tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 22, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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wind and fuel issue, not the case. >> not the case, brooke. certainly that's what a couple of passengers have told us, not just the one you talked to, but a couple others, as well. that the pilot came on and said that they would be making that landing in maine and said it was not about a security issue and came on later and apologized to the passengers. we should point out that a federal law enforcement source briefed on the matter said there was no threat and this is not terrorism related. the woman in question is being questioned and likely undergo a psychological evaluation and no indication she was on a government watch list. we also heard separately from congressman king that a woman handed a note to the flight attendants. there was some question whether she needed a doctor and saying she had a device inside of her. another passenger told me that there was an announcement over the loud speaker asking for a doctor and then this woman was sort of in the back of the plane with flight attendants and a
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doctor for some time until they landed. he also said he didn't see the two f-15s which were scrambled to accompany the plane down that pretty much things seemed relatively normal in the cabin until they landed and folks from customs and border protection took this woman off the plane. >> they're asking her questions why she would say this in the first place. we thank you very much. in washington now, to space. private industry has officially gone galactic. >> two, one, zero. and launch of the spacex "falcon 9" rocket to resupply the international space station. >> today's launch by spacex is the first commercial mission to the international space station. and if its spacecraft
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accomplishes its goals, it will be responsible for 12 missions to the iss and united states will no longer have it rely on russia to get cargo up there. and after what i'm sure was a collecting holding of breaths there. spacex employees thrilled over this launch. businesses can, in fact, do space exploration and my next guest, certainly banking on that, as well. he's richard branson, founding of the group and launched space passenger flights to space. mr. branson, i'm not sure if you stayed up or woke up early to see this successful "falcon 9" launch but from a private enterprise perspective, how exciting is this for you? >> it's tremendously exciting and huge kudos to the whole team. they've done a fantastic, fantastic job. and it now means that virgin
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galactic as a private company has had spaceship one in space and you've had another commercial spaceship company had the successful, extremely successful launch and it is the beginning of a whole new era of spaceship troubles. a very, very exciting time ahead, i think, for all of us. >> you know, i covered the ending era of the space shuttles. "atlantis" launch this morning. seeing the spacex rocket launch. here is the administrator charlie boldin talking about it this morning. >> hopefully the stories you tell today, tomorrow and the weeks ahead will be stories of victory and triumph. today it is a time for the united states and spacex and the nasa team to celebrate. >> so, they're celebrating and he's, obviously, hoping we have boot prints on mars in our
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lifetime. thinking ahead is space tourism and talk to me about virgin galactic. how many people do you hope space tourists do you hope to get into space? >> well, in the very first year at virgin galactic's operations, we should take more people into space than russia and america combined have taken in the history of space travel. there may be 500 or 600 people in our first years. so, the great thing about the commercial sector doing this is we can do it for a fraction of the price that government-run companies have done it in the past. and that's, obviously, good for the american taxpayer. but also, i think, we've got wonderful innovative people, a lot of people who used to work at nasa who are dreaming big and i think there's going to be tremendously exciting times for people who want to become astronauts and want to go to space and there's going to be exciting times for, you know, deep space exploration. >> how many people do you have
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on the list thus far? >> we have about 550 people who have actually signed up and actually paid up to go into space, but that's the $200,000. an expensive price. but over the years, that price will come down. and, you know, i think that both our grandchildren, i think, will definitely have the chance of becoming astronauts and going to space and maybe even our children. so, i think it is going to be very exciting. when you think that russian america have not really been interested in you and me going into space and i think with commercial spaceship companies that we realize that most people would actually like to go to space if they had the opportunity. >> of these 550 or so people, any names i might recognize? >> oh, lots, lots of well-known people amongst them like steven
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hawkins who, who is always wanted to see more space exploration. wants us to caulil colonize oth planets from his extreme to ashton kucher and myself, my children. lots of our friends and lots and lots of people would just love the opportunity to go up there. >> what about, richard, concerns? there has to be at some point a concern that private enterprise, they're stepping in, they're going to create this new kind of space race. people, you know, wanting to get up there at any cost because there are multiple companies, right? multiple private enterprise companies. what about the danger? does that worry you? >> yeah, i mean i think spacex and virgin galactic are the two principal companies in this area and, you know, we're not going to take unnecessary risks. i mean, obviously, if you're pioneering new technology, you have to accept that, there are
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risks attached to that. but, you know, but i think the risks for us are far less than they were for nasa 60 years ago. where, you know, they had like for instance, the reentry was very risky with the nasa spaceship. with the virgin galactic spaceship our astronaut can be asleep when we come back into the earth's atmosphere. doesn't matter which angle of the spaceship hits the atmosphere. so, i think technology has moved on and it's a great deal safer today than it was ten years, 20 years, 30 years ago. >> i suppose if people are concerned about cost, this is private enterprise and for the people who can afford the $200,000 ticket, they are the ones that fork over the money. while i have you, i just have to take a turn. i was reading your twitter page earlier today and you're tweeting up a storm about grabbing scissors and cutting people's neck ties off, sir. might i ask why?
