tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 1, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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colleagues on that team. we don't know what she told them, we don't know what triggered her to call them. but they decided after a day or so not to convene. and the reason was because three days after he failed that test and bought that a.r. 15 on the 10th of june, he dropped out of school. they then thought, the team thought, we're told by our sources, the team thought they had no jurisdiction, they had no control over him, so there was ng they could do, vis-a-vis this concern that she had. we don't know what the concern was. what we do know is is that no one through our sources and through our reporting, we have been told no one contacted the aurora police department with any of these concerns. >> that's really interesting and this is all new information that we're really just learning now. so certainly whatever he had said allegedly said to his psychiatrist raised enough red flags that she became concerned, contacted other members of this threat assessment team, but because he dropped out of the program, you're saying, they
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never actually formally intervened or formally got together to discuss him? >> that's correct. our reporting through our sources says that essentially in the process of considering what, you know, dr. fenton was telling them, at that point during that period of time, he dropped out of school. they then thought well, he's not a student anymore. we're the threat assessment team for the university of colorado. there's not much we can do. we don't have jurisdiction or what do we do? he's not coming here anymore. as a matter of fact two days later after the 10th, his access card was cut off, he couldn't get back into the labs where he was, woulding. but anderson be clear on this. we don't know what was said so we don't know the level of threat or the level of concern. and was that level to the level that would have been necessarily have been reportable to police? >> right. >> as you know across the country, there are obviously different rules in different states. but if you're here and this is
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where we need to be to report to police, we don't know if that call to the threat assessment team might have been here about something down here. we don't have any idea about that. so we can't really say whether she mishandled it or she handled it properly. >> we may not know this information and if we don't we can move on. but do we know, was she actually seeing him as a patient or just in a classroom setting? and if she was seeing him as a patient, do we know for how long? >> well, at this point our reporting tells us that she had been seeing him for several weeks as a patient. and that's also borne out by court documents, public court documents that we found. on her website, on her resume page, we see that she routinely handles between ten and 15 patients of her own at cu. so he may very well have been one of those patients. we don't know how long he had been seeing her. we know it was certainly several weeks and it was in this period of the first ten days of june is
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when she finally got this kind of inkling that something might be a problem. >> stick around. i want to bring in practicing psychiatrist dr. drew, also brett, the executive of the. mr. sock low, give us your take on what we just now learned the limited information that we have. >> sure, anderson. well, based on what i'm hearing so far and the reading i'm seeing on the coverage, it seems like there's an appropriate flow of information going on within the university. that if holmes was concerning through dr. fenton, that she communicate that information to the behavioral intervention team on campus. you've already talked about, there's a threshold for when a psychiatrist can reveal that information. but information flows both ways
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with these teams. it may be that someone brought information to the team about holmes and fenton was on the team, or maybe fenton brought information to the team about holmes which would then apply that there was a threshold of threatening behavior that was imminent and she felt the need to alert the team to that. >> dr. drew what do you make of this? the question i have what responsibility does a school have if a student has actually left the school, is there anything they can really do? >> the psychiatrist again, to reframe your intro to myself, i'm a physician addiction ol gist. but the psychiatrists themselves would have obligation for follow through and referral. they would absolutely have to continue seeing that patient until the care was terminated or transfer to somebody else. as you see here very clearly this patient did not reach the threshold for a 72-hour hold where a people are an imminent threat to, or to violate hipaa
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laws to contact police because of belief there was imminent danger. she did do the appropriate thing of calling the threat assessment team. the question then becomes though each and every threat assessment team at every university has to make their own guidelines, at least by my understanding, based on their own ethical legal obligations of that particular community. >> obviously doctors walk a fine line here in terms of patient confidentiality. but you're saying dr. drew, a doctor could put a 72-hour hold on a patient if they feel they are an immediate danger? >> yes. she would have an absolute obligation to do that. i could pretty much guarantee you there was not sufficient evidence that should have happened or where people are ruminating about specific harm to specific people where you notify people that's a potential to protect themselves. she did what was taupt in that community which was to notify threat assessment. >> mr. sokolow, i think i read
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in "usa today" just a short time ago that many colleges have threat assessment teams. is it really that wide spread? >> it absolutely is. it became clear after the shootings at virginia tech that it was the most effective preventative to bring a team together to help to assess these risks. every person who threatens this kind of violence almost always engages in what's called leakage is dropping of crumbs before they act. they give includes. in any college community we pick up on the clues. the team takes the appropriate action. it's becoming incredibly commonplace. >> dr. drew, is a psychiatrist, if a patient is a college student, do they have any obligation or ability to tell that person's parents, or because the person is over the age of 18, are they not allowed to? >> again, this depends on the level of threat, the level of imminent harm.
