tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 23, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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message to all moms and dads that they can share with their kids. >> thanks for having me. >> it looks like a great book. and jewel is also raising money for breast reconstruction awareness. she is donating proceeds from downloads of her song "flower" for research in charitable care breast reconstruction patients. she is also performing a benefit concert in new orleans at the end of october. that will do it for me. cnn newsroom continues now with don lemon. have a great week. don? >> thank you very much, ma'am. i'm don lemon. we're going to get you up to speed on the day's headlines. a wall of snow has claimed the lives of at least 11 people on one of the world's highest mountains. more than a dozen climbers still missing on nepal's mt. manaslu after an avalanche swept through their campsite. these pictures show the rescue. more than 200 people were attempting to climb that mountain which is considered one
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of the most dangerous to navigate. a schizophrenic double amputee in a wheelchair shot to death by police. he had threatened people at a home for the mentally ill and then tried to stab policemen with what turned out to be a pen. >> the officer, in fear of the safety of his partner and the safety of himself, discharged his duty weapon, striking the suspect. >> the man initially got upset when he was denied a cigarette and soda. officer now on administrative leave. a giant panda cub born a week ago in the smithsonian zoo in washington has died. it was seen as a big step in conservation, the first to be born in a zoo since 2005. the mother was in distress, and they ran in to do cpr, but the panda couldn't be saved. >> this is devastating for all of us here. it's hard to describe how much passion and energy and thought and care has gone into this. >> it's still not known what
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caused the cub's death. they're investigating. the chairman of the house intelligence committee says there is no evidence that a con sul attack in libya was relate to do an anti-islamic film. that was the attack, of course, that killed ambassador stevens and three other americans. a on the state of the union, republican congressman mike rogers said terrorists could have been targeting the ambassador, but the fact it happened on the anniversary of 9/11 is a more likely factor. the white house continues to say there is no proof the consulate violence was planned, but it has been concluded it was a terrorist attack. one question on everybody's mind? how is it that the most powerful nation on earth can't even protect its own envoys in far away countries. hillary clinton made it clear that security isn't optional for her state department. >> good afternoon. when i reached the congress, i made it clear that keeping our
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people everywhere in the world safe is our top priority. what happened in benghazi was a terrorist attack and we will not rest until we have tracked down and brought to justice the terrorist who murdered four americans. >> of course, this just begs the question if security is the priority, how could that happen in benghazi? we may know more soon. a state department investigation into the consulate attack will begin this week. joining me now is chiffon gorman with the wall street journal. the wall street journal has been doing in-depth reporting on this. hillary clinton says the consulate was woefully inadequate. was she right? >> we're not able to judge that just yet, but it was certainly limited in security personnel. there was four armed libyan guards and four unarmed libyan
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guards. on the day of the attack, there were also five or so armed diplomatic security officers, proce presumably because the ambassador was there as well. what was interesting as we looked into it was that security hadn't really changed, even though the threats there were escalating from about april on. and they also lacked some pretty basic precautions at the consulate including just basic firefighting equipment. >> yeah. firefighting equipment you talk about in an article, many articles that you wrote, that there were miscues, and that there were signs before this the consulates had been attacked, the embassy in other places had been attacked. there were signs, and does it appear that the administration made some missteps here, underestimated security in libya? >> the security threat certainly was increasing, and there were a lot of intelligence reports and just facts on the ground that showed that. the consulate itself had been
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attacked in early june and that led to a brief upping of security mainly for a week as they repaired a wall at the consulate. shortly after that, the british ambassador was attacked, the british ambassador's convoy was attacked, and the u.s. decided to stay there and they decided at the time there wasn't any additional security needed. subsequent to that, the state department was putting out travel warnings and things along those lines, and they did an assessment before september 11, but each time they found additional security measures were not needed. >> we heard from the secretary of state, we heard from ambassador to the u.n., and we heard from the president last week saying it was a terrorist attack. the ambassador has been saying all along they don't believe there was an indication leading up to this, that it was an attack out of nowhere. they've been getting criticized for that. you could probably answer this. does it appear, again, that the administration is telling the truth, or is this just an investigation that's unfolding? are they being truthful with the american people about what happened? >> well, certainly the investigation is still
