tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 9, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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punished by the government simply because he or she expressed a view on the second amendment or any other matter of public concern. so, america, i'm afraid the bad news for you is i'm going to be sticking around. the good news, of course, is for those back in britain who won't have to have me back. that's all for us tonight." ac360" start now. this man has done this knowing full well the regime that has killed and tortured and disappeared so many could simply choose to silence him.
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months ago i asked him why he was risking his life by talking, by insisting we actually broadcast his name. >> when i chant, i want freedom. i can hear my voice for the first time in my life. now, how can i give up this? even if it costs me my life. >> imagine that, a grown adult hearing his voice for the very first time. three weeks ago syrian secret police arrested him and his brother. today we got great news. we learned he has been freed. he said he became serious live i -- seriously ill and was close to death. his brother remains in custody and he and his family fear for his safety. he said he last saw his brothers eight days ago and he was in good spirits.
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>> he thanks everyone and hopes to keep the story in the public eye. >> keeping them honest tonight. tackling a story on what should be done about gun rights in this country. including this, in san antonio, texas, a shooting that could have been a massacre. if not for the quick thinking of an armed off duty officer. our panel weighs in on all of that. the bottom loon, finding a way to study the problem and possible solutions to it would be hard enough, even if this weren't already such a pressing and emotionally charged subject. with the shortage of fact and victims of anguish and loss, the debate has evolved into passionately stated and mutually exclusive competing articles of faith. >> the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
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>> that one view more guns in more places, here is the other. >> when it come to preventing future acts of violence in our schools let me say this, more guns are not the answer. >> that was connecticut' s governor dan malloy. his view to the nra. each ring true. each side can point to real-life incident to prove their point. and in a moment we will talk to general stanley mcchrystal on his view. but first, randi kaye. take a look. >> reporter: if you wonder whether or not real people with guns really do help prevent gun violence look no further than the shooting in this theater in december. and 9:30 a.m., december 17th, 19-year-old garcia allegedly opened fire at the restaurant. police say when the employees fled, the shooter chased after them in the parking lot firing
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at them. in the chaos he also shot at a san antonio patrol car after the officer shined a light on them. >> he was having a difficult time dealing with the breakup and that's what may have set him off to come over here and commit this act. >> garcia followed the employees into the mayan palace movie theater next door. he kept shooting as they poured out the exit doors. >> i'm glad i'm okay and i have another day with my son. >> one of the fleeing patrons was wounded but so many might have died had it not been for a quick thinking sergeant, who also was armed. she was working security at the theater and ran toward the sound of the shooting. when she spotted the suspect
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coming out of the bathroom with his gun drawn, she shot him four times. >> that was really nerve racking and it was -- i'm not going to lie, it was frightening. but, you know, the training kicks in. >> garcia, the suspect, is charged with attempted capital murder and has entered a plea. he survived and so did everyone else in the movie theater, thanks to the good guy with a gun. >> those in favor of tighter gun controls might argue that good guy with the gun scenarios can make a bad situation even worse. take what happened in arizona, january 8th, 2011 when a loan gunman opened fire on congresswoman gabby giffords at a community event. while jared lee loughner was spraying giffords and a crowd with bullets, an inowement bystander, joe, was in a nearby
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drugstore buying cigarettes. when he heard the gun fire, he ran to the scene. by the time he arrived his safety was off and he was poised to fire. trouble is he almost shot the wrong man. on fox news: >> as i approached the people wrestling with him, one of the other gentlemen had gotten the gun away from him and that's what i saw first, him holding the gun. i had my hand on my pistol. >> he said he was incredibly lucky he didn't shoot. >> i saw another individual holding the firearm. i assumed he was the shooter so i grabbed his wrist and told him to drop it and forced him to drop the gun on the ground. when he did that, everybody said, no, no, it's this guy. i would have shot him. i almost shot the man holding the gun. >> reporter: the man he almost shot was the hero who tackled the real shooter and tackled his gun away from him.
