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tv   John King USA  CNN  June 1, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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secretary of state, clinton, says the evidence is clear. vladimir putin isn't telling the truth. the job report for just a moment. we will begin this hour with dangerous weather here in washington and along the mid-atlantic coast. you see it there down to the carolinas. right this minute, things are especially bad right here in the district of columbia, maryland and northern virginia. highways are choked, airport delays, excuse me, are building up. the storms couldn't have hit at a worse time. friday afternoon, lawmakers rush to get out of town and the tourists were in. chad meyers standing by. chad shall getting better or worse. >> depends on where you are, john. getting worse for people in the south side of baltimore. right here, to the south of town, a tornado warning. that storm has been on the ground with that warning since
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buoy, maryland. at least 20 miles have seen a little bit of damage with the cell. here is washington, d.c. the square right there. more weather from the west moving into d.c. you have had enough already. most of the problem we are going to have from now on i think in the weather will be flooding. now, we are going to start to get dark after 8:00 or so. you are going to be driving. >> along and you aren't going to realize that the road in front of you is blooded. here is booey. that is about new carlton. it went across there and a little bit of damage here and up towards severn and into baltimore proper. the southeastern and southwestern parts offer the city, you may be hearing the sirens now. that's because the storm is to your south moving up i-95, the bw parkway into your neighborhood, john. >> check on us throughout the hour and check in with chad. turning to a jobs report that is depressing. potentially, a tipping point.
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the economy sputtered more. the government told us the unemployment rate was ticking up a bit to 8.2%. they said they were adjusted march and april down ward. three disappointing months in a row is a dangerous trend. president obama blamed the recession he inherited, the european financial crisis and gridlock in congress. we can't fully control everything that happens in other parts of the world. disturbances in the middle east, what's going on in europe. there are plenty of things we can control here at home. there are plenty of steps we can take right now to help create jobs and crow this economy. >> republicans, including mitt romney, suggested president obama look in the mirror. >> their policies have not worked. in many respects, their policies have made it harder for the economy to recover. i think that's one of the reasons why people are looking for a new direction. >> more on the politics of jobs.
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what's behind the sluggish numbers at home and the pressures from abroad? our chief business correspondent, ali velshi and richard quest. let's start with you. i keep looking at this report, looking and looking, trying to find some bright spot. if you go back to the beginning of the obama presidency to now, including these dismal numbers today, manufacturing down, construction, down, government jobs down. do you see anything out there that makes you think next month or the month after that, we will finally see something positive. >> if you average it out, this is 20 straight months of job growth. i am not making any excuses for anyone. what we don't like, that's the third month in a row where we have seen job growth trending down. the good side, if you need a silver lining, it is not below zero. we have seen zero and below in past months. this is a problem, because we thought we had a trend of economic indicators that showed growth and stability, especially in light of what is going on where richard is and what's
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going on in india and china slowing things down. the problem here, if we are slowing down too, there aren't consumers around the world who are going to help prop us up. that's why it is alarming. that's why a lot of traders decided to sell stocks today. the president of the united states who worries about this in terms of the economy and his own employment as well as ali just noted, he talked about we inherited a mess and he said what's happening on your side of the pond is responsible. >> we have had a crisis in europe's economy and it is starting to cast a shadow on our own. >> it is more than a shadow, richard. it is a drag. any end in sight there? >> i would respectfully disagree with the president in only one word. he said, we had a kroo is sis. we have got a crisis. it has not gone away. it threatens to blow up again with the spanish banking crisis. i am not going to sit here and
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defend the way europe and the euro zone has handled this crisis. it has been lamb minable. the fact that four years after the recession came to an end, europe is once again heading down. we have an unemployment rate. we have an unemployment rate, average in the eu of 11%. guess what, john, there are only three states, two states in the union that are as bad or worse. >> absolutely. europe is not doing well. there is no prospect of it turning around soon. yes, changes have been made. it is very, very slow and sluggish. >> to what degree, gentlemen, each of you, to what degree we have as richard just noted, we have severe political dysfunction mere and a political sometimes circus as europe trying to fut out its problems. ali, to you first. richard, you close uz out.
