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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  January 29, 2013 12:00pm-2:00pm EST

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families, yes, i look forward to that day when we can all go back. >> all right. i know you've got three boys. i'll be interested to watch your progress. western i had more time. >> me, too. have me back. >> we will. that's a guarantee. jennifer, live with us. like i said, out of time. "newsroom international" continues. welcome to "newsroom international." i'm suzanne malveaux. taking you around the world in 60 minutes. what's going on now. they found this guy covered in leeches with gangrene in both legs but found him. after teenager spends two months lost in the australian outback. amazing story of survival. they flirt with death on a daily basis. now an injured athlete is fighting for his life after this hard fall at the x games. and funerals, tears in brazil where victims of a deadly nightclub fire are already being buried. four people arrested including
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the leader of the band playing the night of the fire. president obama heading to vegas. he is betting on immigration reform. the president's going to highlight his proposals for overhauling immigration. in a speech three hours from now, it comes a day after the gang of eight, republican and democratic senators, outlined their plan. brianna keilar's got a preview of what we expect to hear from the president. >> reporter: in 2011 president obama went to the border town of el paso to press for comprehensive immigration reform. >> out of many, one. we define ourselves as a nation of immigrants. >> reporter: that went nowhere. now, in a second term, the president is trying it again, heading to las vegas today to push for border security, a verification system for employers to ensure they hire documented workers, with pun,ment if they don't and the most significant and controversial part of the president's plan, a pathway to
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citizenship for undocumented immigrants. it includes registering with the government, undergoing background checks, paying taxes and a penalty, and learning english. a solution eluded past presidents including george w. bush. >> lal immigration is one of the top concerns of the american people. congress' fail ture to act is a disappointment. >> reporter: obama did announce hess administration would stop deporting some young undocumented immigrant but was taken to task at a town hall for not doing something bigger. >> you promised that. a promise is a promise. with all due respect -- >> what i promised was that i would work every single day as hard as i can to make sure that everybody in this country, regardless of who they are, what they look like, where they come from they'd have a fair shot at american dream. >> reporter: still, hispanic
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americans, the fastest growing voter bloc, helped propel obama to a second term. a wake-up call for republicans. >> i do know there are a lot of democrats in congress who once and for all want to solve this problem, fix this mess, a broken immigration system, and many of always degree with that. >> want to bring in brianna keilar from the white house. first of all, president bush, was frustrated in covering the president, he tried so hard within his own party and it was rejected for pushing form immigration reform, particularly gain citizenship for those illegal in the country. the president obama made that promise. he was held accountable for the promise. is this something that he's table able to deliver second term? >> reporter: it's hard to tell. but i think obviously there appears to be at least initially this sense from democrats and republicans that something needs to be done. so that is the positive. that's obviously very broad, as you know. we always say the devil's in the details. when you talk about president
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bush -- and you know this having covered it -- that went down because of conservatives in his party who said that his plan was tantamount to amnesty for undocumented immigrants. it's the hottest button issue in the debate what do you do for or with undocumented immigrants, millions currently in the country? it's fair to say when looking at what the president is proposing, that may be to the left of what republicans want. so it's trying to federal government out what the swoet spot is. even if there is one, and that's still to be determined. >> also, let's talk about the strategy here because on the one hand you have senators trying to push for it through legislation. you've got the president who can do things through executive order. which is more likely, do you think, to succeed? >> reporter: i think the expectation to do something comprehensive here. it's going to take legislation. that is the expectation. the president has used his executive power to do some things. for instance, when he said that his administration temporarily
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this was a recent decision, several months ago, that they would stop concentrating on deporting young americans who are here illegally but really done have any other home other than the u.s. they were brought here illegally by their parents that was a small chunk that his administration could do. but in terms of 2011, when he was saying this is what i want for my big comprehensive immigration plan, it was seen, suzanne, as really more of a political statement ahead of the election, not even really a genuine push, because the fact was in order to do that, it really does take the cooperation of congress. and in this case, as you see, democrats and republicans banding together. they really want to have some ownership of this. and he they don't -- republicans don't want to be told by the white house what they should do. >> i want to bring in elizabeth espinoza to weigh in on this. good to see you again here. first of all, you've got more republicans -- >> good to see you. >> -- who are supporting
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immigration reform. clearly after their defeat in the presidential race. this effort, if you will, to recruit latino voters. do you think there will be more latinos who will give the republican party a second look if they help pass immigration reform? >> absolutely. and again, i think that's a really important point because latinos come in so many different sizes, colors, generations. what i mean by that, there are those of us who are born here and immigration, it's -- we have a different take on it. so either way the republican party, obviously, saw what happened with the election last year. and it is certainly the american dream. and also important to raise that everybody comes here for a better life, right? and so the reason -- i think it's just for the republican party, anyway -- it's certainly something that they are paying attention to and they have, of
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course, in marco rubio, a congressman who understands, as a cuban-american, the need to appeal to that group of voters that is growing is very important. and again, we talk about national security. we're talking about more than 11 million undocumented people. so if we really want public safety, we also need to know where these people are working, where they live, and we also have to incorporate them into a legal society because they're taxpayers, buying products, going to the grocery store. >> let me ask you this. there are requirements for those illegal in the country to gain citizenship, and quite frankly, for criteria, background check, registering, paying taxes, a penalty, and learning english. is this punive or is this fair? >> it's very extensive. i will say this, i think that a lot of people say that -- you're going to have a lot of different takes just from the lit that we
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know so far. president obama's going to give more details about the plan and we'll hear more from senators. i think that what folks at least here in los angeles will say to you is that generally there is this cautious optimism and they hope that the plan is as all encompassing as possible. that's the hope. but we certainly know that the criteria's quite strict and there are going to be different speeds, if you will, for who will qualify. somebody who comes here that was a doctor back home as opposed to someone who works in field here. very, very interesting to see how quickly we truly could legalize the more than 11 million people, because not everybody has a college degree. >> right. >> right. elizabeth, thank you so much. appreciate it. brianna, as well. new push for immigration reform welcome news to members of folks living in the shadows. there are about 11 million
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undocumented immigrants here in the united states. but some supporters of immigration reform say that giving them a path to citizenship is not necessarily the right answer. jack martin, special projects director for f.a.r.e., federation for american regulation reform. it's a controversial issue. it's very passionate. we heard elizabeth talk about even within latino community, there are some folks who think this does not go far enough. do you think there are enough guidelines in place, requirements in place, that make this fair for those who are illegal but who want to work in this country and essentially have families here? >> well i have friends in the latino community that think that it goes much too far, what's being proposed because of the fact that they came into the country legally, they think that the respect for american law is important and that people coming into the country illegally
