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tv   John King USA  CNN  June 4, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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projection, the state by state race. a multi-million dollars campaign attacking mitt romney's record on the issue we all know will define the election. >> when mitt romney was governor, massachusetts lost 40,000 manufacturing jobs, a rate twice the national average and fell to 47th in job creation, fourth from the bottom. instead of hiring workers from his own state, romney outsourced call center jobs to india. he cut taxes for millionaires like himself while raising them on the middle class and left the state 2.6 billion deeper in debt. >> the new ad is airing in nine states including seven you see in yellow here. that's thes to-up yellow. here is the state of the race, the race to 270 electoral votes and 155 days out. it takes 270 to win. we have solid blue and light
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blue. that means solid bam or leading obama and only 23 shy of victory if the map doesn't change from here on out. governor romney, a bit of a steeper hill but at 206 and needs 270 to win. if you look at the map, it looks much more competitive, much more like bush versus gore of 2000. now, advantage to the president, you would have to say all seven of these toss-up states, hamm, virginia, florida, iowa, colorado, and nevada, all seven carried by president obama last time. at least he has veterans on the ground that know how they work. if nothing else changes the president could win florida, just florida in the 29 electoral votes and that would get him across the line. what does governor romney has to do? he has to win florida and ohio, the two biggest prizes and put together the rest of the votes going state by state. we will spend a lot of time over the next 155 days going through these and dig deeper in a chess match and that's what this is of getting to 270 or blocking the other guy from getting there.
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our chief political analyst joins us now. when you look at this map as i just noted, it is hard to see governor romney making it up. unless he wins florida, unless he wins ohio, that would put him ahead of the president there and you would go to these other five smaller prizes. when you look at the map, especially when you think of 2008 and what has changed, what jumps out most? >> again, florida, ohio of course, but i look at the historically republican states that president obama won, that mitt romney's campaign says it has to win, john, in order to win in the electoral college, those would be the states of indiana, virginia, and north carolina. so i think those are three states we really need to be looking at because the romney campaign needs to win them and then they need to win those states, ohio and florida, and then they need to win sort of what they call wild card states, eight wild card states, like new
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hampshire, nevada, wisconsin, which he will be talking about later in the show and so they need to win a wild card state, too, and then they figure they can beat president obama. >> and that's what gets interesting. there are so many scenarios and both campaigns agree and i want to go back to where we started and take them back. you have the toss-up states in yellow. if you look, here you are 247 to 206. the campaigns don't dispute them. they would like to see wisconsin and pennsylvania are toss-ups and the obama people would like to to say we can but arizona and its votes into play and we'll lean red until we see data that can change it. when you think of the path, i will give you a scenario. if the president were to win ohio, and win new hampshire, say, and then governor romney win the rest of the toss ups, using this as a hypothetical, 269-269. we're not saying that's going to happen. history is they tend to break late. the toss-ups tend to break if there are six or seven on the board and five or six to the front-runner.
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when you think 2008 electoral college, pretty much a blowout and 2000 and the florida and the supreme court, what's the likely scenario? >> i think it will be closer. i don't think we'll see a blowout. i think one thing we need to be talking about is that unemployment number. in a lot of these toss-up states, john, and you know this, the unemployment number is lower than it is nationally. you may have fewer grudge voters on the unemployment number. then there is a debate going on among pollsters. i talked to democratic pollsters and republican pollsters and they're asking the question when does the psychology kick in? when do people really start thinking that the economy is not going to improve if the unemployment number keemz going up? was it this last unemployment report we got or is it going to not one next month or the month after? we don't know. >> we don't know and we'll continue to track the economic data. we do know this, the economy and the jobs will be issued and
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we'll see it on on the data question and the psychology question. this map of course likely to change and maybe many times in the days and weeks ahead as the campaigns compete and the president wants to turn the light blue dark blue and governor romney wants to turn the light red dark red and they want to create new opportunities in states that appear to be out of reach and wisconsin will be a case study here. you see it has ten electoral votes. a big statewide contest before november that will help us much better understand the state of play here. that election, tomorrow. it is an effort to recall the republican governor and replace him with a democrat tom baron. >> scott walker promised. >> 250 thousand new jobs. >> and scott walker delivered nothing. in fact, last year wisconsin lost more jobs than any other state in the country. >> he wants to spend $100 million on a trolley and that's the reckless spending that left wisconsin with a more than $3
