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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 17, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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congresswoman gabby giffords and there were traugt s thoughts t he is derangeded, but he has pleaded guilty, so glad you pointed that out that we don't know right away. thank you for joining us, and have yourself a wonderful weekend. see you later tonight on erin see you later tonight on erin burnett. -- captions by vitac -- welcome to newsroom international, and we are taking you around the world in 60 minutes. here is what is happening now, a cancerous tumor is how iran is talking about israel today as thousands pour into the streets today in support of the palestinians. they call themselves conflict minerals, and you may have likely used them every time you turn on the cell phone. we will show you where they come from. first a miner strike turns into a bloodbath, and now the world is reacting. i want to get straight to that. police and miners on strike facing off again today in south africa. this is one day after the deadliest police attacks there
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since apartheid. [ gun fire ] so this is the scene we are talking about here. police opening fire with automatic weapons on a crowd of striking mine workers. this happened near johannesburg and police say they were defending themselves when a armed mob rushed them. today, it is tense, but the violence has subsided. and our correspondent is live in johannesburg and tell us, do we have anymore information about how this played out, and who is actually responsible for starting this in the first place? >> well, suzanne, for the very first time the national pligs commissioner actually addressed the nation today about what unfolded just behind me here in
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rustenburg, and the pictures that were beamed around the world that left 34 people dead here. as we speak, there were teams here, police forensic teams combing the area when we arrived here. who shot who first? that is the question that we have not been able to get answers to. the national police commissioner really reiterating that the police used live ammunition as a very last resort saying that the police tried to negotiate with the striking miners who have of course not been going to work since last week friday demanding more pay. and the police used water can n cannons and tear gas and said that when all of the methods failed and the police, whose lives were in danger, she says, because the miners were carrying machetes and carrying traditional weapons and some of them the police say were carrying guns, she said that the police had to use ammunition as
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a last resort. let's take a listen to what she said when she was addressing the nation earlier. >> they were met by members of the police who tried to advance with water cannons, tear gas, as well as hand grenades. ladies and gentlemen, that was unsuccessful. and the police members had to employ force to protect themselves from the charging group. >> suzanne, we were speaking to some of the miners that took part in the violent protests and they insist that they were provoked by the police. there is still a lot of anger in the community, and at lot t ll police presence. >> and explain to us, when you think about this and talk about the days of apartheid when this
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was very much a racial situation when you saw this violence, this is really was based on a labor dispute here. how are people explaining this that this is brother against brother, and that this is happening here within the police department that you have black african against black african? >> you know, this is a violence that has shocked the nation. as you said, south africa has seen the fair share of violence, and this is a country where a majority of the population were violently oppressed for many, many years, and the resistance to that oppression was very often violent. until today, suzanne, you will find the violence pervasive. you remember the pictures you saw in 2008 when we saw the xenophobic violence that spread across the country, and you will still see violence when people don'tle tolerate a certain behaviors, and we have seen the violence against the lesbians and gays, and so there is a
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violent culture in the country, and the south africans are soul searching and asking themselves, when do we move from reacting violently to resorting to dialogue and freely speaking. we are a democratic south africa and there are avenues for people to express their dissatisfaction and why so often do we see this dissatisfaction expressed through violent action, suzanne, and those are the questions that people are asking. >> absolutely. thank you so much for giving us that context. very important story. a russian court now sentencing three members of the punk rock band pussy riot to two years in prison now. a judge found them guilty of hooliganism in their protest performance against russian president vladimire putin was found to be disrespectful and offensive to the orthodox church, but as phil black shows us the band has worldwide support. >> reporter: at the start of the year, the pussy riot was a small
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and noisy group on the fringe of russia's opposition movement, but then they did this. a punk prayer in moscow's main cathedral asking the virgin mary to take vladimire putin which triggered them to be here and since then fellow clubbers were singing and dancing on the streets n. gl streets. in glasgow, san francisco, berlin, new york, washington, d.c. -- >> any one can be pussy riot whenever they want to be. >> ♪ >> reporter: there was this ukelele tribute in melbourne, australia. and there was this group who got
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together outside of the cathedral where they performed the allegedly criminal prayer, and the security reacted faster and more forcibly this time, but no problem with the authorities in iceland's capital reykjavik, that man in the pink dress is the city's mayor. members of their global army include some of the best known musical artists. madonna performed pussy riot style. >> i think that these threegi, have done something courageous. >> reporter: u.s. band faith no more also showed their support in the russian capital and invited other pussy riot members on stage. iceland's bjorg dedicated a