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>> i always find that the tie and the suits, it's the most constricting thing a man has to wear. women, you can dress as you feel comfortable. you look beautiful. why should men all dress as clones. so, i think, i've never worn a tie. i find them, like a nuse arouood my neck and just as a joke i said, get your scissors and cut them off. >> lesson learned, gentlemen, if you run into richard branson with scissors, walk the other way. hope you're enjoying your time there in the virgin islands. thank you, sir, i appreciate it. a lot more to cover here. watch. the bellagio in las vegas. really, it's one of the toughest places to rob in the whole country and a bunch of geniuses botched a heist using pepper spray and blackjack. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. one mother gets a phone call that she almost lost her son. gripping moments on top of a waterfall.
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interesting happening right thou. you are about to see it. rapid fire. here we go. >> first up, a vaccine may one day help people with pancreatic cancer, hopefully live longer. doctors at a conference today in san diego presented their findings at the study of a vaccine involving 70 patients and they say the vaccine is designed to trigger the patients' own immune system to kill those cancer cells. still very early in the testing process, but doctors believe the vaccine improves the cancer survival rate when used with regular treatment. >> we are the people! the mighty, mighty people! fighting for children! hundreds of moms and their strollers along with nurses and cancer survivors are demonstrating in washington. they say that toxic chemicals are found in items they use
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every day. bedding, pajamas, furniture. they are supporting the safe chemicals' act which would update laws governing the use of toxic chemicals in products. this video here is just frightening, let's pull this up full and you can see this little child on this little motor bike zigzagging around buses and cars and busy, busy city. folks, this is china. this is yesterday and i'm watching this and i'm thinking, did these bus drivers and drivers not know, did they not see him. why didn't they stop? fortunately a police officer saw the child and helped him to the other side of the street. the boy's grandfather was looking for him and finally found him safe and sound. for the first time in 5,000 years, regular egyptians freely choosing a leader and former u.s. president jimmy carter is there. we are about to take you live to egypt.
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mubarak from power and hala is live in cairo. set the scene for me. how excited are egyptians? what are they expecting for tomorrow? >> very excited. very engaged politically for the first time, really, in this country's history. when you talk about egypt, brooke, you're not talking about a 300 or 400-year history, as you know. you're talking about a 5,000-year history. this is a country that just two years ago would have never dreamt of a situation in which candidates are running for the presidency in what is expected it be a free and fair election. this is something completely new for egypt. people are in cafes, out on the street debating, politics op openly, loudly, giving people their opinion without fear of retribution. all that said, there are major concerns going forward, brooke. because some are saying, look, i don't really have the choice that i would like in this presidential candidate running
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for office in egypt. the frontrunners are either two islamists or two former regime members who is probably best known in the united states as the former secretary-general of the arab league and a forchler foreign minister under hosni mubar mubarak. all in all, if you take the situation here and you compare it for instance to a country like syria, 15 months after the revolution or after the start of the revolution, i should say, the situation here is a lot more promising. then it becomes of how the parliament, for instance, decides what presidential powers gives the new head of state. overall, egyptians here are engaged, brooke. >> what about president carter? i understand jimmy carter is there. you spoke with him. what did he say? >> and jimmy carter is very concerned because he says more restrictions have been placed on his monitoring mission than at
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any other election in the past. listen to what he told me. >> domestic observers who are temporary andy carter center are limited to staying in one place for 30 minutes. >> why do you think they ought -- >> i don't know. they say that the places are small and they're crowded and to have a multiple, you know, stand there for long periods of time is not necessary and would create excessive numbers in the polling places. i don't know agree with that analysis. i'm trying to tell you what they explained to us. we don't like it. but we'll do the best we can and i hope and pray that we'll have a chance to make a final report that is positive. >> but you're saying it's unprecedented? >> yes. we never accepted this restraint before and it's never been imposed on us. usually we get our credentials several weeks in advance.
