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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 5, 2013 2:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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the major league baseball players association. it says here, the players association has been in regular contact with the commissioner's office regarding the biogenesis investigation. they are in the process of interviewing players and every player has been or will be represented by an attorney from the players association. the commissioner's office has assured us that no decisions regarding discipline have been made or will be made until those interviews are completed. it would be unfortunate if anyone prejudged those investigations. and that's it for me. have a great afternoon. brooke baldwin takes it from here. good to see all of you here this afternoon. i'm brooke baldwin. want to begin with something i know suzanne was all over the past hour, really the last couple of hours on cnn. these are live pictures, some taped here as well, breaking news out of one of america's biggest cities. dangerous and delicate, that is how the fire commissioner in philadelphia is describing this
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scene. this is really the heart of center city. if you know philadelphia, this building, this massive building, four stories, collapsed. this happened right around 10:45 eastern this morning. and beneath this -- the wall of bricks and the debris, people may still be trapped. rescuers, you see them working in teams, gingerly moving brick by brick, to search for survivors. but as bad as this scene looks, we do have some good news that 13 others made it out alive with amazingly minor injuries. i want to go straight to the scene to cnn's sarah hoy who has been covering this as the whole thing broke. sarah, i've been listening to your reporting and a lot of different information, if you will, with regard to how many people are still trapped. so set it straight for me. is anyone still trapped? >> what we're hearing is there
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were 13 people removed and one is still trapped. however no one can confirm exactly how many people are under that rubble. just like if you were at the mall, you wouldn't know how many people were in each and every store. the same situation that we have here. so this is dangerous and delicate. they are going through this literally brick by brick to find if there are any more survivors. we just don't have a definitive number, but we do have that 13, you know, 13 out, one possibly still being removed. but here the scene is somewhat still chaotic. there are a lot of police and fire here on the scene. a lot of bystanders taking photos, trying to check out what's going on. there is a lot of movement here. >> sarah, stand by. i want to walk our viewers forward. help me understand, if you don't know this area of philadelphia, you've been seeing the brick and the collapse. this was the before. so imagine this is the building that was supposed to be demoed and this is the building here, if you will, this is market street. where you see this big hoagie
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city, thi is the building collapsed. i want to set this up, we'll show you the next photo that was taken before the collapse, this whole sort of adult area, bookstore, et cetera, that was demoed first. then this salvation army thrift store this has been the issue because as we have been hearing from eyewitnesses on the scene, people were still allowed to go in and out of the thrift store when this building was about to be demoed. a lot of questions still. i'm just laying it out for you. guy guys, go ahead and roll the next picture. this is a picture from someone on tumblr. this was right before the building, reported a moment ago, with the big hoagie city sign, they were about to demo this. this was the big empty lot. i don't know if the goal, one would assume, this is what we're hearing from eyewitnesses, if you have a building here, that is about to be demoed, you want it to go this way, not this way on to a functioning thrift store. so, sarah hoy, do we even know yet what -- i got so many questions, i guess my main
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question is, why were they still letting people go in and out of this thrift store when this building is about to be demoed? >> i don't have the answer to that, nor was it given to us earlier during the press briefing. right now they're still working on everything as to what happened here in this scenario. you have eyewitnesses who said they witnessed the crane trying to move a piece of steel and was pulling on the steel too tough and the wall began to move. and it came crashing down. you had people who were working in the businesses here, maintenance men, other passersby who ran to the scene to help pull people from the rubble. so you do have to give a pat on the back to the bystanders here who just sprang into action. you also have some other witnesses on the scene who felt the -- who felt this -- the earth move beneath them. they didn't necessarily see it, they didn't know what had happened. some people feared that in light of boston that it was a terrorist attack. so you had a range of people who came to the scene, those who ran in opposite directions, they were scared and now we're just trying to figure out what it is
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that has happened. looks as though there is some type of cherry picker device carrying up a firefighter on top of this corner of the thrift store here. so we don't know exactly what they're doing. they're also putting together some type of machinery that looks like a hydraulic lift that would be used to lift up rubble. so they're working pretty hard over here on something and we just don't know. >> we heard the fire commissioner saying he has the best of the best technology here, the special ops teams from the fire department working to finally pluck however many more people and active rescue situation. and, again, we're trying to confirm how many people are still trapped. sarah hoy, don't go far from your phone. i want to talk to mike adam. mike lives just across the street from this collapsed building that you're looking at right here. and took this photo. let's show it, from, i guess, mike, from your perch here in your apartment. you're on the phone with me. talk to me about what you saw, what you heard. >> yeah. it was a pretty intense morning.
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me and my fiancee were up pretty early and the window in our apartment faces the back side, so at first we heard sirens and then we looked out the window and saw people running towards the front of the building. and at that point we went out and went down the hall we to the window facing the other side and saw the smoke and the rubble and everything as it was unfolding. i guess the good news is on the block, like literally a block over, there is a fire department, so they were on the scene almost immediately. >> yeah, we heard in a matter of minutes, thank goodness. i'm so glad you and your fiancee are a-okay. as we look at your pictures, let me ask you about the area. because this is not the outskirts of philly. this is, you know, downtown philadelphia, center city, you know, market street, the main drag there. tell me about the people who frequent the area, including the thrift store.
