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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 1, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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researcher. he discovered a protein that affects memory in the brain and could be a future treatment for alzheimer's. during the time he discovered that two years ago, i want to read you something that he wrote. it may better help us understand post-traumatic stress disorder which involves exaggerated memories of traumatic events. a little more foreshadowing. i can't anything more traumatic than someone losing their 14-year-old son to suicide. can't imagine that. >> thank you so much. now, roll the open. we continue right along, hour two. let's talk about the president. he's back in ohio. this is trip number nine this year. trip number 25 since he first became president. this is the third time this month. that's a lot of ohio presidential time.
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you know that ohio is such a critical swing state. if polls are any indication here those trips appear to be paying off. here is why. a new poll just released today gives the president a 50 to 44% load in ohio. the visit also comes on the very same day the romney campaign have rolled out this ad very critical of the president's auto recovery claims. here it is. >> started 1972 selling cars. >> in 2009, under the obama administration's bailout of general motors, ohio dealerships were forced to close. >> i received a letter from general motors. they were suspending my credit line. we have 30 something employees out of work. my wife and i were the last ones there. it's like the dream we worked for and worked so hard for was gone. >> the obama campaign already rebutting that ad today. we're going to be seeing the
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president speaking from akron, ohio in just about 20 minutes from now touting what he and his administration has accomplished in ohio. we'll bring you that live in about 20 minutes. mitt romney is back home in the united states after this trip abroad. he is getting a little r and r today before making a trip to meet with republican governors tomorrow in colorado. romney may be getting a minute to rest today but there's no rest in terms of speculation over who he might be choosing as his number two. >> yeah. a lot of this is due in part of the romney campaign which is feeding the us these tidbits to keep the story alive. it was a few days ago that the person tweeted out several different names that would lead us to think she's vetting these people's names.
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this comes as we expect mitt romney to make his announcement sooner rather than later. the story is up on that breaks the ice on when the selection can be named. what peter is reporting right now is the fact that the romney campaign is creating a swing state tour right now of key b battleground states. maybe we can see the build up to the roll out of his vice presidential pick. it's going to start here in the metro washington area, specifically northern virginia. virginia will play a key role in the presidential election. he's then going to go down richmond and move over to another one of the big media markets along the water. the next day he'll head down to north carolina which is state president obama won back in
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2008. after north carolina he goes to florida the day after the closing the olympics. at the end of that week, the romney campaign is looking at ohio themselves for particular locations that they think they could specifically hold rallies and then the week before the convention, they're going to have a bus tour and they're putting one together. we don't know where it's going to go but it's going to have something to doed with the v.p. pick. >> something like two, two and a half weeks way, you think? >> it could come sooner. i would speculate it would happen on the night of the olympics. i wouldn't be surprise to see them leak it out to try to get as much buzz and all those people watching the closing ceremonies to maybe get their interest piqued on it. >> we'll be watching for it . the president in ohio today. our white house correspondent is traveling along with the president. give me a quick preview of what
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we'll be hearing from president obama. >> reporter: i think we'll continue to hear this message that the president has been hammering away for quite some time out on the campaign trail. he's out there pushing for the middle class and those trying to get in the middle class and mitt romney presidency would only look out for the wealthiest americans. we heard that from the president during his first stop in mansfield, ohio. this is a state that's important not only to the president but mitt romney. the president has been to the state many times, a dozen times since he announced his re-election bid last year in the spring. justabout a month ago the president was right here in akron where he's going to be speak about 30 minutes or so during a part of his bus tour. the obama campaign believes this message of looking out for the middle class americans and romney looking out for the
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wealthy resonates with all americans. today the president's message came with this new report from the tax policy center which stresses that message that the president has been given that romney's plan. they did not specifically analyze it, they looked at similar plans and said it would benefit high income americans and boost the tax burden on middle class americans. the romney campaign saying dismissing this report and saying the president's failed policies are what's hurting the american economy. >> we will be watching for the president speaking from akron. dan, appreciate it. pretty noteworthy development in texas. there's a man by the name ted cruz. they voted.
