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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  November 5, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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>> many people ask me do you have a pregame election warm-u >> get a good night's sleep. run on the treadmill, eat healthy, be strong. >> you wear the same tie? >> got a new tie. always get a new tie. >> watch for the new tie, everyone. >> thanks very much for joining us. remember, you can follow us on twitter. see you later. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- next, the final sprint. we're in columbus, ohio. just hours away from election day. it is cold here, but people are hot, they're ready to go. "outfront" tonight, robert gibbs from the obama campaign and florida senator and romney supporter, marco rubio. why it all comes down to this state. plus, the man who's being called the most important person in this election. he joins me live and an "outfront" investigation into
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the never ending gas lines in the northeast following sandy. the gas lines didn't have to happen. something could have been done to prevent them, so why wasn't it? let's go "outfront." tonight, dead heat. election day is just five hours away and the candidates are using every last minute they've got. our latest cnn poll of polls today shows president obama ahead by one point. 49 to 48 for mitt romney and it could all come down to this state where i am tonight. ohio. both campaigns made stops here today. mitt romney's campaign just announced he will make a stop here tomorrow as well. now, each man spent the day crisscrossing the united states, trying to make final pleas to voters. >> we have got to lead america to a better place.
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we're one day away from a fresh start. >> after all we have been through through together, we can't give up on it now. we've got more work to do. >> all of the key swing states are getting a glimpse of the candidates and their running mates today. florida, virginia, wisconsin, colorado, iowa, new hampshire and nevada. joining me here in ohio is john avlon. he has been traveling the state aboard the cnn election express bus. i'm also joined by john king in washington, d.c. the electoral college map, how does it add up right now? >> when you talk to the two campaigns, it's as if even though it's one country, they live in parallel universes. both saying they will win tomorrow. the president is ahead in most of the key battleground states. they are down confidence in the obama campaign and don't get too much dispute out of the romney campaign that they will win the state of nevada. then they come to the midwest
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where you are. they are most confident in the midwest they will carry again. i know republicans watching are saying they'll prove you wrong. they're confident about the state of iowa. that would get the president to 259. takes 270 win. when you ask them about these battleground states, they say they're most confidence about ohio, where you are. the president took that game over. no republicans won the white house without it, but say they're wrong about it. keep it a toss-up. if this happens, if the president won novembevada, iowa wisconsin, could romney get to 270? yes, barely. give florida to romney. the state of virginia, again, the obama campaign says we're going to carry it. romney campaign says oh, no, you're not. if you give that to romney, you're down to colorado. the obama campaign says early voting makes them feel good.
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romney campaign says we'll win. hypothetical, i'll give it to romney. what would happen then? new hampshire, a tiny state, four electoral votes and ohio, where you are tonight, erin, 18, would settle the presidency because no matter who won new hampshire, the winner would need ohio. you're in the right place. >> certainly, it certainly feels that way and in ohio, what are you specifically looking for? what are you going to be watching tomorrow night especially when you look at those key counties? >> the reason ohio is such a good bellwether is because it is america. it has cities, agriculture, rural areas, small cities. this state of ohio has been right in every presidential election since 1964. meaning whoever has won ohio in every election since then has gone on to win the presidency. this is the '08 map. president obama carried it 52-47. i want to show you a few areas. i'm going to circle up here. lake county. just outside of cleveland. hamilton county.
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the northeast to the southwest and then i'll circle here in the middle. there are other places to watch, but let's focus on these three. lake county. these are the suburbs outside of cleveland. the president carried just barely, but the suburbs send a signal. back to '04. president bush carried them just barely. let's bring the state back into full focus. back the 2008. in the columbus area, this is where the president's second to cleveland will get a big flem turnout right here. he won 60-39 in franklin county. the suburbs around columbus, also important and then i'll close here. down to the southwest corner, i just talked to a -- said nervous. because the president carried hamilton county. cincinnati and the suburbs. the president carried it by a big margin last time because of african-american vote in cincinnati. some obama supporters waited eight hours today. in '04, it was red. in '08, it was blue.
