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tv   Starting Point  CNN  June 4, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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listening for any possible stimulus that the fed could hint to. it's something that the market points to a lot. when you see the markets tumble as they are doing, you know, the fed has done this before where it's bought up government bonds in great numbers, basically pouring a lot of money into the market and giving that kind of shot in the arm to the market. there are definitely two sides of the fence as to whether it's really helped the economy. at least it's done so in the short term. so once again, you are seeing stock futures turn around on hopes that the fed chief will say something positive or supportive on thursday. but no doubt about it, you're still going to see the same worries hang over the market today. you're going to see these same worries hang over throughout the week, worries about spain, worries about greece, worries about china. and then our own problems here in the u.s., that so-called fiscal cliff when those tax rates are going to be going up and sepending cuts will go into effect. there is a lot of talk about whether or not congress could or would step in to keep that from happening before the end of the
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year. soledad? >> thanks, appreciate that. let's get right to zoraida sambolin. good morning. >> good morning. the pilot of a nigerian plane that crashed into a residential neighborhood in lagos killing all 153 people on board was an american. his identity has not been released yet. at least ten people on the ground were also killed. nigeri nigeria's president ordering a full investigation and declaring three days of mourning. the wreckage burned more than three hours after the crash. fire trucks just could not carry enough water to that site. investigators still don't know what caused an air tanker to crash while fighting a wildfire along the nevada/utah border. two pilots were killed there. they were dropping fire retardant on the flames had their tanker went down yesterday afternoon. the tanker was on its second run of the day and was loaded with about 1,600 gallons of fuel and 2,000 gallons of water and fire retardant. the 5,000-acre white rock fire began burning friday night after a lightning strike in eastern
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nevada. and voters in wisconsin are gearing up for a critical recall election that could force the republican governor out of office after just 18 months. scott walker, a tea party favorite, who cracked down on public unions faces a high-stakes challenge tomorrow from milwaukee's democratic mayor, tom barrett. and to hear richard dawson tell it, he kissed 20,000 women on the lips during the nearly 20 years he hosted "family feud." dawson died yesterday at 79 after a battle with cancer. dawson was also an actor appearing in films and most notably the tv series "hogan's heroes." but it was "the feud" that made him a household name with the catchphrase "survey says!" the party is just getting started over in the uk. england celebrating queen elizabeth's diamond jubilee, 60 years on the throne. tens of thousands of people flocked to watch the royal family lead a flotilla of 1,000 boats down the thames river sunday.
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festivities continue today with a party and a concert that is planned at buckingham palace. hopefully the rain will stop. you can follow all of the fun here on cnn. piers morgan and brooke baldwin will be covering the events live at 5:30 this afternoon. and vintage tiger. did you see this? tiger woods tying jack nicklaus for second place on the all-time wins list by winning jack's tournament in ohio yesterday. woods capturing his 73rd pga title with a shot for the ages, holing out of a 50-foot flop shot from the deep rough on the 16th hole. amazing. all right. tiger still trails the golden bear for all-time wins in major tournaments. he'll try to close that gap when the u.s. open gets under way in 11 days at the olympic club in san francisco. soledad, back to you. >> wow, wow, what a comeback. what a great shot. >> i could do that. >> no, sunshine, you cannot do that. >> no, i can't. >> and we move on. let's talk about jobs.
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8.2% unemployment number. 69,000 jobs, as you heard from alison kosik, just told us, those are figures that the markets hate and that are not also good for the obama campaign. tom harper of delaware joins us, also a member of the finance committee. nice to have you, sir. >> thank you. >> in a nutshell, what's the president going to try to do to fix that jobs number? 68,000 jobs, it's very weak. >> four things. one is not walk ourselves into recession. our hair is not on fire. fundamentals for the economy are actually quite good. we need to keep that in mind. we're doing a whole series of things to help stimulate the economy. there are three, four or five of them pending now, comprehensive transportation bill, 2 to 3 million jobs. postal reform. 7 million or 8 million jobs. flow from that, fda reform legislation. it's a variety of things. i call it hitting singles and need to continue to hit a bunch of singles, create a more nurturing environment for job
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creation. set the stage for hitting a home run. hit a home run is what we need to do after the election. >> some may argue before the election. >> actually what's going on in europe is hurting us, but also what's hurting us now is the concern that we're not going to do anything after the election. and i think we need to take a whole series of steps. bowles simpson commission, mostly on the spending side, some on the revenue side. that's, i think, the best plan that i've seen. that's the best jobs plan out there. >> many people say the referendum on the economy, that's what's going to feed into the election. whether the people care about the economy, if the economy turns around, conventional wisdom will go, i know conventional wisdom is wrong a lot, obama can win, romney can come in if the economy continues to go downward. right now that trend if you throw up one of the big map of how unemployment or job creation numbers look, it looks bad. >> actually, the underlying numbers are pretty encouraging. corporate profits are strong. housing numbers are coming back.
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we have seen energy costs continue to drop. that actually drives consumer confidence. there are a number of things going well. >> people look at jobs. >> well, they do, but one of the reasons why the unemployment rate went up because people are starting to look for jobs again. and for the longest period of time, they have stopped looking. we have seen almost 30 straight months of private sector job growth of 30 straight months of manufacturing job growth. we, again, it's important for us not to talk ourselves into a recession. is there much we can do about what's going on in europe? probably not a lot. what we need to focus on are things that we need to do. and they are don't talk ourselves into recession. number two, continue to hit a bunch of singles, small things to help move the economy. we're doing that. we need to do more. number three, get ready to do something really big after the election. 4 to $5 trillion in reduction. bowles-simpson is an excellent road map to do that. some people question whether or not we'll have the will to do that. i think we will.
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democrats and republicans. there's 50 of us in the senate who support that particular approach. and we just need to do it. >> there's a new cnn/orc poll that says when they ask people about who has a better understanding of how the economy works. president obama and mitt romney are neck and neck. i think they're both at 45% with a margin of error of 3%, plus or minus. how do you -- what do you read into that poll? >> well, let's just back up. harry truman used to say the only thing that's new in the world the history forgotten or never learned. go back to the week after obama and biden became president and vice president. last week, something like 380,000 people filed for unemployment insurance. compared to where we were, we're doing pretty good. >> but the complaint is not doing enough, not doing it fast enough, that everybody expected the job growth would be much faster and stronger especially with all the stimulus money put in. >> again, the underlying economics are actually quite
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good. we can't do a whole lot about europe. number two, we can't -- let's focus on the things that we can do something about. hitting singles. putting in place a whole bunch of things that strengthen the economic recovery. i've mentioned those already. number three, why wait until december to continue to do deficit reduction? we've got a to-do list for gao every year. let's continue to work right down that list. fraud, improper payments, you name it. >> when i look at how congress is working, it sounds like it works really smoothly and everyone's coming together and almost kind of kumbaya. >> in the senate, we've done that. we just reauthorized the export/import back. a half million jobs flow from that. we're in conference with the house right now. >> is it the house? >> we're waiting for the house to move a postal bill that's 7 million or 8 million jobs. there's a lot we can do.
