tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 10, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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north dakota and continue with his newjob. meanwhile, the war in afghanistan continues, more than 60,000 american service members are right now in that country fighting that war. i'm jake tapper for cnn in minot, north dakota. you are in the cnn newsroom, i'm brianna keilar in for don lemon. we have breaking news tonight, powerful devastating weather in the southern states. this is new video just in to cnn, it was reported by a storm chaser in hattiesburg, mississippi late this afternoon, when an enormous tornado touched the ground and started tearing up the town. we have extensive damage to show you tonight. there are some people hurt, and i will talk with the man who shot this amazing footage in just a few minutes. first, this breaking news to
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tell you about, thousands of people are stranded after a cruise ship lost power in the gulf of mexico. an engine fire left the carnival triumph without electricity, but we hear it is now operating on emergency generator power. the fire has reportedly been put out, and the ship is to be towed to the closest port. another of its vessels is on the scene bringing food and drinks to the stranded ship. in southern california -- >> collectively this group is posting an award of $1 million for information that will lead to mr. dorner's capture. >> the city of los angeles offering a hefty reward after days of fruitless searching in the san bernardino mountains for a rogue ex-cop. christopher dorner allegedly killed three people before disappearing. every lapd officer is a
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potential target in his self-declared vendetta against the police force. 50 officers and their families are getting around the clock protection until he's caught. even tonight's grammy's had extra security just in case. 30 people have been crushed to death in a stampede in india. officials say people were crowded a rail station during one of the biggest religious festivals of the year. the stampede happened after someone fell from a platform bridge. an estimate 40 million people are there for the hindu pilgrimage to the ganges river. a lot of people in new england spent the day doing this. more than 300,000 homes still without electricity. cleanup crews from pennsylvania to maine are working overtime to clear highways and city streets by the morning rush hour. we're tracking a weather emergency in a large swath of the south is in a danger zone.
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>> yeah. oh, my god, i've never seen a tornado before in my life. >> this is hattiesburg, mississippi, it's about 5:00 this evening, i think that's 5:00 central, 6:00 eastern. a massive swirling tornado suddenly struck the town and the campus of the university of southern mississippi. there were cars flipped over, buildings heavily damaged. but by amazing coincidence, the campus is virtually desserted this weekend, it's a long school holiday weekend. three people were injure d. >> the power's about to go out. >> the people of hattiesburg who rode out the storm say it was a flurry of debris. uprooted trees and darkness as the power lines fell. the power lines down. debris everywhere. that is what john sibley has
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seen in hattiesburg. he jones us on the telephone. i'm here with our meteorologist chad myers. tell us what you saw. >> reporter: i picked up the tornado out of marion county, mississippi. there was initial report that came out of their emergency management agency that a tornado had indeed touched down and struck several homes, injuring several people. from there, i was able to pick it up about 10 miles to the west of hattiesburg. the storm was larger on the western side of the interstate than the eastern side. we've been able to go through and look at our video. now, the folks in west hattiesburg, i didn't hear sirens over there, but as we moved toward the college campus. the sirens were loud and proud. also want to give a shout out to
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the local fire department. as the tornado was paralleling highway # 8 and moving into the city. they were out there blocking traffic to keep folks from driving into the tornado as well as police out on the interstate. they had the interstate blocked for a time. >> chad myers, just amazing video we're watching here. what type of damage have you seen? >> the damage i've seen are telephone polls and power lines that are snapped off at the ground as well as windows blown in on one side of the building and blown out the other. there's significant roof damage to the music building here at the university of southern mississippi. as well as a music store across the street that's been leveled. >> this was a long track tornado. you tracked it for a long time. how long do you think this was on the ground? how many miles? >> it's impossible to say.
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the radar signature we think the tornado touched down in louisiana in the areas south of marion county, mississippi. that would put it roughly at least 60 miles at a minimum. after the tornado crossed through town, of course, it hit all the residential areas and the roads became impassable. and unfortunately, we had to call off the chase. but from a radar signature as well as storm reports off to other h our east. the tornado tracked well into washington county, alabama in the direction of jackson, alabama. >> you're actually watching the video. i want to pause so we can listen to it as well.
