tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 21, 2012 11:00am-1:00pm EDT
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chicago began one hour ago with the president, our president presiding. >> today will decide the next phase of the transition, the next milestone. we'll set a goal for afghan forces to take the lead for combat operations across the country in 2013. next year. so that isaf can move to a supporting role. this will be another step towards afghans taking full lead for their security as agreed to by 2014 when the everyone saf combat mission will end. and police in chicago are certainly hoping that their mission is a lottese ier today, easier than it was yesterday. what a mess. protesters opposed to the war among other things, vow to be back out on the streets again today and my colleague ted rollins is there too. so, ted, things got ugly quickly yesterday. how are things looking today and have they taken any additional
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measures to keep things in check? >> reporter: well, so far so good in terms of today. it's very quiet today. however there's a protest that's ramping up here in the next hour at boeing where protesters are going to surround the building and right now police have put up metal barricades around the building. we're not expecting that protest to get out of hand. yesterday we weren't expecting it earth. of course you see those images and it did following a planned protest with iraqi and afghan vets. that's when the clashes started to begin. 40 plus arrests and several injuries, a handful of injuries to some protesters, couple folks one guy lost some teeth, another one hit in the head and bleeding. there were also injuries to the chicago police department. four officers injured. one of them apparently stabbed in the leg. last night the superintendent of the chicago police talked to the media. he got a little emotional when he was asked why the police officers were using their sticks
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on protesters, take a listen to what he said. >> these officers were highly trained, highly skilled and if you think it's easy to ask people -- to do what they did it's not. asking people to put themselves in harm's way knowing that they are going to get assaulted and to be able to stand there and take it these guys are amazing. >> the bottom line here here is they are hoping for the best and getting ready for a long day. a lot of businesses in clueding folks at boeing are encouraging their folks to woke at home today and not come down into the city. >> ted, the protesters often want their message to be seen by people like you and me and our cameras but they want world leaders to see what they are doing. as far as i can understand those leaders are a long way away and not within eye shot of what's
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going on out there. >> reporter: believe me the world leaders are getting the message through the media. really what they are getting is the images of the clashes between police. that was a point of frustration for a lot of these demonstrators because a red zone or security zone was set up around mccormick place where the nato summit is taking place and it's a good three blocks away. they felt they weren't getting their message across. that's the reason for some of that frustration. that's why police were pushing them back because they wanted to move closer to the summit area. >> understandable with some leaders like afghanistan, pakistan, united states, all the presidents in that location. i can understand the security. president obama plans to hold a news conference at 4:30 eastern time. you'll see it right here on cnn. also making news today john edwards jury. back at work in greensboro, north carolina. you'll remember at this point
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information senator, the running mate and presidential hopeful is still standing accused of lying in conspiracy and violating campaign finance laws. it's in the hands of the jury. all stemming from an affair he was desperate to keep secret back in 2008. the jurors got that case back in friday but had the weekend off so they came back this morning and if they decide edwards is guilty he's facing decades in prison. we're watching that on official verdict watch. and a judge has made a decision no extra time for jerry sandusky's defense to prepare the case. that is the ruling that came in from the court just moments ago. the defense team asked for a continuance, wanted more time to build this child sexual abuse defense, sandusky is facing 52 counts in this case. but this trial is going to go ahead as planned and it's going to start on june 5th ready or not. dominique strauss-kahn is facing now allegations of sexual assault. this time it's an allegation
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that he took part in a possible gang rape in washington. french prosecutors are expanding the investigation of the former chief of the international monetary fund based on some claims that are being made now by a belgian prostitute. he's already under investigation for alleged role in a prostitution ring. you'll recall there was dominiq ademocraticed to rape a hotel maid. we are monitoring developments in london. this is getting repetitive and hard to keep some of this straight. if you can clear this up for us. bring this story in from the belgian prostitute and tell me why it's connected to the existing investigation that's going on. >> reporter: well if you might remember the existing investigation is in france called the carlton affair and based on a hotel where apparently one of the people at this hotel helped to procure
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prostitutes and bring them to dominique strauss-kahn. that's the allegation. what we're hearing from is actually two belgian women that were apparently hired as escorts and brought to washington, d.c. this is where the alleged gang rape may have taken place. now we don't know exactly what these belgian women have testified to because the prosecutor hasn't made public its part in the investigation, that investigation is still ongoing, but we do know from a local newspaper that apparently at least one of these women has described a violent sexual encounter not just with kaun but with other men involved in this alleged prostitution ring and that's where the gang rape allegation comes from. however the other woman who was there also as a witness has a slightly different testimony. she does not recollect that violent sexual interaction. as a result we're sort of in this process of investigation, trying to see what other facts are coming to light. at the moment the prosecutor says they are investigating it,
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we'll have to see if there are any more details that come out. >> so dominique strauss-kahn has been forced into battle on a number of different legal fronts, criminal, civil, shore to shore. is he saying anything about this latest allegation or i mean is his wife saying anything eat center. >> reporter: neither his wife or he himself have said anything. dominique strauss-kahn cannot say anything because it is under an ongoing investigation. remember he has himself been charged with what in france is called aggravate ed pimping. his lawyers say the investigation will show he's committed no violent acts and never without engaging in any sexual act without consent of a partner. it's interesting to note that when these prostitution agencieses came out a few months ago his lawyers did not deny he attended sex parties but simply said he did not know they were
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prostitutes. >> there's that. thank you. one more thing we should let people know about the case involving the new york hotel maid she did file a civil lawsuit against dominique strauss-kahn. that's still active. he has decided to counter sue. he says her allegations cost him his imf job and also cost him the chance of being elected president of france. i never thought to use aspirin for muscle pain.
