tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 1, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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area is under a red flag warning today which means a chance a fast moving fire could flare up again. we will go there live for you in a moment, as well. turkey's military said today it scrambled fighter jets and took action after syrian helicopters got a little too close for comfort. turkey has ramped up presence along the border after a fighter jet was shot nine days ago. mexicans are going to the polls today choosing a new president, officials calling it the largest and most complex in the country's history. in mexico city some polls opened late and lines stretched for blocks. polls close in less than three hours. wide spread power outages has public safety officials worried that the sick, the poor, the elderly are in potentially
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serious danger. 20 states have imposed excessive heat warnings or advisories. triple digit temperatures are the norm again. there is no dramatic relief in sight for anyone. look at that. power crews are working around the clock in states from virginia, ohio trying to get power back on to some tens of thousands of people so they can start to cool off. brian todd is in fairfax county, virginia. what a hot mess. how are things there? >> reporter: oppressively hot and pretty miserable all around. the governor of virginia calls this a very dangerous situation for his state and calls it a multi day challenge for his state. some of the people are not going to get their power back for close to a week after the storms will have hit on friday. the violent storms friday night. in the general region the
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mid-atlantic to the midwest close to a million customers without power and the double whammy of spiking temperatures all over this region. for that reason they have created cooling centers. this is one of them. i'm here with the director of the fairfax county public library system. you had to set this up as a temporary heat shelter in addition to being a library. what is your biggest logistical challenge? >> staffing and the internet and wifi on. >> reporter: what are people's moods? >> basically it is one of relief. you have air conditioning and cool. we haven't had power for a couple of days this feels great. >> reporter: a key situation here 6:00 eastern time this place is closed. it is still really hot out here. are officials concerned when people leave here they are not going to get enough relief? >> one we added two hours of
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operation today for this branch which would not be open on sunday. secondly, as we look at the door count it really tapered off. by the end of 5:30 on there were very few people remaining at the library. >> reporter: sam says they are prepared to act as a cooling center the next few days if they need to. they have not been asked to do that yet. one of the complications here was that the 911 emergency call system in prince william county and fairfax county was down for a short period. we are told most of it is back up. they are investigating that, as well. it is something that didn't need to happen at the height of the emergency. it did and they had to get the words out to give people alternative numbers to call in case they had emergencies. that was not great timing. >> thank you very much. the heat is unbearable for millions of people. while the worst may be over
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don't count on it feeling cool anytime soon. meteorologist alexander steel is in the weather studio. it is terrible for a lot of people. when you are in places down south that usually get the heat many people aren't as effected by it. but people who don't get this heat that is where you have real trouble. >> we get the heat in atlanta, georgia but not 106 degree heat. the depth of it. 45 million people since this heat wave began last week from colorado and kansas to the carolinas and to the degree to which we are breaking records. it is not just the warmest for the day or the month. places like dodge city, kansas and columbia and nashville. these are the warmest temperatures these places have seen on any day since records had begun in the 1800s. certainly breaking records during this heat wave and today
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breaking records. atlanta, georgia 106 today. greenivville 107 the highest it has ever been. that was the pinnacle of the heat. we are going to shave off a few degrees each day. here is the temperature dropping two degrees for some of you in the southeast. tomorrow shaving off two or three degrees. denver to 97. you can see salt lake city to atlanta and the carolinas. there is tomorrow. as we head into tuesday we shave off a few degrees. as we look into a four day forecast still temperatures for the balance of the country. we are going to see temperatures in the mid to upper 90s. the wildfires blazing and the biggest problem with the fires, the wind. the most unpredictable. it feeds the fire giving it oxygen.
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not as bad as it has been. temperatures in the 90s still. winds coming down and moisture the other weather factor we are not going to see any rain. >> we'll see you again soon, as well. in colorado families evacuated in the fire are being allowed back in their neighborhoods for the first time. jim spellman joins me live from colorado springs. you have just gotten some exclusive video from families returning home. what is going on? >> reporter: this is a family ted and kate. they first discovered that their home burned when they saw it on the front of "the denver post" on sunday morning. that was shocking. the city let people in the affected area go in for a few hours to look around. they had to reevacuate now this evening. we asked them to bring a camera with them and show us what it is like to revisit their home. this was where they son took his
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first steps, where they brought him home from the hospital, almost all gone now. a few bricks and a pillar near the garage. a washer and drier on the upper floor down in the basement burned out. it is unbelievable to me to look at how destructive this fire was. sometimes you'll see a house one or two down completely unaffected. these families are facing a tough decision about whether they are going to rebuild in these neighborhoods or not. they say absolutely they will especially after visiting today and seeing that a lot of the homes in their general community still are there. they feel like people are going to be living there. they are committed to rebuilding. others are not so certain yet. an important day for people here as they move to the next step, the rebuilding step to get a chance to look at the destruction up close, dawnon. >> people say this is my home and what i know.
