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tv   Early Start  CNN  July 20, 2012 5:00am-7:00am EDT

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she is joining us on the line. are you there, jackie? >> i'm hear. >> what can you tell us about the injuries? >> at this point the university of colorado hospital has received about 20 patients with various levels of injuries from minor to severe. >> i'm having little difficulty hearing you. what is the severity of their injuries? >> it ranges from minor to severe, the majority are all gunshot wounds. >> how severe are some of these gunshot wounds. has anybody been dead on arrival? >> not that i have information to release on that to be honest. we're still trying to assess all the folks coming in. they are arriving by ambulance, by police and walking in on their own. >> have you heard anything about the volume of people that have been injured? we have a lot of reporting going on here. we're uncertain as to the number of people who have been injured. >> you know what? i'm sorry, there's other lines
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beeping in here, i can barely hear you. >> i was asking about the volume of injuries. we're hearing reports of a lot of people being injured. we're trying to figure out the number. so have you heard anything about the number of people being injured? >> i cannot hear any questions coming through. i don't know if we lost each other. do you want to state that again? >> can you hear me or no? we will try to reestablish this connection, if we can, and check back in with jackie montgomery, spokesperson, university of colorado hospitals. what she did tell us in the conversation we were able to have, she received about 20 patients, and they range from minor injuries to critical injuries. i asked her if anybody had been dead on arrival because we do understand that some people have died, though we don't have a number on that. she's uncertain and there are some hipa laws so she has to protect peoples privacy. i believe we have jackie.
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you are back there again? >> i'm really sorry. i can't make out any question you're asking right now. let's try to touch base in a little bit. >> okay. that's joackie montgomery. >> she said there are 20 pains at this hospital now. the injuries ranging from minor to severe. that's just one hospital right now. other hospitals are receiving patients at this moment. just to bring you up to speed here, multiple shooting in aurora, colorado at the century 16 movie theater nine miles east of denver during a late-night showing of "the dark knight rises." there are reports of multiple deaths. we are working to confirm that. we can give you some sound from a witness at the scene. >> four, maybe five people that were limping, wounded, slightly bloody. the most that i saw was a girl who was pretty much covered in blood, she didn't have any wounds on her. so, it kind of -- it made me think the worst.
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>> you've got a lot of horrible images in your mind right now. you said you saw a little girl? >> yeah. i don't know whose little girl that was. my heart goes out to them. i hope they're okay. i hope that, you know, the little girl is okay and she recovers and everything. but a cop came walking through the front door before everyone was cleared up and before everything was under control, a cop came walking through the door holding a little girl in his arms. she wasn't moving. i had heard another witness in my theater, someone else i was talking to before the movie, we were waiting in line for it, she was on the phone and the really messed up part for me is she told whoever she was talking to that she saw bullet holes in the little girl's back. and, i mean, i honestly can't think of any kind of person who
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would intentionally hurt a little girl. so, i mean, unfortunately it makes me think she got caught in the crossfire. >> how crowd was the theater? this was an anticipated film? >> yeah. we had two lines open. one-on-one side on one side of one on the other. as soon as we heard the first shots, my sister grabbed my arm and wanted to leave as quick as possible. it was terrifying. >> you are just listening to some horrific details of an eyewitness in that theater when the shootings happened. he said that a cop came into the theater and he was carrying out a little girl that he thought perhaps was lifeless. he mentioned maybe bullet holes in the little girl's back. he said the little girl was not moving in the cop's arms. earlier we heard from another eyewitness who said there was
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smoke, maybe an explosion. that there was confusion in the theater because "dark knight" is a loud movie and there's a lot of explosions and perhaps gunfighting. they were uncertain whether it was happening in the movie or in front of them. >> to give you a sense of how unexpected the environment going into this, we have this really fascinating twitter feed to show you from somebody named zack eastman. zack said he went to the theater dressed as bruce wayne. he was talking about the movie. his next tweet, i just evacuated our theater in aurora. there was a shooting. i am safe. he says apparently two people were shot. there was a shooting there. he said he saw people carried to an ambulance and that it was very, very, very scary. he said he only heard rumors about the people killed. he said a lot of stories are going on now. he said he's a bit shaken up, not going to lie, that was
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extremely terrifying. it must have been terrifying. you're at this theater in the middle of the night going to see what may be the biggest movie of the summer dressed as bruce wayne, even. a very festive occasion, shots rang out. you're not sure what's going on, the movie, who knows. reports of multiple people shot and multiple deaths. >> we're awaiting a press conference that should be happening in about five minutes with the police chief in the area. of course we will bring that to you the minute they start that press conference. i want to recap. the injuries here, we're trying to figure out how great are they. we talked to jackie montgomery, a spokesperson at the university of colorado hospitals, she said 20 patients arrived at her hospital. the injuries were from minor to critical. but she was not very specific about those critical injuries other than to say they are gunshot wounds. we also reported earlier that at swedish medical center they were
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alerted to a mass casualty incident, that's what they called it, at 1:15 in the morning, three patients in critical condition were transported to their hospital. but she was told, that hospital was told, nicole williams was told to prepare for up to 20 more patients. a lot of hospital response here. a lot of ambulances on the scene. the number of deaths versus the number of injuries we are still uncertain about that. we're trying to get those details as soon as they become available. a lot of confusion inside that movie theater. >> you can see the pictures outside the century 16 movie theater in aurora. we were told more than 250 police officers from across the denver metro area have been called to the scene. they are on the scene at this very moment. the denver post getting some scant details. we're all looking into this right now. they're saying between 12 and 15 shots were fired. we have not confirmed this yet. we are looking into this now. different accounts of this
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harrowing moment coming in. >> we have a google map for you so you can see precisely where this is. it is nine miles from denver. about a 20-minute drive. last night's showing of "the dark knight" multiple shooting that happened there. you have more details from the police department, john? >> 250 police now on the scene there. you can see the flashing lights from across the metro area. we've been looking at these pictures for about 20 minutes now. looks fairly calm on the scene now. sometimes pictures can be deceiving. we have been told people from the theater have been evacuated to a local high school where they are being questioned by police to try to piece together what is going on there now. >> one of the eyewitnesss said that the scene is calm now. that it was chaotic, as soon as the police arrived, they were able to reestablish order. he was the one who was talking
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about the little girl in the police officer's arms. he said it looked like she had some gunshot wounds to her back. he said she appeared lifeless in the officer's arms. he questioned who would do something like this. we don't know the age of that little girl, more details on her or her condition. it was a chaotic scene in there. another eyewitness said there was a lot of noise, so they were uncertain whether it was the actual movie or whether something was happening inside the movie theater. a lot of people talked about smoke, right? there was some smoke at that location as well. we heard reports of explosions. we have yet to confirm exactly what happened on the scene except that, you know there has been a mass shooting. there are casualties. there are a lot of people in hospitals. >> we can report now that ten people are dead on the scene. this from two ray affiliates there, kusa and kmgh, they say police on the scene reporting
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ten people -- ten people have been killed in this horrific shooting at the movie theater overnight in aurora, colorado. at least 20 people injured. ten people dead. a late-night showing of "the dark knight rises" aurora, colorado. nine miles east of denver. we can confirm based on two affiliates, ten people killed overnight. >> also, jackie montgomery, a spokesperson at the university of colorado hospital, she mentioned those 20 patients that arrived at her hospital and that they were minor to critical injuries. she said they were all gunshot wounds. we'll wait and see what happens there. at the other hospital they received another 20 people . not what you expect to happen when you are waiting in line to go to a blockbuster movie, the
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blockbuster of the summer. then this unfolds. the why we don't know. trying to figure that out. what happened inside this movie theater that, you know, caused this kind of commotion and chaos. just the level of casualties here. >> we have more sound from a witness right now. let's take a listen. >> we were watching a scene in the movie, it was a shootout scene, guns were firing and loud bangs from right of the theater. smoke took over the entire theater and it was thick. no one could see anything. me and my sister were sitting there wondering what was going o on. >> we have on the line now with us nicole williams from the swedish medical center. mick col can you hear me? >> yes. >> tell me the situation at your hospital. how many victims do you have at this moment? >> we originally received three
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patients, both inbound in critical condition when this incident occurred. we received an 18-year-old male, a 19-year-old male and a 20-year-old female. we have been able to treat and release the 18-year-old male. the other two patients are listed in critical condition at this time. >> improving do we think? >> at this point, we don't know. both have gone to o.r. we're not sure of their condition or the extent of their injuries. >> have you been told to prepare for more shooting victims or do you think the three you have on hand now that's the extent of it? >> at this point we're not expecting to receive more patients directly from the scene from ambulance. we were told to expect up to 20 patients inbound, but we have been able to staff down slightly. we are hearing of patients driving themselves to area hospitals, so we are ready to accommodate any patients that may show up that way.
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we have been told by aurora ems that we will not receive more patients via ambulance. >> all right, nicole williams at swedish memorial hospital where they received three patients, one 18-year-old released, two other patients in critical condition. nicole, thank you very much. >> good luck. what we can confirm now, is that ten people are confirmed dead. and that there are, you know m that have gone to area hospitals. as you just heard, a lot of people walking themselves into hospitals. not sure of the extent of their injuries, it's more the trauma of what they have experienced. there is a press conference expected shortly. the police chief will address the crowds. the minute that happens we will bring that to you. so let's set the scene here for you again exactly where we are. this is nine miles from denver. it's the century 16 movie theater. it's about a 20-minute drive from denver. it was the premiere, that
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opening of "the dark knight." a lot of people anticipating this to be a blockbuster for the summer. >> must have been a packed theater. >> absolutely. a lot of eyewitness reports of what was going on in that theater. ju one gentleman said they were in the middle of a scene where there was a lot of gunfighting so they were uncertain what was happening. was the gunfire part of the scene or something that happened in the movie theater? he mentioned smoke, an explosion, a lot of noises. then probably the most difficult thing to hear from him, he said there was a police presence t happened fairly quickly. and that he saw a police officer carrying a little girl in his arms and there were bullet wounds to her back, that her body was lifeless. we don't know the age of the little girl. you know, he mentioned -- he said who would do something this horrific? >> you can see a huge police presence on the scene.