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now that's personal pricing. today sentencing day for dharun ravi. dharun ravi arrived at court this morning. here are the pictures of him basically this is the day to face the music. he's that rutgers university student convicted of spying and intimidating his roommate. if you'll remember the story, dharun ravi used a webcam to record or to basically shoot pictures of his roommate tyler clementi as he was engaged in a sexual encounter with another man. and then dharun ravi shared that online using a social media website to invite people to watch. this case thrust the issue of cyber bullying front and center in the national conscience. tyler clementi later committed suicide. moments ago his dad stood up before the court and addressed
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everybody. >> mr. ravi never met or knew my son before arriving at rutgers university. he had no call to do what de. tyler did anything to mr. ravi to make him dislike him or retaliate for doing some wrongdoing. mr. ravi did these criminal act because he saw my son not deserving basic human decency and respect and because my son was different than him, below him and because he was gay. >> dharun ravi was found guilty on all 15 counts against him, the most serious bias intimidation and invasion of privacy. he's facing up to ten years and possible deportation to his native india. our senior legal analyst joins me now on the telephone. jeffrey i want to ask you about some of the unusual aspects of this case, the prosecutors did not ask for the maximum. and at the same time before
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sentencing has even come down defense was asking that this be a noncustodial sentence, meaning no jail. is that unusual before you actually get the sentence? >> not at all. there's often, the parties often take a position about what sentence should be, and sometimes they are on the low side. you know, this is such a painful and paradoxical case what he was charged with is not what people think did. the heart of this case is tyler clementi suicide. that's the tragedy that drives everything here. but he was obviously -- he was not charged with driving him to suicide, he was charged with something else and the question is how should the suicide play into this and that's something the legal system is concerned with for more than a year here. it sound like these two sides and what they are asking for, it
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almost sounds as though the message that the prosecutors wanted to send was in conviction not necessarily in the sentence. is that the case? >> i think that's right. but it is also true that prosecutors don't always ask for the maximum sentence. i think prosecutors often show very good judgment in saying look, some crimes are worse than others, and sometimes the maximum sentence is not called for. i mean this young manmade a horrible, horrible judgment in putting these videos out and exposing his roommate to ridicule. but ten years in prison sounds like a lot, sounded a throat e the -- sounded like a lot to the prosecutors. i doubt any judge will give ten years. whether they give a year or two, i think is -- i think that's quite possible and i think the
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issue of deportiation is a very tough one here. >> interesting to see. >> i think the prosecutor should good judgment in recognizing the complexities of this case. >> i was just mentioning, do you think he'll say sorry. there are implications if you say that in court. >> well, you know, one of the things that this defendant has done is he has not helped himself by his post- conviction comments. he gave an interview to chris cuomo of abc news where he essentially didn't admit he did anything wrong. one of the things judges look to is taking responsibility and remorse. >> attrition. >> at left so far he hasn't shown it and i think that will not stand him in good stead in terms of what sentence he would give. i think the judge would rightly look harshly on the fact that,
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you know, he has not come clean and recognized the harm that de. >> we're going to keep a live eye on it. thank you for that, for your analysis and also in the wake of this case new jersey lawmakers have toughened their antibullying law. chris christie signed that bill into law. it calls for schools to develop specific anti-harassment programs. ok, here you go. be careful. thanks dad. call me -- but not while you're driving. ♪ [ dad ] we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. ♪
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person in the southeast has contracted that flesh eating bacteria that we've been telling you about. it's a 33-year-old man from cartersville, georgia. we've been closely watching the cases of 24-year-old amy copeland who is in the hospital in augusta and the mother of three twins in greenville, south carolina. our cnn medical correspondent, elizabeth cohen is here. the question we would have to know off the battle me about the third case. >> his name is bobby vaughn and a 32-year-old landscaper here in georgia. and he has some kind of a mark or cut or something on his leg and he said that it grew very
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quickly from peanut size to grapefruit size. so as you can imagine that would be quite alarming and would send to you the hospital to check it out. but he's in good condition. he's talking to people. so we're very glad to hear that. >> that sounds almost like the same thing that lana described when she was in the hospital and found that bruise or bruise looking mark that started to grow very quickly. is it the same kind of story? >> very similar. what happens this bacteria is so voracious that it grows very quickly, does it damage very quickly so you could actually -- she and her husband saw this bruise, watched it get bigger and bigger on the back of her leg. that's what brought them to the hospital. they said hey we have to take this seriously. she was diagnosed quickly. now the update on her is that she has -- we've now learned she's had seven surgeries. this is the mom of twins in south carolina. seven surgeries.
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no amputations. but seven surgeries. and she is, does have a breathing tube in her. it doesn't appear she's terribly with it. she's not able to have conversations and whatnot. but the fact that they haven't had to do amputations yet that's good news. that means this doesn't appear to be spreading rapidly. >> it's all relative, right and two brand new babies at home. move me over to amy copeland and how is she doing. >> another piece of good news is that she was taken offer ventilator and she's been given a tracheotomy. she's had amputations at the beginning of this ordeal. one leg was amputated. she had a foot and both her hands amputated. but she is with it and conscious. her family says that she's cracking jokes, so that, you know, that is good news and i'm sure they are all relieved they
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can communicate more easily with her since she doesn't have that breathing tube down her throat. >> this is a recent phenomenon and now hearing three cases is this something we're hearing more of because it's in the news or are there more cases. 2009 georgia, one in south carolina, are there more cases all of a sudden out of nowhere. >> there aren't more cases out of nowhere. this really is in many ways a phenomenon of the news. there's hundreds if not thousands of cases in this country every year. it just so happens for whatever reason that we're hearing about these now. so for every aimee and lana and bobby there are many, many more who suffer from this disease and the folks who work for the foundation, that covers this disease said they are glad it's getting attention because they want people to be conscious of what's going on. if you have a cut or a bruise that's growing literally in front of your eyes and if it's extremely painful, then you need to pay attention. you need to be an "empowered
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patient". go the doctor or hospital and say look i'm worried about this. these infections are often missed. doctors of end misdiagnose them and say it's no big deal. ai aimee copeland in the beginning was sent home with pain killers. they didn't catch it in time. most of the time a bruise or cut is nothing. >> better safe than sorry. thanks for that. great advice. aimee copeland's dad is posting regular up where dates on a facebook page called believe and pray for a miracle to happen for aimee copeland.
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visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. when we got married. i had three kids. and she became the full time mother of three. it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. those years were crazy. so, as we go into this next phase, you know, a big part of it for us is that there isn't anything on the schedule.
