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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 25, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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syria. we'll speak with him live in a moment. talk to me about the significance of fighting in aleppo. >> it's the economic hub. it's the most populous city. aleppo has been a treating center. there you have a google map of aleppo. here i recognize right away is essentially the most famous land mark, the 13th century citadel. >> this is the creation. >> a very old city. by some accounts the oldest inhabited city in the world. >> we highlighted some of the areas in aleppo where the revolts have been breaking out. highlighting other areas in different neighborhoods where people have revolted. so far it's calm. i say that loosely because the
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government has come. >> some of the old neighborhoods very close to the center where you had free syrian army rebellions if full swing. the government knows how important it is to maintain a hold of damascus and aleppo. so far retaking control of those neighborhoods. >> could the same thing happen in aleppo? >> that's the expectation. now that you have free syrian army fighters close to the center, i think if we can bring back that google map, this is the old city here. we saw video and it was confirmed to me by one of my sources that the free syrian army rebels were about a kilo meter away from the citadel. the expectation is hang on the regime isn't get control of aleppo in one day. they're going to come in. we hear some reenforcements are proving in in order to reenforce army troops there and start the battle to retake control of
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those neighborhoods. >> turkey to the north. these are the different areas where they blocked the crossings. why is that significant in getting things to and from both countri countries? >> it's promising humanitarian officials that it will continue to allow refugees. this syria is a kcountry that's important in the region. look at this map. this is a country that the control of which matters regionally because it has so much influence on bordering countries that have very important strategic influence in the region. now this is where it's all happening. we're going to over the next few days seebattles. >> damascus is like our washington. aleppo like our new york city.
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>> i think one is commercially important. the other is politically important. in terms of the population, they are closer say than washington and new york. even in terms of the population you have three or four million and one a little more than four million. yes, it is a good way to explain perhaps to our american viewers the difference between the two cities. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we do have ivan watson, but first i want to show you something that caught our eye this past monday. syrian rebels armed with automatic weapons, ak-47. you see some of these rebels. they have their faces obscured by masks. turn your attention toward the man addressing the camera and to the banner he is standing behind. it reads in part, there is no god, but allah and moe ham mad
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is the prophet. the message and the format are reminiscent of al qaeda. bob is a former cia operative. bob, welcome back. we keep readi ining stories. i read another one in the paper about al qaeda gloming onto this chaos. you're talking to people in syria. what are you hearing? are they in there? >> first of all, this is a mess. the syrians are not used to this. the country has disentgrated in amajor way. there's no grand in control. there's nobody in charge. a lot of these are roaming gangs. what we see in situations like
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this, we saw in the tribal areas of pakistan. al qaeda is attracted to chaos. the whole idea of suicide bombings has moved into syria. these small units are doing major damage to the regime and adding to the chaos. this is a situation that al qaeda will take advantage of and we'll see more of it. >> a lot of people including james clapper, pointing out the suicide bombings are the hallmark of these jihadists in is so key in the middle east. you have syria and then you have israel just a stone throw way from the capital city of damascus. you have lebanon. you have jordan to the south and
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turkey to the north. syria would be a heck of a foothold for al qaeda, would it not? >> it's the corner stone of the middle east, always has been. you add to that, it's alarming, but it's the truth, is chemical weapons. the problem is with the invasion of iraq we expected to find them. that threat was always overblown. the syrians really do have gas. you can put this on the end of an artillery shell and fire it. if you have the lunatics getting their hands on one of these things and fire one into israel, anything can happen. is that threat real or not? we don't know. that's the whole problem with the chaos. >> thank you so much.
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inside syria we have a crew. we have ivan watson on the ground. ivan, i know you have access to people who are coming and going inside of the city of aleppo. what are you hearing? what are they saying about the situation there? >> reporter: the fighting has been intense since friday. the the wake o and womaning that killed four top security officers. they try to capture to the commercial capitol of the country. the fighting has been fierce. every village i've traveled through have sent some of its local rebel brigades to the front lines to try to capture this key lynch pin city. they are coming back and
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sufferi suffering casualties. rebels were killed by helicopter gun ships which they complain they don't have weapons to fire back against. they can't reach this lethal aircraft that's bringing down some of the fighters. we're also seeing signs of the devastating impact this is having on the civilian population, brooke. we have gone through villages that were deserted. what is totally twist second-degree that civilians fled their villages to aleppo because it had been a safe haven and now that the fighting has rerupted in the neighborhoods of this city, now they are fleeing back to their villages to escape the sec rouond round of fightin.