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>> yeah, i mean, it's definitely, you know, a main road as it gets. and the good news is the building -- the businesses there, there was only one functioning business, it was the salvation army. and the two other ones, it was an old sandwich shop, the hoagie city that was closed down for quite a while and an adult to that was also closed down for a while. so the only functioning one was the thrift store. so it definitely minimized the amount of people in the building. >> minimized, but yet it was still open. and people were inside, according to eyewitnesses, when this building possibly fell the wrong way. mike adam, thank you so much for sharing your photo. we appreciate it. we will come back to this story as soon as we get more information out of philadelphia. more breaking news this hour, a short time ago, paris jackson, the 15-year-old daughter of pop icon michael jackson, was rushed to a hospital in los angeles. want to go straight to alan
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duke, live for us in l.a., just outside of the courthouse there where this wrongful death trial is under way. and, alan, i know you are -- you have great sources with the family. you know the jackson family very well. first things first, what happened to her? >> reporter: well, she was rushed to the hospital about 1:30 this morning from her calabasas home. we confirmed from the sheriff's department they took a patient there. they're not telling us who that patient was. but i confirmed from three sources including one who was at the home at the time that she was taken to a hospital. paris jackson, 15 years old, is going to be okay. they stopped short of what some reports are calling it a suicide attempt. but we really don't know at this time. they stopped short, but one of the sources said perhaps it was a cry for help from this young girl. a 15-year-old who experiences emotions of a 15-year-old girl, who doesn't have her father. she recently was reunited with
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her mother not long ago. her mother through her attorney issued a statement to us a short time ago asking that we appreciate everyone's thoughts for paris at this time. and their respect for the family's privacy. so the family's not saying much. we do know paris is okay. she's at a hospital near calabasas where she was taken early this morning. >> glad she's going to be okay. alan, i'm glad you brought up debbie rowe, her mother, who, you know, let's give some context. this is someone she had been out of touch with for quite a while because of the trial underwachlt you' you're at the courthouse. i have to write on her twitter page and i'm sure you have as well, a bunch of different tweets, she quotes darker lyrics from some bands but a couple jumped out to me, the last few tweets she made. yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks like they're here to stay. and she tweeted one word, just before this, about 11 or 12
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hours ago, i wonder why tears are salty. but, alan, you know, in addition to that, you know, i was seeing -- looking on youtube. she's been giving makeup tutorials like maybe a teenager would, chopped her hair off. what's been going on? >> she's a teenager who loves rock 'n' roll. that's for sure. and she's been getting a lot of attention. she's got more than a million followers on twitter. she tweets through them very regularly. she's not behind that blanket anymore, the mask that her father famously put her and her brothers under. but she's a very dramatic child. we do know that. she's 15 years old and she's going to be okay. and we'll sort this thing out and figure out what happened. >> alan duke, thank you so much. live for us in los angeles. in a couple of minutes, big news in washington. president obama will be announcing a big shake-up on his security team and it is not going to make republicans very happy at all. because as we're looking at live
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pictures outside, he is set to name u.s. -- u.n. ambassador susan rice as his new national security adviser. wolf blitzer is next. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. tens of thousands of dollars in hidden fees on their 401(k)s?! go to e-trade and roll over your old 401(k)s to a new e-trade retirement account. none of them charge annual fees and all of them offer low cost investments. e-trade. less for us. more for you.
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president of the united states momentarily within the next few seconds we're told will walk out of the oval office and will make important announcements. first of all, thank tom donilon his national security adviser for his service. tom donilon leaving. he'll announce that susan rice,
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the u.s. ambassador to the united nations, will be his next national security adviser. she has been controversial as all of our viewers know as a result of what happened after the benghazi attack. and her appearance on five sunday shows. he will also announce that he's nominating samantha power, another former official of his national security council as his next u.s. ambassador to the united nations. jessica yellin is standing by. we're only seconds away. these are very important decisions by the president. >> reporter: wolf, they are. in both moves the president is simultaneously choosing people that could be lightning rods for controversy, but also very familiar faces and democrats say this is classic obama in going with members of the foreign policy team to keep a sense of continuity in his policy. on the controversy, as you point out, susan rice has been at the center of the storm over those benghazi talking points for her comments in the aftermath of the attacks in benghazi. the white house fiercely defending her, but because of
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her remarks, she lost out on becoming secretary of state. if republicans were hoping that would sideline her, well, it back fired because now she's going to be closer to the president, actually organizing his foreign policy and streamlining the decisions that get to him. susan rice, a long time obama insider, and adviser to him for many years. samantha power has been on the national security council here for the president, also for many years and is now going to be named to take susan rice's role. that is a job that requires senate confirmation, and it could be a controversial confirmation. here comes the president. >> -- the president of the united states accompanied by ambassador susan rice, mr. tom donilon and miss samantha power. >> come on down.
