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tv   Starting Point  CNN  June 26, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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are finding that police are in place to make sure that drivers are not surprised when they ran past those low lying areas when they find again, water at least a foot high, so precautions are being taken. i also want to show you what's happening right now. just east of us in the state, flooding is happening right now in cities like live oak and lake city, that's where they are dealing with the storm system as it goes very slowly over the state of florida causing a lot of flooding, soledad. >> george howell, updating us on what looks like a big giant mess in florida. thanks for that update, we'll continue to check with you all morning. let's get to alexandra steele, in for rob this morning. >> good morning, soledad, where george is the worst is over but the axis of the heaviest rain has moved on. moving east at 3 miles per hour, that's good news, yesterday stationary, kind of in a dead
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zone with no forward momentum. 45-mile-per-hour winds and no strengthening expected today. here's the path from the national hurricane center, moves onshore early tomorrow then we'll see it push eastward. finally beginning to see the end. in terms of what we've seen for the worst of it, here's where we've seen in tallahassee, 10 to 20 inches and now moving eastward. can you see southeast georgia, really will get hit with maybe 10 to 20 inches of rain as well. in storm total, maybe another 4 to 8 completely. so the axis of the heaviest rain moving eastward as the storm moves east ward. the extreme threat, heavy rain and flooding, but also the storm surge and isolated tornadoes we saw not out of the picture as well. finally, soledad, a bit of momentum as tropical storm debby moves east. >> thanks for that update. we'll continue to check in with you throughout the day on that. more rain to come, florida's
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governor rick scott declared a state of emergency. first, christine will update the headlines for us, good morning. >> good morning, arizona declaring victory this morning, even though the supreme court struck down most of the controversial immigration law. the justices upheld the part of the law that critics had the biggest problem with, the part that gives police power to say, show me your papers. arizona sheriff joe arpaio says it changes nothing. >> we arrest anybody who violates the law, we don't care where they are from. a lot of people come from mexico and they are here illegally, that's not my problem. >> in a few minutes, soledad will be joined by carlos gutierrez for the campaign's response to that supreme court ruling. the most anticipated supreme court decision is set for
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thursday when the supreme court will release its decision on president obama's health care law. it could toss the individual mandate which requires every american to have health insurance or pay a penalty. feeling the harlem heat, a long time congressman fighting for his career today. 82-year-old charlie rangel is squaring off against three opponents in today's democratic primary. rangel, who was chairman of the committee who writes the nation's tax code was censured on the house floor in 2010 for not paying taxes on a beach front villa on the dominican republic. earlier we spoke to clyde williams. >> i used to work for president clinton and president obama. >> do you have their endorsements? >> president clinton said he would not endorse charlie rangel because i was involved in the race. president obama has not endorsed a democratic incumbent which is typically the norm for a president sitting in office. >> congressman rangel will be here to respond at 8:15 eastern on starting point.
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turkey changing its military rules of engagement with syria. turkey's prime minister says they will treat any military approach from syria as a thread. this stems from the downing of a turkish fighter jet, calling it a hostile act. the creep factor playing a part in the decision to put away convicted child molester jerry sandusky. two jurors talking about what they witnessed on ac 360. one says sandusky couldn't hide his expressions in court. >> i didn't see anything in the victims that would lead me to think they were not credible. but then i also took a look at sandusky while he was watching the victims testify and it seemed to be that he was kind of recommend nising of the victims. >> what do you mean? >> lean in towards them and pick his chin up a little bit and kind of -- like he was thinking
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about the victims and his behavior with them. >> that struck you as creepy. >> yeah, i would say, a little creepy. >> sandusky was convicted on 45 of 48 counts of child sexual abuse. he'll likely spend the rest of his life in prison. in fact, the sentencing guidelines are something like 400 years soledad. >> 90 days before they figure out when sentencing comes. thank you. more on the supreme court's decision on arizona's controversial immigration law. court struck down three parts of the law but upheld the section that allows police officers to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws. the obama administration expressed support for the decision says it will not be a willing partner in arizona's efforts to arrest undocumented people unless they meet federal criteria. mitt romney's camp remains kind of evasive while campaigning in arizona. mitt romney did not say whether or not he agreed with the high court's ruling, instead at a private fundraiser he said this.
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>> supreme court decision related to the immigration and you know, given the failure of the immigration policy in this country, i would have preferred to see the supreme court give more latitude to the states, not less, and the states now in this decision have less authority, less latitude to enforce immigration laws. >> carlos gutierrez is the honorary co-chair of the romney campaign's hispanic steering committee and the former commerce secretary under president george w. bush, he's an immigrant himself from cuba. nice to see you, as always. >> pleasure. >> this was interpreted as a win, big win if you listen to jan brewer, she said it was a victory for the rule of law and people of arizona and people of america, victory for the tenth amendment. do you see this as a victory? >> i see this as one big mess throughout the country and the reason that we're in this mess
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is because the president has failed to provide leadership. what's going to happen now, soledad, it's going to get worse because we don't have that leadership. all states are going to start splintering and keep on splintering the country into different immigration laws when what we should have is leadership to have one national immigration policy, which is exactly what governor romney wants to do. >> let's talk about governor romney specifically. what exactly is his position on sb 1070. does he support the one provision that now stands? >> well, let me say this, soledad, and i have been for immigration reform as long as i can remember and i have the battle scars to prove it, but i believe that as the governor does, that every country in the world has the right and the obligation to secure its
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borders, to knows who's coming in and know who's leaving, it's a right and obligation, every country does it. what is alarming here is that there appears to be a need to convince the president that part of his job is to secure the borders and part of his job is to ensure that we know who's coming in and who's going out -- we shouldn't be arguing about this. >> my question was not about president obama, my question was about mitt romney and specifically this one provision of sb 1070. does he support it as it now stands? >> as i mentioned, the governor supports the right of border states and the country at large to protect its border, to protect its integrity. it's not an anti-immigration -- >> that is not the question, i get it. i think there's a zil onpeople who agree with you. on this particular thing, what
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has been interesting to me to see the degree to which mitt romney has been dodging what is kind of a yes/no question. let me play a little bit of i think his name is rick gorg a, speaking to reporters on the planes, 16 questions he was asked by reporters, dodge, dodge, dodge. listen. >> this debate is sprung from the president failing to address this issue so each state it leflt and has the power to draft and enact their own -- >> very specific thing, the governor supports the arz arizona law saturday. >> we've addressed this. >> what had his position. >> each state has a right within the constitution to craft their -- >> does he think arizona did a good job? >> that went on for seven full minutes. the part of the law that stands
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in sb 1070, requires police to check immigration status of anyone they detain or arrest if that person is in the country illegally. does mitt romney support sb 1070, yes or no? >> soledad, it's a little bit more complicated -- >> it's not. >> but what the governor has said and made a statement yesterday, he supports the right of border states to do what they have to do according to the law -- >> does that include -- does that include stopping and detaining anyone and check the immigration status of that person if they have reasonable suspicion if the person is in the country illegally? i'm not sparring with you, sir, as you know, this is the critical, central, most controversial portion of this bill and governor romney has not said if he supports it or not. >> this is not about governor romney -- >> it is if he wants to be
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president. >> about obama's lack of leadership. >> some democrats would agree but we're talking about romney at this moment. >> we shouldn't distract the situation and put it on governor romney's lap. >> i want to know what his position is. >> his position is that we have a mess and need a national policy. let's talk about his policy. i agree. let's talk about his policy. i think there's a zilon people agree we have a mess on our hands. governor romney wants to be the next president of the united states. what does he think about 1070 it's a yes/no question, support, don't support, yes, no? >> i'm sorry, soledad, that's where we've got this all wrong. policy is not this one single sliver. >> in this case it is. it is actually one sliver, three were shot down by the supreme court. >> the policy is we need a national, federal, immigration policy -- >> agreed, agreed, agreed.