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compete against their kids and their relatives for jobs. and now that we have, you know, 7 million, 8 million unemployed in the united states, it's important for them to see efforts to try to put a stop to illegal immigration and, if possible, to reverse it. >> why do you personally care? >> that's the background in which we have to really consider this overall debate. >> what do you personally care? what does this impact you? >> you know, we look at this whole issue very long range in terms of future generations and what the great growing income and equality in the united states is, what the demands of our population on scarce resources are. we're looking at several generations rather than just today's moment. >> clearly, millions of folks who are undocumented in this
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country, already living here, already working here. they have families here. do you have an alternative to allowing them to be productive citizens in? would you be one of those people who say they should go back? >> basically, people come here illegally looking for jobs. and we have to do a much better job not just controlling the border but controlling the jobs so that there's no incentive to come to the united states illegally, if you know that you can get a job once you're here. for those that are already here, a process of making sure that employers are only hiring legal workers are going to create a situation in which it's going to be very difficult for people who are already here illegally to fine a job when their employer goes out of business or they get laid off. at that point, i think that they are going to be considering the opportunity returning to their own country and looking for jobs there. >> all right. >> not all people who come into the country illegally came here
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because they didn't have jobs. they simply were looking for better jobs. >> jack martin, thank you. appreciate your time and perspective as well. want to move on. senator john kerry, one step closer to becoming secretary of state. committee voted a couple hours ago in favor of his nomination. now the process moves to the full senate. senators are expected to move quickly to confirm him. we're looking for the vote that is going to happen this afternoon. when confirmed, senator kerry will replace hillary clinton, who is tipping down after serving throughout president obama's first administration. this afternoon, during 5:00 eastern hour of "the situation room," before hillary clinton is stepping down as secretary of state, her exit interview takes place here on cnn. see it first today at 5:00 eastern. mississippi river, they are still trying to clean up that oil spill. two barges filled with oil struck a bridge near vicksburg early sunday morning. the tank holding 80,000 gallons
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of oil and one of the barges started leaking after the collision. the gulf strike team is helping out with the cleanup but the job could get harder because the dangerous weather leaded through the mississippi valley. want to bring in chad meyers looking at this line of thunderstorms moving into the deep south. that's going to happen, what, this afternoon? >> yes, it is. right now these storms are moving at 75 miles per hour. so the significance here is you may not have time to get out of the way unless you already have a plan. and tornado watch means you should have a plan going on right now. there's very cold air to the west. there's very warm air. a summer or springlike storm, because the air around it is springlike. lots of lightning. red boxes here from missouri back down even into dallas, texas, with tornado watches. it doesn't mean anything's on the ground right now. but conditions are right that something could come down out of
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the sky later on today. we have one tornado warning and this is missouri. and these storms are just traveling so very quickly that, as it comes out of maybe arkansas into missouri, and the like up there across those borders, these things, warnings are going to be quick. warnings may be 15, 20 minutes today. we have the kind of rotation that we have right now across here, osceola, to the south of there, collins, you need to be out of the way of these things quickly. there are many apps to get now. technology has changed so amazingly over the past couple of years. you can get ipad apps you can get apps for almost smartphone, knows where you are, will warn you as you're looking right at it. you can see where the tornado is on your iphone. the standby's here, noaa weather radio. if you don't have one, buy one. it's a night to remember, too. dangerous thing we have to worry is some of the tornadoes when they happen at night you don't
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get warning. you might be asleep but the noaa weather radios will wake you up. >> got my radio and app here. what we're working on for "newsroom international." flooding down under has created a weird by-product. check that out. an ocean of foam. we'll take you for a swim in this stuff. how much would you pay to eat dirt? that is right. the japanese are shelling out the cash for a hip, new delhi ka si. and later, hope you're not afraid of heights. we are about to take in the view from the tallest building in the world. epp;o/ñ0/pt
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then you're going to love this. right now they're only $14.95! wow-a grt deal just got a whole lot better. hurry. $14.95 won't last. a mystery in australia has been solved. imagine a loved one goes missing and all of the seasons point to the very worst. there's no bank card activity. no cell phone usage. there is nothing. that's what one family near sydney had been dealing with since november. 18-year-old matthew allen feared dead turned up in the wild not far from his home.
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michael holmes is joining us to talk about this story. it's incredible. how long was he missing? >> nine weeks in the bush. >> close to his house. >> yeah. he was about 400 yards from his house. about 200 yards from the closest house but in an area of dense bushland, the woods as you say in the u.s. sounds like what's happened he's had a bit of camping equipment with him but not much. and he, according to friends and family running away from life. he did this deliberate. he might have gotten lost once out there but he went out there deliberately. nine weeks. there was some creek water that he was drinking and that's. had a little bit of food. >> what happened to him? dealing with 113-degree weather. they thought he died a long time ago. >> cops went out, big search around the area, couldn't find anything. they had to call off the search
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eventually. people thought he was dead. bush walkers were out there the other day and came across this disorient tated young man, called in the authorities and got him. he was in bad shape, lost half of his body weight. >> half of his body weight. >> 80 pounds. >> he was lost, dehydrated, didn't know how to get back home or how to get out of the bush? >> they have yet to get the full story. from the lit that they found out, he did go out deliberately, could not get back. nine week. you can go three weeks without food. he was out there for nine weeks. took some food with him. he was covered in leeches and bites. he lost half of his body weight, 85 pounds out there. he's in hospital now. he had a leg injury, he's in hospital now being evaluated. >> he's going to make it. >> he's going to make it. what a story. >> a hot mess out there. you've got other stories as
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welcoming out of australia. another dramatic rescue. talking about all of this water again. talking about this yesterday. massive flooding. >> this is graphton, new south wales and the guy got caught on the jetty. he had physically pull him back. all sorts of rescues going on. as with the bad weather flooding continues. >> we've got other video. this is extraordinary. this is looks amazing. look at this. >> sea foam. >> sea foam. >> how does that happen? >> churning up of the waters, all related to the storm that caused the flood. it mixes in with nutrients in the ocean and basically becomes like a washing machine and churns in on itself. and the nutrients become -- it's not nice. don't swim in it, kids. it isn't very nice. it smells too. i've seen this before. >> look like so much fun. 7 news has a big story. we'll roll the story.
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see what they have to say about all of this. >> it looks like they're playing in giant bubble bath but this is sea foam, full of air, whipping its way on the oxley beach. for those who took the plunge, not necessarily pleasant. >> has a disgusting, putrid smell. >> reporter: repeat on the coast yesterday where a car emerged from nowhere. here dirty water from the swollen hastings river turned today's wild ocean a filthy shade of brown. it's churned up into foam and washed ashore. but not everybody's happy about it. >> our beaches are ruined. >> reporter: you want your beach back? >> yes. yes, i do. >> reporter: the churning ocean looks like a washing machine, and this the soap. further out the strong winds are causing rough seas making for dangerous conditions.