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thank you, everybody. thank you. please, everybody have a seat. good afternoon. it is a beautiful day. and it is good to see so many friends here. of all the jobs in government, leading my national security team is certainly one of the most demanding if not the most demanding. and since the moment i took office i've counted on the exceptional experience and insights of tom donilon. nearly every day for the past several years i started each morning with tom leading the presidential daily brief. hundreds of times. a sweeping assessment of global developments and the most pressing challenges. as my national security adviser, his portfolio is literally the
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entire world. he's deftly advanced our strategy foreign policy initiatives while at the same time having to respond to unexpected crises and that happens just about every day. he's overseen and coordinated our entire national security team across the government, a herculean task and it is nonstop, 24/7, 365 days a year. today i am wistful to announce that after more than four years of extraordinary service, tom has decided to step aside at the beginning of july. and i am extraordinarily proud to announce my new national security adviser, our outstanding ambassador to the united states susan rice as well -- as well as my nominee to
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replace susan in new york, samantha power. when i first asked tom to join my team, i knew i was getting one of our nation's premiere foreign policy leaders. somebody with a deep sense of history, and a keen understanding of our nation's place in the world. he shared my view that in order to renew american leadership for the 21st century, we had to fundamentally rebalance our foreign policy. and more than that, he knew how we could do it. see, tom's that rare combination of the strategic and the tactical. he has a strategic sense of where we need to go, and he has a tactical sense of how to get there. moreover, tom's work ethic is legendary. he began his public service in the carter white house when he was just 22 years old. and somehow he has been able to
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maintain the same drive and the same stamina and the same enthusiasm and reverence for serving in government. he helped shape every single national security policy of my presidency, from forging a in national security strategy rooted in our economic strength here at home, to ending the war in iraq here at the white house. tom oversaw the operation that led us to bin laden, he's helped keep our transition on track as we wind down the war in afghanistan. at the same time, tom has played a critical role as we bolstered the enduring pillars of american power, strengthening our alliances from europe to asia, and enhancing our relationship with key powers and moving ahead with new trade agreements and energy partnerships. and from our tough sanctions on iran to our unprecedented military and intelligence cooperation with israel, it is true, from new start with russia to deeper partnerships with emerging powers like india to
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stronger ties with the gulf states, tom has been instrumental every step of the way. i'm especially appreciative to tom for helping us renew american leadership in the asia pacific where so much of our future security and prosperity will be shaped. he's worked tirelessly to forge a constructive relationship with china that advances our interests and our values. and i'm grateful that tom will be joining me as i meet with president xi of china this week. finally, tom, i'm personally grateful for your advice, for your counsel, and most of all for your friendship. whenever we sit down together, whether it is in the oval office or in the situation room, i do so knowing that you have led a rigorous process, that you challenged assumptions, that you asked the tough questions, that you've led an incredibly hard working national security staff and presented me with a range of options to advance our national
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interests. a president can't ask for anything more than that. and this is a testament to your incredible professionalism, but also your deep love of country. i know that this relentless pace meant sacrifices for your family, for kathy, who is here, dr. biden's former chief of staff, who i was proud to nominate as our new global ambassador for women, and for tom and kathy's wonderful children, sarah and teddy. so today i want to publicly thank all the donilons for their abiding commitment to public service that runs through the family. you've been with me every step of the way these past four years and the american people owe you an enormous debt of gratitude for everything that you've done. you've helped to restore our
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nation's prestige, and standing in the world. you positioned us well to continue to lead in the years ahead. i think that tom donilon has been one of the most effective national security advisers our country has ever had and he's done so without a lot of fanfare and a lot of fuss. so, tom, on behalf of us all, thank you for your extraordinary service. now, i am proud that this work will be carried on by another exemplary public servant, ambassador susan rice. susan was a trusted adviser during my first campaign for president. she helped to build my foreign policy team and lead our diplomacy at the united nations in my first term. i am absolutely thrilled that she'll be back at my side
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leading my national security team in my second term. with her background as a scholar, susan understands there is no substitute for american leadership. she is at once passionate and pragmatic. i think everybody understands susan is a fierce champion for justice and human dignity, but she's also mindful that we have to exercise our power wisely and deliberately. having served on the national security council staff herself, she knows how to bring people together around a common policy and push it through to completion, so we're making a difference where it matters most. here in the country, that we pledged to defend, and in the daily lives of people we're trying to help around the world. having served as an assistant secretary of state, she knows our policies are stronger when we harness the views and talents of people across government. so susan's the consummate public servant. a patriot who puts her country first, she's fearless, she's tough. she has a great tennis game and a pretty good basketball game.