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but specifically on this question, i feel like and i think a rational person would agree with me, governor romney and his people who speak for him or completely dodging this questions. let's move on. >> governor romney supports the right of the states to protect their borders. >> that's not my question. my question is not that. that's a great answer but not to my question. my question is about sb 1070. he has not said if he supports it or not. we're going to agree to move on i'm not getting an answer. we'll talk about the dream act, which i know you support and mitt romney, as you well know, he has said he would veet to th dream act if he got elected into office and hasn't said what he would do in the wake of president's executive order which would allow young people who came krogs the border without documents illegally in this country. what would he do for those -- would he reverse -- >> i'll tell you what governor romney is going to do when he
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becomes president. he wants to bring together a bipartisan group to finally get this issue reverse. >> what he reverse the executive order? >> why would he say what he's going to do when we have a congress that hasn't done its job. this is an opportunity to push congress to do something before this -- this executive order, executive decision lapses. so governor romney wants to tackle the problem and wants to solve the problem, soledad. we have had a president -- >> he wants to solve the problem, sir, without giving any details, this is fair to say. we've had a five minute conversation and no to simple questions and no answer. >> we want a strategy for legal immigration, we'll have to work in a bipartisan way to deal with the 12 million undocumented workers, it's a very complex thing. you want a one sentence for a
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700-page bill. what we do know is that -- >> i don't think that's fair, i want a one sentence answer to a simple question. i'm willing to talk for hours -- >> let's do it. >> i do think we're very low on specifics. would he overturn an executive order is a yes/no question? does he support 1070, it's a yes/no question? you're not the only romney spokesperson who doesn't answer that question. >> you're making this issue about governor romney, this is an issue about president obama's total lack of leadership and delivering on promises, that's why we're in this megs. >> and i believe you and i could have a conversation about that as well. >> that's the issue. >> we're distracting, for republicans it's the issue and you want to say it's all president obama's fault and you can absolutely have that conversation. i want to know, what the plan is when it comes to governor romney. a separate issue of president
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obama and there are democrats who would agree with you. for governor romney what's the plan? >> what he wants to do, instead of a patch work, instead of a dream act, supposed dream act that expires in two years, he wants something permanent. >> specifics. and not legal, talk to me about illegal immigration, name specifics he's going to do. >> he wants to work in a bipartisan way -- >> that's not specific. >> if you like, we can go through 700 pages. >> you and i are going to do that, sir. >> you are trying to simplify something that is terribly complex. what is clear and really simple is that we have not had leadership on this issue and that's why we have the mess we have today. >> i think you're trying to make more complicated something that is a yes/no question but i'm going to take you up on your offer that we'll go through all 700 pages. nice to see you, sir, to spar with you early in the
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morning first thing. thank you. we're going to continue this later on "start beingiing point to luther strange, similar legislation has been proposed there and the former arizona state senator russell pearce will be our guest as well. we'll talk about what's happening in florida where there's a state of emergency. tropical storm debby dumping rain for days. florida governor rick scott will join us live this morning. hey big spender, mac users seem to be shelling out more for the stuff they buy online. it's our get real. you don't want to miss our next hour. we'll talk to jade did pia pink smith. [ female announcer ] the coffee house.
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the lines. the cost. the hassle. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] why not try coffee-mate? with over 25 delicious flavors for a fraction of the cost of the coffee house. add your flavor with coffee-mate, from nestle.
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it's 20 minutes past the hour. newscorp considering splitting off its publishing arm, according to the wall street journal and "new york times," the tv side and film side of ruper murdoch's business is much more profitable than the publishing side. the calls haven't been returned. google set to launch a tablet to rival the ipad. the reports call the nexus 7, priced at $199, far cheaper than the cheapest ipad which goes for $400. >> christine, thank you, tropical storm debby is creeping slowly toward the west coast of
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florida this morning, dumping up to another foot of rain in some areas, there's severe flooding and widespread power outages and several reports of tornadoes and at least one confirmed death. all of that brings us to florida's governor rick scott, declared a statewide emergency. it's nice to see you, sir, thanks for joining us this morning. what's happening in florida? >> i declared a state of emergency yesterday, we're getting drenched with rain. and tropical storm debby is heading slowly to the coast will hit taylor and dixie county, but we're going to have a lot more rain, flooding and downed power lines and 30,000 customers without power. so we've got a very good state emergency response team and local emergency response team. we're ready for these things because of hurricanes so we're working hard at this, making sure that you're floridians are prepared and making sure they very cautious when they are going outside, be careful around the beaches.
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i look forward to the end of the week when we'll have our sunshine back. >> i was going to ask -- we keep talking about what a slow storm this is, how long are you inspecting you're going to have these emergency teams mobilizes before it peters out. >> the rain will go on for the next two or three days. then we'll be responding to the flooding, which will continue for a period of time. hopefully by the end of the week by this weekend, we'll have things cleaned up, what i care about, every floridian makes sure they are taken care of. we are very cautious, making sure we're out there helping every individual that is getting stuck in this. >> let me ask you about this fatality we were reporting earlier that happened in venus, florida. a woman her home was hit by a tornado and she was thrown out much of her home and holding her daughter in her arms. >> the daughter my understanding is doing fine.
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this is one of the risks we have to be very cautious, we have tornadoes in the state. we've got to be very, very cautious. everybody has got to listen to their local emergency response teams, we've got to be very cautious, it's flooding and tornadoes and downed power lines. >> we are a distance from you here in new york the pictures look just absolutely terrible. so good luck to you in your state and we're going to continue to follow it for everybody on air. governor rick scott, thanks for your time this morning, nice to see you. >> good morning, bye. >> still ahead, do you use orbitz to find cheap hotels? be careful of what computer you're using to book the trip. we'll tell you why we're saying get real about that and a lot of people to talk to and a lot to talk about. here's our "starting point" team, margaret hoover and alicia menendez and will cain as well. back in just a moment. the postal service is critical to our economy,
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delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet the house is considering a bill to close thousands of offices, slash service and layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. house bill 2309 is not the answer.
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in here, every powerful collaboration is backed by an equally powerful and secure cloud. that cloud is in the network, so it can deliver all the power of the network itself. bringing people together to develop the best ideas -- and providing the apps and computing power to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t. with new ways to work together, business works better. ♪
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welcome back to "starting point." today's team, alicia menendez joins us, nice to have you with us this morning. margaret hoover is with us as well, an author, american individualismism and will cain is a columnist from the >> we're ready. what questions do you have? >> will you answer me directly, please? >> it's time to get real. okay, on its website, orbitz claims it wants to be your best source for cheap travel and cheap hotels, turns out the cheap rate depends on what kind
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of computer you're ugsing to acce access orbitz, people with maces use 30 to 40% more on hotels than people on pcs. they've started to use that information to predict their customer spending habits, the journal claiming that orbitz will show mac users different, more expensive rooms on their site to the people using pcs. orbitz executives are experimenting with that practice. they say that the company is not showing the same room to users at different prices, they are just obviously sorting what you get. >> makes total sense, like driving to the cadillac dealership in a mercedes, they will put you in the fancy car not the ford on the used lot -- >> what if you're advertising here you'll get the cheapest cars, this is the place to come for the cheapest car and now we go with your analogy, they are going to show i the most expensive, the cadillacs when
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there is a ford over here? >> you changed the premise that doesn't exist, cheapest cars, it's the best deals, define deals. >> now we're getting into semantics, deals, it's such a confusing words. >> drive into the car dealership, no, i want to see everything on the menu. you have to hit sort because everything is still available to the mac user that's available to the pc user, you just get the most expensive ones first coming from a mac. >> if you knew that they were going to treat the people who are driving up in the mercedes different than the people in the ford, would you continue to go to the dealership? >> that's a different question. >> argues with me all the time. >> this is mutual. this relationship. they are not offering as you said the same room at different prices, they are gearing towards -- >> i think that's illegal. >> you might like. evidence shows you might like more.
