tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 4, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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solyndra's headquarters. you can decide for yourself whether government investment in emerging technologies is good or bad. it's not for us to decide. there are two cases in massachusetts with connections to then governor romney getting money from the commonwealth and then going bust. the biofirms got more than $2 million from the commonwealth's emerging technology fund before going under. according to the boston herald, who broke the story, both were run by romney campaign donors. the loans were proved by a seven person advisory board that included two romney appointees and three romney campaign con contribute uniters. the romney campaign said it wasn't romney's idea. this specific funding was part of a stimulus package that governor romney opposed on the grounds the government should not pay venture capitalists. he vetoed half the funding but it was overwritten by the
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legislature. this weekend a surrogate was asked about the contra diction. >> how about all these cases where they give tax breaks to companies, there was a company in rhode island that they had -- they enticed to come over and then went bankrupt. >> in the structure in massachusetts, as i frs it, it is a commission of political appointees that the governor does not have direct control over. >> you're saying romney was opposed to all of this? >> what governor romney said when he was governor of massachusetts, we should not have the state investing in private enterprise. we should be reprogramming this money, and he tried to reprogram the money away from those kinds of investments. >> the record seems to contradict that. back in 2003, shortly after taking office, he acted and sounded like a fan of state investment and enterprise. not a critic. talking about the state's existing renewable energy fund, he said, the trust fund has been growing for years. now is the time to refocus its
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assets if a manner it can become a spring board for the commonwealth. he seemed to want to sharpen the focus on green energy. later that year he signed the law he later tried to veto, which is subtitled an act relative to investments and emerging technologies to promote job creation, economic stability and competitiveness in the massachusetts economy. is romney attacking president obama on solyndra hypocritical? two sides? joining us now, alex castellanos and james carville. is it hypocritical? >> i guess to some extent it is. i don't know what we have in this campaign, bricks of glass. the thing is, is that who knows if it's comparable or not, sure does make the water murky for governor romney and attacks on solyndra. for a while it looked like they had a clean hit on the
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president. this does muddy the waters a little bit. it's pretty good news for the obama campaign. it's not that -- the greatest thing in the world, i don't think the solyndra attack was the greatest thing in the world, but it does murk it up and it did have some effect. >> does it muddy the watt summer. >> it does muddy the water a little bit, until you start parting the waters perhaps. it's pretty clear in some cases that mitt romney tried to defund this trust fund that funded these things. he vetoed the legislation. the loan for one of the instances was made before he became governor. and in fact by nature, mitt romney is a venture capitalist. what he did for a living is competed with these government investment funds. that's why he didn't believe in them. and he said so at the time. >> right. >> i would bet alex a nickel to a doughnut that when things come
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out that a lot of the companies that governor romney invested in, will very heavily lobby to get government help. i think that happens in a lot of instances, i would be very cautious about saying somebody is a pure capitalist, and that kind of thing. my guess is, is that they were very aggressive in lobbying the government. >> i think you are probably exactly right on this one. as you often are. and i think the reason ises you often play by the rules you're given, we've seen president bill clinton do that. you oppose certain kinds of campaign fund-raising laws, you have to live under them. it's the same thing here, governor romney was with tasked with administering these funds and doing them in the best way with possible. it didn't mean he opposed them or supported them. >> romney is also saying that basically friends and family kind of were given a sweetheart deal where there's no evidence
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of that. in fact, they looked into it bs and said there's no evidence of that? >> yeah, and i think this is one of the things the president was enthusiastic about this, it did not start under him. it may have been a bad decision, just like he made a bad decision in massachusetts. sometimes people make good decisions. he made a good decision on gm. i think that's kind -- no, you can't say anything, they can say it, it's a legitimate attack, and probably one of these things that went awry. i don't think there's anything criminal about it. you make the calls, some good, some are bad. it does make it a little -- it does give them -- solyndra only lost a billion and a half dollars. and this thing in massachusetts only lost half a billion. well, given the size of the government, it was probably a bigger hit for them. it seems like a lot of money to most people. i don't think either one were with government at its finest