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unfolding. what i've learned as i've looked into particularly the question of al qaeda involvement, it's quite possible the al qaeda involvement came day of, if it did at all, because they've -- they're right now analyzing conversations that were held between al qaeda and the islamic mcgrub and al sharia who was believed to be in the attack. it's possible it did happen spontaneously but there was some sort of same day ork -- orchestration or consultation that occurred. the grand mufti of egypt, he spoke to cnn and called for muslim followers to act more as prophet muhammad would. >> translator: i was one of the
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first to warn about the dangers of this film. in a statement to the muslim world, i asked people to deal with the situation the way prophet muhammad dealt with issues, through patience and wisdom. >> more on this story throughout this broadcast. in the meantime, what does mitt romney need to do to turn his campaign around in these final weeks ahead? or does he need to do anything at all? we're going to talk about it, straight ahead. ld that be of any interest to you? well, in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. like the transatlantic cable that connected continents. and the panama canal that made our world a smaller place. we supported the marshall plan that helped europe regain its strength. and pioneered the atm, so you can get cash when you want it. it's been our privilege to back ideas like these, and the leaders behind them.
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before you get our vote, you're going to have to answer some questions. questions like -- >> when is the election? >> what are the names of the two people running? and be specific. >> who is the president right now? is he or she running? because if so, experience is maybe something we should consider. >> got to love "saturday night live." the undecideds may still have some questions, seems like a lot of questions there, but some pundits are in agreement, they say mitt romney is in big trouble. let's ask the only pundit analyst that really matters to us, graham anderson, cnn writer.
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we're going to start with you, will. romney spent a lot of time lately explaining comments about libya, comments about the 47%, fending offer criticism from conservative critics. there are still six weeks and three debates to go. what's going on? this is a little premature to be imploding. >> i think it's a little premature to be calling the race and that's what a lot of pundits and critics seem to be doing at this point. there's no doubt mitt romney has had an incredibly difficult to incredibly bad week or two. six and a half weeks to go. what drives elections? what drives news? events. we saw the middle east explode into changing -- you know, world-changing events over the past week and a half. four years ago we saw the economy take a drastic turn just months before the election. i think we constantly overvalue, don, the impact of all these gaffes when there are plenty of days left and plenty of events left to happen before this
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election. >> i always say don't count anybody out. you never know what could happen between now and then. when you speak to folks, a democratic or republican may say, last week, i don't know. this w th if this was not the defining moment that turned everything, i don't know what is. what do you think about that? >> i think you're right, that was a really horrific leak, not just in terms of the way the video leaked out but the way the confrontation was handled after that. it seemed like, again, there was a lack of compassion and not being in step of what the american people were concerned about. i think we're miss characterizing the themes that mitt romney has been saying the past year and a half and describing them as gaffes. this isn't just mitt romney. this is actually what he really feels in terms of class, in terms of socioeconomic status. we need to stop saying, whoops, and realize that's what he's been saying pretty consistently
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and these are his policies and values. >> if that's what he believes, that's what he believes. maybe the media are characterizing it as gaffes when it was really what he believes. >> this is mitt. it's what he believes. >> i think he says the same thing. he actually said, that's what i believe. i believe in what i said about the 47%. i didn't mean to disparage anyone, but these are my beliefs. why are you characterizing it as a gaffe? >> may not thing is the media -- and i'm going to point two boxes to my left to my friend lz, are just characterizing the 47% remark. we can't say, oh, what he says is so bad. it will affect people on an emotional level if you don't appeal to them intellectually. there were intellectual mistakes about mischaracterizing the numbers. it didn't reinforce a year and a half narrative about how he feels about people in different economic classes. >> it's not about the numbers, it's how he feels about the people. >> "saturday night live"
