tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 18, 2013 11:00am-12:00pm EST
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hmm, i'll still pondering because what else can he possibly say? thank you so much for joining me today. i'm carol costello. "cnn newsroom" continues now with ashleigh banfield. >> oh, carol, he can say so much more. i'm dying to see it. thank you, miss costello. hi, everybody. i'm ashleigh banfield. he didn't tell all, but he sure told plenty, didn't he? finally coming clean about doping, but never believing he was actually cheating, not at the time anyway. and now, well, if you caught part one of lance armstrong's full baring session with oprah winfrey, you know this is not the lance who cruised to seven tour de france bicycle victories and rolled over anyone who crossed him. this lance is saying yes, after more than a decade of saying no. >> yes or no, did you ever take banned substances to enhance your cycling performance? >> yes. >> yes or no, was one of those
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banned substances epo? >> yes. >> did you ever blood dope or use blood transfusions to enhance your cycling performance? >> yes. >> did you ever use any other banned substances like testosterone, courtisone or humn growth hormone? >> yeah. >> yes or no, in all seven of your tour de france victories did you ever take banned substances or blood dope? >> yes. >> in your opinion was it humanly possible to win the tour de france without doping? seven times in a row. >> not in my opinion. >> wow. and that was just in the first minute and a half of the interview. you kind of got it all there. but, really, there is so much more, and i'm going to play a lot more in the hour ahead. you will hear more of lance armstrong's jaw-dropping interview.
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first i want to go right to the heart of where it all happened, at least where it started, austin, texas, lance armstrong's hometown, home base. cnn's george howell is there. george, you know, this is not just a story where people across america are in disbelief are, you know, are outraged, are still angry, are considering forgiving him. this must be hell in his hometown. >> reporter: you know, ashleigh, the question here, was it believable, you know, he said all of the right words, but is he truly, sincerely apologetic, you know, for what he did here? and when you talk to people, some ask, you know, does it really make a difference, and some say they are disappointed. there are cyclists who are livid, ashleigh, about what they heard the other night. but i spoke with one person, michael hall, he writes for "texas monthly" he rode with lance and he knows him well enough, and he said when you listen to what lance armstrong had to say, you do have to question whether he really meant it, take a listen --
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>> he said the words, he said all the words that he should have said. he confessed to all the drugs. he called it a -- one big lie, which is exactly what it was. he said all the right things. but i don't know that he said them in the ways that people wanted to hear them, you know, i don't know that he said them with the kind of sincerity, with the kind of contrition that normal people want to hear. >> reporter: i want to read this statement from the usada, the anti-doping agency, and this is one reaction that we're getting. it's from travis tygart, it's a small step in the right direction but if he's sincere in his desire to correct his past mistakes he'll testify under oath about the full extent of his doping activities, so keep in mind, again, what we heard the other night and what we'll hear again tonight, ashleigh, it was a confession on television to a television host. it was not under oath and there were a lot of names that were left out here.
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so, whether lance armstrong makes that step to name names and testify under oath we have yet to see. >> and then, of course, george, you're right, this is to oprah. this wasn't to all of those victims that he steamrolled to keep his lies alive. and, you know, a lot of people say their lives were ruined, literally, financially ruined by lance armstrong. and when oprah asked him the questions about how he could do this, what was it about his dna that allowed him to perpetrate this lie for so long, let me play how he characterized his flawed character. >> i was used to controlling everything in my life. i controlled every outcome in my life. >> you've been doing that forever. >> yeah. especially when it comes to sport. but just the last thing i'll say is that now the story is so bad and so toxic and a lot of it's true. >> a lot of it's toxic, a lot of
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it's true. so, george, i know this is a really tough question to ask just in the wake, this has only been several hours since the final tape, you know, came to an end on oprah's network -- >> reporter: right. >> -- but how many people who stood by him particularly in that town, that is his home base, how many people are going to say, all right, i like a comeback. he has been contrite. i believe in the tape. let's move on. and how many people are saying, not so fast? >> reporter: you do find a mix of opinions. it's a mixed reaction because this is a character who had a very divided -- who has a very divided public image. even today in austin, there are people that i've spoken with who say, look, he made his confession. he gave the confession. it's time to move on, because this is a person who did some great things for cancer research and perhaps as he moves forward he can do more great things. but there are also those who were burned by lance armstrong, people who feel that they were misled, that he is a fraud.