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billion deficit. >> it is a race dominated by state issues, first and foremost the efforts to curtail union rights and benefits as he grapples with a state budget crisis and also a high-stakes test run of the ground operations that will shape battle ground wisconsin come november and so while as you can see we leaned at blue now for obama, this evening, tonight, a big republican win there tomorrow may make us think about that again. dane bash is on the ground in milwaukee. you're there on the ground talking to the people that turn out the votes tomorrow. what is the sense on election eve? >> the sense is that it is very, very close, public polls show it is extremely close, effectively in the margin of error with scott wauk we are a slight lead and the internal polling showing about the same. the way it feels before a big election, phrenetic, and that's the way it feels here. this is a recall election, very rare nationwide and they do
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expect turn out at the level of a presidential contest, so they expect a lot of people at the polls tomorrow. you mentioned the fact this is about the state and it is certainly a very, very polarizing time and the climax of that and pole arizing figure in scott walker and make no mistake it is absolutely if you talk to leaders from around the country and the way groups are focusing, it is very much a testing ground for the issues come november and whether as you said the state could be in play at all. >> let's talk about that. i want to show the voters, we lean for obama right now and ten electoral votes. i am sure if the republicans think they can but wisconsin in play, maybe the same dynamics in michigan and republicans think another similar state, pennsylvania in play there. if you add this up, it would be a basket for the republicans to take away and you know the history. i will switch and come over to the national map. this is the 2008 race for president. i want you to watch this state up here. i will turn this on and circle wisconsin. watch what happens as you go
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back in time. that's '08. that's '04. that's 2000. that's '96 and that's 1988 when michael dukakis won only ten states and ris was one of them. do republicans think a state they haven't carried since the montana dale loss in 1984, do they think a win tomorrow by the republican governor means mitt romney can compete in november? >> do they think? they're not sure. do they hope, absolutely, because look back in 2000 and 2004 i remember being here with president bush covering the re-election campaign and they came close to winning here and they haven't done well since then and what they say is they have because of this recall and also a recall for the recalls in the state house a few months ago, they have developed an infrastructure they haven't had in years and years. for example, they say they have 25 so-called victory centers, the places where they will make the calls and get out the vote. they haven't had that in a very
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long time. they're hoping it will translate into november. the question is without that polarizing figure in the governor here, scott walker on the ballot with mitt romney on the ballot, will that get the republican vote out against president obama? that is unclear. i was talking to a senior republican party source here who said that if i would have asked him the question just a couple months ago, he said have said, no, it will not translate and now watching the way people are pumped up here, he said maybe. >> maybe. maybe means we better pay close attention to the recall election tomorrow and watch wisconsin from there on out. before we go to break, i want to show you this is 1988 and everyone since then, wisconsin has stayed blue and just so you can see, that's what the country looked like the last time and that was 49 states for ronald reagan, lonely home state of minnesota for walter mon dale. a close look at the what they insist is a double standard on
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counting jobs and the judge decides to reveal the names of people who accused jerry san did you say can i of sexual abuse. ♪ [ male announcer ] they were born to climb... born to leap,
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he faces 52 counts of allegedly molesting and raping ten boys over a 14 year period. today sandusky's trial judge said the alleged victims will be identified in court although the judge said he hopes the news media won't report the names. stair awon a pulitzer prize covering this story and, sara, thanks for being with us. the jury selection will go forward tomorrow. sandusky's lawyers want to delay the trial. are they surprised the court said no, we're moving forward? >> they haven't said whether or not they were surprised. the only thing we got from joe amendola today is a one or two sentence e-mail that said we'll
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see you in court tomorrow. he has told me over and over again he wanted more time. he didn't think it was fair prosecutors got nearly three years and he only got six or seven months to build his defense. he said to me over and over i will do whatever it takes. i will be ready the day we go to trial. that day has come. we expect him to be ready. >> will mr. sandusky be in court during jury selection? does he have to be? >> we expect that he -- i guess he doesn't have to be, but usually we see defendants in court aiding the defense with jury selection. he has been pretty active in his defense so i do expect him to be here tomorrow. joe amendola told me at one point he is spending his days and nights on house arrest going through documents and evidence and helping them build a defense. i would be surprised if he wasn't here to help them pick a jury. >> sara, we'll stay in touch as this gets going. appreciate your time. let's bring in jeffrey toobin joining us from new york. the judge is ruling he will not keep secret the names of the victims.
