tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 13, 2012 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. it has been a busy morning. thank you for joining us. >> let's go now to "cnn newsroom" with carol cost eello. good morning. >> thank you, brooke. good morning to all of you. i'm carol costello. the anti-american violence
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spreading in the middle east. protesters in yemen scale the embassy walls and set fires. in cairo, egypt, force used tear gas there. it is over a film that was produced in the united states and said to be insulting to islam. u.s. drones join the manhunt for those who killed a u.s. diplomat and three other americans. concerns over the tep id response by the new regime in egypt. >> i don't think that we would consider them an ally, but we don't consider them an enemy. >> we're covering every angle of this developing story. first, let's take a step back and look at how things have unfolded over the past 48 hours. the outrage first ignited tuesday in egypt.
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protesters converged on the embassy. within hours, crowds gathered outside benghazi, libya. armed militants killed the u.s. ambassador and three of the staffers. today, crowds storm the u.s. embassy in yemen. riot police eventually turned them back with tear gas. also today, demonstrators turn out in iran. they aamass outside the swiss embassy, which represents u.s. interests in iran. let's get the latest now from that region. mohammed jamjoon join us. >> about 2,000 to 3,000 protesters that were marching toward the u.s. embassy, many of them aable to get close enough to the main gates. they started scaling the walls.
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fires were set outside the u.s. embassy compound. i've spoken to a western diplomat there who tells me everyone in the embassy is fine. no word if the staff has been evacuated. just a short while ago, yemeni president issued a statement in which he issued an apology to u.s. president barack obama and the american people for the attack on the embassy today, saying this was unacceptable and ordered yemeni security forces to launch an investigation and prosecute anybody they found involved in this to the full extent of the law. this was quite worrying today. for one reason, the u.s. embassy compound in sanaa is one of the most protected sites. not just in the city of s aanaa, the capital of yemen, but practically in all of the country of yemen. i've been to yemen several times, been to sanaa several times. i've been to the u.s. embassy. this site is not easily accessible to anybody. i spoke to activists in sanaa who said they were watching what was going on from rooftops of nearby buildings.
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they say they were absolutely shocked that this crowd, marching toward the embassy, was able to get as close as they did to the main gate and then that they were actually able to breach the compound. they were flabbergasted by this. they can't understand how yemen security could allow this to happen. in the ensuing hours more than 1,000 security officers surrounded the embassy, went to other parts of the city and tried to repel the crowd. they were using water canons at one point to disperse the crowds. we're told from officials that the situation has calmed sufficiently. now there are only tens of demonstrators outside as opposed to thousands earlier today. in the evening hours, will those crowds start marching again? will they try to start getting close to the embassy again? >> u.s. diplomats, we simply don't know where they are at this moment? >> reporter: we just don't know where they are at this moment. i've spoken to some embassy officials. they say that the embassy is fine, that the staff is accounted for. i've spoken to other yemeni officials who say they're not aware of casualties at this
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point. there are some reports floating out there that there may be casualties from protesters outside that were repelled by security forces. as of now we don't know where any of the u.s. embassy personnel are, if they've been evacuated or are still in the embassy. all the staff and personnel are safe and accounted for. carol? >> mohammed jamjoon, reporting for us live. protesters outside the u.s. embassy in cairo, the third straight day in demonstrations and the latest flashpoint of concern for the white house. there are reports that president obama's phone call to the egyptian leader, mohammed morsi, sought a more forceful rejection of the anti-american violence. here is what president morsi said just a short time ago. >> translator: we assured president obama that we will not permit any such event, any such occurrence in our country
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against the embassy in our territories. we will cooperate with the european union, with the other countries, with the americans in order to prevent such events in the future. >> joining us to discuss this fragile balance, egyptian blogger mona , we heard the president say ejip jipt is not an ally but not an enemy. >> reporter: new wording to describe the relationship. i always like to remind american viewers that five u.s. administrations supported the hosni mubarak dictatorship. there has been support for dictator against the people. what's been happening over the
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past few days is a complicated mix of right-wing fringe that produces in the u.s. to provoke and right-wing here in egypt calls for protest against this film that is deemed offensive against the prophet muhammad. what concerns me as an egyptian who wants to see our resolution succeed is that we do not get politically manipulated into these fictitious fights. we have a president from the muslim brotherhood movement who, at one point himself or his movement was being pointed to the right wing by that hosni mubar aak dictatorship. last thing we want is for our current president to start using another right wing to scare his allies into supporting him. this is the time to create jobs, not a time to play political football with people's
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sensitivities. >> there is the possibility that things might get worse in egypt? >> reporter: what concerns many of us is calls made supposedly from the muslim brotherhood movement from which our president comes, but it's not clear who is making those calls, for more protests friday. you might recall that many of the protests that helped the resolution would stop on friday for friday prayers. it's not clear what's going to happen. what is clear is that there is this attempt whose now the political center in egypt. president mohammed morsi met with the u.s. delegation to discuss investments in egypt the day before these protests erupted outside the u.s. embassy. there are many questions now. who called those protests and why were they timed on 9/11? at the end of the day i also want to remind your viewers as a muslim i understand how people could be offended at things that are disrespectful to the prophet. but i know very well if prophet muhammad were alive today, he
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would be protesting the slums, he would be protesting poverty. he would not be at an american embassy that was not responsible for this film. i'm very concerned that there are people on the fringes of the right wing, both in the u.s. and in egypt who are too willing to use people as political footballs. umpl, many people are willing to be used in that way. >> mona eltahawy, thank you for joining us this morning. another one of those victims in the deadly attack, sean smith with his a ten-year employee of the state department, killed along with u.s. ambassador christopher stevens. now the u.s. is launching a manhunt for their killers to search for those responsible. two u.s. war ships are moving toward libya's coast, armed with guided missiles. the u.s. is also dispatching about 50 u.s. marines, part of a rapid reaction force that could move quickly on any leads. barbara starr is following all these latest movements and joins
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us now from the pentagon. tell us more, barbara. >> reporter: i do need to jump in and amend one thing there. this is not a marine quick reaction force. this is basically a force of 50 marines only that will go to the u.s. embassy in tripoli, in the capital, and they will be there to provide security for the embassy installation and any americans that may need assistance in being evacuated out of the country. strictly a security force. they will not operate on the ground in libya. only for the embassy. okay. so, that said, what do we have -- u.s. drones continuing to fly in eastern -- over eastern libya. they have done that in the past. they look for intelligence, overhead imagery that they gather, to try and find essentially al qaeda or militant strongholds, camps, evidence of militant activity in eastern libya, east of benghazi, where they think most of these people
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are and even perhaps the people responsible for the attacks against the u.s. installation. they gather that intelligence and can demonstrate it's tied to the attacks, you then have the war ships with their tomahawks missiles as aa potential -- potential option for president obama. he could order those into action to strike a target if it came to that. u.s. making very clear, no boots on the ground. no combat forces. none of that. they are simply looking for any target that they can tie to this attack on the benghazi diplomatic installation. and don't rule out that they will turn intelligence over to the libyans and try and get them to go after these targets in their own country. carol? >> barbara starr, reporting live for us from the pentagon this morning. foreign policy to the center stage of the u.s. presidential election by one political expert said could be a game changer for mitt romney.