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jokingly said obama should just wait until election day and let romney self-destruct. it was a pretty funny thing when i said, mr. president, what are you doing? just be quiet. >> i'll say this, and i'm going to toss this to lg. i don't think offense is a very good strategy. when you have your opponent on the ropes, you have to put them away. i don't know. ball control is not the way to win an election. it's not the way to win anything. >> he is not in any position -- you're right, will, he is not in any position just to be quiet and let romney talk, and i'll tell you why. i think the most important dates of this election is november 2nd. i used to think it was october 3rd, the first debate, but now when i see the narrative behind the job support can totally change a person's attitude about the president. if that job report is not strong on october 2nd, he's in a lot of trouble. >> i'm going to be watching those debates. that is going to be some good
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television. let's move on and talk about a very serious subject here, voter rights and voter suppression. republicans have pushed voter i.d. laws around the country. democrats are crying foul. here's the first lady last night at the congressional black caucus dinner. take a look. >> we all get a say in our democracy no matter who we are or where we're from or what we look like or who we love. so we cannot let anyone discourage us from casting our ballots. we cannot let anyone make us feel unwelcome in the voting booth. >> she says "feel unwelcome in the voting booth." are people really -- is there a strategy to make people feel unwelcome in the voting booth? i mean, the former president bill clinton said he has never seen it so blatant at trying to not allow people to vote. >> really? really? he's never seen it so blatant as
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when they made african-americans count the number of jelly beans in a jar before they could vote? >> he wasn't alive then. >> this is a way to in flame voters, particularly minority voters, in turning out for this election. if you want to equate showing your i.d., which if you don't have it the government will supply you, that you can still cast a provisional ballot which will be counted later, if that is equivalent of a poll tax or a literacy test on african-americans in this country, then you're asking us to stretch logic to its furthest absurdity. and you know what, most americans agree because the polls show it. >> what do you say, lg? >> i'm going to try not to go off on my friend will here. i'm just going to say it's racist. i'm not going to dance around it, it's driven by racism. the fact that will can't see it is fine. everybody doesn't have to see
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the same story but i'm going to tell you what that actual story is. this is driven by race. i was at the speech last night. i was at the dinner last night, and i will tell you, i didn't leave there thinking, oh, i need to vote for obama because he's black. i left there thinking as an american citizen we should observe fended that these tactics are being used to curtail our rights, the rights that blacks and whites have died for. you don't have to go all the way back to slavery. jesse helms, hello, he used very aggressive tactics to scare blacks from going back to the polls. >> and it was nothing like this. >> let me finish because i allowed you to finish. if you go to these polls and you don't have xyz documents, you will go to jail. that wasn't a long time ago. you and i, will, we were in college when that was going on. so if you think this was some sort of ruse, i need my friend
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lg to tell me about them. >> i appreciate that, but the polls say the majority of americans support showing an i.d. at the voting booth to protect the sanctity of the vote. >> will, what's the motivation when it shows there's not much of a history in voter fraud? there's not much of a history of that, and if it's not politically motivated or, as lz says, racially motivated, that's his words, then why not wait until the next presidential election to put it into place where both sides get what they want? >> you know the answer to this because you and i both just stated. it is to protect the sanctity of a vote against voter fraud. it is not something that is nonexistent. >> voter fraud is pretty much nonexistent, will. >> that is nonsense. that is nonsense that it's
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nonexistent. you can't say that. >> what's nonsense that you don't see it. >> so 100 people won't make that much of a difference? it's not even that, it's basically that. that is not going to make a difference for the vote. >> so the question is not for me, it's for you two. how much voter fraud is acceptable. >> i'm just saying so that it doesn't look political, why don't you wait until the next election so both sides will get what they want? you give people the time to get a voter i.d. card and then you sort it out between now and then. >> this has been a project -- this isn't a project that came up in the past three months. this is a project that states across this country have been looking into for years and passing on a state level for years. and by the way, it's -- >> did you know they also tried to keep president obama off the ballot by having some sort of special rule that was just implemented regarding birth certificates? will, you need to stop it and see the light, brother.