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>> just to get a sense, john, this is something you do all the time? >> this is something i've done professionally for 12 years. i tell the general public, if you want to know what a toefrntd sounds like, go 80 miles an hour and stick your head out the window. this tornado was eye lot larger. >> oh, my god. i've never seen -- >> john, thank you so much. and for sharing those amazing pictures with us as well. we know you'll keep an eye on things. what are we looking at now. these are bands of storms that move through the area. is there still a threat? >> slight threat here of rotation. we have watches in effect right
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now. the whole area has calmed down significantly and turned into a wind damage event. we'll keep watching it. right through alabama in the past 15 minutes we have big windses rolling on through. that's that band that's moving down just into northwestern florida. there are still storms back out here. we're not worried so much about the storm as that line up in one big line. we're worried more about the storms. let me show you what this looked like, that are all by themselves. this is backing you up three hours. that's the cell that moved through hattiesburg. that turns into the big dog. it turns into the rotating supercell, and that's what went right through west hattiesburg and hattiesburg proper. >> we heard from john. so many people were saying, oh, my goodness, this is a large
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tornado. is it real li a large tornado or does it just feel that way when it's happening? >> we had a tornado that moved through georgia a week and a half ago. this looks a lot like it, it's what we call a stove pipe tornado. almost completely symmetrical from top to bottom. some of the debris was very large not just shingles in the sky, but the entire front of a billboard. and the rain was raining down. the high school almost took a direct hit. we saw a lot of damage there. >> we heard one of the guys we talked to say the tornado was over his head a pretty serious storm there. and we know you'll keep an eye on that, chad. >> sure will. now to the massive manhunt in southern california for an ex-cop with a judge. christopher dorner is a trained
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assassin with every police officer a potential target. authorities now hope a $1 million reward will give them a break in the week-long case in which three people have died. >> the search for dorner continues. we continue to focus on his last known locations in the big bear area. but our search continues in and around the areas where we have known targets. there are over 50 lapd families that have not only security but surveillance in and around their neighborhoods. these 50 lapd families are targets of dorners and are likely victims. >> cnn's casey wian is in los angeles. casey, there are 50 police families now under surveillance and protection. and they will be it appears until this is resolved. how nervous are they? is this just a precaution? and also what can you tell us before the grammys having extra
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security? >> reporter: as far as those police families, they are very nervous. it's not just a precaution. this is a very significant threat. as you mentioned, 50 different families under surveillance, 24 hour protection by police officers. that because of the manifesto from christopher dorner, which lays out a vendetta against the los angeles police department. and also, remember, three victims of dorner's so far -- three people have been killed, all of them with ties to law enforcement. a young woman who's father was a former lapd official. her fiancee, a security officer at the university of southern california. and then a police officer in riverside, california. you mentioned the grammys ongoing right now. no problems reported. the los angeles police department said it did increase manpower at the grammys out of an abundance of caution. frankly, the people that are really worried right now are the
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law enforcement officers who dorner has vowed to target. >> you're seeing some increased security there in l.a. but it seems that in big bear -- big bear lake where his car was found torched, they've scaled back the manhunt. do they think he's not there any more? >> well, they're still looking for him. they've still been looking for him all day long. they had 25 law enforcement personnel on the case today. down from 125 yesterday. they had a helicopter in the air with body heat imaging equipment unsuccessful in locating him. they're still looking for him, but they're going to decide tomorrow whether it's worth continuing the search in the big bear area. >> tell us a little bit about this. one of the slain police officers in riverside, his funeral has been set. i imagine this will be an emotional affair. >> yes, law enforcement officials have kept his name under wraps until today. as you mentioned, there will be
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funeral services on wednesday. that officer's name, michael crane. an 11-year veteran of the riverside police department. he also served two tours with the u.s. marine corps in kuwait. he was 34 years old, he leaves behind a wife and two children, brianna? >> that's so sad. you've been working this for days. we know you'll be bringing us details in the coming days. how this is resolved and of course that dorner is caught. coming up, we'll speak with the mayor of hattiesburg, mississippi. the verizon share everything plan for small business. get a shareable pool of data... got enough joshua trees? ... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. shareable data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola.
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yeah. oh, my god, i've never seen a tornado before in my life. >> this is hattiesburg, mississippi 5:00 central time. it's an enormous tornado that struck the town. and also the campus of the university of southern mississippi. the building is completely damaged. very good luck. the campus is virtually desserted this weekend because the students are off for a school holiday. sat least three people were injured by this huge tornado. joining me now on the phone the mayor of hattiesburg. give us a sense of the situation and just how lucky you're hoping you are at this point with no fatalities reported.
