tv The Presidential Inauguration CNN January 20, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EST
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♪ boom boom boom even brighter than the moon moon moon ♪ ♪ boom boom boom ♪ even brighter than the moon moon moon ♪ >> thank you. good night. our live coverage of the 57th presidential inauguration continues. "fareed za car ra gps" will be back next week. i'm joined by se he dad o'brien and john berman, working on a weekend. >> it's interesting to see the crowds behind us grow. they're still sparse from what we're expecting tomorrow.
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the city slowly shutting down. started to block off streets. i think the excitement is growing. >> people from nebraska, from alabama, from massachusetts, from new york, all over the country coming here to washington, d.c., to be part of this right now. the excitement absolutely growing. >> we've been told a lot that this crowd will not be as big as the one we saw 1.8 million, i've seen sometimes as the highest, it does not lack for enthusiasm. i came back on a plane from orlando and it was full of people going, oh, i'm going up for the inauguration. still the level of excitement still way up. >> many people think, of course, tomorrow is the big day but it's today. today is where the -- >> it's done. >> the official things happen and have happened. >> it's the second term. >> already. we're a couple minutes into it already. >> so far so good. >> vice president joe biden, of course, president barack obama were officially sworn in to their second terms. listen. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. >> so help you god? >> so help me god.
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>> congratulations, mr. president. >> thank you, mr. chief justice. thank you so much. >> congratulations. >> thank you, sweetie. >> hey. >> hey. >> thank you. >> i'm so happy. >> good job dad. >> i did it. >> you didn't mess up. >> turn to dan lothian, let's turn to dan lothian, on the white house lawn this afternoon. all right. one oath down. one to go. the one that everybody is looking forward to tomorrow. how did it go so far? >> that's right. the big ceremonial oath that will take place at the capitol but today the official oath taking place in the blue room at the white house. it lasted only about 30 seconds. the president surrounded by close family members and some friends. it went off without a hitch. it was interesting, after the 30-second swearing-in ceremony, the president hugs the first lady, goes to daughter malia who tells him, i'm happy. the president then telling his youngest daughter sasha, quote, i did it, and she says to him that "you didn't mess up" a preference to the last four
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years ago when the president and justice roberts essentially stepped on each other and words were left out and they had to do a redo. no redo necessary this time around because they got it right. next up for the president tonight, the president and the vice president will be attending a ceremony, a reception at the building museum, but all eyes are focused on the big events that happen tomorrow for those official ceremonial events at the capitol. >> yeah. i guess leave it to your children to keep you humble. >> that's right. >> talk about tomorrow's events. everything, of course, for the president is timed to the minute. will he follow his usual routine tomorrow? >> he will. those familiar with the president's schedule say he'll wake up in the morning, he will work out as he often does here at the white house, have his daily briefings with his top aides here at the white house on national security and other issues. he will have breakfast with the first family.
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and then will head to a church service across the street and head up to the capitol for the ceremonial swearing-in ceremony. following the usual routine here at the white house before going off to the big pomp and circumstance, soledad. >> which everybody is waiting for. dan lothian, thanks for that update. appreciate it. as you could see there, the vice president was sworn in by supreme court justice sonia sotomayor earlier this morning. she now joins an elite group, joining fellow justices sandra day o'connor, here with dan quayle in 1989 and ruth bader ginsburg with al gore in 1997, and u.s. district judge sarah hughes who was summoned to duty aboard air force one with lyndon johnson following a national tragedy, for the fourth time in our nation's history a woman has sworn in either the president or the vice president of the united states. i had a chance to sit down with justice sotomayor this week to talk about her historic moment. >> i was thinking just a couple
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of days ago if i think back of when i was a kid, which of the two events would have seemed more improbable to me. i realized each one was so far fetched that i couldn't have imagined either. >> supreme court, swearing in the vice president? >> supreme court or swearing in the vice president in front of the nation and the world. >> does it make you anxious? >> anxiety is not the word. >> and you talked to her, soledad, about how she's perceived on the bench. >> yeah. and she's considered to be very tough and she doesn't really mind or care what people have -- have that analysis of how she is on the bench. here's what she told me. >> i think the noblest profession in the world is lawyering and if a lawyer showed up who wasn't prepared on behalf of his client, i suspect that my
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questioning of that lawyer would make them sometimes feel terrorized. but was my intent to embarrass them? never. and i don't think that my intensity on the bench is ever aimed at poking fun at anybody or being sarcastic about their argument or at making them feel lesser because of it. it's to engage them in the discussion, to ensure that they're giving me the very best they can and the best argument they can give me. >> so you're tough? very tough? >> i am. but i don't see toughness as a bad thing. i think it's a challenge, convince me. and that's what i want you lawyers to do, convince me. >> it's not tough. it's challenging. >> this is a historic weekend for justice sotomayor but a
