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tv   John King USA  CNN  June 6, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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president obama and his aids pick targets for drones. the other detailed iran's nuclear program. the fbi confirmed it is investigating that leak. senator john mccain says the fbi is fine but he wants an outside special counsel to lead the investigation. he said he suspects the obama administration is leaking this information to make the president look good. >> the portrayal of the president in these stories is of why usually nothing short of heroic. i agree with the cyberwarfare but why should we reveal it to the enemy and take credit for something that obviously does not deserve to be well-known? >> president obama's spokesman called allegations of intentional leaking grossly irresponsible. in a very rare show of bipartisan anger, this afternoon, the democratic and republican leaders of the house and senate intelligence committee say these leaks threaten to do iminent and ir
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represent parable damage to the committee. just moments ago, wolf blitzer asked dianne feinstein if she knows of any incidents where there were leaks. >> yes, i can tell you where lives have been in danger. >> has anyone been killed as a result? >> not to my knowledge. >> do you want to go into specifics? >> no, i do not. >> brianna keilar joins us now. how does the white house answer what a pretty serious allegation for both democrats and republicans? >> i spoke with one senior administration official, john, who insisted that these leaks drive us crazy. that's what i was told. when you look at a lot of these stories, certainly there are many details that raise questions. if some of them are not coming from the white house, they coming from the administration when you talking about some of the classified details. that seems obvious even if they are not coming from the white house.
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this is a white house that has made a big deal about clamping down on leaks. at this point in time, when you ask, how will you cooperate with these hearings that we know are going to happen certainly on the senate side of the hill, this fbi investigation, there is no comment on that or at this point reaction to these calls from senator mccain and senator chambliss calling for special counsel. >> a bit more on the substance. when they hear people like who have access to this information on capitol hill, they are worried and dianne feinstein says she knows of examples where lives are at risk, do they agree with that? >> certainly, that is a concern. that's why the senior officials said this bothers us very much as well. when you look at the politics of this, the president has a pretty good record on certain things that are sort of indisputable, osama bin laden taking out some of al qaeda's leadership. these are things that serve him well in an election. difficult for mitt romney to compete with.
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that's an experience president obama has. republicans want to do anything they can to tarnish that. at the same time, when you hear democrats joining republicans with these grave concerns, we heard from dianne feinstein. she said it seems at the very least that information is not being sufficiently held close. that, politics aside, is a very serious charge. >> they dismiss when you hear senator mccain saying he thinks they are puffing their chest an saying, look at what we have done with bra vary doe, the politics, we have enough examples, with he don't need to do this? >> exactly. they say if a reporter is doing a story on counter terrorism, it is their job to weigh in. they are dismissing the politics of this. there are some examples certainly where when it comes to osama bin laden, there is a movie being made. >> brianna keilar, thanks so
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much for your help tonight. turning to campaign 2012 and the big debate over what wisconsin's recall election teaches us about the climate and the map of the november presidential election. republican governor, scott walker had a resounding victory defeating the efforts by democrats and organized labor to cut short his terms. represent candidate, mitt romney sees a big national win. >> the vote we saw last night in wisconsin said that people in what many have considered a blue state, said we have seen a conservative governor. he cut back on the scale of government and has held out taxes and stood up to the public sector unions and we want more of that, not less of it. >> now, on our cnn electoral map, we have wisconsin leaning blue, meaning leaning obama. we had a healthy debate about whether to make it a toss-up. for now, it stays as is.
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as republican walker won big, they gave obama a healthy edge. the exit poll number matched a public poll taken in recent days. wisconsin hasn't voted gop for president since 1924. that's 28 years ago. we will keep an eye on it. while there is an opening for governor romney. i am not ready to say it is a toss shall did up. dana bash was on the grown for the recall and is in milwaukee tonight. as we have this debate, what does yesterday mean for november, what's the best republican argument for why they say, this does mean mitt romney can win wisconsin? >> well, several things. they argue basic infrastructure. the fact of the matter is, they did open 25 sites around this state. they opened six months earlier than they normally would have. so that helps them. also, they have identified, they say, 4 million republican voters. that's an important number in any case. in wisconsin, people don't identify themselves when they register by party. also, they say, aside from the infrastructure, pure message.