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two very different shootings, two armed bystander to the rescue and the debate continues. >> vice president biden meets tomorrow with the nra. gabby giffords and her husband, both gun owners, have set up a lobbying group to set up new laws. on monday it will be four weeks since the sandy hook shooting. perspective now from our panel, cnn political contributor margaret hoover, "daily beast" writer peter barnard and our legal analyst jeffrey toobin. >> it is sort of a rorschach test. it's a sign of how tough this debate is. >> if you notice, the first story was about a police officer. sheep happened to be not on duty but she was a police officer. no one disagrees that police
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officers should have guns and she said her training kicked in. i bet you guys looked long and hard for a story like that butt one you found was actually one that i don't think does any damage to the pro-gun control argument because it was a police officer. i don't think anyone's arguing police officers, perhaps even off duty police officers shouldn't be armed. the second one seems to be much more like the actual situation you get when you have lots and lots of individuals running around trying to play vigilante. >> we picked that story because there are all these conspiracy theorists e-mailing us saying we were afraid to tell that story because they point to that story as a sign or indication of people being armed is a good idea. you say there's more common ground and things that the president could do by executive order that the nra would give a thumbs up to. what do you see? >> i'm much more interested less in the politics of tomorrow than the policies and common ground
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that can come from it. the president has taken a lot of flak from people like mayor bloomberg for not doing enough on gun control in his administration. there are things like enforcement. for example, 77,000 people have lied on criminal background checks on whether they could legally obtained a gun. they've been identified by the fbis are turned over to the department of justice and not prosecuted by the department of justice. the administration could say prosecute people who are lying on their background checks. there are also the national instant criminal background check mechanism is not fully funded by the federal government but could be and that would prevent people like the shooter at virginia tech who had a mental illness in his background, it would have flagged and registered that there was a mental illness in his background. the government can fully fund programs already in existence that the nra wouldn't necessarily disagree with. >> i totally disagree. there is no common ground in this argument.
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>> what? >> there's zero common ground. the national rifle association and most of the united states congress is against any sort of regulation of guns period. >> that's simply not true. david king on this channel on cnn, has said he's in favor of not letting people who have mental illness be registered in this mental illness registry -- >> he wants the loophole to allow 40% of people not allowed to have it -- >> was it to register anybody with a mental illness? i mean, that's a nonstarter. you can't have a database of people on guns but you can have a database of anyone who has received psychiatric counselling? >> i don't thinks that what they'd say. you'd have to ask david king the follow-up question. to say there is absolutely no common ground is defeating the purpose of this discussion. the truth is there are
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reasonable americans who are gun owns are like gabby giffords and her husband and responsible gun owners who are willing to make reasonable concessions. >> name one republican member of congress who is for any form of gun control today. >> peter king is. >> from the northeast. >> and mark kirk and susan collins and you can go through the list. there are a lot of -- it's not a democratic/republican issue. >> it is. the biggest obstacle is john boehner. having been humiliated in the fiscal cliff situation, he's going to have to find a situation that would allow a vote in the house where most of his republicans would not support it and his own stated policy, it's possible to imagine that happening. >> what do you think is going to happen? >> nothing. >> the obama straight will tee it up to executive action and bring it to 2014. i think they believe the politics has shifted enough they can make some republicans pay a price for not being willing to even hold a vote.
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>> remember in 1994 the assault weapons ban passed and the democrats got mauled at the polls afterwards and a lot of people remember that, especially in the west or the south. a lot of democrats don't want to touch this either. but i'm saying there's no common ground here because the people who don't want gun control, they don't want gun control and they recognize that they will pay a price politically for supporting gun control and -- >> there are not as many democrats in those conservative districts as there used to be. we've seen. so conservative democrats who still exist moving in response to the shooting in connecticut. >> if you begin with the point that there is no possibility for common ground, we will get exactly nowhere. and the truth is -- >> because i say it, it's going to -- >> no -- >> what are the ground rules or how far the government can go in restricting action? >> very modest. when you talk about the significant things that can be done like banning assault
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weapons, president obama can't do that himself. and remember, gouns are portabl. mayor bloomberg points this out all the time. new york and andrew cuomo can pass all the laws they want. as long as guns are so easy to get in north carolina and virginia, which they are, they come up here and they are used in crimes up here. so unless you have national gun control and unless states also regulate it, you're not going to have any -- >> to that point one of the programs in the bush administration was called project, i'l exile, they prosecd federal law state violations. they ended up locking up local criminals in federal courts to get them off the streets and the carry rate diminished by 50%. in other words, there are federal things that this administration can do now that would help gun control efforts that doesn't require passage of congress. >> it doesn't have to be either or. even if we were totally to concede all of that, we could say because 40% of the guns are bought at a gun show or other places like that where there's
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no background check whatsoever, that even all the best enforcement of the laws would not matter whatsoever. i think walmart is the potential partner. why? walmart has an economic incentive to end the gun show loophole so people buy their guns at walmart. if walmart gets behind the idea of saying all guns have to be sold in a place where you can actually is a background check like walmart, that's a powerful ally for the president. >> you wrote a piece recently, jeff, arguing that the second amendment is not quite what people think. >> it's changed dramatically. for a hundred years the idea that the second amendment gave anyone, individual, a right to keep and bear arms was a fraud. but a lot of republicans and a lot of conservative intellectuals starting making the argument that the second amendment does give individuals
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rights -- >> that it was only the militias. >> in 2008 the supreme court agreed, they said yes, you do have an individual right. the extent of that right has not been clarified. justice scalia said individuals can have handguns in the home. can they have handguns outside the home in can they have bigger weapons? can they have concealed carry laws? even if congress passes something, it's not clear it will be declared constitutional. >> justice scalia said the second amendment does not guarantee anyone a right to have a gun anywhere any time they want it. >> thank you. let us know what you think. follow us on twitter. we have a big interview with america's former top commander in afghanistan, who has strong word about weapons in civilian hands. and also the war in afghanistan. we'll be right back.
