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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  April 14, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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thank you very much, fredericka. i'm don lemon. you're in the "cnn newsroom." we're going to begin with the latest diplomatic effort to calm things down between north korea and just about the rest of the world. the top negotiator in the united states secretary of state john kerry is in tokyo personally visiting three countries closest to north korea and getting assurances to them a nuclear capable north korea is unacceptable. inside north korea, does this look like a country that's teetering on the edge of war as they claim? a marathon scheduled a long time ago went off as planned with runners of 16 countries starting from kim il sung stadium in north korea. let's go to diana magna. now the messages of north korea
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mixed. threatening nuclear war but having a nice sports festival at the same time. what gives here? >> reporter: that's true. you're going to see more of that pageantry also on the screens today from north korea because it's the 101st anniversary of the founder of the birthday of the founder of north korea. and so, there are going to be huge parades and celebrations all day today. and it's those mixed messages that, you know, come out of north korea all the time. there are still tourists going in. it doesn't seem as though this is a country preparing for war. and yet, you have all this war rhetoric coming out of knot korea and aimed at tokyo and seoul. aggressive, that is something that in his meetings in seoul, beijing and now in tokyo secretary kerry said we will not stand for this anymore. enough of this war talk. now is the time for peace. let's just have a listen to what he said yesterday in tokyo.
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>> it is very simple. that the united states will do what is necessary to defend our allies, to ban republic of korea and the region against these provocations. but our choice is to negotiate. our choice is to move to the table and find a way for the region to have peace. >> reporter: so all about getting north korea back to the negotiating table, don. burr with an important caveat. north korea has to show that it's serious about dismantling its nuclear weapons program. and i think the most important visit of his trip was that the one he made to beijing where he said he'd really got a commitment of china that they were committed to a denuclearized north korea and you could tell that that in his mind was the most crucial thing, to get beijing on board because, of course, the economic ties between beijing and pyongyang
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are huge. north korea relies on china for power, food. so if beijing can really start to exercise its muscle on north korea then you might get somewhere in negotiating a peace here, don. >> diana, what's the expectation that north korea will fire a missile tonight or tomorrow as part of the big national celebration? we have experts say they're positive it will happen and others say, no way. no way that they're going to do it. what are the japanese saying? >> reporter: it's very hard to read north korea. no one knows. that's the trouble. there's been a lot of talk at various points over the last week this could be the day that north korea fires a missile. last wednesday they said that's the day that foreign diplomats no longer safe in pyongyang. people thought maybe it will happen now. it didn't. today's the anniversary of the birthday of the founder. perhaps they will fire a missile. but i think the concern is less when it happens but more if it happens will it just be a test
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fire which everyone's hoping it will only or will they carry through on the threats and target? i think people in the region are pretty clear that kim jong-un is out of his mind to strike u.s. military facilities in japan or japan itself because of the repercussions and that's the concern. it's so hard to know what they plan to do and so hard to know how far kim jong-un is prepared to go. >> thank you. let's go to washington now. immigration reform bill will be unveiled tuesday in the senate. the compromise legislation is expected to provide a 13-year path to citizenship for undocumented workers. cnn's athena jones at the white house now. explain the details of what's in the bill. >> reporter: hi, don. we did hear some details of florida senator marco rubio on seven of the sunday talk shows. we heard him lay out details,
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so-called triggers. three things that have to happen before people here illegally can get legal status. i believe we have a graphic to put on the screen. the first is an e-verify system to allow workers to check the citizenship status of people they want to hire. another is a tracking system for immigrants to make sure that people who come here legally don't end up overstaying the visas. that's a big problem. and the last is what he called some real border security. which would include fences. the idea here is that this is not going to be easy for the undocumented. they have to pass a background check and pay a fine before they go through this legalization process. let's listen to what senator marco rubio had to say to our own candy crowley on "state of the union" today. >> you have to be in the system at least ten years plus, plus all the enforcement things happen, before we give you access to apply for the legal immigration system. we're not awarding anybody
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anything. we'll giving people the opportunity to eventually earn access to the new, improved and modernized legal immigration system. >> reporter: another senator who's on the gang of eight, senator john mccain and he told candy today he was guardedly optimistic about the prospects for the bill and opposition. we heard of senator jeff sessions out of alabama who thinks that this is an amnesty and that it's going to hurt american jobs and so it shows that there's a tough road ahead for this, don. >> all right. thank you very much, athena jones. we appreciate that. just ahead, we'll talk more on immigration and the trip that's tripped up washington. jay-z and beyonce's vacation to cuba. why is it such a big deal? later this hour, jackie robinson breaking the color league baseball, they have a problem. the number of african-americans in the league is low. what's driving blacks away from
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the past time and what the league is doing to try to get them back. you know how to mix business... with business. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i could get used to this. [ male announcer ] yes, you could business pro. yes, you could. go national. go like a pro. yes, you could. and every day since, two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. we've worked hard to keep it. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. we've shared what we've learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely. i want you to know, there's another commitment bp takes just as seriously: our commitment to america.