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>> show you more expensive stuff. >> they learn stuff about you and offer you things you like. >> because they know if you have a mac you're going to spend more. >> would you not go to orbitzanymore. >> i would use my pc. >> i don't mind the red roof inn, i'll tell you that. still ahead, supreme court's ruling on arizona's immigration law, could put the brakes on similar measures all across the country. alabama has been hit with the challenge. we'll talk with that state's attorney general. does one early sign show michael phelps is head forge defeat. >> ryan lochte looked good last night. >> here's margaret hoover's playlist, rolling stones, we always start with margaret hoover. she comes with good music. >> i think i've got a good relationship with the music people. er is different
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welcome back, arizona's immigration law could face new legal challenges after the supreme court struck down three key provisions, gone now are allowing police to arrest immigrants without a warrant if they had probable cause a crime had been committed, making it a crime to fail to carry registration papers and preventing illegal immigrants from trying to get jobs in the united states. police can check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws, if they have a quote, reasonable suspicion, that the person is in the u.s. illegally. all of that brings us right to jeff toobin, our senior legal analyst. nice to see you. >> good morning. >> you said that you thought this was really really
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confusing. what's confusing about it? >> the confusing thing to me, what's the difference between the three laws that were rejected and the one law that was upheld? what's the principle that can guide other states in creating these immigration laws. justice kennedy's opinion made it clear that the court believes immigration generally is a federal responsibility, that the federal government is in charge, but states have some leeway as long as they don't conflict with federal law. that's a good and fairly uncontroversial idea, but how to apply that in the real world is kind of mysterious to me. >> clearly they are worried about racial profiling and we know the justice department has already raised that red flag. also, he even wrote, justice kennedy, there's a basic uncertainty about what the law means and how it will be enforced. that's in the ruling itself as if they are saying, we are assuming that this is going to be challenged maybe not even that far down the road. >> right, the so-called show us
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your papers law, the part of the law that was approved, it has never gone into effect. we don't know how it will actually work in the real world. you think about the key idea, the key idea of that law is that if police stop someone and they have reasonable suspicion that they are here illegally, then they can demand their papers. but what does it look like in the real world to have reasonable suspicion that someone is here illegally? what's a police officer supposed to do? frankly, i have a lot of sympathy for the cops who have to try to do this in a nondiscriminatory way. i don't know how that's going to work and i think the court quite rightly is worried how this is going to play out. >> jeff toobin, thank you, we'll check in with you later next hour. how will the ruling affect other states, alabama's attorney general luther strange will join us in a few minutes. christine has an update on
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stories making headlines. a statewide emergency in effect in florida. cnn's george howell is live near saint marks florida. >> reporter: a transformer blew and stopped the work happening in its track. the owner of the store, she was cleaning out the store, stopped all the that work, not dealing with any of the water until this electrical situation is worked out. i can tell you the good news, this water is starting to recede a little bit. lower than when we first arrived here but still people are waking up to the flooding here and we're finding in baker county, live pictures where i-10 has been shut down in both directions just east of i-75. >> thank you, george. out of control wildfires growing more aggressive overnight shutting down major tourist attractions and forcing
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11,000 people out of their homes, the hot and dry and windy conditions are expected to continue through at least mid week. the temperatures now reaching all time highs. a health set back for illinois congressman jesse jackson jr., his office says he's on a medical leave of absence and treated for exhaustion since june 10th. jackson, first elected in 1995, represents the state's second congressional district and includes the south sides and cook county suburbs ncht the american red cross is appealing for people to give blood after a collected 50,000 fewer donations than expected. the red cross she's the shortage leaves it with half of its normal supply, calling this emergency levels. all types of blood are needed but especially types o positive, o negative, b negative and a negative. bagged salads are being pulled from walmart and kroger shelves over a listeria scare because of possible
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contamination, the salads fall under fresh select and market side labels with use by dates of june 19th. for first time since 2004, michael phelps lost an olympic trial but still qualified for the olympic team. lochte beat phelps, setting up what could be an interesting rivalry in london. phelps still became the first american male swimmer to qualify for a fourth olympics. >> thank you, christine, appreciate it. we return to the supreme court's decision on arizona's immigration law. five states around the country have similar laws to arizona and now dealing with the fallout from that ruling. one is the state of alabama. it used arizona's law as a basis for its hb 56 now facing a challenge in the 11th circuit court of appeals. both have a show me your papers provision but alabama's law has key differences, requires school
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officials to check if new students are legal and says illegal immigrants can engage in business transactions with local and state government, many people assume that would be sewage and getting electricity connected. contracts are void if one party knew or should have known that the other party was undocumented. luther strange is alabama's attorney general. he's joining ugs by phone this morning. thank you for being with us, we appreciate it. what was your take on the supreme court's decision in arizona? >> well, good morning, i appreciate you having me on. well, it was an interesting ruling. as a chief law enforcement officer he was very encouraged that the supreme court acknowledged a role for law enforcement and state and federal to work together. that was a positive from my point of view that's the traditional role of law enforcement, cooperation. the other provisions, it's very clear the supreme court has said it pretty clearly that federal preemption is the rule and the realm of immigration. >> so your state has similarities to the state of
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arizona, you have a measure that would say it's a crime if you fame to carry your immigration papers, that was struck down in arizona. your state also has a crime to work -- if you're here -- crime to work if you're here illegally, that was struck down in the state of arizona. as you mentioned, the show me your papers prifgs reprovision remains. how does that work? what does reasonable suspicion look like? >> as you mentioned earlier, our law is pending in the 11th circuit so we'll get more clarity as to how the whole law will fair under this new ruling. in terms of law enforcement procedure, it's standard you know, law enforcement practice, i think, universally really, to do the normal proceedings protecting people's civil rights and so forth. you have to stop someone, a reason to stop them. you can't profile anyone or pick them out because of the color of their skin or language they
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speak. if that's the case and you've done that properly, then if you have reasonable suspicion, that is someone doesn't have a driver's license, for example, something like that, then you under the new ruling, you can only inform the federal government that you have a suspicion that person is in the country illegally. and then the federal government can either respond or not. they can say we don't care to talk to that person or it is a person of interest, someone that they've made a party and the federal government as job to determine their status and take it from there. >> there are many people would say the alabama law goes further and requires school officials to ask children who are foreign born themselves or children of foreign born parents for papers and says you can't engage in business, like get water or sewage. if one party knew the other party was undocumented, more string ent than what they are doing in arizona. do you expect court is going to
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uphold that? >> i think now the court is distinguished between law enforcement cooperation, which is the upholding of the ability to stop and ask and refer them to federal officials, i think the other areas it looks to me like the court has said that that's an area that's preempted by the federal government. as i raeld the ruling and my takeaway, the supreme court is saying to the federal government, you need to do your job. if you are going to be in this area and you have the authority and responsibility to enforce the immigration laws, it's your job to do that. pults the states in a tough position. if they can't act in some of these areas, it's the federal's job to do it and if they don't do it, that's not how the system is supposed to work. my hope is that the federal government will now enforce the laws on the books, will do their job and that congress and president will provide some leadership in that area. >> luther strange is alabama's attorney general, nice to talk to you sir. thank you for your time. we appreciate it. >> thank you very much.