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how much is the political dysfunction contributing to the problem? >> maybe at best, 20% to this problem. it is not even a factor in this whole thing. everybody in washington needs to pipe it down. the political problems in europe are very responsible for this, i think. richard? >> i would agree. i would say one thing. it is not a political circus in europe at the moment. you go to a scircus. you enjoy watching the high wire. what we have here is a financial disaster that we are looking at. there is a lack of leadership in europe at the moment, whether it is the commission, the country involved. the famous line is the thing you don't want to be made are sausages and lores. you don't want to see the europeans reforming themselves. the only worrying thing is that nobody is calling the shot. >> is there a bell to cut him
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off? helping us to understand all of this. ali, richard, thanks so much. the jobs debate dominated the campaign jockeying today. >> we will come back stronger. we do have better days ahead. that is because of all of you. >> not everything i do will be done perfectly. i'm sure. we all are human. i will focus all my energy on getting america back to work. this president has not. >> our brand new cnnorc poll shows a statistical dead heat. 49% registered voters back obama. 46%, romney. 45% each when voters are asked which candidate better understands how the economy works. the republican national committee chairman says, it is time for a new president. chairman previs is with us tonight. we will get to the pol tigs and what this means for them. i want you to listen to the
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president on the road today. he has a number of proposals. i know your house republicans have a number of proposals that they have passed that are sitting in the senate. here is what the president says. >> my message to congress is, now is not the time to play politics. now is not the time to sit on your hands. the american people expect their leaders to work hard no matter what year it is. the economy still isn't where it needs to be. >> why can't mr. chairman, why can't we make a deal? let's say the president accepts some of those house bills. some call for a moratorium on regulation. if the president would say, i will sign two or three of those, should republicans give him some of the infrastructure money he wants and some of the other steps and have washington do something to help the unemployed before the election. >> wait a second. the president is the one you can
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go back to the simpson bulls. we have done this dance with the president many times. it was the republicans that passed the budget, john, in congress two years in a row and the president didn't want anything to do with it. they went off and put ads on television showing paul ryan throwing grandmother over the cliff. he has been playing politics, not willing to leave. this isn't good news for anybody in this country. as chairman of the rnc, this is not something that's good for anybody. it is not good for our country. i think ultimately, the way i would frame where we are today is what we have been saying, just simply this, americans are disappointed that we have a president that didn't follow through on his promises. this is not where anyone wants to be. no one relishes in this. but, we do need to get back to
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business in providing some certainty in the marketplace. the things that mitt romney is willing to do that this president is not is to lead this country. it is not that complicated. i think this president is in love with campaigning. he is pretty good at it. he missed his opportunities to lead. here we are today in having to deal with this fallout. >> you just saw the numbers. we asked voters who is better suited to handle the economy. you have a tie, you have a tie in the horse race and a tie on who is better to handle the big question. here is a weakness for your candidate. we asked people who better understands the problems faced by ordinary americans. president obama, 55%. governor romney, 34%. i will call that empathy gap. if governor romney can't address that, he is in trouble come election day. if people are worried about their jobs, they are going to pick the guy who they think understands them. how does he fix that? what is the problem? >> first of all, we have just come out of our primary. it has been two days since he has clinched the 1144 delegates.
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we have a long time to go. it is june, july, august, september, october, november. there is a long time to make the case. but, if you also look in your poll and i just looked at it really quickly, it shows that almost 70% of the people in the poll believe we are moving in the wrong direction economically. i can't imagine that being good news for this president. it is a statistical dead heat. i think that the president is clearly making a solid case to the american people that he hasn't been fit to lead and he hasn't fulfilled his promises. that's really what's most important in that analysis from that poll. there is a long way to go. we are going to make the case. when you stack up the president's record to mitt romney's record, i don't think there is any question as to who is more fitting to lead in bringing back certainty in the markers k marketplace and good-paying jobs back to this country. at what point do we say to the president, mr. president, what
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is your case for being reelected? is his case, look, it doesn't stink as bad as it could have? that can't be the presidential game plan for barack obama. compare reagan's re-election in 1984. was he blaming jimmy carter? was he blaming europe? no. he was talking about, it is morning in america. my policies are working. this is why i should be reelected. that's what incumbents do. this president wants to blame everybody for everything. >> that will be the defining question. we will keep in touch as the campaign goes on and we get more of this data. >> we will be in wisconsin over the weekend. we are looking forward to that one too. >> it is a big one out there on tuesday. up next, rumblings of the cold war. russia denies propping up syria's killing machine and the united states says that is not true. truth from bill clinton, whether the obama campaign likes it or not. [ male announcer ] this is genco services --
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mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see,
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you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪ and the next great idea could be yours. have you ever partaken in a car insurance taste test before? by taste? yes, never heard of it. well, that's what we're doing today. car insurance x has been perfected over the past 75 years. it's tasty. our second car insurance... they've not been around very long.