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>> this is aleppo. i was talking about turkey and these different points where they cut off at particular points on the border crossing. my question to you is are the refugees able the lead syria and head north ward or not. >> i don't think we have seen closure of the informal border crossings that have been functioning for more than a year. more than 40,000 have used to escape fighting here and are now living in turkish camps. i haven't got any indication that the turks will stop that constant flow nor the flow of fighters or journalists like myself who the fighters and the civilians are just jumping through holes. i met with the libyan fighter
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carrying an assault rifle who just came in the border from turkey before dawn with four of his fellow fighter buddies and they were going to join a group of foreign fighters battling in one of these syrian cities. that gives you a sense of how pourous this border is. it's not like tloi have an impact on the informal traffic we've seen along the border fence. >> 17 months and counting. the slaughter continues. ivan watson, we appreciate you and your crew. please keep telling these stories within the borders of syria. a lot more unfolding right now including this. police shoot and kill two men and now one city is on edge. the voices of the protesters are getting louder and the violence is out of hand. i'm brooke baldwin, the news is now. they're calling him the serial infecter. the medical worker accused of
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giving dozens of folks hepatitis c across the country. how much are you worth to the company? wait until you hear the answer. from grace to activist, debra messing joins me live on what she wants the world to know about aids. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's four course seafood feast choose your soup salad entrée plus dessert! all just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. visit now for an exclusive $10 coupon. good through august 5th do you have any idea where you're going ?
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...we inspected his brakes for free. free is good. free is very good. my money. my choice. my meineke. it is game over for nine olympic athletes suspended for doping offenses. they destroyed their games just days before the games begin. it includes three russians and a bulgarian, a greek and a turkish national. hold how did they get caught? >> reporter: sad to be talking about doping with the happy sounds of rehearsals taking
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pla place. they were caught thanks to a new tactic by the drug testers and that's bilogical passport. it keeps track of changes in athletes urine and blood samples over a period of time. it was taken last year at the world athletic championships in south korea. when testers compared them again with samples from more recent times they could see the changes and vasriations in things like the count of red blood cells. seven of the nine admitted that they had cheated and accepted their bans. >> so they say, yep, that was me. i know that the iaaf says it may be conducting hundreds more of these as you mentioned the
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bilogical passport tests. might we see more doping bans coming up? >> reporter: i think without question throughout the games. that might make some fans nervous thinking can we trust the performances we're seeing? the drug tester will say we are ahead of the cheats. that's the big battle for scientists, can they invent better and more sophisticated tests to keep up with the better and more sophisticated cheating. the testers are in a better condition. they said this was sophisticated doping involving human growth hormone. they said it's not sophisticated but it shows the testers are getting the job done.
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>> thank you. opening ceremonies this friday. you know you go to the hospital for treatment, right? what if you get infected instead? hospitals in seven states are contacting patients after they say a man was intentionally spreading hepatitis c.
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hepatitis c care right now in several states because of the actions of one man. a traveling lab tech. >> he was here origin naally as traveling med tech. he knew he had hepatitis c as of june of 2010. he continued to divert drugs and permit tainted syringes to be used under his care. this man, infected people as he worked as a medical tech in new hampshire. these are the states he's worked as a traveling tech. thousands of patients need testing. pennsylvania was just added to this group. i want to bring in our senior medical corresponder.
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>> hep c is serious. it attacks your liver. >> how did this happen? how are investigators saying he spread this? >> they haven't given details about him but they call this a drug diversion case. let's say i'm a lab tech and you're the patient. i give myself a little and i give you yours. you can get hep c or i like it a lot and fill it up with saline and give you saline. still we're sharing the needle. if i got it then you got a good chance. >> he was a traveling lab tech. there has to be background checks from the hospital. >> i'm sure there are. these are agency that place health care workers for a living. all sorts of people go through
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the agencies. even if they done a background check, here is the issue. nothing might have come up. he might not have any background at all. an fbi affidavit has details. in 2008 when he was working in a different state they found an employee said an employee in an operating room orveed kwiatkowski sfwr an operating room, lift his shirt and leave. three pemty syringes bearing fentanyl were fwounds on his person. they ended a drug test and found it in his urine. this was in 2008. we went onto work in more hospitals in more states up until just cerecently. they are supposed to report
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this. we don't know if they did or didn't. >> could have have been me. throw the map up. the map of the united states with the different states bhap do you do if you live in one of these states? >> if you lived in one of these states contact your state department of health. you go on you'll see or story and it lists many of the hospitals involved. >> thank you. a city is very much so on edge. the violence out of hand all over shootings by police. we're live if anaheim, next. cal ripken's mother abducted by gun point. we're learning more about this incident for her. [ male announcer ] if you have to take care of legal matters. legalzoom has an easy and affordable option. you get quality services on your terms, with total customer support, backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. so go to today and see for yourself.
