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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 22, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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from the cnn center, this is "cnn saturday morning." it is saturday, september 22nd, the first day of fall. i'm randi kaye. fresh protests erupt across the muslim world, keeping the u.s. on alert, but not all of the demonstrations are anti-america. missing in iran, the wife of a retired fbi agent who vanished years ago is taking her plea for help to an unlikely person. iran's president himself. scientists are on the front lines of an ambitious goal to cure six deadly cancers this decade. we have an exclusive interview with some of the researchers who are taking on that incredible feat. anger and rage over a u.s.-made film are sparking violent protests in countries overseas for yet another day. take a lack here. this is bangladesh. protesters vandalized a bus and set fire to a motorcycle during demonstrations in its capital city. many protesters were arrested. the demonstrations with all over an independently produced film mocking the prophet muhammad.
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protests are planned in at least four other countries today. thousands gathered in pakistan not to protest, but to bury some of the people killed in violent demonstrations yesterday. at least 27 people were killed and more than 100 injured. protesters in libya aim their attack not at america, but at the radical islamic group tied to the u.s. consulate attack. hundreds of pro-democracy demonstrators seized the group's headquarters in benghazi overnight, demanding an end to extremist militias in libya. protesters moved on to a second location, but the situation quickly turned dangerous. >> reporter: contrary to what we witnessed, there seems to be something of a gun battle going on. we are hearing sporadic gunfire as well as other small explosions.
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>> it turns out the protesters were tricked and ended up attacking the headquarters of a battalion backed by the libyan government. at least four people were killed, 70 injured in that violence. we're learning more about what happened in the final chaotic moments for two americans who were killed in the u.s. consulate attack. glen dougherty and tyrone woods were in benghazi working security. sources tell cnn dougherty and woods were in another part of the city when they got word that the consulate was under attack. the men went to the consulate, rounded up the staff and recovered the body of the first victim, sean smith. military officials say it was during a second, more intense attack that doherty and woods were killed. the obama campaign says mitt romney is still holding back critical information about his finances. yesterday, the republican presidential candidate released some of his tax documents, including his full 2011 tax
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return. it shows that he made $13.7 million last year and paid nearly two million in federal income taxes, because romney's income came largely from investments, he's taxed at a lower rate, 14.1%. the documents also show the romneys dominated more than $4 million to charity. but they only claimed about half of that as deductions to conform with romney's earlier statement that he's never paid less than 13% in income taxes over the last decade. the obama camp is calling on romney to release even more returns. paul steinhowser joining us now. why isn't the obama campaign satisfied? they wanted more taxes released and they got one. >> they knew that one was coming. the obama campaign and the democrats point to other nominees in recent cycles.
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they point out to mitt romney's father, put out multiple years. the romney campaign did put out a summary statement of myth and ann romney's taxes from 1990 to 2009, a 20-year period. that indicates they paid taxes in all of those years and the average rate they paid was about 20%, the lowest rate being 13.66%. this may be a little bit of pushback against harry reid, a democrat, who earlier this year claimed that he -- a source told him that mitt romney did not pay taxes in some years, so a little bit of pushback there. >> harry reid may have to reveal his sources after all on this one. this tax return, the whole issue has really dogged romney for a while. why to you think they released the tax documents now? it was a late friday afternoon release. >> yeah, the traditional late friday dump here in washington, document dump. were they trying to hide it? maybe it's just the opposite. the storyline all last week was the comments by romney on the
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hidden camera tape at that fundraiser, the so called 47%. this changes the conversation. also, why now? maybe they want to get it out before next week when they're ramping up. the following week are the debates so maybe they wanted to get it out now. the romney campaign says none of that is true they say the tax returns were done, we put them out. >> newt gingrich actually had some advice for romney. what did he say? >> yeah, about these upcoming debates. three debates between the president and mitt romney. here's what gingrich told our piers morgan last night. >> when he walks in to debate obama, he's got to be as tough with obama as he was with me in florida. he's got to stand up. he's got to be very firm and very aggressive. and the country's got to look in and say you know? this is a guy that could be president, he's tough enough, he's clear enough, i get it. he's not in a competition to be likable. he's in a competition to be capable.
