, in
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the early morning, but for some reason he's sitting right out in front today, right outside the door. i have to tell you, suzanne, yesterday after closings, they left the building, and i shouted out a question like, you know, how did you think the closings went. he didn't answer. but there was a member of the public in the scrum there with us, and she shouted out to cate edwards, mr. edwards, i love your daughter. go home to her. i hope you get to go home to her. it was a touching little moment that, you know, a member of the public took time to come down here and say, hey, at least i'm with you. he nodded her way and said had a good evening. >> interesting bit of color there. diane, thank you. obviously if there are any developments, we'll come back to you. thanks again. here is what we're working on for this hour. the world's biggest super powers meet up in the mountains. so who is in? and who is out at the g-8 summit? and a civil rights legend takes us through the battles of the past to talk about the fight
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smarter thinking. from honda. president obama playing host this weekend to two major gatherings of world leaders, the nato summit in chicago, the g-8. it's president obama's first time as host. the summit begins later today and continues tomorrow. france's presidents a arrived and the leaders of germany, japan, and canada will also be there. richard quest is in london, and, richard, i have been to about ten of these summits. the u.s. president attends every year and there's always this debate, whether or not the g-8 summits or even the nato summits accomplish all that much.
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this go-around i think it will mean something when they look at greece's economic crisis. what do you think? >> well, the important thing here is that the summit is at camp david, and he's trying very much to get it back to the original idea, the g-3 or the g-5 which is how it all started, the fireside chat at versailles by france and that's what it was all about. now, it only became a circus when the likes of you and i started turning up and shoving microphones everywhere we could. now, what they're trying to do, of course, is now get it back to a forum where the leaders can talk amongest themselves. there will be the usually 1,001 issues, but the focus without doubt is going to be on the economy, the eurozone crisis and
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austerity versus growth. >> yeah. i think you bring up a good point. it's gotten bigger and bigger. they have shawag bags. i've been to camp david, it's a quiet, peaceful place. that's a good place for them to meet. what do you think about the fact you have president obama, chancellor merkel, and new leaders from france and italy in the same room talking about this economic crisis. do you think that these are leaders? do you think they're going to get along, do you think they will accomplish what they set out to accomplish? >> first of all, monti is well-known to them all because he's been around for years. hollande is new character, but this is the fascinating part about g-8 summits, nshin fact, of these meetings. they are used to the fact that you turn around and old jacques has gone, old george is not there. you look around the table and gerhardt has lost an election. they are used to this terrible,
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awful machinations that the table changes because somebody lost an election. and i think the difficult person here is probably going to be hollande. he'll get through it fine, but he's not an international politician. he's not known to the others. he's not sat at the top table globally before, and he is the one who is coming with a very firm change of policy. no austerity, more growth. but he will find favor from the u.s. president, president obama, because he very much is going to be saying, well, hey, guys, you in europe, that's what we've been doing. we know there has to be cutbacks, jubs not yst not yet. >> let's talk about the g-20 in mexico in june. so you've got not only the -- >> waste of time. waste of time. >> more folks, china, india, brazil. >> waste of time. waste of time. i'm not listening. i'm not listening.
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>> you have emerging economies, you have new leaders, you have other issues at the table. why a waste of time? >> because there's 20 countries with completely different economies, different forms of political systems, some market economies, some communist, some fast-moving emerging markets, others -- the g-20 reached its nadir in january -- or reached its height i should say in january of 2009 in london. it slipped later in the u.s., and it's been on an downward trajectory ever since. a six-page communique with all these countries. what's needed is a g-11 or 12 to reflect emerging markets, but a g-20, save the money. >> all right. save the money, save the money on the shawag bags.
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they provide those little bags with the summit label and everything. all that lovely stuff. you can save the money is what you're saying. >> you won the name dropping today. you have been to camp david. >> well, you have been to all the other summits for god's sake. you were in london i'm sure. >> buckingham palace. >> i have been there, too. but we won't compete. have a good weekend, richard. >> have a good one. >> all right. well, they matched the gun with the bullets and they have a suspect in custody. are mississippi drivers finally safe after two killings on the highway?
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police in mississippi have a man in custody suspected in two nighttime highway killings that terrorized drivers and led to an intense manhunt. they arrested this man, james willy from mississippi. investigators say he's a convicted felon with a long criminal record. he had the gun used in those two killings when they arrested him. ed lavandera is following the new developments from dallas. for a while investigators thought the shooter was posing as a police officer. they don't believe that's the case anymore, right? >> yeah, at this point -- there was a theory they had thrown out
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there as a way of trying to warn the public that this was going on, that this was a possibility. they are trying to figure out and are still trying to figure out how it was that this man was able to get two people to pull over in the early morning hours in the darkness, 1:00, 2:00 in the morning. they're still a little baffled by that. law enforcement agencies there in northwest mississippi evare holding a press conference as we speak outlining the details. this is very interesting alabama, suzanne. on thursday afternoon authorities get a report of a disturbance in a nearby apartment complex. they go over there and in the process -- once they get there, a woman there tells them this man had just raped her. they take him into custody. one of the detectives notices a nine millimeter handgun that was on him. perhaps heard this was a similar gun used in the highway
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shootings. they send it off for ballistic testings at the state crime lab in mississippi. they put a rush on it, and yesterday afternoon it came back as a positive match, that it was the gun used in those two deadly shootings last week. so now this james willie man has been charged with two counts of capital murder as well as kidnapping and rape. so very serious charges, and authorities still trying to investigate how exactly these two people were able to come cross with him and get pulled over in the middle of the night basically. >> ed lavandera, thank you for the update. he was ambassador to the united nations and he's a civil rights legend. i am going to ask andrew young about the battle still ranging today for equal rights. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money.
