tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 28, 2013 4:00am-5:00am EST
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>> thank you for your time, and remember no matter how tall or small we are, we can make a big difference. hello, everyone. let's start with your headlines. a nightclub suddenly catches fire in brazil. a staggering number of people are dead tonight. witnesses say it was packed with people during a pyrotechnic show. at least 233 people died with when they just couldn't get out. a cnn crew is on the scene. a full report in just a moment. attention credit card shoppers. stores in 40 states can now charge you a checkout fee worth up to 3% of your total purchase. a legal settlement allows stores to pass along processing fees charged by credit card companies
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avoid the vie by using a debit card or cash. chuck hagel got the nod today to be the next secretary of defense. former cia director and retired air force say hagel is a fine choice. he earned two purple hearts in the vietnam war. japan launched two surveillance satellites to help keep an eye on north korea. officials are threatening to carry out a nuclear test and more long-range rocket launches. condemned the company for last month's rocket launch. it's a sickening number. 233 people killed in a nightclub fire in brazil. some burned to death. some trampled. some overcome by smoke. it happened when the jam-packed nightclub suddenly caught fire and many of these victims didn't stand a chance. on the scene right now where
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rescuers are still picking through the burned rubble is shasta darlington. >> reporter: smoke filled the air when the first firefighters entered the nightclub where shirtless men were already trying to rescue some of the injured. emergency vehicles arrived not realizing the extent of the tragedy they faced. chaos and terror amongst survivors and the bodies of victims all around. the fire broke out at about 2:00 in the morning at a nightclub called kiss in the southernmost state. the club was packed with some 2,000 people, twice the legal capacity, according to officials. >> translator: people inside said security guards blocked the exit to prevent people from leaving. that's when people panicked and tragedy grew worse. >> security guards blocked exits to prevent people from leaving,
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he says. that's with when the crowd started panicking. this is the local gymnasium. there are more than 100 bodies. hundreds of families have come together trying to locate and identify relatives who were of course young people in their late teens. they died of affixation. some were trampled to death. >> as the coffins were lined up investigators searched for the cause of the fire, which tore through the soundproofing installation in the roof. she cut short her appearance at a summit in chile and headed to personally oversee the government's response to the tragedy. to the brazilian people we stand together at this time and that even though there's a lot of sadness we will pull through. >> by daylight, hospitals in santa maria were full of people looking for relatives among the survivors. >> there are a lot of people
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scattered around the hospital's different departments, as well as the intensive care units who have not been identified yet. it isn't a big number, but the people waiting outside for news are desperate. >> it was the end of the summer holiday season in brazil, the last chance to party for many young people due back at work or school on monday. shasta darlington, cnn, santa maria, brazil. if you can believe it, that was 10 years ago. susan canned otte has been looking back at fires in recent history. >> in 2003, 100 people died at the station nightclub in west warwick, rhode island where the band great white was performing. pyrotechnics ignited material and smoke filled the room. arson was the cause of the happy land fire in new york
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approximately it killed 87 people. authorities said the bronx club was operating illegally, two years after it was ordered closed because of safety violations. in 1977, fire at the beverly hills supper club in kentucky killed 165 people. it was believed to be an electrical fire went undetected at first. no fire detectors. and the coconut grove in boston. 492 people were killed. the cause of the blaze to this day remains unknown. very cold weather is expected this week in the united states. we'll head to the middle of the country for that. and then across the world this desperate attempt to rescue two women and a baby trapped in
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with freezing rain and snow for parts of the midwest and the northeast. icy roads and poor visibility are making travel dangerous. and some areas in the northeast will get light snow. around the country bad weather has been mucking up traffic on the roads and in the sky. lindsay is from kutv has our report from salt lake city. hi, lindsay. >> reporter: good evening, don. utah of course is known for having the greatest snow on earth. and we are getting some of that greatest snow on earth tonight. really coming down in downtown salt lake city. i have my trusty ruler here. so far we have picked up about five, five and a half inches. we're expected to get another two to five inches during the overnight hours. as the snow continues to push across the state. they wreak havoc on the roadways, and the airport. all the runways were shut down for a half hour while they cleared all the heavy, wet snow
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off the runway. also, on i-15rbgs one of the major highways through salt lake city it was closed down for a two-hour period because of a horrible accident. a semi jackknifed shutting down the freeway completely. it does bring good news to those of us here in salt lake city. as you know, we have been dealing with a thickened version for the past month, throughout the entire month of january with just a couple days's break here and there. this storm has finally broken, gotten the gunk out of the air. good news coming with this big storm moving across the intermountain west. >> thank you very much for that. several people are missing and hundreds of homes destroyed and massive flooding in australia. heavy rains and tornados from a
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tropical cyclone reported in brisbane. almost 5,000 homes were affected. check out this dramatic rescue of two women and a toddler in queensland. they were airlifted from their car, which was over taken by floodwaters. everyone did make it out okay, though. did you see this interview? man, it was amazing. president barack obama and outgoing secretary of state hillary clinton share their thoughts on the tragedy in benghazi together, side by side.