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>> gingrich should know. gingrich won that south carolina primary, came down to florida. there were two debates, including a cnn debate. romney did very well in both of those. romney won florida and gingrich started fading. >> and you know he and the president are probably practicing right now as we speak, certainly leading up to these. thank you, appreciate that. in a few hours, president obama heads to the swing state of wisconsin. he'll attend two events in milwaukee. wisconsin is the home state of paul ryan, but that has not actually helped mitt romney there. obama leads in wisconsin. you see the numbers there. by nine percentage points. paul ryan is focusing on another swing state today, and that is florida. he's campaigning in miami and orlando. romney is fundraising today in california. lawmakers worked well into the night wrapping up some final business before the november elections. senators approved a roughly f l0
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billion package. its passage was delayed for days over partisan bickering. the senate also passed a measure almost unanimously that strengthens america's resolve on iran. the nonbinding resolution enables the u.s. to pursue a policy other than containment, if necessary, to prevent iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. the one dissenting vote came from senator rand paul, who argued the resolution was a de facto regulation of war. a retired fbi agent is missing in iran, but his wife tells cnn she is sure that he is alive and will come home. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. insured b♪ unitedhealthcare insurance company.
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more than five years ago, a retired fbi agent disappeared in iran. the u.s. government is asking teheran for information and offering a $1 million reward for any information on his whereabouts. >> it's my husband. i have to take care of him. i have to get him home. >> reporter: but after disappearing more than five years ago, christine's husband bob is a long way from home where he once cuddled his newborn grandson. >> i'm not in very good health. i am running very quickly out of
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diabetes medicine. >> reporter: this video showing the much thinner retired fbi agent being held hostage was sent two years ago. the state department says it's unclear who's holding him. >> when we received the video, we had high hopes because we e-mailed back a number of types in order to get whoever is holding him to let us know what we need to do to get bob home. unfortunately, that hasn't happened. >> reporter: he disappeared off iran's coast in 2007, where his family says he was investigating cigarette smuggling for a private company. fbi billboards are now up in new york's times square in hopes of visiting delegates to the u.n.'s general assembly will see them. >> what makes you think that he is still alive? >> i just believe it in my heart. i know that from the video that he has lost weight and hopefully all of his health problems are at least at bay and he will be
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able to get home safely to us. i can never lose hope. >> please help me get home. 33 years of service to the united states deserves something. >> what gives you hope when you look at that video and see how he looks? >> i know when he looks determined, and he looked very determined to make it home safe and sound. >> her husband has missed walking one of his daughters down the aisle. another daughter's wedding is in february. >> his closet is still full of his clothes and i know it won't fit him anymore. and i haven't even touched his dresser. every morning i'm reminded that the nightmare continues. >> if he is able to see this what do you want the say directly to him? >> we will never, ever, ever stop looking for you. i miss you every day. love you. >> reporter: the u.s. has offered no new information about
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where levinson is and who's holding him. i spoke to a source with knowledge of the investigation who says "there is every reason to believe that levinson is alive and well." police have found the body of a retired firefighter in nebraska. charlie dowd was traveling to visit family by amtrak when he went missing. authorities think that he actually may have fallen off the train. dowd last spoke to his son when he was apparently just outside denver. his family understandably is devastated. >> he was really excited about the trip, and this is just a shocking, shocking, shocking turn of events. >> a statement from amtrak says the case is still being investigated. a suburban atlanta couple charged with unspeakable crimes. it's a bizarre story that you really have to see. and if you're leaving the house right now, just a
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a horrifying story of child abuse in georgia. police have arrested the parents of an 18-year-old boy. they say that the stepfather had locked up the boy in a room for four years. nick valencia has been following this story. he's 18 years old. he's not really a boy. he's an adult at this point. but how did police find him? >> they found him thanks to a very watchful police officer all the way in los angeles, california. neighbors that spoke to cnn say they knew about the family and knew that they had two children, but they had no idea about the third child, and what he alleges was done to him. >> reporter: it was in this unexpecting looking home in atlanta that 18-year-old mitch comber says he spent four years combined to a blacked out room starved and abused. his stepfather and mother were arrested last week after a teen was found wandering around a bus station in downtown los angeles, more than 2,000 miles away from home. a security guard spotted comber, mistaking the disoriented and emaciated young man for a lost
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child. >> he weighed 97 pounds. he's 5'3". the lapd officer said that his skin was translucent. that he was obviously mall nourished. >> the teen said his stepfather drove him to mississippi, gave him $18 and put him on a train to l.a. with a list of homeless shelters. investigators say the teen has been talkative. >> he's very polite. very timid. but, you know, he let us in. >> reporter: neighbors say they were unaware the teen even lived in the home and investigators say his 13 and 11-year-old sisters had not seen their brother in two years. right now the sisters are in protective custody. a family has volunteered to care for comber until the investigators is completed. the teen's parents have been charged with seven counts of child abuse.
