tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 19, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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now, remember, when last we saw the congresswoman, she was refusing to answer our questions yesterday. moving as fast as possible away from our reporter dana bash. >> hey, congresswoman, how are you? i just need to ask you about senator mccain, on the senate floor, and help said what you're doing, going after huma -- can you do an interview with us later? >> yes, i can. >> all right, thank you. >> she said she'd get back to dana when she had more time but guess what, she never did. today congresswoman found time to go on glenn beck's program and spoke once again about her suspicions of huma abedin. she actually ups the ante. leveling entire new charges against abedin's family. >> she is the chief aide to the secretary of state. and we quoted from a document and this has been well reported all across arab media, that her late father, who's now deceased, was a part of the muslim brotherhood.
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her brother was a part of the muslim brotherhood. her mother was a part of what's called the muslim sisterhood. it would be -- we have requirements to get a high level security clearance. one thing that the government looks at are your associations and, in particular, your family associations. and this applies to everyone. it would be the same that is true with me. if my family members were soeshlthed with hamas, a terrorist organization, that alone could be sufficient to disqualify me from getting a security clearance so all we did is ask, did the federal government look into her family associations before she got a high level security -- >> okay, so let's talk about what she just said. what she said about huma abedin and that statement there and her family goes beyond prior allegations. saying flat out that huma's father was part of the muslim brotherhood and so was her brother. in the past, bachmann in writing
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didn't attempt to directly link her father to the muslim brotherhood. she said an organization he started decades ago allegedly had the support of another guy who might have had the support of another organization, the muslim brotherhood. in the letter she sent to the congressman after he demanded she back up her insinuations, congresswoman bachmann only cited three items. all, by the way, are from blogs in the arab world with second or third hand information at best. now, that insinuates a lot. doesn't prove anything. which is why john mccain, in part, said what he said yesterday. >> these allegations about huma abedin and the report from which they are drawn are nothing else but an unwarranted and unfounded attack on an honorable citizen, a dedicated american and a loyal public servant. >> with his as we mentioned, plenty of other republicans.
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senator lindsey graham. marco rubio. speaker john boehner calling the allegations, quote, pretty dangerous. congresswoman bachmann seems unfazed and not only did she increase her allegations against huma's family, today, talking to glenn beck, she tried to say she wasn't really casting suspicin s about abedin. >> that's all we're saying. we did not infer she's working on behalf of the muslim brotherhood. our point was regarding the security clearance. and did she have to go through the same sort of process that anyone else has to go through. did they schecheck the boxes? because if the state department breaks american law to bring a terrorist into the white house, a member of a terrorist organization, it certainly is conceivable maybe they looked the other way on issuing this security clearance. that's all we're doing is asking a question. >> that's all we're doing, asking a question. keeping them honest that is just nonsense. if she wasn't alleging huma
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somehow wasn't sympathetic to the muslim brotherhood, she wouldn't have brought her up in her allegations. why would she even have included her? she wouldn't be raising questions about her vetting for a security clearance if she didn't have these suspicions. which she has no information at all about. no information about what security clearance she has or how she was vetted. the words she's used to describe abedin and the reason she's concerned about her background is because in bachmann's own words, quote, her position provides her with access to the secretary, meaning secretary of state clinton, and puts her in position to influence policy make. she's concerned about her influencing policy. to pretend she's simply making a point or asking questions about security clearances and not questioning abedin's loyalty that would be laughable if it wasn't so serious. if people's lives and fumt ur f weren't at stake here. they're doing more than singling out abedin.