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to the u.n., and mayor of atlanta. andrew young joins us as he prepares for a huge birthday celebration. he is turning 80 years old. ambassador young, good to have you here. i know your birthday was in march. >> it was actually in march, but the hotels are so busy, we couldn't find a space. >> you're celebrating this weekend in atlanta. and it's a big celebration, a soldout affair i understand. >> joo it is, and when you have been around a place this long helping as many people and making as many friends, they show up when you turn 80. >> they show up. you look beautiful. you look amazinamazing. tell us a little bit about your life, about your reflections here. most of us know you through the civil rights movement. >> and i grew up in new orleans, and i don't know how well you know new orleans -- >> my family is from new orleans. >> right downtown on cleveland avenue, one block off of canal street, and on the corner of my house was the headquarters of
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the nazi party. on the next corner was an irish grocery store and another corner an italian bar, and you had blacks, creoles, cajuns, and every variety of european in that one neighborhood. so i ended up having -- i say i had to become an ambassador at the public school because growing up in a mixed neighborhood, then going to an all-black boys school, i had to develop negotiating skills. i couldn't -- i was young and small. i couldn't beat everybody. i couldn't outrun everybody, so i had to use my brain. my daddy always said if you're in a fight and get angry, you lose the fight. don't get mad, get smart. >> did you use some of those skills when you became ambassador to the u.n.? >> there was nobody, no
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dictator, no bully, international bully that i met that was as fierce as the people i grew up with at school. people like saddam hussein, piece of cake. you know how to deal with thugs. by the time i got to fifth grade, i was a good ambassador with all kinds of bullies. >> why do you suppose congress cannot seem to negotiate in they don't have those same kind of skills. why do you suppose we're in the situation we are in now in washington? >> because we don't know where we are. i mean, we have an irrelevant ideology, both parties. we're talking about a world that no longer exists. your guy that was just on, quest, he's still got that old english view, imperialistic view of the rest of the world and it's not like that anymore. >> how so. >> the world is a global
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marketplace. the problems in syria and egypt are not about democracy. you have in egypt an economy that works for 30 million or 40 million people but you have 80 or 90 million people. and you have 80 or 90 million people with cell phones and computers and internet access, and they're trying to really integrate the economy. now, that's actually what we did in the south. one of the reasons why atlanta works so well is that we didn't -- we weren't trying to break down the barriers to be like white people. we were trying to break down barriers so that we together could create an economy that served the needs of rich, poor, black, white, male, and female. in doing that, we created an environment that attracted people from all over the world, and we won the olympics by and large because we conquered the questions of diversity and
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economics injustice. everybody felt like they were part of the olympics. >> do you think that -- you say it's not about democracy but it's about the economy. do you think democracy is a critical element, a critical component to bringing about that economic equality you talk about? >> only if it's accompanied by free enterprise. see, the world wants to be capitalists. the challenge of the world today is to make capitalism work for the poor. now, we do that in atlanta. we built an airport out here, cost us probably $20 billion. nobody paid any taxes for it. it's a public/private partnership invested -- we used wall street to loan us money to build an airport. it cost $20 billion over 20 years, but it generates $31 billion a year and creates 60,000 jobs. so we just tomorrow -- or today opened a new international
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terminal -- >> right. >> another $1.5 billion which will create for itself and create another 2,000 to 5,000 jobs. >> we will talk more about what's taking place in atlanta and your amazing 80 years of life and what you think about some of the situations that are going on around the world. we're going to take a quick break and have more with former u.n. ambassador andrew young about the raging battle that is taking place over civil rights. you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. throughout our entire lives. ♪ one a day women's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin
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we're back with andrew young,ne of the most recognized leaders of our time. he's served as a civil rights leader, a human rights leader, former congressman, ambassador, and mayor of atlanta. he recently squeezed 80. you have squeezed a lot in your 80 years. we were talking about civil rights and obviously you lost a dear friend, martin luther king, jr., and you held him, you saw the assassination of your 23re7nd, and y
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friend, and you led a movement there. do you think at this time when people say smek maame-sex marri a civil rights issue, do you agree with that? >> the movement was always about not just race but about war and poverty, and we've made progress -- enormous progress on race, enormous progress on war. not much on poverty, and because we haven't dealt with the questions of poverty, issues like same-sex marriage or family planning, you know, which are totally irrelevant to what's really going on in the world, i mean right now we've never had a problem with homosexuality or gay marriage in atlanta because we got good jobs. everybody is working. the gay community came in here from all over the south. they chipped in. they created businesses. they revived communities, taught
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in our schools. they did everything -- i mean, that was one of the largest migrations. we got the smartest white people from all over the south because they happen to be gay. and so they were always an integral part of atlanta's growth and development, and nobody has ever raised a question about it because they're productive, tax paying, law abiding citizens that make a positive contribution to the rest of us. and how they live together, as long as it's nonviolent, which is, you know, difficult even with different gender marriages -- >> so you approve. you think this is -- >> i come from the united church of christ. it's for us a religious issue, and we were the church who were the pilgrims that first came out against slavery before the civil war. john adams was a member of the united church of christ.
