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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 20, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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but it turns out, it was actually tear gas. it explodes and then it starts going up in the air. >> this is a couple of rows in front of you. >> yes, a couple of rows in front of me, and three or four rows down. the impact of it was very, very strong. he threw one for like three rows in front and threw one way out in the back. people from there just started standing up, and we heard like firework sounds like bam, bam, and that is when everything gets crazy. it goes rapid like, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, and the guy next to me gets like, he gets shot. and i hear like the noise of it like a splash noise, and he just jerks and it happens fast and then i just jumped down with my sister. >> how old is your sister? >> 17. 17, and i brought her to have a good time to enjoy a movie, and it turns something completely straight out of a horror film at best. >> and were you able to get a look at him? >> i was not able to get a good
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look at him. from where i was at, i only saw the figure. it was complete black. that is all i ever saw. >> you thought he was wearing a mask? >> yes, a gas mask, yes. he had to, because of the fact that the tear gas was everywhere and like complete ly filled in the building. >> was he saying anything? >> he was not saying anything at all. he was just quiet, and he was literally shooting everyone like it was like hunting season or something. people were standing around and he was not aiming for a specific person, but he was aiming for as many people as he could. >> and then it stopped? it stopped after a minute and a half to two minutes, but it felt like it was so much longer, but it was not. >> and did anybody try to go after him or anything? >> no, that is the thing, everybody was running in the chaos and everything and he casually walks up away from the screen like nothing happened. honestly that is the part that really got me. the fact that a man can really just walk casually like nothing happened knowing that he just shot a whole bunch of people. right then when it stops, i get
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up and tried grabbing my sister and getting out of there and there are bodies on the floor and the chairs and the blood everywhere and people shot and trying to get out. >> sorry to interrupt. the man next to you sh, do you w what condition he is in. >> i talked to the daughters of the guy sitting right next to me, and they said they tried to wake him, and they were calling him and saying, dad, dad, and trying to make him respond, but he was not responding. and then like i see them out like 20 minutes later in the parking lot, and their dad was not with them like at all, and they were saying that he is still inside. >> how young were the girls? >> 18, 19. >> teenagers? >> teenagers. they are teenagers and looked like they were on the phone talking to their mom, and they were crying and the dad was like in there. that wasn't the only one. there are more people in there looking for people. there is, i saw this girl crying because her boyfriend was still in the theater. and she was crying and calling him, and calling him, and he was not answering.
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>> was everybody rushing to get out at the same time? >> so many people were rushing and people were trampling over everyone and running on top of me and running over the bodies that were down on the ground. everyone, their number one instinct was trying to survive. i can't blame them, because i was not thinking of anything but to get out of there. i tried to get my two best friends and my sister out. that is all i could think of. >> as you tried to leave the theater, do you believe that the gunman was still in the theater? >> he was definitely still in there, because i never saw him going out or leaving. like i said before, right when the shots stopped, he just started walking away from the screen. not towards like the right sid of the exit where you can enter and exit like the right or the left side, but looked like he was walking straight. and from there right when we left, we didn't see him. he was not in the lobby or anything like that. >> do you think that he had help getting into the theater? did you see anything suspicious in the moment right before that? >> this is the thing, honestly i saw the door opening and the door opening right there, and i
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did not see anyone helping him at all, and i'm pretty sure if someone did, someone would have screamed or heard something, and honestly, it just looked like he opened the door. just opened it. that is all it looked like. definitely did not look like any help from anyone else. like i said, i had known for a fact that there was one person there shooting and i tried to put my head up and shooting, one guy. >> do you think that the people who were shot or wounded or killed there were they in the area closest to you or spreadout throughout the evening? >> well, that is the thing, people shot at, too, and my friend a.j.boyk got shot, and he was in the front row where the handicaps were at, and the guy next to me who got shot. we were like three or four five rows up from the middle, but below. and he was aiming everywhere. there was not a specific spot he
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was aiming at or aiming for a certain person. he was literally aiming for everyone, and trying to kill everyone as much as he could. >> and when you got outside of the theater, you spilled out into the parking lot, right? >> yes. >> you were telling me that you were helping somebody out there who was wounded? >> yes, a guy who got shot in the leg was calling for help and we helped him out, and i grabbed my sister's belt and wrapped it around to try to stop the blood flow and we picked him up and dragged him out to the parking lot where the cops were out, and he was trying to call his wife and everything. and the sad part is that with this evil, this death, it had no bound, no shame, and it did not care about age or sex or care about anything. little girls were shot, and little boys were shot. elderly people were shot and teenagers were shot and people still in high school were shot. he did not care. death did not care at all. about age, sex or anything. it was all a massacre. >> well, i know it is an
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emotional moment for you. i appreciate your sharing. do you think -- you were telling me a second that we were talking earlier that you don't see how you get over this? >> it is a hard thing to get over. but it is definitely not impossible, and i can't change what happened at all, but the only thing that i can change is what is happening now. i know 14 people or whatever the exact number is, their lives have been taken away and the fact that a guy next toe many got shot, and i don't know how he is, but the fact that it missed me, i am thankful that i have a second life and i don't want the take it for granted. i know that there is evil in the world and i'm not naive about that, and there is evil in the world, but there is good. the one thing that i want people to know and the main message that i want people to get across is not to forget that, to remember the good times of life and the beautiful things, and don't just remember the horrible things about life, because life
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can be a beautiful thing and we have to be strong and overcome to evilness like the movie of batman and the true message of it standing up against corruption, against evil, against death, standing up and a normal sit zen stacitizen stand what is right. it is ironic that happened but it is the message that the batman movies give out, standing up for something that the is right, and even though the times get hard, and the darkness is always darkest before the dawn. the second movie, that is what it said. it is exactly like this. >> i hope that good attitude he helps you get through this. and i know it is difficult. thank you for a very poignant and very -- thank you for sharing that with us. suzanne, i mean, that is as powerful as it gets and i will just leave it there and let viewers kind of soak all of that in as best they can right now, suzanne. >> well, we appreciate chris so much just for the emotion and the insight and he is a survivor of something that is so tragic
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and he is learning that he is taking away a life lesson, and i think that we can all share and take away. thank you, ed. i appreciate it. and please, thank chris as well. as you can imagine, there are 911 call s ths that started pour in after the gunman opened fire. i was a frantic time for the police as well. i want to play for you this dispatch calls from the officers as they tried to rush in and help some of the victims. >> it is secure and bringing out the bodies right now and get to the back as quick as you k. i have three to zen hit. >> cruiser ten, i need a victim. >> shut the movie off in nine. >> do i have permission to take the victims here? i have a lot of people shot here and no rescue. >> yes, load them up in cars and get them out of here. >> we will have more details about some of the things found in the apartment of the suspect james holmes and some of the details about what took place in
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that theater up next. >> well, after all of the shooting was done, i looked up for a brief second and i saw he was reloading and walking towards the back of the theater and the arch is up, and i saw he was walking back there and i grabbed my girlfriend and my friend and i said we have to get going, because he is reloading and now is the chance. leaving i saw a guy laying on the floor covered in blood and a lot of people ran to help him when the guy was reloading the weapon. so we just left and a bunch of people left at that time. it was just crazy. juicy brats grilled up on a thursday. the perfect use of the 7th inning stretch. get that great taste anytime with kingsford match light charcoal.
