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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 26, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson.
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top of the hour, i'm brooke baldwin. we begin with the race for president, goes to ohio today. mitt romney losing major ground there, according to new polls. before we go there, got to talk about one problem, that both candidates agree the world is running out of time to fix. let's turn to the united nations
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general assembly where the much anticipated speech byo outgoing president was overshadowed by mohamed morsi. listen to how he introduced himself. >> translator: i am the first egyptian civilian president elected democratically and free, following a great, peaceful revolution halted by the entire world. >> let's go richard roth, covers the u.n. for us. listen to the speech, it sounds like he's stepping it up, ready to be this world leader, world negotiator. is that fair that he's made the move from muslim brotherhood to world leader? >> reporter: well, i think he's still both things. the leader of egypt, decades ago, nasser and others, they had a prominent place when it came to the middle east. there has been this vacuum ever
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since. president mubarak had never even been here at the u.n. in the last 15 years and played a much quieter role on the global stage in the middle east. this is a big impressive debut on the stage. i think many agree for morsi, flexing his muscles. he was willing to be a global leader. he said to the general assembly i will adhere to all previous international treaties and agreements, such as the camp david accords with israel and things like that. >> richard, here's what he said about the palestinians. >> translator: just as you supported the revolutions, i call upon you to lend your support to the palestinians to regain the rights of the people struggling to gain freedom and establish an independent state. >> what message is he sending to
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israel? >> you know, he's going to be all things to all people, but he's keeping the agreements with israel, but he did tell this general assembly, the palestinian issue is the number one thing for the world, he's saying, and, of course, we had big changes elsewhere in the region. palestinians still in that same situation, no mat cher side you may be on. he complained about settlements made by israel. tomorrow at the u.n., president abbas of the palestinians may announce that the palestinians want nonobserver state status here at the u.n. a little bit of a step down from last year's full statehood that they want. that's still significant. the general assembly does not have any vetoes to block that action like the security council. >> let's turn to iran, we talked about the much anticipated mahmoud ahmadinejad speech, not as fiery and bombastic as some like to look forward to. nine months in office he has left. but here is what he had to say about israel today. >> translator: continuing threats by the uncivilized
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zionists to resort to military action against our great nation is a clear example of this bitter reality. a state of mistrust on the international relations whilst there is no trust or just authority to help resolve world conflicts. no one feels secure or safe, even those who have stockpiled thousands of atomic bombs and other arms in their arsenals. >> that was bombastic, uncivilized zionists, as far as pretty far in his speech here to the u.n. general assembly. we should point out also, richard, the u.s. delegation walked out beforehand. we have the video here, here is clearly empty seats. did ahmadinejad say anything that you hadn't heard before? >> not really. he did call for an independent fact finding panel i think on the killing of osama bin laden,
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maybe 9/11. i know he's said many more inflammatory comments about 9/11 and conspiracy theories and earlier years. that's what prompted the walkout. canada joined the u.s. in boycotting, but some tables were empty, but this was nowhere near as if you used the word bombastic in what is ahmadinejad's final planned appearance at the united nations general assembly for his final act here, it was sort of a quiet farewell near broadway here, but the real show is that nuclear program of iran, the western countries, inspectors want to know really what is going on there. >> richard roth at the united nations, thank you, richard. speaking of a nuclear iran, of all the voices you hear warning against that, few have been as loud as israeli prime minister benjaminless in drawin attention to this issue.