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tragic weekend for her. >> terrible news last night. a dear friend of hers passed away. she died, she was 69 years old and deloris, who is a latino icon, was celebrating justice sotomayor's book at a big party. she was not feeling well and then ended up going to a hospital where she was pronounced dead. so a terrible tragedy. delore res prita was thanked by justice sew mow mayor, telling her deloris and others had been sort of responsible for their success because they've been pushing for the success of latinas and humanity for years. a dear friend has died. >> my two. hart interview with justice sonia sotomayor is going to air on monday and again on tuesday on "starting point." coming up next, the speech, we'll talk about the speech. everyone's discussing the speech, crafting the words that will go to shape the agenda of the next fou years. we'll talk with some veteran
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speech writers about the differences between the speeches that are forgotten and the ones that are never forgotten. >> america has never been united by blood or birth or soil. we're bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests, and teach us what it means to be citizens. [ watch ticking ] [ engine revs ] come in. ♪ got the coffee. that was fast. we're outta here. ♪ [ engine revs ] ♪ [ engine revs ] officemax can help you drive suand down.s down... use your maxperks card and get a 10-ream case of officemax multiuse paper for just
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try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. tomorrow, president obama will come out here to the mall, at least he will be visible to the people here in this mall, he'll be on the west front of the capitol for his ceremonial swearing in and inaugural speech. dana bash is on the west front. what a view from up there. >> that's right. it is a remarkable view. if our viewers can see what we're seeing and what the president will see tomorrow, you can effectively see down to where you are down the national mall to about the middle of the mall i should say. a spectacular view.
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sparsely populated right now but it will look different tomorrow. take you back to where i am right now and i am in front of where the president will give the ceremonial, i guess, the ceremonial oath behind me. this is a platform that they started building three and a half months ago and candy, you know, you are here regularly every four years, 1600 people sit on this platform and it's the hottest ticket in town. it is going to be really a remarkable symbol, i think, and everybody here, democrats and republicans, say symbol of the fact there aren't tanks in the streets, no matter the political differences we see every day in the capitol, this is something seamless considering. >> yeah. i think it's supposed to be a pretty day as well. i understand there's significance to the flags flying over the capitol? >> that's one of the most interesting things about this
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ceremony is that pretty much every die tail is done with an eye towards history and a significance to it. let's look at those flags. there are five of them under the dome and the outside flags, the one closest to the house, to the senate, those are from -- 13 stars there from the original 13 colon colonies. the next two in, those are flags representing the state of illinois where the president is from, when that state entered the union in 1818. that's why there are 21 stars and you see the current flag. that is one of the really interesting pieces of detail that they have been focused on here. also spent about $4 million to do it. one other thing i want to tell you before we go, an interesting story, below the flags, you see really for the past 20 minutes or so, we've heard a little bit of a concert here and they are fifth grade students from ps 22 in staten island, invited here
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to sing, they will sing tomorrow, they were invited before hurricane sandy hit. i was told they had to do a lot of fund raising to get here because they had to pay for it on their own but they're here. >> our thanks to dana bash for that report. let's talk about the speech now, because the words are as familiar as the man who spoke them. abraham lincoln with malice toward none, charity for all, let us strive to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds. john f. kennedy asked not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. franklin roosevelt, let me assert my firm believe that the only thing we have to fear is fear it itself. >> what makes a speech a part of history and what does this president need to say tomorrow as he begins his second term joining us are michael gerson speechwriter for president bush and james fallis, speechwriter to president carter. you say you don't write to be etched in granite, but i know
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that writers know when words ring. when you put words on paper, you think, i can see this, you know, as being what will be taken from this speech. so how do you craft those? >> it's true. the chair richter version is the state of the union address. i think with the inaugural address it's harder because something that registers as a showy line may come off as too showy. i think my sense of inaugural addresses the more they are poem like, the more they are spared, the less they try do the usually better they stand up. >> do you agree, less is more is this. >> yeah. and shorter is better. that helps. when richard nixon was wrikts his second inaugural, he looked at the past speeches and his conclusion was the shorter ones are better. i think a lot of people that read those speeches would find that true. this is not a state of the union kraes address, not a convention speech, you're doing it in the most formal possible context and values that unify our whole
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country. it's a day of unity. rhetoric and also rituals of unity and that's important to a divided country right now. >> is it important also genuinely to lay out the agenda ahead for the next four years or does it matter if it's true, i guess is what i'm asking? >> there is going to be a state of the union speech in about three weeks and that is the laundry of the traditional laundry list. in this case, it's worth recognizing the difference between a second and first inaugural address. when barack obama appeared four years ago the country did not know him, the beginning of his presidency. now for bet he and worse people know him. they know his strengths, weaknesses, the areas he's achieved and failed. it's more setting a brief mood for the country coming together. we have all this behind us. we're going to look ahead and then we'll get into the knitty gritty of our plans. >> second inaugurals are interesting things. some presidents have chosen to look backwards to talk about their accomplishments in the