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>> it's a major thunderstorm, and we just lost our power. we really are blessed because we don't have fatalities that we know of right now. we have a number of damages to our structures around town. >> have you been able to determine where all the potential victims who may have injuries are? are you pretty sure you've identified people or is there a lot more work to be done going house to house? >> we've identified the area where the tornado hit. that was to the east -- pretty easy to identify, you follow the pattern of the storm well. if there's anything about this, it happened on a sunday when most of these structures were vacant. like our red cross building was vacant and schools. they're vacant. we're not going to have school
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tomorrow because we can't get structures fixed. we are blessed we don't have fatalities right now. >> does that affect the red cross's ability to help people? they're sometimes the first folks -- >> we're a regional station for red cross, where we take care of this region. and so -- we have an evacuation center that houses 900 people. so we mobilized them and our station. it's going to affect them. but i think that we have some facilities they can move to to continue their operations. >> where were you during the storm, mayor? >> well, we had some early thunderstorms and we had a building that was down on one of our streets. i was over assisting them.
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you don't see the sign, exactly what was happening with the storm. and they told me it was only blocks away from where i was. i tried to get home, and i just barely made it into my house. just as all the windows and doors blew out of my house, i was crawling to the bathroom trying to get in. i have firsthand knowledge what a hurricane can do when you're in the middle of it. >> you made it to an interior bathroom, then? >> correct. it's good i went to the bathroom downstairs. and just the interest to our back door. and, you know, it was -- it was a harry situation. but it's been -- we have people from all around the adjacent counties and cities who have come in. mdot area has come in. michigan power is bringing people from the coast and adjacent cities.
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everybody stepped up to the plate and they're working well together. >> we have to get through this. we have another storm that looks like it's headed this way. we're going to back off a little bit and keep people safe. >> that's what i was going to mention. it looks like you have a day or two of rain ahead of you, what does that mean for restoring power. even folks that weren't affected by the tornado, power is out all over hattiesburg. >> what we're trying to do right now is make sure we assess everything. we're trying to make sure that we -- safety is the main thing right now. we make sure -- the power lines are down. we make sure that -- and that's what the power company's doing, we make sure they're not live so we can get the debris. the power company is coming through, we're trying to get the major streets open, our major highways are open right now.
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we have concern on some intersections. we're addressing those as we go. what i like to say, if the towers are lit thing in hattiesburg. please do not get on the streets. >> do not get on the roads. that's what we've been hearing. you are one lucky man. and it appears, at least so far -- >> well, i think we're blessed. >> i've been hearing that word a lot today. i hope that continues to be the case. as you get your really around what all of the damage may be. and also, as those crews work to restore power. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> now, to california. a man the police call a trained assassin. elusive and vowing to continue killing until his demands are met. the latest on the manhunt for a suspected cop killer. >> we will not tolerate this reign of terror that has robbed
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now back to southern california and the december pratt hunt for a suspected cop killer. despite a dragnet from los angeles to san diego, christopher dorner has eluded his trackers. the fear is he will make his way back to l.a. and make good on his vow to wage war on his former fellow officers. the city of l.a. today offered a $1 million reward for the tip that leads to his capture. and park dietz who worked on the d.c. sniper case about a decade ago, joining me now. give us a thumb print on how
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chris dorner thinks this will play out? >> he's a plan who grew up believing that honor was more important than anything. his career as a naval reservist -- he did see active duty and in the lapd was dead indicated according to him trying to serve the nation. and he feels that he was treated unjustly in the lapd and set off on a mission to rectify that wrong. he's now attached that mission to a broader plan to try to set right what he sees as a history of racism and unfair behavior by lapd. and that just phis his doing what he knows to be evil to achieve those ends. >> that's how he justifies it? you're saying he finds honor so important. but anyone would say, look at what he's done. how is that honorable? >> well, he knows that what he's
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doing currently isn't in itself honorable. he believes if he can clear his name and cause lapd forever afterto behave properly, it will have been worth it. >> let me ask you this. the lapd we learned yesterday has now reopened the case that was closed and led to his dismissal years ago. what effect do you think this will have on weather dorner resurfaces? is there any -- we heard from the lapd, they're trying to say we want to do this for transparency, might this affect whether he would resurface? might he turn himself in or don't you expect that? >> i think he would only turn himself in if the investigation were already done and cleared his name. that's what matters to him. his reputation, his honor for people to know that he didn't lie. >> you've worked on a number of cases, including the d.c. sniper
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case. do you see similarities here? >> well, i think they're very different. in the case of the d.c. snipers, the entire community was terrified. so millions of people felt at risk and changed their daily habits. here in southern california, there are 50 families who have good reason to be afraid and to change their habits. but most los angeles people are following with interest but not afraid for themselves. because it's clear that there's a specific target group. though that would include every uniformed officer in the area. >> obviously that's an important distinction, yes. terrifying for police officers, but maybe not as much for all of the folks in l.a. >> and, of course, with the d.c. snipers, no one knew who it was. here, everyone knows who's doing it. >> that's true. very interesting insight. thanks for joining us.