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one person who said, you know, no, i'm not going to tune in, this person said, tonight's televised confession from lance armstrong because he'd heard enough. so, there are people who are just fed up, who are tired of lance and want nothing more to do with him, fair to say. >> oh, wow, no, i still want to see that -- oprah was great how she teased ahead to tonight as to why he tweeted out that picture of himself just hanging around with all my yellow jerseys, he's still got a lot to answer for. george howell live in austin for us. thank you, george. some people willing to move on, and some people saying not so fast. armstrong said the very instincts that helped him to overcome his cancer were his actual undoing in life as well. >> i think this just ruthless desire to win, win at all costs, truly, that serves me well on the bike, served me well during the disease, but the level that
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it went to for whatever reason is a flaw. and then that defiance, that attitude, that arrogance, you cannot deny it. you watch that clip, that's an arrogant person. i look at this, look at this arrogant prick. i say that today. it's not good. >> so, look, a lot of people say that is real contrition, that statements like that are painful and they're unflattering. but are they good enough for everybody who fell in his wake of deception, dishonesty and attacks? brutal, brutal, arrogant attacks. i want to specifically point to one person named betsy andreu, she's the wife of cyclist frankie andreu, armstrong dropped frankie as a teammate after betsy accused lance of
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doping in 1996. here's how it happened. she says that she and her husband were present in a hospital bed -- in a hospital room when lance is in a hospital bed and had to answer some tough questions to the doctors about his health. when the doctors asked have you been taking any drugs, any performance enhancing drugs, she says that lance listed a litany of them, and that she gave that testimony under oath when she was asked. she just said she was honest and for that honesty, she and her husband were attacked and that their lives were changed forever and then as i said already, per husband dumped from the team. betsy had a chance to respond to the oprah interview and she did so by speaking directly to camera via anderson cooper's "a.c. 360" program last night. you got to see it. >> you owed it to me, lance, and you dropped the ball, after what you've done to me, what you've done to my family, and you couldn't own up to it.
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and now we're supposed to believe you? you have one chance at the truth. this is it. >> remarkable stuff. lance actually touched on the topic did you call betsy and frankie and did you discuss this with them and apologize to them. his answers was pretty cagey, he said i don't want to characterize what was said in that private conversation, but in the end, no, i didn't make peace. i didn't make peace. and my spidey senses tell me that this could end up in a libel suit that the andreus could launch against lance armstrong. you'll hear more from betsy a little later on in this program. the andreus are hardly the only people lance armstrong lied to or threatened. cnn's ed lavandera now looking back on a decade of personal attacks by the cyclist who lied about the secrets behind his remarkable success. >> everybody wants to know what i'm on. what am i on?
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i'm on my bike, busting my ass six hours a day. what are you on? >> reporter: lance armstrong's path to glory and now shame has left a trail of personal destruction along the way especially those who dared question how the iconic cyclist won seven tour de france titles. >> it's a drugs program. you know, so that was sort of what it was called. >> reporter: emma o'reilly joined armstrong's cyclingist in the 1990 and she worked as a masseuse. o'reilly also said her job involved transporting and delivering drugs for the cycling team. the report says she once made an 18-hour, round-trip between france and spain to pick up pills and even met lance armstrong in the parking lot of a mcdonald's in southern france to deliver a drug package. armstrong once told her, now, emma, you know enough to bring me down. >> history has shown that i
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didn't have enough to bring him down and i never wanted to bring him down. never, ever wanted to bring lansdowne. >> reporter: but in 2003 she told her story publicly for the first time. lance armstrong sued her for libel and she says vilified her as a prostitute and an alcoholic. they settled out of court. >> he's caused a lot of difficulty in my personal and business life. >> reporter: before lance armstrong greg lemond was the most famous american cyclist, but when lemond questioned armstrong's close ties to the controversial italian doctor ferrari, a man banned in cycling in italy and the u.s. anti-doping agency, armstrong worked to get trek to drop lemond's brand. >> he's not somebody i want even to put energy into to be honest. he has his own issues, own problems that he'll have to deal with. >> reporter: then there is the story of frankie and betsy andreu, once dear friends of lance armstrong, but when the
