tv Early Start CNN July 12, 2012 5:00am-7:00am EDT
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non-essential expensive program i can find, that includes obama care, and i'm going to work to reform and save -- >> yeah, those are the sound of boos. you might say ouch or maybe not. romney is getting beat up by naacp. listen to the president of the washington, d.c., branch describe that chorus of boos. >> he literally came to our house and attacked the issues that are important to us on our turf. >> and there you have it. that was the wrapup, at least from that presidency. shannon travis is live from washington, d.c., this morning. shannon, it really looks like mitt romney's just not backing down at all from this, and there are all sorts of people weighing in on all sorts of different reasons for why he may have gone to the naacp annual conference. wrap it up for me to start with whether this is going to have a
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residual effect in the negative or in the positive. >> reporter: well, we're still trying to weigh that, ashleigh. when i was watching it, it felt like one of those reality tv shows where the candidate on stage either lives or dyes by boos or applause. he was booed when he mentioned obama care which was a little surprising, because the people at naacp, it's not surprising that he is opposed to obama care. he got booed when he said he was a better president for african-americans than president obama is. last night at a fundraiser in montana governor romney basically played up the fact that he was booed. i'm going to read you this quote from a report that we have. i'm quoting here. this is governor romney, quote, when i mention i am going to get rid of obama care, they weren't happy. that's okay, he says, i want people to know what i stand for and if i don't stand for what they want, go vote for someone
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else, but i hope people understand this, your friends who like obama care, you remind them of this. if they want more stuff from government, tell them to go vote for the other guy, more free stuff. but don't forget, nothing is really free. it has to be paid for by people in the private sector. so to your question about whether this will have residual effect, you know what, in the african-american community given the fact that the polls, 2008 exit polls show that 95% of voters voted for obama versus mccain and that currently in a current gallup poll that about 87% of african-americans support president obama versus 5% for romney probably won't hurt him any more than it already is with african-americans, but in terms of conservatives, this could shore up romney's conservative bona fide that he went into the political lions den and took on some supporters of obama. >> the conspiracy theorists were
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out in force within moments saying he wasn't there to talk to people this the auditorium, he was there to talk to the people outside of the auditorium, the supreme conservatives. here's where that didn't wash with me. it kind of is at odds with what you just showed us, that comment that he made at the fundraising event last night. one of his surrogates, this is not to suggest for a minute, shannon, that the surrogates are always on the same page and follow the memo, but one named tara wall was on tv talking about the thunderous, her words, the thunderous applause that governor romney got at the naacp con fence. when pushed she had to back down a little bit and say, maybe not thunderous applause, applause in general. it looked as though she was trying to play up this reception at the naacp, whereas, what you're suggesting is mitt romney said never expected to do well. >> you have to wonder what conference tara wall was at yesterday when she said he got thunderous applause.
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there were moments of applause for governor romney to be sure. there were some points of agreement that he expressed right there and that those in attendance applauded him for. it wasn't thunderous, but there were moments of applause. on the other hand, again, this is something that yesterday after governor romney got booed, i saw on the twitterverse and blogosphere they said, good for you, governor romney, for going into this political lions den and taking on some of these issues. governor romney himself is saying, i'm ging to say the same message wherever i go. so this is a pretty -- he feels like this is a pretty winning issue for him. >> all right. shannon travis, good to see you. thank you so much for that this morning live for us. by the way, we're also learning some final details about a medical condition that caused illinois congressman jesse jackson jr. to virtually disappear from capital hill. his office is releasing a
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statement that says, jackson is being treated for a, quote, mood disorder, end quote, at a residential facility. the statement quotes jackson's doctor saying that the congressman is responding well to treatment and is expected to make a full recovery. florida state attorney plans to release fbi reports today stating whether race played a role. that includes 30 people from the sanford police department and friends of the shooting suspect, george zimmerman. we're expecting details between zimmerman and the fired police chief, bill lee. drama in a detroit backyard. firefighters are helping to dig out a man who's buried right up to his chest in about eight feet of dirt. rescuers digging the holes with shovels, buckets, even using their bare hands desperately trying to get him out. police say the trench collapsed during an illegal operation to
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lay down a sewer pipe. the men doing the work were apparently off the street. >> illegal means unpermitted. >> hired off the street. >> just as gas prices are ticking up, now $3.38, up .10% -- i guess that's .10 of a cent. the average price is down 73 cents from the record which was $4.11. that was back in july of 2008. the highest gas prices right now are in hawaii. $4.21. lowest gas prices are in south carolina, just $3.04 a gallon. 5:08. people in the south are on guard today for serious storms and the potential for flash flooding. rob marciano is watching it from our severe weather center. rob, can anybody get a break
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from awful heat, nasty storms that knock out their power or fires? >> we've seen a bit of both across the northeast. you would argue it's better than the record breaking heat we saw the past two weeks. this is an area showing the last 48 hours of rainfall. it's kind of peppered the southeast all the way from houston, dallas, back through atlanta and in some cases in the last 24 hours four to six inches across parts of carolina, six to ten across texas. they're seeing flash flood watch and warning posted for the rest of the day today. another line of thunderstorms starting to pop through houston. if you're traveling through houston, be aware there could be some delays at the airports there. as they begin to fire up, as they're already doing, two plus inches of rainfall per hour, a good possibility. this happens in july. they hit the brakes as soon as they get to the gulf of mexico. steamy down to the south. along the front is where you'll see thunderstorms pop up and some of them will be torrential rainfall like we saw again for the third night in a row.
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thunder and lightening. north of that, not too bad. south and west, record breaking temperatures across the southwest yesterday. it will be a little bit cooler today. 90 degrees in albuquerque. 88 degrees and 90 expected. >> i'll take the 80. this is what ashleigh was talking about. a woman fishing off a dock in south carolina. reeling it in. another one comes along. take a look. >> oh. >> oh [ bleep ]. oh, jesus christ. it's all mine. it's all mine. get it. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> it's a shark. >> it's a shark. >> a shark! it's a big [ bleep ] shark. >> go, baby. keep reeling. keep reeling. >> i love when you can fill in the beeps. bam, shark bait. they were about to land it obviously when a huge bull shark, there it goes, swooped in and stole the little fishy.
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>> that is some serious video right there. >> i love the video. i love the audio almost as much get the shark. >> the beeps, you know what's behind those beeps. >> yeah. so we've got a lot more ahead. it's 10 past 5:00 on the east coast. we're waiting down now a couple of hours until a new report is expected out on the jerry sandusky sex abuse trial and the case in general and the coach and his higher ups. a ler from the late coach joe paterno has also surfaced about all of this. find out what he said about the scandal and what he did not say about the scandal coming up. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] why not try coffee-mate? with over 25 delicious flavors for a fraction of the cost of the coffee house. add your flavor, with coffee-mate, from nestle. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one!
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[ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. brave knights! as you can clearly see from this attractive graph that our sales have increased by... sorry, my liege. honestly. our sales have increased by 20%. what is this mystical device i see before me? it's an ultrabook. he signed the purchase order. with an ultrabook, everything else seems old fashioned. introducing the ultra sleek, ultra responsive ultrabook. a whole new class of computers powered by intel. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement.