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he he hopes the news media does that and i want to read you the reaction, an attorney for victim four, in tote we question why rape victims are reluctant to come forward. now we have our answer. the judge said this, courts are not customarily in the business of withholding information. secrecy is thought to be inconsistent with the openness required to assure the public that the law is being administered fairly and applied faithfully. i get what the judge is saying. i am want sure i would apply it in this particular instance. are you surprised? >> not really. what the judge said is absolutely right. the rule is that witnesses testify in public. for all the publicity this case has received, it is also true the news media has not reported any eft of the names of the alleged victims i am aware and certainly the national news media hasn't. i think we can expect those same rules to apply once the trial starts and it is part of the tradition of openness. it is part of how we conduct
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american trials that everybody testifies under their own name. if they are adults, and it is important to remember, all of these witnesses are now adults. there have been circumstances when children testifying have been allowed to have their identity shielded, but all of these people even if they were allegedly abused as children are now testifying as adults. >> a celebrity, a famous guy in a community that is defined by its iconic institution and its football team. what are the complications, the challenges in getting a fair jury here? >> you know, it is interesting. it is not all pointing in one direction. yes, in part penn state is a re veered and beloved institution, but it has had a complicated history in connection with this case. a lot of people are angry for not doing enough so i don't think jury selection will be that much of a problem, at least as far as penn state is concerned. obviously there is a lot of publicity about this case and
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those of us in the news media tend to think it is impossible to avoid the attentions of the press, but in fact when you get to jury selection in these high profile cases, we often see people haven't been following things that carefully and in fact are not biassed in one direction or another, and i expect that's what will happen here. >> keel keep in touch as well. jury selection in the jerry sandusky trial begins tomorrow. thanks. freeze ajoins us in a few moments and we'll examine the slow motion response to the crisis that claimed 12,000 lives over the past year and plus more every day. how young is too young to be on facebook? parents, you are about to find out. for three hours a week, i'm a coach.
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>> welcome back. here is lisa with the latest news you need to know right now. >> george zimmerman is spending another night in florida jail as his attorneys work on scheduling a new bond hearing. he returned to a cell after a judge ruled he misled the court about his finances and revoked his original bond. zimmerman, a neighborly watch guard, faces a second degree murder charge in last february's shooting death of unarmed teenager trayvon martin. and tweens might soon be joining the facebook population. according to the wall street journal facebook is developing new technology that would allow children under the age of 13 to join the site with adult supervision. parents would be able to decide
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who their kids can friend and what applications they can use. it looks like herman cain will be inaugurated next january, just not in the white house. the former presidential candidate is replacing the retiring conservative radio host neil borts in his own show that will debut on january 21st. this isn't the first time on the air waves. cain hosted a radio show in the years leading up to his run for president. i am not sure a lot of people remember that but he did. he had a successful radio show. he's had an interesting career. >> i have been on the show many times and wish neil l in retirement. it will be if unto see herman cain. he is a very interesting guy. we'll see how he contributes to the conversation >> i think he will be good. he has a very colorful personality as you well know. i know have you met him several times. >> he is a fun, interesting guy and we'll see who wins the election first and what he has for material. that's the biggest thing in talk radio. see you in a bit. thank you. a response to democrats
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accusation that is the rick santorum has a double standard and britain honors queen elizabeth with stars, a sky full of fire works and a countryside full of beacons. [ lane ] your anti-wrinkle cream is gone... but what about your wrinkles? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. its retinol formula visibly reduces wrinkles in one week. why wait if you don't have to. neutrogena®.
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in this half hour 12,000 dead and nothing but talk about how to end the killing in syria.
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why can't the international community muster the will to stand up? whether you're a democrat or republican, there is important truth to look more when wisconsin voters pass judgment on their governor tomorrow and pageantry as only the britts can do it, the royals, the stars, the beacons and bonfires for queen elizabeth's diamond jubilee. the obama re-election campaign is debuting a new attack ad in nine states hitting mitt romney on his tenure as governor of massachusetts. >> it started like this. >> i speak the language of business. i know how jobs are created. >> it ended like this. one of the worst economic records in the country. romney economics, it didn't work then, and it won't work now. >> so as governor romney's record in massachusetts getting a fair shake?