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they decided yet that cruz is the guy they want to run for republican cay bailey hutchinson senate seat. they chose cruz. they those him over this man, the lieutenant governor of texas. david dewhurst was backed by rick perry. what is going on in texas? shannon travis has been following since the beginning of the tea party. are they back? did they never leave? have they been working out in local campaigns like this in texas? >> there's a old song lyric that says don't call it a comeback. they've been here for years. this is not really a comeback. the tea party has been quitely working behind the scenes.
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you've seen less of rallies and less of the people going out pounding the pavement and really more of them quietly negotiating the political tactics and adopting some of those tried and true strategies of building up their staffing office and volunteers. that's what they have been quietly doing. this cruz victory just represents the latest in their trek toward the hostile takeover of washington. as you mentioned sarah palin endorsed ted cruz. she posted on her facebook page last night that the tea party is alive and well. they've had a similar victory in indiana. >> this is texas. this is indiana. we're talking micro but i want to talk macro because if rick
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perry's lieutenant governor was not right. what about mitt romney? >> it's no secret that tea partiers have had a bit of a love-hate relationship with governor romney. some of that is smoothed over. a lot of them will say they will vote for him whether it's a vote against president obama or not. the tea party express is planning this big bus tour. a lot of that looking to prop up romney. a lot of tea partiers that i've talked to are still saying we're still lukewarm. we will vote for him but maybe we won't go out and volunteer and pound the pavement. >> thank you. the biggest news, the biggest talkers live.
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watch. one expert says the only way syria's dictator may leave is in a body bag. this is as we're getting video of the rebels killing the killers. i'm brooke baldwin, the news is now. the housing crisis is the heart of this terrible economy. the bottom may have past. find out what this means for your house. plus, a prison using wolf hybrids instead of guards. why? to save cash. a man is shot in the head while he's handcuffed in the back of a police car. wait until you hear how it may have happened. ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays]
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let's talk to alison kosik. how would this plan work? is it being tested anywhere? >> let's start by explaining what eminent domain is. the government can claim rights to private property because it benefits the public. cities do this when they want to get houses out of the way. in this plan, what the government is looking to do is take control of this under water mortgages. these are people that owe more on their home than it's worth. this would only be for homeowner who are up to date on their mortgage payments. the government would take control of the loan, refinance it and then hand it off to another entity which would own the mortgage. it would refinance it to the current market value. the caveat is it will probably be lower than the home was originally purchased for. it makes it so people aren't
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tempted to walk away from their homes when they are under water. we did talk with one official from san bernadino. he says it helps them stay in their homes. as you can tell this can get very complicated. critics say this could dry up the mortgage market because what the private lenders would see and these investers would avoid the cities that use this practice because it would make it harder for buyers to get loans if these investor steer clear of cities looking to do this. that's one downfall to this. >> base level, is it legal? >> that's exactly what people are talking about. that's one of the primary points of the discussion. eminent domain is used for public works projects. in the fifth amendment it does
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give the government right to take property for that reason. some say this has never been done before. it opens up the door for a lot of litigation. not so certain it would work. sfw >> we shall see. now a story that got us talking. this prison keeps some of the most dangerous criminals but it's strapped for cash. instead of guards, the prison is now using wolf hybrid dogs. we're going to speak live with a woman who says these are not watchdogs. throughout our entire lives. ♪ one a day women's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. ♪ it has more of seven antioxidants to support cell health. that's one a day women's 50+ healthy advantage.