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louis free will release a report saying what university officials did or did not do when accusations against jerry sandusky arose. it will take a look at the university's culture and the relationship between the football program and the administration. the free report is coming a day after an op ed was released from the late head football coach, joe paterno, who defended the integrity of penn state, his program, and his players saying, quote, this is not a football scandal. susan candiotti is live in philadelphia. susan, is the paterno family worried that free's report may show that joe paterno and others knew that jerry sandusky was abusing children and more importantly that they covered it up? >> reporter: well, ali, of course we don't know for sure what's going to be in the free report, but certainly it's a possibility that the paterno family would be worried about this. we can tell you this, the paterno family is not at all
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happy that the free investigators did not allow them to get an advance look at that report saying that paterno didn't ever get a chance to defend themselves. here's one reason why the paterno family might be worried. cnn had purported e-mails that were leaked to us involving an exchange among penn state officials, and in one of those e-mails they discuss a plan after that 2001 shower incident to notify jerry sandusky and, among other things, to notify outside authorities, child welfare. but in another e-mail there's a reference from the athletic director that he spoke to joe paterno and then the director changes his mind about contacting child welfare authorities. now the paterno family just yesterday issued this statement that reads in part, joe paterno did not cover up for jerry sandusky. joe paterno did not know jerry sandusky was a pedophile. joe paterno did not act in any way to prevent a proper
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investigation of jerry sandusky. to claim otherwise is a distortion of the truth. so, ali, we'll see how the free report may address all of this. >> one of the big problems, it's interesting, it apparently didn't really affect university's fundraising last year, but also denying any knowledge of the sex abuse is former penn state president graham spanier. you reported on some leaked e-mails that says the other from spanier. quote, the only down side from us is if the message isn't, quote, heard and acted upon and then we become vulnerable for not having reported it, but that can be assessed down the road. what is that supposed to mean? >> well, >>. >> reporter: well, ali, people have said we're down the road. let's see if the free report addresses that. prosecutors said no outside authorities were notified after the 2001 shower incident so did
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any procedures that penn state may have had in place completely collapse and not work. we do know that some people who will be here today are victims' attorneys. they will be listening very closely to this free report because it might provide them ammunition for expected lawsuits against penn state. >> susan candiotti following this case very closely. those attorneys, ashleigh, are going to be very interested in this op ed that joe paterno wrote before he died. i must say, as i read it, i found myself getting angrier and angrier and angrier that he wrote this entire thing about the great culture of penn state and the great culture of their football program and don't taint the football program by calling this a football scandal. that was top of his mind before he died, that you're going to ruin the reputation of the football program, not that there were victims. >> not a mention, 700 plus words and not a mention of the kids who were raped. >> yeah. >> the kids. >> all about don't wreck the reputation. don't call this a football
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scandal. >> listen, that's what lawyers look for. it's called evidence. i guarantee you, ali, there will be civil lawsuits. it's 18 minutes past 5:00. time to get you upto date on the top stories. christine romans doing that job for us. >> good morning, you two. vice president biden will represent the white house today at the naacp convention in houston. the administration insist scheduling conflicts prevented the president from being there even though his calendar appears open. mitt romney was roundly booed at the convention yesterday when he told the crowd he'd eliminate obama care if he wins the presidency. the car can see what you can't. new crash warning equipment installed in cars showing some promise. a new study by the insurance industry says that accident reports were down 14% in cars that were equipped with the technology that automatically brakes when a rear end crash is imminent and also in cars with
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headlights that can swivel, that are on a swivel, that can see around curves. the systems were installed on new ak cure ra, mercedes benz and volvo cars. pluto's new moon. the hubble space telescope have shown a fifth moon. it's being called p-5. it appears as small white dots. last year they discovered pluto's fourth moon. a nasa spacecraft is expected to arrive in 2015. so put it on the calendar. >> that fourth moon didn't get a chance to be named before a fifth moon showed up. >> i'm glad there were no hubble telescope when i was a kid. it was hard for me to remember them. now they all have extra moons, and a planet. >> i'm giving pluto its due. p-5, baby. i'm not letting it go. >> we're going to name the fourth moon. >> it is 20 1/2 minutes after the hour this morning. we're getting an early read on
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your local news that's going national. a connecticut group home employee has been put on leave without pay after she was caught on tape kicking and beating and dragging a disabled and defenseless adult by the hair, by the way. we want to warn you the video we're about to show you is tough to watch. the caretaker caught kicking the woman in the gut, whipping her with a belt and dragging her by the hair. the victim suffers from an int at the lek actual disorder. that's tough to watch. >> that's by the hair, ali. she grabbed her by the hair and pulled her. >> the state said they didn't find any other signs of abuse. they're trying to find out who shot the video. that person could face charges too. it's unclear whether this was a good samaritan shooting it or someone was shooting it as part of the video. >> what's amazing is whoever did shoot that video dropped off three different copies. >> one to the tv station, one to
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the agency where this happened. so they're taking action on it. it is tough video to watch. >> mipictures don't lie. the apple is no longer green enough. with very few exceptions, san francisco's 50 city departments say they're no longer going to be allowed to buy apple laptops, desktop computers ormon tors. they say the tech giant withdrew from an international electronics green certification program. they say apple is at odds with the city and its purchasing policy that mandates every product has to meet strict environmental standards. i never thought i'd hear the day that apple isn't green enough for san francisco. more signs that the economy is slowing instead of growing. there are storm clouds on the economic horizon.
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we're going to tell you what it would mean for you. you're watching "early start." [ wife ] your dad's really giving him the business... the designated hitter's the best thing to happen to baseball! but it's not the same game! [ wife ] wow, he's really gonna get us a good deal. it's better! no it's not! the pitcher comes up and he's out! [ dealer ] he can bunt! whatever. but we're good with 0% apr for 60 months? oh, yeah, totally. thank you so much. that must've been brutal. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering.
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to get your new volkswagen. male spirit present.trong it's the priceline negotiator. >>what? >>sorry. he wants you to know about priceline's new express deals. it's a faster way to get a great hotel deal without bidding. pick one with a pool, a gym, a great guest rating. >>and save big. >>thanks negotiator. wherever you are. ya, no. he's over here. >>in the refrigerator? mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection,
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and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. it is 25 minutes past 5:00 this morning. we're minding your business. european stocks down. >> u.s. stock futures are trading lower across the board after minutes from the last federal reserve meeting saying that the fed is trying to figure out how to put more stimulus
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into the economy. it's not ready to act. i have a smile on my face. christine roam manage is here. i always smile even if the market sucks. >> the market is a reflection of what's happening in the overall economy, at least the conditions for corporate america. the fed is still concerned about things. these are fed minutes. concerned about the economy overall. we know growth is slowing. the fed is not ready to step in and do anything else. investors are fleeing stocks. we've seen withdrawal from stock mutual funds, 19 of the past 20 weeks. $50 billion withdrawn out of stock mutual funds so far in 2012. it's going into bonds. it's going into cash. it's going into hybrid mutual funds that are stocks and bonds, but people have been -- investors have been coming out of stock mutual funds. meantime, economists are forecasting slower growth in the u.s. downshifting their growth forecast. this is a survey yesterday. quite difficult to look at, 1.2 to 1.7 economic growth. that's the forecast for the
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second quarter. think that can make you feel better. you're barely preserving your standard of living. >> what should it be? >> we would like to see 2 to 3% economic growth. >> 2 is what we were thinking about. we'd love to have 3. china is 7. >> that's going down. there you go. >> wow. >> anyway, this is the storm clouds you and i keep talking about. we do know that expectations now are for slower growth. that's one of the reasons why investors have been pulling money out of stock. >> come back so we can talk more about this. >> i'll be back in an hour. >> that's another campaign bullet point. christine romans, thank you. the images, absolutely unforget abl. hurricane katrina has just been cited as one of the most biggest events on television. find out what else made the list coming up. on the powerful c250 sport sedan. but hurry before this opportunity...disappears. the mercedes-benz summer event
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ends july 31st. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. you know that comes with a private island? really? no. it comes with a hat. see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it?