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>> thank you. stay right there, we have a first person account of today's massive tornado that pounded hattiesburg, mississippi. i'm about to talk to a man who watched that storm hit and is standing in what's left of his home tonight. nies. when she's sad, she writes about goblins. [ balloon pops, goblin growling ] she wrote a lot about goblins after getting burned in the market. but she found someone to talk to and gained the confidence to start investing again. ♪ and that's what you call a storybook ending. it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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let's take a look at the headlines. some 4,000 people are stranded on a cruise ship that caught fire in the gulf of mexico. the carnival triumph is using emergency generator power. it will be towed to the nearest port, which is mexico. 30 people have been crushed to death in a stampede in india. the stampede happened after someone fell from the platform at a rail station.
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an estimated 40 million people are there for the pilgrimage to the ganges river. the snowstorm that pounded the northeast may be gone, but there's still a lot of digging out to do before life can get back to normal. >> in the city of boston people are running out of space to put all the snow. transit officials reopened the long island expressway just this afternoon. >> more details on the powerful tornado that touched down in southern mississippi this evening. joining us by phone is joe b. bass. his home and cars were damaged by the tornado you told me earlier the porches were literally peeled from houses including yours. tell me what you did when the storm hit? >> i was trying to watch it because i really wanted to see it.
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i realized it was going to be bad. >> you were in an interior closet, obviously, so you were in the inside of your house, you had some companions in there. tell me about that. >> me and the dogs and the cat. i found the cat just in time. we were all kind of huddled in there. >> how many dogs, two? >> i have two dogs. >> dog dogs and a cat and professor bass all huddled in the closet. we talked shortly after you came out of your house, you were amazingly calm. i'm wondering if you've had the chance to venture out of your neighborhood and see the damage around hattiesburg? >> unfortunately not. it was getting dark after we assessed everything, and got the generator out, and got that set up. i had some work to do in the house, the roof's leaking because of the trees on the house, so it's been kind of
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dealing with that a little bit. it's been raining some. hanging out here and dealing with the leaking roof and playing the guitar. >> it is amazing what composure you are exhibiting in the aftermath of this. i have to tell you, so -- you're kind of -- >> ask me in a couple days. >> i will not be surprised if that is the case, really you're just kind of looking at this as hunkering down. i know you're expecting probably some more leaking, your roof leaking more, because you'll be expecting rain over the next couple days. how are your neighbors handling this? >> well, i -- some of the neighbors were hit much worse than i was. so i think they -- a lot of them have gone out to stay with relatives and friends. they're -- everyone was calm and happy to be unhurt. as far as i know, none of my neighbors were hurt. >> what do you attribute that to? it seems in a way that
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hattiesburg got really lucky here. the high school was hut but it was a sunday afternoon. the college was hit, but the students -- the college you work at, but the students were away on break. it appears so far that we're talking minor injuries. what do you attribute that to? people had enough time, they had enough warn something. >> a lot of it is luck, and a lot of it is really good warning systems that we have in place now. everyone was aware -- everyone had time to take cover. there were sirens all afternoon in town, when there were warnings, and i think these warning systems do a good job. and everyone did the proper thing. and for the most part, as far as i know, as far as getting under tables or in closets or doorways or things like that, i think a lot of it -- >> we're so happy to know you came through this unscathed, along with your two dogs and your cat.