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beaches right along the state's coast today were closed. conditions were way too dangerous. new castle called rough conditions, too, as waves swept across. the hunter was hit by driving rain and strong winds but not as bad as those forecast. >> the bureau forecasts have been scary sometimes. >> reporter: the winds fell trees on some bourbon homes but most of the region escaped major damage. central coast, huge waves creating a family spectacle of a different kind. none quite as much fun as further north. >> the rumor is, she's expecting. what happen pregnancy could mean for the wife of one of the most hated men in the world. omnipotent of opportunity. you know how to mix business... with business. and from national.
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back to the news.
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not the kind of news you expect from a president who is accused of killing his own people by tens of thousand over the past two years. but the civil war raging in syria, the first family there might be expecting a baby. at least that's the rumor.
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president al assad reportedly told a newspaper that his 37-year-old wife is pregnant and this comes a day when we are learning yet about another tragedy. want to bring in hala gorani. it's all of the buzz in syria. first of all, where is it coming from? >> you mentioned, one thing i want to get in before we talk about this pregnancy rumor, is this massacre of 65 apparently people in aleppo. why do i want to bring it up? even by the standards of the syrian civil war this is not something i've seen a lot of. video shows young men, 20s, 30s, some of them look like teenagers, all shot in the head execution style, lined up, 65 of them, 65 to 69, based on the count of the individual shooting that amateur video, along the banks of a river in aleppo. >> do we know who he's people are? is this the rebels, opposition? families? >> we don't know. it seems as though these are
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anti-government individuals, whether they're fighters or not is another question. but this, as i said, is shocking because we haven't seen anything like this. just execution style hands bound, we've blurred it obviously because it's very troubling and disturbing. as you mentioned, this is coming sort of in the same period as we're hearing rumors. >> that's kind of weird, right? on one hand you have this awful -- these atrocities happening and other hand life is normal, just going about their own business, having another child. >> it is one of those, are you serious reactions when you read the reports that possibly al assad is expecting her fourth child. let me tell you where this came from. now, al akbar is a middle eastern newspaper in lebanon that is said to be close to the regime of bashar al assad. they carried an interview with the vice president, for instance. they are quoting arab visitors to the presidential palace as
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having said that she's pregnant. she's 37. the rumor that's been circulating because a lot of this is about rumors she's been pregnant since june which means she's due next month. >> tell us about her. she's been in the media for quite some time and missing since june, right? there was controversy. >> since january of 2012 we haven't seen her in public. >> controversy over the fact she went on a big shopping spree during the mass killings that occurred. do people care what she's doing? the fact they're having a family in the midst of the madness? >> people in serious are concerned with survival, trying to get through this awful time. she's 37 years old. you might remember that she married al assad in 2000 or 2001. the couple was seen not just by syrians but westerners the new syria, the western educated sort of young couple in their 30s. when the crackdown began, of
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course, that all changed. we'll see. we'll know perhaps in the next few months if she is pregnant and if she does give birth. >> all right. hala, thank you. appreciate it. if you ask the country's defense minister, we could be about to witness the collapse of democracy in egypt. protests continue to rock the streets of moking wh ha. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening.
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after overthrowing president mubarak two years ago, many egyptians thought they would have a better life. but there is was the scene in cairo today. small groups of young demonstrators throwing rocks at riot police who in turn responded with tear gas. political divisions, protests, trug strugling economy threaten its future. people are protesting morsi's declaration of a state of
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emergency and curfew in three provinces. now you can virtually explore one of the most secretive countries in the world thanks to google. detailed maps of north korea. now for the first time. talking about everything from its nuclear facilities to prison labor camps, monuments, and just regular streets. chad meyers here to map it all out for us. that's incredible. think about north korea, i mean it was just blank. the rest of the world you could see, north korea for years blank. >> let me tell you how this happened. citizen cartogrophers went to draw it in. they drew lines, maps, roads and drew locations and now you can, for the first time ever, go to google map -- not talking about -- not earth -- but the map and see where the roads are.
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you can see how to get places in north korea. this was unheard of it. was a blank spot for a long time. north of the dmz, there was nothing there. there was no there there. >> a road map. >> finally there's there there. any reaction from the north korean government? i imagine they're not pleased with this. >> there are only a handful of the elitist people that get the internet. this is not a widespread controversial. now they know -- there were always roads, we could see them on satellite. the soccer stadiums are there. nuclear facilities are located there, where before we had no idea where anything was. >> does this have anything to do with the recent trip, schmitt with bill richardson, taken on a tour, the state department
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wasn't thrilled but the fact they were used for propaganda purposes? any link to the timing of that? something that happened they coordinated? >> there's never a bad thing when people talk. something can get resolved. some things can happen for the good when people talk to each other. sit down and have a decent conversation. nobody's explaining that happened or didn't happen and no one's saying anything this is why point a to point b and now we have point c, nobody's drawing that line. >> amazing. wonder if there are blank spots you can see, google doesn't cover. >> there are some. >> still? >> even when you look at the map and the logs and some of the roads are still old. it takes a while. but if you take -- look at 3-d buildings on google earth, go to 3-d, show the city of new york city, how -- you can almost see the bricks on the building of the skyscrapers. you go farther, just toward the
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delaware water gap and don't see much at all. >> it's almost like a brave, new world. i don't know if i'm happy about this or not. great information out of north korea. it is really quite an amazing story. he lost his arm serving his country. now doctors are giving him a new lease on life. before copd... i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function
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mourners took to the streets of santa maria, brazil, in remembrance of the 231 people killed in sunday's fire at kiss nightclub. white ballooned released, each representing a life lost. but the mourning turned into outrage as marchers demanded justice for the victims. police say they have arrested four people in connection with that fire. we're taking a look at what is trending out of hong kong now. remember this story from a few
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months back. a billionaire chinese real estate developer offering $65 million dowry for any man who can woo his lesbian daughter. he's offering a moderately deluxe life. the 33-year-old daughter might be harder to convince. she's just wed her partner, a woman in france. an american soldier lost all of his limbs in iraq now has a new lease on life. the first service member to receive a double arm transplant. he appeared at a news conference at johns hopkins hospital in baltimore this past hour. doctors used a new procedure they hope will prevent his bod body from rejecting his new limbs. >> i can pretty much move my elbow, my elbow, the one i had before. i can rotate a little bit.
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this arm is not much movement at all, not yet, at least. hopefully -- we're hopeful for the future to get some pretty good function out of both of them. >> love that smile. he's only one of only seven people in the united states who have undergone successful double arm transplants. next hour, we'll take a look at how the surgery works and why it is such a breakthrough. baseball stars, heroes to countless little leaguers, now facing accusations of doping. plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more... [ midwestern/chicago accent ] cheddar! yeah! 50 percent more [yodeling] yodel-ay-ee-oo. 50% more flash. [ southern accent ] 50 percent more taters. that's where tots come from. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. 50% more spy stuff. what's in your wallet? this car is too small.