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what is wrong with congressman jesse jackson jr.? statement from his office not doing a whole lot to clear up a mystery this morning. thousands of fbi cases are under review. the agency wants to know if faulty forensics helped put people, the wrong people, behind bars. robert blake in your face. the actor angry and combative in an interview you'll see only on cnn. welcome back to "early start." i'm ali velshi. zoraida is off. >> i'm ashleigh banfield. 31 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. a message from mitt romney, everyone who booed him at yesterday's naacp convention,
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quote, go vote for someone else. this was a tough sell. romney was trying to convince african-americans that they'd be better off with him in the white house. it was this remark about obama care specifically that set the crowd off. >> i'm going to eliminate every non-essential expensive program i can find. that includes obama care. i'm going to work to reform and save -- >> cnn political reporter shannon travis is live from washington this morning. shannon, romney's not apologizing for what he told the crowd. here's a question for you. what got them going? obama care used to be a pejorative term. it's not now. the obama administration, the white house used it itself. what was the thing? i didn't think anybody thought romney liked health care reform in the way that it's passed. >> reporter: i mean, you're absolutely right, ali. no braking news that mitt romney does not like the nation's
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health care law. he's been campaigning against it for month, but a number of attendees that we spoke to said, you know what, essentially how dare he come into our house, meaning the house of supporters of the nation's health care law and of obama, and say that he doesn't like obama care? at least those are some of the words that they used. but in every cloud there's a silver lining, although romney got booed. he's not crying the blues about it. in fact, instead last night he was in montana talking about, playing up the fact that he got booed and i have a little bit of a quote that he said to some of his supporters at this fundraiser last night. i'm going to read it to you, ali. quote, when i mentioned i was going to get rid of obama care, they weren't happy. that's okay. i want people to know what i stand for and if i don't stand for what they want, go vote for someone else, but i hope people understand this, your friends who like obama care, you remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government, tell them to go vote for the other guy, more free stuff.
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but don't forget nothing is really free. it has to be paid for by people in the private sector. that's from mitt romney at this fundraiser last night. one other thing of note, we've been playing up the fact that he was booed a few times. >> yeah. >> reporter: but there were moments of applause for romney at the naacp convention. one moment he was talking about his defense of traditional marriage. let's take a listen to the reception at that. >> any policy that lifts up and honors the family is going to be good for the country and that must be our goal. as president i will promote strong families and i will defend traditional marriage. >> reporter: now light applause there but you know, ali, of course that that's one area that a lot of african-americans are opposed to, the idea of gay marriage. >> tara wall sort of mentioned there was pretty enthusiastic applause for romney at some
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points. >> reporter: yeah, tara wall is one of his high profile african-american advisors. immediately afterwards she said there was thunderous applause. we didn't get any of that, but then she later backtracked those words. >> might have been thunder going on and applause. >> reporter: could have been. >> romney talks about stuff not being free. we've got a great report out on which analyzes the type of tax cuts that romney would like to put into place if he became president and pointing o you the that they, too, are not free. nothing is actually free. >> reporter: no such thing. >> shannon, good to see you. shannon travis for us covering that story. at 6:30 eastern we'll talk about romney's appearance at the naacp conventi convention. we're joined by roland martin who has a lot to say about this. >> roland does? >> believe it or not. >> i love roland martin. 35 minutes past 5 clock on the east coast. more finger pointing and
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posturing after house republicans voted to repeal president obama's health care reforms yesterday. repeal. >> it's gone? >> it went through. it went through the house which means doa at the senate. so democrats, of course, because of that are calling this a whole waste of time since there is montpelier way this thing's going any further than here. even if it did miraculously pass the senate, do you think the president would sign a repeal of his own health care initiative? >> nah. the justice department reviewing thousands of cases to find out if faulty forensics may have led to faulty convictions. the justice department has known for years that questionable evidence in some trials have led to guilty verdicts but no reviews of the cases have occurred. it will happen in cases that relied on forensic evidence. i feel like i've seen this on "csi." >> you'll see it in courtrooms
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because those imprisoned are going to sue. >> were you watching tv last night? >> i was. >> i loved the robert blake interview. >> piers morgan with robert blake in a cnn exclusive. i'm hoping you'll remember this actor acquitted of murder back in 2005. that was because of the murder of his wife, bonnie lee blakely. he got away on that one. the trial was a huge headline forever. there was a whole lot of speculation that he might have gotten away with murder criminally anyway. there was a civil trial. that didn't go well. he was found responsible for her death. last night that reclusive actor was feisty. >> yeah. >> that would be the word, feisty, especially when he was questioned about the events surrounding his wife's death. you need to see this. >> tell me where i'm lying because if you don't know i'm telling you the truth, then you must have a little scratch in the back of your head about where i'm lying. >> no, i'm not saying you're
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lying. >> but you say you don't know if i'm telling the truth, i'm saying, what the hell is the difference. >> i'm saying i met you for 20 minutes. >> you're saying you're scratching your head. >> why are you being so defensive? >> because you insulted me. >> i didn't insult you. >> yes, you did. nobody tells me i'm a liar. >> i didn't call you a liar. >> you said i might not be telling the truth, what the hell is is the difference. i don't want to take this anyplace special. let me say it this way. my skin is a little bit thin. >> sure. >> which is why i stay away from people mostly. i've never allowed anybody to ask me the questions that you're asking. i allowed you to do that because i trust you and i would have assumed that you and that guy in your ear would trust me and if you don't, then we better start talking about the little rascals. >> well. >> there's even more of that.
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it was pretty good. little rascals obviously the fact that he was on the gang. there he is. >> look, he's out selling his book. he's got a book called "tales of a rascal." that's why he's on a book tour. well, you can't accept an interview on primetime television, pierce morgs morgan suggest he's not allowed to ask questions. for that part alone, there's debate. there you have it. >> it was an interesting interview. >> there you go. again, years as a child star. the book -- you can read it for yourself if you want to see what you can see. not a lot of answers in terms of what happened to his wife. good images. real life drama topping the list of the most powerful tv moments of the past 50 years. nielsen and sony electronics conducted the survey. september 11th terrorist attacks topped the list. hurricane katrina.
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the o.j. simpson verdict. the challenge ger space shuttle explosion and the death of osama bin laden. >> you know what i'm surprised isn't there, j.f.k. assassination when cronkite died. >> less exposure to tv. >> i feel that's iconic. >> it's a survey. maybe the people who remember it there aren't as many. number six was tied in two things, who was in the white bronco? >> was it al cowan. i have a term memory. >> i was surprised that that didn't rate higher than the verdict, but that's what people were saying. >> that's number 6? >> number 6. >> what about walking on the moon? kne neil armstrong was walking on the moon. >> did you wake up in a different generation this morning? >> i'm 70. >> world war ii. >> but, boy, do i look good.
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>> you are the best looking 70 i have seen in a long time. >> oh, my mom's going to love that. all right. so it's 40 minutes past. move on. i'm really only 22. congressman jesse jackson jr.'s office talking. coming clean, so to speak. well, hold on. trying to explain why he's been absent from congress for over a month and raising a lot of questions in the process. we're going to get to the bottom of this in a moment. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] why not try coffee-mate? with over 25 delicious flavors for a fraction of the cost of the coffee house. add your flavor, with coffee-mate, from nestle. [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat.