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they're also alleging the fbi removed information about the threat from its own training material under pressure from muslim groups aligned with or directly from the muslim brotherhood. we contacted the fbi about the changes they made to some of their training material. after some controversy, some reporters brought up the details of things that were in some of these training materials. a small amount of the training materials. the fbi did change their training materials. fbi said the information they changed was changed because it was factually incorrect or offensive to muslims. our review of fbi counterterrorism training materials was not influenced by the muslim brotherhood or any other outside entity. we initiated an internal review after recognizing that some of our materials did not meet the fbi standards of professionalism. again, though congresswoman bachmann is alleging deep penetration of the entire government, not just the fbi, but at the end of the day, she and the other four lawmakers have targeted one person, huma abedin and may be throwing a
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chill into many more good public servants who happen to be muslim. they only represent about 4 million american, but they speak with the force of the powerful house intelligence committee. they say they only want an investigation. as one my predecessors in news put it the line between investigating and per cusecutins a very fine one. today miss backman also took sharper aim at congressman ellison. he is also muslim. today, she accused him of having, and i quote, a long record of being associated with the muslim brotherhood. joining us now is minnesota congressman keith ellison. congresswoman bachmann was on glenn beck's radio show and had some things to say, on you as well. i just want to play a little bit of what she said. >> he has a long record of being associated with care and muslim
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brotherhood. care is an unindicted co-conspirator. largest terrorist financing case we've had in the united states of america. he came out and essentially wanted to shut down the inspectors general from even looking into any of the questions that we were asking. so he wanted to shut it down. >> let me ask you just on two things. one, she's saying you have a long record of being associated with the muslim brotherhood. is that true? >> no. that's not true. >> do you support the muslim brotherhood? >> i don't support any organization that -- i support american institutions. i don't know enough about them. what i know about them is that in egypt one of their candidates has ascended to the presidency. i've never met that person. but i do think the united states should have a foreign policy where we talk to foreign leaders of all kinds. but no, i don't have any -- i don't have any muslim brotherhood connections that she's talking about. >> when she says you are trying
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to shut down their investigation, what do you make of that? >> i'm absolutely not try to shut down their investigation. what i'm trying to do is to raise a concern about unfounded allegations of disloyalty. specifically with regard to huma abedin and a few other people she mentioned. if she had legitimate evidence, she should go forward. all i do was ask her to put up the proof. >> we called the inspectors general involved here. two of the five agencies. the department of homeland security and the state department told us they had no plans to investigate. both were clear a request like this is outside the inspectors general mandate. saying they look at the effectiveness of programs. they look for waste, fraud, abuse. wouldn't members of congress and/or their staffs know that? >> yes, members of congress would know that very well. but you have to ask yourself, you know, why did she make this so public. why did she seem to be seeking
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public attention for these allegations she was making. if she really had actionable intelligence, why wouldn't she go to the agencies that investigate these things? i think the answer is clear. that she wanted attention. that was her goal all along. >> it's about politics, it's about fund-raising, about it's attention? >> yeah, but it's also about -- it also i think it is those things but it's also about marginalizing and alienating a certain group of americans who she does not view are american enough. >> because it does seem like basically she's painting with a very broad brush muslims in this country. i mean, you suddenly now are soeshl associated with the muslim brotherhood. even though there's no direct evidence of this. and as we talked about, you know, she's raising questions about huma herself. it does seem she's sort of using the term muslim brotherhood interchangeably with the term muslim. >> right. one of the things that compelled
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me to step forward on this issue is i believe huma abedin is going to be fine. she has an impeccable reputation. she's going to be okay. what about some midlevel person whose name may be mohammed or ahmed or may just be a muslim but who's doing a good job and is a loyal american. is her kind of allegation going to have such a chilling effect that a person like that is going to come under suspicious? these are the things that make me worry. >> in the interview, she talks about the fbi. the fbi who are supposed to be trained in radical islam, elements have been purged of their training materials so they're no longer being taught what radical islam is in order to be able to identify it ahead of time. according to the fbi, they removed some documentationing that they said were factually inaccurate on their training materials. >> they had a whole host of materials that were simply inaccurate and, in many cases,