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>> well, i asked jimmy carter then if you have so many restrictions placed on you and your team, why did you decide it come to egypt anyway. he said it was a hard decision to make bougut because of the historic decision to make he made the trip anyway. brooke? >> hala, thank you, we'll talk to you tomorrow on election day. appreciate it. one political candidate wasn't getting quite enough attention, so, she took off her shirt and so did some other ladies. and home sales are soaring, giving the economy a boost, but why? we're going to give you the numbers you need to know.
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americas here in atlanta. i saw this morning and i thought, what in the world? this candidate here in mexico, topless, as well as a number of other ladies behind her and the question is obvious and that is why? >> it is a very crowded field in mexico. this year, presidential elections, congressional elections and this lady is a newcomer. she's only been in politics for one year and she realized that her campaign was off to a very slow start. >> so, she needed to take her top off. >> she would do this. now, as you can imagine, she is the best known political figure in mexico because she is doing this. we wanted to know why she would do something like that. she says her purpose is to awaken people. let's hear what she had to say about this. >> reporter: society is lethargic, we don't seem to be aware of our role. we need to get energized and we need to tell people, hey, wake up. if you don't, sharks will wake
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you up. wake up you citizen and politician. >> now, she says if you were shocked by this, just wait a few weeks because what is coming next, the next wave is completely over this. >> and another billboard. >> this is billboard number one. there's more publicity coming up and she says this is nothing compare today what's coming up next. >> i guess we'll stay tuned. raphael romo, thank you. new home sales, they are out and they are surging. allison co alison kosik is in new york and i hope this is a sign it is on the mend. >> we just hope it sticks. the housing sector, brooke, actually make up a huge part of the economy and we are not going to see a full, sustainable recovery until the housing act gets it together. there are signs the tide is turning for housing. existing home sales showing they
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hit a two-year high in april and these sale numbers are really important because they make up the big bulk of the housing market. we're also learning that prices overall are rising, too. they're up 10% from april of last year. what it shows, brooke, the housing recovery is happening and housing is finally finding its footing. >> what are the cities, alison, where this is most successful and the housing markets are bouncing back. >> these are where you saw some of the markets hit bottom. in madera, california, medford, oregon, 20% increases in prices are expected. i know you want to go to see the full list. a lot it happening because those places got hammered during the recession. places like madera fell 300% below their peak. a home worth $500,000 sold recently for half of that. the fact for madera and the whole housing sector itself, you
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can't recover until you find that bottom. the hope is that we're at that or near that at this point. >> alison kosik, thank you. a california man under arrest after police use forensic evidence to link him to the disappearance of 15-year-old sierra lamar. believed to have left home and walked to her school bus stop but she never got there. likely the victim of an abduction. police now are giving, still, few details about this arrest. >> the discovery of sierra's cell phone, her clothing, what she wore that day and her personal belongings have contributed to our belief that sierra is the victim of murder. >> joining me now live from san jose, cnn affiliate ktvu reporter and tara, tell me about this arrest. what do we know about the suspect? >> well, we know his suspect is
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antolin garcia. he apparently lives with his mother, his wife, who is pregnant right now and his child. we know he has worked at some safeways in the area and back in march of 2009. morgan hill police actually linked him to some assault on three women within seven days in the parking lots of the safeways. >> do we know, tara, if he had any relationship with sierra did they know each other or total strangers? >> the sheriff says she believes the isis a complete stranger abduction. last night they were able to talk to this man for the first time. they sat down with him for about two hours and try to get information from him. they can't find any connection and, you know, he simply isn't talking. but they did find dna evidence and this is the key here. march 28th, they did find his dna, they say, on her clothing, which was located in a bag within two miles of her home
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right about two days after she disappeared. they say that is his dna. tests were inconclusive. they also say that her dna was found inside his red jetta which was seized on april 7th. >> how awful for her parents. our affiliate ktvu and that is our reporter roulette. just a couple minutes ago, the back and forth over mitt romney's business experience took a new turn and this time it is vice president joe biden jumping on the attack. but did he stay on script this time? e for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away.