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bp supports nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs in communities across the country. we hired three thousand people just last year. bp invests more in america than in any other country. in fact, over the last five years, no other energy company has invested more in the us than bp. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. today, our commitment to the gulf, and to america, has never been stronger. ncncncncncer ] this is a fire that didn't destroy a home. this is a break-in that didn't devastate a family. this is the reason why -- adt. and while some companies may offer home security, at adt, we specialize in it, helping to save lives for more than 135 years. we have more monitoring centers, more of tomorrow's technology right here today, and more value -- 24/7 monitoring against burglary, fire, and high levels of carbon monoxide --
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starting at just over $1 a day. and now get adt installed for just $99. this is the computer that didn't get stolen, keeping priceless photos and financial records safe. this is the reason why. you can't predict when bad things will happen, so help protect yourself with adt. isn't your family worth america's number-one security company? call and get adt installed for just $99. and ask about adt pulse, advanced home management here today. adt. always there. former texas lawman is arrested and in jail. this is eric williams being booked in texas. he was a justice of the peace there in the same county where an intense investigation is swirling around the shooting deaths of two prosecutors chls deputies went to williams house with a search warrant tied to the murders, and then brought him in. they're not saying if williams
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arrest is directly connected to the case. the senate is expected to vote wednesday on legislation to tighten background checks for gun sales. the national rifle association is against the measure. one of the bill's authorities of pennsylvania says he is not sure it will have enough votes to pass. despite the nra strong opposition, he defended his position earlier today on cnn's "state of the union." >> first of all, let me be very clear. senator manchin and i are not interested and not willing to support infringing the legitimate rights of law-abiding citizens. this is about whether or not it's reasonable to try to make it more difficult for dangerous people -- for whom it's already illegal for them to have weapons to obtain them. some people want to infringe on second amendment rights. i will be part of trying to make sure that criminals and dangerously mentally ill people have a harder time getting guns. >> republican senator john mccain of arizona today
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expressed support for the bill. the other big story on capitol hill this week, immigration reform deal. the so-called gang of eight, four senators of each party, will unveil their plan on tuesday. cnn contributors here to talk about. lz, is this deal that finally -- is this the one that finally gets passed? we have been talking immigration reform for years. >> yeah. but because of the 2012 election, now we know it's actually important. people realize and by people i'm talking about the gop. now realize that the latino vote is an important vote. not only for 2012 but going forward. so yes, this is a deal. skeleton. that will eventually find the way to the white house and eventually to obama's desk. i do believe that. >> anna, you have been involved in immigration reform, the debate, for years as a
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republican strategist. are enough of fellow republicans going to get behind the bill to get it passed do you think? >> i think so. let's just understand that you don't need a majority of republicans. you probably need 10, 15, 20 republicans to get it through the senate and i think that those 20 republicans are there. if you take a look, you have got very important voices in the party that are in congress right now like mario rubio, rand paul in the senate and lindsay graham behind this. on the house side, paul ryan, the former vp nominee and been a pro-immigration person and speaking out strongly. will be in chicago on the 22nd doing an immigration event and speaking about this issue. so yes, i think republicans are there. >> anna? anna, if it gets through the senate can it get through the house? >> i'm optimistic. cautiously optimistic. i was with john boehner in miami on friday, don. i think he's cautiously optimistic and i think he's
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committed to trying to do this. there's a gang of eight working diligently in the house of four republicans and four democrats trying to put together their own deal an their own bill which i think will be unveiled also very shortly. >> i want to ask lz about that. does it get through the house? >> well, i was going to say, i mean, there's some things in the bill -- the way marco rubio was describing it today, i couldn't tell if it's immigration reform or episode of "the hunger games." this is really tough. he's not handing anything over. it's very difficult. and it really addresses what i think is a major issue and an important issue and that is securing the border. it makes it really top prior ten ai think he can sell people, boehner can sell his party on the fact that this bill would not be coming to fruition unless we're able to control and have a secure border.