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john quincy adams, his son, argued the case for the freedom of the slaves in the amistad rebellion. out of that they came south and founded howard university, where your father taught, and atlanta university, talladega, colleges all across the south, and they ordained black people first. they also realized that women could preach and that if you read the bible accurately, women were always around jesus. women actually probably helped serve communion in the early church. so we ordain women. then we realize we had a lot of people in our church who were gay, and we decided that the bible probably says a whole lot more about adultery than it does about homosexuality. we haven't put the adult terers o out of the church yet. we believe in a christianity that accepts people just as they are and that god loves us,
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forgives, us christ died for us as sinners, and so we don't try to discriminate against the varieties of weaknesses that we suffer as human beings. >> how do you suppose -- what do you think the obama administration, how do you suppose the obama administration is doing now? what do you think of the job he's doing? >> actually obama happens to be a member of that church, and that was where he became a christian and he grew up late in life, but it was in that tradition, which is a progressive but a christian tradition that if you go all the way back to the pilgrims, they have probably been right on more issues more often than any other church. >> do you think when you talk about the economy and how people -- this is about economic equality, and so many people are out of work who are suffering. do you think the obama administration is doing enough
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to recognize, acknowledge poverty? >> well, they're trying, but -- >> does he need to do more? >> well, he can't because you've got some people over here that want to create more poverty. >> who are those people? who are you talking about? >> the whole republican side of the aisle. they want to cut back on taxes and throw people in the streets, you know, let them shift for themselves. they don't realize what a tax they're paying. they're paying more taxes now because the biggest tax we pay in america is the tax -- the crime tax. when we stop educating children, you ind up having to put them in jail. could you educate them for $10,000 a year. it will cost you $40,000 a year to put them in jail. your new attorney general out in california has said from the time a crime is committed, the investigation, the trial, the incarceration, it costs $1
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million per crime. i asked a department store when i was mayor, i said to the owner of the largest department store, rich's, i said what do you figure crime costs you in your downtown store? and he said crime is probably a $50 million tax on our business. i think we can find a better way to create jobs, put people to work. when we were having the olympics when everybody was working, we had no crime. >> i want to turn the corner if i may. i know republicans would disagree with your characterization about wanting people to be jobless or poor -- >> no, they want them to make it on their own, but they forget that they got educated in a roosevelt time where their parents got low-interest loans.
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college tuition when i went to school and when my wife got her master's was $40 a year. >> right, right. >> we thought it would be better to subsidize education and have intelligent people creating jobs and paying taxes. >> let me ask you this, you have lived a long, long life, 80 years. technology has changed. i'm sure you -- >> that's the problem. >> you started off with vhs and we have cds, we have iphones -- >> no, i started off with no telephone. >> no telephone. >> no telephone. and then a party line, see, and i only got that because my father was a dentist. but that's our problem. >> why? >> we're still thinking of the world as our parents thought of it. the world is autoautomated. you got your computer there. you can find out what's going on anywhere in the world just by pushing a few buttons, but everybody else out there has got one, too.
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they make computers in china for a couple hundred dollars. >> do you think this would have helped the civil rights movement? doupg th do you think this would have changed the civil rights movement, the technology we have today, being able to tweet, sending messages through facebook. >> actually we did. we used the only media we had. gladys knight said i heard it through the grapevine. we use the grapevine through the churches and the neighborhoods. the loam necal news would us. every night we had 90 seconds on three networks. dr. king thought of that as educational tv, so the demonstrations were designed to educate the nation on what our problems were about. so when we went to a bank and asked for a job and they didn't even give it to us and we kneeled down and prayed and then
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they took us out and threw us to jai jail, intelligent people said, well, why can't they have jobs? every day we found a way to dramatize a different issue. >> is there anything that has just sur price esu surprised yo years? you fought for civil rights and we have a black president. >> that surprised me. one of the reasons we've been successful here is it was white people, mayor hartsfield, it's the hartsfield-jackson airport, hartsfield bought that land for $90,0 $90,000. he invited delta here and put up red lights and he got thrown out of office in the next election. he decided there weren't enough progressive white people so he reached eed out to the atlanta university complex and we formed a business black intellectual coalition that has basically worked together and run this
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city. >> okay. >> and the whole south. >> i got to leave it there. i'm sorry we've run out of time. it's been a pleasure talking with you. and again, happy birthday. >> thanks. >> all right. ambassador young. we'll be back after a short break. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint
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gaffigan. jim is doing something that is not just for laughs. he's supporting a group dedicated to helping american war veterans and their families. and by the way, he really likes mcdonald's. check it out. >> because there's a mcdonald's denial. we all embrace it. no one is going in there innocent. we're walking into a red and jell-o building with a giant "m" over it. what's this, a library? [ laughter ] i'll get some fries while i'm here. those mcdonald's fries are truly amazing. has your mother ever made anything as good as a mcdonald's t fry? not even close. >> jim gaffigan joins us from new york. i'm one of those food snobs, one of those people who said i don't
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go to mcdonald's and then i go there. >> you're lying. we're going to get anderson cooper -- he's going to keep you honest. >> why are you so into food? you talk about it in your standup all the time and it's hilarious. >> thank you. i talk about food mostly because i'm a glutton or a pig, but i don't know. i talk about -- i try to talk about things that are universal and things that i'm passionate about, and food, unfortunately, is one of those. >> there's one for everybody. i have a picture for you. this is our copy editor. this is in honor of you, the hot pockets there. he eats them every day so he wanted to make sure you knew you were not alone in this. >> you know, the hot pocket thing is a blessing and a curse. it's almost as if i made a deal with the devil. the devil was like, you can tour and do theaters throughout north america, but you will be ever known as the hot pocket guy. and i was like, all right, i'll
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take the deal, that's fine. >> i'm sorry. jim, tell us about what you're involved in. i know you have been doing a lot of standup comedy but you also are giving your proceeds to a very important cause. tell us a little bit about it. >> well, i'm doing a download of my latest special, mr. universe, for $5 on my website, as i was doing this, i realized it was not going to be a highly profitable adventure. it was more of an experiment. i wanted to add in an element where i would communicate to people that were would communic buying it that it was not just me trying to make a lot of money. one of every $5 would go to a charity and i picked the bob woodruff foundation. it was a nonpolitical group that helps veterans. let's be honest. i know nothing about the military really. i have no association with the military. i just know as a country, i
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think veterans kind of get ripped off. i picked the woodruff foundation because bob and lee are not scumbags. >> bob a correspondent injured overseas in war. obviously, a very good cause there. how have people reacted to the fact you embraced veterans and how do they respond to you? >> it's an interesting thing. i only want people to buy the special because they hopefully think it's funny, but i think there's an added element of maybe they are doing something a little bit good. i guess my main thrust behind doing it was to kind of bring up veterans as kind of this hidden group i don't think we as a country appreciate enough.