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couple refused to keep up the myth of lance, they say armstrong turned on them, calling them bitter, vindictive and jealous. in 2008, betsy andreu says she got this voice mail from a friend of armstrong's which she provided to the new york "daily news," here's part of it. >> i also hope that one day you can have meaning to your life and you have some type of tragedy. pathetic, betsy, i thought you were a better person than that. >> reporter: lance armstrong's fiercest critics say he would do anything to protect himself. in the end it wasn't all about the bike, like his book proclaimed, it might just be all about the glory. >> ed lavandera reporting for us. and you heard ed reporting about emma o'reilly, the personal assistant to lance armstrong who lance said you know enough to bring me down. last night oprah said was her story true, lance, and he said,
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yes, she was one of the people i ran over and bullied. but then remarkably when it was about suing her, his response was, you know, to be honest, i don't -- i just screwed so many people. it almost seem like he didn't even remember suing his personal assistant. while this may have been all about the glory, pretty soon the lawsuits that he was launching may be coming right back at him. i alluded to it earlier, libel and more, whistle-blowing, federal, ten of millions of dollars just the beginning. i'm going to have more on the legal hurdles ahead for lance armstrong in a moment. woman: we're helping joplin, missouri, come back from a devastating tornado. man: and now we're helping the east coast recover from hurricane sandy. we're a leading global insurance company, based right here in america. we've repaid every dollar america lent us. everything, plus a profit of more than $22 billion. for the american people. thank you, america. helping people recover and rebuild -- that's what we do. now let's bring on tomorrow.
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this is no small operation. algerian state media is saying that more than 600 hostages have been released from a remote gas plant near the border with libya, including 100 of the 132 foreign workers among them. i mean, imagine, 600 plus have been released, but we don't know how many are still captive. that's a lot of hostages. cnn's not able to independently confirm this algerian report at this time, but we do know this, right now the u.s. is in the process of evacuating between 10 and 20 people who were caught up in this hostage-taking crisis. u.s. officials are saying that president obama is receiving regular updates on this crisis from his national security team and that his first priority is the safety and security of these hostages. the defense secretary, leon panetta, is saying, quote, terrorists who murder or kidnap americans will be hunted down. one escaped hostage is saying
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that he had plastic explosives strapped around his neck. his brother spoke about the terrifying moments. >> yeah. we just found out recently that he'd been made to sleep with semtex tied around his neck. he had duct tape over his mouth and his hands tied and we find out how he got free. and was removing five convoy loads from a different part of the compound and one of the jeeps steven was in, there were five jeeps, and the algerian army had bombed the jeeps, and out of five jeeps, the bombs -- four of them were hit and wiped out and obviously they lost their lives. luckily enough for my brother he was in the jeep that crashed, and she was able to make a brea for freedom with the semtex around his neck. >> pretty calm account from the
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brother. but the little boy, the son of the escaped hostage here, expressing relief and tears over the news that his dad finally among those hostages who were freed and hopefully on his way home to reunite with his family in belfast, northern ireland. but you just look at that face and you realize the human cost of just what the news of being kept hostage brings to a family. imagine those families who still don't know whether their loved one is among those who will be freed or has been freed. our barbara starr is at the pentagon and she's working this story to try to get any details you can. understandably this is a pretty sensitive operation. i can imagine the pentagon is keeping things pretty close to the vest but what can they tell us about americans caught up in this? >> well, right now, ashleigh, the stories that we are beginning to hear are just harrowing as you pointed out. cnn is reporting that one french hostage said he hid under his bed for 40 hours. other hostages saying they disguised themselves as
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algerians to escape. the u.s., as you say, trying to get about 10 to 20 hostages out of there, see what kind of medical care they might need, try and get these people back to europe and get them onward back to their families in their home countries. the confusion still very high, three days into this. we are told the operation by the algerians to try and get some control over this remains ongoing. the british prime minister, david cameron, says they still don't have a firm notion quite yet of how many british citizens are involved. the u.s. not saying how many u.s. citizens are involved. and i think what you pointed out about defense secretary leon panetta, really interesting, ashleigh, he's in london today on a trip speaking. and one of the other things he said, and i want to read it to everyone, quote, terrorists should be on notice they will not find sanctuary, refuge in algeria, in africa, not anywhere. those who would attack have no