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the denver post reporting that 250 police race together scene. there it's a crime scene. obviously a crime scene. no details on who may have carried out this shooting. "the denver post" already reporting it was sometime after 1:00 a.m. local, 3:00 a.m. eastern a little more than two hours ago when this all happened, that's when police received reports of gunshots at this movie theater, the century 16 movie theater in aurora, colorado. nine miles east of denver. we can confirm at this point ten people have been killed. that's what police are telling us to our local affiliates there. it's eerily calm now, but two hours ago it must have been mayhem. >> a little while ago we spoke to jackie montgomery, spokesperson for the university of colorado hospitals, she mentioned they received 20 patients, some with minor
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injuries, some of them critically injured. we're trying to figure out how many injuries there are out there at local hospitals. >> let's take you right to the scene right now. we will listen in to our affiliate, kusa and get some of their coverage. >> the person was well-protected. pretty heavily geared up for an event like this. there is still a heavy police presence down here. they will be screening this area, looking to make sure there's not anybody else involved. the witnesses we've been talking to believe there was only one person involved. we'll hope that the police bear that out when they talk about this. >> the witnesses -- earlier nicole was mentioning that there are buss to take them away. the parking lot is probably still cordoned off. they can't go anywhere just yet, i would assume. >> some of the folks we talked to who were not in theater nine were already allowed to walk out and come over here. i imagine they will want to talk -- theater nine was the
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active shooting scene. that's where they will want to talk to everyone in there. >> brandon, we will take a break with you right now because the police department in aurora is about to hold a press conference. is it getting underway now? they will talk about what has happened. >> we want to take you to the scene right now of a police news conference that we believe is getting started right now in aurora. not quite yet. sorry, we will wait on that news conference. hopefully that will be starting voon. we would love to get more details about this shooting. it happened in theater number nine. that was the theater of this late-night showing of "the dark knight rises." the most anticipated film of the summer. massive lines overnight and just to repeat again, ten people have been killed. that's according to police on the scene, what they are telling local affiliates there. at least 20 injured. we talked to two hospitals, one got 20 patients, another got three patients. >> one of those patients was treated and released.
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so there is a bit of good news to report what we were just listening to as well that is new, that the eyewitnesss are saying they believe only one person was involved in the shooting here. so we're trying to confirm that. the police chief will address the media here shortly. we will bring that to you live to see how many more details we can get here. the eyewitnesss reporting lots of noises inside. one man mentioned smoke, perhaps an explosion. again, this movie is an explosive movie. so, whether that was happening as part of the movie or inside the theater, we're uncertain now. some people were saying it's too fresh of a scene to talk about. we do know there were walk-ins at the local hospitals. not sure of the extent of their injuries. we have 20 patients treated at university of colorado hospital. they are there now, minor to critical condition. the extent of their injuries we don't know. that was jackie montgomery, the spokesperson there who shared that information with us.
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swedish medical center there were three injuries that arrived there. two of them are in the o.r. now. one of them was treated and released. all young people by the way at that hospital. >> it would be for a showing of "the dark knight rises." all young people on twitter. in this twitter world we are getting firsthand accounts of people who say they were in that theater. this one from caitlin, you can see it there, shots fired in the theater. really chilling to see those words. the presence to write that. you can see her say oh, god, i don't know what to do. everybody please pray for my friend alex. our heart goes out to caitlin. this must have been a horrific thing to be through. later on she gives us details. she says they're putting us on a bus and taking to us a nearby high school now. these are accounts on twitter from someone named caitlin who says she was in the theater at the time.
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she says thank you for your prayers. her friend alex, she says, is still missing. >> reading from the denver post. they have a report out. one eyewitness says he saw a lot of people falling including one young girl. salina jordan, 19 years old in theater eight, saw people hit in her theater. she said one girl was struck in the cheek, others in the stomach, including a girl who looked to be around 9 years old. somebody else said it sounded like firecrackers until somebody ran into theater number eight yelling they're shooting out there. right next door to that theater, that there were gunshot wounds in her theater. maybe they went right through the wall. we can tell you two people have died here and there are multiple injuries. we talked to two local area hospitals who have received folks that are in critical condition. and some that have actually been
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released, treated and released. >> you are look at live pictures now of what is a crime scene. we have sound we want to play you from a witness who does speak about who he thinks may be the suspect. >> and he was in -- she said a riot helmet. she said he had a bullet-proof vest on. she said that he was completely covered in all black with goggles. she said that after that point, when she saw that he was holding a shotgun, they -- her and her boyfriend dropped to the floor and just kind of started to crawl to see if they could get away. they got up an started to run through the emergency exit. she said when she turned around, all she saw was the guy slowly making his way up the stairs and just firing. >> you can hear him describing what he's heard about this account in the theater, the century 16 movie theater in aurora, colorado, nine miles
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east of denver. we are told ten people have been killed. i want to go to our affiliate kusa in denver. they are carrying a police press conference. police chief dan oates is speaking. >> again, we are working this jointly with aurora and we have many other local and state agencies participating. our sincere condolences to the families and victims of the family members who were harmed. we have significant amount of investigators that have responded and are working shoulder-to-shoulder with aurora police department at this time. i have no additional information on wounded victims. the chief covered that, and what we're doing is we're asking for the assistance, obviously, of the public at this time. we need to talk to any potential witnesses. then, again, media, we're asking for discipline as well.
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if you can -- if you come across people that have not been interviewed, we need to know about that. no further statements at this time. i will turn it over to chief oates. >> exactly right. we are still getting witness information coming in to us. obviously anyone who has seen anything, we want their assistance and to notify us. all right. i will take a handful of questions. in terms of a more thorough brief, we're shooting for 11:00 a.m. this morning. i don't know where we'll do that, probably in our aurora facility. we'll give a more thorough update around 11:00 a.m. this morning. we will not do anything between now and then. [inaudible question] >> the only thing i will tell you is he made a statement to us about explosives in his residence and we are dealing with that potential threat right now. beyond that, i have nothing more to say about what he said to us.
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[inaudible question] >> we have not been able to confirm that. we have no evidence to support that right now. but we are obviously very concerned about that, they're working that angle right now. as of right now we have no evidence of a second gunman. >> witnesses were saying the bomb seemed like a smoke bomb. was there some type of explosive? >> there was the release of some sort of smoke, okay? that's all we know right now. [inaudible question] >> we evacuated the apartment building. it's in north aurora. [inaudible question] >> we have a suspect in custody, yes. >> are there other people you need to find? >> i just mentioned that question. as of right now we don't have any evidence of a second gunman, but we are concerned about that and doing everything we can to find out if that might possibly be true. as of right now we have no
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evidence. any more questions? [inaudible question] >> we'll figure that out. we have mobilized our entire victim services unit and all the detectives we can. we have wonderful support om other agencies and investigators. as we sort through this this evening, one of the highest priorities is dealing with the families of the victims. >> can you tell us about the ages of the victims? witnesses said they had heard gunfire. is there anything the police could have known earlier and shown up sooner? >> we were here immediately and thankfully apprehended a suspect. [inaudible question] >> the witnesses who were not injured that we know of are at
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gateway high school. and as i said, there are approximately 50 who were injured. they were at the area hospitals i've named. i'm sure those hospitals are dealing with family response right now. [inaudible question] >> well, most of us have never experienced anything like this. we are performing extraordinarily well. very, very proud of us. [inaudible question] >> as of right now, ten dead in the theater. and four at area hospitals. okay. thank you very much, folks. 11:00 a.m. this morning. >> that was aurora police chief dan oates who did fill in some of the details. he now says 14 people killed. 14 people killed, 50 wounded in this shooting at the showing of "the dark knight rises" in
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aurora, colorado. we also have news about a possible suspect. they are saying they have a suspect in custody. he was pressed there about whether or not there was a second person that they're looking for. he said not at this moment. there is no evidence of a second gunman. but they want to talk to the witnesses. they said -- what they're asking the public for is help. if you know somebody was there and we have not talked to them, we need to talk to them so we can piece this together. of those 14 dead, ten of them were in the theater, four at local hospitals. we were worried about those transported to the hospital in critical condition, were they going to make it four of them have not. the total is 14 dead. >> 50 people injured. this must have been a chaotic scene. more details now, the police chief, dan oates, says he believes there was some sort of smoke device used at the beginning of the shooting. clearly this was something, you know, well-planned. whoever carried this out knew what he was doing when he went
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in there with some sort of smoke device, opening fire in the showing of "the dark knight rises" killing ten people immediately on the scene. another four people dying in area hospitals. >> there were reports he was wearing a bullet-proof vest also, protecting himself. yes, going in there on a mission to do this. a lot of people had reported earlier they thought there was some smoke inside. you know, the noise is what they kept talking about. that there was smoke there was an explosion, there was noise. all those things typically happen during this type of a film so they were confused as to what was happening. you know, this 50 wounded makes sense now, because we talked to two local hospitals. we talked to jackie montgomery, the spokesperson for the university of colorado hospitals, this was earlier. she told us 20 patients had been transported there from minor to critical injuries. then there was another hospital spokesperson we talked to, swedish medical, an she said
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also she was expecting perhaps another 20 to arrive. uncertain to that number. some people were actually walking in. three people, she mentioned, all young people. two in critical condition. one of them had been treated and released. >> the people who are okay, who are not at the hospital, these people have been evacuated from the theater have been taken to a local high school where police are trying to question as many of them as they can to find out exactly what did go on inside that theater. they got the first reports. police on the scene there got the reports. a little after 1:00 a.m. local time 3:00 a.m. eastern, exactly two and a half hours ago of this shooting inside the showing of "the dark knight rises" in aurora, colorado. the scant details we have, there is a suspect in custody. we have no more details about this suspect now. the police say no evidence of a second gunman. there had been earlier reports of that. and this chilling report that there was some sort of smoke
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device used. >> we want to check in on the injuries. we have tracy weiss, medical center of aurora spokesperson on the phone now. how many people have you received? >> we've received about a dozen that came in to the e.r. they're currently in the e.r./o.r. we had several more walk-in patients, their injuries are minor to critical. most of those are gunshot victims. >> of the ones who are critical, how many are those? >> i couldn't confirm that number at this time. >> but you have some with gunshot injuries that are in the o.r., you said? >> yes. >> how many are walking into the hospital? >> it's hard to tell at this point. we're about to get a status update on that. we have had several. >> what kind of injuries do they have? >> again, they're minor.