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having enough money to retire. we all need it. poppy harlow is here with today's help desk. >> here at the help desk we're talking about retirement planning because it happens to people at any age. stacy francis president of francis financial. we got an e-mail from dennis in virginia. dennis is 64 years old and he'll retire in two years. my wife and i have around $1.3 million in savings. how should we divide the money in terms of stocks, bonds, et cetera. a little more risk averse at that age. >> a little more risk averse. often start with a 60/40 allocation and then we deviate because that's not right for everyone. it is going it be based on your goals and based on your risk tolerance and when you need the money. if they need the money immediately, then we want to take ideally a year's worth of
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their living expenses and they need to pull from their portfolio and keep that in a high-savings interest account and then diversify. >> what do you think the best timeline is to start planning. really, when you get your first job. >> right out of college. everybody goes through different stages of life. the accumulation phase and distribution phase, you're just starting your job, you need it learn as much as possible and read as much as possible and read the benefits package and you will be amazed how few people quo the retirement funds inside the 401(k). they might know about individual stocks so learn as much, read as much and make sure you're grilling and having a good analysis of your financial adviser, if you choose to have one. >> so much free out there online, you can do as well. appreciate it. folks, send us an e-mail at any time to >> poppy, thank you. now this between cory booker and joe biden.
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but today vice president biden kept the full-court press going on romney's resume. questioning everything about his time at bain capital. jim acosta was there for biden's speech in new hampshire or maybe you're in washington. either way. >> no, i'm in washington. >> okay, there you go. i think that's the white house over your shoulder. let's talk joe biden -- >> and this is just a picture behind me. now, we're giving away all our secrets, jim acosta. >> truth in advertising, brooke. >> joe biden, he hit the bain themes hard today. >> he did. and this was not unexpected. i mean, keep in mind that yesterday the president was in chicago and this whole issue of biden, excuse me, not biden but bain and cory booker was brought up and the second question that was asked of the president at that nato press conference and the president said, wait a minute. this is not a distraction in this campaign. this is what this campaign is going to be about. earlier this afternoon, joe biden took a little time for the vice president to get to this
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part of his speech, but he went right after mitt romney's experience at bain capital and here's what he had to say. >> your job as president is to promote the common good. that doesn't mean the private eq equity guys are bad guys, they're not. that no more qualifies you to be president than being a plumber. it doesn't and by the way, a lot of awful smart plumbers. >> now, you know, you heard the line there about the plumbers, brooke. i did ask the president obama re-election campaign whether or not that line about the plumbers was in vice president biden's speech. it sounded like one of those things that you would not want the vice president to say when he's defending, when he says he's defending middle class workers to say something about plumbers perhaps not being qualified to be president of the united states. >> what did they tell you? >> they said they're checking. they have not gotten back it me on that. but you saw that the vice president did have some teleprompters there. so, there was an attempt it keep him on script.
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i will tell you, i have gotten a response from the romney campaign to vice president biden's speech and they basically say vice president biden is repeating the same misleading attack on free enterprise that has been repudiated by the president's own supporters going back to the whole cory booker matter ask you heard in that statement i just read, this phrase, attack on free enterprise. that is the same line that romney used last night. it is also the same line that is in the romney campaign's web video on this, on this bain matter. so, the vice president, the democrats have their talking points on bain and now the romney campaign is starting to have ammunition on this issue, as well, brooke. >> back and forth. jim acosta in washington, jim, thank you. how many times have you heard you shouldn't text and drive? some states have laws against it, but you probably still do it anyway. so, can you face charges, though, if there is an accident and you're not even in the car. we're on the case. my mother made the best toffee in the world.