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i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. investigators are searching the apartment building of james holmes who is the suspect of the theater massacre, and joe johns has more on what the investigators are finding. what do we know so far, joe? >> well, suzanne, conflicting reports, and this is important, conflicting reports of whether there are in fact explosives believed to be at the apartment of the suspect where authorities have been camped out for so long this morning.
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there had been some fairly per sis tent reports that the apartment might have been even booby trapped however, and we want to make clear that these are conflicting reports. an official who is familiar with the investigation has told cnn that the alcohol, tobacco and firearms bureau along with federal agents, fbi agents, have joined aurora police now in the search of the holmes' apartment, and after using a bomb sniffing dog, officials determined there were no bombs or explosives on the scene. so, your question would be if there aren't any bombs what has been taking so long there? another federal official has told cnn that in fact that they did take some time to try to get a warrant, a search warrant to go in there to continue their investigation, so there may have been some what of a hold-up over getting a search warrant.
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federal officials say that no explosives at the scene, but it is important to remind our viewers that federal officials are not in full control of the scene there in aurora, colorado. it is in fact, local authorities who have control of the scene. so, we are waiting to find out what they say, and hopefully in just a little while to give us more information about this status of the explosives investigation. meanwhile, the same authority who told us about the development with the bombs or no bombs also says that four weapons were recovered by authorities and those weapons were an assault weapon described as a 223 caliber knock off of an ar-15, and that is a new information as well for people who understand guns. they are not using the term ak which is something that we had been reporting earlier and saying that there was an ak knockoff but now we are told that it is more like an ar-15, along with the assault weapon that officials say that they
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retrieved a shotgun and no more details on that and two glock handguns and they could not though provide any information to cnn on how many of those weapons were fired during the attack, suzanne. >> and joe, we know that mike brooks had reported earlier that according to his sources that they actually widen the perimeter while they were doing that search for possible explosives just in case, because they didn't have a sense of how big or what they were dealing with here. >> absolutely. >> and i wonder when folks will be able to come back into the building? >> right. >> and secondly, and i don't know if we know this or not, whether or not james holmes lived alone or had a roommate or somebody else who lived in that apartment complex. >> there are a lot of details up in the air and including the explosives at the apartment, because you have the feds saying one thing and the locals seemed to have put out information that says quite the contrary and they
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believe that the building is booby trapped. what we have been told is that the dog has sniffed the grounds and found in indication of explosives there. so hopefully at this news conference coming up soon, they will be able to work out all of the details for us and give us some indication of whether they do in fact think that the area is safe and that people can go back in, suzanne. >> and joe, just to clarify, are they talking about his apartment alone or the whole building they have not found any explosives within that whole building, that structure? >> right. my understanding, and i have asked this question a few times again to the producer terry fried who has been talking to his sources as well, and they are talking about the apartment. i can't give you any further information about the apartment building and we do know it is that entire building that has been evacuated. my understanding is that the questions raised to the official who knows what is going on on the ground had to do with the
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apartment proper, suzanne. >> all right. joe, we do know that there is going to be at least a scheduled expected press conference with law enforcement authorities in 12 minutes or so, and so if we get more information cleared, we will go to that and see if we can't sort all of that out. joe, thanks again. i want to talk to jennifer seeger who was actually there and sitting in the second row of theater 9. this is a woman who came face-to-face with this guy, with this gunman, and she is joining us from aurora, colorado. jennifer, you have told your story, and it is just harrowing to hear the kind of experience that you underwent last night. can you take us through when you first realized that there was something terribly wrong? >> yeah, ki definitely do that. it has been kind of a roller coaster for me just as far as flashbacks, but, you know, i was sitting in that second row on the very end, and i was the
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first person there, and when he walked in, he came through an exit door in the coroner the back hallway. i thought he was part of the entertainment as far as i could see. i thought he was just adding i pizazz to it, and he had on a gas mask and a rifle in his hand and what he did was he came in and he didn't say a word and all he did was to take a green grenade full of gas and took the tab off and threw it and it explode everywhere. as that happened, everybody was coughing and screaming and then he shot a fire up into the ceiling and that is the first shot of the night, and that is when people panicked and knew it was not for entertainment, and he was a real bad guy, and he walks a little further and takes a couple of steps and points it to me, and he has a rifle at me and he is literally three feet away with me with a rifle in my face and i was petrified and i did nont e what to do -- didn't
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know what to do and i knew i had five-second window to do something, and so i dove forward to the aisle on the ground and tucked underneath the chair to try to hide myself and then he ended up shooting somebody behind me, and all of the bullet casings kept falling on my forehead and singeing my forehead and all i could hear was gunshots and screaming and relentless shots over and over, and i told everybody to stay calm and don't move and once he goes up the stairs to crawl as far as we can on to the other side to try to escape. once i ended up doing that, you know, it was a terrifying process. all you hear is women and children screaming, and you see gunshots fired and at one point it is quiet and he was reloading the gun and everybody was running an scattered. he did not vn aed a jen d ed ed an agenda, because he was just shooting people, and a massacre. and women and children and a
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baby was even there. and i would loved to have taken a bullet for that 6-year-old to have lived. i could not fathom that thought. >> that is a very admirable thing to say and to feel to want to do that to save somebody else. how did you manage to save yourself? how did you get out? >> i, you know, it was a very big process. i don't even know. it is a big blur as far as things goes. but when i was went and got on the other end of the aisle, everybody tried to run out towards the door, towards the exit, and then i saw them running back in, because the gunman was taking the gun and shooting people so that they could not escape the exit and running back in, so i told people to just play dead, and lay in the aisle and lay still and act like you are dead and he went on the way and went to somewhere else to shoot somebody else, and at that point i said, everybody, go, just move, move, move, and at that point i saw dead bodies laying on the stairs and like a 12-year-old girl who
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was just lifeless on the stairs and i was completely devastated at that point and i did not know what to do. i almost did not make it to the very end, because that tear gas was getting to me and my eyes were watering and i was panicking and at that point i brushed against a young gentleman who would be 18 years old who had a bullet in the back, and bleeding. i had e.m.t. training and trying to instinctively figure out if he was okay and i was feeling the pulse and he was fading away quick, so i tried to pull him out. at that point they were like, no, no, put him down, because he is coming back and he will shoot you, so i got scared and ran and dropped the young man and i don't know if he is okay or not, and i hope he is. i would have gladly taken a bullet for that man as well. all i did was to bear crawl my way out, and that i would not get shot or anybody else got hurt anymore. there were so many bodies on the ground whether they were dead or injured, and it was beyond my control and fathom. i could not even fathom the idea
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of what was going on. i was trying to live through it. >> jennifer, we are so glad that you did live through it. that you were so lucky and so brave in some ways. you say that there was a point where he pointed that rifle at you and you saw him directly. he was wearing a mask. >> yes. >> did you have a chance to see what he looked like or did you have a chance to lock eyes? >> no, not exactly. he literally had a gas mask on and he was covered from head to toe in clothing, and he looked like a swat person and the guy in the military or something, and he had a vest on and in kevlar and he had a belt around his waist with the ammo, and he had a rifle and apparently other weapons, but i only saw the rifle in my face, and this is all i could focus on at that time frame and i don't think that anybody could blame me. he didn't have any identification other than the height which was 6'0" or 6'3"