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welcome back, everybody. nice to have you with us on "early start." 44 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. illinois congressman jesse jackson jr., he's been mia from capital hill. this morning we may, may have an explanation for why. his office is releasing a statement from the congressman's doctor saying that, quote, he is receiving intense medical treatment as a resident -- at a residential facility for a mood disorder, end quote. jackson took a leave of absence
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last month. the statement says that he's responding positively to treatment and expected to make a full recovery, but it doesn't go far enough according to some people. cnn's ted rowlands is live for us. i'm not talking about republican lawmakers, i'm talking about his fellow democratic congressmen who are saying, come on, we need more information here. >> reporter: yeah. it's interesting, ashleigh. there seems to be two camps on this. one camp wants more information saying that constituents deserve more information and the other camp is saying, hey, let the congressman deal with his medical issues and at the proper time we'll find out what the specifics are but we don't need to rush them. take a listen to steny hoyer and nancy pelosi and you get a feel for both sides of the equation. >> the time is right when mr. jackson -- congressman jackson has an evaluation of what his situation is and i'm sure then he will share it with his
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constituents. our prayers are with his family. i hope that we will hear soon that he's on the way to recovery. >> i think congressman jackson and his office and his family would be well advised to advise the con stit two wentsz of his condition. he's obviously facing a health problem. >> reporter: now the question is the extent of that health problem. mood disorders, there are many of them. they include depressive disorders, by polar disorders. this doctor doesn't go into any specifics around that. what we do know, ashleigh, is that according to his office he is not receiving rehab for drugs and alcohol which was previously reported. and he did not apparently commit suicide. that, according to jesse jackson sr. still though a lot of questions as to exactly whats' dealing with and how long he'll be out. >> ted, i'm curious if the questions are perhaps more
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numerous because there is the speculation amongst some that there may have -- i don't know, that this may have something to do with the possibility that he's being investigated, and certainly he's being investigated by the house ethics committee, for what ties he might have had to the whole rod blagojevich scandal, who was the governor of that state who was jailed, for ostensibly trying to sell president obama's vacated senate seat. there's talk that the congressman may have been part of this. does this have anything to do with this extensive leave? >> reporter: well, again, you can add it to the list of things that possibly may have been causing him stress. there's -- the rumor mill's rampant. here in chicago a lot of people believe that there could be an indictment coming his way, specifically because of what you referenced, a fund racer during the blago scam came out and told the government that jesse
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jackson jr. tried to buy barack obama's seat for $6 million. he told investigators he was recently indicted. the connection might be that he is singing. there are no specifics. what we do know is that this is a very serious problem. mental illness in general is and he seems to be suffering from something here according to this statement that we received last night from this doctor. >> one thing is for sure. if there's a current mental illness, you don't get to retroactively apply it to 2008. if there's any consideration that this could be setting the scene for a defense, this is now and that was then. ted rowlands in chicago live. thank you, sir. >> can you use that? can you set up a defense? >> heck no. >> that may be for a condition that wasn't in place. >> you need the records at the time. make no mistake, if you're ever trying to suggest that you had some mental incapacity for a crime that was committed, that had to have existed during the
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committing of the time. >> if it's diagnosed. >> by the way, competency is a different issue. you have to show that you're okay to stand trial. you could be competent and legally insane. >> interesting. >> how do you like that? >> this is what you bring, some great, great knowledge to us. >> i don't know a thing about money. >> all this complimentary skills. you're a very young looking 70, as you pointed out. >> 73. >> i'm a very old looking 24. it is 49 minutes after the hour. christina is standing there wondering what on earth are you talking about. >> are these iqs or ages? let me give you the top story. joe biden standing in for the president at the naacp convention. the white house insists a scheduling conflict prevented him from being there even though his schedule appears to be open. mitt romney was booed when he told the crowd he'd cut obama care if he wins the presidency. more fallout from the hazing
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death of florida a&m band member, robert champion. the university president james a.m. mons is stepping down. the parents say they didn't do enough to end hazing. robert champion was beaten by students of the marching band during a hazing ritual on the band bus last fall. the suit names the bus company and driver. a chilling story. this 26-year-old was last seen sunday night. she was on her way to work at a shelter in brooklyn. her sister said she received a text message from her phone reading the girl with this phone is dead, was smiling. a new mexico woman has a message for all parents. stop leaving your kids alone in a car for even a second. check out what happened in an albuquerque strip mall parking lot. there you see lesli bikfell in
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in a white pickup truck. she saw a young child behind the wheel of a mini van. >> there was a small child in the driver's seat. i scanned the vehicle very quickly to see that she seemed to be alone and i literally watched her shift the gear into gear. i knew what was going to happen. >> wow. the van starts rolling back woord toward the street. she tries to pry the van door open but it's locked. turned out by sheer lucklessly knocked her own truck into neutral and her truck rolled behind the van and blocked it from barreling into oncoming traffic. luckily no one was hurt. in your face. new close-up, hi-def, deafening video posted on youtube of july 4th san diego fireworks fail. a computer glitch caused all of the city's fireworks to go off once. 20 minutes worth in just over 20 seconds.
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a giant mushroom cloud blowing away spectators. one saying best fireworks show ever. everyone got home a lot earlier that night than they did last year. >> i like fireworks, but there's never a moment when i don't think to myself, time is standing still. >> in so many city budgets, little towns across america who ended their fireworks displays because they don't have the money. you see all of that in san diego go off in 20 seconds. >> i don't know whether that's more fascinating. >> or the dancing girl in the front. >> she went nuts. >> that pickup truck where that woman stopped the mini van and her truck. what an interesting -- lots of interesting video this morning, christine. >> remarkable. thank you, christine romans. appreciate that. it's 52 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. what is it about facebook and skype that has a whole bunch of people making appointments with their plastic surgeons. you're going to find out in a moment.
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you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. us bank. try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis.
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all right. time to look at what's trending. >> what are you smiling at? >> i'm happy to be with you. i'm smiling. lebron james of the world champion miami heat the big winner at last night's espy awards. he also got one including male athlete of the year. he was with the u.s. olympic basketball team. >> plastic surgeons, they're reporting a huge increase in what they're calling facetime face lift. no joke. they say certain types of
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cosmetic surgeries are on the rise because of the pressure to look good in your facebook. >> as opposed to the pressure to look good in real life? >> i know. you want to look good on facetime and facebook, that has people rushing to the doctor. >> wow. >> skype causing this. one of the most popular procedures that the doctors are reporting, this is a bit weird, chin implants. they're increasing apparently by 71% between 2010 and 2011. >> i'm wondering if other people need extra parts of chins. i have available extras. a black market. little bit of chin i can donate. >> i love that. >> they're also looking for chin lipo. >> i can do that. >> they need to put those two people -- >> that's a market. that's a market. >> swap. >> i left my heart and my lunch in san francisco. >> wow. >> strap in, folks. this is extreme racer ken block taking us on a high risk joyride
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in a video called ultimate urban playground san francisco. the video has more than 10 million hits in four days. it was filmed in the empty streets of san francisco over the course of four days featuring some incredible stunts, some precision driving including some monster hill jumps like this. >> whoa. what days were traffic like that, four days in broad daylight. >> circles around cable cars. i'm curious, what four days? i imagine they weren't four consecutive days. last i checked san francisco's pretty busy. >> mario andretti, i asked him if he had ever gotten a speeding ticket. he got pulled over one time. i won't say how fast he was doing. when the state trooper asked for his license and he said, oh, you know what, and gave him back the license. sorry, mr. andretti. can you imagine pulling mario andretti over for speeding? be the guy to give him a ticket. >> i would be you know what as well. >> talk about calm. in the face of danger, watch two
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drivers very carefully deal with -- divers, excuse me, dealing with a circling great white. how would you like to be in the water? >> what is it about sharks? we've been talking about sharks. >> it's officially cnn shark week. didn't you get the memo. we're coming right back. we're coming right back. 58 minutes after the hour. -- captions by vitac -- maybe do a little sightseeing. or, get some fresh air. but this summer, we used our thank youpoints to just hang out with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. [ wife ] your dad's really giving him the business... the designated hitter's the best thing to happen to baseball! but it's not the same game! [ wife ] wow, he's really gonna get us a good deal. it's better! no it's not! the pitcher comes up and he's out! [ dealer ] he can bunt! whatever. but we're good with 0% apr for 60 months?
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oh, yeah, totally. thank you so much. that must've been brutal. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering. until i got a job in the big apple. adjusting to city life was hard for me. and becoming a fulltime indoor cat wasn't easy for atti. but we had each other and he had purina cat chow indoor. he absolutely loved it. and i knew he was getting everything he needed to stay healthy indoors. and after a couple of weeks, i knew we were finally home! [ female announcer ] purina cat chow indoor. always there for you.