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here's sarah sidener reporting from tel aviv. >> reporter: the prospect of iran and the bomb is concern number one for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his recent u.s. media blitz firmly planted the issue in the u.s. presidential election. even a new political ad by an american interest group now running in florida uses this netanyahu speech as its centerpiece. >> the fact is that every day that passes, iran gets closer and closer to nuclear bombs. the world tells israel, wait. there is still time. and i say, wait for what? wait until when? >> the world needs american strength. not apologies. >> while netanyahu jabs the u.s. and the rest of the world for
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not doing enough to stop iran from developing a nuclear weapon, iran complains that the world has allowed israel's secret nuclear program to go unchecked and unchallenged. anti-war activists in israel say their nation is employing a double standard when it comes to nuclear policy. and that israel's refusal to hold disarmament talks with its neighbors is a barrier to peace. >> we have something that they can't have. israel is a country that has nuclear weapons and says no to peace initiatives. i think that's -- might seem as threatening to others. >> reporter: israeli political scientist gerald steinberg disagrees. >> there is no testing. there is nothing there to say this is a threat to the other countries in the region. u.n. is exactly the opposite. israel has to find itself as an exception and is recognized around the world as an exception. it is literally a small country surrounded by enemies that could be overrun in a few hours.
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>> reporter: so what are some of the contrasts between iran and israel's nuclear programs? iran says its program is solely for peaceful purposes and denies trying to create a bomb. israel will neither confirm nor deny whether it has nuclear weapons. iran allows inspections by the international atomic energy agency, but has denied the iaea access to its military site where the agency believes iran is developing nuclear triggers. israel has never allowed the iaea to inspect its nuclear facility in the desert. that facility near a town called damona came under suspicion nearly 25 years ago, when a nuclear technician there leaked photos and inside information to the sunday times. that information prompted analysts back then to estimate israel had already amassed 200 nuclear warheads. iran has signed the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, but has been censured for failing to
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curb its uranium enrichment. israel for its part has refused to sign the treaty. israel's leaders say one of the most glaring differences between israel and iran on the nuclear issue is the language their leaders use. >> we don't call for anyone's annihilation. we don't foster terrorism. we don't threaten to obliterate countries with nuclear weapons, but we are threatened by these threats. >> reporter: iran has never threatened nuclear annihilation. in an interview with cnn's piers morgan, iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad gave a measured answer when asked about the threat of a strike by israel. >>. >> translator: the response of iran is quite clear. i don't even need to explain that. any question and any nation has the right and will defend herself. >> reporter: but this month, the general who heads iran's islamic revolutionary guards corps took it a step farther. he said if israel attacks iran, quote, there will be nothing left of israel.
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the war of words is creating fear of a regional conflict and israel people are getting their gas masks and learning how to use them, preparing for the worst. sarah sidener, cnn, tel aviv. >> thank you. and a lot more news happening this hour, like this. a stunning new poll shows president obama is leading mitt romney by ten points in ohio. republican insiders tell us why. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. home prices may be going up, but the buyers aren't who you think. plus, we have seen the studies, we have heard the resume yo rumors, but dr. sanjay gupta reveals the truths about the hazards of cell phones. plus -- >> the meat hook was there. they said rebels tortured and hanged people here. >> this scene inside a syrian town where the killings don't stop.
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and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. today's huge political news, mitt romney is losing ohio by
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ten points now said this brand-new poll. this is the poll and the precise question posed was this, if the election were held today, for whom would you vote? you see the numbers. 53% answered barack obama. 43% mitt romney. a ten-point spread in crucial ohio. obama is beating romney, double digits on national security, health care, on taxes, crisis management and overall foreign policy. double digit leads in that poll just released today. one of our go-to guys, peter hamby joins me from washington, one of our political reporters. peter hamby, give it to us bluntly. how bad is this particular poll for mitt romney? >> it is it is very, very bad brooke and one number you mentioned there, obama holds a 25-point lead among women which is a big gender gap we have seen in any poll between the two this cycle. ohio is the linchpin of any