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it is graduation time for the class of 2012. yes, already. it's that late in the year. if you have a graduate at home you and your student may benefit from some good financial advice. alison kosik is live at the new york stock exchange. >> reporter: let me throw out some good news for those graduates graduating with a load of debt on their shoulders. you don't have to start repaying most student loans until six months after you graduate. you need to double check your own loan terms. but the founder of ask the money says in the meantime what you should do is start saving up what can you. start to learn how to budget on your own. you don't want to start missing payment when is your student loan bills come due since late payments on your credit report could affect your chances of getting a car loan or applying for credit cards especially if you don't have a long term credit history like many
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graduates right out of school. >> let me switch gears a bit. let's get the low down on facebook. we were crazy on friday. this is the first full day of trading. how is it going? >> reporter: we're watching facebook shares fall below it's offer price of $38. price holding at about $33.84. the price is off the lows of the session. it's interesting to watch the performance of this stock the day after it's ipo because leading up to the public debut on friday, you know, there was a lot of hype. but friday shares ended with a big thud. one trader told me today after a weekend of hearing all this negative news about facebook being overhyped and overvalued all of that is coming to fruition and you're seeing that selling really going on here with facebook shares down almost 11.5%. >> 32. i don't think anybody was expecting that. >> rough monday for them. trader did tell me you may see
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momentum for facebook shares pick up when they report tharngs for the second quarter. if they do report strong profit and revenue you could see momentum pick up then if not before but definitely then if they do show that they are making some money. >> all those buyers on the dip too. thank you. the facebook story has another little addendum. the stock may have off to a rocky start, look here. that's one heck of an update on your facebook page, right? mark zuckerberg got married to his long time girlfriend priscilla chance. it happened on saturday in california. congratulations to the happy couple. [ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing
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attack died yesterday in his bed in libya. but some people inside and outside of libya continue to question the verdict, insisting there was a miscarriage of justice. nic robertson has the details. >> reporter: so why do these questions continue to persist? perhaps number one is because abdelbaset ali mohmet al megrahi himself continued to say that he was innocent right up to the moment that he died. his family continues now to maintain his innocence. we have the u.n. special representative where the trial took place and abdelbaset ali mohmet al megrahi was sentenced in 2001 saying it was a spectacular miscarriage justice. we have the scottish criminal review system saying there may have been a miscarriage of justice and further review is required. we also have the first minister of scotland now saying upon abdelbaset ali mohmet al megrahi's death that the investigation is still live and ongoing, which rather gives the impression that there are
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unanswered questions. some of those questions have been about the evidence presented, the clothing that abdelbaset ali mohmet al megrahi was allegedly supposed to have purchased in malta and put in the suitcase and packed it around the bomb that made it on board the flight. there are questions from the store keeper who alleged sold him the clothes that perhaps doesn't stand -- hasn't stood the scrutiny of time. there are questions about the circuit board and the fragment of the bomb that was allegedly recovered from the bomb site. there are questions about that. and there are broader questions too of whether libya was solely responsible for this. there have been allegations, indeed, a source in jordan told me that they believe this was an intelligent source in jordan they believe a palestinian group had been contracted by the iranians to bring down a u.s. flight in retaliation for the
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downing of an iranian airbus killing several hundred passengers earlier in the summer of 1998. that allegation was based on the fact according to jordanians a bomb-maker in this palestinian terror group made the bomb and warned the jordanians said they warned the cia that one of their bombs had gone missing. these are the reasons that sort of the story won't die or unlikely to die with abdelbaset ali mohmet al megrahi, according to the scots it's up to his family to move that process forward. with all these rumors and questions and the possibility that some people in custody in libya and outside of libya, the former intelligence safe, the son of moammar gadhafi in custody in libya may have information about this case as well. nic robertson, cnn, new york.
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>> well, abdelbaset ali mohmet al megrahi, if he had any secrets took home to his grave. thank you, nic robertson for that. a warning from the united states government for north korea this morning and here it is. don't try it again. they are talking about another nuclear test and paula hancock joins me live from seoul, north korea. the timing, it's curious, we've come out from the last few weeks of a failed missile test. why the timing of this warning regarding a nuclear test? >> reporter: we had a meeting dane seoul between the top u.s. envoy for north korea and his south korean and japanese counterparts. all three of them showed a united front against north korea saying they shouldn't carry out a further nuclear test. the quote from davis i think it would be a serious miscalculation and mistake if
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north korea would engage in a nuclear test. if you look at the precedence of the previous failed rocket launches it would seem as though it's likely. 2006 and 2009 there were rocket launches and just after them there was also a nuclear test. so of course it was on april 13th we had this failed rocket launch and the vast majority of people think the nuclear test is just around the corner and add to that you have satellite images showing a third tunnel being dug in the same area as the two previous nuclear tests, so it would appear that the signs are pointing towards a new year test. glen davis saying today it would be a serious miscalculation and saying all respected nations would show a united front once again against north korea. >> just quickly i thought we had a deal with pyongyang, if there was such a thing and only a few weeks before the mist tests.
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what's the status of our negotiations with that country if any. >> reporter: there are no negotiations at this point. that was two weeks before this rocket launch that that deal was going ahead and glen davis said that showed north korea couldn't be trusted to live up to its own promises. but he did leave the door open. he said they do put pressure on the united states but they also do have some negotiations as well and the negotiations are still possible. so he did leave the door open for north korea to make good and to come back to the negotiating table. certainly there's no trust between the two at this point after just two weeks after the deal they went hide with this rocket launch. >> fascinating to watch as it moves forward. paula hancock, thanks very much, live for us in seoul, south korea. china has expressed some concern over the possibility of a north korean new year test because the last time around in 2009 it caused extensive environmental damage along their border with that country.
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if you are leaving the house right now good news. we got a reminder for you. you can watch cnn from your iphone or from your desk top. go to you'll see everything there. very easy to continue to follow us all day long. america's civil rights group has given its blessing to same sex marriage opinion leaders of the
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naacp declared marriage equality, a civil right to which every american is entitled. group's president and ceo is on the phone with me now. thanks so much for joining us. talk to me a little bit about the timing of this. was this something you wanted to do all along or did you feel you had to do this because of president obama's recent evolution in his opinion about same sex marriage? >> i think what's most important here is the context in which both comments were made, both his and ours. both came on the heels of a battle in north carolina. what became clear we're facing a tidal wave of efforts to write discrimination into our state constitution. we have state by state whether california or north carolina, you know, been very clear in opposing anti-marriage equality bills. but facing what could be a tidal wave both this fall and in
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coming years we thought it was important to get beyond sort of state by state conversation and be very clear that we stand for full marriage equality beneath the law, the civil law, talking about civil marriage which is a civil right and a matter of civil law across the entire country. >> and not all-black americans see it that way. there's certainly a tidal wave of support but also a tidal wave against. i want to bring you attention to one of our cnn ireporters. she weighed in on this recent movement by the naacp. have a listen. >> many african-americans and other minorities, the most important thing that we have is our religious belief. and many believe that homosexuality is a sin and they do not believe in same sex marriages. >> is there any thought that, you know, whatever monolithic
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aspect of the black vote is out there has that splintered that vote? >> there are those who are trying, they will be rebuffed again as they have been in the past. this question for the naacp is a question about civil marriage ultimately, about a matter of civil law that's truly a civil right as the supreme court stated since 1967 decision. this is a fundamental right of citizenship in this country. we, in fact, we frankly defend under the first amendment to the constitution the right of houses of worship to have whatever policies or practices they want to have in their denomination and religion and house of worship but this is about the government and how the government treats its citizens and for 103 years we are very clear we pose efforts to enshrine discrimination into
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law. so, you know, the reality is that the black community is about as split as the white community on this issue. however, voters are also smart and when groups like nam say they tend to split the black vote they will be sadly mistaken. the reality is that the core fight for justice in this country is one that people for hundreds of years have stood together own and we will continue to. again i think it's important for people to hear very clearly that civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. this is about what the government can do to its citizens, whether the government did discriminate against its citizens, whether it will be encoded into state constitutions. >> let me ask you this and i'll be quick with this. the statistical look at
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african-americans and how they view same sex marriage, 63% resistance to same sex marriage back in 2008 and that number has now been reduced to 49%. do you see that as a trend that will continue or really get a spike because of the message, a spike either way because of the message you just delivered on the issue? >> i think the truth is that president obama has about 90% trust and approval rating in the black community and ours is about 85. so two strong voices that have powerful resonance in the black community coming out within a couple of weeks, again following the state of north carolina, winning a slim minority vote to encode the discrimination against a slim majority vote to encode discrimination against a minority group into their state constitution. all of that coming together hopefully will encourage people to again look at the question at hand which is not a question of faith or a question of what should houses of worship do,
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just a question of whether the government should allow encode discrimination against minority groups in a state or in the country into law. >> ben jealous, good of you to join us. also i want to mention the national gay and lesbian task force is calling the naacp's decision historic and quoting they are saying this is what leadership looks like. ♪
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time now for "fair game." i want to bring in political analyst roland martin and on the right successful entrepreneur tom blair. guys, let's talk bain, shall we, and how the democrats are really hammering, hammering away. i kind of thought after some of the backlash that that might slow, but there's a brand new ad out today. let me see if i can play some of it so we can get a feel for it. we don't have it. let me characterize it for you, it's mean, it's mean, it's ripping apart mitt romney for being a businessman, venture capitalist and they somehow call him vulture capitalist not in those words but others.