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her brother is here who i play with occasionally and it runs in the family, throwing the occasional elbow, but hitting the big shot. as our ambassador to the u.n., susan has been a tireless advocate in advancing our interests. she's reinvigorated american diplomacy in new york, she's helped to put in place tough sanctions on iran and north korea. she has defended israel. she has stood up for innocent civilians from libya to coit d'ivoire. she supported an independent south sudan. she raised her voice for human rights including women's rights. put simply, susan exemplifies the finest tradition of american diplomacy and leadership. thank you for taking on this next assignment. i'm confident you're going to hit the ground running. and i know that after years of commuting to new york while ian and jake and maris stay here in washington, you'll be the first person ever in the job who will see their family more by taking
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the national security adviser's job. now, normally i would be worried about losing such an extraordinary person up at the united nations and be trying to figure out how are we ever going to replace her, but fortunately i'm confident we have got an experienced, effective and energetic u.n. ambassador in waiting in samantha power. samantha first came to work for me in 2005, shortly after i became a united states senator as one of our country's leading journalists, i think she won the pulitzer prize at the age of 15 or 16. one of our foremost thinkers on foreign policy, she showed us an international community has an interest in resolving conflicts and defending human dignity. as a senior member of my national security team, she's
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been a relentless advocate for american interests and values, building partnerships on behalf of democracy and human rights, fighting the scourge of anti-semitism and combatting human trafficking. to those who care deeply about america's engagement and indispensable leadership in the world you will find no stronger advocate for that cause than samantha. over the last four years, samantha worked hand and glove with susan in her role because samantha has been the lead white house staffer on issues related to the united nations. i'm fully confident she'll be ready on day one to lead our mission in new york, while continuing to be an indispensable member of my national security team. she knows the u.n.'s strength. she knows its weaknesses. she knows american interests are advanced when we can rally the world to our side. and she knows that we have to stand up for the things that we believe in. and to ensure that we have the principle leadership we need of the united nations, i would strongly urge the senate to
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confirm her without delay. so, samantha, thank you, to cas, and you and declan and rin for continuing to serve our country. this team of people has been extraordinarily dedicated to america. they have made america safer. they have made america's values live in corners of the world that are crying out for our support and our leadership. i could not be prouder of these three individuals, not only their intelligence, not only their savvy, but their integrity and their heart. and i'm very, very proud to have had the privilege of working with tom, very proud that i'll continue to have the privilege of working with samantha and with susan. so, with that, i invite tom to say a few words. tom?
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>> thank you, mr. president. you know, you mentioned the many hours that we worked together in the situation room, put together here by john kennedy without windows. >> no windows. >> no windows. i would like to thank you for this rare opportunity to be outside and experience the natural light. you also mentioned how i began my public service here under president carter in 1977 when i was 22 years old. and i still remember leaving at the end of the day, walking up west executive drive, past the office of then national security adviser and looking up at the windows of the white house, the lights always on in the office, no matter how late. i think to myself, don't those guys ever go home? and now these many years later, i finally have the answer, no, they don't go home very much, at least not as often or as early as their spouses and families would like. mr. president, to serve in this capacity where we had the opportunity to protect and defend the united states, to
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improve the position of the united states and the world has been the privilege of a lifetime. to serve during your presidency, however, to serve during one of the defining moments in our nation's history because of your vision, your principled leadership, your commitment to defending our interests and upholding our ideals. those many hours of meetings and briefings have given me the opportunity to see you as few people do, behind closed doors, away from the cameras, when a leader's character is revealed and with your permission, i'd like to take this opportunity to share a little bit of what i've seen. first, i've seen you make the most difficult decisions a commander in chief can make. the decision to send our men and women in uniform into harm's way. i've seen the great care with which you have weighed these great decision and i've seen your devotion to the families of the men and women in uniform. i've seen your fierce patriotism, your love of our country. when confronted with competing agendas and interests, you always bring the discussion back to one question what is in the
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national interest, what is best for america. i've seen your commitment to the core values that define us as americans, our institution, civil liberties, the rule of law. time and time again you reminded us our decisions must stand up to the judgment of history. finally, mr. president, i've seen you represent the united states around the world in which you mean to the people around the world and you represent our country. when you step off that plane, with the words united states of america, when you reach out to foreign audiences and speak to the basic aspirations we share as human beings, you send a clear message that america wants to be their partner. and that ability to connect to forge new bonds is a form of american power and influence that advocates our interests and ideals as well. to vice president biden and jill, kathy and i considered you dear friends for more than 30 years and it has been an honor to make this journey with you. to my colleagues and friends here at the white house and across the government, the american people will never truly know how hard you work in their defense. to my long time partners in the
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senior leadership of the national security council, i could not ask for better brothers or sisters in this effort. to you, and all our remarkable national security staff, you're a national treasure and every day you get up, come here, devote your days to keeping our country secure, our the best our nation has to offer and it has been an honor and privilege to share with each and every one of you and i'm glad so many of you are here today. and to my friends and colleagues, to susan and sam, congratulations. the nation is fortunate to have leaders of your intellect, compassion, character, and determination. susan, you'll be an outstanding national secured adviser. sam, you'll be an outstanding ambassador to the united nations and i appreciate your willingness to do this.