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forget the guards. dogs are keeping watch at this one louisiana state prison. they are wolf hybrids. the prison is using a pack of wolf dog mixes to keep the prisoners from escaping and angola houses hard core criminals. you have 86% violent offenders. more than half are in for life. they have very little to lose if they break out. >> we've had to shut down a lot
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of towers to reduce the man hours. the dogs are doing an excellent job patrolling the fences at night. they know the dogs will bite and for how long and how hard is a different story. we've had several convicts told us they would have hit the fence if it had not been for the dogs. >> the warden said a corrections officer cost $34,000 a year but the 80 dogs altogether cost 60,000 a year. they're saving some serious money with this. is this really the right thing to do? let's talk to wendy spencer. she's the director of animal care at wolf haven international. welcome. you know these animals so well. let me ask you this, if you have these wolf hybrids outside this fence area and someone does try to escape. tell me what's the natural instinct of one of these
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animals. do they go after an inmate? >> it depends on the dog. with wolf dogs you never know what you're going to get. depending upon the con tent of wolf in the doll, it's going to determine the behavior. the higher the content of wolf, the more wary of people the dogs will be so the likelihood of a high content dog chasing after people is really slim. one of the things known among breeders and folks that do rescues is they do not make good guard dogs. >> you don't think this is a good idea then? >> i do not think it's a good idea. it's counter intuitive. they are really wary of people. they'll do what they need to do to avoid people. the dogs that they are using, i'm not familiar with the
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program. i'm not familiar with the dogs, but i suspect if they have any wolf they are fairly low content so the behavior that you're seeing, the aggressive tendency or the chasing after the prisoner that's the dog in them and if that's the case they'd be better off using pure dog. >> it's the dog in them and not the wolf. how interesting. we're reaching out to the state department of corrections to see why, on one level it sounds like times are tight and this is cheaper. it's cheaper for them to use these dogs. you point out the different percentages between wolf and dog. are you telling me that none of these animals could really do serious harm to an inmate trying to escape. >> >> you know, no that's not exactly what i'm saying. the dogs if they were to go after one of the inmates that could do some serious harm. >> they would? >> it depends on the individual
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dog. that's the problem with using the dogs. it's almost like the genetic crap shoot. you may have a fairly low to mid content wolf dog who isn't afraid of people. if they are either breeding or purchasing high content wolf dogs they are typically afraid of people. the likelihood that they are going to chase the inmates is pretty slim. if they were to bite one of the inmates, certainly they could do serious harm. wolves have jaw pressure that's much stronger than the average domestic dog. they could inflict some serious harm. if they are looking for aggressive tendencies, dogs that aren't afraid of people they are better off going with a purebred dog like a german shepherd or breeds better trained for that.
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wolf dogs are not the suitable breed. >> final question. you know the story. you're not intimately familiar but does it outrage you? you say the plan is horrible. does your group plan to take action? >> we just found out about it this morning. on so many different levels, for a myriad of reasons it's a bad idea. if you talk with animal control officers and folks that do rescue, i think it's going to contribute to the already existing problem because so many people are going to want these dogs for guard dogs. it's just creating a whole new issue. as far as us taking action, we just found out about this morning so i'm not sure what we'll do at this point. we'll have to see. >> thank you. she's the director of animal care. thank you very much.
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love to talk to this warden. a group of men lined up and execute a execute. you cannot see them die but you hear the gunshots. this could signal a new phase in syria's civil war. don't miss this. there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class.
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i want to take you pack to this alarming story from this war that's been engulfing syria. if you watch every day you know we've been following the fighting very closely and in particular this ongoing fighting. next, just a fair warning, we're about to show you a witness to a
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mass execution. here is what happened. we believe this happened just yesterday. these anti-assad rebels captured a group of fighters belonging to a pro-assad malitia. they are roughing up these men pretty good. they take these men inside. these are 14 prisoners and asked them all to say their names. i'm going to play some of the sound. of course it is in arabic. interrogation complete. the men led out door, lined up against a wall and there's all kinds of chaos. we even hear the words don't shoot. that admonition was not heeded.
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watch now. [ gunshots ] you don't have to see it, but you can hear. it's horribly clear what's happening. now these pictures. pictures of the bodies of men being loaded into the back of a truck. again, these men were captured yesterday by anti-government rebels. they were interrogated, determined to belong to a pro-assad malitia. ivan watson is in northern syria for us. i spoke with him about this mass execution just this afternoon. >> i understand there's a bit of a back story with this execution. something about the shooting victims double crossing the rebels. can you tell me more about that?