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my guess is the color tomorrow night tells you who wins ohio. >> wow. they are nervous. it's going to be a crucial 24 hours. just heard from john king just about how crucial this state is. really, very, very difficult to do without ohio and both campaigns clearly know that. mitt romney has been here 42 times in this campaign. tomorrow's visit will make it 43. the president has campaigned here 30 times. and his senior adviser, robert gibbs, is here in ohio tonight, too, and i just spoke with him moments before the show. i asked robert whether it really does all come down to ohio. >> i think it could very welcome down to ohio. we had 15,500 screaming fans here and it was more than just for jay-z and bruce springsteen, but we feel pretty good in all of the nine battleground states. we've said we have a lot of different paths to get to 270
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electoral votes. all are open tonight before the election. we just have to work harder one more day making sure we get our votes out. >> and just about ohio though, are you frustrated that sort of isn't done? isn't a sealed deal? obviously, the president is ahead, but does it frustrate you that it's as close as it is, especially given he won it by 5% last time around versus john mccain? >> well, look, 5%'s a close race last time and we knew this race, a, would be closer. i will say this. we feel great about where we are based on early vote. ahead of where we were just four years ago and when it comes down to it, i think ohio understands more than any, the message that the president has. we have to build our economy from the middle out. not from the top down. tax cuts like romney wants somehow will trickle to the middle class. that failed theory didn't work for george bush.
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this is the heart of along with michigan, the auto recovery and i think when people go to the polls, they'll know the president bet on them and mitt romney was the guy who wanted to let detroit and their jobs go bankrupt. >> one scenario that as you well know, a lot of people think is a real one, that the president wins the electoral vote and thus is re-elected, but mitt romney wins the popular vote. the president would be the first incumbent in american history to not win the popular vote and get re-election and in fact, it's only split five times in american history. if that happens, does that worry you? that he doesn't have a mandate who wasn't elected by the majority of americans? >> well, erin, it doesn't worry me because i have a very hard time seeing how the path to 270 electoral votes, but not winning the popular, i don't see the path for that happening. i think you see we feel good about and a lot of state polling, that we're in a good position in a lot of these battleground states and a lot to have the national polling is
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starting to look much more like the winner of this race is going to win the popular vote. i'm not that worried about that. i think we have run a solid campaign. we feel like we're in a great position. we have one more day to get our voters out. >> and can you do it without independents? you know they're that group of people, the majority of voter, at least the way people describe themselves and when you look at independent voters, they are according to the polls that we have, going for mitt romney. can you do it without independent voters? >> well, i don't think either campaign can do it without independent voters, but i'll tell you this. i'm not seeing a poll in these battleground states that has independent voters overwhelmingly going for our opponent. if that were the case, the president wouldn't be ahead in so many battleground states. i think we're in a very strong position with our voters being energized about returning the president to the white house. as you look at again, some of
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the national polling that's come out today that i don't put a lot of stock in or worry too much about nabl polling. we're doing just fine with independents. plenty well to win this race. i think independents know we've been through a really tough, hard, four years economically, but we're on the right path and moving our country forward. >> one final question. another group other than independents, veterans. members of the armed forces. here's what john mccain said this morning on cnn about that group and benghazi. >> i've been traveling all over the country and veterans are angry. they're upset. they don't trust barack obama. 1.6 million of them in florida. for example, i think they could have an impact on this election. >> are you worried about that? >> no. i think veterans know that when this president came into office, he made sure that the veterans of this country who had earned their benefits on the battlefields of war in foreign
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countries, would be treated like they should when they got home. that's the commitment that barack obama has fulfilled. i got to say this, erin. obviously, people have a lot of respect for somebody like john mccain. but for somebody like that to go out there and say that people in the military don't trust the commander in chief, that's one of the more shameful comments i've heard in more than 20 years of being in politics. i don't for one minute believe it and i think it's an awful thing to say, even when your candidate is behind in a political campaign. >> robert gibbs, thank you very much. good to see you, sir, and i know you won't be sleeping for a long time. so get some coffee. >> thanks, erin. >> the question is, how long a time. we could get answers tomorrow night and we could get answers in several weeks if it does come down to ohio and the provisional bat lols, which we're going to talk about more in a moment, but
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john avlon, you've spent a lot of time here. your grandmother's from ohio. what are you feeling? >> i think you know, mitt romney had been surging after that first debate, but the momentum has stalled and i think robert gibbs gave a really interesting outline. for all their path to 270, they need the path to go through ohio. second, they're betting big that the auto bailout will create an enormous amount of good will for them. voters i've spoken to particularly in toledo, home to that jeep plant, did not take kindly to the romney ad. that backfired to many voters. the other thing is the intersection of politics and the economy. you know this. unemployment great in ohio is lower than the national average for the first time in decades. that's good news for ohioans. this is a mainstream republican state historically. one of the amazing things, it's a democratic fire wall this election.
