tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN June 30, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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"born on the fourth of july." "jfk." and "wall street." opinionated on everything. i'm pretty sure he'll have some tough answers. oliver stone. >> hello, piers. >> welcome. i'm very excited. i've been a huge fan of yours for a long time. i don't normally say that. it's a very american thing to say that. we're british. we tend to hide our feelings. i love the provocative undercurrent towards them. i love the fact you in your own life are as provocative. you don't really take prisoners, do you? >> no, i try to be a politician. i try to be a diplomat. i try to do -- i don't want to offend people. i certainly don't look for fights. because you know what they end up in. it isn't pretty it so what i am interested in is curious about the truth. i go for it. i don't want to run away from what i know. so if someone says, you know, if you want to lead with a question and you say, i can't run from
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the truth, maybe i can phrase it better. >> if you google your name, almost everything that comes up on the first page involves the word "controversial." >> not really but that is a little bit exaggerated. i think there is a body of work that stands up. the controversial thing -- >> do you mind that? >> yes, i do. it comes and goes. it doesn't mean anything. it's the long-term implications. my work is i think good. and i think you go back and you look at that film, that second and third time a few years later. you might have a -- i don't know why everybody got so upset about that silly thing. that was the headline. the truth is there's a movie with a dramatic core. great characters. it's fun. >> fascinated by your early life. your parents. very different, your father and mother. but you said about both of them slightly mad. slightly crazy. which you've clearly inherited. although you say you're calming down. they were divorced early on. you've been divorced twice likened the movies to a divorce
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process. >> very clever of you to go there. i'd much rather talk about the beautiful blake lively for -- >> beautiful blake lively. i'm try to get to what makes you >> my own life is i haven't hidden it. i've been to -- you know, i've written about it. talked about it. my parents were extremely colorful people. dramatic, strong. my mom still alive today and probably watching. so, you know. but it was a wonderful story. and -- but it really did hurt because at 14 years old, you go off to a boarding school. you're english, you know. you disappear. you lose because you're the only child. the family does separate. traumatic. wasn't long before i was in vietnam. merchant marines. all these things. i do miss the family life. i'm trying to reconstitute one to some degree. >> what is your relationship like with your mother now? she's in her 90s, right? >> that's right. >> has been your biggest fan and critic over the years?
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>> she thinks so. put it this way, i have an interesting relationship and ongoing one. it's contrary. there are many difficulties. as there are. i'm sure you know what i'm talking about. families are difficult. >> what do you think you've got from your parents, from both of them? let's accentuate the positives. what are the stuff you really think, thank you, i got that stuff from you? >> the good stuff. >> yeah. >> from mom, i got a great sense of love. emotion. affection. universal forgiveness. my dad, i would say -- a sober intelligence. a sense of looking at things and not falling into the fashion of the time. but thinking for yourself as much as possible. >> hard-working, independent, passionate, creative and slightly crazy. this is of course what everyone who's ever worked with you says. >> that's nice. >> i think they mean all of them
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as positives. >> i think that -- i haven't been around -- i've been around for these 19 movies. i've collaborated with a lot of people. i've worked for the most part 90% of them well. it's been a rich life. people have brought enormous things to me because i've been open to them, not closed. >> which of all the actors you've worked with has been the best? >> kevin costner's as different from anthony hopkins as night to day. they're both extraordinary to work with. tom cruise is as different from colin farrell as night to day but i enjoyed both enormously. >> charlie sheen. >> charlie sheen was a young man when i worked with him on two films. on both films, he was quite different. you saw -- i felt he was that dreamy quality in "platoon" that i loved. when we got to "wall street" it became more cosmo poll continue definitely. >> when he had his sort of mad period last year, i know you're
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no longer that close to him, but what did you feel, looking at this guy who you worked with so closely before? >> lost track of charlie in the mid-'80s. >> i think he lost track of charlie in the mid-'80s. >> but i did see him about four months ago, three months ago, on a reunion of "platoon." he was delightful to everybody. he remembered everything. and we went into -- we laughed about some of the incidents in the forest. >> who could outparty who, you or charlie? your peak. >> at my peak? we had fun in new york. i have to say. charlie though -- but no, colin farrell can outparty all of us. >> this is what i've heard. >> in the old days. charlie too. >> all of you at your peak, who would be the greatest guest you'd have to a party? >> robert downey was pretty wild. and so was juliette lewis and woody harrelson, tom sizemore. tommy lee jones.