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hour. >> james, the db i think the solyndra thing was half a billion, and in massachusetts, we're talking about a million and a half, quite a different difference in scale. nevertheless, i think one of the things we're seeing is the obama campaign is determined to trip mitt romney coming out of the gate. they want to find him neglect as an unacceptable republican. they seem to be trying too hard. the campaign is trying to force square pegs into round holes. the bain attack didn't work, now they have problems with this, in that mitt romney -- the loan was with made before romney got there, it was made by an independent board, et cetera. administered by romney this is what happens when the guy with the 8% unemployment rate tries to attack the guy with the 4.7 unemployment rate for not doing as good a job. and so -- if this is the campaign, then it's off to a rocky start. >> i thought we have to take a
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liberal precedent. >> the job creation bill -- the unemployment rate at the end was 4.7%. >> and they lost more than -- they lost 200,000 people in their workforce, which is going to have an effect on the unemployment rate. the liberal media keeps pointing out the the job creation. and it should be louisiana. romney people need to call the liberal media. >> do you think governor romney's record of job creation, do you think he's vulnerable on that? james is right, they were 47. >> i think they're trying to sled up hill on this one. i spent a bit of time on this, i worked for governor romney on this campaign, had nothing to do with it this time. he was called back after the olympics to massachusetts, because it was a state in crisis. the tech bubble burst, they were bleeding jobs.
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romney came back in, cutting spending in an 85% democratic state, he turned that state around, got it on solid footing. it created net jobs, which barack obama has not yet been able to do. again, 4.7 is what he left with. president obama has got a very slow recovery that is not following the usual pattern. he's below average here. it's political malpractice to attack a guy that did a better job by the numbers than you did. >> are you saying obama created private sector jobs at present? are you saying that? are you saying he hasn't created private sector jobs? >> president obama has got a below average recovery -- >> but you said -- he has created more private sector jobs in three years than bush created in eight, will agree with thats won't you you? >> of course you will. you will agree that romney was 47th out of 50?
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and you will agree that romney -- exponentially increased the state's bonded debt. >> the state was in the toilet. 51st, he took it from 51st to 30. >> we can agree that obama's private sector job creation is better than bush. romney is 47th in job creation fks and he exponentially increased the bonded debtedness of the state. now we can move on from that and talk about something else he did. he made a lot of money in bain. which we agree with. >> when you ask me questions, i try not to interrupt. but i would like to try to answer them. job growth in that state. job growth, the rate of job growth was 37th and he moved it up to 12th in the rate he was with reducing unemployment. the state was 51st in unemployment, he moved it to 30th. he created 30,000 net jobs.
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if we can grow jobs, net jobs, which obama hasn't done, which is something that's a boone in the state. so he did a pretty good job at the end of the day, there's one number that's incontrovertible and unemployment was 4.7 in massachusetts, when mitt romney left. barack obama still can't get it below eight here, and it's on its way back up. that's the choice people are going to have to make. >> 68,000 and we would like to revisit this about the unemployment rate in mass mark because people were moving out of the state. but that's another thing, and we can go back and forth on these figures. but muddy the waters. >> james carville, allem castellanos. thanks. let me know what you think.
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in raw politics tonight, coming up, tomorrow's vote on whether to recall wisconsin's republican governor, and why everyone outside wisconsin has a big interest in how it comes out. potentially big implications for who wins the white house. that's next. [ male announcer ] when this hotel added aflac to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha!
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♪ high schools in six states enrolled in the national math and science initiative... ...which helped students and teachers get better results in ap courses. together, they raised ap test scores 138%. just imagine our potential... ...if the other states joined them. let's raise our scores. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this.