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report by the miami newspaper news times claims that a clinic in miami sold performance enhancing drugs here to several major league baseball players. want to bring in richard roth to talk about this. what does this report say, first of all, and how big are these names? i understand we've lost richard. we'll try to get him after a break. important story developing. richard roth out of new york. we're going to move on here. apple now has -- i'm -- we'll get to apple story as well. we'll go to a quick break. abby needs everything to throw a big party for the big game.
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believe we have richard roth back. he is covering a report. this is by a miami newspaper "new times" that claims a clinic sold performance enhancing drugs to several major league baseball stars. how big is this? >> reporter: could potentially be very big. we've been down this road countless times when it comes to baseball, the national pastime, and performance enhancing drugs. acovereding to the three-month
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investigation, various athletes, baseball athletes, baseball stars, including new york yankee third baseman alex rodriguez named in records, turned over by former employees and customers of a new age anti-aging clinic, now shut down in the miami area. now major league baseball has responded officially to this article saying, quote, we are always extremely disappointed to learn of potential links between players and the use of performance enhancing substances. these developments, however, provide evidence of our competitive nature of our anti-drug efforts. we have been involved in the issues in south florida. it is also important to note that three of the players allegedly involved have already been disciplined under the joint drug program. those three players, not including anybody we've mentioned already, such as alex
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rodriguez, three players who have been suspended for drug use, not necessarily linked to this article. it's a big issue, of course, in baseball and in all of sports. baseball seems to get the focus. brief update. gio gonzalez, he is named in the report. he is already tweeted about the owner of this now-shuttered clinic, and this report. he said, quote, i've never used performance enhancing drugs of any kind and never will. never met or spoke with anthony bosch or used any substance. >> richard, we've seen this with lance armstrong and the fallout, it took years and years before he came clean. what do we anticipate is the fallout of this report? >> reporter: of course a big fallout is baseball's hall of fame where famed sluggers, big star were not voted on to the ballot. baseball has a huge image problem. it tried to get rid of the issue. it keeps coming back.
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rodriguez claimed he never used performance enhancing drugs after 2003. he's -- he will be hounded by. the yankees have him on the hook for a five-year contract with $114 million. it done go away. baseball is investigating. reason agreement between the players union and major league baseball to do bigger, more significant test on human growth hormones. i think the issue will stay around. >> any sense of world series, who won, who lost, whether it's going to make a difference if all of the record books get turned upside down because people were allegedly cheating? >> reporter: baseball's not going back to change records. the team that won, the san francisco giants, hit the fewest home runs in baseball. you're seeing turnaway from the famous phrase the chicks dig the long ball. baseball teams seem to be configuring squads to have
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singles, doubles, pitching and defense pop steroid era drew millions to the game, sammy sosa, mark mcguire. it's just going to have to play itself out. athletes always look it seems for the better competitive edge, sometimes illegally. no confirmation yet doubly on the article yet. still has to play out. >> let us know when you get the double confirmation. we will again go to you and get more information. could be a very big story that you're covering that's developing now. a fascinating story. if you think you're adventurous when it comes to testing taste buds we'll take you to japan. this is where dirt is on the menu at one restaurant. a customer paying big bucks to eat it. i gave birth to my daughter on may 18th,
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five days later, i had a massive heart attack. bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story.
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let's see what you got. rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear.
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hello. hello. oh! check it -- [ loud r&b on car radio ] i'm going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that's progressive. . a new french restaurant in tokyo offering up dishes with a very unusual ingredient, it is dirt. a full course of it from appetizer to dessert. cat, i thought you'd bring us a sample or something. >> i brought you a snack, hungry? >> nice, nice. i understand the first course is a potato starch and dirt soup served in a shot glass. tell us what -- what is going on, really? is it really dirt? >> first of all, i'm going to say walk to the vending machine and get stuff way creepier than
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that. but so i want to clarify what they're calling dirt here. they're not just walking out to the garden patch behind the restaurant and jamming stuff in their mouth. working with a company proto leaf making a clean dirt for them where they're getting -- you know those plant liners made out of coconut shells? that's a big part of it. mixes with coffee grounds and ecofriendly compost so it's not coming right from the earth it's made specifically for them but it's in every course of the menu. >> next course salad with dirt dressing followed by minerals of the sea, minerals of the land. for dessert, dirt ice cream, dirt gratin. why are they serving dirt? it's good stuff for you? >> chefs are doing in homage to a french chef who had a dish in 1970s where essentially he wanted to mimic dirt. so here's -- he does beautiful
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dishes that are basically like a field of flowers and he would get things like bread crumbs and dried olives and things to mimic dirt in this incredibly beautiful way. and there are a lot of chefs at places david kinch who in homage to him bringing in dirt to bring this feeling of freshness to their food. >> how does it taste? do people like it? >> here's my dirty secret. i haven't eaten it at a restaurant like that. i have a friend, people aren't going to fancy restaurants they are eating dirt as part of the culture to get certain minerals into their lives and never travels without a baggy of dirt in her purse so she let me try it. it was surprisingly good. >> tasty? >> i won't go so far as tasty. if you like really minerally wines you wouldn't mind it.
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there's weirder stuff in the vending machine over my shoulder. >> i can imagine. creepy, scary stuff in the machines. is it expensive, some of the dishes? >> yes. anywhere that is a restaurant serving -- i'm going to say most of what the restaurants are serving is not actual dirt, the a tribute, homage to dirt -- that particular dish something like $110 equivalent. none of your higher-end restaurants are going cheap on this one. you can go to the farmer's market not far from you in atlanta and buy what they're calling white georgia dirt which is, they say it's actually not for consumption, but a lot of people like to snack on it. nutrient throughout the day. >> kat, i can't tell you i'm going to do that. appreciate the suggestion. i'm going to pass on that one if you don't mind. fascinating story. appreciate it, kat. apple has a new ipod on the way. new device comes up with beefed up memory, price. of course it's going to have
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twice as much memory as the current version. target market for the new device is the working professionals and not so much the average consumer. hits the shelves next week. in poland, what do you do if you have some time in between classes? check it out. this is cool. i wish i could do this. snowball battle, this taking place at a technical university. it's a big one. students fighting using snowballs against a team they called the rest of the world. they played two rounds to capture the flag in battlefield domination. dubai, the tallest building in the world, remember tom cruise scaling the tower in "mission impossible" for. >> we have to go from the server room from outside. >> we? >> i'm on the computer. >> now you can have a similar bird's-eye view with just a click of a mouse.