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they're fun. and you know what, it's great to party with them. most of them are fun. i mean, they were good drunks. >> let's turn to "savages." let's watch a clip from "savages" first. >> welcome to the recession, boys. you should be grateful you still have a product people want. >> so you don't mind if your envelope gets a little thinner then? >> oh, you guys, you guys, you know, you have a clean business. there's no problems. but there aren't no ben and shawn without dennis so my envelope stays the same. >> it's a fascinating film. not known what to expect. great acting in it. great theme these two kind of hippie character brothers. but they build this amazing -- it's the nice end of the drug industry, isn't it? then they collide with the nasty end. which is the really vile drug barron end. it all goes horribly wrong. you've been no stranger to drugs. you've spoken very vocally about
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it. what was your purpose of making the movie? what do you hope to achieve? all your movies have a purpose. >> it's pretty hard-edged. it's like writing a book. i think i made the movie because it was different. you didn't know what was going to happen next. it's a wild ride. you don't -- it's an improbable situation because we don't know anything about the present day contemporary marijuana industry. in california, it's legal. so these growers are growing it semi illegally. they're selling it out of state but they're also selling it in state, which is legal. of course the cartel. hypothetical fiction. wants to move in like a walmart would move in on a niche business and take it over. learn their techniques. >> you've been to south america a lot. you've been very outspoken about the way mexico has treated the drug war. what is the simplistic answer do you think? >> this war on drugs got bigger since 1970 when nixon declared
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it. it's gotten huge. >> it hasn't worked, has it? >> and the mexican economy would die without it because they need the money. it goes into their legitimate economy. it's bigger than tourism. it's bigger than oil. it's bigger than remissions from their mexican immigrants back to their country. it's huge in this country. >> given the importance to a country like mexico's economy through this back economy, what do you do? >> if you declared -- if there were no war on drugs, the mexican economy would have to -- would dry up. i don't know. even the banks would dry up. it couldn't happen overnight. you'd have to move in a direction to decriminalize it first of all. because in america we're suffering greatly. not only do we have a huge dea with a huge budget. homeland security's involved. we have, you know, we've militarized the war on drugs. we've made enemies. we've made them into narco states almost. as a result our prisons too. 50% of our prison system in
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america is victimless crimes. people who have never hurt anybody. they're in for marijuana and various charges. that have nothing to do with punishment. it's a medical issue. and i think we have to move to decriminalization and legalization. >> let's take a break. come back and talk a bit more about "savages" and also about politics. maybe a dash of religion. >> mention the film. >> i started with the film. i said "savages" first. then i got to [ bleep ]
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greed works. greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. greed in all of its forms. greed for life. for money. for love. knowledge. has marked the upward surge of mankind. and greed -- you mark my words -- will not only save teldar paper but that other malfunctioning corporation called the usa. >> his role as a quintessential
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corporate raider gordon gekko. do you ever wish you hadn't done that particular scene, the "greed is good" scene? >> no, i love it, it's powerful. the movie works. it still does. it set up what's going on in our capitalism right now. >> when you saw what unfolded, the greed is good, a lot of people took it at face value? >> you know, the movie -- the vietnam movies too. doesn't necessarily mean there's going to be a change in society. what happened is of course i couldn't believe it when i went back to do "wall street money never sleeps." the numbers were a huge amount back then. then became billions of dollars. these corporations were wheeling and dealing without the ownership issue. the banks were doing what gekko was doing in the 80s. that's what happened. that's what's amazing.
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they became the buccaneers. >> who stopped them? >> the crash stopped them. >> nobody went to jail. >> there are some laws that are being enacted. think they're important. >> are they effective? >> some are, yeah. it depends how they enact it. definitely they would help. the problem is we are in another place. now, like in the war on drugs, it's the same thing. we've gotten it to such a huge amount, no one can quite figure out how to stop the hurricane. >> when you see your country $16 trillion in debt and everyone squabbling over what most people say is an insubstantial solution, what do you think? >> i think that's a pretty easy headline. $16 trillion in debt means nothing to me. what means something to me is the unemployment figure. a country such as the united states can afford that. what we need to do is get people working. and spend money. in a good positive infrastructure way. not on stupid wars in iraq.