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backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. [siri] sirianother busy day are you serious? [siri] yes i'm not allowed to be frivolous. ah ok, move my 4 o'clock today to tomorrow. change my 11am to 2. [siri] ok marty, i scheduled it for today. is that rick? where's rick? [siri] here's rick. oh, no that's not rick. now, how's the traffic headed downtown? [siri] here's the traffic. ah, it's terrible, terrible! driver, driver! cut across, cut across, we'll never make it downtown this way. i like you siri, you're going places. [siri] i'll try to remember that. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan.
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nobody wasn'ts to see a night like last night. police firing rubber bullets into crowds. crowds spitting at police, taunting police. you see store windows shattered. two dozen people hauled off to jail. protesters are furious about the two shootings. one involved an unarmed man. casey, i talked to mayor tom tate a while ago. he seems to think the violence is over. he talked to me about the city council meeting last night. he's hoping it's over. set the scene today. >> there was a city council meeting and part of that meeting was designated to address these communities concerns over the two officer involved fatal shootings of suspected gang members over the weekend. there wasn't enough room in the city council chambers for everyone who wanted to attend that meeting.
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the police officer acting out of safety trying to keep the emergency exits clear backed everyone away from the chambers. up to a thousand people ended up converging down and venting their anger of not being able to get into the meetings. one shooting was of an unarmed man who police say was in a very high crime, known drug area. he was known to them as a gang member. they say that he reached for something in his waistbands and turned towards officers. the officers thought it was a dp gun and fired at the man twice and killed him. his mother disputes that official police account. she has hired an attorney. she's expected to sue the city of anaheim. according to her what happened is her son was speaking with friends when he was confronted by police. he was shot in the back according to her and shot again as he fell down. obviously two different stories
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here. it's being investigated. the shooting by outside agencies. the orange county district attorney's office, state agencies and federal investigators will conduct an independent investigation. city officials are hoping the community will remain calm until the full facts of this incident are known. >> hoping the community will remain calm. we won't know until night. last night was night number four. what is being done to keep the peace this evening? >> police are very prepared. the police chief did participate in a news conference with the mayor. one of the things he was upset about is a lot of outside agitators were part of these protests last night. let's hear what the mayor had to say about that earlier today. >> i'm disturbed by the events that took place outside city hall. some protesters, many who we believe were not from our city, chose to take advantage of this evening of dialogue to try to
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create chaos in our downtown neighborhoods. they chose violence and vandalism over respectful communications. >> police say they have help from other local law enforcement agencies why they deal with these possible protests. they have met with leaders and say no one wants this violence to continue. hopefully it will remain calm tonight. we just don't know. >> we don't know. thank you so much. we'll be watching. also, we're getting more information about the 74-year-old mother and baseball hall of famer of cal ripken jr. she is safe after being kidnapped from her own home yesterday. tell us, fill in the planks. what happened? >> reporter: here is what we know. this all started yesterday morning at 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m.
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when a man went to violent ripken's house and abducted her at gun point. he put her in her own vehicle and spent most of yesterday just driving around through central maryland. that's according to the police department. it was only until last night, it was around 8:30 last night in in baltimore county where someone saw a suspicious vehicle. they called it into the baltimore county police department. that tip eventually led to violet ripken being outside of her home in her car early this morning around 6:15 or so this morning. >> do we know if she was targettarget ed at all? do police have a clue as of motive or is it too early? >> reporter: that's a great question. did the person, this suspect know that this was cal ripken's mother? there was no ransom that was
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discussed. it never came up. we heard from the police chief who had this to say about the suspect. >> police are still looking for a white male, late 30s to early 40s with a tall thin build. he was last seen wearing a light colored shirt, camo pants and eyeglasses. we believe the male is still armed with the handgun and should be considered dangerous. >> reporter: in addition to that individual, they are also asking for people, anyone who might have seen her car which was a silver lincoln town car, 1998 was the model of that year. they are asking anyone with information who might have seen this car, might have seen anything unusual or man fitting that description to go ahead and give them a call. we should say it's a mystery what this individual's motive was. this is really a high profile case now. >> it is. at least she's okay. thank you. as for the president,
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president barack obama getting to enjoy some quality time in the french quarter tonight. new orleans is last stop on his campaign trip through five states. he'll be giving a speech at the national urban league conference and he'll also hold fund-raisers including one at the house of blues. the trip is ending just as the numbers are looking up for the president. take a look. cnn amp nrks nrknn averaged a n and the president is leading mitt romney by four points. now look what a whale did to his trainer in sea world at san diego. we're showing you because the trainer is okay. how can this video be used against sea world? we're on the case, next. ♪
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newly released video shows how life as a sea world trainer can go from fun to frightening.
