tv Election Day in America CNN November 6, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EST
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good afternoon, everybody. welcome to a special "360" election day coverage. a lot happening right this minute. mitt romney arriving right now in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. his plane just landing on the tarmac there. fresh from another campaign stop in cleveland. the challenger voted this morning in massachusetts and headed straight for the airport, connected with running mate paul ryan in cleveland. ohio, of course, the big prize, pennsylvania, gop long shot, but tightening in the final days, the question, will election day campaigning make a difference. vice president joe biden expected in chicago in this hour. he'll be there to watch the returns come in with president obama and see whether the voters decided to rehire them for another term. before he did, the vice president made a surprise stop in cleveland and as you saw, congressman ryan was also there. something of a traffic jam on the tarmac. take a look. we'll show you mitt romney's plane on the left. paul ryan's plane on the right of our screen, if we get it up there. and then in the background, there is air force two as well if you can see, all about ohio
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getting every vote possible, especially there. that, last minute campaigning, the long lines, a lot of polling pl places, a lot of lawyers circling around today. all sides know this one could be close. want to bring in our megapolitical panel, ari fleischer and alex castellanos. on the left, paul begala, senior adviser and dee dee myers, former press secretary for president clinton. also with us, the nonpartisan chief national correspondent john king and political analyst gloria borger and somewhere momentarily will be david gergen. so what are you looking for? let's talk to the partisans first. >> well, it will all come down to president obama getting his base out, black votes, voters between the ages of 18 and 29 and republicans get their base out, senior citizens and white voters. that's what it is going to come
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down to. we all know the key states. and now it is up to the campaigns. did they deliver. >> paul, we see an enthusiasm dropoff among young people for president obama. how much does that concern you? >> it is an enormous concern, the single biggest concern i have as an obama supporter. he won by 34 points and they were 18% of the total electorate in the last election. both of those numbers frankly if you look at the polling look like they may be going down. the question is, can the president motivate the young people, get them out to vote. as a democrat, i hope he can. they're doing bet we are ter wi latinos and with senior citizens, believe it or not. the last poll i looked at yesterday, tied among seniors. and he lost seniors by eight points last time. a bit of an insurance policy, trend downs with young people, he's trending up a little bit with seniors. >> does it make you nervous president obama is not out
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there? he's doing tv tours in local markets. but mitt romney is out there aggressively, paul ryan out there, joe biden out there. should the president be out there? >> i would like to see him out there. i think it is one last opportunity for the voters to see you, listen to you and know how badly you want to be the president again. i think it is helpful the vice president went to ohio, but i would have preferred to see the president out there. >> i'll go over here, the polls close early in the east. and we know that the president has more room if you will, more wiggle room in his path to 270. he can afford to lose a few states. the obama campaign says we think we can win florida. but he doesn't have to. they say we can win colorado, he doesn't have to. the map, you see this is today's map, it is gray. we haven't filled anything in yet. let's go back to 2008 to see why this matters. here is what happened last time. president obama winning a convincing electoral victory. i don't think we'll have a map with this much of a blowout. we'll have a much more competitive election. we're going to know pretty early
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on. virginia closes early. virginia is among the states in the east coast. president would like to win this state, his campaign thinks they can win this state. governor romney has to win this state. early on watch the results come in and watch closely here up in the suburbs, just outside of washington, d.c., we're right here at the moment, if you look at the suburbs here, governor romney in fairfax county yesterday. 14% of the state population. it was a blowout for president obama. i don't think governor romney can win fairfax county, doesn't have to win fairfax county. he has to be closer than that. where you want to see if this is blue or red tonight, this is prince william county. starting to move out from the suburbs to the exurbs, this is republican territory. look what happened. 58-42 four years ago. mitt romney has to be competitive here. does he have to win it to carry virginia? maybe not. but he has to be a lot closer than that. let me show you why i say that. go back to 2004, george w. bush carries virginia, 53-46 over