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first term. others have not. george w. bush did not talk much about his first term but decided to make a bold foreign policy statement. what are the considerations that go into choosing what you say. >> when you look at the history of inaugural addresses there are some determined by the trajectory of history. john f. kennedy gave a speech that codified the moral commitments of the cold war. ronald reagan's first inaugural speech was an economic speech. the context was inflation which was a threat to the country at that time. but most of others, bush was like that too, most of the other good ones, jefferson's first or whatever, they're really about the values that unite the country and then also try to put your moment in the broad long context of american history. why this is important and how we're led forward. without being a policy address, it says we have certain values that mean we have to confront certain problems. if i was working on this speech, which i'm not, i would address this problem of polarization, the deep divisions of our
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country, how we get passed that, achieve common purposes in this country and the president would benefit even in the partisan debates looking large in this speech. >> these inaugurations, second ones are ability healing, is the president in a healing state of mind. >> the way he first came to national attention was his famous 2004 democratic convention speech, most memorable line not red states of america or blue states but the united states of america. it is a part of the register which comes naturally to him even though it's been a polarized time. this is something he could strike. the only inaugural address i had a chance to work on, jimmy carter's, the main thing people remember that, the opening line, thanking gerald ford for what he had done to bring the country together after the trauma of watergate. >> the democratic grace is important. the one contrast when ulysses grant gave his inaugural, used the end of the speech to tell how badly treated he had been and claim vindication in the
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election. >> does a speechwriter write a draft and the president marks it up, sends it back? does the president write the first draft or sketch out an outline and speechwriter fills in the blanks? >> it's different for each president and circumstance. the worst speeches are always the state of the union addresses because everybody sees them coming a year in advance. by four years into the administration with a president who is a known accomplished writer and somebody who is proud and pride full of his literary accomplishments i'm sure he's had ideas for this. >> and close to his own speechwriter who has been with him a long time, they have a good relationship. there will be that give and take. >> at the end of the day when the speech is over, you will consider it a success if? >> if people feel better about america. i hope first it's short and second makes them feel better about the country and times they live in. >> i think if he calls attention to real problems in honest ways, but then asserts there's hope
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beyond the divisions of our current politics. >> that's what he has to do in the speech. thank you very much. it's not just about the speech, right? it's about what the president has to do to have a successful sequel and how does that -- does he do that and avoid those mistakes his predecessors have made? we'll talk about some of those past mistakes and what the path of the president could be as we continue. >> we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. for investors like you? tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 schwab bank was built with all the value and convenience tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 investors want. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like no atm fees, worldwide. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and no nuisance fees. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 plus deposit checks with mobile deposit. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and manage your cash and investments tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 with schwab's mobile app. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 no wonder schwab bank has grown to over 70 billion in assets. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550
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barack obama was elected in 2008 on a tide of hope and change, and in his first inaugural address presented a vision for the country that would end the partisan bickering that plagued his predecessor. >> on this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose, over conflict and discord, op this day we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, that for far too long have strangled our politics. >> well, it is four years later
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now, a battered economy and political extremism, even more so than it was at the time he gave that speech. how does he create a lasting vision of his own presidency? joining us, presidential historian richard norton smith. it does strike me this address is the beginning of the writing of history of the presidency of barack obama. everyone talks about how in the second term, presidents run for history. this is that first kind of draft, isn't it? >> some ways that's a dangerous concept. think about it, all of a sudden you're playing to the academic jury, that's the ultimate electorate, the people who will decide if you're a near great president or average president, you know, whether you're a teddy roosevelt or a chester arthur, and you probably shouldn't be playing to them more than any other particular interest group. i'm part of the jury. see, you only get to vote for president once are we get to vote over and over again.
