tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN February 18, 2013 7:00pm-7:59pm EST
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you see shaquille o'neal, roger mason jr., the great basketball player. wala, the rap artist in front. wall-e, i should say. >> those are some of wolf's friends, his traveling wolf pack, and now he's gone. >> see you on "ac tlekt." erin starts now. >> "outfront" next, country superstar mindy mccready found dead at age 37. dr. drew talked to her just ten days ago. we asked him if anyone could have saved her. >> and we're learning more on the night an olympian's girlfriend was shot and killed. and we speak to one of the couple's closest friends. >> and the president has a guys weekend. so why are some people all hot and bothered about it? let's go "outfront."
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good evening. everyone. i'm erin burnett, out front, suicide of a music star. authorities believe country singer mindy mccready shot herself late yesterday on the front porch of herrome in hark harb. the violent end came as no surprise to her friends. early success was followed by a lot of struggles. 37 years full of suicide attempts, custody battles, even an appearance on a celebrity rehab show. her boyfriend died just a few weeks ago on the same perch where her body was found, also an apparent suicide. yesterday, she shot his dog before she killed herself. could anyone have saved her? a question so relevant for so many who suffer from substance abuse. ed lavendera is in arkansas where police are trying to piece together her recent days. she sought help after the death
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of her boyfriend, then she left the facility. have authorities pieced together what happened between then and yesterday? >> what is interesting is she was at the mental institution for brief time recently but it was at the behest of her father who petitioned prosecutors here in this county after erratic behavior and her mood changed quite dramatically after the death of her boyfriend in mid-january. it was her father who asked prosecutes here to be commissioned and sent to that mental institution. she didn't stay very long. she had gotten out in recent days. so a lot of those details, the extent of all that, is clear, but the behavior was erratic. that is what spurred the judge to have her sent away to this mental institution, and the father of her first child had actually reignited custody --
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tried to regain custody of their oldest son, saying they believed the child was in danger because of her behavior, and they didn't trust her being around that child. those children tonight are now in foster care. >> amazing when you say that. we have been talking so much about how little parents and loved ones can do when we're trying to help loved ones. sounds like this family had gone through the same struggle. but her sons are in foster care? not with anyone they know or the family? >> it doesn't appear that way. the laws here in arkansas are, keep a lot of this stuff private, so it's very hard to get any kind of public information. we know the children are in what a representative of mindy mccready says is in a loving situation with families that are taking care of the two boys who are 6 years old and 10 months old. >> a lot of people today have been talking about the dog and the fact she shot the dog before she killed herself. what do you know about that? >> well, there were, according to the sheriff here, it was a neighbor who fist called 911 and
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reported hearing two gunshots. then right after that, they say they got another phone call from a friend of mindy mccready's who said they got an urgent message from a family member who said there was something urgent in nature and they needed to race out to the car. when they got there, they found mccready's body on the same porch where her boyfriend's body was found in mid-january, and next to her was the dog. and police say this was a dog that david wilson and her had gotten after they moved here in november of 2011. what is interesting and we spoke to the sheriff. the case around david wilson is still, quote, an open investigation. it was reported a suicide, but the sheriff says they're still looking into it. we talked about that with him earlier today. >> oh, my god, no. oh, my god, no. he was my life. we were each other's lives.
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>> do you 100% believe that david killed himself? >> i -- i don't know. >> we're currently still gathering information in regards to mr. wilson's case. and the ms. mccready case. when we're able to lay all of that out there, we will do so at that time. >> and erin, that first interview you heard there with mindy mccready is an interview she did with the nbc "today" show just a few weeks ago. she was asked point blank if shy had anything to do with david wilson's death, and that was her answer to that question. >> thank you so much, reporting from arkansas tonight. >> mindy mccready's troubles were laid bear on national tv on dr. drew pinsky's celebrity
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lerl lerehab show. dr. drew is out front tonight with insight into the troubles of the talented singer. i know it was no secret that mindy mccready had some problems and she was on the edge, but what did you think when you heard that she had apparently killed herself? >> i was -- i was sickened and i was sad. the reality is i had spoken to her about ten days prior. i knew she was in trouble. her friends had reached out to me to speak with her. she was doing well until the death of her boyfriend. when he apparently killed himself, she unraveled, was really struggled. when i spoke to her, she agreed finally that she needed to go into the hospital, needed to take care of herself, but she was absolutely preoccupied and mortified with how people would perceive her, judge her, would law enforcement consider her more of a suspect if she got hospitalized. there are all of these spurious ke concerns she put ahead of her.