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john kerry. he does much better in the close-in suburbs. this is where the population growth is. paul talks about young people, a lot live here, college students. paul talks right here. the suburbs used to be republican territory. not just virginia. mitt romney needs virginia to win. if he's performing well in the suburbs here, it is a reasonable stretch to think that he's going to perform well in the suburbs outside of cleveland and columbus and cincinnati. and in the suburbs outside of denver out in colorado. the virginia suburbs will give us the first hint of one of the battlegrounds within the battlegrounds if you will. >> stay there by the map. i want you to join the next conversation, you're looking at the right of the screen, pittsburgh, governor romney, just touching down, we're just at the romney event there, we'll bring that to you and vice president biden out on the trail today. president obama will watch the returns at home tonight in chicago. earlier today made a brief unscheduled stop at a local campaign office where he pitched
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in calling potential voters, including this call to a woman named hattie in neighboring wisconsin. >> is this hattie? hi, this is barack obama. how are you? i'm doing -- you know -- i don't think she knows it's me. my name was barack obama. you know, the president of the united states? yeah, how are you? >> imagine getting that call. he later congratulated governor romney for running a spirited race, thanking staffers for their hard work. joining me now, a man who is well acquainted with presidential local politics, rahm emanuel. mr. mayor, appreciate you being with us. john king will join in shortly too. last night stephanie cutter admitted en this program that pennsylvania has tightened, her word. you said you thought the state
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was secure, but the campaign shouldn't take anything for granted. do you believe there is any chance at all the president might not win there today? >> no. that simple. i mean, i'll extrapolate, but you asked me in the simple answer is no. do i think it tightened? that's what happens in elections but i think the president will win pennsylvania. >> they said election day events in general smack of desperation. we have the vice president in cleveland as well. are his campaign day stops out of desperation as well? >> i think that is basically an insurance policy, the right thing to do from that perspective. but the president is doing what i think is appropriate, which is he's making phone calls to wisconsin as you had on your show. and i do think at a certain point, you know this is up to the voters. you made your argument, which is, i think in the president's case, why he's been a defender
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of the middle class and the decisions going forward, how he'll strengthen a economy by strengthening the middle class. at a certain point, $6 billion later, this is their day, they'll make the decision, he has to be confident he's made the best argument about the clear choices between the type of policies the president obama wants himself and the type of policies that mitt romney advocated and has shown whether on the auto industry, clear differences, whether in getting bin laden, clear differences and those choices have been clear, well versed for the public. and now it is up to the public to -- as they are in all the lines you're seeing across america, voting. >> we're talking to paul begala and dee dee myers, they would like to see their candidate out there up until the last minute, you know, you've been there in the trenches, would you prefer your candidate out there? >> look, i think, first of all, i think paul and dee dee are friends, the reason governor romney is doing what he's doing is because he's looking for any
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opening because of giving the effort the president has put both in ohio, wisconsin, iowa and the other places and nonetheless he's making phone calls. there is a difference between a need to do it and the insurance policy to do it. both motivations are in the the same. i'm very comfortable from the campaign's perspective of the vice president is out there and the president is making phone calls from here in chicago. i think mitt romney has to go to pennsylvania because ohio is not working the way it has. you have to go back and why is he doing that? and the reason is just for one more effort, it is because the avenues for an electoral map to victory are not where they were six days ago or six weeks ago. that's why he's trying to look for an opening because the president has done effective job making clear the choices between mitt romney's policies and throwing in the towel on the auto industry, versus the president's policies of what it means to stand by them and help a state like ohio that had a 10% unemployment when he walked in on day one and a 7% unemployment today which is 150,000 jobs in ohio. that's the choice that ohio will make and that case has been made
