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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 25, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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traditionally one where the federal government exercises most of the power, but in this case, arizona, as we all now know passed sb-1070 which established certain new requirements to attempt to keep illegal immigration out of arizona. and what the court did was they evaluated four provisions of the law, and they said three of them were unconstitutional, because they conflicted with federal law, but the one they upheld, the one they allow ed to go forward is the most controversial and perhaps the most important of the four. it is nicknamed the "show us your papers" law. it is the law that says that arizona law enforcement officials can go up to individuals whom they have stopped for a legitimate reason and say show us papers indicating your immigration status. that is now okay and on the books, and lit go into effect. the other provisions are declared unconstitutional and they will not go into effect. >> jeff, why did they do that?
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why did they decide that provision which is the one that many says opens up the door to racial profiling is acceptable? >> well sh, actually justice kennedy in his opinion very much said, look, we don't know if this will lead to discrimination. we will monitor carefully in effect whether there is discriminatory use of this law, but he was just evaluating the law so-called on its face, on paper, and on paper, he said, there was no discrimination, but you can be sure that civil rights lawyers will be monitoring very carefully how this law is applied in the real world, and they are now free to challenge the law saying that as it is in effect as it is working in the real world, it is discriminating against mexican americans or other hispanics. >> and jeff, tell us about the other states that followed arizona's lead, because you have similar laws challenged in the lower courts in states like georgia, alabama, utah, indiana and south carolina and do those
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simply get thrown out? what happens in those states? >> no, what the judges have to do when these laws are challenged as they will be certainly be challenged, they are going to have to do what the supreme court did, and go through each provision one at a time and see if there is a conflict between federal and state law. now, you may ask, what's okay and what is not okay? what is the standard for telling the two apart? well shgs well, i spent the last couple of hours reading through the opinion, and frankly, i'm puzzled about that. i don't really understand the distinctions that justice kennedy drew between the three he disapproved and the one he did approve, so that means that the federal judges are likely to disagree about it, so it would not be a surprise to see the issue coming back to the supreme court for further clarification. >> all right. jeffrey toobin, thank you. arizona's governor jan brewer is calling the ruling today a win. she put out a statement saying that the decision by the u.s. supreme court is a vick ti for the rule of law. it is also a victory for the 10th amendment and all americans
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who believe in the inherent right and responsibility of the states to defend their citizens. after more than two years of legal challenges, the heart of sb-1070 can now be implemented in accordance with the u.s. constitution. i want to talk about the political implications of all of this and the immigration ruling and jessica yellin is joining us are the washington. so, jessica, first of all, the president issues a statement within the last hour in part it says that i'm pleased that the supre supreme court has struck down key provisions of arizona's immigration law. what is this mean, what this means, the decision makes unmistakingly clear that congress must act on uncomprehensive immigration reform. patchwork of laws is not a solution to the immigration system is, but it is part of the problem. so has the president satisfied folks who are looking to him for guidance and leadership on this immigration issue? >> well, look, in the first place, suzanne, the administration views this as
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lar largely a victory fror them, and ewing this opportunity to call on, to accuse congress of inaction on immigration reform. as you can see in the statement. but, let's be fair, to a -- the administration has not itself prioritized comprehensive immigration reform. it is not a bill that is one of their top priorities and so plenty of blame to go around of why there is no comprehensive immigration reform law at this point. but the bottom line is that it is not likely to be one between now and november, and this is not the kind of thing that gets done in an election year. >> do they think that they have essentially, and they have up thorhand -- upper hand on this if you compare it to mitt romney and arizona and what played out on the ground in well, in the e political -- this is going to be a political football in the next few months. there is no doubt about it.
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you can see by their statement how carefully they have to walk the balance beam on this one. because at the same time that the president and even secretary napolitano who runs dhs and protects the borders says that i am pleaseded that the supreme court has confirmed that state laws cannot dictate the federal government's enforcement policies and while they are saying it is a victory, they are careful to say they are worried about and watching the way that the immigrant check is enforced. you know, checking people's immigrant status when they are stopped, and they are very concerned about making sure that nobody's civil rights are abridged because they don't want any of the latino voters who are very concerned about that to be offended, and yet, in their same breath of the president's statement, he saying we are doing everything to crack down on the border and enforce
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immigration laws, because he has to look tough on the immigration, and so very careful balancing act here in this election year. >> thank you, jessica. not enough supreme court news for one week, we have another ruling coming thursday on the constitutionality of the obama care. as you know the law passed in 2010 requiring individuals to buy health insurance or face a fine. to be sure, you have to tune in to cnn thursday morning for live coverage of this historic decision. here is what we are working on for this hour. how will this immigration law in arizona change things for other states? and we will look at what the election of mohamed morsi winning in egypt will change their democracy. and tropical storm debby has killed one person on florida's gulf coast. we are live from st. petersburg beach and the roads are beginning to flood. [ groans ] [ marge ] psst.
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now that's personal pricing. i want to get back to the top story. the supreme court ruled this morning that arizona went too far in the effort to crackdown on illegal immigration. in a 5-3 ruling the high court rejected key parts of the arizona law, but the most controversial provision that allows police to check people's immigration status is still in place for now. here's arizona sheriff joe arpaio who has been one of the leading proponents of the law. take a listen. >> i think that this is a good section that's been upheld. i would like to see where we have the authority to arrest illegal aliens just by being here illegally and booking them into the jails, but that is not going to happen. i think that this sends a message that we will be involved
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in the enforcement of illegal alien laws and the police officers will be at least able to determine if they are in this country illegally. >> joining me on the phone, alphonso aguilar and he is the former chief of the office of citizenship under george w. bush's administration, and thank you for joining us here. you have described this as a victory of sorts. overa overall, do you think that the immigration pop you lair -- >> well, no, i don't think it is a victory. it is a bad law that unfairly xrim n criminalized undocumented workers and it asserts supremacy over immigration, and basically leaves limited room for state action when it comes to immigration. >> one of the things that you had mentioned earlier is that you believe that of course the president sued arizona, but that the deportation policy might be more punitive, and that might be even more harmful to the immigrant population. can you explain?
