tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 16, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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positive. according to other reports, since the general campaign began, as many as 3 in 4 of president obama's campaign ads have been negative. 3 in 4. to be sure, both campaigns are playing hard ball. during the two weeks ending july 9th, about 89% of obama's ads carry an anti-romney message. 94% of romney's ads criticized president obama. that's, again, according to c-mag. those are the numbers. the obama campaign, however, is spinning a different narrative. where the word "negative" doesn't really exist. an obama campaign spokesman said they wanted to have a, quote, high brow debate about whether americans really care about. keeping them honest, all weekend long, they instead focused on attacking romney's ties to bain and his personal finances. >> he's taken advantage of every single conceivable attack shelter and loophole. >> mr. romney attested to the sec multiple times that he was the chairman, ceo and president of bain capital.
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>> that company also was investing in companies that "the washington post" called pioneers of outsourcing. >> if you're telling the sec you're in charge but you're telling the american people you bear no responsibility, one of those things is not true. >> stop whining. if you want to defend bain capital as your calling card to the white house, defend what happened to those jobs that went overseas. those jobs that were cut and eliminated. >> i don't want a peer near in outsourcing. i want some insourcing. i want to bring companies back. >> the attacks continued on paper as well. virtually all the press releases and statements they issued on saturday and sunday hammered romney on those fronts. the obama campaign also released a new attack ad. >> i'm barack obama and i approve this message. ♪ o beautiful for spacious skies ♪ ♪ for amber waves of grain ♪ for purple mountains majesty ♪ above the fruited plain
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♪ america >> in a moment we'll talk with paul begala and ari fleisher. first, david axelrod, a senior aide for the obama cam pain, i talked to him earlier. >> i want to ask you something that the president said this morning in an interview for cbs. >> first of all, we've done a whole slew of positive ads that talk exactly how we need to change our education system. how we need to change our tax code. how we need to rebuild america. how we need to promote american energy. so those just don't get attention in the news. >> the consultants who track ad spending for us tell us that last week your campaign aired negative spots more than 19,000 times and positive spots fewer than 150 times. that's less than 1% positive ads. can that really be considered a slew? >> well, anderson, you've got to go back to when we began our media campaign. we began our media campaign in may. the whole month of may, we ran nothing but positive ads.
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right now, we're running ads, some of which are comparative. i don't know how the tracker -- how the tracker characterizes them. some were comparative on the record on taxes. some were on elements of governor romney's record. but we've been -- we've been very -- we spent tens and tens of millions -- $50 million or more on positive ads. in contrast, you look at the other side, and 90% of their media dollars from the very beginning have been spent on negative ads. the whole premise of the romney campaign is a negative premise -- >> three quarters of the ads from the beginning have been negative or characterized as negative. three quarters of your ads. >> of their campaign. >> no, of your campaign. >> well, that's -- we can have that discussion. i can -- we can go over that. but i also would invite you to go out and you guys ran some of the president's speech today. the president's campaigning all over this country.
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talking about how we rebuild the middle class in this country. how we rebuild the economy. about education and revitalizing american manufacturing. all the things we need to do to build -- to build our economy in a way that gives people a chance. >> the tone of of this debate has come under criticism. jen sachi, spokeswoman, says the president wants a highbrow debate over, quote, what the american people actually care about. the same day your campaign released a brutal spent featuring mitt romney singing "america the beautiful" off key. does that signify as highbrow or something the american people really care about? >> that's what governor romney supports. he has a history in this area. or are we going to support insourcing and end those tax breaks and reward folks for creating jobs here in america. that's what the president supports. are we going to spend $100 billion a year in off shore tax
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shelter, of ts of the sort that governor romney has availed himself off? or use that for better purposes? the perspective you bring to it is important. >> is it just coincidence these bain attacks really came about after some very bad job numbers came out about 2 1/2 weeks ago? >> anderson, you may have talked about it on your show, we've raised issues about bain, and let me tell you, long before these last couple of weeks, and let me tell you why it t. the only credential romney is offering for the presidency is his business experience. never talks about the fact he was governor of massachusetts. that record was not exactly a glittering record of job creation. he talks about the fact he's a business man. and he has great insights into the economy as a result. of course we'll look at what that business experience is. we began that -- taking a look at that as soon as he became the nominee. if this isn't something new, it's part of the discussion. he entered it into the