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remember this? >> while i was working on the streets you were a corporate lawyer sitting on the board of walmart. >> you were practicing law and his slum landlord business in inner-city chicago. >> my, how things have changed. they addressed benghazi. >> i sent him there originally. it was a great personal loss to lose him and three other brave americans. but i also have looked back and tried to figure out what we could do so nobody would be in this position again. we also live in a dangerous world. and the people i'm proud to serve and work with in our diplomatic and development personnel ranks, they know it's a dangerous and risky world. we just have to do everything we can to make it as secure as possible for them.
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>> i think one of the things that humbles you as president, i'm sure hillary feels the same way as secretary of state, you realize all you can do every single day is to figure out a direction. make sure that you are working as hard as you can to put people in place where they can succeed. ask the right questions, shape the right strategy. but it's going to be a team that both succeeds and fails. it's a process of constant improvement because this world is big and it is chaotic. >> tonight the two had nothing but praise for each other. earlier i talked politics with cnn contributor granderson and anna navarre ra. senior writer at espn and anna a republican strategist. the president is scheduled to make a speech this week on immigration retprpl. and paul ryan says he thinks this one issue is where the two
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now back to politics. a senior writer at espn and anna, republican strategist. the president scheduled to make a speech this week on immigration reform. and republican congressman paul ryan said this is the one issue where the two parties can make a deal. >> i think there are republicans and democrats, many of us are talking to each other, that can come together with a good solution to make sure this problem is fixed once and for all. and i think the rubio principals do a good job of adhering to the founding principals, respecting the rule of law and those who came here for a better like.
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>> anna? >> listen, i think it's been played strategically in a brilliant manner. marco rubio, part of this gang of six in the senate, mccain, graham, and menendez, schumer. they've been working on this from day one after the election. i think they're ready to come out with something. i think you're going to see that marco rubio has laid a lot of the groundwork by selling these principals. he's gotten great endorsement and support from some of the most right winged pundits and influence makers. he has maneuverability for this idea. now it's time to act upon it and grow it from there. it is basically the only thing happening where there is a bipartisan movement in both chambers and both sides of the aisle. >> the election has been a long time ago. i've been hearing this about the gang of six. why wait?
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why are they waiting on the president? >> because timing is everything. but you know what, don, if i were you i wouldn't put money on them waiting on the president. the president is going to speak on tuesday. i wouldn't be surprised if these senators, who know how to play the political game and will defend their bipartisan process, i wouldn't be surprised if they preempt the process. maybe do it tomorrow. maybe do it before the president does it on tuesday. i wouldn't be -- these are not folks that wait on the president. these folks act. >> so you think they may come out on monday? do you know something we don't? okay. >> i know a lot of things. >> okay. we'll see. maybe ana does. do they need a deal showing in their november elections? >> first of all, i want to touch on the history that my friend ana has done. the president already spoke on this. three years ago in 2010.