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she did go, but if she had stayed in the hospital, she would be with us today. >> something she wrote last year, she said i spent my fortune, tarnished my public view, made myself the brunt of punch line after punch line. i have been beaten, sued, robbed, arrested, jailed, and districted, but i'm still here with a handful of people that i know and trust, a revived determination, and both middle fingers in the air. i'm ready. i've been here before. i'm a fighter, i'm down, but i'll never be out. then her boyfriend died and she sought help and left. you think this was avoidable? >> it was treatable, absolutely. there's no doubt -- she had suicidal thinking and gestures before. the problem here is it was really a one-two punch. she was shattered -- things had been going well. shattered by the death of her boyfriend. then she lost custody of her children. released from a hospital prematu prematurely, you add to that mix accessibility of firearms.
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apparently, the boyfriend was a bit of a firearm enthusiast. they were easily accessible, and that was that. >> you know, the excellent rehab show itself, i know you did it to try to make a difference and help these people. there has been some criticism. today, james hibbert wrote, i'll quote him, the series seemingly wanted to give you an insight into how serious addiction is, and emphasize the importance of seeking treatment, yet putting any subject into the vh1 reality machine makes it less serious. you have to wonder whether the celebrities seeking treatment could take it seriously either. do you worry? >> we worry, of course. nothing different in treatment that we do in our customary care, bob and shelly and the team we put together. this was a documentary. we worried that the cameras would adversely effect people, but we were treating people with advanced addiction. their prognosis was the same as
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many cancer patients. they have a poor prognosis. i believe those that are not actively engaged in treatment now still are in harm's way. there are still potentially fatalities ahead. that's a warning to anybody with addiction. it's not about conquering some disease. the way we even talk about the disease is wrong. that's an enrollment process to get people to sustain and maintain their treatment on a daily basis. those that don are in harm's way. >> mccready is the fifth death of people who have been on "celebrity rehab" out of 40 people. did you just indicate you think there could be more? >> people, we were treating severe addicts. those who are not in treatment now are in danger. they are. this is the nature of this condition. if we were doing a show about cancer, we would not be a talking about whether or not there were fatalities. you would anticipate them, and the prognosis is the same. by the same token, we would not stigmatize people for taking
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care of themselves. if a tumor occurred after two years, we would applaud them for fighting the good fight, fighting the disease. yet with this, they're saying, they're weak, they didn't get it, didn't conquer it. we need to treat diseases above the head the same as we treat those below. above the neck, rather, and below the neck. they're no different. brain diseases are dangerous, and they need chronic ongoing care. >> all right, dr. drew, thank you very much. >> appreciate it. >> dr. drew will have more on mccready's death tonight on his show, dr. drew on call at 9:00 eastern on hln. >> still "outfront," new details in the death of reeva steenkamp, the girlfriend of oscar pistorius. a cricket bat, an overnight bag, and a bullet-ridden door. we talk to one of his closest friends. >> plus, cnn has exclusive video of president obama's guys weekend. exclusive video. that's all i'm going to tell you. >> and the world's largest yacht docks in new york city. we'll show you what $1.5 billion
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tiger woods. a round the press was blocked from seeing. cnn was able to get this grainy long distance footage of the president playing golf, sort of like the paparazzi trying to get kate middleton's baby bump. we got it. the white house press corps expressed extreme frustration about the lack of access to the president over the weekend. we understand if you cover the president and you can't see him, you have nothing to cover, but i'm in the camp that even the leader of the free world deserves a break, especially from the constantly nagging press every once in a while. that is so long as the secret weekend events don't get out of control, you know, hang over style. >> huh? what happened last night? >> another kind of tiger. we see ryaryan, along with rosa
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brooks from theobama administration. tiger woods, part of the problem? >> the white house was happy to release photographs of president obama are president clinton. they were very happy to release photographs of president obama palling around with john boehner. >> all on the golf course? >> on the golf course. why not a photograph of president obama with notorious philanderer tiger woods. it's an instant 30-second ad. the president is palling around with tiger woods while the country remains mired in an economic morass. i think the public deserves the right to these photographs. >> ed henry issued this statement. a broad cross section of our members with print, radio, online, and tv have today expressed extreme frustration to having absolutely no access to the president this entire weekend. there's a very simple but important principle we will