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discussion. and now we're engaging in that discussion. he say wait, don't talk about my business experience. so he can talk about his business experience but he doesn't want us to talk about his business experience. >> your campaign has even said romney may be guilty of a felony. you made it clear there's no apology coming. is there enough evidence out there to really make that claim? >> and no one really made that claim, anderson. what stephanie cutter said was that if in fact you filed paper also, as he did back in '99 through 2002, saying you're the chairman, chief executive, president and sole shareholder of a company. but now you're arguing that you had nothing to do with the activities of that company. then it raises questions about that filing or it raises questions about what you're saying now. as i said yesterday, to candy crowley, i'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. i think he's misleading people
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now. but either way, it's not a recommendation to make a guy president of the united states. >> i want to ask you something that -- about something that a bush adviser, mark mccainen, who worked on his re-election campaign eight years ago, had to say about this race. he said, "team obama is doing just what we did in 2004 which is to define the opposition early." "in this cycle, that may be enough, but it's a very risky approach." he's not the only one making a comparison. are there parallelings in your opinion between what the bush campaign did to john kerry and what your team is doing to mitt romney right now? basically try to defined him based on what is considered by his campaign a strength? >> no. because what was done back then was to take a guy who was a certified war hero and to suggest that somehow he wasn't. and that was grossly unfair. the fact of the matter is that governor romney has a background and an approach and a set of
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policies that are far different than the ones the president supports. we are very much for policies that are going to boost the middle class. we believe in building this economy from the middle class out. he believes in a topdown approach. and it flows from his experience and the lens through which he sees this economy. and so that's very much fair game. i wouldn't say it's the same at all. let me just add one thing, anderson, and that is, one of the reasons why mark notes -- as mark notes that people don't really know governor romney. even though he's run for president twice. is because he's never told them who he is. he's never told them what motivates him. he's never put his own experience into any kind of framework that people could appreciate. and the real question is to address that campaign. why do they feel that simply running negative ads against the president from the beginning was sufficient? >> david axelrod, appreciate your time, thank you. >> okay, good to be with you. >> here's one more number from c-mag to factor in the.
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obama campaign has outspent the romney campaign on television ads 3 to 1 overall. more context for their insistent they spent more money on negative ads. former white house press secretary for george w. bush ari fleisher. cnn contributor paul begala. joins me as well. you advise the super pac which has run a lot these negative ads. negative campaigning, you're more than okay with it? >> totally, absolutely. the ads to the pac i advise which is priorities usa action. they have featured the most powerful ads. and the ones we have run the most of. the real words of real people that mitt romney laid off. he came and took over these companies. he loaded them up with debt. he in some cases he bankrupted them. paid himself millions. and canceled the health benefits. we sent cameras to places like kansas city. and we filmed these people. they're heartbreaking stories.
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the "los angeles times," "l.a. times," terrific journalist, called our ad the most effective democratic ad this year. >> -- there's been a slew of positive ads? >> yeah, i don't know how many is in a slew. i thought you nailed ax pretty well on this. my job i think in this pro-obama super pac is simply to define romney. if we run a single positive ad, i'll be disappointed. we might run more negative ad after the election just to get over 100%. >> you say you'll be disappointed? >> i'll try to save enough money to run one more after the election so it will be 101%. here's why. people already know a lot about the president. they don't know much about mitt romney. they any president obama killed osama bin laden. they don't know romney killed hundreds of jobs all across america. i think you guys ought to keep us honest. the press ought to fact-check our ads. when we take real people, put them on camera and tell their
