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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 28, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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but this weekend, an entirely new level of bloodshed. 49 children nasa kerred. 49. mourners carried one of the small corpses there in protest. it has pushed syrians now to this breaking point. you can just hear the pain in the voice of one witness. >> translator: did the infant carry an rpg? was he a fighter? he was a baby. he had a pass fier in his mouth. what was his guilt? whiefs he killed? >> this happened friday in the town of hula. the slaughter included 108 civilians. kofi annan was in the capital city of damascus today saying the killers needed to be held accountable. i wanted to bring in arwa damon. do we know what exactly happened? and now the stories of 49 children slaughtered.
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what's .haing? >> it really makes your skin crawl. one activist was describing ho uh he was seeing a child with his head blown off. he was one of those individuals who had been filming the various youtube videos we have been combing through. at the same time, he was desensitized to the violence. that gives you a slight idea of what people have gone through. other survivors describing ho uh a security forces pro government thugs came through there, dragged women by their hair. threw everyone into a room as if they were sheep and open fired on them quite indiskrit pennantly. 49 bodies were counted by the u.n. all of these children under the age of 10. a total of 109 who were killed. now kofi annan arriving in
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damascus. meeting with the syrian foreign minister, trying to stress the importance of holding those accountable, the need to implement a six-point peace plan. but ever since this peace plan has even begun to hypothetically be implemented, it reallys has not materialized. we we're just sighing this ever growing cycle of vie leps. it's not just the massacre that took place, we have a high body count. >> when we talk about kofi annan, who do they hold responsible? is anyone claiming responsibility for this horrendous massacre? >> we have that usual tit-for-tat finger pointing saying this was the work of armed terrorist gangs, elements of al qaeda backed by
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foreigners. opposition forces saying this is the work of the syrian regime. u.n. monitors say mft ott wound they saw, the shelling, the gunshot wounds could have been possibly carried out by the assad army in and of itself, the u.n. not coming out and fully placing the blame on the regime. again, stressing the need for both sides to lay down their arms. what we have is such a level of brutality taking place that the opposition saying this cease-fire is kbleetly dead and they're calling for renewed attack against government positions. what you have is this situation in syria rapidly barrelling down this road of potentially absolutely no return. it most certainly seems as if there's gong to be an incredibly tragically bloody summer, brooke. >> thank you. just into us here at cnn, new video of another tragic scene.
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flames break out inside this shopping mall killing at least 19 people. 13 of them are children. this is happening in qatar near saudi arabia. as soon as we get any updates as to why or how, we'll pass that along to you. also want to get you now to dallas, texas. live pictures here. we are told a man inside the cab of this crane. hundreds of feet above smu. police say he threat ened officers and is believed to be arm with a pistol. ed, fell me where you are and do we know if for sure h eis still sitting inside the cab of the crane? >> i'm about half a mile or so away and i can see into the crane. this is an area on the southern
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edge of the southern methodist university campus where new dormitories are being built. this is between the new football stadium and the smu library in the nidst of being constructed. it's under a great deal of development and change. but there's a local report that suggests the man was being chased by dallas police after a previous incident. and he made his ways on to the grounds here and scaled to the top of this crane. and for the last hour or so. i've been watching h imsit in there inside the crane. you can see him moving around looking down. and just, i guess, killing time at this point. dallas -- it's not really clear whether or not dallas police have been able to establish any kind of communication with him. they're operating under the guidance that perhaps he is armed and has a gun up there and whether or not he's willing or capable of using it is not clear.