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joining me is carrie heeley. lieutenant governor, i want you to listen to more of this ad. this goes directly at your tenure working alongside governor romney. let's listen. >> when mitt romney was governor, massachusetts lost 40,000 manufacturing jobs, a rate twice the national average. it fell to 47th in job creation, fourth from the bottom. he cut taxes for millionaires like himself while raising them on the middle class and left the state 2.6 billion deeper in debt. >> they're spending several million on this in call seven states we call toss-ups and two other states governor romney homes to put into play. how would you answer it? >> these are just really breathtaking misrepresentations of governor romney's record, and i think that really it is a mistake for the obama campaign to go there because looking at governor romney's economic record in massachusetts, it is going to re enforce what a
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strong candidate he is and how he does understand how to create jobs. it is a shocking thing to see that these numbers are not only taken out of context, they're represented in way that is are quite dishonest. when governor romney came into office, the state was actually 51st in job creation because of the explosion of the high tech bubble that was so important to the massachusetts economy, and during the time that he was in office, in fact, we went all the way up to 30th in the nation from 51st to 30th. that's a pretty good record of job creation and so this is a deeply misrepresenting and dishonest view of his record as governor. >> and so there has been a debate in recent days about when is it fair to start the clock? governor romney came into office in the middle of a pretty tough recession -- president obama, excuse me saying pretty much the same i think. i want to you listen. you made a point about the growth. ed gillespie made a similar
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argument yesterday. i want to listen to a bit of it. >> you take the first year which is a low base year when the goff inner came in and took office because it was 50th in job creation out of all the states dead last and moved to 30th by the fourth year and a net job creation of around 40,000 jobs and they averaging out over the four years. they're bringing down the gains of his fourth year in office. >> so you know what it is like. you were part of the team. you get elected. you have to implement policies. it can be tough the first few months. should the first year not count? >> absolutely the first year should count but what really counts is that the progress over taste spiem, and the progress overtime was phenomenal. when governor romney came into office he was facing a $3 billion budget gap out of a $23 billion budget. by the time he left he not only closed that gap without raising taxes and in fact cut taxes 19 times during the course of the administration but left a $2 billion rainy day fun for the
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successor and governor romney's record of job creation during the time that he was in office was the best in the decade, better than his republican predecessor and better than his democratic successor, so i think that there is nothing to be ashamed of in this record and the only thing that should cause any shame is the distortions in this advertising campaign. >> let's apply the same test, then. if we count the first year and put it into context which i think is what you were saying, if you look at the president's record in 2009 when president obama came into office on the economy bled 4.2 million jobs. if you do net jobs, from january 2009 to today, you're plus 100,000. if you wipe out the first year the president could argue if you wipe out the first year he is plus 3.8 million. is his record equal, similar, phenomenal? give me a word for the president. >> well, i think that governor romney's record is one of positive job creation. there has not been one net job created by president obama to date. governor romney created over
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40,000 jobs during the course of his time and he absolutely came into a dead last position when he took office. so i think that we're comparing apples and oranges and the other piece no one is talking about is the fact that governor romney moved unemployment in massachusetts from 5.6% down to 4.7% or ostensibly full employment by the time he left the state where as with president obama he actually has seen unemployment go up during the period of time that he has been in office and we're now facing the 40th straight month of unemployment over 8% which means over 23 million people out there looking for jobs. s in a very, very different record we're talking about between president obama and governor romney and governor romney has nothing to be ashamed of with this record. he is very proud of his record as a job creator and he should be. >> i can see you're proud as well, 155 days to go. this is the defining debate
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between the two camps. we hope to see you again in the days ahead. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> a dozen more people died across syria today even as diplomats from the european union and russia tried to work out a common approach to stop the slaughter that claimed more than 12,000 lives in the past year. the united nations and arab league special envoy will discuss it with hillary clinton but not until friday. all the while the syrian president bashar al-assad he says is the result of a foreign conspiracy. >> we are want facing a political situation. we are dealing with strife that is targeting our homeland as a whole that wants to destroy the nation through terrorism. >> fareed zakaria is in. he is clearly in denial if not