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tough crowd. getting booed yesterday at the ncaap conference. we're hearing mitt romney's defying response that bit. >> who knew what and when did they know it? we're hours away from a major report looking into the jerry sandusky sex abuse scandal. >> the one that thankfully got away. look at that, a fishtail turns into an expletive filled shark encounter in a split second. when you see the video you will understand why so many expletives. good morning, everybody. it is nice to have you with us. welcome to "early start." i am ashley banfield. >> as good as the video is, the
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sound is better. it is 6 a.m. in the east. let's get you started. up first, biting words from mitt romney after a rough reception at the ncaap convention yesterday. he says you don't like his positions, go vote for someone else. this was a difficult sell from the start. romney was trying to convince african-americans they would be better served with him in the white house. he hit a wall when he referred to the president's health care reforms. listen. >> i am going to eliminate every non-essential expensive program i can find. that includes obama care and i will work to reform and save -- zp that was painful. romney getting beat up by the naacp for that comment. listen to the president of the washington dc branch explaining that chorus. >> he literally came to our house and attacked the issues that are important to us on our
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turf. >> shannon travis following this from washington this morning. shannon, romney is not backing down from what he did yesterday and those boos. any long-term damage or may this have gained him some support. >> ali, he went into the lion's den and stood his ground there and did the same thing as a fundraiser in montana referencing the boos that he got, so if there is any long-term damage, apparently the romney campaign is calculating this plays well potentially with independents and certainly with conservatives. let me read you what he told them last night referencing the boos he received yesterday. quote, when i mentioned i am going to get rid of obama care, they weren't happy. that's okay. i want people to know what i stand for and if i don't stand for what they want, go vote for someone else. romney goes on, but i hope people understand this, your
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friends who like obama care, he remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government, tell them to vote for the other guy, for free stuff, but don't forget nothing is really free. it has to be paid for by people in the private sector. again, this whole notion of any long-term damage, he is playing this up with the supporters and knowing probably full well that african-american support for him, he is never going to win their vote. it is pretty low right now. there is a recent poll that shows obama with about 87% of black support versus 5% for mitt romney. >> it is important for people to know when mitt romney says stuff isn't for free to understand that neither are his proposed tax cuts. i want to show everyone we have a good story about how the tax cuts will costa lot of money and the guy that does get a lot of support from african-americans isn't appearing at the conference. >> that's right, president obama, would that not person you're talking about. >> that would not guy that i am
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talking about. >> president obama was invited. the white house or the campaign, i should say, excuse me, is citing a scheduling conflict. vice president biden is going. i have to tell you some people are scratching their head saying, you know what, in this pitched election year one day after romney showed up and spoke to somewhat hostile crowd, why isn't the president going? some are wondering if president obama is taking the african-american vote for granted. obviously the campaign says absolutely not. some are looking very closely at this no show from the president. last thing i want to mention with romney, he did get booed and we have been talking about that. there were other moments, ali, where he was applauded and talked about charter school and school choice for parents and education reform and defending traditional marriage. there was other moments of applause for romney. >> we heard some of it. it wasn't highly enthusiastic.
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>> correct. >> wasn't thunder us on, but it was applause. >> it does appear president obama while citing a scheduling conflict doesn't seem to have public events scheduled in late of it. >> that's why people are scratching their heads. the president's public schedule came outlast night, and there are no public events on it. i have been asking the campaign what's the actual conflict. i haven't gotten theness ayet. >> stay on it. thanks very much. in the next half hour we'll talk about romney's rocky reception and the fallout and whether it hurts him or helps him given it really wasn't the crowd he was going to win in anyway. we're joined by rowland martin who will have a lot to say and will have a rocking tie or at least a pocket square. >> or an ascot. >> i want overseas news now. this is one you are wondering what are they thinking. iran making steady improvements to missile capabilities and may
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be ready, may be ready to test a long range missile that could reach the united states shores within three years. that's all according to a brand new report that's out from the pentagon and that report goes onto say the iranians have, vote, boosted the lethooeethali effectiveness allowing them to drop explosives over a wider area and allowing them to cause more destruction. serious ramping up of things after war games showing the pentagon just what the iranians really have and what they can do. >> the florida state attorney plans to release fbi reports that could explain whether race played a role in the shooting death of trayvon martin, and that includes federal interviews with more than 30 people including members of the sanford police department and friends of shooting suspect george zimmerman. we're also expecting details of e-mail exchanges between zimmerman and fired sanford police chief bill lee. actress kristen chenoweth
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suffered injuries on the set of the drama the good wife. she was taken to new york city hospital and details have been been released and she is said to debut in a recurring role as a political reporter on the season's premiere. >> i love kristen chenoweth and the good wife so i hope she is okay. >> it is not that big so i hope the scaffolding. >> tiny. >> people are on guard for storms and possible flash flooding, rob marciano back with us on that. >> houston is going to get it. they're getting it right now. they had heavy rain yesterday and flash flood watches post and had just in the last hour a flash flood warning for counties just north and west of houston or slivers of the counties at least, harris, montgomery, waller and just to name a few and more thunderstorms popping up across the metropolitan area
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and some have rainfall rates of 2 plus inches per hour. heavy frog stranglers as they call them and stay with this stationary front that isn't moving much and typically for the month of july and that's where we'll see the storms fire again and all the way across the southeast through atlanta and through the carolinas as well. north, not too bad. sunny, warm, not as hot as it has been and not as hot as it has been out west and places in arizona, 110. death valley 128 yesterday. not a record. still very toasty. it is going to be a little cooler across the southwest today and still toasty and very warm across the pacific northwest and thunderstorms there potentially and in canada and parts of alberta yesterday, 100 degrees. >> what? >> you can't even seek refuge from the heat. >> that's what i do, i go to canada when it is that hot. it is probably her part of canada. >> tell me again where the 100
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degrees was. >> i can't remember the town. it was in alberta. >> her part of canada. >> he is just trying to have a whole constitutional crisis on cnn over here. >> i really did not never heard the time frog strangler before. it is described as an unusually large rain storm greater than raining cats and dogs because it is marked by even a depth and amphibians drowning. i thought you were saying dirty. >> that must be out of the meteorological hand back. >> it is urban dictionary. >> that kind of rainfall will strangle a couple prairie dogs as well. you go. >> excellent, rob. good to see you as always. >> thank you, sir. if you are not near your tv right now, put down your toothbrush, your cereal spoon, whatever it is you're doing and come to your set. this is great. i want to direct your attention specifically to what happens after the amazing video. >> hold on. if you have this with the volume
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down, crank it. >> crank it. it is worth it. a woman fishing off a dock in south carolina just reeling in a fish, that's probably exciting. get that in the video camera and then something else happens. take a look. >> oh [ bleep ]. >> oh. >> it is all mine. it is all mine. get it. >> [ bleep ]. >> it is a shark. >> a shark. there is a big shark. >> it is on your pole, baby. keep reeling. keep reeling. >> that's a sign of a real fisherman. don't let go of the fish or the shark. >> you have bait in that belly. go. what's great is despite the bleeps you know exactly what they're saying. >> you don't need much imagination. >> you do not. that was a bull shark coming in and grabbing that fish and we do not know if they were able to reel in the shark and me thinks
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there would be better video if they had. >> if you thought that was a close encounter, take a look at this video, a 12-foot great white shark circling two spear fisherman off the coast of austlia. they didn't panic or shoot. they didn't swim away. they stood their ground and poked at it and then made a dash when the shark swam off. >> i had a friend that used to swim out of the cage shooting great whites. they say it is tonic immobility by turning them over onto its back. they're i am mobile but then how do you get them to that state. >> take a nap. >> yeah. >> i just stay away from the whole shark thing. >> hours before serious news is going to break. around 9:00 or so there is a report on the jerry sandusky sex abuse trial that is set to be released to the public and inside a lot of revelations we're all waiting for and in the meantime a letter from the late
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coach joe paterno has surfaced. find out what he said and perhaps what he did not say about the scandal before his death. that's coming up. er is different but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business.