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this image composed of 70 photographs. it can be zoomed, tilted, rotated to give you the feeling that you are sitting on the top of the tower. now you might be wondering, why is this view special? the elevators stop at the 160th floor. to get to the top you have to take a steep lad. er up another 156 feet. i'm suzanne malveaux. president obama on his way to las vegas. hoping odds are in his favor when it comes to immigration reform. the president is going to o outline and highlight his proposal for immigration. his plan includes a path to citizenship like the senate plan unveiled yesterday and under the president's proposal, undocumented immigrants would have to register with the government. also undergo background checks, pay taxes and a penalty, and learn english. want to bring in our senior latin american affairs editor to
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talk about the reaction, specifically when it comes to mexicans. >> a lot of people waiting for a long time on this talking about mexican americans, everybody has somebody in their family touched by immigration. i want to talk to you about some of the numbers regarding immigration. for example, during the obama years, immigration authorities have reached record levels of what they call removals, detentions and deportations of immigrants. take a look at year 2012, 409,849 detentions just to put it in perspective. similar to deporting each and everyone in cities like omaha, nebraska, oakland, california. let me also talk about somebody that a lot of people don't really know much about, and the reality is that according to the pew hispanic center the net migration from mexico to the united states has reached zero.
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between 200 aand 2010, 1.4 million immigrants arrived but 1.4 million or more left which again, talks about the fact that net migration from mexico to the united states is zero. what i would like to do now, suzanne, is play some sound from a couple of very young immigrant whose were brought to this country when they were very young and are hoping for a final solution to the problem of immigration in this country. let's take a listen. >> i didn't have a choice to come here. but i have done nothing bad here. >> reporter: sisters were toddlers when they were brought to the country by their parents. >> i went to school here. i grew up here. i don't -- my whole life is here. i would consider myself i u.s. citizen, but i'm not. >> finally, one fact that a lot of people don't know about, and it's this. it used to than most immigrants were hispanics. take a look at this graphic. it's people from asia coming to the united states, vast majority
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of immigrants 36% compared to 19%. let's take a look at what was the situation a decade ago back in 2010. numbers were much different. only 19% asians. 59% hispanic. a lot has changed in the last ten years. and that's probably the reason why you see this new willingness both in congress and the president to tackle this issue. >> i know the obama administration has had really high number of those who they actually deported. does the community, mexican american community think they adequately address that, they're not going after folks to bring them back to mexico? there there was a lot of people who were complaining to the administration because the president said, i'm going to solve the immigration problem once and for all. and the reality is that about 1.6 million people were deported from the country. but reality is, on the other side of the aisle, the republican rhetoric didn't do a much better with talk about
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self-deportation and making life in the united states so miserable to immigrants that they would have no other choice but to leave the country. and that's probably the reason why president obama got more than 70% of the hispanic vote. >> thank you. appreciate it. of course the push for immigration reform is gaining momentum. but some of the critics say not so fast. want to bring in joe arpaio of maricopa county, arizona. good to see you. you and i had a chance to talk about border security and immigration back in february. got to visit your county as well. now it's a pretty dramatic landscape. it's dramatically different than when you and i spoke the last time. the president presenting his own immigration reform proposal and you have republicans and senators working side by side to push forward on something that is very comprehensive. in light of the 180-degree change from members of your own party on this issue, have you had a change of heart? >> well, you know, i'm still going enforce the laws.
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i took an oath of office, we're doing it, my office we're doing a great job. maybe that's why the justice department's taken me to court and obama's going after me. that's sad. here we have a recent election year, now all at once everybody's talking about enforcing these laws. they should have been doing it years ago. so it is a political situation. let's see what happens. i'm very amused at we must secure the border first before really we do anything. i was the director, regional director in mexico city, south america, texas, arizona, with the u.s. drug enforcement. we still haven't secured a border. throughout the years you will never secure the border 100%. so why do we keep saying secure the border first and then we'll do something about it? we should be enforcing the laws in the united states of america when they cross the border. it's very simple.
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>> you've lost some allies here. senator john mccain, he weighed in on this. obviously there's political realities to pushing for an immigration reform. here what happens he said about what's being put on the table. >> elections, elections. the republican party is losing the support of our hispanic citizens and we realize that there are many issues in which we think we are in agreement with our hispanic citizens. but this is a preeminent issue with those citizens. >> so, sheriff, i mean there is the political reality that the senator's talking about. do you acknowledge that you need to move on this issue if you are going to actually have a party that is viable when it comes to enough people supporting your agenda, including the hispanic community. >> well, you know, it's good to have these discussions by the snores and i presume the president. i don't know if they talk to
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each other. already have the game plan. but any plan is okay to try to resolve this situation. i think we should go to the latino community and talk to those that are here legally and try to get the message across to them and where's the fairness here? why do you want to give amnesty to those people that came across our border illegally? you've got people all over the united states waiting for years and years to come into our great country? i look at it as a fairness issue also, not just a diplomatic, you know, political, law enforcement issue. >> sheriff, is there any alternative either to the president's plan or to the senator's plan that you would propose, that you put forward? you are talking about 11 million people potentially illegal in the country. would you say they have to go back? what would you do as an alternative? >> well, fis of afirst of all i
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haven't made decisions on those already here. we should build up our guest worker program. this information that they keep putting out that we have to bring illegals in that are already here to cut -- to pick tomatoes and lettuce and everything else, we have an economic problem in our country. unemployment. are these people the politicians trying to say that we cannot have people in our own country to do these jobs? i think that's an insult to our country. pay them enough and they will do the job. we don't have to keep saying we must import poor people from mexico, or those already here, to pick lettuce. >> i guess the real question is, what do you do about those here in the country. do you propose to send them back to their country of origin. >> that's not a bad idea and let
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them come back legally. i have tlo problem with them coming back on green cards. we're doing a good job. we've arrested more last night, over 700 when we raid private businesses, which nobody else is doing, including the feds, and find out that the majority of people have make i.d. human smuggling, we've have over 6,000 coming from mexico that we arrest that were heading for another state. so i think law enforcement is very critical, too. but i have compassion for latino people. it's a very complicated, convoluted situation. but at least someone is looking at it. maybe some day in our lifetime that decisions will be made instead of all of the talk and the politics and secure the border first and then we'll look into the problem. >> sheriff, when i was there in your country, when we were visiting and talk together, i had an opportunity to speak with
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many latino residents in your county, many there legally felt they were targeted, they felt uncomfortable in the community. have you since had a conversation or idea where you can make people who are in your county legally feel like they are not the target of law enforcement or overzealous policy in your county? >> i don't know if you mentioned targeting. we don't racial profile. the department of justice has taken me to court. that's great. we don't racial profile. they want to take over my office with federal monitors, i'm going to fight that to the bitter end. i'm an elected constitutional sheriff and i'm not going to have feds tell me how to do my operation. >> already. sheriff joe arpaio, thank you for your time, your attention. here's what we're working on as well for this hour. a wounded warrior receives a
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second chance at life after losing his arms and legs in a roadside bombing. he's now the first service member from the iraq and afghanistan wars to receive a double arm transplant. his story of triumph over tragedy. no matter who wins the super bowl, there is one clear winner -- the city of new orleans. how the big game means big bucks. this is "cnn newsroom" and it's happening now. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt.