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continue to fight for today and in the days ahead, transparency. does the press deserve more? >> every american has a right to know president obama's golf score. this is worth dying for. i think this is ridiculous. i assume president obama didn't want reporters there because his golf score isn't that great. >> he's probably not happy he we got that one. he's supposed to be a good golfer. what about the point, there were pictures with tiger woods before the pre-tiger woods incident, but maybe he doesn't want to be seen with stieger woods on a guys weekend? >> it's possible, but maybe he wants people to mind their own business for two short days out of eight years. i don't think it's such a crime. think about what it would be like to have cameras after you everywhere. president obama does not actually take a lot of vacations relative to most presidents. i think we should give the poor guy a break here. >> i don't begrudge him a day off. i don't at all. part of it is you sign up to be
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president of the united states. that means you have a photographer with you everywhere you go. you never really are alone. you just aren't. >> that's a totally legitimate point. there's another angle. if tiger woods was not a part of this, what would the weekend have been? a weekend of president obama with his friends. lo and behold, a lot of those friends are millionaire democratic donors. here's my thing. i'm disappointed that the press corps does not pay attention when a figure like tiger woods is not involved. look at who the president is spending time with. i have no problem with his friends from chicago, from back in hyde park. that's totally legitimate. when you climb to the top of the greasy pole of politics, the people you wind up spending time with -- >> what an amazing image for a guy's weekend. >> it's something the press corps ought to know about, we ought to report about. even when a excellent happens not to be present. >> is he embarrassed about his 1% -- >> i think that's absolutely right. i think we should be reporting
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on the sickening influence of money in politics, but i think that is unfortunately the world we live in. if you are a successful national politician politicians, you can't afford to hang out with people who aren't going to give you money. and our supreme court helped made that possible. i don't know what to do about that. it's certainly not unique to president obama. that's a disease that afflicted politicians across the political spectrum. >> thanks very much to both of you. all of your smart points aside, i say the guy can get a day off. he can have a guys weekend even though he's the president. >> still to come, today, officials announced what caused the fire on the carnival cruise triumph. we have the reason. and it's not pennies from heaven, but what the meteor left behind could mean big, big, big bucks. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking.
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incredible, and it also left behind thousands of tiny meteorites. phil black is in the mountains where professionals and amateurs alike for all looking for a piece of the pie. >> erin, this was the point of impact. they say this is where part of that meteor slammed through the ice of this frozen lake. they have been searching this area. around here, they have found 53 separate small fragments of that meteorite. they believe there could be bigger pieces beneath the ice, beneath the water on the bottom of this lake. the ice here is really thick. this lake is frozen for about six months of the year. but locals say that the impact created a huge explosion of ice and snow high up into the air and a big steam cloud as well. up on the surface, scientists have been combing this whole area, so fragments have been found on the surface, a bigger mystery remains, what lies beneath the ice? scientists are pretty sure there are even bigger fragments now
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sitting beneath the ice, beneath ten meters of water on this lake. divers have been in to see what they could find, but they said it was silty, visibility was poor, they found nothing, but they're going to try again in the spring and the snow and ice melts, and scientists believe that will be the best time to find any fragments that made it to the surface, not just here at the lake, but across the vast, snow-covered siberian wilderness. erin. >> thank you, phil. "outfront" next, she's known olympian oscar pistorius for more than six years. a friend of pistorius talks about him and his relationship with reeva steenkamp next. and burger king is faunld of saying have it your way. some hackers have taken that to heart. yo, give it up, dude!