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i include myself. i decided on the woodruff foundation when i was taking a subway ride here in new york. a guy sat down next to me and explained he was a veteran, went to iraq. an "a" student and wasn't confident he would graduate college. that stuck with me. i met bob and lee and had done a benefit for them. i don't know. i don't have expectations that it will change anything, but i was raised you should do something decent. it's not that i'm a great person at all. i wanted to do the right thing. the charity element was something i think worked into what i wanted to accomplish with the download. >> you're absolutely doing the right thing. i want to ask about this new model you have for getting your entertainment, as well as other people's entertainment, directly
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to your fans. you embrace the download method as a way that people can buy your material without this middle man. explain what that is. is that the next model for entertainers? >> i think it's working now. who knows? comedians are essentially independent business men or small business people. normally we would go through a distributor similar to a record company or dvd distributor or itunes. in that process there would be more hands in the pie. so what louis c.k. did was he kept the price really low and made it easy to purchase. meaning it's two clicks. it's not undifferent from the easiest purchase you made on the internet. therefore, people who like your comedy instead of paying $9, $10 or sometimes $20 are only paying
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$5 and they own it forever. there are no restrictions. we all purchased things on itunes and you can only move it to so many devices. we got rid of that hurdle. who knows? i think it makes sense now. it makes sense for people that like my comedy. it's an experiment. i don't know what the world will be like in three years. >> we'll see how that experiment works. jim, thank you so much. you're a funny guy. you have an amazing cause. we appreciate it. we'll try to get to one of those performances and maybe mcdonald's, as well. >> i'll see you at mcdonald's. thank you. >> we'll take a break.
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heart-wrenching setback for a young georgia a woman battling a dangerous case of flesh-eating bacteria. aimee copeland's father revealed she will lose both hands and her remaining foot. the amputations are needed to help survive. she contracted the infection after she fell from a homemade zip line and cut her leg two weeks ago. parents can do a simple test that may help them get an early clue about the possibility of autism, the condition affects 1-88 children. look for head lag from a lying position. the head should move forward as you do. if it lags behind, it shows weak head and neck control and could
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indicate the nervous system isn't developing correctly. this is just one possible indicator, not an automatic sign of autism. cnn newsroom continues after this. -- captions by vitac -- splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweetener with b vitamins, the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart ways to sweeten. same great taste. splenda® essentials™. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building
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for rick baldwin today. jurors are deciding the fate of a man who wanted to be the most powerful person in the world. we are officially on verdict watch in the corruption trial of john edwards. did he use campaign cash to cover up an affair with his mistress? if the jury decides he did, edwards could face 30 years behind bars. if anything breaks you'll hear it right here. facebook landing with a bit of a whimper today. what happened? the ipo was supposed to hit like a bomb. if so, a bomb with a fairly long fuse. it hit the market, nasdaq right around 11:00 this morning at $42.05 for one share. did that price go up as expected like $50, $60 a share? heck, no it took a tank dive. allison is at the nasdaq. get me up to speed. is where it? why did this not turn out to be the story i thought it would be.
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>> a messy debut for facebook. you saw shares jump to $45 a share. then high-order volume caused technical problems. it caused delays. one analyst i talked with said it spooked investors. when that delay happened and when you started to see that stock fall back down to earth, almost flat to that ipo price of $38, investors quickly sold. they got out. clearly, that's not what was expected. you know this. over the past several weeks if not months, if not the year, this has become the most hyped ipo i can remember. this is certainly not the coming out i think investors had been hoping for. >> in november of 2010, gm's ipo was $18.1 billion. march 2008 visa was $19.7 billion. are we still on track for
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facebook to be the third largest ipo at somewhere around $16 billion and something? >> it is looking that way. you look at where that price started, $38. investors did buy into that. the bigger picture is to see if facebook shares have staying power. will the shares continue to go up? shares are up a little over 6%. that is below expectations. however, it is higher. when you look back at other ipos, how they've done, google and linkedin, they've done well. they are up 150%, 639%. look at zynga, groupon, pandora, they are clocking in below their ipo price. it will be interesting to see where facebook winds up in a month or year to see if it's below or above that $38 ipo price. >> i want to note we are looking
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at the $40 price ticking up and down. 7.6% up. i hate to get into your terminology, is the print the official launch price was? it wasn't $38. >> the first trade out of the gate, it was supposed to be $38. that is the offer price. i don't have the actual print offer. >> i think it was $42.05. i could be wrong. >> that sounds about right. then you see what happened to those shares. they did go up. they went up 12.5%. they backed down but are coming back. we have time left in the trading day. facebook may be able to save face in the next two hours. >> that basically means you are going to have one of the longest days of your career, my friend. we'll need your expertise in a buys. alison kosik live for us from the nasdaq.