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i think that's most important part of the bill. >> let's talk about a vacation that's gotten more coverage than a first family vacation. a cuban american had strong comments of jay-z and beyonce's trip to cuba. listen. >> there's a rapper in cuba, a hip hop artist in cuba on a hunger strike and persecuted because he has political lyrics in his songs and i wish they would have met with him. if they wanted to know what was going on in cuba, meet with the people suffering there and not taking a stroll down the street. >> anna, to you first, you know him very well. is he right? is it a bad idea from the beginning? he also said that one of jay-z's heroes said he was a racist and jay-z needs to get informinform >> all of those things that marco rubio said are true. google chez and see the writings on racism and race when he was
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alive in the diaries and had some very ugly things to say, demeaning things to say about the african race and yes. there is a rapper in cuba who is in jail for rapping anti-government lyrics. if an artist in cuba rapped what jay-z did about the american politicians, that would be grounds for being in jail. in cuba, don, it is illegal, for example, to play the lyrics of gloria esteban. they had to escape the island to be able to play and exercise their freedom. sandoval. you know, people like cruz died without ever being to go back to the island. look. if they want to go to cuba. they want to thumb their nose at the laws that are in the books, you know, do it, that's fine. everybody can do that. but let's not pretend that cuba is cancun or that cuba is the bahamas. it's a 54-year-old dictatorship and people live under oppression
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and those of us familiar with the situation and educated on it, it brings us pain. so yeah. it's their choice to go but it's my choice to find it wrong and to think that it's just not helpful to freeing that island. >> lz? >> well, you know, i keep thinking about what he said about jay-z and chez and the history. so i did some digging. i was reminded that batista wasn't a good guy either. he was a bit of a dictator, as well. i've been to cuba. i didn't roll with jay-z and beyonce and i spent two weeks on the island and spoke to some of the actual people there. i was able to get away from my tourism group and speak to some of the natives there. i saw a divide based on the color and tone and racism is a problem there and a problem in the batista era and talking about the history and what we
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are going to do with cuba, this is an island that's a dictatorship much longer than 50 years and complicated. but is that dictatorship worth with mubarak or worse than with china? we are talking about the fact that we give millions and billions of dollars to countries that oppress women still. that's hypocritical. >> yeah. okay. >> i tell you what -- >> i don't have time, anna. >> the t-shirts and take issue with that, too. a gangster breaks out of jail. this is the stuff that movies are made of. we're going inside the escape next. this will be the 40 mega watt solar field. >> they told him he can never do it. >> it's disruptive idea. >> he said someone's got to
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bring solar energy to this place. i was like, please not you. >> it will be the field with the best security in the whole world because we have two armies guarding it. >> his real first solar field on "the next list." >> whatever he can envision, he can figure out how to make it happen. >> it's stunning. >> if he can see it, he can do it. incredible. >> he just put his teeth if something like a bulldog and doesn't give it up. ♪ [ male announcer ] the first look is only the beginning. ♪ ♪
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venezuelans electing a new president for the second time in less than a year. this election comes just over a month after president hugo chavez died. he was just re-elected in november. they're choosing between these two men. thousands of venezuelans in south florida had to go to new orleans to vote in their home country's presidential election. many stood in long lines in the rain. they had to make the trip because the former president closed the consulate in miami last year. an islamist militant group claiming responsibility for an attack today that killed 29 people in somalia. witnesses say at least ten heavily armed men stormed a court building in session in mogadish
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mogadishu. soma somali's president calls it a sign of desperation by the terrorists. a gangster blasts out of prison in france. now an international manhunt is under way for redoine faid. the french government says the prison break is an act of war, clearly this was not an impulse move. his plan was well organized and flawlessly executed. cnn international's reporter is here. how did he execute this spectacular jailbreak? >> don, when you see this, it's jaw dropping. probably one of the most jaw dropping jailbreaks in he cent history. he is a criminal master mind. blasted through five doors of a high security prison in leo, france, taking four security guards hostage briefly. then, getting out and getting away in a car which then he dumps, sets on fire. now he's on the run. we have interpoll involved.