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dilusional. it is as if your house was on fire and you called the fire department and said come next week sometime. >> it is a maddeningly slow pace to the international community acting and there is a simple reason why. they don't have the -- the americans, the europeans, they don't have the russian or chinese assent and without the russian and chinese votes you can't get anything through the security council. i think it is time to start looking at alternative forums and venues and i wonder whether the arab league is a more effective path right now. if you get to them to speak with one voice on the issues requesting help, perhaps that's a with a i to move things forward. >> perhaps it would be. why is the united states continue to say we'll wait a week and get the plan another week and it has been weeks and weeks when the russians last week, president putin said we're not sending them arms. we're not propping them up. we know the evidence is to the contrary. if you look at the chinese, the peoples daily taking over the
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chairmanship of the council which is the key body in the united nations and the people's daily says the international community should appear ann an's piece plan instead of losing confidence and patience. if there is no realistic chance they'll come around, why keep up the facade? >> part of it is the administration does want as much legitimacy as they can and some way to get the russians to see that this regime is doom and had so you might as well start being part of the solution rather than part of the problem, but i think at the heart of it, john, is the administration doesn't have a good idea as to what it would do if it could act. i think that at the end of the day the options in syria are so limited, the military options look to unpalatable, remember, the rebels still don't control any territory and they remain quite divided and this is the potential to turn into a very big civil war like lebanon. >> let me turn your attention to a different issue. you spent time studying an issue
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around the world that i call the quick sand of american politics and that's immigration. you looked at karn da. you looked at japan. you looked at europe and elsewhere studying their policies. what lessons did you learn that the politicians here in the united states may pay attention to? >> it is fascinating. we think of ourselves as the great immigrant society and the place with the most immigrants and the ability to handle them and for most of history that's been true, but by doing this special and seeing the new world, what i realized was did you know that canada and australia have more foreign born citizens than the united states now? canada and australia have become multi cultural societies that let lots of people in. they do immigration the smart way. they let in people with skills. they let them in on a point system basically on how qualified you are. if you have a science ph.d. for example, you jump to the head of the line. by doing that they get economic growth. they get talented, hashd working people and what's striking to me is it is not particularly
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controversial. there is no big backlash. here we're stuck in a situation where we can't get anything done. >> it is common sense, therefore in today's politics the united states most unlikely to happen is the best way to happen. >> that's exactly it. >> check out the gps road map to making immigration work sunday at 8 p.m. eastern on cnn. our thanks to our friend fareed zakaria for his insights. coming up, why you should care about who wins the wisconsin recall election tomorrow. [ male announcer ] citi turns 200 this year.
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wisconsin decides tomorrow whether to keep or replace the republican governor. if you live anywhere else you may be tempted to shrug and say who cares or at least it doesn't affect me. tonight's truth is proof the recall election does matter, that there are national implications here. as goes wisconsin tuesday could tell under the circumstances a little bit anyway about how goes america come november. >> it has given the obama for
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america operation an opportunity to do the dry run that we need of our massive significant dynamic grassroots presence campaign which can't really be matched by the romney campaign or the republicans because they ignored on the ground operations. >> so if you translate that, a win means the president and his friends in organized labor have their act together and a loss means at least in wisconsin at the moment they don't. there is more than that at stake. two states results could tell us how your governor will approach his or her next budget crisis. >> he wanted to go after his political opponents and permanently disarm them. that's what this was about, taking away their rights, and he said it was his first step. >> big labor pushed the recall after losing a huge showdown with governor walker. he significantly curtailed collective bargaining rights for most public employees and required most to pay more for their health care and their pension benefits. now, the president is missing in action on this one. not one trip to wisconsin to
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help mayor beheret. walker leads narrowly in the polls so maybe the president wanted to avoid leaving his fingerprints at the scene of an embarrassing defeat. maybe it is smart politics. it isn't putting party or principle first. governor romney isn't leading a late wisconsin charge either but he did drop by a campaign operation in the state at the end of march and they appeared together at the same gop dinner that night. >> of course your great governor, what a hero he is, scott walker. >> so neither romney nor obama there at the end and you can be certain the president and his challenger will be eager for the results tomorrow night to learn an early truth about voter intensity. joining us tonight to talk truth, ron brownstein and political contributor alex cassianos and maria cardona. titles and titles. this is a great law firm. answer me this. if this is so important, if it is a dry run as the chairman of the party says, why the