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and weighed anywhere from 185 to 200 pounds and stocky and strong. at that point, i could not imagine what his color of skin was, i mean, if you know, i could not tell anything of that nature. >> did he have any, did he express any emotion at all during that time? >> none. none. it almost seemed like fun to him honestly and like a game to him, like it was some big plot and i'm pretty sure he planned the whole thing out. but honestly, it seemed like a scheme to him and having fun killing innocent children and moms and dads and i was crying and hysterical at that point, because i could not stand to see the people getting killed for no particular reason. i mean, he is 24er years old and i'm 22, and there is not a big gap of age, but i still don't see the reason for somebody to just massacre innocent people like that. >> did you call your family, jennifer? have you talked to your family? >> oh, yeah. my dad has been here all day with me every step of the way,
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and he has been answering phone calls from other news companies and there every step of the way, and he is not an emotional person, but the fact that he cried and heard that i was okay, was heart felt for me, and i could not -- it shows the compassion that everybody has for the kids. my heart goes to all of the people who lost their kids yesterday. >> jennifer, can you tell me a little bit about how your dad reacted, because you said he is not an emotional person. what happened when he first saw y you? >> well, he is not. well, he literally cried, and he gave me, and i mean, i was doing so many interviews at the time, and all he wanted to do was to give me a big bear hug, quote, unquote. but i tried to get to him, but i was busy coming here and do this and do that and at one point he gave me a hug and said, you are my daughter and if he was there he would have killed that guy, and anything that a parent, typical parent would have said in that situation and he hugged me and we dricried for a secondd
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composed ourselves, and he has been there every step of the way. >> good for dad. jennifer, last question, and of course, we want the continue to talk to you, but do you have any sense of why it was that you were able to get out? >> i don't know. i think that it is god's way of saying that i am useful in this world and meant to go do something and help somebody in some way. i think that i'm just blessed. i mean, i can only thank god for that. i don't know the reason. all i know is that i am grateful and thankful. >> thank you, jennifer. we are thankful for you as well and the time and the story. we appreciate it. we will have to take a break and get right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] ok, so you're no marathon man. but thanks to the htc one x from at&t,
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this is cnn breaking news. we are getting more information about the victims of the massacre at that colorado theater. a u.s. official now telling cnn that at this point two u.s. military, they have two navy personnel who were injured in this attack. as well as two air force reservists. four people from the military who were injured in that massacre that took place inside
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of that theater. i want to bring mike brooks in to talk a little bit about the law enforcement aspect of this in the investigation. so we talked to joe, and he said that there are now conflicting accounts of whether or not there were explosives or explosive material that was found at the building of james holmes, the suspect, in this case. why is that? why is that so? because it is early on that we are getting this kind of conflicting reports? >> it could be. and when you are there you have a joint command post if you will, and usually, i would like to see law enforcement, and public first responders speak with one voice at one time, but little information gets out here or there, and because they were saying that the aurora police chief dan oates had said that they thought it was booby tr trapped an explosive or incendiary device to make a fire. but that makes sense, because of what we were seeing before of them trying to go through the window, and alternate way of getting into the apartment, and also what i saw of the fire personnel who were there and had
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hose lines, and supply lines and hand lines stretched with their sva protective equipment on, in case something happened, because that apartment was not totally clear, and waiting for the warrant. no hurry. once you go ahead and find out what is in there then you can go ahead and get a warrant and then make your action of going into the apartment. there is no murray. >> how fuf to determine whether or not it is booby trapped? because we had a report some time ago that one of the dogs, the bomb-sniffing dogs didn't find anything, and is that good enough or you are to physically get into the apartment building and go room by room, foot by foot? >> yes, you have to get in there and take a look. say you have a suspicious package sitting here, and you are not to put a dog on that, and as a technician, you want to x-ray it and send up a robot to inspect it physically and other sensing devices you could use to see if there is any explosives material that is involved there and any gasoline or incendiary device, but a dog is a good
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tool. 100%? no, not all of the time and that is why you have the bomb technicians who are the ones who will deal with the situation like this. >> i want to play a little bit of the police dispatched tapes and some of the things that we are hearing early on and get your reaction to what they were discovering. >> 315 entry and for a shooting at century shooting. 1400 east alameda avenue and saying that somebody is shooting in the auditorium. and there is at least one person who has been shot, but they are saying that there are hundreds of people just running around. >> we are told he is in theater 9. from what i am smelling inside, it smells like oc. >> get some gas masks for theater 9, because we can't get in it. >> what does that say to you, mike? because the police department was three blocks away from the movie theater, and that is an incredible impact the fact that they were so close. >> absolutely. you heard the officer asking for gas masks, because he thought he
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smelled oc. which is olio resin capsicum which is pepper spray. it could have that smell, because it is something that officers are trained in, and they are going to know the smell very, very well. so, you know, what kind of things did he have inside of there, we don't know for sure. but right now, it is the job of working the crime scene there at the theater, because apparently, there were ten people killed there at the scene, and two others died at the hospitals and also working the apartment. the apartment is a treasure trove of possible evidence, and we don't know a motive yet, suzanne, and why that person did it. we believe he acted alone, but we don't know that for sure either. that is why the parents in san diego are being interviewed by the law enforcement as we speak, because i want to know everything about mr. holmes. i want to know everything. >> what would you want to know? >> how he grew up? what schooling? had he ever done anything, any
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run-ins with the law before? had he tried to make any devices? and because he is -- and we know he is a smart guy. he was a ph.d. candidate for neurosciences, so we are talking about a very, very smart guy here. but what was his background? what was the mental, and any mental health problems in the past? depression, because this wasn't something that just happened spur of the moment. this is something that he planned out and carried out there at that theater this morning. >> and mike, final question before we get a quick break in, and it is typical to have those ten bodies in the theater and those people who did not make it out alive to be there at the scene to investigate further? i mean that is -- >> yes, that is normal. there is no rush. you know, it is unfortunate because you have the ten victims there, but there is no rush to do the crime scene and you want to make sure that you conduct a thorough crime scene investigation to make sure you make a case against this person, this mr. holmes that is go g ino
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stick. >> all right. mike, we are going to stick around with us, and we will take a quick break and then on the other side we are expecting a police conference on the other side very soon. [ male announcer ] this is rudy.
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when we got out of of the building, it was just chaos and you saw injured people, and there was this one guy on all fours crawling. there was this girl spitting up blood, and there were bullet holes in some people's backs, and arms and there was one guy who was stripped down to just his boxers and looked like he had been shot like in the back or something. it was, you know, crazy. >> we are continuing our coverage of this massacre that happened at a movie theater in aurora, colorado. police say that the gunman burst into the new batman movie "the dark knight rises" and he set off tear gas and walks up the aisles and starts shooting. at least 12 people are now dead.