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they are being held without bail. >> wow. that is something. so he is now with foster parents? >> he's been taken in by a family allowing him to stay there until the investigation is completed. when authorities found him, he was completely emaciated. they said his skin was translucent and he weighed 87 pounds, just 5'3". that's why the police officer thought he was a young child. >> as we were saying during your piece that was running, you look at that house, and it's a very nice home. >> we've heard tons of stories over time about similar situations. but this isn't a home like where jaycee lee dugard was found. this is a very well-to-do area. sleepy community, suburban atlanta. you wouldn't expect something like that to happen there. neighbors had no idea he was in the home. >> so sad they had him locked up. nick, appreciate that. thank you. scientists announce a new aggressive plan to fight cancer. they say that in just a few years, dying from lung cancer may be as rare as dying from pneumonia.
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dying from lung cancer, skin cancer, or breast cancer may soon be as rare as dying from pneumon pneumonia. that is the hope of doctors in
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houston who say they'll soon be able to radically lower the death rate from several cancers. cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta got an exclusive interview with researchers at the world's largest cancer center. >> we're in a position to make dramatic impact on cancer mortality in this decade. >> you're saying if we do everything right, in five years from now, there will be far fewer people dying from cancer, right? >> correct. i think that with the existing knowledge and the application of what we now know, we can begin to see dramatic declines in mortality that would accelerate in years five through ten and be onset control. >> i asked him about the specific cancers m.d. anderson is talking about. >> they are awfully confident. i spent some time with them. let me preface by saying almost got the sense he had the energy of when president kennedy talked about sending a man to the moon,
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that they're calling this the moon shot project to sort of raise that same passion about this particular project that they've taken on. you can take a look at the list there of the various cancers. they're big ones. melanoma, lung cancer, the biggest cancer killer overall. triple negative breast cancer, for example. that's often a very difficult cancer to treat. in many of these cancers on that list, they say within the nengs few years, not a long time in the future, but in the next few years, dramatically cut down mortality by more than half. and then go even further to go after that. >> their intent is to cure, but hasn't that been the mission for decades go? what makes them closer now to a cure than ever before? >> i asked that same question. the man you just heard from, he's the president of "m.d. anderson." more than a thousand clinical trials going on. he'll say look, we've been learning all along, and with the
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science that we know right now, we can make leaps and bounds toward getting to that cure. a quick example. we hear a lot about mapping the genome, but with the science that we know now, you can find specific markers for certain cancer and you can test for those early on in life and be able to prevent a lot of those cancer from ever occurring as a result of those sorts of screenings. lung cancer is one of the biggest cancer killers, again, as i mentioned, but we know how to screen for cancer but we don't know how to screen. it's in those areas, they sound more simple than the wonder drugs that we hear about. but it's in those areas that you could make a dramatic dmifs preventing the cancer in the first place. it's not say the futuristic medications aren't there. but it's really a multiple different things going out at the same time. >> you certainly spent a lot of time in their labs looking at all the research. on what particular cancer do they think that they're going to have the greatest immediate impact? >> i think melanoma.
