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tv   CNN Presents  CNN  July 1, 2012 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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my car said it was 112 in atlanta and it is going to be hotter, and the same today with excessive heat warnings issued for 19 states which is complicating the efforts to get the power back on for millions who lost electricity in storms over the past two days. many cities have cooling centers open to help people get a break from the heat. as for the strong storms are being blamed for 12 deaths now, and have left a path of downed trees and damaged homes and millions are waiting for the power to come back on, by it could be days before that happens. cnn's athena jones is live in springfield, virginia, for us, and athena, welcome, and how is the cleanup going? >> good morning, randi. well sh well, the cleanup is going in spits and starts. you can see the debris out here in the medium that is left to be picked up. you can see behind me where a giant tree fell on the power lines here. this tree killed a 27-year-old man on friday night who was driving home from work. it is an example of the kind of thing that the cleanup crews are facing. we were in rockville, maryland,
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on the other side of washington, d.c. yesterday and there were people out clearing debris, and clearing these giant trees from the road and cutting them down for mulch, but it is a lot they have to do it and they have to do it in the heat today, randi. >> what are the odds that people will get the power back on today? any word on that? >> well, i don't think that you have heard anyone promise that it will be happen today. you can see that this is an extreme situation that we are dealing with something that would take several days to get back on here and having to restring the wires, and you will see the utility pole here that snap into three pieces leaving a transformer on the ground, and that is a several day affair and in fact, virginia governor bob mcdonald said it is not a one-day challenge, but multi-day challenge. pepco that serves part of washington, d.c. and maryland said it could take up to a week for full restoration given all of the damage. i have recent numbers and updated numbers as of a few
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minutes ago in virginia 467,000 people still without power, and a big improvement over the 1 million that were without power immediately after the storm. and in the maryland and washington, d.c. area 344,000 people without powerment crews are working, and we have seen them out this morning and they are going to keep working to restore power to everyone who needs it. of course, as you mentioned people who are facing another day of 100 degree temperatures are going to have to seek other places to stay cool. randi? >> as you know, it is tough to get around even the downed power lines so it does take time. athena jones, thank you for the update. to syria now, and a deadly bomb blast. anti-government activists say that a car bomb kill 85 people and injured 300. the blast came in the middle of a funeral proegs. meanwhile, leaders met in geneva, switzerland, for a peaceful meeting. here is secretary of state
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hillary clinton. >> we are dealing with not only a murderous regime in a combustible region, but the potential for that region to be gravely affected by the continuance of this violence. >> clinton made it clear that there is no place for syrian president assad in the new government, though the russian foreign minister says that decision should be up to the syrian people. florida governor rick scott says he was disappointed on the supreme court ruling on the health care and he is not going to implement that in his state specifically health care exchanges and the medicaid expansion. earlier i asked him about the decision. >> it does not work. i'm not going to put our citizens atprogram that does not work. we are not going to implement the medicaid expansion and the exchanges don't work, and if it
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did, the private sector would do it. >> both of those would be partially paid for by the federal government, but scott says that his emphasis is getting people back to work so they can afford their own health insurance without the help from the state. now to new jersey where republican governor chris christie really lost his cool on a reporter. watch this. >> on monday, are you going to be addressing the legislature? >> am i staying on topic? are you stupid? on topic. next question. good. thank you. thank you all very much h, and sorry for the idiot over there. take care. >> he does like to speak his mind. he was holding a news conference about a water emergency affecting 22 counties in new jersey, but the reporter was asking about a special session for the state legislature that is happening tomorrow. in hours just after penny
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palfrey failed to attempt to reach florida. she swam about 86 miles and just another 20 miles or so to land. the team says she had to be pulled out of water because a strong current made it impossible for her to continue. forced from the homes by fire, but some residents in colorado are not giving up, but instead, giving back to help the neighbors. we will take you live to colorado springs. why not make lunch more than just lunch? with two times the points on dining in restaurants, you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. ♪ i hear you... ♪ rocky mountain high
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my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. loyalty discounts, safe driver discounts, paperless discounts. progressive keeps finding me new ways to save me money on my car insurance. you're sure to save it forward. i see you're a healthy eater. you qualify for a healthy eater's discount. oh, my gosh! thank you. you're welcome. dropping off the shopping cart discount. why are you doing it? because of the hundreds i saved at progressive. and that's when i told her about progressive online! [ all chuckling ] all right, look busy, the manager is coming.