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there are 38 that are injured. elizabeth cohen is joining us to talk about about some of the conditions of the injured and we know six area hospitals where people were taken, and the youngest victim was a 3-month-old baby and the old zest a 45-year-old. do we have any idea how the folks are doing? >> we know in varying conditions. some were okay enough that they were released a small handful of them, and most of them are still in the hospital. they range from good condition to critical condition. we don't know much about that 3-month-old baby. you can only imagine just the horror for that baby and the baby's parents. >> what are the kinds of injuries that the people are sustaining? what are they saying? >> well, two separate things. one is injuries from the shrapnel and bullets and so some people were receiving several bullets, and more than one and other people were hit by shrapnel and not as dangerous and some people grazeded and there kwuz sowas some form of t
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used and people had to go through decontamination, and they had to wash down and flush out the eyes and this is the standard procedure when somebody comes in with that kind of exposure. >> some of the people we talked to earlier today talked about things like burning sensation, and one woman said she could literally feel the heat from the bullets whizzing over her head or the shell casings that were falling and another man who described the smell of things that were burning and very pungent. what are people experiencing when they have tear gas? >> well, it was a combination of the gun powder and what not coming from the guns in addition to the tear gas. it just, what we have heard from the people is how hard it was to see, of course, because of the tear gas and how hard it was to breathe, and we forget that sometimes the tear gas does not just affect the eyes bu seyes, the nose and the mouth and quite an irritant to the lung. and imagine that the bullets are whizzing by you and maybe hitting you and in addition you are hardly able to breathe.
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>> would a 3-month-old baby be able to sustain tear gas? >> a 3-month-old baby would live through tear gas exposure, but it would be experienced more intensely than an adult and longer for the baby to get over the effects of the tear gas. >> when we get more details, elizabeth, we will get back to you. we will take a quick break and have more on the other end. i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase if our two-year rate goes up. if your bank makes you miss out, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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this is cnn breaking news. we are awaiting a press conference from the aurora police department to speak momentarily to give us an update of information regarding the massacre that occurred inside of this theater overnight. as you can image, there is a lot of shock. there's a lot of disbelief in this community, and we have been talking to a lot of people who have been expressing that throughout the morning. you have a shooting rampage and a massacre that occurred inside of a packed movie theater, and a gunman whose opening fire and
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walking up the aisles releases some sort of pepper spray or smoke bomb and walks up the aisles and starts randomly shooting people. it leaves 12 people dead, and we have heard the descriptions of the deceased and 38 who were take n to hospitals who were injured and hundreds of people who were running or who were impacted in some way traumatized by what they have seen and what they have experienced. i want to bring in our next guest here to talk a little bit about that. that is forensic psychiatrist daniel boeger who is joining us from miami. and first of all, doctor, we have been talking to people throughout the day and we just heard from chris who is one of the people inside and he recounted the story to ed lavandara and he was very emotional and he got angry while he was talking about this, and then he started to cry. do you think that this is a good thing for him to experience, to talk about what it is that he saw, what it is that he heard,
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and how he is feeling right now? >> well, suzanne, i think that this is just a horrible traj dirks and i'm just shocked and blown away by the whole thing. it is horrible. i do think that people who are able to express their emotions and get it out probably will do better than those who try to keep it inside. when this type of tragedy occurs, people respond very differently to it, depending upon their genetics and depending upon their family background, but for the first month or two, you may see people who don't express any emotion about it, and then it is sort of the mind's way of protecting itself from such a shocking traged tragedy. >> we heard from jennifer just moments ago, and she was also inside of the theater, and she said, you know, i'd take a bullet for the baby and she kept saying, i'd take a bullet for this person or that person, and i'm so blessed eblessed. is there a sense of the people who walk away a sense of guilt? >> yes, there is a phenomenon called survivor guilt and people
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who for whatever reason look at their life in a philosophical way and want to know why are they the ones who made it, and why are they the ones who were able to transcend the tragedy, and is there some deeper meaning for them in terms of where they go from here? that is common. >> what should this community be doing now? what should they be focusing on? >> well sh, the most important factor is support. the people that are exposed to trauma or tragedy, the most protective factor is the support of the people around them. so if they have family, friends, neighbors, people that are really looking out for them, to try to prop them up through this, that really is the best predictor of success. >> i want to turn to the mindset of the shooter. i understand that the press ser about to take place, and this is the majormajor -- mayor speaks, let's listen in. >> all right. obviously, there are no words to
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express the intensity of this tragedy. our hearts are broken as we think about the families and friends of the victims of this senseless tragedy. really, one thing that i do hope that people can keep dish me-- this is the act of apparently a very deranged mind. this is a safe city and a safe state and a safe country, and we need to recognize that we can't allow people that are aberrations of nature to take away the joys and the freedoms that we enjoy. again, for the victims and their families, they should know that president obama called mayor hogan this morning and then called me, and the words are the same, i mean, there is not one of us that doesn't read or hear
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of this story, certainly anyone who has children, and think about it being your child in that movie theater. your cousins' child cousins chi neighbor's child. that will reality makes the pain and the grief too intense for words, but we can't let it keep us from our lives. we will in colorado is a state that's come together. a ar aurora is one of the great cities. we will come back stronger than ever than this. although it's going to be a very hard process. with that i'll turn it back to
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the mayor. >> thank you, governor. clearly this is a tragic day for this community and this city. as tragic as it is for the community and the city, it is an absolutely horror for all of those people who were in those theaters and their families. our hearts go out to them. we will always wish that no matter how much we do now that we had done more. we need to thank everybody who responded as quickly as they did, the police department, fire department, the hospital staffs and the emergency rooms. everyone who addressed this
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situation deserves to be thanked. i want to thank also all of the jurisdictions in the metropolitan area that have contacted me this morning offering whatever help we need whether it's from denver or arapahoe county or state of colorado or the united states government. we've taken a blow today, but we will get back on our feet, and we will move ahead. if i can say anything to our citizens and particularly to those folks who have kids no matter whether they're small or
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teenagers it's talk to them. talk to them. they're going to feel this, and it's going to come out. we have to do our duty as parents and as civic officials and as care givers whether it's aurora mental health or any other organization. we got to talk to our kids. let them know this is an isolated instance. it's tragic. it's horrible, but it's isolated. we've got to talk about it. it's a tough day. i'm joined back here by a number of the aurora city council members, state senator, state representatives, other members of the community. we will all come together.