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we said cautiously allowing people to go back in and some of the roads are reopen. did fire conditions prevent some people from being able to return home? >> reporter: what they did today they have reduced the evacuations every day. now most people are able to go back. in this really impacted area it is just not safe. they may have to rebuild the entire gas line system in this neighborhood. they just let people go in today. half the people can go in today and half tomorrow. they were able to go in their own cars but had to check in at a check point and have to be out around sun down. they have had problems here as unbelievable as it may sound with people going in and looting and breaking into people's homes. as well as wanting to keep everybody safe they want to keep the area secure. it will be weeks if not months before they can get in there and start meaningfully rebuilding. >> if you want bad karma do
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something like that. thank you. to find out more on how to help those affected by the wildfires go to it's on the bottom of your screen there. there you will find the organizations and the way to help those in need. turkish fighter jets scrambled after syrian choppers near the border. a report on what sparked the bomber is next. and the owners of mississippi's only abortion clinic fights it from closing. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began.
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list. yesterday helicopters flew near the turkish border not just once, not twice but three times and turkey responded. >> reporter: tensions continue to mount along the turkish syrian border when the forces announced that on three times they scrambled f-16 fighter jets to rush to the border region in response to what they say were syrian helicopters in two cases approaching to within four miles of the border between the two countries and in another case to an unspecified distance within reach of the turkish border after the turks announced that they would change the rules of engagement between turkey and syria in response to the incident a week and a half ago when syrian aircraft defenses shot down a turkish reconnaissance jet when it flew through syrian air space.
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the two pilots of that aircraft still missing and the turks determined to show a muscular response warning any military approach to their border can be responded to in time. meanwhile the on going dispute over what happened with this turkish reconnaissance jet continues. the syrians perspective is that the turkish war plane was within syrian air space and fired in self defense. the turks dispute this saying the jet made a mistake and was shot down by a surfaced air missile one nautical mile outside of syrian air space. now the turks are bristling. a report in the wall street yea journal suggesting there was no surface to air missile and the turkish jet was probably in fact very close to the turkish frontier when it was shot down
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by some kind of antiaircraft machineg gogo gogo gogon gun. calling out saying show your face. announce yourself if you are going to make these claims and the turkish armed forces showing a detailed map with the jets flight plan and announcing the two pilots of this jet are still missing. the search operations continue. and the syrian crisis continues to threaten to spill over in the neighboring countries like lebanon and increasingly turkey. ivan watson, cnn istanbul. >> activists say at least 69 people were killed today across the country. there is no guarantee that a plan put forward yesterday by
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diplomats won't end the violence. the secretary of state admitted as much today. >> there is no guarantee that we're going to be successful. i just hate to say that because it's the fact. but i am very grateful that we now have a road map that has everybody on board with a clear path towards transition, with a clear set of expectations that have to be fulfilled. and now i believe the internal reality within both the regime and elements of the opposition will begin to move in a direction that i hope puts us on an inevitable path. >> syria's opposition isn't so optimistic. a spokesman said this gives the regime a permit to continue killing and spilling more syrian blood. long lines led to short tempers in mexico today where voters are shoozing a new
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president. mexicans are casting ballots across the country. in the capital -- the new president will take up the challenge of leading the war. several candidates want to focus on reducing violence. at least 17 people killed today in attacks on two churches in kenya. police say the attackers wearing ski masks terrorized. 40 other people were wounded. about a dozen are said to be seriously injured. so far no one has claimed responsibility for the attacks. from health care to the fast and furious controversy. it has been a big week not only for lawmakers but the media, as
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well. news busters joins us next. sarah... will you marry me? i think we should see other people. in fact, i'm already seeing your best friend, justin. ♪ i would've appreciated a proactive update on the status of our relationship. who do you think i am, tim? quicken loans? at quicken loans, we provide you with proactive updates on the status of your home loan. and our innovative online tools ensure that you're always in the loop. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ensure that you're always in the loop. by what's getting done. measure commitment the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons.