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these are some of the amazing pictures that we are getting in from colorado because of the wildfires there that folks are dealing with. now to the wildfires there, and
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thousands of people have been forced from their homes in colorado springs and now some of them can go back by bus to the burned out neighborhoods to see what is left. rob marciano is there in colorado springs. tell us what these evacuated families are going through and dealing with right now? >> well, as you can imagine, some of them are going to be able to get on buses and at least see their homes and neighborhoods and not be able to get out because it is still an active fire zone. it is an emotional day and it has been emotional in the last week from shock and sadness and frustration not to go back. some folks have been allowed to go back, but still 10,000 people who are evacuated. we are outside of a massive church giving out tons of supplies and hundreds of thousands of supplies for people who need it. we have ran into a family that are still evacuating in a community they are still
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evacuating until further notice and here handing out supplies. there is a time lapse of remarkable stuff floating around. they got to see in the mother of the family got the talk about how that video impacted her and also being a victim of the fires. >> i saw the time lapse video last night of what's been going on since saturday, and i have just been like a mess. because, you know, those are people's lives, and we are watching it. so, yeah, my heart goes out to them. and then that night as from our friend's house in monument, we could see the flames on the mountain. and we really didn't know if we would have a house the next morning or not. really, whether we had a house or not, we were going to be okay. because we are together, and we are safe, and there's more important things than your stuff. >> a tremendous amount of concern about the well-being of those who had their homes destroyed. they are from the neighborhood right behind me where the fire
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came very, very close. a lot of the folks who can go back to their homes who are okay, and there are things that you don't think about, randi, utilities that are damaged and need to be put back online. the homes may be okay, but water and gas not happening and maybe gas leaks and power as well. so that is one of the reasons that the evacuation process has been held for so long, but today, as you mentioned, some of the people will at least get to see itch. >> it is not just the damage, right, that the folks are worried aboutings because there are burglars taking advantage of the evacuated homes. >> yeah, you hate to see that or hear it, because it happens in every disaster, and 22 reports of burglaries and they have arrested a couple of people. police are at every intersection trying to block and i assume a lot of the burglaries happened early on, but the national guard have come in to backup the police and help that situation. and another interesting thing aside from the burglary, there is an invasion in some
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neighborhoods of black bears who have obviously been driven from their habitat because of the fires and the food sources as well, and they are trying to the figure out what to do with the blaek bears who have no home, and trying to get them out of harm's way before the people can go back to their home. and one more thing they have to deal with here in colorado springs. >> certainly a lot to worry about. rob marciano on the ground there. thank you so much, rob. there are so many amazing pictures of the fire of colorado and a lot of them are coming right from you, our ireporters. thank you for those. we have them up at, and incredible pictures and along with personal pictures of what these people are going through inside of the fire zone. go to and check it out. starting to i toing today, illegal to buy foie gras in some
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california restaurants, and so what is going to happen? well, some restaurants are going to give it away free. york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at but they can be really well thexpensive.ted a puppy, so to save money i just found them a possum. dad, i think he's dead. probably just playin' possum. sfx: possum hisses there he is. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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♪ oh oh oh oh you see it in the brush. ♪ oh oh oh oh ooh oh and then there's the pillow. ♪ i dare you to dare me so they dared me to try this pantene. [ female announcer ] pantene anti-breakage the keratin protection system makes hair stronger reducing breakage up to 97%. ♪ think only salon brands can do that? i dare to compare... will you? [ female announcer ] anti-breakage from pantene. hair so healthy it shines. ♪ if you are lost you can look and you will find me ♪ ♪ time after time ♪ if you fall ♪ i will catch you ♪ i will be waiting ♪ time after time good morning, los angeles, and listening to cyndi lauper
