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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  June 27, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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self-imposed deadline of january 1st. that is when our leaders in washington, either have to find ways to cut the deficit by $1.2 trillion or face automatic across-the-board spending cuts equal to that amount. now, those automatic cuts are designed to hit in the worst places. places that you would not make quick cuts to solve the spending problem. poorly designed, on purpose. bipartisan reports say those cuts could cost over 1 million american jobs. but instead of that terrible situation forcing congress to say, you know what, we're going to find a better, smarter set of cuts, we can cut this amount of money, just not from those places or in that amount, they might kick the can and let the spending go on, unchecked. republican sources tell "outfront" there are talks going on right now to delay these so-called sequestration cuts. the problem is, these talks don't add up to a solution. all they do is delay making the cuts that we need, and if
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congress delays the sequester, that means no grand bargain on spending and entitlements in america. so here's where we get to jenga. dealing with these issues piecemeal is a lot like taking pieces out of a jenga puzzle. this is our economy, this wonderful tower, the biggest and most impressive tower in the world, all connected and one bad move could destroy it. so the super committee last year made our economic base weaker. let's try that. we are on live television. i want to emphasize that. here we go. i'm shaking. there is the super committee. and constantly fighting over raising the debt ceiling, 11 times since 2001, last summer, the one that caused our entire country's credit rating to lose the best and sterling credit rating in the world. i would say that was another piece we just whacked out of our tower of economic strength. there we go. all right. ooh. the truth is, our country is already on shaky ground. and we have removed so many things from our jenga tower that we're about to crash.
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and if you delay action on the automatic cut, saving hard work for another day, our entire country -- let's try this one -- could come tumbling -- that's us. earlier tonight, i spoke to senator pat toomey, republican on the budget committee. also a member of the super committee. and i asked him if delaying the automatic cuts would make sense. >> no, i don't. i think that would be a bad idea. you know, i voted against the debt limit increase in large part because i felt that the proposed spending reductions weren't enough. we're facing a complete fiscal disaster, and i do think we should reprogram the defense cuts. i do think they land too heavily in that category. but i don't think we can just walk away from our commitment to have some modest measure of fiscal discipline. not under these circumstances. >> and, you know, representative bob mckee an, chairman of house armed services committee was talking about those defense cuts and he said, quote, let's get together now and just say we're not mature enough to handle this.
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we've got to kick the can down the road now. now, i'm sure he would say, and i'm going to be talking to him soon, but he would say, look, i'm just being pragmatic here. i've got to do what i've got to do. but is this where we're going to end up? >> i certainly hope not. and we don't have to end up there. you know, the house passed the budget that would not have these kind of cuts. i introduced a budget in the senate that had rebroad support. when i was on the super committee, i imposed a framework that included revenue and spending reduction that is would have avoided this entire sequestration. we could still go back to any of those three. but for us to say we just can't help ourselves, we have to spend without limit, i think that's a disaster. and we just can't go there. >> when you talk about the super committee, obviously, you're frustrated with its results. so are we. and so are many americans, passionately so. it failed in its job. that's why we've got these $1.2 trillion in automatic, horribly designed cuts. >> that's right. >> do you blame yourself a little bit, though? i mean, you were in the position
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of power to not have us in this position. >> well, and i was the guy that reached out to the other side and said, look, even though i don't -- i think this is a spending problem, i think this is entirely a spending problem, nevertheless, if that's what it takes to get an agreement from you, i'm going to agree to put some revenue on the table. and offered a structure which would be pro growth, provide a certainty on the tax side and stronger economic growth and generate some revenue. and if only we could get an agreement on some modest spending cuts in areas that had already been vetted by both sides, i thought that we bent over backwards to accommodate the demands of our democratic friends. and they just said no way. >> so let's talk about where that money would come from. i know, obviously, they would say we didn't put enough revenue on the table. so we look at loopholes and the math on that, i've done it, and it's sort of encouraging. you know, you've got $1.1 trillion in loopholes for 2014. that means if you close loopholes, you get a lot more money. >> you know, the proposal i put
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on the table would have allowed us to take some of the -- to reduce the value of the deductions and write off some loopholes use that to lower marginal rates, but use some of it to reduce the size of our deficit. i also proposed other sources of revenue. i happen to think that it's ridiculous that we fully subsidize medicare benefits for very wealthy americans. why don't we ask them to pay a little more for their medicare benefits? i think we should. >> but this is a crucial question. you're going to close loopholes, you're saying you use some of the money to lower marginal tax rates. the question is, how much. tell me you're not on the side that you have this religion where it has to be revenue-neutral. any money you get from closing loopholes you're going to put into lowering rates. you don't believe in this revenue-neutral thing, do you? >> well, that would be much better for our economy, and that would be much better for economic growth and for job creation. but when i was on the super committee, i was willing to devote not all of it to lowering rates. some of it would be devoted to deficit reduction.