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it might be touch to watch this video. here we go. watch closely with me. it shows a killer whale at sea world. this is san diego. it's dragging its trainer. see the trainer there alongside it. foot stuck for over a minute. the trainer struggles to try to get to the surface of the water. this video is from 2006. it was just released as part of a public information request. the whale pulled him down a second time. you can see he's fine. he got away. you can see he tried to pass through a fence to get to him. the trainer suffered a broken foot. i want to bring this criminal defense attorney. good to see you back here. talk to me about this video. the this just lawsuit central now? >> i don't think it's really going to open the flood gates for lawsuits because the
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employees have a limited number of places they can do this type of work. if they sue places like sea world they won't have anywhere to work. they're not going to be the ones to file lawsuit. >> let me tell you what sea world is saying. this video shows the trainers composure and skillful execution in emergency response plan, woet of which helped result in the successful outcome and minor injuries. it should be noted that osha did not issue any citations. sea world's trainer returned to work shortly after the incident and remains a member of the team to this day. if a worker were to have gotten much more injured than a broken foot, do you think despite everything you said there's justification to sue? >> clearly they are assuming a certain degree of risk. that was cleverly written by sea
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world's attorneys. this happened in 2006. they didn't even respond. they didn't change their normal habits in the workplace. it took the federal government in their osha case when the united states of america came in that said no longer during the show will we put these people in with these killer whales. we'll put barriers up between them as well. there's clearly been changes. what will be important is when you look at the lawsuit that's pending in orlando where a trainer was killed. >> 2010. >> 2010. that case is pending. the lawyers are looking at this video that just became available to the public and the big question is why did it become available to the public? it did because the author of a book that just came out about near death experiences against sea world filed this osha request. this is out there and will be looked at by the lawyers in orlando. >> thank you so much, drew. now this from grace to
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activist. debra messing joins me live on what she wants the world to know about aids. don't miss my conference with her. there she is. hello. next. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. to drive a car filled with as much advanced technology as the world around it. with the available lexus enform app suite,
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erupted back in the '80s. here is a couple of featured speakers on how far the world has come since then. >> by all rights i shouldn't be here today. i should be dead, six feet under in a wooden box. i should have contracted hiv in the 1980s and died in the 1990s just like freddy mercury and rock hudson. >> go back to 2003, almost nobody in africa was getting treatment. we thought of treatment as a $10,000 a year type thing. everything was stacked against saving these lives. yet a variety of people, a lot of people here decided it shouldn't turn out that way. the global fund was created. >> another speaker at the conference known for her punch lines, debra messing. you knew her and loved her from the sitcom "will and grace."
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yesterday she wasn't trying to make people laugh but dream when certain what ifs came true. >> what if boys and men were routinely circumcised. what if more people stayed faithful to their partners. what if stigma and discrimination didn't keep people from learning the truth about hiv. what if more people got tested. it's fast, painless and confidential. i had the result in 20 minutes. >> debra mentioned a woman by the name of irene. she has hiv and debra met her back in may. i want to bring her in. here she is. she joins me live in washington. it's wonderful to have you on. >> thank you for having me. >> nearly aids expert in the world is smack dab in that city where you're sitting now for
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this aids conference. this is the first time it's happened in the u.s. in 22 years. i lived and worked in d.c. i covered the aids especialpide because in the district of columbia they have the worst rate, it's 3%. tell me why you're there and begging the world to care. >> well, i was inspired to get involved because i had a personal loss 20 years ago. my teacher died of aids complications. i got involved with the global health organization psi. they were the ones that i traveled with so zambia where i was able to see and learn how the combination, hiv prevention approach is working. it's so exciting that as you've said for the first time in history an aids free generation is really within sight.
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these innovation, these interventions are working. it's just a matter of getting them to the people who need them. people are living much longer when they finally get on meds. i had the privilege of meeting a woman named concilia. you have a picture of us. >> she was emaciated. >> the picture was taken the day she began her arvs. you can see after she, it's just a matter of getting the medicine. she is robust and healthy and happy. at the time before she had her medicine she was being cared for by her 3-year-old daughter. she was too weak to get up to get water. now she is strong and involved mother and working.