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song. and also, a group peaches wrote one. behind the colorful masks and music and dancing is a serious issue, and one that was highlighted provocatively and disturbingly by this supporter in st. petersburg who sewed his lips together. >> phil black is joining us from moscow, and phil when you look at that man and you see the lips sewn together, that is expressing snag is passionate a -- expressing something that is passionate and emotional with this group and why has this resonated across the world, and why are people coming to their defense? >> it is an interesting question, suzanne. particularly given that it has happened at a time in that big opposition movement that we saw in the piece has subsided to some effect, and these three women are the face of opposing
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the kremlin and the president vladimire putin and for that reason the message and the predicament has resonated around the planet. they performed in a church on othis occasion, because they were trying to highlight their objection, if you'd like, to the relationship between the president vladimire putin and the head of the orthodox church. and he is a man who described putin i putin's time in power here as a miracle from god. they are uncomfortable with that closeness of the church and the state, and they don't like the idea of vladimire putin returning to the presidency at all. suzanne? >> and phil, do you believe it made a difference when they were sentenced that they performed the protest inside of the church. would it have played out differently if it had taken place simply on the street? >> no, that was absolutely crucial to this case, suzanne. the charge that they faced was hooliganism motivated by religious hatred, and so that the trial was filled with
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witnesses who claimed that they had suffered great spiritual suffering as a result of what took place during that brief 30-second performance by pussy riot in the cathedral, and during the judgment today, the judge used the words disrespectful and insensitive in regards to the way that the women had behaved to not just the church, but religious people as well, and so very much in the country over the last five months since they have been arrested there is a great debate over what their punishment should be. many religious people here wanted them to be punished severely and some wanted jail time and some wanted mercy, but there are those who here who support the message and the idea, and just think they overstepped the mark this time. >> and phil, give us a sense there on the ground, and what is taking place behind you there on the crowd? >> what we are seeing here are largely remnant of the pussy riot supporters here throughout the day. they have kept their distance
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from the court for the three hours or so that it took the judge to read out her judgment and ultimately sentence the women today. they have been protesting. they have been chanting, shouting, some of them have been arrested. we have seen handfuls of them bundled in to prison wagons and taken away over the course of the day. the proceedings here finished an hour and a half or so ago now, and these people are sufficiently angry by what is taking place here today by the sentenci sentencing, but they are still sticking around. >> we have to leave it there. phil black, thank you very much. it is not just in syria, but the violence is now spilling over the border into lebanon. (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life.
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get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. to israel, a massive pro palestinian rally, and president muk mud ahmadinejad calls the black stain of zionism. hala gorani is joining us, and some of the words that we have heard, and it is very extreme and offensive and not necessarily knew new, and why is ahmadinejad is spew iing more o
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the same? >> well, this is aimed at a domestic audience and happens in t teheran every year. it is more calling for unity in the muslim world gaiagainst the zionist regime. mahmoud ahmadinejad addressing the worshippers saying that it is an insult to humanity and he comes up with this over the top rhetoric regularly, of course, as you know, and it is a yearly event that happens on the last friday of ramadan, what is interesting this time is that it is happening with the increasingly context of the debate of israel whether that country should go it alone in a strike against iran nuclear facilities to prevent iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, so it is happening in the wider regional context which makes it more interesting, but then you are seeing the images here that were out on press tv, the state
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television in iran, and you can see the crowds there chanting anti-israel slogans. >> why is he doing this now? does he believe he can get more out of the message and we have heard it before, but this is a time when he is under pressure, ahmadinejad, and domestic pressure and international pressure and what does he hope to gain from this? >> well, it is a populist domestic message aimed at iranians and it is not something to surprise any outside observer, because we are used to the rhetoric, but he is under pressure from the clerical, the clerics of the country, but also the reformists. mahmoud ahmadinejad is under a lot of domestic and international pressure. the question is will israel go ahead alone? what is interesting is that i was looking at some of the polls inside of israel, and most of the israelis according to the polls i saw oppose a unilateral strike against iran. they think if israel is going to go against a strike against iran with nuclear facilities they
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need to go with a partner, and that means the united states, however, that opposition is declining, so little by little as israelis are getting closer to a nuclear armed iran the opposition to the strike is declining, so that the big question is what will happen? if it is several years away, israel feels that nuclear armed iran is a threat. >> thank you, hala. and now opposition groups are accusing bashar al assad's forces of shelling neighborhoods indiscriminantly. opposition groups say that 61 people died today in fighting in several syrian towns. the violence spilling into lebanon as well as a series of kidnappings on both sides of the border, and now putting lebanon on edge, triggering mass protests. arwa damon is in beirut.