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clearly to the people of ohio. >> you see governor romney there in pittsburgh. wasn't to bri i want to bring in john king. >> you mentioned this several times, i'm holding ohio on our map. if the president wins ohio by 10,000, 15,000 votes tonight, you are in the room at the time, do you have any doubt if he wins a close election, it will be because the auto bailout? >> one out of eight in ohio are related to the auto industry. in other state outside of michigan is that affected by one decision. when you look at the -- if he wins by 15,000, without going county by county with you, john, it means he has done well beyond his base coalition. he's expanded his coalition. that means autoworkers who know directly the decision he made and the decision mitt romney made. if mitt romney was in the oval office, he would have thrown the towel in on 1.2 million manufacturing jobs in the
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industrial base of america. the president, even when his advisers said this is maybe at best a one in five choice, went all in and it turned out to be the right decision and ohio, michigan, i can say this as a mayor of the city of chicago with a ford auto plant on the south side that added a third shift, 1200 jobs, that decision directly resulted in the auto industry not only being safe, but auto industry adding jobs and suppliers adding jobs and the two individuals, president obama and mitt romney clear differences and ohio is a clear beneficiary with 150,000 net jobs in the last four years because of the decision president obama made and if it had gone the other way with mitt romney, where conventional wisdom was at the time it would not be the jobs in ohio and ohio would not even be in that place, if the op-ed wasn't written, who knows. very clear about his position. and the consequences thereof. >> mayor emanuel, appreciate
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it's a good day for politics. which way do you lean politically? conservative. republican. well, using the bing news selector you can find news from whichever way you lean. (together) social on this side, financial. which party is currently predicted to win a majority in the senate? the republicans? would you make a bet on that? no. are you chicken?
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governor romney is heading to his campaign appearance in pittsburgh. we will bring that to you. jim acosta is there. he joins us now by phone. jim? >> that's right. we just landed in pittsburgh a few moments ago. as you just mentioned, mitt romney just climbed off the plane. we saw something that was pretty extraordinary, something you haven't seen all day today. there were a couple thousand of his supporters standing on the parking garage, just across the tarmac where his plane is sitting and they were all screaming and cheering as he came down the plane and mitt romney, for some time, sensed to stay away from those kind of moments, he decided to walk over to the security and he was waiting for all the supporters. one of the poignant moments you
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see on the campaign and that's what we saw here, anderson. mitt rom my is en route to what we believe to be a volunteer center where they make calls to supporters in the pennsylvania area. he did that earlier today when he was in the cleveland, ohio, area. you mentioned three campaign planes, well, two campaign planes and one plane that belongs to the vice president of the united states parked on the runway. that was quite a sight to behold. but make no mistake, mitt romney is in pennsylvania now, sort of a contingency plan in case all things fail in ohio. he doesn't win ohio, he's got to pick up some states elsewhere and pennsylvania, just started to show up on their map as the clock was ticking down towards election day, started to see the race tightening in pennsylvania. not widely acknowledged to be a battleground state, for the campaign, but they're making that play today. >> jim acosta reporting from the romney campaign. appreciate that. mitt romney trying to make sure they come tomorrow.
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no regrets about missed opportunities. senator, thank you for being with us. romney and congressman ryan are making several campaign stops. those are big efforts, tie up resources, staff time. the president is doing the satellite interviews with stations, doing phone calls more than half a dozen swing states instead. would that have been a better use of the governor's time? what is the idea of getting him out there? >> well, i think the enthusiasm of a rally, you know, the local press coverage you get, the way it encourages your workers, it is a powerful way of campaigning. i always enjoyed it. and this is the last day, so get out there and see people and encourage them to get to the polls and work to get other people to the polls. >> the romney campaign, senator, says this late play for pennsylvania, it is a sign of confidence. the obama campaign saying it is a sign of desperation.
