tv CNN Saturday Morning CNN January 26, 2013 10:00am-12:00pm EST
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money" and ali will interviewer the house majority leader about the budget, debt, the way forward in washington. we'll discuss why congressman cantor might be the most powerful republican in washington. "cnn saturday morning with around randi kaye" continues right now. flights canceled, hundreds of car wrecks. all the result of an arctic blast along the east coast. are we close to a thaw or more of the same? a teenager makes a stunning announcement to a high school crowd. now the video, the admission is viral. we'll talk with him live. it's a movie winning acclaim, racking up nominations and now being invoked by the secretary of state s. i'll talk with the writer of "argo."
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good morning, everyone, i'm randi kaye. it is 10:00 on the east coast. thank you very much for starting your morning with us. the secretive hacking group anonymous says that it has declared war on the u.s. government. overnight, they hacked the federal sentencing commission's web site, posting a video and a letter threatening "chaos" if their demands aren't met. for at least the last two hours, the site has been totally shut down. nick valencia tells us more about this. first of all, do we have any idea when the page might be up and working? >> we reached out to the department of justice. our washington, d.c., bureau tried to get in touch with the doj but has not been successful. the site's been down a little after midnight when anonymous said they hacked in. as a bicycle move, they feel -- as a symbolic move, they feel that hackers are victims of draconian charges by -- trumped up charges by the department of justice. >> what do they want? what do they hope to accomplish
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besides getting attention? >> we're trying to figure out if this is more than a high-profile prank, tom foolery, how dangerous the threat is. in the statement they mention aaron schwartz, 26 years old. two weeks ago he committed suicide in his brooklyn apartment. he was about to face federal charges of computer fraud. now a lot of people in this anonymous group and others including his family, schwartz's family, blame the department of justice charges as the reason why their son committed suicide. in the statement by anonymous on the web site, they say this, "with aaron's death we can no longer wait. the time has come to show the united states department of justice and its affiliates the true meaning of infiltration. the time has come to give this system a taste of its own medicine. the time has come for them to feel the helplessness and fear that comes with being forced into a game where the odds are stacked against them." a pretty strong statement about what they think he was going through. they also mention in this letter war heads. and each warhead has the name of a supreme court justice attached to it. what is that about?
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>> yeah. it's a little bizarre. they didn't want to speculate in fact about what the warheads, the damage they can cause, the files, sensitive material -- >> virtual warheads. >> virtual. an internet attack. they try to go after other web sites before in the past, fbi and doj web site. they've been successful hacking those sites before. we don't know exactly why they've decided to name these files after current supreme court justices. what we do know is that they're asking anonymous syndicates to download files and be prepared when the order comes down for this operation last resort they're calling it to be prepared to hack other government web sites. >> we haven't heard from the government. we haven't had any reaction yet. >> no. we've reached out to the doj, and we're about to reach out to the state department, the washington, d.c., bureaus, calls doing that now. we just don't know what the government is saying, their stance. we know that the web site seems to have been taken down. it's not accessible at this point. over the last couple of hours, it pops up with the anonymous
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web site page, how it's been hacked. right now it's down entirely. >> thanks for the update. i know you'll continue to watch it. thank you. just weeks after the country was stunned by the connecticut school shooting tragedy, gun control supporters are gathering in washington right now for what's expected to be a big march and rally. they want congress to toughen up gun control legislation. lawmakers, celebrities, supporters are expected at the events. we'll find out more from cnn's emily schmidt. she is at the national mall in washington where it's looking a little chilly there. set the scene for us if you will, emily. >> reporter: randi, good morning. it is chilly here, but that's not stoppeded the people who have gathered this saturday morning. you see them gathering here now near the reflecting pool. in the next hour or so, they'll be doing what they call a silent march down to the washington memorial. their message is something that
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started with two women on facebook and said we need to do something after the newtown, connecticut, shootings. their solution was to have a march to start the conversation in another way. one of the women who will be joining this march is selma de leon. she lives in a nearby suburb of washington, d.c. she says she's here because of her seven grandchildren. all who are fine. tell me why you believe this is necessary -- >> my grandkids are in good health. they are happy. they play. they're unafraid. and i'd like to keep it that way. i've been outraged, and i grieve for all of those innocent victims that have had to endure so much tragedy. i cannot sit silently and watch another tragedy. i'm happy new year because children need to be -- i'm here because children need to be protected. there's no reason for these assault guns. i believe in people having their rights protected, but i also need to have my kids, my
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grandkids, and all kids who are silent and all the parents who are not happy -- not able to stand here today. i want to express my outrage and do it for them as well. >> reporter: selma will be joining the crowd marching to the washington monument in the next hour or so. their message, today is only the first step. back to you. >> big names expected. who can we expect to see there? >> reporter: we're expecting to see hollywood actress kathleen turner, also an activist. late yesterday we saw secretary of education arne duncan mention that he and his family saying they would be here today. this has grown up within just the past six weeks after the newtown shooting. these are not people who have a lot of experience organizing marches. they neil is something organ -- they feel this is something organic, very grassroots. they want to see where it will take them. >> thank you for your reporting ther there. for much of the country,
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this morning it is cold out there. the national weather service warning of bitterly cold temperatures, possibly deadly conditions this weekend for much of the northeast, mid-atlantic, and the midwest. the tennessee valley and the carolinas are also on ice. any reprieve is still days away. frigid air also making life tougher for victims of superstorm sandy. many still don't have even the basic utilities to heat their home since the storm struck. susan candiotti is joining us from staten island. you spoke with a resident there who still can't go home. is that a problem for many? i mean, what is life like for these people now? >> reporter: it is a problem for people here on staten island. you see that even now, a few months after superstorm sandy hit, there is still demolition work going on, removing debris. a lot of people, as you said, are still living in their homes without the basic necessities. some of them simply don't want to leave. they want to stay put among
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their own belongings. there are places that can get help while they're waiting repairs to begin. larry gonzalez has a problem at his house because he believes it should be demolished and is in an argument with the city that thinks it can be repaired. fema and the like. heating oil poured into the house when a storm surge came and filled his basement with like four feet of water. he's getting really frustrated. >> telling me, oh, it can be cleaned up. when i ask if they would bring their kids in here, they tell me noor they don't answer me. if you're not willing to bring your children here, don't expect me to bring mine. >> reporter: today the city has workers going around from door to door making sure the people who are trying to stay put where they are and work through this arctic blast, that they can go to an apartment -- a hotel,
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rather, and ride out the storm, ride out the arctic plastif they want to. so they are trying to do as much as they can, but again, it's the long-term effect that this is something on people. as we know, after hurricanes, these kind of storms, it takes time to rebuild. >> yeah. i'm sure fema has told them that. but patience, i'm sure, is wearing thin there. susan candiotti, thank you very much. what began as an acceptance speech for a high school teen turned into something much, much more. what this new jersey student said in front of his entire school that has now gone viral. he'll talk with me about it in a moment. ] red lobster is hitting the streets to tell real people about our new 15 under $15 menu! oh my goodness... oh my gosh, this looks amazing... [ male announcer ] 15 entrees under $15! it's our new maine stays! seafood, chicken, and more! ooh! the tilapia with roasted vegetables. i'm actually looking at the wood grilled chicken with portobello wine sauce. that pork chop was great. no more fast food friday's. we're going to go to red lobster...