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sunny hostin is on the case. this isn't just going to the student who crashed while driving, it goes to the person who sent the text. >> isn't that something? pretty remarkable and the suit is pending in new jersey. i think what's so remarkable about it, brooke, is that after doing research on this, i think this lawsuit may pass the sonny hostin smell test. if you aid someone and abet someone in committing a crime, you, too, could be held responsible for the crime. that is the argument here. the argument is if you send a text and you know the person is driving, for example, if someone texts you back and says, hey, i can't text you, i'm driving, but you continue the conversation, you continue texting, well, the law may be able to provide some responsibility for that. >> so, is that the case here because that was my but, my but was, you know, how would you know if that person was driving or not? was that the case in this instan instance?
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>> it's too soon to tell. one of the attorneys, the attorney that is bringing this case, there was some indication that the woman who was texting knew she was driving home from work. it's quite possible that the judge will let this case go forward. but, what makes me a bit concerned as an attorney is, you know, where do you draw the line? i am certainly very responsible. i think when i drive, but how about walking and texting, which you know, brooke, i'm an offender. i text sometimes while i'm sitting here on set -- >> watch that when you're in new jersey. the town will slap you with 85 bucks a ticket if you do that. >> if i'm walking and i fall because i'm responding to your text, does that mean i can sue you? that is really one of the questions. where do you draw the line? this lawsuit can certainly open up quite a can of worms because the bottom line is, half a million u.s. drivers injured in distracted driving accidents
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every single year, brooke. every single year. >> right. it is, where do you draw the line? we'll have to wait and see how the judge rules and then the fallout from said ruling. sunny hostin, thank you. no texting and walking, me either. an afternoon hike turns into an eight-hour rescue. a young kid stuck under this waterfall. he'll join me next to talk about this just horrifying ordeal. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now.
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hanging above almost certain death. a rushing waterfall, folks. 270 feet over the ground was 13-year-old william hickman, he's clinging to the rocks as these rescuers are stretching this ladder over the falls to reach him. you see, william, was on a hike. got a little curious and nearly paid for it with his life. it took hours and hours for these rescuers to reach him. i want it bring in william. he's william hickman. joins me now, thank goodness. looking good, safe and sound. also want to mention i have john morton on the phone, he is one of the rescuers who pulled william to safety. william, my first question to you is, so, you're out hiking with your dad and your brother and this is the wallace river. so, what happened? you slipped? >> yeah. i went in to go wading and slipped in the water. >> so, not only, though, william, do you slip in the water, you then end up going
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over a ten-foot waterfall and you got caught on a ledge. tell me what that felt like and what you saw looking down. >> when i landed on the ledge, i was relieved to be alive and i knew i was safe there for the time being and it was a great feeling. >> it was a great feeling to be saved. i'm sure it was. john, let me bring you in. i understand this wasn't your crew, per se. this was one of the initial choppers. they came in and they had these safety ropes here. i understand one of the ropes snapped, it actually broke on some of the rocks trying to rescue william. can you give me a sense of panic here on the scene or were your guys and girls cool and calm? >> the first two were inserted by the helicopter and then moved to where william was, just above him and used kind of a standard two-rope system to see if they can get down and access to where
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he was and secure him so he wouldn't go any further down stream. and that's when one of the primary line broke on one of the rescuers and his backup brought him to shore which is just about the way it is supposed to work. >> thank you for the backup lines. william, when you're hanging on this ledge, what was your dad doing during that time? was he talking to you? >> yeah. he was talking to me, trying to keep me calm, making, just trying to make me me concentrate on him and not on the situation so i wouldn't freak out. >> not freak out because you're sitting above a 270-foot waterfall. how dangerous, tell me how dangerous it was to lay out this ladder and cross across it and rescue william? >> we didn't actually cross across the ladder. we were just using that ladder
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as sort of one step. >> got it. >> but it's an extremely dangerous environment. he was very fortunate to have ended up on the small ledge rather than down the stream and of course, it happened in the dark and had no particular access, but everything was complicated, but a very technical rescue and it took more than 50 people to pull it off and it was done in fine style and we're happy with the outcome. couldn't have been better. >> final question to you, john. >> you all had to camp with william before the chopper could come in in the morning. >> that's correct. we got him up to the landing zone at 1:30 in the morning and they had dropped off some supplies. >> william, i was reading something that some of the rescuers said you were a young guy because you were asking lots of questions. what questions were you asking
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them? >> i was asking whether or not they had a plan, and one of the guys said yes, and i asked him if he was sure it was going to work and before that i was asking for supplies and things like that so i could stay warm. ? you wanted to make sure they could pull this off and get you to your dad and back home and you did, final question to you, william, are you going back to the wallace river? are you going back to hike? >> i do want to go back and show my family where i was sitting. just maybe not from that spot. maybe from a safe place. >> yea. william -- from a safe distance. >> thank you so much. best of luck to you and john morton, congratulations on an amazing rescue. appreciate it and now to wolf blitzer we go with a look at what's coming up on "the situation room."