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and under the radar, there's quite a bit we've already done. >> you keep pointing to sort of november and december. which is after the election. >> that's when we hit the home run. between now and then, we need to hit a lot of singles. >> you may not get a chance to aim for the home run if that 69,000 number -- if the chart keeps going downward, right? isn't that a fair argument to make? that you might -- democrats, i mean. in the obama administration is not able to turn around the job numbers, it may be governor romney who may hit a home run. >> nobody's going to accuse us of peaking too soon, but there's a lot of time between now and november. the important thing is for us to do the things that make sense. >> do you think if you're able to turn around, if the next jobs report is an increase, it's not 69,000, that you could -- you stand a much better chance for re-election for the obama campaign? and if it continues to go in a downward slide, that he's not going to get re-elected? >> there's a good reason to expect that the numbers are
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going to get better. new factory orders are up dramatically for june. as i said earlier, corporate profits are quite good. at some point in time -- and the other thing is housing. unbeknownst by a lot of people, housing's begun to turn around. people are starting to spend their money again. i think part of it's the price at the pump keeps coming down. people feel they have more disposable income. we saw more people signing up to come to the beaches in delaware. rental propers a s properties up. more people came to our nascar race in dover than have been there in several years. underneath the surface, things are not that bad. we need to just -- >> but isn't it a matter of how you feel? really. sometimes i think if you ask people, i brought in a bunch of random people off the street here in new york, and i said, how does it feel? they wouldn't say, honestly, it feels pretty good. they would say, i'm guessing, but i feel very confident in this answer, actually, it feels
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bad. i'm worried about my future, the future, i can't afford college for my kids. i'm afraid. >> we can do stuff other than talking to people on the streets who do the consumer confidence surveys. a couple of them are actually very encouraging as well. we can go around like hair on fire, focus on the negatives, or we can focus on the positives. i'm sure our friends in the republican party will do their best to focus on the negatives. for us and people in my job, what we have to do is continue to hit those singles, do a lot of things to strengthen the underlying economics, take advantage of the underlying low energy prices, lower health prices, all that stuff, housing industry coming back. hit a bunch of singles, keep focusing on the spending side and finally, get ready to hit the home run after the election with bowles-simpson. >> nice to have you with us, senator tom carper. still ahead, george zimmerman back in jail. a judge says he and his wife lied about how much money they have. and the tapes show that they seem to be hiding something. reaction from trayvon martin's
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family's attorney. facebook may lift the ban on kids under the age of 13. we start with my playlist. beyonce, "videophone." you're watching "starting point." we're back in a moment. [ male announcer ] when a major hospital
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george zimmerman, the man who shot and killed 17-year-old trayvon martin, is waking up inside a jail cell this morning after he surrendered to police on sunday a few days after a florida judge revoked his bond. listen. >> he is in custody now. he's going to remain there until
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we get back before judge lester if and when he grants us a bond hearing. it's unlikely he might consider it, but that's going to be based upon the motion itself. and whether or not judge lester wants to revisit his bond status. >> mark o'mara, he's george zimmerman's attorney. at the initial hearing, you may remember, back in april, zimmerman and his wife told the court that they had limited funds to pay for bond. but a website set up to take defense donations had actually collected more than $130,000. now, prosecutors say the zimmermans were well aware of the money at the time, and they may have even secretly tried to shift between the accounts before the hearing. joining us this morning, benjamin crump, he's an attorney for the trayvon martin family. nice to see you, sir. how's the family doing today, and what's the reaction to this latest news? >> well, they are relieved that the killer of their unarmed teenage son is back in jail. they have always wanted him to
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stay in custody until the trial, soledad. >> so it looks like defense will probably ask for another bond hearing, try to get him out again on bond. what's your plan for that and the prosecution's plan for that? will they ask for no bond or a high bond? >> well, if attorney o'mara files the motion, then the stage is set for george zimmerman and his wife to have to take the witness stand and attempt to explain what the state attorney said was blatant lies to the court. thus exposing him further to credibility issues, or george zimmerman can stay in jail until the trial and not risk damaging his credibility any farther. >> a lot of this stems -- >> the real question is this. >> mm-hmm. >> the real question is this, soledad. if you lie to the court, are there consequences? >> well, let's go review for everybody exactly how this new
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evidence came about. on april 12th, i guess they record conversations that you have in jail. they were recording a conversation between zimmerman and his wife, shelly. i'll read off the transcript. george zimmerman says, in my account, do i have at least $100? shelly says no. how close am i? $8, $8.60. really? so total everything how much are we looking at? shelly says, "like $155." that's a transcript of a call. i believe it's april 16th. four days later, though, at the hearing, shelly, who was just involved in that prior conversation, i just read the transcript, said this. listen. >> also in terms of the akt of your attorney to make the bond amount that you all have no money, is that correct? >> to my knowledge, that's correct. >> were you aware of the website that mr. zimmerman or somebody on his behalf created? >> i'm aware of that website.
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>> and how much money is in that website right now? how much money as a result of that website? >> currently i do not know. >> so she says she doesn't know how much money is on the website. she also has just talked about $155 and $100. they're talking thousands of dollars, right? so $155 is $155,000? is that right? >> that's certainly what the state attorney believed when they reviewed the police recordings. and the record is there. it's very clear what the records say. so the judge reviewed it. and based on the law, revoked george zimmerman's bond. >> second point, i guess, is another recording that focuses on a passport george zimmerman had a passport and then lost it and apparently reapplied. turned over one passport eventually to the court. i guess now has turned over the second one. here's a little bit of the transcript of the conversation he and his wife were having, though, about the passport before he turned it over to the court. george zimmerman says, "do you
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know what? i think my passport is in that bag." shelly zimmerman says, "i have one for you in the safety deposit box." george says, "okay, you hold on to that." shelly says, "for you." that's a call from april 17th, a couple of days before the hearing. why is that passport conversation relevant? >> it's very relevant because a passport indicates that you are able to leave the country. and there's always a question about flight risk when you're dealing with bonds. there's credibility and flight risk. and the reason judge lester's ruling was so important is because he focuses everybody's attention to george zimmerman's credibility. and remember, his credibility is the main thing here because it is only his version of the facts that say trayvon martin attacked him. all the objective evidence suggests that he pursued and shot trayvon martin in the heart. and that is going to be a crucial, crucial issue, credibility, credibility, credibility. >> there are legal experts who
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would say he's 28 years old. he's afraid. he's trying to figure out how to stay out of jail. that it's less of a credibility issue rather than a fear issue for a relatively young man. >> well, certainly the judge is balancing everything. but a lie is a lie. and that's what the court has to determine. and if trayvon martin would have lied to the court, we believe he would not be given a bond. he would have to sit in jail until his trial. and all his parents have asked for -- his family have only asked for, soledad, is equal justice. whatever that you would give consideration for trayvon martin, you've got to give it to george zimmerman. and trayvon would have stayed in jail, we believe, had he lied to the court. >> benjamin crump is an attorney for trayvon martin's family. thanks for talking with us. appreciate it. >> yes, ma'am. still ahead on "starting point," a zombie prank, so crazy, goes dangerously wrong
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when the prankster picks on the wrong people. we'll share that with you in our "get real." will cane, roland martin's on his way. >> he's coming. >> welcome. good morning. so guess who's here today? first, my favorite singer ever. margaret hoover's playlist has u2, "beautiful day." you're watching "starting point." >> it is a beautiful day. >> it really is. [ woman on radio, indistinct ] ♪ bum-bum ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum ♪ - ♪ ai, ai, ai - ♪ bum-bum - ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum - ♪ [ ice rattles rhythmically ] ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum ♪ ♪ [ imitates guitar noise ] ♪ [ vocalizing up-tempo heavy metal song ] ♪ [ vocalizing continues ]
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♪ [ all singing ] the redesigned, 8-passenger pilot. smarter thinking. from honda. welcome to summer road trip, huh? as the hotel experts, finding you the perfect place is all we do. this summer, save up to 30%, plus get up to $100 on us. welcome to
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♪ no matter what ♪ got money on my mind ♪ i can never get enough all i do is win, win, win.