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i spoke with reince preef p previs, argued that government should not spend more than it has. that is something that barack obama is going to have to answer for. there is also a sub plot. p previs was not just rnc chair but he was here in wisconsin. he will likely have some say in the money that comes nationally here to wisconsin. >> democrats are back on their heels. what is their best argument that what happened last night has no meaning or little meaning come november? >> it is a tough one, john. the dnc chair, debbie wasserman schultz said it is a test run for november. the republicans were quick to say it is sort of like a north korea missile launch and that it didn't go very well. they argue, at least they try.
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this did energize their base. they made what i think is a valid point. they say that recalls are simply different from regular elections. it really is a high bar to reach to say that we want a governor out, particularly when there is no corruption involved. at least at this point. that's the case here. they also make the point that the passion that is there for scott walker is not necessarily there for mitt romney. we see that in the exit polls that you just showed a little while ago. the fact is that barack obama is seven points ahead still among wisconsin voters. so it shows that the passion isn't necessarily there. having said all that, there are some candid democrats here on the grown. the man who lost his bid to become the democratic lieutenant governor last night, he told us he is not going to down play it now that they have lost. he said there is a national problem that has national implications an they have an uphill battle. >> 154 days. >> dana bash on the ground.
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the role of big money and outside money, a huge flash point in the debate. the numbers are staggering. more than $66 million spent heading into the final days. we are sure and you can be sure the final number will surpass $70 million and approach $80 million. of the $66 million in spending already reported, half of the money came from outside of wisconsin. republican groups had a bit of an edge in that regard. about 54% of the outside money went to help governor walker fight the recall effort. what is more staggering is when you look at the candidate versus candidate spending. walker spent more than $30 million to $4 million for barrett. more than 60% of governor walkers' contributions came from outside of the state. a lot was spent on voter turnout and ground operations. that's a lesson likely to shape
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as we move on to the presidential race. of the $66 million spending tracked so far, less than a third, about $20 million spent on tv ads. nearly two-thirds of that supported republican walker. about half of the tv ad war spent in the final five weeks. you see it lopsided in favor of governor walker. here is a big question, whether that laid spending made any difference or much difference. 86% of the voters who participated say they decided before may, $12 million in late tv ad spending was spent for the hearts and minds of about 13% of the recall voters. our chief political analyst, gloria borger is here. >> a lot of money. how do we spend in future elections? what lessons are to be learned? on the other hand, you say, $11 million spent for 12% or 13% of the population, that's a waste of money. on the other hand, in a very polarized electorate, where there are only a small slice
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undecided, very much like will be in the presidential race, that's the way it is. >> i don't think anybody that looks at this race is going to say, the lesson here is don't spend any money. i think the lesson here for republicans is that they were finally at parody with the democrats. look back to 2008. a huge disadvantage for john mccain's campaign. they didn't raise the money the democrats were raising. they are not going to make that mistake this time. they had a coordinated efrfort. not only did you have the superpacs in but the republican governors. you had the nra in and lots of special interests and they coordinated. they contacted 4 million voters. only 2.5 million people voted in this election. that gives you some idea. so as far as money is concerned, the lesson here is that more is better. you are never going to convince anybody, even though people say they didn't pay the attention to the ads and their minds were made up. >> what's the policy lesson.
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governor walker says, i made tough choices and even voters who didn't like those choices applauded me for making them. >> i think there is a lesson in that. i think what they liked about walker is that he had a plan. this is a cautionary note for mitt romney and president obama. they liked a candidate who had a plan. his plan is to reduce the size of government. that also still has a lot of rest son nance. governor walker said, you need to come up with a fiscal plan to save the economy. if you are president obama, maybe you need to start telling people just what you would do in your second term. independent voters like president obama but they don't feel like they have heard enough from him about what he is going to do. >> every family has had to make tough choices.