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we they'd to make the war for our country's infrastructure. also education and climate control. >> you fought in vietnam. you've been to south america. seen the drug cartels in action. you've had a long lunch with one of the barons himself. do you think it would help if more policymakers in america had experienced war? >> i do. i think it would be -- i think world war ii generation, the korean war, these people were in congress and makes a big difference because they know war. and when you don't, you start to be like a bit of a chicken hawk. a lot of these neoconservatives that have started these wars in the last 20 years have no war record except for rumsfeld. cheney, rove, bush. it's not an attractive portrait of people who can call for other people to suspend their lives. also, well, the whole issue of vietnam, you know, the whole -- lyndon johnson never raised taxes. and bush jr. never raised taxes during the iraq war.
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so, you know, the whole idea of how to fight a war is what's weird in this country. we have to learn that it's a national -- if we go to war, it's a serious thing. >> everyone's in it together. >> yeah, but we don't call it war in this country. we call it a mini-event or something. >> what was it you learned about yourself when you were in vietnam? >> oh, first of all, i learned to survive, piers. that's the hardest thing of all. which is to say get smart. because most of the time we go into a situation. we're a bit dumb. we don't know exactly what it's like till it happens. when it happens, you learn fast. it's on the job training. so let's say i got more visceral. more visual. i think i was a writer in my head. after the war, more of a director could see things i hadn't seen before. >> about the drug war, isn't it? i think your theme about war generally throughout your movies is incredibly important actually. as someone who's watched them
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and enjoyed them and understood what you're trying to get at. i think you talking about the reality of war makes a big difference. you're one of the few who can actually talk from experience. >> i made three vietnam movies. i loved them all. they were "born on the fourth of july." "heaven and earth." i also did "salvador." about the central american wars. people watched. they praised them and this and that. you know, when we went to iran and afghanistan -- iraq and afghanistan, where was the memory? you know? it's a bizarre thing, the american ability to forget. >> let's take a break. come back and talk "savages" and also probably the least savage person in the world, your wife.
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i like talking to you, ophelia. but let me remind you that if i had to, i wouldn't have a problem cutting both their throats. >> well, you'll never get them together. i'm the only one who can do that. >> come on. are you really bragging about that? there's something wrong with your love story, baby. >> oliver stone's latest movie "savages."
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stars selma hayek, blake lively, taylor kitsch and john travolta. there's touches of all sorts of other movies. a lot of sex. >> that scene you just showed is a crucial moment because the two women, very strong in the movie, blake and selma, having a bit of a -- in the movie, blake is living with two men. >> yes. >> who she says as a young california beach girl, southern california, she says, i love both men. that's what selma's calling into question. this is an answer that you find in the end of the movie. where you know we deal with the issue of can people -- can three people live together equally. >> what do you think? >> i'm not going to give away the ending because that's a spoiler. >> what do you think? >> i think it's hard. >> impossible? >> have you tried it lately, piers? >> i've never been tempted by blake lively.
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>> the book is very graphic on that issue. >> it is graphic. what is your -- i mean, you found what seems to be true love. haven't you? >> how do you know? >> just from what you said about it. you talk in such a loving way about your third wife. she seems -- >> she's a lovely woman. >> a very extraordinary person. >> she's a lovely woman. it's been almost 15, 16 years. because our daughter's 16. so we've been, you know, we're there for her. different kind of relationship for me. less stormy. remains to me absolutely beautiful every day. i see her. she's so gracious a person. >> you had this great quote. she comes from another place of graciousness, transparency and selflessness. that's why i love her. >> yeah, sounds like florence nightingale. >> she comes from also a totally different world. a background of --
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>> she's not in our reality. because of vietnam and various -- i love asia. i feel calm when i'm in asia. i feel that calmness coming from her. >> are you calmer now? >> perhaps of her, yes. i'm older too. you got to slow down. your testosterone drops a bit. >> i can't imagine you slowing down. >> thank you, it's kind of you. takes a lot to do. >> if you were describing yourself to somebody who had never heard anything about you, what would be the honest description? >> i'm equally astonished and disappointed about myself. >> why astonished? >> put it this way, i think this life is a mystery. it's also a hunt for the truth. a hunt for what works for you. you express yourself as you go sometimes badly, sometimes well. you got to take both. you take the good with the bad. as my grandmother used to say. >> why disappointed? >> in the same way, 'cause there
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are things i wish i had done better. >> are you the kind of guy that regrets? are you able to just say -- >> i regret too much. i don't think that's necessarily -- you learn from regret. if you repeat the emotion over and over, you are flagellating yourself with self-pity. >> "savages." above all, it's a cracking thriller, isn't it? >> i think hitchcock is the ultimate filmmaker in the sense, you know, the audience doesn't want the messages and the politics. they want a good time. you know, i go to the movie because i want to have a good time. i've always tried to make movies. even if the controversial subject, as you say, like "jfk." try to make it fun to sit through. >> you essentially recalled from the word controversial. i never saw it as a negative with you.