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roland's awake. it's 7:26. most of us are like -- will cane's just nodding his head, columnist joining us. notice how i segue right into the introductions. she worked in the bush white house. also author of "american individualism." and roland is host of washington." >> what's shaking? >> nothing. you have a nice weekend? >> of course. >> rainy one day, beautiful the next. >> tiger woods winning yesterday. all he does is win. >> well, now. >> that's what got the red ascot on. a thrilling win, though, too. >> it was an awesome win. we're not talking golf right now. this is crazy. after all those cases including that horrible one in miami where people are talking about zombie attacks. the cdc actually said that there was no zombie -- no joke -- there is no official zombie apocalyp apocalyp apocalypse. >> was there a meeting or something? >> glad to hear from you, cdc. >> believe it or not, that's not
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my "get real!" a guy in miami, a prankster, decides to dress up as a zombie covered in blood. and he starts running around chasing people. look what he does to this guy. you can see the front of his shirt. he's covered in blood. he chases toe guy and numerous people. they're rolling on it. it's a prank. he chases people, scaring the absolute heck of them. they're terrified. it's funny, but the youtube video goes on for a while, right? then he picks the wrong person. >> right, right. >> so here are people climbing. let's drop the banner so everyone can see. he starts growling. he goes in. he has a gun. he starts chasing him. yes. >> oh, no. >> technically, does a gun kill a zombie? >> i think that man's not' real zombie, margaret. i think he's just a guy who thought he was being funny running around miami trying to scare people. >> he went to the wrong neighborhood at the wrong
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moment. some brothers are playing basketball. you mess up the basketball game. and he walks up to him, like, seriously? you just messed the basketball game up. >> zombies can run fast. >> running for his life. so i guess my "get real" is to mr. zombie man. somebody is going to shoot you. that guy was gaining on him. >> they had gone to stand your ground. >> everybody ran. it was actually quite funny. there was a warning on there which is, like, do not attempt this prank. you are going to get killed. >> the tables got turned fast. >> yes, they did. >> that is not winning. >> that is not winning, that's correct. still ahead this morning on "starting point," is florida stripping some voters of their right to vote this november? we'll tell you why some critics say a new tactic is aimed at deterring minorities and the poor from casting ballots. and did you see this video? stroller -- look at this --
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breaks free. that's a stroller with a baby inside. the mother is, like, 50 yards behind. >> uh, hello. >> this is a garbage truck driver. hops out. saves the day. we'll show you the rest of the video. it's amazing. we're watching "starting point."
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let's get right to the headlines. zoraida's got that. good morning. >> good morning to you. it's being called the biggest fire in new mexico history. the fire is wiping out more than 240,000 acres in an area more than 1.5 miles bigger than chicago. at least 15 families living in the nearby mining town were forced to leave their homes. two separate lightning strikes started two wildfires that merged, creating that giant fire. defense secretary leon panetta is in vietnam this morning. it is the latest stop on his asia-pacific tour touting america's new military strategy
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for the region. he's the first defense secretary to go there since the war ended. and minding your business now, fresh from its wall street debut, facebook is expected to offer up millions of new shares. in just a few months, early investors and select insiders will be free to sell off stocks. some experts fear a flood of new shares could water down the stock price. facebook stock is already down 26% from its initial public offering price of $38. meantime, facebook is also considering offering accounts to children under the age of 13. that is according to a report in "the wall street journal" this morning. "the journal" reports that the social network would connect children's accounts to their parents' account that would be able to control the privacy settings. i like that joint effort there. one man's garbage truck driver is another man's hero. a seattle sanitation worker spotted a runaway stroller with a baby on board headed toward a
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four-way intersection. the quick-thinking driver started honking his horn, blocked the intersection and jumped out to save the baby. it turns out the mother was jogging with the baby stroller when it just got away from her. wow! all right. lucky mom. let's get a quick check of your travel forecast. meteorologist rob marciano joins us. >> she ran off in a hurry there. hopefully she said thank you. >> i'm sure she did. >> yeah, cool stuff across the northeast if you're doing jogging, maybe leave the stroller at home because it's going to be slick and rainy at times especially in the bigger cities. we'll probably see delays. down south, rough stoerms moved through memphis, tupelo, getting into birmingham. a severe thunderstorm watch about to expire. they're still pretty rough. look for more to develop later today. also a very strong system out west that will create wind and rain. the winds for the firefighting situation is not going to be good.
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and the heat across the southwest will continue to be in the 90s and low 100s. not bad in chicago. 50s and 60s with on and off rain showers in the northeast. zorai zoraida, back to you. >> thank you, rob. the new 2012 miss usa is -- >> miss usa 2012, rhode island! >> rhode island. 20-year-old olivia culpo, miss rhode island, will now go on to compete in the miss universe pageant later this year. i hear she's quite a scholar, soledad. >> good for her. that's what it's all about, the scholarship money. >> it is. >> for me. not for you. but for me. >> right, that's it. >> it's all about seeing talented young women have success and get ready for college. >> that's what the bathing suit segment's all about, the scholarships. that's what it's all about. >> can we move on? there's a wednesday deadline looming in the sunshine state, the state of florida, that's the date by which florida officials need to respond to a justice
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department letter about the state's controversial voter purge. federal officials wrote that it appears the state might be in violation of federal voter protection laws. the purge was put in place after florida's republican governor, rick scott, asked the state to identify non-u.s. citizens who had registered to vote illegally. now, officials so far have identified about 2,600 voters as suspicious using information from the department of highway safety and motor vehicles. still unclear, though, how many of those identified are, in fact, unable to vote. are not allowed to vote. joining me now, one of the key opponents of the purge is tech deutsc ted deutsche. thanks for joining us. >> great to be with you. >> appreciate that. the d.o.j. and the homeland security back in october of '11 -- of 2011, forgive me -- could have answered the question and actually given forth information to the state of florida in their request to figure out who is on the rolls that's not eligible to be on the
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rolls. ultimately, that is a perfectly valid question. who's on the rolls that should not be on the rolls to vote, correct? >> sure, absolutely. it's a valid question. and it's an issue that supervisors of elections throughout florida take very seriously. and they take it seriously all year long. the question, soledad, is why did governor scott come up with a list of 180,000 names that tend to skew more hispanic, more democratic and put that list out less than three months before a primary election, less than six before a general election when we've seen already that there's an enormous number of eligible voters who will be kicked off the rolls as a result. that's the problem. that's why the justice department stepped in. >> but he made that request originally to try to figure out that 180,000, how many of them actually were correlated to people who should not be on the rolls back in october of 2011. so well in advance of the three months. it looks like the homeland security just did not answerhis request, isn't that what
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happened? >> i think that it's important for the governor to sit down with the supervisors of elections, have his administration do so, and figure out the best way to go through the list to make sure that there's not voter fraud. what we're at risk of doing here, what we're at risk of seeing, soledad, is election fraud. you have to take a step back for a minute and look at the fact that in the 2008 election, there were 16 cases of voter fraud out of 8 million votes cast. we now have a list of 180,000 names. >> well, it's been whittled down to 2,600. i agree with you, that's still a ton. that 180,000 now looks like it's 2,600 people who they've identified as suspicious. which is still a huge number of people who might be having their voting rights impinged upon. if you look at what they're doing in miami-dade, when they went through and looked at 505 people who were contacted, it turned out that 492 of them who
