tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 12, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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as far as the coast guard's role in it, right now the coast guard has boats on the water that are deferring marine traffic to and from the areas of the tunnel for safety. >> okay. so we know police, they're handling. we also talked to someone who on the detroit end, they're sending in bomb-sniffing dogs to try to figure out if, in fact, this is a bomb. the voracity of this threat. so you're telling me, as far as the river goes, because this is under the detroit river, you're making sure that there are no boats that are in and around this area, if, in case this threat is real, yes? >> yes, ma'am. the coast guard has went ahead and set up a safety zone on the north and south sides of the tunnel, just to make sure everything's safe. >> lauren laughlin with the coast guard, we appreciate you and we will keep making calls and find out what exactly is happening, the progress as these teams are entering this particular tunnel, the detroit windsor tunnel. protecting reputation, above all else, including young
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victims of sexual abuse. this is what penn state is accused of doing in this new report from independent investigators, i should say, out today. and what it does is give a detailed account of the university's actions in the jerry sandusky child abuse scandal. former fbi director louis freeh, he's the one who released the findings today and they really add up to a horrific pattern. >> most saddening and sobering finding is the total disregard for the safety and welfare of sandusky's child victims by the most senior leaders at penn state. the most powerful men at penn state failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who sandusky victimized. >> this report here accuses four of penn state's top men of protecting the university's reputation over the safety of children. let me just run through who these four people are, or in this case, were. the late joe paterno, penn state's head football coach of
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45 years, fired last november. number two, former president, graham spanier, also forced out of office in november, but still a tenured faculty member. he is not charged here. three, former penn state senior vice president, gary schultz, the man who oversaw university police, charged with failing to report abuse and perjury. four, penn state athletic director, tim curley, on suspension right now, also charged with failing to report abuse and perjury. curley and schultz have pleaded not guilty. and then you have jerry sandusky, the man whose sick urges led to all of this. he is awaiting sentencing. he could get more than 400 years for his conviction on all 45 counts. but today's report, it's actually less about him and more about what his bosses did or really failed to do. these findings here are really just another damning blow to the legacy of this man, joe paterno, who knew about sandusky, long before he admitted it. that's according to this report. and investigators, they sifted through more than 3.5 million --
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let me say that again, sifting through more than 3.5 million e-mails, other documents. they say really all of this adds up to a portrait of willful ignorance among the top brass at penn state. investigators say they found a striking lack of everyone think for child abuse victims. a president who discouraged discussion and dissent. a lack of awareness of child abuse issues. and a culture of reverence for the football program at every level of the campus. i want to bring in criminal defense attorney ted simon to talk about this here. and ted, as we mentioned, this report, it's scathing against penn state. it is not a criminal investigation. what do you see here as far as ultimate impact from these findings? >> true, it is a tour de force, and a remarkable condemnation, however, i think that one has to look carefully at that report and perhaps drill down in greater degree. for one, they acknowledge they did not interview mcqueary, who was a key figure in this case.
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and even mcqueary's own self-admitted admission, he never specifically told joe paterno the details of his claim of illegal sexual contact. so i think there may be an overstatement with respect to what paterno knew or did not know. and i think one has to be very careful about that. keep in mind, also, mcqueary claims he made specific allegations, criminal in nature, to curley and schultz. but curley and schultz completely deny that. so there's a contest with regard to those facts, and the free report did not go about to interview mcqueary. that's very, very important. i also think we have to be mindful of those people that are charged with criminal violations. there's a great to do going on here in philadelphia after the report, and a great media attention. and i think the venerated principles of criminal law, that is burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and presumption of innocence, can
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easily be lost when we're only looking at this report, this fight, and its alleged comprehensive nature. also, i think, much of what freeh had to say, he spoke about reasonable inferences of what joe paterno and others knew or did in an alleged cover-up. but there's nothing in this entire report that speaks in any kind of specific detail that joe paterno knew or did anything that would otherwise thwart the investigation or participated in any alleged wrongdoing. >> let me jump in. let me jump in, ted. because i do want to point out, you know, you talk about lack of specificity, and i want to point out one of the e-mails here included in this report. this is from vice president gary schultz to the athletic director, tim curley and vice president graham spanier. this is february 28th, 2001. schultz writes, "tim and graham, this is a more humane and up-front way to handle this." he's talking about a plan to deal with allegations against