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but presidents really, it seems to me, that's just one more interest group they should avoid tailoring their actions. >> we talk about second it terms a lot. how presidents can avoid the pitfalls that's plagued so many during the second term. >> i don't think there's a second term curse. a number of factors including the media, the 24/7 news cycle, the saturation coverage, everything that a president does or says or that his family does or says. >> it's not going away in the second term for president obama. >> from day one he's a lame duck. doesn't want to admit it. the reality is, he has about a year before the midterm elections and then guess what, we're off to the races again. it behooves him to use whatever mandate, dangerous word, he has coming out of this election, and to look upon this year as the
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opportunity to go long. of course the other danger, one reason why presidents have problems in second terms is, they over interpret mandates. fdr won the biggest election landslide in history and immediately tried to pack the supreme court. you know, lyndon johnson mired in vietnam, richard nixon in watergate. >> when we talk to presidential advisers and people around the president will tick off all of the things on the president's agenda, gun control might be at the top of that agenda, immigration is there, going to hit a debt ceiling soon. a list of if you're aggressive, 25 things. does he have to pair that list down be to one? i mean if you're only giving him a year window before essentially let's say two, before it's a lame duck, you know, is it one thing to go for or 20 things or five things? >> circumstances will pare it or expand it. who would have predicted six weeks ago we would talk about
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gun control as a major item on that list. presidents react to events much more than they control events and that's true first term, second term. ronald reagan is a classic xarm. is the reagan second term a failure because of iran-contra or a success because of the treaty. immigration reform, tax reform. whatever you hear about the second term curse be skeptical. >> is there an annual gis time in history to where president obama is now, some place we're told that lots of time the speech writers and presidents look at past inaugural addresses for inspiration? where in history can this president find that inspiration? >> you know, it's tough to find a time when we've been so polarized. thomas jefferson, people forget under adams and washington, the country was actually much more divided than you would think if you looked at that monument just down the road, jefferson comes into power, a very polarizing
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figure and in his inaugural address says we are all republicans, we are all federalists. didn't necessarily govern that way but he had the tone right. i think that's what inaugural addresses a week later, very few, you can count on one hand, but second inaugural addresses that people remember. it's the tone as much as anything else and clearly to try to recapture -- you can't capture lightning in a bottle twice but you can convey the sense that over four years, i've learned, i've been humbled in some way, but i've also been encouraged and inspired that we can work together. >> most successful second term president ever? >> most successful second term ever? it was difficult but washington, because he codified this experiment in popular
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government. hes also cited the practice of giving farewell addresses. >> a good model that washington guy. >> washington and lincoln. >> except lincoln -- >> second term. >> lincoln gave us the most memorable of all inaugural addresses. the greatest sermon in american history. unfortunately, didn't turn out well for the president. >> we'll look at the events, issues and scandals that have em broild other presidents. >> our destiny offers not the cup of despair but the chalice of opportunity. let us seize it. not in fear but in gladness. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core, building blocks for the heart of your portfolio.
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so clinton and monica lewinsky, richard nixon and watergate, ronald reagan and iran-contra, pundits call it the second term curse. what does that all mean? joining us for a look at this in more about how to run things during your second term in office, our political pundits cnn contributors margaret hoover and paul begala. margaret, you were in the bush white house between the first term and second term. how conscious were they then to legacy, to how to avoid the problems that ultimately did pop up in the second it term?