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we put that one at the top of the list based on everything that we saw and spending a lot of time with these doctors. what you're looking at there is a young man who has what was known as stage four melanoma. people who have dealt with cancer understand this. it's when the melanoma has spread throughout the entire body. right now there's not a lot of options for someone like him. he's a minor league baseball player from the midwest. he's a coach now. basically what he's undergoing is the way they're taking his immune cells and teaching them how to fight the cancer. so actually harnessing the power of your body's own immune system and putting it back in the body and saying go find the melanoma and kill it. this is one of the first times in the world that what you're seeing is actually happening. they have great faith in this therapy. >> it's amazing. i lost my mother to lung cancer, so it's incredible to see such progress being made already and such commitment. >> absolutely. i mean, it's a lot of money.
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the cancer research funds and grants have dried up. but three billion dollars over the next ten years to reach this very audacious goal. don't miss "chasing the cure" right here on cnn. the debate over medicare heats up with both presidential campaigns blasting the other's plans. but some older voters aren't happy with what they're hearing and they're not shy about letting one candidate know it. [ female announcer ] born from the naturally sweet monk fruit,
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the future of medicare is a hot topic on the campaign trail, so where did the two presidential candidates stand on the issue? cnn's emily schmidt has a look. >> with 46 days until the election, political candidates focused on another number, the over 50 crowd. >> life at 50-plus, i'm not quite there yet, but i'm told that can happen before you know it. >> medicare and social security are not handouts. you've paid into these programs your whole lives. >> medicare and social security are big issues for what aarp says are its more than 37 million members. a cnn orc poll this month asked likely voters who would best handle medicare? 54% said mr. obama. 43% sided with mitt romney. paul ryan told the crowd he believes romney-ryan would strengthen medicare, a campaign promise that received this response. >> the first step to a stronger
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medicare is to repeal obama care. because it represents the worst of both worlds. [ audience booing ] >> the obama campaign has said the plan paul ryan advanced in congress would cost seniors more. president obama said via satellite he didn't mind the word obama care, arguing it strengthened medicare. >> in fact, the health reform law we passed has already saved more than 5.5 million seniors and people with disabilities, nearly $4.5 billion on their prescription drugs. >> another september cnn orc poll asked voters over 50 about president obama's job performance. 46% approved. 50% did not. it's a higher disapproval rating than younger voters reported, and a reminder that winning over older voters may help decide who wins the next four years. in washington, i'm emily schmidt. florida senator marco rubio had a tough time getting back to washington last night. seems his american airlines
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flight was delayed, so he used the extra time to tweet all about it. he wrote american air says maintenance problem, yet suddenly group of new passengers boarding. holding plane to get connecters on from delayed flight? then saying delaying flight for maintenance to squeeze connecters to older flight, oldest trick in the book, feel bad for the crew. someone at the airline apparently saw it and tweeted back afterwards saying this, thanks for your patience, marco. we hope you have a great flight. rubio, by the way, is headed back to washington to vote on a spending measure to fund the government through next march. the measure passed 62-30. it could have been worse for rubio. he could have been on ann romney's plane. that flight was forced to make an emergency landing after an ele electrical issue filled the cabin with smoke. >> we have an electrical issue. we'll probably need assistance.