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she represents that this really is a death to life -- >> evolution. >> it is. we're just here to encourage our government and policy makers to make the course and not stop now. the strong commitment with poli policymakers will make all the difference. >> if you will standby. i want to talk to you. we saw a picture of you taking a test. i want you to mel me about that experience. another huge issue, the stigma and discrimination that comes from this. i want to ask you about your son and how you tell your son how you raised your son and raise awareness when it comes to be careful. stay with he. i think what people like most about the grilled food is the taste.
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we are grateful to be talking to debra messing, activist and aids activist. her pioneer show "will & grace" most definitely brought gay issues right into your living room. take a look. >> well, we did it. i was terrified at first but
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turned out a little prick, a little pain and then it was over. >> you know, he's standing right behind you. >> we had our hiv test today. >> i had a salad. >> so you joked about it then. you're talking about it very seriously now. you took the hiv test, debra, when you were in zambia. you said it was what, 20 minutes and over. and i just want to ask you about that and a huge roadblock or challenge here is the stigma that comes along with this. what do you tell people? >> it's true. the stigma and the discrimination is the thing that is stopping people from actually going and getting tested. and being empowered with the knowledge of what their status is. and that's the most important thing. that's the first step. and so that's why when i was in zambia i had it -- i did the test so that i could speak from experien experience.
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it took a second to actually do the test. and then i waited 20 minutes and then i had the results. the thing that's extraordinary about the work that's being done is that it's a combination approach. >> yeah. >> so not only did i get my status, but then i immediately was counciled. if i had tested positive, i would have been told how to stay healthy, how to eat in order to keep myself fortified now having the virus, where to go to get the arvs. and as someone who tested negative, i was counselled on how to maintain that negative status. >> so you could have been prepared. you would have been armed with knowledge. final question for you if you can, put on your mom had. i know you're a mom to 8-year-old ronan. here's a cute picture. i know you have a couple years here to work on it. >> indeed. >> curious for other moms out there watching, how do you talk to your son about, you know, hiv
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prevention? have you even thought for a millisecond about how you'll teach him that? >> oh, i've thought a lot about it. obviously, as you said, he's too young to have the conversation for him to really understand, but he knows the work i'm doing. he knows why i'm going to zambia and why i went to zim bob way two years ago to try and help people stay healthy. and he's very interested in that. and he gave me clothes to bring to an orphanage that we visited. so he's becoming an activist himself. and when the time's right, i'll have a very frank conversation with him. i mean, the thing is is that we have scientifically proven methods and tools to prevent aids transmission. and that's worth celebrating. and so we have something that we can definitively tell our children. this will keep you safe. >> yes. debra messing, thank you, thank you, a million times over.
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just how easy is it for someone to slip onto a plane without a ticket or passport? well, an 11-year-old boy in manchester, new england, did that with ease, might i add. he slips away from his parents at a shopping center and sneaks past passport control and boarding pass checks, goes through a metal detector and just like that he was on a plane to rome before anyone realized this embarrassing mistake for airport security. >> the airline is suspended the ground staff involved in making the fore-checks at the gate. from there we are doing our own investigation as well. whether that will result in further action against airport staff we don't know at this stage. >> manchester airport insists the incident was not a security breach. thank you so much for watching. i'm brooke baldwin. now to one wolf blitzer taking the show on the road today.
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aspen, colorado. "the situation room" starts right now. brooke, thanks very much. happening now, a mysterious package apparently mailed by the theater massacre suspect turns up at the university of colorado. also, the mother of the baseball legend, cal ripken, jr., abducted at gunpoint. and we look inside the tax havens that let some of the world's wealthiest people hide trillions of dollars from tax collectors. i'm wolf blitzer in aspen, colorado. you're in "the situation room." but we begin with new developments here in colorado involving the colorado theater massacre. a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation tells cnn police and the fbi
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have discovered a package in the university of colorado mail room that appears to have been mailed by the suspected shooter, james holmes. cnn's ed lavandera is in aurora for us. ed, what do we know about this package? >> reporter: well, we're still trying to gather information on what exactly is inside that package, wolf. but as you mentioned that law enforcement official telling cnn that on monday police and fbi discovered a package that was apparent apparently sent by james holmes, the 24-year-old suspected gunman. now it's unclear obviously if this package was indeed sent by him, it was clearly sent before he was taken into custody. it arrived at some point on monday at the university mail room. we've also been told by hospital officials over the last couple of days this is something we've been monitoring for some time that there were two packages that were suspicious and were being looked into, one found in the mail room and also one that was actually delivered to a


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