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in case you're not friends from mark zuckerburg, he updated his status on facebook. listed a company on nasdaq. this is really his update. check this out. that is the official ringing of the bell. if you're mark zuckerberg, you get to do stuff like this. he rang the bell at the nasdaq exchange in new york but did it remotely from his company's headquarters in menlo park, california. that's where dan simon is live for us today. talk about the mood out there. it was so riveting to watch all those opening shots. mark zuckerberg and cheryl san berg hugging him. is the mood still as high as it was during that brace or is there disappointment there was this whimperish day or if
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everyone is business as usual? >> i did speak to a facebook executive a short time ago. didn't have much of a reaction to the stock price. he did describe the mood inside as energetic, a lot of excitement. now it's more subdued. people are going back to work or going home after pulling an all-neither. they have a hack-a-on this last night. this is an opportunity for facebook employees to get together to come up with new ideas for the site. they did that all last night. then at 6:00 in the morning they gathered in the main facebook court yard where mark zuckerberg rang that bell with senior executives. >> i remember one of the products to come out one of these famous hack-a-thon was the "like" feature. explain as we were looking at those pictures of the opening bell and jib shots over all the
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facebook disciples or devote es, there have to be a handful of mini millionaires. what is the status of a lot of the people who work there, the little guys? >> it's much more than a handful. we are talking about perhaps hundreds of newly-minted millionaires here at facebook. there's going to be a broad impact on the economy here in silicon valley and throughout the state of california. we talked to people in the real estate market who are expecting to sell big-time homes. people in the retail sector are expecting a little bit of a pop. the state of california as a whole, we talked to the state treasurer bill lockier, he is expecting from $2.5 billion to $3 billion in tax revenue over the next five years. that money could go towards things like construction. $1 billion towards construction could add 20,000 jobs here in the state of california. this could have a significant
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economic impact, not only in silicon valley, but throughout the state. >> let's not forget the handful of the billionaires, the executives who went up by several more billion than they are already worth. dan simon, thank you for that. i want to switch gears to something else that's big, world leaders also important today. they are gathering at camp david for the g-8 summit. france's newest president, there he is stepping off the plane with his lovely girlfriend, already arrived. also expected to arrive leaders from japan and germany, russia, great britain, italy and canada. the world economic crisis is at the top of the agenda. it is president obama's first time as host. he spoke just a short time ago. have a peek. >> obviously, we have had a lot to talk about. much of our discussion centered on the situation in the euro
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zone and we agree that this is an issue of extraordinary importance not only to the people of europe but also to the world economy. >> we'll keep an eye on things at camp david and bring you updates as they are warranted. another switch for you. tragic news i want to bring to your attention. the georgia college student who is fighting a flesh-eating infection. aimee copeland. she did not pull this thing off the way we hoped she would. she will lose more limbs. both her hands, in fact, and also her other foot. that is according to her father who wrote an incredibly emotional update online. he says when aimee was told about her hands, she held them up to her face and mouthed the words "let's do it." he cried but because he was so
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incredibly proud of his daughter and her resilience. we have a lot more to cover. watch this. get a load of what went cowan in louisville, kentucky. s.w.a.t. officers, people running for cover. unbelievable melee. how did this end? mitt romney reveals what he would do first on day one as president. tough economy? not in new york. someone spent a record $90 million on a penthouse. one of the world's most famous chefs joins me live. i'll ask jamie oliver about laziness, the heart attack grill and why he's recruiting major celebrities for one big message. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone likes a bit of order in their life. virtual wallet helps you get it. keep track of spending, move money with a slide, and use the calendar. all to see your money how you want. ♪ how you want. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines
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so i brought it to mike at meineke. we gave her car a free road handling check. i like free. free is good. my money. my choice. my meineke. what chaos could break out next. take a look at what happened in louisville, kentucky, yesterday as crowds were gathering to watch police as they were investigating a deadly shootout that already happened.
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again, this is in the midst of their investigation. police are still trying to piece together what led to all of this. here is what we know. originally, two men were killed and two were wounded in a shootout near downtown in louisville. friends and relatives and police rushed to the scene. onlookers everywhere. all of a sud ep on the fringe of this investigation about an hour into this, two women got into an argument and it escalated. one pulled a gun and fired and killed the other, pumping several bullets into her. police yelled at her, told her to put down the gun. she pointed it at them and they shot her but not dead. this next video is from a whole different perspective inside the van of a local news crew. take a peek. >> get on the ground! >> the woman police shot is in the hospital today. she is under heavy guard.
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final tally of the victims from the two shootings, three people dead, three people wounded. police and city officials are calling for calm today. they say violence like this will not be tolerated. attica scott is a member of the louisville metro council. i don't know where to begin. do you have any indication of motive in the initial set of shootings and then in this second set of shootings? >> let me say just hearing your report and hearing those screams and the gun shots, i had to keep in my composure. i live three blocks away. the first thing i thought about were my two children who are 11 and 16. my son was about to be on his school bus riding through the shooting zone. we don't know what the motives were. street conversation is it could have been any number of reasons why this happened. i want to respect the fact police are launching a full investigation.