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oh, man. what a week. what a week. the individual mandate. the individual mandate. the power to tax. the commerce clause. thanks to the supreme court's decision on health care reform we've all got an education the last few days on both the constitution and of course d.c. politics. not just d.c. politics, national politics. i'm going to talk about it with noel shepherd, associate editor of welcome back. newsbusters describes its mission as exposing and comb combating liberal media bias. welcome back to our show. >> thank you for having me. >> ever since thursday the talking point has been the health care law is actually a huge tax. but before this thing passed the focus was all about the mandate, the big government angle, the tax angle completely overshadowed. so who missed the boat on this
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one? >> well, actually, you know, as a media analyst it's been really enjoyable the past three months watching all of you folks on this incredible roller coaster. three months ago, before the oral arguments, you had people in the media saying that this was clearly going to be upheld, anthony kennedy was going to be the swing vote, you had your own cnn analyst jeffrey toobin two or three days before oral arguments saying this was going to be an 8-1 vote with even alito and roberts and scalia voting in favor of upholding the mandate. kind of strange because three days later, four days later, after the oral arguments hit, toobin was back on saying, health care is dead, obamacare is dead, kennedy is going to go -- >> listen, you have two different memories of what happened. every single network, just about
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everyone except for one person who's not on this network who i saw, said that the individual mandate would be struck down, joel. i don't remember jeffrey toobin coming on cnn -- maybe i'm wrong, i didn't see all of it. i do not remember jeffrey toobin or anyone else coming on cnn saying that the individual man date will be upheld. most people were startled and surprised that it actually was. >> no, don, actually you're confusing the preoral arguments phase with the post-oral arguments. prior to the oral arguments in march the media were pretty much unanimous this was likely going to be upheld and anthony kennedy was going to be the swing vote -- >> i get you, i understand that. >> then it totally changed. >> that's ancient history now. >> it's been fun to watch -- >> let's keep it to this past week. i understand what you're saying. but you know, as time moves on and people learn things, they change what they think about things. had it not been for the way the organ arguments, people would
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think different. the oral arguments did happen, once they happened most people said it was going to be struck down. so i don't understand your point here. >> the importance of that, the importance of that is how the media responded on thursday. if this had occurred three months agot media response on thursday would have been much more of a disappointment because the expectation prior to march was that it wasn't going to be struck down. so after march when we all got this vision that it was going to be struck down, at that point in time, thursday ended up being, you know, a jubilation. the media were enthralled, almost over gas pick -- >> oh, no, no, no, no, it was not a jubilation. i watched it and i saw some anchors on conservative networks, i thought they were going to cry. it was not jubilation. i watched cnn. there were no happy people on cnn. don't say that people said, oh my gosh, what happened, who died? no, there was no jub lation. >> wait a minute. >> you're looking for things. >> there was no jubilation? >> not on this network.
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maybe on other liberal networks, yes, maybe you're correct. not on this network and certainly not on more conservative networks. >> but don, obviously i don't just analyze cnn. i love you and i love cnn but there are a lot of other networks that i have to watch and the evening news broadcasts on thursday, the broadcast -- abc, cbs, nbc evening broadcasts were all jubilant. they were talking about almost -- almost making roberts a hero. where the previous day they were talking -- >> here's the thing, noel. i heard some of that analysis. and when someone on an evening newscast leads into a story saying that justice roberts is a man of the hour, it doesn't mean that they agree with what justice roberts did, it means that that's all people are talking about on the left and on the right is justice roberts. so if you're talking about him, whether it's in a good way or a bad way, it means that he's the man of the hour.
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it doesn't mean you agree with what he's doing. that's not jubilation, that's fact. >> for the previous day and the previous three months they were talking about how he was a conservative schill. all of a sudden because he came out with a ruling the left liberal media liked he's a hero. he's been a goat since the citizens united ruling. what it means is for a supreme court justice or anybody in america today, you're going to be a hero if you do something the liberal media likes, you're a goat if they don't. it can flip-flop in 24 hours. >> noel, i think that's your assessment of thatry i think even if someone is talking about it and saying bad things you can be the man of the hour, it means your name is being brought up a lot and you're being talked about. i have not heard anyone say, anyone, on a liberal or a conservative network, that justice roberts is a hero. i mean, they may say, yes, justice roberts. i have not heard that. >> oh, we've got to broaden your
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horizons, we've got to get you watching more than cnn, my friend. >> i wish we had more time. we should have a longer segment. we'll have to invite you back on the 10:00 show. i actually like sparring with you. what's interesting to me though is people on twitter, they see us going back and forth, they think we don't like each other because we disagree. >> yep. >> that's nothing at all, they take it too seriously. >> they really do. you and i have very good exchanges on tv and twitter, yet our followers hate the fact that we like each other, it's terrible. >> that we actually talk to each other, right. all right, noel. thank you. i appreciate it. we're going to talk more, i'll have you back on, we'll have a longer conversation. >> look forward to it. straight ahead here, a navy veteran's dying wish. it is centered around a father and son relationship and the military.