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if the politicians don't show that, maybe they won't listen to them. >> and maybe smaller government is better. former president, bill clinton, made a lot of friends. a prominent democrat agrees our leaders need to focus on low taxes and job creation now, before the election. later, former cabinet secretary, the romney campaign's new point man, reaching out to latino voters. [ female announcer ] foamtastic news! nice'n easy colorblend foam is winning top beauty awards hands down! with beautiful tones and highlights... no other foam lasts longer. and no other foam is product of the year. check out colorblend foam. only from nice'n easy.
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we are going to start with product x. the only thing i'll let you know is that it is an, affordable product. oh, i like that. let's move on to product y, which is a far more expensive product. whoaaa. i don't care for that at all. yuck. you picked x and it was geico car insurance and y was the competitor. is that something you would pay for year after year? i, i like soda a lot but for a change of pace... last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. there are a lot of warning lights
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and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. it seems bill clinton made himself an accidental ally with republicans when he said he doesn't have a problem with extending the bush tax cuts. >> it is important we provide certainty to the leaders in our country in extending all of the current tax rates for at least a year. even bill clinton came out for
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it before he was against it. >> democratic senator said this in an e-mail, we can not allow election year politics to interfere with smart, reasonable efforts to strengthen our economy and jump-start job creation. we want to demonstrate that congress can get something done even during an election year when we're willing to put partisanship aside and work together. live from capitol hill. senator, why can't you get everyone to vote on the bipartisan plan? why does the election get in the way? >> the senators that are sponsoring start-up 2.0 are all new guys. we didn't get the memo we are supposed to take presidential election years off. the bill we have got isn't going to solve all the problems. it looks at where job creation is taking place in the last 20 years. 80% of all the new jobs have come from start-up companies,
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not just technology companies, restaurant chains, under arm pore, the sportingwa wear companies. we passed a bill to try to get them greater access to capital. it also says, let's make sure we can compete for world class t l talent. when they train graduate students in engineering and science, we train people from abroad. what we are saying is, rather than sending them home, if there are jobs open here that americans can't fill, let them have those jobs here in america and staple that green card to the visa to that graduate degree. if you want to start a business, let's do that as well. if you can show that you can raise money and hire companies here or hire americans here. again, not going to completely move the needle. if you look at where job creation is taking place, this is some place to start. we don't have to wait until after the election. >> you say the new guys want to do this.
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i am going to say the old guys are getting in the way. whether you talk to your leader, democratic leader, harry reid or when the republicans talk, they would have to go through the house speaker. what you have had, the republicans and house have passed a whole bunch of bills. they would say, they create jobs. the democrats have passed a whole bunch of bills in the senate. they say it is the republicans. the republicans say it is the democrats. why does the election prevent some action. >> it does make you scratch your head. we came together 1 1/2 months ago on the jobs act, the ability for these start-ups companies to raise money in an easier fashion. the president supported it, we passed it in the senate. >> let's focus on harry reid. you are a democrat. when you say come on, give me a chance, why does he say stop? >> he will give us a chance. we need to show some more support. we started with four cosponsors. we have a companion bill in the
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house. i will get some more additional co-sponsors. we have tech companies and business groups saying this. i think we will get a chance to get it on the floor. we also need, john, to do some of the other things that should be basic blocking and tackling. the senate passed, again, bipartisan, 75 votes, a two-year transportation bill three months ago. this should be a no-brainer. we are seeing the summer season where highway contracts need to be let, particularly in northern states where those jobs can't be done during the winter. we are going to miss the whole construction season if we don't go ahead an give the predict ability on a two-year transportation bill. the house needs to step up. the last one i am going to try to make on this is, we also need this time i get some pushback from both sides. we need the biggest thing of all is to put in place a real deficit reduction plan that will
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generate additional revenues and do entitlement reforms and try to give confidence to that $2.5 trillion in private sector capital sitting on the sidelines looking for some place to invest. they can't invest in europe, a mess. china, india declining. brazil had a bad quarter. america, if we did a debt deal, america would take off. we have to find the common ground to do that. >> i don't think you have a prayer of getting that big one done before the election, senator. i will stay in touch. i would like to see some progress for the unemployed americans. >> i don't think so, my friend. >> you have got to keep at it, john. we will have more ahead on bill clinton's continuing impact on presidential politics. his mixed message might be a mixed blessing. the enterprise goes where no space shuttle has gone before, upper river on a barge to an aircraft carrier. [ male announcer ] this is genco services --