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my heart goes out to the families right now. >> tell me what you know about this area. i'm looking through the demographics. all under the age of 25. from what i gather, all known to police in some way. can you take it from there? >> sure. we know violence is going to escalate and at some point get to a place that is out of hand. we've got to do a better job staying on top of this kind of potential violence because the rioting is always on the wall. people know this street, what they call 3-2 zone on the street is one of the most violent block areas in our neighborhood. as i said, i live three blocks away. we've got to do a better job building relationships between community, between the police. we need our mayor working with me as metro councilwoman to make sure we are talking to folks and finding out what's going on and how can we get ahead of it.
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>> this might be more of a personal question, but police are afraid of retaliation activity. how do you know people in your neighborhood will be safe? >> my son said mom is it going to be safe? am i going to be okay? that was heart wrenching to me as a single mom thinking about my two kids. once he got to the bus stop he sent me a message and said this was the safest bus stop in the city of louisville today because police were out there. school will be out in a couple of weeks. i pray that presence remains there when those school buses leave in the morning and get back in the afternoon. those innocent children need to be kept safe. >> here is my next question about safety. the people who were taken to the police include the woman who pulled out the gun an hour after the investigation and all the yellow tape and crime scene
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processing began and shot the other woman dead. then she turned the gun and aimed it at police. she is under guard at the hospital. what kind of guard are they under and do you have any idea what crimes and charges they are facing? >> at this point because the investigation is still under way, we don't know the charges they are facing. we do know there is heavy security as their should be. we in the community have a fear of retaliation that may happen at the hospital and may happen in the community. >> councilman scott thank you for being with us. good luck to your neighborhood and your city. i hope you can get things under control there. next up on the docket, what if mitt romney becomes president? s he is revealing exactly what he will do on his very first day in office. also the host of "inside the actor's studio" james lipton
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tells mitt romney, here is a hint on how to be human. we're at the prime time steak house in houston where we switched their steaks for walmart's choice premium steak. let's see what people think. it's a steak-over. it's juicy. it's tender. it seems like it just melts in my mouth. that's a nice steak. only one in five steaks is good enough to be called walmart choice premium beef. you are eating walmart steaks. really? this is fabulous. the steak is excellent. i'm gonna go to walmart and bring it here. [ laughter ] walmart choice premium steak. try it, tell us what you think on facebook. by the way, it's 100% money back guaranteed.
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try it, tell [siri]t you think yes, it appears to be raining. oooh...let's get tomato soup delivered. [siri] i found a number of restaurants [siri] whose reviews mention tomato soup and that deliver. good, 'cause i don't wanna put on real shoes. remind me to clean up...tomorrow. [siri] ok, i'll remind you. excellent. today, we're dancing. play 'shake, rattle and roll.' ♪
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america's choice 2012. he is only the presumptive nominee. mitt romney is the guy to beat, right, for president obama. to that end the romney campaign is out today with the first official ad of the one-on-one race with the president. take a peek. >> what would a romney presidency be like? day one. president romney immediately approves the keystone pipeline creating thousands of jobs that obama blocked. president romney introduces tax cuts and reforms that reward s b job creators. replaces obama care with health care reform. >> that is a busy kay one. gloria, i thought we worked long hours. that is an ambitious first day in the office. that is a metaphor for what he wants to do.
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>> right. a pleased to meet you ad. this is what i would do for you. my agenda is clear. by the way, i think who knows what the second and third ads will be, but by comparison, where's the president's agenda, right? it's easier when you're not in office to say this is what i would do on day one. i recall president obama when he was candidate obama talked about closing guantanamo. didn't happen. so i think this is kind of the introductory handshake with the american people, if you will, saying, okay, it's all out there and simple. >> it fulfills what he's been saying all this week that he is focusing on the economy. he doesn't want to go dirty and deal with what came out in the proposal. yesterday's big "new york times" story, i'll get to that. this day one ad is all about the economy. >> sure. it's all about the economy. by the way, it's playing in
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battleground states that are really important to him in this election. it's going to play for five days. they spent about $1.25 million on it which is not huge but a substantial ad buy and it's playing in virginia, north carolina, ohio and iowa. important to mitt romney. >> one big detail, as well, we weren't playing but is playing elsewhere is that it is playing entirely in spanish, as well. >> it's going to run in spanish. what is interesting to me, we don't know how much they are spending to run it in spanish. and exactly where it's going to be. i don't know how extensive the spanish run will be. you can be sure that both campaigns, particularly in battleground states where there are a lot of hispanics that are really important in this election, that a lot of advertising will be run in spanish. >> i want to just skip over to
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what i was mentioning prior to that. that was the big story yesterday. i'm going to hold up the printed-out version of the proposal. the defeat of barack hussein obama. inside that proposal was a litany of ugly stuff we discussed yesterday. there's been fallout, some reaction. one thing was the reference to john mccain as a crusty old politician who is confused. >> right. >> because he didn't run ugly material about the reverend jeremiah wright in the campaign in 2008. >> the mccain people when you talk to them yesterday as i did in mccain world which still exists, they are unhappy about this. a, they are unhappy at the way john mccain was described. they believe and on the record charlie black, for example, who is a former senior mccain advisor said to me, anybody who wants to relitigate this ad, whether to talk about reverend
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wright is wrong. they don't like mccain being described that way. the notion is that fred davis needs to work in concert with the people who are the issues people because without that interaction, he sort of goes off on his own. they were very critical of him, i would have to say. >> you're so diplomatic saying going off on his own. abc news said that mark salter, one of the disciples of mccain said fred davis had to go to bed early. nice to see you. have a great weekend. time for political pop. host and executive producer of "
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"inside the actor's studio." james lipton is giving mitt romney free lessons on, quote, acting human. he joined rick baldwin this morning on "starting point." >> let's start with your laugh. >> i live for laughter. >> it isn't working. it's inert. >> it would be so much more hilarious if you could have seen it. our apologies. sometimes we have bug-a-boos. yikes for the tough presidential campaign, your laugh is not working. listen to this. >> having spent my entire life in public service -- >> a heckler disrupting
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graduation speech of an obama cabinet member. the whole beef has to do with contraception. that's coming up. we are just getting word 50% of ninth and tenth graders in florida failed the state reading test. think that's bad? it's sending a shock wave through the education community. there is more to tell. [ male announcer ] this is coach parker...