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>> reporter: what the rebels have been telling the us is that family who many people in this region know about them. they're a large and power family associated with the assad regime and accused of organizing a p - pro-government malitia. these family fighters killed 11 of their fighters in an eastern neighborhood of aleppo earlier on monday. it seems that on tuesday the rebels were up for revenge and wounded up a bunch of these clan members and beat them up. they are admitting that they investigating them. they judged them and then executed them for what they said were crimes against the syrian people. they are not denying that the rebels carried out extrajudicial killings on the side of the battlefield. >> you're saying this is one family and you use the word
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revenge, would you say this execution was isolated or more representative to what you're seeing overall in aleppo today? >> reporter: i think the syrian government would argue this is happening all the time and the rebels are terrorists and committing heinous crimes all the time. we don't know. on the battlefield it's messy and brutal. terrible, terrible crimes are committed. it looks like this happened in the battlefield. now the rebels will have to answer to international opinion. there's been 17 months of condemnation of the syrian jetstream f regime for the atrocitieatrocit. i want it will be directed at the rebels if they keep carrying out behavior and criminal activities like this. >> again, that was ivan watson
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talking to me on the phone from somewhere in northern syria. now on the phone with me live from baghdad. we talk about syria so much. i think it helps. it helps me. i hope it helps our viewers to understand the geographic significance of this country. you have syria. to the north turkey, lebanon and where you are is iran. remind us, general, what is america's interest in all that's been happening in the last 17 months in syria. >> i think three things. first of all, we can't stand by while a humanitarian disaster is happening in the middle east. we have a responsibility to help in any way we can whether it's diplomacy or some measure of intervention. we also have to be having
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pragmatic. a syria that goes into civil war has tremendous ability to have a spillover affect in the region. it won't just affect syria. it will affect lebanon, iraq and some of our closest allies in israel. now we have the additional problem of chemical weapons. the last thing we want to see is chemical weapons fall into the hands of groups. we have a lot of stake in the outcome. >> i want to go back to what ivan was talking about. we showed the video. you could hear the gunshot ps the u.s. is physical therapily loosely supporting these rebels. should the pictures that we showed just a moment ago of the syrian rebels executing their rivals, should that not give pause to the obama administration? >> i think any time that we provide weapons to rebel groups
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whether it was in afghanistan, whether it was iraq pre-war and now what wii seeing in syria, we should be mindful of the potential for those weapons being used well outside the scope of what they're intended. i don't think your viewers should be surprised that this happened. >> we were not giving weapons to the rebels. we we helping but not directly giving them, correct? >> i have no knowledge one way or the other. i would suspect that our allies are providing weapons. may be providing some measure of support. i think it's very, very important to recognize that if you're foigoing to be giving weapons to rebel groups, you have to be mindful of the potential outcomes we've seen over past conflicts. this should come as no surprise
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to anyone. >> general, thank you so much. we mentioned a moment ago the president speaking. he has trip number nine to ohio. we're going to take a quick break and hear from him after this. ore pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches. [romney singing]: oh] beautiful, for spacious skies, i'm barack obama and i approve this message. for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain, america,
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america, god shed his grace on thee, and crowned thy good, with brotherhood...