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and it depends on the institution. some institutions, the hipaa laws that the rest of us are protected by aren't as stringently applied. it's actually a very complicated, looking at it from the outside in, it looks terribly complicated to navigate through the system and each system is different. >> john, in terms of, and again, we may not know this in terms of reporting. is this the same psychiatrist that the suspect allegedly sent a notebook or a packet to with some disturbing details? it? >> yeah, that's correct. that is the same package that police recovered. it was sent to doctor fen town. one thing i wanted to add here about something we don't know, anderson. i think it's important that we mention this. we don't know, if even though on one side that the threat assessment team didn't follow
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through or didn't meet or didn't think it could. on the other side, we really don't know what happened with dr. fenton and the suspect. did she meet with him after he left the school on a private basis? did she refer him to some other psychiatrist as one of your guests just said. those are things we don't know. so it's very difficult to make an assessment as to whether, you know, exactly to say that she handled this correctly or not. she may have handled it very correctly. we simply don't have those answers. >> that's important to point out. the fact that she raised red flags that is certainly a good indication of taking the right steps and i think dr. drew agrees with that. i appreciate you all joining us, john, brett sokolow and dr. drew. legality us know what you they follow us on twitter. we also have more breaking news tonight out of syria. disturbing knew evidence the up rising has entered a whole new phase where revenge not just liberation is a goal.
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more breaking news tonight shlgs late word that president obama. two u.s. officials tell us the president has signed what's called an intelligence finding letting things out. when is he signed that is not known. nor do we know the exact contents. we do know that it gives the cia and other american agencies pefrlgs to provide covert
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support to oust assad. the dictator has not been seen in public for weeks. today he put out a statement blaming the war on criminal gangs. take a look at aleppo today. >> this kind of war on cities all across syria have now taken an estimated 17,000 to 20,000 lives. mostly civilian, many of children. the children tortured and their bodies returned to the families as a warning t all of that killing later, opposition fighters are said to be gaining ground in some places, in some locations holding their own or making headway. but this is not entirely a war of liberation. it is also at times becoming a war of vengeance. i want to show you one such moment. it is not easy to watch.
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if you would prefer to turn away, we're going to show it to you for about 15 seconds. take a look. >> an act of retribution it seems and it may not be the last one. whoever comes out on top. let's dig zeeper now with two people with experience with presidential intelligence findings. >> how big a deal is this? again, we don't know when this was how big a deal was this and what do you think it means? >> we should assume where we have foreign policy challenges around the world, this is what we have an intelligence committee to do, right? to go in clandestinely to
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support american policy around the world. it shouldn't be surprising. you talked about 17,000 to 20,000 deaths in syria. the longer you wait to act, you pound out we don't know when it was signed. the longer we wait to act, the longer the radicalized the population becomes. they've been tortured and abused by their own leader and they feel abandoned. so you lead the way for feelings of vengeance -- >> and we've already seen increasing reports of al qaeda or jihadist groups. >> that's right. i must tell you good, if it is true if this is signed and officials have told people here at cnn it is. that's great, but it's little and it's late and we need to do more. whatever we're doing, we need to do much more to bring this to an end, a conclusion so there's a transition. >> bob, do you think this will make a difference in what the
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opposition is able to accomplish against the regime or is lethal support needed and is that the kind of thing this finding would have? >> well, for a start, more money is going to go to the opposition. the fighters. they're out of money. they've been complaining today, they're not getting enough medicine, weapons, ammunition. they simply need more funding. they're not getting enough from the gulf or turkey or anywhere else. ultimately if this gets very bad, and by the way i completely agree with fran. the longer we let this go on, the more likely we're going to have al qaeda on the ground responding, gathering supporters. but what they need right now is surface-to-air missiles and antitank weapons. they have to stop the bombardments. and one day if it gets really bad, and it could be very soon, we're going to have to switch this to a lethal finding or get the united states military to start supplying these people. >> it's interesting, and you've
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been a case officer on the ground in a lot of dangerous places. but there are those who say look al qaeda isn't involved or people are going there on what they call a jihad. you see that as a result of not having more international intervention earlier on? >> well, the way i look at it is islam is a default. when things get really bad and people get hungry and desperate, they turn to the kuran. they go from a secular opposition to a religious opposition. let's say in another year, we're going to see al qaeda all over the place. al qaeda is just an idea. it's not an actual military force. it's people are going to be turned to the extreme forces of islam if they feel abandoned. >> fran, do you agree with that?