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raw politics. in a vote tomorrow, wisconsin with potentially serious national significance. less than 24 hours from now, wisconsin voters could give us a preview what may happen in the 2012 presidential election. whether to recall scott walker on the or replace him with tom baron. if successful, it would be only the third time any governor of any state is kicked out by voters. may also be a trial heat for november's presidential vote which may explain why bill clinton made a swing through wisconsin. equally intriguing is why president obama has not. also why republicans pumped millions of dollars into this race. ahead more on the fallout. but first tom foreman sets the
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stage. >> reporter: the movement to boot governor scott walker started when he outraged union workers in early 2011. he said the legislation to reduce collective bargaining rights for state employees was needed to balance the budget. but democrats called it a sneak attack on the working families. they've gathered hundreds of thousands of signatures all across wisconsin as the divisive recall campaign thunders to a conclusion. >> whatever it takes to get scott walker out of here. i'm happy. >> reporter: as the race has intensified between walker and his democratic challenger tom barrett, so have the nasty ads. >> he's all about scott walker. and not looking out for us. >> if tom barrett is willing to cover up hundreds of violent crimes in milwaukee, what else is he hiding? >> reporter: and the bitter words. >> i call them union pigs. they root in madison like pigs
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root in pig sties. >> reporter: and that widening fight has drawn big money and big names from outside the state. >> let me remind all you good people from wisconsin -- >> reporter: as national republican -- >> president bill clinton. >> reporter: -- and democratic forces push for a win. >> cooperation works. constant conflict is a dead bang loser and you need to get rid of it. >> reporter: on both sides, activists see this as a referendum on fiscal policies. on liberal versus conservative philosophies. and on how wisconsin may lean in the presidential race. >> this is not the wisconsin way. >> reporter: each candidate has denounced the ugliness of the race. >> he started this political civil war. >> reporter: but they've also attacked each other ferociously. >> the right wing loves him because he's doing exactly what they want him to do. he's not doing what the people in wisconsin want. >> so everybody's clear here, the mayor doesn't have a plan. all he's got is attacking me. that's what you just heard loud and clear there. >> reporter: so however things
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turn out tomorrow night, it seems unlikely the fight will be gone with the wind. tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> joining us now chief national correspondent john king and chief political analyst gloria borger. if governor walker wins which all polls indicate he will, what implications could that have on the map for november? >> i understand republicans are saying it would mean mitt romney can compete in wisconsin. this is wisconsin. i'm going to circle it here and turn this off. this is 2008. blue. it went democrat for president. here's 2004. blue. 2000. blue. 1996, blue. 1992, blue. 1988, even michael dukakis carried it, blue. does that mean mitt romney can get it? as of now this is the first day with this map. our new projection of the electoral.
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we lean democratic. right now you'd have to say based on the dna, the history i showed you, we consider it to be leaning democratic. if that changes that may put michigan in play, it might put pennsylvania in play. if republicans are having a resurgence. for now that is mostly democratic territory. look at the map. 247. you need 270 to win. dark blue, solid, or light blue leaning. 206 for governor romney. seven states right now we call toss ups. new hampshire, virginia, ohio, florida, iowa, colorado and nevada. that is the biggest contest, 85 electoral votes in the tossup states. they are the primary competition for now. might wisconsin get added to the mix? we'll have that conversation tomorrow night? >> gloria, we're seeing in the polls a lot of enthusiasm for governor walker in terms of coming out tomorrow night. it's not a shoe in for democrats come november? >> no, it's not. if i were a democrat in the obama campaign, i would look to 2010 and i would say wisconsin's the state that elected a
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republican governor. and it's got a republican legislature both houses. the history is barack obama won the state by 14 points. he's up by about eight points now. but i would take a look at what's going on in wisconsin now. and if scott walker wins, i think that's going to tell you a little bit about the mood of the people in the state of wisconsin. and their receptivity to the core messages of each party. if walker were to win handily, then if i'm a democrat looking at the electoral map, i would think, you know what? the republicans want to stretch where they're contesting in this race? and they're going to make a play for the state of wisconsin. >> john, as the campaigns look at the maps you showed, what are they most concerned about? >> number one, the obama campaign knows this is not mccain versus obama. this is more like bush v. gore.