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mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪
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>> welcome back. here is kate bolduan with the latest news you need to know right now. >> hey, there. good evening. some welcome to good financial news. this turned out to be wall street's best day of the year. the dow jumped 287 points. the s&p 500 had its bess the day since december. investors are expecting some kind of action to stimulate the global economy that must be behind it. also in financial news, they say they will spend $40 million reinvesting investment firms that lost money during
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facebook's market debut. they plan to pay firms $14 million in cash and throw in reverse trading fees. for a space shuttle that has never gone into space, today it floated down the hudson river aboard a barge and arrived at new york's intrepid sea and air space museum. just over a month ago, it piggybacked a 747 in the skies and the shuttle hit a minor snag when a gust of wind pushed its wing into a wooden barrier before it was loaded on to the doc. still, pretty amazing to watch it unfold. >> a shuttle on an aircraft carrier. i once flew off an aircraft carrier. >> i have nothing to bring to this discussion. i have ridden in a helicopter. >> see you in a little bit. still ahead here, the romney campaign makes an important announcement naming a former cabinet secretary to help the former massachusetts governor connecting with latino votes. at least 78 people, including
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many women and children, rounded up and executed. to the american people. [ female announcer ] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security, you've earned the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female announcer ] you've earned the facts. ♪ washington may not like straight talk, but i do. [ female announcer ] and you've earned a say. get the facts and make your voice heard on medicare and social security at do you have any idea where you're going ? wherever the wind takes me. this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you.
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in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪ this half hour, we will take you street level on syria's
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sniper alley. rebel fighters trade fire with government forces. mitt romney has a new message for latinos saying president obama has failed them on the economy. i will ask romney's new point man who to make this tactic work. the truth why former president, bill clinton, may be off script and off message but not entirely off base. it has been another disturbing day in syria where at least 78 people were reportedly killed in just one farmingvilleage. opposition groups say many of the victims in colbert from executed. this is a gruesome day by day fight. they have received video from the city of homs where they opened fire. >> reporter: once a buttaling middle clasp shoipping area, th street is now in ruins. the local commander crawls
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through holes fighters smashed between buildings to take up position. there are government forces on a balcony across the roid. the 32-year-old peers down the scope. affirmative. it seems deserted by the fighters of the free syrian army say it is not just about defending residents still here but the property of those that have fled. they say loyalists would steal or destroy anything they can get their hands on. at another position along the street hazem is on high alert. there is movement. be ready at my signal, he says calmly. syrian government forces are fanning out across the road. there is movement in yor direction, the call on the radio warns.
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i am ready hazim responds. he fires off two rounds, takes aim again and his weapon rounds. cursing under his breath, he clears it and aims again. we can't have a one-sided cease-fire, he says indignantly. they can't expect us to come under fire and not respond. joining me now, fareed zakaria. when we started having this conversation about what to do in syria more than a year ago, we were watching demonstrations, largely peaceful protests against the government. if you see that video, it is clear, this has evolved in what you would have to call a civil war. is there any hope in sight? >> i can't offer any real hope, john. i think that when we started this conversation, you recall i always thought it would be tough to dislodge them.
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they are very brutal and tough. they have no mercy and no restraint. you are seeing that. what's striking is that they are finding it more difficult to maintain control. the homs after all is where they had this huge massacre. it was meant to be a deterrent, to send a chilling signal to the insurgents, if you continue, we will wipe you out. they are continuing. while the government doesn't seem to be in any danger, it is having to work a lot harder to hold this place together. that might be related to the reshuffle which we don't really understand. something is going on at the elite level. >> the former united nations secretary general, his mission has failed. both sides frankly are ignores the cease-fire. now, the russians say, let's bring iran in. he seems open to bring iran in.