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we've got smoke in the cabin. we'll see the severity of it and we'll let you know. we're going to request fire trucks, please. >> the charter flight landed safely and no one was injured. at least three militants are dead in a u.s. drone attack of north waziristan. two missiles hit a vehicle being used by local taliban leaders. two other militants were injured in that attack. the surge of u.s. troops in afghanistan is officially over. officials are saying it has been a success, if all goes according to plan, there will be a withdrawal of the u.s.-led international military force by the end of 2014. pentagon correspondent barbara starr has the details. >> as commander in chief, i have determined it is in our vital national interest to send an additional 30,000 u.s. troops to afghanistan. >> reporter: the president in 2009 announcing a surge of troops into afghanistan. now those troops are on their way home and the military is
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saying mission accomplished. >> the surge has effectively covered and enabled the training of the afghan national security force and is an amazing outcome in and of itself. >> reporter: this is why the administration says it worked. the number of afghan forces has more than doubled to 340,000. the u.s. believes surge troops pushed the taliban out of southern strongholds long enough to let the u.s. train new afghan units and get them into the field. over 80% of operations in the south now are led by afghans. but it's come with a heavy cost. more than 1,100 u.s. troops killed. more than 12,000 wounded in that time. behind all the numbers, deep problems remain. the taliban still has plenty of fight left. one week ago, 15 insurgents breached the u.s. and british base in southern afghanistan, killing two u.s. marines and
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destroying six aircraft. and many joint u.s. and afghan combat patrols, the backbone of the war, have been stopped because of the disturbing number of nato troops that have been killed the year by afghans in military uniforms, many believe to be disgruntled troops. there are fundamental questions about those afghan forces. >> the troops know what their officers really care about, and if the officers are more worried about siphoning fuel off into the black market than they are in planning a patrol that will keep the troops alive, the troops see this and they aren't willing to risk their lives under those circumstances. >> reporter: the cost of america's longest war continues to mount. about $430 billion so far, about $7 billion every month. new evidence is threatening to halt the execution of a pennsylvania death row inmate, scheduled to die less than two weeks from now.
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details on the complex case straight ahead.
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attorneys in pennsylvania are making a last ditch effort to save a killer's life, but their time is running out. terry williams, now 46 years old, is scheduled to be executed on october 3rd. he was convicted of beating amos norwood to death in 1984, but his attorneys now say williams was sexually abused by the man,
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something jurors would have liked to have known. >> there was no information at all brought out about any sexual abuse, whether he was a child or from the two victims. there was nothing at all brought out about that. now that i know about the sexual abuse and all that, that's why i'm doing this video. because i feel bad that this person is on death row and there was evidence or other things that we should have been told about. >> let's bring in paul cowen. how unusual is this case? you have a convicted killer now trying to avoid the death penalties for killing a man who he says sexually abused him for years. some might say the victim deserved what he got and that terrence williams should not be put to death. what do you think? >> it's a case a lot of people have rallied around, including the former attorney general of pennsylvania, saying that williams has been treated unfairly, that this claim that he was sexually abused should have been revealed to the jury.
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is it an unusual case? in some respects, it is. death penalty opponents rally around certain kinds of cases, cases that have a compelling narrative, a compelling story about the person being executed. and certainly, this sexual abuse angle that the jury didn't know about makes this a very, very unusual and interesting case. >> so on monday, the state failed to reach an agreement for clemency. on thursday, another hearing ended without resolution. what would be next now? >> well, as it travels through the court procedures, a number of things can happen. it can wind up with the pennsylvania governor, who of course could grant clemency. it could -- although the parole board has acted against that, there's a court decision involving that. they could go back out into the federal system again and certainly before the individual ever gets executed with the death penalty, the supreme court takes another look at it, so we can expect this would wind up in front of the supreme court
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again, even briefly. sometimes they just say all right, we're going to look at it, and they reject the stay. so i think we've got a lot of things coming up and you're not going to see an execution in early october probably. >> i want to point out that norwood's own widow has been asked to be called off, the victim's own widow. 360,000 people have signed a petition. they're just not being heard. how much time do you think attorneys have left to get this done? >> well, they are coming into the home stretch on this, so they've got a lot of work to do. i think they're facing tough arguments. we haven't talked about the other side of the case. here's the other side of the case, randy. prosecutors say this is nonsense. he could have raised this claim in 1984 at his trial. williams testified at his trial. not only did he not say that he was sexually abused by the victim, who was beaten to death with a tire iron in a cemetery, but williams said he wasn't even there at the time of the crime.