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biased. and they tried to improve their training presentation, i with i think is if and we applaud it. the fact of the matter is, when law enforcement is trying to improve how it does law enforcement, we should applaud that. apparently she wanted to keep inaccurate material so people would be trained on improper material and perhaps engage in profiling or whatever else because of it. but, you know, it's just one of those situations where if good people will stand up and say "this is wrong" we can put a stop to it. i'm glad that the story has gotten a lot of attention because we need a reminder every once in a while, you know, that this is a country of laws and not individual persons and that proof is needed, not just allegations. i mean this is why i'm glad this story has gotten attention. >> i appreciate your time tonight. let us know what you think. we're on facebook. we're talking about this on
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twitter. @andersoncooper. keeping them honest tonight. how a loophole got into a law that you supposed to keep the folks that work on capitol hill that work for you about cashing in on companies that rey s thai. that's next. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at
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keeping them honest now with the case of the lingering loophole. inside a law called the stock act. the stock act is supposed to prevent your elected representatives from using information they may have gained as elected representatives to get rich in the stock market. you'll remember "60 minutes"kro. obama made insider trading a
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centerpiece of his state of the union message. >> send me a bill that bans insider trading by members of congress. i will sign it tomorrow. >> well, and that's what congress did. watch. >> this is an attempt to take a step, a significant step, to rebuild the lost trust that the american people feel today in members of congress. in short, the stock act is intended to build a wall of separation between stocks and state. between public office and private profit. >> the stock act passed. president obama signed it. think that's the end of the story, right? no more legalized insider trading, right? not exactly. cnn's dana bash and a producer have done some digging into the law. they discovered not just a lingering loophole but how it got there. >> reporter: this was memorable
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because it was so rare. president obama signing a bipartisan law congress passed swiftly and overwhelmingly. to make sure there's no insider trading in congress.s crowed abg trust in government. >> if there was any chance of fact of using information for personal profit, we were not going to allow it. >> closing loopholes to ensure that members of the congress play by the exact same rules as everyone else. >> reporter: but keeping them honest, cnn has learned that not all the loopholes were closed. here's why. the key to making sure lawmakers don't profit off secret information they learn on the job is based on a new rule. financial transactions over $1,000 must be reported in 45 days. >> so that the public could have more real-time understanding of what their members and what senior staff and other high government officials were doing with their finances. what kinds of trades were they making. >> reporter: on the senate side
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of the capitol, the ethics committee decided the new rule must apply to lawmakers and their spouses and children. the committee told its members something completely different. that spouses and children do not have to report their stock trades in a timely way. >> i'm obviously deeply concerned about that. >> reporter: all of this was news to the senators who sponsered the legislation. neatly to say, when we brought it to their attention, they were not happy. >> let's say i find out information and i tell my wife and she trades on it, what's the difference? we need to have that level of transparency. >> reporter: specifically says that members of congress do not have to have their spouse or their children file. >> i think it's wrong and i think it's unfortunate because the reality is the whole point of this legislation is we should play by the exact same rules as every other american citizen. and when all of america looks at washington, they know it's broken. >> reporter: the fact that the
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house and the senate can have different interpretation, of the same law that each passed, doesn't that speak to the fact that washington's broken? >> yes, and i have concerned. >> reporter: he fired off a letter to fellow republicans in the house. saying it's, quote, deeply troubling that members, spouses and children are not requires to regularly disclose stock trades. the house interpretation leave, a loophole and the appearance of an ongoing double standard, brown said in the letter. all this raised a big question. how did the loophole happen? when we started asking questions, all signs pointed to the opposite house majority leader eric cantor which wrote and controlled the legislation that became law. his staff changed the original bill without most in congress, even the senate sponsors, realizing it. at first cantor's office insisted the changes didn't alter the intent of the trading ban. finally, cantor's office sent us this statement, which