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>> reporter: syria's civil war is seeping into its tiny and vulnerable neighbor. on wednesday angry young shias blocked the road to beirut's main airport with burning tires after the head of a prominent shia clan was abducted in syria. the free syrian army posted this video of who they al sledge a member of lebanon's powerful group hezbollah. and hezbollah denies he is one of theirs and the family denies any association. but the kidnapping resulted in swift retaliation. this family has an armed section that kidnapped syrians in lebanese territories claims one of the clan members. two of the kidnapped syrians appeared in the video in front of a banner that reads that the family association. the clan says they have taken hostage more than 20 syrians
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after fill kuwafiliated with th as well as a turkish b businessman. has san's brother vows that there will be more surprises, suggesting that the clan will not only target members of the syrian rebels operating out of lebanon, but others as well. tensions were already high over the kidnapping of 11 lebanese shias by syrian rebels. the lebanese government seems powerless to intervene except to call for calm. the posture of the government forces at the airport perhaps reflecting the government's paralysis, and held captive by dynamics it cannot control. the beb these are fed up, disgusted and disillusioned and at the same time terrified that sectarian strife will break out again. the wounds and memories of lebanon's own civil war are still fresh, and the syrian conflict is not likely to spare the neighbor in its shadow. arwa damon, cnn, beirut. all right. we are getting news in from the u.n. and this is coming in just
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now al jeegerian diplomat has b appointed to replace kofi annan as the u.n. representative for syria. that is from the spokesman s secretary-general ban ki-moon. they are announcing this individual who is now going to be trying to negotiate some peace plan. as you may recall kofi annan failed to get the talks between the syrian government and rebels and left that mission, and now the u.n. is replacing him with another individual, and it is far from clear that anything will be accomplished since it was yesterday that the u.n. said it is pulling back the monitors and taking them out of the country, because they were not confident of their safety, but again, there is a new person in charge, and we will see if it makes any difference on the ground in syria. it is a standoff between muslims and buddhists in one the poorist countries in the worlds. the result? well, take a look at this.
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they are taken from their homes, and forced to live in wet muddy camps trying to survive with very lit hle food. this is the situation facing thousands of people in myanmar.