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the conflict enter syria claimed another 37 lives. they authorized an independent investigation in the syrian town of houla. russia, china and cuba opposed. vladimir putin flatly denied that russia is propping up the regime of the syrian president. >> reporter: those that say russia props any regime, in this case, president assad's, all these people are gone. we have good on going relationships with syria. we don't support either of the sides. >> not so says secretary of state, hillary clinton. the united states says they have serious concerns about russian weapons going to syria. >> we know that there has been a very consistent arms trade, even
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during this last year of violence in syria coming from russia to syria. we also believe that the continuing supply of arms from russia has strengthened the assad regime. >> an opinion piece published on former u.s. middle east negotiator writes, syria isn't rwanda and it certainly is not barack obama's primary responsibility but does that mean the need to stop the killing, 12,000 dead and counting, is any less urgent and acute? aaron david millers my guest. to stop the killing with diplomas circumstance you need cooperation. when you have the russian president, you just heard him there, essentially saying, no, it is not me. i am no the propping up assad. secretary clinton says, oh, yes, you are. i don't see a recipe for compromise. >> that is right. putin looks at this frankly as a former great power seeking to regain its status and prestige. it is not going to be able to.
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they have watched their clients, saddam, gadhafi, we are asking them to muscle the iranians on the nuclear issue. this is the one key state, syria, has had a key relationship for the last 40 years and they are determined to do everything they possibly can to preserve their influence. that does not mean rolling over for the united states and they also feel they were burned to some degree on the libyan operation. what you see is what you get with the russians. i wouldn't expect much more. if you are not going to get a tougher security council, what does the president of the united states do? the air rob leagrab league is no much. what does the president of the united states do? >> the question is, how vitally important is it to the president of the united states that this regime be undermined and undermined now. it is a murder russ, brutal regime. the situation on the ground is going to get worse before it gets better. the question for the president is, think through what he needs to do and what he can do. he can support the opposition
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with looeting as well as nonlooeting assist. >> you go into libya to stop the threat of a massacre but you don't go into syria when a massacre is underway. because libya has oil and syria doesn't? >> it is part of the decision of a great power. this behave hypocritically. the secretary of the state and the president would say the same thing. there is probably more we can do. we could push the turks harder on safe zones and provide more assistance, armed assistance to the opposition. before we consider an ill-advised, ill-thought through half measure which involves american military intervention, we need to understand the consequences and the costs to us. if you break it and paul was right, you are responsible for it. we are just coming out of the two longest wars in american history. i looked at the job numbers today. this is a president with a domestic, huge domestic problem. the last thing he needs now is
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to get involved in an inbroeg leo and fail. >> you see zero prospects before the election. the modest steps, maybe arm the opposition and create more safe zones in cooperation with the turks and the arab zones? >> it is not pretty but frankly under the circumstances, i am not sure there is all that much he can do. under the circumstances, as tragic as it is to watch people die, there is not that much more he should do. >> aaron david miller, i appreciate you coming in tonight. >> a pleasure, john, always. president obama still waving the to-do list at the congress. we will debate whether politicians can do anything about jobs, other than their own. a major development in the trayvon martin case. george zimmerman is going back to jail. oh! [ baby crying ] ♪ what started as a whisper ♪ every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing.