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acknowledged that there is a problem. and because of cnn's reporting, they're trying to figure out how to fix it. it was not the intention of the house to differ with the senate passed bill with respect to application to spouses and dependent children said the cantor spokesman. since new information has been brought to our attention with respect to this discrepancy, we're reviewing our actions regarding transaction reports in the house of representatives. >> dana, amazing reporting. along with former congressman brian baer of washington state. dana, so cantor's office is suggesting they're going to try to fix the problem now. did they give you any indication exactly how or when that's going to happen? >> i talked to their office to try to get the answer. then said they're trying to figure out how and once they figure out the how, that will probably help them determine when. i asked whether or not they have to do a legislative fix. whether or not they have to pass a new piece of legislation all over again that the president had to sign or whether or not
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they can simply send maybe a memo to the house ethics committee making sure that was not the intention. that the intention was to make sure that spouses and children also file and report their transportation sax transacti transactions. >> you questioned cantor's dedication to passing this bill. when his office says it wasn't their intention to differ with the senate-passed bill, you're in congress, you speak that language what does that mean to you? >> well, had doubts about the majority leader's cantor's commitment to this bill from the beg beginning. he had somewhat of a switch position, if you will. i'm glad and i commend dana and the rest of the cnn team for discovering this. it's clearly the intent of this legislation is to make sure the public knows if members of congress are trading on nonpublic information and if spouses are excluded from that, you could just pass information on to your spouse or kids. i hope mr. cantor will be
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sincere and correct this. it should not be difficult to do. it's the right thing to do. but time will tell. >> you think it should be a relatively simple fix? >> it should. first of all, ethics could tomorrow without legislative action -- the ethics committee could make a ruling that members of congress and their spouses and children have to file internal financial reports which are then made public. you don't have to legislate that. if ethics chooses not to do that, legislative process should be evoked. it should be brought up under a number of measures. i think most members would clearly sign on to this. >> do we have any specifically how or why that the house changed this? how often does something like this happen? >> well, to answer your first question, the why, that was obviously something that deirdra walsh, who i should say, really uncovered this. the question we were asking. okay, now that you admit you changed it, why did you do it? the answer we got was cantor's
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office and broader republican leadership that was working on the legislative language consulted the house ethics counsel's office and they were told this is the best way to write the language. they insist there was nothing sinister here. they weren't try to find this hoop ho loophole and it just happened. the former congressman can answer this better than i can. especially in cases like this. where there's such a pr push or a sense that for members of congress they have to do something very fast, things fall through the cracks. loopholes happen. >> congressman, is there a bigger issue here at play, having to do with resistance, to transparency? >> there is indeed. if you look at what happened just last week, the republican majority in the house of representatives refused to pass a disclose act. simple piece of legislation that would have said the large donors to these super pacs, we have to
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find out who they are. they didn't pass that. we don't seem to be able to get candidate mitt romney to disclose his tax returns. i really think we ran into heavy resistance on the stock act from the republican side. there's a pattern here. the pattern seems to be we don't have to tell you what's going on. we're somehow exempt from this. and, you know, the paradox here that exist iing prior to this a from spouses every year. what they did is weaken existing law and carve out a loophole that was already there in the process of passing the stock act. i think it's disingenuous of them to say, oh, it's just incidental. >> shouldn't point fingers just at one side here. we just saw an example where the president was talking about executive privilege on documented related to fast and furious for the justice department. that raised a lot of questions about desire for transparency on all sides.
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dana bash, appreciate your great reporting. congressman baird, thank you so much. we'll continue to follow it. take a look at this airport security video that was released today. the guy looks like an ordinary tourist, right? bulgarian authorities say he is the suicide bomber who blew up ape bus carrying israeli terroristings. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds )
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driver's license. bulgarian authorities believe this man in shorts and a t-shirt was the bomber. they believe he hid the device in his backpack before boarding the bus full of israeli tourists. they were on their way to a resort but the bomb went off before they left the airport parking lot. five tourists died. dozens more were injured. the attack is adding new fuel to already escalating tensions between israel and iran even as the story and the plot thickens. >> reporter: investigators say this is the man who set off the bomb. captured here on an airport security camera in the town of burges, wearing a hat and se seemingly wandering around aimlessly. conflicting reports say he arrived in the country 1 to 5 weeks ago. and he mingled with tourists who just arrived from tel aviv. beyond that, much seems uncertain. it is not apparent if he acted alone or with help.