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this is main street republican territory. president having a small, but steady lead. >> unemployment rate, there's been a big battle. some others do seem to be leaning mitt romney. but on the ground, is your feeling that that's the case or not so much? >> i think what's fascinating is you see independents having a slight edge towards romney. president obama winning moderates by 20 points. you got the sense talking to moderate voters, they don't want to get into debates with the conservatives. it's exhausting. they may be more inclined to vote obama in part because of the economy. the negativity of the ads, turning a lot of voters off. so look, ohio voters are smart. they're thinking about the economy. they don't like the deviciveness in washington. romney impressed a lot of them with that first debate, but some of if fundamentals are reasserting themselves. again, president obama having that small, but steady lead in
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the polls. >> i want to show you, yes, the president was just here and that's mitt romney's plane just pulling into the columbus airport a few moments whefrom we we are now. there's a big crowd. senator rob portman, who had played barack obama in the mock debates with mitt romney was just there getting the crowd ready to go and mitt romney will be coming out of the that plane in just a couple of moments and this is going to be an important rally for him. >> it is. senator portman, key romney surrogate, maybe that would have changed the ohio map. i spoke to him earlier in stark county about the get out to vote efforts. everything so focused on early voting and that is an area the obama campaign has an edge, but saying look, our election day, we're going to more than make up for that and he's been campaigning hard. >> we're going take a break and still to come, mitt romney's, yes, tonight, he'll give a rally here in columbus, but he's always going to be in ohio
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tomorrow. can he win without this state? marco rubio is our guest "outfront" next. plus, he's being called the most important man in the presidential election. his name is not mitt romney. his name is not barack obama. or bronco obama, whatever it might be. he joins me live, next. and what happens if at the end of the night, we are looking at a 269-269 split? who becomes president in the event of an electoral tie? way. well you can find out exactly where it is using bing elections. it's a good day for politics. which way do you lean politically? conservative. republican. well, using the bing news selector you can find news from whichever way you lean. (together) social on this side, financial. which party is currently predicted to win a majority in the senate? the republicans? would you make a bet on that? no. are you chicken?
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you're looking at a live picture of mitt romney, just a few minutes away at the airport in columbus, ohio. his plane just pulled in. he and his wife are amidst the crowd. it's a chilly night here in ohio. he's making a stop here tonight, another tomorrow on the final day of campaigning. he'll be campaigning, the president is not scheduled to
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make any stops, although he was here in columbus a few moments ago. tonight, romney's closing arguments. no republican and we've said this so many times but it's worth reminding, has ever won the white house without ohio. could romney be the first? our new poll of polls shows this. this is ohio likely voters choice for president. and it is within the margin of error. although the president is ahead as you can see by three points on a poll of polls. earlier, i spoke with senator marco rubio of florida and started by asking him about something robert gibbs just told us that the obama campaign sees all its pathways to 270 electoral votes wide open, so does he think mitt romney can can get there without ohio? >> well, i hope we don't try. i mean, obviously, there is a mathematical way to do it and we feel good about a lot of different places and i was in pennsylvania last friday, 1,000
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people showed up at a rally, so we're excited about that. we've seen some polling in michigan as well, but i think everyone would agree that ohio ho sa critical state. both sides know what the battlefield is and we're going to find out in about 24 hours. >> we are and everyone's waiting. there's not going to be a lot of sleep had by anyone including yourself i'm sure. you mentioned pennsylvania and going there. some are saying this is a move of desperation by mitt romney. the state's closer than people thought, but it's a real hail mary pass to try to put it into play. is that true? >> i don't think so. a couple of things have happened. the campaign ran out of places to spend money. after a while, there's just no more space to buy. as you look at some of this public polling that showed the race narrowing, so it was a wise investment of time and resources. like i was, this was a late addition to the battlefield.