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the there, and we had a chance to speak to her yesterday on cnn saturday morning about her new cause helping the homeless lgbt youth, and welcome to the program and glad you are waking up with us this sunday morning. hard to believe that july is here, and in fact, july 1st is not just the start of dog days of summer, but it is halfway through the year and why is that important? well, it is when new laws go into effect. in illinois taxi drivers are can charge passengers a $50 driveup fee for losing their cookies in cabs shall we say. virginia law says that all electronic messages on outdoor messages must stay in place for eight seconds so that drivers are not distracted and also in massachusetts, there is a ban of
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disposing of needles and syringes. and in idaho, arrest warrants can be issued via fax. and also kentucky, releasing federal hogs into the wild is banned. who knew? and force feeding birds to make foie gras and that is illegal in california. it is a fatty duck or goose liver, and it is pricey, because it costs $30 or more at a fancy restaurant. it is not easy to find naturally, so to use it, farms use the controversial method of force feeding ducks like in this photo, and farmers say it is harmless, but critics say it is animal torture and so california passed a law in to end the practice. but now that it is going into effect, some restaurants are finding loopholes around this.
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and so we have the eatocracy page, and sarah, you were invited to visit a foie gras farm and you got the stee how the animals were being fed and how did it look to you? >> it was very eye-opening, and they were transparent about the process and wanted you to see frit are the beginning to the end from hatchling to the slaughter of the ducks. and the anti and the pro foie gras movement says that at the end, it is humane and the anti-foie gras movement says it is inhumane. when i went i got to see everything, including the force feeding and the ducklings or the ducks did run away from the feeder when the feeder approached with the tube. however, afterwards they waddled away very unfazed. another thing while they were in the cages, they were panting.
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which the farms said that could be because they were overheated and others said it could be a sign of a diseased or sick duck. >> so we mention ed the law goig into effect, and what are some of the loopholes that restaurants are using to get around it. some chefs are offering free foie gras, and what else are they doing? >> well, as you said, they are offering it for free and instating a byof, and a bring your own foie gras policy, and so in california, you can go to nevada or another state and bring it in, the chefs will prepare the delicacy for you for a small fee, and in terms of the free foie gras, the way they go around it is that they are not sellings it, but sell the accouterments or what you would spread it on for a pricier price tag, but other than that, they are going to say, you know what, you are going to order it, and foie gras may show up on it, but we are not charging you for it.
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>> and why so important to the chefs and risk getting a fine? >> it is ultimate ly about the control. the chefs have often said it, it is a slippery slope, if they can mandate foie gras, what else are they going to do and the chefs use the phrase low hanging fruit, because very few people eat it, because it is an expensive dish so for them to go after it, the chefs say, why are you focusing on the factory farming and foie gras, and so it comes down to power of control basically. >> there seems to be trouble in for enforcing the law, and does this law have teeth and can they enforce it? >> it is going to be tough. i placed calls to the sfpd and lapd and both of them pointed to different places for jurisdiction. one pointed to the health department and the other pointed to animal health and control,
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and they said the law is written so loose that they get tons of calls a day, and they said that foie gras is not really the top priority. >> so california gave these foie gras producers eight years to figure out a more humane way to make it, and why could they not find another alternative? is there no other option? >> that is the $1 million question that everybody is asking. there is a interesting chef in spain who is dan barber who gave a talk on it recently and the chef's name is eduardo souza, and he has figured out how to produce it humanely. humans we store fat throughout our body, but geese store nit i the liver, so when they are about to migrate and prepare for a period of starvation, they fatten themselves up, and the chef figured out how to keep the geese on his farm while they were living wildly and then
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slaughter them right before migration, and dan barber tried to do the same thing in his migration center in new york, but it has not been successful and people are trying, but not replicated stateside yet. >> very controversial. and sarah, thank you very much, and you should check out cnn's eatocracy blog. abortions are legal in mississippi, but soon may not get one because of a new state law hitting the books today. we will talk to a abortion doctor who has done battle with the supreme court.