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welcome back. a new jersey high school holds an awards ceremony for its senior class. jacob rudolph, musician and leading man of the stage, wins the prize for best actor. it is the real-life drama from jacob's acceptance speech that made his classmates, more than 300, stand up and cheer. >> most of you see me every day. you see me acting the part of a straight gay guy. when i'm in fact an lgbt teen, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender. unlike millions of other lgbt teens who have had to act everyday to avoid verbal harassment, physical violence, i'm not going to do it anymore. it's time to end the hate in our society and accept the people
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for who they are, regardless of their sex, race, orientation or whatever way. i am what i am, and that's how i'm going to act from now on. [ cheers ] >> jacob's father posted that and it's gone viral. jacob, amazing to see you so strong, saying it like it is. why did you choose that moment to come out, and what did you think of the response you got? >> well, i chose that moment because i realized soon after that i wanted to do the speech that if i performed it wouldn't just be my coming out, it would be me coming out for kids who didn't know how to come out or didn't have the courage to do so. i think when it hit me that it was for the lgbt community so much more than it was for myself, i knew i had to do it. >> what did you make of the response? it sounds like people were cheering for you. >> yeah. i mean, the standing ovation that i received from about 80%
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of the auditorium was -- it was overwhelming. it was not what i expected at all. i couldn't be happier with the response i received. >> when you say it was for others, not just for yourself, what do you hope for them? >> i hope that i have been able to impact enough individuals in a sense that they understand that they are who they are, and nothing is going to change that, not society, not their families, not any sort of pressures. but i have impacted so many people, i'm so thankful. >> in your speech, you mention harassment. you also mention violence. were you ever bullied? and if so, i'm curious how that affected you. we talk to so many kids who have been bullied. it's traumatic for many of them. >> yeah. i mean, i can only hope to have that end soon. >> so you have been bullied? >> well -- not necessarily by my peers. but i've seen other individuals receive harassment at my school.
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>> what's it like for you to watch and see that, especially because of their sexual orientation? >> uh-huh. it's terrifying in the societal sense that we haven't been able to reach a point of understanding and compassion yet. >> in your speech, i'm curious -- i wanted to ask you because you didn't use the word gay. when you said what you said, you said lgbt and added an extra t. can you explain that? >> well, i didn't add the extra "t." i said lgbt teen, but i intentionally used lgbt because it's much more broad spectrum of sexual orientation, and i think using gay or straight or even bisexual at this point is more of an antiquated word considering how many people are still questioning their identity and i think it is acceptable to change over time. >> have you heard from other students and other teens who might be struggling and might be wanting to come out but might be afraid to? what have they said to you? >> i have received so many
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facebook messages from people i've never even met before saying that after seeing my video they've been able to come out to their friends and families. and i've even had a couple of my friends come out of the closet to me, as well. >> what do you think is the answer? you know, we talk so much about bullying and trying to put an end to it, certainly bullying of gay and lesbian students. what is the answer, jacob? >> well, i feel like the answer is in two parts. i feel like it starts in the home with parents of lgbt individuals giving unconditional love and support to their kids just as my parents have to me. and i think that it also starts in the educated system that we start learning about lgbts and learning that a lot of the myths and biases that we hear throughout our days in school, they are just myths, and they are biases. though i think the more we become enlightened and educated on these subjects, i think
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that's going to help immensely, as well. >> do you think you might make this a cause as you grow up? as you age in life, or do you have other plans? >> i don't intend to make it my life's mission, but i'm definitely going to be active in the lgbt community as much as i can. >> what did you make of your dad posting it on facebook? your video? i think a lot of kids certainly are afraid to talk with their parents. had you ever mentioned this to your parents before, or was this the first time they had heard it, as well? what do you think of the idea that your dad is the one who posteded it? >> well, i had told both of my parents about a year prior to the speech. so it didn't come as a shock to them. and i was all for my dad posting it on youtube. i wanted everybody to see it. >> well, they certainly have. jacob rudolph, appreciate it. and certainly appreciate what you've done. thank you. >> thank you guys so much for having me. >> thank you. >> also -- lance armstrong hit with a deadline to testify. we'll tell you his response and his reasoning. officemax can help you drive supply costs down...
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lance armstrong is answering a warning from the u.s. anti-doping agency. they say he has less than two weeks to step up and testify. he says no way. usada's chief travis tygart says armstrong must testify before the february 6 deadline if he even expects them to consider dropping his lifetime ban. he also had this to say to "60 minutes" about armstrong's
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assertion that he didn't really think he was cheating. >> it's amazing. i mean, this guy -- you could go to almost any kindergarten in this country or, frankly, around the world, and find kids playing tag or four square and ask them what cheating is. every one of them will tell you it's breaking the rules of the game. no real athlete has to look up the definition of cheating. it's offensive to claim athletes out there working hard to play by the rules. >> armstrong's attorney says his client has scheduling conflicts that will keep him from testifying in time and says they don't think armstrong should testify before the u.s. agency anyway. they think the international anti-doping agency is the one with the real authority. time for a look at the top cnn trends on the web. a sneak peek at the new mercedes super bowl ad featuring "s.i." covergirl kate upton washing a
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car. ♪ >> yeah, that might turn some heads. segs sells, that's nothing new. i'm looking at the guys in my studio that will remain nameless right now. never paid this close attention to one of my shows. some critics are saying it is too sexy for the super bowl. someone posted on the mercedes benz facebook page saying, "hot girl, great car. somehow i think this is the worst ad mercedes has ever made." the artist who paint the first official portrait of catherine, duchess of cambridge, is commenting. it got big-time criticism. some say it made her look like a ghost and about 25 years older than she is. now british artist paul elmsley is firing back saying people should see it with their own eyes because it doesn't photograph way. post did the cards of his work are the -- postcards of his work are the fastest selling of any
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painting at the national portrait gallery. a local reporter goes into an animal pen -- what could go wrong? >> from the manatee county fair, linda carson, abc 7 -- -- would you not eat my pants? ah! >> it's dangerous field work, i tell you. that is abc 7's linda carson on the ground. she was at the manatee county fair. she said they're in florida -- >> would you not eat my pants? ah! >> she was doing a story about kids that raise goats. and she shook it off. she's okay. and we're told the pen had been recently cleaned. that's a good thing. for much of the country this morning, the weather forecast is simple. one word -- cold. it is bitterly cold for much of the northeast, the mid-atlantic, and the midwest. icy roads are blamed for hundreds of wrecks. let's check in with meteorologist alexandra steele who's trying to keep warm in studio with me. what do the next few days look
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like? >> we've hit bottom like that poor reporter. she was down. we've been down, and we're on the rise. we'll talk about the warmth. we'll see about a 20-degree rise. where we're seeing the wet conditions, all the rain and no from yesterday in the east is gone. the onslaught of moisture in southwest, phoenix, vegas, los angeles, all seeing pretty rainy day. and as we head toward the north and east, what we're going to watch is a piece of that energy move into the intermountain west. it's dry in colorado now, but we'll watch -- watch what happens from here into the upper midwest. we're going to see an ice storm develop once again. and chicago actually has a winter storm watch posted from tomorrow morning through monday morning. the timeline, 1:00 tomorrow afternoon, here's chicago. the pink delineates where we will see freezing rain. why it's freezing rain instead of chicago instead of snow, you ask, is right at the surface is where we have temperatures at the surface, immediately close to the ground. we have them above freezing. and so we're seeing some
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temperatures right along there. we're watching the liquid fall to the ground but freezing on the surface where temperatures down there are cold. but above that in the atmosphere, it's much warmer. we're going to watch this ice storm move east and then impact the northeast for the day on monday. in terms of temperatures, it has been frigid. the coldest arctic air of the season. that is pushing eastward. finally, this big ridge of high pressure, temperatures 20 degrees warmer than where they've been. chicago, 20. gets to the 40s heading toward the week ahead. much warmer air on the way. look, 60s in paducah. places that were dealing with the ice storm only yesterday. 68 in nashville as we head toward tuesday and wednesday. 70s. we're going to see temperatures there, 20 degrees above where they've been as we head toward tuesday and wednesday. the big warmth coming in a couple of days. that's the end of it. >> okay. thank you very much. >> sure. it's easy to say that you'd like to change the world. but this week's "cnn heroes" recognizes a kid who is really doing it. when he was just 6 years old,
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will lorsey saw a man asking for food and decided to do something to help him. he and his friends are attacking hunger in their hometown. take a look at this. >> go, go, go! >> one day when i drove home from a little league game, i saw a homeless man with a cardboard sign that said, "need a meal." so i told my mom i wanted to do something. >> will lorsey is a 9-year-old child. i hesitate to call him child. i think he's in a category of his own. as a 7-year-old, he decided he was going to take on this issue of hunger. >> welcome to f.r.o.g.s. it means friends reaching our goals. our motto is having fun while helping others. i want you to write what we could do for a spring project. >> will's big personalities does not come from me. >> fire me up. pepper me. >> i think every time you meet will, you look and say, are you
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kidding me? together with his buddies, they have raised over $20,000 or the equivalent of 100,000 meals for the tarrant area food bank. >> from india. >> peaches are a delight. >> when you see somebody who gets so engaged and gets so much of the community engaged, it's an endorsement of the battle we fight to end hunger. >> thank you for your time, and remember, no matter how tall or small you are, you are make a big difference. [ applause ] a little trivia for all you political junkies watching. who was the last secretary of state to later become president? if you know the answer, no googling, tweet me me, @randikayecnn. [ nurse ] i'm a hospice nurse.