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now, of course, the claim is being made not only was he there, but he had previous listen by sexually abused. and by the way, there's a claim that he stabbed another man to death and the jury heard about that during the sentencing phase of the case. so people don't get sentenced to death in cases that aren't very, very serious cases here. so there's another side to this case as well, and a judge has got to look at it and say was the jury acting properly and with another information in 1984 when all of the evidence in the case presumably that was available at the time was heard. >> i want to ask you about another case. another bizarre story also having to do with the death penalty from ohio. in this case, you have a convicted murderer, ronald post. he's also been on death row since the 1980s. his attorneys want his execution delayed because they say that he's too obese. they're arguing that lethal injection could be torturous and
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lingering death for the nearly 500-pound man. have you ever heard of anything like this, paul? >> well, this is right up there. yeah, he weighs over 400 pounds. when i first looked at the case, i was thinking it was an electric care case and he couldn't fit in the chair. believe it or not, there have been cases involved whether you can fit in the electric chair. there has been one other case involving an obese convict who tried to avoid the death penalty saying his obesity would render it cruel and unusual punishment. here's the claim. they won't be able to find a vein to inject. this is not an electric chair case. it will be hard to figure out how much of the drugs to give him and it will be a lingering death. there have been claims like this. i don't think this one is going to fly. he might have other reasons to have the death penalty set aside, but the fact that he's overweight, i don't think that's going to get too far with the courts. >> apparently he's tried to lose weight and now they're saying that he shouldn't be put to death because of this. all right, paul, nice to see you.
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thank you. >> always nice to see you, randi. thank you. >> enjoy your saturday. frederick whitfield and the legal guys take up the execution case next-hour. the case of princess doe. now a breakthrough may have authorities closer than ever to cracking it. n doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪ that's my world.
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it is a murder mystery that has baffled police for decades, the case of princess doe in. 1982 her body was discovered beaten beyond recognition in a cemetery in new jersey. this is a sketch of what they
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believe she may have looked like. thanks to breakthroughs in forensic science, they may be closer than ever to actually cracking this case. lieutenant steven spears joins me now. he's been trying to identify princess doe since 1999. good morning. when we spoke to you several months ago on this case, you had sent off some hair star. s from princess doe's body in finding new information about her. were you successful? >> yes, yes. good morning, randi, thank you for having me back. >> good morning. >> we had the results back from the isotope testing on the segments of hair. now, although it doesn't give us a precise location of origin, it did tell us some pretty amazing things. we know that from ten months to seven months, that she lived in a particular region of the united states which they refer to as region one, which covers a good portion of the northeast and some of the midwest. and then at approximately seven months to find months, what we
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discovered is that she was definitely transient. she went from one particular region of the united states to another, which is region two. and for the last five months, she was in region two of the united states, which puts her in the northeast area. now, we also -- this is something we didn't discuss when i was here before. her tooth -- one of her teeth was sent to another lab for isotope testing and that tapes provide us with some more informative information about her earlier years. and that along with the hair samples, we determined that there's a potential she could have come from the midwest area, meaning, quite honestly, arizona is what we're doing now. >> it's fascinating when you talk about a hair sample. how does it work? you're just testing the dna from that hair sample that's able the pinpoint where she has been and where she might have been from? >> well, it's not dna. it's elements, oxygen and a few other elements that are in the hair which are in the water and
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the soil in particular geographical areas of the united states. so basically consuming the water, consuming food from those areas, deposit these elements in her hair. same thing with the teeth. >> and the same thing with the tooth? >> exactly the same thing with the tooth. the good thing about the tooth is younger years. her more informative years, there's more of those elements present and we're able to say with a reasonable amount of scientific certainty, this is the area she grew up. >> i know one of the big challenges for you when we spoke about this case originally was nobody came forward to say, i'm missing my daughter, i'm missing my sister. since putting this information out there, have you gotten any new leads? anybody calling in, anything like that? >> yes, thank you. as a result of our first airing on july 14th and with the exclusive on the composite, with we've had a number of phone calls a number of tips and leads. going back to the isotope, we know she wasn't foreign born. she was definitely born in the united states.