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sandusky privately and get him professional help. this is definitely not a -- not what a boss should do in this kind of situation, is it? >> well, i think -- i have read that e-mail, and including the responses. and i think what's really important, they -- you have curley who's saying, basically, i want to talk to sandusky first and get what he has to say. and based on what he says, then i'll take whatever course of action. curley and schultz say that mcqueary didn't actually make the specific allegations that mcqueary says. sandusky refused it. so what mcqueary ultimately did, he thereafter told second mile. it's true that it was not reported to authorities. but under pennsylvania law, whether or not they had to do that or not, i think, is somewhat in question, because the pennsylvania law is more circumscribed then the clery
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act, which probably required them to do that. >> let's just remind our viewers, we are waiting, this press conference, because we know that penn state officials are going to react to this report. hang on. they're going to react to this report, in this press conference in just about half an hour. they're the ones who commissioned the this investigation, this independent investigation. how do you expect them to respond to that, ted? >> i think that's pretty hard to say, because there clearly was a wholesale condemnation, not only of the four purported officials, but they also castigated the board of trustees and others, while they did not know the details of these allegations, they didn't have enough oversight in place. so i expect they're going to say they will take corrective actions and continue to look into the matter. >> will that be good enough? will that be good enough? >> well, it's a question of how fairly all of this reviewed and investigated. if there is a rush to judgment and not a careful distillation of what each person knew and
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what they did, i think it could be very dangerous. but i think the university itself will take with -- i believe they will call corrective action. they will institute more stringent policies. they will be more careful in monitoring events, and they will provide much more greater opportunity. but then let's not forget, with respect to schultz and curley, they're charged with criminal offenses, they have not had their day in court, and no one has ever even raised the question, or even mentioned in the entire press conference today that, one, these venerated principles, these critical principles of criminal law were not discussed, there's burden of proof, presumption of innocence, and proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and those must be equally considered, and no one case, despite its enormous publicity, should overshadow those critical and important fundamental rights that apply to everyone. >> absolutely. we're not convicting them. we're just pointing out the fact that they are, indeed charged, and we will wait for that ultimate decision from a judge. ted simon, thank you very much.
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and again, that press conference happening just about a half hour from now. we're expecting to hear from penn state board of directors as well as the governor, tom corbett. both holding news conferences this hour. we'll watch for that. a lot more happening here as well. watch. a suicidal soldier calls up the pentagon's crisis hotline and is put on hold for 45 minutes. in the end, he takes his own life and we're going to talk about why the military can't keep up with this epidemic. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. just a short time ago, the feds announcing the discovery of a drug tunnel the length of more than two football fields. find out what they found inside. you're talking about my life. i didn't write a book about that night and i didn't write a book about bonnie. >> and an explosive interview with robert blake. piers morgan tells me what happened off-camera. ♪ how are things on the west coast? ♪
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on average every day, a u.s. soldier commits suicide. that is about as many as are dying now on the battlefield. and every 80 minutes, a military veteran takes his or her own life. in the military, they haven't a clue as far as how to fix the problem. this is the cover story on "time" magazine right now. and some of you may think the numbers we just told you are pretty dramatic, but don't tell that to leslie mchadden. she has shared her story with "time." she says she knew and she called it the enemy, the enemy had gotten hold of her husband when he told her, quote, this is the hardest e-mail i've ever written. please always tell my children how much i love them and most
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importantly, never, ever let them find out how i died. i love you, mike. leslie immediately grabbed the phone, did everything she could to help get her husband, to find her husband. it was too late. michael's co-workers found him hanging in a hospital room. and this is just one of several stories that my next guest has heard, covering the story, mark thompson is a pulitzer prize winning writer, a washington deputy bureau chief at "time" magazine, so mark, it's a pleasure to have you on here. i read this ten-page piece and you really do, you weave this story of the lives of these two men, these two army captains, their families who they took their lives in the veryame day, very different circumstances. if you can, i just want to begin, tell me a little bit more about both of them. >> well, i think it's important, brooke, to realize that for years now, the army has issued a monthly toll of suicides, for the past month. and that's all we get. when a soldier dies in war, we quickly learn his or her