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white house strategy. romney can still do it, though the needle he's threading becomes very, very thin if he does lose ohio. the question the political people are asking today is this lead actually ten points? or is it closer to what we have seen in previous polls, which is seven, six, five, four perhaps point lead for barack obama. a lot of republicans are criticizing the polls saying the gop is undersampled, democrats are being oversampled. if you talk to any republican in ohio, they'll admit to you they are losing the state they just say -- they point out they're losing by four points and they're still in the hunt rather than ten points. ten-point lead is bad also from a media narrative perspective, the more we talk about romney losing, battling ohio, the more that becomes a perception among voters. the romney campaign doesn't -- certainly is not happy with this poll out today. >> talking about romney and ohio, that's where he is today, to gain some traction. he was joined this morning by a guy, i know many of us will
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recognize a really world class, world famous athlete, ohio native who got up there and talked about winning, talked about success. here is jack nicklaus. >> when i was competing, i didn't lean on someone else in tough times. i knew i had to do it on -- what i had to do on the golf course to succeed and when i won, i certainly didn't apologize for my success. >> so, peter hamby, i play devil's advocate. i love golf. working on my swing. who doesn't love jack nicklaus. here you have romney, needing middle class votes in ohio, how is he helped by a man who has been the face of professional golf, doesn't even live in ohio anymore? >> it is hard to hate on jack. the guy has 18 masters. look, he said in the speech, you know, this -- this election isn't about wealthy people it about the middle class. you want surrogates like this in ohio. jack nicklaus is an ohio legend, from the columbus area, where they were campaigning together, that's a bellwether part of the
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state. he went to ohio state. i mean, my personal preference, i want to see where bubba watson and the golf boys are going in this election. >> you want to see romney with bubba and not jack perhaps. peter hamby, we'll continue that off line. thank you, sir. now let's talk about this. don't miss the first presidential debate, denver, colorado. romney versus obama. that is one week from tonight, 8:00 eastern, here on cnn. i jumped the gun. i wanted to talk about my cell phone, every single one of us has these, it is a necessity. what about the exposure to radiation. is it really -- is it really making you sick? dr. sanjay gupta will join me to explain what we can do to reduce the exposure next. across the u. the only time i've ever had a break is when i was on maternity leave. i have retired from doing this one thing that i loved. now, i'm going to be able to have the time
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to explore something different. it's like another chapter. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. actually... that way i could split my payments into little bite-size chunks. i mean you feel me right? yeah. uh, sir... ah... [ male announcer ] layaway's back. shop now and have more time to pay. walmart. silverado! the most dependable, longest lasting, full-size pickups on the road. so, what do you think? [ engine revs ] i'll take it. [ male announcer ] it's chevy truck month.
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now during chevy truck month, get 0% apr financing for 60 months or trade up to get the 2012 chevy silverado all-star edition with a total value of $8,000. hurry in before they're all gone!
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there was a passing, i do want to note today, a man whose voice touched generations, a voice that ronald reagan called a national treasure. this is my go-to christmas album. andy williams. andy williams who hasn't hummed along to his silky rendition of this tune. ♪ moon river
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wider ♪ ♪ i'm crossing you in style ♪ ♪ some day >> oh. andy williams, he started his career singing with his brothers at the age of 8. and entertained for almost 75 years. 18 gold, three platinum albums, a self-titled variety show and christmas specials that played on tvs across america, a popular theater in branson, missouri. he died in his home in branson last night after a year long battle with bladder cancer. andy williams was 84 years old. now to the cell phone radiation debate. guess what, it's back. the question is, is there too much radiation going into our brains? could it cause cancer? here is the deal. it has been 15 years since the fcc set the radiation exposure limit for cell phone use. now the u.s. government accountability office wants it updated now. dr. gupta, brain surgeon here, joining me.