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start with stories we care about where we focus on reporting from the front lines and we begin with gas prices. they're going up. according to aaa, prizes have risen for 32 days running. the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded is now $3.73. the highest prices in california. prices have gone as high as
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$5.19 a gallon. greg of tells us one of the problems is refineries are in transition. they basically have a blend of winter gasoline, then they have to make summer blend. the refineries have to shut down to make that switch and perform maintenance in that time. all that means less output. >> hugo chavez is announced he's back home. he was being treated for cancer in cuba for ten weeks. he has not been seen in public since june. they say the return was a surprise and creates a problem for chavez's opposition. they have been pushing for more clarity on the president's health. now that he's back, they have to be more careful about how they speak out against him because they don't want to be viewed as attacking a sick man. >> a group of u.s. lawmakers have gone to mali to meet with politicians there. they told reporters if the country could fully restore democracy, it's likely the united states would renew direct
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support for the malian army. i spoke to senator croons last months, and he said he wants the united states to invest in building relationships in africa that will increase stability so we don't have a repeat of what's happened in mali. a man pushing for greater engagement there. >> and burger king's website was hacked for an hour today. they sent out very unking like tweets. burgin king acknowledged the hacks and apologized to its f l follow followers, but mcdonald's took to twitter and said they empathize with their counterparts, but they didn't take a part. burger king picks up nearly 30,000 followers on their twitter account. >> it's been 564 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? we're going to get key housing data this week. lately, we have seen strong numbers so economists are going to look to see if that trend
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continues. and now our fourth story "outfront." the blade runner murder case. in just a few hours, olympian oscar pistorius will return to his south african courtroom for a bail hearing. we're likely to learn new details about the death of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp, who will be buried tomorrow. already, a south african official familiar with the case, tells cnn steenkamp was shot four times through a bathroom door on valentine's day. >> a beautiful girl, a beach, and a reality tv show which showed reeva steenkamp's romantic side. >> you fall in love with being in love with love. >> she died just days before this aired and it will continue to run on south african television for nine weeks. meanwhile, her boyfriend, double amputee oscar pistorius spent the past few days in this jail, charged with her murder. a charge strongly denied by pistorius and his family.
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this is his uncle, flanked by his sister who struggled to keep herself together as they make a brief statement to media. >> as you can imagine, our entire family is devastated. we are in a state of total shock. >> investigators who have been combing through his home and his high security complex are starting to piece together what they think happened early on valentine's day. it was in this bedroom that steenkamp may have expected to stay the night. according to an official close to the investigation, her overnight bag and an ipad were found in here. pistorius invited cnn to his room in 2008 when these pictures were taken, and cnn is told steenkamp was shot four times through a bathroom door, and authorities say afterwards, pistorius carried her down these stairs while she was still alive. questions still remain over reports of a bloodied cricket bat found at the scene. was it used to attack steenkamp? did she use it to defend herself? or did oscar use it to break down the bathroom door after the
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shooting? and there are reports by the local media that police had found steroids at the house which authorities have not commented on to cnn. as the legal process now begins against the man known as blade runner, all of oscar's future races have been canceled. he was scheduled to run in australia, brazil, the u.s., the uk, and russia. and while pistorius is in court on tuesday for a bail hearing, reeva's family said there will be a memorial service for her as producers of her reality show released this farewell message from her, meant to be on her show, but now becomes her last good-bye. >> i take home with me so many amazing memories and things that are in here and in here that i will treasure forever. i'm going to miss you all so much. and i love you very, very much. >> imagine how difficult that must have been for her family and friends to watch. erin, back to you. >> this case has left those who
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were closest to oscar pistorius in a state of total shock. and joining me now is a close friend of oscar's, model vanessa haywood. thank you for taking the time. i know you have known oscar for a long time, 6 1/2 years. you have seen the same reports we have now, saying he had a controlling temper, perhaps towards women that he dated. is that at all the man that you knew? >> no, not at all. i have known him for many years, as you said, and i have never seen him show an angry side. i have never seen him lose his temper. and it's just -- he's an incredibly kind and gentle human being. that's the way i know him. >> one of his ex-girlfriends, jenna r, tweeted something alon the lines you're saying. here's her tweet, i'll read it, i would just like to say i have dated oscar on and off for five years. not once has he ever lifted a finger to me or made me fear for my life. but of course, south african
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police say they had previously responded to calls from pistorius' home for allegations of a quote/unquote domestic nature. did you ever see a dark side of him? >> i really didn't. and i would like to clear up that domestic call that i think the police are referring to. it was a few years ago, actually, i wasn't there. he had a party at his home, and there was alcohol involved, and he had asked a girl to leave his home. and as she left, he slammed the door, and the door apparently hit her leg, and she called the police. and a case of abuse was led against him, and charges were never pressed. >> vanessa, can you talk a little about what you know about oscar's relationship with guns? back in 2011, he had tweeted a picture of himself at a shooting range, and there are also reports that he kept a gun by his bed. some people said he had an arsenal of guns. is that true?