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at this point. they could all break, but very competitive right now. what's the president concerned about? that you have lean blue. used to be traditional democratic strongholds. what is governor romney concerned about? number one, the president hopes to make a run here. arizona. john mccain carried it last time, 11 electoral votes. we're keeping it leaning red for now. he has to watch out there. it's harder. president obama only needs to get to 270, 23 electoral votes. if nothing else on the map changed, all he would have to do is win the state of florida and he'sed next president. meaning four more years. governor romney has a harder challenge. he has to win florida and probably ohio. if he does that you have a competitive race. here's what's very interesting, ohio and florida, they tend to decide presidential elections. if romney can pick up those states, the smaller ones, the colorado, nevada, iowa. imagine iowa and new hampshire where we began the campaign, they could settle it come election night. >> gloria, president obama campaigned for tom barrett for
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governor two years ago. he's kept his distance this time. governor walker and his support essay that's because the president thinks barrett's going to lose. do you think that's true? >> look, i think the obama administration was not thrilled about this recall election to begin with. i think if you would have given team obama is vote in this, they would say why would they want to have this recall at all? i think there is a case to be made, in fact, that the president has personally stayed away because he didn't want to tie himself to barrett's win or loss. he knew that all of us would be looking at it and reading the tea leaves. and i think there's another reason here which is that this race is going to bring out a lot of independent voters. and there's no point in president obama going to the state of wisconsin and alienating independent voters that he's going to ask to vote for him in the fall. so i think they took a look at this and decided okay. we're going to send bill clinton. that's great.
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we're going to send other top democratic surrogates. that's great. but you know what? we're going to keep the president out of this one. >> a lot of money pouring in, we'll see what happens tomorrow. thank you. well, a lot of watch tomorrow night. remember the guy we're about to put on the screen, this guy? he organized the lavish convention that cost more than $800,000 paid for with your tax dollars. now the agency is in hot water again over bonuses they paid against people under investigation for that same scandal. we're keeping them honest.
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♪ [ vocalizing continues ] ♪ [ all singing ] the redesigned, 8-passenger pilot. smarter thinking. from honda. how did i get here? dumb luck? or good decisions? ones i've made. ones we've all made. about marriage. children. money. about tomorrow. here's to good decisions. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. massmutual. we'll help you get there. perhaps you've seen the video. a child in church singing quote, ain't no homo going to make it to heaven. preaching against gays and
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one that's mind boggling. you might remember the outrage that workers of the general services administration, the gsa took that fancy trip to los angeles and charged taxpayers. and made videos laughing. there's one of the videos there. the trips were argued by this guy, jeff neeley. you see him there in a hot tub location unclear. as you look at that, the gsa's mission is oversight of other federal agencies to control spending. mr. neeley is no longer with the agency. we learned today the federal employees under investigation are still collecting bonuses funded with your tax dollars. bonuses totaling more than $1 million. two congressional investigations are still underway. the report doesn't name who got the bonuses, but it gives astonishing details. drew griffin has been digging into it. he joins us now. who are these people who got these bonuses and why? >> anderson, the why is unclear. the who is easy. mostly supervisors, higher end government employees with the gsa.