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>> absolutely. the discussion of immigration is full of politics and hypocrisy and the president has spoken indignantly about arizona and instructed the justice department to sue arizona over sb-1070, but the irony here is that when we look at obama's deportation policy, it is much more punitive than the arizona law. arizona police can under the remaining provision of their sb 1070 can continue to detain detain undocumented workers and cannot deport them and only the federal government can do that and obama is doing that massively and systematically and he has deported more people than in history. and so far 1.3 million people have been deport and a majority of them have not got a criminal record. >> so when you talk about hypocrisy, are you talk about the president or the governor of arizona? >> oh, i'm talking about the pt
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president of the united states. with governor brewer, i thought she supported a law that was a bad law that criminalized undocumented workers, but she was open about it. the president speaks indignantly about immigration law, and he puts in place a law that is more punitive than the law of arizona, and that is the hypocri hypocrisy. >> and where is the middle ground, because marco rubio says that the law is constitutional, but it is not ideal. is there some middle ground here between what the president believes and what say sheriff joe arpaio believes? >> well, i think that there is. i think that the court pointed to it. that is that there can be and federal law currently allows for some collaboration between the federal government and state governments. but that is already in place. i don't think that we needed this law to establish that partnership between the federal and the state government. what we need however at the end is the federal government, republicans and democrats to tackle this issue, and to
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provide real solutions, not temporary solutions like the president is providing, but real solutions to the issue of security and undocumented workers. >> do you have any concern moving forward that either those who are here legally in the country or illegally in the country have adequate education to understand what the laws mean or do not mean and it seems it is constantly changing and changes from state to state, and is there a training that needs to happen in the latino community of what needs to be told what is on the books? >> and the answer is no, suzanne, even though it is a great question. and the decision of the president to not deport young undocumented immigrants is better than it is and the devil is in the details. in tend, the immigrants, the only information they could get are from the lawyers, and sometimes the lawyers are not
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properly trained or not experts on immigration law. and so, it is very, very difficult. that is why we need congress to act with providing immigration solutions through legislation that are real, permanent and clear. >> mr. aguilar, thank you so much. appreciate your time. the supreme court has also ruled on two other key cases. the justices have reaffirmed the controversial decision to allow corporations to spend freely on federal election elections. in short, they said that the citizens united case also applies to state campaign finance laws. another ruling today, the high court said it is unconstitutionali to sentence juveniles to life in prison without parole for murder. the court previously ruled they could not be sep tensed to death or life without parole in crimes that did not involve killing. egypt has a new democratically-elected president, be p u the military is still claiming lots of power. we will look at what it means for the arab spring movement up next.
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egypt's new president-elect is getting to work appointing a cabinet. and today, he moved into the presidential office last occupied by hosni mubarak. we are joined now by our correspondent who is there. dan, can you give us a sense of how folks are fooling about the newly elected democratic leader? >> well, down in tahrir square, there is continuing celebration and great relief that their man won narrowly, but he won nevertheless. but elsewhere in egypt, there is real apprehension about what this means. we spent the day talking to some sections of society who believe
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they have a lot the lose by mohamed morsi becoming president. for example, the christian coptic community who are deeply worried and saying that thousands of their number have fled. they make up 10% of the population here, and one coptic leader i spoke to said that more and more people are thinking of leaving egypt altogether as a result of this. they are really worried despite president morsi's reassurances that he will govern for everybody, and in particular on behalf of the coptic, and he feels that there is a road to the war of islamic republic, and they don't want that to be a part of it and also very worried about the women, and if this is beginning of them having to wear the veils and something that mohamed morsi has tried to reassure the moderates and ser vatives on, but yet they are still worried. >> is it coming to light that it
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is real ly the military in charge? >> well, that is rite. the reality is that he doesn't have much power and parliament was dissolved by the military about ten days ago. they still retain the powers over foreign policy and defense, and really, he has very circumscribed powers. the military have the power to veto the new constitution. they have the power still to write their own legislation, so a lot of people are kind of wondering if he is really just a figurehead, a symbolic victory that has been handed to the muslim brotherhood, but an em pe peeric victory. >> and when you say things, danks like women are worried whether or not they will be forced to wear the veils or whether they have rights against being sexually abused and rights for divorce, and are they hiding or talking to each other or mobilizing? how are they responding?
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>> well, businesswomen i spoke to today who has an american education and really westernized said that almost all of the kind of liberal elites that she knows are preparing a plan b. they are going to sit and wait it out for a few years, but at the same time they are putting the paperwork in place for them to get out of egypt if things get worse. she thinks that the next four years, it is unlikely that president morsi will be able to bro deuce any of these kinds of things of women wearing the veil or increasing islamfication of society, but they are worried about the long-term direction of the country. a lot of them say they are preparing for the worst, but sitting and waiting and watching and hope ing fing for the best. >> all right. dan rivers, thank you. supreme court tosses out key parts of arizona's immigration law. we will hear what some latinos think about it. don't forget to watch cnn on your computer while you are at work. head to [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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for the first time in history the house of representatives could vote to cite a sitting u.s. attorney for contempt of congress. house committee recommended that move against eric holder and the full house will vote this week. they are doing that because holder refused to hand over all of the documents in the investigation of the botched fast and furious gun running sting. president obama cited executive privilege in keeping them from release. the chairman of the house committee says he will send a letter to president obama saying why the cite of executive power is overboard or simply wrong. we will get back to the top story today, the immigration, and supreme court just issued a landmark ruling saying that pretty much the federal
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government should deal with the issue and not the states. here is florida senator marco rubio speaking fridayt a gathering of latinos which he called a as game of ping-pong that both sides use to their advantage. he said he is still pushing forward his version of the dream act. >> we need to remind people that 1 million people a year need to permanently -- >> are you against the dream act? >> i'm against the dream act as it is written? >> why? >> because it encourages illegal immigration in the future, and there is an alternative to it. >> and as you know the court ruled that federal law trumps state law for the most part b u the justices left in place for now the most controversial provision, that allows police to check people's immigration status. arizona's governor jan brewer calls the decision a legal victory. i want to bring in correspondent
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valeria hernandez, and what is your reaction of the people at the courthouse? >> well, i spoke to the people from the immigrant community who have been holding a vigil here outside of the state capitol in arizona. there is a lot of fear and concern, suzanne, about how the police is going to implement the most controversial of sb-1070 that will go into effect. the undocumented immigrants i am speaking are in tears and saying, we don't know if we are able to call ta police if we are victims of the crime and if we are not fearful for ourselves, what can happen to the neighbors. that is a big question, and we are waiting to hear from the phoenix police department chief who is going to have a news conference in about an hour. >> are they going to tell the people how they should live, how the travel and what documentation they need. i imagine there is a lot of
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anxiety around this. >> exactly. it is my understanding this afternoon a community forum that the police is going to be a part of it, and the different council members of the city of phoenix will relieve some of the fear of the people and the confusion surrounding sb-1070, and there is a lot of analysis to be made when it will take effect, because i understand that it has to go down through the process of the 9th district court and then after that it will be effectively part of the law, and we know that there was a press conference from civil rights organization just earlier, and they are talking about challenging portions, this portion of sb-1070 in the basis that it may violate civil rights. we have to wait to see what happe happens. with e no e some law enforcement agencies, that this may be business as usual like sheriff arpaio, but others who are fri ty ing to figure out what it means for them. >> and is there a sense of this community being torn apart?