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stories about what happened to their livinge,lives. it's pretty powerful stuff. >> these attacks on bain, focused in swing states, do you think they're working? >> no, because if they were working, mitt romney wouldn't have cut the gap against barack obama. primaries, mitt romney was down by 5, 6, 7 points in most of the averages. now he's running neck and neck. he's not really running a very good campaign. he has spent almost $100 million on ads. amount roughly -- he spent a lot of money on ads. as you just demonstrated. almost entirely negative ads against mitt romney. the reason is, in the psycycle e this, voters are so focused on who can fix the economy, who con create jobs. they know the president can't. he's had four years to do it and he hasn't been able to. even with an overwhelmingly democratic congress for his
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first two years. this is one of the change elections. the change this cycle is mitt romney. i also want to say the obama campaign end today would be the felony charge. this is barack obama's own birther movement against mitt romney. >> what do you mean by that? >> i defended obama against the whole birther allegations that he was illegitimate, that he committed a crime by not being born here and running for president. that is the same thing they said is despicable against mitt romney. stephanie cutter today repeted that charge in an interview with wolf blitzer. that's the shame of of this race. the 2012 obama would not recognize the 2008 obama. >> paul, is this the birther movement? >> no, come on. there's some people that -- >> a felony? a felony? >> just a second, ari. some people may be thank they got over their ski tips a little too far on this. if you look at what they said, is mr. romney and bain capital filed securities and exchange commission documents that swore under oath that he was the president, ceo, chairman and
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sole owner of the company. then in 2011 romney signed a personal financial disclosure form also under pain of perjury that said he had nothing to do with bain capital. during the same time the other sworn document said he was ceo and president and chairman. so one of those two documents seems to me inarguably to be wrong. and i think that's probably where the argument should be. i don't think mitt romney's a felon. i don't think that at all. but actually i think both those documents may well be in error. in other words, i don't think he was really running bain capital every single day while he was running the olympics. i also don't think he was completely wholly totally divorced from it. he swore both. that's the problem he's got. >> his attorney said he returned multiple times to massachusetts to attend board meetings and the like. >> that doesn't mean he's running it or making the investment decisions. you know, when i went to the white house and when paul went to the white house, we both have signed commissions that gave us our white house jobs.
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they're signed not by the president but by the secretary of state. you don't work for the secretary of the state. the secretary of the state wasn't our boss. but he signed our commission. >> so did the president, ari, that's -- by the way, the president signs it too -- >> -- how to comply with laws actually don't have a whole lot of relevance to what you might have to do in the private sector or even the public sector. mitt romney had to sign as the ceo because he owned the shares. the way it works is he didn't make the decisions because he indeed had left. even if he owned the shares. that's the difference. what it really comes down to, you remember before there was an official with the environmental protection agency who got fired because he spoke out and he said their view is you take three people and you crucify the first three people in the business community you come across. and nobody else -- you charge them with criminal charges. in effect crucify them, was his words. and nobody else will even think about even messing with you. that's the kind of campaign the obama campaign wants to run against mitt romney. these are the tactics. 2008 post partisan. we need to rise above.
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barack obama, he's given up looking for work like everybody else in this economy. this is such a different candidate in 2012. he's just clinging to his job. i don't think it's going to work. >> ari -- sorry, paul, do you think it's a different candidate? >> yes, it's a different election, absolutely. but, you know, it amuses me, i have to say, i'm an older man, i'm 51. when inw was a kid, conservativ were tough. it was john wayne. alan alda, mike dukakis. i'm heartened if we've gone from toothless in airy's eyes to ruthless. i'm rather be tough. these are tough times. this is romney's record. his sole calling card for the presidency i was a a businessman, i was a ceo. so we are taking a look at that record. and it is very good in some ways. but appalling in other ways. and romney can't answer that. he can't defend the things he did. that's his problem. >> we got to leave it there. paul begala, ari fleisher, guys, thank you very much. follow me on twitter
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twitter, @andersoncooper. five members of congress. are showing the pictures right there. have launched a campaign to, quote, root out what they call muslimi icextremists in the u.s government. they're naming names. including one of hillary clinton's top aides. the question is what evidence, if any, do they actually have? and if they're really concerneded about this alleged security threat, why are they making it so public? that's next. i look at her, and i just want to give her everything.