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they got these bonuses year after year. one supervisor, for instance, got nearly $8,000 bonus every year from 2008 until now, a total of $38,000. even though the same person had to be reassigned for abuse of authority. another supervisor who was reprimanded for interfering with a government investigation got 20 grand in bonuses. 84 different employees at the gsa all subject of investigations got bonuses. as for why, that's what senator claire mccaskill among others are asking. she's heading one of the investigations into it. >> do they have any kind of policy that -- i mean, it seems outrageous. it's hard to believe it's true. is the gsa admitting this? i mean do they admit this happened? >> yeah. they do admit it happened. the bonuses were paid to people under investigation. that's a fact. the new acting gsa
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administrator, we're told, is not taking this lightly. a spokesperson from the agency says a top down review of all the agencies, business is underway and that includes all bonus payouts in recent years. especially for those individuals under investigation by gsa's inspector general. anderson be you mentioned the policy. one of the things claire mccaskill wants is a policy that says you don't give bonuses to people who are under investigation or reprimanded. you would think that's a no brainer. that's what they're talking about. >> it's unbelievable. i mean, did some of these folks -- i mean, were they all working in the office? were they working at home as well? >> another investigation. telework is a program they have at the gsa. you work at home and telework in. but this investigation found that for some reason, a lot of these teleworkers were costing huge amounts of money in transportation expenses. $750,000 in a nine-month period
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just to get these stay-at-home workers to various conferences and office visits. that is under review as well. they're trying to decide if maybe these teleworkers would be cheaper if they just showed up at a gsa office and worked there. >> yeah. i mean, it seems ridiculous. the whole idea them work withing at home is that they don't have to spend money on travel. anyway, appreciate it. there's more happening tonight. isha is here with the "360" bullet. >> a syrian opposition group is calling for an international investigation into who's responsible for thousands of civilian deaths. they blame president al assad's government. for now world leaders are still meeting and debating. kofi annan of the failed peace plan will meet with secretary of state hillary clinton in washington friday. crews in nigeria have recovered 137 bodies from the wreckage of sunday's plane crash and will resume the search in the morning. all 153 passengers were killed along with at least ten people
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on the ground. an airline official declared the emergency as the plane approached the airport. in the midst of queen elizabe elizabeth's diamond jubilee celebration, her husband is in the hospital. prince phillip is being treated for a bladder infection. ♪ can't get you out of my head >> one event the prince missed out on, a massive concert at the palace including performances by tom jones, paul mccartney, and elton john. for the grand finale, the queen lit the final beacon celebrating her 60 years on the throne. ♪ >> they had an amazing fireworks display. we were broadcasting it live on cnn. it was great. a lot of times displays don't show up well on television. this one did. it was well done. >> this was magical. in the context of everything that happened throughout the
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day, it was a great sight to see in my home city. >> no doubt. thank you. you may have seen the video of a young boy singing in a church, the adults cheering him as he sings quote, ain't no homo going to make it to haven. gary tuchman tried to track down the pat he and the boy's parents. he's going to join us live with what he found out. for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward.
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♪ i know the bible's right. somebody's wrong ♪ ♪ romans 1 and 27, ain't no homo going to make it to heaven ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> because of the age of the child involved, we're not showing the video of his face. this took place in greensburg, indiana. the man laughing on stage is the pastor. what's interesting about the number of these recent incidents, the pastors involved don't seem willing to discuss their beliefs when with asked. you may remember the pastor worley in north carolina who said he wanted gays and lesbians to be locked behind electrified fences until they die. when that got national attention, the church pulleded video from the website and the pastor hid from reporters. gary tuchman went to try to the folks in this latest incident. >> reporter: this is the church where a child declared in song that homosexuals will not go to
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heaven. so as the congregation came in we wanted to see if there would be a repeat performance. and who the child and his family are. can we go inside the church? >> no. we're protecting the safety of the people inside. >> why is there safety impacted? >> because of threats we've received. >> we're not threatening. we want to cover the story of what happened here. >> we can't be too cautious. >> we were kept out of the church where this video was made. >> reporter: there's thunderous applause for the child. it's such a hit, he's asked to
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sing it again. ♪ ain't no homo going to heaven ♪ >> reporter: we're not sure when this was taped and who posted it. >> have children. >> reporter: greensburg, indiana, population 11,000. >> i think the child was used. >> it's sad. they need to teach love instead of hate. >> who is this child, what were his parents thinking. who would let a small child do that? if you listen closely, you can hear what we with assume is his dad. we wanted to talk to the pastor and ask why he seemed to be cheering the toddler on. but when we talked to one of the congregants. >> is the pastor here today? >> he's in italy right now. >> there was no sign of the pastor at the church. we went by his home and there was nobody there either.