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authorities say he used a fake michigan driver's license for travel with the louisiana address. this picture obtained by abc news showed a man with long hair, just like in the surveillance video. in israel, the prime minister is making it clear what he thinks, this was an agent of israel's old enemy, iran. >> this attack was part of a global campaign of terror carried out by iran and hezbollah. this terror campaign has reached a dozen countries on five continents. the world's leading powers should make it clear that iran is the country that stands behind this terror campaign. iran must be explosioned by the international community as the premier terrorist supporting state that it is. >> reporter: tension between israel and iran has been growing for decades. recently has escalated sharply with allegations of everything from harassment to spy hits to mass murder. when israeli diplomats came under attack earlier this year, israel quickly blamed iran.
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when iranian nuclear scientists were assassinated in 2010, the government there immediately said it was the work of the super secret israeli spy agency mo sad. iran hanged one of those suspected spies earlier this year. and israel broke up what it called an iranian terror network just months ago. western suspicions that iran is secretly trying to build a nuclear weapon are only making all of this worse. even as iran furiously denies that it had anything to do with the attack in bulgaria, the accusations just as furiously continue. tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> well, they seem to have lived a charmed life. her mysterious death has exposed how far they'd fallen and the toll that drugs and addiction had taken on this r ve. [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac!
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in crime and punishment, family and friends of eve ra rousing are awaiting for answers ten days after she was found dead in the london be mansion she shared with her husband, hans kristian rausing. mr. rausing was initially arrested on suspicious of murder but hasn't been charged with that crime. according to a british news report, london police did charge him with preventing the lawful and decent burial of his wife. her body was badly decomposeded when it was discovered. among the many unanswered questions, and there are a lot of unanswered questions tonight, how their life of privilege and the promise it once held, how it came to this. >> reporter: eva rausing and her
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billionaire husband hans kristian were fixtures on the london social scene. he is heir to the tetra pack food giant fortune. she was the trustee to one of prince charles charitable foundations. all that an ended in 2008 after she was caught attempting to struggle crack cocaine into the american embassy in lonlden. she was given a warning and charges were dropped. the problems with drugs didn't end there. last week, her parents flew into the uk to identify her body. nothing in eva rausing's early upbringing gave any hint of the tumult to come. her parents live in a $1 million property in south carolina and split their time between that and a home in barbados. her friends say she was introduced to drugs develop early on. >> she had been introduced to drugs at an early age. 16 or something at university.
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she got married. she seemed to be very happy. he was -- when i met him far more -- he wasn't reclusive. he he was far more difficult to talk to. he had a nice personality. nice person. but she was the one who did all the talking. she was vivacious. >> reporter: the couple came to london to escape the taxes in the tetra pak's native sweden but they grew increasingly reclusive. they are almost unrecognizable. gaunt. disheveled. disoriented. filmed in may, police say this was the last time she was seen alive. >> physically, there was a difference obviously because her health -- well, her health had always suffered and not necessarily through drugs but she had a heart condition. i mean, i think she had a
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pacemaker. but with him it was far more visible. >> reporter: eva and hans kristian rausing first met in a drug rehab facility over 21 years ago. as she detailed in her own blog, sobriety remained a constant struggle. but it was a struggle that paralleled her philanthropy. eva rausing helped found the addition prevention charity mental uk. >> she gave a great deal of money over the years. to get the charity established and operational. >> reporter: often in these kind of situations, people say, well, they didn't really know what they were getting into, but it sounds like eva understood only too well. >> there's a difference between knowing that something's harmful and being able to do something about it. one of the other people on the board kind of said, well, our position is we hate drugs and we all think drugs are a bad thing.