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that's a good thing. to get people debating and talking. and analyzing. >> yeah, but it shouldn't be about the messenger. the old greek parable about they killed a messenger. it's silly because i'm, you know -- every time i made the movie, every time, it's been a different me that delivered a different one. so it's not the same person. it's how i change from every movie. >> how would you like to be remembered? >> what do you think? as a filmmaker. >> i would say -- yeah, i mean -- if you could jazz it up a bit, can't you? >> that's -- >> you could write your own tombstone. >> it's a pantheon of certain filmmakers. maybe 50, 60 that just have continued to deliver through time. those people are very rare. i just am very happy to be one -- >> that simple descriptive word, filmmaker, would be enough for you? >> dramatist if you want but that sums it up.
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>> nothing personal? >> he was a good citizen i hope, you know. i never participated in public office. i can't say i was a model citizen. but i -- i followed the debate as much i could. i tried to contribute as much as i could. >> there are few people in the movie business whose work i have enjoyed more than yours. you have not disappointed. the movie "savages" hits theaters on july 6th. it's a cracking thriller. really enjoyed it. >> very sweet of you. >> nice to see you. >> nice to see you. coming up, mark wahlberg on his very naughty new movie.
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mark wahlberg fought his way off the mean streets of boston to successful music and acting career. he's more of a business man, producer and working to become a high school graduate. his new film "ted" is about a man and his teddy bear. this is not the kind of teddy bear you want to take your kids to. mark wahlberg. welcome back. >> how are you, sir? >> this teddy bear. >> he's a naughty fella. >> seems so sweet. he's the most disgusting bear in history. >> my kids just do not understand why they cannot finally see one of daddy's movies. they're all over all the buses.
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the poster of me and the bear laughing hysterically. like, dad, it's you and a teddy bear. some of their upper classmen are like, oh, we can't wait to see "ted." looks awesome. they're really upset about it. >> what do you say? you got four kids. finally daddy who's made a lot of edgy movies makes a movie about a little cuddly bear. how do you break their little hearts? >> i told them the bear has a potty mouth. there are parts of it that i would sneak and allow them to see but my wife would be very upset with me. >> there's a brilliant scene. a scene where the teddy bear, ted, pulls this girl, who's a checkout girl in a store. and you decide you're going to try to guess the name of this girl. let's watch this clip. >> she's a cashier. >> no way, that's awesome. what's her name? >> white trash name. guess. >> mandy. >> nope. >> marilyn. >> nope. >> brittany. >> no. >> kansas. speed round, i'm going to rattle
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off some names. brandy, heather. channing, brianna. amber, serena. melody, dakota, sierra. bambi, crystal, samantha. autumn, ruby, taylor. tara, tammy, lauren. charlene, chantelle. courtney, misty, jenny. krista, mindy, noel, shelby. trina, reba, cassandra. nikki, kelsey, shawna. jolene, urleen, claudia. savannah, casey, dolly. kendra, kylie. chloe, devon. emmalou, becky? >> no. >> wait, was it any one of those names with a "lynn" after it? >> yes. >> i got you. brandy lynn. >> brandy lynn. >> ah! >> now, there are a few things about that scene. one is there are so many trashy girl's names in this country, aren't there? secondly, seth macfarland, who's the genius behind this movie, he says you got this in one take. you came in, you didn't need any cue cards, no prompting. you just came in and went. is that true? >> yes. well, you're supposed to know your lines. it was the most difficult piece of dialogue to memorize because there's nothing to connect it to. it's just 57 random names. i never thought it would make it in the movie.