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just a variety of different injuries coming in. >> what about the ages of the victims, the folks walking in? we've seen a lot of different reports. some people are saying perhaps some of these children were as young as nine years old. are you seeing anything like that? >> you know, at this time, i couldn't confirm the ages of the patients. i don't have that information right now. >> okay. if you could just recap again how many you have seen at your hospital? >> we've seen at least a dozen at the hospital. >> at least a dozen. tracy weiss, medical center of aurora spokesperson, appreciate it. >> one thing i found interesting in that, of these 50 we now know wounded, we don't know they're all gunshot victims. we talked to people at hospitals who told us there were a number of gunshot victims, imagine the chaos that must have been in that movie theater, people rushing to the doors. it's possible people got injured in an attempt to escape and get out. >> you're right. must have been a very chaotic scene. we have another witness.
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it's kusa, our affiliate who talked to this witness. >> we heard anywhere from 10 to 20 shots. like little explosions going on. shortly after that, we heard people screaming. then they came on the p.a. system and pulled the fire alarm and said everybody needed to get out. and as soon as we got out, we had people running around, screaming. >> so we just heard something new there, they said that they heard about 10 to 20 shots, explosions, which we heard often now, people screaming, very chaotic and they pulled the fire alarm. they told everybody to get out. so those were the moments when all of this chaos was happening. you're right, it's possible some of these injuries may have been because of a stampede. a lot of people were anticipating this movie. we would imagine it was a packed crowd. we have yet to know the actual number of people that were in this theater. but it was a highly anticipated
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movie. >> and again, the police chief reporting in colorado, in aurora, colorado that some sort of smoke device was used. the shooter opening fire there with a smoke device. the police chief says no evidence of a second gunman. the scene so chaotic, people don't know exactly what's going on, how many people behind it right now the police say they have one man in custody. no reason to believe anyone else was involved. >> here is the bad news, 14 people dead. ten died at the theater. four of them while taken to the hospital or at the hospital. there is a huge number of wounded. 50 people wounded. we have talked to three different hospitals now, and they say that those injuries range from minor to critical. a lot of these victims in the o.r. now. we're still waiting to hear the results there. hopefully they'll make it and move out of that critical condition.
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>> you're looking at a live shot right now of the scene outside that theater, the century 16 movie theater in aurora, colorado. we are told it was theater number nine, a late-night showing of "the dark knight r e ris rises." one gunman opened fire, used some kind of smoke device. ten people killed in the theater. four people in area hospitals. i believe on the phone we have with us frank fanea, who is with the aurora police department. thank you for being with us now. we listened to police chief dan oates news conference. any more details you can give us about the suspect? we understand you have a suspect in custody. where was he taken? >> some of the first officers who arrived on scene located the suspect near a car at the rear of the theater. he was taken into custody at the back entrance of the theater. >> any -- what was he wearing? we heard body armor, you know,
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ten people shot on the scene? any reports of the gun he might have used? how about other explosive devices? we understand some sort of smoke device was used. >> there appear there's was some sort of smoke or gas. we are hearing reports of an explosion. we don't know if that was part of the smoke and gas or a separate device. i have heard he was wearing a vest as well as we did recover at least one rifle, a handgun and another gun of some sort inside the theater that was left. >> a knife, a handgun and another gun, and you said you heard reports of a vest. i assume you mean a bullet-proof vest? >> correct. >> so this guy was armed for battle. he went in there armed for some kind of horrific event and was apparently able to carry it out. >> i think that's safe to say right now. yes. >> he's in your custody right
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now? >> we do have one in custody. >> i know it's early in the investigation here, but have you talked to any possible motive for this? >> we have no idea right now. i don't think we even actually started talking to him. i don't know if he's talking. we have no information on a possible motive other than it was the opening of the latest batman movie, and it was a crowded theater. >> you found him at the rear of the theater. we're not there, obviously. explain to me what that means. was he trying to get out? trying to escape and evade police? >> he was outside. he was in the parking lot. his car was parked behind the theater. i don't know if he went out the front door, ran to the back or if he went out a fire exit or another exit of some sort. but he was in the rear parking lot. which really isn't a public parking lot for the theater, he was at his car, some officers saw him and took him into custody there.
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>> i know you have a lot of witnesses you're talking to and the scene is chaotic. did anybody notice him before? did anybody alert anyone? >> not that i know of. best information we're getting now, is that he appeared. by that i don't know if he appeared from behind the screen or appeared from a door which would be at the front of the actual movie screen, but there is a back door or fire exit. the best information is we're getting he appeared at the front of the screen. >> can you give us a sense of the timing here? when did you get first reports of the shooting? how long before police took this man into custody? >> first calls that i know of came in at 12:39 a.m. i don't know exactly what time the first officers arrived. i know we have shift change at 1:00 a.m., numerous units on from 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m., and
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this theater is two, three blocks away from our main police headquarters. the response was unit. i would say within a minute or two of that first call. >> a lot of witnesses are saying the response was incredible and immediate, and it gave them a great deal of comfort. anything else you can tell us about the suspect? his age? ethnicity? >> he is an adult male. i don't have the ethnicity or race. i know he's a younger adult. that's all i know about him. >> when you say younger, do you mean a teenager perhaps? >> i think he's in his early 20s, but i don't have an exact birthday or age. >> if we can talk about the victims here. there have been some reports that there was a police officer that was carrying out a little girl with perhaps gunshot wounds in her back. do you have any information on that? >> yeah. i can tell you, in addition to the quick response, obviously they were here almost immediately. i was listening to the call, we had officers loading up, you
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know, one to two to three victims in the back of their car taking them to the hospitals. i know we had several police officers who transported several of the victims. just like you described, they were carrying them, helping them get in, loading and going. >> frank fania, stay with us for a sechblgt i waond. you have given us an enormous amount of information. frank fania of the police department in aurora said they have a person in custody, a younger adult male. a man who just, as he puts it, appeared in the theater and started using after using some kind of gas or smoke device. there were also reports of an explosion. the suspect was apprehended in the rear of the theater in a parking lot. the suspect had a car there with him at the time. he had a knife, a gun, another
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gun was found inside the theater. ten people killed in the theater. four others died at local hospitals. >> you said he was wearing a bulletproof vest. was that a rifle you said he had? >> i think you said a knife. when they arrested him, he had a rifle, a handgun and a third gun. >> so three guns. a rifle, a handgun and a gun inside the theater. >> do you know the type of other guns besides the rifle? >> that, i don't. >> so a rifle and two other guns. three guns. >> correct. no knife. >> a bullet-proof vest and some kind of smoke or gas device. >> you said the first call came in at about 12:39 in the morning? >> that's when the first call came in, 12:39 a.m. >> did you respond to the scene as well or were you listening in? >> i got called to come out. i was listening as it unfolded. i got called immediately and listened as it unfolded. >> talk to me about the scene.
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we are taking a look at a lot of vehicles, emergency vehicles there. this is an ongoing investigation. can you paint a picture of the scene for us? >> i don't even want to guess how many police cars there are. i know when i was listening to it and heard officers responsing from probably 30 miles away, you know, that's incredibly unusual. we were calling for help from every police and sheriff's agency, fire departments, ambulances. a crowded theater. there's 16 theaters here. i have no idea how many people were in each theater or how many theaters were showing this particular movie. i can't even describe it now because i have not got an good look at it other than to say it's overwhelming the help we've had. >> i heard the police chief say something about the suspect's home. maybe his apartment building is that being searched right now? >> apparently the suspect
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mentioned something about explosives at his home. i don't know a whole lot about that, but we're taking that very serious. you know, in addition to the other responses, we have bomb dogs here, bomb squads. so they are taking all precautions to make sure that he acted alone there are no other devices anywhere. >> the police chief dan oates saying the apartment building where the suspect lives has been evacuated. >> correct. >> frank, you are reporting there are 14 people dead. can you tell us anything about the victims? their ages? >> i don't have specifics on that. again, a crowded theater. i'm not even sure what the movie is rated. i know there -- no matter what this movie is investigated, 16 theaters, the ages are all range of ages.