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we voted on the dream act. he had mostly republicans and five democrats who decided not to vote in support of the dream act. this is not as if the president has not been working 0. he gave us his outline in 2010. as far as republicans new found religion, this is not new props. he was a co-author of the dream act. it was all about politics. i will agree with ana, timing 1 everything. after they got their butt kicked they want to follow through. it has been a pawn in the big political gain. this is with what it means to be an american. you're part of the game. >> okay. speaking of the gop, i want you to listen to bobby jindal. >> we must not be the party that protects the well off so they can keep their toys. we just reject identity politics. we have to stop being the stupid
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party. i'm serious. it's time for a new republican party that talks likes adults. >> he's not the only one giving that sentiment. paul ryan gave a similar one on "meet the press". is this what your part needs, tough love? >> yes. we need to not sugar coat itment we need to learn the lessons. i think paul ryan is right. i was at the republican retreat of the house members. i'll tell you, we heard a lot of this. there is an acknowledgment within the republican party we have to reboot. look, the best part that happened out of this election is that we learned that you can't just do it with white men. attracting latinos, attracting women is not an option. and i think that's why this immigration thing, that's why the election has been such a game changer.
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it is a great opportunity to rebuild some bridges. >> thanks, lz and to ana. leon pan net ta lifted a ban on women in combat units. i spoke with two people with very different opinions about that. first i asked elaine why she was against the latest move by the pentagon. >> the tip of the spear infantry battalions, the ones that attack the enemy, they are men for good reason. now, everyone is insisting and assuming the standards will be the same. they will be equal. but they won't be the same. because general dempsey said, well, if the standard is too high and the women can't meet it, we'll ask should it be so high. that's when the pressure to
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lower the standards will continue. he asked for a critical mass of women. that will further lower the standards so we can have more women in that unit. and we have a diversity commission that says we're supposed to have diversity metrics, another name for quotas. the military is not there just for equal opportunity. it's there to defend the country and to carry out the missions asked of them. >> okay. one shouldn't assume every woman would be for this new policy. of course most men would be against it. mikey, you're all for this. tell me about your experience in the military serving alongside women and why you're for it. >> don, i am. i think this is a very sensible, pragmatic decision taken by the pentagon. i think it's perhaps a little bit overdue. served as a helicopter pilot.
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i was in macedonia, iraq three times, afghanistan three times. kosovo. i worked closely with women. i commanded women in very key roles on key operations, successful operations. all the evidence leads me to believe quite comfortably that the decision the pentagon made is a very goodwin. and i would just like to start of pick up on elaine's point on the role of the eup tpapbltry. she's right in saying aspects of the infantry is indeed to hunt and kill the enemy. but i would also say the 21st century warfare has changed. in recent experience in iraq and afghanistan has been about counter insurgency. it's about winning hearts and phaoepbdz. a big role now is liaisoning with the locals. they don't just comprise of men. they comprise of women, of little girls. and i think the dynamic that a
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woman brings, liaising with the population is key and vital. >> what about women who say they are perfectly qualified to serve alongside men on the front lines? >> 30 years of studies and reports that have been done indicate when physical capabilities matter, and they do, in the direct combat units that we're talking about now, women do not have an equal opportunity to survive or to help fellow soldiers survive. >> when it comes to endurance there was a japanese lady that made it to the top of everest. i think women professional athletes are operating at levels which most men would dream of. women are sailing around the world she low. they have been serving for many, many years. having to pick soldiers that have lost up to four limbs at times daily in the back of a medevac helicopter coming from
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the battle field. >> that's the issue. >> let's be honest about this. no one is being sexist here. as a man who grew up in a family of all women and single mother for a long time, women for the most part are not physically as strong as men. when you're on the battlefield you want someone as strong as you or stronger to help you out of a foxhole. that is just simple physics, simple reality. >> forgive me. my last piece is i don't think anyone is talking about compromising the standards that would affect the fighting ability of any infantry unit. they're talking about testing and adjusting. >> adjusting tests. >> if women pass the required levels that allow them to join infantry unit they should be given that opportunity. >> in implementing this monument al policy change will take some