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we'll survive this. there's no way around it. it's tough. you can't have that many people die and that many more people be injured in an absolutely senseless situation. i'll not say it is anything but tough. with that i'd like to introduce police chief dan oates. >> thank you. also joining me, us here today besides the mayor is united states attorney john walsh. he's special agent in charge of the fbi in colorado and carol chambers. i will give you a briefing. i'll ask district attorney chambers to make some comments. you'll have to excuse me but i've got a lot of notes here. there's a lot of information to
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impart to you. our suspect's name is james egan holmes. date of birth, 12-13 of '87. he resides at 1690 paris street in aurora, apartment ten. i'll be discussing the situation in his apartment in a few minutes. his history with the police department is one traffic summons for speeding in october of 2011. we have no other criminal history on many holmes. this event began at 0039 so 39 minutes after midnight the first calls came into 911. i'm told by a colleague, you can describe it as hundreds of calls coming in within roughly one minute to a minute and a half police officers were on scene and apprehended mr. holmes in the back of the theater. there are approximately 25 officers on scene within
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minutes. they spent besides searching the theater, a good portion of their energy on taking victims and driving them to hospitals. in the end with the assistance of our colleagues and law enforcement in this community there were around 200 officers on scene here. mr. holmes was apprehendsed outside. a white hyundai parked in the back of the theater and he was apprehended with three weapons in the car. one was left at the scene inside the theater. the weapons are as follow. an ar-15 assault rifle. a remmington 870 shotgun and a .40 caliber glock handgun. we believe those were used in
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the scene and another glock handgun was found in the car. we're not sure if that was also used in the scene. i imagine i'll be asked how many rounds were fired. any my answer is we have to capability of calculating that number. our best account on injuries is that 71 people were shot. 12 are deceased. two died at area hospitals and ten are deceased in the crime scene at this time. we're making best efforts to identify and remove those ten. there are many critical patients and i'm not in a position to give you any update on the 59 who were injured. we believe that as part of this assault mr. holmes set off two devices to distract the crowd.
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they ignited in some form and released some sort of irritant or smoke. we know that his car was parked nearby in the back. victims were taken to six area hospitals. university of colorado hospital, swedish hospital, denver health, rose medical center. medical center of awe rourora, childrens hospital. we are confident he acted alone. we will do a thorough investigation to be sure that is the case. at this time we're confident that he acted alone. during the shooting in the one particular theater, theater number nine, some rounds penetrated into an adjoining theater. we know one person was hit inside the adjoining theater. the suspect was dressed all in
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black. he was wearing a ballistic helmet. a tack cal ballistic vest, a throat protector, a groin protector and gas mask and black tactical gloves. we had over 50 detectives respond to the scene. over 50 victim advocates to work with family members. all our federal partners are here and we deeply appreciate their help. we've asked the community if there are any tips the, any witnesses to this event that we haven't contacted that they call our tip line. 303-739-1862. in addition, for those in the community who feel traumatized by this event, we have a hot line being offered for all mental health for counselling. the phone number is
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303-617-2300. the crime scene is rather large. it includes numerous cars in the parking lot. we're doing our best to get them released to the owners of those cars as soon as possible. we will be here for some time. with regard to the residents. mr. holmes lives at 1690 paris street. we responded up there fairly quickly after we identified him. our investigation determined that his apartment is boobie trapped with various chemical devices and apparent trip wires. we have an active and difficult scene there. it may be resolved in hours or days. we don't know how we're going to handle that. i'll tell you that we evacuated residents to a safe distance. it includes five buildings in the area being evacuated. we've been asked how many folks were in the theater.
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there were four showings. all of them were sold out. we have interviewed close to 200 witnesses. as to how many people were in the theater, that's the best i can tell you. caution about social media. please as responsible journalist be careful. we're analyzing all social media that's out there about this event. i can tell you that we are already finding there are a lot of pranks. there's someone who called a national media station and represented to be me. our colleagues in the adjoining mall have closed the mall for the day out of the cooperation and spirit of cooperation with our investigation. with that, i'd like to introduce district attorney carol to make a few remarks. after she makes remarks the special agent in charge will
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make remarks, and i'll take questions. >> i want to emphasize what a tremendous response there's been from law enforcement and the police department to this incident. i want to thank the use attorneys office for their support. with this many victims we have two concerns. one is providing information that they need and providing resources that they need. we will at this point in time victims should be contacting the aurora police department. as the case goes to court next week, we have set up a contact e-mail account so that we can get information out as quickly as possible. we have resources available on our website and i want to say that the aurora mental health center has agreed to stay open 24 hours a day for this weekend.
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people may feel fine now and they may have a problem tomorrow. they may have a problem next week. they may have a problem several months down the line, but they should seek some counselling or resources if they have been victims. it's to be expected. if there are financial issues, they should not stop them. we want to make sure we're getting out whatever our victims in this case need. with that i'll turn it over to special agent. >> good afternoon. i want to re-emphasize what chief oates has talked about. we had a tightly integrated investigative response. be fbi has 100 folks on scene closely integrated with the police department as do other federal agencies. the atf as well is here in force with more than 25 folks.
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we are trying to run leads that expand beyond colorado at this point. at this point we do not see a nexus to terrorism. the joint terrorism task force is on sight. we are lashed out tightly with the aurora police department. i'll be followed by chief oates. we'll be prepared to take questions. >> again, i thank all our colleagues in law enforcement if their support today. i'll make a note that the senator udall has joined us. with that i will take a modest number of questions. >> a motive of this? >> we are not speculating on motive. >> can you walk us through the
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time line? >> let's do one at a time. >> how did he get inside? >> that's under investigation. his car was parked right outside the back door. >> can you walk us through the timeline and how much time elapsed? >> again, we were on scene within a minute or a minute and a half and we immediately arrested the suspect in the back of the theater. from our first call to his apprehension was about a minute to a minute and a half. >> inside the theater police officers working with you, were they on scene? >> we often have off duty police officers on this theater. they were not working there that night. the response was very rapid. he surrendered without any significant incident to our officers. i'm not going to get into why he did what he did.
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that's not something to discuss. yes, sir. [ inaudible question ] >> he was dressed as i described. >> did he say anything to you? >> that's not something we would discuss in this setting. >> what weapon was used to fire at people? of the four weapons described. >> there's pretty significant evidence that he used the ar-15 in the theater and the .40 caliber glock. which one he used in t e ed in r or both. we don't know. we'll be in the theater quite some time working the crime scene through. we're not in position to share that with you. >> he said on camera that the
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suspect said he was the joker and had red hair. can you comment on that? >> i can't. i received a phone call from the nypd today. i used to work with the agency and i discussed the matter with them. >> did he have the right to have those weapons legally? >> we're working up an investigation of those weapons. i don't know what the legal status is. we have the assistance of alcohol, tobacco and firearms in that work up. that's something i'm not prepared to talk about right now. [ inaudible question ] >> we're not sure what we're dealing with in the home. there's some chemical elements there and some incendiary elements that are linked together with the wires. it's not something i've never seen before. we have a lot of smart bomb teches up there. >> why did he tell you there you
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there were explosives? >> i'm not sure. >> aside from that speeding ticket, has your department been made aware of this individual? >> that's the extent of our contact. >> what did he start shooting with? >> if i knew that, i wouldn't tell you. [ inaudible question ] >> we're not in a position to talk about the identity of victims. let me talk about our handling of the victims. we have a lot of work to do. we have mobilized 50 victim advocates to deal with the victims and their families. we set up a staging area for the families at the high school down the street. that continues to be the staging area for victims and we ask that you give them some space and privacy. there are folks trying to locate loved ones. this is a tough day for a lot of people. they have been through a lot. we appreciate if you gave us space. we're not in a position to talk about the victims until they are all identified and the family
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members are spoken to by us. [ inaudible question ] >> i'm not prepared to release his booking photo today. i don't know when we'll do that. [ inaudible question ] >> i don't know the status or the legality of his possession of those weapons. i'll leave it at that. one more question. >> we had a witness tell us she saw a suspicious person in the front aisle lingering near the exit as she came in. i'm wonder if he acted alone. could they have allowed him to get in. >> we have information as to what occurred on the 200 interviews we have made. we have ballistic evidence inside that suggests how the shooting went down. we have so much investigation to do. that's the kind of evidence for
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a prosecution not for a discussion at this time. >> you accessed that door from the outside. i has to be open from the inside. >> we're not prepared to discuss any theories about how he got in there with the weapons. we'll tell you that his car was parked outside the back door. >> are there cameras in the theaters? >> we know there are a lot of rounds fired. we were there within a minute and a half to two minutes from when we called. we is surmise how much time it takes for someone to call 911 and get through. that will be looked into. we'll leave it at that. thank you very much. we will offer an update to you at 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. that update will be at aurora city hall. thank you very much.