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secretary of state, clinton, saying, it is hard to imagine inviting a country that is stage-managing assad's regime's assault on its own people. are they part of the answer or the problem? >> we have given him a no-win mission, try and get rid of assad. by the way, you have no pressure you can assert. the west isn't going to get involved. the u.n. sanctions root is blocked by russia and china. how is he going to engineer the removal of assad? maybe he is thinking one of the ways would be to get the russians and iranians to exert pressure to get some kind of peaceful transfer of power to have a military general replace assad. it may not work but i don't see what harm there is in trying to persuade the russians and
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iranians that the writing is on the wall. this regime cannot last. >> let me shift your attention on the big specials. you have taken a look on global immigration policy. it is long overdue for the united states to do something. the political focus and quicksand of focusing on illegal immigration has blocked those reforms. tell me what you mean. >> well, we have a republican part that has become increasingly transient on any kind of deal . the democrats have their own lines relating to guest worker visas and things like that. the result is, it seems impossible to imagine the kind of grand bargain or compromise you need. we have a broken political process. the immigration is just one example or metaphor for that. >> i keep saying maybe after the next election. i am no the sure that is useful
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advice anymore. fareed zakaria, thanks so much. you should be sure to watch his special, global lessons, the gps road map to making immigration work. that's sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. immigration is one of the obstacles as mitt romney works harder to win latino voters. he tells a latino crowd that president obama's economic policies have failed them. >> this obama economy has been hard, particularly on hispanic businesses and hispanic americans. if i'm the next president of the united states, i will be the president for all americans and make sure this economy is good for all americans, hispanic and otherwise. >> romney campaign pushing that message hard. he is releasing a new ad highlighting hispanic employment. here is the man in charge, carlos gutierrez, who served in
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the george w. bush administration. mr. secretary, good to see you. let's get first to the numbers. you know them all that well. you came to work in the cabinet of george w. bush. he received 35% of the hispanic vote. bush in 2004, 44%. john mccain, 31%. he lost an lost big. if you look at the tracking polls right now, hispanic vote for president, obama, 67%, romney, 26%. your guy is below where mccain was. you can't win a national election at 26%. i would say the republican party cannot sustain itself nationally if the largest demographic group growth wise is turning away from it. what is the biggest problem? >> there is a misperception as well. hispanic americans are americans. somehow, this administration and others have found a way of pigeonholing hispanics into one
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issue as if those they are only interested in one issue. they are not. they are just like all other americans. they are interested in jobs. they are interested in the economy. they are interested in education. they are interested in their children getting ahead. they are interested in having a better future and prosperity. this is what they dream about, just like everyone else. unfortunately, it has become a one-issue discussion where by hispanics are getting short-changed. 11% unemployment, the highest gap you will find. his span ibs are great entrepreneurs. they open up businesses but they are finding a tidal wave of regulations from this administration. if, lo and behold, they start a business that makes more than $200,000, they will get punished with more taxes. we have a keystone pipeline that can be opened in he time.
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somehow it is not being done. gasoline prices are very high. those gasoline prices also hurt hispanics. what they don't like is the language, the sense of disrespect that sometimes they hear. in that regard, governor romney has always, always spoken and felt a great deal of support for hispanics. >> someone, the governor in new mexico, martinez, i agree with you that latinos are like any other group. however, it is an issue, whether they rank first or tenth. it is an issue. a lot of them. here is what governor martinez says, this is talking about a romney proposal. self-depart. what the heck does that mean? i have no doubt hispanics have been alienated during this campaign. now, there is an opportunity for governor romney to have a sincere conversation about what we can do and why.
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as you help the governor and governor martinez helps you with this opportunity, does governor romney have to back off self-deportation or explain what he means? >> when we did this immigration reform in 2006, it was a 700-page bill, to try to bringing it down to a couple of words or sound bites, it is unfair to the issue. this is very complex. what governor romney has said is that he believes in the power of immigration, of legal immigration. we have to look at the system and have a national strategy. we can't look the at it tactically or politically which is the way this administration has looked at it. hispanics have been political pawns. we need to look holistically and think strategically about immigration long-term. it is going to become an economic and competitive issue. within that review, we need to understand the 12 million and
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that whole complex set of problems. we need to start with the premise. we need to know why the legal system has not worked. we need to change some of the laws. there is a lot of work to do. anyone that thinks they can clear it off with one sound bite is playing with hispanics or doesn't know what they are saying. >> mr. secretary, you have taken on a big challenge. let's keep in touch over the next 154 days. coming up, mr. mixed message. why the gop is calling mr. bill clinton, the gift that keeps on giving? ♪ oh oh oh oh ooh oh ...and then there's the pillow. ♪ i dare you to dare me so they dared me to try this pantene. [ female announcer ] pantene anti-breakage the keratin protection system makes hair stronger reducing breakage up to 97%. ♪ think only salon brands can do that? i dare to compare...