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they are purposely trying to do anything they can to intimidate minorities. and what you really need to be upset about is the fact that years ago, dr. martin luther king, jr. was a registered republican because the republican party was actually the party that was fighting the racism in the south. and that has flipped. and it's flipped because indecision has allowed that to flip. >> wrap it up, guys. >> we need to speak up about racism now. >> this conversation shows it's a useful conversation to inflame the voter. second, it's not just me. are you suggesting the supreme court of the united states is racist because they have approved and seen that every one of these laws is constitutional? >> i'm saying you need to look at the genesis of why this law was created or why these people pursued in the timeline and in the fashion in which it was pursued. why wasn't this conversation being so nationally pushed when
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w. was running for reelection? why is it when the first black president of the united states is on the ballot that all of a sudden we're racially motivated to make sure there's no voter fraud. >> all good questions. we let this go about 10 minutes longer than it should have. goodness. see you next weekend. don't forget, you can stay connected. you can watch cnn live on your computer. just go to one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly
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taking a breath now and we're going to tell you about the big stories on the weekend. from the white house to wall street, our correspondents tell you what you need to know. we begin tonight with the president's plan for the week. >> i'm jessica yell in at the white house. next week president obama will speak to the united nations general assembly. among his topics, the attacks in libya that killed the americans and the instability in the middle east. he will also address former president clinton's global initiative. he will continue his travel visiting the battleground state of ohio. >> i'm paul steinhauser at the
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cnn political desk. president obama speaks at president clinton's global initiative gathering in new york city. romney and ryan campaign in ohio on monday. >> i'm poppy harlow in new york. looking ahead to the week on wall street, we'll find out just how much the u.s. economy grew in the second quarter this year with the final gdp reading set to be released on thursday. we're also going to get the latest new home sales data and also look at consumer confidence. of course, any economic news these days plays right into the election. meantime, nike and blackberry make a research in motion. both report their quarterly earnings this week. and kraft will be replaced by united health care on the dow. we'll track it all for you on cnn money. i'm "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer. this week we're catching up with tv legends carol burnett, tim conway and vicki lawrence.
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we're going to be talking about how the ground-breaking carol burnett show changed tv forever. plus i go one on one with justin bieber's mom. more allegations from u.n. sources. that's straight ahead. this is an eco brick. this is a container, and this is where you stuff all of the wrappers, all the plastic bags, everything what's considered inorganic trash. just put the lid on the top and then you have an eco brick re y ready. i'm susannah hasek, i'm the founder of the movement.