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>> still ahead this morning, we're going to talk to the former arizona state senator, russell pearce, he led the effort to get arizona's immigration law passed and paid for it with his seat. we'll see what he thinks about the new ruling. also ahead, surprise, like it or not, facebook has changed the main e-mail address on your profile? does you know this? >> no. >> all airline passengers long lines and baggage fees may not be the biggest problem. a new book is exposing shocking issues that face airlines and might keep some people grounded. look at this, marvin sapp, listen, good way to start the morning. [ male announcer ] this is the at&t network.
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in here, every powerful collaboration is backed by an equally powerful and secure cloud. that cloud is in the network, so it can deliver all the power of the network itself. bringing people together to develop the best ideas -- and providing the apps and computing power to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t. with new ways to work together, business works better. ♪
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er is different with new ways to work together, business works better. but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you.
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welcome back, have you heard this about facebook getting backlash about a secret e-mail switch. the main e-mail address was
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changed to at whatever your personal e-mail was, they switched it. they announced i think back in february they were going to update the addresses -- it was april. didn't say the e-mails would be changed. you can change it back but you have to do that manually. >> they created e-mail addresses for you. >> is that legal? can someone create an e-mail account for you? >> i'm much more prepared to talk about the justice kennedy's opinion on immigration -- >> good, let's talk about this. >> it is built on the predicate of being cool, what's next, what's cool. >> does this make them cool? this makes them uncool, takes them back to a form of communication from the '90s. >> i still have a yahoo! e-mail
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address -- >> that makes you very uncool. >> the idea of stepping in and sort of messing with things that people take very personally, like your e-mail address, there is a creep factor that i think is weighs in on that. >> and communicating with your users, rolling out decisions in a way that makes them feel you haven't sprung decisions on them. talk about not being cool. with the premise of the internet is open communication where it's open source information. the notion that new policies are sprung on users immediately does not sit well with facebook users. >> i'm not going to like, like this. >> they don't want the feed back ahead of time. >> they've have very successful rollouts in the past but less successful ones like with timeline. >> i agree. >> still ahead, a commercial airline is taking shortcuts is it putting us at risk? we'll talk to an author of i a
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new book. you're watching "starting point." we're back in a minute. no matter where you go. no matter what you do. when you're living with moderate to severe crohn's disease, there are times it feels like your life... revolves around your symptoms. if you're tired of going around in circles, it may be time to ask your gastroenterologist about humira. because with humira, remission is possible. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications... but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems,
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welcome back to "starting point." quick headlines this morning.
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at least 18 people killed by mudslides in uganda. three mountain villages were buried near the border with kenya. local officials say hundreds are still missing. and george zimmerman's attorney says zimmerman accepts full responsibility for misleading the judge about his finances. his bond was revoked as a result. zimmerman is charged with murdering florida teenager trayvon martin. he is in jail pending a new bond hearing friday. >> christine, thank you for that update. invasive tsa patdowns, expensive ticket prices might not be your only concerns when flying anymore. a new book out today 3450i9 give you some new reasons to worry. it claims that commercial arnl airlines have been cutting corners and in some cases putting their passengers in danger. big magee writes this. an independent analysis by "usa today" found that between 2004 and 2009, millions of passengers flew on 65,000 flights that should never have left the ground.
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and it gets scarier from there. the book is called "attention all passengers: the airline's dangerous descent and how to reclaim our skieses about. nice to have you here this morning. i had no idea that 189 domestic airlines have gone out of business. have filed for bankruptcy since 1978. >> right. since the airline industry was deregulated. in recent years, that pace has even accelerated even more. >> why? what's the big problem underl underlying everything? >> from the airline perspective, they would stay that costs are too high and consol dagidation way to reduce costs. from a consumer perspective it leads to higher fares, fewer choices. from an employee perspective, we have seen hundreds of thousands of airline jobs disappear. >> you have terrifying examples in this book. i fly all the time. i don't like reading this stuff because it worries me a lot. tell me some of the more
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egregious examples of things just done wrong in terms of maintenance, in terms of just how, you know, really flights were run. >> certainly. i think the most shocking thing that most readers will find in the book has to do with maintenance and maintenance outsourcing. this is a dramatic change in how we've always done business. airlines throughout history have maintained and repaired their own aircraft. now outsourcing in itself is not a problem. but i have spoken to dozens and dozens of frontline faa inspectors, and what they tell me is the real problem is that we are in uncharted territory because faa inspectors in many cases are not getting where the airplanes burglar fixed. in some cases here in the u.s., and in some cases overseas, el salvador, china, singapore. >> bill, i've said it on this program before. but warren buffett once said you could do more for american capitalism if you stood on the beaches of kitty hawk and shot wilbur and orville down.
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that this is a bad business. and you said a minute ago that the solution from airlines is, look, it should just be more expensive. we have gotten used to the concept of cheap flights across the country, and it's hard to maintain a real, safe business model like this. >> i spoke to a mechanic who said, next time you pay $99 for a fare, ask yourself where the savings are coming from. is it maintenance? >> what are we supposed to do to protect ourselves? >> what i hope this book will do is raise awareness. obviously, the average consumer doesn't have the tools to determine where maintenance work is being done and how well the faa is inspecting it. but i do think we need to have a national dialogue about this. again, the system works. it has worked in the past. we have an extremely safe aviation system in this country. but -- and i don't mean to say the sky is falling, but from speaking to more than 100 insiders both in the airline industry and in the federal government, they all say the same thing.changing, and we
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can't just rest on our laurels. >> no crashes in 10 years? >> no. what the airline industry and even the faa has said, there's been no major airline accident since 2001 with american airlines. in fact, there have been six fatal accidents of smaller carriers, five of which were operating co-chairs for major main line carriers. >> you yourself are a pilot. you worked in the airline industry for seven years and then you had official positions in the obama administration and the airline industry. one of the things you said in the book is that there's actually a safe way to crash an airplane that can save the most amount of lives. can you explain that? >> sure. well, my ground i'm an faa licensed aircraft dispatcher. one of the chapters that i felt very strongly about getting into the book has to do with survivabili survivability. i think too many people sort of kiss up when they get on an airplane and say, well, it's all or nothing. and that all or nothing attitude
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has to change. i have an entire chapter just devoted to the small steps that people can take in terms of where they are sitting, what they are doing, not drinking alcohol, not taking sedatives, wearing the right clothes. we have seen, you know, this term miracle on the hudson or mill ke miracle in toronto. we have seen so many accidents in the past that probably would have been fatal or had no survivors. in recent years we have seen the survivability factor increase. every time i write about safety issues, people say what's the difference? if anything happens, we won't survive. >> not me, man. i'm wide awake and ventilating. thank you for joining us and talking to us this morning. "attention all passengers." nice to have you. >> thank you. >> we certainly appreciate it. we have to take a break. still ahead, lost more than $2 billion last year alone. but this morning, postal workers are going on a hunger strike.
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to try to save the post office. also, hollywood superstar jada pinkett will stop by. she'll tell us how her 11-year-old daughter, willow, inspired her to take action against human trafficking. you're watching "starting point." and we are back in just a moment. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now.
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morning. welcome, everybody. our "starting point" this morning, parked along the panhandle, tropical storm debby already deadly and drenching florida.