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find out how it can work for yours at delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet the house is considering a bill to close thousands of offices, slash service and layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. house bill 2309 is not the answer. with lean cuisine steam bags. get our crispiest carrots and our snappiest peas all freshly steamed in just minutes.
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steam bags from lean cuisine. be culinary chic. i bought the car because of its efficiency. i bought the car because i could eliminate gas from my budget. i don't spend money on gasoline. it's been 4,000 miles since my last trip to the gas station. it's pretty great. i get a bunch of kids waving at me... giving me the thumbs up. it's always a gratifying experience. it makes me feel good about my car. i absolutely love my chevy volt. ♪ 15 minutes past 6:00 on the east coast and in just a few hours we'll know, possible know how much penn state university knew about the jerry sandusky child abuse scandal.
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at 9 a.m. eastern the former fbi chief will release a report online for everyone involved and it is supposed to describe exactly what university administrators did or did not do regarding all of those accusations made against jerry sandusky ten years ago many which borne out as true because he is in jail likely for the rest of his life and it will take a look at the university's culture and the relationship between its football program and the administration and how all of that also played into this terrible, terrible tragedy. the free report is coming one day after an op-ed was released from the late head coach, the football coach, joe paterno. i know he died back in january but he wrote it before he died and it was never released. now it has been released, and he defended the integrity of penn state. he defended the integrity of his program and his players saying this is not a football scandal. what he did not write in that op-ed was anything about the
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victims in this whole story. susan is live in philadelphia this morning. i want to ask you about the release of that op-ed with regards to the paterno family. is there some concern that louie frees report is going to paint joe paterno in a light that they do not want him to be painted in, specifically that he knew something and did not do anything about it? >> well, certainly there is a possibility of that. we don't know what's in the report. we can say that while he didn't mention the victims in that op-ed piece that was unpublished, he certainly did go onto say before he died that he wished he had done more. what the paterno family is upset about is the three investigators did not give them an advanced look at this report and they believe that was unfair because they said here was one man who was unable to defend himself because he's dead. now, the paterno family probably has good reason to be concerned because of those purported
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e-mails that were read to cnn that we have told you about in the last few weeks. these were an exchange of purported e-mails among penn state officials discussing the 2001 shower incident and in one of them the athletic director says there had been a plan to notify among other things outside authorities about this, but he said after talking with joe, referring to paterno, he decided that he would no longer notify the outside authorities. this is one thing certainly the paterno family wants to know more about. >> i think there are a lot of people connected to penn state that want to know a lot more about not only what's in the report but also what's in their e-mails that they can't remember from years gone by because just in the last week or so the penn state university president graham spaner has come out saying he knew nothing about any sex abuse, nothing about allegations like this regarding jerry sandusky, but there is
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e-mail information that you reported on, that you got leaked out of this investigation that suggests something otherwise, and i want to read this one particular e-mail that graham spanier had and it said the only downside for us and, i should preface this by saying this is whether they should report sandusky to the authorities about this incident in the shower where he was witnessed with a young boy naked in a compromising position. the decision not to go to the authorities but instead to talk to jerry sandusky personally first. this is what graham spainer said. the only downside for us is the message isn't heard and acted upon, and then we then become vulnerable for not having report it. that can be assessed down the road. this is troublesome. do we expect that to be cleared up by this report today?
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>> well, we'll soon find out whether mr. free will make mention of that. certainly remember, ashley, as you know, once he found those e-mails and also a file about sandusky that was being maintained according to prosecutors by jerry sandusky -- excuse me, the vice president, mr. schultz, all of that information was turned over by louie freid to state investigators in this case as part of their on going criminal investigations. we do know prosecutors have said that 2001 shower incident was never reported to outside authorities. we'll see how much gets into that. >> you have work ahead of you reading that posting at 9 a.m. eastern time. thank you. it is 20 minutes after the hour. get you up to date what's going on in the news. christine romans is here with the top stories. christine. >> good morning to you. vice president joe biden will represent the white house later today at the naacp convention in houston.
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the administration insists a scheduling conflict prevented the president himself from being there even though his calendar appears to be open today. mitt romney was booed at the convention yesterday when he told the crowd he would eliminate obama care if he wins the presidency and it wasn't all for romney. he did get applause for his comments on education as well as this. >> any policy that lifts up and honors the family is going to be good for the country and that must be our goal. as president i will promote strong families and i will defend traditional marriage. >> delta airlines facing nearly a million dollars in fines for allegedly flying two jetliners without making needed repairs. the faa says one of the plains, a boeing 737 flew with a chipped nose cone. officials say the other, an airbus a 320 made nearly the 00 flights with a broken light socket in the cockpit.
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delta says once it verified the concerns it initiated immediate and necessary actions. a mother of four staging a remarkable recovery from a traumatic brain injury. erin burns doesn't even remember what happened the other day when several wood poles plowed through her car after they fell off a truck in front of her. neurosurgeons spent more than two hours pulling fragment from her skull. her brain was pushed back nearly an inch. look at her car. 48 hours later she is texting and updating her friends on facebook. doctors say they will be fine sgr wow. >> it is terrifying when i see something loose or big on a truck in front of me. i saw lawn chairs one time fly off an rv. >> look what's hanging off the back of the poles. that's the rearview mirror. >> here is the weird part. they had the red flag hanging off the end and she somehow
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didn't see it and drove right into those poles literally. they didn't fall off. >> oh. >> she drove right into that. >> that's the detail i missed. >> a very odd development. >> the police think she had a lapse in judgment for a moment and didn't see it and rear ended that. >> that's nuts. thanks, christine. >> if you are looking for a job right now, you probably already know it. it is tough out there. guess what? there are industries that are hiring. ali, there are? >> yep. we're going to talk about that when we come back. 23 minutes after the hour. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. the lines, the cost, the hassle. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] why not try coffee-mate? with over 25 delicious flavors for a fraction of the cost of the coffee house. add your flavor, with coffee-mate, from nestle.
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stocking are down. could be a rough day in the markets here in the united states. this isn't live by the way. this is a taped segment we did last week. >> kind of feels like it, doesn't it? >> u.s. stock features down across the board sadly. after minutes from the last federal reserve meeting showed the fed is still thinking about providing more stimulus for the economy but not ready to act yet. christine romans is here talking about the jobs market, still dismal. >> we've had a steady drum beat of bad news.
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i wanted to tell you a couple places where things are rocking. yesterday we heard from boeing there will be huge demand for airline pilots and people that take care of aircraft over the next decade, the next two decades actually. look at this. pilots, co-pilots, flight engineers, median sal have i 105,000. they'll need more in asia than year, maybe 69,000 pilots here in the u.s. over the next 20 years. if you maintain aircraft and in some cases this is a community college education, you can make six figures and you can have really good job demand, so maintaining aircraft and also career cast later today is going to unveil its best careers in the energy industry. they have given us a sneak peek to tell you about. top energy industry jobs this year, the top one petroleum engineer. geologists, civil engineer,
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really cool there. one of the other things about the energy jobs in particular that career cast was telling us, they have a bad reputation. you have fukushima. you have deep water horizon. you have concerns over fracking. you have kids coming out of college and going into college that don't necessarily consider these kinds ofcareers. highly skilled and high demand and working with natural resources. >> if you are environmentalists and you would like to not see oil spill into the water, being a petroleum engineer helps. you can make a difference. >> it is applicable for any career as well after that in engineering. >> i will tweet all of these. i will not tell you bad job news this morning. >> so nice to hear that. not that you're not -- it is nice to hear from you always. very nice to hear about good jobs. >> shirt looked awesome from the difference and the foul up last week looked down right scary up close. more of that am coming up.