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[ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! welcome back. in a move by representative michele bachmann and four other congress members that they say is a long overdue investigation of muslim extremists infiltration of the u.s. government. critics say it's nothing more than a politically motivated muslim witch-hunt with shades of
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mccarthyism. she is demanding an investigation into potential infiltration by muslim brotherhood operatives intent on destroying western civilization into the highest levels of the united states government. bachmann along with representatives trent franks, louie gomer. have sent letters to the inspecters general of the state department, justice department, defense department, homeland security department and the office of the director of national intelligence. they also made the letters very public. we're going to get to some of the big claims in those letters in just a moment. listen to what bachmann said in a radio interview. >> it appears there has been been deep penetration in the halls of our united states government by the muslim brother hood. the muslim breer brotherhood has been found to be an unindicted co-conspirator on terrorism cases. and yet it appears that there are individuals who are associated with the muslim brotherhood who have positions
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and very sensitive positions, in our department of justice, our department of homeland security, potentially even in the national intelligence agency. and i am calling upon the justice department and these various departments to investigate through the inspector general to see who these people are and what access they have to our information. >> deep penetration. those were her worlds. now, to the letters themselves. one being in reaching out to the american muslim community the justice department has been meeting with groups that could be, could be, fronts for the muslim brotherhood. these groups also appear to have been afforded access to senior policymakers in the justice department. in ways that align with muslim brotherhood agendagendas. national and homeland security. accused three department of homeland security advisers of having, quote, extensive ties to the muslim brotherhood. and says other dhs advisers,
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quote, appear to share their sympathy for islamist causes. in yet another letter, bachmann and her colleagues claimed that the state department has taken actions that have been, quote, enormously favorable to the muslim brotherhood and its interest. and they single out uma abba dean, an aide to secretary clinton, a top aide and wife of former congressman anthony weiner. the department's deputy chief of staff, huma abedin. connected to muslim brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. her position affords her routine access to the secretary and policymaking. the suggestion is abedin's loyalty should be called into question. now, at this point, you may be asking, where this group of representatives is actually getting its information. the letters cite the work of a group called the center for security policy. its website is
8:23 pm a man named frank gaffney. who says the muslim brotherhood is infiltrating every aspect of american life in order to impose sharia law. his critics call him a conspiracy theorist. calls gaffney, quote, the anti-muslim movement's most paranopar paranoid prop pa gandist. says he wants to see credible evidence for the allegations made in the letters. in response, bachmann defends letters and repeats her view that a multidepartment investigation into potential muslim brotherhood infiltration into the u.s. government is not only necessary but of course beyond timely. we invited bachmann and the other four congressmen who signed the letters to come on the program tonight. our invitation stands it joining me now is james zagbe, author of
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"our voices." and our guest, the staff writer for dotcom. i read it and i got to say the things she cites as evidence to support her claim seem to tenuous or tengincial that it really doesn't make -- to me, there's not really much evidence there at all. do you see validity about the claims she's making about deep penetration? >> no, absolutely not. this letter was supposed to spell out the evidence that she had. and it leaves us with more questions than the original claims make. for example, against huma abedin. you have to go through her dead father to an organization he started in saudi arabia, to a guy who supposedly supported him, to the organization that that guy was the head of. to europe in the 1970s when his organization was supposedly connected to the muslim brotherhood. these claims are just completely outrageous and there's nothing to back them up. on the abedin case, she's
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basically having you -- in order to believe her, you have to expect that she knows more than, say, the cia or the fbi, who approved her security clearance. so, i mean, you know, the leaps that you would have to get to here probably wouldn't even fit on glenn beck's black board. >> the thing i also don't understand is if you really believe that there is a massive security threat in the highest reaches of government, you don't make that public. there are ways for people in congress to launch investigations or ask security agencies to launch investigations without going on some radio show. i mean, is this about politics or is this really you think a concern about security? >> yeah, i mean, the fact that we're even talking about it right now should underscore how ridiculous this witch-hunt is. that's exactly what it is. she wrote these letters and she immediately put them on her website. you can see them. they're completely public. she sent them to the local
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newspapers. then she went on this right wing radio show. you would think if you're trying to root out secret infiltratoin. you would not tell the entire world you're after them. this is clearly just a basic media ploy. her presidential campaign has failed. it's the doldrums of the summer. she's trying to grab some headlines. classic michele bachmann. unlike a lot of other claims. unlike saying that the census data will be used to create interment camps, this has real consequences. real people here whose lives and careers could be potentially ruined or damaged because she's trying to stay relevant for her political career. >> jim, it's also painting with a very broad brush hundreds of millions of people. billions of people around the world as potential threats to the united states. i mean, it's -- it's going against the very, you know, security interests of the united states. we're fighting wars in support of some muslim governments