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important family members to keep protects as well. >> i appreciate it. >> you have a great day. we know you're going to have time ahead of you where you have to get your house in order. coming up, synthetic marijuana, it is cheap and easy to find. it's often advertised as a legal alternative to pot. but it's side effects may be lethal. next, you'll meet a family who lost their son to this dangerous drug. is that what you're looking for, like a hidden fee in your giant mom bag? maybe i have them... oh that's right i don't because i rolled my account over to e-trade where... woah. okay... they don't have hidden fees... hey fern. the junk drawer? why would they... is that my gerbil? you said he moved to a tiny farm. that's it, i'm running away. no, no you can't come! [ male announcer ] e-trade. less for us. more for you.
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deadly and in demand. fake pot sold in stores under the name spice or k2. teenagers use it as a cheap high. it can be deadly. this is chase burnett. he was one of the teenagers who smoked it. he was found dead in their home. his parents shared their twrajic story with me last night. we talked about their mission to
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make other parents aware of this danger and listen closely to the advice chase's mother has for others. >> what killed chase was a synthetic marijuana. the chemical sprayed on to the leaves closed his lungs. he asphyxiated. and i found him in the hot tub that sunday morning. >> something that was legal that he purchased. did you have a sense after talking to some of his friends that he had any sense of the gan dangers of this? >> no, none of the kids did. especially chase, he loved life. he would have never done anything that harmed himself. knowing how much grief it put his friends and family through, never. >> they were just being experimental? that's the impression you got? >> yes. >> you're here because this has
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become a mission to make sure that other kids don't follow in chase's footsteps. why is this so important to you? >> well, for us, just heartache. your heart's just ripped in two, we don't want this pain to affect other families. it's a senseless death. a child, teenager is walking into a store thinking it's legal, not going to hurt them. they purchased something that shouldn't be sold. and we don't want the pain of what we're going through to affect other families. we have peace and strength from god. and we have that peace in our hearts and we have the joy. we know our son will live forever. but it's just -- every day it lives with us for the rest of our life that we don't get him back. >> what can you say to other parents so that they aren't in your shoes so they don't lose a child with so much promise. >> that is the reason we're here.
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the reason from the moment that our son, we knew he passed away that morning, when the paramedics came and covered him up and told us he had passed away. we had a sense of peace about us, both of us. because we know where his soul was. we know that we'll see him again. we have that hope. but when they said he was passed, instinctively told myself, this is wrong, wrong, wrong. you cannot walk into a convenience store in this country as a teenager or young adult or an adult, purchase a product, obviously to get high and then your lungs shut down and you suffocate. it is wrong in the purest form. it's very frustrating as a parent to know that this is being sold throughout the country. it's not only sold in convenience stores, adult
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novelty shops and other avenues to sell the product. >> part of the problem is, there's this loophole where it's sold legally. so knowing that, until you can get to the point where it's not sold, what can you tell parents to be -- part of it is awareness, i'm sure. what do they need to talk to their kids about, so they understand the risks. you said chase didn't? >> well, it's talking to your children, your grandchildren. talking to them saying, have you heard before this stuff, do you understand -- and think about the choices. get online with them. as parents, as adults, we can understand it, but the kids have to understand it in their hearts, this is wrong, it can kill you. yes, teenagers and children think they're invincible. it can't happen to us. it happened to us. we talked to our kids about stuff like this. our son made a mistake. i ask parents and grandparents,
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talk about this stuff, don't shovel it under the rug. talk to the kids, make sure the kids talk to each other. do what's right. >> the burnetts are on a mission to make sure that other kids don't do what chase did. an historic building wrecked just as it reached a huge milestone. that's just part of the damage from that powerful tornado that ripped through mississippi this evening. we have your ireports next. hi. hi.
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i'm here to pick up some cacti. it should be under stephens. the verizon share everything plan for small business. get a shareable pool of data... got enough joshua trees? ... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. shareable data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola. that your mouth is under attack, from food particles and bacteria. try fixodent.