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hometown, his rank, where they're from, how hold they were, but we know nothing about soldiers who kill themselves. and we elected to take after this story by trying to look at suicide from the other side. and with help from the tragedy assistance program for survivors, t.a.p.s., and their suicide postvention counselor, who is also a widow by a military suicide, she put us in touch with these two amazing women, both of whom lost their husbands, ironically, on the same day, march 21st, of this year. one had been married to the army doctor. he had been -- number one, he's a doctor. taxpayers paid for him to go to the pentagon's medical school. and he'd been battling with depression for perhaps seven years. and he had a family history of suicide. so he was at some risk. and she sought help from the army. she went to her husband's bosses in hawaii and said, can you
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force him to get some mental health treatment? and they basically said, well, no, we'll encourage him to get the mental health treatment, but really, leslie, and this may be hard to hear, this sounds more like a problem at home than a problem at work. >> well, let me jump in, because i think part of your article, this is where this wife, leslie, goes and talks to the commander at the hospital thinking, look, if this commander can order my husband to do x, y, z, certainly this commander can order my husband to seek help. and this quote here, let's see, this quote, she says, this commander tells her, basically -- here we are. "honey, don't worry," the commander said, "my first marriage was a wreck too." seems pretty dismissive to me. >> that's the way leslie recalled it. she also sought an order for her husband from an army psychiatrist her husband was seeking, and basically he too turned her down. now, our second officer was different. he was a decade younger. >> west point grad.
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>> pardon me? >> a west point grad, right? >> right, a west point grad, class of 2007, where vice president dick cheney told the graduates, whatever you need, you will get. yet this young pilot sought help from the army six different times, in the final three days of his life. each time he was either shunted aside, they didn't have time to see him, the wait would be too long, and consequently, he ended up, too, taking his life on march 21st in ft. hood, texas. >> if i may just jump in, you tell these two stories and raise in your article a number of questions. questions like, is the military asking the right questions? is it the warrior culture? is it the stigma? are there enough resources? what is the answer? why are the numbers as they are? >> well, you sound like some generals i know, brooke. and you also sound like some editors. people think there is an answer
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here. the military is spending $2 billion a year, in part, dealing with mental health issues that can lead to suicide. and they don't really have a clue as to what works. plainly, every case is different. and for anybody out there who's thinking about this, please call 1-800-273-8255 and talk to somebody. the situation is such that throwing more money at the problem won't solve it, because we don't know what works. which means, we can't train a spotlight on the problem. we've got to train a floodlight on the problem, and do lots of different things. and that's what the military is trying to do. >> mark, let me say this. that cnn, you know, our team. we sent a crew to the veterans crisis line center a couple of months back, we spoke with suicide responders in new york. take a look at what we found. >> we've done close to 20,000 rescues since the crisis line has started.
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>> it's okay to cry. just let it out, okay? i'm not going anywhere. i'm going to stay here on the phone with you. >> it's not a weakness to reach out for help and get help. >> when they ask them to walk a mile with you, you say, no, i'll walk two. >> i give tremendous credit to the these people who are helping to save lives. yet you quote a retired suicide responder, and he said, it was a common thing to hear about someone who committed suicide who went to see a behavioral therapist and was dead within 24, 48, or 72 hours, and to hear he had a diagnosis that this individual is in no danger to himself or anyone else. that's when i realized that something was the matter. something is the matter. >> right. ask general peter carelli, who was perhaps the army's chief suicide fighter for the last four years, until he retired in january. i mean, suicide is complicated. and what works for person one will not work for person two.
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i think what is so frustrating for so many families, like the two we detail in our magazine this week, nancy gibbs and i, is that you had people seeking help. people reaching out for help, especially in the case of captain ian morrison. he was so far beyond being concerned about stigma that he repeatedly sought help and the help wasn't there for him. >> and was on hold for 45 minutes. and the last text to his wife, was still on hold. it's the cor story of thismon's "time" magazine, mark thompson, i appreciate it. thanks for sharing it. >> you're welcome. so one day after the naacp gave mitt romney a not so warm welcome, a new report suggests that the republicans stretching the truth about when he left bain capital and now mitt romney is responding. my volt is the best vehicle i've ever driven.