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i have to be honest, i first heard this, i thought here we go again. back again. i mean, what's the deal? >> in some ways it never went away. there has been a steady beating of the drum on this issue. keep in mind, cell phones have really not been widely used in this country before 1996 or '97. this hasn't been a very long-standing issue. you were 2 or three years old. >> very funny, sanjay. >> people said how much radiation is safe. we're talking about radiation from phones, i use mine all the time, full disclosure it nonionizing radiation. and terms matter here. ionizing radiation people know can be dangerous. that's the stuff from x-rays. the nonionizing and the doses that we get it, because use cell phones so much, and because it can cause heat it can -- you feel these things get hot, they can change your brain in that it makes the brain and the area of the cell phone actually take up more sugar or glucose, we know that it can have an impact. so people have been worried about this, the who, the world
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health organization weighed in on this and they say we consider cell phones a possible carcinogen, which means they're not shutting the door on this, more studies necessary. >> i said, you pulled him out, you said, your headphones. if and when you're on the phone, you really do use them. >> i do. and they're not the most attractive thing. but most phones do come with ear piece. it is funny, if you read the pamphlet that comes with your phone, most people don't do that, but to keep the phone about half an inch away from your ear. no one does that. everyone -- >> my producer talks on the phone like this, keshia. she read the pamphlet. how can you hear someone? >> it is even a tass id warning that, look, we don't know for sure, but it is probably not safe to hold it directly to your ear. if you have a really hard time hearing, what that means is your phone is work harder to establish a signal, sending out greater signal to try to get the cell tower. that's more radiation.
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those are particularly dangerous times. >> what about wi-fi? what about our tablets? should we be fearing this as well? >> i think with wi-fi, the amount of radiation is less. some of this has to do with duration of exposure. i don't think anybody is concerned about that. but if a young child is using this throughout their entire life and using it for many hours a day, could there be cumulative effect. i don't think the answer is there yet. a few years ago, the message was don't worry about this, nothing to see here. and now you're starting to see as i said this drumbeat toward let's not dismiss this so quickly. >> i think it is interesting that you told me also that you're more of a texter. maybe we're just -- i get sick of talks and would prefer talking. >> you're a tv person. how could you be sick of -- >> by 4:00, i'm done. sanjay, thank you so much. i appreciate it. lesson learned. headphones for me. now this -- >> a makeshift scaffold with ropes and a meat hook was there. they said rebels tortured and
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hanged people here. >> a chilling look inside a torture center in syria. don't miss this report. now y. scroll... tap... pinch... and zoom... in your car. introducing the all-new cadillac xts with cue. ♪ don't worry. we haven't forgotten, you still like things to push. [ engine revs ] the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward. it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one.
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nearly every day we give you the death toll of one single day in syria. today, that grim total is 275. but now there is another number. reflecting the death toll since the uprising began 18 months ago. that toll so far, more than 30,000. 30,000. that number comes to us from the syrian observatory for human rights and includes civilians and syrian forces. and the government regime took a major hit today. want you to watch the upper part of your screen. you're seeing one of two suicide bombs went off in military facilities in damascus. look at that. there was one, injuring, killing dozens. this is according to syrian state television. now, the free syrian army has claimed responsibility. and much of syria's three
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largest cities are in rubble from the conflict. bill neely went with forces through the devastation. >> reporter: in one city, this would be bad enough. in three, it is a disaster. but this is now the reality in the three main cities of syria. the regime's troops fighting rebels for control of whole districts. aleppo is syria's biggest city, and business capital. engulfed now in the business of war. the damage is extraordinary. the death toll incalculable. syrian troops are on the offensive in the country's third city, homs. recapturing many areas from what they say are foreign fighters and extremist muslims. rebels, they say, directly armed
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by arab states. in one district they took, they showed us what they said was an abandoned rebel headquarters, bags with markings scattered around. a makeshift scaffold with ropes and a meat hook was there. they said rebels tortured and hanged people here. we have no way of proving this. the u.n. mostly accuses the regime of mass torture, but says rebels are guilty of human rights abuses too. it is clear this is a dirty war. here in homs and in every city, no one is safe, no faith is spared, christian churches and muslim mosques a battleground. but one man is an optimist, the new governor of homs, syria's third city. these rebels, he says, will be beaten and we'll win the war in