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not backing down after romney slammed a statement from cairo that seemed to apologize to muslims for an anti-islam film. of course, that statement came out before any violence occurred and the white house said it was not an approved statement. still the gop is using that statement as a way to bolster its claims that the romney/ryan foreign policy. >> project weakness abroad, undercutting allies like israel. enemies like iran, national security leaks and devastating defense cuts. a weak america breeds insecurity around the world. >> american leadership is necessary to make sure the events in the region don't spin out of control. we cannot hesitate to use our influence in the region to support those who share our values and our interests. >> president obama responded to the attacks from the romney
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campaign during an interview with cbs' "60 minutes." >> there's a broader lesson to be learned here. you know, governor romney seems to have a tendency to shoot first and aim later. and as president, one of the things i've learned is that you can't do that. it's important for you to make sure that the statements that you make are backed up by the facts and that you think of the ramifications before you make them. >> do you think it was irresponsible? >> i'll let the american people judge that. >> now all abuzz on the effect that all this will have on the romney campaign. prominent conservative and editor of "the weekly standard" writes, quote, the question, what comes next? will romney seize the moment to spend time with some of his serious foreign policy advisers? if romney can prove both strong and thoughtful on foreign policy over the next few days, it could be an inflection point in the presidential campaign, end quote. joining me now from washington,
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cnn contributor and republican strategist who worked for romney's presidential campaign. hi, alex. >> hi, carol. >> you said yesterday that romney's comments could be a game changer. is bill krystol right, could it backfire? >> governor romney has to fight and yes, he has to win it. he has to do the job of his campaign but also has to do the job of a lot of people in the news media. barack obama has gotten a free pass on foreign policy to a tremendous extent. you know, the real question here -- i think this is like someone in the obama administration rob bed a bank, the news media right now would say, oh, my heavens, what an outrage, this man over here, romney, is pointing out that the obama administration robbed a bank. >> is that blaming the media? >> yes, it is. >> that obama got a free pass? >> yes, it is. i think i'm absolutely right
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about that. it wasn't mitt romney who undermined mubarak in egypt after supporting him and displayed american weakness. it wasn't mitt romney who went into libya at the same time he announced he was getting out, leading from behind, weakness in vasilation. it wasn't mitt romney who stood in front of medevev and said give me a break on this missile thing. i'll be more flexible after the election. weakness and v aasc illation emboldens our enemies. i think we're seeing the results. i'm very proud of romney for taking -- >> i think many americans want that debate. i did read through his policy stance on israel, iran. the only difference is the tone. does romney believe talking
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tougher will make the difference? >> as i just went through, right now romney's policy, of course, on iran is much tougher than president obama's. >> how? >> romney was not the candidate who sat there and -- >> how is it tougher? >> take barack obama's word for it. he sat in front of medicievev a said i'll be more flexible -- >> look at what romney has proposed, much tougher economic sanctions. much tougher line. also we have the obama administration that is consistently refusing to meet with netanyahu, undermining our relationship with israel, the bullwork of our policy in that region and obama has no relationship there. that's another way that i think
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a romney administration would be very different in that region and in our relationships with iran. you know, barack obama came in to office somehow implying he was going to have a suance with mahmoud ahmadinejad. focused on the guy with the crappy record that got us into the problems we're in, not the guy who is trying to point out that there's a guy in office who demonstrated weakness and failure. >> alex castell aanos, thank you very much. this image, let's look. this is neil armstrong. there it is. on the moon. do you remember where you were? i do. i was with my dad in front of the tv. we had our film camera rolling so we could record it all for prosperity.
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today nasa and all of us will pay a final good by to the first man to walk on the moon. >> that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. >> as you well know, that was neil armstrong on july 20th, 1969. armstrong passed away last month, following complications from heart surgery. he was 82. in less than an hour, armstrong's family and friends will gather for a public memorial service at the national cathedral in washington, including former nasa astronaut eugene fuhrman. armstrong's best-known mission, of course, was that first moon landing. he was commander on apollo 11. that's him on the left. on the right was aldron.
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michael collins, the command module pilot. they spent more than two hours on that historic day. back to the national cathedral, we find john zarrella. good morning, john. >> reporter: hi, carol. the line is gone now. the crowd has gone inside. they expect a full house here. 2,000 people expected. here is the booklet that they put out. a celebration of the life of neil armstrong. as you mentioned, last man to walk on the moon, gene zernon and buzz aldrin, who walked on the moon with neil armstrong. many members of congress will be here. we know that nancy pelosi, john boehner, are going to be here. a moment ago i saw john glenn. of course, the first american to orbit the earth. he went in, with his wife. many, many people here as well
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as many space shuttle astronauts who knew him throughout the years also here. and it's just so interesting that you have this enormous public support and a public ceremony for a man who, throughout his years, was so private. and for whom all of the accolades of walking on the moon certainly weighed very, very heavy on him. it was a tough thing to deal with, all of that history. carol? >> you know, he was a humble guy. he went back to ohio to teach at, what, the university of cincinnati. he didn't like the limelight or talking about how people really thought about him as this great american hero. >> reporter: no. you know, he didn't. in fact, one of his great quotes is that i am and ever will be a white sox, pocket protector nerdy engineer. if you ever -- this is the apollo 11 patch, carol. there is something very different about the apollo 11
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patch than any of the other mission patches. there are no names on it of the astronauts. it's the only one. that's because neil always felt that the accomplishment was not his accomplishment. it was the accomplishment of everyone involved in the apollo program. >> wow! john zarrella, thanks. we'll get back to you. the service will start at 10:00 am eastern time, in just about 35 minutes. the apollo 11 moon landing was armstrong's second and final mission into space. james hanson, neil armstrong's biography, sat down with cnn. he tells us armstrong would have gone back. >> it sort of became to him that he wasn't going to be reassigned to another apollo flight. i think he would have flown again, no question, if they wanted him to. congressmen and the white house and nasa was asking him to show up for photo shoots, autographs. the job that he wanted to do, they really weren't letting him