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welcome back, everyone. i'm randi kaye. now five stories that you need to know about this morning. number one, the hacker group anonymous has declared war on the u.s. government. it took over the web site of the united states sentencing commission this morning and posted this video. now the video demands reform of the government system and says it's retaliation for the suicide death of internet activist aaron schwartz. he was facing federal computer fraud charges and 35 years in jail. number two, thousands are expected to march on the national mall in washington later thoerj -- layer this morning to support tighter gun control measures. lawmakers, pastors, even some celebrities will be joined by victims of mass shootings including residents from the
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latest one in newtown, connecticut. they want congress to enforce a ban on military-style assault weapons and require universal background checks. number three now. in a controversial move, the milwaukee county sheriff took out a radio ad that warns people to arm themselves. listen to sheriff david clark. >> with officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your option. you could beg foromersy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or fight back. are you prepared? consider taking a certified safety course in handling firearms to defend yourself until we get there. >> officials say they're not aware of layoffs or furloughs and say the ad is encouraging vigilante justice. they say it's irresponsible to suggest 911 isn't adequate. the next "star wars" movie will be directed by j.j. abrams. you may know him as the creator of "lost" or "fringe."
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walt disney said he will direct episode seven. i'm excited about. that the first "star wars" film since disney bought lucas film. abrams says it is an absolute honor. five, president obama and hillary clinton are parting ways. clinton is leaving her job at the state department flex week. the two sat down for what you might call an exit interview with " 0 minutes." clinton talked about how she felt it was her duty to take the job while the president just wanted to highlight her selfless service. earlier i asked if you knew the answer to this question -- who was the last secretary of state to later be elected president. do you know it? james buchanan. he's actually the sixth secretary of state to become president. and that includes the first secretary of state, thomas jefferson. that was a tough one. thanks for playing along. it has been a big political
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week from the inauguration to a deal on the debt ceiling to the president naming a new chief of staff. we wanted to focus on a few others that caught our attention. first, secretary of state hillary clinton on capitol hill. she was testifying about the attack in benghazi that left four americans dead. now at one point clinton angrily snapped at republican senator ron johnson who wanted to know why the exact origin of the attack should have been revealed much earlier. >> what difference at this point does it make? it is our job to figure out what happened and do everything to prevent to from happening again. >> joining me now, cnn contributor maria cardona and amy holmes, anchor of "real news" on "the blaze." maria, you used to work for hillary clinton. are you proud of your former boss? >> these did -- she did an amazing job. it was vintage hillary clinton. look, her performance this week,
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it was so many things. she was unequivocal in taking responsibility for what happened which is absolutely the right thing to do and something she did from the first -- the get-go. she was deficit in deflection of questions that had been asked and answered. she was fierce in confrontation of those senators like the clip that we just saw who were blatantly political in the face of the deaths of four american. she was also -- she showed raw emotion when she talked about having to meet the caskets and the families of the four fallen patriots. i think she comes out of this, if it's possible, even more popular than she was going into it. >> all right. let's look at the flip side now. amy, you've been an outspoken critic of the way the administration handled benghazi. were you satisfied with what you heard from hillary clinton? >> well, i agree with maria that it was vintage hillary clinton. there was -- it was full of contradiction. on the one hand, she says she takes full responsibility. but then later in questioning with senator rand paul, she said that in fact the report said
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that only assistant secretaries and on down bear responsibility. it was contradictory when it came to actual foreign policy and the question -- what difference does it make -- it makes a difference if the attackers were local vendors hiding rocket propelled grenade launchers in hummus or international terrorists who have been popping up in algeria in that hostage situation where three americans were killed. clearly to understand what happened, how to prevent it, and bring the perpetrators to justice it makes a difference. >> hummus -- i like how you worked that in. this week marked the anniversary of the roe v. wade decision. an interesting backdrop for a new bill proposed in new mexico where a republican state lawmaker wants a law that would punish a rape victim if she becomes pregnant from the attack and has an abortion. she would be charged with tampering with evidence. let me get your take on this, amy. i'll go to you first. >> yeah. i looked at the story, it was so
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strange. and i did a bit more research. in fact, that female lawmaker i should underscore, she said that that was very misinterpreted. and in fact, she has changed the language of the legislation that she's introducing there in new mexico. and from what i understand, her intent was to punish sex abusers who coerce their victim into getting an abortion, to cover up their crimes. now i don't know if this is because it was an issue that was brought to her by a constituent or it was an episode she saw on "law and order." i don't know. i don't live in new mexico. i think leaping all over her to disparage her, pillory her and villainize her is not the way pro-choice people should go about this. i think understanding her was more important. >> maria? >> really, really gop -- come on. i think i just need to give this lawmaker woman republican a bit of advice -- get the memo of
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governor bobby jindal's speech to the republican party this past week. stop being the stupid party. this is unbelievable that she would have introduced this bill in the wake of what happened, the shellacking that the republican party took in these last year's elections. president obama fully re-elected, i know republicans love to say that the -- that american voters re-elected the house of representatives, majority republican. but what they don't disclose is that the democrats actually received three million more votes in the house than republicans did. so i think that she needs to really come back and take a look at what her motives are, what she wants to do in terms of the future of the republican party, and really understand what this bill means from a substantive standpoint. it's ridiculous. >> let me get to this last one because it's a goody. facebook chief mark zuckerberg getting political, going to hold
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a fundraiser for governor chris christie, running for reconciliation. is this the best guy you could have in your corner, amy? >> i think it always is great to have a person worth $10 billion in your corner. raising money for you. he's also a supporter of president obama. so it's interesting the way he seems to be perhaps a post partisan, young politically engaged young man. he's only, what, 28 years old. >> yeah. >> at this point. so i watch the -- i watched "the social network." zuckerberg may not be the most charming guy but has deep pockets. >> having grown up in new jersey, i know the holy trinity of what chris christie needs. you have bruce springsteen, jon stewart perhaps, and bon jovi. who needs zuckerberg when you got these guys, right, maria? >> you know what, i agree with amy. when you have somebody in your corner that's worth billions of dollars, it's not a bad thing.
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and i -- >> he's not new jersey. >> but you know what, i think it bodes well for the future of bipartisanship, randi. because yes, mark zuckerberg has supported democrats, supported president obama, but i also think it shows chris christie and what an interesting republican he is. and we'll see what happens moving forward. a lot of talk about him in 2016. i know that he's, you know, made some people mad on the republican party on their side. again, it could be a roadmap for how the republicans become relevant again. >> maybe we'll expand the holy trinity. we'll see. we'll see. >> there you go. >> thank you both. great to see you, as always. maria cardona, amy holmes. have a great saturday. >> thanks. >> you, too. upon t-- want the real stor about "argo"? i went one on one with the oscar-nominated screenwriter to talk about everything from criticism over the film's accuracy to the ben affleck academy snub. well, i didn't re. see, i figured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive...