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i don't have an exact range though. >> we heard reports of 10 to 20 shots inside. can you confirm that? >> i think that's safe to say. you know, again, we're interviewing witnesses. you have echoes. it's hard to get an accurate account of that until we actually go inside and take a look. >> frank, can you hang with us for a minute now? i want to check in with kusa who is talking to a witness a reporter on the scene talking to a witness. frank, hang with us. >> you saw a man over here who brought his 12-year-old son to see the movie? >> 12-year-old, me and a friend know was brought to the movie. this theater is not the safest theater in aurora, but we were always wondering because we know when we go see the movies here, obviously in a dark theater, there were two, three police officers up front all the time
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until we left. so we're just trying to figure out now just talking how was the security tonight for the showing? everybody is all in black, just like batman, how are you supposed to know exactly what's going on, what is going on, who is the bad guy who is the good guy when something like this happens. >> curious to know, you were talking about the man with the 12-year-old. what happened with them? >> we're still trying to figure out. i know the 12-year-old is okay. i don't know if he was in the theaters. i know he was here to see the movie. he was taken to gateway high school. >> what time did you get here? >> about 15, 20 minutes ago. >> if you hear anything, please let us know. people are wondering. >> we have been listening to our affiliate kkusa, talking about what he saw, what he experienced inside that theater when he was
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there. very dark, he said. we want to go back to frank fania, public information officer. are you there, sir? >> yes, i am. >> we have been talking about the suspect you have in custody. i want to clarify whether or not -- or why you believe there is not a second person of interest here. we heard earlier a reporter ask the chief of police whether or not there is a second person involved. what can you tell us about that? >> we're -- the information we have so far, nothing indicates that there's -- that there was multiple suspects. but, again, you know, crowded theater. numerous theaters. we are taking every precaution we can to try to find out if he acted alone or if there are more. >> you are on the scene. police are on the scene at his apartment building. is that also in aurora? >> yes, it is. >> an apartment building in aurora. the suspect apparently telling police he had explosives in his apartment.
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the police there, as you told us, have evacuated his apartment building. >> i imagine they have a bomb squad there and are looking through his apartment? >> that, i don't know. i know the first concern was to evacuate the apartment. i'm not sure what exactly they're doing on that scene at this time. >> i just wanted to reiterate again this is an adult male, younger. you think perhaps in his early 20s. that's the only information we have on the suspect at this point. >> that's correct. >> and, again, because we can't talk about this enough, we've been talking about the suspect, our hearts go out to the victims, and there are far too many of them. ten people killed in the theater. four died later at area hospitals, another 50 wounded. one of the most anticipated movies of the summer. must have been a packed theater filled with young people, teens and 20s, just waiting to see this movie "the dark knight rises." >> mr. fania, one of the most
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disconcerting things that you said is that this guy appeared out of nowhere, right, and started shooting? you said maybe even from behind a screen or curtain? >> that's the information we're getting so far. witnesses we decembtalked to ded it as appeared from the front of the theater. i hate to cut you short -- >> hang on one second. we are looking at cell phone video right now from inside the theater shortly after. let's take a look. we're not listening to it now. it's from our affiliate showing this cell phone video. we're taking it off their air. let's listen in. >> a lot of chaos as you can imagine from the scene. there's a girl that was just on the left side, she's in that blue top there, she then thought she might have felt something, then had her boyfriend, her friend there check her out. check out her back. she thought maybe she had
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shrapnel wound. it seemed like she was okay. that person there covered on the right side, some blood on his shirt. >> right there, a scene of chaos. cell phone video from the theater not long after the shooting. we have on the phone with us frank fania, public information officer for the aurora police department who has been filling us in on information. they have a man in custody, young adult male in his 20s. he was apprehended in the parking lot at the rear of the theater. he had his car there. the arsenal i find chilling. he had on his body at that point, a rifle, a gun, he was wearing some sort of bullet-proof vest, and another gun was recovered inside the theater. in addition there was a smoke device or gas device used. >> mr. fania, can you give us any more details on how he was apprehended?
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deresi did he resist at all? >> the information i have, he didn't resist or put up a fight. i don't know if the officers surprised him or how it happened, but the first officers arrived within -- i don't know if it was seconds, but maximum a couple of minutes found him behind the theater at his car and took him into custody there. >> what's the protocol with something like this? now that you have the suspect in custody, what happens to him? is he being interrogated at this moment? >> i don't know at this moment. he was transported to our headquarters, literally two, three blocks away. homicide detectives are work on that end as well as hundreds of officers here working this end, making sure there are no other devices anywhere, making sure there are no other suspects. getting more information on actually what happened and who was responsible here. you mentioned any more devices, other than the apartment
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building, is there anything else that you're aware of that he mentioned? >> the last i heard we were clearing the parking lot. a crowded theater, lots of cars in the parking lot. the only car we knew of that was his, we checked other cars with bomb dogs, nothing to my knowledge has been found or is suspicious. >> everyone that was in that movie theater, movie theater number nine, they were taken to a local high school. is that correct? >> well, it's -- i don't know exactly what number the incident happened in, if it was eight or nine. there are 16 theaters here. so witnesses from the entire theater were taken to a local high school. >> we heard earlier when the chief of police was talking, i think it was a second gentleman who came on, not sure who he was, i believe he said you won't be addressing the public any more until late today. i think that's 1:00 p.m. eastern time is that correct?
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>> that's correct, 11:00 a.m. our time, that was special agent jim yacone. we will be talking at 11:00 our time, 1:00 eastern, hopefully we'll have a little more information at that time. we're still trying to get an absolute account. >> i was just saying, you are frank fania, a public information officer with the aurora police department. you're looking at live pictures now of the scene. you can still see some of the sirens now. a huge police presence. at one point we heard more than 250 police on the scene. now we're being told the fbi from denver is headed to the scene also. we will be talking, hopefully within the hour to a special agent there. mr. fania, what kind of help could the fbi provide in this type of investigation? >> well, that i don't know. they would probably have to comment on that. they're just here now to let us
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know they'll provide whatever information they can, whatever help we need. >> you are getting help from other police departments, i believe, in the area? >> oh, i don't even know how many different agencies responded, but yes. >> is that typical in situations like this where there is a mass response? >> yes. the way the call came out and unfolded, absolutely we will take all available help we can get, not only from police and sheriffs departments, ambulances, fire departments, various resources like the bomb dogs, bomb squads. you name it. until we have the scene under control, we will take all the help we can get. >> you are a wealth of information. we appreciate you spending all of this time with us. filling in so many blanks we have. of course there are many more left for us. we want to confirm again the number of dead and injured. we have 14 that are confirmed dead. 50 wounded at local hospitals.
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they range from critical -- actually some people are in the o.r. right now to minor injuries. we are uncertain of the outcome there. we are very concerned about the age of some of these victims. i have to tell you, mr. fania, because there are reports on "the denver post" some as young as nine years of age. can you talk more about that? i know you mentioned the police officers came in and were actually taking the victims, putting them in the back of their cars and taking them to local hospitals. do you have any idea the ages of the victims they were transporting? >> i don't know the actual ages. our first officers who were on scene quickly, i know they transported numerous patients themselves. i'm not sure how many of the injured they transported. as far as the ages, it is a wide range that i don't have. i don't know how many theaters
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this particular movie was being shown in in the 16, but there are 16 theaters. the potential is for all ages. >> we will take a listen here, kusa has some witnesses we want to listen to here for a moment. >> as they were leaving, he witnessed a baby, an infant get shot. yeah, they said gas bombs as they were leaving, then just gunshots all over the place. it started in the theater that i had bought tickets to. it's kind of a blind-blower. while i was here waiting to talk to the doctor, i heard the call came in at the nurse's station. from what i can see, people are unconscious, people are bleeding. i saw one bed go past, poor guy had blood caked all over his face. he just was not responsive at all. same thing with the lady. just all out of it. by the time i left, i overheard the nurses saying they managed to get everyone stabilized, which is a blessing.
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it really is. >> you are looking right now live at the scene outside the century 16 movie theater in aurora, california where overnight a terrible shooting at an overnight showing of "the dark knight rises." 14 people have been killed. another 50 wounded. the fbi is now headed there from denver. we have a statement obtained by cnn's jim spellman from the fbi it says merely we are involved in working jointly with the aurora police department. we have been talking to the aurora police department this morning, frank fania, public information officer has given us a range of details about the shooter. they have a suspect in custody, described as a young adult male. probably around his early 20s. he was apprehended in the rear of the theater. he had his car there. he was taken near the rear of the parking lot. >> mr. fania, we are hearing details that the suspect's car had tennessee license plates.
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do you know anything about that? mr. fania, are you still there with us? we just lost him for a moment. this is late information we're getting in. that the suspect had tennessee license plates. so we're trying to confirm that. we know that car was in the rear of the parking lot there. i had asked mr. fania earlier if the suspect had resisted. he said he did not believe so. that he wasn't sure if the police surprised him, but he did not believe that the suspect had resisted arrest. we do know they have evacuated the suspect's apartment building because perhaps he mentioned there was a bomb threat in that building. they're looking into that. there's a police presence on the ground there. we're trying to get more details about that for you. >> again, 14 people killed. 10 killed on the scene there in the denver -- in the aurora, colorado movie theater. four people later died in area
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hospitals. 50 people wounded. it must have been a scene of chaos there. a smoke bomb or a gas device used first before this man opened fire. we have some cell phone video we will play for you right now which has some sound also. we don't know exactly -- we don't know exactly when it was taken, how soon after the shooting. i do want to warn you, there might be some language in here that may not be suitable for kids this is raw video, and some of the language may be raw, too. >> they said she saw the exit door by the screen open. something was thrown across -- >> everybody out. >> good thing we're not in that
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movie theater. >> get out of here. get out of >> someone got shot. look at the blood on them! oh, my god. oh, my god.