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we have an arrest warrant in 26 countries ishlsed for him. this is someone who's had a history of doing this. and his own lawyer comes out with -- says in france i'm not surprised. let's take a listen. >> translator: it is also a young man remarkably intelligent and he is using his intellect to serve his ambitions and i think he has so many years in prison behind him he thought it was one too many. >> go ahead. >> i was thinking to ask you that apparently they believe he saw this in a movie. >> he drew his inspiration from a lot of movie plots. for example, like he would use the plots as manuals for his heists and got the street cred robbing money shipments off the armored trucks. million dollar question is where did he get the explosives from? that's a discussion taking place right now. one of the reasons is that this was an overcapacity prison.
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the other reason is the possibility that there's a different way in terms of how france deals with their prison system so their guards don't always check inmates and done on a very random basis so that could also be an issue at play as to why he got away with this. >> i think we'll be seeing the movie of this coming to theaters near you. >> that's true. like a script. >> yeah. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> appreciate it. a mother driving the wrong way on the highway kills eight. the autopsy said she was drunk and high. her family says that could never happen. is there more to the story? omnipotent of opportunity. you know how to mix business... with business. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i could get used to this. [ male announcer ] yes, you could business pro.
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it was a brong way crash that claimed the lives of eight people including four children. a new york mother, driving
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erratically crashing head-on in to another vehicle back in 2009. diane's autopsy shows a blood alcohol level of .19 and a high devil of htc, the active ingredient in marijuana. but her husband believes there has to be an explanation. >> i want to know what happened to my wife. i want an autopsy done, a correct autopsy done. i want the know if she had a choke or not. what they're saying is not true. >> so is there more to this story? tonight cnn airs "there's something wrong with aunt diane." the director joins me now. liz, thank you for joining us. diane's family has always said driving drunk would be completely out of character for her. is there any truth to that? >> look. i mean, people are complicated and no one person is equal to their worst action. diane was by all accounts of everyone we spoke to a devoted
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mother and an incredibly hard worker. she managed working and family with incredible ease people felt but obviously on that day in question she did consume that alcohol and smoked marijuana. i mean, it was in her system. so the question is, why? and what else was happening in her life? we set out to explore those questions. >> so liz, it would appear from all accounts that the five children riding in diane's minivan knew something was wrong. i want you to listen to this. >> when there is an incoherent phone call with her brother, her oldest niece is apparently on the phone to her parents saying, there's something wrong with aunt diane. >> they're saying, aunt diane can't see. aunt diane can't -- something's wrong with aunt diane. >> meaning, do you think she consumed or do they think she consumed something or someone gave her something?
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the kids knew something was up. >> clearly their aunt was acting incoherently. she was looking for some advil, maybe the pot and alcohol was a way of addressing that pain. not a healthy or safe way but maybe that's what was going on. we know that diane smoked marijuana occasionally to relax. but people said she was not a big drinker. obviously something happened that day to get her out of control. the combination of marijuana and alcohol together can make people -- their judgment very, very impaired. >> liz, i want to listen to another clip of the documentary hearing diane's husband throat an idea that an abscessed tooth kour had something to do with the accident. >> say we exhume the body and there's a really bad abscessed tooth, we have x-rays from years ago. >> the question will still
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prevail, how did it cause -- >> maybe she had a stroke and by mistake she thought it was water and drank it. >> is he in dee nile? >> look, i mean, your wife driving the car, the one you loved, the horrible tragedy taking the life of his niece and daughter and the human thing is to look for an explanation, a thing to root in it a narrative that makes sense to you. nothing makes sense. she had tooth pain and a doctor probably told him, well, an infected abscess tooth can cause a stroke and he hung on to that. i think that's a very, very normal human reaction to a tragedy like this. >> i remember this story when it happened. it was just horrific. i can't imagine working as closely with the people involved as you have. what did you learn from this particular project, liz? >> i learned a lot about life through this particular project. i learned that no one is entirely knowable.