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how are people dealing with each other? >> well, yes, there is a sense. i mean, i was talking to a woman earlier in tears, and she knows that a lot of her friends are going to leave arizona, and she is really sad to see, you know, the children that were born here in the state, and they are going to be taken away from the schools, and the families that are going to be moving, and a concern that we will see a repeat of what happened two years ago when the law took effect partially and entire communities took off, and we saw an impact in some of the businesses. schools have a drop in enrollment, and so you nknow, a lot of ripple effects, but what is interesting, too, we are seeing two years after the law took effect for the first time, this is a strong push to get people to register to vote, and we are seeing undocumented workers become part of the debate and organizing. there is a team that is launching a campaign to fight against the sheriff arpaio re-election and that sort of
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activity going on. >> we know that the governor jan brewer will hold a press conference in a half hour to 40 minutes or so, and what do you want to hear from her? what do people expect from her now? >> well, i mean, she said earlier that this is a victory, because one of the most controversial portions of sb-1070 is going to take effect which is the portion that would basically require police to ask for the documentation when they have a reasonable doubt when somebody is in the country illegally, so i am expecting her to talk about the victory and what it is going to meaner for other states, and i'm sure that the governor probably will have a message for the obama administration. we know that she was not very happ happy with the announcement that they are going to grant the fair action to the dreamers, this young students who are here without documentation, so it is going to be interesting to see what she has to say in that respect. all eyes are on the obama administration at the same time, and there is a question, how are they going to handle the cases of people that will be arrested
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and this portion of sb-1070 that did go into effect. i mean, i just got a press release of a community organization they are calling for obama not to deport these individuals, suzanne. >> a lot of still unanswered questions and uncertainty. thank you very much and appreciate the reporting. egypt's new president-elect is getting straight to work to form his new team. mohamed morsi was once a political prisoner and now he moved into the presidential office last occupied by hosni mubarak. the carter center oversaw all of the elections, and president carter's grandson jason carter oversaw the elections, and i spoke to jason last hour about the road ahead for egypt. >> the most important thing about this election that we observed being there is the political context that it occurred outweighed the conduct of the election. as you know, we are faced with a democratically elected president, but the military r e
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rulers have dissolved the parliament and limited the powers of the president, and reinstituted aspects of martial law, and that process and those actions that are frankly undemocratic have cast great uncertainty over where we go from here. >> do you have any suggestions in terms of where we go from here? because it does look like a situation that is quite frankly out of our control, and really, part of the egyptians' control, the military. >> well, there is no doubt, i think, that outsiders can't push egypt. i mean, the outcome and the steps that take place from here on are going to have to be determined by the egyptian people. they have decided and embraced democracy and demonstrated the democratic spirit. they have been to the polls five times in the last 16 months, so they are going to demand democracy, and the most important aspect of the transition that us, outsiders, can control or look at is how to get to the constitution that is going to be the foundation for a democratic egypt is the key process. you have a situation in egypt now where the egyptian people have embraced democracy and we
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don't know what that means yet, and we can obviously hold as an international community, can hold president morsi and others to the democratic principles of freedom of religion, of women's rights of all of the things that we all believe need to hold firm. that is what i think my grandfather was saying, are they confro confronted with difficulties? absolutely. there is economic issues, a divided country. but i believe that if we continue to put the pressure and ensure that the democratic transition takes its steps as halting as they may be, we will get to a bert platter place, an sometimes in a democracy the results are troubling or surprising, because that is what democracy is about. tropical storm debby churning up the surf and flooding streets off of florida's gulf coast, and already deadly consequences as one person was killed by a tornado. we will go live to st. pete beach. you'll never know because the lyric is in her ear. 100% invisible. you can't see it, and it's the only device
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deadly before it makes landfall, tropical storm debby has hammered florida with record-setting rainfalls and spawned a fatal tornado as well. officials say a woman was found dead in venus in the middle of the state between port st. lucie and sarasota. john zarrella is live there, and what are we looking at here? how does it look? >> well, suzanne, the sun is out right now, and it is a good sign showing that the tropical storm debby is weakening. but here in the community of
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pasa grill people will long remember the storm, because you can see behind me, this is a detached garage with an apartment on top of it. fortunately nobody was living in there when last night at 8:00 they had straight-line winds and possibly a tornado and waterspout that came on shore, and officials weren't sure what it was, but it came through the area, and you can see there is standing water here, and the fence has been knocked down, and we are going to walk down the street a little ways, suzanne to, give the viewers an idea what we are talking about, and the power is all out here, and people have been cleaning up their front yard, and a sign that is down and bent over here as well. we get offto the corner, and there's a park, and in that park, you can see a giant oak tree that fell last night as well. all through this area there are power lines that were downed, and trees that were down, and there are boats and boats that were damaged and in all, they
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had about eight homes that were seriously damaged, and they had another 20 or 25 that suffered some damage. n now, right now, again, the rains have stopped here. you know, it is still unclear as to how much more rainfall is going to come from the tropical storm as it moves closer to the state of florida. right now, good signs, because of the weakening trend, but the ground is so saturated here that as you saw there, any little bit of rain is going to cause more flooding, and we have seen a lot of that as well. >> john, it looks dramatic. what about the oil rig workers in the gulf? are they being evacuated or still out there? >> you know, we had heard earlier talk that they would evacuate the oil rig workers, but given the fact that the storm has weakened substantially, we don't have any updates as to whether they ultimately went through the any or all of the evacuations. suzanne? >> thank you, john. i want to bring in chad here to
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talk about tracking the storm, and it seems that the storm is sitting out there, and how is that happening? >> well, the weakening part, and that is a great word weakening, but that means that the winds are not as strong in the middle. this thing has flooding potential. and it is just sitting there. one band of rain after another after another, and there you can see the pictures, and we don't have confirmation that this is a tornado, but if a waterspout does come on shore, it technically becomes a tornado even though it starred as a water spout, and the weather service out tlshhere, and that could have been the localized damage from that, and there is a tornado watch over the eastern state, and back to apalachicola and this is where the tornadoes would form today if we get tornados and bigger cells in the central part of florida for this afternoon in the heat. it is a 45-mile-an-hour storm, and never did get to be a hurricane, and still blowing up more thunderstorm activity there to the east of panama city, and that is where we will see the
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potential for flooding today. look at some of the already on the ground rainfall totals. this is brookridge, florida, and north of tampa, and 14.48 inches of rain and it still has a lot more potential rainfall to come. something else that will happen here, suzanne s the potential for florida sinkholes and this is going to happen when the ground is saturated and it is dry in florida for a long time, and the ground water is not filled up and taken the ground water and taken it out to drink and a dry, dry couple of years and not recharged the ground u groundwater. when you get dirt above it to be swampy and clay and sand and all it wants to do even cull chully is to fall down in the ground so maybe you are thinking of walking on the puddle or driving, be careful, because there may not be any ground underneath, and you can could be driving in a sinkhole. >> can you tell us what is happening out in colorado with the wildfires. >> well, too bad we can't get some of of the rainfall that way.