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most people actually agreel with that. and she said no, actually, that's not really my position. if only it was as straight forward as that. my problem is i actually love drugs. >> reporter: british police are still treating her death as unexplained. there is no denying the havoc the couple's addiction wreaked on both their lives. one source told us eva rausing's family went so far as to employ an ex-special forces private security contingent to disrupt her procurement of drugs. in a written statement, the family said, eva and hans kristian were a devouted and loving couple. they bravely battled their de n demons and supported each other. and eva will be a devastating loss to our beloved son, hans kristian. >> eva rausing's body, how did the police find it? >> well, they actually pulled over her husband, hans rausing,
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because they saw he was driving erratically. when they stopped him, they said although they couldn't smell any alcohol on his breath, his pupils were very diluted so they searched the car and found a crack pipe and various drug parafail ya, as they said, which led them to go and do a search of the house. when they came into the house, they said the stench of decomposition was so strong that it led police officers up to the second floor, to the room where her body was. and they subsequently found it under bin liners and random clothing wrapped in plastic tarp we understand. >> it's such a mohorrific bizar story. he wasn't charged, though, with anything. now authorities can't even quote h question him, why not? >> he went into alcohol withdrawal pretty immediately. and now they've released him on conditional bail but that conditional bail is to a psychiatric facility. he can't leave that facility
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without a nurse accompanying him. and so that actually hinders the authorities ability to question him. i've been spoke speaking to several of their friends. their worry is as you saw in a statement from that family, that they were so close, that eachvas so the center of his world that he became unhinged by her death. nobody even knows how long her body was decomposing in that room. nobody has any idea how long she's been dead. >> it's such a tragic end for this couple that had so much potential going for them. nema, thanks very much. some scary video of a brazen kidnapping attempt. a man tried to grab a 10-year-old girl while she was walking with her 2-year-old brother, broad daylight. she fought. the suspect then ran away. police release the the video hoping it would lead to his arrest. we have details ahead. building pass, corporate card, verizon 4g lte phone.
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u.s. drought that's devastated crops is getting worse. the proof is evident all over this country. levels in the mississippi river have fallen to near record lows. in st. louis, it's three feet, down from the typical 15 feet this time of year. about 64% of the u.s. is in the form of some sort of drought. that's pretty stark. they're the worst conditions since the summer of 1934 in the dust bowl era. it's threatening crop, water
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supplies. as ed lavandera reports, the cattle market. >> reporter: ranchers and cattle buyers are descending. cattle auctioneer brian little expects quite a rush of cattle to roll in. >> of late, over the last two or three weeks, we've had some really nice runs here. normally for us this time of year we'll probably sell between 800 and 1,000 cattle. >> reporter: it's all because of the drought. grazing pasture is fried. the cost of cattle feed is skyrocketing. ranchers can't afford to fatten up the herds. many cows are heading to slaughterhouses sooner than normal. it's show time and time for brian little to start the auction. [ auctioneer calling ] >> reporter: brian little says about 25% of these cows will head straight to
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slaughterhouses. another large chunk will be sent to feed lots and then slaughtered a few months from now. ben allen sits and watches it all quietly. he's selling half of his herd. 90 cows and calves in all. >> i told my wife i wasn't going to come to the sale but here i am. i don't want to see them go to slaughter? >> reporter: why not? >> you get attached to them cows. you know them. they know you. >> reporter: what auction barns across the country are seeing this summer are unprecedented. there are so many cattle being sold off at auction that one industry analyst says we could be seeing the largest single year reduction in livestock population ever. leading some to even call this summer cow-pacalypse. >> it's the economics part of it. the other thing is we don't have the grass to take care of them. if you're not wanting to spend $350 or $400 a ton for feed, then your best bet is not to
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keep them home. >> reporter: all of ben allen's cows sold. this final batch will soon be headed to a slaughterhouse. i think a lot of people might have a hard time envisioning a grizzled rancher veteran like yourself getting emotional over your cows. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. i'm sure. i'm sure, yeah. but anyway -- >> reporter: but there's just not much you can do? >> there's not much i can do. >> reporter: that's the reality of life on a cattle ranch in the midst of this relentless drought. randi kaye joins us now. >> philadelphia police say they've arrested a man who tried to abduct a 10-year-old girl in broad daylight. but fled when she fought back and her 2-year-old brother screamed. incident was caught on surveillance video. the suspect turned himself in to