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claims of torture at the former u.s. run prison in afghanistan have surfaced for years. few give details about the allegations made by prisoners. now cnn has an exclusive interview with one of the men held captive there. emma korin has his story. >> reporter: he's come a long way to tell me his story, traveling nearly 300 kilometres to kabul. a story that began almost a decade ago when he was arrested in 2002. they accused me of being involved with the taliban, capturing me 40 kilometres from my home. i asked them, how was i involved when will y when you arrest med in their house? others had equipment, and denied
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that. he was taken to bagram prison and says he was soon tortured. they gave necessary electric shocks on my wrist. i was hung from the ceiling for seven days. our faces were masked and we were handcuffed. our legs were chained as well. some of the prisoners committed suicide. he also thought about ending his life. i completely lost my mind. if a person doesn't sleep for seven days hanging from the ceiling, my body aching, what hope do they have? they would hit our head into the wall. i thought i was going to die. after five months at bagram, he was shipped off to guantanamo bay detention facility where he was assessed as a medium risk prisoner. showing me his i.d. band, the 30-year-old describes conditions inside. guantanamo was not like bagram, he says. every prisoner had their own small room, then after three
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months they took us to camp 5 where it was very strict. it was difficult to cope but not as bad as bagram. after four and a half years, he was finally released. the foreigner said we're sorry, but what to do with this sorry? you take me away from my family, my children. i lost five years of my life. there are around 200 prisoners like muhammad nasim who have been transferred from guantanamo bay back to their homes here in afghanistan. some of them were low level foot soldiers. others may simply have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. human rights groups say there was definitely a pattern of abuse at bagram prison. and an investigation into the deaths of two prisoners at the prison found that abuse had been widespread in 2002 and 2003, during the same period nasim was there. unrolling the documentation given to him by u.s. authorities, he asks me to read
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it. >> this declaration says nasin muhammad, that being you, was detained in cuba during such conflict. then it goes on to say that nasin muhammad will not be further detained by the united states. there was no written apology and there was no compensation. nasin's anger has subsided over the past six years, but he believes it's time for foreign forces to get out of afghanistan and let afghans look after their own country. anna korin, kabul. >> cnn has called the defense department to get a comment on nasin's torture allegations but they haven't answered as of yet. to the lighter side, diamond and jewels, the likes of which have never been seen before. this is a live scene of the red carpet. the glitz, the glam, the understatement. prime tim emmy awards going on in hollywood tonight. we'll take you there live. thanks for babysitting the kids, brittany.
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it is the latest clip to go viral. green day front man billy joe armstrong having an on-stage meltdown, trashing justin bieber and his guitar. it all happened at the iheart music festival in las vegas. he wasn't happy when he got the cue that he had one minute to wrap up his set. >> look at that time right there, one minute! i'm not [ bleep ] justin bieber, you [ bleep ]! let me show you what one [ bleep ] minute does for me.
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>> that is good tv. well, anyway. a serious note just after, he apologized and announced he is seeking treatment for substance abuse. man. it's that time of year again. the emmy awards happening out in the land of glitz and glamour. in los angeles, careen winters there, i understand you have someone there, an accomplished actress. >> ten nominations, four wins, not bad. the gorgeous edie falco from show time's "nurse." jackie, this is so amazing to have you out here. tell us about the dress. >> stel la mccartney. very comfortable. i loved it the second i saw it. >> are you managing to stay cool under the sun? >> i don't know why, but i am. i feel like i should knock something. >> tough category tonight. you're going up against tina
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fey, for example, from 30 rock. when you go against shows like this, are you able to sit back and relax or do you have your eye on taking home that emmy? >> really? no, i'm so lucky, i'm so happy to be here. i love the work of the women that i'm in this category with. there is nothing unsettling about any of this, i hate to say. i just love being here. >> women are kicking butt in hollywood. they're not only in front of camera doing their comedy. you see so much talent out there. they're wearing the pants now, not just men. >> i think they're still wearing dresses but they're doing a lot of work, too. >> when you look around you, do you get starstruck? is there anyone you're dying to meet? >> there are a couple, who shall remain nameless, but i still get starstruck. >> you've done "sopranos," but there is something about nurse jackie and going to work every day that you're finding now that you didn't find before in terms of the rewards.
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>> it comes with years of having done it, of confidence in knowing how to choose a group of people and all that. it's just a great work environment. it's not hand picked. it has been truly a joy. >> well, edie, so great talking to you. there is tons of press awaiting you down on the red carpet. good luck tonight. you won't need it. >> turn around, we want to see the back of that dress. >> we would love to see the back. can you do a little twirl for us? don is very much into fashion. >> i just think she looks hot, that's it. >> she gets the best dress award down here, don. it's early, but edie is rocking it. >> we're watching to see the twin towers, cnn's twin towers on the red carpet. beautiful ladies. see you later. see you later. well, changes in the rules could change what happens to you on election day.