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>> what a horrific friday. you're watching cnn breaking news. this is a story that saddens us. it maddens us. we have listened to the first time to the police chief there a number of hours after this event erupted after midnight mountain time. a couple of headlines that just came out of that news conference. hundreds of calls came in after this suspected gunman by the name of james egan holmes opened fire. police arrived on the scene. he was arrested inside the theater. inside the back of the theater. we've also learned that not only did he come in the exit door, his car was parked just outside the theater. in terms of weapons, they found an ar-15 assault rifle, a glock handgun. they believe those are the ones he used inside the theater and they found another glock in the car. as far as how many rounds went off, the police chief said it's
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impossible to tell that right now. in total, this is a new number, 71 people were shot. 71 people shot. 12 have died. two passed away in hospitals the ten died in that particular theater. awful. watch this. >> night nmare at theater nine. a kun beg a gunman opened fire. >> someone kicked in the emergency exit and started throwing gas grenades. >> we hear a distinct pop, pop, pop. >> hundreds of people just running around. >> those who got out alive described the horror inside. >> it was just chaos. there was this girl spitting up blood. there were bullet holes in some people's backs, arms. >> all i hear is gunshot after gunshot. women and children are screaming.
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>> we have approximately 50 who were hit. >> the suspected shooter is caught but so many unanswered questions still remain as police piece together details of the crime, the president speaks to the nation. >> if there's anything to take away from this tragedy it's the reminder that life is very fragile. >> the news is now. >> we're beginning at the beginning. be mass shooting inside the theater in aurora, colorado. a gunman opens fire during the screening of the dark knight. 12 dead. 59 wounded in the total chaos as the gunman enters the theater through an exit door not long after the movie started, tossed a tear gas canister and started
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shooting at anyone in sight. the magnitude unfolded as police rushed to the scene. >> we got another person outside shot. a female. i got people running out that are shot. >> get us some gas masks for theater nine. we can't get in it. we need rescue inside the auditorium. >> i got seven down. >> i've got a child victim. i need rescue at the back door of theater nine now. >> witnesses begin to give us a glimpse of the absolute terror and bloodshed inside. >> just pointed the gun at me. i dove into the aisle. he started shooting behind me. i had bullets that were on my forehead. >> there was this one guy who was on all fours crawling.
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there was this girl spitting up blood. there were bullet holes in some people's backs, some people's arms. >> for like ten minutes or 15 minutes it was one or two minutes but it was horrific. >> as you know, here he is. the suspected gunman now in custody. he's identified as james egan holmes. this is his picture. 24 years old. how did police arrest him. we heard a bit about that in that news conference. he never made it out of the theater parking lot. he surrendered without a fight. we are learning more about him such as the fact he was a phd candidate in neuroscience at the university of colorado. he was in the process of withdrawing from the school. this afternoon federal agents are trying to enter his apartment after he said there were explosive devices inside.
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it could be additional hours and days. there are traps inside this particular apartment. colorado's governor calls the shooting an act of depravity. president obama spoke about this at a campaign appearance earlier today in florida. >> if there's anything to take away from this tragedy it's the reminder that life is very fragile. our time here is limited and it's precious. >> president cancelled a second campaign stop to return to washington today. joining me on the phone is cnn producer outside of the suspect's apartment. frankie, tell me what you're seeing. we just heard from the police chief saying this apartment definitely is boobie trapped. what are you seeing? >> reporter: on the other side they've been working on the
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southeast side or southwest side of the building. what i witnessed now is that they broke into the third floor window. the officers moved very slowly up the ladder. one person did go in very slowly and another person after them. they did come out of the building fairly quickly. they didn't spend a whole lot of time in there. the scene continues to be active around here. >> let me go back to my notes from the police chief. he said the apartment is boobie trapped. trip wires. this is an active and difficult scene and it could take hours, if not days to finish this. is that what you're hearing? >> reporter: absolutely. when you mentioned days, the port-a-potties have just arrived. the officers are prepared. there's over 100 responders
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here. another fire truck just arrived. i don't know if they are relieving some others. they are now four five trucks. there were just three before on this street. >> i'm looking at the pictures here. members of local police, fbi, atf sort of the bomb squads trying to get inside. have you heard any explosions. do you know what they have seen once they have been inside? >> reporter: i'm physical therapily close to the build fa building. i don't know what they have seen. they are definitely taking their time. >> as they should. thank you. we'll check back in with you as soon as you get another update. we're talking to someone who lives across the street. she and her little ones are evacuated. this could take many days to get inside. as we mentioned, 12 people died inside the theater after
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midnight. like the other victims, there's a young woman by the name of jessica ghawi. she left behind a perspective that is extraordinary in a situation that's already unfathomab unfathomable. jessica and an aspiring sports broadcast broadcaster. i was watching her tweets. her last tweet was a number of hours ago. she tweeted with a friend about her excitement for grabbing one of these highly sought after tickets. i just want to read this exchange on twitter. she said you aren't seeing it tonight. the friend tweets back. nope. jessica tweets back loser. the reply which is why you're tweeting now and not at the movie. her reply which would become the final tweet for jessica ghawi.
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she said the movie doesn't start for 20 minutes. sometime after the shooting her brother posted on his blog that he was able to speak with her friend who was with her at the movie last night. jordan has been blocking. he writes shots were fired. brent and jessica dropped to a prone position for cover. jessica advised for someone to calm 911 which brent immediately attempted to do. brent then heard jessica scream and notice that she was struck by a round in her leg. brent began holding pressure on the wound and attempted to calm jessica. it was at this time that brent took a round to his lower extremities. he goes on while still administering first aid he noticed that jessica was no longer screaming. he saw what appeared to be an entry wound to her head. she was 24 years old.