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they were able to reach, 13 were not citizens, and they were purged which gives you something like 98% were wrongly on that list. is that what your big concern is? >> my concern -- first of all, soledad, just to correct you, the 2,600 names that everyone's talking about is really just the first step. the governor hasn't retreated from his list of 180,000 names. and when you look at the results thus far in the first 2,600, we're at risk because of this brazen political ploy, we're at risk of disenfranchising tens of thousands of florida voters. and in a state which has a history not of voter fraud but of not making votes count with very close elections, that's a horrible decision which really is meant to suppress voter turnout and to suppress the vote. that's why we have to be so vigilant in making sure it doesn't go forward. >> also what's interesting, the interesting was warned before this took place, take the precautions before you go down
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this route. also in 2000, governor jeb bush, they purnl purged the voting ro then. >> 1,000 were wrongly purged. >> how many votes was it decided by? >> 37. this is an issue that's been going a long time. a writer for "the miami herald" has been talking about dead people on rolls. people say what is wrong with florida? can they get their voter rolls together? it seems like they're unable to -- >> let's put that to the congressman. what's wrong with the state of florida? or do you think that florida is not an aberration? >> no, no, i think it's a good question. the question is what's wrong with the scott administration? why is it that they're creating this image of voter fraud run wild when, in fact, it's the scott administration's position that while it will disenfranchise tens of thousands of legitimate voters. there's a world war ii vet last week who received a letter from
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the state of florida saying we have evidence to believe that you are not a united states citiz citizen, a bronze star battle of the bulge veteran. that's what's wrong with this purge. the issue of voter fraud is one that we have to take seriously. but what governor scott has engaged in and what's happening around the country, frankly, is an election fraud meant to suppress the vote. that's why we have to be vigilant and why we can't let this go forward and why i'm battling it. >> congressman ted deutsche, thanks for being with us. mariela castro is the daughter of the cuban president. she'll sit down with christiane amanpour. we'll look at their interview and tell us why mariela thinks obama should have another term. and also, you know how much i love ledici. >> number one super fan. >> and there she is! >> all of y'all dress alike. >> i wore yellow. she's my soul sister. i love her. this is "pieces of me." let's just listen, shall we? let's. everyone just enjoy.
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♪ every woman i know
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welcome back, everybody. cnn's christiane amanpour scored a rare exclusive interview with raul castro's daughter, mariela. she delivered a speech on gay rights and participated in an academic conference last week. that visit sparked outrage by those who oppose her father's regime. part one of christiane's interview will air today at 3:00 p.m. on cnni. christiane is also abc's global affairs anchor. >> nice to see you. >> where does mariela fit into the entire castro regime? people are looking to see if there's a transition coming out of there.
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>> that's exactly right. you can imagine doing civil rights in the form of gay and lesbian rights is an obvious transition. i asked her particularly about opening up the political space there. and she said, look. her own father, raul, has made a big change in terms of economic and property rights. and she says yes, we do want to have not just one party, for instance. but of course, had he pthey put everything on the embargo. as you know, it hasn't worked, they feel on the defensive. so we had a very interesting conversation about all those issues of human rights, civil rights, political rights. it was a very interesting interview. >> you also talked to her about the obamas. >> she's very admiring of president obama because he said that he supports same-sex marriage and on many other issues. listen to what she told me about him. >> did you expect more from president obama, or has he gone as far as you expected him to go on the cuban issue? do you think that he wants to lift the embargo and that there could be proper relations between cuba and the united
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states under a second obama term? >> translator: i believe that obama is a fair man. and obama needs greater support to be able to take this decision. if obama counted on the full support of the american people, then we could normalize relationships. we could have better relations than what we had under president carter. >> do you want obama to win the next election? >> translator: as a citizen of the world, i would like him to win. seeing the candidates, i prefer obama. >> so interesting. do you think it has any impact at all? >> i do, actually, because things are moving in cuba. look, we've seen that the 50 years of the embargo simply has failed. if the objective to get rid of the castros, it's failed. so there has to be another dynamic. and we can all see that things are opening up. i asked her quite a lot about dissidents, again, more about political opening up. and we had a very good
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conversation. so hopefully everybody will watch on cnni. >> i was going to say, 3:00, cnni today. still ahead on "starting point," ledici is in the house, my absolute favorite. i have all her albums and love her dearly and have traveled cross country to see her perform. and she's with us this morning. observation, my gosh! ah! >> hey! >> we're going to talk to her. she's got a new book out as well. don't go hugging him. come hug me! ♪[music plays]
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♪[music plays] ♪[music plays] purina one beyond. food for your cat or dog.
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[ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! cuban ♪ cajun raw seafood pizza parlor french fondue tex-mex fro-yo tapas puck chinese takeout taco truck free range chicken pancake stack baked alaska 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at restaurants. it pays to discover. oh, joy, oh, joy. ledisi is in the house. grammy singer is not just loved by her fans but mainly me and her music is amazing and she is incredibly honest and incredible inspiration. she applauds people who rejects negative stereotypes. listen. here is bravo. my theme song today.
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♪ celebrate life no matter who you are ♪ ♪ you been working hard ♪ ♪ come on come on ♪ ♪ >> it's a really interesting book because it's not like a memoir. it's more like a scrapbook. i'm so happy to have you! >> thank you for having me. >> love you. >> i'm sorry. >> i didn't know. really? i'm just going to sit here and hold the book. no, seriously. i seriously love ledisi. your songs are so great. when you followed you around the country and go on your tour. >> yes. >> what is she talking about? >> but a lot of your conversation, you're saying your voice is amazing, obviously, but it's like uplifting and positive and it's a scrapbook and feels more like a scrapbook about your life story than a book/book. why did you do it this way?
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>> essence wanted to celebrate, "essence" magazine celebrate women of color so they asked me to tell my story and tell about my journey and they found out i took photos and they wanted those in there. my poetry. my words. other people's words. things that inspired me. >> you write that you were going to quit. >> yes. >> tell me about that. >> i wanted to quit the industry because they kept saying you're not good enough, you're not pretty enough, you're not a star. >> what do you do when someone says you don't look like our typical with the dreads that are red. >> yes. what i did was tell me there is a statement that i say. tell me i can't so i can show you that i can. and every day i have to tell myself i'm beautiful because the world says something different. so i love the challenge. i'm always up for the challenge to be ledisi no matter what. >> you've been nominated seven times for a grammy. >> yes, seven times. >> you perform at the white
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house. she performs for chaka khan singing her own song to chaka khan which has to be a terrifying experience! >> she is a wonderful lady, though. . i love her. she was the first person to give me an opportunity in the mainstream and reach back and lift me and it takes others to lift each other. that's what i talk about in the book. >> tell me about your nachl. >> in the book, i described where it comes from. it's originally from nigeria. >> thank you, thank you. >> don't put fingerprints on my book! >> i'm asked that all the time. i tell people where the name comes from. it's my real name. hi no choice. it means to bring to, to bring forth. it's a my year january word. >> you're also a news geek? >> yes! i love you! >> self-professed. >> i love watching "starting point." and i love you, roland. >> do you like french fries? >> i love the picture in here. it's a positive book for young
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women too. >> sometimes it seems like young women today are struggling. what is that about? >> it's different than when we grew up or do you think the same? >> it's pretty much self-esteem issues. it's everything starts at home. home is different now. we have younger mothers, younger parenting so things are a little different. >> some of these girls seem like the weight of the world their shoulders at 13 and 14. >> you are also throwback artist. how hard is it for you to have your place in this music industry where it is so single driven and so hip-hop driven and so one hit wonder driven to be in the style of a nancy wilson and chaka khan when you won that longevity? >> and different genres too. >> i mix the old and the new always. i think we need both. you need both to entertain both audiences and that is what i do. i stay relevant. i listen more. i think the older generation needs to listen to the younger generation more. and so i combine those audience.