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you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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robert blake, you remember him, little rascals, ber let a, in your face, angry and combative in an interview you will only see here on cnn. >> and he has cheers but a lot of boos as well. mitt romney at the naacp conference and it prompted a defiant response this morning. wait until you hear who he is telling to you vote for. >> a quick-thinking mom and a lucky break helped save a child in a run away van. welcome back to "early start." >> nice to have you with us. i am ashley banfield. in just a few hours vice president joe biden is set to speak at the naacp annual conference in houston. he is following mitt romney. that's a hard act to follow really because yesterday's remarks on the president's health care law got a less than enthusiastic reception for the governor. >> i am going to eliminate every
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non-essential program i can find and that includes obama care and i will work to reform and save -- >> romney says he expected negative response and now some analysts are asking was his goal to court black voters or to show his mostly white conservative base that he could take his message to the heart of the opposition? contributor roland martin is covering the event all week a few blocks from the convention in houston. rowland, good morning. do you think he was trying to win in a place he was not likely to win votes or play to the other audience. >> nobody can assess whether he was trying to play to some other audience without being inside his head. that's mere speculation. bottom line, it is no shock that he would say he would appeal the affordable care act. no shock that naacp members would respond the way they did because many of them understand the health disparities that exist among african-americans in minority communities and
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recognize the need for health care in this country. when you look at the poorer states, they're red states. there are going to be states folks will vote for mitt romney. that is mississippi, alabama, tennessee, west virginia, louisiana, and those are places where outside of west virginia you have significant black populations. no surprise. >> listen to this. he did get applause. i want to play for the viewers something he said that did seem to resonate with the crowd when he talked about the defense of family. he talked about gay marriage. listen to this. >> any policy that lifts up and honors the family is going to be good for the country and that must be our goal. as president i will promote strong families and i will defend traditional marriage. >> so, you heard the comments from sufficient his surrogates who said that at certain times he received thunderous applause.
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shannon didn't think it was thunderous. >> i was sitting on the front row. there was never thunder ous applause and i know tara well and i think she was being facetious with that comment. there was never thunderous applause and also when he talked about education he got more applause on those issues than other issues. there was never thunderous applause. >> he goes to a fundraiser in montana and romney says the following with respect to the boos and the jeers that he got. he said when he mentioned i am going to get rid of obama care, they weren't happy. thaets okay. i want people to know what i stand for. if i don't stand for what they want, go vote for someone else. he says i hope people understand this, your friends who like obama care, he remind them of this, if they want more stuff for the government tell them to vote for the other guy, more free stuff, but don't forget, nothing is really free. it has to be paid for by people
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in the private sector. mitt romney wants tax cuts across the board. tax cuts also are not free. >> of course tax cuts are not free. frankly, mitt romney, you should be ashamed of yourself with that particular comment because what you also don't want to do and what i did not hear from him yesterday, let's talk about the research, the r&d dollars in terms the tax breaks that corporations get and the oil subsidies. do you want to call those things free? the fact of the matter is the bush tax cuts whether whether mitt romney wants to admit it or not played a critical role in increasing the deficit in it country and extending the bush tax cuts will increase the deficit. for mitt romney to say to the naacp that if you invite me next year and i am president, i will come back and we can work together but then we want to make this comment, oh, they want free stuff. guess what, mitt romney, again there are broke, poor, white people in the states that you also are trying to win and we
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have to deal with the reality of that they also have bad health care, not just the naacp. >> here is one reality that does and may resonate with a number of african-americans, the unemployment rate in the united states. you and i have talked about this for years. there is always historically a disparity, more blacks unemployed than whites, always have been. look at the difference now. 8.2% is the average unemployment in the country. 14.4% for blacks and republicans love to push this idea that it got worse under president obama. >> of course. the bottom line is we always know when america catches a cold, black folks catch pneumonia. so that's also why you look at the whole notion of what is happening with education, all of those particular areas and all of that has an impact when you talk about the unemployment rate. what mitt romney did not do yesterday, he did not address that critical issue. black women, one of the fastest growing groups when it comes to small businesses, he made no mention of that and he also did not say what is he going to do when it comes to the housing crisis in this country.
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53% of blacks are wiped out. if you start a small business you are likely going to use a home equity loan. mitt romney said this is what i am going to do and did he offer any specifics? no, he didn't, other than target federal dollars to each student when it comes to education, and so mitt romney has a lot more to do on that, but i will say this to mitt romney. you better get your act together to understand as a people you are also trying to get votes from, non-naacp members in the red states have some of the worst education schools out there, have some of the worst health care out there and it will be interesting to see if he is willing to have an honest conversation in a real plan to deal with that even among his red state supporters >> got to go. i love the tie you're rocking and the square. good to see you. keeping them honest. roland martin, cnn contributor and host of what is it, tell me the name. >> washington on tv cable net. >> i prefer the ascot but that's
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just me. >> i will rock that next time. >> the studio is gone and the cameras are off and you can still here roland. >> thank you. >> a woman leaps into action when she sees a van roll away with a child inside. for all of her bravery, it was a stroke of luck that made the difference. i will show you more when we come back. according to ford, the works fuel saver package could terally pay for itself. jim twitchel is this true? yes it's true. how is this possible? proper tire inflation, by using proper grades of oil, your car runs more efficiently, saves gas. you could be doing this right now? yes i could, mike. i'm slowing you down? yes you are. my bad. the works fuel saver package. just $29.95 or less after rebate. only at your ford dealer. so, to sum up, you take care of that, you take care of these, you save a bunch of this. that works.