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will you? [ female announcer ] anti-breakage from pantene. hair so healthy it shines. scroll... tap... pinch... and zoom... in your car.
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there is a reason we don't hear much from our most recent former president. >> i had plenty of the limelight. i don't think it is good, frankly, for our country to undermine our president. i don't intend to do so. >> that's 43. 42 didn't get that memo. >> the great thing about not being president is you can say whatever you want. >> and he does. president obama says, let the bush tax cuts expire at the end of the year for those making $250,000 a year or more. president clinton isn't so sure. >> i don't have any problem with extending all of it now, including the current spending levels. >> president obama says mitt romney's record at the private
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equity firm, bain capital shows he puts profits ahead of workers and greed ahead of any responsibility. president clinton isn't so sure. >> i don't think that we ought to get in the position where we say this is bad work. this is good work. >> now, you might call him mr. mixed message. make no mistake, team obama doesn't like it when president clinton t clinton contradicts their general campaign themes. >> i want to thank you for having president clinton on. he is the gift that keeps on giving. >> team obama's frustration is real and understandable. some of it is with the former president and the media coverage. you just heard preclinton there. they are easily interpreted as slaps from the current president's approach. i know from sources that i trust that mr. clinton does have some concerns about the obama strategy. it is not fair to cast this as clinton versus obama. listen to the recent interviews or read the full transcript.
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you get vintage bill clinton. he loves policy debate. he adds nuance in contests that sadly are missing from debates among those currently in power. extend the bush tax cuts, yes, he did say that but only if republicans realize that they do would have to give something meaningful to get such a concession from president obama. the truth is, we would have a better campaign, a much better campaign nd a much better chance of governing after it if both candidates followed this advice. >> the real issue ought to be what has governor romney advocated in the campaign that he will do as president? what has president obama done and what does he propose to do? how do these things stack up against each other? that's the most relevant thing. >> if only. here tonight to talk truth, democratic congresswoman, donna edwards of maryland. here in studio, deputy washington bureau chief, michael crowley, former bush speech writder and cnn contributor,
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david sharum. >> at the very time your party is saying, let the bush tax cuts expire and raise taxes on the wealthy, he is saying, extend them. >> there are two things. president obama and congressional democrats don't believe we need to extend tax cuts for the wealthiest americans, for millionaires and billionaires. it is also true that president clinton is incredibly thoughtful about a whole range of things and has some ideas about that. if you put his comments into context, president clinton was talking about what cob the nature of a deal. it is really important in this kind of lull in between the campaign season that we don't really misconstrue what president clinton said but also what president obama and congressional democrats believe, that is, really clearly, we have got to end the tax cuts for wealthiest americans and end the tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires. most of america agrees with us. >> she is right.
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president clinton provides important context and nuance if you listen. however, this is american politics and american media. when he says extend them now, republicans are going to seize on that point and say, let's do any points for being right on the merits of both these discussions? because he is right on the merits of both of the discussions. especially on the tax issue. one of the things that has happened to the obama administration and one of the reasons they're in so much trouble is they have lost sight for the need to have an economic policy. they have a fiscal policy. they know what they want to tax and where they want to spend that tax money. the idea of let the economy recover and the fiscal problems will take care of themselves, which is what most economists think, that seems to have been lost sight of. >> but clinton's point is make a deal. why don't you try to make one now because the country is on the edge of a financial cliff. he wants president obama to be re-elected, he wants the democrats to sub, but he also sees this crisis and doesn't see the political system doing anything about it.