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not because i think it's economically necessary, but because i acknowledge that it was politically necessary, in order to get the other side to agree to any kind of spending cut. and then they decided no, even that wasn't going to bring them to the table. so i was pretty discouraged. >> well, senator, where are we going to end up? i'm looking at the house. they've got about 30 days between now and the election where they're actually going to be in session. we've got the sequestration disaster looming. we've got the bush tax cuts, unemployment insurance, payroll, the debt ceiling. i could go on and on. >> right. >> and i get this terrible feeling it's going to be like jenga. and we're all going to fall apart. how is that not going to happen? >> well, i think what, frankly, the markets are doing and the reason we're in a -- this uncomfortable, relative calm right now is because, frankly, there's an anticipation that we're going to get an election outcome that resolves some of this. if governor romney is elected president, republicans will president, republicans will certainly take control of the
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senate and that environment. we can do just three big things that i think would get our economy absolutely booming again. number one, some tax certainty, make the current rates permanent if we have to. i would prefer a more pro growth reform, but i would settle for that. reform at least one of the big entitlement programs driving one of our long-term budget problems and create a regulatory environment friendly for investment and business growth, rather than hostile. we did those things, i think our economy would take off and we would find it easier to resolve the remaining challenges. >> we shall see. obviously, they are still very far apart rhetorically. "outfront" next, this. >> voter i.d., which is going to allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania. done. >> did a republican just admit something huge? and a major announcement for one of this country's premier sports. college football is going to undergo a huge change, just happened the past hour. and we have video just released on what george zimmerman told police about his injuries the day after he killed trayvon martin.
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allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania. done. >> he was speaking there to an audience of republicans. john avlon, roland martin, wry aham salon with me. going to bring it up to pennsylvania. john, this is the new law, it says all voters will be required to show photo i.d. before they vote. that is what this law is about, quoting directly from the voter i.d. law. democrats say this hurts turnout among minorities, elderly voters. republicans say it's to prevent voter fraud. >> erin, everybody wants fair voting without fraud, but this guy, the head of the republicans and pennsylvania state legislature pulled the curtain back because all of those high-minded reasons, principled reasons allegedly for passing this law, he just said, we're really about partisan gain. and about the pursuit of power. and this is why people are sick of politicians. because they use all this -- supposedly principled reasons and it's nothing about except power and partisan gain.
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>> roland, this brings me to the tough issue. i think most people would say, look, you should be able to have an identification who you are and where you're from to vote. that is intimidating to some people. why and to whom? how can this law become something that is discriminatory? >> it's not just pennsylvania. it's florida, it's ohio, it's 18 states. and so many of these republican legislatures have been doing this as a result of a.l.e.c., that secret group behind different efforts, as well. the bottom line is this here. it goes beyond just saying you need an i.d. because they're even saying in the pennsylvania law you need to prove it, you need a birth certificate, with a raised seal. if you don't have that, you have got to go get one, a nonwaivable fee of $10. if you want a pennsylvania photo i.d., not a driver's license, that's going to cost you $13.50. >> right. they're saying all voters have to have a photo i.d. so if you don't have one, the formal one costs 13.'50s. >> right. so the notion goes far beyond
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voter i.d. because some republican friends are saying oh, just show i.d. but it's limiting early voting days. in ohio, you can't vote three days before the election. why? because they're targeting black churches, as well. so they have come up with creative ways beyond voter i.d.s to keep people have voting all across the country. >> all right, wry ahan, what's your response? do you think that having a photo i.d. should be okay? and if you do, wouldn't you admit it should be free? >> oh, i definitely think it should be free. and in fact, if you look at mississippi, for example, where the voter i.d. laws, quite strenuous, rigorous, free voterism i.d.s will be issue the and if pennsylvania finds there are many people who can't afford the $13.50 they should absolutely take affirmative steps to provide the voter i.d.s for people. what i will say, when you listen to what the gentleman said in pennsylvania, you have to keep in mind that there are many
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republicans who believe that voter fraud benefits democrats. there are also democrats who believe that voter suppression and voter fraud benefit republicans. we don't know that. what we need is a neutral, straight forward process, in which there is a reliable way to identify whether or not you are who you say you are. and when you see there's a history of voter fraud in this country, justice john paul stevens, when he voted, as part of the majority, the 6-3 majority to uphold indiana's voter law, there is an extensive and long history of voter fraud, and he, lest we forget, was one of the liberal lions of the supreme court. >> let me offer some facts. >> roland, let me throw something up. voter fraud could be widespread, i don't know. the convictions on voter fraud, four in pennsylvania since 2004. obviously, the president's victory was more than 2,000 votes. i'm not saying we know every case, but four, ryan.