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her friend peter burns who worked with her at a sports radio station describes her as a vibrant young woman. >> she gave us call and said can i have dinner with you. i've got an idea. i said sure. it's always something she wanted to get involved in. we were both exhausted. we said let's do dinner. she said there's this horrific wildfires in the denver area. she goes i want to do something for the families of the people that lost all their hockey stuff. she loved hockey. >> we'll speak with peter the next hour about the one wish jessica's mother has moving forward. we have learned this about her short life. this is the second mass shoot g ing jessica had been part of in a month. she was at the mall in toronto when a gunman opened fire back in june. she wasn't harmed but blogged afterwards. she said i can't get this odd
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feeling out of my chest. this empty, almost sickening feeling won't go away. i noticed it just seconds before someone opened fire in the food court. an odd feeling which led me to go outside and unknowingly out of harms way. it's hard for me to wrap my mind around how a weird feeling saved me from being in the middle of a deadly shooting. she ends by saying that a feeling we minded her of how blessed she was. quote, i say all the time that every moment we have to live our life is a blessing. this is tough. so often i've found myself taking it for granted. every hug from a family member and laughs with friends. every second of every day is a gift. after saturday evening i know i truly understand how blessed i am for each second i'm given. jessica ghawi was just 24 years old. one of the 12 killed early in morning in aurora, colorado.
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we're hearing terrifying stories from what it felt like inside theater nine after this gunman, this 24-year-old, shot after shot. we'll speak with a man who not only saw him up close. he said he saw something else. perhaps someone else acting very unusual. get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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when he came in i thought he was a prop. i didn't think he was a bad guy or anything. he let off a canister of gas and it exploded. everybody thought it was a pop. then he shot up in the air and everybody started to panic at that point. when he went straight from the air he came down with his gun in my face. he was three feet away from me. in that instant i didn't know what to do. i was terrified. >> i want to talk a bit more about this young man. the suspected shooter, 24-year-old james holmes. investigators say he was carrying these weapons. a shotgun. an ar-15 assault wife and two handguns. another picture for you.
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this is holmes in high school. this was his yearbook photo. his only brush with the law according to the police chief there, a traffic ticket last year. authorities say he was wearing a gas mask and body armor from head to toe during the attack. police arrested him inside the theater. he didn't resist. didn't put up a fight. at this time the evidence indicates he was acting alone. he is scheduled to be in court on monday. holmes' family lives in california. they released this statement. our hearts go out to those involved in this tragedy and to the family and friends of those involved. we ask that the media respect our privacy during this difficult time. our family is cooperating with authorities in san diego, california and aurora, colorado. we are still trying to process this information and appreciate people respect our privacy. 12 other people here died and another 59 wounded when the gunman opened fire inside that
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movie theater after midnight. the gunman, 24-year-old james holmes was arrested on the scene. we have another person who was inside the theater joining me now on phone. he is corbin dates. we witnessed the shooting with his friend. i'm glad you're okay. if you can, take me back to midnight. you're in the theater. you're excited to see this movie. you prepaid for tickets. what happened? >> hello. >> you're on the air. >> take me back to after midnight and you're in this theater. >> it's hard for me to hear you with the helicopters going around. >> i'm going to try to speak up. tell me what you saw in that movie theater last night. >> it was supposed to be only a fun night with me and my
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friends. i went into the theater, grabbed a seat. i was sitting until the second row four seats away from the right aisle where people enter from. another guy walked in after me. sat in front of me in the front row probably to the far right seat and i noticed he got a phone call. most people when they get phone calls take it out into the lobby. this person went to the emergency exit. on the phone he was propping the door open with his foot. he looked like he was directing somebody to come toward his direction. i didn't think anything of it at first. after a while once the movie started and my friend and i got situated, about 15, 20 minutes into the fill testimomfilm, the emergency door swung open. he walked in probably 5'8", 5'9" wearing all black. he was wearing a gas mask all
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suited up in armor. he threw a canister into the audience behind me. once it exploded, it was a toxic gas. i'm not sure if it was tear gas but it was hard to breathe in. i went to the floor after it exploded and then gunshots started. >> i hope you can hear me. you mentioned somebody sitting in the far right seat in the theater. they go to take the call. did they have the same build as the gunman? what are you saying? you think these are two different people or the same person? >> i'm sorry. one more time. >> this person who you see on the phone goes to the exit door to take this phone call. the next thing you know this gunman comes in. are these two different people? >> yes the person inside of the
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theater. he went towards the emergency exit on a phone call and looked like he was directing for somebody to come. 15 to 20 minutes the door swung open and the guy came inside and threw a gas canister into the audience and started opening fire. >> corbin i'm going to keep this conversation going even though it's tough for you to hear me. do you remember what part of the movie was playing when this guy walks in head to toe armor and a gas mask? do you remember what scene was playing? >> the part of the movie that it happened was after bruce wayne was getting robbed by catwoman. the movie was playing for about 10, 15 minutes. i'll say ten minutes and the movie shut off and the lights inside were still dark.
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it was hard to see where the guy was. it made things difficult to try to make our way out. >> did he scream anything? was he shouting anything or was it all quiet? >> he didn't shout anything. he didn't say anything. he didn't make any gesture. he was completely quiet. >> he was completely quiet. a lot of people thought this was part of the movie, the gas. obviously you realized quickly when you start seeing people hitting the ground this is very real. how did you get out of the theater? >> as soon as the gas canister went off i immediately went to the ground and i started to crawl my way out. i was crawling through the second row to get to the other side. i could feel the shells of the bullets that were coming out of the rifle hitting the ground coming under the seat and burning me in the leg.
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i could feel it. >> how are you now physically? >> i'm doing a lot better now. i'm definitely not going to recover from this overnight. it will take some time. probably somebody to help me understand what just happened. >> we just heard the news conference. they are making folks available as this is not something you pop back from. this is a horrendous experience for people to have to deal with. final question. it's been 12 hours, what's the one thing, if you close your eyes, the one thing that you keep seeing over and over and over? >> the first moment that gu walked in. the second moment i hear is just gunshots and people screaming in the audience. that's what i keep hearing over and seeing over and over again. >> corbin dates we wish you well. i'm glad you're okay. i know you're friend is okay. we're all thinking and praying
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about everyone inside that movie theater. thank you. president obama thinking of the victims as well. he cut short his campaign today. he's campaigning in florida. we now know he's back in washington where in about 15 minutes he will be in the oval office and many people will be wondering whether he will head to colorado himself. he was there just recently because of the wildfires. he may be making a return trip. we'll check in at the white house to find out what his schedule is. ♪
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after all the shooting was done, i looked up for a brief second. i saw him reloading and walking towards the back of the theater and it arches up. i said we got to get going. he's reloading now. i saw a guy just laying on the
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floor. he was covered in blood. a lot of people ran to help him when the guy was reloading his weapon. we just left and the bunch of people left at that time. it was just crazy. big question. who is this guy? who is james holmes, and what in the world could have driven him to slaughter a dozen people inside a movie theater? tom fuentes is a former assistant director of the fbi. help me sketch out a profile of this 24-year-old. apparently he was in the process of withdrawing from university of colorado from a phd in neuroscience. does that fit the profile of a mass shooter? >> i think the perception many people have is that somebody that has some type of mental illness to commit a mass murder can't be smart at the same time. i think the fact that he was in a phd program obviously he has
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some level of intelligence but a disturbed mind. >> with that level of intelligence, a high level of intelligence, is that surprising? >> not by itself. you have many mass murders that were smart throughout history. >> we're learning, tom, from our affiliate in san diego, knsd, this is a high school friend describes james as quote, he was pretty shy but once he got comfortable with you, he was the funniest, smartest guy. he always had something witty to say. witty to say. smart guy. quiet guy. does that conflict with the picture that's emerging here of this young man? >> i don't think enough picture has emerged to rule that out. he could be that. he could have high expectations
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academically and career goals that somehow when he got into his studies maybe it wasn't going so well. the reports he was going to drop out. suddenly he's facing failure and an uncertain future. this may have played on his mind as well the fact that he was able to fail. >> why a movie theater? why that target? >> if you're wanting to kill a lot of people in a quick period of time, you would look for someplace that are confined. you have a thousand people in a confined space like that. because movie theaters have to have fire exits out to the parking lot for quick exit in case of a disaster in the building, a fire or some other problem, you would have the ability to come in through those doors which is what he appears to have done. whether he propped open the door so it wouldn't close and lock, when you attend peoples you see people go out those exits just out of convenience.