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against extremism. >> more than that, anderson, it's a threat to the millions of american muslims. look, i've been through this myself in my own life and my family's been through it. when we've been attacked unfairly. by some of the very same cast of characters. it hurts. and so i'm thinking right now of those young muslims working in the state department or working at the justice department. or, you know, getting out of college and wanting a career serving their country. and being told by these members of copping that you're a threat and we'll keep our eyes on you. the damage this does is not only to america abroad but it does profound damage to the notion of america as a conclusive and absorbtive society that becomes one with many people from all over the world. sharing an identity and sharing a set of goals. that's what this president has tried to do. that's what michele bachmann and company are trying to tear down. and don't mistake it for one minute. this has a lot to do with barack
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obama. this campaign is an effort to paint muslims -- and by implication, barack obama who they still believe is a closet muslim. somehow with suspicious. that's why huma, that's why rashad hussein, a wonderful young man, an attorney who's our special envoy to the organization of islamic countries, is being portrayed individually. >> even george w. bush --s an i aspersions are cast on him. as if that is somehow in itself questionable. at a time when this government is trying to get more arab speakers to work in security agencies. it just seems like this goes against the best interest of the security of the united states. >> sure it does. look, i was in washington during that period. i know the bush administration made a real effort to do it. but these guys did not attack it
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then. they're attacking it now. because of barack obama. now it's become a political wedge issue. that's why we had the mosque issue in 2010. that's why we had the birther movement. that's why we've got the loyalty oath and this stuff going on now. it's sad. it's dangerous. but it's also very hurtful to a lot of american muslims. >> we -- obviously the invitation stands to have any of these congress people on. during his whole terror baby birther theory and he basically ended up screaming at me. got to leave it there. thank you. a new mom gives birth to twins but then spends months in the hospital battling flesh eating bacteria. the story's extraordinary. she's about to go home for the first time. let's do this i am from baltimore south carolina... bloomington, california... austin, texas... we are all here to represent the country we love this is for everyone back home
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she received a terrifying diagnosis. her body was under attack by what's known as flesh eating bacter bacteria. forced her to undergo more than 0 operations. spent weeks in rehabs. and leave newborns in the care of family and friends. now her doctors say she's finally ready to go home. it's an extraordinary story. cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is live in greenville, south carolina. she spoke with lana kuykendall. take me through what happened to lana. just home from giving birth. noticed a spot on the back of her leg. then what? >> right. she noticed a spot. the way she described it was it was actually more of a line. like a strip is how she described it. lana is a nurse. and she's also a paramedic. she knew something strange was going on. she showed it to her husband, darren, who actually is also an emt. i spoke with darren yesterday and here's what he had to say.
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>> i was terrified, first of all. i couldn't get my thoughts together. tried to figure out what to do next. and i just knew it was going to be -- i knew from our friend, from the past, that was, you know, some bad stuff. just really bad. it moves very quickly. and, you know, time is of the essen essence. and you have to -- the surgeons have to be able to recognize it and take care of it. there's no sitting around and reading books and trying to figure out what it is. >> reporter: darren said that the surgeons actually outlined the blue marks on his wife's skin. and he watched it grow. it grew about a quarter of an inch in 20 minutes. >> wow. that's extraordinary. she likely would not be here if she and her husband hadn't acted so quickly, right? i mean, why was it so critical she get medical attention right away? >> reporter: right, because it moves so quickly, what it does
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is, it produces toxins in the body and the kidneys and other organs cannot deal with those toxins. if they had waited maybe even a matter of hours or certainly days, she might not be here. the doctors today anderson at the press conference were so clear. they said the reason she's here today is because she and her husband are smart. >> smart indeed. what have the last two months been like for her? you talked to her? >> reporter: that's right, i did talk to her. she really has been actually so positive about the experience. but she did tell me that there have been some tough moments. >> sometimes i cry over, you know, the fact that i'm sick. sometimes i cry over missing the babies. sometimes i've cried over knowing that life will never be like, i guess, i'd always thought it would be. but it will still be a good life. >> reporter: you know, lana and her doctors told us that, you
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know what they'll probably never know what caused the infection. she could have had just some tiny cut in her leg and the bacteria could have gotten in that way. we're following a number of other stories right now. susan hendricks is here. >> syria's capital's bracing for batt battle. there are ports of clashes in damascus. activists posted videos that appears to show vehicles burning there. the syrian government moved tanks on to the streets of the capital. all this comes as the red cross declares syria in a state of civil war. in the u.s., the national climatic data center says the drought gripping more than half of the country is now the largest since the '50s. the southern and central rockies along with much of the plain states in the ohio valley are seeing the worst of of that drought. in canada, the problem is too much water. authorities believe a backedup creek caused this mudslide. take a look. it sent a wall of debris and water just flowing. no reports, though, anderson, of
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any injuries. a desperate search going on in iowa for days now. two young cousins disappeared while out on a bike ride. nearly 1,000 volunteers helped look for clues over the weekend. we're going to hear from mother of one of the missing girls next on "360." [ male announcer ] when a major hospital wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ]
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[ male announcer ] energy is being produced to power our lives. while energy development comes with some risk, north america's natural gas producers are committed to safely and responsibly providing generations of cleaner-burning energy for our country, drilling thousands of feet below fresh water sources within self-contained well systems. and, using state-of-the-art monitoring technologies, rigorous practices help ensure our operations are safe and clean for our communities and the environment. we're america's natural gas. sewing needles found in sandwiches aboard four flights.