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welcome. you made headlines recently talking about gun control. what is your view when you see these military-tile weapons in the hands of civilians? >> i made a career of carry be weapons. they fire a 556 round at about 3,000 feet per second and when it hits human flesh, it's devastating. it's designed to be that way. that's what i want soldiers to carry. but i don't want those weapons around our schools, i don't want them on our streets. if we can't -- it's not a complete fix to just address assault weapons but if we don't get very serious now when we seeing children being buried, then i can't think of a time when we should. >> you don't buy the argument
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that the only good answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun? >> i don't. and i think it's a time we have a serious discussion and not an either/or discussion. >> nobody's talking about taking away all guns. >> exactly. it has to be reasonable and assault weapons are not something i'm comfortable having around my family. >> there were headlines that there would be no troops in afghanistan after 2014 and it's being considered after 15,000. can you foresee from a military standpoint there would be no troops after 2014? >> i wouldn't try to second guess what commanders on the ground are analyzing right now but i would say when i arrived in 2002 in afghanistan, pretty early after the fall of the taliban, the country was devastated physically and
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traumatized sipsychologically. it was literally a basket case. didn't know which way was up. normal was everything before 1978. people couldn't remember normal. they've made a loving progret o. there are girls in school. it's imperfect but now they're scared because there's a lot to lose now. they had this kchaotic 34 year and they don't want to lose it. it isn't numbers of people but it's a relationship that gives them the confidence that we'll are enough of a partner that if they need our help -- not thousands of troops and no billions of dollars -- >> but some sort of
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relationship. >> some relationship. >> how do you have that when you have afghan forces killing nato forces and personnel? >> there's a lot of mistrust. >> now we stop going on patrols with these guys. >> for a period they did but in reality, again, if you use the anecdote to prove the whole, sometimes it's not true. the wider story is more complex. you've been there. there's an awful lot of good and an awful lot that's disappointing. it's so complex to take one narrow part would be incorrect. >> your strategy was counterinsurgency strategy and it was protect the population, build up confidence in local governments, in the central government as well, extend the power of the central government out to localities where it hadn't been traditionally and go after the taliban, defeat the taliban, not just degrade them,
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defeat them. that's not the strategy anymore. it's now just defeat al qaeda or limit al qaeda and build up security forces. is that -- i don't hear people talking about winning these days. >> when i was in iraq particularly with special operations, i was in charge of a very kinetic part of the operation against al qaeda and iraq. >> a lot of your book focusses on the battle in there and it's fascinating. >> when i got to afghanistan, i realized that the taliban is not this national liberation front, it's not something there are people waiting to have the taliban come rescue them. they're extraordinarily unpopular, extraordinarily mistrusted because of how poorly they gof -- governed before and
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how extreme they are. in my view the right thing was to protect the ofafghan people d give them a reason to believe. >> you'd spend all day going after a isolated village, have a meeting with local elders, and they hadn't seen the national government in that town for a long time and then you go to kabul and there are all these afghan generals and politicians building mcmansions in kabul and you wonder where is the money going? >> it's hard and there have been a lot of mistakes made. i think when the united states entered we didn't understand the country or the problem well enough. but if you went there today, it much more secure. it's not perfect but progress gets made slowly in any society. just because it's hard and takes a long time doesn't mean it's not important for america's strategic interests in the region, which is stability. >> but you can't do that, that
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whole idea of building up the national government and confidence in the government, you can't do that without troops on the ground. where does -- if we're pulling out, whether it's we leave no troops or 6,000 troops or 15,000 troops, what is the mission? >> as i outlined in the book, in the fall of 2009 when i asked president obama to approve 40,000 more forces, they were really to be a bridge force to give us a enough time to stop taliban momentum, to create some secure areas but also to grow afghan security forces. there has been progress. they got a long way to go but there's been a lot of progress and i think it's time the afghan forces and the afghan government stand on its own as much as possible. they may need some help but i they they can do an awful lot of it themselves now. >> in the book you write about the distrust and the military and the united states and the obama white house and distrust that really occurred early on based on kind of the politics of