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sometimes the people closest to you have secrets or have pain, have histories that you don't know. sometimes people medicate themselves. sometimes people don't get the assistance they need. and that there are secrets in families and secrets can hurt and can kill. >> liz, thank you very much. it looks to be a very interesting documentary. you can watch "there's something wrong with aunt diane" 7:00 eastern and see it again at 10:00 eastern here on cnn. again, our thanks to liz garvis. [ male announcer ] the 2013 chevy silverado 1500
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we take them for granted in high-rises around the world. of course, elevators. but how many of us know the back story to this invention that launched an empire of sorts? tom foreman has the story in this week's "american journey." >> help! >> what is it? >> reporter: it's been a staple of horror movies of decades. a great skyscraper towers, a calamity strikes and an el vi or the plunges. yet, that almost never happens in real life. because 160 years ago, a man just outside of new york drew this diagram on a scrap of paper. a simple idea for a simple invention. his name was elijah otis and pedro knows all about him. >> he invented a device when the
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rope broke the platform remained in position and became safe and that was opened up vertical transportation safely for people and enabled tall buildings. >> reporter: indeed, the elevator's safety break freed the imaginations and opened the heavens for the architects in the rapidly growing cities. >> buildings began to shoot up. five floors, ten, 15, 102 floors like here. >> reporter: this is what it looked like when those elevators were installed in the early 1930s. today, the otis company lays claim to elevators all over the planet and the tallest buildings and fully expects to climb to greater heights as demand for urban offices and homes continues to grow. >> there's buildings on the drawing board that are unimaginable only ten, 15 years ago, so it's another area of challenges and innovations. >> reporter: in other words, more than a century and a half
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after otis started his small company business is still looking up. tom foreman, cnn. >> all right, tom. former president george w. bush is a grandfather. his daughter jenna bush hager gave birth to a baby girl last night in new york. margaret laura mila hager. former president and first lady say they're elated about it but mr. bush said he doesn't plan to change any diapers any time soon. don't blame him. need inspiration? our nation's warriors with the special treatment they deserve. about to compete in one of this country's most famous sporting events. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪
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yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age.
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♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ to enjoy all of these years. and every day since, two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. we've worked hard to keep it. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. we've shared what we've learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely. i want you to know, there's another commitment bp takes just as seriously: our commitment to america. bp supports nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs in communities across the country. we hired three thousand people just last year. bp invests more in america than in any other country. in fact, over the last five years,
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no other energy company has invested more in the us than bp. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. today, our commitment to the gulf, and to america, has never been stronger. avalanches in washington state's cascades mountains claim at least one life. police say a woman hiker died from her injuries after being buried beneath five feet of snow yesterday and another hiker is missing. the search for him is called off due to dangerous conditions. they will be the true heroes of the boston marathon tomorrow. a team of wounded warriors will hand cycle the 26.2-mile race. they arrived in boston yesterday on private jet. several lost legs to ied explosions in afghanistan. one veteran says he is doing the marathon to deliver a message.