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they lost everything after ethnic fighting tore their city in two. and we are able to get in the camps for a report, but we won't identify him because of safety. >> we only have rice and beans and no blankets. when we were in town, we could buy food for the kids, but now we can't. >> reporter: the ooccupants of the camps are not allowed the leave and return to their homes in sitwi seems unlikely. few people here can support themselves. >> translator: we have no jobs and our kids cannot work. i used to own a shop, but now i have nothing here. no money, nothing. >> reporter: the aid agencies told us that the situation here is desperate, but they are struggling to provide assista e
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assistance. back in the city, the aide workers face hostility from the local buddhist community who have plastered their views all over town. the u.n., and international ngos are accused of favor iing the group, and a idea that is widely shared. food shipments have been blocked. these are the words of one activist. >> there are buddhists in the state as well, but the ngos only give support to the muslims so why doesn't the u.n. treat people equally? >> reporter: 8,000 members of the buddhist community were made home le homeless in the city, and a majority have taken shelter in the city temples though several were damaged in the violence. though the conditions were cramped and unkom focomfortablee is enough food to go around. >> translator: yes, we have the support we need and local government has been helping us. >> reporter: but the temporary residents told us they are not
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prepared to live with the temple's abbott who offered this bleak vision. >> translator: i don't think that the people can coexist again, because they are extremist and they hate us. they are trying to take revenge is what i think. >> reporter: there is very little charity left in this state, and they have few friends here. and no politician seems to be willing to support them. no wonder then that many of them are dreaming of escape of reaching the islands off of the coast and finding passage abroad. there seems little alternative at the moment for life in a waterlogged camp is nothing to live for. this is channel 4 news, burma. >> michael holmes from cnn international is joining us. expl explain the situation. you have the buddhists who are 90%, and the muslims who are the minority and there is a tension between the groups. is this is a religious or cultural thing or what is taking place on the ground? >> well, it is religious and
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cultural there. is always tensions there between the rohingya state. they have been there since before myanmar was myanmar and they came over from what is now bangladesh, and there has been migration in recent years as well, but they have always been treat treated with indifference and outward hostility inside of myanmar. they are not sit zcitizens and u.n. calls them one of the most persecuted groups on the planet. it has been going on for a while. >> there is a situation where a buddhist woman has been rape and kill and that is why this has reemerged the tension? >> well, this has been festering for years and generations in many ways and this is the spark of the latest clash in this horrible clash that has put the rohingya in the dreadful situation in the camps.
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she was raped and murdered by hu muslims and incendiary pamphlets started to be distributed by the buddhist side and then ten muslim mean, pill gram pilgrimsn off of a bus and beaten. and then you saw the pictures that led to this. ne nearly 100,000 displace and the 100 killed, but the ngos say it is a gross underestimate. >> and how is the situation in the cam snps. >> well, it is not great at all, and the government said they had a big decision in 1982 to not allow them to be citizens, so they are stateless people, and now in the camps and not in their own homes and the governments saying to go to bangladesh and they are saying, hey, we have taken 200,000 rohingyas and we can't take anymore and so they are stuck. as you heard in the package, they are not getting support
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from the government, and people like people who won the nobel peace prize, and where is she? well, the stuff that makes your cell phone work, a lot of it is mined out of the congo, and the people working in the mines are often digging with their bare hands. ttention. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward.
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an update on a disturbing story we told you about last month. dell and hp and intel and microsoft working to recall
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conflict metals, because these metals are used to fuel a deadly war there. and so we traveled to the most desolate parts of the congo to find people digging for the metals. >> it is 5:30 in the morning here of the numbbi mining town. this is a town with no electricity or running water. we basically got stranded out here, which is not really part of the plan. they didn't take too kindly to us initially, but they were even worried about our safety, because we are in south kibu, and they are not used to this thing, a bunch of foreigners spending the night here. they gave us a little house to stay in. then they offered us a couple of soldiers to guard us all night long. you know, yesterday, we experienced them trying to keep some secrets hidden. so today, we have a plan to break free, and we are going to go a couple of clkilometers and set up and wait for the miners
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to show up to see how these mines operate. this is the main numbi mine, and we just got here, and these are all miners who work right here. it took two days of tracking and looking, and we are finally here in the heart of the mine. this is where all kinds of minerals are coming out of, everything from tantilum. >> this is what you call
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tourmali tourmaline, and this is the most expensive here. this is where they get it. you can see this one. this block of stone which has everything. >> reporter: a lot inside? >> yes, a lot inside. >> reporter: it seems so primitive with their bare hands and shovels and pulling it out and a lot of it ends up in super high-tech devices, and you never think when you are using the devices back home that this is how it actually starts, and that without this process, it wouldn't exist or it wouldn't work. >> earlier, i spoke with jason m mojika who put that documentary together and he told me why children are forced to work to get the metals. >> well, they are work children, and the locals tried to keep them out of the view, and they understand that americans, american camera crews, you know, tend to gravitate towards those