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piers morgan sitting down for an interview with robert blake and boy did it turn into a wrestling match. you have to see this to believe it. you probably recall he was acquitted in 2005 in the murder of his wife and his trial was a headline grabber and there was a whole lot of speculation he got away with murder. he was found liable for her death in civil trial and ordered to pay the family 30 million and
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last night the reclusive actor was fiestie. >> tell me where i am lying. if you don't know i am telling you the truth, you must have a scratch in the back of your head before where i am lying. tell me where you're lying. >> i am not saying you're lying. >> you say you don't know if i am telling the truth. what the hell is the difference. >> i met you for 20 minutes. >> i don't care about that. you put me on the stand and you're scratching your head. >> why are you being so defensive? >> because you just insulted me. >> i didn't insult you. >> yes, you did. nobody tells me i am eye liar. >> i didn't call you a liar. >> you said i might not be telling the truth. what the hell is the difference. i don't want to take this any place special. all i want, okay, let me say it this way. my skin is a little thin. >> sure. >> why is why i stay away from people mostly. i never allowed anybody to ask me the questions that you're asking. i allowed you to do that because
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i trust you. i would have assumed that you and that guy in your ear would trust me and if you don't, then we better start talking about the little rascals. >> okay. well, there is that. the reference by the way at the end there was the reference to his years as a childhood star. the title of blake's new memoir, he is on a book tour, is tales of a rascal and a quote from a juror in the civil case said that blake was his own worst enemy on the stand. there you have that. pretty interesting stuff. ali, what do you make of that? fireworks? >> fireworks, that's my response. >> and fireworks here, too. >> fireworks in san diego, in your face. close up high definition deafening video posted on youtube. this is of the july 4th san diego fireworks. a computer glitch caused all of the city's fireworks to go off
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at once. supposed to be a 20 minute show and went off in 20 seconds. a giant mushroom cloud nearly blowing away spectators and some say best fireworks show ever. >> a new mexico woman has a message for all parents. don't leave your kids alone in the car even for just a second. she has the proof. look what happened in an albuquerque strip mall parking lot. leslie bicknell is in the white pickup truck and opening her door to get out when she saw a young child behind the wheel in the minivan. listen up. >> there was a small child in the driver's seat and i scanned the vehicle very quickly to see that she seemed to be alone, and i literally watched her shift the gear into gear, and i knew what was going to happen. >> the van sure as she guessed started to roll backwards towards the street. leslie jumps out of the pickup truck to help, tries to pry the door open and it is locked and by sheer luck she somehow knocked her own pickup truck
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into neutral and her truck rolls behind the van and blocks it from barrelling into all of that on coming traffic. you can see on lookers running to help and just an unbelievable save, and really a stroke of amazing, two strokes of luck. >> really amazing. 46 minutes after the hour. rob marciano has the travel forecast and the weather in winnipeg in honor of ashley. >> for both of you, temperatures into the 30s or in our case well into the 90s but let's talk south of the border. if you have traveling to houston, an issue there. ground stop until 6:15 local time because of thunderstorms popping up and fire ago long and south of this front today, that's where the juice is and with where the thunderstorms will be heavy at times and could see rainfall rates of 2 plus inches an hour and we're seeing that in houston proper, flash flood warning just north of town and a line of thunderstorms beginning to explode and move very slowly to the south and east. this will be with us for several
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hours and it will cause some flooding not only on streets but small streams as well. traffic on the roadways won't be a picnic. there is the flash flood watch extended to southwest louisiana. heat out west not nearly as bad but still toasty. 90 in chicago, 88 new york city, warmer than yesterday, and also cooler than last week. ali. >> thank you so much. >> it is going up to 90 in winnipeg tomorrow. i am headed there tomorrow. >> there you go. >> fyi. soledad o'brien joining us with a look at what's ahead on sta "starting point." >> would you like to come one day. >> one day? >> i do need somebody to help me with the kids. >> i would be happy to. my pleasure. this morning on "starting point" talking about mitt romney booed at the naacp conference, what some are saying is part of his strategy. this morning we talk to florida's republican lieutenant governor named jennifer carol and the house minority whip steny hoyer and penn state bracing for the report into how
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the university handled the jerry sandusky child sex abuse scandal. live coverage on that and an unpublished op-ed written by joe paterno comes to light apparently written right before his death. great star of the stage and screen, ellen burrsten will be our guest, talking about her new project and kind of re sem bems what happens with bill and hillary clinton and we'll talk to you about that and sex, drugs and rock and roll, all the things you like first thing in the morning. mick jaggar's secrets revealed in a great new biography and the author will join us to talk about that. i didn't know he went to the london school of economics. >> really? >> and if you're amazed by that, there is much. >> i wouldn't dream of taking you off "starting point" to take to you winnipeg. you have to do that show. >> i am happy to go away and help out whenever i can. >> thank you. >> jesse jackson junior's office
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is trying to explain why he has been away from congress for more than a month. the answer they gave is raising more questions. we're going to tell you about that when we come back. it is 48 minutes after the hour. . i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. with lean cuisine steam bags. get our crispiest carrots and our snappiest peas all freshly steamed in just minutes. steam bags from lean cuisine. be culinary chic.
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illinois congressman jesse jackson junior is being treated for what's being described as a mood disorder. it is the first official word why he has been absent from congress and out of sight. jackson's office releasing a statement that says, quote, he is responding positively, end quote, to treatment at a residential facility and jackson's doctor expects him to make a full recovery. still, the questions abound why not more information about what is ailing the congressman? ted rowlands is following the developments live in chicago for us and some of these calls are coming from democrats and republicans alike for him to come clean a little bit more on why such a lengthy leave from congress. >> yeah, ashley. seems to be two camps. you have the folks on the hill that want more information saying that constituents deserve more information and specifics about why you're on leave and then the other camp is, you know, let this play out.
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let the congressman heal and in good time we'll find out. you had steny hoyer, dick durbin, all in the last few days saying we need more information and yesterday we ran into rowland burris, former u.s. senator out of illinois at jesse jackson's push coalition conference and he is on the other side. take a listen to him blast democrats on the hill and the media saying leave jesse jackson junior alone. >> steny hoyer, all of them, they need to back off jesse junior and wait and see what will come forth at the proper time. >> don't people have a right to know? >> he is a public servant and the proper time they will know. i am asking you all to give him some space. the young man has evidently some problems. >> the bottom line here, ashley, his office did release this statement from a doctor. there was no name attributed to the doctor and no facility named
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here and mood disorder is a very large and encompassing ailment. it could be one of a number of different things, so people really don't know the extent of what the congressman is going through and the other question to what extent he is going to need time off. how long will this last? will he serve? will he run for re-election in november. these are the questions people want answered. >> thanks so much. >> well, today's best advice comes from magic johnson. coming up, hear what bit of advice magic johnson gave michael jordan. michael jordan and magic johnson are involved in our best advice. >> that's better. a u.s bank wealth management advisor can help you every step of the way. from big steps, to little steps. since 1863 we've helped guide our clients.
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hey, everybody. 56 minutes past 6:00. we like to wrap things up with best advice. >> christine. >> it comes from basketball legend magic johnson. this is what he told us. >> the best advice i have ever received was to, i remember something michael always told me. do you think you're the best basketball player. yes. he said, well, you have to run with the best. so that meant best lawyers, best accountant, best money manager, and also the best people because as i was going to chase michael and going for the dreams those people that were also chasing their goals and dreams could support mine just like i could support theirs. he was absolutely right. it is important that you get
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around people that are -- that feel they're the best and they're going after their goals and dreams and also rub elbows with you because while you come up together, you can speak about the trials and tribulatons you both are going through and that's what made me successful today. good luck. good bless everybody. >> he is quoting michael jordan which is interesting and i will say something. we see a lot of really interesting people come through here, a lot of interesting people. magic johnson, bono, and linda carter, i will say, are the three people in the past six or seven years who have been sort of the nicest and have stayed as long as anybody wanted to take pictures and to talk to them and answer questions about best advice, and so magic johnson, people really like what he has to say. >> you know when he said to surround yourself with great people and financial advisers. >> this is it. we're taking his advice. play with the best. run with the best.
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there you go. >> for a guy saying run with the best, elg spend the time to talk to everybody, everybody. he doesn't just -- >> and the smile, too, never seen him without a smile. >> nice guy. >> that is officially the news from a so z, although today just a to a. >> short news. >> one more day tomorrow i will be there and stau "starting point" with soledad o'brien. >> welcome, everybody. our starting point this morning, it went really well. not really. listen. >> if you want a president who will make things better in the african-american community, you are looking at him. >> oh, yeah, that was mitt romney facing kind of a tough crowd running against the first black president and getting boos from the naacp. plus, did they put the program ahead of the children? a former fbi director coming out with his report on penn state and the jerry sandusky scandal
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today. from the grave there is new information about the effort to exhum the body of yasser arafat and they now say it was israel that killed him. this is the man that determines who gets what when disaster strikes. he will join us to talk about his new book that talks about putting a price on tragedy. we have a packed show this morning. talk to florida's lieutenant governor jennifer carol and also minority whip steny hoyer will be our guest and roland martin checking in and ellen burstyn with us. >> welcome, everybody. starting point this morning, fighting words from mitt romney as joe biden prepares to address the naacp convention in houston after romney's rocky reception at the convention and he is now telling the detractors go vote for someone else.
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it was a tough sell. he was trying to convince african-americans they would be better off with him but when he prom i canned to repeal president obama's health care law the crowd erupted in boos. >> i am going to eliminate every non-essential program i can find, that includes obama care, and i will work to reform and save -- >> romney is getting hammered in the wake of that by the naacp. jim acosta is live in houston this morning. good morning. how did it go? >> well, soledad, whenever you get booed for 15 seconds it is not exactly going well. the romney campaign did send out some of their folk who is do outreach for the campaign with the african-american community to talk to reporters. i was there. they said that they were pleased overall with what he got
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