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got some other news to catch you up on at this hour. rapid fire. roll it. jurors are deciding if john edwards used campaign money toe try to hide his mistress and their love child. they got hard at deliberations in the former senator's trial about four hours ago. we are being told the jury is asking the judge if they can scrap it for today and return on monday morning at 9:30 to resume those deliberations. so far no answer.
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they are still at work. earlier on the judge denied a different request they had. it was a request for a few transcripts in the case. the judge told the jury, no. you've got to go by memory. that's a month worth of memory. trial began april 23rd. if 2 you remember, edwards is facing up to 30 years in prison if convicted of the six counts. a heckler targeting one of president obama's cabinet members at a commencement speech at georgetown university. >> having spent my entire life in public service -- >> the heckler sounded like he was getting heckled, too. some including the catholic church aren't too happy having health and human services
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secretary kathleen sebelius there. half of florida's ninth and tenth graders failed the state's standardized tests for reading. half. those results are out a couple of hours ago from the florida department of education. florida just instituted a brand-new and tougher test, as well. students can choose to retake it, but they do need to pass that test to graduate. imagine half failing? also coming from education news, a second grader in colorado got in trouble for painting his face black for an assignment on martin luther king jr. >> i have a dream today that one day little black boys and black girls -- i have a dream today. >> that is shaun king jr. he is not black, but he says he painted his face black as part of a costume dressing as the civil rights leader. his class at meridian ranch elementary had to dress up as historical figures.
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the principal says a teacher and other students were offended and directed sean to wash that color off his face. >> they thought it was inappropriate and would be disrespectful to black people. i say it's not. i like black people. i don't want to be mean to them. it's just a costume. i don't want to insult anybody. >> his parents decided to pull sean out of that school. the naacp has come out supporting the principal's decision in this debate. a condo fire in portland, oregon. watch the firefighters on the burning roof. whoa. suddenly one of them falling right through. two others make their way over to check on him. then they give the thumbs up to let everybody know he's okay. thank god. the firefighter was not hurt but two others were taken to the hospital and had to be treated
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for burned knees and heat exhaustion. we are keeping an eye on wall street for you. as the closing bell gets closer on facebook's first big day on the market, the stock is coming in at about $40 a share at this point. in the next hour and a half it will be key what develops. le we'll take you there throughout the show and give you a full read how this day played out. first though, you are probably familiar with the trayvon martin shooting case. probably every minute detail of information released. now take a look at this video. it is the last video that we know of him alive. seeing him just minutes before he was was shot. this is brand-new evidence released, including some of the sound from a witness you will not believe what the witness has to say. it's coming up. people's lives?
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as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore. i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful. he would never give up on any of us.
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for the last three months we have seen few images of what happened on the night george zimmerman says he shot and killed 17-year-old trayvon martin in self-defense. now we have a clearer image of what happened that tragic night. prosecutors releasing this surveillance video where we see the last moments of trayvon martin's life inside that 7-eleven. this is february 26th. there he is. trayvon has his hoodie on. he's at the counter. he's buying that bag of skittles and the iced tea you have heard so many times before. there they are on the counter. along with this video that is really telling, if you think about this, we've only ever seen him one-dimensionally before. here he is. we are also getting more than 200 pages of evidence and eyewitness accounts that were released this night about this
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night, including an audio recording from an eyewitness, an actual eyewitness. not a legal expert. an eyewitness who saw the two men fighting. there is an autopsy report that said trayvon had traces of marijuana in his system. photos released that show wounds on zimmerman's face and zimmerman's head. medical records state he had abrasions on his forehead. you can see the pictures at the back of his head. they say he was bleeding from his nose and these small lacerations were on the back of his head. is all of this evidence informative? absolutely. compelling? absolutely. does it prove anything? good question. what does it say about zimmerman's claim of self-defense. thanks for being with us. first impression when you see those images that were released and what we like to call in the business the discovery dump.