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we've got a look at the new voting rules. that's next. are you crazy? i would never go out without my covergirl. i want to look natural, not naked! but look! with covergirl, all you need is 3 little things to make beauty powerful for you. lashblast for voluptuous volume, outlast -- to keep your lips beautiful and not come off if you kiss... simply ageless foundation to help you look young. see? just three. easy breezy beautiful covergirl. ♪ and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat.
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have early voting options changed? joe johns has more on the rules. >> in the past year, almost every state in the country has announced a change in the voting laws. 49 states since the last election for voter rules, absentee ballots, early voting. almost all of them require a voter to show photo identification. 11 states have already gotten the photo i.d. laws in place and another six states have photo i.d. laws that have now been challenged in the courts and are under review. this is going on in mostly republican-controlled states. polling shows voter i.d. laws are very popular. they make sense to people. republicans who tend to support these laws say they're needed to avoid voter fraud, but in previous elections and in the primaries this year we've not seen a significant number of
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people charged with voter fraud. democrats who are fighting these laws state to state say it doesn't have anything to do with fraud, they say it's just a plan to try to keep voters, and especially minority voters including blacks and latinos, away from the polls on election day. as you might imagine, some of the biggest battles over these laws are being waged in some of the most important battleground states, namely ohio, pennsylvania and florida where many think the presidential election could be decided if it's a close race. the battle is over early voting in ohio. the obama campaign is fighting it out in appeals court with ohio's republican secretary of state over whether all voters will be allowed to go to the polls on saturday, sunday and monday before election day. in pennsylvania, we're waiting for a state judge to reconsider a ruling he made allowing a voter i.d. law to stay in place. the state supreme court told him he had to make sure there is enough time for voters to get i.d.s. and in florida, it's been a bruising battle over voting rights for the better part of a
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year. democrats have won a few parts of this, republicans have as well. now it's coming down to a lawsuit filed by democratic congresswoman corinne brown over how many hours polls will be open for early voting. and why is all of this important? well, it's about electoral votes. ohio has 18, pennsylvania has 20 and florida has 29. the candidate who wins or loses these states has a leg up in the race for the white house. back to you. >> all right, joe johns, thank you very much. the replacement refs are getting almost as much attention as the nfl games at the games as the players. but have the refs set a new low and how much longer will this go on? don't forget, wherever you go, we do, too. you can watch cnn live on your computer while your at work or even on your smartphone at
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the nfl replacement refs get more experience every week, but the results don't seem to get any better at all. senior investigative reporter for sports illustrated, good to see you. there you see on the new si, d anthony thomas. monday night's game set a new low. refs couldn't keep order, denver coaches freaking out. have you ever seen anything like this? >> the nfl is such a buttoned-up organization, and then we have these replacement refs and one team gets too many timeouts and
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one gets too few timeouts. one team got nine yards and still got a first down. the players association had a good point. they had a release the other day that said, look, health and safety of these players is absolutely paramount importance. someone is is going to get hurt. they have to settle this thing fast. >> well, is there any chance we're going to see regular refs anytime soon? >> yeah. i think this bad publicity is something the nfl didn't prepare for. they say about $60,000 per team is all that's separating the two sides and i think that, you know, another week, another few games of these bungled calls, a player with the ball getting called for holding, just kind of mind-blowing calls, i think, you know, the old refs are going to come back and people are going to treat them with a new sense of respect. it's a tough job. >> i'm wondering with all these bad calls, is this going to be the season where people go that season didn't matter because this team shouldn't have won that game, blah, blah, blah, is
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everything going to have an asterisk by it for this season? >> that's another reason why this needs to be settled. i think a lot of people are questioning the legitimacy of some of this. we're going to see a game that absolutely goes to the wrong team because of a bungled call, and i think, again, the nfl, this is a $9 billion, "b," billion dollar industry. it's amazing this is happening and did evaluing the brand. >> the yankees and orioles one team apart. >> the baltimore team is amazing. this was a team people thought they would lose 100 games. it's been -- that baltimore is a great story. we're going to see something interesting with the postseason this year. we're going to have five teams for the first time, this sort of play-in game. i think among purists that's ruffled some feathers. i think it's great. i think you look at the nba, more than half the team makes the postseason. in baseball they play 162games. why not let more teams have a chance at the playoffs? it's a new wrinkle this year.