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finally, and most importantly to kathy, sarah and teddy, as the president said, this job meant great sacrifices for you and each of you in your own way made a contribution to the country and i could not be more grateful. so, again, mr. president, thank you for the opportunity, the extraordinary opportunity to serve you and to serve our nation. i stand here 36 years ago almost to the day when i first came on the 18 acres of the white house to come to work, and i must tell you i leave this position much less cynical and never more optimistic about our country and its future. thank you very much, mr. president. >> thank you. >> susan? >> mr. president, thank you so
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much. i'm deeply honored and humbled to serve our country as your national security adviser. i'm proud to have worked so closely with you for more than six years and i'm deeply grateful for your enduring confidence in me. as you outlined, we have vital opportunities to seize an ongoing challenges to confront. we have much still to accomplish on behalf of the american people. and i look forward to continuing to serve on your national security team, to keep our nation strong and safe. tom, it's been a real honor to work with you again. you have led with great dedication, smarts, and skill and you leave a legacy of
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enormous accomplishment. all of us around the principle's table will miss you. and i wish you and kathy and your family all the very best. above all, i want to thank my own wonderful family for their unfailing support. my mother lois, my wonderful husband ian, our children, jake and maris, and my brother john have all been my strength and my greatest source of humor. i'm also thinking today about my late father who would have loved to be here. i'm forever grateful to my family for their love and sacrifice. i want to thank my remarkable colleagues at the u.s. mission to the united nations. i am so proud of the work we have done together under your leadership, mr. president, to
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advance america's interests at the united nations. and samantha, my friend, warmest congratulations. you're a tremendous colleague and the united states will be extremely well served by your leadership at the united nations. and i'm so glad we get to continue to work together. mr. president, having participated in the national security decision-making process over the last four years, i admire the exemplary work done every day by our colleagues at state, defense, the intelligence community, and across the government to make our nation more secure. i look forward to working closely with you, your extraordinary national security team, our country's most experienced leaders from both
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parties, and your superb national security staff to protect the united states, advance our global leadership and promote the values americans hold dear. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. president. from the day i met you, and you told me that you had spent a chunk of your vacation reading a long dark book on genocide, i knew you were a different kind of leader and i knew i wanted to work for you. it has been my privilege here at the white house to serve you and it would be the honor of a lifetime to fight for american values and interests at the united nations. now that i have two small children, declan and rin, somewhere, the stakes feel even higher. thank you, tom, and susan.
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i consider myself immensely fortunate these last four years to have collaborated with both of you. there are two no more dedicated professionals on this earth, no more strategic stewards of our foreign policy than these two individuals. and i'm honored and immensely humbled to share the stage with you. i moved to the united states from ireland when i -- with my parents who are here, when i was 9 years old. i remember very little about landing in pittsburgh, except that i was sure i was at the largest airport in the history of theworld. i do remember what i was wearing. a red, white and blue stars and stripes t-shirt. it was the t-shirt i always wore in ireland on special occasions. even as a little girl with a thick dublin accent who had never been to america, i knew that the american flag was a symbol of fortune and of freedom. but i quickly came to learn that to find opportunity in this country, one didn't actually
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need to wear the flag, one just needed to try to live up to it. for the next three months, i came home from school every day as my mother can attest, my dad can attest, and i sat in front of the mirrors for hours, straining to drop my brogue so i could speak and be american. not long ago, my husband came across a letter written toward the end of world war ii by his father who was an navy lieutenant. dick had happened to stop briefly in san francisco after his two years fighting for this country in the pacific. and he wrote to his family on april 25th, 1945, the very day that the nations of the world were coming together in san francisco to establish the new united nations. and in this letter to my mother-in-law, who i never had the chance to meet, he wrote excitedly conference starts today, the town is going wild
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with excitement. it is a pleasure to be here for the opening few days. let's pray they accomplish something. let's pray that they accomplish something. the question of what the united nations can accomplish for the world and for the united states remains a pressing one. i have seen u.n. aid workers enduring shell fire to deliver food to the people of sudan, yet i've also seen u.n. peacekeepers fail to protect the people of bosnia. as the most powerful and inspiring country on this earth, we have a critical role to play in insisting that the institution meet the necessities of our time. it can do so only with american leadership. it would be an incomparable privilege to earn the support of the senate and to play a role in this essential effort, one on which our common security and common humanity depend. thank you.