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state of emergency with two feet of rain expected. show me your papers. arizona claims victory after the supreme court issues a split decision on its immigration countdown. charlie rangel on the ropes. his seat in congress is not safe. he faces a tough challenge from his own party. and jada pinkett smith talks to me about her crusade to end human trafficking. we'll talk about how her daughter's passion is really what nudged her into action. it's tuesday, june 26. and "starting point" begins right now. welcome, everybody. our "starting point," tropical storm debby. it's in park, kind of sitting over the gulf of mexico right now, pounding florida with driving rain. the deluge is flooding roads and homes in low-lying areas. forecasters tell us another foot of rain is possible. and florida's governor has declared a statewide emergency. all of that brings us to cnn's
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george howell, live near saint marks florida this morning. how does it look? >> reporter: good morning. a lot of rain in a short amount of time. and this is the sort of thing that people are waking up to. we have been here for several hours. i want to show you, the water came up to about here when we first got here. it has receded and been receding very quickly, which is good news for people. in fact, just over there, the store manager just got here. the owner, to start cleaning up the damage from this flooding. so as people start cleaning up here on the western part of the state, i want to talk about what's happening east of us in areas like live oak and lake city. in fact, we have some video near interstate 10. i-10 has been shut down in both directions just east of i-75 because of the flooding situation. a lot of water falling very quickly. and this causes all sorts of problems. debris in the road. downed trees from the wind that's associated with this
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storm. just a lot of damage for people to deal with. and get around as this storm sits over florida and hopefully moves along. >> wow, what a mess for that owner too. now will have to figure out thou deal with it. george, thank you for that update. appreciate it. alexandra steele is tracking the storm for us as well. >> for george and all of the county, the good news is things are moving out. the latest advisory from the national hurricane center has just come in, and, well, things are stagnant. where they were this morning and on the earlier observation. but less stagnant than yesterday, meaning this movement is not stationary. it is moving east at 3 miles per hour. winds now still 45 miles per hour. we're not going to see any strengthening until we see this come over land and then we'll see it weak epping. so that is the good news. so here is the track. again, today we'll slowly see it trod eastward. we will see it weaken once the
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center of circulation moves over land and then out into the atlantic. but really the hardest hit area, just south of tallahassee here. yesterday between 10 and 20 inches. saint marks, 21 inches. the axis of the heavy rain now further eastward. southeast georgia, sea island and st. mary's will get pummelled in the next 24 tof 48 hours. but then it's moving out. >> christine has a look at the headlines for us. arizona is declaring victory this morning even though the supreme court struck down most of its controversial immigration law. but it upheld the part that gave police the power to say show me your papers. governor jan brewer calls it a win, but had tough words for the obama administration when she appeared on john king usa. >> i think it's just another assault on the state of arizona. it began with them downplaying our border problem.
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and then not securing it. and then, you know, suing the state of arizona for trying to protect the people of arizona and of america. then doing back door amnesty. and now rescinding only arizona's ability to use the 287 g. outrageous. >> in a few minutes, soledad will talk to russell pierce, one of the architects of the arizona law. immigration could take a back seat quickly with the supreme court expected to rule on president obama's health care law on thursday. and it could shape the 2012 race. the court could toss the individual mandate part of the law, which requires almost every american to have health insurance or pay a penalty. 10 postal workers are on a hunger strike outside of the capital this morning protesting massive cuts at the u.s. postal service that will close 229 plants and eliminate 28,000 jobs. the workers say eliminating the congressionally mandated payments for future retiree health care costs will solve the postal services financial
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problems. the post office lost $5 billion last year. new information now on why jerry sandusky's adopted son didn't testify against him in his sex abuse trial. cnn contributor sara ganim reports that matt sandusky talked about alleged sexual abuse at the hands of his father in a 25-minute audiotape to police. but he said he feared perjury charges because last year, he told a grand jury nothing inappropriate ever happened. meantime, the jury is talking. two jurors told salmoneloledad they witnessed. one said jerry sandusky couldn't hide his expressions in court. >> i didn't see anything in the victims toy lead me to think they were not credible. but i also took a look at sandusky while he was watching them testify. and it seemed to me he was kind of reminiscing of the victims. >> what do you mean by that? >> well, he would kind of lean in towards them and pick his
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chin up a little bit and just kind of -- like he was thinking about the victims and his behavior with them. >> that struck you as creepy? >> yeah. i would say. a little creepy. >> sandusky was convicted on 45 counts. he'll likely spend the rest of his life in prison. soledad, those jurors believed those witnesses. >> yeah, they said very, very credible. that was the interesting thing. and all of their stories seemed to have a common thread and a consistent quality to them and they thought that was one of the reasons to convict. thank you, christine. our team this morning, alyse is joining us this morning. margaret hoover the author of "american individualism." and will cain from controversial immigration law. three parts overturned by the supreme court. one part stood. challenges now of course. they upheld what was really a very critical section that allows local police officers to
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check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws if there is reasonable suspicion that the person is an illegal immigrant. a lot will hinge on what does it mean to have reasonable suspicion. the obama administration showed some support, saying they will not be a willing partner to arizona's efforts to arrest undocumented people unless they meet a certain criteria. as we mentioned, governor jan brewer used the word "assault" and dropping a bomb, i think, is exactly what she told john last night on the state of arizona. russell pearce was the driving force behind sb 1070 as an arizona state senator. in 2011, though, he was recalled. he is running for office again now. nice to see you, sir. thanks for being with us. we appreciate your time. let's walk through what you think overall of what the supreme court has done. as you know, 3/4 of it struck down. 1/4 remains. do you read this as a failure or a victory? >> well, first of all, that's
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not quite accurate. there's 14 sections to sb 1070. 11 of those are in place. only three were not upheld. and it served its purpose. the certain for sb 1070 was to eliminate, you know, sanctuary clauses. they are illegal under federal law. yeah, we have them all over this country. most major cities have these illegal policies. arizona said enough is enough. i mean, good grief. you know, i can tell you, i have been to the funerals and i've seen the families. $1.6 billion to educate, medicate, and incarcerate. 12 phoenix police officers. enough is enough. you know, we have a right -- and just like jessica lee said, the sovereign state of arizona has a right to protect its citizens and secure its borders. >> you're listing all of the
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things that made this very emotional for the citizens of arizona. how is this now going to be enforced? what does it look like? someone is driving in a car. they are stopped with a broken taillight. what happens? >> well, nothing if everything is ok. it's like any other stop. an officer is trained to pay attention to things that aren't -- that don't fit. and so when he comes across that environment, all this bill does is allow them to ask the questions they need to ask. like in any other crime. you know, after a legal stop, you know, that if you have reasonable suspicion, you know, good grief, that's their job every day, to find if they have concerns, to pursue those concerns. you know, if they don't have concerns, that's okay if you have a driver's license that was issued in arizona because we have a legal presence standard on our driver's license, that alone is evidence that you're legal. so it's a very reasonable -- we put safeguards in sb 1070 that are not even in the federal law. let me tell you what happens, you know.
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>> why don't you go ahead, margaret. >> quick question for you. because it seems to me what you're trying to do in arizona is suggest that the federal government wasn't enforcing immigration laws. and because the federal government was failing on their job, you were going to have your own law in your own state to help enforce the laws. and it seems to me that the supreme court has basically reaffirmed that it is the constitutional duty of the federal government to enforce immigration laws and that states cannot go about piecemeal creating their own immigration reinforcement. so it seems that unfortunately arizona's law has not been able to -- hasn't been supported. >> that's just not true. that's absolutely fabrication. you know, again, two out of three americans support what arizona has done. there's never been a preemption of states enforcing the law. had congress wanted to preempt the states, they could have used their power. they have not done that. but the cheap labor, the cheap
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vote crowd, it's ok. the deaths and costs of billions of dollars is ok for them. it's outrageous. do you know how the immigration law has been reasonably enforced, 9/11 would have been averted. four out of the five main hijackers were stopped by law enforcement and were let go and were in the country illegally. overstayed their visas. one of them had the citation, the car that was abandoned at the airport. but apparently that's ok to the left. >> i think you are articulating the frustration and probably the out and out anger have i seen as i have reported in the state of arizona where people are trying to figure out how do you figure out how to deal with an immigration problem in that state. one of the concerns, as you know, when it comes to this provision that was upheld by the supreme court, is will it lead to racial profiling. how can you guarantee that in fact it will not? >> well, first of all, that's demeaning to law enforcement to assume that. >> law enforcement is concerned about it. there are several law enforcement organizations that said they are concerned. >> hang on. i was answering your question.