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a welcome one. i don't think it's the lynch pin of a romney victory, but i think it's interesting it has come into play. >> i want to talk about ohio more because the possibility is that where i'm standing tonight, for weeks on end if these ballots end up determining the race. people who could have voted absentee, then didn't and those aren't counted if the another ten days. do you think we're going to know who wins this election tomorrow night? >> i really do. maybe it's just the hopeful side in me. i don't think any of us is looking for a protracted, mull week process because it's not good for the country. ultimately, accuracy is what's best, but i'm not sure either side would want to see this go beyond tomorrow night or the following morning. so, we'll see. i don't think what you're saying is going to happen. i hope the victory will be decisive for mitt romney, but it's one of those things that makes this race so unpredictable. >> there is something else i want to ask you about and you
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are uniquely positioned and perhaps this is why so many see you as the future of big ten republican party. the hispanic vote. in 2004, george w. bush won that with 40% of the hispanic vote and right now, mitt romney's polling around 22%. that's the fastest growing population in this country. is that something that shocks and disappoints you? >> i think republicans, we need to do a better job of talking about what we're for when it comes to issues like immigration. immigration is not the issue that hispanics wake up thinking about every day, but it is a gateway issue because if you live in the hispanic community, immigration is not a theoretical issue, not something you read about in the newspaper. the it's somebody you know, that you leadoff. even though you're not in favor of ill league immigration, you know a real person being impacted by it. we need to do a better job of talking about what we're for.
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we're for modernizing the legal immigration system and for trying to help out these kids and we can do that in a way that's not amnesty. i'm pleased that governor romney is committed to finding a permanent solution for them. >> and senator, one final question. if this turns out tomorrow in what i think really is a nightmare scenario for the country and that is one person wins the popular vote, obviously right now, that would be more likely to be mitt romney and the president wins re-election via the electoral college, would you work with him and do a grand bargain of a deal on the fiscal cliff or would that be a signal that you wouldn't need to work with him because he didn't get a mandate? >> no. a couple of things. i love being a republican. i love the republican party, but i love america more. i want to fix the problems. i'll work with anybody who's serious about balancing our budget and getting our tax code fixed and our regulatory system fixed. i hope whoever's elected president tomorrow, i believe that will be mitt romney and we're excited about that, is
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serious about that as well. there are elections, but ultimately, i think we have to understand we've reached the point now where we have to start solving problems or we're all going to pay a terrible price. >> thank you so much for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> as we told you, mitt romney is speaking right now. just a few minutes away from where i am at the columbus airport. let's just listen to this for a few minutes. >> some of you have been successful in convincing your neighbors to vote for paul ryan and me and i thank you for that. and now let's make sure that everyone we know gets out to vote on tuesday. you know, what makes this rally and all your work so inspiring is that you're here because you care about america. this campaign is about america. and about the future that we're going to leave to our children. we thank you and we ask you to stay at it all the way until
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victory on tuesday night is clear. tomorrow, we begin a new tomorrow. perhaps, some of your friends an family have not yet made up their mind of who they're going to vote for, so when you talk to them, ask them to look beyond the speeches and attacks and ads and to look at the record because you see, talk is cheap, but a record is real and it's earned. change can't be measured in speeches, it's measured in results. and four years ago, candidate obama promised to do so very much, but he has fallen so very short. he promised remember to be a post partisan president, but he's been most partisan. as a matter of fact, blaming and
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attacking and divides and it's not only republicans he refused to listen to. he also doesn't listen to independent voices. then he was going to focus on creating jobs. instead, he focused on obama care, which killed jobs. he said he was going to cut the fwral deficit in half, then doubled it. he said unemployment would be at 5.2%. it's at 7.9. that's 9 million jobs short of where we should be now. unemployment is higher today than when he took office. he promised he'd propose a plan to save social security and medicare. he didn't. didn't even propose a plan and instead, cut $716 billion out of medicare to pay for obama care. >> boo! >> he said he would lower health insurance premiums for the average family by $2,500 a year this year. did you see your premiums go down anybody?