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we saw last week the residents evacuated from colorado and utah and we have red flag warnings and wind-driven rain and fires and some were wind-driven fires 40 to 50 miles per hour at times. we lost 10,000 acres in what we called the hyde park fire north of the canyon there, and it jumped the highway 14 on the north side and they immediately lost 10,000 acres, because it was so dry and the wind was blowing so much, they can't contain some of the fires even though they are still trying so much wind out west. the next couple of days are not next for the firefighting effort. there are 2,000 firefighters on the line right now fighting that one fire west of fort collins and they cannot get containment. >> and 10,000 people have evacuated their homes. >> air tankers and of course, and that is what they are doing, and we lose acres of trees and that is okay, and the firefighters are not losing structures and that is what they are doing, losing point
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protection and going to the fire and near the fire and the home survives and let the fire go, and they don't try to put the trees out around it, but protecting the points and the people's homes and the wildfires and taking out barns and animals and the evacuations, you have to remember this is a wild land area, and people have horses in this area, and not only evacuate themselves, but find places for the animals to go as well. >> big job. thank you, chad. u.s. stocks are sinking fast today and spain might be behind most of it. we are live from the new york stock exchange next. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor. i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now.
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there are a lot of claims from the politicians and campaigns especially in an election year, and can you hear what you -- can you believe what you hear? we are joined by the editor of pl frnlgts and so let's begin with the chairwoman debby wassermann schultz who is talking about the wisconsin recall where scott walker defeated challenger tom ber ret to stay in office. wassermann schultz says, quote, the koch brothers alone gave twice as much money to scott walker as the total amount of money raised by tom barrette,, d what do you think? >> well, it is false on the truthometer, because for her to be right, it has to be somewhere
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on the order of $4 million, so $4 million is how much barrett spe spent, so you have to be up to $8 million. but there is no proof. no record that they gave any to scott walker, and there is also no proof that even the democrats acknowledge that maybe the americans for prosperities gave this money, but that doesn't prove the claim either. so that one gets a false on the truthomet truthometer. >> okay. false. this from republican senator marco rubio talking about immigration, and says that 1 million people a year come into the u.s. legally and no other country comes close to that figure. true or false? >> this is a true. this one kind of interesting. you hadn't, and a lot of us had no idea it is on that scale, but indeed, it is a little over 1 million last year, and about the same the year before and he is right that no other country comes close. the next two that were closest were germany and spain.
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and they were about half the level of the u.s. so, a true for marco rubio on that one. >> and true. okay. a factoid from facebook, that says 43% of all food stamps are given to illegal immigrants, and how does that rate? >> that is a pants on fire and ridiculously false. first of all, it is mathematically impossible that when you look at the number of illegal immigration compared to the number of people who receive food stamps, even if every illegal immigrant were to get food stamps, it still would not be enough. this is interesting, because it is part of a phenomena of people post i posting pictures, such as jpeg, and coming from activists and big corporations, but it is a phenomenal that we have seen, and it is interesting, because often they are wrong. >> it is downright misinformation. bill, good to see you. thank you. spain made it official today
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asking for the bailout from the european partners and the markets are not so happy about it. alison kosik is at the new york stock exchange, and tell us, first of all, why this reaction? it was not a surprise. >> exactly. first of all, it was not a surprise and secondly the market is not thrilled about it, because it reiterates what bad shape spain's firms are in. and it raises worries how the surrounding countries could be impacted by spain's own troubles. so you have the major averages deep in the red and the dow falling right now. and the big banks are down 2% to 5% across the board because of oworries of of the expose sure to europe's problem, but it is not spain weighing on the sentiment, because investors are not planning on anything new out of the eu summit. hopes are high for the summit, butctatioexpectations, but noth
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expect t expected to come of it. and uncertainty here in the u.s. with the health care ruling from the supreme court is weighing on the sentiment as well. it is hard for the investors to trade on something they don't know yet. >> thank you, alison. president obama did something that his pred sors tried but failed to do. he got health care reform passed and we are still fighting about it 60 years after the first ambitious push for change. ♪ ♪ ♪
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we're waiting a press conference that will happen momentarily. jan brewer will be holding a press conference. she'll be talking about her response to the supreme court's ruling regarding the controversial immigration law out of her state. we'll bring that to you live. whether you call it obama care or the affordable care act. health care reform considered a single accomplishment of the obama administration and for good reason. preponderat presidents tried and failed to improve health care. >> reporter: in putting his signature in what came to be known as obama care, the president did what others tried to do and failed, many times since world war ii starting with harry truman. >> he wanted to increase the availability of hospitals and doctors and have the government
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assure insurance for all americans. >> reporter: his plan never got so much as a vote. >> the american medical association, very wealthy, very powerful lobby group campaigned against truman's health care plan. >> do not want socialized medicine. >> reporter: in the 1960s, a similar fight. ronald reagan passed this message, pass medicare and the united states will become like a communist nation. >> we will spend our years telling our children and our childrens children what it was like this america when children were free. >> reporter: president lyndon signed the law creating medicare for every american over the age of five. it wasn't just democrat, richard nixon had big ambitions. >> he put forth a comprehensive
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plan. you remember we had a little problem with watergate and nixon resigned and health insurance totally died. >> reporter: by the early 1990s, there was the clinton plan to cover every american without spending more. >> health care reform must be achieved for the good of our country. >> reporter: too big opponents said, too expensive, too complicated. >> we're going to lose our doctors. we're not going to be able to make medical choices anyone. it wasn't true. >> reporter: it never came to a full vote. around that time many republicans, like newt gingrich started talking up something called a mandate, a requirement that every american buy his own health coverage. >> you can have universal or near universal coverage and reserve the private insurance
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system. the idea of a mandate was a republican idea. >> reporter: by 2008, hillary clinton now running for president was pushing the mandate herself. >> i cannot stress how passionately i feel about fighting for universal health care. >> reporter: as she ran against barack obama. back then candidate obama was against it. >> senator clinton says i'm going to make universal health care by mandating that everybody buy it. if people can't afford it, it doesn't matter what the mandate is, they're not going to be buy it. >> reporter: by election time he had come around to clinton's position and now obama care will likely rise or fall on that very pillar. >> the supreme court is expected to issue a ruling on the affordable care act. that's happening this thursday. 40 years after deliverance, we take a look at the movie that put the southern region on the
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map and left a lasting impression. [ gargling ] he drinks green stuff. he says he's from albuquerque. i'm not buying it. i mean, just look at him. and one more thing -- he has a spaceship. [ whirring ] the evidence doesn't lie. my dad's an alien. [ male announcer ] the highly advanced audi a6. named to car and driver's 10 best. ♪
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the scenery was beautiful, the plot was dark. many are still upset about the impression it left behind. >> reporter: every year, hundreds of thousands of people come to north georgia thanks in large part to the movie
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"deliverance." tourism brings in $42 million to the area. the movie brought cameras and excitement. many locals signed up to be extras only to be horrified by what emerged from hollywood. the squeal like a pig male rape scene was shocking here in the heart of the bible belt. 40 years later, there's still anger. >> we were portrayed as ignorant, back ward, deviant red neck hillbillies. >> reporter: raven county is a home to many wealthy southerners. >> this would be a dream come true. >> reporter: the average house costs 2 to $3 million. this one is $10 million.