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try to follow this if you would here. today's "boston globe" is reporting that mitt romney's departure from the private equity firm, bain capital, may have happened three years after romney says it did. this globe investigation uncovered records suggesting that romney was the sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president of bain until 2002. the campaign has said romney was done in 1999. and this is important why? because this is a question for jim acosta. he's spent a lot of time with the romney campaign. jim, why is it so important whether romney left bain in '99, as the campaign says, or in 2002? >> reporter: brooke, all of this got started when the obama campaign put out this ad attacking mitt romney for being
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at bain when the company was advising other companies on outsourcing jobs. and the romney campaign at that time, and they were armed with several fact check reports from and from "the washington post" that said, hey, wait a minute, mitt romney was gone from bain capital in 1999, before that firm was starting to advise companies on outsourcing. so there were several fact checkers, brooke, that said that that claim was not accurate. now, enter this "boston globe" investigation, and truth be told, talking points memo had some of these s.e.c. documents a few days ago. we've also obtained those da documents and looked at them, and in 2001, there's an s.e.c. document that shows mitt romney as the president and ceo of bain capital. that would be two years after he said said publicly and his campaign has said publicly he was leaving the company to go run the olympics. so the question is, who's right, who's wrong here? what does this all mean? the romney campaign put out some statements earlier this morning, brooke, saying that this was
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just sort of a technicality. that, yes, his name was listed on these government documents as being the president and ceo, but really, he had transferred all control of the company, the day-to-day operations of the company to other partners at bain capital and bain capital has also, i should tell you, brooke, put out a statement saying that that is true. that mitt romney left the firm in 1999 to go run the olympics and that the other folks at the firm were running the company, not romney. >> if the romney campaign is using the word technicality, then i say if "the boston globe" report is accurate, then i keep seeing the word "felony" pop up. i mean, come on! >> reporter: the obama campaign held a conference call earlier this morning, and stephanie cutter, one of the top advisers to the president's re-election team was on that call, and she said, well, if these documents are accurate, then basically mitt romney is either guilty of not telling the truth in
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government documents to the s.e.c. or he wasn't really doing much when he was over at bain capital and he wasn't being honest and up-front with the american people. either way, it's a problem. now, i did talk to a former s.e.c. commissioner earlier this afternoon, brooke, who said that does raise questions that this isn't just a technicality. this isn't just a technical thing that's on a government document. that it does matter, if you put your name down as the president and ceo of a company, you're telling investors out there that this is the person who is the president and ceo of the company. obviously, investors who are doing business with bain capital, other companies that are doing business with bain capital can hold and look at these s.e.c. documents and say, okay, it says right here, mitt romney is in charge of bain capital. boy, that makes me feel better, because i can deal with mitt romney, i like mitt romney. but if the company is saying, well, mitt romney's name was on these documents but other people were in charge of bain capital, this s.e.c. commissioner was telling me earlier this afternoon, that's a problem. that's not really being up-front with other investors, other
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companies doing business with bain capital. now, the romney campaign is pointing out, and accurately so, brooke, that and other fact checkers over at "the washington post," et cetera, have come out since these disclosures came out in "the globe" this morning and said, this doesn't change anything. the record so far shows that mitt romney was basically a passive manager of the company at that time, yes, his name was on these government documents, but this doesn't prove he was involved in outsourcing over at bain. i hope that makes sense. it's a lot to put your arms around. >> it's a lot to put your arms, and i guess we'll have to wait and see what the s.e.c. comes up. it's one side, kind of, versus the other and we'll wait for the facts. jim acosta, we appreciate it. yikes. thank you. you have heard some of the damning remarks from the penn state investigation, this independent investigation that's come out today, headed by former fbi director, louis freeh. the students are talking, and also in just a matter of minutes, we will be getting that press conference. we'll bring it to you live here. we'll be hearing from board members at penn state and also
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we now know happening right this moment, penn state board of directors are now responding to this damning report from independent investigators about the way the university handled the jerry sandusky scandal. let's listen in. >> judge freeh's report is both sad and sobering. he made three clear points. first and foremost, we, the penn state board of trustees, failed in our obligation to provide
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proper oversight of the university's operations. to be absolutely clear again, we are accountable for what's happened here. our administrative leadership also failed. judge freeh's report concludes that at the moment of truth, people who are in a position to protect children and to confront a predator, including people at the highest levels of responsibility in the university, specifically graham spanier, joe paterno, tim curley, and gary schultz, did not put the welfare of children first. also, and importantly, on a personal level, you should know that our hearts remain heavy and we are deeply ashamed.