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back to front. >> you believe your story's going to make a difference when there's a gun to our heads? >> i think my story's the only thing between you and a gun to your head. >> have you seen warner brothers' "argo" yet? the film based on a once little-known rescue mission of diplomats during the iran iran hostage crisis won a couple of golden globes this month and is up for best picture at the oscars. the film's been hit by critics over its accuracy. i spoke with screenwriter chris theriot about the controversy. >> the essence of the operation is -- there was this moment in 1979 and 1980 when six people had to get out of tehran. and just as it proceeds in the film, tony menendez, cia officer went to hollywood, created buzz around the fake movie to create a cover story to get six people out. all that is absolutely true. john chambers played by john goodman, the make-up artist in
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hollywood who won an oscar for "planet of the apes," he was secretly working as a cia agent, as a man who was designing prosthetics and disguises for cia assets all over the world. that character of a man in a make-up trailer making "planet of the apes" masks who by night is working for the cia, that's absolutely real. >> let me ask about something that slate has written about this. a criticism in case you haven't heard it. "much of the stuff "argo" leaves out is even better than what made it in. for example, the downplaying of the canadian involvement in the rescue." how do you make the choices -- first of all, how does that make you feel? do you pay attention to that? how do you make the choices in terms of what to leave out and what to put in? >> you feel that many of your sins are sins of omission. if we actually told everything that was happening, we'd have a 12-hour miniseries or longer. there are all kinds of canadian heroes in this. pat and ken taylor, john and
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xena sheerdown, canadian diplomats who helped to hide americans in the city. you know, there are -- there's no shortage of heroes everywhere you look in this story. so you go through a painful process of trying to figure out what is the most compelling way to economically tell the story in a way that is truthful to the, sense of what happened and also -- the essence of what can happened and calls hold an aw audien audience's attention. >> let me ask about ben affleck. >> that guy. >> in some way he was snubbed by the academy, not getting nominated for best director. o won the golden globes. do you think this is a political commentary by the academy? what do you make of it? >> i don't think so. i think that the movie got seven nominations, and i think that all of us on the team are thrilled that we got seven nominations. i think the way that nominations work out, sometimes the math is weird and maybe sometimes the outcome isn't exactly the one that you wanted. but you know, where -- ben is up for an oscar because he's one of the producers of the film.
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he's still in the running to be on the stage for best picture if we were lucky enough to -- to be on the stage. so i think, you know, i think ben -- ben and i and the team are thrilled that people have seen the movie and at that academy has given us some attention. >> and even before the oscars, on february 24, "argo" is up for best picture tomorrow night during the 19th annual screen actors guild wards. we wish them the best of luck. the cold weather has made for cool images from amateur scientists testing the physics of subfreezing temperatures to wild scenes produced by mother nature. more of these next. first, one man was in the prime of his life when an accident confined him to a wheelchair. now he's turned his experience into a business that helps others. dr. sanjay gupta has his story in this week's "human factor."
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i was playing volleyball at the beach. and i dove in for a swim to cool off. >> what happened next would change his life forever. >> i dove through a wave and there was a sandbar behind the wave. and i hit my head and instantly fractured my c5 and 6 vertebrae. >> he spent two months in the icu with nearly fatal complications. eventually he recovered enough to start the rehab process. but the only program available for his specific needs was more than 2,000 miles away. >> shocking just to think that now i have to go all the way to kentucky to get the best rehab which is obviously what anybody wants in this situation. >> curry left everything behind and moved to louisville for the next year. he made some good progress, but for anyone with a spinal cord injury, rehab is truly a lifelong process. he started asking himself, what's next. >> why don't we take what they're doing at frasier rehab, take it out of the hospital-based center and take it into a community-based facility. >> that's just what he did. immediately after returning to california, he put his business savvy to good use and opened
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next step fitness. the first rehappen gym outside of a hospital -- rehab gym outside of a hospital setting. and remember, he's not just the president of the enterprise, he's also the client. >> i'm able to stand now for about 45 seconds to a minute when somebody helps me up. walk with a walker for, you know, probably a couple hundred feet. so, you know, i definitely believe there's hope for me. >> training here costs a lot. up to $1,600 a month. curry says that's a lot less than what his training costs elsewhere. scholarships for low-income families are available. >> our goal is to open community-based facilities across the country to make sure that people with any type of physical disability has access. >> dr. sanjay gup"sanjay gupta, reporting. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does!
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advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at welcome back. the folks at the bad lip reading web site, they are at it again. this time turning attention to the inauguration. take a look at their spin on what the president and chief justice said.
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>> okay, repeat after me. i'm proud to say yo mama took a cosby sweater. >> i'm proud to say yo mama took a cosby sweater. >> elvis presley had sex appeal. >> elfies presley had sezz -- >> i'll do the spaceman boogie. >> i'll do the spaceman boogie. >> the "twilight" films, "hunger games" and more have gotten a bad lip-reading treatment as well. this time it was the president. bitter cold and bitter conditions delivered a hefty dose of winter to a huge swath of the country this week. they also produced marvelous images including some from amateur scientists who bundled up and headed out for some experiments. in fargo, north dakota, one of our affiliate reporters tried this -- a frozen banana. he used it as a hammer to nail in a piece -- use -- to get a nail into a piece of wood. he also tried the trick of throwing a cup of hot water into cold air. you'll see it here. yep. and then just simply turns to mist. the same guys tried this.
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they hung a wet t-shirt outside, wet shirt, then they waited for it to freeze. it got pretty stiff. and one of our cnn ireporters in minnesota cracked an egg in a snow drift and watched while it froze solid. didn't take long there in minnesota. in ute students had fun sliding around on some frozen pavement. not too risky. and take a look at this. water used to fight an extra alarm fire this week at a warehouse in chicago quickly froze encasing the vacant building in a block of ice. it's not just here in the u.s. overseas, they are seeing a serious cold snap, as well. take a look here. it's a chimp at a monkey and ape sanctuary in wales. that's him. he's shuffling through the snow in a blue blanket. look at him. trying to pull it over himself and stay warm. he looks cold. at least they gave him a blanket. maybe they could get him inside perhaps. from wales and chilly chimps
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to scotland and stylish ponies. yes, they are dressing them in sweaters or as they call them jumpers. here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: fasten your cardigans, prepare to see ah. these shetland ponies really know how to fill out a sweater. were these the biggest sweaters you've ever knitted? >> oh, yes. indeed, yes. >> reporter: their names are fivla and vitamin or as the scottish say -- >> victim. >> they are the new poster ponies for scotland's tourist organization. and instantly the world has gone ga-ga over them. >> we got a call saying would your ponies wear jumpers. i said, i don't see why not. >> reporter: the owner sent measurements to doreen brown known for her shetland wool wear. but pony dimensions are different. >> you have to work out where his legs came and then of course, you have the wide neck compared to a human being.
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>> reporter: how do you get a cardigan on a opponent? >> it was just a case of putting one foot in, put the other in, button it up. >> reporter: most of the buttoning was done lying on the ground which was only possible because 17-year-old fivla and vitamin are so calm. no accidents, right? >> no. no, no. no. >> reporter: scottish tourism officials wanted to combine their two most famous exports, shetland ponies and shetland knitware. in the case of these sweaters -- >> and they looked absolutely dreadful until they went on the ponies. >> reporter: that's the case with a lot of clothing, huh? we've seen critters wearing sweaters from penguins to dogs, pigs, even turtles on a blog called animals in sweaters. >> what is that? >> reporter: that's a sweater fit for hannibal lechter, at least vitamin and fivla weren't subjected to that. actually, horses wear covers all the time. i once dressed up in played to match a horse. that was no match for these two
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dressed by scottish tourism. how much did they have to pony up for a sweater fit for a pony? a little over $200 per horse. a bargain. fivla and vitamin got their sleeves dirty during a shoot. but the sweaters are hand washable. i don't want to -- i don't want to sound insulting, but the sweaters make them look a little fat, don't you think? >> they are at. >> reporter: who you calling fat? button your lip, lady. jeanne moos, cnn. new york. >> looked pretty darn cute there. the next hour of "cnn saturday morning" starts after a quick break. overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than we knoweth what to do with.