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homs in one month. >> reporter: one month, that seems very optimistic. one month, he insists, but britain and america should stop supporting terrorists. they are his masters words throughout the interview explosions echo across the city. explosions too in syria's capital city today, one at a military base, bombs smuggled inside and detonated by rebels. here too troops crack down on areas with brute force. three cities, one war, tens of thousands dead. and at the united nations complete failure to stop it. bill neely, itv news, homs. back here at home, president obama and his challenger both hitting the trail, both in ohio,
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a state both of these campaigns would love to have. but for mitt romney, new polls out today suggest it is not looking good. find out what's behind the widening gap. cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...but you still have to go to the gym. one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly
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i would like to take a step back from the newsroom reporting today this ten-point lead for president obama and the crucial state of ohio. this is new york times, cbs news, quinnipiac university. that is one poll. we asked our political editor, paul steinhauser, to show us how this poll changes our cnn average of all of the relevant poll, we call it our poll of polls. and, paul steinhauser, i understand you're looking at with other states as well. walk me through what you're seeing, if you would. >> a lot of numbers here. we'll get through them, a quiz on the other side. >> hit me. >> okay, ohio, you mentioned the quinnipiac cbs new york times
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poll, it is just one of four over the past two weeks. put them all together, live operator nonpartisan polls, average them together, here is what you get, the president with a seven-point advantage in ohio. next to florida. another crucial battleground state, 29 electoral votes there. five polls over the past week and a half, average them together, the president at 50% among likely voters, romney at 45%. go to pennsylvania, another big state, 20 electoral votes at stake there. we have five polls over the past two and a half weeks, average them all together, 51% to 41% the president over mitt romney among likely voters, brooke. >> okay. seven points, five points, ten points, i do pay attention to you, paul steinhauser. what is behind the rise in obama's numbers and conversely the drop in romney's? >> those are just the top line numbers. here is the story behind the story, the number behind the numbers. mitt romney's tough week last week with those controversial 47% comments from those hidden camera fund-raiser comments, that may be playing into it.
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i think more of this is about the economy. polls in these states and nationwide are indicating people are starting to get a little more optimistic about the economy, and look at this, who would do a better job of the economy, this is from the quinnipiac new york times cbs polls you showed. the president with a slight advantage in all three of their states. a different story, mitt romney used to have the advantage on the economy. >> back to the ohio/florida scenario. cnn sees obama likely to win, 237 electoral votes come election day. were he to also win ohio and florida, he would have the total 284. the magic number is 270. there is no guarantee he wins both of those states or either state for that matter you see where i'm going. >> i see where you're going. the polls we're looking at give the advantage to the president, makes mitt romney's pathway to 270 much tougher. this is rich biesen, the
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political director for mitt romney. he doesn't see it that way. take a listen. >> they're sort of spiking the ball at the 30 yard line now. look, ohio, there is still 42 days to go. we're in the i did any stretch inside the margin of error in ohio. the obama campaign will have problems there. >> he's looking at different numbers, he's looking at the internal poll numbers his campaign does. we still have six weeks to go, we have debates, the needle could move between now and election day. >> it is exciting. we'll see you in steinhauser, thank you so much. today we learn builders sold slightly fewer homes in august than they did the previous month. but new home sales were well up from one year ago. and builders sold those homes for a lot more money. one reason for the jump in prices, you ask, tight supply. there are fewer new homes on the
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market than last year. the new homes report is the latest sign of improvement in real estate. but builders will have to sell homes at double the current rate to hit a level that signals a healthy housing market. remember pepper spray cop? this guy made one hot -- after pepper spraying occupy protesters at the university of california davis last november. it is turning out to be a very expensive way to break up a peaceful protest. under a proposed settlement today, the university will pay $30,000 to each of those 21 students and alumni pepper sprayed by campus police. the school will also pay the protesters' attorney fees, a quarter million dollars. a federal judge will have to approve the settlement before anyone gets a check. firebombs, tear gas, molotov cocktails, folks in spain and greece protesting cuts to retirement and paychecks as they the chaos flares there, find out
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what lessons we the united states could learn from this. a . but today...( sfx: loud noise of large metal object hitting the ground) things have been a little strange. (sfx: sound of piano smashing) roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches.