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some good races and i think these playoff drives, it's always good for the fans, and i think this is a move that was overdue. >> finally, a sad story here of vince young. he's a former heisman trophy winner, signed a $26 million contract, and now he's supposedly broke. how does that happen? >> unfortunately, it's not a new story. i mean, we see guys getting a lot of money, not always a lot of financial sophistication. in this case if you read about this case, one of his agents was a criminal defense lawyer, the other was a relative who was a middle school teacher. unfortunately, there's a long list of these athletes. vince young not yet 30 years old. he tweeted, this is playing out on twitter, he said, yes, i could use a job. and i think most people sit back and say how could you blow through $26 million. >> $26 million. >> but, you know, again, not a lot of financial sophistication. some bad ideas. there are charges here of fraud and, you know, forging his name. it's a sad story and,
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unfortunately, it's not at all in the sports world not unique to vince young. dwroo joo there was a story will smith tells when he lost his money when he first started out. now he's gained it back. he said his dad would tell him why do you have so many cars. you only have one butt. you don't need to live in a house that's 30,000 square feet, and it's a good story. and, you know -- >> good advice. thanks, don. >> see you next time. you know, their country has been torn apart by war pushing many afghans into another battle. >> with the syringe in one hand a vial of heroin in the other, this 28-year-old man begins a ritual that's been part of his life for the past seven years. >> up next, the struggle to get afghans off drugs.
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warning up top, the next story some pretty graphic pictures so when you think of afghanistan, many think of war, but few think about a drug war. in a country known as the opium capital of the world, people use drugs on busy streets in broad daylight, and again a warning, the story you're about to see contains graphic photographs, graphic pictures. >> reporter: in a park in downtown kabul, huddled under the trees, are a group of afghans ignored by society. with a syringe in one hand, a vial of heroin in the other,
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this 28-year-old man begins a ritual that's been part of his life for the past seven years. he draws the liquid out, what's left over he drinks, and then he gets into position. health workers give him sterile swabs to clean his skin. he doesn't use the crook of his arm because his veins have collapsed. instead, he chooses the back of his hand. for the next five minutes, he slowly pumps heroin into his veins. he then collapses with the needle still sticking out of his hand. this is a tragic scene repeated throughout the country with up to 1 million afghans addicted to drugs. that's 8% of the population, double the world average.
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with afghanistan producing 90% of the world's opium, the main ingredient of heroin, drugs here are pure in quality and very cheap. 28-year-old reza injects half a gram a day which costs around 4 u.s. dollars. he started a year ago after being introduced to it by a bad friend. he says he'd like to give up but at the moment he can't. using drugs made me leave my home, my family, he tells me. if i didn't use drugs, i would have a family, a good life. >> i will show you -- >> reporter: this man runs a preventative drug program in kabul. it's the only clinic that provides methadone, a substitute for heroin, but can only locally cater for 71 drug users. >> i would describe the drug addiction problem in afghanistan as enormous and growing. >> reporter: the clinic also helps addicts who walk in off
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the street. >> this is his first day that he's not used any other drugs. >> reporter: he introduces me to this 38-year-old who has been an addict for 14 years. the father of four says his family has had enough. i want to use methadone until i forget drugs completely, he says. i want to be a healthy person to find a good way to start a normal life. two years ago there was a real sign the afghan government and the international community were serious about tackling drug addiction in this country. a methadone program started but two months later it was shut down. officials saying they're still trying to work out the best form of treatment. according to the u.n., it is, but that means little to the countless number of desperate afghans who can't access the methadone program. this 25-year-old woman is willing to try a more basic form of treatment. she ander
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