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the operation. i'm not -- i don't want to misquote you. but you basically talked about -- where are my notes -- the distrust, the decision making process on afghanistan, that's what the distrust was based on, the decision making process. what does that mean? >> the term i used was lack of trust and a trust deficit. the reason i used those was because i consider that a little different from mistrust. whenever you've got a new organization, a new administration, any new administration, it's a team that has to come together, it's got to build links among itself, it's got to build trust overtime. it comes in and works with the department of defense and military and it takes time to build a team and build trust. >> you can build trust pretty quickly if you feel the other side isn't double dealing or double talking or leaking stuff out of the other side of their mouth to reporters.
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did you think the political apparatus understood -- >> i don't think you can build as quickly as you say. i think you build trust when you speak the same language. civilians and military grew up in different california can cultures and it takes a while to grow together. i'd argue it was probably 1863 before those two elements because an effective team. >> do you think the trust is now better than when you came in. >> i think it's undoubtedly grown. i think maturation of all the players. if i could do it over again, one of the things i would stress even more is building trust between civilian leadership and my command and other parts of the military. >> was it a mistake to go for the counterinsurgency? do you have any doubts about it? do you wish you'd been able to continue that strategy?
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>> well, the answer to the second part, yes, i do. i thought a lot about it. i am convinced that was absolutely the right strategy. it was the only strategy. we had to win the support of the afghan population. they're not just the prize, they're the support of it all. >> you guys are on the fence, you guys are going to leave, you leave tonight, the taliban comes back tomorrow. >> if i'm a 50-year-old afghan living in marcia and americans come in and say we want you to do this but the taliban come at night, i don't have a choice, have i to be scared, have i to hedge my bets and an awful lot of afghans have been put in that position. only when there's enough security that they can be protected and their government grows enough legitimacy that they can believe in it do they have a strong ability. so it's very difficult to judge afghan who is act very rationally. we think, well, why won't they fall in completely with the
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government? they're in a position very hard to do that. >> it's a fascinating book. i really appreciate you coming on talking about it. >> i appreciate it. >> coming up, a wife's plea for her missing husband. a former fbi agent that vanished in iran six years ago, his name is bob levenson, this week she released these photos that were e-mailed to her anonymously. that interview coming up. paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than eddie money running a travel agency. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. schwab bank was built with all the value and convenience tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 investors want. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like no atm fees, worldwide. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and no nuisance fees. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550
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now a startling story, tonight the family of bob levinson, a retired fbi agent missing for six years wants you to see some photos. they're just now making them public because they're concerned that he is being forgotten. imagine if this were your husband or father and saying i'm here in guantanamo, do you know where it is. in each picture a different message. the publish is crude. "this is the result of 30 years serving for usa." the images and words disturbing saying why you cannot help me. this one referencing how long he has been missing. fourth year. you can't or you don't want? mr. levinson never returned from a 2007 trip. his family says he was working as a private investigator looking into cigarette smuggling. in 2010, three years after his disappearance, his family received this proof of life
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video. it was sent with no demands or no explanations. the story has gotten media coverage. last fall the family plastered times square with posters. he hinted that levinson may have been in iranian custody. here's what he said. >> translator: i remember that last year iranian and american intelligence groups had a meeting but i haven't followed up on it. i thought they had come to some kind of an agreement. >> u.s. officials believe levinson is being held somewhere in southwest asia but they haven't said exactly where. christine levinson says she has no doubt it is iran. i spoke to her just a short time ago. christine, you received these photos of your husband in april of 2011. why did you choose to release them now? >> what i want people to know is that there is still a hostage in iran, my husband bob levinson. >> you have to doubt he's being