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>> as far as i know, he only had the one handgun, which i know he kept only for protection, i think, being disabled, he sometimes felton safe and felt the need to keep a gun for safety. south africa isn't the safest place in the world at times. a lot of people keep handguns for protection. >> one motive out there is that oscar had confused reeva with an intruder, and that may have been why he shot her. police are saying that theory did not come from them. but back in november, oscar tweeted, nothing like getting home to hear the washing machine on and thinking it's an intruder, to go into full combat recon mode into the pantry. was he concerned about his personal safety? >> i don't think it was something he consciously felt every day. he's got a funny side. i think the tweet has been taken really literally now because of the situation.
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>> there are reports also, vanessa, that reeva was also close to an ex-boyfriend, who was a south african rugby player, who was friends with oscar. some people are saying that relationship could have played a part in why oscar was perhaps jealous. it's incredibly difficult to know if any of this is true at this point, but do you know about this relationship? >> the relationship you're referring to, he's a personal friend of mine. as far as i know, there was, you know, there were no altercations going on. they were still friends. >> vanessa, the big question here, and of course, the tough one, obviously, you have a lot of good words to say about oscar pistorius, but do you think he intentionally killed reeva or not? >> i really, really have no idea. i mean, that would be speculating. and i would like to think he didn't. i can't fathom how he did because i'm so far removed
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from -- it's so far removed from the incident that happened and the oscar that i know who is just this really sweet guy. >> vanessa, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. >> it's a pleasure. >> and now i want to bring in four-time olympic medal winner auto bolden. he was a commentator at the olympic games and a key fighter for olympic when he was fighting for the olympics 2012. you heard vanessa say she had never seen oscar lose his temper. she has known him for six and a half years. you spent a lot of time with him in the close community of close-knit runners. have you met a person who was surprised with him? >> i have not met a person. anyone who had any connection with oscar in the last four years is in absolute amazement to see what is going on in pretoria, south africa, this week. >> during the london games,
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oscar's roommate told a reporter he was forced to move out because, quote, oscar was constantly screaming in anger on people at the phone. you were at the olympic games. did you hear about that? >> at both the paralympic games, after the summer olympic games, as well as during the summer olympics, we were getting tidbits of oscar has this side to him where he was a little bit of a temper, but you know, my thinking with that is that the olympics and the paralympics, obviously, are a time in which an athlete, this is everything they have worked for for four years. and as somebody who has been through that olympic pressure cooker, i know what it's like to be in that situation where, you know, just about anything can set you off. i didn't see that as anything noteworthy by oscar. >> not something that was unusual? >> no. >> did he ever talk to you about his disability? vanessa and i talked a little further about it, and she said he never talked to her about it. in her view, he didn't perceive
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himself as having a dissability. did he ever talk to you about the disability? >> not once have i ever talked to oscar and gotten the sense that he felt any bit -- the least bit unlucky as to how his life had turned out. in fact, some of the last, you know, conversations back and forth on social media i had with him is he was enjoying his new sports car. him and his buddies had just come back off a fantastic vacation. i think part of what has been so difficult for me to wrap my mind around what is going on is this is a young man who was literally in terms of his 26 years on earth, he literally was coming off the best year of his life. so it's very, very difficult for me to see how he could have possibly been involved in this. >> do you ever have any conversation with him about relationships or girls at all? >> no, never a conversation about it.