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the big reason was if i just said it, it would take two or three minutes. i asked him, can we do it like a game show formula where i try to rattle them off as fast as possible and get them out in a timely fashion so it will actually make it in the movie? when i did it, he just absolutely loved it. >> did you get it right every time? >> yes. >> okay, how? >> a lot of practice. you know, i spent eight weeks before i started shooting reading the script out loud. i always know all my lines before we get to the set. that was the hardest piece of dialogue to memorize. >> it's extraordinary art to be able to do that. it's also incredible dedication. last time you were on the show, i got great feedback to the back-story that you bring. before you even get to making movies. but the one thing i came away from is you had in changing your life around the work ethic you brought to everything you now do. incredibly impressive. nothing tells it better than this. seth macfarland says about what you did that single scene.
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prepared human being. not much he can't do. extraordinarily versatile. such a humble guy. he's not showy about it. you're not. you're not. it's an amaze thing. you can do that kind of thing in one hit. it shows proper dedication. >> well, it's your job, you know? i've worked with many actors who have been paid a lot of money. they show up and they don't know their lines. >> any names? >> yeah, plenty. i'll tell you when we stop. but it's frustrating to me because, you know, you're getting paid a lot of money. we have this amazing job. just show up and be prepared. you know? just work with russell crowe and the guy is such a pro. i mean, we had pages and pages of monologue. the guy just every single time. >> who are the best prepared? i wouldn't expect you to dish the dirt on the underprepared. who are the ones you look at and go, that's where i want to be? >> russell crowe is extremely prepared. you know, robert duvall is, you
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know, the consummate professional. >> "ted" is another departure for you i guess in the range of movies you're doing. do you like that versatility? >> absolutely. i try to find something completely different. to surprise audiences. to challenge myself. nothing too out there, you know. you won't see me doing any english period pieces. although i'm starting -- >> i could see you "downtown abbey." can you do that accent? >> of course. >> be a "downtown abbey" butler for a moment. >> i like the dirty, the proper [ bleep ]. miserable [ bleep ] [ bleep ] all that. >> i don't thing you can say this on prime-time cnn. we'll just have to have a sort of slew of bleeps. >> let me apologize. >> your mother watches this. >> well, she's not going to need to now. sorry, mom. love you. but i -- you know, i would actually love the opportunity. at the right time. i would literally go there, live there, and try to become it.
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i don't want to half-ass anything. i said another bad word. >> you've turned into ted. >> ted is a bad influence. >> unruly bear. >> he is a bad influence. at least i haven't started, you know, smoking pot but he's -- it's bad. >> the movie business is a rough-tough business. what i was struck by in recent interviews. you've made it very clear. you see yourself now as foremost a businessman. everything comes away from that. explain that to me in more detail. >> i've always been business oriented. you know, i love acting. it's my first love. i want to build a business where i can also be at home a lot more. spend a lot more time with my wife and children. and, you know, i was never the kind of actor who was, you know, just sat home and waited for all the great scripts to come to me first. i just got proactive. go out there, find material, start to develop stuff. i started finding i have a lot of interests. >> i would imagine the most excite thing for your kids is
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the rumors of a basketball movie with justin bieber. >> the boys are into the idea. my daughter has moved on from justin bieber. she's still only 8. i think it's the whole see lynn that gomez thing. >> yeah. >> i think he's a talented guy. the picture your talking about doing is kind of like "color of money." playing basketball and hustling people in the streets. >> i know you're good at basketball. one of your close friends has played with you for yours has said he's never beat you. when you get on the court, you turn into an animal. >> i get pretty crazy out there. that's where we got the idea. we saw him play on tv. that clip. >> would you be the mentor? >> yes, unfortunately, yes. >> you're that age, you see. you're now the old guy. >> to transition from a younger actor to an older actor and still getting some choice roles, studio movies, it's a big accomplishment.
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>> the other extraordinary thing you've done is you've gone back to school. let's take break and come back and talk school work. see how you've been getting on with your homework. >> no tests, please. ♪ what started as a whisper every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? new venus & olay. olay moisture bars help lock in moisture... while five blades get venus close. revealing smooth and goddess skin begins.