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welcome bam. here is allison cos sick. a major development in the trayvon martin case. they revoked his bail. prosecutors say zimmerman misled the court about how much money he had when his bond was originally set in april. the judge agreed and gave zimmerman 48 hours to report to jail. the u.s. army soldier accused of gunning down afghan civilians now faces several additional charges. military prosecutors accused army staff sergeant, robert bales, of possessing illegal steroids and wrongfully
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consuming alcohol. he already faces 16 counts of premeditated murder for leaving his post and attacking two villages. >> microsoft is updating his web browser to keep them from tracking their online footprints. they would be the first web browser to require users to opt in, not opt out. it would provide windows customers an experience that is private by default. not many people are going to opt in, saying, ads, go ahead and track me. >> it should be this way to begin with. they are clever. that's why they know everything about us. >> don't they? >> we will see you in a little bit. the last thing team obama wants to hear, bill clinton saying nice things about mitt romney. that's just what happened and it is tonight's truth. stand by for an update on severe storms and possible tornadoes in and around our nation's capital. [ male announcer ] this is genco services --
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mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ how did i get here? dumb luck? or good decisions? ones i've made. ones we've all made. about marriage. children. money. about tomorrow. here's to good decisions. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. massmutual. we'll help you get there.
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in this half hour of john king usa, dangerous storms, tornado warnings and floods hit the nation's capital. it spreads up the east coast. president obama is trying to make congress pay attention to his to-do list for creating jobs. we'll debate whether we can expect anything to happen with the election not far away. the bill clinton says you
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can say whatever you want. there is some truth to something he said that team obama wishes he hadn't. let's begin the half hour with a check-up on tonight's severe weather up and down the eastern seaboard. severe thunderstorms, tornado watch from pennsylvania to the carolinas. this hour, the worst weather about where i am, maryland, northern virginia and here in washington, d.c. chad myers is in the cnn severe weather center. >> one more cell for d.c., at delphi, d.c., silver spring and up towards goddard and greenbelt, right up i-95 b.w. parkway. the biggest threat now to the west of d.c. itself and also to the south of d.c. there still could be another line of weather coming in even though that's the weather you are seeing right there. there is silver spring and george avenue towards hyattsville and toward college
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park. what i'm worried about a little bit more down to the south. richmond, virginia, the west end. this would be guchland and wyndham. big-time rotation. you need to be taking cover anywhere from guchland over to hanover and ashland. that is a pretty significant cell there. one of your producers, john, says that he is going to try to drive to new york city tonight. he is coming out of college park, maryland, a couple hours ago. i don't know if that was a tornado or not but pretty significant. my recommendation to him and to anybody trying to drive anywhere across 95 is drive to the train station and let the train take you. it is going to be a slow drive anywhere across the northeast tonight in all this weather. >> excellent with the weather and excellent travel advice as well. chad meyers, keeping track of all this. president obama is attending fund-raisers away from the rain and in chicago tonight and in minnesota earlier this afternoon pushing congress to pass some of his ideas to create jobs. the president isn't up to the
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task of fixing the economy. what is going to turn the economy around? joining me now is john mccain's economic adviser in 2008? heather boucher is the senior economist. i want to start with you. the president has been out there. he has his list. he also, and let's listen to a bit of it. he tries to say, look, things are bad but it is not all my fault. we are still fighting our way back from the worst economic crisis since the great depression. we can't fully control everything that happens in other parts of the world. disturbances in the middle east, what's going on in europe. >> factually, that's all true. that's all true but politically, he is the guy who sits in the oval office, 150 days away from the voters deciding what to do. life and politics isn't fair, as you know. is there anything the president can do? we will get to cooperation with congress. let's assume there is going to be none. is there anything else any president can do that would help it all or is he out of arrows? >> the problem right now continues to be in the labor
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market, a lack of demand. for the president to have arrows in his quiver, he needs to have a congress that will work with him in order to take the steps necessary to boost demand on the kinds of things that we did in the recovery act, the kinds of policies he proposed last fall with the american jobs act that would have created 1.3 million jobs, economist estimated. without that, without the help of the power of the purse that congress has, he is really in a bit of a pickle. they really need to be working together to focus on job creation. >> you are nodding that the president is in a pickle. for somebody out there watching, who doesn't care that you are a republican or a democrat, they would like for their spouse or neighbor to have a job. are there any other things that they could do, work together on, that within a matter of months, before election day, would show actual progress? or are we past that point? >> we are facing the fiscal cliff, a sharp increase in taxes, across the board cuts in spending, a variety of other