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your response? >> i think it is a lot of ways this map works. we got a lot of momentum. people know the choice. we can go on the way we have been going, 23 million unemployed or underemployed, median family income down or vote for a real recovery. we feel like we got a lot of momentum and states we can win that a month ago we didn't think we could. wisconsin and pennsylvania probably at the top of that list. >> john king is at the map now. let's check in with him. >> it is a very close election. but many would argue why isn't governor romney the leader, not the underdog, given the persistent high unemployment. the last republican to win re-election was george w. bush. nevada six electoral votes, most people think it will go president obama's way. look at virginia, much smaller population than ohio, significant down in the state of florida. 29 electoral votes. if mitt romney comes up short, george w. bush got four in ten latino votes, the polls suggest
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he will be lucky to get 30%, maybe only 25%, 26% what does the party have to do to -- or will it risk being a nonnational viable party if it can't appeal to latinos in greater numbers? >> well, we'll see who is viable, of course, john, after tonight. the good news about election day is that you see the poll that really counts. we need to do what governor romney has been doing, have a message that appeals across sections of the country, you know, across people of different backgrounds, which is a message that we can have a real recovery, we can solve the budget problems, we can reassert a confidence abroad. these are themes that appeal to everybody. >> does it need a different tone, does the party need a different tone or different policy on immigration? >> well, we need to reach out to everybody across a broad range of issues. governor romney's immigration policy, big believer in robust legal immigration, wants border
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security. wants to make certain that employers have a system where we know that they're hiring people, who are entitled to work in the united states. those are positions that reach across everybody as well. >> appreciate your time today. thanks very much. dan lothian joins me now in chicago. president obama returned to his hometown to wait for the election results to start coming in. a live shot of the headquarters. starting to fill up, a long night ahead for both campaigns, for everyone involved. ally bank. why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no. if he can't, no one can.
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welcome back to election day in america. there are already problems being reported in a couple of states. in pennsylvania, an electronic voting machine in perry county malfunctioned, showing in a video that went viral in youtube. it showed a voter appearing to cast a vote for obama and the machine automatically selected romney. the machine was taken off line, recalibrated, now back in service and working fine. we're also told there have been no more complaints. want to bring back our panel, ari fleischer, alex castellanos,
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david gergen, gloria borger, dee dee myers, paul begala. >> the race issue is very important. if there are more white voters this time, that's good for mitt romney. i'm looking for gender. we always say that mitt romney has a large gender gap of women. but he does very well with men. so we're going to have to see how that balances out. so those are -- and younger voters as paul was talking about earlier, important to the president if he wins re-election. it gives us a sense of how divided this country is because we could in the end see a country that is divided on race, you know, on gender, and by age. >> i'm looking at it for the turnout paul mentioned young people and ari talked about minorities, that's very important. there are long, long lines we're hearing about around the country, waits of three hours,
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six hours. where are those occurring? who does that help? what do we read out of that? i'm not sure i know right now. i don't know where they're occurring. and i'm also looking to hear when the polls come out about when people made up their minds. we'll have a lot of interpretation if a lot of people made up their minds in the last ten days or so, and they went for obama as there are some indications there are, you can read into that hurricane bump. that's important. at the end of the day, are the voters sending a message back to the white house. is there a message here. >> do you think it is a mistake for president obama not to be out on the trail? >> if you don't want the job, you don't get the job. and we want our president to serve us. that's really very important. but the other big thing to look for tonight, anderson, is has america changed? barack obama found a new coalition last election. younger people, more ethnic, younger women. the future will be more that way. that's his bet tonight. they're still there, they're
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coming out. republicans, we see that future too, we haven't adapted to it, haven't changed our message to talk to them. we're betting on the old co-lisco-lis coalition. we think there is so much intensity there that this will be very much like 2010 when republicans took congress. so silent majority against the new coalition. >> to the question that john king asked the senator, for romney, how does the republican party try to win back latino votes? >> maybe there is a way. look, i think we need a message of growth and optimism. when hispanics come to this country, they come for opportunity. they share a values, strong families, catholics. but it needs to be a party of open arm and opportunity. optimistic republicans get the hispanic vote. >> that's not what you --