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>> i think you have to understand whether it's the p palestinian people, when a government, an institution or international institutions fail a population and they are desperate and abused and tortured, they will turn to who can provide them weapons and food and if that's al qaeda, that's who they'll turn to. >> when i was on the turkish-syrian border a month ago, the members of the free syrian army, they kept saying we keep hearing about communication equipment coming from the u.s. we keep hearing about money and arms coming from saudi arabia and qatar, but we're not seeing it on the ground. i talked to ieven watson who has seen better arments. but it's interesting to me even now they're still short of ammunition, short of weapons and
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short of medical equipment. >> well, i think everybody was just sort of hoping that assad would fall and there would be a coup and an easy solution to this. i don't think a failure of imagination that this could turn into a full-blown civil war and we would have to come down on one side very quickly, which we didn't do. so yes, anderson, we're coming late to the game. >> i think it's worth noting here. if we're going to only rely on covert action and clan destine activity, we were using treasury sanctionins sanctions, that t's good. we may be using clan destine activity. that's good. but you have to be willing to stand up and lead. you've got to pull together the resources of the arab governments who are willing to tribute, if turkey is willing to
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be useful on the refugee issue. you have to be willing to stand up with a strategic plan and pull the international community together and that's what's been lacking. >> everyone knows horrible things happen in war on all sides. when you see that video of what appears to be a rebel group, opposition members lining up what they say are regime supporters or soldiers against a wall and just shooting them, unarmed, hands tied behind their back, what do you make of it? >> anderson, this is a conflict, if the assad falls, we're going to be in a position that we need to defend them because it will be a rwanda-like situation where these groups are uncontrollable right now will turn on this minority community. we don't want to see that either. we're not taking sides in a civil war, we're just trying to stop the violence. so it doesn't surprise me at all and it could get a lot worse and i think it will.
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>> bob baer, i appreciate the expertise. fran thank you as well. the fund raising that michele bachmann is touting, has she made that on the controversy on the comments about hum huma abedin and alleged infiltration into the u.s. government. even under a fantas. the best protection now looks, fits and feels just like underwear. we invite you to get a free sample and try one on too.