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place to hide. pretty tough words from the secretary of defense, but how he might or the obama administration might carry that out in a place like algeria where that government and their military forces are making it clear they don't want outside help, might be pretty hard for the u.s. to live up to that promise at least for the moment. ashleigh? >> well, you know, barbara, we're four month from september 11th, we're in next door libya we still don't have an arrest of said terrorists who dared to do what they did to us, kill our ambassador and take out others who were serving in the mission there, so i love that tough talk. but, please, really, can we? >> yeah. no, i think you have actually just hit on it. everyone is now very anxious to say that north africa, mali, algeria, tunisia, libya, egypt, all of this is the new front for al qaeda, safe havens, the war on terror. a lot of words being thrown around, ashleigh, but action on
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the ground, being able to put military force into there and hunt down these north african al qaeda leaders and the cells of al qaeda, that's another thing. a lot of these countries are not anxious for outside force, for outside help, you know, in mali right now the people are very -- want the french there because they're pushing the militants back. but i think what we're seeing is the militants have real capability here to go after some of these facilities and hold them at risk. very tough to go after. >> boy, i'll say. barbara, when i heard this new development that the numbers ranged into the many hundreds. at first we thought, look, any hostage taking can happen, these things happen, but the sophistication to take this many people hostage, i think it's shocking and i think you hit the nail on the head. north africa needs a lot more attention. barbara starr, would you give us any updates as you get them? >> you bet. the u.s. and britain and
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other governments involved are demanding more information from algeria about the military operation that we're hearing is ongoing hours upon hours into it. specifically why they were not told about the raid before it was actually launched. i've always kept my eye on her... but with so much health care noise, i didn't always watch out for myself. with unitedhealthcare, i get personalized information and rewards for addressing my health risks. but she's still going to give me a heart attack. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. your doctor will say get smart about your weight.
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on monday millions of us are going to be watching president obama when he raises his right hand and takes the oath of the office of president, which will be live, of course, right here on cnn. today, though, we're looking beyond that inauguration and we're breaking down the challenges that president obama's going to be facing in this final term. gun control and jobs and stability, of course, in the middle east. but up first, the biggie, taxes.
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here's christine romans. >> reporter: the challenge, tax reform. for the first time in 20 years, taxes are going up for the rich. they'll pay a higher top marginal income tax rate, higher taxes on dividends and capital gains and a higher estate tax rate, but it could have been worse. >> i think that the wealthy got off pretty easily here. there's a modest tax increase for the very wealthiest in the society, very tiny percentage. i frankly think that there are more taxes coming and they will bite deeper into the middle-class. >> reporter: in fact, two-thirds of americans will pay higher taxes in 2013. the tax fight for the middle-class comes from the end of the payroll tax cut, a temporary tax break that wasn't renewed in the fiscal cliff deal. >> the irs tax code is still a nightmare. it's too complex. too costly, and too unfair. >> reporter: both sides say they're open to simplifying the tax code. more than 70,000 pages in 2012.
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the u.s. government gives away more than a trillion dollars a year in tax breaks, but republicans say reform isn't about squeezing more money out of taxpayers. >> i think tax reform is a good idea. but now that we have resolved the revenue issue, tax reform ought to be revenue neutral as it was back during the reagan administration. >> reporter: the president and congressional democrats disagree. >> but spending cuts must be balanced with more reforms to our tax code. the wealthiest individuals and the biggest corporations shouldn't be able to take advantage of loopholes and deductions that aren't available to most americans >> trust me, there are plenty things within that tax code, these loopholes, where people can park their money on some island offshore and not pay taxes, these are things that need to be closed. >> reporter: a major overhaul of the tax code hasn't happened since 1986 when the political system was much less polarized. but deficit hawks insist a big deal, a so-called grand bargain
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is critical for jumping starting u.s. economic growth. >> we've got to reform the tax code and probably raise more revenues than we have and importantly we have to focus on controlling spending and reforming our entitlements which are right now unsustainable. delaying all of this is irresponsible. >> reporter: hard choices ahead whether the congress and the president can come together remains to be seen. christine romans, cnn, new york. and, remember, you can catch a special inauguration coverage right here on cnn live coverage begins on sunday. continuing into monday. our mornings begin at 9:00 a.m. eastern. don't miss it. when you have diabetes...