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>> i d >> that is a real problem for mitt romney. what they saw was mitt romney moving to his right on immigration, so he was able to win these primaries and become the nominee and people watched that and i think that in the end will hurt mitt romney, hurt the republican party, and whether mitt romney wins or loses, there is going to be a civil war, i hate to say it, in the republican party. >> it is going to grow. no question to gloria's point that immigration is now the chicken bone in the throat of the republican party. and until they get -- deal with that, they can't swallow anything else. i am optimistic in the next term, whoever is elected, we'll get immigration reform. democrats want it and republicans now need it. >> that's an easier problem to solve than the economy. >> right to look at the hispanic trend and the troublesome trends for the republicans. but america is becoming a more conservative country. in 1980, ronald reagan ran, in a
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much whiter mer er america, 28% themselves conservatives. reapportionment is moving in the republican direction. if john mccain states are won by mitt romney that's an additional six to seven electoral votes for mitt romney. >> how do you see america becoming more conservative? socially, economically? >> self-identification. we'll see it on the polls tonight. >> my point is, we tend to focus on blacks and hispanics, the american electorate is astute, a lot of different factors. not only going in one direction. >> the particular -- both sides have really tried to get people to vote their fears and not their hopes. that drives down turnout in certain communities. if in the long term the republican party will have to find a way not to try to reduce the number of people voting, not to try to make them afraid of the future, not afraid of what is happening in the country, it will be interesting to see how both parties handle it.
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>> let's say mitt romney wins and is running for re-election and it is a roaring economy, i think we'll have a lot less conversations here about the slices of the electorate. that's the biggest factor. >> instead of republicans getting into the trap, this is more for you, one group less for the other group, republicans have succeeded when they said more for everybody. let's move to a better place. >> we got to wrap it up. >> the problem that the democrats have this is over white working class people. i want to take that on and you saw the first thing mayor emanuel said, you could ask him how is the weather, the weather is better because of the auto bailout, right to that. as he was speaking, as if our side had its act together, the afl-cio sent out a poll, in ohio, they're showing the president five points higher among union members in ohio than in '08, very enthusiastic year, he's improved his lot in ohio among union working people who, my guess is, have exactly the
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white working class people mayor emau emanuel is talking about. you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. us bank.
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new picture just in to mitt romney, greeting supporters at pittsburgh international airport. we saw them, a report asked of what he thought of the greeting party. he said, quote, that's when you know you're going to win. talking to some of the people greegt him at the airport. nothing to do but wait and watch, a long costly road. dan lothian has been covering the obama campaign for us. he joins me from chicago.
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candy crowley is at romney headquarters in boston. what are you hearing today? >> there is a sense of optimism inside the obama campaign, not only from the president himself but top officials. i was talking to one senior official inside the campaign who said he feels very good about how this election will be decided tonight. but they're not letting up on that ground game. you saw the president earlier today working the phones, encouraging volunteers in the key battleground states. a short time ago, i did receive an e-mail from a senior campaign official listing all the different efforts by various groups, hispanics, young people, seniors, what they're doing to get out the vote. some are giving rides to people. others are working the phones or knocking on the doors. this is a close race, very optimistic, they believe this race will be decided on getting people out to the polls. >> candy, what are you hearing from the campaign? >> well, shouldn't be too surprising to anybody that at
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this point when you talk to top advisers in the romney campaign, as you do in the romney campaign, they're bullish about is going on. we're seeing heavy turnout in our -- in the places -- our places. running up the vote in romney friendly places, someone told me they feel great about ohio. somebody else said when they look around, the early -- i'm trying to remember this quote, the early signs are good, quote, but it's early. so this is not a time that these campaigns are going to begin to back off and go, uh-oh, we're in trouble here. we're in trouble there. the minute you show any sign that somehow something might be wrong or you're losing here or there is when you affect votes elsewhere. the polls stay open in california and the west end of california for a long time. right now still very bullish here in the romney campaign. >> dan, what we have seen, you know, mitt romney out there, joe biden out there on the campaign trail, president obama, who we
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saw making a couple of calls and greeting campaign workers, there is a lot of superstition on what the campaign has on what they should do on election day. >> that's right. the president always played basketball before big elections. he did not play in 2008 before new hampshire and he lost. so they're very superstitious. robert gibbs told me yesterday, we weren't going to repeat that mistake again this time. reggie love, the president's former body man, put together basketball game, went to a local rec center here in chicago, arne duncan, the president's secretary of education joined in with others to play the game. it is not one of these technical things you can tie to election results. but they very much believe in it, so the president playing basketball, hoping it will have an impact on the race. >> interesting. dan, candy, thanks very much in florida. the siun is shining, the lines are long.