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and the candidate's speech is in pieces all over the district. the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well. everyone in the nicu, all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. let's say you need a haircut. you walk into a hair salon. your hairdresser said you suddenly have to pay 20% sales tax, just new government rules. also, let's say your paycheck suddenly is shrinking and your 401(k), the government chopped that in half, all of that to pay off your country's trillion dollar credit card bill. folks in spain and greece, that's happening. look at these crowds.
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this is about a lot more than haircuts. the government proposing huge spending cuts in tax hikes to try to avoid a bailout. first, greece, protesters throwing firebombs and molotov cocktails today and unions went on strike to protest shrinking paychecks and rising retirement ages. here's the catch. the u.s. is facing similar tough choices. we racked up a crimintrillion d in debt this year. the u.s. is frozen, punting the fiscal football until after the election. let's bring in jim bolden from london. you've been covering europe's financial crisis. it is not just about math. this is about people, their futures, their lives. what are the lessons that the u.s. can learn here? >> the lesson any country can learn really is to do the budget c cuts. if you're going to do them while you're not in recession, while the markets aren't forcing you to do it. what spain and greece are doing
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is trying to cut the budget deficit with 25% unemployment, and doing it when bond yields are too high to be able to dip into the market, especially for greece. so these countries have been forced to do this by the markets, brooke, not by politicians. their hand has been forced and now they're telling their people on streets they have got to be the ones that suffer the most. ironically, of course, the u.s. treasury have benefitted from all the european upheaval. it made it easier for the u.s. not to make the tough choices at this moment. any country trying to cut the budget deficit, it is harder to do while that country is in recession. it actually makes the recession worse, which makes it -- it has to be more cuts in order to meet the deficit targets. it is nearly impossible to see how the countries can do that. >> so you point out, you negotiation unemployment rate 25% in spain, running down more numbers, 54% of greeks under age 25 are unemployed. are major spending cuts raising
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retirement age here to 67, will that work for spain and greece? >> well, over time it should work because what you have here is you've got people who have had very generous pension benefits, very generous benefits because of all of the upheaval the countries went through over the last 30, 40 years. the people who have worked through the dictatorships, worked through the right wing governments there, the whole thing collapsed and then they had some social safety nets put into place to help those people. the question for them is why are you giving this kind of trouble now? younger generations have to say, brooke, when i talk to them on streets, athens, they understand this is going to happen. the older generations don't want it to happen to them because they have been through so much themselves. and so that makes it a generational divide as well. that might sound like something in the u.s. as well. the difference is u.s. economy, much more dynamic, people can move to where the jobs are, and the unemployment rate is nowhere near what you're seeing in these countries. >> i can hear the viewers thought bubbles here in the u.s.
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because it is horrible that people in greece and spain had unemployment numbers, but they're thinking so how does this affect me, right? how might this affect my 401(k) here in new york, l.a., atlanta? >> if we get to the situation where the euro is not sustainable, i think it would be a long way from that happen, a lot of worries about that, weren't there, in june and july, if it got to a situation where greece said, no more, can't do anymore and their money is cut off by the imf and the european union, you have a disablization in the market, something like lehman brothers in 2008. that's what people have to say. could something happen like that? i'm not saying we're getting there. but could something like that happen? it will affect the world economy just as much as lehman brothers, that's what analysts will tell you. >> we have just passed the year, couple of years after that, jim boulden, thank you so much. don't want to go back there at all. jim boulden in london. illegal immigration a hot topic dividing mitt romney and
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barack obama and the election. what should america do with millions of undocumented immigrants living, studying, working here? we'll look at the candidates' competing plans next. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth! there's a health company that can help you stay that way. what's healthier than that?