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we were concerned about that in the beginning stages. now we've gotten phone calls from three separate individuals in the long island area. when they saw the pictures of the composite as well as the picture of the clothing, three separate people told us they bought the exact same dress from a dress store in the long island area. and we have been focusing our efforts in the long island area as well. >> and this happened in new jersey. so that would be not too far away. you're still pretty hopeful, you think you're getting closer? >> absolutely getting closer. and the more we get exposure, again, on this case, the more tips and leads we are getting. we've also got some calls in from some other tips where we potentially have an individual who was missing from the connecticut area, which is not too far off from the long island area. so it just keeps coming in and every tip we get, we keep going forward and trying to follow it as best we can. >> i know you've been working on it a long time. we wish you luck and keep us posted. thank you. >> thank you for having me back.
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"cnn newsroom" starts at the top of the hour. fredricka joins us now. fred, you're in washington in the bureau today. >> i am. that's right. big weekend in washington. lots going on. there's been the congressional black caucus this weekend and other events, big book fair happen l in the middle of the mall. so i decided, why not be in washington this weekend? no, just kidding, not that simple. we have a lot straight ahead this afternoon. how about the idea? should you get the dna from cheek swabs to be put into a statewide database? it's at the root of a case. and this swabbing takes place before you've been charged with a crime. our legal guys take a swipe at that case straight ahead. and then mobile moments, you know how difficult it was for some of us to get used to the idea of using your atm, statement, it was kind of liberating, too? how that now you don't leave the
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house without your cell phone. and we're not talking just to not miss a phone call or an e-mail, but instead this would be your form of payment. >> that would be so weird. >> do you like the idea? it's already happening in some places around the world. >> yeah, it's pretty strange, though. but, sure, it's convenient. >> i know. it might be convenient. but then, of course, people are going to worry about identity theft. does it make it more accessible to those up to no good? we'll talk about that, kind of a worldwide sweep and whether it would be a mainstay here in the united states. and you remember jewel, the singer. she's had quite the trip around the world in terms of her life. she's now a mother of that cute toddler there. she's married to a rodeo rider. she's still writing music. and now, call her on author. she's got a book, a children's book called "that's what i'd do." we'll talk about the inspiration behind that children's book. clearly her son is an inspiration.
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but what else kind of provoked her to write this kind of rhythmic melody in the form of a book? she'll reveal that and read a couple of passages. >> if she could put that voice in a book, i'll read it. >> you'll be a reader. >> fredricka, thank you. see you at the top of the hour. >> all that straight ahead. thanks so much. apple's mapping software is not a hit with users. we'll tell you why people are complaining about it. of warning lights are a lo and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward. [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze...
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11:58 am
it is the first day of fall. and to mark the occasion, we have a challenge for you. go outside and use your smartphone to take a picture and then upload it to cnn ireport by using one of cnn's mobile apps. the only requirements are that the photo be horizontal and be unfiltered. we'll be showing the best ones later on today and tomorrow. so check back to see if yours was chosen. apple users are not pleased with the company's new mapping software. the new system replacing google maps has misplaced landmarks and roads. jim bouldin finds out why. >> reporter: after all the complaints that apple's new mapping service does not live up to the google maps it replaces, i borrowed an iphone with the new operating system, ios 6 and took it for a walk. our building, in fact, is in the right place. but down here -- the bar that
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closed here a year ago is till listed. well, listed sometimes. sometimes this new place is listed. that's what's confusing. that's part of the problem apparently. apple is melding data from various sources. and some of it is just plain wrong. it says here this is the cinema in westfield in stratford city. clearly not here. in fact, the cinema is eight miles east of here. social media is full of examples of streets in wrong places or spelled wrong. landmarks or towns missing. airports in irish farmfields, on and on and on. apple said in a statement that it appreciated all of this feedback it's getting from customers and that it's working hard to improve the map app. well, at least the apple store on regent street is in the right place. so what do enthusiasts lining up to buy an iphone 5


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