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when you look back over this amazing career, all the twists and turns, if i had the power to let you relive one moment again, what would you choose? >> i would probably choose not quitting school because that's when everything started to go downhill. the drugs and the violence. >> so you quit school at 13. as you said the last time we spoke, you wish you hadn't done it. that was the big regret. you've gone back. doing an online diploma. >> just starting, yeah. i was talking to my mother today. she actually read it in the newspaper. i was starting to enter my studies. she told me she got her diploma when she was 55. >> what did she say about you doing it? >> she's very proud me. i look at my daughter's third grade homework. ask mommy that question.
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>> the kids must find this fascinating. >> they don't know that i never finished school. i never wanted to be faced with that question either. daddy, you didn't do it. now that i can do it online, it's fantastic. i've got a tutor. i'll be doing it in between takes. hopefully i can get through pretty quickly. >> you do the full range of subjects. >> i got a lot of credits. because of my real-life experience. but the principal at my old school contacted me. she said, we have this new program and you can do it online. i said, i'm in. she said, are you okay with talking about it? i said sure. >> what have you found you're good at and not so good at? >> i'm very good at math. i'm very good at -- >> counting money, isn't it? >> i'm very good at english. science is the worst. and social studies. so i have no key -- know nothing about science. so i'm going to start from scratch there. >> your mother must find it
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extraordinary, what's happened to you, doesn't she? everyone has a journey. i don't think i've seen many movie stars who have had quite the journey you've had to get to where you are today. >> she still puts me in my place though. we had a pitch meeting last week in new york. we were going to do a show about wahlburgs with her, my brother. she took the train up because she doesn't like to fly. nobody was there to pick her up from the train station. she had to walk from the train station to the a&e offices. and she was pissed. yelled at me in front of everybody. i was like, i would have gotten you a helicopter, limousine. flown you in on a jet. of course i'll take care of you. nobody told me you were coming. you're supposed to know. i said, this is the show right here. yell at me over the phone. >> you're living the life of the "entourage" character. loved "entourage." we discussed it last time. people said to me, friends of mine, you actually have movie star friends.
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is that a myth or is that a reality? these guys, like leo dicaprio who you grew up with. so on. are these friends of yours? >> yeah, we're friendly. if we see each other, we'll hang out, shoot the breeze. i don't really stay in contact with anybody, you know. i've got some of my close friends that i still work with from boston. or, you know, over the years. but i don't really have people that i, you know, they come over my house. i used to when i was younger. leo and all those guys would come over to my house every weekend and play basketball. their whole crew. a lot of those guys would come over and play basketball. now it's, you know, if i'm not working, i'm with my kids. >> the party guys just got really fed up. because you suddenly became an adult. >> yes. >> they weren't factoring this into the relationship. you were the lead party guy. >> i was one of them, yes. >> you were the "it's friday, we're going to vegas" guys. >> oh, it's tuesday. we're just recovering from a monday night outing. >> was there a moment, cathartic moment, where you just woke up
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and went, i'm done with that? >> certainly. when i met my wife. we started getting serious. obviously when i was going to have a child. it was like, can't be a child having a child. it's very much like "ted." when my wife and i met, i was living with five of my friends in an apartment. she was like, you know, i love you and i like your friend, don't get me wrong, but i don't want to be coming over to your apartment when there's five guys on the couch. i had to change. >> did you have a red devil on you occasionally? >> no. >> no temptation to suddenly go crazy again? >> no. >> that again shows self-control. >> i went crazy the other day. my kids and i shot our paint ball gun in the back. my two boys. that's as crazy as it gets. >> that's enough. >> yeah. >> from running with the gang -- >> i've given so much, you know, i would be a fool to risk -- do anything to jeopardize what i have. >> is it because you know where you came from? >> of course. i could easily end up back
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there. and i think i would be respected if i went back there. but, you know, i want to keep moving forward. i'm as hungry and determined as i've ever been to succeed. >> what do you think of the political situation? the election coming in november? are you an obama man, a romney man? where are you sitting? >> i'm going to go down and pull the lever, you know. i've obviously been very supportive of president obama. and will continue to be. >> there's a sense that hollywood feels disappointed generally with him. >> yes, but, you know, he's, he's making up some ground. he's been spending a lot of time there. he just had a dinner at clooney's house. >> were you there? >> no, i was not. >> not invited? >> no, i was -- just didn't go. i was home having dinner with my kids. >> you even turned down dinner with the president and george clooney? >> you can cut a check. but i have been always concerned with the at-risk kids and inner
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city kids, and i have been doing a lot of work with the sheriff in l.a., and lee baca is an incredible guy and to find the law enforcement agencies who are trying to help the kids and instead of locking them up and putting them in the system and throwing away the key basically. >> i want to take a shot break and come back to talk about "boogie nights" and your body. a lot of women want to know how you get those abs. i want to know how you get those abs. ♪ [ male announcer ] ok, so you're no marathon man. but thanks to the htc one x from at&t, with its built in beats audio, every note sounds amazingly clear. ...making it easy to get lost in the music... and, well... rio vista?!! [ male announcer ] ...lost. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t.