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do. and that wasn't neil. neil was a tech nnical man. he was proud of his engineering background and wanted to keep tackling those problems. so, he was not just going to be a pr front for nasa or anyone. so when they weren't letting him do his job, he went back to ohio to teach engineering to college students at the university of cincinnati, which is kind of a surprising choice for someone who had the fame and reputation of being the commander of apollo 11. he was just too important. he was an american hero. he was a global icon, not to be risked again. ♪ and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. with our award winning apps that allow you to transfer funds,
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31 minutes past the hour. good morning to you. i'm carol costello. protests are mounting after tensions grow over that video, that film considered so offensive to islam. in yemen, several thousand angry protesters breached a wall at the u.s. embassy in the capital this morning. yem yemeni officials say they quickly restored order and have the situation under control. university students also gathered in iran at the swiss embassy this morning. swiss embassy represents u.s. interests in tehran. meantime in egypt, hundreds of
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demonstrators threw rocks and molotov cocktails as police threw tear gas to try to disperse the crowd. and smoldering scenes of destruction at the u.s. embassy where ambassador chris stevens was killed tuesday. back here at home, the united states is focusing on the search for those responsible for killing the ambassador and three other american staffers. president obama vows to find the suspects. he says justice will be done. former cia officer bob baird joins me now by phone. good morning, bob. >> good morning. how are you? >> just wanted to make sure you were there. >> yeah. >> we have war ships headed to libya. there's talk of drones. is it possible to find specific people responsible for the ambassador's death? >> you know, the problem now -- i'm just getting reports out of the middle east that this is al
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qaeda attacks by a man who is able to cross the border into subsaharan africa. and he may operate out of mawli. that's a very remote area for drones to survey, to fly to. these people are long gone out of the benghazi area. they're going to be very difficult to find. and it could be the same sort of search we had for bin laden. it's this kind of difficulty they're facing. they really have no choice. this is the best the president can do at this point. >> so, is this man a libyan citizen? >> he is al qaeda -- yes, he's libyan. it's a libyan group that has a long history of violence. they were in wazihristan and
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moved to northern mawli. there's no jurisdiction over that. it's basically al qaeda territory. when i say al qaeda, i'm talking about the libyan franchise. these people have a lot of weapons, a lot of support through libya, although they remain a small group. and the libyan government does not have the capacity to go after them. >> so do you think that the attack on the u.s. embassy -- the u.s. consulate, rather, in benghazi was due to september 11th and the anniversary or to this film? >> the nature of it, from what i've seen, it was well organized. they expected to meet resistance. it was not spontaneous, based on the film. it could have coincided with -- i can't say. it's too early. it was a very -- you know, they were attacking the u.s. embassy. these things are pretty well defended. and i think it was -- they had good intelligence and they brought enough people. and it wasn't a question of a crowd overrunning it or a few people in the crowd.
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it was a military-style attack. >> so what can the libyan government do to help? >> virtually nothing, because there's so many armed groups in libya. it only has a limited sovereignty over its own country. the elections have just been held. there's numerous islamic groups. they don't coordinate. even the libyan government is unaware of which islamic groups are operating there. you know, occasionally, they take over the airport, have attacked aid workers. they're not truly orged. that's what makes it difficult to go after. >> is it likely if the united states does find this guy that he will be taken out by a drone? >> i think that if they have -- if they start to develop good intelligence, they will. we have no choice. we simply can't pull up and leave the middle east
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completely. it's too strategically important. we're talking about a 40 years war against a franchise, whether zawahiri ordered it, the number one in al qaeda. they're so dispersed, it's a long-term battle. the problem is these people think they're on some sort of crusade against the west and their first goal is to kick the west out of the middle east. kick the christians out, any minorities and then expand their revolution into africa. and they even talk about europe. i know it sounds crazy but this is what they talk about. >> robert baer, thank you for joining us this morning from dubai. seeing a major change, too, less than 48 hours after the attacks that killed that u.s. diplomat. in libya, there's been a major increase in security on the ground. let's talk more about that angle
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of the story. jomana karadsheh joins me now from tripoli. tell me about the libyan effort to track down these suspects. >> reporter: well, carol, we've heard yesterday from the libyan government saying -- vowing to bring the perpetrators of this attack to justice, promising to provide additional security and secure foreign nationals and foreign interests here in libya. we did see an increase in security here in the libyan capital, tripoli, around the streets. there have been additional gun trucks, for example, deployed around key installations, security and government buildings that we drove past today. it is going to be a very tough task for this government to do so. these attacks -- this attack that happened was not really a surprise. there have been a series of attacks in recent months, targeting foreign interests and western targets in and around the city of benghazi, yet little
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was done to prevent this attack from taking place. >> jomana, thanks so much. reporting live for us this morning. the protests spreading across the middle east aren't all violent. in benghazi, the city where the u.s. diplomat chris stevens was killed, there were peaceful protests, protesters holding messages of apology and thought for the united states. some signs read thugs and killers don't represent benghazi and rest in peace, chris stevens. the film that's sparking so many violent protests around the world. we make a simple thing.
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anti-islamic movie. as miguel marquez reports, one of those actors is stunned and quite emotional about it all. >> she responded to a generic casting call for what was billed as an action adventure film, low-budget affair called, at the time, desert warrior. >> you find yourself in the middle of a sort of international -- >> nightmare. that's what i find myself in the middle of, in a world that i prayed for, for god to help. killing is never right. >> in her portion of the script, the prophet muhammad character was called george, referred to during film as either master george or father master but never muhammad. she was paid $500 for a few day
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s work but says the writer/producer, sam bacile, lied about the film's content. >> i think it's very unfair. i'm very sorry for that man, his family and everybody else who was hurt. >> reporter: she even phoned bacile, whom she says remained defiant. >> he says tell the media that i'm tired of the muslims killing innocent people. >> reporter: steve klein consulted on the film. >> the motivation was to spark some change within islam. >> reporter: only of these few fractions -- fraction of the fraction of these very dangerous men, if we could somehow open up the eyes. >> reporter: the actress doesn't want her name used because her family is fearful, but she isn't. what's your overriding emotion, fear, anger? >> anger and hurt. i'm not afraid. my husband is afraid for me. but i'm not. i'm pretty pissed. >> let's bring in miguel marquez.