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held in iran? >> i do not. >> what makes you so sure? >> bob went to keesh island for a 24-hour visit and has not been seen since he left there. >> that's iranian territory. >> right. and less than a month after that, after he went missing on march 9th, there was an article in an iranian-sanctioned newspaper, press tv, that said that bob was in custody and he would be released in a couple of days but that has not happened. >> and has the iranian government ever communicated with you? because in a statement yesterday an iranian spokesman said, and i quote, levinson is not in iran, there is no single evidence that he is in iran. >> well, have i talked to them and there may be no evidence that he is in iran. there's also no evidence that he's not. we have not heard or seen
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anything. >> how closely is the state department working with you? what are they telling you? >> well, the state department is trying to resolve this through diplomatic channels. unfortunately i feel that they need to be much more vocal about the case in order to get bob home safely. >> how are you holding up? you and the rest of the family. i know your oldest daughter is getting married in february. day to day just how do you get through? >> we just keep working to get bob home one day at a time. hopefully he'll be home as soon as possible. i would like it to happen tomorrow, so would the rest of my family. but it hasn't yet but we keep hoping it will be tomorrow. >> were the photos sent directly to you? >> yes, to my e-mail. >> i got to just ask, when you opened up that e-mail, what was that like, to see that? >> it was heart breaking and yet
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good because it indicated that he is alive and we had had very little proof before we received these pictures and the video. we had none. >> this broadcast is seen around the world. if there's anybody involved watching this or if your husband is in some way able to watch this, is there anything you want to get across? >> well, i want bob to know that we love him and we miss him every day and we will never stop looking for him, please stay well so that we can get you home safely. >> and i guess some people might ask why you waited so long to release the photos. what was the thinking on not releasing them earlier? >> well, the photos came to us but there was no indication of what we were supposed to do with them, why we received them, what they wanted as a result of giving us these pictures. and so we chose to hold on to them because they're very
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disturbing and at the time we thought it would be best. now we need the public to know that he is still a captive. >> christine levinson, i'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through and we'll continue to follow this. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> imagine that, six whole years. still ahead, new details of lance armstrong's imitation of his teammates and others who tried to confess to doping. and he is going to do an interview with oprah next wek. how much will come out from that interview? we'll talk about that ahead. ♪ or turn 30-million artifacts... ♪ into a high-tech masterpiece? ♪ whatever your business challenge,
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tonight we know that oprah winfrey is going to interview lance armstrong and it's being billed as a no holds barred interview. they say he'll address the doping scandal that destroyed his career. but will he actually confess to doping and in what detail? there is growing speculation he will. it will be his first interview since being stripped of his seven titles. but how much detail he'll get into and follow-up questioning there will be on the details that have already emerged about the doping, that's something we're going to have to wait and see. the head of the u.s. anti-doping agency is also talking. in an interview he talked about
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armstrong's drug testing history and how the cycling superstar intimidated other riders to keep them quiet. >> was lance armstrong personally involved in intimidating these other riders to keep them quiet? >> he was. it was tough. all these witnesses were scared. of the repercussions of them simply telling the truth. >> what could lance armstrong do to them? >> incinerate them. >> his agency laid out the case against armstrong last fall in hundreds of pages of documents, including eyewitness testimony from multiple teammates and others. betsy's husband rode with armstrong and was one of the first to testify against armstrong. betsy joins me along with "new york times"'s juliet mckur. we heard that even tiger got
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anonymous death threats. to anyone else, that might sound crazy but you yourself lived this. you say lance armstrong tried to destroy you after you testified five years ago to hearing him admit to taking drugs. what did he do? >> well, e-mail accounts were hacked. and i filed a police report. we went through -- we hired attorneys so we could discover who hacked in our e-mail account. we spent thousands of dollars, we got nowhere because a virginia court doesn't have to comply with a michigan subpoena. frankie got a text from lance in spanish which said "caution." >> frankie is your husband? >> yes. i received numerous phone calls throughout the years. they've stopped in the past couple of years. and it's just the threat of we see what lance has done with other people, whether it's with