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>> erin -- >> roger rot unanimous was not the only person who ever engaged in insider trading. but it's very hard to identify and prosecute. there are many crimes where you don't necessarily identify the people. and we're not trying to engage in some process where we're prosecuting,in tim dath, et cetera. we're just saying thattel going forward, let's have a neutral, reliable way to be sure that people are who they say they are. we're not trying to go back and engage in recriminations about the past. >> this is a solution in search of a problem. the national republican lawyers association came out with their report showing voter fraud. about 340 cases in america over a ten-year period. if you look at -- >> how many cases -- insider trading relative to insider trading incidents? >> hold on, one second. i'm offering actual prove. >> no white collar crime in america not prosecuted? >> there are some states where you likely have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than there are actually being voter
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fraud. so this is utter nonsense. >> being prosecuted. than to be process process cuted, roland, let's be clear. >> we know there is a voter suppression using voter i.d. laws and other things like literacy tests. there are also -- >> voter fraud and literacy tests are not the same, john. >> listen to me. i'm saying we know there are cases of voter fraud and also cases of voter suppression. what we have seen in recent history is a lot of supposedly principled reasons with nothing but partisan gain. this same guy, the republican head of the state legislature in pennsylvania, backed an effort to try to rejig the electoral college vote in their state to split it up. to, again, make it more likely republicans could gain electoral votes. this is about power. >> erin -- >> nebraska and maine are states where you want to separate it out, because it's a diverse state. and i think there is some concern about that in a variety
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of states. that doesn't necessarily mean there is something corrupt about it, john. >> erin, in ohio, they actually passed a bill which the voters repealed and then overturned it, where in ohio, they said if you are a poll worker, you could -- it was voluntary for you to tell someone if approximate they were in the wrong location. if they were in the wrong polling location, you could tell them, tough. or you could choose to tell them. why would you even put that in the law? why are you banning people from voting three days before an election, because you're targeting churches who are vote en masse? it's utter nonsense and can't defend it. >> roland martin working on a documentary on voter suppression airing july 15th here on cnn. "outfront" next, we were told it was never about the money. it was about tradition. but there is a big move today that will change college football forever. and a man beat up a priest and was offered a plea bargain that could have saved him years in court. you're going to want to know why he chose to reject that. that's next.