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it strikes me that this film maker -- apparently he used a fake name because nobody can find a mr. bacile anywhere. he's in hiding, too. he hasn't shown his face on television. these other people have. >> reporter: they certainly have. mainly because they're upset with what they're seeing in the middle east. they never expected that this would happen. they feel they were absolutely lied to. the entire cast of the film released a statement saying they had no idea of the content of the film and had they, they wouldn't have made it to begin with. this is the same thing she said. what was most interesting is it's been reported that bacile is in hiding, fears for his life. she said apparently this is not true, she talked to him yesterday and says this man is defiant. he said i wrote the film, i made the film and this is my message. he also says the film is not finished yet. what we're seeing on the internet is something they've put out there to rampen up some interest for the film. it certainly has, carol. >> it seems rather cowardly that
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he wouldn't show his face but apparently fooled these people into being in his movie and they're there for everybody to see and some are fearful for their lives. >> reporter: well, this is a guy who, it sounds like, has lived in the shadows for some time. it's difficult to understand who mr. bacile is. he may be the same person who faced federal charges some time ago for fraud. that may r or may not be cleaned up. federal authorities are investigating everything around this case so that he may come under the investigative eye as well. it may be beyond just angry people at him at this point. there may be some real reasons he's keeping his head low. carol? >> got you. miguel marquez, reporting live from los angeles. we'll be right back. a crash management system and the world's only tridion safety cell which can withstand over three and a half tons. small in size. big on safety. which can withstand over three and a half tons. one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control.
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conversations. they're very different. brianna keilar is at the white house to tell us more. good morning, brianna. >> good morning to you, carol. if you don't know a whole lot about the situation, you might think that president obama's words for the leader of libya would have been more stern since that's where we saw the attack where americans were killed. that's very much not the case. that has to do, really, with libya and egypt's response to the violence. and their response to this attack. president obama responding to the libyan leader in a very measured way. and has emphasized that it's u.s. and libya, working together in trying to certainly figure out what happened and bring folks to justice for the attacks. when it came to egypt, he had very stern words in the readout that we normally get which, honestly, quite often you can't get a whole lot out of or you don't understand if there are points of contention in the phone call. it was clear that there were and he very much stressed that egypt needs to do something to protect u.s. personnel. this has to do, of course, with egyptian president morsi's response, which is not even
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really to acknowledge the attacks that much but instead to criticize the video that has sparked some of the protests that preceded the attack. and listen to what the president said to telemundo, very strong words when you read between the lines, about egypt. >> you know, i don't think that we would consider them an them don't consider them an enemy, so it is a work in progress, but certainly in this situation what we expect is that they are responsive to the insistence that the embassy is protect and the personnel are protected. >> now, carol, the obama administration has long been skeptical of the muslim brotherhood being in control of egypt, but this is pretty serious language when president obama is saying not an ally, necessarily. so when you read between the line
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lines there diplomatically speaking, it is some pretty harsh words. >> brianna keilar reporting live from the white house. the rising violence at the d diplomatic installation is reviving a old debate, should the united states send aid, as in money, to countries like egypt? the house could be taking up that issue today. i bought the car because of its efficiency. i bought the car because i could eliminate gas from my budget. i don't spend money on gasoline. it's been 4,000 miles since my last trip to the gas station. it's pretty great. i get a bunch of kids waving at me... giving me the thumbs up. it's always a gratifying experience. it makes me feel good about my car. i absolutely love my chevy volt. ♪ i absolutely love my chevy volt.
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the united states gives millions of dollars in aid to countries like libya and egypt, including $200 million to libya, alone, since the start of the uprising and now because of the recent violence, some members of the house and lawmakers want to pull that money. christine romans joins us now to explain. hi, christine. >> good morn, carol. we hear it from time to time from the conservatives and libertarians in particular who say we should not be spending borrowed money to help regimes that are not friendly to the united states. you are hearing that right now particularly to libya.
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there is a vote going before congress to vote about how to continue funding the government through march and some conservatives in the house saying we don't want any libya or egypt funding to be in there until the perpetrators of the violence in libya in particular are brought the justice, but we are told that vote, and that resolution has been written and the funding has already been in it, and includes $14 million in continuing funding for libya. over in the senate, rand paul, now senator rand paul, and he has been very vocale about this as well saying that he doesn't want to see more taxpayer money going to the region and in particular he says i therefore demand until the libyan police hand over suspects to the u.s. officials any u.s. foreign aid to the government of libya be contingent upon their full support in this matter. when you talk to others like senator john mccain and other advocates of the involvement in the middle east, they say, no, this is how america makes sure that it has its hand in the kind
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kinds of governments that are going to arise and you don't just sort of throw away your funding in the thugs win. but this debate is happening and it is a small number of house congresspeople who are saying to withdraw the support, carol, the financial support. >> all right. we will see what happens. christine romans reporting live from new york for us. stay with cnn for more coverage of the anti-american violence spreading throughout the middle east. we will have more reports from the region. and plus, life coverage of the neil armstrong funeral which is to begin at the washington cathedral in minutes. i have a cold, and i took nyquil,
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and good morning to you, i'm carol costello and thank you so much for being with us this morning. we are watching two big stories in the newsroom. tensions still rising in the middle east all over an anti-muslim movie shot here in the united states. overnight more anti-american protests across the region. and a u.s. embassy nearly breached. here at home, the nation says good-bye to the first man to walk on the moon. a memorial service starting at the national cathedral for neil armstrong. we begin with the anti-american violence spreading the middle east. first stop is the capital of yemen. protesters tried to storm the embassy and scaling the gates and setting fires outside of the embassy. and the same thing outside of cairo, egypt, and the second night of protest for that film produced in the u.s. and
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considered insulting to islam. and the u.s. military ramps up the search for the militants who planned that attack on the u.s. embassy. drones in deployed and ships are being deployed. we will get the latest. mohammed jamjoon is in the beirut bureau. hi, mohammed. >> well, our diplomat at sawna say says everyone is okay, but there is no word if the embassy at is ana was evacuated if it were attacked. we are told that the crowd has disper dispersed, and earlier today, there were thousands of angry demonstrators and some scaled the walls and breached the embassy security. the yemeni president had issued a statement in which he apologized for the attacks to u.s. president barack obama and americans in general, and he says he has asked the yemeni
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officials to thoroughly investigate the incident and fully prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anybody who may have been involved in the attacks today. yemeni officials telling me that it is extremely worrying that it happened today and many eyewitnesses say they can't fathom how a crowd of angry demonstrators could get so close to the u.s. embassy in is ana -- in sanaa, and it is one of the most protect ed embassies in th world. carol. >> we have another picture of the ambassador who was killed in that attack, cri, and barbara s is following the developments. >> we are seeing the points in
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place for a possible, possible military action. nothing is set, but these are the elements we are watching. first drones. unmanned drones and u.s. drones flying over libya, and this is the stronghold of the militia groups and the al qaeda element operating in libya that the u.s. feels may be responsible for the attack. these drones are flying and collecting the surveillance overhead and imagery and look g fing for any indication of the groups that they might be able to attack to the attack in benghazi, and if they find a target, one of the options on the table, two u.s. navy warships are now moving toward the coast of libya. they are equipped with tomahawk missiles that could be used to strike a target. we want to emphasize that we don't know if they will, we don't know, because, you know, this is all of the things that one can only watch being put into place, and begin to discuss that these are the kinds of elements that the u.s. military has on hand and has used in the