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what did you think? >> very compelling, as you said. i wondered why you thought the video of trayvon martin at the store was so compelling. what he was doing and buying that night wasn't important to me at all. it's these photos of george zimmerman. a broken nose. >> you're a lawyer and you think evidence and strategic bullet points. juries are just people. this young man is iconic and skittles and iced tea are iconic. that's why this picture was so riveting. >> boy, didn't people jump to an immediate conclusion right after the news broke on this story without all the facts? that's what i talk to juries about all the time. we don't guess people guilty. what happened in this case with george zimmerman, we've seen it way too many times before. because of community outrage because of team martin that pressured, i believe, the police to hurry up the investigation, to charge him, and even the
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special prosecutor, i believe, made a hasty decision. i think these photos are not timely. i wish we would have had them and the public could have seen them. maybe that would have shed light on what happened that night. >> jill, you hit the nail on the head right there, what happened that night. i asked a bunch of questions. does it answer the critical questions that need to be answered in a courtroom when it comes to stand your ground? s does any of that evidence speak to the stand your ground issues in those compelling moments we are missing in this case? >> i think people need to understand what that stand your ground law is in florida. we have it in texas, as well. we don't call it that. it's three things. as long as george zimmerman was in a legal place, lawfully in a place, yes. was he engaging in any criminal activity? no. you may not like it he talked to trayvon martin, but he has a legal right to do so to ask what
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he was up to. is it raining? why is he walking around in the rain? if he reasonably believed that he was in danger of serious injury or death, he has the right to defend himself. >> here is a piece of evidence sure toned up in this courtroom. here heretofore we have not heard from a witness. >> when i first walked out there the black guy was on top and the only reason i can tell that was because the guy that was on the ground under him at that point wrestling was definitely a lighter color. >> why can't prosecutors argue this young man was in the fight of his life, saw a man with a gun and trying to wrestle that gun away? at that moment that witness happened to see him on the on top position? who knows what the position might have been before that
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witness saw this? >> remember, the prosecutor is supposed to seek justice, okay? the autopsy revealed that trayvon martin did not have any of george zimmerman's dna under his finger nails. george zimmerman was on the losing end of this fight. >> i think people would say trayvon martin was without question on the losing end of this fight. >> all right. you want me to put on my legal hat now. if i am defending george zimmerman -- my first thought was i don't know yet. that is what bothers plea people acted like they did know. that they did know what happened. that is not right. that is not how our system works. >> the only people who should be saying what they think happened are those who are going to argue in a court of law and use evidence to bolster their claim. i hope we can do this again, jill. it's been a long time. >> me, too.
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there are more than one million children ages 8-18 caring for an aging, ill or disabled member of their family in the united states. nearly 1/3 under the age of 12. they have to skip school to be the caregiver. that's where this week's cnn hero steps in. >> let me help you. my mom has been sick as long as i can remember. you need more methadone. helping her out is a bigger priority than going to school because i don't know what i would do if something happened to her. i wouldn't be able to really live. >> in the united states there are at least 1.3 million children caring for someone who is ill or injured or elderly or disabled. they can become isolated.
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it's called no man's land. it's that border between jordan and syria. thousands of people try to scurry across it at all times. they risk being shot by their own security forces to do so. it's super dangerous. doesn't matter to cnn's barbara starr. my colleague there is with a cnn exclusive. >> reporter: this is the no man's land between jordan and syria just a mile down that road. you will come to the first syrian security checkpoint, the jordanians will not allow us to go any further down this road because tensions can be pretty high right in this area. tens of thousands of syrians have escaped across this remote desert region into jordan. they are being shot at by their own security forces as they try to escape. in the local hospital they tell us they have treated many syrian refugees suffering from gun shot
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wounds. you see a car coming out of syria. this is also what is going on here. taxis, trucks coming out of syria with relatively cheap goods, food, other commodities. they are bringing into jordan. jordan relies a good deal on this commercial traffic coming out of syria. it is one of the major reasons things are so sensitive here. they want to keep this commercial relationship going, but the jordanians want bashir al assad out of office and want to keep peace in this intense region. barbara starr, cnn on jordan's northern border with syria. >> thank you, barbara. that is amazing to see commerce continuing despite all the bloodshed. barbara is going to stay in jordan because there is something going on there you may not have heard of. it is a massive military
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exercise. 19 countries, 12,000 troops, americans are going to be there. we'll update you as we get the information. it trickles in if. two people shot to death on mississippi highways. 50 miles apart. there is a suspect and he's been charged. police ended a news conference where we learned some pretty bizarre details in this case. steady jobs sun across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at
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new information in those highway killings that left two people dead in mississippi. police say they have their man. there he is. if it is him, the sheriff's department holding a press conference about this. what did they say to give us any moment to exhale? >> the story of how they came to arrest 28-year-old james willie is fascinating. on tuesday afternoon, there was a call of a disturbance in an apartment complex in the town of tunica, mississippi, not too far away where the deadly shootings happened last week. there is a woman who accuses james willie of raping her. they take him into custody. in the process of doing that, they find he has a 9 millimeter hand gun. one of the detectives takes a closer look and it jogged his memory.
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for some reason he thought that might be connected to the shootings last week. they rush the ballistics test. it turns out the gun matches the gun used in those shootings last week. because of that, the authorities there in northwest mississippi have charged james willie not only with kidnapping and rape with the case he was involved with there, but two counts of capital murder. >> ed, that sounds like a lucky break in what was a big mystery. keep on it for us. send details when you get them. . how much would you pay for a penthouse? you're not going to believe what that went for. new york is considered the disneyland of real estate. the ipo of facebook gets off to a rocky start. we'll go live to wall street. -- captions by vitac --
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i was teaching a martial arts class and it hit me. we get to the emergency room... and then...and then they just wheeled him away. i had to come to that realization that "wow, i am having a heart attack." i can't punch this away. i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone. so be sure to talk to you doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm a fighter and nowadays i don't have that fear. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook. there is an apartment in new york city, $90 million for a penthouse. somebody actually paid that much money for 11,000 square feet. who, you may wonder? the broker is not saying and
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neither is the buyer. we can only show you the mock-up of the outside of this building because construction isn't set to be completed until next year. this is sight unseen, y'all. 157 as in west 57th street. not the priceiest. when this is the sign of the times, are there two americas? what the heck do you get for $90 million? s who can afford such a thing? the person to ask is the top new york real estate lawyer who is joining us live from las vegas. this sounds like a gamble to me. set this down for me. is this bizarre to see a $90 million condo in new york or is that just new york? >> for me and you and those sitting at home, this is extremely bizarre. for new york city, it makes sense. it's not surprising.
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