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the area has dozens of trendy galleries. more than 80% of the county's residents are high school graduates. drew is sympathetic to a lot of attitudes about the movie. >> that became a tough pill to swallow. i think some people missed the artistic essence of it. >> reporter: then there's billy. you remember him. ♪ >> reporter: you think if anyone would be angry, it's billy, and it's he's not. he can't understand why after 40 years, others still are. >> i think they just need to let it go and let it just be a movie. that's all it is. just a movie.
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all right. "cnn newsroom" continues with brooke baldwin. >> gives me chills thinking about that movie. i want to let you know, take a live look, arizona governor jan brewer is going to be speaking out here today about the ruling on arizona's controversial immigration law. we'll hear from her. we'll take that live. the supreme court strikes down most of arizona's immigration law, but both sides are claiming victory. this is a live picture. let's just listen. >> support our law enforcement and safe neighborhood act. arizona has been preparing for this day. the facts have too often been lost in the rhetoric. let's reflect on what has brought us here today. arizona did not ask for this fight nor did it seek out the task of having to con front
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illegal immigration. we cannot forget that we are here today because the federal government has failed the american people regarding immigration policy. has failed to protect its citizens and the rule of law and failed to secure our borders. the failure to secure the boarders has created issue we now face regarding illegal immigration. arizona without question bears the brunt of that failure. president obama and his party and both parties could have secured or borders and fulfilled the promise to fix our broken immigration system. they failed. in response, arizona had no other choice but to act, and arizona did so by following, not changing federal law. instead of devoting resources to suing states like arizona, the
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federal government should have spent time, money and energy on fixing the problem. so today, is day when the key components of our efforts to protect the citizens of arizona, to takeup the fight against illegal immigration in balanced and constitutional way has unanimously been vindicated by the highest court in the land. the heart of senate bill 1070 has been proven to be constitutional. arizona and every other state inherit authority to protect and defend its people have been upheld. i prayed for strength, and i prayed for our state before i signed senate bill 1070. i did so because i firmly believed it represented what was best for arizona. border related violence and crime and the significant financial costs due to illegal
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immigration are critically important issues to the people of our state and to me both has governor and as a citizen. as i have said, this is the day that we have been waiting for, and make no mistake, arizona is ready. we know the eyes of the world will be upon us. we know the critics will be watching and waiting hoping for another opportunity to continue their legal assault against our state. i have faith in our law enforcement, our brave men and women in uniform have been trained so they are able to enforce this law efficiently, effectively and in harmony with constitution. civil rights will be protected. racial profiling will not be tolerated. senate bill 1070 is equally committed to upholding the rule
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of law while ensuring that the constitutional rights of all in arizona are protected including prohibiting law enforcement officers from solely considering race, color or national origin in implementing its provision. in fact, under my direction, senate bill 1070 was amended to strengthen and emphasize the importance that civil rights are protected. arizona is prepared to move forward to enforce this law that we have fought so hard to defend ever mindful of our rights, every faithful to the constitution and ever worthy of the blessings of god who has given us that that we share together as arizonans and as americans. thank you.
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>> there were three other sections that you signed and defending. one that would make it a state crime not to work. the full court have said that, no, you can't do that. how do you defend having signed that? how do you defend declaring that constitutional only to have the high court slap you? >> today, the state of arizona and senate bill 1070 was vindicated. the heart of the bill was upheld unanimously. >> considering some of the obama administration's rules on who they will not deport anymore. >> with section 2b being upheld it says that local law enforcement can assist the federal government in the right
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to ask under reasonable suspicion and when ever practical to confirm the legal ability of someone being in the state of arizona. >> if they have decided and cancelled the state's 287g status that they're not going to pick them up. what's the point. you stop and determine somebody is illegal. i.c.e. says so what. you let them go. you've accomplished nothing. >> i believe we have accomplished a lot and it was upheld by the united states supreme court. we will move forward instructing law enforcement to begin practicing what the united states court have upheld. >> the court recognizes there will probably be challenges. you lost on three of the provisions. you did prevail on section two it looks like there's an opening there.
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like some people say she's characterizing this as a broad victory and it's not. >> this is not the end of our journey. we expect lawsuits to be filed and that this portion of the law be challenged and we will be getting ready and prepared if that takes place. >> what makes it a victory then? >> what exactly what happened and when? >> i think the court upheld the ability of local law enforcement to assess the federal government in immigration laws meaning s it they have the authority under reasonable suspicion to question someone that has been apprehendsed to certify whether they have legal status in arizona. i would think it would be in effect immediately. you might want to speak to a lawyer. my opinion is when it's upheld by the supreme court that it's
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effective immediately. >> professors have sate that state cities and localities have the right to check for immigration. does this really change anything on the ground in arizona? >> i believe that it does. i think that section 2b was the heart of the law. i think that's where the majority of the concern was whether local law enforcement had the ability to seek information from people that they apprehend in the middle of a crime. now it's been validated unanimously by the united states supreme court. >> thank you for being here. thank you. >> this is the first time we have seen the governor of arizona, jan brewer, speaking publicly and reacting to this law and reacting to the ruling from the united states supreme court. we're going to talk to jeff toobin about her point being she
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does feel vindicated. she kept referencing the heart of the law. we're going to go through all of this. we'll be right back. meineke's personal pricing on brakes.