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and our third story "outfront," a man claiming he was molested by a catholic priest in the 1970s is now on trial himself. for beating his alleged fwuser. defendant will lynch put himself at risk of spending up to four years in prison if convicted. why would you the manure looking at there taking such big risk in lynch says he wants to face his alleged abuser in court. casey weyandt is "outfront" with the story. >> reporter: mr. lunch, do you think you've accomplished what
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you sought out to accomplish today? >> no comments. >> reporter: 44-year-old william lynch is an alleged victim of child sexual abuse by a catholic priest more than three decades ago. today, he's on trial charged with assaulting that priest. father gerald lindner. now, 68, lindner is the alleged victim of a bloody beating by lynch in 20 may 10. he was under guise of delivers news of a family member and pummeled lindner. >> society is the victim of all this, there is a man sitting up there at los gatos who is a rapist and mow left children and allowed to go free. >> reporter: lindner once taught in los angeles, accused of but never prosecuted for abusing as many as ten children. the statute of limitations expired by the time alleged victims came forward. still, the catholic church paid millions of dollars to settle
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claims to lindner's accusers, including $625,000 to lynch, and his younger brother. lynch told the "los angeles times" in 2002, he had long thought about confronting father lindner to, quote, exercise all of the rage and anger and bitterness he put into me. he stole my innocence and destroyed my life. lynch's supporters, including his parents, gathered daily with pickett signs outside the santa clara county courthouse. prosecutors declined comment. however, lynch was offered a plea deal of a year in jail. he turned it down, saying he wanted to see lindner in court for the first time. now, lynch could be sentenced to four years in prison for assaulting an allegedly abusive priest. >> all right, casey joins me now. casey, this is is up an unusual case. and i know in the courtroom there have been some emotional outbursts. >> yeah, there really have, erin. as the trial got under way last week, lindner, the priest was
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being led down a hallway and another of the alleged victims began screaming at him. bailiffs had to remove her from the court. also one of her relatives with her removed from the court. just today sitting in front of me were lynch's parents. apparently they made some reaction to something that was said during the proceedings today about the molestation that allegedly happened. they made some gesture. the bailiff during a break came over to them, looked at them both right in the eye, very sternly, warned them against violating the judge's order against any showing of emotion or outbursts in the courtroom. obviously, a lot of emotions running high in this case, erin. >> unbelievable story. thanks so much to casey why an. "outfront" next, nato. and that means us, the united states of america, afraid that syria has more fire power than thought. and later new videotape of george zimmerman. what it says about this question that doesn't seem to go away. how severe were the injuries he
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suffered in the fight he had with trayvon martin. it's the crux of the whole case. and new pictures. why not try someplace different every morning? get two times the points on dining in restaurants with chase sapphire preferred. and this is what inspires us to create new technology. ♪ technology that connects us to everything the world has to offer and vice versa. ♪ technology that makes lightweight stronger, safer, and faster than ever before. ♪ technology that makes electric electrifying and efficiency exhilarating. ♪
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the second half of our show with stories we care about and focus on our own reporting from the front lines. congress motto apparently, never do today what you can do tomorrow. eh. sorry, we thought that was good. $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts that congress said would happen january 1st,
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they're going to help reduce the deficit, they may now put those off until march. another delay as congress remains divided over where to make those cuts. earlier, i speak with republican senator pat toomey. he was a member of the super committee. >> if my democratic friends would agree to reducing spending and bringing that under control, and beginning to reform our entitlement programs, i think that's the basis for an agreement we could reach. >> and one order of business that is getting done in congress, action on student loans. the senate reached agreement on holding the interest rate on newly issued stafford loans to the current 3.4%. the rate was scheduled to go next week back to where it was before, 6.8%, unless the house also approves a deal. about 7.4 million undergraduates are expected to borrow new stafford loans. keeping the rate at 3.4% is going to cost $6 billion a year. and just to emphasize this doubling you keep hearing about,
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all it is, is an increase to the way the rates used to be. it has become politically impossible to have anything be temporary anymore. tax cuts, taxpayer-funded cheap loans, payroll tax cut. and that can be a problem. but so is this. when you look at the bottom line on college rates, seniors graduating in 2010 carried an average debt of $25,250. no matter how you cut that, that's a problem. in just a day after we reported the rise of murders in chicago, up at least 35% over last year, the city announced it's going to try to do something about it. they're now giving a one-year, $1 million grant to cease-fire illinois, to reduce the murder rate. the money is going to pay for 40 so-called interrupters. they try to get in the middle of conflicts before they turn into gunfire. there have been more than 240 homicides in chicago this year. it's gang-related.
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and that is we have reported, that's more than the number of u.s. troops killed in afghanistan. meantime, social gaming company zynga famous for words with friends that got alec balance win kicked off a plane for playing after they shut the door rolled out new games today. among them, a new service called zynga with friends that let's you track friends' scores. the company's second annual unleashed event is a big deal nor investors who want to know if zynga has a plan to make itself less reliant on facebook. currently, zynga gets 15% of its revenue from facebook. earlier, i had the chance to speak with zynga's ceo, mark pink us, and asked if he was worried if facebook isn't everything it was cracked up to be. >> we've been one of the largest advertisers on facebook since early days. and we see massive value in buying ads. obviously, we are buying ads that is helping us acquire more players who are converting to payers. so i would say i'm more in awe of the amazing service and business they have created than worried about it.