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as a matter of fact, for the average family, they've gone up $3,000 a year since the president, in total, since the president became elected. and gasoline, it's up $2,000 a family. more than it was at the time he was elected. he said he was going to work across the aisle, by the way, on the most important issues. do you know how long it's been since he met on the economy? or on jobs? or on the budget and sequestration with either the republican leader of the house or senate? it's been since july. instead of bridging the divide in washington, he's made it wider. >> you can hear, a lot of these things you've heard many times before. that's what the next 24 hours is going to be, that final push by each candidate to their base. mitt romney at the columbus airport. he'll p speaking again later tonight. it's going to be a long 24 hours for both men. "outfront" next though is the man that "the washington post" wrote i'll read you the headline, could ohio's jon
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husted be the most important person on election day? he might be. the man that could decide which way this race goes. he's going to be our guest right after this. then wolf blitzer, john king and gloria borger weigh in. we'll be back. or that printing in color had to cost a fortune. nobody said an all-in-one had to be bulky. or that you had to print from your desk. at least, nobody said it to us. introducing the business smart inkjet all-in-one series from brother.
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our third story "outfront," lawyering up. election day isn't even here yet, but the legal challenges are already piling up. from florida to iowa to ohio, fights are brewing over everything from early voting hours to fraud. in ohio, warnings over what some are calling a quote unquote nightmare scenario. this is people who requested absentee ballots, then try the vote in person tomorrow. they can't do that because they don't want to have them vote twice. they have to fill out a provisional ballot, which won't be counted for ten days. i said start to be counted in ten days. the entire election could hinge on those. "outfront" tonight, the man who could decide the next president of the united states, ohio secretary of state, jon husted. thanks for taking the time and braving the chilly night here in columbus. "the washington post" headline today says could jon husted be
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the most important person on election day? that's you. >> i think the voters in ohio will be the most important people and i will be reporting what their voice tells us. >> all right, so do you think we're going to know who wins tomorrow night? >> i believe we will. i believe it will be a close race, but i believe when we get all the results that late in the night, we should be able to tell who the winner is. >> the whole issue with the absentee ballots, so 1.3 million were requested. my understanding, right now, you have 200,000 of them not returned. >> as of last friday, but we believe that the vast majority of those have been sent in. we have a small number that will not arrive by election night, but we believe that it won't be a huge number and only if the race is razor thing close will that come into play.
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>> so you're saying it's not going to be anywhere near 200,000. whatever the number outstanding is -- >> i think it will be less than that, but we have provisional bah ba ballots and the combination could be around 200,000 votes. >> just to make everyone understand, president obama's margin of victory in 2008, which everyone says including robert gibbs, he thinks that is going to be much bigger than the margin they get if they win this time around. 262,000 votes. it could happen. >> let's hope for good things and that we'll have a clear winner tomorrow night. >> all right, so i've got this provisional bah ballot. a yellow sheet of paper. got to fill it out, then on the outside, some information as well. including the last four digit of your social security number and you have to check a box on what type of i.d. you put out. now, you're saying it should be by the voter themselves.
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>> the sixth circuit court last week, said that the voters should fill out section one and three. didn't address section three. we're saying let the voter fill this out. don't put the, put this decision in the hands of the poll worker that they fill it out right. if i was a voter, i would want to have control of casting my ballot, making sure the information is correct. i wouldn't want that taken out of my hand and given to a poll worker. >> you've been a lightening rod in this campaign. not because of this. some other things as well. early voting as well. the atlantic magazine called you the national face of voter suppression. what do you say to that? >> that's ridiculous. in ohio, you can vote 35 days before the election. i took the unprecedented step of giving every voter the -- they had five weeks to cast ballots. you can cast them for 13 hours on election day and i made sure
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that the rules were the same in all 88 counties because in the past, coups would vote by both sets of rules. i made them uniform, they felt treated fairly by all votesing by the same rules. >> you did not choose to go ahead with voter i.d., which other states did. >> we have a liberal set of voting rules regarding voter i.d. you can use a photo i.d., but you could also use a government issued paycheck or a utility bill with your current name and address. that's the law. not my decision. i implement the law. i don't make the law. >> so, how will you feel if you're the person who has to make this decision? >> people should be reassured that what i'm going to do is administer the law of the state of ohio and run the elections according to that law and they should know that everything in this state, all 88 county boards of elections, there are democrats and republicans looking over each of their shoulders. we have that.