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i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. we heard from the governor of arizona just a little while ago. let me back up and give you the big picture. that is that the u.s. supreme court struck down most of arizona's immigration law. both sides really claiming victory. first i want to walk you through the three major planks are out. if first would have allowed police to arrest immigrants without a warrant if they had cause a probable crime was committed. the second made it a crime for
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illegal immigrants not to carry registration papers and the third would have prevented illegal immigrants from getting jobs in the u.s. those provisions are gone. it says police can check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws if they have, and i'm quoting, reasonable suspicion that the person is in the u.s. illegally. let's go to jeff toobin at the high court. just so i'm clear, in arizona now, with the upholding of this section, if someone runs a stop sign, gets pulled over and there's this reasonable suspicion, that police officer can legally ask that individual to show immigration papers? that's what the governor of arizona was staying she feels vindicated because that was
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upheld, correct? >> that's right. this was nicknamed the "show us your papers" law. if you have reason to stop someone whether it's jaywalking or dwu, if you have reasonable suspicion, you're allowed to ask for immigration papers. >> reasonable suspicion. define it. >> that's where you need to go to law school. it's not as much as probable cause or proof beyond a reasonable doubt. i'm sorry so be defining the terms loosely, but court vs the same trouble. the terms are difficult to define. >> because it's difficult to define, there are states with similar provisions, ie, alabama. this can still be challenged. i think you said this is
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something like legal trench warfare. we're in for more challenges. >> right. what justice kennedy did is he went one by one and said no to three of them an yes to one of them. in the the subsequent hours since the opinion came down, i've been re-reading the opinion trying to figure out the distinction between what is bad, and what's good. it's not easy. it's not simple. i'm certain that as these other state laws get tested in court, other courts will have trouble with this distinction. the last word on what's permissible for states to do in the area of immigration has not been written. that much i'm sure. what states are going to have to do is say our provision is more like the show us your papers law than the other three laws. it is not entirely clear what the division between the two is. there's going to be lots of
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court challenges. there's already lots of new laws on the books. all the courts will try to interpret the opinion in way that gives meaningful guidance about how to resolve the challenges to the remaining laws. >> perhaps this part of it, it doesn't seem clear. >> it doesn't seem clear because it isn't clear. what will be clear, moving to health care, we know the supreme court will be coming down on a ruling on thursday. just remind us, are they just saving the most significant piece of legislation for last and what should we expect? >> it is the tradition, at the court, that the most controversial and significant opinions are at the end of the term. thursday is the very last day of the term. in part, that's just a practical reason because they the end to, the controversial cases the end to generate a lot of opinions
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from several different justices. it takes a long time to put them all together. what makes this especially complicated is there are so many moving parts to the health care case. there's an argument that the whole controversy is premature and the law is not in effect yet. the court shouldn't deal with it. there's the issue of the individual mandate, the requirement that everyone have insurance. if that part is unconstitutional, what about the rest of the law. can you separate out. can you severe the individual mandate? there's medicaid that's controversial. there's lots of different part offense this law. the most simple resolution and the one the obama administration wants is if it's affirmed. if it's not affirmed, things get complicated. >> okay. we will go through all of that. at least we now have a date. we have a date. thank you so much.
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before we get to that, i want to stay on immigration. that's a huge issue on the campaign trail. mitt romney is in arizona this hour. he said today's decision underscores the need for a president who will lead on this critical issue and work on a bipartisan to pursue a national strategy. president obama said he is pleased but concerned about the part of the law that was upheld that jeff toobin and i were talking about. he said what this decision makes unmistakably clear is congress must act on immigration reform. a patch work of state laws is not a solution to our broken immigration system. it's part of the problem. john king joins me. john, a little bit it seems like for both side sides, what is th impact?
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>> i think it's a to be determined. isn't it delicious that governor romney happens to be in arizona today. it will be interesting to see if he speaks publicly. that's a state that the obama campaign was watching closely. we lean at romney right now is to grow to the latino population. how will this impact latino mobilization. they are glad three of the divisions are struck down but they are furious that 2b was left in. arizona will start implementing that and forcing that today or tomorrow. as we get closer to the election, that's when you'll have some test cases and maybe some challenges heading into court. let's watch how this plays out between now and the election as arizona starts to implement the law. the president has about 65, 66%.
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he's in great standing right now. yes, there's disappointment. he didn't pass a national immigration law. he promised he would introduce one in his first year. there's a disappointment of higher unemployment. it's governor romney in the box. if he tries to reach out to the lat latino community, the conservative base said you're supposed to stand with arizona and be tough. blame the president. blame the president and try to steer away from the controversial part. >> we sense the theme and then the governor of arizona saying vindicated because the heart is upheld. i cannot wait to see her interview. jan brewer on your show at 6:00 talking about the ruling today. thank you. we have a lot more happening here in the next two hours. take a look at this.
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ten impb r inches of rain. >> i went and got my wife and dog and put them in the hallway there and said it's coming. it started blowing hard. one of america's big allies has a new president. what can the u.s. now expect from egypt? it's music monday. ♪ >> up and coming rock band, young the giant. they thought about turning down the big stage on mtv and these days they're glad they didn't. >> how people connected so strong. >> the news is now. [ male announcer ] it isn't just your mammogram.
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florida, dare i say, bracing for more rain as tropical storm debby turns in the gulf. rick scott just issued state of emergency. look at this. thank you for your videos. significant storm surge and possible rain. in some places people had to be rescued because of the high flood water trapping them in their home. john is in st. pete beach, florida. what are people telling you? >> reporter: just about anywhere the people felt the effects of the tropical storm over the past
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48 hours whether it was tornadoes or water spout, beach erosion. you can see there there's a giant oak tree knocked down last night. they already started the clean up. power has been out. the mulch and some of the debris that came down. what happened here last night, you still see the white caps out there on the water. what happened last night is that at about 8:00, they had some heavy wind, heavy rain. it may have been a tornado. may have been a water spout. they are not positive yet what it was that came through here. we're going to show you some real damage that they had here. they had about eight hours severely damaged. you can still see the standing water. one of those homes, look back here, knocked off its foundation. nobody was living in there.