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sorts of things and it does not play well in the international audience, but, again, it wasn't so, seeing the children wasn't as disturbing in a place where education is a luxury and for some people, you know, the opportunity to make one or two dollars a day to support the family is more important than getting to go the school. >> now tho not all tech companies are making the strides to stop the conflict minerals. according to the advocacy group enough project, they give companies like nintendo and nikon and sharp low ratings. imagine, this you are on a flight to lebanon when the pilot tells you that instead, you will be landing in syria? well, this happened to air france passengers a and the story gets even worse. with the spark cash card from capital one,
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passengers on board an air france flight to beirut could not believe what they were hearing. so first of all they were told that the flight was being diverted to syria, so if that is not nerve-racking enough, they are then asked to pitch in money to refuel the plane. i am not kidding. richard quest is joining us from london to explain this very bizarre story, and richard, first of all, like, really, hit up for gas money on the flight? what happened? >> okay. so the flight is air france 562 from paris to beirut, and it is the night as you were reporting when there were problems at the airport and the kidnappings and the like, and the aircraft and the airline and the pilot decided it was too dangerous the go the beirut so they wanted to go to land instead at ayman and unfortunately, not surprisingly not to have the fuel to minimums, so instead, the pilot decided to land in damascus in
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syria, and that is the safe thing to do in terms of air transport, but when he tried to pay for the fuel with the credit card that all pilots captains have, they all have a credit card in the cockpit, of course, he could not because of u.s. sanctions against syria. so he had not having any accounts with the syrian airport, he couldn't get the fuel, so as a precaution, he said, anyone got any money? who's got moneyt at the back? they literally had a whip round at the back of the cabin and they managed to raise $17,000 before obviously common sense prevailed and either somebody stood credit or they were give ten fuel or whatever, and the plane took off for lanika instead. not the first time it has happened. there have been one or two cases where pilots have had to land at airport where is the airline
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does not have credit or in difficulties and i seem to be a little bit embarrassed. >> it is a craziest story. richard, we have to leave it there, but we will talk to you another time on this, because it is a crazy situation there, and i'm glad that everybody was okay and strange that syria was the safe place to land in that situation. richard, thank you, and have a good weekend. they are recent high school grads from zimbabwe who won scholarships and tickets to the united states. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t. the nation's largest 4g network. covering 2,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. at&t. rethink possible.
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in just five days two 17-year-olds from szimbabwe wil begin classes at moorhouse college. they arrived in atlanta earlier in the month, and they are among 40 african students awarded a full rise to morehouse as part of the andrew young scholarship program and the higher life project. and firstt with meet a young man from zimbabwe who is putting up $6 million for the scholarships for this project. congratulation and thank you all for being here. you are now morehouse men. >> yes, it is the men of morehouse. and the title of morehouse men is after we graduate. >> oh, okay. and you are wearing the morehouse shirts and outfits, and very nice. this is the first time, right, outside of zimbabwe, is that
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righ right? >> yes, ma'am. >> how is the trip so far? >> it was nice. the flight was pretty long. we flew from the suburban south africa and then from south africa we took a plane here to atlanta. >> how many hours was that? >> something like 16 hours. >> yes, that is a long flight. give me a sense of what it has been like for you. you have gone through the orientation now, and what do you make of the college? what is this experience mean for you? >> for me, it is a wonderful experience. i really love it. for all of the way from zimbabwe to morehouse college, and i have been involved and meeting wonderful people, and in the week or so, i have learned a lot. >> and how did you prepare for the s.a.t.s and i understand that you got amazing scores and you studied for a week. just a week. how did you do that? >> we were just given some material the week before to prepare. and we just put all of it, we
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put in an effort on it. >> a lot of effort? >> yes, a lot of effort, because we knew our life depanded on it, so we had to. >> well, it paid off, because it was incredible when you look at how high you scored. give us a sense of how this came about. why the connection between zimbabwe and morehouse college? >> it was actually through a patron and his relationship with ambassador andrea young who introduced him, you know, to morehouse college, and he, himself, you know, from a very early age when he was still in zimbabwe heard about morehouse college and wanted to come here. so when the opportunity afforded him to establish a relationship with morehouse college, you know, to further envision that he has always had to develop young, bright, you know, orphaned children in africa to help them to develop into
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leaders who are able after attained a good education in the united states of america to go back to africa and give back to the community and develop it, you know, further than what has already been done in the past. >> prince, what do you hope that the students at morehouse learn from you? >> i really love the students at morehouse and hope they learn from me, because i am a person who is a fill lan tlop iphilaph
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hope to encourage that. >> i hope to impact my community when i go back to zimbabwe, because i have a passion to give back to the community. so after i get my degree which is computer science, i want to go back to zimbabwe and use that degree to improve the provision of public services. >> abell and prince, i know you will do great work and be here in atlanta and we will see you often and check up on you guys since we are all right here in the same place and it is going to be an extraordinary experience. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. with all of the violence in the arab world right now, you feel helpless to stop the suffering, but not this guy. this young american just went to libya on his own dime to help the rebels tear down a dictatorship, and well, what is the next stop? syria. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ]
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he spent time in a libyan prison after being captured by the gadhafi forces. despite this experience, a young american now wants to go out to the front lines in syria. nick valencia tells us why.