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want to take you live to the president. hoost speaki i he's speaking in akron, ohio. he's taking items off the list he's done in the last three and a half years as president. here we go. >> now, there are no quick fixes or easy solutions to the challenges we face. there is no doubt in any mind we've got the capacity to meet them. we've got the best workers in the world. we've got the best
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entrepreneurs, the best sciences and researchers, the best colleges and the best universities. we are still a young nation. we've got the greatest diversity of talent. people want to come here from every corner of the globe so no matter how tough things get, this is not a country that quits. there isn't a country on earth that wouldn't gladly change places with us. what's standing in our way right now is not the lack of good ideas, what's standing in our way is our politics. we've got a stalemate in washingt washington. we have republicans in congress who have clung to the view, the uncompromising view, that the only way to move ahead is to go
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back to the same tired solutions that got us in this mess in the first place. they've got a basic theory, i call it top down economics. the basic idea is that if you give more tax breaks to the very wealthy and you get rid of regulations on banks and polluters and health insurance companies then somehow everybody will prosper. >> sleeves rolled up. president speaking. sounds like a fired up crowd there in akron, ohio. this is trip number fine for the president. if the polls are an indication so far the president is faring well not only in ohio, pennsylvania but florida as well. high temperatures add up to the worth drought we've seen in years. new figures show it's worst than
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we thought and grocery prices are about to go way up. machine ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays] do you have any idea where you're going ? wherever the wind takes me. this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. a living, breathing intelligence helping business, do more business. in here, opportunities are created and protected. gonna need more wool! demand is instantly recognized and securely acted on across the company. around the world.
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you could even try it without switching your insurance. why not give it a shot? carry on. now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch. visit today. we've been talking about this for a while now. the disaster zone covering half of our country. the usda added 218 more counties in 12 different states because the drought and excessive heat. chad meyers has been following this. when we see this phrase,
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designated disaster zone. what does that mean and what help are they getting? >> they can get a low interest lo. somewhere around 2%. it allows them to get loans if they can't make it all the way. this one allows farmers and ranchers to put cattle on crp land. it's conserve reserve program land. last land that isn't grown. we try to have a little bit of space between some of these farms. it's that space. it's that grass that just grows there because there's no other grass for the cows to eat. now they are allowed to put the cows and the goats and pigs into some of these other areas that's not been allowed before because you get paid to have crp. you get paid to not plant. not much, a dime. now they can get some of the hay they need from the crp land.
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we're not going to have farmers going out of business this time. in the '80s it was a real possibility. i lived in nebraska. farmers were committing suicide so they could get, technically, the sun so the farm wouldn't go back to the bank and the family could keep the farm. that's not going to happen this time. it doesn't make them whole but keeps them not going in the hole as much as they would have. >> thank you. i have more, but i have to turn way. we're getting news here. this is some breaking news. major u.s. airport is being evacuated. all flights right now are grounded. we'll tell you what's happening and where, next. there are atm fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 account service fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and the most dreaded fees of all, hidden fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, you won't pay fees on top of fees. #
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told you a moment ago, let me get this for you. san antonio airport, this is where we're talking about. san antonio airport is being evacuated. we have live pictures. the signal's going in and out.
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just a fair warning we're trying to bring you pictures as we're getting them. this is the video from the bottom of the helicopter thanks to our affiliate ksat. you can see this group of presumably passengers just hanging out on the tarmac with their luggage. here's what we know. this is from the san antonio airport. this is a bomb threat specifically for the airport. it was called in earlier. they're not telling us precisely what time. so just about -- and here these people i talked about on the tarmac. here are these people just waiting san antonio, texas, here just about 15 minutes ago this airport evacuated their terminals. all air traffic is on standby. so as far as aircraft coming into san antonio, according to this person at the airport, those planes are being parked away from the terminal. and then people onboard planes will then stay onboard. doesn't explain, chad myers,
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this group of people waiting, i'm sure in texas heat. >> yeah, right. >> to figure out what the deal is. >> probably not every plane is going to use a jetway. so these passengers may have actually been on the way to a plane and not allowed to get on the plane. although if you take them off, i did see a bus leaving that area as well. there's another plane inbound from atlanta. it's an airtran 309. i'm going to keep watching to see if it lands. it's circling just above the airport. we'll know if it lands that the airport is technically not really closed, but they will not clearly pull that plane up to the jetway or to any of the terminals. they'll leave it out there parked on the jetway as far away from the terminal. >> we're going to get more information. we're going to take a quick break. more from the bomb threat at the san antonio, texas, airport after this.