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past. so we are beginning to see that typical pattern of a military response being put in place, an option, if you will, for the president should he decide to use it. carol? >> so, how is the u.s. military if at all working with the libyan government, do we know? >> well, the libyan government by all accounts, u.s. officials tell us, is very aware of the drone flights. they know and these flights have happened in the past. eastern libya even since the war ended in libya has been a place that the u.s. has kept a close eye on and government officials in libya know that. it is possible that you raise a really interesting prospect that the u.s. might say, okay, here is the intelligence and turn it over to libyans and say, now, it is your responsibility, and you go after these people. the problem, of course, is that this area of eastern libya where these groups hang out is not really under significant government control. a lot of militia and tribal
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elements out in that area, so there is concern about what the libyan government will be able to go after it if they can determine a target that they feel is responsible. carol. >> barbara starr, reporting live from the pentagon. on to neil armstrong now. he has been called a humble and private man. cnn recently visited with james hanson, armstrong's biographer, and he tells us why those personality traits make armstrong the right man for nasa at the right time. >> i think that neil felt that he knew that other astronauts could have made the landing. the commission passed for 11, but the commander, armstrong felt it was important that it was a national effort, and this was a team effort and to have the names of the astronauts was really, you know, it was not needed, and it was not really the message. in terms of deciding who would be the first out between aldrin
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and armstrong, they both landed at the same time, so he did not see an emphasis of him being the first out. >> it is one small step for man. one giant leap for mankind. >> there was some thinking about, well, which of the two men will best, you know, will best represent nasa, the country and humankind as the years go by, and there was really a conscious decision by senior management that armstrong was the new lindberg. >> as we have been telling you today, the nation and all of us get to say a final good-bye to an american hero. by the way, services are under way for neil armstrong the first man to walk on the moon, and he passed away last month following complications of heart surgery. he was 82. john zarrella is at the washington national cathedral. hi, john. >> hey, carol, you are right. moments ago, the ceremony began, and the bag pipipes first playi
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and many people, and 2,000 in all in attendance and we know that we saw moments ago a shot of buzz aldrin, the astronaut along with neil armstrong became the first two men to walk on the surface of the moon, and john glenn was also there sitting next to aldrin with his wife and glenn, of course, senator john glenn, the first american to orbit the earth. we know that gene cernan is there, and the last man on apollo 17 will be speaking. there are many, many dignitaries in attendance as well as the general public. and carol, it is so interesting and in some ways such a contradiction, because here was this incredibly private, incredibly humble man in neil armstrong who shyed away from the public light, who shyed away from all of the accolades that were being thrown at him for his accomplishment, and always saying that it was the team effort and not an individual
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effort, and here is this tremendous outpouring of public support for a man who most of us did not know very well at all. carol. >> but had such an impact on so many lives. is there a connection between neil armstrong and the cathedral? >> you know, there really is a connection. back in 1974 on the fifth anniversary of that first moon walk, neil armstrong and buzz aldrin and mike collins the command module pilot who is also here and he will be leading in the prayer today, and the three of them presented a sliver of moon rock to the national cathedral, and there is a stained glass window in the cathedral called the space window, and in that window is that piece of moon rock, and again, you can see that the ceremony there, carol, just now
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getting under way and expected to last at least 90 minutes. carol. >> all right. we will be back to you. john zarrella reporting live from the washington national cathedral this morning. we understand fresh protests in cairo, egypt, and overnight there were violent protests in front of the u.s. embassy. we want to go to mona there in cairo, and what is happening there? >> first of all, i want to make it clear, carol, i'm not at the site of the embassy, but following the news like you have, i understand that clashes have been identified by the police and the rioters there, and this is the different scene of the first day when there was little security outside of the embassy and protesters could scale the wall. i want to stress that the riot police in egypt have a notorious history of brutality and any loss of life or injury at this time is pointless whether it is over film or right wing fringes in europe or egypt to use
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physical manipulation. it is a sensitive time in egypt because there are discussion of emergency law, and we lived under the emergency law from 1981 to last year when it was suspended. the last thing that those of us who care about the resolution is to see resumption of the emergency law. so any waste of life or loss off life or injury is utterly pointless at this time and i hope that things are going to calm down. >> i see the tear gas by the police to drive them back from the embassy. it is egypt's responsibility to protect the embassies within its country though, so what are the police supposed to do if the protesters keep storming the embassy? >> well, that is why that first day was so confusing. the u.s. embassy is in an area of cairo that is usually difficult to get to, because it is full of other foreign embassies and the u.s. one in particular was treated like a fortress. when the protesters tried to get there to protest the u.s. invasion of iraq, it was impossible and beaten back and
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again, i do not call for beating any peaceful protesters, because the riot police here are notoriously brutal, and so that first day when it was very little security response that left a gap and people were wondering where's the government, and was the president was, and yes, it is the responsibility of the government to protect a foreign embassy, because it is considered foreign territory, but again, the last thing i want is any brutality from the egyptian police force and i u support peaceful protests. it is not worth it to get into violence whether it is a film or political manipulation of people's sensitivities. >> i mean, i would think that it might be a little difficult, because we have seen some violence on the part of those protesters as far as climbing the walls and throwing molotov cocktails. >> yes, that is what i am saying. i am saying on both sides, we are seeing an escalation which is utterly unnecessary. the last thing we want to see is
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the escalation on both sides being used as an excuse to bring back emergency law. we are fight for more freedom in egypt and not less so the big question mark is why was the egyptian government led by mohamed morsi so slow to respond the first day and where was security not to beat people, but to protect the embassy? and another question is why is the embassy being targeted when the administration is not behind this film? that is why i am bringing up the point of the political manipulation, and there is a lot happening right now, and it is very complex and the violence does not help. >> okay. let's explore that issue what you just said, so is there a large anti-american sentiment within egypt and is it growing? how would you characterize it? >> definitely has been an anti-u.s. sentiment in egypt. when i was on the show earlier i mentioned that five u.s. administrations have support ed
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the hosni mubarak presidency and this is something that has not been forgotten to support the dick dictator against us, the people, and that sentiment is there and not dissipated, but the resolution fathered last year was for freedom and dignity, so it is complicated obviously by the anti-u.s. sentiment, and many groups willing and able and ready to take and make the most of the and exploit the anti-u.s. sentiment just as there is a fringe group in the u.s. to create this film to provoke, so the point all along is not to be politically manipulated by the right wing by either side which has enough ammunition to be used, but we don't want to be political footballs. there is a long way to go in egypt and the last thing we want to do is to be caught in a fight outside of an embassy when we have poverty and unemployment and quite frankly as muslims. we have the right to protest. someone has the right to protest just as someone has the right to
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create whatever they want whether we find it offensive or not, but the issue is who is manipulating us, and what do they want to do with the manipulation. there there is an election in november, and we are discussing right to protests in egypt, and there is a lot at stake for both sides. >> thank you, mona eltahawy. we will take a break and come right back to explain more. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you.