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this name is so bright and dark that the sign, it just ploes up because the name is so powerful. >> it says dirk diggler. >> i think that heaven has sent you here dirk diggler. >> not many people can say they had a jacuzzi with burt reynolds. >> i love that movie the other day. it is a great film. it is fantastic and you as dirk diggler and a breakout performance, because it was a great role. >> and it was too good to pass up, you know. to play -- you e no, i always got the play the tough guy up to that point, and you know, to play vulnerable and innocent, and it was a challenge, but i just couldn't pass it up. >> when you are in the jacuzzi semi naked with burt reynolds, fun or awkward?
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>> no, awkward. a bit awkward, but you know, what an amazing performance he gave. i wish he had won the academy award. >> is he a good guy? >> yeah. i think that he was not comfortable with the film, and that was well known throughout the media that, and through hollywood and with the academy so by the time he started to try to turn it around to campaign for the award, it was a little too late. >> and when you were here last time and disappointingly from my point of view, saw the torso quite alarming given how old you are -- >> 41. >> and i'm not that much older, but looking older judging by the reaction, but women want to know how you keep in shape. >> i love to workout and exercise and when i was really young and especially at 17-year-old kid getting ready to go to the big house, you are big as possible and even though i was 5210 pounds when i went
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there. >> and now skru the big house in hollywood. people say you have an incredible house. >> you should come and visit. >> well, i have never been invited. >> well, you have the open invite right now. i always wanted to exercise and eat right and now with roles and whether i am preparing for a role, and last time in "broken city," i was 185 pounds. and the michael bay movie, i was 205. >> give it to me again? >> 165 to 205. i will handle your money. don't worry. i always wanted to be fit, and start marks because i wanted to be in the wellness business, because in the inner city, l.a. and other cities that people want to exercise, but they are intimidated about it. >> and tell me about it, because it is a preworkout igniter. >> this is the stuff to give you the energy to get off of the couch and go do a great workout.
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this is protein and we have ready made drinks and bars and if you cannot exercise, you can get a good healthy protein. when i approached the gnc, i said i have to have access of the best stuff out there and no banned stuff in it, and i want kids in high school and mothers to use it and people to get in shape and live a healthy life. >> good to see you, mark. i loved "ted." it comes out in the weekend. fantastic movie, and very, very funny and not for the little ones, but it is hysterical. mark wahlberg, thank you and i will be pumping out with the protein later. >> we will send you a bunch more stuff, too. >> these guns are ready. they need the go to work.
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we begin with breaking news. shocking news in the jerry sandusky child rape story. even if you think you've lost the ability to be shocked with all the revolting details of his long and horrible run as a serial rapist. after it came out in the investigation and the trial, the wooing of boys by this penn state football hero, the way he used his children's charity, a children's charity, to recruit and groom those boys, the way he abused his role model status to discredit his abusers. after all of that, after all we've come to know, we still don't know this. how when he was literally caught in the act raping a boy in the penn state locker room shower, did he get away with it and go on to rain more boys? well, graduate assistant mike mcqueary saw him and the boy in the shower. he froze, didn't stop sandusky, but he did report what he saw. he told his box the legendary head coach, joe paterno what he saw. coach paterno told his bosses. everyone who had the power to stop jerry sandusky had the information they needed to stop jerry sandusky. so why didn't they? that is the question. tonight, a "360" exclusive that could point to some answers. more, now, from susan candiotti.
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