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some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply.
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then you're going to love this. right now they're only $14.95! wow-a grt deal just got a whole lot better. hurry. $14.95 won't last. a fair who lost his 6-year-old son in the newtown massacre speaks out about his heartbreak. why civilians should be able to own semiautomatic weapons but what happens next shows how deep the gun rights divide is this in this country. jason carroll following the story. it happened at a hearing last night. >> reporter: first of all i think what we have to understand, i was covering this story, you were covering the story, a story personal for these parents. these are parents that are still grieving. you've got a community that is still trying to come to terms with what happened. still trying to heal. you can expect there was so much attention at this particular hearing. more than 1,000 people packed
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the connecticut legislative office for this hear on gun violence. several hours of testimony was filled with emotion as parents whose children were killed in the sandy hook shooting took to both side of the issue. they brought in pictures of their children, they held them as they spoke. one parent, whose 6-year-old son jesse was killed says he supports gun control. suzanne, he was talking for several minutes and then briefly interrupted, shouted down by gun advocates who shouted at him, second amendment, while trying to make a point. >> my name's neil heslin. jesse lewis was my son a victim in sandy hook. he was my son, my buddy, my best friend. and i never thought i'd be here speaking like this, asking for chan changes on my son's behalf. and i never thought i'd be --
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the happiest day was the day he was born. my only son, my only family. and the worst day of my life was the day when this happened and i buried him. >> all right. please continue. >> we're not living in the wild west. we're not a third world nation. we have the strongest military in the world. we don't need to defend our homes with weapons like that. >> you had parents on both sides the issue, suzanne. mark's son, james, 6, attended the hearing. we were able to get him on the phone for a while. he says more laws in fact may not be the answer. he spoke at the hearing yesterday as well. >> how do we expect to have any
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impact on a society and say, we will -- we're going to pass a law, hey, this is inexcusable, we can't allow anymore of this, let's pass a law that will change the course of the future. when we don't enforce the laws that we have on the books? the most important laws. >> so again, let me talk more about this hearing. it's taking place by a bipartisan task force as it tries to come up with recommendations for lawmakers. connecticut lawmakers are considering legislation that would lip it large magazines to ten rounds from 30 and banning certain types of ammunition. the hearing that you just heard is the second of a number of hearing lawmakers are holing in connecticut. the first one, suzanne, on school security. then another one yesterday gun control. another today taking place now in fact is on mental health. trying to figure out ways to improve the system. tomorrow the public will weigh in on another hearing about you can understand why there is so much passion behind this particular issue especially there in newtown.
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>> jason, it's heartbreaking when you hear the testimony from that father. do you get a sense that folks -- i mean, either way that they feel in the debate, as passionate as they are, they are kind of trying to be understanding, as empathetic with the other side because you are dealing with parents, families, who all lost their children? >> i think the majority of people there are trying to get to answerers and trying to improve, trying to improve laws. i think when you heard the hecklers interrupting neil heslin i think that's a small minority of people. once again, passion on both sides of this issue. >> thank you. appreciate it. what are we going to do about gun violence? that's the question on capitol hill. anderson cooper looking at both sides of this debate. watch "guns under fire anderson cooper 360 town hall special" thursday at 8:00 p.m. eastern. and a u.s. soldier loses his
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arms and legs in a roadside bombing but now doctors are giving him a second chance at life. he's the first service member from the iraq and afghanistan wars to receive a double arm transplant. it is unbelievable. his triumph over tragedy next. >> i'm stale live, that's all that mattered. lily...she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress.
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but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. [ dad ] tide and downy together.
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an american soldier who are lost all of his limbs in iraq now has a new lease on life. brendan morocco has become the first service member to receive a double arm transplant. doctors used a new procedure they hope will prevent his body from rejecting his new limbs. 26-year-old appeared in a news conference at johns hopkins hospital in baltimore just this past hour. >> now i can move my elbow. this is my elbow, one i had before. i can rotate a little bit. this arm is pretty much in the much movement at all, not yet, at least. hopefully -- we're hopeful for the future to get some pretty good function out of it, out of both of them. >> he is one of only seven
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people in the country who have undergone successful double arm transplants. want to bring in elizabeth cohen. i love stories like this. it's like wow. >> amazing. >> to see that guy smile and say i'm hopeful when he looks at the other arm, maybe this other arm will work well. how did they do this? >> get to one why arm is doing better than the other arm. it may have to do with where the transplants took place. on the right one it was actually above, so the new arm is -- it was here, it was from here down. the other one from somewhere around here down. the more arm you have to transplant the more difficult time somebody's going to have. so that's an important thing to remember. so the more arm you have to transplant, the more difficult the recovery's going to be because these doctors are putting together tendons, muscles, nerves, blood vessels. really tiny surgery. they practiced on cadavers first which i thought was fascinating.
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trained surgeons, they practiced on cadavers first. >> is it possible that -- he's hopeful, the second arm, is it possible he will have full functioning arms at some point? >> he may not have full functioning as before but i talked to his surgeon who has done this transplants before and he said his patients, many of them were able to do what they did before but a lot more slowly and that's a big difference. but let's listen to brandon again. he talked about his aspirations and how glad he is that he got this surgery to begin with. >> okay. >> not having arms takes so much away from you out of even your personality. you know you talk wit your hands. you do everything with your hands basically. when you don't have that, you're lost for a while. >> so the hope is that he will be fully functioning. again, he may be able to do what you haand i do but more slowly. >> why is this so rare that this is successful that this happens?
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>> you have to have someone that had an injury such that you can do this surgery. you also have to find a match, a donor. these are deceased donors, people who died for whatever reason, you have to find someone who matches them. there's a lat thot that goes in this. you have to have the right patient. one double arm transplant didn't work out so well and the patient went on youtube to complain about it because he said he was expecting much more functioning -- much more function than he actually got. so it's -- you have to have someone who is devoted to doing the physical therapy, all of that stuff. that's tough. you've got to find the right patient. >> i imagine you have to have mental toughness. it's a unique person who can undergo all of that. thank you. appreciate it. good luck to him. >> absolutely. >> amazing. amazing guy. >> he is. >> thank you. no matter who wins the super bowl, one clear winner, city of new orleans. the big game means big bucks. we'll talk with small business own somewhere actor wendell
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pierce next. i'm up next, but now i'm singing the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is! well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. you've mastered monkey-style kung fu? no. priceline is different now. you don't even have to bid. master hahn taught you all that? oh, and he says to say (translated from cantonese) "you still owe him five bucks." your accent needs a little work. to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients.
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ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate.