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lance armstrong admitted that not a single one of his seven tour de france titles was won in a clean way. every single one of them was accomplished while taking banned substances. and as armstrong told oprah winfrey at the time he didn't even think that what he was doing was really that wrong. >> was it a big deal to you? did it feel wrong? >> at the time? >> uh-huh. >> no. >> it did not even feel wrong. >> no. scary. >> did you feel bad about it? >> no. even scarier. >> did you feel in any way that you were cheating?
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>> no. the scariest. >> when it comes to the claim about cheating, armstrong says he actually looked at himself on tape and saw all the other people claiming he was cheating and then went to the dictionary for an answer. >> i had exercise where, you know, because i kept hearing, you know -- >> that you were a cheat. >> i'm a cheat, i'm a cheat, i'm a cheater. and i went and looked up -- and i just looked up the definition of cheat. >> yes. >> and the definition of cheat is to gain an advantage on a rival or foe, you know, that they don't have or that, you know -- i didn't view it that way. i viewed it as -- as a level playing field. >> paul butler is a professor at georgetown law and a former federal prosecutor and a white collar defense attorney. wow, professor butler, where do i begin? all i could think of was how
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many people across the country were taking sides on how they felt about lance armstrong and how many lawyers were cringing thinking i would not want to be counsel for him right now? >> well, you know, people are saying, why would he do this, what was he thinking? and lawyers are the first people to be wondering what was he thinking? you know, he probably isn't going to do any jail time. he's not going to get locked up for what he said on oprah, but is he going to be liable for tens of millions of dollars in civil lawsuits, you bet you. >> i knew it. i knew you were going there right away, professor, so here's what i'd like to do. i want to run a commercial break. i want to come back, and i'm going to play for you a couple of very specific things that he said that the layperson might think just sounded like commentary. but the lawyer or the law professor would say, aha, they got him. that's coming up in just a moment. ♪
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you know, confession may be good for the soul but it can play hell with your finances and sometimes your career and your freedom. lance armstrong's televised a missions that he lied and he cheated and he doped and he wrongly accused others of lying may keep his lawyers busy for decades. >> my cocktail so to speak was
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only epo, not a lot, transfusions and testosterone which in a weird way i almost justified because of -- because of my history, obviously with having testicular cancer and losing stuff, surely i'm running low. >> paul butler is back with me again from washington, d.c., he's a professor. so, professor butler, with that pronouncement of that cocktail, was that the genesis for a number of different kinds of lawsuits that he could face everything from the federal whistle-blower to the defamation cases to the civil actions, that those who paid him his winnings and his bonuses would like to get back? >> absolutely, ashleigh. so, the most important thing for him and his attorney is he probably isn't going to go to prison, but that's just because of a technicality. when he admitted oprah that he doped, he also admitted that he
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lied under oath in court. there's a technical problem with bringing a prosecution, and that's because the statutes of limitations that run. he told that lie back in 2005. it's a five-year technical statute. so, he's looking at, again, millions of dollars in civil liability. you mentioned the federal whistle-blower statute, that's a huge deal because he's being sued for $30 million, and get this, ashleigh, that's treble damages. a jury could find $90 million worth of exposure for him if it convicts him of violating that st statute. >> if they go ahead. the postal team got government money and floyd landis decided to come clean, i got to whistle blow on this, this wasn't clean money that the government was giving us. to that point, actually, professor, i don't know what the feds did in their investigation because it's not public. they dropped it very mysteriously. but if the feds asked for lance armstrong to speak with them and