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time. the military begins what is called an assessment phase. they will examine all the units that don't accept women and come up with a timeline for integration. every three months service leaders will check in on their progress. if it's found women are not suited an khefpl shun may be shot. but these women have been side by side with men fighting on the ground for more than a decade. >> you're going out to the villain of sana. >> thank you. >> we have intel that there's possibly three to five fighters out in the village. you're going to be going out with osi to do a source meat with ahmed. be aware they are possible armed with small arms. >> this is tech sergeant andrea jefferson's worth might mayor, patrolling a remote area of
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afghanistan. taking on enemy fire and a comrade goes down. >> he's bleeding right here. hold pressure on his wound. >> as an air force medic, jefferson has been training for this moment for months. >> get him on the vehicle. get him out of here. >> within minutes he is bandaged up and moved out of harm's way. this is in afghanistan, but it soon will be. they're at moody air force base in south georgia. >> move! >> but in a matter of weeks they'll be on the front lines of battle in afghanistan. and they're ready. >> i felt like the warrior medic i have seen in the movies. >> when her squadron is called out, she will fight among the men. >> we do everything the men do. sometimes were much better.
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>> they're members of the b.a.s.e. defense group, from air assault to grouped combat, the group does it all. and that includes the women. they're medics, they're integrity officers, police officers. >> unlike the rest of the air force, we get to go outside the line. >> we have almost 730 individuals assigned to our team. 99 of which are women. each and every one of our mission sets across the group are open to every individual that we have assigned here. regardless of gender, regardless of race. >> until this week this opportunity was allowed only for the air force. but with secretary of defense leon panetta lifting the ban that kept women from sevening in front line positions all military women will be there fighting side by side with men.
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we have four different air force combat action medal recipients, three purple heart recipients and four of our ladies have been entered into the waouped warrior program. across the board, they all perform superbly. >> it's amazing what you can do when the adrenalin is pumping. you teurpb into super woman. half past the hour. let's get you caught up on the headlines right now. officials in brazil still not ready to definitely say pyrotechnics caused a nightclub fire that killed 233 people. witnesses say the club was packed to twice legal capacity. victims were tracked inside or trampled by the crowd. dozens of people killed in riots this weekend in egypt. these are protesters fighting
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with police northeast of cairo. they announced death sentences for people involved in last year's violent soccer stadium riots. president mohamed morsi set a 30-day curfew and threatened to use increased military force. actors got to honor each other at the scene actors guild awards. jennifer lawrence won in her work for "silver linings playbook". daniel day lieu pweus for his presidential role in "lincoln." more winners from tonight's s.a.g. awards in just a few minutes here on cnn. president barack obama is weighing in on the links between football and potential for brain damage. mr. obama, who is on record as a big chicago bears fan tells a new republic if he had a son he would have to think long and hard before i would let him play
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football. he's especially concerned about college football players who aren't getting paid for the risks they take. scientists don't really know how we get the flu. but something called the flu machine could help us figure it out. we'll show it to you. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®.
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lab, especially if they are sneezing. doctors researching a new theory on how we get the flu. as emily smith reports, there's a sneeze tube. >> people go to sufficient lengths to avoid getting the flu. when university of maryland freshman dominic long heard about a campus flu study. >> this is going in your nose, dominic had a feeling he fit the bill. >> i woke up at 8:00. every time i swallowed i felt like i was getting punched in the stomach. yesterday i slept for probably 18 hours. >> he tested positive for type a influenza. which qualified him for a study on how anyone gets the flu in the first place. >> that's what research discovery is about. and being a detective.