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>> look at that. >> reporter: completely knocked off its foundation. the people next door scared to death, they told us, when they heard that coming down. not a real bad, serious storm right now, but don't tell that to the people in this community. >> i was about to say i think the person that lives in the house off the foundation would disagree with you. thank you so much. we saw the home off the foundation. we're also talking trees down. we're talking sink holes, but also gators. this is florida. out of the swamps into the town. >> you put that much fresh water into a swamp and the gators are going to try to move somewhere else. already some marion county reports. sink holes happen because the ground is so saturated. there's been a big drought there. this hand last really not
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supported, it's like a big dirt bridge. it gets swampy and full of water and it just wants to fall in. it's a lumbering storm. it's very slowly moving and bumping buckebump i dumping buckets of rain up here. the wind is blowing this way. there's a storm surge even though it hasn't been landfall. the wind has been blowing the same direction for so long. people that are at sea level have 12 feet on top of where they will be standing. i'd spend a lot of time in that town after dennis flooded tremendous. i can't imagine they are picking up pieces again. >> it's awful. we're thinking about them. we thank you for your eye reports. don't put yourself in danger. we always appreciate those pictures. thus far, it's a war of words a war of words between two
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neighboring countries. syria defends itselvf for shooting down this jet. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. and how much the people in your life count on you.
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to say tensions are brewing between syria and turkey is nothing short of an understatement. overnight a syrian general, two colonels and 30 syrian soldiers grabbed their families and defected to turkey. the fact this jet was shot down by syrian forces. syria said the jet was in its air space. turkey said not so.
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the turks recovered the wreckage but never found the two pilots. it was shot down in international waters and syrian forces did not give them warning. ivan, you have just found out that syria fired another turkish plane on friday. this was the search and rescue plane for the jet that was shot down, correct? >> reporter: yeah. it sounds like the syrian anti-aircraft defenses had some itchy trigger fingers on friday. their f-4 phantom jet gets shot down off the coast of syria. they claim in international waters. the syrians claim it was in their air space. when the turks mobilized a search and rescue team of ships and helicopters and planes, the turks now say that one of those planes, which is kind of a
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chubby propeller, slow moving transport plane was then fired upon once again by syrian anti-aircraft defenses while operating within syrian air space trying to look for the two missing pilots and the missing plane. nobody was hurt on that plane. that prompted conversations between the turks and the syrians to say can you let our guys try to find the crew of the plane that you just shot down. >> itchy trigger fingers or not, we know they are scheduled to meet with nato tomorrow. this could be a pretty big deal. when you look at article 5, it says the parties agree that an armed attack should be considered an attack against they will all. basically, you hit one of us, you're hitting all of us. turkey is a nato member country. the u.s. is a nato member country.
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are we potentially looking at u.s. military involvement in syr syria? >> reporter: it depends on what the turks do. they have been very measured. they have been trying to gather international support trying to make their case not only to their long time nato military allies like the u.s., france and england but also reaching out to russia and iran that are patrons of the embattled syrian regime to say this was an act of aggression against us. we didn't bring this on. the syrians are arguing the opposite point. i think it's fair to say we don't think that nato governm t governments have the appetite to get involved in another middle eastern conflict. it's unlikely they will want to run to turkey's defense. it's not clear whether the turks will ask nato to intervene. >> thank you so much.
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the immigration ruling stirring up a lot of controversy and fears along immigrant communities. we'll talk with a california dj who has been swamped with calls. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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back to immigration. a lot of people on both sides. some say this was a huge blow to
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arizona. not everyone feels that arizona or even other states with similar laws have been defeated. that's because one of the most controversial parts of the law gets to stay in. arizona police still get to check a person's immigration status if reasonable suspicion exists. hugely popular dj, issued this statement saying the truth of the matter is that our people will just always be a target just because of the way we look. he's good enough to join me from los angeles. so nice to meet you. you broadcast in spanish. part of your show this morning, what did your listeners have to say? i'm sure a lot of them called if because of the ruling. what was the majority of the opinion? >> my listeners are worried.
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we'd like to find out how are they going to be suspicious of someone walking on the streets. that's what happened to me. a couple of months i went to arizona and they stopped me when i was driving a car. they stopped me. they asked me for my driving license. >> what did you say? >> of course, i had my driver's license. i asked the agent, the police officer, i asked why do you stop me? he said we have to ask if you have a driver's license. i didn't make a violation, traffic violation so that was one of the examples. that's the example that ally listeners would like away from that and we would like somebody to explain to us how we're going
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to, how are we going to be walking on the streets and how the officer from the police department is going to decide who to stop. >> it sounds like that is a huge concern for a lot of people. we just heard from arizona governor, jan brewer, and she addressed those concerns. she said civil rights will be protected. weaver hearing a statement from the attorney general. i want to read what he said. section 2, this the part of the legislation that was upheld. it's not a license to engage in racial profiling and i want to ensure communities around the country that the department of justice will enforce federal prohibitions against racial profiling. based upon the listener comments, sounds like they are not feeling assured yet. is that correct? >> they're not sure what's going to happen. we're afraid because of that. we're in this situation because
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we don't have any immigration reform. that's why we are like this. we have 12 million people here already working for the benefit of better economy of the united states. >> the president, we heard, there was a statement today when the dhs issued this change in immigration policy, calling on congress for immigration reform. it was just two years ago you interviewed the president. you really pressed him on how could he ask for the latino vote. has he earned your vote come november? >> okay. he told me he was not keen. it's a work that he need to come together, the two parties. we're still waiting for that decision so they can come together and work. that's what we want.
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we want to be united because we're so blessed to have the opportunity to be in the united states working for a better life for our families. >> has he earned your vote? without comprehensive immigration reform, has he earned your vote? yes or no. >> i think my listeners, they have the decision, who to vote for. i just tell them what happened and what you do. you tell them what's going on. what's the necessity, what's happening the laws like the one we have right now. at the end my listeners decide for who to vote. >> yes. thank you so much. we appreciate your coming on for us. got to take a quick break. we're going to talk life with the senator from alabama. up with of five other states with very strict immigration policies.
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♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely.