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chief justice roberts made that very clear at the beginning of the oral arguments on sb 1070. before the solicitor general got started in his presentation, justice roberts said, i want to get something clear right out front. there is no allegation here of ethnic or racial profiling. he said that's true. then he said it again. i read your brief. you have not alleged any of that racial or anything profiling. he said that's correct. they have never asserted that. it's simply not true. the president's outrageous comments early on about the guy going to the ice cream parlour with this kid was an absolute fabrication and a fearmongerer. you know, enforcing our laws, taking care of our borders, is that a terrible thing? this is a reasonable law that codifies federal law. it's not a mishmash. that's the most outrageous things you can say, warizona is
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off on its own. this codifies what is already illegal. the main provisions of sb 1070 are in place. section 2b was the critical piece, the critical piece that needed to be you'upheld. along with the others. officers can ask the question when it's reasonable. i know that's a dangerous thing. we put guns on police officers. they make life and death decisions. but, wow, we don't want them to ask tough questions like where you're from. >> we are out of time. russell pearce, joining us this morning from san diego. nice to see you, sir. thank you for talking with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. and thank you for having me. god bless. >> you bet. thank you. still ahead on "starting point," feeling the heat in harlem. longtime congressman charlie rangel is fighting for his longtime seat after surviving an epic scandal. he'll join us live to talk about his battle to survive. also, today's "tough call." shame, shame, shame. punishments. like this one, chopping off a kid's ponytail. i'm not making that up.
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it's on the rise. are they effective, though? should they be allowed? we'll talk about that. here is jay-z "made from america." you're watching "starting point."
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welcome back. i'm christine romans. it's 8:18 in the east. minding your business, u.s. stock futures are higher ahead of home reports this morning. markets closed lower yesterday because of fears about the debt and banking crisis in europe. mark zuckerberg's right-hand woman, facebook ceo cheryl sandberg, is joining the board of director as the first woman on the board of directors for facebook. and google set to rifle apple's ipad. the necksus 7 is priced at $199, far cheaper than even the cheapest ipad which goes for about $400. >> would you buy that? >> i don't know. i'm still on the ipad 1. i'm a very old technology person. very sad.
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>> then you need to go to the ipad 2. and then you can try other things. >> i'll get rid of my dial telephone here pretty soon. >> that's coming back actually. today's "tough call" kind of interesting. what do you think of these eye for an eye punishments? kind of unconventional sentences. in one case, chopping off a girl's ponytail. or forcing somebody to sleep in a doghouse, choosing doghouse time as opposed to jailtime. jonathan turley, a professor at george washington university, says it's a disturbing trend he's seen over the past 20 years. the most recent case, this one. 13-year-old girl who had cut the hair of a 3-year-old girl was given reduced community service if her mom cut off her ponytail right where the rubber band holds the hair. the girl's mom says she felt very intimidated when given that option in the courtroom. but she did it. and now of course she's looking
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into legal action. >> i would not cut anybody's hair after cutting my own hair. hair trauma. it alarms me this is happening in court. it seems like it does not have a place in the judicial system. >> why? >> i like it for the home. >> why? >> because i don't see how it's rehabilitative. i understand how it shames you into it, but i don't understand how it makes you then understand why what you did was wrong and makes you understand that -- >> you it make you empathetic. if you cut off a 3-year-old's hair and yours was then cut, couldn't that make you empathetic to the situation? >> i think i see this as dealing like with my kids when they hit each other. do you go and smack a child who just smacked someone and you're trying to tell them don't smack them? hitting them seems to be a bad way to send that message. you know, is it make them empathetic? i don't think you create empathy in someone by shaming them. >> you picked an example that would be very, very difficult
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for me to defend. instinctually, this doesn't bother me. a have gives a defendant an option of having their hair cut to reduce their hours. >> sleeping in a doghouse instead of going to jail? >> which the defendant chose so he could go to work. what offends me is the level of punishment. she got 270 community service for cutting a toddler's hair? that's heavy. >> i don't know. i actually didn't mind. community service, i think it's creepy to use it as punishment. but the person who turned her in said that they thought sort of coercing this 3-year-old seemed like it was -- talk about your slippery slope argument. that's bad. we've got to nip this in the bud for the girl. community service, i think it's great. shouldn't be a punishment. people should just do community service. that's a good thing. but to chop off someone's hair as a punishment for chopping hair, seems misguided to me. but then again, i'm not a lawyer. i'm not the lawyer on the team. >> where out this? >> i actually kind of -- >> you like it. >> i feel like the girl was mean.
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she needs a little bit of her own medicine. >> chopping off her hair? that's a big thing to do. all right. "starting point" ahead this morning, more than 40 years after he first went to washington, d.c., charlie rangel is making a last stand for his seat in congress. he faces a tough challenge from his own party now today. we're going to talk to him live straight ahead. er is different but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you.
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welcome back to "starting point," everybody. one of the most influential
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black politicians in modern history is now facing one of the most important tests of his career. today, after 42 years on the hill, 42 years on the hill, voters in new york's democratic primary are going to decide if congressman charlie rangel should represent them for another two years. rangel was once one of the most powerful democrats in the house. he has since been censured for accepting apartments at far below value, failing to pay some taxes on a beach front villa, and misusing house was to raise money for an education cent built in his hon, all charges that rangel continues to deny. democratic congressman charlie rangel is joining us this morning. nice to see you, sir. thank you for talking with us. you have four opponents in this primary right now. you have senator espiot. claude williams who was talking to us this morning.
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craig slay, a community activist in harlem, and joyce johnson, a businesswoman. are you feeling confident going into this primary? >> only if we continue to have this good weather all day and that programs like yours emphasize the fact that today is the day that we elect our candidates to go to washington in november. so today is the most important day. i feel confident that people recognize this is a serious time for our nation, for our community. and that i'm the only one that has the experience to know what the needs are and how we go about defining these solutions for jobs, health, and education and a variety of other things. >> there are some people, sir, who would say that confidence is misplaced. and they point to the censure for ethics violations as a big problem among voters in your district. do you not see that? >> no. actually, the voters already have put that behind us. i got 83% of the vote the last time out. but the most important thing, if
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people would read the website of the ethics committee, read "the new york times" about a month ago, where sam roberts put an exposee out against the conduct of the committee. that committee is under investigation by private counsel for wrongdoing. and that's behind us. i have been elected overwhelmingly. and now the question is, who is the best person to serve the nation, the congress, and my congressional district. not someone who just wants the job, but someone who has the experience to do it. so i got my resume out there. and other people do as well. >> you are 82 years old. you've been a little bit ill of late. how much for you is this entire contest about legacy and about power? >> it has to do with the condition that we find our country. and i am not a spectator. all of my dreams and aspirations
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about a better world, a better country, obama has brought that to light in terms of universal health care, education as a priority, and getting america back to work. i'm not the kind of guy to be sitting as a spectator kicking in and cursing out the television. there's a job to be done. i was there in the beginning to start it. and for the country. and for my district. and for my family. i want to make certain i'm there to finish this job, for the good of all of us. let me make it abundantly clear that while i have been sick and my opponent announced while i was in the hospital, there's nothing wrong with me today. i have got a clean bill of health, and i'm ready for the fight. i'm a fighter, and i'm ready to go. >> you do have more energy than a lot of people half your age. let me ask you a question about your changing community. when you first came into office, really the demographics, you
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know, harlem was overwhelmingly african-american. latinos now are the majority. there's a large number of same-sex couples, often white couples, moving into harlem as well. is that going to be a problem for you? >> absolutely not. as a matter of fact, i went to school in the bronx and went to daywood clinton. and if you would have walked with me like i have so many times in the last few weeks and months you can't tell the difference in being in harlem and being in the bronx. so it's an imaginary line that's put there. but thank god, the service that i have done for my community, whether we talk about the earned income tax credit, the empowerment zone, if we're talking about tax provisions for low income housing. the things i've been able to do for my congressional district i have done for the country and the bronx as well. so fortunately, they know who i am. the only thing that i wish that i could count on is to know that today is the day to vote for congress of the united states. >> you're 81 years old.