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this video proves it. watch as a 15-year-old girl smacks and kicks a 13-year-old girl who has autism. at a bus stop. this happened in belgium this past week, and the girl's mom post posted the video online with her daughter's permission. look at what is going on in this video. she hopes that the exposure will help stop the attacks. that is a mother's cry for help. a new state law takes effect in my mississippi today that requires abortion clinic providers not only to be certified ogbyns, but also privileges at a local hospital. and the doctors in the state say they are certified obgyn and not
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all of them have hospital privileges and to get them is a lengthy process. fines can amount to $2,000 a day, and the employees can be arrested and that will effectively close the clinic and that makes mississippi virtually the first abortion-free state. it is not just mississippi watching this play out. coming uply speak to a doctor who performs abortions, and doctor, are you with us now? he is going to join us next, but we are having a few technical difficu difficulties and we will get back to him next, because it is an important story. we will continue to monitor what is happening in mississippi, because state author i tis will go in there to see if it is in compliance with the new mandates. we will take a break and be right back.
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i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. welcome back to "cnn sunday morning." i'm randi kay and bottom of the hour now. we are watching another round of storms today. in areas hard hit by storms over the weekend, millions still without power. record heat is complicating the situation for cleanup and recovery crews. a comfortable sunday is
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predicted but some areas will hit triple digits. firefighters are battling the monstrous colorado wildfire. bus tours will begin for those trying the return to their neighborhoods. two people have died. so far it has consumed 225 square miles and it is 45% contained. little progress. and in syria, world leaders are trying to find a peaceful means to end the violence. the plan calls for a unity government that would be decided by the syrian people. u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton says that the plan makes it clear that the president bashar al assad cannot stay in power e. and now people return to the polls to elect a president in
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mexico. for the first time 79 million people were registered to vote according to the federal election institute. among them 3.5 million people who will be voting for the first time. to american politics now, and a busy week ahead for the presidential candidate. cnn political editor paul steinhauser is joining us from washington. how nice to see you, paul. what is on the calendar this week, paul? >> well, july 4th is coming up, and if you are running for president, randi, it is a good day to get out to say hello the people. he will be at a parade in new hampshire. he is spending the week up there at his lakehouse in new hampshire. and the president goes the ohio and pennsylvania and two important battleground states as well. a and you will see him there. and we talk about the unemployment number being the most important economic indicator, and we will see that there was a disappointing number for may, but we will see what
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june shows, and so far this is a campaign about the economy. >> maybe the discussion will move from health care to the economy? >> yes, a good chance to go to the economy, because it is the number one concern among american voters. well, june has come to an end and now new fund-raising numbers, and what are those numbers looking like? >> well, they don't have to report until the 14th, but remember between the president and mitt romney, mitt romney outraised the president and the democratic national committee in may, and that is a big difference than four years ago. remember that -- you see the may numbers and four years ago when the president was senb or the obama running for the white house, he greatly outraised his opponent john mccain, but different this time, because the obama campaign predicts they will be outraised again in june
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when the numbers coming out. and when you look at the superpac money, and it is a very different ball game than four years ago. why does the campaign cash matter? because it pays for commercials and get out the vote efforts and money does matter especially in a close contest, and this is the recent cnn national polls and we take all of the polls and average them together, and it is a tight race with the president of four-point advantage, but it is close, randi. >> yes, that is as tight as we have seen. nice to see you on a sunday, paul steinhauser. >> thank you. time now for this week's faces of faith. the popular tlc show "sister wives" gives us a glimpse into a polygamist tamly of a man who shares four wives, but one tells me that the polygamist lifestyle is one of hurt feelings and
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abuse and she should know, because after four decades of a polygamist decade, this woman decided to leave and she writes about her experience in "50 years in polygamy, and secrets and white lies." thank you for joining us. >> good morning, randi. >> you not only were in a polygamist marriage, but you grew up in a polygamist community. what was that like? >> we were raised in the middle of a subdivision where there were fields and fields around us, and we called it polygaville, and we were separate predatod in our lives, did feel lost. >> what does that neen?