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>> thank you, everybody. >> national security team announcements right now over in the rose garden over at the white house. john king has been watching this. we're going to go to jessica yellin in a moment. john, she doesn't need senate confirmation, susan rice, to be his national security adviser. she's got the job now. >> she has the job. two new faces, susan rice and samantha power, called liberal hawks, called liberal interventionists. pushed for activity around the world, including military intervention in cases of human rights, however. we know the big question on that front is syria. interesting to see if the president change his position at all. secretary kerry at the state department has wanted the administration to be a bit more aggressive. that's one thing to watch as they go forward. susan rice does not need confirmation. many republicans, especially in the house, also in the senate, still mad at her about benghazi, thought she misled the american people, thought she was part of
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some administration statement. will samantha power, who needs confirmation, will that become a proxy? early indications are she might get roughed up a bit, but she's on a good path. the key to republicans when it comes to susan rice, bob corker, senator john mccain, senator lindsey graham, they said maybe they would be the pick her, but they look forward to working with her. a rough political climate but things look okay. >> what do they think at the white house? do they think samantha power will have a rough ride through the senate foreign relations committee and the whole senate? >> reporter: they expect there will be tough questions but she'll get confirmed. they're confident of that. we have yet to see if it bears out. if i could shift for a moment away from the politics and call your attention to something a little bit different here on a more personal note, we'll talk a lot about the politics, something unique here is you
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have two women appointed by the president now to very senior foreign policy roles, both of whom have very young children in the rose garden at the announcement with the president. one child, samantha power child's so young, under a year old, that the child started to cry in the middle of the ceremony and was carried out because really just a baby at this point and it is a sea change in the cabinet. it also, i would say, in these choices reflects something about president obama's character, which is he doesn't really like change that much. these are both people who are taking new roles but have served in his foreign policy team in other capacities. susan rice has been at almost every national security meeting in the situation room. so he is continuing his foreign policy just with different faces
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n now, wolf. >> they both were actively involved in his campaign back in 2007-2008 to win the democratic presidential nomination and there were tough words, both of them expressed in those days against the president's main rival at the time, who would be hillary clinton. susan rice was pretty tough on her at the time. so was samantha power. samantha power at one point suggested to a scottish newspaper she called hillary clinton a monster. later made peace with hillary clinton over that, but that word monster describing hillary clinton certainly was something that was awkward at the time and at the time as you remember, john king remembers, she was sort of kicked off of that obama campaign as a result of that one word monster. you want to make a quick point, jessica? >> reporter: i would say, she apologized to hillary clinton personally before the president's first inauguration and then she -- she and secretary clinton became very close allies in the first term, so close that she almost joined the state department. there was talk of her joining
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the state department until samantha power became pregnant. i point out samantha power personally close to the president and first lady. they have a relationship dating back to days in chicago. >> yes, they certainly do. let's get some republican reaction. jason chaffetz is joining us, a key lawmaker from utah. he's been very critical of susan rice. you tweeted earlier today, congressman, you thought that her views as far as the benghazi situation was a concern and should disqualify her as the president's national security adviser. go ahead and explain why you're so fiercely opposed to her getting this job. >> well, look, the president can select who he wants. he's obviously rewarding loyalty. what i'm concerned about is the national security adviser to look at intelligence and make judgment. a judgment is the key thing you look for. obviously susan rice is demonstrating the case of benghazi that she has very poor judgment. she has said she read the daily intelligence brief and yet went on the sunday talk shows and
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perpetuated a myth, in fact, i believe a lie, to the american people. she's never apologized for that. she never helped set the record straight and it is something that i think she goes into this position without a lot of trust. it is not as if she's made ames for this. she certainly has done nothing to help us get to the truth. if she's the champion of justice, then she'll understand our relentless pursuit of the truth which we have not yet heard about benghazi. >> but you, of course, acknowledge that what she said on those five sunday shows was based on the cia's talking points that were provided to her and several occasions in those five separate interviews, she said, for example, on cbs, based on best information we have to date, on abc, she said based on the information that we have at present, if she was repeating what the cia was suggesting was the best information they had at the time, why was she wrong?
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>> i disagree with that whole premise, wolf. what you have to look at is not only those talking points but she embellish ed those points. what the white house needs to do, among many, is to release the september 12th e-mail. that is where the senior people within the state department said that they told the ambassador from libya that it was ansar al sharia islamic extremists that committed this attack. from that point forward, literally hours after the attack, truth was a casualty. we got further away from truth, we got to a myth, what i think is actually a lie. you to go back to what did the state department, what did the obama administration know and it's in that september 12th e-mail, you can't dismiss that and say it isn't part of the record. the white house has not released it. the speaker of the house asked for it to be released. they should release it. it is unclassified. and something that susan rice in her position at the united nations should have been keenly aware of.