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wolf blitzer, hello. >> how do you feel? >> i feel strong, you? >> i feel very strong. i'm getting ready for an excellent show. do you want to know who's coming up at the top of the show? >> bring it on, blitzer, bring it on. >> ed gillespie, former chairman of the republican national committee. also going in-depth, president raul castro of cuba's got a daughter who has now been granted a visa to visit the united states and she's headed to a conference in san francisco. what's going on? we have a cuba expert to talk about the latest twist in u.s.-cuban relations. also congress dana rohrabacher. he hates congressman rohrabacher and won't allow him to step foot in cuba -- >> in afghanistan. >> you're right. i have cuba on my mind and he won't let him go to afghanistan
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and rohrbaabacher will talk abo the specific charges leveled by karzai. we have that coming up. >> i look forward to that 37 we were talking about that in my morning meeting. it is one of the toughest places to rob in all of america, but two guys tried ring off the bellagio and -- yea. didn't so much work. black jack, pepper spray and a wig. you've got to see this. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] we imagined a vehicle that could adapt to changing road conditions. one that continually monitors and corrects for wheel slip. we imagined a vehicle that can increase emergency braking power when you need it most. and we imagined it looking like nothing else on the road today. then...we built it. the 2012 glk. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services.
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>> in case you are robbing a casino you can plan every detail like they did with the "ocean's eleven" crew or do it this way. the guy on the floor tried to rip off $115,000 in chips from the bellagio. michael belton wearing a wig and sunglasses and then his accomplice sprayed a black jack dealer with some kind of chemical and he grabbed the chips and he got this far, but the accomplice got away and asked an expert how he slipped through the casino. >> the number one priority is the safety of the guests and the safety of the employees. after that, it's recovering property. once the guy was no longer an
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immediate threat, they were no longer focused on getting the chips back. >> with the long odds why in the world do you think people even try to walk into places like the bellagio or try to get away with money or chips. why are they thinking they'll pull it off? >> i think you see people doing it in the movies "ocean's eleven" and they think it looks pretty glak glamorous and they have so much money lying around it's easy to grab it. they think we know how the last guy tried it messed up and i'll try to do something different and i can beat the house. >> i'm no gambler, but if you walk in and try to grab chips and don't the chips have serial numbers or something on them because you have to go back and cash them in they're going to bust you. >> it's difficult to talk about the specific procedures, but some do have chips embedded in
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them and there are select number of people who will be playing $5,000, if a number of them will start coming back in security will be looking that the. >> the last time i remember we talked it was two years ago and that guy ran off with $1.5 million in chips. gen it was the bellagio and i remember the video and he had the motorcycle helmet on and they caught him two months later. so has anyone, movies aside actually pulled something like this off and not gotten caught? >> there's been a couple of cases where people have just held up change booths or just grabbed money and ran out and they might have gotten away with it. a couple of times they get caught, and there's so much surveillance and people around you'll probably get caught. >> yea. don't do it. prince charles and camilla the dutches of corn wall are in canada. they're visiting a mission, and
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attending a ceremony in ontario. the four-day tour of canada begins sunday. all part of queen elizabeth's diamond jubilee celebration and it turns out their visit here is pretty positive. a lot of people turning out to see them. certainly nothing compared to the media craze surrounding prince william and kate middleton last year. we are all headed to london to see the masses and crowds celebrating 60 years since her coronation in 1953. join piers morgan and me live from london for this royal extravaganza beginning june 3rd. now to wolf blitzer in washington. to you. thank you. off message and on the hot seat, a key obama campaign surrogate gets in trouble for speaking his mind about mitt romney's business backbackground.
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