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policies that need to get done. that is starting to affect the economy this year. taking away that threat will be the first and foremost things they can do. the president needs to do what he did in 2010. agree to extend the tax cuts so there is not a sharp increase on american business and families. no good will come of that. that will be a way to take away one of the threats. receiptality is, things always happen. in economists, you always get a tsunami and trouble in europe. the trouble is, the president has built a recovery that is so fragile, a feather would derail it. you have to do better. >> governor romney today was making doug's case. he says the business is sitting on a ton of money. they won't spend it. is it just question mark uncertainty? >> what the president has done has made it less and less likely for investors to want to invest in america, for employers to want to hire in america and that's the indictment that you
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are seeing on this administration's policies. >> is that what the president has done? >> you know, companies are sitting on a lot of cash. they are sitting on that cash because they are not seeing the kind of demand that's going to drive them to make those investments to hire the workers to meet the demand. you have to have customers. with this lingering unemployment, you don't have the customers america needs. there are a lot of things that we could do. one thing that was crystal clear from today's reports was that last month, we lost 11,000 workers in the construction sector of civil engineering. what is that? the kind of infrastructure projects we could go out there tomorrow and hire people to make invests and get back to work. i could call a lot of governors that would say, send the money. >> the strategy that heather is describing is the one the president of the congress implemented when they controlled everything. 2009, 2008.
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that's what they did and it failed. we saw, again and again, the kinds of reports we are seeing today. every summer, it fell away. it is a strategy that hasn't worked. the economy needs deep structural reforms of the types that polbowls and simpson propo. he has continued that same strategy. if he wants to do something serious, he should work with republicans on serious reforms. >> that is that nothing real will get done between now and the election. >> we are not focusing on implementing the kind of policies that would do that. another example is education. right now, all across america, state and local governments are laying off educators. that is not only adding to our unemployme unemployment wows but hurting our economic competitiveness. we need to make these decisions and get people back to work. we are not going to solve our fiscal problems and deal with that until we get people back to
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work. >> everyone agree that's a top priority. this is a terrible jobs report, a tragedy for america. the kinds of policies that are being advocated, smart people in the white house get to pick who gets the job. there is no the a reliance on broad economic growth. that's what we need. >> heather, doug, i hope you will come back. a big, big, dynamic for the next 150 days. why bill clinton thinks bashing bain capital is a losing strategy for president obama.
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there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward.
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>> i have a fair amount of gray hair covering bill clinton but i have to admit, i miss him. >> the great thing about not being president is that you can say what you want. >> that was today in wisconsin. the big buzz today was about last night. >> a man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold. >> now, grading mitt romney's business record is sterling is to put it mildly, at odds with the obama re-election campaign view. >> one thing the president never did was buy a company, load it up with debt, bankrupt that company and walk away with millions of dollars while the creditors and the workers were
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left holding an empty bag. the president has never done that. that's the obama campaign. bill clinton takes issue. you don't think we ought to get in the position where we say this is bad work. this is good work. >> off message big-time. it is more complicated than that. much more complicated. president clinton wants president obama to win. he made that clear repeatedly in that interview. if you know him and talk to people he talks to privately, something else is clear. he thinks attacking romney's business record is a losing strategy. for two reasons. go back to clinton's inaugural. don't stop thinking about tomorrow. he believes that politicians that look in the rear-view mirror are playing a losing hand. >> the real issue ought to be what has governor romney advocated in the campaign that he will do as president? what has president obama done and what does he propose to do? >> what we saw on the praise of