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>> and by the way, he was saying a lot of people pick avatars of different people. men picking hot, bodacious babes to be their avatar. women picking hot men. it's been 327 days since the united states lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? home prices increased in april by 1.3% across the country. you may say that's paltry, but it's the first increase in seven months. that's significant. celebrate it, according to the case-shiller home price index. and now our fourth story "outfront." war against syria, but in words only. syria has shot down a turkish fighter jet and fired at
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another. these incidents happened on the border between the two countries. turkey is a member of nato, and it called for help.
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so nato chose to condemn, quote, in the strongest terms, the syrian government's acts. it has not chosen to retaliate. now, article 5 of nato's charter treaty clearly states this. an armed attack against one or more shall be considered an attack against them all. so is nato worried that syria has more fire power than it thought? after all, it's proved it can shoot fighter jets ought of the sky. that could mean significant loss of life if there were war or even a know-fly zone, something nato and the united states doesn't want to face. former defense secretary william cohen joins us tonight. good to see you, as always. do you think there was surprise? i know we have run through the stats on the syrian military time and time again. a significant military and people fight back by saying it's disorganized, it's not put together anymore. it wouldn't be able to function. and yet here they are, able to shoot fighter jets ought of the sky. does that give nato and the u.s. pause? >> i don't think it gives us any the carpet. >> the sand is gone. >> the first time i used the hoover windtun
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we know their supporter, like russia and iran are starting to feel the crunch, as well. oil is down to $74, not hundred. so that monetary support is goods to go more difficult to comp by. so they're under enormous strain. and the resistance getting more and more support from the gulf states and other countries, so they're becoming much more capable militarily and starting to occupy some of the land.
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so i think a lot of pressure may have tried to send a signal that engineer they're going to be very tough on this, but they have to be careful. >> this is a position where the united states may never step up to the plate. there are awful things that happen around the world. americans know that. they look at this and say yes, it gets media coverage. why this one, when you ask whether the united states has a responsibility to do something in syria, 61% of americans say no. >> well, the 61% of the americans know we have been in two wars, we still have in afghanistan at the moment. and it's not really desirable thing to now say let's go to war again. we've been in libya to a certain degree, very hesitant to get involved. but we did. and with minimum impact upon the american people. and a result which we're still seeing unfold. i think it's a legitimate reason to be hesitant here. nonetheless, assembled send a signal to syria we want a political solution. russia, by the way, instead of sending more arms into syria really is at a point where they
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could exercise some real leadership on the international stage by saying we need to have a political solution, russia is now exercising that, taking some leadership, not just send more weapons but come to a political result that will avoid conflict, because it's in everybody's interests, not to have a conflict in the middle east. >> all right. that is for sure. thank you very much, secretary cohen. always good to get your perspective. mitt romney today kept up his assault on president obama over immigration. >> when he was running for office, he said he would make it his first priority in his first year agenda to reform our immigration system and make it work for the american people. and for those that want to come here legally. he did not do that. why is it? he had a democrat house, democrat senate, all the support he needed. he did nothing. >> all right, here's the thing. mitt romney hasn't laid out a specific, full immigration policy either.
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he said he supports electronic verification of employees and more visas for highly skilled workers. but not a full policy. and after the supreme court's
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decision on arizona's immigration law this week, romney's traveling press secretary has struggled to articulate the candidate's stance. >> does he support the law as it was drafted in arizona? >> the governor supports the right of states. that's all i can say on this issue. >> does he have a position on the law or no position? >> the governor has his own immigration policy which he laid
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out in orlando and in the primary which he would implement they do it because it works. richard nixon in 1968 had a secret plan to win the vietnam war. didn't say what it was, but it got him elected. politicians are often allergic to specifics, because they're afraid it will alienit more people than it will attract. you do have an obligation, not just to criticize but to say what you would do differently. >> although it's interesting. i think about chris christie, what are you going to cut? and he wouldn't answer the question. and then he actually went in and did it. there are a few examples of it happening. >> there are a few. but too often -- the problem with governor romney, for example, talking about bipartisan immigration reform is that he didn't support boip immigration reform backed by kennedy and mccain and george
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bush when he was running last time arnold arnold. >> it's hard to say you're for something when you've been on the record and opposed to it extensively in the past. >> absolutely. thanks very much to john avlon. outfront next, a major development for all fans of college football. and then why the former lead detective in the zimmerman case says george zimmerman's story is inconsistent. doesn't add up. so big news in the world of college football. after 14 years of a painful bowl
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so big news in the world of college football. after 14 years of a painful bowl selection process, it looks like the bcs may have finally figured out how to keep everyone happy.