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police. officials searching for two missing cousins in evansdale, iowa, have drained about half the water out of a lake and are waiting for fbi divers with sonar equipment to arrive. 10-year-old lyric cook and her 8-year-old cousin elizabeth collins were last seen on friday when they went for a bike ride. their bikes were found near that lake. now, some business news. yahoo! is giving its new ceo a hefty pay package. worth possibly $71 million. over the next five years. that's according to documents filed with the sec. marissa mayer was lured away from goingle where she also made a fortune. a woman feeding a dragonfly. the video description says she found the injured dragonfly on the banks of a river in oregon. she found one that worked. looks like the old tweezers and ants method. the dragonfly -- it's amazing to see a dragonfly up that close. >> i've never seen what they
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look like up close i'm so busy swatting them away. >> looks like something out of "alien." coming up, how not to keep your job at a fast food restaurant. do not try this. the riduculist is next. [ cellphone rings ] the wife. hey, babe. got the jetta. i wiped the floor with the guy! not really. i would've been fine with 0% for 36 months, but i demanded 60. no...i didn't do that. it was like taking candy from a baby. you're a grown man. alright, see you at home. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. we good? we're good. [ male announcer ] at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering.
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time for the riduculist. tonight, the tireless work those in the fast food industry. the people would remain dedicated under thankless circumstances. they deal with low pay, long hours. tonight from that group of fast food employees there emerges one who truly is outstanding in his field. by that i mean here's a picture of him standing at the lettuce in the burger king where he worked. he was fired after this was posted online. i think it was appropriate he was fired. no doubt about it. if you're going to stand in the lettuce bins, at least have the courtesy to take off your shoes. would that be better or worse? as far as i know, employees are not necessarily required to wash their feet before returning to work so you can make the call. at least he was just standing in the lettuce. it's not like he put his buns in there or something. this was a triple whopper because not on the guy in the
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picture but two others got fired. which really makes you wonder why did it take three people to pull off this riduculist incident? one to stand in the lettuce. one to take the picture. i guess the third one was the brains of the operation, drove the getaway car, caused a distraction by hawkingfryer? i don't know. our affiliate went to do interviews at the burger king where this reportedly took place. as you might expect, when people saw the photo, they went ballistic. they were completely shocked. >> i've always had good service here and good food herepy don't really know what to tell you. i'm really surprised by it. >> okay, so the guy wasn't all that outraged. if there's one thing i've learned in all my years of journalism, it's this, if you want a real straight from the gut reaction with no holding back you've got to go to the teenagers. >> that's disgusting. >> oh, my god, ew! >> that's repulsive. i'm not eating there ever again. >> oh, my god, ew! >> ladies, i couldn't have said
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it better myself. that does it for us. we'll see you again one hour from now with the latest on michele bachmann's doubling down on her allegations about muslim brotherhood, infiltration of the u.s. government, and particularly doubling down on charges against huma abedin, secretary of state clinton's top aide. what evidence does she actually have? we're keeping them honest. join us for that. "piers morgan tonight" starts now. tonight, the one man who knows exactly what it's like to run against barack obama for president. john mccain. what he really thinks about this campaign. >> i have not seen a presidential campaign where that campaign sunk that low this early. >> about money and politics. >> i promise you there will be scandals. if you think watergate was big, if you think abramoff was big, just wait when you see what happens. >> plus, syria and america's role. >> it's a total failure of american leadership. we could bring the assad regime
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down. >> and about his controversial running mate sarah palin. >> i think that she at the end of the day was the right choice. >> john mccain, ever the maverick. >> i am the luckiest guy you will ever interview of all the thousands of people that you have interviewed. >> plus, former army chief of staff george casey. why he says this country can't go it alone in syria. this is "piers morgan tonight." in depth with john mccain. i sat down with senator mccain a while ago in the armed services committee hearing room. he was very candid. he disagrees strongly with what justice scalia said about super pacs. about michele bachmann and what he thinks about romney's record at
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