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we'll take you to florida and gauge the mood there next. bett. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪
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welcome back. election day in america, you're looking at a live picture at the empire state building which new yorkers can look at tonight to track the election. as cnn projects winners in each state, the meter on the spire will turn blue for president obama, red for mitt romney. the overall winner will turn either blue or red. more new york voting in a moment. let's talk about florida, expected to be a close race there. 29 electoral votes at stake. voters in the sunshine state, they have been waiting in long lines starting early this morning. ashleigh banfield is in miami. she joins us now. you've been at the polling place since around 5:00 a.m. how long is the wait for people? >> reporter: well, let's say i've been here since 4:00 a.m. that extra hour matters. an sextra hour matters for thes
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people. some people have been waiting for four hours before they finish voting. you can see some of the romney/ryan campaign workers over here, if you swing over here, they're fine where they are. if they cross this line and go into that grassy area, that's within the 100 feet. they can't go in there. and we can't either. so let me take you on a tour of the line, so you see how much longer the folks have to wait until they get to cast their ballot. let me tell you, in the meantime, these lines that we have been showing you on tv all day, on cnn, cut the interest of the romney campaign. a lawyer for the romney campaign showed up several hours ago and a poll watcher for the romney campaign showed up a few hours ago as well. they were concerned about how long it is taking. this is a predominantly hispanic community and they were very concerned everything was going smoothly, they both reported to me they feel like it was going smoothly. ballots were good, one machine that was kind of -- the optical scanner was jamming up a little bit.
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but it didn't seem to be causing too bad of a bottleneck. how long have you been waiting? >> for exactly two hours. >> you're about half an hour from voting. this is the kind of thing we have been hearing all day long. many people who got to this front part before they get to the actual polling place, the fire station, had been waiting for three hours. 700 absentee ballots in broward county, anderson, tossed out. apparently they weren't signed, something that happens often but it is problematic. >> interesting there. also the ballots about 12 pages long there in florida. thanks. it is an unusual election day in new york. a lot of people dealing with the aftermath of superstorm sandy. deb feyerick joins us with the latest. the polling place you're at, also a school serving as a shelter for people displaced by the storm. what is it like? >> reporter: yeah, that's what is pretty amazing here. for our viewers, we have to tell
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you this is brooklyn, where spike le has an office, really just down the block. this is something you don't see very often. new york city shelter and down here, vote here. people going in. the lines began about three hours, now down to an hour. one man joked, better than the gas lines, and he was referring to hurricane sandy. it has been more chaotic than usual. that's according to a number of voters who we spoke with earlier. >> it was exhausting. i almost lost a couple of times even though i want to vote and it is super important, i didn't feel the spirit in there because it was a little disorganized. >> two hours ten minutes, yes. it took a long time, but everybody is waiting, everyone is in a good mood and we got it done. >> got to be really patient. and working on this patience thing, but i'm going to stick it out. >> yeah, and, anderson, patience for the voters, for the
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evacuees. they have been sleeping in classrooms, running out of clothing, running out of money and now being told they're going to are to relocate elsewhere. so very frustrating to have shelter and voting place really shows what many new yorkers are dealing with, anderson. >> appreciate it. whether new york, florida, ohio, beyond election day often gives way to legal battles. more on that possibility with jeffrey toobin. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again.