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something about what tol picks have become? during those same 25 days, she was alleging that members of a radical group were infiltrating the government. we've reported on this a lot over the last two weeks. we've invited her to come on the program a half dozen times including tonight to provide proof to these supposed ties to jihadist groups but she refused. she did talk to others about huma abedin. >> she is the chief aide to the secretary of state and we quoted from a document, and this has been well reported all across arab media that her late father who is now deceased was a part of the muslim brotherhood, her brother was a part and her mother was a part of the muslim sisterhood. all we did was ask did the federal government look into her
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family associations before she got a high level security. >> and senator john mccain blasted her calling her claims unwarranted, unfounded. other republicans have condemned the allegation as well. you have to wonder if she seeks this heat so she can raise money off it. whether the claims she makes are factual or not, does that really matter? this isn't the only time controversy seems to help her make money. back in november of 2010, on this program, she made this claim. >> we know that just within a day or so, the president of the united states will be taken a trip over to india that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million a day. he's taking 2,000 people with him. he'll be renting out over 870 rooms in india and these are five-star hotel rooms. this is the kind of over-the-top spending. it's a very small example, anderson. >> no one really knows the cost because for security reasons they don't secure the cost, this
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idea that it's $200 million whatever is made up. >> these are the numbers that have been coming out in the press. >> okay. i don't want to replay this, but she said those are the numbers coming out in the press. it turns out the press she was talking about, the original source for that $200 million figure was an indian news report which cited an anonymous source allegedly a local indian official. so how would a local indian provisional official know hoch obama's trip was cost sng impossible. during that same quarter she raised nearly $4 million. joining us now is dana bash and alex. >> dana, you've reported that the reason that she wasn't backing down on the muslim brotherhood claims was because she was sure to raise a lot of money from it. lo and behold her campaign announces she's raised a staggering million last month.
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>> her campaign wants to know a million in 25 days. but look, you're right. a top house republican told me just this week that in a very candid way that if your network, meaning cnn goes after someone in their party, meaning the republican party, it only helps when it comes to fund raising and that was especially true for michele bachmann. every time the media tacks her, she does better. we should make clear that this show has not attacked michele bachmann but that is the way that it's perceived and telegraphed to some of the important areas where she fundraises. we should probably ask the question whether or not all of this money is really necessary, whether or not she's really in trouble in her re-election bid. you know, by all accounts, not really. i talked to one democrat who was monitoring this who said that the democrats did a poll that shows that she is only about five points ahead of her challenges and he is somebody
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who is a lot of money. he is independently wealthy. but by and large it does not look like she is in very serious trouble. >> it's interesting because her fundraising prowess is legendry. >> that's right. it's win-rin for her. she can within on the politics both in terms of fund raising. it's kind of a dirty secret how important fund dpts raising is on capitol hill but a lot of members who retire will say this is the reason why they left because it's so important to raise money to get good leadership positions, to be well placed within the caucus. so what bachmann can do is raise a lot of money and give it to other republicans. she gave over 60,000 to other republican law makers which currys favor. she can appear at their fund
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raisers and all this helps her insulate herself. she doesn't really have any foreign policy experience to speak of. >> she's using some of the money she raises to give to other people, other members of congress, for whatever reason? >> that's right, yeah. it's very common. almost every member of congress has what's called a leadership pack and they use that to collect their own money and redistribute it to other members. so this can build ties, build relationships. and it's really interesting that in 2011, after the republicans came in, bachmann asked to be put on the foreign intelligence committee, she has no experience and speaker boehner granted that request. >> it seems that she did become a congressional jugger naught in a short time. and how did that happen?
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>> it was quite brilliant politically. a couple of years ago when the tea party movement was gaining steam, she started what she called the tea party caucus. but she became the chairwoman. she was the go-to person for this movement which was incredibly popular. that is how she became such a super star. and she became a darling of the movement. there's no question about it. but, it has changed a little bit, particularly because of this conversationcy. i was just talking to top republican leadership aide this week who gave me a quote that i had to pass on who said loving her is no longer a litmus test for your conservative credentials and that really does sum up the way things may have changed for her because of this kwofrscy. >> my understanding from my reporting was she ran when the
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republicans took the majority, ran for a leadership spot, there was no way the leadership was going to give it to her but they wanted to make sheer she had a consolgs prize because she has so much support out there. >> interesting. thank you. let's get some other updates on stories we're following. isha is here. the agriculture department has declared disaster zones in 12 states because of the ongoing drought. more than half of all u.s. counties now have that designation and the usda says food prices could rice as much as 4.5% linked to the drought. a 22 year old virginia woman is being credited by saving his father's life by lifting a car off him and giving him cpr. the father was, woulding on a car in his garage when the jack slipped. award winning writer go
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gore vidal has died. he was 86 years old. the first u.s. franchise to open in libya is cinnabon. they have opened a shop in downtown tripoli. they say they were in all the major countries in the middle east and they said this makes sense. >> it's going to grind libya to a halt because every time a pass a cinnabon in the airport i have to stop and sit there and smell it. >> which is funny because there's so many other things that you don't like. >> i try not to eat them because i feel bad after eating them. but i mean, they're so yummy. >> you and i will go together on our road trip and we will eat cinnabons. >> tonight a buddhist retreat
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cofounded by a couple is facing some questions after a former member was found dead in the desert after being expelled. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at by what's getting done. measure commitment the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar
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commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through. [romney singing]: oh beautiful, for spacious skies, i'm barack obama and i approve this message. for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain, america, america, god shed his grace on thee, and crowned thy good, with brotherhood...