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they're trying to figure out whether or not he is harmed. according to officials, he's given police indications he did have a gun, but dallas police prosecute still trying to figure out whether or not that is indeed true. >> some sort of dallas police helicopter, but we're not sure on the ground. but at some point, they will try to communicate with him. as soon as you get any other updates, pass them along as we're trying to figure out who this individual is and why precisely he wanted to wander up inside the cap of this crane. thank you. one of the closest people to the pope, which ones? plus, my interview last week with tony perkins definitely caught some fire last line. i asked if he had ever go or had
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been to a home of a gay couple. now one equal rights group has invited him to dinner bhauz of our interview and he's responding. we'll speak live to the woman who sent the invite. when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created
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>> oh, to have a seat at this dinner table. the leader of one lgbt glup allowing one of its loudest opponents to break bread with her family. i interviewed tony perkins and i asked him this question -- >> have you ever been to the home of a married same sex couple? >> no, i have not been to the home of a same-sex couple, no. >> if you were ever to do so and you're sitting across with them over dinner, how would you convince them that their life together, either two men, two women hurt straight couples. what would you tell them? >> first, brooke, we don't make public policy, what's good for me and my family or me and -- >> i'm just asking on a personal
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level. >> we're engaged here on a public policy, what's best for the nation. not anecdotes what one couple likes. >> but this issue is personal. >> but that's not how we make public policy. there are same sex couples that are probably great parents, but that's not what the overwhelming amount of social science shows us. >> why do homosexuals booth bother you so much? >> they don't bother many e. >> they don't bother yo snu. >> no, not at all. i'm not going to be silent why they try to redefine marriage in this country and what religious organizations can do. i'm not going to be silent. >> so after hearing that, the head of a lgbt group called and sent perkins a letter. they said, quote, i come to you with a sincere offer. i would like to extend an open invitation for you and my family to visit my home and have dinner with my spouse and children with the full hope that you will witness the love and exists in
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our families. jennifer chrisler is the woman who sent that particular letter. welcome. before we talk, i want to read something we got. quote, my wife and i would be glad to respond when we receive the invitation to find the time that works. so it sounds like he's ready to accept. did you expect that? >> no, in all honest i to, was ewith would be sde lighted to have same spend time with me and my sfous own our twin 10-year-old sons and when we can schedule it, perhaps a newborn, but we would be happy to have the conversation with him. and to really let him see a glimpse into the lives of the 1 million gay and lesbian parents raising 2 million children in this country today. it's not one family here or there. it's a significant number of kids we're talking about. >> so jennifer, though, why
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write the letter? why invite him to dinner? what's the goal? do you believe anything perkins sees in your house hold and your two about to be three kids could make him reconsider? >> you know, i really do. you know, my experience is that when our families actually spend time with people who may not know us, who haven't had a chance to meet us, they actually do soften their hearts. i don't think we'll be able to change his mind, but i do think we'll be able to open his heart a loitle bit. i hope maybe we can move him just a little bit. it was a genuinely sincere offer. i teach my own 10-year-olds that if you're having a problem with somebody, if you don't understand them, if they don't understand you then talking to each other is the first step. >> sure, but here's the one what
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if. what if he doesn't open his heart and you have these 10-year-olds, tom and tim. are you at all worried about letting your 10-year-olds meet someone who so much opposes your way of life? >> well, the reality is that children with same sex parents experience that phenomenon in many different ways. so whether he comes into my home and has dinner with us, even i expect he would be a polite guest in our home, they hear what these groups have to say. and that is part of what really incenses me is when i hear these conversations and i hear the head of the family research council talking about me, the life of me and my kids and he doesn't even know who we are. i find that outrageous and so disingenuous on his part. >> i challenge tony perkins and i have so challenge you, 31 states, jennifer have constitutional bands ton same
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sex marriage including north carolina becoming the latest. if you have so much support for your cause, why do voters in these 31 states keep putting these bans in place, do you think? >> polls are continuing to show the ever growing trend that people support loving couples being able to have the free dpom to marry, to support one another. >> but not in those 231 states. . >> right, not in those 31 states y et. i think feel are going through an evolution. i think we've seen our own president and our own vice president go through this evoluti evolution. and one of the things they talked about quite clearly that helped them in that process was knowing committed same-sex couples raising kids and seeing the love and the bond and the commitment that exists in those families. and that was really the intent behind the invitation is just let him witness that. >> it could be that, and it could open their hearts. but it could be something else. and to that point, if i may.
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let me play one other part of this interview with tony perkins. here's what else he told me. >> they don't have a right to redefine marriage for the rest of us. they don't have a right to take away my religious freedom. they don't have a right to step between me and what my child is taught. that's what's happening. that's why people are getting involved. and that's why this issue will not be resolved. >> a lot of people agree with him that the religious freedom argument, you know, at its core, marriage is a religious institution. is it fair to legally require someone like perkins to change his religious views? that's very personal. >> nobody is asking him to change his religious views. when i take my kwhirn to sunday school, my leaf is ours is not to judge and what our kids should be taught is the golden rule. we're not asking him to change his religious views.
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what is fair and what is radio eight is to give equality to these families who need them and really deserve them to protect each other and their children. we're talking about the civil institution of marriage. >> he would perhaps, though, argue and others in the country perhaps in these 31 states that you are asking them to change their religious views because they believe it is a religious institution that marriage should be between a man and a woman and that's it. >> they have the freedom to believe that in the same way i believe we have the freedom to get married in churches that welcome us the same way that we recognize the marriage of opposite governments through government policy. >> final question to you and that is this. i asked tony perkins at the end of that, why homosexuals bother him so much. it's only fair to ask this. is there something about evangelical christians that bothers you? >> not at all.