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romney's business record was bill clinton's dna, a defining characteristic. he helped form the leadership counsel in the mid 1980s. after walter mondale lost 49 states. clinton as his leader, too cozy with unions and too hostile to business. >> we have got to turn these processions around or we can't continue as a national party. >> yes. you see that. he didn't always have gray hair. one year after what clinton loyalists call the cleveland speech, he was a presidential nominee and promising everyone, including the business community, his was a new and different democratic party. an america that says to entrepreneurs and business people, we will give you more incentives and more opportunity than ever before to develop the skills of your workers and to create american jobs and american wealth in the new, global economy. >> he left office eight years
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and 21 million new jobs and a balanced budget later. he thinks his way was the right way for the economy and for his party. truth be told, he sees the democrats drifting left on many fronts and admires him and wants him to win. he tells his friends president obama could do more. what he said last the night was off message. trust me. it was no accident. joining us now to talk truth, ryan lizza and john ferry and jen saki. let me begin with you, jen. he did win twice. he was the last president to have a booming economy. when he takes issue with the central theme of the obama campaign at the moment, will he be listened to? >> look, first, in the same interview, president clinton also applauded president obama's leadership and work on the auto bailout and his work on raising fuel efficiency standards. he thought he would win by five
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or six points. i am certain he will be out there campaigning for him. he has a voice and seat at the table. most people are not waiting for what prominent surrogates, even as prominent as president clinton are saying about the strategy. they are waiting to see what the candidates talk about in terms of their policies moving forward. that's what they will say over the next five months. >> he thinks president obama will be better served talking about tomorrow. i disagree with your tax plan, your medicare plan, i disagree with this as opposed to i don't like what you did at bain capital. >> what bill clinton did was cut deals as republicans. he governored as a pragmatist, not just talk as a pragmatist. he was dragged kicking and screaming. they passed things like welfare reform. he governed as a centrist, because he had no choice. president obama has decided to governor as a pop poulis the.
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he does want the president to win. he supports and admires the president. he also thinks if he is critical, people will take it as lingering, festering hillary sour grapes. he does think his party is starting to drift a little more into the danger zone and says 2010 has proven that to him. >> remember, there are a lot of democrats especially in the new york, washington region who think that private equity is great. bill clinton's daughter and son-in-law worked for a private equity firm. bill clinton himself was an adviser. he relies on these private equity. it hasn't always had the bad name in the democratic party it has had now that romney is a candidate. there is a little bit of that. there is that dlc in clinton's dna. he doesn't like democrats being the anti-business party. so today, when you see this jobs report that is bleak and we
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should care more about the unemployed than the politicians. when you think of it in a political context, who better understands how the economy works. the two candidates are in a dead heat, 45/45. who better understands the problem faced by ordinary americans. obama, 55, romney, 34. as we were going on the air, this is governor romney's new financial disclosure form. it just came out. this is perhaps not fair. some things aren't fair to president obama. is it tough for governor romney when a jobs report comes out and you get a report that he is worth somewhere in the ballpark of $84 million to $206 million. >> not really. if the jobs report continue to be as bad and as blaek, you are going to have arthur davis, one of obama's first supporters, who said i have had enough of the democratic party, they are not doing anything, i am going to change parties, because the democrats are going the wrong
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way, i do think all these things are going to filter in. it is not what you say or what you do or how much money you have but what you do with the economy. >> i assume you think that is a wild card if you are in a very, very close race. i liked obama but it hasn't gone so well. i don't know about romney but if he better understands me, that's great. >> a massive enthusiasm gap. 6 of 10 support the president or are enthusiastic about his candidacy. people aren't excited about getting out there and working on his behalf. >> how does romney fix that? this was al gore's problem. the personal connection, he gets me. he gets the guy that works with his hands. >> what they are trying to do, as you pointed out, romney wants to make this a referendum on obama's record. obama wants to make this a
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choice. he has to highlight the negatives in romney's background and highlight the gap between romney's wealth and the average american. he has to stick to jobs in the economy and stick to slamming the president when the bad numbers come out. >> stay put. we will continue the conversation in just acontinuin in a moment. and don't miss our next story. you're looking at a member of congress. yes, a neb of congress, and it's tonight moment you probably missed. ♪ what you say now now's the time to move from to where you want to go. look up. with u.s. bank let's get the wheels turning. use our strength & stability to open new opportunities. to lend, and lift ...every business...every dream... to new heights of prosperity.