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>> when mitt romney makes it clear that his job creation experience is the primary experience that he is speaking to, why he wants to be president, of course that is fair game. now, the problem, of course, when you begin to talk about private equity, there are people out there who are african-american who are hispanic, who are women, who are white, doesn't matter, who also seek venture capital dollars, and to it's very fine line and the president got lots of money from wall street in the last campaign, not as much this time, it has flipped, and so i think they will zero in on bain but not try to make it a larger issue. >> tom blair, jump in if you would because last week it was really ripped apart. some of the characterizations that were made of the steel
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company that went under. you know, there were some gray areas that were capitalize on by the democratic ad. this one, same thing? >> yes, and i would say in presidential politics anything is fair game, and roland makes some excellent points. i would suggest though that the democratic party needs to be sensitive to being hit by a ricochet. if you look at the court administration, it's really the largest equity fund on the planet. a couple years ago we put $2 billion into gm and aig. we had some high interest rate loans at 9%. we took the majority of the equity. we as the government of the united states, we made them change the government, void some -- >> but we didn't run up debt and that's the biggest criticism of what bain capital did, that it ran the debt up and made off like dan bits after that. i don't know that that's a fair comparison, is it?
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>> how about solyndra? we ran the set up there for $500 million and they went upstairs. i wouldn't say ran off. sometimes reality comes to the point where there's nothing else to do but close up the shop. >> but i do think what this is going to cause, ashleigh, is for us to examine the practices of wall street when companies jack the debt up, come in, whack the workforce, whack the labor force, and then be able to try to sell the company at a higher profit. -- >> you but know what, roland, the character of these ads, it smears mitt romney as if this is what he does, he's a vulture. that isn't fair because the greater spectrum of his career was not like that. >> here is the deal though, the whole point though is you're not sitting here saying, oh, here is the totality of what he did. you're speaking to specific companies, specific communities that were actually decimated, and trust me, in a political
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campaign, those voices are going to be -- >> in a steel industry that was decimated. it was the worst time in american history for steel. >> it doesn't matter when you are a person who had a job and a family and children in college -- >> it was hard for them. >> but my whole point is those voices are going to be significant in any political campaign whether it happened on the left or the right. >> business is business, i'll give you the last word, tom. >> i would suggest that gm and aig and other folks that benefited from the bailout got saddled with immense debt at high interest rates and it's a tragedy anyway you look at it. people get laid off to make the whole work. whether you be an autoworker or somebody in a steel mill, when you get laid off, it hurts. you really don't care whether the company is successful after that. >> all right, guys. i have to leave it there. roland, tom, thanks very much, that is "fair game." i like that. nice! no. laugh...awe
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to new heights of prosperity. good things are happening. just look up. with u.s. bank. the key is to have a good strategy. the same goes for my retirement. with the plan my financial advisor and i put together, a quick check and i know my retirement is on course. [ male announcer ] with wells fargo advisor's envision plan, you always know where you stand. in fact, 93 percent of envision plan holders say they will retire on their own terms. get started on the plan you need today -- wells fargo advisors. together we'll go far. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours...
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everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ hollywood certainly seems to be under a spell. the stories that have audiences charmed happen to be flowing from the pens of women. kareen wynter takes a look at how female authors are creating a coveted million dollar franchise. >> reporter: the most powerful force in entertainment isn't a wizard or even a werewolf, but the women who create them. >> i volunteer as tribute. >> the franchises that are really driving book sales right now are all written by women. >> women like j.k. rowling, stephenie meyer, suzanne collins, and now e.l. james whose "50 shades of grey" trill
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ji is one, two, and three on "the new york times" best sellers list and just caused a multimillion dollar hollywood bidding war. >> i was stung by the reaction. >> this for bes writer isn't stunned. he says her success part of a trend years in the making. >> male viewers have been the hardest to reach. come up with a franchise that young men will pay attention to and women will just come along. as tv audiences and movie audiences have fragmented into smaller and smaller niches, that no longer is as successful a strategy. >> they just want a good show. >> the formula they're looking for draws from the fantasy and the romance genres. >> a formula that favors female authors like suzanne collins who wrote "the hunger games." the stories are amazing, the books are incredible. >> i was one of the obsessed fans of the book. and then i got cast.
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>> women have been better at figuring out this formula, what young adults want to read and what sorts of stories get in their head. >> and the success of female authors is not just limited to books and movies. for the upcoming fall season, the major tv networks have ordered seven new pilots based on books, six of them written by women. >> it's inversion of a stereotype that's worked against women authors for so long and now it's working in their favor. >> a howerf ee eer -- powerful hollywood that's been broken by women with pens. >> and that's that. thanks for watching. cnn "newsroom" continues now with suzanne malveaux. i'm suzanne malveaux. i want to get straight to it. right north carolina jury is deciding john edwards' fate. the former presidential candidate is accused of illegally using almost $1 million in campaign donations to cover up his affair with rielle
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hunter and hide the child that they had together. neither edwards nor hunter testified. high school students in joplin, missouri, are going to get a special guest at their graduation ceremonies this evening. we're talking about president obama. the president is going to deliver the commencement address element a year to the day after a huge tornado ripped the town apart, flattened the high school. 161 people were killed. it is the tale of two cities right now in chicago. diplomacy at the nato summit and, of course, there's dissent on the streets. fierce confrontation yesterday between protesters and police left dozens of people injured on both sides. now, today more demonstrations are planned. ted rowlands has been in the thick of it essentially. protesters vowing to shut down boeing chicago's headquarters today. have they succeeded and do we know their mission? >> reporter: they're just starting up today, suzanne, they
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met at a park and are making their way to boeing. according to a text message sent out by one of the organizations, they have about 100 people at this point, expecting that number to grow, and their goal is to shut down boeing for the day, basically encircling headquarters in downtown chicago. we saw the video yesterday from the ruckus that took place about three blocks away from mccormick place. prior to that there was a ceremony, and the reason that people were there, there was a ceremony involving iraqi and afghani vets that came to throw back their medals, and what they did was they threw their medals over a fence towards where the nato leaders were meeting. it was a long ceremony, and it went off without a hitch. take a listen, a little bit, watch one of these veterans throwing their medals towards the nato leaders.