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>> professor don milton said scientists don't know exactly how the flu is transmitted. one theory it may not be spread through direct or indirect contact. instead by tiny viruses. one-one thousandingth of the human air in the air. >> it would be much simpler if it was not transmitted. but i think aerosols will play an important role in flu transmission. >> that's where this machine comes into play. it inches how much the flu virus spreads air borne. >> he has local exhaust ventilation collecting all of his breath. >> this lab is hoping to more clearly decide simple solutions. >> things like having uv lights to sterilize the air. to have more ventilation.
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to have local exhaust ventilation to control what people are breathing. >> the centers for disease control and prevention say disinfecting is one way to avoid the flu. he agrees with that for the things we touch but science still needs more answer on what to do with the air we breathe. the gun debate hasn't moved congress to act yet. it has fired up some people. packed crowds at gun shows. hear what's bringing them out next. riasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers,
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nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel.
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thousands of gun control advocates marched on the national mall this weekend. some held up the names of victims of gun violence. survivors of mass shootings were also there. they want universal background checks. some say they felt compelled to march after recent high profile tragedies. >> newtown just tore my heart out. i honestly didn't feel this emotional since 9/11. the more talk of gun control the more sales for gun dealers. that seems a case when you look at the crowds at recent gun
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shows. catherine visited one venue in georgia where sales were high along with the prices as well. catherine? >> gun shows are packed across the country, including this one here in georgia. we're seeing people buying their very first firearm. gun owners are here to purchase additional firearms and ammunition. lines literally wrapped around the building as the debate over gun control laws motivated all types of people to check out the show. inside we found judy kemper. why do you think there's so many people here today? >> gun laws trying to be passed through. i think people are trying to get them before they ban them or outlaw them. >> the rush to buy is driving up prices and making ammunition and some weapons difficult to find. semiautomatic rifles are a popular item. >> stuff goes quick. >> the gun owner says he comes up to stock up on what he's
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unable to find in stores now but isn't thrilled with the prices. >> what do you use your guns for? target process. >> target practice, self-defense, hunting. 10 years ago i could buy 1,000 rounds for $100. now it's nearly 50 cents a round. that would push you $600. gold hasn't gone up that much in price. >> it includes people who have never been to a gun show. >> we get lots of first-time gun buyers. they want to defend themselves. they're not interesting in stockpiling. they want one gun, a box of ammo to defend themselves. >> for those who didn't want to buy a weapon, there were a litany of others to take home, very much like a county fair. the licensed vendors were conducting background checks. and private sales were taking place between individuals which do not require a background
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check. that was a concern for some of the vendors with a federal firearms license. >> if you have a licensed ffl you have to do a background check. with he get your i.d. and call you in. if you're a felon or crazy, you don't get a gun. in the state of georgia, they need -- everybody needs to do a background check. >> the gun vendors are telling us the one thing all of this debate has been is good for business. don? >> catherine, thank you very much. it will probably be the biggest, most watched tv event of the year. no, not snooki's baby being born. i'm talking about the super bowl. they're already prepping in new orleans. and we've got the latest for you next.
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very familiar with each other's coaching staff. >> yeah. >> it's to have some impact. >> there's a great story. when they were kids their father jack had a draw a line down the room to separate the two. it didn't work. if we're lucky on sunday, these two guys could be going at each other wrestling at the auto yard line. >> anything you will be watching to determine the winner? >> well, let's go with this. there have been 46 super bowls. the quarterback has been the mvp 24 times. start with the quarterbacks. kaepernick for san francisco. joe flacco for baltimore. they have had great post seasons. so whoever looks like that guy early likely will be that guy at the end with his fingerprints on the lombardi trophy. >> okay. interesting. let's turn for a minute to baltimore to linebacker ray lewis. he is playing his last game and
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getting a tremendous outpouring of respect. is everyone forgetting about when he was involved in a fight that left two people dead? are they putting it aside? >> they probably are. i hate his dance. it's horrible. but i like ray lewis. >> what happened to i hate the dance. >> i'm not getting into that. he is liked by his peers, except maybe quarterbacks. i did an interview. very sincere, inspirational. he told me before he announced his retirement, he wants to spend the rest of his life telling young people his mistakes. >> do you think he's a changed man? >> i'm convinced he is a changed man from what happened 13 years ago. >> all right. are you ready to pick a winner? >> i will pick a winner.