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from the cnn center, this is "cnn sudden morniaturday mornin" it is saturday, january 26. i'm ka-- i'm randi kaye, glad you're with us. thousands descending on the mall to support one of the president's most ambitious proposals, tightening gun restrictions. we'll go there live in a moment. a treacherous winter storm wreaks havoc across much of the
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nation. snow and ice are blamed for hundreds of accidents and flight delays. is a second storm in the works? days after threatening the u.s., north korea takes aim at its southern neighbor. we'll take a closer look at how dangerous pyongyang's nuclear capability really is. we begin this hour on washington's national mall where a march is about to get underway in support of gun control measures recently introduced in congress. the event grew out of the newtown massacre, according to the group's facebook page. u.s. education secretary arnie dung an tweeted that he and his -- arne duncan tweeted that he and his family will be there. cnn spoke to one of the organizers who had never taken a public stance on gun control before. >> it's been a remarkable learning experience. the realization that we're citizens and this is an act of citizenship, and being a citizen isn't just sitting around talking about it or being an armchair activist, it's actually
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moving into it. physically with your body. embodying citizenship. >> cnn's emily schmidt is on the mall there. emily, it looks like things are picking up a bit. >> reporter: the crowd is growing here. so many people are echoing what you heard. these are people who maybe have never been to washington to march before. they. moved by what happened in newtown. i want to introduce you to one of those people. lauren svetvilas with the sign with the name of benny wheeler, a family friend, you are, of one of the children killed in newtown. why did you come today? >> i felt that i needed to be here as part of a movement to make change. the sadness that's felt by so many of us. whether you're a parent, a teacher, you know, family member, friends. things need to change. >> reporter: do you feel there's an action that you are in particular looking to happen? >> personally, i don't see it necessary for guns in the world
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that we live in. but directly assault weapons, large capacity magazines. we're not -- we're not at war with each other. we're not at war with targets. we're not at war with hunting. i just feel that congress has a job to do, and that is to make change for us to keep us safe. >> reporter: thank you. he is one of the people here today. randi, important to note that across the street a small counter-demonstration of people supporting gun rights. one of the people there, i said, why are you here? did newtown change you? he said, yes, he thinks that people in schools should be arm armed. he thinks that could have made a difference in newtown. in washington, two opinions separated by one street. >> thank you very much for the update. in egypt, 22 people are dead after protests broke out in the city of port said. demonstrations began after 21 people were sentenced to death for their role in riots at a football game last year.
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74 people were killed, 1,000 injured in the riots. the death sentences will be reviewed by egypt's highest religious authority by march 9. hillary clinton will soon relinquish her post as secretary of state after the acrimony of the 2008 primaries. many people didn't think that she would accept the post or even stay this long. any tensions between clinton and president obama seem to be ancient history as the two sat side by side for an interviewer with cbs' "60 minutes." obama had nothing but high praise for hillary clinton. >> what y did you want to do this together, a joint interview? >> the main thing is i wanted to have a chance to to see publicly say thank you. because i think hillary will go down as one of the finest secretaries of state we've had. it has been a great collaboration over the last four years. i'm going to miss her. wish she was sticking around. but she has logged in so many miles, i can't begrudge her one
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take it easy for a little bit. i want the country to appreciate just what an extraordinary role she's played during the course of my administration and a lot of the successes we've had internationally have been because of her hard work. >> a few years ago it would have been been seen -- would have been seen as improbable because we had the long, hard primary campaign. i've gone around the world on behalf of the president and our country. and one of the things that i say to people because i think it helps them understand, i say, look, in politics and in democracy, sometimes you win elections, sometimes you lose elections. and i worked very hard, but i lost. and then president obama asked me to be secretary of state and i said yes. and why did he ask me and why did i say yes? because we both love our country. >> clinton has not revealed her future plans or whether she will run again for the white house. many people have noticed the secretary of state sporting some
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new eyewear this week. clinton, who normally wears contacts, is still suffering lingering effects of the concussion that she received last month when she fainted and hit her head. the eyeglasses are of a type to correct double vision. "the new york times" wrote a tongue-in-cheek article after her testimony on the benghazi attack. an arctic blast unleashing misery across much of the midwest, mid-atlantic, and northeast. temperatures so low, the weather service warning of bitterly cold conditions. one of the biggest dangers is ice on the roads. last night ice is believed to have triggered a ten-car pileup south of louisville, kentucky, forcing the closure of interstate 65. >> almost three hours in traffic, didn't go nowhere. >> all we can do. just try to be safe, not wreck. >> this is what it looked like near norfolk, virginia.
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ice and san mateo caused hundred of wrecks in the mid-atlantic -- ice and snow caused hundreds of wrecks in the mid-atlantic state. the question is, how long will the ugly weather stick around? our meteorologist alexandra steele live in the cnn weather center. good morning to you. what's the answer? >> all right, i've got the answer. the temperature department, peel pick up about 20 degrees. freezing rain, another highsstorm highice storm to look at. look at the onslaught of moisture, incongruous with this time of year. january is usually dry, february. but we could see potentially about three inches of rain forecasting over the next couple of days which is actually about half of what they usually see for the whole year. cottonwood canyon, potential for flooding is there. a piece of this energy, that's going to be a piece of the energy that creates that ice storm for chicago. chicago tomorrow morning to monday morning, winter storm watch for you. for the potential for freezing rain, not snow. here's why -- this is the
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futurecast. tomorrow afternoon, by about 1:00, here's chicago. here's the freezing rain. why is it freezing rain and not snow? at the surface temperatures are below freezing, up higher in the atmosphere, it's warmer than that. we're seeing that moisture come down liquid and then freeze on contact. here's tomorrow night. could see a lot of freezing rain here from green way to chicago. and then as we head toward monday, there goes all that weather. potentially freezing rain and snow in the northeast. temperature department, that cold, frigid arctic air. bye-bye for now. a ridge of high pressure is moving in this week, temperatures about 20 degrees warmer than where they've been. chicago today at 20. heading toward monday, tuesday, getting toward 40, then 50 degrees. randi, we'll watch this warmth spread eastward. that's where it is monday, tuesday, the axis of the warmth. kentucky. remember, they were ensconced in an ice storm. how about flirting with 70 on tuesday. then wednesday, washington, no snow for you, 61 degrees.
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79, almost 80 in south carolina for next week. really wednesday/thursday for you. >> that southbound sounds -- that sounds good. thank you. disgraced cyclist lance armstrong is ready to cooperate with an international agency digging bo doping but not the u.s. anti-doping body. the usada has given armstrong until february 6 to talk with them. in an interview to be broadcast sunday on cbs' "60 minutes," usada chief travis tygart blasted claims by armstrong that he didn't cheat. >> it's amazing. this guy, you could go to almost any kindergarten in this country or, frankly, around the world and find kids playing tag or four square and ask them what cheating is. and every one of them will tell you it's breaking the rules of the game. no real athlete has to look up the definition of cheating. and it's offensive to clean
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athletes who are working hard to play by the rules. >> armstrong's lawyer says scheduling conflicts prevent his client from talking with the usada before that february 6 deadline. north korea threatening the u.s. and south korea again. we have the details on what they're saying this time. also, women will now be able to serve on the front line in combat roles. we'll tell you if everyone agrees women are ready for the fight. is is bob, a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option: once-a-day xarelto®. xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem, that doesn't require routine blood monitoring.