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>> reporter: early last year matthew van dyke left his home in the united states for libya, to film and to fight. he wanted to help rebel forces overthrow the long time dictator moammar gadhafi. and he also made friends on a motorcycle trip in the meantime. >> i could not sit home and watch this happen to people i cared about. so i wanted to go to libya and called my girlfriend and said, you should go home from work, because i'm on the way to libya. i went. >> reporter: less than a week there, he was captured by the forces for reconnaissance mission, and he was taken to tripoli and held in solitary confinement and what he calls psychological torture in the high security prison. >> this is where i have been 85
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days when i was first captured. >> reporter: there are times when he thought his life would end there. >> i thought i would be in prison for 20 or 30 years or executed. i was involved before nato was involved so i had no idea that nato was involved until i escaped prison and then i went back to the front line and continued doing it. >> reporter: after leaving libya the 23-year-old graduate of georgetown university wants to go back to front lines, but this time, he is destined for syria. he says he is better prepared for the journey. >> i know people in libya and knew people in syria before and i have been working and living in the region four years, and it is not like i threw a dart at the map and just went over there. >> and nick is joining us to talk more about the story and you mentioned that this is exclusive video, because he went back and able to go back to libya to the place where he was captured and held for some time. when i looking at this, it brings up a lot of concern, really, because even as a journalist covering a war zone,
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i had to have military training, war training before i was even allowed to go over there. it is a dangerous situation and why does he feel that he is even equipped to be in that kind of fighting? >> well, one thing needs to be clear, suzanne. he is not a journalist but a filmmaker and activist and on this trip, he is acting in the role of a filmmaker, and you bring up a great question, because he has never had for mall military training or experience. and one of the first times he picked up a gun is when he went to libya and decided to fight there. two days before, he decided to go to libya. he says in the video, he told the girlfriend, come home from work, because i'm going to libya. he has the support of the family, because his mom drove him to the airport, if you can believe it. >> not my mom. and how is this reaction from the state department that americans feel passionate about this and they up and go and decide to be part of it? >> well, the principle concern for what matt is about to get himself into is that the assad
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regime can point to him as an example and this is not a populist uprising and funded by outside elements and outside forces and even if it is not, it can be a example. so we called the state department and asked them specifically about matthew van dyke's case, and they were not willing to comment specifically on matt, but they say that the united states continues to warn u.s. citizens to not travel to syria, and they strongly recommend that u.s. citizens remaining in syria to depart immediately. they do not encourage anybody to travel there, like matthew who feels like he has a calling or destiny there, and we will have more tomorrow morning on randi kaye, "cnn newsroom." and he says it is a calling, and he understands the criticism of the wanting to do this, but the heart is in the right place and intentions in the right place and unconventionally funded by which is a
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fund-raising site, and there are a lot of nuances to the stor y. >> yes, thank you, nick. we will want to find out what happens to the young man, especially if he is in trouble or captured or whatever and how all off that is sorted out. thank you, nick. we will follow up with this. the month-long fast is almost over for muslims around the world, ramadan. we will take a last look at the final hours. no. let me show you something. walmart has the latest technology on the biggest networks. i mean look at these smartphones. whoah! will you show them? absolutely. we've got great 4g lte smartphones like this droid razr by motorola from verizon. wow verizon? you bet. you love the price. he loves the phone. let's dance! get unlimited talk, unlimited text and shareable data with verizon's new share everything plan. and now get the droid razr by motorola from verizon for only $89.88 on america's fastest 4g network. now at walmart.
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