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>> i served in the army national guard for 12 years and all i have to say is this is not something i'm proud of. >> reporter: that is vincent emmanu emmanuel. he's a former marine in iraq, two separate tours, you threw out five medals that you earned while fighting for this country. give us a sense of what led you to turn, if you will, to such a dramatic spot from being a guy that served his country honorably to throwing the medals away. >> those negative experiences i had experienced in iraq. being on vehicle checkpoints when we were killing innocent civilians, watching iraqis being tortured, and seeing the destruction of the economy and society led me to eventually
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oppose the war. of course, then on top of doing research about american foreign policy in the region, i became opposed to the war and we see those medals as representing an unjust and immoral occupation. >>age was drowned out yesterday because of what happened after the ceremony. what are your thoughts about the protesters, the anarchists that were out there yesterday? >> i will say the majority of the protest was peaceful. we have had great relations with the chicago police. for those of us in iraq veterans against the war, the entire day was peaceful on our end. afterwards we saw a few events take place back at the stage where we had set up. i think it's unfortunate in so far as our message was very clear. we're veterans. we're here to return our medals. we're opposed to the wars in afghanistan and iraq and we want reconciliation with the iraqi and afghani people. >> reporter: it was jarring really to see the men and women
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in uniform getting up on stage and throwing their medals basically in the garbage. have you gotten any negative feedback? do people e-mail or call you? what kind of feedback have you got snn. >> interestingly enough, i received a few positive messages from folks i had served with, guys in my platoon. there's always going to be folks who i think view this in a negative fashion, but i don't think we should focus on that. i think we should focus on the thousands of people who have gathered not only in chicago but around the world protesting these wars, protesting austerity measures at a time when we're spending billions overseas. >> vincent emmanuel, we were talking earlier, they are demanding that we leave the wars immediately, leave afghanistan immediately, but clearly that's easier said than done. but you have a lot of following and yesterday, suzanne, it was a moving ceremony wherever your politics land in which you think about vincent and the others. it was quite a sight to see these men and women up on stage literally throwing their medals that they earned away.
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>> ted, it certainly seems like this is emotional on all sides here. you had chicago's top cop gary mccarthy, who was actually trying to fight back tears talking about how his officers handled themselves against some of these protesters, who he says, quite frankly, were violent. i want you to listen to what he said. >> these officers were highly trained, highly skilled, and if you think it's easy to ask people to do what they did, it's not. asking people to put themselves in harm's way knowing that they're going to get assaulted to be able to stand there and take it, these guys were amazing. >> so, ted, put this into perspective for us. you have the superintendent on one side saying the officers acted heroically and then you have protesters accusing them of police brutality. what did you actually see? >> reporter: well, i was right in the middle of it. here is the bottom line, suzanne, the police gave a
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direct order for people to vacate the premises. basically this protest, this planned protest was over, and from the police standpoint they wanted to clear these people out for a number of reasons. the number one reason was the security of the world leaders that were three blocks away. those people didn't want to leave, and the reason for that is because they felt frustrated they were being held back three blocks away from the world leaders and they felt their message wasn't being heard. you basically had the intersection of two forces. a force of people trying to push forward and the force of the police that at a certain time decided enough is enough and started to push back. there's a lot of emotion involved on both sides of this. you heard that from the police commissioner. the officers themselves, four of them injured, one of them stabbed in the leg during this. >> ted, real quickly, what is the scene on the ground now? are things relatively calm? >> reporter: calm so far. there is a couple things going on in the city. there's a group in one part of
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downtown and another group heading towards boeing. we'll wait and see and police, as you can imagine, are on high alert and will be for the remainder of the day. >> thank you so much. i want to turn to what's happening inside the nato summit. elise, usually those protests are far, far away from where the meetings are being held where these leaders, they often don't see the protests when they actually happen. we had heard from president obama just a short time ago delivering the opening remarks. his focus is on ending the war in afghanistan. peel back the curtain, if you will. give us a sense of how these leaders are reacting to his message today. >> reporter: well, suzanne, this is a message that basically the leaders started two years ago in lisbon at the last nato summit which is we're going to wind down the what are in afghanistan. by the end of 2013 afghan security forces will assume lead security control for the entire country. there won't be any combat troops in operation and by the end of
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2014 all nato troops presumably are going it leave. there's also kind of trying to fashion a role for nato. a lot of unanswered questions here because things like the afghan security force won't be up until 201. that's going to presume there's going to be a significant role for these countries, but i think at the same time president obama addressing the group yesterday said, look, the war as we know it is over, and they can see the finish line. >> elise, we'll have more on this later in the hour. thank you so much. this is what we're working on for the hour. he's dead, but the damage he did is far from forgotten. i'll talk to a man who lost his brother to the lockerbie bomber. then a rising democratic star says the political mudslinging has gone too far. and his voice was part of the sound that defined a generation. we're remembering robin gibb. [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation,
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so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. listen to what mvp justin verlander thinks about it. i would say the source of most of my muscle pain would be in my shoulder. my trainer kevin rand recommended it to me. i was kind of skeptical at first, but i tested it out,
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chicago. the president expects nato to sign off on his exit strategy. afghan president hamid karzai backs the plan that calls for all troops to leave by 2014. we were both in afghanistan last year. one of the things that struck me when i interviewed karzai, a couple things, first of all, he blames the u.s. for largely the corruption in his country. has been very frustrated with civilian casualties, and also, third, he is extremely concerned about where the money is going to come from, the financial backing, after u.s. troops and international forces pull out. what are we hearing from these two leaders? >> it is all about the money. i found it interesting when you did that interview and he blamed the west for corruption. the karzai government is corrupt from top to bottom. this is all about money and he needs money. we talked about how they built up the afghan forces to take control and be responsible for their own security. they want to build it up to 350,000. after the u.s. and other troops
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leave in 2014, it's going to scale back to 230,000, why? money. the afghan economy -- the afghan budget is 90% foreign aid. they can't afford to keep this army going so they're going to need $6 billion a year. >> is he making his case? is he actually doing a good job of making his case? >> and he probably will get the money because those who are leaving like the u.s. don't want to be seen to be aekd abandonin they will cough up the money, but it will be $230,000, not 350 and that brings the cost down to $4 billion a year of which afghanistan will pay $500 million. >> let's talk about the guy who is not meeting. president obama is not meeting the president of pakistan, zardari. >> oops. >> it's secretary hillary clinton who is handling all that. at least under president obama he was able to talk to musharraf. they had a relationship here, even if it wation was kind of a
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tense one at time. what does it say about the role pakistan is playing here? >> the gulf has widened over all this. you talk about afghanistan. a lot of people say you don't get a solution to afghanistan without pakistan. we used to call it afpak. a lot of people think it should be pakaf. this stems from the drone incident where the u.s. fired a drone and it killed a bunch of pakistani soldiers. they stopped the palestine of supplies going into afghanistan through pakistan. they demanded an apology and they said even if the trucks start flowing, we will double what we charge you. the u.s. has not given them what they want. they're not going to get the apology. the u.s. has expressed regret. the u.s. doesn't want to be seep to be apologizing. the republicans will seize on that and say it's weakness. and now what happened was they invited zardari to come to nato.