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>> well, many of us did feel lost and there were a lot of children and adults around and i felt like the latchkey kid that i was actually. i didn't have anyone to look after me. my mother was working and my aunt was supposed to be watching after me. and i always felt lost within that community. as well as the outside community. >> now, before you left the polygamist lifestyle, you say you left the fundamentalist mormon faith. was that the first step? >> i was born and raised into the aub which is a polygamist second in utah. so i was already there. we considered ourselves lds. my parents raised us to believe in the book of mormon and the bible and the doctrine of the covenants the same way that the lds church does. although the polygamists had been excommunicated from the church, many of us and most still do consider themselves to be lds or mormons.
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>> did you always have doubts growing up or something that came with age? >> i always had doubts from the time i was little. things didn't feel right or seem right. and it definitely got more so as i got older and older and started to question everything about plural marriage and everything about the doctrine that did not feel right to me. >> so what caused you to say, this is it, i've had enough of this lifestyle, and to leave your husband after 34 years? >> that, too, randi, was a long process. the choices that we had were to live plural marriage and to get to the celestial kingdom or not and live in hell without our families and children, and we would be without them. so that the choices were black and white.
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i believed that since i was a people-pleasing person i needed to do what god told me to do. stick with it no matter what. and my mother said to endure to tend and the blessings will be in heaven. among all of the questions and the doubts was always sadness and concern, enduring to the end so that you could someday have those blessings. >> in the book, you talked about jealousy and heartache. what was it like to share your husban husband? >> it was probably the most difficult thing i have ever done in my life. i believed that it divided us. it did not make us closer like the promise was. and it divided our relationship and sever ed the closeness and the trust issues, and it was always like that. i am sure that my sister wife felt that same way, because there was never going to be the intimacy that you can have with one partner.
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>> do you think that this type of lifestyle, the polygamist lifestyle is viable for some people? i mean, we see it on television, and a it doit does not seem the that you are making it sound? >> well, i believe in choices and i believe that women and men should have choices to live that lifestyle. my biggest fear or complaint is that there is a lot of sadness everywhere and in my life i did not see the joy and the happiness that should have been there in a marriage and relationships and even in those that you watch and see in the sister wives, they have the heartaches. it is when they go to bed alone and when their husband is off on a vacation with someone else and having that intimacy and sharing, and even in the books, they are starting to talk more and more about the heartaches and the hardships that it makes. again, they do that, because they believe in it. because it is a religion.