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we tried to ask congregants about the child and what happened. most wouldn't talk. those who would wouldn't comment on who the child is or where to find his parents. >> the child on the video -- >> i'd rather keep my opinions to myself. >> i think it's blown out of proportion. they love everybody, they don't love sin. >> did he or did he not feel bad. >> do you think your daughter is sorry it happened? >> yes. >> are you sorry it happened? >> yes, i am. the church released a statement that says we do not condone, teach or practice hate of any person for any reason. >> this is josh sangel, the son
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of pastor sangel. i went to his church and asked him about the video that's been seen all over the world. he said it's not what you think it is. i asked him to elaborate. he said his father would. i asked him when that would happen. he said soon. the pastor's son also agreed with police that indeed there have been no credible threats against his father or the church. so we tried to ask permission once more to go inside the church. >> i'm going to ask one more time, please step off the premises. >> gary tuchman joins us live now. was it your impression that congregants were told not to talk to you? >> reporter: absolutely. this is a friendly part of the country, southern inindiana. everybody wants to talk. but when people left this parking lot, their windows were up. they saw our camera and they zoomed by us. it was clear to us they were
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told inside this church not to talk to the reporters standing outside. >> it is interesting in these situations how the pastors don't comments. did the pastor's son give an indication when he was going to talk if at all? >> what they're saying is he will talk soon. historically we see the word soon as a relative term. usually people tell us soon when they want us to beat it. i can tell you that last week when we were in north carolina with the pastor who said gay people should be behind electrified fences, they also said he'd talk soon. and he hasn't talked to us yet. >> gary, appreciate it. there have been a number of incidents recently. another in kansas preached gays and lesbians should be killed. he said he's preaching what's found in scripture. want to talk to bruce filer. he's written a lot about faith and family. his books include "america's prophet owe "and "the council of dads." he joins me now. one thing that interests me about this i would love to talk to pastors about is i understand they're preaching what's in the bible and saying that it talks
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about killing gay people or men who lie with men. but also in the bible it talks about killing people who commit adultery. or children who curse against their parents. you don't hear pastors calling for the death of adulterers. why? >> let me take a step back before i get to that, anderson. this in a sense is not a new thing. ever since there's been religion in america, there's been two camps. one is the letter of the bible camp and the other is the spirit of the bible camp. whatever the hot button issue is, they seem to take it to heart. in the 19th century it was slavery. people said the bible -- abraham had slaves. jesus does nothing. >> they used the bible to support slavery back in the days. >> they did use the bible to support slavery.
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and? some ways it was a better argument because the bible did talk about it. the rival camp said we should be more compassionate to people. it happened with women's rights and also with civil rights. what is the hot button social issue of the day? it is gay rights, civil unions, gay marriage. now we're seeing the same battle. you have letter of the bible camp, it says in several places in the bible that god condemns homosexuality. and you've got the spirit of the bible saying yes we should be compassionate. we're all god's children and should be compassionate to people whatever their beliefs. >> because it's become such a hot button issue with same-sex marriage now in a number of states, that it sort of revived this? or the prevalence of cell phones that people are recording this? >> i think it's the second one. that's a good point missed here. if you put this into terms of war, strategically the same battles have been going on for a long time. what's different now is the tactics. why are we talking about this on cnn right now? in all likelihood because you're seeing pro-gay rights groups trolling the internet going to the websites of these churches
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and these small towns, plucking these things out percolating through social media. think about this. again, let's talk about politics for a second. that's something you talk about a lot and your audience knows a lot about. if you're a church and you're in rural indiana like this one, rural georgia where i grew up, rural north carolina, and you have a choice. you can play to the middle, go to the independents out there the people who are interested in moderate position or play to your base. so why are we seeing this on churches? they're playing to their base. if you're in rural north carolina, most of the people you're talking to are believers in this letter of the bible camp. >> does that then take me to the question i originally asked which is why aren't they calling for the death of adulterers is it because more people in the church pews amongst their congregation fit into that camp of those who have had an affair? a lot of people in the united states have had an affair. >> we're talking about two passages in the bible that talk about homosexuality.