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my audiences are very mixed now especially with songs like bravo to go to old school r&b. >> sampling of new artists and old music. >> of course. the book is called "better than all right finding peace, love and power. >> it's mine now. i'll take my book back. >> you have met your number one super fan. >> please sign her book! >> please! >> okay. >> i think i can turn now. always great to have you, ledisi. we will have you back on next week! still ahead, we are laughing here but i got to tell you if you look at the markets, not good news. stocks are slipping. the market is slowing and your 401(k) is shrinking. can the economy make a comeback or are we on the brink of another recession? george zimmerman is back behind bars. was he lying about money and his passport? we will take a look at that next. [ female announcer ] introducing coffee-mate natural bliss.
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welcome back. markets around the world take ago beating. europe's debt crisis and china's slowing economy and america's sluggish job market and all of these things triggering jitters this morning and fears of a fresh recession. new developments in the trayvon martin case. george zimmerman is back in jail and the judge saying he and his wife lied about their money and maybe a passport. call him the california kid. do you know him? he might be one of the most dangerous people on the world. he's a popular mixed martial arts fighter. this man is tough. he is here live. >> maybe you can challenge him to choke me out like the last mmaa guy that was here. >> that was not me. monday, june 4th. and "starting point" begins right now. ♪ told me to rock this way talk this way ♪ ♪ walk this way talk this way ♪
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>> wow! >> hey, it's monday! >> i got you. got you. that is run dmc. "walk this way." that is roland's playlist. she is the host of his show. margaret is thoover is with us. and will cain is a columnist at " >> good morning. >> starting point this morning is a tough one. volatile markets and markets in trouble after that report about the u.s. labor market on friday came pow. dow futures now down slightly and s&p 500 and the nasdaq are poised to open kind of flat. alison kosik is live at the new york stock exchange this morning. was the only factor pushing the markets down ward? >> it wasn't the only thing.
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it definitely was kind of the last straw to cause that big sell-off that we saw on friday. it was actually the biggest sell-off of the year. 69,000 jobs added to the work force it's not enough to get the economy, the momentum, you know, to move forward. so on friday as well we didn't only learn that the jobs being added to the work force is slowing down. manufacturing is slowing down as well. and then you know what? they are the usual suspects. the weights on this fragile economy, the uncertainty with europe's debt problems and the strength of spain's banking system that is going to continue to cause jitters in the market. same concerns about china. china's growth is slowing down and the reason why we care about europe and china is because those are the big places where we export a lot of our goods. if they buy less stuff from us, it's going to affect us. so it brings us to our own problems. yes, we are heading toward that fiscal cliff. all at once, tax rates will come in unless congress steps in and stops it and that kind of
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uncertainty especially when you hear the congressional budget office come out and say if this fiscal cliff happens and all at once it could put the u.s. economy back into recession. but look on the bright side. futures have recovered as you said, soledad. stocks looking flat before the opening bell. fed chief benning bernanke is testifying before a senate committee and they are looking for words of support and hoping for that and fingers are crossed. >> alison, thank you for the update. over the weekend, both republicans and democrats spinning the jobs numbers trying to make their own point. listen. >> job gains are always good news. 27 straight months of job gains is great news but we're never going to have the rate of job gains that we need until the congress passes the jobs bills that the president has put before them. >> if you're a small business person, you can't deal with uncertainty. so you sit on the sidelines. if you're a big company, you don't know what you're going to do. you sit on the sidelines.
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>> we have the former white house deputy communications director and joining us this morning. jen, nice to have you. >> good morning. >> voters care about the economy. we can establish that. we know that to be true. how big a problem is this number? you look at the graph it's kind of going down ward and not good for the obama campaign. how big of a problem is this for you? >> you just heard governor patrick say it. 27 straight months of job sector growth. the economy is growing, that's good news. but it needs to grow faster and what the president said on friday. he has also called for a number of steps. he want to put in place a veterans jobs corps. he wants congress to move forward to infrastructure spending and investment and give tax breaks to companies to bring jobs back from overseas. these are steps congress has the ability to pass and move on now and that is what needs to happen in order to move the economy forward at a faster rate which i think we all agree needs to happen. >> jen, is there a sense that
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president obama's re-election rests on things that are somewhat out of his control? i mean, jobs need to come back and employment needs to come back. blame the congress for not acting on the jobs bill. is there a sense in the white house that maybe paul krugman was right that the stimulus bill in the first place wasn't just big enough? >> you heard governor mcdonald say this weekend worked and did what it needed to do. a point you touched on. we didn't know how deep the hole was and how much needed to happen at the time. obviously, more needs to happen which is what the president is pushing for. whether or not congress acts and moves the ball forward here is on them. that is something the president is not giving up on pushing for and he also has taken steps on his o, you know, as he said, we can't wait, in order to move the economy forward but there are factors like europe that we can't control. so we need to do everything possible that we can do sh that is within our control and what the president is focused on.
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>> earlier today i was talking to senator tom carpenter. he said he looks at it like a strategy, he was doing baseball analogies and everybody knows and i never follow those super well. he was saying doing singles and hit singles and i'll play that for you. >> i call that like hitting singles and need to continue to hit a bunch of singles and create a more nurturing environment for job creation and set the stage for hitting a home run and that is what we need to hit after the election. >> two questions out of that. number one, can you wait after the election to hit a home run? sounds like he is saying in fact, we are not hitting a home run until after the election. do you think that is true? >> well, i'll attempt to continue the baseball analogy here. my husband is a huge fan. i would say we need some doubles and triples too and not just singles so we need to take steps that are significant enough and that means things like investing in infrastructure. one of the areas that qa hit hardest in the economy we saw on friday was instruction jobs. that is an area where we haven't been able to move forward on the
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president's plan. that is where we need to -- not something small but something bigger than that. so we need to take steps now. we want to do everything we can possibly do. now, of course, when the election is over and politics is a little bit on the back burner, there may be more of an environment to do more. of course, the congress will have to deal with the tax cut package but we need to do things now and that is what the president is focused on. he will not wait until november if we move things through. >> sounds like you're blaming congress at the same time. you say he needs to do things now but congress isn't moving but we will try to do a couple of things now. to what degree i'm wondering. isn't the role of the president to say, i am responsible for moving this forward. i have to get this ball down the field. regardless of whether congress is going to help me or not. >> absolutely. the president has laid out the steps that he wants to take. he says we need to move forward with infrastructure and bring jobs from overseas and do more to help small businesses.