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and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. the u.s. supreme court's decision on immigration not only has a profound effect on arizona but other states as well. specifical specifically alabama, georgia, south carolina, indiana and utah. all these states have provisions that were struck down. i spoke with an alabama state senator who once pushed for stricter immigration laws only to change his mind and tell me, i made a mistake in voting on this bill as it is today. and i'm committed to trying to correct the mistakes. the senator joins me now on the phone. welcome back. what's your visceral reaction to
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the supreme court's ruling todatoda today. . >> i was not surprised that a portion of that bill was struck down. our portion of the alabama bill was similar to the arizona bill in many aspects. we did come back in the legislature this past session and make some major adjustments to our bill. we left in part that i'm opposed to and that's the part where it requires schools to determine if students are there and if the students are legal. i continue to hear from my school, people, administrators and teachers that they are there to teach and not enforce the law. that's one of the parts i wanted to change, but we did not do that in the session. >> that was a huge part. that's the first the nation heard about children being checked as far as their immigration status goes. i do want to ask you, you
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reference major changes. there was a bit of an embarra embarrassing incident in your state where two police officers pulled over two foreign national who is were in your state for work. they didn't have proof of documentation at the time and that's when you started looking at this law and thought there needs to be changes. is that the part of the law that you and your colleagues changes? >> yes, we did. that was part of the law that was there and that did cause us embarrassment. one was the mercedes people and one with the honda people. both are major producers of automobiles in our state and our mayor economic drivers that helps us so well in our economy. that did cause some embarrassment. that's one thing we addressed too. one of the policies in that and the you know if you go to a foreign country, you have to have your password and proof of citizen championship. i think maybe we had some
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overzealous law enforcement people who thought that they should be doing some things that they didn't and when they stopped these individuals, they did not have their passport with them. they had them back in their hotel room. it did cause some embarrassment, but it did make us stop and think. we need to go slower on this. >> if i may, you use the word overzealous. that's really the concern in these different states. people within the hispanic community is concerned there's going to be overzealous law enforcement agencies who will be pulling people over. >> you cannot do that. you cannot assure it won't happen. we're going to have instances in that situation. both of our law enforcement people are going through
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intensive training. we are re-training them in that area. we're hoping we can avoid that. that does not eliminate you won't get the opportunity somewhere in this state that you will have an individual who will go a little further than they should. that's just human nature and we're going to encourage them not to do that. our department of public safety has been training people and have been bringing in local law enforcement people to train them so they will not overreact in this area. that's something we all are encouraging them not to do and be careful with that and not be overzealous in trying to enforce laws and stretching the laws to the extent they are not intended to be. >> i appreciate you calling in. thank you. >> thank you very much. four bands trying to make a name for themselves. today's music monday, i sat down with this one band that had mixed feelings about jumping at the opportunity to perform on a national stage.
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and cheddar bay biscuitssad then choose one of 7 entrees plus dessert! four perfect courses, just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently.
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let's say you're in a band and mtv asks you to perform on the video music awards. you say yes. for rock band young the giant, it wasn't that easy. we talked about life on the road
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and how a summer inspired their first album, and why they almost said no to their big break. here is young the giant. ♪ >> the young and the giant, who is young and what is giant? >> it really doesn't mean anything. we were originally called the jakes. our origins are confusing. >> you all get together, how many years has it been? >> this lineup has been for like the last three and a half years. >> we took time off from school. he told our parents this is what we're going to do. >> we enjoined like six months of complete debauchery. we were supposed to be writing. we convinced our parents to let
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us move into new port beach. >> we were just broke. >> wasn't it my body at the mtv music awards it was like you played that and boom? >> that was the closest thing to a big break. we were really apprehensive going into it. >> why? >> to be kind of associated with something that big and the other acts were like top 40 and rap and stuff. also kind of like the visual aspect. we were worried they were going to separate us on this big stage. they said we saw this video of you playing at slims which is a club at san francisco and tried to recreate it for that performance. they brought a bunch of friends and family and fans. ♪ >> it's an emotional song. >> they don't think we really
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when we have written the song was that the meaning that people can take from something. anyone's idea of what the lyrics mean is equally valid. i think we still feel it in a lot of ways. >> it obviously resonates with a bunch of kids. you have a long line of kids around the corner waiting to see you. >> it's like any good song can be taken with many different phases. it can be whatever you make it out to be. that is what a concert is. ♪ >> the end of the night when you're on the stage and you mention it's sold out tour, what does it feel like to be on stage? people singing the words you
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wrote. >> it's something that's individual to the player. for me, it's everything i've ever wanted. >> it's a little bit of validation in a lot of ways for us. every night you feel like you're committing to something. we've been working for this for a long time. to have people connect so strong and almost unthinkable for us in a lot of ways. >> our big thanks to young the giant. if you want to see my music monday interviews, just check out my blog on let me know what you're interested in.
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egypts new president elect is vowing to unite his country. he's a strict islamist who campaigned as a member of the muslim brotherhood. he is viewing to respect the rights of women, democratic ideals. i want to talk about the first election in literally thousands of years with robin wright. welcome. i want to ask you about his reputation. lackluster accidental candidate.
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he wasn't the muslim brotherhoods first choice. also he's a fairly unremarkable guy. doesn't sound like a resounding endorsement. does he have the chop to lead a nation who elected him with 52% of the vote? >> that's a big question. the other question that's just as important is even though he won the presidency, what does that mean today? no one is sure how much power the president will have. egypt is in political limbo because it doesn't have a constitution. we have a lot of questions about not only the man but also the very system. egypt, at the moment, doesn't have one. >> sounds like we'll be asking questions and won't have the answers until it plays out. you mention the role of the military. he really issued his first challenge. that being said i want to be
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sworn in in front of parliament. the white house saying it's looking forward to this completion. how does that happen? when does that happen? >> it's supposed to happen on june 30th. the transfer of power after 16 months when the military really ruled egypt. this was to be the decisive moment. you can see a stalemate looming because he wants to wait until parliament is reconstituted. the muslim brotherhood has the largest number of seats, almost half. otherwise, egypt has to have another round of elections to find a parliament. >> how does this affect the u.s., the $1.3 billion we give them in aid. is this the kind of guy that the u.s. is willing to, can work
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with? >> two of his children are american citizens. the united states has a lot at stake. not just in terms of its size. the fact it's the heart and soul of the arab world but because it was the first to make peace with israel. the united states has extraordinary interest and a lot of what we do will be determined not just by the obama administration by what the fears are in congress. it ultimately has the veto power over u.s. aid as well. >> we'll be close attention to what happens. thank you. rolling right along. welcome back. hour two. the u.s. supreme court strikes down most of arizona's immigration


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