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when are you thinking about retiring? let's say you win. >> i am 82. >> sorry, sir. i didn't want to cheat you out of a year. >> i am 82 years old. and you say that i'm energetic for my age. >> we walked around together. you're energetic for my age, actually. >> but i've been around my district. i have been to more places than my opponents. and so the only thing that age really means to me is symbolic of the experience i have as a former prosecutor, as someone that served as a state legislature. and i have been in the halls of congress. i am a legislator with success. so i don't really just follow the vote. i lead in the vote. and you said that in the announcement. so you can't get a record like this and be 25 years old. >> charlie rangel joining us this morning. congressman from new york. nice to see you, sir. thank you for being with us. i guess we'll see how it turns out on primary day today. still ahead this morning on
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"starting point," aggressive wildfires are threatening major tourist sites in colorado. high temperatures could fuel even more flames. we'll have a live report on the latest energy efforts there. plus, president obama booed in boston. because he was wearing the wrong pair of socks. we'll explain. show you the tape that is straight ahead. you're watching "starting point." with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. and the chefs at lean cuisine are loving tangy lemon, peppery poblano, sweet butternut. we're roasting, and grilling to create must-have meals with no preservatives. lean cuisine. be culinary chic.
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dea good morning. welcome back to "starting point." don't go anywhere. well, just don't go anywhere. but specifically because in just a few minutes, we're going to be talking with hollywood superstar jada pinket smith. she'll tell us why she has her eye on washington and how her 11-year-old daughter really raised her consciousness about an important issue. first, though, christine has a look at the day's top stories. already waterlogged parts of florida could be looking at another foot of rain before tropical storm debby is through with the state. the storm is expected to make landfall by tomorrow. many areas are already underwater this morning. florida governor rick scott has issued a statewide emergency. we talked to him earlier on "starting point."
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>> we're working hard to make sure that our floridians are prepared, making sure they are very cautious when they are going outside. be careful around the beaches. i look forward to the end of the week when we'll have our sunshine back. >> right now, 30,000 people in florida are without power. a desperate and dangerous situation right now in colorado, where an out of control wildfire near some of the state's most visited tourist sites expanded overnight. and it's now threatening more homes. cnn's jim spellman is live in colorado springs with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, christine. a bit of good news here. firefighters were able to get 5% containment on this fire. they are building some fire lines and so far they are holding. they want to expand that today, get more containment on this fire, but it's going to be difficult. the fire grew about 500 acres overnight. they are going to have more red flag warning conditions today. that means high temperatures, high winds, and very low humidity making it much harder to fight the fire and making
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more opportunities for the fires to start. unfortunately, the long-term assessment of this fire, it could take three weeks to get this fire completely contained. and they say it has the potential to double in size before they are able to really get it under control. christine? >> jim spellman in colorado springs. search and rescue operations are back on this morning at the scene of a shopping mall roof collapse in elliott lake, ontario. at least two people were trapped. canadian emergency officials believe that one victim my have died but another could still be alive under the rubble. hundreds of fbi agents teaming up with local police officers for operation cross country. during the raids, 79 kids being held as sex slaves were rescued from 57 different cities. officials say truck stops, casinos, and the internet are hubs for this kind of criminal activity. george zimmerman's attorney says his client accepts full responsibility for misleading a judge about his finances at his original bond hearing. zimmerman's bond was revoked as
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a result. he's in jail pending a new bond hearing on friday. zimmerman is charged with murdering florida teenager trayvon martin. commander in chief and proud white sox fan barack obama booed in boston after he thanked fans for the newest addition to his team. >> thank you for youkilis. [ laughter ] >> boo! >> i didn't think i'd get any boos out of here, but -- [ laughter ] >> the red sox shipped kevin youkilis to the white sox on sunday after eight years with the team, and two world series titles. you do not mess with boston and chicago on baseball. >> just as a rule, like don't talk about sports teams. you know, just hit it right down the middle. >> that was gutsy. he talked trash to an entire crowd of red sox fans. >> that's right. >> and those are such insane fans. i'm surprised they were booing him.
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>> he is not in danger of losing the state. >> i think that's true. maybe that mitigated it. in just two days, the supreme court will rule on president obama's health care law. the court could uphold or strike down the law in its entirety or toss certain provisions like the individual mandate, which requires a person to buy health insurance or pay a penalty. jeff toobin is a senior analyst and is with us this morning. >> soledad, it's the nerd super bowl on thursday. [ laughter ] >> i'm telling you, we cannot wait for this decision. >> as a fellow nerd, dan, i feel like that was enticement. >> you're in. go. >> jeff, you and i have had our back and forth. i said i thought it was unconstitutional. you said constitutional. after oral arguments and kennedy and justice roberts came after the government, came after the solicitor general very, very strenuously, you said, ok, this might be struck down. but i can't help it, it doesn't
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escape me, they did the same thing on the arizona bill and voted opposite. do you think maybe, just maybe, the mandate will be held constitutional? >> well, look, oral argument is a good but not perfect predictor of how the justices are going to vote. it is true that in the arizona case, they gave a hard time to both sides. but it was nothing like the health care case. it was not nearly as contentious for the government side. donald virily, the solicitor general, argued both cases. and paul clement, the former solicitor general, argued the arizona and health care case as well. i don't think this is a particularly good predictor one way or another. they are very different cases. they are different issues at stake. but it is true that some people were surprised by this ruling. i'd be very surprised if they uphold the law in full. >> do the justices care about the issue and the timing to an election? are those things that they think
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about and sort of what kind of implications it could have, you know, in campaigning and the election? >> the justices are very sophisticated people. they read the newspaper. they are not sequestered jurors. they don't -- they are very much aware of the politics surrounding everything they do. look, they talk about abortion, affirmative action. these are very political issues. but in terms of any specific case, i don't think they really sit around -- i mean, i know they don't sit around and talk about what the political fallout of their decisions will be. for example, they do think about politics when they decide about retiring from the court. there's an informal tradition at the court not to retire in an election year because they know it's too difficult to get anyone confirmed. but in terms of their votes in an individual case, i don't think it plays much part. >> jeff toobin, we're watching it. >> we'll be here. >> and you're stuck there. pretty much.
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>> that's true. >> jeff, thank you. has anybody noticed besides me how thick will cain's accent is today? >> no. i haven't noticed that. >> your texas accent. it's so strong. >> there's a lot of enthusiasm radiating. >> is that it? >> and then the accent comes through. >> i really am hearing it today, mr. texas. >> i'm blushing. still ahead this morning, hollywood superstar jada pinkett smith is using her star power for an important cause. we'll tell you how her 11-year-old daughter, willow, inspired her to take action against sex slavery.