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and there is a obstruction in congress happening for months. he can't do everything on his own. he needs a partner and that is how government has been set up so he needs them to move forward so he can sign the legislation into law. >> jen, it should come as no shock. the president said 2009 his re-election will be judged largely based upon the economy so there it's no shock this is what folks are focusing on. >> let me add on that that. that sounds like doom and gloom to the first question. if you're judged on the economy if i brought people in off the street and i think you would agree with me. >> he should be judged on this. >> he said he should be judged. if we brought them in and i said how do you feel about the economy? i believe those people would say i am nervous, i am scared and i am unhappy the economy does not feel good to me. >> that's right. >> the economy, there is no question. every poll will tell you and everybody you talk to will tell you the economy is the number one issue and i think that's an area where president obama and mitt romney definitely agree.
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the question is who is the better candidate, whether it's president obama or mitt romney to move the country forward. president obama has laid out what he wants congress to do. we have had a lot of talk over the last couple of weeks about mitt romney and his record and whether that qualifies him, not just qualifies him but whether those are the right ingredients to move the country forward. he wants to go back to the same policies that led us into this crisis to begin with. his record in massachusetts leaves a lot to be desired. 47th out of 50 in job creation. he left the state with debt. he left the state with a lot that needed to be done. the question is who is the better choice to move the country forward and that is the debated we are going to be having the next five months because no question the economy and continuing to help the recovery is what is -- everybody is talking about at their kitchen tables at home. >> i think we awe agree on that. jen, thanks for talking bus. >> thank you. time to look at the rest of the raenels with zoraida. >> a developing story out of niger nigeria.
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the pilot of a plane that crashed into a neighborhood in lagos killing all 153 people on board is an american. his identity was not been released yet. ten people on the ground were killed in yesterday's crash. firefighters and police struggling to put out the flames. they ran out of water just three hours after the crash. niger nigeria's president declaring three days of national mourning and ordering a full investigation now. investigators are trying to determine what caused an air tanker to crash while fighting a wildfire along the nevada/utah border. two pilots were killed there. they were dropping fire retardant on the flames when their tanker went down yesterday afternoon. the tanker was on its second run of the day and was loaded with about 1,600 gallons of fuel and 2,000 gallons of water and fire retardant. the 5,000 eric fire began burning friday night after a lightning strike in eastern nevada. voters in wisconsin just a day away from a critical recall election that could force the
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republican governor out of office after just 18 months. scott walker a tea party favorite who cracked down on public unions facing a high stakes challenge tomorrow from milwaukee's democratic mayor tom barrett. a lot of people believe what happens to walker could set the tone for the national election in november. as we get closer to the election, want to know what life is like on the campaign trail? tomorrow, join the cnn election round trable with wolf blitzer and cnn's political team. submit your questions and get answers in real-time in this live virtual chat. don't miss it tomorrow at noon eastern by logging on to trable. soledad, back to you. >> thank you very much. still ahead, a student stuck in mexico was able to make her graduation! >> she made it! >> she did. remember we told you her story? she was going to miss her graduation because of a
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technicality around her visa. the ultimate excuse from missing school is i was hanging out with the president. we will hear from the young man who got a note from the president himself. >> that is cool. >> that is so cool. >> we are back in a moment. ♪
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and we offer the most comprehensive identity theft protection ever created. lifelock: relentlessly protecting your identity. call 1-800-lifelock or go to today. ♪ do you think about me now and then ♪ >> a little kanye first thing in the morning. just a note, margaret. the note! i do like your choices. someone said i was not really listening enough to your music. >> you should have ended that sentence somebody said i'm not
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listening enough to you, will. >> no. they didn't say that actually! what they said i needed to embrace your music choices more so i am embracing today. today is a beautiful day. >> it hasn't been played yet. a happy ending for indiana teenager. she was stuck in her native mexico 1,500 miles from home afraid she was going to miss her high school graduation because she was salutatorian. >> second place. she's in second place. >> her name -- >> try spelling it. >> olivia made it home in time for her ceremony on saturday and delivered emotional speech to her classmates at frankfurt high school. >> some of you will than faced with challenges you never thought you would have to make, but when they are there right in front of you, take them. battle by it until you win.
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because not only it shows and proves how strong you are against the world, if you don't prove it to the world, at least prove it to yourself. and, to me, that's winning. >> elizabeth is getting a little emotional in her speech. she has lived in indiana since she was 4 years old but she was born in chihuahua mexico and never became a u.s. citizen. i think the law discovered as a teenager she was not a citizen. the law requires you to return to mexico within 180 days within your 18th birthday so you can get a visa. calculation error because of a leap year made her a day late so she could have been stuck in mexico three years but she got a waiver after she spoke with her on thursday and we spoke with her attorney as well and she joins us. nice to see you. i know elizabeth is resting up because she had a very busy weekend. nice to have you with us.
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give me a sense of how it all came together at the end. i know it involved seven hours waiting in the consulate office before you knew it was going to happen. tell me about that. >> good morning. thank you. yes, on thursday morning, elizabeth submitted her application for a waiver of that three-year bar and the department of homeland security spent several hours reviewing that. once that was approved, she was transferred to meet with the state department and those folks were able to issue travel documents. >> what is her legal status now? is this a waiver where they have just given her an opportunity to come in and now she has to go back to mexico and reapply? or is she in for a while? what happens? >> no. thankfully she is here. she entered the united states with an immigrant visa and receive a green card and five years from now she will be able
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to apply for sat sendshcitizens. >> hib how it was for you when she came back. >> it was amazing. it was amazing. i mean, this is a huge victory for elizabeth and her family and also for my law firm and for me, and for really many, many people across the country. i think it gives us a lot of hope and we are looking forward to the possibility of many changes in the law. >> were you surprised at the degree to which elizabeth was embraced by not just the community, but i think the greater community as well? >> i have been surprised. i'm pleasantly surprised. i'm extremely pleased. i've said time and time again i'm so proud of frankfurt and so proud of indiana and so proud of our nation. this has just been really heartwarming. >> i know that she has said she wants to study to be a nurse. i think that is what she was saying the other day in an interview. is that correct? where does she go next? >> that's the plan for now. she intends to start college in the fall and she is looking at
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several schools in indiana. she does want to study nursing so we're hoping together as mentors a group of us can encourage her to reach all of her goals. >> sarah is the attorney for elizabeth olivias. appreciate it and congratulations to her. she is a terge. you know she is -- it's 8:20 in the morning here so she has at least five more hours of sleep at least this morning. thanks. can you repeat that? i lost you. >> i said she needs to rest so thank you. >> i bet she does. it's been a long week but it had a very happy ending. still ahead on "starting point," this morning it could be the best excuse ever for missing school. tell you about a fifth grader who has a note from the president and don't forget. you can watch us on your computer or mobile phone at cbs news/tv.
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recently, students from 31 countries took part in a science test. the top academic performers surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place. let's raise the bar and elevate our academic standards. let's do what's best for our students-by investing in our teachers. let's solve this.
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♪ oh, where oh, where can my baby be the lord took her away from me ♪ >> "last kiss" i like this. >> hard not to. >> way to go, will! >> you approve? >> yes. >> i don't know. >> come on. >> she thinks he is lying. >> i just want to say cumbayah. it's monday morning. we start off strong and happy. here is the best excuse note ever for school. it's, sorry, i was hanging out with the president. couldn't come in. >> cool. >> president obama wrote this official absent letter for a minnesota fifth grader whose name is tile letter sullivan.