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what bothers me is people who haven't taken the time to know me and my children and my values talk about me and then espouse hateful rhetoric that my kids hear, children like them hear. and that's what as a mother i'm so troubled by that. and i thought well, maybe an invitation to dinner, maybe breaking bread together might soften him just enough that that's not the word my children have to live in anymore. >> if and when that dinner happens, i would like to hear all about. thank you. >> we will let you know. >> thank you so much. scandal inside the vatican? one of the people closest to the hope pope, his butler is accused of spilling secrets. new reports there could be more people involved here. and it is a rite of passage perhaps for some bachelorette partygoers, women having a fun time. now one bar owner says don't come to my bar. is this hypocrite call.
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could the butler really have done it? the vatican is crossing off suspect pfs there are reports that a cardinal or a woman were under investigation.
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but today a spokesman firmly denies reports. however, the pope's personal butler is now sitting in a vatican holding cell right now, paolo gabriele is very close to the pope. often time seen riding in the pope mobile. but now he's suspected of leaking confidential papers to an italian journalist. he was arrested after police found documents in his own apartment. how in the world would this brut ler get these papal documents and why is he the one suspected of leaking him? >> there are few people in the world with the kind of access to the pope than paolo gabriele had hp pe has act says to the pope's rooms, meals and access to the pope's private desk. these very sensitive documents came out. they were published a short time ago in italy by a book called
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"his holiness" and detailed lot stuff, interaction between the pope and some of his top aides and some of the highest ranking cardinals at the vatican. at the very least, it's embarrassing. >> do we know more than that, as far as what could have been in these documents? correspondents? >> we do. we know the documents dealt with allegations of corruption and of money laundering, things that go from the mundane to the damning. we also know some quid pro quo between italian celebrities trying to get an audience with the pope and many, many more things including a lot of insider gossip at the vatican. >> the vatican dpe nighs a cardinal is under investigation, but this could go much, much higher than this butler, yes? >> absolutely. it gould all the way here to washington, d.c. one of the letters released was from the pope's ambassador to washington. his name is carlo maria viano. let me read to you what he says.
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holy father, my transfer at this time would provoke much disorientation and discouragement in those who have believed it was fobl to clean up so many situations of corruption and abuse of fouer that have been rooted in the management of so many departments. so there you see, the pope has asked him to be transferred to washington, d.c. and he fights it. it doesn't get much higher than the pope's ambassador to washington, brooke. >> wow. you can follow the stories on the blog on twitter at cnn belief. and now to this. sorry, ladies. time to pack up your costumes, crazy hats and cocktails and take that bachelorette monkey business to another bar. that's coming from the owner of the abbey in west hollywood. the owner has now put a ban on bachelorette parties. he says it's not fair for people to come in celebrating getting married in a room full of people that can't.
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david cooley, your bar, as we mentioned is in west hollywood. thank you for talking to us. i know you're on vacation in vegas. tell me first about the decision to ban these women at your gay club. why? >> well, at this time, we're coming into summer season. june starts the kickoff of all the weddings and so forth. and we were getting more and more requests for bachelorette parties. and we were having anywhere from 6 to 10 a week. and it's great to see my straight women coming in, celebrating with their girlfriends a day they're going to have fun and drink and tease the go-go boys and go-go girls and have a day of celebration. as i kept seeing this, it was hurtful to me being gay, as well as my clientele that we cannot have that same type of celebration. and it's not that i'm
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discriminating against the women coming in. it's just a ban against bachelor parties. >> david, let me jump in because i can hear people saying that. that is absolutely what this is is discrimination. the whole stance is about equality. if you're banning the heterosexual, you know, pastime of bachelorette parties happening in west hollywood, on a level, it is discrimination. >> well, it's a ban against just the celebration itself. i've been discriminated all their lives. we would love to have the same equality, the same rights that every straight person has where they can have a celebration and go out and have a party knowing that this is their day of celebration before they make that big commitment of marriage. unfortunately, as a gay man, i
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don't have those rights and it's hurtful. for the straight women coming in and having that bachelorette matter in a place knowing most of my clientele being gay doesn't have that same right, it's hurtful. >> not only is this ban happening in your own club and it's a private club, this is something you're trying to make happen across the country, yes? >> i'm really asking for support from other bars and club owners to support our decision to ban the rights to have the bachelorette parties until the day that -- it would be great we open up the doors and say we can have bachelor parties and bachelorette parties and feel equal as the women are doing right now. >> we'll follow up and see if this takes on and what do you think? tweet me. thank you. his fans definitely want him, but now officers say they want to question the beebs and