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>> you have a problem with samantha power to be the next u.s. ambassador to the united nations? >> i don't know much about her. i want to give somebody the benefit of the doubt. i go through a rigorous senate confirmation. i'm in the house, not the senate. so it won't come across my desk. but i just don't know much about her. if she is ultimately selected, i wish her nothing but the best. we need a lot of help. we haven't had a lot of success at the united nations. it is hard to look back over the last several year and see where the united nations has been helpful. we had explosions happen all over the world, i think the national security component has not gotten better. we had, you know, the success with osama bin laden, everybody pats the president on the back for that and the team that was around him. but above and beyond that, from syria to north korea to israel to -- you name it, i have a hard time seeing any success from this administration. >> jason chaffetz, the republican congressman from utah who has been at the forefront of the investigations. thanks, congressman, for joining us. >> thank you. >> very quickly, because we're out of time, but you heard the
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arguments against susan rice, what is does this say about the president of the united states, knowing that there would be this kind of reaction from a whole bunch of republicans? >> the congress is dead right to the president where the president is warding loyalty, number one. one of the knocks on the president, some democrats are saying this, he's by nature insular. he's in a comfort zone for the second term. it tells you susan rice, national security adviser, brief key members of the house and the senate, she has to do a little diplomacy here. she failed to do that when the state department was at play. she'll are to do it quietly. will she convince the house members, probably not. but she needs to start that process as we go forward. it is a tough job. she'll have a tough time. >> it is a tough job. and for both of these jobs u.n. ambassador and national security adviser, john, thanks very much. jessica yellin, thanks to you as well. tune in later tonight to erin burnett out front. she'll have congressman chaffetz on to speak more about the appointment susan rice as the
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president's national security adviser. i'm sure he'll have much more to say on this sensitive subject. later tonight on cnn, 7:00 p.m. eastern. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. i'll have much more on this whole story coming up 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room." back to brooke baldwin at the cnn center. >> as you have been watching what's been happening at the white house in washington, we have had a lot of eyes and ears on a news conference out of philadelphia as we continue to cover this breaking story here. you see the aftermath of this four-story building, just crumbling to pieces, right around 10:45 eastern this morning. quick update for you, before we go to break. good news and bad news. bad news first, according to don lemon and talking to his sources, there has been one fatality, one fatality here because of the bulling collapse. the good news, we listen to the fire commissioner in philadelphia, lloyd ayers, he was saying in this news conference that now an additional person, so 14, if you're following our math, 14 now pulled out alive. the search and rescue continues,
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more breaking news on cnn after this short break. they're coming. yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four words... scarecrow in the wind... a baboon... monkey? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard.
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coming up live on pictures out of philadelphia. the aftermath, you see a couple of helmets, couple of guys, rescue crews, construction
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workers helping out, police, fire, all trying to rescue. this is an active search and rescue scene according to the philadelphia fire commissioner lloyd ayers and the mayor of philadelphia, michael nutter, both of whom gave a news conference and just wrapped moments ago. want to play a little sound for you and an update. >> apparently what we have is -- we're in a transitional period. we have actually rescued, removed 14 people from the site. we have 13 of those persons that have been transferred to hospitals. the 14th person we don't have a comment right now. the other thing is we're transitioning our members to get fresh personnel and staffing here, to continue to dig. we have two dogs that have come out to work the pile, to locate others so we can know exactly where we can dig. we're preparing for 12 to
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24-hour operation and we will be on the pile again, removing a little bit at a time, debris from that area so we can finish our search. we're going to continue until we have searched the entire area. it is an act of search and rescue right now. [ inaudible ] >> just want to reiterate what i stated earlier, there is no additional new information, this is a permitted demolition site. the property owner stb investments and i mentioned mr. richard baciano is one of the owners of that investment. also, there is campbell construction on site, had an active permit, that was pulled back in february. and that's a pretty much all the information that we have at this point in time. [ inaudible ] we have been in touch -- we have
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been in touch with the owner to notify him, and, again, we're being constantly in communication with him, with the next steps. >> just hold on. >> pulled is a technical term, meaning they got it. they went and received it. >> thank you. >> it is called pulling a permit. don't get excited. >> thank you. >> so just a couple of things. one, let's, again, keep in mind we did not know and we do not know how many people were actually in the thrift store this morning when the wall collapsed on the building. that is why the fire department, search and rescue operation continues. still an active search and rescue scene. want everyone to be respectful of that and understand that that's the procedure and process that is going on. we did not know and we do not know how many people are actually in that store when the
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wall collapsed on the building as, of course, we would not know at any moment in time how many people are in any store, anywhere, at any particular point in time. so the search and rescue will continue until we literally get to the basement and uncovered everything that we can possibly uncover and that's why also the search dogs are here with us this afternoon. second, on -- >> okay, so this is mayor michael nutter speaking, that was part of the news conference that wrapped a couple of minutes ago. also speaking the fire commissioner in philadelphia, lloyd ayers. this has been going on since just about 10:45 this morning. keep in mind, this is still pretty fresh and we're just trying to parse through the information that we have thus far. it sounds like they are still saying it is an active search and rescue operation there that is the still standing thrift store upon which that four-story building collapsed. so, again, to confirm, according to don lemon's sources, one person has been found dead as a
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result of this building collapse and at least 13 others have been pulled out and are hospitalized in total 14 people according to the fire commissioner pulled out. just so we're clear there. also, before we go to break, we're getting new information here on a story i know a lot of us and a lot of you have been invested in, this 10-year-old out of pennsylvania, her name is sarah murnaghan, here she is. her situation is dire. help talked to her parents. she is dying. and according to her father who i talked to earlier this week, she has weeks to live. the issue has been getting her off of the child list for a pair of lungs and on to the adult list. they have been fighting. they want a rule change, not just for her, for other kids in her situation. we now have an update from the parents. it is becoming a legal matter. i'll get you that update on the other side of the break.