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wow. super bowl xlvii here marks the most entertaining event in the run-up to the game. media day. live picture of the ravens news conference going on. earlier the 49ers spoke to the media and who's the top ref on the field. there's been controversy sounding the selection, however. some say he was picked based on favortism and not merit. he has worked three divisional playoff gameses a ref but never conference championship or a super bowl. one thing for sure is that whatever team wins the super bowl, winning coach is going to be a guy named harbaugh. jim of the 49ers or john of the ravens. carlos diaz shows us it's not the only guarantee this sunday. city of new orleans a big winner as well.
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>> reporter: whatever the final score turns out to be sunday, there's one clear winner in the big easy, the city of new orleans itself. the big game means big bucks. and the crowds are already here celebrating and spending. >> it is good food no matter where you go. good drink no matter where you go. good people. they're so hospitable, welcoming and friendly and can't beat the weather. >> reporter: hosting super bowl xlvii inspired $1.3 billion in infrastructure improvements including downtown sidewalks, enhancements at the superdome, and more than $11 million of road repairs in the french quarter. >> i think this is just another building block into new orleans being rebuilt and becoming really a city of the 21st century where everybody would want to be. >> reporter: lewis armstrong
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international airport a massive makeover under way. everything from the rest rooms to the runways have been renovated to welcome football fans. with hundreds of nfl officials and thousands of members of the media in town for the big game, fans having a tough time trying to fine affordable hotel rooms and tickets to the game, asking prices for those are starting at $2,000 apiece. but those who do make the trip are getting a double dose of fun for their investment. >> iconic celebration for new orleans year after year has been mardi gras. here super bowl is plopped into the middle of it all. we have not only parades and excitement of that family celebration which is mardi gras but all of the excitement of the nfl. >> i think it's the perfect storm of party atmosphere between the super bowl, mardi gras and the general atmosphere of new orleans anyway. so, yeah, it's just the greatest. >> reporter: this three-week party dubbed super gras by locals is expected to bring well
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over half a billion in economic activity. that's music to the ear of city leaders who are still working hard to attract pre-katrina visitor numbers. >> we've used the super bowl as our goal line but this will have benefit and impact for many more years to come. >> reporter: giving residents of the ten-time super bowl city something to clear about long after the last fan goes home. carlos diaz, cnn, new orleans. >> all right. new orleans, a lot going on right now. want. ♪ ♪ >> so we told you besides the super bowl, carnival season, mardi gras day. new orleans has to offer, new orleans native star of treme, wendell pierce. ♪
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♪ >> what's up? >> music great. he mows all about it. wentle pierce. love your smile. you're smiling, beaming during that spot there. you know my people are from new orleans as well. so give us a sense, you know, for those who, you know, might not be on the ground, might not know what mardi gras's all. getting ready for the super bowl. what is the city like now? >> i mean, you're right in the middle of the greatest street party in the history of the world, mardi gras, to have the super bowl join that, it's one of the most fessive times to be here in new orleans. we're going to have great food, great time and one of the greatest games in the part of world sports. >> and we know it was such a, you know, a wonderful time for all of us when super bowl came around after katrina. really helped lift the city.
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what does it mean this go round? >> right now we're in a resurrection, we're in an economic resurrection of the city. this is a point in time that people will remember that new orleans was on its way back. we came from total destruction and now we're hosting one of the great evenown k to the world. and so the economic development that's happening in new orleans, i wanted to be a part of it. this is a demonstration of it. i'm doing stories called sterling farms and sterling express. it's downtown and it's in the french quarter and it's at the super bowl but spreading out to neighborhoods and we to make sure it gets to the neighborhoods so the resurrection and recovery is spread throughout the city. what people will see is demonstration of the american value of resilience and new orleanians have demonstrated that over the past seven years. and this is a marked period of time and a milestone. >> talk about the importance of this. the grocery store chain that
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you're starting, because i think a lot of people realized downtown, the french quarter and that is always a place that people invest in. but you still look at places like the ninth ward, look at the serve erventh ward and you don' that investment. why is it important to put those places in the poor communities? we don't see investment evenly distributed in the city. >> well, our recovery will not be complete unless it's whole. it can't be a tale of two citys. while it's important we brought back our economic engine, downtown, central business district, french quarter, superdome, it's more important to make sure recovery gets out into the neighborhoods. that was the thing that inspired me and my group, to make sure that recovery gets it those underserved communities. and that's the basis, the template of our business, to go there in those -- in what are food deserts technically, where people have to go half hour before they get to a decent
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grocery store and bring in fresh food groceries where they can step out of their home and go straight to the store and shop. that's what sterliste steste st about. it has to be a complete thing. only halfway there. >> rooting for anybody? i root for the saints, they're not in it. i guess i'll go for the ravens. >> i'm born and raised in new orleans. i'm always a saints fan. i play the character called bunk, a homicide detective in baltimore. go, ravens. >> all right. wendell, good to see you, as always. of course, for more on what the big game means for the big easy watch "kick-off in new orleans" cnn and bleacher report special airing this saturday at 4:00 p.m. eastern. ord game. i think your friends will understand. oh no, it's actually my geico app...see?