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selina gomez as well. and traveling at the speed of sound, super sonic speed without an aircraft. this has never been done before. one man is trying. we have product x and we have product y. we are going to start with product x. the only thing i'll let you know is that it is an, affordable product. oh, i like that. let's move on to product y, which is a far more expensive product. whoaaa. i don't care for that at all. yuck. you picked x and it was geico car insurance and y was the competitor. is that something you would pay for year after year? i, i like soda a lot but for a change of pace... but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint
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>> let's play "reporter roulette." >> tropical depression beryl. >> we'll have to watch out for flooding. we've been seeing a fair amount of that in florida and georgia. we go over here to the magic call, show you what i'm talking about. the system stalling here right across the state line. some of the heaviest of rain has been focussed in the big bend
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area south of i-10 and west of interstate 95. we're seeing stronger thunderstorms along the i-4 corridor. eastbound lanes have been closed in this area because of an accident that we think could be related to some of this rain. would be see an additional 1 to 3. still going to be dealing with this through the carolinas. the storm is going to move back over open water. >> next here, we're going to talk about justin bieber. not just fans but jep phillips they want to hear from this young man.
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why do investigators want to talk to him? >> it's hard to say justin bieber putting someone in the hospital. but that's exactly what one man is alleging. the los angeles sheriff's department confirm that a man has accused bieber of physical battery deputies say the nan the man who is a photographer said he was taking pictures. the man complained of pain. he requested medical attention. he was taken to a local hospital, treated and released. the matter is now being investigated. farce a response to bieber regarding these accusations, reps for the singer e, brooke, have no comment.
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next, brian todd for us live from washington. tell me about fearless felix. what's he trying to do. >> with nas is ending the shuttle program, with the future of manned space flight uncertain, this may be what we need. he's going to attempt the longest ever free fall from the highest ever altitude. 120,000 feet above sea level, more than 22 miles up. to get there he has to get into a capsule and get to the edge of space in a massive balloon. this is called the red bull strastos project. but this altitude free fall not the only record he's going to break. no one has ever broken the speed of sound accelerating with just the human body joust side a
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plane or a spacecraft. but if this jump goes as plan pd he is going to break that mark, going 690 miles an hour, brooke. this is going to happen, 500 miles of free fall. no thank you. >> one day i was walking out and i was like, i could totally sleep on this couch. >> he will join me live to talk about his squatting adventures.
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>> aaron simons has become to be known as the aol squat per .he lived inside aol, dodging security, using the gym, using the showers, figuring out how little money he could live on. he was starting a business and partnered with aol. but the money for the program
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reason out and he didn't want to wleef. this was a couple of months. you're basically couch surfing at aol. how exactly did you pull that off? >> out of time, i was working out of the offices. i would work out and take a shower. then every day they would put out ramen and trail mix and a whole bunch of snacks. but other start-ups would cater in food. flfs leftovers and up for grabs for anyone to take. the venture capital that i raised, i just tried to sleep on my friends couches. i ended up sleep on their couches.
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>> sleep on the few couches that you were able to avoid security in doing so. this isn't one of the headquarters, just one of the campus of o will. you went through $30 a month? >> i wasn't paying for rent or water. most of the food was being provided by other companies leaving leftovers. i was literally eating scraps. for thanksgiving i went to boston market and had my thanksgiving meal there. i would have gone crazy if it was just continually eating scraps. but it was almost entirely food was that $30. >> we sat here and read your story. we wonders, did you do anything illegal. we tauls intended to encourage
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entrepreneurism in our offices. we just didn't expect it to work out so well. do you face any legal action? >> i can't speak for them. i haven't talked to them. it's certainly a great area. aol has gone to great lengths to help entrepreneurs and start-ups like myself to connect and have a place to work along like-minded individuals. that's the only reason i was able to get in there in the first place is that they've been extremely helpful with giving us place to work and resources like a gym and all that good stuff. so i think this is certainly fwrouned upon. and at the time, i had to make a decision, you know, if i didn't do that, you wouldn't have been able to build this product. i wouldn't have been able to launch it and get the large amount of traction that we did. and so in my opinion, i think at the end of the day can, the net good of this product that we're
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building is going to have a very meaningful impact on the educational system. and i think aol sees that. but i can't speak for them. as you point out, your perseverance paid off. your start-up is class connect. do your investors know this whole story about you squatting at aol? >> yeah. i mean, you know, the initial 50,000 was kind of the starting point. question ear looking to raise $500,000, which we're closing in on right now. if you were to invest in a compa company, kind of figured out a way to pull everything together when everything was stacked against them. and so i think that's why by we've been receiving a lot of investor interest.