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deadly storms. close to 1 million people are facing another hot night in the dark. virginia's governor says hesitate is dealing with the largest power outage not related to a hurricane in its history. a lot of those power outages are in the same areas suffering under blistering high temperatures. cooling centers are open in many cities trying to give people some relief. 20 states issued heat warnings or advisories today and about 1,600 high-temperature records have been broken around the country. 140 of those new records are all-time highs. ♪ can we all get along it took a few weeks but family and friend are saying a final good-bye to rodney king. during yesterday's service king's daughter said she was proud of her father and grateful she didn't lose him after a vicious police beating in 1991. she was 6 at the time. king was found dead in his swimming pool at his california home almost two weeks ago.
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he was 47 years old. a terminally ill navy vet gets his wish to see his son become a marine. cnn's sarah hoy traveled to parris island, south carolina, for this moving story. >> reporter: it was a thanksgiving for the burns family on a sweltering friday morning. charles burns had one wish, to see his son ryan graduate from marine corps boot camp. >> i've done this trip a million times in my mind. >> reporter: friday his wish came true. the 65-year-old navy veteran is dying. but not even a series of strokes, diabetes, and a worsening heart condition would stop him from making the trek from massachusetts to south carolina to see his boy. >> he's an amazing kid. there isn't anything he's done or will do that he doesn't excel
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in. >> reporter: with his wife lisa at his side the proud parents endure the south carol heat wave to watch ryan from the stands. charles's found the strength to stand during the national anthem. >> just every -- every child, whether it's a boy or a girl, when they say they want to be a marine or want to be something other than just a civilian, that means a lot to me. >> reporter: military service is a burns tradition. charles joined the navy following high school in 1965. he served a one-year tour of duty in vietnam. ryan's grandfather served in the army during world war ii. and now it's mission accomplished for ryan. now an official u.s. marine and his terminally ill father. >> me and my dad had a belt. when i came here to parris island, i'll finish boot camp as long as you make it to my graduation. so we both had mission
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accomplished and we're here today. so i couldn't ask for anything more. >> reporter: ryan says he doesn't know what keeps his father going. as for charles, it's one day at a time. >> have a little pride in yourself and stick to it. whatever it is, don't let up. even if you fail, tomorrow you can start again. >> congratulations, dad, we did it. >> yes. >> together. >> reporter: sarah hoy, no one, parris island, south carolina. a new law could make mississippi the only state without an abortion clinic. but the fight is not over yet. a live report from jackson is next. thanks for babysitting the kids, brittany.
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the big stories in the week ahead from the white house to wall street. we're going to begin with what's happening in the world of politics. at the cnn political desk. what do americans think about the supreme court's ruling on health care and where does the race for the white house stand? we'll have answers tomorrow in our new cnn orc national toll. wednesday mitt romney takes a break from his break for campaign to march in a july fourth parade in new hampshire. wall street will be closely watching health care stocks along with a broader market this
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week following the supreme court's historic decision thursday to uphold the affordable care act. also coming up we'll get the latest construction spending data as well as auto sales and all eyes will be on the june jobs report that is set to be released on friday morning ahead of the opening bell. and keep in mind in honor of the fourth of july holiday, u.s. markets will close at 1:00 p.m. eastern tuesday and remain closed for the holiday on wednesday. a.j. hammer, here's what we're watching this week. the battle of the big summer blockbusters. spider-man versus batman, which one is going to come out on top? it as showbiz tonight countdown showdown you don't want to miss. a new mississippi law takes effect today that would all but force the state's only abortion clinic to close its doors. in fact, if the law is enforced it would make mississippi the first abortion-free state. george howell has been following this story for us. he joins us now from jackson, mississippi. george, the clinic isn't going away without a fight.