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great new housing numbers today. new numbers showing prices are rising faster than they have in years. does it mean you should jump into the mark before it gets too hot? christine romans, ali velshi, they're answering the question. >> housing finally making a c e comeback. home prices rose 5.5%. >> look that the. >> the biggest year over year increase in six years. biggest jump since 2006 before the housing bubble collapsed. we saw home sales rebounding strongest level in five years a trend expected to continue. housing will be a driver of economic growth this year. >> i have been saying this for years now. i'll say it again. it's time to buy. this is an opportunity that's too good to pass. a passage from how to speak money the book we've written
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together. interest rates are so low people are getting mortgages for 4%, 5%, this is unbelievable. mortgage rates are way lower. they've been hovering near record lows for month. 30-year fixed rate at 3.4%. 15 year about 2.7%. just a few years ago, like in the book, i thought 5% was a once in a lifetime bargain. rates can't say this low forever. >> they can't. they have ticked up to four-month highs. home ownership falling 65.4%, new numbers from the census bureau. people have fallen out of love with the idea of home ownership the -- >> it's a screaming opportunity to buy. are you going to give me that normal thing that you give me how well it might be an opportunity to to buy if you have a good job and good credit to put down but it's not for everybody. >> that's what i'm going to say. you don't buy a house because you're making a quick turn of investment. you buy a house to live it n. it
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it's a right move for your life. that's the most important thing here. low mortgage rates and home affordability i think they make this very, very -- i think this is a good year for home buyers. >> the job market is also dynamic. you may have to attack a job in another city which means renting may make more sense. while i think it's a great time to buy, don't get seduced how much you could save if the timing isn't right for you. how did i do? >> pretty good. >> back to you. the obama administration coming out with a plan for immigration reform. critics say a path to citizenship not the answer. immigrants they remain hopeful but hesitant. >> i'll say the obama administration does something different. he promises something first 100 days of his administration and failed. a wi back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others,
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your repairs are guaranteed for life. call... to switch, and you could save hundreds. ♪ born to make mistakes liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? president obama outlining his plan for immigration reform. that's less than two hours from now. it's going to happen in vegas. includes a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrant but was even supporters of immigration reform disagree with some proposals that are being discussed. >> i have friends in the latino community that think that it goes much too far what's being proposed, because of the fact they came into the country legally, they think that the respect for american law is important and that people coming into the country illegally compete against their kids and
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their relatives for jobs. >> so, for some young latinos living in limbo the path to citizenship would give them a chance to belong to the country they call home. their story by miguel marquez. >> reporter: three young latinos, they look, sound, and say they feel like americans. they're not. >> i identify myself with the american culture, but at the same time the american society's like no, you're not part of us. >> reporter: brought here as a 7-year-old from mexico, wants to be a journalist. he was arrested in 2011. protesting legislation here that would limit access to a college education. he wants a clear path to citizenship. >> hopefully the obama administration does something different. he promised something first 100 days of the administration and failed to do so. >> reporter: sounds like you don't trust any politicians. >> i don't. >> reporter: her father a
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mechanic, her mother a hairstylists want to be a lawyer. brought as a 10-year-old she's qualified for the deferred action program. allows students brought here as kids to apply for temporary legal status, 1.8 million could be eligible. you're taking care of? >> yes, i'm taken care of. >> reporter: your family? >> my parents are not taken care of and that's one of the things that scares me the most. >> reporter: a senior wants to be a doctor, brought here as an 11-year-old. he's now applying for deferred action but feels trapped between two worlds. >> it's amazing to see that, you know, they're willing to help us now because all my life, i've been here not knowing what's in my future, not knowing where to go. >> reporter: three kids wanting a piece of the american dream. all three watching, hoping, that dream becomes reality. miguel marquez, cnn, georgia. the president's pitching his
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immigration plan happening 2:55 eastern. watch it right here on cnn or the website as well. dangerous thunderstorms are threatening and also with an oil spill in the mississippi could mean trouble. take a look at this. awesome. american surfer taking a huge, huge wave there. could be a record breaking ride. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day
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helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'.
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a report by the miami newspaper, new times, claims a clinic in miami sold performance enhancing drugs to several major league baseball stars, including alex rodriguez of the new york yankees. received this statement from a spokesman from rodriguez saying the news report about a purported relationship between alex rodriguez and anthony bosh are not true. alex rodriguez was not mr. bosch's patient, never treated by him and never advised by him. the reported documents referenced in the story at least as they relate to alex rodriguez are not legitimate. on the mississippi river, they're still trying to clean up this oil spill. two barges filled with oil, hit a bridge. this was near vicesburg, early sunday morning. a tank holding thousands of gallons of oil started leaking after the collision. the coast guard's gulf strike team is there, helping try to get this all cleaned up but the job could get harder. some of the dangerous weather
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that is headed that way. want to bring in chad myers, talking about the line of thunderstorms, right, chad, that is going to move into the deep south. >> don't want men and women on those rescue crews, on the recovery vessels as this line of weather moves right into vicksburg. these things are moving very, very quickly today. 50 to 60 miles per hour and they have some spin to them. that spin will continue across parts of missouri. here is springfield, missouri, a couple of spins right through there. if you are north of springfield, but yet not quite to columbia, i want you to pay attention to these storms. they're spinning quickly. like five minutes ago these storms weren't spinning. and now they're spinning quite a bit. and so these tornado warnings may be very, very quick, you may have very little time today to get out of the way of these storms. these watches continue all the way to 8:00 and continuing into st. louis, into dallas, into big cities. sometimes we say, yeah, severe weather, but not going to be anything to hit. today there will be cities to hit. you need to pay attention.
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>> chad, not tornado season yet, but could this be a busy one, any indications? >> you never know. last year we started out as a big tornado, january, february, march, we had hundreds and all of a sudden those storms just shut off, those tornadoes just stopped. it depends on where the jet stream is. the jet stream is here today, and that's why there is the potential for tornadoes today all the way through tonight. >> all right. thank you, chad. growing competition have many questioning apple ceo tim cook's ability to lead. can he push the company forward? a look at apple after steve jobs.
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so we keep hearing how gun sales are up. well, the only way you have to track gun sales is by looking at the number of background checks. according to the fbi, eight of the ten days with the highest number of background checks since 1998 have happened since december 14th of last year. that is the same day as elementary school tragedy in newtown, connecticut. gun shop owners say that semi-automatic rifles and high capacity magazines are driving much of the frenzy and many gun enthusiasts fear they could lose the right to buy these sorts of weapons, if washington passes gun control legislation. apple has a new ipad on the way. this is the fourth generation of the device, comes with with twice as much memory as the old one and comes with a bigger price tag.
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but the company is facing more competition than it has in years. and everyone is watching to see if tim cook, the man who replaced steve jobs, can keep apple at the front of the pack. dan simon has the story. >> three, two, one! >> reporter: with its incredible sales and product buzz -- >> at long last. >> reporter: -- apple is still the envy of practically every company. but stock declines amid growing competition has the tech industry wondering whether it is still relatively new ceo tim cook can keep apple on top. >> it is an amazing time at apple. >> reporter: cook does not have the natural charisma and showman style of his predecessor steve jobs. he concerns himself more with what is going on behind the scenes. he's almost universally regarded as a brilliant supply chain manager. >> tim clearly is more than capable of handling not only the operations, but the business side of apple.
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>> reporter: long time technology analyst tim bajarin said the critics are asking too much of cook. >> what i'm hearing is they want apple to innovate faster. that's really an unfair thing to do. if you look at the original iphone, that was actually took four to five years to bring to market. >> reporter: if jobs was the product visionary, tim cook is more executive. and since taking over nearly 18 months ago, he's put his stamp on the company by making apple more charitable, through matching employees' donations and issuing apple shareholders dividends, something many felt should have happened long ago with the company's 100 plus billion dollar cash hoard and a bit of rare introspection, he s this to brian williams. >> one thing he did for me that removed a gigantic burden that would have normally existed is he told me on a couple of
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occasions before he passed away to never question what he would have done, never ask the question what steve would do, to just do what's right. >> reporter: such as responding to critics and protesters who complain about long hours and human rights aabu s s s s abuse chinese factories and sending some to inspect the problems. the company known for outsourcing its manufacturing will begin making one of its mac products in the u.s. this suggests a kinder gentler apple, the must have devices continue to roll out. >> we have got some really cool stuff to show you. >> reporter: nearly every single one of them has gotten a makeover under his watch. but cook has his share of challenges beginning with the siri feature on iphones. >> here's the forecast for today. >> reporter: too slow and undependable at times. then there is maps. skewered by users. it has gotten better,


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