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over the last 14 years, it appears, from the report, that there have been three distinct phases of the board's involvement. as the report states, the board was completely unaware of what was happening during the first phase, from 1998 to march 2011. we now know that there was inadequate reporting in fact, but there was also inadequate reporting lines, and also inadequate oversight by the board. we were put on notice of the attorney general sandusky investigation in march 2011. however, we allowed the former administration to characterize to us the issues and we failed to ask the right questions, the tough questions, or to take definitive action. put simply, we did not force the
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issue. however, when the information about sandusky became more widely public in november 2011, we did take decisive actions involving judge freeh and his group as an independent third party to launch a full-scale investigation into the university and the individuals who may have been involved at every level, from the top to the bottom. we also took action with respect to the individuals who are most centrally involved. finally, we also began identifying gaps in governance and implementing changes to strengthen our policies and procedures for the safety of children and our entire university community. this marks a new era for penn state and for our board of trustees. with a mixture of humility and
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steadfastness, we pledge to work closely and cooperatively with the administration in diligently facilitating open communication across all departments and levels of the university. that will be for the benefit of the children that are on our campus and it will also be for the benefit of every part of the university. and with that, i'll turn the microphone over to our chairman of the board, karen peats. >> thank you, ken. the board of trustees, as a group that has paramount accountability for overseeing and ensuring the proper functioning and governance of the university accepts full responsibility for the failures that occurred. the board, in cooperation with the administration, will take every action to ensure that an event like this never happens again in our university
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community. i'd like to reiterate that we're grateful to judge freeh for his report and 119 recommendations and we will be closely studying this document as we continue to push forward in identifying and implementing necessary changes across the entire university. since i stepped into the role of chair in january of 2012, with the help of my board colleagues, we've made significant improvements in our structure and university oversight. however, we are just beginning. most recently, we've already started taking a more active and structured oversight role by implementing specific oversight committees, such as risk, audit, legal, compliance, governance, academic excellence, and human resources. tomorrow, we'll voting on several new governance
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initiatives. and for the sake of our students' best interests, we must aware intimately aware of and closely engaged with the university's administration. to this end, we've already begun interacting more closely with members of the president's council, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and within our committee meetings. we will also continue to seek future opportunities to facilitate these relationships. in addition, we're going to set up some very high goals for ourselves. we must become a best in class standard in board governance, and we will keep judge freeh's recommendations as our north star throughout this process. and above all, we must restore trust in our community. we don't expect it to happen overnight, we will earn it back as we move forward and develop a
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culture of transparency and accountability. and now i would like to turn the podium over to rod erickson, our presiden president. >> thank you, karen. i, too, was horrified when i learned of the sandusky allegations last year, and as i've watched the process unfold, it has become clear to me that i need to reconsider our community's leadership culture. since i assumed the office of president last november, i have committed myself and my administration to addressing this important issue. as karen noted, my administration has begun to work with the board of trustees more collaboratively and productively than my administration in our recent history. we're looking forward to continuing to develop these relationships to facilitate healthy and productive communications and shared accountability between the two.