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you might hear a lot of spin on the campaign trail when it comes to immigration and undocumented workers. and so cnn is helping you figure out where president obama and mitt romney really stand. and how they plan to tackle immigration challenges. casey wian looked atd illegal immigration both with the eyes of a sheriff on one side and a student on the other. >> reporter: angelica hernandez was 9 when she first crossed the border. >> i remember having to sleep in the desert because it was getting late and we had been walking for hours. my mom would hold my sister in one arm and me on the other arm. and, you know, just pray that
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nothing would happen. >> reporter: but their human smuggler was pulled over for speeding and they were deported. their second crossing succeeded. entering school as a fourth grader, hernandez was teased because she spoke no english. pinelle county sheriff has spent much of his military and law enforcement career battling human smug lers. kep deputies in his county last year engaged in 350 high speed pursuits involving drugs and human smugglers. >> they look at these people, as these humans, as product. they don't care about their safety. they'll leave them for dead. they get in a wreck and walk away. >> reporter: he supports the law to crack down on illegal immigration. >> the impact has been so tremendous. not only billions of dollars in impact to our budget, but the crimes associated. many crimes committed against the illegals themselves. >> reporter: the sheriff and the student, one trying to enforce the law, the other trying to
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stay a step ahead of it. angelica hernandez, the little girl who couldn't speak i think lish, this week begins work on her masters at stanford. she graduated from arizona state despite losing a scholarship twice because of arizona laws restricting benefits for illegal immigrants. >> being undocumented, it's something that gives you so many different kwlts and strengthens you. because you learn to overcome so many things. >> reporter: now she's filling out paperwork to apply for president obama's deferred action program giving temporary legal status to young illegal immigrants. >> it is an election year. so we don't know if he did it because of that or, you know, he's trying to get the latino vote. but in the end we knew it was a win for us. >> reporter: not for the officer who sees it as another lure bringing hundreds of thousands of people through his county illegally. >> president obama wants to talk about what do we do with these
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10 to 20 million people, well, a lot of americans including myself say before we have that discussion, let's secure the border. we as a country have not enforced the law. and because of that we're at the situation we're at today. >> reporter: hernandez is ineligible for a driver's license in arizona. on this day she's going to have her photo taken for her deferred action application essentially breaking the law to become legal. she worries mitt romney would end the deferred action program leaving her ineligible for the job she wants in alternative energy when she finishes grad school. and worries of more illegal immigrants and keeping his deputies busy chasing smugglers. cnn, casey wian, arizona. >> casey, thank you. staggering number, 300 million trees killed in one singling year in a single state. what caused this? and could there be other states
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who could be impacted as well? chad myers has the answers next. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪
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american workers. mitt romney attacked obama's decision... said standing up to china was "bad for the nation and our workers." how can mitt romney take on the cheaters... when he's taking their side? wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ]
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texas. texas lost hundreds of millions of trees in a single year. what happened? chad myers here looking at this. looking at the pictures you can tell. you've talked about this so much, the drought. >> the cracks in the ground gobbled them up. not literally. >> what happened, really? >> we had not one square mile of texas that was not in some type of drought last year. it's eased a little bit. it's not gone. it's eased a little bit. 301 million trees are now dead. gone. just absolutely devastated. some counties have lost 10% of their trees in dallas-ft. worth people were trying to water them to keep them alive. but many people just heard chain saws day and night cutting these things down because now they're becoming a fire hazard. >> that's awful. that's an awful picture. can we end on a high note? >> did you see this? >> this is crazy. just to set it up it's a two
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million -- had to get the number right. 2 million second time lapse. explain this. >> it's like taking a camera outside, holding it steady with the shutter open for 550 hours and being able to take a picture of what you see. the sliver of space that you see is not as big as the moon is wide. >> say that again. the sliver of space we're looking at now is not as big as it is wide. >> this looks like you're looking at the whole sky. you're looking at a part of the sky that's actually smaller than the moon is big. >> wow. >> they really have this focused in. this is the hubble image. keep the shutter over for 550 hours and you're finding this. i have a graphic i made to show how far away some of those dots are. because they're now the deepest space dots we have ever been able to see. >> that's a mighty large number. >> 80 sextillion, 24 -- >> what? >> i don't kno


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