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>> you're taking a look at cell phone video from inside the theater. you know if you have been looking at the video, it's a little choppy but difficult to see but there was some blood on a victim there. there was a lot of crying in the background and interestingly there is also calm, they are people standing around bewildered at what's happening. maybe they were buying popcorn and all of this chaos came out into the reception area. >> our coverage of the shooting continues, you are watching
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"early start. we do have breaking news for you this morning. we've been watching it the last hour outside denver, nine miles east of denver, where there was a mass shooting at the movie theater. 14 people have been killed, 50 people injured in this shooting at a movie theater. we've been talking to the police all morning and they describe what must be a chilling scene. >> they actually do a suspect in custody at this hour. we're uncertain exactly where that suspect is but probably at the police head quarter s which is right by the movie theater. and frank fania, gave us just an enormous amount of details. so he said that this guy, the guy -- he's a 20 2 he appeared of nowhere, not sure if he came from a door or behind a scene
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and just began shooting. he said that he was carrying a rifle. a handgun and another gun that was found at the scene. perhaps he was wearing a bullet proof vest. he did confirm there were a lot of people who said there was some explosions and perhaps some gas. he said yes, there was gas on the scene as well. they received the first call at 12:39 a.m. a lot of witnesses on the scene have said the police arrived immediately shortly thereafter. >> he was apprehended, the suspect was, in a parking lot behind the theater. the suspect did have his car there we've been told recently there were tennessee plates on the car. we don't know what that means because the police also told us right now that they have evacuated this man's apartment building because he may have told police he has explosives in his apartment. this suspect was armed, ready for battle, a bullet proof vest, three guns and some kind of gas or smoke device he used before
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opening fire in this theater. 14 people now confirmed dead. 14 people, 50 others wounded. frank fania mentioned that he was wearing a riot helmet on the scene as well. you know, what we don't know is whether or not there were any bomb threats in other areas. we asked about that and he said they have evacuated the parking lot as well as a precaution and the witnesses at the movie theaters, he also had confusion on whether it was movie theater 8 or 9 but the witnesses have been transported to a local high school and that they are being questioned there. they also asked and this was earlier in the press conference, that the chief of police said, if there's somebody out there who was a witness or knows of somebody who was a witness, please come forward, they are trying to piece together the details. we asked about a second suspect because people have said that. they don't think so but haven't ruled that out. they are looking at every angle here. >> the fbi is headed to the
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scene right now if dto help wit that investigation. we are told by the police the suspect is in custody at the police headquarters just a few blocks from the century 16 movie theater. you're looking at the live picture of it now. you can still see a police presence, somewhat smaller right now. they got the first call, 12:39 local, which is 2:39 eastern, about three hours ago, where this all unfolded, this horrific shooting in aurora, colorado, unfolding during a showing of "the dark knight rises", packed houses across the country, filled presumably with young people, people in their 20s racing to be the first to see this film and again, just to give you the really sad tragic numbers we have right now, 14 people have been killed, more than 50 wounded. >> at the height of the crisis there were 250 police on the scene and as mr. fania was telling us, the police started
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pulling victims and putting them in the back of the quad cars and taking them to local hospitals. some of the most disturbing witnesses -- >> there's another press conference we want to listen to right now, an aurora policeman speaking right now. >> on behalf of all of aurora, this is a horrific event. our hearts go out to the families. we have mobilized the witnesses that we could get our hands on to an area high school where debriefings are under way. >> reporter: we are still going to be here -- >> that information coming from apoliceman on the scene right there outside the century 16 movie theater in aurora, telling us that many of the witnesses have been taken to a local high school where they are being questioned right now. many of the details we've been given, the suspect taken into custody behind the movevy
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theater. three guns, a rifle and two other guns, bulletproof vest and as you told me a riot helmet. >> apparently he was prepared for this, right. one of the things that frank fania said, he appeared out of nowhere. i asked, do you think he was there at the very beginning? he said it doesn't seem like it. it seemed this was something he planned to do. he was taken without incident right behind the theater. >> did not resist, we're being told right now this man did not resist. he must have known that the police were coming for him. we want to listen to someone -- wasn't a witness but on the scene immediately after the shooting and he described what he saw and what he heard. this is from our affiliate. let's take a listen. >> we're watching a scene of the movie, this was a shootout scene, there were guns firing and then loud bangs came from the right of the theater. smoke took over the entire theater and it was thick and no
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one could see anything. me and my sister were wondering what was going on. and he was -- a riot helmet. she said he was -- had a bulletproof vest on. she said that he was completely covered in all black with goggles. and she said that after that point when she saw he was holding a shotgun, her and her boyfriend dropped to the floor and just kind of started to crawl to see if they could get away. they got up and started to run through the emergency exit. she said that when she turned around, all she saw was the guy slowly making his way up the stairs and just firing. i saw at least four, maybe five people limping, wounded, slightly bloody. the most i saw was a girl who was pretty much covered in blood and didn't have any wounds on her. so i mean it kind of -- it made me think the worst.
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>> you've got a lot of horrible images in your mind and i know you said one of the most powerful, you saw a little girl. >> i don't know whose little girl that was but my heart goes out to them. i honestly hope they are okay and hope that the little girl is okay and she recovers and everything. but a cop came walking through the front door before everyone was cleared up and everything was completely under control, a cop came walking to the door holding a little girl in his arms and she wasn't moving. i had heard another witness who was in my theater, someone else i was talking to before the movie, we were waiting in line for it, she was on the phone and the really messed up part for me, she told whoever she was talking to that she saw bullet holes in the little girl's back. and i mean, i honestly can't
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think of any kind of person who would intentionally hurt a little girl. it unfortunately makes me think she got caught in the cross fire. >> how crowded was the theater? this was an anticipated film? >> we had two lines open, one on one side and one on the other side. it's crazy to think i could have been in theater nine. as soon as we heard the first shots, my sister immediately grabbed my arm and wanted to leave. as quick as possible. it was -- terrifying. >> all right, that man giving some details apparently his sister was in the theater during this horrific shooting in aurora, century 16 movie theater during a showing of the "dark knight rising", more than 50 people wounded and 14 killed. a suspect is in custody and we're bringing you all of the details as we get them. we are going live around the world watching live pictures of the scene outside this movie
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theater right now. maybe that is -- that might be the suspect's vehicle right there. we are told the suspect was apprehended in the parking lot near his car, did not resist arrest when the police apprehended him. he had three guns, two on his body, one recovered in the theater and a bulletproof vest and a riot helmet. >> there were reports they were tennessee license plate, we are trying to confirm that for you. there are a lot of victims here, 15 dead, 50 wounded. we talked to nicole williams, she's going to join us on the phone again now. nicole, i know earlier you told us you had three people there, all young people, one had been treated and released and two were in the o.r. what else can you tell us now? >> that's pretty much the update we have from here. we have staffed up and been prepared for anything that came into the hospital tonight. we have received word at this
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time from aurora ems we will not be receiving any more patients via ambulance. we are braced for any walk-in patients. we are hearing some patients were able to drive themselves from the scene are showing up as walk-ins to area emergency departments. we're prepared for any of those but at this time we have not had any. >> could you give us more details on the three that did arrive at your hospital? >> sure, we received an 18-year-old male, a 29-year-old male and a 20-year-old female. it's the 18-year-old male we were able to treat and release. all three of them did come in with gusht wounds and the 29-year-old male and 20-year-old female are still here. they both went into the operating room and we are still listing both of them in critical condition. >> all right, nicole, we know you're very busy and we appreciate you've taken time to talk to us. we'll continue to check in with you and we wish you a lot of luck there. >> thank you. you are looking at live pictures
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right now from aurora, colorado. we believe that it might be suspect's car. the man believed responsible for this horrific shooting at the century 16 movie theater where 14 people have been confirmed killed, more than 50 injured. we heard from a spokesperson from one of the hospitals who received three of the injured. we don't know how many were shot and how many hurt in the chaos that ensued no doubt after it. many of the people injured, three in their 20s, so many young people at this theater probably. >> we saw cell phone video earlier that showed some people covered in blood. a lot of people were crying there. there's the cell phone video. let's listen, i want to warn you, we're not sure about the language on this. this is raw video we're showing
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you. >> good thing we're not in that movie, dude. >> get out of here. >> oh -- [ crying ] >> he got shot. look at the blood right there. >> oh, my god!