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there's a short walk to the parking lot. if a door doesn't close all the way or if someone props the door so it doesn't fully lock, then they're going to have the ability to very easily come back into that theatertheater. >> with that exit door, we know it goes outside, he had a car out there. his demeaner described as calm. didn't put up a fight. what do you read into that? >> i don't know. he could have been in a men tan trance of some kind. we don't know about his mental condition. we may never know what he was thinking at the time he carried this out. obviously, it was pretty planned. he dressed for it. he obtained the weapons. this was not a spur of the moment event. >> as time passes, we're going to get much more on this young man and a bit of a profile. tom fuentes, appreciate it. >> you're welcome. president obama is back in
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washington today. he was in florida, spoke, and then cut his trip short to address the shooting in colorado. minutes from now we've learned he'll be brief on the shooting from top advisors back at the white house. he's issued a proclamation. we'll tell you about that, next. [ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption.
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never know fully what causes somebody to take the life of another. we do know what makes life worth living. the people we lost in aurora loved and were loved. they were mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, sisters and
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brothers, sons and daughters, friends and neighbors. they had hopes for the future and they had dreams that were not yet fulfilled. the reminder that life is very fragile. our time here is limited and it is precious. what matters at the end of the day is not the small things. it's not the trivial things which so often consume us and our daily lives. ultimately it's how we choose to treat one another and how we love one another. michelle and i will be fortunate enough to hug our girls a little tighter tonight. i'm sure you will do the same with your children. for those parents who may not be so lucky we have to embrace them. >> that was the president this morning speaking in fort myers. day two of a swing through the battleground state of florida. he decided to cut his trip short
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to florida. he's right now meeting with to advisors in the oval office. tell us who is he meeting with. >> reporter: a number of people including vice president biden. he's meeting with the head of the fbi and his top counter terrorism and homeland security advisor who is the one that delivered the news to him this morning at 5:26 a.m. of this shooting in colorado. he came back basically got off of marine one off of the lawn and went right into the white house into meetings. the white house ordered the u.s. flags here at the white house as well as public buildings to be taken down to half staff. it's interesting because this has change what had you would have seen today. we would have seen president obama and mitt romney just slamming each other out on the campaign trail.
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they delivered these somber remarks. we saw vice president biden and michelle obama cancel their campaign events as well. >> speaking of slamming one another as it is an election year. we know those nasty ads are out. i understand some of them have been pulled out of respect to this tragedy? >> reporter: in colorado all of them have been pulled by the obama campaign and the romney campaign. super pacs are spending millions of dollars on ad. the leading conservative super pac and liberal super pac have pulled their ads in colorado. why? because the vast majority of them are very negative. it really is not kind of the tone that either campaign wants to be seen as putting out there at a time like this. >> thank you. also republican presidential candidate mitt romney spoke about the tragedy. he spoke from new hampshire. take a listen. >> we can mourn with those who
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mourn in colorado. this morning colorado lost youthful voices which would have brightened their homes, enriched their schools and brought joy to their family. we do know how evil is overcome. we're seeing that greater power today in the goodness and compassion of a wounded community. grieving and worried families are surrounded with love today and not just by those who are with them and holding them in their arms. they can also know they are being lifted up in prayer by people in every part of our great nation.
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within this past hour we have heard from the police chief
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in aurora releasing new details inside that movie theater after midnight. the suspect gunman, here he is, 24-year-old james egan holmes. suspected of killing 12 people and wounding 59 inside that movie theater. this happened during the premier of batman dark knight rises. hollywood is reacting. there's reaction globally. i just want to begin with warner brothers. what is warner brothers doing as a result of this? >> they are absolutely shocked and saddened over the vents that have unfolded. you think about what was supposed to be an entertaining event. people flocking to the movie theater for some sort of escape. it's turned into an incredible tragedy. batman fans couldn't wait for the release. they wanted to be among the first to see the movie.
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the movie brought in $27 million overnight. now the focus is on this tragedy that's unfolded in colorado. now to that statement from warner brothers which is part of cnn's parent company, time warner. warner brothers and the film makers are saddened to learn about the shocking incident. we extend our sympathies to the families and loved ones of the victims at this tragic time. the studio has cancelled a paris premier scheduled for tonight and law enforcement officials in new york and d.c. here in los angeles. they have announced plans to step up and monitor movie theaters. >> if people want to see this movie. there's this whole other angle of this story. there was trailer. it was from the movie gangster
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squad. it shows something similar to what played out in aurora last night. >> i watched it. the spokesperson for warner brothers studio. chronicles a fight between the los angeles police and the mafia. it takes place in the 1940s and '50s. it features a group of men attacking a crowded theater. we don't know where it aired at the screening where the shooting took place. they've yanked it. this is the first time we're hearing from any of the actors in the film. we got a statement from gary oldman. his statement, my prayers and sympathies are with the families and the victims of this who riff
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ic act. >> look at the pictures of police carefully entering the suspect's apartment here. we're going to talk with a woman who lives just across the street who has opinion evacuated along with so many other families. what's the deal now? we'll find out. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge!
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mig nightmare at theater nine. >> somebody kicked in the emergency exit and started throwing gas grenades and starting shooting people at
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rand random. >> we hear a distinct pop, pop, pop. >> there's people running around. >> those who got out alive described the horror inside. >> there was a girl spitting up blood. there were bullet holes in some people's backs and arms. >> i hear gunshot after gunshot. women and children are screaming. >> we have approximately 50 who were hit. >> the suspected shooter is caught but so many unanswered questions still remain. as police piece together details, the president speaks to the nation. >> if there's anything to take away it's the reminder that life is very fragile. >> life is very fragile indeed to quote the president. welcome back to our breaking
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news here. we have a lot more new details emerging here with regard to that mass shooting. that absolute tragedy that unfolded inside the movie theater in aurora, colorado. a gunman opened fire during a packed midnight screening of the batman movie, the dark knight rises. new numbers as far as injures. 12 dead. 59 wounded and the scene, as you can see, absolute chaos as the gunman entered the theater through an exit door not long after the movie started. tossed two devices to distract the crowd and then opened fire. we learned just this past hour how heavily armed he was. >> there is pretty significant evidence that he used the ar-15 in the theater. the shotgun within the theater and a .40 caliber glock.


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