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46 super bowls. i have covered literally half of them. i will be in new orleans this weekend. the thing i have discovered is magic teams do not win in the nfl. the best team always wins. baltimore is the magic team. the best team, san francisco. san francisco will win. >> san francisco is going to win? >> san francisco is going to win. >> i thought you said baltimore is the magic team. >> magic teams don't win. >> i read you wrong. i thought you said do win. >> the nfl, baltimore, art modell died. ray lewis this last year. offensive coordinators were changed mid season. they're a magic team. san francisco has everything else. that's why they're going to win the game. >> want to put a little wager on it. >> you're from new orleans. >> not new orleans here. we can't do a -- we have to do
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it here. do some taco mac wings. >> for sure. thank you, terrence moore. appreciate it. wings are about five bucks. >> the big game next sunday. players were strictly business. they have won five super bowls in their history. ravens will arrive tomorrow. psy may not be a half-time show at the super bowl. there you go. but you will be seeing him during the game. yep. he's fishily hit the big time now. psy will have his own super bowl ad for wonderful pistachios. here's one of the guys responsible fort multimillion dollar add. >> he was really professional, an amazing performer. he really turned it on. as soon as we started shooting
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the commercial and delivered a try psy performance. he got along really well with our grammy award-winning director matthew culen. they collaborated and created a wonderful commercial. we use folks from bart simpson, manny pacquiao, to the globetrotters to open up pistachios. you can imagine psy with all his great moves, he will open them as only psy can. we're pleased to share them with the viewers on super bowl sunday. >> all week long, the runup to the big game. next saturday, cnn live in new orleans with our take on the biggest sporting event in the country. how it became a cultural phenomenon. next saturday afternoon at 4:00
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eastern. the stars, the glitz, the glamour, the winners and the losers. we'll sift through the results of the s.a.g. awards next. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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own. "argo" won outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture. bryan cranston got his very first s.a.g. award for a drug kingping in "breaking bad." anne hathoway in a supporting film role for less miss. tina fey one in a comedy series for her final season as the wacky liz lemon in "30 rock". i like her last name. modern family in a comedy series. it is a black history story you probably haven't heard before. 150 years ago this weekend in 1863, the first ridge meant of freed slaves found themselves in a first stand-up fight.
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union officers didn't even know if these soldiers would fight. and if they did, could they win. the battle of the 100 pines. >> good morning, gentlemen. >> in january, 1863, while the men of the famous 54th portrayed in the movie "glory" were still training, another ridge meant of black soldiers was already in its first battle. >> this area would probably be the site of the battle of hundred pines. >> not the most famous fight but maybe one of the most important of the civil war. >> yes, there were other bigger and more well-known battles. but that engagement up to st. mary's was their battle to prove themselves. and to open the door for 180,000 african-americans to join the union army. >> in may 1862, union general
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hunter ordered all the slaves in georgia, south carolina, and florida were free. he quickly formed his own ridge meant of free. aoe phapbs phaeugz proclamation means they could be identified. he was eager to test them on an expedition to florida. >> here we are at the fort clinch where the first south carolina served. obviously arriving in january. they are immediately going to go on that mission. >> that one night, the night of the 26th of january in 1863, a confederate cavalry unit and the first south carolina a ridge meant of african decent clashed. it's known as the battle of
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hundred pines. they knew they had to win this fight. when the smoke cleared the first south carolina was still standing. and the cavalry unit was gone. >> only two soldiers, one from each side be died that night. but history had been made. >> never forget those men. and i'm teary about that. it's a sacrifice to other country they have laid down. not just to their country but to their race. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> very well said. >> a battlefield unmarked but remembered. think back 150 years ago. here is where the slaves that were brought from the coast of africa proved they were men. this is the area
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