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you know, i have had to kind of decide that for me, and for a lot of people who interact with him at work, it's sort of a selfish shock if you're shocked about the events he's alleged to have done because you feel like you know him, but the reality is you know him at work. and very few people are the same at work as they are at home. and even worse, in an intimate relationship. so i have kind of resolved that, you know what, i knew oscar pretty well at work, when i interviewed him and watched him do his thing at work, but not the same as somebody in an intimate relationship. >> that's a really fair point. there are reports out of london that sources close to the investigation that say police found steroids inside pistorius' home. they're looking into whether oscar may have killed his girlfriend reeva in steroid rage. have you heard rumors that oscar could have used steroids? >> not at all. that sound to me like a little bit of tabloids creating this. i would be very, very surprised. regardless of what else ends up
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being the outcome of the case, i would be very surprised to hear that oscar pistorius had anything remotely resembling performance enhancing drugs in his house because i just feel like if you know the guy, especially on the track, that's something that i feel like he would have been -- he would have been loathe to jeopardize what he had been able to arrive do by using that. >> the difficulty in this whole story, and there are so many details still to be worked out, but it's reported he shot her four times and may have hit her with a baseball bat. they're trying to figure out whose blood it was on the bat. if it comes out he did this in a cold-blooded murder, you're saying a lot of positive things about him, and that's your impression of him, but how will you come to terms with that and rationalize that if indeed it turns out he did this? >> well, i am a firm believer that athletes and guns are never a good mix. so that would be my first thing. the second thing is -- >> why is that, because they're
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more focused? >> i feel like every time we see a situation where there's an athlete and a gun, there's more harm being done than good. and it seems like recently, we have been trying to shoot the messenger in terms of bob costas and jason whitlock who have echoed very similar sentiments. i have been a pro athlete and i can tell you, we are wired differently and we tend to fly off the handle. not saying this is the case here, but i feel like something such as a firearm, just has no place anywhere around a professional athlete. but i will rationalize this by the fact that, you know what, oscar pistorius is a guy who everybody thought they knew, and he had obviously a very bad night and he snapped if it comes out that what he is alleged to have done, he did do. >> "outfront" next, what caused the fire that turned a pleasure cruise it to a trip from hell? today, we got the answer. and a big idea hidden in plain sight, plus, the biggest yacht in the world.
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try running four.ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. our fifth story "outfront." a fuel leak sparked a fire that stranded more than 4,200 people
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aboard a cruise ship for five days. the ship was on the third day of a four-day cruise from galveston to mexico. the fire started monday morning, knocked out electricity. the ship was towed to port in o mobi mobile, alabama, thursday night. now we know what caused the fire, but it still did so much damage, taking out all bit one generat generator, and those generators are about the size of a bus. passengers said there was smoke in their halls and in the rooms. did they give any cause of the damage? >> investigators say even a small fire could have huge consequences. in its preliminary findings today, the coast guard said the engine fire was contained to a fairly small area and the crew did a good job in putting it out. the coast guard commander said they're looking into why the ship was inoperable even though some backup systems were working. and we have covered the story since it all broke on sunday,
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and maritime experts say sometimes it's unsafe to start up secondary systems because of possible damage caused by the fire, which could spark other problems down the road. so in many cases, as a precautionary measure, the systems have to be shut off. again, it doesn't have to be a big fire to disable a ship that size, erin. >> of course, we're still waiting for answer s as to whether an earlier issue with a propulsion system walls in any way related. i know carnival has said it wasn't. a lot of people are asking that question as well. do you have any indication as to when they're going to get more answers, particularly in when there will be a who, as to who bears the responsibility for this disaster? >> the coast guard ruled out the leak as something that was caused intentionally. the fuel hose that was leaking is something that is routinely inspected. they're going to go over inspection records, and carnival said the last time it was inspected was november 15th of