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all right. let's take you back the cairo, egypt, because there is breaking news there again this morning. fresh protests breaking out in front of the u.s. embassy in cai cairo, egypt. if the pictures were moving you would see the police throwing tear gas at the protesters trying to drive them away from the u.s. embassy. protests of night and into the morning. have they briefly stopped and then started up again. we go to elise labott to put this in -- excuse me, secretary hillary clinton is now speaking. let's listen. >> let me take a moment to address the video circulating on the internet that has led to these protests in a number of countries. let me state very clearly and i hope it is obvious that the
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united states government had absolutely nothing to do with this video. we absolutely reject its content and message. america's commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. and as you know, we are home to people of all religions. many of whom came to this country seeking the right to exercise their own religion, including of course millions of muslims. and we have the greatest respect for people of faith. to us, to me, personally, this video is disgusting and reprehensible. it appears to have a deeply
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cynical purpose, to denigrate a great religion and to provoke rage. but as i said yesterday, there is no justification, none at all, for responding to this video with violence. we condemned the violence that has resulted in the strongest terms, and we greatly appreciate that many muslims in the united states and around the world have spoken out on this issue. violence, we believe, has no place in religion and is no way to honor religion. islam, like other religions respect respects the fundamental dignity of human beings, and it is a violation of that fundamental dignity to wage attacks on
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innocence. as long as there are those who are willing to shed blood and take innocent life in the name of religion, the name of god, the world will never know a true and lasting peace. it is especially wrong for violence to be directed against diplomatic missions. these are places whose very purpose is peaceful to promote better understanding across countries and cultures. all governments have a responsibility to protect those spaces and people. because to attack an embassy is to attack the idea that we can work together to build understand i understanding and a better future. now, i know it is hard for some people to understand why the united states cannot or does not just prevent these kinds of
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reprehensible videos from ever seeing the light of day. now i would note that in today's world with today's technologies that is impossible. but even if it were possible, our country does have a long tradition of free expression, which is enshrined in our constitution and in our law. we do not stop individual citizens from expressing their views no matter how distasteful they may be. there are of course different views around the world about the outer limits of free speech and free expression. but there should be no debate about the simple proposition that violence in response to speech is not acceptable. we all whether we are leaders in government, leaders in civil
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society or religious leaders must draw the line at violence. any responsible leader should be standing up now and drawing that line. i wanted to begin with this statement, because as our moroccan friends and all of you know, this has been a difficult week at the state department. i very much appreciate, minister, the condolences that your embassy expressed to our embassy, and even though that tragedy happened far away in benghazi, we found a reminder of the deep bonds that connect morocco to the united states. it was in the high atlas mountains of morocco that one of the americans we lost this week, ambassador chris stevens, fell
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in love with the region when he served as a peace corps volunteer there. that experience sent him on a e decad decades' long career of service. so in the memory of our fallen colleagues, may we remind ourselves of not just the governments, but the two peoples of our nations have worked together to build a better future. in many ways the united states looks to morocco to be a leader and model. his majesty king mohammed deserves great credit for the work that you have undertaken. in fact, after my visit to rabat -- >> we are going to jump away from this with secretary of state hillary clinton talking to the state department to an audience filled with moroccans apparently, but it was interesting what she said at the beginning of that talk to her audience.
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let's go to the state department correspondent elise labott, and it is interesting that hillary clinton began the remarks with the united states had absolutely nothing to do with that video, with that film that is on youtube. why did she say that? >> well, carol, in the region, when you see an american video coming out, you think it is a big hollywood, and in the middle east where they don't really understand that the freedom of the press, and the freedom of expression, and they understand a big hollywood production, and of course, it had a washington's okay and okay blessing. it does not understand. so secretary clinton really wanted to get out to say, listen the united states government does not have anything to do with this video, does not believe in the views that this video espouses, but also, wanting to make clear how the u.s. and the u.s. people feel about islam, but at the same time making clear that in a democracy such as the united
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states freedom of the press and freedom of expression is very important. secretary clinton has said many times an election does not a democracy make. at the same time she wants to get in front of these ideas that this video represents how the u.s. feels about islam, and she also needs to strike a careful balance to say, listen, in countries like egypt and in countries like yemen and libya, we helped you fight for your democracy, and this is what a democracy is. >> elise labott reporting for us live. thank you so much. we will take a quick break. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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to contain the protesters and in fact, earlier this morning the yemeni government sent out a statement saying that everything was calm and they had the situation under control, but in the hours that followed as you can see, the protests continues, and the violence continues, and the yemeni government is trying to get a handle on the situation. when we get more information from this region, of course, we will pass it along to you. minutes ago we heard from secretary of state hillary clinton talking about that film that has sparked all of this violence across the world. she wanted to make sure that everyone across the world knew that the united states government had nothing whatsoever to do with that film on youtube. so who was behind it? here's brian todd. >> reporter: the film tied to the violence is called "innocence of muslims" and amateurish crude depiction of a womanizing thug where there are portions dubbed in. cnn is not airing any part of it. according to the associated
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press the filmmaker is a real estate developer from california named samba sill. a man identifying himself as sam bacile was to be a wall street cancer. we could not find anything about him, and raising questions whether the name sanl -- sam bacile is a pseudonym. we asked one of the cast members about the film? >> i talked to him this morning, and he said that he was very concerned for what happened to the ambassador. >> steve kline says that he is worried about his own safety and is in hiding. through kliein we tried to get o bacile, but he said he has not known him long and he says that the film cost $5,000 to make with 50 people in the cast and the crew, a team that is now furious over the movie n. a
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statement to cnn they said that the entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer. we are 100% not behind this film and we were grossly misled about the intent and the purpose. we are shocked by the drastic rewrites of the scripts and the lies told to all involved. did you or mr. bacile have any sense that the film would cause the fallout that it apparently has? >> absolutely not. it's, when i spoke to him, we knew that it would cause some friction if anybody paid attention to it. when we first showed it, nobody paid attention to it. so i pretty much forgot about it and went to hollywood and saw that nobody went to it. -- >> reporter: sorry to interrupt, but if you knew it would cause friction, could you not presuppose it would cause violence in the middle east and things get on the internet and go viral. >> well, that is the interesting point, because when you started the interview you asked if i was afraid to show my face or speak