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he gave them false testimony, which i can only assume he would have to given that they didn't launch any action against him, isn't that lying to federal investigators, and isn't that a felony that's punishable by jail? >> it's obstruction of justice. it might be false statements. but here's the thing. mr. armstrong was advised by an extremely competent team of attorneys, there's no way any lawyer worth his salt would let mr. armstrong go and talk to federal prosecutors without agraa gra grant of immunity. i imagine when he floated the idea by his attorneys for going on oprah. if he said, what's my criminal risk, not so much. i'll take the chance with the money, i guess he feels like he can afford all this money's he's going to have to pay. >> the word is, professor, he's got somewhere between $100 million and $125 million and you triple the damages in a federal case and only get to $90 million, not so bad, i guess you can keep your house. i got a question about the
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exposure to the defamation cases that i can only guess are being shuffled right now stacked and getting ready for filing all over the world. and i want to play for you specifically what he said about his behavior when it came to taking down other people who dared to seek the truth. have a listen. >> i was a bully in the sense that you just -- that i tried to control the narrative and if i didn't like what somebody said, and for whatever reasons in my own head, whether i viewed that as somebody being disloyal or a friend turning on you or whatever, i tried to control that, and so that's, you know, that's a lie, they're liars. >> so, wrs, he admits to takin people down and calling them liars and bullying them and i'm wondering if betsy andreu who was featured earlier on in this program who faced all sorts of things from lance armstrong after she testified truthfully to what she heard in a hospital room, lance armstrong taking
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drugs in the hospital room, don't they have a defamation case clear-cut against lance armstrong because frankie lost his job and they've suffered financially because of the things that were said about them publicly? >> yeah, they would appear to have an extremely strong case. he said he couldn't even remember how many people he sued for libel, and each one of those people now is going to march into court with a good lawyer and try to recover millions of dollars. and, again, this is the kind of case that defamation and libel law were created for. he destroyed their careers. in some cases he seemed to have destroyed their lives, so would a jury be very sympathetic to those cases? absolutely. >> i can imagine a jury would be very sympathetic especially after having watched this on television an entire jury pool is tainted no matter where any action finds jurisdiction actually and gets launched, if it does. let me ask you about this. his former assistant emma o'reilly, he spoke about emma
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and about the possibility of trying to, you know, seek any kind of forgiveness from her as well and that's where he made that comment that you just said. i sued so many people i don't even remember. those -- those comments, while they really make him look terrible, that's not specifically anything that can help her case, though, is it? >> no. it may not even be admissible in her case, you know, look, he got 12 -- well, he got a million and a half dollars from the "sunday times" a newspaper in london, so all of those folks are going to be coming after him again. he's got contract did issues, you know, when he won all that money, a lot of it was in the form of a bonus when he won the tour de france and now that's jeopardized, so he'll have to give back all of that money, people are lining up, individuals and their lawyers. some people are going to get paid from this, ashleigh, but not mr. armstrong. >> there are two cases, emma o'reilly and betsy andreu and
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the whopping cases if the federal whistle-blowers lawsuit wasn't enough at a potential $90 million there's an insurance company in texas that had to pay out all those bonuses every time he won a successive yellow jersey and when they started to ask questions and then they started to withhold the bonuses saying i think you might be doping, for which his response was i'm going to sue you for my bonuses. they ultimately had to settle and pay legal fees and pay interest to the tune of somewhere around $12.5 million. we have invited the lawyer for sda to join us on the program today and mysteriously he all of a sudden did not come on and is in very important meetings this morning and my guess is that they will likely launch a case against him. here's the question for you, professor, they signed a document when they settled, many people do, and the document said, this matter is closed, we may not revisit it. you're the professor here.