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never let anything get you down. we salute all of them. he dished up inside information of restaurant business and then served up wanderlust in a tv show. now the table is set for anthony bourdain's next adventure. "parts unknown" debuting tonight here on cnn. i had a chance to talk with the well-traveled chef touching on everything from the new show to what his last meal would be. take a listen. >> so tell us what to expect. we know what we get from anthony bourdain. what do we get on cnn? exotic locations. what else? >> i think, i hope entertainingly schizophrenic. meaning there will be light hearted shows of me shoving delicious food in to my face in european capitals and there will be dark, hard to make shows in places like libya and the congo. there will be, you know, small
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tight focus stories told through the -- from the point of view of maybe a few characters and bigger pick your stories. i'll continue to look at the world as somebody from the point of view of an eater and a former chef. but i guess on a bigger scale, coming to cnn is a lot of stories and go places that would have been impossible anywhere else. >> yeah. i would imagine, though, coming to a place like cnn with a reputation of cnn, you are a free spirit. you travel everywhere. and as you said, you know, you make some people nervous with standards and practices. is this going to come with a viewer discretion advised label before it goes on? >> i think it's too late for me to change my behavior. i mean, i'm not a journalist. and like i said, you know, i have really never had to tailor my behavior or my speech. i'm used to certain latitude and
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freedom. and i see no reason to change now. presumably cnn knew what they were getting in to when they brought me on board so i'm hoping for the best. >> there are some things that you eat, some people might find them unsavory and nasty bits. >> little birds? >> yeah. >> these guys are really good. caught this morning. >> it is the backbone of every free fair in the world. deep tried food. >> they also have the little batter where they break a quail egg in it. one shot. really good. >> one of the world things that's happened in fine dining, because chefs are empowered is if you want to eat pig's feet or tongue or jowls or marrow or those things that poor people used to have to eat, you have to
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go to a fine dining restaurant and increasingly hard to find the traditional foods. >> you killed a pig i believe for a louisiana cajun roast. i grew up in louisiana. don't you just love new orleans and louisiana and the food there? it is amazing. >> if you don't love new orleans, if you don't love louisiana, there is really just no hope for you. >> right. >> it is the magical, magical state with a -- maybe the single most glorious tradition of cooking and eating and drinking. >> your book "kitchen confidential" did that change your life or did it change your life? >> as much as anything could change your life, "kitchen confidential" changed mine. i was literally 44 years old and next to a deep fryer looking forward to pretty much of same for the rest of my life and i wrote this little book thinking a few cooks and restaurant people in new york would read it
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and really almost overnight the world became my oyster and i found myself with the best job in the world. i mean, look what i do for a living. i sit around with friends and looking at a map thinking where do we want to go and what stories we want to tell and how do we want to tell them? so it was absolutely transforming event for me and made everything possible. you know? i was a guy who never had health insurance in his life and now i'm on tv. it's -- it was a big, big, big change for me. >> i don't want to be morbid but last meal for anthony bourdain, what is that? >> last meal? some super high test sushi. maybe in tokyo. you know? maybe just a couple of bites of -- yeah. you could pretty much shoot me in the back of the head right after that. >> you're a treat and i'm looking forward to you being on
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cnn. thank you, anthony. suddenly i'm hungry. are you? cnn brings you the world as anthony bourdain and his crew travel to colombia, libya, peru and other countries. "parts unknown" starting tonight 9:00 eastern and pacific only here on cnn. 66 years after jackie robinson broke the color barrier, major league baseball has a problem. number of african-americans in the league is amazingly low. ahead, we'll talk about what's driving young blacks away from america's past time and what the league is going to get them back. [ male announcer ] julia child became a famous chef at age 51.
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all right. quick update from the masters golf tournament in augusta. not far from where we are in atlanta. the winner won't be an american. won't be an american. australian adam scott and
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argentina's angel cabrera, the 2009 winner, battling down to the wire. tiger woods finished his round a few minutes ago. couple shots out of the lead at 5 under par. okay. kobe bryant's comeback from a torn achilles tendon is already under way. the l.a. lakers star went down near the end of the game friday night. by last night he already had successful surgery. recovery time is usually at least six to nine months, but kobe, 34, vows to be back. kobe who is 34, like that's an old man. >> that is an old man for the nba. >> don't say that. >> particularly -- >> i passed 34 a long time ago. that's not old. kobe's young. young. terrance moore is here, sports contributor to and a columnist for are we going to talk about the masters in just a second, but i want to start with jackie robinson, the movie called "42." the first african-american to play major league baseball in 1947. we just learned today that the
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movie will be number one at the box office. i'm going to go see it tomorrow. as we celebrate jackie robinson, the number of african-americans playing baseball today is actually falling. on opening day, just 8.5% of big league rosters. in 1986, it was about 19% of league rosters. league has announced diversity task force to study the issue. you've written about the decline. why do you think this is happening? what did you say, it's the lowest since when? since ever? it's lowest since ever. >> well, actually probably in the last 20, 30 years. you go back to the 1950s -- >> right. >> percentage wise, it's the lowest since the 1950s when the boston red sox were the last team to integrate. to answer your question, i tell you, i'm good friends with baseball hall of famer joe morgan. joe has it exactly right, he says that if you're not looking for black players, you're not going to find them. he blames it on scouts. they're not putting the emphasis on this thing. look at baseball, too.