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about this, and my question is why in america should i be afraid? >> reporter: he says he showed the facts and the proof of islam, and klein says he is not anti-musl anti-muslim. do you or mr. bacile feel like you have blood on your hands because of the violence? >> that is interesting, because of the rulings of engagement when i killed the vietnamese army in the vietcong, i go to bed without problems. and it is they who pulled the trigger to kill the ambassador. >> reporter: he says he is a veteran and served in combat there and he says his own son was wounded by a suicide bomber in iraq while he was working with the u.s. army on a civil progr program there. brian todd, cnn, washington. all right. heading back to yemen where violence sparked by that very film is continuing. mohammed jamjoon, you have been
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watching the violence happening all morning long. earlier the yemeni government said it had things under control, and does it? >> well, carol, the yemeni government are saying they have it under control and we are hearing from the eyewitnesses on the sceneb that the crowd has disbursed and earlier in the day, there were thousands of people out side of the embassy and now only dozens, but we are seeing the dramatic video of what was going on earlier in the day, and in the video, you see the angry mob outside of the embas embassy, and you will see the smoke rising from within the compound walls. we were told by eyewitnesses there were cars set on fire and tires set on fire, and you also see how water cannon s deployed by the yemenis forces to try to disperse the crowd. they say this film was angry and insulting to muslims and directed the anger to the u.s. embassy. what i am hearing again and again not only are the the
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officials, but they are wondering how an angry mob were able to get so close to the embassy to penetrate the wall outside of the embassy compound. we have spoken to this many times, and i have been to the u.s. embassy and sanaa and this is not only one of the most heavily guarded places in yemen, but it is shock from people who saw this going on as to how these people could have gotten so close and how the yemeni security forces could have allowed a mob chanting anti-american sentiment to get that close. i spoke to a western diplomat at the embassy who told me that everybody at the embassy is accounted for and safe and told me that there was no evacation at the u.s. embassy today, but the concerns are that the mob has dispersed, but what will
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happen later in the evening. there are calls for the protests to start again after evening prayers and whether that happens we don't know, but we will be following the situation very closely and reporting the latest to you as we know it. carol. >> thank you, mohammed jamjoon. a few moments ago secretary of state hillary clinton made a statement about this movie. >> this film is disgusting and reprehensible. it appears to have a deeply cynical purpose to denigrate a great religion and to provoke rage. but as i said yesterday, there is no justification, none at all, for responding to this video with violence. we condemn the violence that has resulted in the strongest terms. joining us now is michelle dunn from the carnegie endowment
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for peace, and she serve ed d ie statehouse and the white house. thank you, michelle. >> thank you. >> the secretary of state also said that the united states government is not behind this film and clearly a message for the people around the world, don't you think? >> yes. i think that the obama administration is having to walk a very careful line here between acknowledging that this film privately-produced fillp whi which -- film which has nothing to do with the united states government is highly offensive, but at the same time the obama administration does not want to indicate that any violence response is somehow justified, and they do want to stand up for the freedom of speech. of course sh, this kind of spee is permitted in the united states and even highly offensive speech, as long as it is not incitement to violence. >> i know, we are looking at the pictures from the cairo, egypt, where protests have been going out pretty much last night and some into the morning and the egyptian government is fighting
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back against the protesters, but i was talking to a egyptian journalist who is afraid that the violence will get worse and maybe we will see a repeat of what happened last year. >> well, i mean, what we have seen happen initially was that the islamist who are are more extreme than the islamist brotherhood who are in government have been using the provocative film to show that i can be making trouble and have to be heard. they pushing for more extreme language in the egyptian constitution about the islam and against religious blasphemy, and they are using this within their own egyptian political context, and then we have seen some of the young activists called ultras who are, you know, they
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are soccer sort of soccer hooligans, and they like to provoke conflict with the police, and they have gotten involved in the demonstrations. so now we are seeing at the moment relatively small numbers demonstrating around the u.s. embassy, but getting rather violent and having, you know, conflicts back and forth with the police. >> it was interesting, too, what president obama said on "60 minutes" about egypt not being our ally, and egypt as you know through history has always been an ally of the united states, and important country in the region as especially as it applies to israel. what do you make of the president's comments? >> i think that -- i think it was a little bit of a strange choice of words to say that egypt is not an ally, but i think that his purpose is to put president morsi on notice that he really has to do what is necessary to prevent the
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escalation of these demonstrations in cairo to what we have seen for example in libya, that clearly we have seen that the lives of americans there are very much, you know, in danger and so he is trying to send a message to morsi, you know, that the u.s. government is talking about a large debt relief package for egypt, and other things that the united states would like to do for egypt to help it in a transition to democracy. but i think that president obama here is drawing a line and saying, you, as the egyptian president, have obligations, too, few you are going to be an ally of the united states. >> we have that exact sound bite as we call it in the business from the president. let's listen to it now. >> you know, i don't think that we would consider them an ally, but we don't consider them an enemy, so it is still a work in progress, but certainly in this situation, what we expect is that they are responsive to our insistence that the embassy is
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protected and our personnel is protected. >> in the midst of all of this michele, as you well know, the is an election going on and governor romney says that the obama administration is not being tough enough. is he right? >> look, i think that in this specific instance of these demonstrations, and what has happened in libya, i think that the response of the obama administration has been appropriate. if we step back though and look at a broader frame of u.s. policy in the middle east and indeed u.s. foreign policy in the world, i think that there's an argument to be made that the united states has not taken the leadership role it really should, that there is very widespread disappointment in the middle east for example that the united states is not doing more regarding syria, that the united
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states hasn't done as much as people hoped to help the nations in democracies in tunisia, and libya and so there is a way in which what governor romney said is justified. >> thank you, michele dunne, from the carnegie endowment for peace. we appreciate your perspective. when newsroom continues, we will take you live to the white house. e announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... ♪ [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour 3. [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] zyrtec®. love the air. join zyrtec® rewards. save up to $7 on zyrtec® products. flo: every driver is different. we've got great news for them all. you can try snapshot from progressive
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tro tests and . protests and some of them violent continuing this morning. we have new pictures from yemen and in is from earlier this morning outside of the u.s. embassy in the capital of yemen. as you can see, yemeni authorities are trying to thwart the protesters and some fires were set outside of the embassy, and the u.s. embassy was actually breached by the
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protesters a couple of hours ago. now we go the cairo, egypt, where the protesters are still outside of the u.s. embassy there. there are clashes between the egyptian riot police and the protesters. these are live pictures of what is happening right now. as you can see, tear gas is being lobbed by the riot police at the protesters to disperse the crowd, but the crowd keeps coming back. we will keep you posted. here in this country, president obama is voicing his concerns over es calating tensions and anti-american sentiment this the middle east. he is reaching out directly to the leaders of libya and egypt, but we are now learning that the president's tone in those conversations was very brianna keilar is at the white house to explain. >> well, good morning, carol. if you didn't know about the dynamics of egypt and the u.s., you might think that when president obama got on the phone it would be the leader of libya who would get the earful from him, because that is where the