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usually you don't hold talks at presidential level unless you know the results before hand. you know this. >> it's the side bar conversations that make a difference. >> that's why he came and they didn't have a meeting because the president wasn't going to go in there, meet with zardari and leave with no result. when they knew they weren't going to get a result on getting this transport supply line going, move it over to hillary to do the diplomacy side of things. it really doesn't look good for zardari at home either. he goes home looking weak because he didn't get to meet the president. it's a very troubled relationship. frenemies as people call it. >> and a lot of times you'd go to these summits and you don't really expect to get a lot out of this. it is a communique, it's a paper, an agreement or something like that that doesn't really have a lot of weight to it. when you see the summit, do you see any results? do you see something that's tangible here? >> i think with afghanistan you will get a signing off on the agreement to pull out. that's really what the focus was on here, on this particular meeting. and you saw from the invitees, there's 28 countries in tay tna
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there's more than 50 invited to be there. i think they'll get that loose agreement on withdrawal. look, president obama's worked out, he knows that afghanistan is not going to be different, 2 years, 4 years, 10 years fro now. a lot of concern about afghanistan. the taliban is resurgent in the south. i have the pakistan influence in the east. there's concern about iranian influence in the west. karzai's president of his backyard. this is not a country that responds well to central government. >> the president of kabul they often say. >> the mayor of kabul. >> not the country. >> it's a country that historically hasn't ever had a central government that's worked. >> it's a lot to do. >> it's history. >> it's unbelievable the amount that needs to be done there. >> absolutely. >> michael, thank you. our woft bli-- wolf blitzer talk was ma heed camid karzai t
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at 4:00 p.m. eastern. the anotherer toous lockerbie bomber is buried today but can the questions and anger over pan am bombing ever be put to rest for the victims' families? we are talking today and some are not satisfied. don't forget, you can watch cnn live on your computer while you're at work. head to it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business,
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emotions are running high in a meteorologist courtroom. that's where a former rutgers university student faces sentencing in a case related to the death of his roommate. dharun ravi used a web cam to spy on his roommate, tyler clementi, kissing another man. he put it online and then used social media to invite people to watch. tyler clementi's mother, jane, spoke in court about dharun ravi and her son. >> he never really knew tyler, not the smart, kind, articulate, humble, funny, talented, caring, thoughtful, generous, trut wo h trustworthy and dependable person tyler was. all he found out was tyler was
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gay. >> we just saw ravi's mother. she just spoke as well making an emotional plea for her son. she was crying. she broke down after she went back from the stand. everybody seemed to be very emotional, very tearful as well as the son and everybody crying at that point. ravi was convicted of intimidation and invasion of privacy. he is facing possible jail time and deportation to his native india. the only person ever convicted in the bombing of pan am flight 103 over lockerbie, scotland, is being buried today and any secrets he had about the terrorist attack, well, that's going to be buried with him. the 1988 bombing killed 270 people including 189 americans. now, the former libyan intelligence agent convicted of bombing died yesterday, and his death came more than 2 1/2 years after he was released from prison on compassionate grounds. matthew chance reports from
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lockerbie. >> reporter: you join me in the garden of remembrance on the outskirts of lockerbie where there were memorials to the 220 peop -- 270 people who lost their lives, including 11 people in this sleepy scottish town when that boeing 747, pan am flight 103 plunged into their homes. understandably, a lot of raw emotion still in lockerbie, particularly over the news of the death of abdul bassett al megrahi. many people happy that this individual, the only person to have been convicted of involvement in the lockerbie bombing, has finally died. there was a lot of anger in this area that the scottish government chose to release him on humanitarian grounds after it emerged he had terminal cancer. david cameron is the british prime minister, and when he gave his reaction refused to sympathize with the megrahi family. >> well, of course, i have
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always been clear that he should never have been released from prison, but i think today is a day to remember the 270 people who lost their lives in what was an appalling terrorist act and our thoughts should be with them and their family. >> half sad and half relieved because i knew this man quite well and he had become my friend, and i met him last in december last year, and he was in a lot of pain then. i knew he would have been in a lot of pain in between, so at least his death has brought his pain, his suffering to an end, but i was very, very glad that the last part of his life was lived with his family back in his own society. >> reporter: the death of al megrahi does close a chapter on this dark period but there are now concerns that with his death many questions still hanging over the lockerbie bombing may never be answered. >> hes massacred 270 people.
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that's how the brother of a lockerbie bombing victim summed up the actions. we are talking about grief, frustration, anger, and now for many there is some relief. burt ammerman lost his brother in the bombing. he is also a former spokesman for an organization that represented family members. he's joining us from new york. thank you so much for being here, first of all. i know that this has been a very emotional journey for you. when you heard that al megrahi died, what were your initial thoughts? >> satisfaction that he finally has left this earth. to be honest with you, suzanne, this changed my thoughts of megrahi when gadhafi was overthrown and killed. on that day megrahi became a small actor in the drama of pan am 103. >> scotland is saying that this is still an active case, a live investigation.
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do you think that there will be more work that will be done on this, more information that will be uncovered? >> well, both obama and cameron, they have it in their hands. the fellow who was gadhafi's chief intelligence officer was arrested by the french a couple months ago. he's in their custody. he has the key to the truth about pan am 103. he knows who was involved. he also know what is other countries were involved. the question is whether our government and the british government has the stomach to find the truth because i honestly believe it will lead to the front door of iran and syria, and in listening to cameron speak yesterday, he keeps saying that he would never release megrahi. he keeps talking in the past. let's get to the present. you know who knows what went on in pan am 103. start acting like a leader, and for president obama to watch him over in nato spend billions of dollars on a rukor runcorrupt a leader like karzai and not spend the time on who blew up pan am
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103 is hypocritical. >> when you call his actions hypocritical, what more do you want him to do? do you want him to take the money he is spending regarding the nato summit and the afghan government to stabilize that country and use it for an investigation? >> you don't even need that much. he is in custody of the french. our government knows that, the british government knows that. if they were interrogating him aggressively, they will get the answers to pan am 103. this is common sense. the problem i have realized over the last 24 years is common sense is either not well-received in washington or over in the united kingdom or is met with resistance because they really truly in the end might not want to know what the truth was. >> is this the end of your journey now that megrahi has died or do you feel like you have an active position, there is still more that you can do personally? >> oh, yeah. i can't emphasize this enough. megrahi's death is not the last chapter in pan am flight 103.