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oh, my god. [ screaming ] >> again, this was cell phone video from the scene of the century 16 movie theater, apparently shortly after the shooting there. 14 people killed and more than 50 wounded if you're joining us around the world and we're going right now around the world across cnn's various platforms, 14 people killed, more than 50
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injured in this chaotic scene. a suspect is in custody. to give you a sense of what was going on in the theater, we have chilling tweets on twitter from people who say they were in the neat theater. we start with a man named zach, this is before the shooting, now, everyone dressing up as batman, i'm going dressed as bruce wayne, the short and stubby one. >> have just evacuated our theater, there was a shooting in our auditorium. i am safe. zach says. i'm not going to look at the time stamp because it may not match. police say the first call they got was 12:43 a.m. local, which would be 2:43 eastern time, a little more than two and a half hours ago now. this man saying apparently several people have been shot and he's not going to lie, this was extremely terrifying. not going to lie, this was
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extremely terrifying. again, 14 people dead, 50 hurt in this horrible shooting in aurora, colorado. >> one can assume that probably the folks that were watching this movie are primarily young people. that's what they do, right? they tweet and take cell phone video, we're getting witness accounts that way. but we also had really great witness accounts from our affiliates, there was african-american woman at the hospital who saw an infant covered in blood. we heard a lot of reports of young children here. there was one gentleman whose sister was watching the movie and he may have been in an adjoining move decree theater and she witnessed where the shooter was and he talked about a little girl in an officer's arms and her body being lifeless and there were bullet holes in her back. when we talked earlier to the public information officer, frank fania, he said the police officers when they responded,
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they immediately put the victims in the back of the cars and took them to local area hospitals. >> the people who were okay and unhurt have been taken to a local area high school. our affiliate kusa is outside the high school right now and hopefully we can listen to what some of those people are saying. >> they are not trying to keep parents away. they want to answer parents's questions, aurora police being very, very helpful to these folks who have showed up. a lot of people asked about cell phones or wall lets that may have been left behind in the chaos. officers say this could be collected as evidence and some cell phones could be used as evidence for up to maybe even 2 to 3 years as they continue to prosecute this case. of course those are the questions that will continue to come. here at gateway high school, we're seeing dozens and dozens of witness being depreefed. we just saw the red cross show up. there are lots of victim advocates and grief counselors
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here at gateway as well. >> i know those counselors will be very much needed. we have jas larson, you are outside the home of the suspect which is being searched right now? >> well, i think it's a little too early to say that definitively. i can tell you we're at a location that is in aurora where the s.w.a.t. team has responded right now. we are told that they are trying to figure out whether there are explosives, devices inside an apartment. we have every reason to believe this is connected to the incident that happened at the movie theater. we want to be clear the information is coming very slowly out here. receipt let me paint of picture of the scene. there is a street and we are consciously not saying exactly where this is here because we want to make sure that people are not gathered around here at an unsafe scene. it appears as though they are still trying to decide how far
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back to move people from the scene. someone came up, about a block away from an apartment complex and a s.w.a.t. team member came up to me and said please move back, it's very important you get back. it's unsafe where you're standing and we immediately did what he requested. i would say if you think of a typical street block, this is a residential neighborhood here, about mid block there's an apartment complex. and there are police officers who have blocked both sides off. in the middle of the block there is a s.w.a.t. team vehicle which you can see. there are men in typical s.w.a.t. attire. i cannot see whether it's all men, but they have helmets on and protective vests on that look similar to a bulletproof vest only much more similar than that. they appear to be right now kind of watching an apartment complex. there are -- there's at least one ambulance out here, at least one fire truck as well.
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i was able to talk to some of the people kind of around this area. they tell me they are staging. information is coming out very slowly, every indication out here from the people that we're talking with is that this has some connection to what we are learning more information about at the movie theater in aurora. i wish i could tell you exactly what crews are doing here but we're not getting much information. again, they are asking us to stay very far back. the last thing we want to do is get too close and cause concern for them. it's hard to tell how many people are on the scene as well. >> jace, covering this kind of spot news, you've covered terrorists and the like, what is the feel you are getting from those officers who are urging you to move back? have you seen -- >> what you just heard was very interesting. it was an account from a reporter outside an apartment building in aurora, colorado
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right now. we were told earlier that police have evacuated the suspect's apartment building because they had heard reports that he might have explosives inside. this reporter from kusa said there was a s.w.a.t. team now surrounding this man's apartment building. they are being held back to search the suspect's apartment. we have a statement, jim spellman got this from the fbi. they issued a statement we want to put up. we are involved in working jointly with the aurora police department. it is quite a team effort. i have to tell you at the height of this 250 police on the scene. huge ambulance presence and now the fbi involved saying they are going to assist in whatever way they can. the big news here of course is the victims, right? we have 50 people wounded, 14 dead, ten died on the scene and four at local area hospitals. we've been checking in with the hospitals in that area that have been receiving the patients. tracy, we spoke to her earlier
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and she has said now they are receiving walk-ins, from the gas and smoke inhalation, what they are treating them for. -- she's joining us on the phone. tracy weiss, can you tell us about the walk-ins you're receiving? >> i don't have a whole lot of information on those right now. i can tell you we were doing decontamination for them. and triaging and treating them as quickly as we do. >> what is decontamination? >> the cleansing and removing of the gas. i don't have all of the specifics on the process at this point but just treating them for the tear gas. >> what is it they are complaining of when they come in to the emergency room? >> you know, i don't have the specifics on that either, as you can imagine, if there's been gas inhalation, there's probay painful breathing and inhalation
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in the eyes and things like that. that's what we're helping take care of at this point. >> do you have a number of how many people are walking in and being treated for that? >> not at this time. >> tracy, i know you're working hard and i really appreciate the time you're spending with us this morning. we'll continue to check in with you to see the progress that's happening there. tracy weise. >> you're looking at live pictures of the movie theater. there were fascinating new details from the interview with tracy, that suspects are being treated for tear gas as she put it, decontamination. and the local police public information officer told us yerlier they had reports that some type of gas or smoke device had been used. it makes sense we're being told that they are getting victims being treated for tear gas, gas inhalation. >> a lot of people that were inside the movie theater did say
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two things, one was that they heard an explosion and the other one was that there was gas right afterwards. and that there was a lot of confusion here because as you know dark knight has a lot of explosives and a lot of gun fighting in the movie. and so people were confused as to what exactly was happening there. we have a witness from the scene who tells us what the scene was like and i believe has some words about the smoke or gas device that was used. >> as soon as we heard the shots go off, we figure it must have been a louder part of the movie next to us. so nobody thought anything of it and 30 seconds later they evacuated us and we were hearing from friends that were inside, i'm pretty sure in theater nine, which was one of main theaters that he was wearing a gas mask and throwing tear gas at people. he wasn't trying to let anybody out. >> i do want to read you new information we got from the federal law enforcement source who tells us right now there are
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no indications at this point of any nexus to terrorism. that's one of things we always ask. >> that was circulating on twitter so i think they are trying to clear that up. there was confusion about that. what's really happening? was this a terrorist act? that's why they are clearing that up for us. let's talk about the suspect because when we talked earlier to frank fania, a public information officer, he gave us good details. this is an adult male, younger, perhaps in his early 20s and he had no idea about race yet. he did tell us that he was wearing a bulletproof vest. he said that he had a rifle, a hand gun and then they recovered another third weapon inside the theater. when he was apprehended it was in the back of the theater in the parking lot by his vehicle. and it seems he did not resist arrest and they have taken him to police headquarters which incidentally is right by the theaters. >> our local affiliate is
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talking to a witness right now. let's listen in. >> we appreciate you talking with us this morning and sharing your thoughts and your witnessed information. it's very interesting certainly -- >> they just wrapped up that interview. we did not hear what the witness said. we have heard from witnesses all morning about the chaos that went on in that theater. the first calls police got just after 12:38, 12:39 local time which makes it 2:38, 2:38 eastern time, a little less than four hours ago. the police telling us that the suspect just appeared, appeared in the theater. used some kind of smoke or gas device and we just spoke to a local area hospital who tells us they are decontaminating now victims, treating them for tear gas. so it appears perhaps that this smoke or gas device was tear gas, we have tear gas, three guns, awe bulletproof vest and maybe a riot helmet on the suspect in custody. this has all of the markings of
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something that was well planned die bolically planned let's say. >> we have 14 dead, 50 wounded at local area hospitals, ten of the victims died at the scene. here's some of the details we're getting from the witnesses in case you're just joining us, one heard 10 to 20 shots, that they heard an explosion, that people were screaming and that the fire alarm was pulled also. then that mass chaos that happened out into the reception area. we looked earlier at video from a cell phone camera and it was interesting to see because there was a lot of confusion and a lot of panic and people crying, there was one man who was covered in blood. but then you saw some people just standing by. and observing it all. clearly they were either at the concession buying or just unaware of what was happening inside the movie theaters because they have a lot of screens at this movie theater. we're unsure how many screens
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were showing "dark knight" and the ages span, someone saw a child, infant, another gentleman mentioned a 9-year-old girl. you would imagine because it's this particular movie, very popular among young people that there are a lot of young victims in this tragedy. >> you're looking at cell phone video right now that was taken while this was all happening. the denver post has some new details i'd like to read you in on. the suspect is a 24-year-old male. we've been told in early 20s. they say 24-year-old male is in custody at aurora headquarters. you're looking at the live scene of the theater. the denver post says that witnesses say that the suspect released some sort of canister. witnesses heard a hising sound and some sort of gas emerged and the gunman open fire. local area hospitals telling us
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they are decontaminating some patients, some victims, tear gas is what they are cleaning up. >> there were some reports that perhaps there was another suspect and you know, there's no evidence of that right now but they are not ruling that out. we don't have anymore information on that suspect. we asked about a motive earlier and they said it was too soon to tell but he is at police headquarters at this hour and being questioned. >> the public information officer from the police has told us that they evacuated the suspect's apartment building, which is in aurora because they got some word there might be explosives in that building. one of our affiliate reporter was standing outside and said a s.w.a.t. team was surrounding it and they have been pushed back. the police also reporting that the suspect's car had tennessee license plates, we're not sure what that means because we believe he had an apartment in aurora. this man, a 24-year-old according to the denver post, who had an arsenal, three guns, a rifle, two handguns and bul t
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bulletproof vest and riot helmet. he is now in custody after killing 14 people and wounding others. >> there's information about a mother, tammy stevens and her son is 18 years old and inside theater nine. a lot of witnesses were taken to local area hospital and parents are trying to get to their kids because they are concerned. she is there right now waiting for her son to be interviewed and released by police. >> i can't imagine, one of the most anticipated films of the summer, it's a blockbuster, overnight showings all over the country and these theaters had to have been packed all over the country. mostly young people i would imagine, teenagers in their early 20s. i think there have to be a lot of parents in aurora and our hearts do go out to them, worried now about their kids who may have been at the showing. >> this woman goes on to say, you let yu kids go to a late night movie and never think something like this is going to happen. >> you're watching "early start."