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now to the latest on a massive search for two missing girls in iowa. 8-year-old elizabeth collins and 10-year-old lyric cook disappeared on friday. the two are cousins. they were last seen riding their bicycle by their grandmother. the bikes turned up hours later. there are still no signs of the girls. nearly 1,000 volunteers joined local police and fbi over the weekend in the search. police have called off the volunteer effort for now but say
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law enforcement is working to bring the girls home. >> the focus today is to get these two girls back. that's what we want. we just want these girls back. and so that's what the focus is. to get them back safe and sound. >> joining me now, lyric's mom, misty cook morecy. and tommy brouseau, the aunt of both girls. misty, how did you find out the girls were missing? >> i was getting off work at 2:00. my mom gave a call on the cell phone to let me know, hey, the girls haven't been back from their bike ride. why don't you drive right over here and we'll continue to look for them. my mom had some plans for the night. so i drove over. we looked for they. couldn't find them. went to the police station. when the police found the bikes, that's kind of when it got serious and we realized it was more than just them off playing. >> the girls bikes were found down by a lake. was that an area that they went to a lot? did they know the area? >> from my understanding, they
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do not know the area. maybe elizabeth and some friends had ridden down there at one time -- >> one time. >> but no, it's not an area that they frequented. they didn't go far from home, either of the girls. they mainly stayed around the evansdale area that my sister lives in. so it's just not, kind of, like them to go that far. >> definitely out of their character. >> again, they're 10 and 8. so i don't put it past them to have chosen to maybe go a little further as, you know, they're children so -- but not in our estimate did we think they would go that far. >> no. >> and obviously we're putting their picture up -- >> this is not in their character to go that far. >> we're putting their picture up as much as possible. hopefully somebody will have seen them or spotted them. tammy, you told reporters earlier you taught your niece about staying away from strangers. >> absolutely. i taught both elizabeth and my daughter, i have a daughter,
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calley, 11, who's very close to elizabeth and lyric. i've taught them, you know, if you're approached and somebody actually grabs hold of you, drop your body to the ground. scream, kick, fight. gouge eyes. do whatever you have to do. don't let them get you to a vehicle. you know, i told the girls, you know, once you're in a vehicle, the chances decrease of your survival. and so i have a feeling whoever approached them had some type of weapon, something that scared them very, very badly. that made them get into a vehicle. yes. >> and the police gave you both polygraphs, is that correct? what was that process like to have gone through that? >> i have not done a polygraph yet. i am more than willing to. i don't believe misty has. >> no, no, i did my polygraph this morning. >> misty did do hers. >> the process was long. in a very small room. so it was kind of
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claustrophobic. but it was a very necessary measure to eliminate and rule out family members. i'm not familiar with the polygraph so it was a very new process for me. but, you know, it went fine. it went smoothly. we're done with it. i'm glad to be done with it. i'm glad to be outside, being back involved with looking. taking steps to, you know, helping. it's kind of hard to be closed up in a room where you feel like you're not being part of the search. so the polygraph went fine. >> anderson, just so you know, all family members on, you know, misty's side and the collins' side, elizabeth's parents, family members, everybody is willing to do a polygraph test, you know. we just want our girls home. you know? >> yeah, well, you've had -- >> we're cooperating -- to the fullest. >> you've had an outpouring of support.