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instead of rating teams through polls, two-thirds human and one-third computer, they're now going to let the teams decide it on the field. which brings us to our number tonight. four. that's the number of teams that will compete in a playoff championship to determine the national champion. the four teams will be determined by a selection committee that ranks the teams based on win-loss record, strength of schedule. that's always important. used to hate when people gain that way. head-to-head results, and whether the team was a conference champion. according to the bcs, the semi final games will be new year's
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eve and new year's day. the presidential oversight committee adopted the concept of rotating among six bowl location sites. it goes to the highest bidder. the championship game will no longer be called a bowl game. one thing they haven't decided yet, this is the kicker, because it always comes down to money. and now to tonight's outer circle. we go to egypt tonight where the new president mohammed morsi says he's going to elect a woman as one of his vice presidents. his policy adviser told cnn that today. the leader has previously said women should not be president. so despite today's announcement and promises by the morsi the leader has previously said women should not be president. so despite today's announcement and promises by the morsi campaign to uphold women rights, many egyptians are nervous that the muslim brotherhood'sitology will many serious trouble. i spoke to her earlier and asked why she doesn't believe the muslim brotherhood promises. >> after the result, a lot of people in the street talking to
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girls and women and saying that, oh, we have president for muslim brotherhood. you have to stay at home. you have not to work. it's very worrisome for me to have islamist as a president and have islamist parliament and the main thing they want to do to prevent women for life, limit her freedom. it's not good. and actually, i will fight, and a lot of women who believe in the right will fight. >> they will fight. now our fifth story "outfront." new video tonight after 28-year-old george zimmerman describing his injuries to investigators. this video is the day after he killed 17-year-old trayvon martin in a reenactment. >> i have a broken nose. she said i could use stitches, but she would rather not put them in. as long as i didn't mess with my
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head, the skin was already healing nicely. >> special prosecutor angela corey released that video as well as statements from the sanford police department in which the lead detective says zimmerman could have diffused the situation. saying, quote, on at least two occasions, george martin zimmerman failed to identify himself as a concerned resident or a neighborhood watch member to trayvon benjamin martin. benjamin, let me ask you about that video. because what stood out to me, hearing that, when you know, you're talking about someone acting in self defense. i have a broken nose. she said i could use stitches. but she'd rather not put them in. as long as i didn't mess with my head. 'cause the skin was already healing nicely.
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between, we have to rely on stuff we haven't seen. it says he only has a likely broken nose. seems like every day the bandages get bigger. >> should we have any question about what is being released? what the media and the public are allowed to see? because this is coming from the special prosecutor's office. >> well, we know that in a case such as this things are going to be orchestrated. they're going to be brought out -- they all will be brought owl legally but they're also brought out for impact, for strategic purposes. in this particular case, we have, you know, somebody, a defendant, zimmerman, giving statements. and we see the injuries. so now we need to really take all of this and put it all together, this puzzle, and figure out what really happened here. yeah, you're going to find a lot
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of these things dropped strategically. they could have been released a long time ago, we know that. >> isn't there something about how this dribbles out? each side, your side and the other side, are trying to put out things dribble by dribble that would, you know, influence opinion. >> well, no, that's not true. we don't get to put out anything. the state attorney gets to put out information. and zimmerman's legal defense team. we would hope that the state attorney would just put everything out and that way it can't be leaked or manipulated. the biggest thing i think was said was what the lead detective made the determination at least on two different occasions. zimmerman had opportunity to defuse the situation. when he got out the car, he could have at least said, i'm a neighborhood watch volunteer to defuse the situation and it's likely trayvon martin would be living today but he didn't and the lead detective today got demoted and that's one of those things we have to question.