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will the results in ohio or anywhere else have to be decided in court? that of course is what everyone is wondering in florida. in 2000, the hanging chads. now we're getting to know about provisional ballots in ohio. you can be sure this time around the lawyers are ready, thousands of them on the scene. jeffrey toobin joins me now live. a lot of uncertainty about what the final margin will look like in ohio. if it is close as the polls indicated, we could get into the situation where the provisional ballots become prime targets for a legal challenge. explain why. >> this is really a bizarre set of laws in ohio.
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as you mentioned, provisional ballots, that is ballots that their legal status is uncertain, put aside, we know that there will be at least 200,000 of them. and under ohio law, no one looks at those ballots to determine their validity for ten days until november 17th. during those ten days, the people who cast those provisional ballots are allowed to go to the board of elections and make the case that their votes were legal. so if the provisional ballots are dispositive and if ohio is the deciding state, we could have individual voters, each with their own lawyers, going to boards of elections, arguing their case that their votes should count. you can imagine the chaos that might ensue. >> that's not an abstract possibility. both campaigns, both candidates have prepared, they have lawyers ready to proceed on this. >> absolutely. and, remember, you know, we --
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at least 200,000 provisional ballots. the margin between mccain and obama four years ago where obama won easily was only 260,000. so here, where we're expecting a much closer race, you know, you do the math, those ballots could determine the difference. >> yeah. jeff, thanks. more on our panel ahead. >> we'll be watching. [ male announcer ] when a major hospital
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take a look at voting in new hampshire. no one expects an early night tonight. back with our panel now. what do you make of this whole provisional ballot situation in ohio? >> i think it's nuts. i think it's crazy. i mean, i think -- i talked to republicans about it. they're upset. democrats are upset. it's confusing. if it's a 200,000 vote race or
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more, or less as it was last time it was 250,000, something like that. >> this could be depositive. so it's incredibly confusing to voters. it's a republican secretary of state, so democrats are going to be upset if there's a problem because they're going to assume that he's biased. katherine harris comes to mind, right? remember with the florida recount. >> also there are four hour long lines for voting. does that make sense? >> that does not make sense. there's a ten-page ballot in florida that doesn't make sense. it's hard to believe we're still dealing with this. i guess the rationale behind
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this is each citizen is required to come up with some form of identification. but if the whole country is waiting ten days on ohio, they'll shorten that period. there will be enormous pressure. you can't wait ten days. >> make sense to you? >> after 36 days in 2000, that ten days doesn't sound long to me. but you try to learn from the last election. you say we don't want nip to be disenfranchised for any reason. but i've been looking at pascal county, florida. the only place that reports its actual updated voting hour by hour so you can see who has voted as of 3:00. bush lost it by one point to gore. mccain took it three points over obama. right now it looks like it's going for the republicans. i'm hearing this type of thing out of people in florida.
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you can go to there and track how they're voting hour by hour. >> why isn't that everywhere? >> they have this electronic data available to everybody. >> i do campaigns around the world. brazil, a developing country but we like to think america has more sophisticated systems. their voting system is so much better than ours, it would embarrass you. it's verifiable and easy. it's a predominantly democratic neighborhood and there's a election official -- >> some of the problem is peopl trying to game the system. that's why we're seeing -- that's why it evolves and why every election cycle has a different problem.
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>> another good argument for smaller government. >> it's an argument for federalizing. >> american express can keep up with things a lot better. i would urge that we not go to a system that letsw÷j us stair ar own navels while i vote. there's a premium on letting people make up their own minds. >> but they should not have to stand in line four hours. >> there's no such thing as election day anymore, because we've seen early voting. last time what, 16 million people voted early. >> let's reduce the herd effect, here's what everybody else is doing. i think sometimes the surveys have that kind of effect.
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all the wilderbeast want to go to the same watering hole. we want people to make up their own minds. >> that's what the candidates are doing out there today. >> that's it for this special edition of "360." one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly producing natural gas. it's not a dream. america's natural gas... putting us in control of our energy future, now.
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