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last year, and the condition of the hose is something they'll look into, and carnival has interviewed 22 passengers and board members on the ship, and investigators will wrap up the interview some time tomorrow, and they expect to finish all of their onsite work by the end of the week. they say it won't be until months for everything to come together. again, these are just preliminary findings of the cause of the fire right now. there's still a lot they have to piece together. >> and a lot of questions that those passengers and anyone who wants to take a cruise demands answers to. thanks very much to sandra. it's a free decade before a duck hunter turned entrepreneur asked himself whiy he was wearig camouflage designed for hunting dear. it turns out his answer was in plain sight. >> hello, water. don't you want water in your
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camouflage. >> steve is a duck hunter. he spent more than 30 years wading through marshes, including his wedding day. >> i actually went duck hunting on my wedding day, i sure did. >> he spent years searching for a camo pattern that resembled the marshes and the fields he waded tew, but it didn't exist. everything was geared toward deer hunters. so about six years ago, he kauld up steven kirkpatrick and asked him what he thought about creating a camo pattern of their own? >> i was like, duh, why didn't i think of that? >> the two friends struck a deal, knowing they had an idea that was one of a kind, but a funny thing happened on the way to the duck hunt. >> that looked terrible. i got back in the truck and almost cried, like this is the worst stuff i have ever seen. it was awful, past awful. >> licking their wounds, they went back to the drawing boards, and four years, 1,059
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photographs, muddy water camo was born. >> pretty much everything out there looks like cartoons, when you show somebody high definition television when they have been watching cartoons, 99.9% are going to agree it's a better image. that what we found. >> getting the idea to market was a whole other issue. no one would give them the time of day until maloney found a gimmick to get them in the door. >> i said, it's around lunch time. if i don't show you the best camouflage you have seen in your life, i'll buy everyone lunch. so they're like, come on. we're hungry. they would take a look at it. this happened every single time. they would take a look at it and you would see this frown on their face, because they were like, you got me. you don't have to buy lunch. >> maloney never did have to buy anyone lunch, and today, muddy water camo is the most detailed, realistic, that bird's a goner camo on the market, distributed to over 80 retailers in 21 states.
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>> we raised the standard, obviously. we raised the sfarnd. we know we have been seen, and we are just continuing to make a big splash. >> now, let's check in with wolf blitzer in for anderson cooper with a look at what's coming up on "ac 360." >> erin, we have breaking news that we're following on "360." what pushed the shooter to pull the trigger at the sandy hook elementary school? shockingly, tonight, we're learning it may have been a competition with another mass murderer. cbs news broke the news, the details ahead. >> also, a "360" exclusive. the explosive allegations against senator bob menendez. drew griffin is on the ground, reporting on the source of the allegations. those stories and the tragic story behind president obama's speech on gun control in chicago, just hours later, someone in this photo lost a loved one in the shooting. all that and a lot more coming up at the top of the hour. erin. >> wolf, see you in a few
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moments. >> and up next, an eclipse. we just had to see up close. look at that thing. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked.
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to big ships. cruises, luxury yachts, and the uss intrepid are docked on new york's west side as an attraction for tour stzs to the city, but at least they were, because now they're being ignored while everyone watched the eclipse. it's a 557-foot luxury yacht that arrived in new york city last week. it is the biggest private yacht on planet earth. and it includes nine decks, 30 huge cabins, two hel apads, swimming pools, a luxury spa, and its own submarine. it also has a military grade missile defense system, armor plating, and bullet-proof windows.
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it's the pride and joy of a russian who paid $1.5 billion for it, which brings me to tonight's number, $14.6 billion. that is roman's estimated worth which is only good for 59 on the list of richest people in the earth, but he owned london's chelsea football club and an art collection and has a buf and stylish girlfriend, but in addition to the eclipse, he also owned three other yachts. all told, he's shelled out $2 billion for really fancy modes of water transportation. and he is still paying. the annual cost for keeping the eclipse afloat is reportedly $15 million a year. and a tank of fuel, well, looks like that's about $650,000 per tank. that's the estimate we saw. if you're watching, how about a tour? i want to see it from the insi.
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