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slamming on the brembo brakes. [ derek ] it's like instant response, incredibly consistent. this is the challenge, machine vs. mountain. [ male announcer ] the all-new cadillac ats. want to take you back to our breaking story here. san antonio, texas, this airport is apparently being evacuated. there's some live pictures there
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from the airport thanks to our affiliate ksat. we have some other pictures. it's been intermittent. forgive this live photo. we'll have some of people just standing on the tarmac waiting to get on a plane. here's the deal, this is from the international airport folks there. they have a bomb threat for the airport. we don't know specifically if this was a phone call that was called in and merely out of precaution they're grounding these flights or perhaps there's some sort of mysterious package. we're making phone calls right now. we know the threat was called in earlier. they're not telling us precisely what time it was called in, but right around about 20 minutes ago this airport decided out of abundance of caution to evacuate the terminal. so that's happening, a. b, you have all the air traffic currently on standby. so planes that are coming into san antonio, texas, they're landing. and there were some pictures,
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chad jump in here, looked like as you were mentioning sort of in the penalty box. there's a group of planes waiting on the tarmac. >> yes. we have four planes on final right now. they are not sending them away or to some holding pattern out there. they will allow those four planes, the first will be the grey plane means it's close to the ground to land. and then they park them away from the building. we call that penalty box. it's almost like when you come into the airport and your gate isn't ready and they have to just kind of sit out there and wait and idle the plane, keep the air-conditioning going. it's 98 degrees on that tarmac. you saw the people standing there waiting at 98 degrees outside. and the sunshine probably making itd feel hotter. >> 98 degrees and they're out there. a lot of them we saw the pictures in their business suits with their luggage trying to get on this plane. but, again, out of caution the folks at the san antonio international airport are not allowing them on planes. in the penalty box it looks like we have a number of planes that have landed that are waiting to park, if you will, at some of
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these gates. and then at the same time according to this official at this airport, those people who are onboard these planes are staying onboard at least for the time being. just sort of interesting anecdotally from this official at this airport, he said that he's been there for three years. and this is the first bomb threat he has heard of being called in. so we're going to watch it. and we're going to see exactly what happens. again, bomb threat at the san antonio, texas international airport. chad myers, thank you, sir. >> you're welcome. hope those people are well out there. we feel for the people out there, but the workers on the tarmac work on this all day long. if they don't get to pull the planes up to the tarmac and jetway, they may end up get the stairs and getting off the old fashioned way. >> i'm sure candy will be watching in "the situation room." thank you so much for watching here. i'm brooke baldwin at the cnn headquarters in atlanta. to washington we go and "the
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situation room" with candy crowley starts right now. happening now, we of course will keep you up to date on what is happening in san antonio. we do know at this point that a bomb threat has been called in. the airport being evacuated. incoming planes sent to the areas that are far away from the airport. cnn of course staying on top of that news. also, president obama comes back to ohio hammering away at mitt romney's tax plan. but the romney campaign is there as well and fighting back. also, the spreading u.s. drought. half the counties have now been declared disaster zones. and we're learning the price all of us may pay. plus, investigators believe they -- this may be the face of a suicide bomber. new developments in the probe into a deadly terror attack. wolf blitzer is off today. i'm candy crowley. and you're in "the situation room."
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the battle for the white house now centered in the state of ohio. president obama paid yet another visit to what both campaigns see as a must-win state. and today the president came armed with a new report on tax policy that he used to hammer away at mitt romney. our cnn white house correspondent, dan lothian, is traveling with the president. dan, the president pretty much could take up citizenship in ohio at this point. >> reporter: that's right. he really could. he was right here in akron almost a month ago. it was part of his bus tour. and since he announced his re-election bid last spring, the president has been to this state about a dozen or so times. this is really a crucial state not only for the president but also for mitt romney. and today the president was going after his opponent on his tax plan saying they would be bad for the middle class. but the president also came under fire on tw


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