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president take a pass? >> because the focus is on that dry run. the focus is on what resources need to be on the ground and the focus frankly is the middle class and working class families of wisconsin. the obama for america campaign and the doc have been putting a ton of resources in there, $1.5 million. a lot of other surrogates have gone there. >> so does president clinton and governor o'malley have more appeal to the voters that matter than the current president of the united states? is there fear of backlash or fear of embarrassment? >> there could be that. there is no question there could be that. you can't under estimate the on peel of president clinton and martin o'malley as well. i think that there is -- >> martin o'malley? voters all over america, middle class voters saying why hasn't martin o'malley been here? >> the focus is the voters of wisconsin. the focus is they did not do this recall to make this about any sort of national
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implication. they did this for the voters and the families of wisconsin. >> you are making a stronger case if it weren't for what the chairman of the party said right there. >> there is reality as you know the obama campaign was not wild about the idea to begin with. they were never enthusiastic about the recall. they worried about exactly what seems to be happening which is stirring up the republican base and giving them an opportunity to build more of an organization than romney has shown so far the ability to do. they were never big fans of kind of stirring the pot in a state they won since 1984, since 1988, so that's pafrt of it. >> to that point no republican carried the state for president since ronald reagan in the 49:1 blow out. if walker wins tomorrow, if you look at the electoral college map over there we have wisconsin leading blue for that reason. say governor walker, the republican governor wins tomorrow by a couple points or more. you say that's a good win. do we change that to toss up or no? the governor race is not a presidential race.
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>> i think you keep it as a toss-up but there is a glimmer of hope for the republicans there. this is going to be a test of republican intensity. it will a test whether they can impose the reforms that we think all governors need to do around the kun industry and survive. this is going to involve the party. this is important politically for republicans as well as in governing. >> it is a governing in this incredibly polarized environment with incredibly tough state budget issues, so gray davis was the last governor to have a recall election. he lost. mayor beheret is not arnold schwarzenegger maybe but but the history tells you he loses and the guy being recalled tends to lose. >> i think if walker wins we will look two-ways. wisconsin is one of 18 states that voted democratic in at least the past five consecutive elections so any link in that
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wlu wall is woth noting. the other way to look is demographically n 2010 when he won in the first place, the democrats lost round among college educated whites and non-college whites compared to obama in '08 and the big loss was the blue collar whites, all the way down to 40%. if walker is able to hold that working class white vote it would underscore the results in all the polls that suggest obama is facing real difficulty. >> this will be all about intensity on both sides of the aisle and i think right now the focus is debbie was right on the turnout operation. >> i was going to say i think that's why ron is exactly right and that's why obama didn't go up to the state because he is a polarizing force among the white working class voters that barrett is trying to hold onto here. this is a huge test to see if we become greece. whether you agree with scott walker's reforms or not, can any governor make the tough choices required to get this country back on sound economic footing
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and survive? >> if walker wins, defeats the recall effort, might have have been a mistake by organized labor and democratic governors say maybe they're not going to go as far as him or do as much as him but maybe not in the collective bargaining rights but might they say you can do this? >> i think certainly it will give the democratic governors pause. i don't think that labor will say it was a mistake because they're doing what they need to do in terms of fighting for their collective bargaining rights. >> here is why i think it is a mistake. labor is not just big labor. it is a political party and being treated as such in wisconsin. and i think what do americans hate more than anything these days? politics. this is going to lower that. >> labor has focused on their message of representing working class families. >> there was a path not taken that is still available. the only choice was not a solution that's acceptable to all republicans and democrats. you can craft a more balanced
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approach that would ask for the givebacks and also in the context plapz of raising revenues, so it isn't like the only choice is polarized 51-49. >> they were able to come up with a solution. >> i i started this by saying maybe if you don't live in wisconsin, you don't care about this. see, you do. thanks for coming in. "erin burnett outfront" coming up in just a few minutes. andrew cuomo urging decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana and the mayor supports the idea. >> it's about 25 grams. apparently you'll be allowed to carry it in public. not allowed to actually light up in public but allowed to carry it. and some of you may chuckle when you hear that, some may roll your eyes but this could be a big step toward decriminalizing marijuana. we've done the numbers and they do add up. you could be looking nationwide at something like, maybe $17 to $20 billion of saved money just by legalizing marijuana and that's the tip of the iceberg.