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the breaking news this morning is a horrific shooting in aurora colorado, nine miles east of denver. you're looking at live pictures where during an overnight showing of "the dark knight rises", a man open fire, killed 14 people, wounded more than 50. the suspect, denver police, aurora police tell us the suspect is in custody. a 24-year-old male, when they apprehended him in the parking lot in the rear of the theater. he did not resist arrest. he had a rifle, a gun and they recovered another gun inside. the man had a bulletproof vest on, maybe a riot helmet and witnesses say he used some kind of tear gas or smoke device before the shooting in local area hospitals telling us they are treating some victims for tear gas. >> that cell phone video you're
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taking a look at right there of the chaos that was happening as this was unfolding. there was one man there covered in blood. a lot of people crying, a lot of chaos and commotion. we saw in the background that some people look be wildered. they were perhaps buying something at the concession, so really unaware of chaos happening inside the theaters. there were some reports that a lot of people who were in a neighboring theater heard a lot of the shots and maybe even some of the shots came through. there was a massive police presence on the scene, about 250 officers on the scene. we do know the fbi is involved also. they are going to help any way that they can. the victims here, which is very disconcerting, 14 people are dead, ten died on the scene, four of them in the hospital. 50 others are wounded. a lot of these people are in the o.r. right now having surgery. we're uncertain about their
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conditions. but they range from minor to critical. we were told by three different hospitals and as john just mentioned, some are walking in and being treated for this tear gas, a lot of witnesses have said there was tear gas and maybe even an explosion that they felt. and then you know, on -- the police is also on the scene of this man's apartment building because they think perhaps there are explosives in the building. so they have evacuated the building. there's a s.w.a.t. team there now dealing with that as well. >> our affiliate kusa spoke to a witness who was on the scene of this terrible shooting. let's listen. >> this theater is not -- we were saying not the safest theater in aurora but we was always wondering, i saw men in black 3. there were three or two police officers up front when you get tickets all the time, even until we left. we're just trying to figure out,
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talking how the security tonight for the showing, if you have somebody dressed up everybody is dressed all in black like batman, how are you supposed to know who is a good guy or bad guy when this happens. >> let's bring you up to speed. 14 people have been killed overnight in a movie theater in aurora, colorado, nine miles east of denver of the an overnight shooting of the "dark night rises", a suspect open fire and 14 people were killed. you're looking now at live pictures of the suspect's car. the suspect is now in custody. the police tell us a 24-year-old male. you're looking i believe at what sort of bomb squad device. the reason this might be happening, police tell us the suspect may have explosives in his apartment and perhaps they are looking for explosives in
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his car. the police earlier told us he used some sort of gas or smoke device in the theater. every reason for caution as they are searching this car to find out what else is in it. >> there were some reports earlier that maybe there were tennessee license plates on the car. we have yet to confirm that but we are trying to get the details. frank fania said yes we're going to check the car for explosive because there was mention at the apartment building there were explosives. we're trying to figure out the ages of the victims. there was one woman who said when she was at the hospital she saw an infant covered in blood. there were reports of a 9-year-old who was dead. we do have an update on that that says six victims taken to children's hospitals. now the range here is really interesting and ages from 6 to 31. >> kids love super heroes and young adults love super heroes and people in their 20s, these are all people who would be mobbing that theater for the premiere of a block buster, "the
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dark knight." never guessing someone would open fire, use some kind of tear gas, 14 people now killed and 50 injured. police have surrounded the apartment building where the suspect lives, they are searching his apartment for explosives well as his car. you saw a robotic device helping search the car. let's listen in to kusa and get a sense of their coverage on the ground. >> there was a gentleman who i spoke to within the last 30 minutes or so concerned about a 7-year-old they were trying to find, his friend's daughter. i also want to play sound for you that we took a little while ago with jaleel hall, his friend was in the theater and shot in the neck. let's listen to what he told us a while ago -- i also want to play sound for you that we took
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a little while ago with jaleel hall, he's here because his friend was in the theater and shot in the neck. let's listen to what he told us a while ago. >> my friend paul said that my friend had gotten shot. wait, what? what's going on? he's like pushing all of us away. my friend steve, he was like, he got shot. we rundown to his house and i'm here, not going to leave. i'm supposed to be at work at 10:00 in the morning. i'm not going that's irrelevant to me. you know what i'm saying? i would rather be at my friend's side. i'm furious about the person who had done this. i don't understand it. it's crazy and disgusting and i'm angry about it and i'm a firm believer in god, all i can do now is pray. >> reporter: this is a look at the entrance to the emergency loom where you can see security
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officers are there, making sure everybody respects the families and respects the privacy. this is a very difficult time we're keeping our distance as well, not wanting to identify anybody, there are patients in there. we've seen people coming out in wheelchairs and we've seen a lot of family members going in as well. jaleel is also here, his group is standing behind some trees which are out of camera range but they are still here, still waiting for information. >> you've just been listening to our affiliate, kusa, they talked to a witness there who got a tweet, this is the way the kids are communicating, they are sending out tweets explaining what happened and his friend was shot and he's checking up on him. earlier we had a bevy of tweets that came out from inside as this was transpiring. >> i can read you some things that were said. we have tweets some someone named caitlin, who was in the theater right now. she says yes, it was my theater,
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i'm outside. one of my friends is still inside, no one knows what's going on. you can see the tweet below there, shots fired inside the theater. emotion, oh, god, i don't know what to do. the presence it must have been taken to write the tweets when it was going on, probably looking for some release there. she till doesn't know what happened to her friend alex. we hope her friend is okay. if you're just waking up now, we have a lot to report. a tremendous amount of information coming out of aurora colorado, where there was a shooting overnight, 14 people killed, more than 50 injured at a showing of "the dark knight rises", nine miles east he have denver. police have given us a lot of details. >> we're now confirming it is a 24-year-old white male, they do have him in custody. they apprehended him on the scene, he was right outside in the back of the theater in the parking lot at his car when
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police found him. and he did not resist arrest according to the public information officer that we spoke to earlier, frank fania, he did go with police and they are questioning him now. we have a witness from kusa, let's listen in. >> as they were leaving, he witnessed baby, an infant get shot, but they said gas bombs as they were leaving and then just gunshots all over the place and it started in the theater that i bought tickets to. it was kind of a mind blower, while he was here waiting to talk to the doctor, i heard the call come from in the nurse's station. there are people unconscious, people bleeding. i saw one bed go past, poor guy had blood caked all over his face, he was not responsive at all, same thing with the lady, all out of it. by the time i left, i had overheard the nurses saying they managed to get most everyone
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stabilized, which is a blessing, it really is. >> that is a blessing, we're happy to hear that. you heard her mention that infant there. we're trying to figure out the ages of everybody. what we can tell ut according to kmgh, the six victims were taken to a children's hospital and range in age from 6 to 31. if you're just tuning in right now, we had horrific eyewitness reports earlier, a man told us that one of the police officers was carrying a lifeless body, what he thought was a lifeless body of a little girl with gunshot wounds to her back. his question was who would do something like this? we do know it is a 24-year-old white male that is in custody. the motive we don't know. we've asked and of course they are conducting a full investigation now, the fbi is involved also saying they are going to help in any way they can. there's a s.w.a.t. team and this man's apartment building because they are worried about a bomb threat. they have clear the the parking lot because they were concerned about that as well. we saw earlier a robot checking
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out the vehicle where he was found. they were concerned perhaps -- there's a picture now, a robot was looking to see if there are any devices there. we heard there were tennessee license plates on the car but we do not -- we have not confirmed that information yet for you. atextitempting to do that as sos possible. >> police got the first reports of the shooting four hours ago now. they raced to the scene. it was shortly after they arrived there when they apprehended the suspect in the rear of the theater near his car. at the moment he had a rifle with him, a gun, they recovered another gun inside the theater. the suspect, the 24-year-old male was wearing a bulletproof vest. witnesses say he used some kind of gas or smoke device before he started shooting. they heard some kind of hising before he started shooting, local hospitals in the area tell us they are now treating victims
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for tear gas, decontaminating is what they call it. this was at a showing of the "dark knight rises", the premiere of this much anticipated film. there were packed house across the country to see the film. young kids, young adults, getting to see to the theater as quick as they can. never expecting that this suspect as police told us would appear in the theater and begin his onslaut, this attack. they are reporting this is a 24-year-old white male. is what kmgh is saying. there were earlier witnesses and this was first time i heard this, a african-american man who said this is not a safe theater. not quite sure what he meant by that. said this is not a safe theater, i don't like to come here. why the suspect picked this particular theater, we have no idea. don't know what the motive is behind this. they are questioning this man
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right now. a lot of eyewitness reports about exactly what happened. it was this public information officer who said that this gunman kind of appeared out of nowhere, right? it was either from the side, door on the side or maybe from behind a scene and just started shooting randomly. there are a lot of victims here. we have 50 victims at local area hospitals, a lot of them are in the emergency room -- o.r. right now having surgery. we have no idea what their conditions are. they do range from minor to critical. 14 dead, ten died on the scene and four as they were being transported or at the local area hospitals when they arrived. >> some people, which is interested, being treated for tear gas inhalation. >> a lot of people said there was this gas. what was it and what was the terminology? >> decontaminated. >> the patients are being decontaminat decontaminated.
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a pokes spokes person said they are decontaminating patients. this has been going on for four hours. you're looking at live pictures of the century 16 movie theater which is not live but pictures of the century 16 movie theater where overnight a man open fire killing 14 people, killing 14 people now dead, 50 are injured. now now in local area hospitals. the suspect is in custody at police headquarters a few blocks away. a 24-year-old white male who was armed, armed for battle. he had a rifle on him when police took custody and another gun and another gun recovered inside the theater. thee guns, he used some type of gas or smoke device and wearing a bulletproof vest also. we're told a s.w.a.t. team is surrounding the apartment building where the suspect lived and believed to be looking for explosives inside his apartment. a short while ago we shot pictures of a robot searching the car of the suspect.