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holly. -- >> tonight we are tracking a weather emergency. major damage and casualties in southern mississippi. this is the city of hattiesburg. they say the city was suddenly a flurry of debris and darkness where the power lines fell down. josh has been monitoring facebook, twitter for comments about the storm. >> this is an ireport that came to us from paul wells. he went driving to the hattiesburg campus of the university of southern mississippi. you're able to see some of these stricken areas. i'm going to let this breathe for about 20, 30 seconds. as we take a look at this, i want to remind everyone, what we've been telling you. the campus was largely empty.
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we do have information from the university there were four buildings damaged. take a look at that. can you see the power of the tornado there. since i have this going, i want to show you something here. this is an important building on the campus. it's very well known. it's historic. put up in 1912. now, look at that building today. this is one of the ones that was complete loy wrecked. we have ireporters throughout the region, and safely they've been able to take some videos. let's listen to this one for a moment. >> oh, my god. >> you're watching it travel not far away. let's go on to this next one. we have a video from eddie. i spoke with his earlier. he looked out from where he
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lives. he felt safe taking this because it was not coming toward him. it was moving away from him. but these videos, it shows you how close and powerful. one more from josh sanford. we have word from governor bryant declaring a state of emergency in four counties. i will tell you if you are in a position to take pictures, do so safely and send them to >> thank you for doing that. a woman charged with threatening to assassinate president george w. bush still cleared a gun background check. how did that happen, next? you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop... (mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom.
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charleston south carolina school with a gun. according to the new york times she tried to shoot two faculty members. the only thing that stopped her, she failed to unlock the gun. here's what makes you really scratch your head about this, she had a history of mental illness. alice had been charged in 2005 with threatening to assassinate president george w. bush and she still cleared a background check to buy the gun. tom dietz is a former de kalb county police officer, you're the owner of sharpshooters usa, and a training facility. how did she manage to legally purchase a weapon? >> first issue was, when she went to the store, she had to complete a federal form called the 4473. when you complete that form, the seller of the firearms retailer looks at the identification. runs down through the questions. to make sure they're answered appropriately. and then calls the fbi, the
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operations center to look. and the operations center makes a determination whether or not that person is prohibited from buying firearms. >> she was asked, basically, do you have a mental health issue? she said no. she should have said yes. >> when she did that, she committed a felony. what i find unusual is, since the court found her not guilty by reason of insanity, that is the reason that -- the prosecution, the court should have forwarded that information to the fbi and that would have prohibited her from purchasing a firearm. at the same time family members and mental health care professionals, can also take the step. they can petition the court to have somebody add jujudicate ed mentally deficient. >> they were well aware of this individual, that she had this history.
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so is this sort of like, exhibit a for why this information needs to be better put together and reported and shared between agencies? >> the mental health part of the nics system i think does need to be improved dramatically. the system does an excellent job in identifying people who are criminally prohibited, whether they've been convicted of a felony or domestic violence or if they're under indictment. the system does a good job there. this is an example where i can't believe this fell through the cracks. >> yes. >> particularly. she had threatened the former president of the united states. and with that adjudication of not guilty by reason of insanity, that should have gone through the nics system, the way i understand it. >> sure. >> to have -- and that would have prohibited her from purchasing a firearm. >> certainly unbelievable. it seems to back up that assertion that the reporting needs to be better. >> it can always be improved.
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>> sure. >> appreciate it, thanks for breaking this down for us. thank you. it's les mis taking a turn like you've never seen before. we'll show you the parody video that's gone viral. caltrate's double the d. it now has more than any other brand to help maximize calcium absorption. so caltrate women can move the world. get ready for a lot more of that new-plane smell. we're building the youngest, most modern fleet among the largest us airlines to ensure that you are more comfortable and connected than ever. we are becoming a new american. for over 75 years people ...with geico... ohhh...sorry!. director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so....
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director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet... dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers. [ babies crying ] surprise -- your house was built on an ancient burial ground.
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[ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need without any surprise fees. ♪ it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. and finally tonight, something we could not keep to ourselves, it's one of those got to see web videos. it's the coolest parody of l les mis we've ever come across.
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♪ >> this has gone totally viral in south korea. the stars of this musical are actually south korean air force members. this is the story of an airman who wants to stop shoveling miserable snow so he can see his girlfriend. and the performances i mean, they're actually quite impressive. ♪ >> these are real life troops. and this was a video shot on a real air base in south korea and posted on the official air force youtube channel. they produced the video to lift spirits of airmen stationed at remote places. they also shot the whole thing in three days.
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