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>> there weren't problems in bush's second term like in reag reagan's or clinton's or nixon's by comparison. the problem was maybe a question of misspent political capital, the handling of katrina was terrible and that did impede his ability to get legislative success through. but i think very conscious, especially of the second inaugural address and contents of it. when you go back and read second inaugural addresses that one does stand out as one that captured a moment and captured a vision that the president had for the country at that time. remember, this is the first address since 9/11 to the country as inaugural address since 9/11 and captured what we all refer to as the freedom agenda. that was the bush doctrindoctri. it captured that moment the way most second innall grag addresses don't. >> paul, is political capital all political capital for second terms created equal?
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>> no. that's a good point. president bush got re-elected and said i have political capital and tried to spend it and tried to privatize part of social security which was not popular. he was legitimately re-elected or elected in some people's eyes, he tried to pursue something the country didn't want. this president should take some lessons from that. yes, he is as daniel day lewis says in steven spielberg's master piece film -- president wants to do in his second term. his political capital won't exist in anymore. >> when people talk about a second term curse, what leads to that? they say it as if it's sort of this mythical thing, second term and happens, but there are reasons why you sort of bump into a second term problem, scandal, major obstacles, failures? what do you think those reasons are? >> a lot. i would start with hue burruss,
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endemic to the human condition but a pandemic in the white house, in every white house. this happened to franklin roosevelt, terrible second term. another recession, great depression worsened in '37 and then tried to pack the supreme court. i would think it begins with that. sometimes it's weariness. the president, it really is a demanding job and they get a free helicopter and nice house, but it wears these men out. >> and wears the staff thin as well. what you can also get is staph infection. you have staff that say on and on, it's a jack, but andy says, 18 months is really you can only sort of go hard for 18 months and the day you come into the white house feeling like it isn't the special magical thing it wasn't the first day is the day you should leave. >> one point as a staffer, the moment everybody feels it at the same time or individuals -- >> everybody has their own stamina, but i don't think you can really go hard and go long for multiple years at a times at the same level of outplay. >> absolutely.
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not all scandles are created equal and some presidents are better. i think you can say in the next four years, there's going to be something that's going to cause heartburn at the white house. the question is, how do you deal with those things while you're, again, dealing a little bit with history? i would argue that perhaps president george w. bush has yet to recover from his second term, including katrina, and yet, bill clinton, bounced right back after monica, or at least after he got out of office? >> and he left with high approval rating and harry truman left with a 22% approval rating and didn't see his image reva revamped until the last two decades. it happens differently for everyone. i think this administration is particularly aware of the fact that the things that will shape his legacy are outside of his control and depends on how you respond to them, like katrina. nobody was planning on two category 5 hurricanes hittings the gulf coast within a month of each other. >> the response is in your
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control. >> sort of true and like the event itself can be out of your control. when it came to president clinton and president bush, there are things -- your response is always, what do you decide to do is always within your control. >> and i think that's exactly how people view it too, soledad. people say look, can't help a storm. look, half of marriages end in divorce. problems in lots of marriages. how you then handle that is what matters. and who's hurt? it broke our nake's heart to see -- our nation's heart to see americans dying in katrina some because of neglect, the federal government did not do its job. >> and state and local governments. >> president clinton's problems were personal and damaging to his family, but ultimately, i think he was also politically gifted enough to counter the republican's overplaying of it. i always believed they would have done politically had they not tried to impeach him but used shame, which is what we use in our real life when people
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make mistakes in america. >> how much work for the second term has already been done? how much have they accomplished sitting in the white house during the small transition period if. >> we hope a lot certainly. this president i think even more than most, likes to thing long, long term. he kept saying in the campaign essentially, if you put me back in i'm going to focus on immigration, energy, i'm going to focus on this god awful deficit and debt we have. those seemed to be the three long-term things he was playing for and then newton happened and like every parent, like every american, his heart was broken and he has taken this incredibly politically difficult and divisive issue of gun safety and put it ahead i think of debt and deficit, immigration and energy. he had to respond to what happened and people right now are judging that response. >> there's a blueprint. certainly there's a blueprint and they're working on the blueprint. plans on how they'll pursue gun control and plans on how they'll pursue immigration. massive rollouts in the next few
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weeks. marco rubio seasoning the house for possible transformative legislation. >> 2016 happened right here right now. >> and she wasn't even the first. >> wasn't even the first. margaret and paul, thank you for joining us to talk ability these fascinating issues. >> and when we return, a sneak peek at tomorrow's parade route and security measures in place around the capitol. security so very tight here. and later, roosevelt, kennedy, lincoln, at chinson, one of the names is not like the other one. the whole story coming up. >> it is the excitement of becoming always becoming, trying, probing, falling, resting, and trying again but always trying and always gaining. power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand. oh no, it's actually my geico app...see?