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he told what he thought was the truth. >> right. let's show that detective chris sirino had said the encounter was avoidable. he said, quote, if zimmerman had remained in his vehicle and awaited the arrival of law enforcement or conversely if he had identified himself to martin as a concerned citizen. that's what you're talking about, right? that goes straight to your argument. >> absolutely. had he not pursued -- profiled and pursued trayvon martin, none of this would have happened. not these alleged injuries that, you know, it's a day after, two days after, and they keep getting worse and worse. trayvon martin was dead. we know what his injuries are. it was a bullet through the heart. >> erin, if i -- >> yeah. >> i'm sorry. if i could though, i think what's very important to point out here is that we have to figure out, did law enforcement do a good job or did they not do a good job? we've heard from different sides that there's been a lot of criticism.
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that chief lee didn't do his job and such. i've been doing this for 33 years as a criminal defense lawyer and i've never seen this much work done on a case. this much videotaping. and now a man who i respect, mr. krump, but he's acknowledging, and i think he's doing a fabulous job on behalf of his client, but he's acknowledging that the law enforcement officer did a good job and he came to a conclusion. so i think that we have to really determine, was a proper full investigation done, and if it was done, then we have to either say they did a good investigation or he didn't do a good investigation. but we can't really pick and choose when it fits a particular side, one side or the other. i think that's only fair to law enforcement who conducted the investigation. either they did a bad job, they deserve to be criticized, but if they did a good job, we need to acknowledge that. >> thanks very much to both of you. my question remains how this stuff appears to be sort of
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selectively, bits and pieces, leaking out. worth talking about that more. "outfront" next, the greatest athletes in the world, the home of supersized fries. something doesn't add up. yep uch let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel. because we only do hotels. wow. i like that. nice no. laugh... awe uch ooh, yeah hmm nice huh book it! oh boy call me... this summer, we're finding you the perfect place - plus giving you up to $100 at this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination...
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the olympics are almost here. the athletes have worked hard. they've stuck to their training. they've been eating well. which is why we are so surprised to see who sponsors the olympics. first off, coke. since 1928, coke has been a partner since the olympics.
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$100 million they're investing this time. the soda company for that gets to use the logos and slogans associated with the olympics. most important, they will be the sole provider of nonalcoholic drinks at the olympics. i say nonalcoholic because coke isn't the only company paying big bucks for the olympics. for an estimated $15 million, heineken has been granted sole pouring rights. all those famous british ailse and laggers, banned from the games. they get this, the alexandria palace. it is a 7 1/2 acre estate in the north of london. the brits are handing it over so they can stage the 11th consecutive heineken house, a refreshment center. all this and heineken's only a tier 3 sponsor. imagine who you could do if you were an official sponsor. yeah. fast food chain has been granted
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permission to build a 32,000, yes, i said 32,000, square foot store, restaurant. the largest mcdonald's in the world. we're told the only food available inside the olympic park. if you buy popcorn, it's going to come inside a mcdonald's bag. guess what, at the end of the olympics, they're going to tear the whole thing down. the largest mcdonald's in the world is only temporary. i love mcdonald's fries. i do. i'm chew on an open mic. that's worse than with an open mouth. i love burgers. but i do feel sick for a day after eating them. the olympics is an institution that's just about selling brands that are bad for your body.
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what about tomorrow? ann curry in the line of fire. >> you know where you should point the finger? >> that's what matt lauer said on this show. now i'll ask a woman who's been exactly where ann curry is. deborah norville. plus, exclusive, george zimmerman's attorney talks to me about the video you haven't seen. also, the making of an american hero. pat tillman from football star to soldier to casualty of friendly fire. now his window marie tells her story of love and loss. >> i didn't want to live. the thought of living without him was something i couldn't bear. >> and remembering amy winehouse. never before seen photographs of the little girl who became a tragic super star. i'll ask her father, mitch, about living without amy. this is "piers morgan tonight." good evening. tonight's big story, blaming ann curry. she may be just days away now from losing her job. tonight the hollywood reporter says she'll be replaced by savannah guthrie. it comes as "today" is losing


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