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in addition, i have assembled an administrative leadership team charged with developmeing and implementing an action plan that translates judge freeh's ideas into an action plan. david gray, senior vice president for finance and business, and steven dunham, pending approval of the board tomorrow, as our new vice president and general counsel. the plan will take a few weeks to appropriately research, develop, and approve, but we will provide details as they become available. while in though way lessening our focus on our own failings, we also are committed to helping to build greater awareness of the societal issue of child abuse. we are partnering with the pennsylvania coalition against rape and have created the center
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for the protection of children at the hershey medical center. penn state university intends to be a constructive leader in preventing, reporting, and responding to such abuse. this is a problem that plagues our nation, and we have a special duty to increase awareness, prevention, and treatment of child sexual abuse. with today's report, we can continue the process of addressing the most painful chapter in the university's history. my door is open, and i'm going to be very visible in our community in the coming months. we must work together as we begin picking up the pieces and rebuilding our community to ensure it is safer, stronger, and more student-focused than ever. as the free report notes, penn state, quote, is an outstanding institution. nationally renowned for its
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excellence in academics and research, unquote. we are rightly proud of the many significant accomplishments of our faculty, staff, students, and alumni. we also remain proud of the accomplishments of penn state's student athletes over many years, and we reaffirm the fundamental premise that academic excellence and athletic achievement are wholly consistent and complementary goals. penn state is a leading constitution of public higher education in the world. that will remain unchanged. with the help of our students, our faculty and staff, and our alumni, penn state's best days are in front of us. penn state will emerge from this as an even stronger and better institution. and now i'll turn the podium back to karen to direct questions. >> thank you. well, you know the story. we've been covering it for months. jerry sandusky now sitting behind bars, guilty on those 45 counts, facing sentencing of up
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to 400 years, and now we hear from the top brass, the board, the president of the penn state university, you just heard him say that this has been the most painful chapter in penn state history. some phrases i noted, they accept full responsibility for the failures of the university. they will take action. certainly, we presume we'd be hearing those words. they will take action to ensure this never happens again. never again at penn state. new pictures just coming in to us today of a drug tunnel across the border. find out what the feds found inside. small things can make a big difference. like how a little oil from here can be such a big thing in an old friend's life. purina one discovered that by blending enhanced botanical oils into our food, we can help brighten an old dog's mind so he's up to his old tricks. with this kind of thinking going into our food, imagine all the goodness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the world a better place... one pet at a time. vibrant maturity. from purina one smartblend.
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a major drug running tunnel from mexico into arizona busted. rafael romo joins me live. rafael, talk to me about how sophisticated this tunnel was. >> very sophisticated, brooke. it was 240 yards long. and listen to this, it was 55 feet deep. it was -- it had a lighting and ventilation system, and it was set, authorities say, it was ready to transport to cross illegally all kinds of assistance through the board. the finding was made in the small community of san luis in arizona, only a few days ago. authorities releasing the information only this afternoon, barrack. >> and there was another tunnel found just last night, right? >> that's right. that happened in tijuana, across the border, on the mexican side. this was already 200 meters, about 200 yards long.
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and authorities say it was only a matter of time before they were able, the criminals, to go across the border, perhaps in the san ysidro, san diego area, to also use the tunnel for illegal purposes, brooke. >> raphaefael romo, thank you. a rapper brags about his prized fighters, grand champion dogs and roosters. and it's on video. you're going to see it, next. supports tax breaks overseas. insourcing. industry and favors bring jobs home. it matters. this message. [ male announcer ] if you have to take care of legal matters. legalzoom has an easy and affordable option. you get quality services on your terms, with total customer support, backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. so go to today and see for yourself.
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this. be careful what you post online. case in point, a detroit rapper showing off his home in a video. this video has now gone viral. take a listen here. >> anybody want to fight some dogs? hope we don't get indicted for that. we've got them in that corner. pit bulls. we've got some roosters. we fight them too. >> did he really say what i think he said? "i hope we don't get indicted." yeah, he boasts right there on camera that these dogs and that rooster are prized fighters. illegal fighting. the video now being used as evidence against him by detroit police. nick valencia, you're the one -- you actually found this video online, made some phone calls, and then it was reported to police. >> it was a total team effort. you know, news gathering is a team effort, but we found the video and read it on the front page of the internet.
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as news gathers, we search all sorts of kinds of websites. we alerted the authorities and they didn't know about it until we had spotted it. >> so what's happened since? >> there's been a raid. the fbi followed up and i believe we have aerials of that raid that happened yesterday at his home there. we still don't know how many dogs there were confiscated, but that exactly were confiscated. but that video led to this. he still hasn't been charged, brooke. we spoke to the director of the humane society of the united states. he said that's common procedure. they had probable cause of that video to raid his compound. but now they're still analyzing evidence. we don't know what kind of charges if at all from police. >> we are confident we have shut down an operation that is not contributing to the quality of life and this rapper tweeted if you find a video of me fighting dogs, please let me know. really? after everything with michael vick? >> he mentions it because he
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hopes he doesn't get indicted. this is more common than you think. congress just passed a farm bill expanding who is able to be prosecuted in these dog fighting cases. right now only those that fight dogs or have dogs in their possession to fight are susceptible to be prosecuted. the u.s. congress wants to expand that. there's supposed to be a vote on the house floor to who will attend these dog fights as well. >> let us know when he gets charged. nick valencia, appreciate it. just getting word in my ear that there's new video and evidence in the trayvon martin case including pictures of trayvon martin's hoodie he wore the night he was shot and killed. nd dollars. nd dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase
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we are now getting the first albeit fuzzy look at the hoodie that trayvon martin was wearing the night he was shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer george zimmerman. grainy evidence, photos of a size large cotton polyester hoodie part of records released today by prosecutor angela corey. the front here and back of the hoodie can be seen in the pictures. on one of these top you see grainy photos of the sweatshirt martin was wearing under the hoodie here. arrows point to the bullet holes in both of those garments. a disabled adult and specialized group home is slapped with a belt, dragged by her hair. we have questions. let's get some answers next.