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>> reporter: don, good evening. we know this clinic has filed for a temporary restraining order. asked a federal judge for that to give the people here just a little more time to get in compliance with this new state law. the clinic is closed today. the question now, will it reopen tomorrow? and again, another question, how long could it stay open? under this new state law, don, takes effect today, that basically says two things. first of all, that any physician performing an abortion in the state of mississippi must be a board certified ob-gyn. also, the second part of that, they must have privileges with a local hospital to admit patients if necessarily. at this point, the clinic does not have those permissions. the director here says that she has been trying to get those permissions since the law was signed into effect back in april. she has not had success with that and she is concerned that many of the hospitals here, don, may be bowing to political pressure, may have a lot of pressure on them not to help her out on this. >> okay, so during the appeal,
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can they stay open, not stay open? what happens if they try to stay open during an appeal? >> reporter: the state makes that point also, that there is an appeals process, a clock that plays out over 10 days, 30 days, 60 days. but there are possible consequences. according to the clinic's interpretation of that law, that they could be fined some $2,000 per day as they stay open in violation of the state law. and also, don, the nurses, the physicians, the management here, they could all face civil and even criminal penalties, again, every day they stay open under this new state law. >> appreciate it, thank you very much. sacred tombs destroyed and those responsible may not be finished yet. we're going beyond the headlines. by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar,
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we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies. trick question. i love everything about this country! including prilosec otc. you know one pill each morning treats your frequent heartburn so you can enjoy all this great land of ours has to offer like demolition derbies. and drive thru weddings. so if you're one of those people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day, block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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from here to timbuktu, sacred sites in the country of mali have been destroyed by militants and they're vowing to destroy more. they're listed at world heritage sites. unesco, the u.n. agency that designates cultural programs, is condemning the attacks. cnn's international correspondent is going behind the headlines. missed you in atlanta. there have been a lot of concerns over these sites recently. >> reporter: that's right. though it seems like a far-away land, timbuktu, it has been an intellectual and spiritual hub for the spread of islam throughout africa. these are muslim militants who have a strict interpretation of sharia law and they've destroyed
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old sufi tombs and shrine because they consider them sacrilege just. they're an important site of islamic history and world history. because of the threat of the conflict in the region the world heritage committee accepted the request of malli's government to place timbuktu on the list of endangered unesco sites and that got the militants really angry and they accused unesco of cooperating with mali's government. so far, three of these 16 mausoleums have been completely destroyed and there's threats of more of them being on the brink of destruction. >> explain. world heritage sites. what exactly are world heritage sites? >> reporter: according to unesco these are places on earth that have universal and cultural significance to humanity. they put this world heritage list together so these locations can be protected for future generations and they can appreciate and enjoy the beauty of them as many generations in
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the past have. and maybe people have not heard about the sites at timbuktu. but other more familiar sites are the great barrier reef in australia, the great wall of china, the birthplace of jesus in bethlehem. and our very own everglades here in florida. these are just a few examples. there's about 961 national and cultural places that have been on the list of the world heritage site. 38 of these are in critical and immediate danger of being threatened. and timbuktu is one of them. and also in afghanistan, we heard about those buddhas. >> yes, and there's another endangered site that was the focus of an attack 11 years ago, right? >> reporter: right. and these are artifacts that can be used as bargaining points. and this is what i want -- this is an interesting point. these artifacts, historic monuments with the international community, you have a militant group that is not getting
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attention so they look at this as a site that can draw attention to their cause. in 2001 the taliban flexed their muscles and dynamited the world's largest buddha statues that overlooked banyan valley in afghanistan, they stood there for 1,500 years. though restoration efforts are under way, future generations will only hear stories about these monuments and places and they'll never get to experience the future -- there's no future for them to actually be able to see these sites in person. and the international community will respond and say, okay, what are you going to do to preserve these sites for the future? >> all right. thank you, we appreciate it. he's on the road to a career in the nba. he's also a veteran of iraq and afghanistan. did you hear? usa! we're going to talk about a player you need to know about, that is next. don't forget to take us with you, please. you can take we myth you.