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us and the loss of jobs with frankie getting -- having his career completely derailed because he rode the tour clean and refused to get on a doping program along with lance. >> as you read the reports of the investigations and the evidence that has come out and the things that you have said and so many other people have finally now testified to, the public image that lance armstrong has created for himself seems at such odds to what so many other people in his inner circle have experienced over the years. >> well, that's true but that's because he created -- the perception and the reality were completely different. so the person you see is the image he wants you to see. he's a chameleon. i've said this before. if he wants to you like him and if you're a member -- if you're an influential member of the media or if you're a politician,
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if you're wealthy and he can use you, he's going to be very charming. and if he wants to send a message and bully you, then he can be very intimidating and very, very mean. >> juliet, you broke the news last week that armstrong was considering whether to admit to doping. what do you think he is going to say with oprah? juliet, do you think this is kind of a full admission interview or how do you think he's going to play this? >> well, that really depends on your definition of full admission. we're hearing it will be an admission. how big the admission will be is up to anyone's guess but will he detail all of his doping, his secret blood transfusions, the needles in the arm that he took for epo, all those things and will he talk about people like betsy andreu and her husband who
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he tried to crush because he dared to say he was doping. i really don't think oprah will get into that during the interview. >> betsy, i heard you laughing as well and i know you have similar doubts. my question is how detailed will oprah get in her questions. if you read the reports, the details are so damning and i'd be curious to hear any answers he has to any of the allegations. betsy, do you think this is going to be a cake walk for him? >> i presume it will be. and i base that on the interview that oprah did with marion jones where she did not know the sport well enough, she didn't know the doping that went in track and field in order to ask the tough questions and the follow-up questions. and as well in april of 2011, oprah welcomed and embraced lance on to her program when lance was under a federal criminal investigation and never asked him about it. she embraced him all the time.
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and if oprah did, he was on her show a number of times and if oprah did ask the question, i think she just took him at face value, despite the fact that there were books written on lance's doping and there was the detail. a lot of what has come out now is not new. a lot is new but there's a lot of stuff also that has been out there. it's just the question is why has it taken so long to get out here. and the fact that he chose somebody like oprah instead of going on to "60 minutes" i think speaks volumes as well. >> it's interesting, juliet. i don't know what kind of response you've gotten on your reporting. every time we get into this, i get inundated by tweets from people saying leave lance armstrong alone, he's done so much. do you have find there's still a huge ground swell of people who just doesn't believe he doped?
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>> i actually do, believe it or not, after all the reporting about his doping and the 11 teammates that came forward. >> you can't read the hundreds of pages of documents and not see there is a lot of smoke there and there's fire. >> i think people don't want to know, those people who saw him as an inspiration for their fight against cancer or their -- maybe their family member's fight against cancer, they just don't want to know. i'm not sure if they'll be tuning in at all. but next thursday we're going to hear something from lance, whether it's a full mea culpa and a full admission where he has tears and all those things that make him seem contrite, i'm not sure if it's going to happen butch it's the first step in people believing that he actually lied to the american public and really to the world for more than a decade. >> juliet and betsy, i appreciate talking to you tonight. we'd love to talk to you next week after the interview and see how it goes. >> thanks, anderson. >> you're welcome. >> you bailed him out.
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time now for the ridiculist. there's nothing look a good mid week lion on the loose story to get everyone all excited. in norfolk, virginia people called 911 to report that a lion was roaming the streets. listen. >> new york 911, what is your snj. >> -- emergency? >> i'd like to report a lion sighting. >> i saw an animal that looked like a small lion. had the mane and everything. >> there was a lion that ran across the street. a baby lion. it was about the size of a labrador retriever. >> so police called the virginia zoo to make sure that the lions were all accounted for. the reason the lion was the size of a labrador retriever was because the lion was a
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labradoodle. a cross between a labrador and a poodle. have i to say i do not blame those people one bit for mistaking him for a lion. that is one lionesque hair-do. this is charles the monarch. he has a very popular facebook page. even the director of the virginia zoo wanted to meet him to see the most lion-like dog for himself. he says when he is taking his dog to a park near the zoo, he has actually seen people run to their cars in shock. he says he tells people he's a laba-lion and half of them actually believe them. charles the monarch is friendly, loves kids, loves tailgating at old dominion and hanging out with the mascot and last we checked has 6,000 friends on facebook. it's probably a
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