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she is one-half of a mega-hollywood power couple. now actress jada pinkett smith, will smith's wife of nearly 15 years, is using her star power to fight child trafficking and sex slavery. 200,000 minors fall victim to it every year in the united states. i sat down with her to learn more about her crusade and also why she got involved. you had a chance to attend a presentation where the secretary of state hillary clinton was talking about trafficking, human trafficking in general.
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>> i met with a representative in mexico from the state department who found out that i was strongly involved in human trafficking. and then i was invited to the event for the tip report at the state department, which was amazing. >> this came to you really through an 11-year-old. your daughter. >> can you believe that? >> yes, i can. >> i'm a really ashamed about that. but, yeah, it took willow to -- she was watching the kone 2012, you know, and was talking about children that were being trafficked. and she gets on the internet, and she does her own research and realizes that there are girls in our country, her age, that are being sexually exploited. and she couldn't believe it. and of course she brings it to me and she goes, mom, you will not believe what is happening. i have to lend my voice to it. so then i started to do my own research, and a whole world opened up to me. >> you must have a thousand projects you could do. >> yes. >> why did this one stick? >> i tell you, because the
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majority of victims that are sex trafficked in our country are children. >> girls usually? >> girls, but growing number of boys. falling through the foster care system, run aways. and unfortunately, you find a lot of children that are sold by drug addicted parents. and that upsets me. so, you know, i hear many cases of young women who are sold by their mothers. i'm sorry. i'm just thinking about a case that i just heard of before i left los angeles. of a 14-year-old girl who's been given to a drug dealer by her mother. >> in her neighborhood? >> in her neighborhood, who was sold, you know, for sex. she runs away. and you know where she runs to? the kentucky fried chicken. and she tries to hide out in a bathroom there. and he goes in and he finds her. and he pulls her out.
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and he takes her into the street and beats her down. and unbeknownst to her, she had no idea she was pregnant and has a miscarriage right in the middle of the street. there's no human being on this planet that should ever have to endure treatment like that. and especially not a child. and so it's very important to me, very important. >> tell me about the video, the music video you made with selma hayek. >> yeah, selma hayek directed. i wanted to do that particular video and use that song because i wanted to communicate that one woman is every woman. and the idea being an african-american woman that is singing in spanish is to say we are all one. >> what can people who are watching at home do? >> there are lots of places. you can go to, which is a site that i am very involved in.
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one of my favorite organizes is not for sale. when you go onto their site, you can find several different ways that you can get involved. >> so for the bigger community, it's about support. and for the young women, and i guess young men too, it's about supporting them and knowing that they need to speak up. >> i'm going to tell you something that's very interesting. i could have very easily been one of these girls. >> you think so? >> oh, come on. >> you grew up in baltimore. >> i grew up in baltimore. i come from a fatherless home. i was raised by a very young mother, who also got caught up in drug addiction. and i was out on the streets. >> meaning what? what do you mean? >> meaning that was my playground. >> nobody knew where you were? >> no. and this is why i'm telling you that it's so important that we establish communication with our children, that establishes trust and understanding. you they need to know that they
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can feel safe with us, and they don't have to go out there and find strangers that they feel like are going to take care of them. >> she is so passionate about this topic. it was a fascinating conversation. and cnn is committed to the fight against human trafficking. you can learn more about modern day slavery, including some stories of survival at the cnn freedom project. the web page at or go to still ahead this morning on "starting point," a tape from matt sandusky. jerry sandusky's son who was adopted, that tape has just been released. we'll play you chunks from that 25-minute tape coming up next. stay with us. with chase sapphire preferred.
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the radical new macbook pro with retina display. ♪ every dimension. ♪ er is different but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you. the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore. i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful.
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he would never give up on any of us. good afternoon. chase sapphire. (push button tone) this is stacy from springfield. oh woah. hello? yes. i didn't realize i'd be talking to an actual person.
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you don't need to press "0" i'm here. reach a person, not a prompt whenever you call chase sapphire. welcome, everything much this just in to cnn. a new tape has surfaced of matt sandusky, jerry sandusky's adopted son. and on this tape which runs 25 minutes in eleclengths, he is telling police at the alleged molestation at the hands of his father. the tape obtained by nbc news. >> with the showering, the hugging, the rubbing, just talking to me. the way he spoke. pretend you're asleep. if you were touched or rubbed in some way, you could just act like you were rolling over in your sleep so you could change positions. i know that i really wanted to die at that point in time. >> now according to nbc news, matt sandusky on the tape said the abuse started when he was 8
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years old and continued in will he was a teenager. the tape -- i said 25 minutes. it's 29 minutes long. and it was made as matt sandusky was talking to the police. he was preparing to testify against his father. he chose not to take the stand, though, because he was worried about perjury charges. you know, he had said to a grand jury that he had not been molested. so he says on the tape that he's very worried that he would be committing perjury before the grand jury by now changing his story. and the tape, i guess, on this tape, he really goes to i guess corroborate some of the testimony of victim number four. he was in the courtroom when that testimony was happening. and then after that he was not in the courtroom is my understanding. he said he had to go through therapy and that therapy helped bring some of those memories back. jerry sandusky of course is awaiting sentencing. 45 counts of child sexual abuse. terrible, right? >> yes. and the prosecution, there are reports that the prosecution decided they didn't need matt's testimony. they had enough testimony on their own.
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they had a strong enough case. it was just easier to avoid involving matt in the case. >> jurors said they were deliberating when we got reports about matt sandusky's testimony, you know, or potential testimony. so they were not privy to it because they were deliberating. and they said, you know, when we heard it, we knew we had made the right decision. that they felt so confident in the jurors that i talked to, felt so confident in what the other victims had said that it would have just been, you know, more in a long string of what they felt they were confident and really -- >> and experts say it takes a long time for men to come forward with this type of thing. a, because they are worried that there is a reason they have been preyed upon, that there is something that their abuser saw in them that perhaps they are gay and don't know. and so there's all of this fear and shame that often takes a very long time, and often takes a string of other victims to come out so they finally feel comfortable coming forward. end point is up next. we're back in a moment. favorite.
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speed round for "end point" this morning. >> if carlos gutierrez won't tell us what mitt romney's immigration position is, i will. he says he would veto the dream act, he says that immigrants
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should self deport. there you go. let's hold him to it. >> wow. i'm going to go lighter. as the daughter of a flight attendant for 37 years, i found that bill's book about airline security fascinating. and i honestly think the bottom line for everybody in an airport watching right now, don't get mad at the ticket agent. it's not their fault. they are doing the best they can to load up that airplane and keep you on time. >> amen to that. will cain? >> an interesting fact. we'll see what lessons we can draw from it. after the arizona ruling we now know with almost certainty that chief justice john roberts will write the decision on the health care mandate. i don't know what that tells us, but he'll write it. tonight, i'm going to fill in again for anderson on "ac 360." catch me there at 8:30 eastern time. tomorrow on "starting point," we'll talk to mitch winehouse, father of late singer amy winehouse. also, magic johnson will join us. and new orleans saints quarterback and super bowl champ
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drew brees with us as well. "cnn newsroom" with carol costello begins right now. happening right now in the newsroom, drama and emotion this morning as rescue teams race to find a person believed to be under this mall roof that collapsed over the weekend. officials fear the whole thing might come down. one person telling police we can't just let them die. gay pride at the pentagon. less than a year after a don't ask, don't tell was repealed, the pentagon hosts its very first gay pride event. and we'll talk to an openly day military officer about what this day means to him. discount bias. orbitz admits blocking users to more expensive hotels and showing pc users rooms that are $30 a month cheaper. targeted markets or computer discount discrimination? ann curry and matt lauer may be splitting up. where and when will curry go and who will take her place? "cnn newsroom" begins right now.


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