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mr. ackerman, please excuse tyler. he was with me. he was watching his dad introduce the president. tile. >> he came up and he asked me if he wanted an excuse note since i was missing school friday. i was like, i was so shocked, i didn't say anything. >> i knew, obviously, he was absent from school on friday. i wasn't sure what he was doing. and i found out after the fact that this all happened to tyler, which i was very excited for him. very excited. >> you can totally see them fighting over who gets to keep this piece of history! >> it's hard for me to contain myself on this. if the note from the president is an excused absence, when does it become an unexcused absence? secretary of state? ambassador? >> that's cold. >> when i took my girls to haiti i took them out of school and said we are going out of town. excused absence. >> anywhere from the president to the mom. >> anybody older than a fifth
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grader who hasn't written the note himself! any adult vouching for a reasonable absence i think will count. just wait until your little kids are fifth graders. >> every teacher now is questioning every note. >> you can and thedo that. >> george sgrirmmzimmerman's ba been revoked. the judge said he lied about his finances. and tiger woods has a comeback. you're watching "starting point." great shot. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays, creating fans from berlin to beijing. what can we help you build? nice shot kid. the nba around the world built by the only company that could. cisco.
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welcome back, everybody. let's start with a look at today's headlines with zoraida sambolin. >> pilot of a nigerian plane that crashed in lago was an american. his identity was not been released. all people on board died and ten people on the ground were killed in yesterday's crash.
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firefighters and police struggled to put out the flames. wreckage burn for more than three hours after that crash. fire trucks could not carry enough water to that site. niger nigeria's president declaring three days of national mourning. a fifth victim of flesh-eating bacteria. the latest is an elderly woman in south carolina who is recovering after emergency surgery where doctors removed a part of her leg. the four other victims diagnosed with necrotizing fascitis are all from georgia. prepare for a volatile week in the markets. dow futures are down right now slightly. s&p 500 and nasdaq are poised to open pretty flat. up a bit. troubling report on the u.s. labor market on friday september the markets diving. a slow down in china's economy has investors a bit on the edge this week.
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silver medalist shawn johnson is retiring. a knee injury she had two years ago shaped her decision. it could affect her shot at making this year's olympic team. >> after my knee and everything, you know, just trying to cater my training and everything around fitting into one spot, but honestly it's so up in the air. >> johnson leaves the sport with three world titles and one gold and three olympic silver medals and a great attitude. she is always smiling. >> sad news for my daughters who are big fans for hers when i tell them today she is not somebody they can watch in the olympics. tell it to the judge. george zimmerman has some explaining to do. he is back in jail. he had had his bail revoked. the judge says zimmerman and his wife lied when they told the
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court they were broke but they had a pretty hefty defense fund. earlier the martin family attorney said the ruling shows that zimmerman can't be trusted. >> it focuses everybody's attention to george zimmerman's credibility and, remember, his credibility is the main thing here because it is only his version of the facts that say trayvon martin attacked him. all of the objective evidence suggests that he pursued and shot trayvon martin in the heart and that is going to be a crucial, crucial issue, credibility, credibility, credibility. >> zimmerman's lawyer is expected to ask for a new bond hearing. joining us this morning is cnn legal analyst mark deejay. thanks for being with us. do you expect, in fact, he asks for a new bond hearing he put george zimmerman and shelley on the stand to explain what was behind i guess what got them -- getting him back into jail? >> well, if he has any hope for a bond, he has to.
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>> they have to be on the stand? >> yeah. how else do you explain the circumstances? the state has submitted toted judge apparently the transcripts from the jail which suggests there was some sort of hiding or removing of funds. at least the judge believed that from what we now understand. in order to overcome that, how else can you get it explained without having him take the stand? very, very, very risky move, though. i was not a fan of the fact that he was -- he took the stand the first time at his bond hearing. any of those statements can be used against you. and i do agree as it relates to credibility as everything. forensics and eyewitnesses and ear witnesses are all relevant but i do think the credibility is everything. when you put somebody on the stand, you're throwing the dice. >> i read a report saying the judge is even surprised that the prosecutors aren't charging shelley with anything. it looks like the judge is not bringing any contempt of court charges against her as well. does that surprise you?
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>> well, i think it's a little early right now. i doubt that the judge has made any communication with the prosecutors to suggest that. but i think clearly that's an option. you have contempt of court which the judge could consider and you have criminal charges which the state could consider. i'm not sure anybody wants to do all that. remember, another high profile case, the anthony case, a lot of discussion about would the state charge other people in that. i think in this case sometimes you want to keep your eye on the ball and don't make it look like you're being retaliatory. this is a very aggressive prosecution team and nothing they are doing, they are not playing softball in this case. so it wouldn't surprise me if they are considering it. whether strategically they think it's a boast decision, a decision they will make behind closed doors. >> i want to read to everybody a transcript of the conversation that happened between george
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zimmerman's -- george and his wife shelley in jail and also sort of compare that to the april hearing. transcript george says in my account do i have a hundred? she says no. george says how close am i? >> shelley says, 8, 860. that is their call. the word is, of course when they say 155 it's 155,000. then just a couple of days later at the hearing that took place on april 20th, she is asked you mentioned in terms of the ability for your husband to make a bond amount that you have no -- you all had no money, is that correct? >> to my knowledge that is kr k correct? >> currently, i do not know when clearly if you take it off the transcript from a couple of days before, she knows exactly how much is in the account. i know you wanted to jump in, will. >> i want to return to the issue of credibility, credibility,
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credibility. can you tell us how this plays out in a potential trial for george sgirmman? his bond hearing testimony, how does that play out? george zimmerman gets on the stand and shown to be a liar by this evidence here or his credibility is questioned by this evidence here? >> if i might. i think that the bigger issue initially and preliminarily will be the stand your ground hearing because the stand your ground hearing is basically a motion to dismiss and have the case thrown out early. the judge will be the finder of fact and name a determination whether stand your ground is appropriate. you have to determine the witness here is credible because it's his basically his version which would suggest this is a stand your ground case. now the judge lester who i've known for 30 years, he has a real credibility issue as it relates to zimmerman. now, that is where his lawyer,
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o'mara has an issue. can he reverse the judge's thought process? that is for stand your ground hearing. >> i know some say it's not big deal. roger clemens is on trial right now for lying to congress under oath. that was one of the issues also with barry bonds. the court takes very seriously when somebody lies under oath to a court officer. >> i can't agree with you more. if i was ever a judge and never want to be but i'd be tougher on two types of crimes and one of those is lying. we accept lying too readily in the court system and say, that is what happens. when you get caught, it's a big deal as it well should be. now with that said, i think that we do need to hear the other side. we have not heard another side yet. i think we need to allow the
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hearing to play out. if there is a counterpoint to this, we don't know. if all of the facts, we don't know all of the circumstances. it does make it look like his wife was absolutely holding information back from the court. but without a full hearing to hear all sides all we can do right now is guess and have a supposition. i want to get to the hearing. >> does the court take into account -- when i've discussed this case with people, they say, yeah, but on the other side here you have a guy who is 28, you know? he is relatively young. he is panicking and trying to figure out how to get out of jail. does a court take any of that sort of into account or is it, listen, you lied and now you've wrecked your credibility to some degree and since you've lied, we are going to be much harder on you? how does it work? >> if you're under oath and you're 28, you're man, you're deemed to know and if you're 18, you're deemed to know. he is deemed to know what went on and i don't think that there is going to be a lot of forgiveness for that. i think there may be an explanation that may provide
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some measure of mitigation but i think he is going to be held to his words and the consequences of those as he well should be. i do want to make a quick point, though. remember, that when all of this was going on, he had very little time to meet with his lawyer. the other lawyers got off the case. o'mar harks g o'mara got on it and zimmerman turned himself in. even the court has said he is not held ethdgthically to any o this. as soon as he found out he brought it to the court's attention. if there is any measure of mitigation i'm hearing is may be that that he was confused as far as who was in control. although the tapes suggest he and his wife suggest they were in control. >> thank you for being with us. jack nicklaus calls it the gutsiest shot he has ever seen. this man is one of the most feared fighters in the world.