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>> kristyn decker, thank you for sharing your story with us. >> thank you for inviting us. >> for more stories on faith go to candy crowley has a lot of political storms to talk about today and i will ask her about the one that mother nature threw washington's way this weekend. . but thanks to the htc one x from at&t, with its built in beats audio, every note sounds amazingly clear. ...making it easy to get lost in the music... and, well... rio vista?!! [ male announcer ] ...lost. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t. rethink possible. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t. those surprising little still make you take notice. there are a million reasons why. but your erectile dysfunction
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a new state law takes effect in mississippi today that requires abortion clinic providers not only to be certified obgyns and while some doctors say that are certified obgyn, they do not have hospital p privilegings which is requireded by law. and if not, they will be fined $2,000 a day and employees can be arrested. making mississippi the first virtu virtually abortion free state, and it is being watched all over
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the country. joining me is a doctor who performs abortions at his practice in bellevue. >> i want to clarify that i'm not an obgyn. i'm a general surgeon. >> what do you think of this new law in mississippi? it is just one more piece of legislation thathe anti-choice politicians are using to make abortions illegal everywhere in the country. >> why in your opinion is having access to abortion clinics so vital? >> well, i think you know abortion rights to me and the international community are considered to be civil rights for women. all, every form of birth control that we know of that is not permanent has failures, so even though a woman may take the absolute most protection she can, pregnancy is not prevented
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all of the the time. and women need to have the ability to kcontrol the stay an equal partner in the workplace and government. when we see the denial of abortion rights, we see man trying to dominate the female population by eliminating their access to the workplace. >> are you concerned at all that this law might lead to more back alley abortions? >> i think that's exactly what will happen. you know, i -- when they made abortion legal in the united states in 1972, there was a big upswing in abortions and in fact, looking back to the date, the estimates are that the numbers did not change at all, and instead of having five or ten deaths a week in the
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hospital where i worked to now having ten deaths a year in the whole country. and that's a significant difference. >> i just want to acknowledge that we are having trouble hearing you, and so maybe you can move to a better area as i play the sound from some supporters of the the mississippi law, and i want you to listen to why they believe that shutting the clin sick a good idea. >> this is historic and today you will see the first step in a movement, i believe to do what we campaigned on to say we are going to try to end abortion in mississippi. >> if the clinic cannot get in compliance with the legislation, then, if we reduce the abortion s, it is a positive result for mississippi, i think. >> is this new law in compliance as far as you understand with the supreme courts roe v. wade decision? >> i do not believe it is, because it restricts access to
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the first trimester of abortion. and you mentioned that you thought that i was an obgyn and in the united states, most abortions are not performed by obgyns, because most doctors performing abortions have gone back to have more training. dr. tiller was trained, but there is no training in most obgyn even though there is supposed to be by the review committees, but there is no way to make it a form of practice. it is a specialty of its own. >> dr. leroy carhart, thank you is much for joining us. we will continue to monitor what happens in mississippi. tomorrow, authorities will go into the abortion clinic to see
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if it is in compliance with the new mandates. once again, dr. carhart, thank you. and what do you think, real or fake? i will tell you the amazing story behind this shot next. why not make lunch more than just lunch? with two times the points on dining in restaurants, you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high.
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i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. ♪ oh oh oh oh you see it in the brush. ♪ oh oh oh oh ooh oh and then there's the pillow. ♪ i dare you to dare me
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so they dared me to try this pantene. [ female announcer ] pantene anti-breakage the keratin protection system makes hair stronger reducing breakage up to 97%. ♪ think only salon brands can do that? i dare to compare... will you? [ female announcer ] anti-breakage from pantene. hair so healthy it shines.
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okay. take a look. this may be one of the best zoo photos of all time, so check it out. that is alex hawker, and he is from fort myers. his dad tells us that right before he snapped the picture at the miami zoo, that the lioness woke up and leaped from behind. what a once in a lifetime shot. what a great memory there. there are a few storms in the nation's capital this week, and no doubt about it, but nothing compared to one that knocked out power in washington, d.c. candy crowley joining us now, and glad you have power there in
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washington studios. >> yes, power here. >> and we hope you escaped the wrath of the storms? >> no, i live in montgomery county, and one of the hardest hit, and we don't have electricity and i could complain, but we are past the screaming baby stage, and in my household, nobody needs electricity and i'm the elderly person in the household and it is hard to complain, but it is irritating. >> all right. let's talk business. two political storms hitting washington this week. the health care and of course, eric holder and the fast and the furious fiasco and the contempt hearing. and chief of staff jack lew is talking to you about both of them today. >> yes, in some ways a mixed week, but in some ways the white house is looking at this as a huge week. they believe and those supporting the president believe that the supreme court really put an end to the health care debate. now, not if the republicans d
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held hp it. we heard mitt romney coming out to say the only path to undo this is through the ballot box, and we have seen polls with half of the americans don't like the supreme court ruling, but the white house would like to put a period on it and looking at the supreme court as a good housekeeping seal of approval that people will take a second look at it, and then, you know, within hours, the attorney general, eric holder became the first cabinet member in history to be citeded in contempt of congress. so what the white house tried to do there and we certainly saw this in eric holder's reaction is to politicize this whole thing and say it is about politics, and we have been completely cooperative, and they want to make us look bad so they want to take the politics out of health care, and put the politics into the fast and the furious gun running scheme that went badly. >> sounds like an interesting morning on your program, candy. appreciate that.