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pentagon correspondent barbara starr has all the details. >> reporter: north korea's latest sabre rattling. threatening the south just one day after pyongyang said it will lob missiles at the u.s. and conduct a new nuclear test, leaving no doubt leader kim jong-un isn't giving up his father's nuclear program. the u.s. might not is advanced warning of a new underground test. >> they have the capability, frankly, to conduct these tests in a way that make it very difficult to determine whether or not they are doing it. >> reporter: but there are signs they're ready to test if ordered. >> the north korean are maintaining a fairly high state of readiness at the test site. that means that if the order is given from pyongyang to go ahead, they can probably conduct the test in a few weeks. >> reporter: satellite imagery shows a tunnel entrance where the device may undergo final
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assembly. a bunker for personnel and equipment. and a communications network to make sure the order to detonate can be carried out. north korea's weapons-grade inventory is believed to include plutonium for up to 12 devices and enough enriched uranium for six more. how dangerous is all of this? >> i still think we're years away from north korea having a capability to deliver a nuclear war head on a missile even to a country as close as japan or south korea, and they're even further away from having a long-range missile that could hit the united states. >> reporter: north korea's nuclear threat is closer, a lot closer than iran's. north korea has nuclear devices, iran does not. north korea has weapons-grade material, iran does not. and north korea has tested long-range missiles that could carry a nuclear warhead. iran has not. in a new test, the north korean
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regime has to show its bomb design actually works. a 2006 test basically fizzled. a 2009 test worked better. it was half as powerful as the bomb that destroyed hiroshima. if it went off at the u.s. capital, it would obliterate two square miles. some experts believe if the pace of activity continues at that site, a test could happen at any time. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. the secretive hacking group anonymous claims it will leak sensitive information about the department of justice unless prosecutors stop going after hackers. in a long letter addressed to citizens of the world and posted on the u.s. sentencing commission's web site, anonymous is threatening chaos if the government doesn't meet its demand. the group also posted a youtube video denouncing federal prosecutors who go after and "destroy the lives of hacktivists" they apprehend. that was a reference to web
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activist aaron search warranwar month. he was facing prison time after stealing millions of documents from m.i. t. women on the front lines. but not everyone agrees that women are ready for combat. and if you're leaving the house right now, a remoirnd to -- reminder to take us with you. you can continue watching from your mobile phone or watch live from your laptop. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive.
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my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure.
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here's pentagon korncorresponde chris lawrence. >> reporter: with a stroke of his pen, defense secretary leon panetta altered the look of the american sword. >> not everyone is going to be able to be a combat soldier. but everyone is entitled to a chance. >> reporter: panetta officially opened well over 200,000 combat jobs to women. now the question is, can they physically qualify? >> i think that it's already been proven. >> reporter: sergeant jennifer hunt was attached to an infantry battalion in afghanistan. she still remembers the six-mile runs in full gear. >> i found that physically taxing to have that pack on my back. but i still was able to, you know, make the requirement of going that six miles. >> reporter: a number of nato countries permit women in combat like canada, france, germany, and australia. the british do not. the secretary's action technically opens all jobs.
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but the services can still apply for specific exemptions. if women are not able to meet certain physical standards. >> the concern i get when i talk to soldiers is really about lowering standards, saying that we'd have people on our team that can't carry their share of the weight. >> reporter: in the military, they mean that literally. some soldiers are loaded down with armored plates, packs, boots, and equipment, and they're hauling around more than 100 pounds. tank loaders have to lift a 40 to 50-pound shell out of a confined space, spin it around, and push it into the breach. a senior defense official says that standard cannot be lowered. officials have identified specific physical requirements for each combat job. next they'll turn that information over to scientists who can build physical tests to measure if a man or woman is fit for the front lines. >> at recruiting stations, you can't say, here, lift a 54-pound shell and put it in a tank. >> reporter: for example, this summer 400 male marines and 400
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female marines will perform various physical tasks related to specific combat jobs. the marines will then use those results to come up with a fitness standard. but if no women or even very few are able to do the task, the marines will have to "go back to the drawing board." chris lawrence, cnn, the pentagon. >> so the question is, is everyone happy about including women in front line combat roles? i asked zoe bedell, a captain in the marine corps reserve and one of the plaintiffs in the aclu lawsuit to allow women on the front lines. >> this is a very positive step forward, and we definitely want to see how this shapes up, what the service chiefs submit to remain closed. this is a huge step in the right direction, and we're glad that it's happened. >> one of the things that's gotten a lot of attention since the announcement and well before this, but sexual assault certainly a concern for female troops. not just by enemy troops, we know that, but even among their own ranks. i want to share some numbers
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with our viewers this morning. numbers coming from the department of defense shows that more than 3,000 reported sexual assaults occurred in 2011. secretary panetta said that number was probably closer to 19,000. so what is your take on this? does adding more women into stressful situations concern you at all? i mean, is there enough protection? >> no. sexual assault is definitely an issue in the military. it's -- for men and women. it's something they need take seriously. but the response to that is not to take away women's equality within an organization and deny them rights or make them more second-class citizens. the response is to treat them as full equals and to say, no, we're not going to tolerate this behavior. it's not acceptable. these are members of our organization, and we don't treat people that way. once the military embraces that attitude, that's when you'll see numbers come down, i think. >> i want to bring in someone else. aileen donnelly, president for the center for military readiness. good morning.
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you have said that lives could be lost unnecessarily because of this announcement. explain that. >> well, because we're talking about the infantry battalions, armor, artillery units that attack the enemy. special operations forces. although women like zoe have been serving with courage, we honor and respect them for their service in harm's way. we're talking now about the tip of the spear battalions. in that environment, women do not have an equal opportunity to survive or to help fellow soldiers survive. and there's 30 years of studies to back that up. as far as the issue of sexual assaults concerned, wow, that -- it's a huge problem, and it's getting worse. you don't make it better by transferring all the issues that involve sexual assault into those infantry battalions. in fact, when general dempsey suggested just the opposite, well, maybe this is the answer, no general, that will only make it worse, there's no reason to do that. and i'm concerned about what about the enlisted women.
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they don't want this. what about men who can't speak out about this. general dempsey also said if the standard's too high, we'll question why is the standard so high. that means that galley, incrementally standards will be lowered. they will be equal but lowered, and we won't have the same tough training for the infantry that we have now. >> so let me get back to your first initial comment there. are you saying that women are not as qualified as men? >> i didn't say qualified. they can serve and they are in the positions where they are in support roles. where their talents are used best. in the infantry, physical standards do matter. physical capabilities. and 30 years of studies have backed this up. i'm a little curious -- we know that when the marines opened the infantry office, of course, asked for volunteers, they asked for 90, they only got two. one woman lasted not even a full day. the other a few more days after that. so if the test didn't work out and we respect them for trying, where is the results of the rest
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of the test? the marines have not been forthcoming on this. the department of defense doesn't allow the members of the joint chiefs to be fully candid about what's going on. >> let me jump in here. you mentioned zoe, she's still with us. what is your treereaction to wh she's saying? >> there are a couple of things. in regards to the marines' test, two people does not represent the entire marine corps. the fact is, these women were asked to go a grueling three-month school. when they came out, they still weren't infantry officers. they're taking the risk without the reward and all of the downside. i don't think you can generalize about all women everywhere from that situation. and in regards to the physical standards, that's absolutely an issue. we absolutely are not asking for quotas for women. we're not asking for a set number of women in these rules. we don't want the standards lowered. we just want women to have a chance to compete to meet those standards. equal opportunity. >> that was captain zoe bedell of the marine core reserve and
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allain donnelly, head of military readiness. first superstorm sandy, now the frigid temperatures. find out how storm victims without the heat are dealing with the bitter cold. here ♪ ♪ ooh baby, can i do for you today? ♪ [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis, a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive system. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align.