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seen the security setup all over getting ready for it. our own jim acosta is on the parade route. what can we expect to see? >> john, they are starting to line up the floats right now. see this one behind me. this is a float to honor the tuskegee airmen, first group of african-american military aviators in world war ii. a civil rights theme running throughout this parade. other floats dedicated to martin luther king, jr. and civil rights movement, president and vice president's home states and take a look at this over here, nasa will be a part of the parade as well. here is an exact replica of the mars curiosity rover. it will be rolling down pennsylvania avenue just behind the president and the rest of the parade floats in tomorrow's inaugural parade. we'll have a unique perspective on all of this tomorrow, john. we will be on the back, when i
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say we, me, my producer and photographer, on the back of a flatbed truck just in front of the president's motorcade as it's rolling down pennsylvania avenue towards the white house and presidential reviewing stand where the president will hop off, go inside the white house and come back out and watch the parade take place. it's going to be a sight to watch because of so much work and preparation that's gone into this parade and just to give you a sense of how much preparation, we talked to the folks at hargrove, a little company here in the washington, d.c., area, they've been building these floats since 1945. harry truman's inaugural in 1949. we were talking about the election, they don't know, the folks at hargrove, the folks building the floats, who will win. they start building these floats, i didn't know this until i came out here today, until after the election is over. they've had 19, 20 days to get the floats together. look at this craftsmanship, i wish i could do this.
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i don't have the tools capable of doing this, but this is a replica of the tuskegee airplanes they used to fly back in world war ii. a lot of work, a lot of preparation going into all of this and we'll see it take place tomorrow. >> you know, fantastic, jim. there is great craftsmanship there, thank you so much. you will be on the news reporter float tomorrow yourself in the parade. we look forward to seeing you there. >> that's right. >> the carefully crafted float there with jim acosta. there are more than half a million people expected to converge on the mall tomorrow and, of course, because of that, security is being beefed up around the capitol. cnn pentagon correspondent chris lawrence has more for us. chris? >> hey, soledad. yeah, the crowds are starting to pick up on the mall, starting to see more and more people on this end of the mall. you can take a look behind me and see just more and more people coming out and the security preparations here, got a little bit of a boost just in the last hour because that's when the d.c. police deputized about 2,000 to 3,000 more police
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officers, other officers who had come from jurisdictions from around the country to help out, got deputized and they will be able to help out. they've got about 6,000 national guardsmen out here, helping out. and a lot of this information, the surveillance cameras, all of that information, is flowing into a command center where they are watching every second and every minute of video that is coming in. thousands of cameras. there's literally almost nowhere you can walk anywhere near the mall, the parade route or white house, where you are not being seen by someone, somewhere, and that they hope will be enough to keep an idea of what is going on in terms of security. candy? >> seen by someone, somewhere, especially behind you in your live shot, chris, as folks wave ats us and i guess their parents and friends as well behind you. it's fun to see. also good to know the security
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is so tight. we appreciate it. the intersection of politics and religion, our exclusive interview with the decon of the national cathedral is coming up next. >> freedom and the dignity the individual had been more available and assured here than in any other place on earth. the price for this freedom at times has been high, but we have never been unwilling to pay that price. [ male announcer ] when we built the cadillac ats from the ground up to be the world's best sport sedan... ♪ ...people noticed. ♪ the all-new cadillac ats -- 2013 north american car of the year. ♪ for a limited time, take advantage of this exceptional offer on the all-new cadillac ats. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 consider if rolling it over to a schwab ira tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 might let you get more out of it.