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welcome back. tonight a mysterious death in the desert in arizona is raising some troubling questions about a group that calls itself a buddhist retreat. he wasn't entirely alone. his wife with his women. they apparently had a falling-out with the retreat and had been banished. miguel mar kez veths. >> reporter: they wanted enlightenment. they would spent three months meditating in the desert. >> we're going to be there for
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three years working very hard to change the world and we need a lot of love and support. >> reporter: the cofounder of the so-called diamond mountain university in the arizona desert where nearly 40 committed buddhists paid. >> we also need support. >> reporter: support that would alieu those in the retreat to explore the inner space of the mind without worries about food, water or other necessities. with her her yoga partner ian thorson. >> it's really lonely. >> the bliss was not to last. a year and a half into the retreat, both mcnally and thorson would be expelled and then they seemingly disappeared.
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thorson would be dead and maknally at his side. >> she was completely disterk kal. according to them she needs to stay with him for a three-day period to help him to heaven. >> reporter: they roughed it in the desert in the middle of winter on a nearby mountainside. >> i wouldn't call it a cave. it was big bourders or stacked. >> but the pair had help. someone was bringing them food and water from the base of the mountain. they had to come down and up in order to get it. at some point they became too weak and sick to do that. the corner's report said that he died of dehydration and starvati starvation. >> reporter: the mother puts the blame on this man seen here in the retreat video. >> what you're seeing here is
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the final party to celebrate. >> reporter: cofounder of diamond mountain. he goes by geshe michael. thorson's mother acauses him of running a cult and the three-year retreat was another step in establishing control over her son. >> he changed radically but over a period of time. it doesn't happen overnight. >> reporter: but there is more to the story. before it was christie and ian, it was chris tea and michael. that's right, michael roach had done a three year retreat in 1999. living in a yert. they even made a series of videos about their spiritual
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partnership. >> the problem began in february, a little more than a year into the retreat. mcnally gave a lecture indicating ian had been violent toward her and she had snenlly stabbed him. reason enough for roach to expel chris tea and her son. >> days later they received a letter demanding to know details. in a rambling 31 page letter, she says she was treated with disrespect calling the board's letter disturbing and a gross breach of the retreat. the dispute appears to have led to the couple's expulsion from the retreat. in his open letter said ian had been cut three times. one which was deep enough to threaten vital organs. but the corner's report only mentions a scar across the right shoulder. >> he expelled the couple for
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whatever reasons. i don't think it's possible to justify something like that. expelled them and never informed the family. both ian and chrissy emerging would have been in a delicate frame of mind. no charges were ever filed and arizona authorities consider the case closed. michael roach continues to run diamond mountain. he refused our attempts to talk to him on camera. >> last aprilian thorson was cremated in arizona. >> it's such a bizarre tail. iffian thorson's family is convinced it was a cult, did they do anything to try and get him out of it. >> they did, in the late '90s, in early 2000, they brought in experts, they brought him out to long island, they tried to mountain intervention to get him out of it. there was one scene where he
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became so upset and agitated in the car, he jumped out of a moving car and went running away from the family. they tried everything they could to try and get him away from michael roach, away from what they considered a cult and never could. >> we'll continue following it. elsewhere a deadly e bola outbreak. details ahead. diesel self-serve fix a flat jumper cables 5% cashback signup for 5% cashback at gas stations through september. it pays to discover. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer.