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if you think it's cold outside, imagine how miserable is it is for people still without power after superstorm sandy. many people riding out the bitter cold winter without heat. our national correspondent, susan candiotti, joins me from staten island which was hard hit in the storm. how are people coping with the cold, and how are their frustrations? >> reporter: imagine how hard it will be. today, for example, it's probably only going to get up into the 20s. with the windchill factor it is cold. people are hunkering down. down the street they have taken down homes, the u.s. army corps of engineer will be taking away debris. we're talking to people who do have the opportunity, some of them, to leave their homes, but they're hanging in there even without power and light. it's tough in this cold weather.
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there are programs out there where you can move into an apartment or a hotel paid for by fema, and we talked with one woman who's done that while there's a debate going on over whether to demolish her home. she talked about the toll that all this is taking on her family, especially her children. >> it's really hard on the kids. it really is hard on the kids. they don't know when they're going home. that's all they want. >> reporter: now there are people from the city going door to door this day to people who still don't have heat in their homes to see whether they can help them. also to make sure they know that if they are victims of the storm they can get into a hotel this very day if they want to. >> susan candiotti, thank you very much for that. when hillary clinton steps down as secretary of state, she will leave behind a long and sometimes bumpy legacy from veteran of sharp elbows politics to master of diplomacy.
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what's next? history has shown there really is no such thing as good-bye for her. this is not the first time hillary clinton seemed to say football -- to say good-bye. >> i am determined to leave the state department and our country safer, stronger, and more secure. >> when you just knew she'd be back to say hello. she launched herself back in the days of the nerdy circular glasses as the woman who could take tradition and crack it like a nut. she and bill clinton met and fell in love at yale. then in 1974, she moved to arkansas to teach, making partner at the rose law firm five years later. she kept working after her husband was elected governor of arkansas. she would become the first first lady to do so. >> i suppose i could have stayed home and baked cookies. >> then came washington. >> this health security card will represent a right of every citizen, and it will give each of us the security of knowing we
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will be taken care of when we need help. >> her health care initiative came crashing down in 1994. her high visibility came at a cost. the superwoman learned to steel herself in the face of repeated controversy. there was the unexplained suicide of white house counsel vince foster and questions about the clintons' whitewater land deal. but the challenges didn't end there. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. miss lewinsky. >> the affair and house vote after that to impeach her husband threatened to derail team clinton. hillary was nothing if not resilient. she ran for congress and was elected senator from new york with 56% of the vote. she became the first first lady to enter congress. and in 2007, another first. >> when people tell me, you know, i don't think a woman can be elected president, i say, well, i don't believe that, but we're going to find out.
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>> she became hillary like shakira or cher. showed independence. it was a hard-fought campaign against barack obama. but hillary never backed down. >> shame you, barack obama. >> even when campaigning got ugly. not long after that, clinton welled up at the new hampshire diner and ran away with the primary. another victory. in the end, she conceded, wrapping up her historic presidential bid. >> although we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time -- >> her persistence and passion convinced the man she tried to beat to cast her on the world stage. >> in her, you will have a secretary of state who has my full confidence. >> the former first lady and senator from new york would become madam secretary in 2009. yet now, a millionaire miles and 112 countries later, she finds herself entangled in one final controversy. >> i'm in charge of the state department, 60,000-plus people
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all over the world, 275 posts. >> testifying it who knew what when in light of the attack on the compound in benghazi. but if history is any guide, hillary clinton may emerge unscathed once again and reinvent herself. now it's not clear exactly when clinton will relinquish her post at the state department. it reportedly could be by the end of next week. as the debate heats up over gun control, we'll take a closer look at one disturbing case. it involves a mentally ill man convicted of killing his mother. and this, his arsenal of firearms he was able to purchase after he was released. [ male announcer ] when we built the cadillac ats from the ground up to be the world's best sport sedan... ♪ ...people noticed. ♪ the all-new cadillac ats -- 2013 north american car of the year.
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♪ for a limited time, take advantage of this exceptional offer on the all-new cadillac ats. progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on facebook. we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day...
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now to the chilling case of a minnesota man who was discovered by police with an arsenal of 13 firearms in his home including handguns and an ak-47 and a .50 caliber desert eagle. he was also found with a disturbing note to his mother that read, "i am so homicide. i think about killing all the time." according to police. more disturbing is the fact that he got his hands on these firearms at all.
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he's a convicted felon who spent time in a state hospital for killing his mother with a firearm more than a decade ago but has since been released. the incident exposes the dangerous loopholes in the nation's gun laws. and minnesota's system of criminal background checks. joining me now is cnn legal contributor paul callan. this is such a disturbing case at the heart of the gun debate. advocates say don't take away guns, do the background checks. others say it's not enough. in this case it failed. legally speaking, what is the fix? >> you know, you're right. this is a terrifying example of the utter failure of gun control regulation that's are currently in place. this is a functional equivalent of the character jason from the "halloween" movie getting out of the mental hospital and being armed with ak-47s, this desert eagle semi automatic magnum, and the other of the 13 weapons he had on him. it's a shocking, shocking case.
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it happened because of a combination of factors. one, although minnesota has a through requires you to go to a police station and get a permit to purchase these kinds of weapons, they don't require you to be fingerprinted or show a social security number. he went into a police station, reversed his middle name and first name, and they gave him the permit. he goes to a gun store to buy all of these weapons and he's supposed to get a -- supposed to clear a federal check, but there was nothing in the federal data base to indicate that he had been confined to a mental institution. people who oppose national records of mental health treatment have created a system where his name is not even listed in the national directory. and he was confined as mentally ill and dangerous until 2003, of course after killing his mother. >> i think all he had to do was wait until he was 28 to get the records purged. now, if a disaster had been committed as a result of this
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flaw in the system, who would be liable other than the suspect? anyone? >> probably no one. i think people will be shocked to know that congress in 2005 passed legislation that largely immunizes gun dealers and gun stores from liability and lawsuits like this. you would have to prove that the gun store actually knew they were selling the gun to somebody who was going to go out and do harm. of course, the gun store will just say, hey, we made a phone call, there was nothing in the record data base. in terms of the police and minnesota, now they made a big mistake. his name should have been in their criminal records system, at least until he was 28 years of age. they made mistakes. but there's immunity that protects them from suits. so in the end, had he killed people, they would have no remedy in fact under existing law. >> that was paul callan. thanks again. most people don't think much of eels. we'll introduce you to a man in pennsylvania who loves these wrigley creatures. you'll find out why. progresso.
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that pork chop was great. no more fast food friday's. we're going to go to red lobster... [ male announcer ] come try our new menu and sea food differently. and introducing 7 lunch choices for just $7.99! salad, sandwiches and more. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson.