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this is a real bipartisan system, so they should feel real comfortable with how they're running elections in ohio. >> thank you very much. we may be talking to you tomorrow night. another person who won't be getting a lot of rest. get used to this, everybody, this yellow provisional ballot would be what ends up mattering. now, our fourth story. millions in new york and new jersey are still struggling. the ainge wish that you can see in the region. the latest now, more than 1 million people still lack power. 110 people have died in this country. 40 in new york. more than 9,000 spent the night in shelters and fuel for cars and generators continues to be hard to come by. lines can be miles long. wait times in excess of three hours. there has been pan irk, fikting and fear. we went on craigslist today where several entrepreneurs were
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selling gas. five gallons for $90. the new york -- and drew, i know the situation has crippled the area. one in four stations in new york don't have power. >> well, i'll tell you what they did in florida. they had a rash of hurricanes, particularly in 2005. in 2007, they passed a law mandating that many of the gas stations, most of them, have to have generators or be wired and adapted so you could plug in a generator for the very problem that the northeast is facing.
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no power. purposes don't work. gas doesn't come out of the ground. >> so, why didn't they do that in the northeast when they've been saying we're prepared for the biggest storms? a terrorist attack? >> this is exactly why. it is really expensive. this isn't like going down to your local store and buying a generator for i don't know, 2 or $300. the gas retailers associations we've been in contact with today from all over say that the price of just wiring and getting a generator in for a typical gas station is about $50,000. wiring it and getting it for a hook up is about $10,000. for r small businesses, that is really cost prohibitive, especially when you're facing a storm that hits new york. once every 100 years or so, so i
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think that's why you don't see in mandates in the northeast. there may be some calls for that, but it is extremely expensive to do. florida thought we need to do this because we see so many hurricanes down here. >> thank you very much. perhaps they'll start thinking again now that they realize how reliant we are on gasoline. up and down the east coast, millions are dealing with the devastation of sandy and for many, it's 24/7. early estimates show 30 to 40,000 new yorkers may have lost their home and could need housing. tonight, we saw more national guard troops arriving with aid in a battered part of queens. now, there's a nor'easter forecast to hit the tristate area on wednesday, dhl bring cold temperatures, high winds and more flooding. still, some are determined to get out and vote tomorrow, but there are concerns about polling places being closed.
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deb fayerick spent the day on staten island where many are trying to fibd v find shelter. governor cuomo announced voters can go to approximate polling places, sign an affidavit and vote by that location, where ever it is. but where you are, i've been out there. are people out there even talking about worried about voting? >> we were talking to a number of people, asking them whether they are going to vote. the priority for so many people is to take care of their homes. you have to keep this mind that entire first floor was flooded with salt water, water that stayed in their homes for up to three days. everything is ruined. people are gutting their homes. volunteers actually coming to help them because mold is going to be a huge problem. we are at a distribution center right now. i want to keep you posted on what's going on. people have been coming here all day to pick up supplies. what some of the workers are
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doing now, they're filling up buses so that tomorrow morning once it's light out, they can take these supplies into the xunt and that's a big part of this, erin, and that is that some folks don't have anywhere to go an they are staying in these homes because they're so devastated. there have been some stoirs there are, but because they've been displaced, the governor saying look, you can go to a polling area and cast a ballot for either state or the president and that will be okay. you have to sign an affidavit and just sign your name. so many people getting there is going to be a big problem. they are, have so much on their minds right now. that to get in a car, if they even have a car that works or has gas, they're going to have to drive around because there's no electricity. the neighborhoods are dark. there are 1200 polls places around new york city. about 60 of them will be closed, so again, you're sort of going
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out into the unknown to figure out whether you can cast a ballot. >> thank you so much. will there be changes, perhaps, maybe an extension of voting as some are saying could happen new jersey, where you can vote now by e-mail. "outfront" next, election day is just a few hours away. which cities will our experts be watching to decide this race?