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thank you. >> thank you, randi. >> and keep it here for state of the union with candy crowley, and it starts at eight minutes right here on cnn. if politicians swore like characters out of "pulp fiction" would voters feel like they were more authentic. my next guest the one and only dino mow dedella, says, ohhia, . roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ male announcer ] ok, so you're no marathon man. but thanks to the htc one x from at&t, with its built in beats audio, every note sounds amazingly clear.
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well, unless you were living under a rock in 2004, you probably remember this. oh, yes, that infamous janet jackson super bowl performance known around the world for the wardrobe malfunction. when there was some brief nudity, well in the middle of the hoopla last week the supreme court decided to throw out half a million of fines that the federal communications commission imposed on the network because they called the fine unfair punishment. comedian dino modella joins us this morning.
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what do you think? did the fcc and the outrage of the americans? >> well, you have a movie "magic mike" about male strippers where millions of women are flocking to it. and there is a, i'm glad that the court struck it down, because it was not intentional, but an accident, and i think that a little boobage versus snooki is not nearly as offensive. so you think, is american television censored and watered down and is that where we are headed down? >> there is a sense of let's not of fend anybody. well, you cannot sencensor
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everything. if you have prime time and people cursing intentionally, okay, but let's not be holier than thou. >> you are saying that you can be too pc? >> yes, it is stifling to freedom of expression and honest freedom of expression. >> on the subject of censorship, and getting watered down you wrote an article about politicians getting watered down themselves, and you wanted mitt romney and president obama to debate without talking points. >> i want them to debate more thab that. i want them to go on hbo and be able to curse or showtime and be able to curse. because we curse in real life when we are excited or angry or impassioned, we use curse words and it does not mean that we are stupid, but i want to see my politics have a same visceral feeling, because maybe we will relate to them more. and romney and obama, aloof and
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standoff ish, so so sanitized that i want to hear the real person. >> you want them to curse? >> i want them to scream and yell and say i am not going to raise your expletive taxes. >> and this is sunday morning, but what would you like to hear from obama or romney say? >> i would like to say obama say, romney is the biggest expletive flip-flopper in history and romney come back to say, you are the expletive worst president in history, and -- it is funnier on stage. >> well, this is something that you wrote in the article. we have knew or theed our politician's passion and
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intensity because knneutering their words. you really think that the foul language will give them a e better idea? >> well, freeing them to speak the way we speak and connect them with the way we feel, and not everything so focus group and so risk averse. >> and get off message. >> and talk to us like human beings and cursing is not the answer alone, but get off of the talking points and talk to us as if we are people and we will trust them now and ceos are cursing now and using them for authenticity and i saw it in the stu study, but a it is about authenticity. >> i am so glad that we got through this without cursing. thank you, dean. and coming up is "state of the union" with candy crowley. thank you, everybody. thank you, everybody. have a great sunday. -- captions by vitac -- out of the courts and on to the campaign trail. today -- >> if we want to get rid of
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obama care, we will have to replace president obama. >> 128 days from the election a conversation with obama chief of staff jack lew. and the good and the bad and the confusing economic signals. former hue let pa-- hewlett pac cart ceo, and also susan page and dan lothian. and we will talk to two governors whose states have been hit hard. and also, a talk with john hickenlooper about the wildfires in colorado. this is state of the union and i'm candy crowley. white a fight in the white house. a major victory in the supreme court followed by a victory of a different sort on the house floor. the president used the trappings of this case in the formality of the east room to suggest in history and words that the em


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