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outbreak rises to 16. health officials are urging people not to gather in large groups. a 360 billionaire has pleaded guilty to preventing the lawful and decent burl of his wife ava. she likely died in april but her body wasn't found until last month. after he was stopped by police on suspicion of driving under the influence. on the driving offense, he also pleaded guilty. he was ordered to enter a drug rehab program. the couple fought drug addiction for years. u.s. stocks fell after the federal reserve said it wouldn't change its policy. the dow sank 37 points, the nasdaq lost 19 while the s and p shed four points. eight female players are
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tonight it has finally happen. we the best reality show ever. our favorite teen bride courtney is doing a reality show. at age 16 she married a 51-year-old actor, but doug isn't the star here. courtney is clearly the star. ever since she erupted into our consciousness, we have been waiting for this day. she tweets and i quote, fyi, will be mia for about three weeks, packing up and heading out to shoot a reality show. love you all, xxx god bless.
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courtney. speaking of triple x, remember that time she made the video about vegetarianism. >> then i turned around and these were calling to me for some reason. they're sexy, aren't they? >> memories. see, we are super excited about her reality show because we have a good idea what it's going to look like. the details of the show are being kept secret. we already know what her typical day is like. >> a typical day for me is crazy, let me tell you. i get up out of bed and sexiest outfit you've ever seen, my hair is done, my makeup is done. >> and maybe the reality show will some singing and pink dogs and boats. ♪ don't put it on me, girl ♪ >> we didn't actually show you the pink dog, but there was a
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dog dyed pink in there. >> as you may remember, courtney pulls out all the stops for the holidays. according to radar online kids who took their kids were not in the halloween spirit. they took issue with the way she was dressed and after multiple complaints she got thrown out. leaving her, she had no other choice but to walk right out of there and show off her pumpkins on the side of the road. let's just say they show a little too much crack olantern. we've done about 50 riduculists on her. this is not going to be the last one. there's one thing that's for certain about her reality show. no matter what, it is going to be 100% real. >> my breasts are real. everything about me is real.
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my hair is real, my teeth are real, my eyelashes are real. my breasts are totally real. >> she said that twice. i would have to say that the main reason that i personally many looking forward to the reality show is because maybe, just maybe it will give us new insight into the enigma that is courtney,goals. what in the name of all that is holy is she doing with her face in t clip. >> people are welcome to their opinions. that's what the world is about. if they need to feel this way, that there's to hold. not ours. >> congratulations on the reality show. courtney we will definitely, definitely be watching. no doubt about that. that's it for us.
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"erin burnett outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, a report tonight says mitt romney's tax plan would raise taxes for 95% of americans. does it add up? and as chick-fil-a faces outrage over its stance on gay marriage from some quarters, amtrak unveils new ads, ride the pride. we'll explain. and tsa agents spot and regular cue a kidnapped woman going through security. let's go "outfront". good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, ouch. a report today from the tax policy center says that mitt romney's tax plan would raise taxes on 95% of americans. now, mitt has promised a 20% tax cut to everyone. so whose math adds up -- mitt's or the tax policy center's? it's sort of like an olympic boxing match.
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today, the romney camp threw a punch fast and early, pointing out that one of the authors was a former aide to president obama. as the romney campaign wrote to us, that is, quote, hardly objective. true, one round to mitt. but for the romney campaign, we checked the other two names on the report, and one author was a former aide to george h.w. bush, the final one worked for both bush and obama. round two to barack. let's lay out the substantive charge. the report says if mit romney's plan becomes reality, tax revenue, because he's going to be cutting marginal tax rates, will drop by $360 billion in the first year alone. that means if it's revenue-neutral, someone must pay $360 billion more. again, that's if it's revenue-neutral, which is something mitt romney specifically promised in february. romney's economic honcho, glenn
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