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baseball has built these elaborate academies in latin american countries to get players to come. haven't done that as much here in the united states. they did it a little bit in l.a., somewhat in houston, doing one in cincinnati. you saw the old baseball movie "field of dreams," build it and they'll come. >> i tweeted out field of dreams today and had a picture of jackie robinson. everybody is celebrating him on social media starting tomorrow. i wanted to start today. i don't think you can celebrate him enough. it's interesting they're starting a task force. that's well and good. >> right. >> maybe african-americans aren't interested in baseball. i'm just asking. maybe they're more attracted to the nba and nfl than to baseball. >> that's a midst because when i worked at "san francisco examiner" in the early 1980s i did a five-part series on the subject. i spent a lot of time concentrating on the state of florida, a lot of great african-american football players. i discovered at the high school level a lot of the young african-american kids are being steered away from baseball toward baseball. a great baseball coach there named billy reed back in the day
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who produced a lot of major league players who's african-american. he talked about how a lot of african-americans would beg to come to his school to flay baseball. >> that's a myth. i mean, you inform e me on that. >> i think it's a myth for a lot of people. a lot of people say that and it's easy to say without checking it out. >> because there are so many african-americans in the nfl and nba. >> exactly. >> you'd think they're not -- >> the solution is you said scouts should be looking and doing more to attract. >> baseball putting a sincere effort saying we want these people in our sport. >> you saw the movie. the jackie robinson movie. >> the great thing about that movie, when you see the old ballparks, you get the feel that you're right there. >> yeah. i heard him this morning on "meet the press." just hearing his voice. they were playing a clip. and they said, you know, just talking about waiting. someone said, why don't -- when they said negro back then, why don't negroes wait for
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integration? we said, haven't we waited long enough? we've been waiting and waiting and waiting. >> greatest title in history of an autobiography is jackie robins robinson, title of his autobiograp autobiography, which is "i never had it made." talking about jackie robinson and a lot of people. >> jackie robinson came before dr. king and refused to sit in the back of the bus and refused to get up and was prosecuted for it before rosa parks. >> ten years before rosa parks. >> yeah. >> he was -- i don't think people really realize how huge jackie robinson was. not only did he integrate baseball, not only did he integrate sports, he integrated society. >> yeah. >> he was huge. >> i was listening to george will this morning. he said jackie robinson was the second most important african-american figure in history. and i was like, who was number one? >> probably dr. king. >> has to be dr. king. is it dr. king or the person who was president who would be barack obama? but without -- >> without dr. king, there would not be an obama. you know, you can make the case either dr. king and jackie
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robinson were 1a paand 1b. >> good stuff. thank you, jackie robinson. >> thank you. >> we stand on the shoulders of giants. a song about racial harmony now turning into comedy fodder. next, hear and see how much fun "saturday night live" had with the duet that features brad paisley and ll cool jay. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. governor of getting it done. you know how to dance... with a deadline. and from national.
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country singer brad paisley and rapper ll cool jay, their song "accidental racist" intended to bring attention to race relations is now getting mocked. here's how "saturday night live" handled it. >> all we try to do is start a conversation, you know what i'm saying? >> yeah. >> hey, you're white. >> you're black. uh-oh. >> don't follow me around this store. >> don't talk during this movie. >> you see? a conversation. >> that's it. >> a conversation. >> that's what's going on. >> pretty funny if you saw that entire skit. pretty much a consensus from a lot of folks is that maybe the effort was good but it was a bit ham handed and maybe they should try again. maybe they will. who knows. we'll see. i'm don lemon. at the cnn world headquarters in atlanta. i'll see you back here as news warrants. don't forget the preview of anthony bourdain "parts unknown" at 9:00 eastern. how's that? a lot of programming. see you later.


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