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more than 1,000 people took part in searches over the weekend. misty, what do you want people -- >> that's correct. >> -- to know about your daughter, about your niece? what do you want people to know about them? >> i want people to know that lyric and elizabeth are beautiful. we are a god-centered family. so my niece and my daughter are -- >> their vary fy're very fun lo. >> they're girls who love the lord. >> talkative. >> they're very sweet. they're fun. they smile a lot. they're pretty persistent in the things that they want. they're great. they're really great. you know what i mean? >> yes, they are. >> we really look forward to what they had to offer in their future. and the life that god had for them. and we still are looking forward. yeah. >> we're bracing for the worst but hoping for the best.
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>> yeah. well, you know, there's always hope, and misty and tammy, i wish you -- i wish you all the best. continue praying for you and thinking about you. as you know, many people around the country are right now. thank you very much for being with us. >> and der sob, thank you. >> yeah, thank you. >> thank you so much. thank you so much. >> so strong. something dangerous found inside sandwiches served on four separate delta airlines flights. why not try someplace different every morning? get two times the points on dining in restaurants with chase sapphire preferred.
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sus hendricks has a "360" bulletin. three teenagers in chicago are charged in the beating death of a 62-year-old. he was collecting cans to make extra money when he was attacked. authorities say the teen's videotaped the beating and posted the video on facebook. that is what led to their arrest. delta airlines says that sewing needles were found inside of four sandwiches on four separate flights from amsterdam to the u.s. all the sandwiches were made at the same facility in amsterdam. delta says it is cooperating with the fbi and local dutch authorities. and a texas man whose car was stolen 42 years ago has finally gotten it back. it's a 1967 austin-healy sports car. over the years, robert russell would scour the internet to see if anyone tried to sell it. he finally traced it to a dealership, anderson, in los angeles. >> wow, nice car. glad he got it back. susan, thanks. who would dare to pull the plug on a damage session between
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time now for the riduculist. tonight we're adding curfews. i don't mean all curfews. some are perfectly acceptable. like for instance the curfews that keep teenagers from ruling the night. but then there are others. like the ones that literally pull the plug on rock history. that's exactly what happened over the weekend at london 's hyde park. bruce springsteen was headlining. a guest came on the stage. perhaps you've heard of him. one sir paul mccartney. a little band called the beatles. springsteen and mccartney jamming together on stage.
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two rock icons. it seemed like there was going to be an extended medley of beatles songs. then suddenly the promoter pulled the plug. why? because it was ten minutes after the 10:30 p.m. noise curfew in hyde park. ♪ twist and shout ♪ come on baby ♪ come on baby ♪ work it all out ♪ work it all out >> springsteen tries to say something to the crowd but the mics were cut off. i get people that live around hyde park and the city council, they have to take them to account. come on, it's not like it's a neighborhood garage band doing some 2:00 a.m. jam session at 120 decibels. springsteen and mccartney at 10:30 p.m. on a saturday night. if anyone within ear shot was so desperate to get some sleep, need i remind you that a
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springsteen concert can be quite soothing. he reportedly said he was grooving, not sleeping. does that look like a man with a noise complaint? in fact, london's "evening standard" reports the local council only received one noise complaint during the springsteen set. one. i think spring steen guitarist said it best. really got to the bottom line. when i'm jamming with mccartney, don't bug me. words to live by on the riduculist. that does it for us. we'll see you again one hour from now. another edition of "360." at 10:00 p.m. eastern. "piers morgan tonight" starts right now. tonight, after all the headlines, i'll talk to kerry kennedy's cousin, patrick, about how she's doing and about the cause that's closest to his heart, the stigma of mental health problems. >> we call them crazy, nuts, psycho. and who would want to be acknowledged as having suffered from a mental illness if they're called those worlds? >> also, sorry seems to be the hardest word. >> it's disgusting, it's
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demeaning, it's something which i think the president should take responsibility for and stop. >> we won't be apologizing. i don't -- sometime these games are played during political campaigns. >> the bane of mitt romney's existence. also, new explosive charges in the trayvon martin case. george zimmerman's attorney is here to answer them. and more from the interview that people are still talking about. >> who do you think killed bonny? >> bonny had people that she burned. how bad, i don't know. >> now the man who sued robert blake and won $13 million for bonny lee bakley's family fires back. this is "piers morgan tonight." good evening. our big story tonight. a familiar headline. a kennedy in the news for the wrong reason. kerry kennedy, ex-wife of new york
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