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>> which makes sense. as you're looking at the pictures there at the height of this crisis, more than 250 police were on the scene there. we talked to jackie montgomery, a spokesperson for university of colorado hospital and this was very early on. she probably received the bulk of the patients there. she had 20 patients at the time and that's where she had said where they were listed in minor to critical condition and quite a few were in the o.r. at the time. and the witnesses here have been transported to a local high school and the parents are waiting because they want to retrieve their children. there were a lot of young people attending this movie. there was one mom in particular who took her 18-year-old son and went to a theater next to his to watch a different movie and she said she was waiting at the high school and not in her wildest dreams would she have imagined something like this would happen when she takes her son to a movie. >> and our thoughts with the families there and victims and so many people around the world now watching this as the story unfolds. we are told that the president,
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president obama was informed of the shooting at 5:26 a.m. eastern time by homeland security adviser john brennan. the president is on palm beach on a campaign trip and monitoring the situation. he was told at 5:26 a.m., three hours after this event unfolded. this happened -- the police got first reports of this shooting at 12:39 mountain time, that's 2:39 eastern. this was going on now for four hours overnight. >> we're expecting a press conference at 1:00 pl eastern. the chief of police had spoken earlier, along with a spokesperson from the fbi and said they are not going to talk anymore until 1:00 a.m. they have to gather information to share the latest with us. we talked about the victims earlier. i wanted to mention again, six victims are at children's hospital, kmgh is reporting they were taken to a local children's hospital and they range in age
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from 6 to 31 years old. >> we're seeing a range of injuries from gunshot wounds also to people who may have inhaled gas. one local area hospital spokesperson told us they are decontaminating some patients because they believe they were exposed to tear gas. the police told us that some kind of smoke or gas device was used prior to when the suspect open fire. now some people being treated for gas inhalation at local hospitals. again, we should remind you that a suspect is it in custody, a 24-year-old white male. >> we were asking earlier about the potentiality of their being other suspects, at the moment they don't think so but they are not ruling it out and focusing their attention to the apartment building where the man lives because of mention of explosive devices there. they have evacuated that building. a s.w.a.t. team is on location. we were listening to a reporter earlier who said that they were moving him away from the area as a precautionary measure.
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you're looking at cell phone video that happened just moments shortly after the shooting. i do want to caution you, we don't know about the language on the cell phone video. >> good thing we're not in that movie, dude. oh, my god. >> get out of here. >> oh, shoot. [ inaudible ] [ crying ] >> he got shot. >> he got shot? >> look, there's blood right
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there. [ crying ] >> oh, my god! oh, my god. police department. [ screaming ] >> that was cell phone video from inside the scene shortly after the shooting in aurora, colorado, our coverage of this shooting where 14 people have been killed, 50 injured continues, you're watching "early start." you are watching breaking news out of aurora colorado, nine miles from denver where
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24-year-old white male suspect is in custody after a mass killing at a theater there. century 16 movie theater. there are now 14 people dead, 50 wound at local area hospitals. we spoke earlier to the public information officer there, frank fania, he gave us incredible details on this. they say this 24-year-old male was inside the theater and appeared either out of a door or from behind a screen. there was an explosion perhaps and some gas. he was wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying a rifle, handgun, there was a third weapon that was recovered on the scene. he was taken into custody right outside of that movie theater in the parking lot. he was found right by his vehicle and we understand that he went with police without incident. he is being questioned right now and incidentally the police station is a few blocks away from that movie theater. century 16 movie theater.
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>> a s.w.a.t. team has surrounded the suspect's apartment building because police received some reports there might be explosives in the apartment. we shot pictures of a bomb squad's robotic device searching the suspect's car outside the movie theater where he was taken into custody. 14 people killed, ten on the scene in the theater, four dying later at local hospitals. more than 50 people have been injured. injuries ranging from gunshot wounds and also this is tragic and interesting to gas inhalation because we are told some kind of smoke or gas device was used and one hospital told us they are decontaminating patients because they believe they suffered from tear gas. >> at the height of this, there were about 200 police officers on the scene. this all happened, they say they got the first phone calls about 12:38 a.m. many of the witnesses are saying that the police response was immediate. the fbi is now also involved. they are saying that they are going to help in whatever way
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possible. we also saw the vehicle was being searched for a bomb as well. there was in robotic device to see if there were bombs in the vehicle. they cleared the parking lot because they were concerned about bombs as well. >> why police are so nervous when they apprehended the suspect, he had two guns, a rifle and they recovered a third gun inside the theater. and the suspect was wearing a bulletproof vest and there are some reports some kind of riot helmet also. this man had an arsenal on him and obviously ready for something diabolical. >> he's being questioned right now. we don't know about a motive. we got reports that perhaps there was a tennessee license plate. we have not confirmed that information yet but we are looking into that. and you know, what's really horrific here, we don't exactly the ages of all of the victims here. but we're receiving reports of the different ages taken to local hospitals and they range from 6 to 31 we heard, that was
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taken to a children's hospital. we don't know the ages of the victims that have died. we do know that a lot of the witnesses were taken to a local high school. the parents are very concerned about their children. you would imagine there are a lot of young people that are attending this movie opening and also they are communicating via twitter, worried about their loved ones and also sharing some of the details about what happened in the minutes or seconds after this gunman started shooting. at this point we can tell you law enforcement officials telling cnn they do not believe -- there is no nexus to terrorism. we also have new witness sound. we want to take a listen. >> one of my friends got skimmed on the neck, you know, it's a little deep but he's okay. he was at the hospital and another one of my friends just got skimmed on the leg but she's okay also. >> one of your friends you have
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not been able to reach? >> yeah, my friend a.j., yeah he's a really good friend of mine, he was seeing the movie with his girlfriend la samoa and it seemed he passed out or something and we haven't been able to get any contact with him. nobody knows where he is. we're hoping for the best, we're hoping for the best. >> reporter: did you see the shooter? >> i didn't see anything, i didn't see something suspicious, people were dressed up as batman and dressed up as villa in. people were excited to see the movie. >> reporter: some people thought when the chaos started that they thought maybe it was part of the movie, part of the hollywood atmosphere, did you think that? >> i didn't realize there was something wrong right away. i thought it was like a
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firecracker or fire work, it's the batman premiere i'm going to throw it and get people riled up. it wasn't until the alarm sounded saying there's an emergency in the building, something is going on. that's when i figured out it was something serious. >> i talked to your mom a couple of minutes ago and she is he didn't want you to go to the movie. >> my mom doesn't like me out late at night. i bought the tickets two nights in advance and mom, i got to go see batman. >> i'm glad you're okay, donovan. that was one of the people in the theater tonight. we're in the parking lot and the scene is -- it's sort of like people are just in disbelief. there's no chaos, there are ambulances. there are witnesses inside the gym but there are -- >> you saw that witness, who was there during the shooting, he was wearing a batman t-shirt. which is a reminder that this was all during an overnight shooting of one of the biggest blockbusters of summer, the premiere the "the dark knight
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rises", so many young people going to see this film. a gunman appeared out of nowhere and set off a gas or smoke device and open fire. 14 people killed, 50 wounded in aurora, colorado. >> their conditions are all over the place. some of them have been critically injured. some of them have been treated and released and some being treated for this gas they inhaled. we're still continuing to follow those developments for you because really that's a story here, the victims. >> they did not know what was happening when it started because they did not know if this was part of the film, with the explosions and gas and chaos or if it was something horrible and it turned out to be something really worse than horrible. >> and kmgh is reporting it is a 24-year-old white male that is in custody right now. and that's just a fluke. a few blocks from the movie theater is where he is in custody. we don't have the information on the motive but they are working
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on it. we do know that nearby in aurora, his apartment building has been evacuated because they are searching for bombs. there were some concerns there were bombs there as well. >> this has been going on for four hours. we are broadcasting around the world the details of this shooting in aurora, colorado, cnn special breaking news of this killing, 14 people dead in colorado, continues with soledad o'brien right now. welcome, we start with breaking news this morning, movie theater massacre, there are 14 people now reported killed, 50 others injured, happened at the movie theater in aurora, colorado, a suburb of denver and happened during a showing of the new batman movie "the dark knight rises", he was wearing a bulletproof vest and using three guns, a hand gun and rifle and another weapon he
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stashed somewhere in the theater. you can see from the video captured on the cell phone some of the scenes of panic and chaos and absolute terror. >> she said that when she turned around, all she saw was the guy slowly making his way up the stairs and just firing. >> at people? >> just picking random people. >> that's how witnesses described it, picking random people. it happened at the century 16 movie theater in town center at aurora. and the way witnesses described it, the gunman came in, somehow kicking through a back door, emergency exit. showed up at the front of the theater in the beginning moments of the movie. he then had with him guns and also some kind of smoke device that he set off. the smoke filled the theater by some reports, theater number nine, at this movie theater, movie center. and then they had absolute chaos
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as some of the people realized they were being choked by the gas and he started opening fire. according to witnesses, very calmly walked up the stairs and just seemed to randomly be picking people out of the audience and shooting at them. we have quentin caldwell, a witness joining us by phone. thanks for talking to me. tell me where you were in the movie theater complex, 16 screens. >> we were in theater eight, ajas ent to where the incident happened. me and my wife go to the super hero premieres and decided to go this one night. >> there were many theaters in which the movie was being shown. >> gentlemyes, there are 16 then this one. >> you're watching the movie, how many minutes were you in before you noticed something wrong? >> we were 15 minutes in and there was a chase fire where there was gunfire on screen.


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