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i didn't believe 24 years after the death of my brother that gadhafi would be out of power, that he would be dead. i thought megrahi might outlive us. he is now dead. but the truth can be found. i didn't think that would happen during my lifetime. it's just whether obama has the political intestinal fortitude and cameron can start getting off the rhetoric and start doing something as a leader. if both men want to know the truth, the gentleman is in their custody. they can find out tomorrow. >> how would they do that do you suppose? >> interrogation. to be over there and interrogate him. he is willing to give i think the information. what's even more ironic is i have more faith in the new libyan government finding out more or divulging the truth because they would like the world to know they were most likely not the only country culpable in this cowardly act. for me 24 years later, to have more faith in the libyan new
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government than my government and the british government is really an amazing statement because during the 24 years -- >> it certainly is. >> during the 24 years that the family group has been involved, we have never, ever been actively support republican or democrat from our own government. we've always gotten compromise through embarrassment or finding out information, and the same is true of the united kingdom, but if the families continue to persist, which i believe they will and the media still stays on top of this story and you know, suzanne, you have been in the business a long time, this is still a front page story 24 years later which is amazing because everyone knows that the truth is out there and we deserve to know what the truth is. >> bert ammerman, i know you are very intent on seeking the truth and finding the truth and clearly fighting for that. so we appreciate your time and, again, our condolences on the loss of your son. >> thank you. a man wanted in connection with a massacre near the texas border is now under arrest. mexican police have a leader of one of the most feared drug
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in mexico they call him el loco, the madman and police call him one of the main suspects in the brutal killings of 49 people. ramirez is the leader of the zada drug cartel. police say he gave them specific details about the kiltings. . president obama getting some support for backing same-sex marriage. earlier today the president of the naacp reiterated the organization's position in favor of marriage equality. want to bring in our political editor mark preston to talk about this and more. mark, first of all, there was a lot of concern about whether or not president obama would face a backlash among some plaque religious leaders who oppose
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same-sex marriage. that played out last week. then we saw the naacp jump into this and say that same-sex marriage is a civil rights issue that should be protected. i want you to listen. >> this is one of the key civil rights issues of our day. we at the naacp understand that with all such struggles there are conversations that happen at dinner tables, among families, and across our communities. these are conversations between good people who are looking to their own hearts to figure out what to ultimately believe and how to act. we respect that this is how change is ultimately made. >> mark, there's quite a division in this country and also within the black community over the issue of same-sex marriage and whether or not it should be legal. how important do you think this is, this endorsement from the naacp, to help this president mend some fences and perhaps keep some support, critical
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support, in the african-american community. >> well, he certainly provided air cover. in fact, as you said, president obama came under a lot of criticism for his support of same-sex marriage just a few weeks ago. i'm sure benjamin jealous from the naacp is getting all kinds of telephone calls from black religious leaders who are saying what are you thinking? how can you do this? this is really an amazing thing that we've seen happen over the last couple of days. this is a major step forward in some ways for the naacp to weigh in on such a political hot topic, and, of course, this is a major social issue for this campaign. for president obama this is nothing but welcome, right, suzanne, because the bottom line is president obama has got his back covered in many ways with the african-american community. now, we should note this. the folks who would oppose same-sex marriage are probably the same folks that were not going to vote for president obama anyway when it comes to november, and we should note the country is evenly split. when you look at all the polls, they are evenly split down the
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middle when it comes to whether same-sex marriage should be legal or not made legal. we're seeing this as well among african-americans. however, we should add this. we are seeing a trend over the past ten years or so that more people are saying that same-sex marriage should be legalized and not made illegal. >> it's an extraordinary development when you look at the naacp weighing in on this critical issue. i want to look at another obama supporter. this is the newark mayor cory booker raising eyebrows when he criticized the obama campaign's attack on mitt romney's history. >> this is nauseating to me, it's nauseating to the american public. enough is enough. stop attacking private equity and jeremiah wright. it's a distraction from the real issues. it's either going to be a small campaign about this crap or big
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campaign about the issues the american public cares about. >> there were some people who said he criticized the president. booker released a youtube video reiterating his support for president obama and said it's okay to question romney's record. here is what he said. >> i believe that mitt romney in many ways is not being completely honest with his role and his record even while a business person and is shaping it to serve his political interests. >> so, mark, what do you make of this? this looks like parsing, maybe covering his back a little bit. i don't know. i mean, when you look at the comments originally what he said, some people took that as criticizing the president. it looked like he said he was just fed up with how things were going in the campaign. >> yeah, and i got to tell you with this cory booker video, it's amazing. the comments he made on "meet the press" and the fact he turned this video around so quickly where he came out and in many ways defended the obama
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campaign for their attack of mitt romney's control of bain capital. mitt romney has made his campaign very much about how he can turn the economy around and how he's been a successful businessman. what cory booker did right there and what we've just shown is cory booker went out and had to backtrack a little bit and say, in fact, the obama campaign has every right to criticize mitt rom or at least look into his background. what we didn't show though in the second part is that cory booker never backtracked off the idea that the campaign has gotten very dirty. i have got to tell you what, if you are a voter anywhere in any state across the country and you see cory booker yesterday and you hear him say those words, you're saying to yourself, that guy should be in washington because he's the one who is saying let's cut through the crap, let's talk about real issues, and you know what? the fact is cory booker is the mayor of a big inner city. he has a lot of problems to deal with and i think he eloquently said that yesterday. >> it goes to show how sensitive
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and how critical every single sentence is and how both sides can use it to their advantage in this plig political season. mark, thank you. if it's broke in politics you're going to hear about it first on cnn's political gut check. it's straight in your inbox every afternoon by e-mailing mark at check it out on selling your house in today's market easier said than done. how one couple's philosophy on getting rid of their house and getting on with their lives could pay off. americans believe they should be in charge of their own future.