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♪ ♪ as they did in 2009, following barack obama's first inauguration, the leadership of the national cathedral will again reprice the role of the national prayer service on tuesday. and it's been a lasting tradition since 1933 joining us this afternoon. to talk about that is the very reverend gary hall, the deacon of the national cathedral. dean hall, it's nice to have you with us. your service this morning, started with a conversation about dr. martin luther king jr. who preached at the national cathedral four days before he died. and you talked about how he was really giving a wake-up call to the religious to sort of spread the word. how does that story relate to
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modern times and to what president obama is going to have to do in your perspective, in the next four years. >> well i used it as, with the national cathedral, we're being very supportive of the president's agenda on gun control. and i actually used that as an occasion to talk about dr. king's appearance in that pulpit. about the nonviolence or nonexistence and we had to solve the problem of war and bloodshed. i used it this morning as a rallying cry to ask people in our following to really, get up behind the president. i do think at the time, dr. king was saying that the faith community has to really wake up and not sleep through a revolution, which was his point in 1968. and i think for us in 2013, the issue is how can the faith community be a real voice in public policy and an appropriate way. and i think that is where the conversation at least for me is right now. is not to be a single interest kind of lobbying group about
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certain fringe positions, but how can we be part of the die long log in a way that helps promote the national good. >> you speak of it, there's not unanimity in which policies they support or don't support. so is this a church, do you see this as church-by-church thing? you do your, deal with the folks who come to your church and tell them what you think? or do you see this as an organizational -- >> i think it is an organizational thing. largely. in other words, right, that the faith community, not only within the christian tradition. but interfaith doesn't degree about many things. but we do agree about some things. but i think the issue for me as an organizer is how do we decide what we can agree on. i think the gun issue is a pretty broad-based. the gun issue coming on the table from the vice president's commission, that's a pretty
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middle-of-the-road position. and there are some people that are you know, in the evangelical community who are strong pro-gun people. but i think within the jewish, muslim, sikh, hindu, christian, broad-based area, there is some middle of the road there and we can build on that but there are other issues that people are going to be disparity on. >> when were you talking about the martin luther king jr., addressing the national cathedral all of those years ago and the church and the role of the church in political movements has changed a lot in that time. does that frustrate you? i mean the church is no longer as it was in the civil rights era, the center of protest. the center of a touch point for people who are trying to figure out how to move the needle on civil rights together. the church isn't that any more for those people and a declining number of people are going to church. >> that's right. >> well but one of the things we're learning from the second point is, that one of the things, reasons younger people are disenchanted is the lack of our political commitment. and so, doing more of that is really, i think really
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important. but you're right, i came into the church, the civil rights movement and the anti-war movement in the 1960s, we have moved away. my predecessor as dean of the cathedral in the '70s, dean sayer was a strong civil rights, strong anti-vietnam advocate. i'm trying to return to a tradition that's kind of deeply ingrained in the cathedral's history and also mainline christianity. >> and gary hall, we appreciate your time this sunday. when we return could the presidential club of 44 actually be a club of 45? that's next.
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today is the seventh time in u.s. history that inauguration day falls on a sunday. each time the president-to-be as opted for a private sunday ceremony. sometimes followed by a monday repeat for the public. exception, the newly elected zachary taylor, who for religious reasons would not be sworn in on sunday. it left a hole in history. 24 hours without a u.s. president. but don't go telling that to the director of the atchison county historic society in kansas. he said on that sunday in 1849, when president-elect taylor
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would not take the oath of office as the 12th president, jakes polk, the 11th, who was no longer president and his vice president, george dallas was also gone. that left the country in the hands of the third in the line of succession. the senior member of the senate. >> well, david rice atchison of course was the real 12th president of the united states. >> chris taylor is in charge of what he calls the world's smallest presidential library. a tribute to the 24 hours the late senator from missouri spent as president david rice atchison. it's a nanosecond in history. also etched into atchison's grave stone. a great little asterisk, except almost universally historians say atchison was never president. >> it's a con seat, actually. atchison used to joke about it, atchison's term had come to a conclusion as well. he didn't take his oath of office either as a senator or president, in case of emergency they would have turned to the incoming president, zachary
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