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>> the important part of his point was almost a procedural thing. he said you might have to punt it down the road a little bit. i think he's pretty clear on what is proper for the government, for society, what levels of taxation are proper. he opposes extending the bush tax cuts indefinitely. sounds like he might be open to a deal if the democrats could get something really big from republicans. or he's saying you might have to kick the can down the road a little bit to get the deal done. but i think republicans have to be careful about getting too gleeful because bill clinton is really good. he starts selling the message in the home stretch of the general election, i think he's going to be a good ally for president obama. >> congresswoman, i want to turn to last night. not only did scott walker defeat the recall effort in the state of wisconsin, but voters in san diego and san jose voted in favor of propositions that essentially take from public employees you know unions, sayid to cut back your benefits. do you see more of that coming
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now based on the election results last night? >> i think people are understandably frustrated with the stage of the economy we're in right now and also with the fact that we have budget crises that we need to deal with. what i think has happened is wisconsinites, particularly those who are progressives are really galvanized for the big fight ahead and that's not one state election but what has to take place all across this country in congressional districts to make sure we can restore some sanity to the process by dpaning back the house democrats. >> she says sanity to the process but the voters seem to be saying we might not agree with all of your choices but we will support people who make tough choices. >> through the past decade a private sector wage has increased very slowly. the cost of benefits and wages for public sector employees increased very fast. that was tough enough to sustain during reasonably good times. now we're in an economic crisis. the question that voters are going to be asking in many states and i think more than 30
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that have done some kind, do you tax the wages of people who have done badly enough for ten years and doing very badly now so a small group can continue to have benefits and wages utterly out of proportion to what everyone else is getting. >> is it a green light for mayors and governors out there, maybe not in a confrontational way, but to say you know what, like it or not, that's where the money is. >> i think it is. there's been a lot of talk about what does this mean for the presidential election. does romney have a better shot in wisconsin right now. the last four polls in the month of may show a clear obama lead in wisconsin. i think it's probably still a pro-obama state. i think as you say, for the policy makers, for the legislators who are going to tackle this problem, it's a green light and it's a real blow to labor. i think it just takes -- it cracks their morale. i think it just lets them down, will make them shy back from their next battle and i think that's the real significance here. >> thanks for coming in today. i'm fascinated to see what happens next in the next big showdown.
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thank you all for being here. "erin burnett outfront" coming up. an fbi investigation over allegations the white house or someone in the administration is leaking classified information for political points. what's ahead for you tonight? >> we're going to be talking to peter king about that. find out whether this is political or just business as usual in a government that's been known for being leaky. plus grover norquist will be on our show. he says 23 states should do what wisconsin did. and billy baldwin on his brother is an iranian spy. >> you'll connect the dots for me. i'll be watching. see you in a few minutes, erin. still ahead, imagine losing an election and then getting slapped. why a supporter smacked the milwaukee mayor, tom barrett. we're america's natural gas
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alternates. sandusky faces 52 counts of allegedly molesting and raping ten boys. and ray bradbury has died at the age of 91. his imagination brought us, how can you forget, the book burning, the press society and fahrenheit 451. just one of his more than 50 books that often focused on a dark but not so distant future. his publisher said he died peacefully in l.a. after a long illness. his books will live on forever, john. >> rest in peace, an icon there. kate, stay with me. losing an election has to hurt, right? so does a slap to the face. milwaukee mayor tom barrett got slapped after losing the recall election. she thought barrett had given up his attempt to oust scott walker before all the votes were counted. barrett's campaign says that was not the case. ouch! >> it was actually a pretty hard
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slap. there was some conversation that he said i prefer a hug than a slap and he walloped him anyway. >> tough job. all right, kate, we'll see you tomorrow night. that's all for us right here. hope to see you tomorrow night as well. "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. outfront next, breaking news. the biggest day of the year. why? a 300-point surge. what the heck for? and fbi now involved in finding out how high in the american government classified information is being leaked. later ripped from the headlines, a story about spies, iran and billy baldwin. good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. outfront tonight we have breaking news. a surge of the day. stocks just jumped to the moon. dow and s&p had their single


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