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he is here to share what he calls the laws of the ring and he says are applicable to all of us in our personal lives. here is roland's playlist. stevie winwood "roll with it." they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪
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the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪
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♪ that is the police. one of the first concerts i ever saw. way back in the day. before you guys were born. >> please. a lot of people would like to see the police. >> i was here. >> that was sarcasm. >> i'm old. >> you were in elementary school. >> seasoned. >> not old, season. the reports of tiger woods demise seem to be greatly exaggerated. tiger tied the immortal jack nicklaus for second place on the all-time wins list by winning jack's tournament and it happened in ohio yesterday. he captured his fifth memorial title with a shot nicklaus himself called the gutsiest he had ever seen. 50 foot. watch this thing. is this called a flop shot? right to the 16th hole.
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then it turns. it's in! >> you are like a golf announcer, soledad. that was really good. >> thank you. it was incredible to watch. >> do you think he is back? >> yes, no. >> really? >> first of all, he went on a bov bomber. perfect position for the u.s. open in san francisco in two weeks. i think he is back. >> if you had to pick out the dedicated golfer on this panel, who would you go with? it's him. >> i've been playing 25 years. >> he has country club shoes on right now. >> are you any good. >> yes, i am. 8.6 handicap. >> i thought you said 8.6. >> it's up since friday. >> this gentleman keeps golf clubs in three different cities. >> must be nice to be you, roland. >> and nice to have golf shoes because i coordinate them!
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>> not down that path. take the camera back! still ahead, i want to talk about this book. you know who uriba favor is? a professional mixed martial arts fighter. there he is. >> hey! how is it going? >> do it! >> feel free. feel free. >> i love this new book and his -- i also love your playlist. featuring dr. dre. california love. i like your book and we will talk about it coming up. there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class.
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to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha!
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♪ just a friend you say he just a friend ♪ ♪ oh, baby you ♪ >> is this you. >> i have a party. >> i've never been invited. >> this is my karaoke song. one of the only songs i know 90% of the words. >> and there is no pressure on the voice! >> that is a very good point. urijah faber is joining us today. named the california kid. one of the most popular mixed martial arts fighter in the entire world. 26 wins and five losses. ranked number two in your class. now sharing lessons that you've learned in your 33 years of life in a self-help book. motivational book which is excellent. i love this book. i love this book. i really -- sometimes it worries me when i see people pummeling out of each other in the sport
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that you fight. why a book? i'm surprised. why a memoir? >> it was something that took its own -- it's own life. i started in 2008. i was asked to write an article for a magazine and i was going to do it on building a champion for, you know, making your kids into champions. it was the whole theme was you don't get to choose what your kid is going to be a champion at. i started writing this whole thing and it took its own life. i didn't write the article. i kept on going with this book. i feel so many people want to follow their passion and want to succeed and there's just some basic things that i feel like people sometimes overlook. >> i cringe when i watch people punch each other. i'm a mom with four kids. like i am exactly the opposite of you! and i found that so much of what you write is so relevant to i think everybody's life so i'll read a little bit. p put. you say i make a point to stay positive and looking for something to feed my excitement.
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something happens bad in my life. i am good at shrugging it off and going forward. have you a positive outcome. where did it come from? >> from my upbringing. i had a lot of good experiences. some good, some bad. i came from a hippie christian commune. my parents were in santa barbara and it's called the ghetto by the sea. the college town is there and i was born in a house to midwives and kind of uplifting. >> then you had tough times. your parents got divorced and got a little ugly with your dad. >> there's been a lot of stuff that isn't perfect. i mean, that's the way life seems to be for every. there is always a sob story out there, or a tough luck story that, you know, people have in their lives but that is just it. i mean, my life wasn't perfect but it seems like a lot of what i've learned and i've been in retrospective about has brought me where i am today. people can make all sorts of
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different pathways for themselves and just depends how you look at things and how you address them and how you deal with adversity. i feel like i've had a lot of adversity in my life. i took stuff from people i met along the way and fun stories and it was cool. >> this is narrative about people and your life stories. >> how do folks challenge you to fight when you go out? >> not very often. >> people like zombie man. >> this man helped trail blaze the way. his weight class to even be in mixed martial arts. >> still, crazy people. >> you wouldn't be one of them. >> he wouldn't be. >> would you kill a guy by snapping they're neck? i want to know. a reasonable question. >> it's a martial arts theory you touch a guy in the right spot, it's not true. can you kill a person? i could teach you a move right
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now that could kill a person. >> let's do this. >> hang on. i have to hold on to my microphone. are we allowed to do this? what do i do? >> you take me right here. you take your own arm right here. >> not a hug. >> put your hand behind my head and you squeeze until i can't breathe. >> am i hurting you at all? >> squeeze. >> there you go. ah! >> why is he tapping me? >> get him! who is next? >> i'm holding my own. >> i'll try it later. you could just -- >> you could put someone unconscious. because they are not getting the stuff they need to the brain. i guess you could hold on forever. the thing about mixed martial arts it's such an honorable thing to do what i just did was a tap-out or even the referees is there. if someone were to pass out they would stop the action. it's actually a really safe
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sport. >> really? >> some people say it's safer than boxing because boxing is the head for 12 rounds. what do say to the critics who say this is a barbaric sport? >> it's about education. this sport has its roots and some of the most noble sports in the world. judo, jujitsu, kick boxing and stuff in the olympics has been around forever. we have to learn all of that stuff. it comes down to being extremely disciplined, extremely technical and it's one of the most difficult sports in the world, but the most -- one of the most honorable, i believe. >> you're saying that and we are watching two guys pummel each other! this book is amazing. i just loved it. even if this is a sport you feel like, it's hard to watch. people just beat each other up. i love this book. >> thank you very much. >> it's called "the laws of the ring." and they are applicable even outside of the ring or those of us afraid to get in the list. and we love your playlist.
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thanks for being with us. "end point" is up next. we are back in a moment. is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ er is differento what you do... even better. but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you.
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christiane amanpour i wish she could stay longer. i think it's at least ironic and probably her evolution her father put homosexuals in reeducation camps and interesting position she finds herself in today. >> something she has been working on for a while now. >> it's hard. i support the lbg rights and remark and fascinating but you can't help but think of the people who are still in cuban jails today that you certainly hope for resolution for freedom and justice to them. >> take-away flat out the embargo has failed and so americans should have a change in policy. not republican or democratic
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thing. we should get rid of it becau he's still in power and assure more freedom. >> and we're out of time. we can talk about cuba tomorrow if we like. we will also talk with penn juliette tomorrow. stories watching right now in the newsroom. outdated equipment. a tragic sign we don't have what it takes to fight wildfires effectively. two pilots die after an aging air tanker crashes. market crash. a lousy jobs report. spurting jobs economy. investors acting with increasing alarm. facebook junior. they want your kids how the social media giants is working on new technology so a younger generation can sign up. plus. ♪ ♪ they call him flipper >> remember the crime fighting dolphin? dolphin talk this morning. scie


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