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got a warning before you view this segment, what you are going to see will disturb you. it's so bad one mental health official calls it the most heinous act he's seen in 40 years working with the disabled. and it's now launched this criminal investigation. so here you go. video shows this group home worker, you see this? kicking, kicking this woman on the floor in the gut. hits her with a belt. there she goes. being dragged by her hair followed by more swats with the belt. unbelievable. the worker suspended without pay. an anonymous person sent the video. by the way, they labeled it the perfect employee to our hartford affiliate and also the nonprofit that runs the group home and the state agency that oversees these homes. joining me on the phone the commissioner of connecticut's department of developmental services, tarns macy and elizabeth cohen. welcome to both of you. mr. mace si, i want to begin with you. i'm appalled looking at it.
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i'm sure you are as well. >> i think you quoted me absolutely correctly. this is the most heinous crime i've ever witnessed. >> do you know if the victim's okay? what happened to this victim? >> i'm sorry? >> do you know if the victim's okay? >> yes. one of the first thing we did was get our state trooper assigned to us and we sent him with a copy of the video to the east hartford police to secure the evidence and to get them investigating. they've done a superb job. the next thing we did was go into the home immediately and do a check on everybody. we've put state staff into the home on a regular rotating basis and will be monitoring the home until we're satisfied that everything is operating properly. >> okay. elizabeth, jump in. >> mr. mace macy, there are other residents in this home. this abuse went on for a while
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before they found out about it. do you know if there were other abuses? >> there was a previous case that was dealt with. and the agency installed -- went so far as to install cameras, which makes us think this is part of a larger set of circumstances that happened so many months ago where there were several staff that were terminated. >> okay. i just want to make sure i get the statement. this is from the group home "we are deeply saddened and appalled by this incident. as soon as we became aware of it, we took prompt action and placed the employee on unpaid administrative leave." i just wanted to ask you, so many of, my grandma, my great grandmother, they're in these homes, elderly homes, homes for folk who is are disabled. but what can we be watching this thinking could this be happening to our loved one? >> if you're trying to choose a home, the first thing you want to do is go to the website for your state department of health
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or whoever oversees them. you can see if there have been past problems. also talk to other families. say what's this place like? have you ever had any problems? also spend a lot of time at the facility both before they go there and during. is it clean? do the workers seem nice? are they friendly? i mean really spend time and check it out. >> we'll see if that worker ends up being fired just on unpaid administrative leave. and i want to know about the person who shot the video. >> right. what were they doing and why didn't they stop it? >> why didn't they stop? elizabeth, thank you. thank you for watching. now to wolf blitzer. "the situation room" begins now. brooke, thanks very much. happening now, a brand new apology from penn state university. this after a scathing report accuses the university's most powerful people of empowering jerry sandusky, hiding the sexual attacks and totally disregarding these victims. mitt romney's new campaign ad calls president obama a liar. team obama says it's romney who's the liar. we're looking for who's telling
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the truth. plus, the explanation that didn't explain anything. new demands for congressman jesse jackson jr.'s staff to explain this so-called mood disorder they blame for his dropping out of sight. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." we begin with today's damming new report on penn state's university's cover-up of coach jerry sandusky's sexual attacks on young boys. it says the top people at the university including the legendary football coach, joe paterno, hid what they knew and had no regard for the young victims. just now university officials are promising it will never, never happen again. >> you should know that our hearts remain heavy. and we areep
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