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and by the way, i'll note for the record, lesbians are not talked about. the hebrew bible does not mention women having sex with with other women. it's just men on men. so the pastor said we should put lesbians behind the fence, that's just made up. you're talking about romans one and particularly a passage in the book of leviticus that says if you speak against your parents, if you're having an affair, if you lie with a man then you willing put to death is what the language said. first of all, the bible is obsessed with sexuality. >> another area talks about promiscuous girls can be put to death. >> the number of people in america who fall under that category would be over 200 million americans. i mean, we know that about adultery, a third of americans commit adultery. i checked that this afternoon. they're cherry picking what they want to address their own social needs. they are basically trying to -- what are they in the business of
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doing? they're in the business of trying to support their church. this is what's -- >> i tweeted about this and got tweets saying this is what jesus talked about in the bible. my reading is jesus never talked about it. >> jesus never talked about this. the passage in romans is a letter from paul. there is not a quote where jesus talks about homosexual sex. >> and was greater emphasis put on homo sexuality than adultery? >> no rs that was the point i was trying to make earlier. sexuality is important in the bible. the first thing god says is be fruitful and multiply. so all the begetting and be did the gatting in the genealogy, the bible is obsessed with with sex, who's having it with whom and that's why there is this
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very strict language about homosexuality. but it's really only in a few scant places. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about the personal attention tdd# 1-800-345-2550 you and your money deserve. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, that means taking a close look at you tdd# 1-800-345-2550 as well as your portfolio. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 we ask the right questions, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 then we actually listen to the answers tdd# 1-800-345-2550 before giving you practical ideas you can act on. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 so talk to chuck online, on the phone, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 or come in and pull up a chair.
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internet for articles for himself. he's accused of filming the murder, putting it on the internet, and mailing the victim's foot to the canadian prime minister. one day after george zimmerman returned to jail, they will request a new bond hearing. he's accused of killing trayvon martin in february while on neighborhood watch with duty. actors kevin costner and steven baldwin went to court today over the cleaning of the bp oil spill. costner struck a billion dollar deal with bp for a piece of equipment he created. baldwin claims costner duped him and a business partner out of their share of the profits. we'll keep watching this one. >> thanks very much. the ridiculist is next. [ male announcer ] when a major hospital
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time now tr for the ridiculist. tonight we're adding the miss usa pageant that took place in las vegas and aed on nbc. hear me out. i'm not anti-beauty pageant. my friend andy cohen co-hosted this. they did their best. they had one contestant who was asked to name julia roberts from pretty woman. and they did a song to "call me maybe." ♪ here's my number ♪ call me maybe ♪ hey i just met you and this is crazy ♪ ♪ but here's my number ♪ call me maybe
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>> and that was a cameo by donald trump who owns the baa gent. here's why it's on the ridiculist tonight. it's not for anything they did. it's pointless to keep holding these events. pointless because no pageant from now until the end of time will top the magical television experience known as the 2007 miss teen usa pageant. >> recent polls have shown that a fifth of americans can't locate the u.s. on the world map. why do you think this is? >> you've heard this. it's somewhere between celebrity jeopardy and the sixth grade contest. ladies and gentlemen, just because it's so darn good. i give you the best pageant answer of all time. >> i personally believe that u.s. americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps. >> i just got to stop again. u.s. americans don't have maps. i repeat. u.s. americans, map shortage. i want to make sure last night's
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organizers realize the type of topic they should be in. rewind the tape. continue. >> i personally believe that u.s. americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and i believe that our education like such as in south africa and the iraq like everybody such as. >> south africa and the iraq and everywhere like such as. this is why you should have canceled last night. you had no chance of competing with that. you will never be able to find a contestant who can pinpoint her answer with such clarity. i'll give you a minute about to think about what you could have done differently. in the meantime, let's check back in with miss south carolina. >> i believe that they should -- our education over here in the u.s. should help the u.s. or should help south africa and should help the iraq and the
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asian countries so wwill be able to build up our future. >> thank you very much, south carolina. >> now, you know it's bad when mario lopez is like i got nothing. i got nothing. he just moves on. that's bad. he always has something to say. there you have it. the greatest moment in beauty pageant history. nothing tops it including last night's miss usa pageant. i'm sorry. maybe before next year organizers will find their inner compass on the ridiculist. that's it for us. thanks for watching "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, just hours away from the battle if the 2012 election. and george zimmerman's lawyer makes a doning admission. will it cost his client his freedom? and mayor bloomberg's latest stance pro-pot and munch which is. that's just the way the guy rolls.
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