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americans were killed in the violence, however, that is not the case. the tone of president obama's conservation with the egyptian president morsi was much more harsh and he was holding him very much in account to needing to protect any u.s. personnel that are in egypt. the reason for the difference in tone has to do with the response of the two countries. libya very quick to condemn the at tacks to offer cooperation in the aftermath of the attacks, and then you look at president morsi of egypt and not only did he not explicit lly condemn the attacks, but the muslim brotherhood of which he is a part of praised the attacks. they talked about the film that spa sparked the protests and then you have the muslim brotherhood who is flaming the anti-american sentiment and planning protests in cairo tomorrow, which is very much a concern to the obama administration, carol. >> what leverage does the
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president have the egyptian president? >> there is a lot, but it is also a tricky situation, because the u.s. wants to maintain some stability in egypt, but because egypt is moving in a hostile direction there are definitely some places where there is some leverage, and there is about more than $1 billion in direct aid that the u.s. has, and $1 billion in loan forgiveness that is being negotiated as we speak, and almost an almost $5 billion loan from the imf that the u.s. supports and could influence, and there is also another thing that we talked about in the arab spring that the u.s. is trying to encourage american businesses to invest in egypt and get the economy going there and when you talk to some of their observers they say this is the kind of stuff that the administration needs to say to egypt, this is on hold until you can guarantee that you are not moving in a hostile direction and certainly at the very least that you can provide safety to our personnel who are in your country trying
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to help move things forward. >> brianna keilar reporting live from the white house. we will take a quick break and be back with much more on newsroom. ti! avanti! (keep going! keep going!) hahaha...hahahaha! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than christopher columbus with speedboats. that's happy! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. there's natural gas under my town. it's a game changer. ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪
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today, we get a final chance to say good-bye to an american hero. right now memorial services are under way for neil armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. armstrong passed away last month following complications of heart surge surgery, and he was 82. john zarrella joining us now from the washington national cathedral. good morning. >> good morning, carol. the ceremony continuing now inside of the national cathedral, and right now the homily being delivered by the episcopal bishop of washington, reverend marian edgar budd and she is giving the homily right now sh
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now, and we know in the audience already gathered there about 2,000 people. a packed house. a very, very public memorial for a very private man. just a few minutes ago gene cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, talked haltingly and his voice cracking at times about his good friend neil armstrong and talking about how none of it was ever about neil. it was always about the team. >> neil armstrong was sincerely humble man of impeccable integrity, who reluctantly accepted his role as the first human being to walk on another world. and when he did, he became a testament, a testament to all americans of what can be achieved through vision and dedication. but in neil's mind, it was never
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about neil. it was about you, your mothers and fathers, your grandparents. about those of a generation ago who gave neil the opportunity to call the moon his home. but never, ever was it about neil. in the audience as well today, john glenn, of course, with his wife, annie, and he was the first american to orbit the earth, and buzze ed aldrin who walked on the moon and also in a few minutes after the homily is done here, we expect to hear from mike collins, and he is going to read a prayer following this homily. car carol. >> all right. john zarrella is reporting live from the washington national cathedral this morning. well, the hunt is on to find whoever killed our u.s.
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ambassador to libya. we are going to talk with general spider marks about the search, and if it is possible at all to catch the people responsible. we will be right back. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. wthe future of our medicare andr electiosocial security. for... man 1: i want facts. straight talk. tell me your plan... and what it means for me. woman 2: i'm tired of the negative ads and political spin. that won't help me decide. man 2: i earned my medicare and social security. and i deserve some answers. anncr: where do the candidates stand on issues that... affect seniors today and in the future? find out with the aarp voters' guide at
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best of the united states of america. we will not waiver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act, and make no mistake, justice will be done. >> on the phone with us right now from near tucson, arizona, general spider marks, and thanks for being with us this morning, general. >> thank you, carol. >> is who do you think is to blame for this attack? >> well, clearly terrorist groups multiplying locally and radicalizing themselves, and the heart of it is aq, al qaeda, and a local brand. it is important not to identify the terrorists as suspects, because this is not a criminal act, but it is a act of war and needs to be identified accordingly. i know that the united states has warships on the way to the coast of libya and drones are flying over the kun tcountry, a what is the first step? what are they looking for?
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is it like finding a needle in a haystack at this point? >> yes, it is. but the good news is that we have, and i know that various intelligence agencies have connections to sources on the ground, and i mean, this starts from the beginning of the relationship that we had with the new libya after next, and the egypt after next following the arab spring in terms of who can we talk to and trust, and o so, it is a matter of, yes, a difficult task to find the needle in the haystack, but intelligence exists and it is a matter of ferreting it out, and the only way the find it is if you have trust and sources locally to help you do that and finger the guys so we can go after their networks and go after their what i would call their motivations and frankly, carol, their command and control capabilities, because clearly this was not accidental and it does not happen without some degree of direction and purpose. >> so, how does that work when you talk to the intelligent sources on the ground when supposedly there is no american boots on the ground in libya?
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>> well, we have sources that we do this through proxies or we have guys that are not acknowledged that are on the ground. there may not be boots overt what i would call military boots on the ground, but we have folks working this right now both i would say american citizens who are covered status and guys who are working for the united states to try to get to this very precise piece of intelligence to lead to the identification of this group. >> what is preferable for the united states to take people into custody, or to take them out in another way? >> no, it would be a local, and it would be the united states and in the case of libya and/or egypt, to make a decision that forces the local government to put their hands on the perp trayer tors to put the guys responsible for this under their control, but the united states would have a position that i would call over the shoulder in
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terms of extracting the intelligence necessary. the united states won't put their hands on them, and if they can get good intelligence, and if they are on an acknowledged list of terrorists, then you can move it to a category of kill or capture. >> this is not going to happen overnight, right? >> no, ma'am. it will not, carol. this is going to takem so ti so, but there has to be movement, and it is important that the united states says this is not a criminal act, but it is an act of war against the united states and u.s. property in a foreign land is as the united states, itself. >> general "spider" marks, thanks for joining us. newsroom continues now with ashleigh banfield. thank you, carol costello. it is 11:00 on the east coast and 8:00 on
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