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so the nba draft included the usual can't-miss prospects plus a player who has revealed he has a mental disorder and another who served military duty in both iraq and afghanistan. let's military duty in iraq and afghanistan. let's check in now with pablo. there is a new cover with lebron james on the cover, so it's good to see you. good to see you here. can we talk about this guy? his name is royce white. he's the first nba prospect to
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ever publicly say he is a mental illness. >> it's a big, big deal. there's been no nba prospect to be so forthcoming like this and with the the nba draft, there's millions of dollars on the line. the name of the game is to hide your flaws, but he said he has generalized anxiety disorder and severe fear of flying. two big red flags to nba teams and the fact the rockets took number 16 is a huge step forward and big legacy already in a very young career. >> it's interesting because when you see high profile people, hear of them, celebrities who have issued that are every day folks have, it can change the stigma or lack of or ease the stigma when it comes to that particular disorder. >> and sports, don, is the
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worst. it's so tough. there's only been one active nba player to come out and say that he has a problem like this, let alone a prospect, so the fact he's done this, he'll be the number one ambassador on this for a long time. >> bernard james, 33rd out of florida state drafted. served in the ayers force in iraq and afghanistan. it's the nba. really the most interesting thing. they call his name. he puts on the hat and everyone started screaming, u.s.a. because we're so proud of him. >> you're over the hill as an nba prospect when you're 24. he's 27. the oldest player to be drafted in 20 years. he had done six years of duty in the air force. he was a staff sergeant. lived an entire life outside basketball and the fact he's able to get that kind of grace
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and really, we don't see this kind of thing. he is an exception and also a really good player. in talking to him himself, he has all the virtues you would expect of a veteran. disciplined, hard working, reliable. all those things are not cliches. >> it's going to change what people think of the nba now. >> rookie now. >> all this after all the griping, can we talk for a minute now here about college football? >> yes. >> all the griping for so many years. now big plans for the playoffs. now that we have plans for a playoff, is that going to end this whole annual controversy, who is number one now. >> barack obama weighing in on this. it makes sports moving from a computer system to now a human selection committee. >> imagine that. >> obviously, people take very kindly to those guys making
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those decisions. >> every year around playoff times, i'm not like a huge sports person. always asking my friends, so they were number one. >> i got to move to figure out -- 14 playoffs, which is a better, better way to go about it, but the controversy is only just beginning. >> maybe it's the best win or best team win. >> one day. >> 99 degrees outside. a lot hotter in some places. from first round draft pick to convicted felon. jason williams had it all. basketball, money, fame, until he lost it all. now, he says prison saved his life. my exclusive interview with jason williams, next. also next, while the naacp in dallas wants the lottery banned.
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many of us fantasize about what it would be like to hit it big and win the lottery jackpot buy a house, a car, take a posh vacation. maybe even quit your job. but the dallas chapter of the naacp wants the texas lottery gone, saying it preys on the poor. brian todd has the story. >> reporter: juanita tells the
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saddest of stories. about a man who spent his money on lottery tickets and not on things he needed. >> well, he died and having no insurance because his insurance had elapsed, it was left up to the community and people that loved him to try to pull together funds in order to bury hi him. >> reporter: wallace's president of the dallas chapter is trying to get -- what are the primary reasons you want the lottery gone? research shows there are more poor people who purps these tickets than people who can actually afford it. >> reporter: wallace says the lottery preys on the poor and claims there are many more booths set up in poorer areas of dallas than in middle and upper income neighborhoods. contacted by cnn, the spokeswoman said they tried to
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reach all segments of the population. that they don't target poorer areas. but the texas lottery commission is required to do demographic studies and the most recent one says people in texas who are most likely to play a popular game and unemployed people are more likely to buy the the scratch off tickets. irwin morris says he hasn't seen evidence that state lotteries specifically target the poor, but says there's a reason the poor spend a greater portion of their income on lotteries. >> it's an opportunity to change your winning circumstances. and so, someone who's relatively wealthy, it would take you know, a dramatic lottery win. you know, a lotto let's say to significantly change winning circumstances. if someone is a much more meager means, a much smaller win could literally change the character
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of their living circumstances. >> reporter: officials are the baptist general convention of texas tell us they're also pressing state officials to ax the the lottery. both groups say the the texas lottery hasn't been the cash cow many thought it would be. they say the money from the lottery sent to public schools has stayed flat over the past several years, while expenditures for the systems have risen. the texas lottery spokeswoman counters, saying over the past 20 years, the lottery has contributed over $14 billion to the school fund. the school fund. brian todd, cnn, washington. -- captions by vitac -- hello, everyone. i'm don lemon. utility crew us are trying to restore power in areas struck by friday night's deadly storms. close to a million people are facing another hot night in the dark. well, a lot of those outages are
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in the same places suffering from blistering high temperatures. 20 states issued heat warnings or advisories today and about 1,600 high temperature records have been broken around the country. families are getting their first look at what remains of their homes after a deadly wildfire tore through the neighborhood of colorado springs. roads will be open for several hours allowing families to cautiously examine what's left of their houses. the area is under a red flag warning, which means there is a chance a fast-moving fire could flare up again. some tense moments today after turkey scrambled jets in response to syrian helicopters that approached the border. turkey warned syria not to come close to its air space. i'm sweating up in here. >> yes, he was. former nba
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