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24 hour frs now, the polls will be closed here in ohio. when will we know who the next president of the united states is? and what should we be looking for? let's head back to washington where john king is standing by with wolf blitzer and gloria borger, the season's campaign reporters for what they are watching for tomorrow. >> one thing, make sure we have hot coffee brewed throughout the night, but let me talk to wolf and gloria. when you're seeing the first early exit polls, you will be looking for what?
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>> i want to see the turnout, especially on the democratic side. if the democratic base really shows up. they were so enthusiastic four years ago for the president of the united states. if they show up in big numbers, he'll get himself elected. if on the other hand, there's not that kind of turnout, he's going to be in trouble. if you look at ohio, he carried ohio four years ago by 260,000 votes by john mccain. it was impressive, but not huge. right now, it's clear he doesn't have the enthusiasm he had four years ago. i think romney has more than mccain had. >> the obama campaign offices, it's very impressive, but doesn't have the same energy as 2008 an the republican energy is up, so given that, we have a closer election this time. you will look for what? >> i'm going to look towards the end of the evening. i'm going look at the et nisty of voters. 74% of the electorate in 2008
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was white. there are some analysis that show if that drops two percentage points, then obama would probably win the presidency, which would make the case for republicans that they need to open up their party more to minorities. >> that would be post election analysis. >> i want to see -- well, if the percentage of the it white vote overall is 72%. >> and the president gets above 40, most people think he gets four more years. >> got 44% last time. we'll have an assessment tomorrow of what's most important tomorrow, then back to erin burnett. "outfront" will be right back. y. well you can find out exactly where it is using bing elections. it's a good day for politics. which way do you lean politically? conservative. republican. well, using the bing news selector you can find news from whichever way you lean. (together) social on this side, financial.
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back "outfront." 24 hours from now we'll be looking for the first clues of which candidate has the path to 270, 270 electoral votes to win the white house. here's what i'll be looking for. the polls in ohio will already be closed at this point. the cleveland suburbs, lake county, how is mitt romney performing there and in northern virginia suburbs when the polls close at 8:00, how is mitt romney performing there. if he can outdo john mccain, overperform john mccain in the close-in suburbs, in the key states, it means we might have a longer night. if president obama is winning big in the suburbs, that's how
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you win competitive presidential elections. in the battleground of all battlegrounds, in the capital, erin burnett is "outfront." you might be camped out there awhile. if we don't settle this tomorrow night, that could be the state that leaves us in limbo. can we send you something? >> yeah, i know. you might need to send me hot chocolate or something because it is pretty chilly here. you just heard the secretary of state, he was saying to me no, i really think we are going to have an answer tomorrow night. maybe a little of that is wishful anything but he seemed pretty adamant about that. i would imagine probably he more than anyone wants to avoid a scenario where he doesn't even start counting provisional ballots for ten days, right? >> i called into both campaigns and some veteran activists in both parties who are not part of the campaign. i called in the non-koolaid drinkers. what's fascinating, both sides have a consensus that that state, they think it could be decided by as few as 10,000 or 15,000 votes which is wow. remember, you know the history. no republican's ever won without it. ohio has been right since 1964.
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history tells us what ohio does tomorrow night tells us who puts the hand on the bible in january. >> all right. john king, thank you very much. it will be an exciting 24 hours here in ohio. just over the next few hours, everyone, this is kind of amazing. both candidates are getting on planes and flying after just speaking and they will speak again before midnight. really, really burning the midnight oil because every second counts. we will lay out the next few hours and we'll be live with you. in america today we're running out of a vital resource we need to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the know-how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪
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we are live tonight from the boathouse in columbus, ohio. you can see the beautiful view that we have from there. it's a chilly but beautiful night to hang out here at the boathouse. this is of course the capital of a state that could decide who the next president of this country is. and to give you an idea of how crucial this state is, this is the only city mitt romney and barack obama both visited today. right here in columbus. they're not done yet. both campaigns will have a really long night tonight. mitt romney is in ohio giving a speech right now. he's getting on a plane, flying back to new hampshire to give another one later tonight. we will be live at 11:00. we'll have that. barack obama will appear during the hour as well in iowa. joth


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