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the team we're assembling here is ready to go to great lengths to make this company successful. >> well, i know you're 20. you were 19 at the time. certainly showing the squint sensual entrepreneurial characteristics. good luck to you. and as you say, it is frowned upon. thank you so much. >> one man trying to stay in the white house, another trying to move in. but both president obama and mitt romney took a break on this memorial day to honor america's fallen troops and the moments we'll share them with you. [ male announcer ] this is genco services --
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mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪
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if you were with us this past hour, perhaps you heard this. he called the treatment of the vietnam vets a national shame. he spoke at a very warm washington ceremony minutes ago. the vietnam memorial, the wall as it's known and launched this multiyear tribute to the men and women who served in vietnam. he said this tribute is long overdue. here he was. >> you're often blamed for a war you didn't start when you should have been commended for serving your country with valor. you're sometimes blamed for misdeeds of a few when the
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honorable service of the many should have been praised. you came home and sometimes were den graded when you should have been celebrated. it was a national shame, a disgrace that should have never happeneded. that's why here today, we resolve that it will not happen again. >> that was president obama speaking just a short time ago. also today, mitt romney concluded his own remarks,st also on the subject of memorial day and the united states military. let's listen to some of that. >> we have to courses with ecan follow. one is the pathway of europe, shrink our military smaller and
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smaller to pay for our social needs. and they, of course, rely upon the strength of america and they hope for the best. if we were to follow that kind of course, there would be no one to stand to protect us. the others is to commit to the strongest military in the world, second to none, can no comparable power in the world. we choose that course in america not so that we just win wars but so that we can prevent wars because of strong america is the best deterrent to war as there ever has been invented. >> mitt romney speaking in san diego today. there is word iran is involved in assassination plots targeting american diplomats. we have those details. but first, sanjay gupta's next list" a preview this next
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sunday, he looks at david peterson who created a new language for one of america's moe popular shows. take a look. >> they're a kind of wandering tribe in this kind of imaginary world that has been created. they're first and foremost warriors. >> we took it from the best selling yeses. >> we took george's books they speak their own language and we thought we could create that physicianal language for a few lines and we tried to do that and it sounded like gobbledegook. >> i worked as a translator on the show. >> once we actually got the language that david peterson created, and we saw the actors performing the lines, there was no question, it made a huge difference in those scenes. [ mechanical humming ]
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by prime minister tony blair, he was tanned and looking relaxed as he spent all of four hours talking about the nature of the relationship with the world's most powerful newspaper barron rupert murdock. he denied that he or any of the other politicians had gotten cozy, but maybe that relationship became unhealthy. he did, though, admit that he felt it was necessary and right that he flew after way around the world in 1995 to meet rupert murdock in australia, but denied that he ever changed a policy for rupert murdock. >> i don't know of a policy we ever changed as a result of rupert murdock. does that mean he's not a powerful fixture in news, no, of
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course he is. >> reporter: he did admit that perhaps he failed to tackle press regulation during his ten years as prime minister but said it was a difficult issue that may have pushed other more substantial issues off the agenda putting him in the middle of a media firestorm. he also said that perhaps at times politicians had gotten too close with rupert murdock. perhaps the most dramatic moment of the day was just before lunch when a protester burst into court 73 and accused tony blair in being come police sent.
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>> there's a big event this coming weekend, we plan to bring queue all the incredible festivities live from london, i'll be there, piers morgan will be with me for the queen's diamond jubilee. that's 60 years of queen elizabeth on the throne ever since 1962. i will be back here in two hours sitting in for john king. but for now, let's go to jim acosta, sitting in for wolf. america honors his war dead with a power line ceremony. a bit of politics as the commander in chief touts his record of veiled criticism from his would-be successor. 100 people killed about half of them children, an urgent new call to stop the carnage. and two americans detained in tokyo has police investigate the strangling death of an h


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