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looking at live pictures from our cnn affiliate in baltimore, maryland. this is bel air just outside baltimore. the hear traffic from the chopper, showing reports of possibly a tornado touching down. tighter pictures of significant batch to at least one fwibuildi on the ground. chad, reports a tornado touched down. do we know definitively? >> not definitively, no. but this storm was rotating rapidly right over bel air, falseton. now, this is north of baltimore. much closer to pennsylvania than d.c. at least 100 miles from washington, d.c. up by 95 around baltimore and keep going north. falseton, bel air i can take you to, a radar picture what we had.
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the storm moving from washington, d.c., off to the northeast. so the storm would be here. here's bel air. storm moving up into pennsylvania. about 45 minutes or so ago that this storm actually did move through this area, and now we're getting some of those other pictures youed is as they were zooming in back and forth, that shed ho be right there on the foundation. it is not. there is debris behind this apartment complex. the midas was damaged by part of this as well. it depends on the structure itself. this doesn't look like major tornado damage, no we we expect today to be an f-3, f-4 kansas event. if you're at or near debris when it's blowing around, you could get injured. that's the thing. stay inside your home away from windows. maybe a down spout. that down spout goes through a window and you're in the room, you can get cut by the glass. this is the area, when we tell you stay away from windows, get inside, this is exactly the
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reason why. eve's sometimes minor damage can hurt you. >> take us back to that line of storms. as you said, most seem to be passing d.c. and heading north. how's the stretch right now? >> it's actually doing very well. we just had a pretty significant storm roll through the west end, far west end of richmond, virginia. i'm talking from about almost goochland county egeland on up to ashland. that would be hanover county. the area i'm most concerned this rotation was significant. my producer going back and showing where that storm is vit now. it moved right over 64. right through that -- that's just about -- there's the mall. brand new mall and i-95, keeps going, as the sun sets tonight, john, things will cool down and die off. this will be over soon. >> we'll keep an eye on it throughout the night. chad myers, hopeful will will be over soon. we'll keep on top of this. back to alison kosik with
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other news. >> as you mentioned, federal election commission released mitt romney's latest financial disclosure forms. what he's worth. between $84 million and $256 million. actually a business less than last year. most of his current income devive rived from iminvestments charges between $10,000 and $68,000 for speaking engag you get twice the machine for nearly half the cost. r women's?
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researchers atsan diego state university and the university of arizona swabbed almost 100 randomly chosen offices in new york, san francisco and tucson and found men's offices, surprisingly, tend to have 10% to 20% more living bacteria than women's. i'm not surprised, john. are you? >> guilty. >> you admit it. >> oh, yeah. my office -- yes. i need to do a better job.
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without a doubt. i admit it. do you sing, karaoke? >> sometimes. >> stay right there. times is good enough for our moment you missed's came in today's rally, the democrat challenges wisconsin's republican governor scott walker in that big recall election next tuesday. yes, bill clinton was at the event but a warm-up act. right? so was democrat congresswoman gwen moore warming up the crowd. listen here, her own rendition of "hit the road." ♪ hit the road scott and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more ♪ well, hit the road scott and don't you come back no more ♪ >> what you say now? ♪ hit the road scott and don't you come back ♪ ♪ no more, no more >> a lot of members of congress what would they do have the voters sent them home?
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voted them out of office. she's got a backup plan. >> who knew she all those hidden talents. who knew, politicians have hidden talents other than talking. >> do you want to try to top her? >> what? >> top her. floor's yours. >> no. if i. a drink in my hand, maybe, but i don't. >> have great weekend. see you back here monday night. 23459s all for us. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next the dow plunges nearly 300 points. a horrible jobs report today. why some of the nation's leading ceos tell us they're hiring now. a developing story. in the past hour, mitt romney releasing his personal financial statements for the past year. what changed, and what didn't in the romney's back account. and george zimmerman has less than 48 hours to report to jail. this is bad news for his trial. it's all "outfront" tonight.


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