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can they revisit it because he lied under oath? >> you know, i think it's tough. it's a contract issue. there's also a possibility when you settle that you're going to learn additional information that changes what you would have done if you had known. most judges would say, tough, you knew what you were getting into, and you agreed to do this. so, again, that's not as clear a case as some of the others. >> so, there's one more issue that i want to take up with you and i'm not exactly sure where it can go but it's fascinating nonetheless and a lot of people are talking about it and that is lance's leadership role, he was a part owner in the u.s. postal team, therefore, he was effectively a boss of sorts. i want to play for you what he said to oprah winfrey and how he characterized his role as a leader. >> look, i was the leader of the team and the leader of any team leads by example, and there was never a direct order or a
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directive to say, you have to do this if you want to do the tour, if you want to be on the team. that never happened. it was a competitive time. we were all grown men. we all made our choices. >> all right, professor, he was very specific about this. he did not ever admit to giving a directive either dope or you're out. but, isn't it also -- isn't there merit to the claim that if that was the culture and people were dropping left and right if they didn't tune into the doping program, that you could actually have a case against him for pressure to do something illegal and losing your job when you decided not to? >> i think that's correct, ashleigh. again, there are actually potential criminal charges here if he was encouraging people, saying you really have to do this in order for the team to win, and actually providing them the dope and he's got good old
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fashioned drug charges pending. though could some prosecutor want to get on his high horse and bring his guy down because he was such a role model and because this is such a high profile case, absolutely. and then, again, in terms of civil liability, his role as leader, his role as the boss, gives him even additional exposure. >> which is amazing because he didn't give that perfect answer that was clear-cut, yes, i forced them to do it. it's only -- it's only just thought that that was the culture as a leader, you were setting the example. >> yeah. and that's a key point because when he's talking about this in a court of law, it's going to be different than talking about it on "oprah." he's going to have tell the complete truth and not be evasive and he's not going to be able to not answer questions as he did with some questions that oprah posed and if he doesn't tell the truth and he's talking under oath, then he's definitely talking about a criminal case. i would not want to be mr. armstrong' shoes. >> i would like to be in your
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law class. i hope the next time in d.c., you invite me to one of your lectures. >> thank you very much, ashleigh. i want you to know we're doing something special this weekend. you can tune in for cnn's special "the world according to lance." it's saturday night, 7:00 p.m., and 10:00 p.m. eastern time. ♪
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monday's presidential inauguration. it's going to be great. and if you're one of the 800,000 people who are expected to attend, you might want to plan for taking a coat. here you are with the 2009 pictures. it was cold then, too. and the temperatures this time around expected to be in the 30s for much of the day. while you're at it, you might want to get there pretty early as well, because police will shut down dozens and dozens of downtown washington streets. they're going to close major arteries into the city starting 7:00 a.m. on sunday. speaking of police, handling hundreds of thousands of people is no small task either. no less than 42 government agencies are working together just to handle the transportation and the security involved with the inauguration. plus an additional 13,000 members of the military who are going to be on hand to help out. and just in case you can't make your way to d.c., we got you covered there as well. you can watch our special
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>> mom. i know they're not their mother, but i'm their so-called mother to give them a better life and a better education, that's for sure. >> what was the inspiration? >> i'm very fortunate to be brought up in the family that i was. i had good parents, until now they give me everything. but there are other children who's parents -- >> what do you want to say to them. >> your mom did it and i'm sure you're proud of me what i am doing. >> i'm proud of you too. >> anderson, thank you. we are looking for our next cnn hero of the year. all you have to do is go to and you can nominate someone you know who's terrific. [ loud party sounds ]
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betty -- and she told the truth about it. so how does she feel now? vindicated? just listen to what she told our anderson cooper. >> i want to believe that lance wants to come clean. but this is giving me an indication that i can't. >> i want to play the exchange he had with oprah where he was specifically talking about calling you. >> have you called betsy andrea? >> yes.
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>> did she take your call? >> she did. >> did she talk about overhearing you in the hospital in 1996? >> i'm not going to comment. i'm laying down on that one. >> was betsy lying? >> i'm going to put that one down. she asked me and i asked her not to talk about the details of the call, because it was a confidential, personal conversation, it was 40 minutes long. i spoke to franky as well. >> is it well with the two of you? have you made peace? >> no. >> okay. >> because they have been hurt too badly and a 40-minute conversation isn't enough. >> yes, because you repeatedly characterized her as crazy, called her other horrible things. >> i did call her crazy.
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>> you did? >> i did. i did. >> if you're going to go back and look at all the tapes and things you have 15said over the years about betsy -- >> i think she would be okay with me saying this, i took the liberty to say it, i caled you crazy, i called you a bitch, but i never called you fat. >> i guess we know why i was all these years putting up with that? how would you act? sweet as apple pie? >> the idea that somehow not calling you fat is any kind of -- >> consolation? >> yeah, when i heard that, my jaw dropped. >> he shouldn't have done oprah. this was too big to -- he shouldn't have gone on here. this was going to be a long process for him but he's approaching it the wrong
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