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eels may not be high on your list of favorite treats or mine, but around the world they are a popular delicacy. in today's "american journey" report, tom foreman found a man in pennsylvania who is making a living satisfying the demand for eels. >> reporter: just outside philadelphia at the delaware valley fish company in norristown, a new shipment has arrived. wrigley, slithering, sliming its way into the world market. >> we do about a million pounds a year. >> reporter: barry crockman could not be happier. >> i'm a third generation eeler or sniggler. >> sniggler? >> you can find it in a crossword puzzle. >> reporter: although never popular with many americans, they're enjoyed throughout asia and europe on tables, considered delicacies weather served raw, baked, boiled, or fried. >> love it. tastes like chicken. >> reporter: what you're looking
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at here is the eel holding system. and that has created a kind of appreciation all along the east coast of the united states where the eel trade helps support hundreds of fishing families and 30 employees in this company alone. for most of the year, eels caught wild in waters from florida to newfoundland pour into the site to be sorted, grated, packed, and sent live overseas. scientists are concerned about what appears to be declining numbers of eels along the coast, and so are the people in the business of catching them. >> there's habitat pressure. they've built dams over the years. as we harvest these eels, everybody wants to make sure that it's sustainable. >> reporter: after all, crockman says, he's been up to his elbows in eels his whole life. >> in fact, you know, when i sort a lot of eels and you go to sleep, you start to see neels your slip. that vision of eels just penetrates your brain and stays there. >> reporter: that's creepy. >> it is a little creepy. >> reporter: it's also the business that even in these
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tough times is sustaining his family and many others on their american journey. tom foreman, cnn, norristown, pennsylvania. >> gosh. can't even look at those things. the next "star wars" movie will be directed by j.j. abrams. you may know him as the creator of "lost" or "fringe." last night, walt disney announced abrams will direct "star wars episode 7." the first "star wars" film since disney bought lucas film. tina turner is about to give up her u.s. citizenship and become a swiss citizen. the 73-year-old singing legend has been living in switzerland since 1995. who knew? reports say she's passed her tests and is waiting official approval. she said she can't imagine a better place to live. boeing dreamliners are grounded after technical snags developed with the aircraft. so what really is wrong with them? we'll have details on the investigation. first, when traveling to other cities and countries, the best way to get a real taste of
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the place is through the local food. cnn ireport has teamed up with "travel and leisure" magazine to create a global list of 100 places to eat like a local. here's more from hong kong and a sample. ♪ >> reporter: hello, i'm kristie lu stout. when you want to eat like a local, i come here -- yes, it's in a ballroom and has a view of the harbor that tourists adore. make no miss tarks the loca-- m about it, the locals love it. so much so they've been coming here to get their dim sum fix served the old-fashioned way -- by trolley. now you know why this place is called a palace. crystal chandeliers aside, this someplace massive.
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120 tables serving some 800 people a day. now it is time to eat. and if you see something you like -- oh -- hail the trolley, stop the server. and just pick a little bit of everything. again, don't be afraid to try a little bit of everything. deep fried squid, rice rolls, chicken feet, steamed pork buns, shrimp dumplings, barbecued pork pastry, egg tarts, and i don't even know what this is. >> if you pay a visit to the palace in hong kong, remember two things -- number one, be prepared for a long wait. and also, take your time. try everything and anything, to really eat like a true local including enjoying the chicken feet.
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>> from eels to chicken feet, huh. ireporters, here's your chance to help create a food lovers' map of the world. go to send a photo of your favorite restaurant and dish, why it's special, and how you discovered the place. the definitive list of 100 places to eat like a local will be revealed in march. some ireporters will be on that list. be sure to stay tuned to see if you are one of them. ♪ ♪ ♪
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investigators are trying to find out why the boeing 787 dreamliner's batteries are causing some problems. but while that probe is under way, all 50 aircrafts around the world are grounded. our sandra endo has the details. >> this is one of the cell cases. >> reporter: piece by piece inside this ntsb lab in washington, analysts are dissecting the charred battery which caught on fire in a boeing 787 dreamliner earlier this month in boston. >> we know that the lithium ion battery experienced a thermal runaway. we no that there were short
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circuits, and we know that there was a fire. >> reporter: the faa gave special permission to boeing, allowing the use of these light weight batteries only if safety measures were installed to prevent overheating. >> we do not expect to see fire events on board aircrafts. there are multiple systems to protect against a battery event like this. those systems did not work as intended. we need to understand why. >> reporter: the investigation was launched after two 787s this month experienced issues surrounding the jet's unique use of lithium ion batteries. fais battery behind the wings of a japan airlines 787 exploded and caught fire while on the ground in boston. initial tests rule out excess voltage and overcharging. another battery problem, this one near the cockpit of an all nippon airways dreamliner led to smoke in the cabin while in the air over japan, forcing an
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emergency landing. excess voltage has also been ruled out, and for now it doesn't look like overcharging was an issue. the ntsb is looking for defects or contamination in the battery but said the problem could be elsewhere. united airlines is the only u.s. carrier with six dreamliners in its fleet. the ceo said, "all new aircraft types have problems, and the 787 is no different. customers will flock back to that airplane once we're able to get it back up again." boeing, which manufactures the dreamliner, says it welcomed the ntsb's progress and has hundreds of engineers and technical experts work around the clock to resolve the issues. for now, all dreamliners will remain grounded, and that includes any test flights. sandra endo, cnn, washington. "cnn newsroom" starts at the top of the hour. miguel is here to tell us what's going on. >> well, we have a packed afternoon. very good. how are you? we're going to keep track of everything in the headlines
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obviously. there's an ongoing cyberstrike against the government. burt reynolds is in the hospital and quite ill. we'll also look at hillary clinton and her legacy and see what we learned from her life as secretary of state. she's leaving office. >> leaving next week. >> yes. the harbaughs, the brother bowl, we'll look at that. >> they're both coaches. >> both coaches, one with the ravens, one with the 49ers. we'll see who has the upper hand given who was born first. an interesting little rivalry. the loser is the one who gets the most love at the end of this whole thing is the take-away for me. maybe i just gave it away. we'll also look at the infamous -- our legal panel, the arias case with hln's vjane velez-mitchell, a case out in arizo arizona. this woman shot and stabbed her
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boyfriend, stabbed him 29 times. her defense starts this week. and then subway sandwich to the test. i have it over there. >> i almost ate it. >> we're putting it to the test and see is it really 12 inches. they're being sued. >> being sued because people are saying it's not 12 inches. >> it's shrinkage. it starts off as 12 inches but it's been shrinking so there's class action lawsuits, australia started this, it went viral, and everybody wants theirs to be 12 inches. >> do the six-inchers hold up? >> they're also a little shorter so all of this is being rectified by subway right now. >> i can't believe this. this is serious. you're going to measure live on the air. i can't wait for the results. >> try to contain yourself. >> tell me what time. i'll be watching. miguel marquez, thank you very much. the flu is just one serious illness to avoid this season, especially if you're in a crowded, confined space like a cruise ship. what you need to know to protect yourself and your family.
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with fluz now rampant across most of the u.s., many people are taking some extra precautions. but those same measures might not protect you from another highly contagious illness that can knock you down for days. busy moment here in the studio. this is called the norovirus, but you probably call it the stomach bug. here's lisa silvester with tips on how to avoid it. >> reporter: you might have heard of it before. there have been several major outbreaks on cruise ships in recent years. the norovirus in layman's terms is a stomach bug. we are at the height of a new season with a new strain. the norovirus is spread through
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food or drink that has been contaminated. you can also get it if you touch a contaminated surface or object and then put your hand to your mouth. symptoms include abdominal cramps, vomiting, nausea, diarrh diarrhea, and fatigue. it hits you all of a sudden. >> it's very contagious. there are multiple epidemics of it, and other than cleaning the areas, there's really not a whole lot people can do about it. >> reporter: the norovirus is so contagious because it's so hardy. your typical hand sanitizer alone won't do it, disinfectant wipes to wipe down surfaces, normally that would be fine, for instance, with the flu virus but not with the norovirus. what you need to do is wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. and when you wipe down surfaces, make sure you use a bleached-base solution. most people infected recover after a few days. in rare cases, it can be fatal, particularly for the very old and very young and those with
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weaker immune systems. according to the cdc, there are more than 20 million cases of the norovirus each year, resulting in about 800 deaths in the u.s. >> so infectious and requires such a low concentration of virus, it's rapidly spread through a population. that's why you see outbreaks on cruise ships, in dormitories, in places where people are in close contact with one another. >> reporter: top five ways of protecting yourself according to the cdc -- wash your hands often, wash fruits and vegetables, cook shellfish thoroughly, clean surfaces and wash soiled laundry, and when you're sick, don't prepare food or care for others. >> some great advice there from cnn's lisa silvester. "cnn newsroom" continues with mar gel marquez. you are back. >> i'm back. i've survived so far. thank you so much. >> have a great afternoon. >> have a lovely day. >> thank you. well, it's 12:00 p.m. in the east, 9:00 a.m. on the west coast. i'm miguel marquez in for
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