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so we'll talk about that. plus the president and drone wars. big drone attack this afternoon. reports a very significant leader in al qaeda could have been killed in a strike. did you know, john, since 2004, this is an amazing statistic, 300 drone attacks. all but ten under president barack obama, not under george w. bush. pretty amazing statistic. that's coming up top of the hour. >> it's a huge expansion of their strategy in the war on terror. both fascinating questions, erin. we'll see you in a few minutes. next, tonight's moment you missed. some of the pomp and pageantry honors queen elizabeth's diamond jubilee. welcome to idaho,
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notice, defense secretary leon panetta and his vietnamese counterpart took steps to aid to process. panetta returned a diary from a vietnamese soldier and the defense minister handed over letters taken from the body of a u.s. soldier. this is the first exchange of its kind since the war ended. the spike in gasoline prices has been good for mass transit. nationwide, ridership between january and march was up 5%, meaning 2,650,000,000. we're still very much a nation of drivers. only 5% of the population uses mass transit. and starbucks is looking to sweeten your caffeine addiction. the coffee company is buying its own san francisco bakery group in a $100 million cash deal. the company says it hopes to bring what it calls the artistry of the french bakery to the world with pastries and cookies. that's making me hungry just
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thinking about it. >> so they have you hostage for your caffeine and now get a little more from you. >> some caffeine and a little sugar buzz, you're good to go. you might call tonight's moment you missed the british version of shock and awe. london celebrated queen elizabeth's diamond jubilee with simply amazing fireworks. more royals than you can count. some of the british empire's biggest stars at a gala concert. ♪ ♪ isn't she lovely ♪ isn't she wonderful ♪ our house in the middle of the street ♪ >> the man with the best assignment of the day is our royal correspondent, max foster, who's at buckingham palace. max, you're right there. you have to say an amazing event of the better than you expected? >> reporter: it really was. when i saw the aerials afterwards, you got a real sense of the scale of this event. there must have been a million
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people on the main road going up from the palace. it was an amazing event. the actual concert was great but then you had this moment where the queen came down afterwards. we had had news shortly before the concert that her husband, prince philip, had been taken to the hospital. he's 90 years old and he's got an infection. it's very serious at that age. he was meant to be here, it's a key event in her lifetime really, and he wasn't here. prince charles, her son, paid tribute to her, paid tribute to prince philip and the crowd started saying "philip, philip, philip." she looked mobile. she looked happy, she looked sad. there was a spectacular projection on the palace and fireworks behind, which could be seen from all of london. it was quite something to see. >> i was almost late for the top of the show, max, i was watching in my office. so an amazing event today following other remarkable events. how do they top this tomorrow? >> reporter: well, this is their first challenge. let's have a look at the big
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clear-up. the crowds only left an hour ago and look at the army of people working on this area to clear away the seating, to clear away the stage as much as possible. it won't all go, but this area is going to become -- well, let's relive the royal wedding, shall we? it's going to be the same carriage used in the royal wedding, a big procession with the military and then a big service, a thanksgiving service. so pomp and pageantry tomorrow, much more formal than tonight. >> and, max, we watched the country have this celebration. i was struck, and you're our expert, so help me. you're right, prince charles was paying tribute to his mother and his father but talking about her remarkable legacy, taking the throne at age 26. she stood there pleased, i think, with this very stoic, solemn face on. why is it important for her, i guess, not to smile more or jump up and down herself in these ceremonies? >> reporter: well, it's just -- i mean when she was younger she used to smile a lot more. that was her smiling a lot. i guess she's constantly in the public eye and that's her thing.
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i can't explain it. but she was happy tonight. >> she is who she is, a remarkable woman getting a remarkable celebration. our royal correspondent, max foster, thanks so much. we continue our coverage of those events tomorrow. amazing fireworks. that's all for us right here. we'll see you tomorrow night. remember, wisconsin recall night. "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. outfront next, just hours away from the first real battle in the 2012 election. did democrats misfire big-time in wisconsin? and george zimmerman's lawyer makes a stunning admission. will it cost his client his freedom? and mayor bloomberg's latest stance, pro-pot and anti-munchies. that's just the way that guy kind of rolls. you've got to put a carrot and then a stick. let's go outfront. good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett.


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