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in jail for spying on and intimidating his rutgers university roommate. the roommate, tyler clementi, had committed suicide after l p learning that the contact, intimate contact he had with another man was streamed live from a computer in their dorm room. now, ravi could have faced a maximum sentence of ten years, but instead he's getting 30 days in jail. this is after a morning of very emotional morning. you can see there with the parents of both those students, the parents of dharun ravi who the mother breaking down in tears earlier pleading for mercy for her son and, of course, the mother, the parents, of the young man, tyler clementi, who committed suicide, really a tragic case all around. really emphasized and called to attention, national attention, the notion of cyber bullying, about what this meant for a
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young gay student in a college environment. issues of privacy. this is an invasion -- he was convicted of invasion of privacy, bias intimidation, as well as other charges. he now faces a sentence of 30 days in jail. if you're thinking about selling your house, get ready for a reality check. you might end up getting 5% or 10% less than you paid for it. but it's not all bad. christine romans explains. >> reporter: scott nooner is a geow physicist, kate nooner is a brain researcher. no question this couple is smart. but their savviest move of late -- tell me the best advice you got about staging. putting their home on the market for 10 percent less than they paid for it. >> this is how many brokers came through this house. >> 92 different brokers in there. >> reporter: some must be repeat. >> there are over 100 with
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repeats. >> reporter: they have exciting new jobs in north carolina. they don't have much time to pack up and move, so they priced their home to sell quickly. >> it was definitely is pretty bitter pill to swallow as we were making this decision. >> reporter: it may not be easy but selling at a loss gives something valuable in return, peace of mind. psychotherapist robi ludwig says life can't wait for the housing market to improve. >> we are in a housing market where a 5% or 10% loss is actually a good thing really in the end. >> we live in different economic times, and so to measure things against an old economy doesn't really make any sense and isn't appropriate. >> right. >> reporter: it's first spring selling season in years that hasn't been, well, miserable. housing affordability is the best in 40 years. relentless price declines are slowing, and surveys point to prices creeping higher next year. housing starts are up, and home builder confidence is at a five-year high. mortgage rates are near all-time lows. but a true recovery in housing comes only with a better job
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market. >> the bottom line is, you know, you can't have a household you back from living your life. >> that's what we ultimately decided. even if we lose money, if that's the right move for us, we decided that we have to do it. >> reporter: christine romans, cnn, new jersey. a mission to the top of the world turns tragic. details on the rugged conditions on mt. everest and the incredible story of one man's quest to leave a piece of olympic history on the soum mitt. it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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tracking the beast known as mth everest, brave adventure seekers have had the perks of skilled sherpas, weather forecast, titanium oxygen tanks, but climbing the world's tallest peak is still dangerous. three climbers died this weekend. two more may be missing. want to bring in chad myers to talk about this because we think it could be up to five people now who have been killed or just died trying to ascend this mountain. is it more dangerous now than it was in previous years? >> i heard a little bit about the three that are coming down. information comes off that mountain very slowly. it's literally like somebody's scribbling on a piece of paper handing it down to somebody else. the three had to wait for people to ascend as they were trying to come down when they finally got to the descent, the weather got
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so bad, the winds have been blowing 60 or 70 miles an hour. only one more week in this may season and then you can't climb it anymore. only a tiny window. kenton cool is a very cool story. kenton cool from the british islands is taking a gold seal, a gold coin that was presented to the 1924 climbing expedition that didn't make it, by the way, but he's taking it up there -- there it is. there's the coin itself. he's at the second base camp going to the third right now. we had him on the phone for a while today, but he said, look, i have to go climb. i'm sorry, i have to leave. he's doing very well. he's worried that their window is very small now because they lost so many good days to weather. when the is that bad you can't climb. they were sitting there waiting for the weather to clear. now they have to make it by saturday or everybody literally has to come off the mountain. >> i don't know if this is an issue or not, but we were talking, i had climbed mt.
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kenya, you go up three days, you come down four days and sometimes it gets crowded at certain points. are we talking about just a line, there's so many people who are there that they're literally standing around shivering, getting cold, not being able to move on this mountain? >> clearly, i have only seen pictures. i can do things but i don't climb mt. everest. that's not one of my things. there's one road, the southern ridge everybody is trying to take that's such a small little place that, yes, it's almost like a little traffic jam there at times. >> and i understand 100 people actually ascended this weekend. >> yes. >> imagine the traffic on the mountain. >> the three that died made it to the top and died on the way down. >> and that was because they were simply waiting around. >> and the weather got so bad. >> okay. well, you know, it's one of those adventures. a lot of people love it. a lot of people want to do it. >> just to see it. >> we're going to stay in touch with that gentleman, cool, and
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see how he does, whether he's able to get that medal up to the summit. >> he's going to twi to -- to try to broadcast live from the top. first time ever. >> and he was the same person who tweeted first from the mountain, i understand, too. >> he's been up there nine times. >> yeah. >> he's done the summit nine separate times. this will be his tenth climb. >> but he's still trying to push the envelope a little bit, i think. good stuff. thank you, chad. >> you're welcome. it was a sendoff fit for a queen as one of "saturday night live's" biggest stars says good-bye. i never thought to use aspirin for muscle pain.
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have you ever left a job with a star-studded sendoff? check it out. ♪ good-bye ruby tuesday >> that's exactly what happened on "saturday night live" to kristen wiig when she left the show. mick jagger, steve martin sent her off along with her fellow cast mates. and a country that bans and censors american movies about to take ownership of one of the biggest movie theater chains here in the united states. [ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers.
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[ male announcer ] with wells fargo advisor's envision plan, you always know where you stand. in fact, 93 percent of envision plan holders say they will retire on their own terms. get started on the plan you need today -- wells fargo advisors. together we'll go far. major shift today in the movie theater business. amc, it is the u.s. theater chain, being bought out now by a chinese company for $2.6 billion. now, the two will combine to make the largest cinema chain in the world. alison kosik is at the new york stock exchange to exchange what this means. are we going to see any changes, first of all, in like, say, if you go to the theater, is it going to look any different, are the movies going to be any different? >> well, the current head of amc theaters says when you go to their movie theaters the whole movie going experience will not change. amc is telling us the brand and
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the type of movies you see there aren't going to change. don't expect more chinese movies. also so far workers' jobs are also safe. 18,000 people work for amc. it's headquartered in kansas city. they're also saying they're going to keep the same executive team. we'll see about that. but it's new ownership for amc will be this chinese company. that's what's buying amc. right now amc is owned by a group of private equity firms. the whole deal needs to be approved by u.s. and chinese authorities. that's the normal process and this deal is expected to go through. >> how important is this deal? i mean, this is pretty significant. >> yeah. i mean, the money is big, no doubt about it. this is a $3 billion deal, but you have to remember that amc is the nation's second busiest theater chain next to regal. this is really being called the biggest takeover yet of a u.s. company by a chinese firm and what it shows is that china is really growing in importance and that china is really growing in strength.
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and we're definitely seeing more and more of that lately. you know, i don't know if you remember, but earlier this month the fed gave three chinese banks the okay to buy a majority stake in a u.s. bank. that was a first. but you also have to remember this goes the other way, too. most major u.s. companies do business in china and consider it one of their most important markets, so we do a little over there, they do a little over here. it's just a little jarring to see china moving in on our turf. >> it's a big, big purchase there. a lot of purchasing power. thank you, alison. suzanne malveaux, want to get right to it. the only person ever convicted in the bombing of pan am flight 103 was buried today. he died yesterday. his death came more than 2 1/2 years after he was released from prison on compassionate grounds. the bombing killed 270 people including 189 americans. prior to september 11th, it was the deadliest actf
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