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and i know the results will be fantastic. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. 100% greek. 100% mmm... wow, that is mmm... it's so mmm you might not believe it's a hundred calories. yoplait greek 100. it is so good. top of the hour, i'm brooke baldwin. a couple of updates on stories we have been following for you. first up, want to tell you about this 10 yer-year-old girl sarah murnaghan. here she is in her hospital bed where she's been living for 100 plus days. she needs a new set of lungs. the issue is, and it is pretty complicated. let me boil it down for you. she's on the child list because she is 10 years of age. she cannot get an adult pair of lungs because she's not yet 12. her parents and we have been talking to them in the last
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couple of weeks, they're fighting to have this rule changed. they reached out to the secretary of health and human services, federal government here, kathleen sebelius, to try to get her to change the rule. and the parents say, you know, not just for sarah, for other kids who are in pretty tough circumstances. and need lungs asap. kathleen sebelius sitting in the middle of a budget meeting yesterday was asked about this by congressman tom price and she answered it and said, look, there are a number of adults in dire situations as well, and if sarah gets lungs, that takes, you know, bumps someone further down on the list. and she has ordered a review. the review will take two years. here is the news. just wanted to give you the back story. here is the news. the parents of sarah here today have filed an emergency motion for a temporary restraining order and a preliminary junction in federal court to prevent secretary sebelius from enforcing that policy that is in
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place about kids and adults and the differences here needing lungs. so that's the update there. another update on a story for you we have been following with the tsa, this came out a couple of months ago, because the tsa, remember, they decided, and a lot of you were upset, if you have smaller knives this was all part of the smaller niknives an baseball bats and a golf club that you could then take them on board. here is the update from the tsa with regard to small knives, they're sort of back tracking now and saying you cannot take them on board. tsa statement, tsa strongly values the input of our partner and the traveling public and appreciates the varying points of view shared throughout the review process. after extensive engagement, tsa will continue to enforce the current prohibited items list. so bottom line, no small knives on planes, which i know will quell a lot of concerns that people voiced after tsa made that announcement. another breaking story, to philadelphia we go, and sources
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tell cnn one person was killed and 13 people were hurt today. minor injuries, when a building collapsed on top of this salvation army thrift store that you're looking at right there. this is the corner, if you know center city in philly this is 22nd street and market streets. it was a vacant four-story building that was being demolished when it suddenly toppled on top of the salvation army next door, a salvation army, which according to eyewitnesses, was still open and taking in customers, thus trapping these people who were working and shopping inside late this morning. you see all these dozens of emergency workers and fire and ems, construction workers, we were told all trying to help dig, pulling brick by brick, you see some of the people walking out alive. we're told it is an active search and rescue scene according to the mayor and the fire commissioner who just wrapped a news conference a bit ago. that is expected to take possibly another 12 to 24 hours.
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bernie datomo is a truck driver who witnessed the whole thing. he joins me by phone. bernie, you were driving along when this -- when this building happened. how close were you? >> i was maybe ten feet from the bulling, rig building, right next to the sidewalk, at the red light. i was in my truck. if you look at those pictures and you see a white pickup truck, that was me. >> i'm looking. i'm looking, i see an ambulance. maybe in some other pictures we'll see. please continue. >> i was sitting there, ready for the light to turn red on the way to another job site. i had a meeting at 11:30, happened to be at that red light. and next thing you know, just heard the ground shake, like thought it was -- i didn't know it was a building falling down until i see the bricks falling
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on top of my truck and the streetlight pole fell over top of the front of my truck and i guess it lasted for about 30 seconds, i want to say. and then i just laid down on the seat of my truck, basically i couldn't see anything, so i actually rolled my window up as much because there was so much dust from, like, brick mortar and all the stuff, the debris. and then i guess i was down there for maybe 30 seconds, and then started to settle a little bit, the dust and a gentleman came walking up to me and said, are you all right? i said, yes, i'm okay. and do you want to get out of your truck, i said, yes. and thank god my door opened and the driver's side door opened, i got out of the truck and walked across the street, stood over there, to collect my thoughts. and thank god i made it out of there alive. >> thank god.
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>> i with as in shock a little bit. as far as the people that got hurt worse than me, i was collecting my own thoughts and everybody was jumping in and helping try to get debris off the people yelling for help. >> bernie, did any of the bricks land in your truck? crashing through your -- >> no, no. they did not make it -- you know what, i got out of there so fast, i don't know -- i think my glass didn't break, i don't think. i don't think. i'm okay. i didn't get cut or nothing like that. i just felt a little bit -- i sucked a little dust from all the dust, i didn't get hit with anything. as far as the bricks getting inside my truck, all over the outside of it. the bed, the hood, the truck is totaled. >> the truck is totaled. talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. bernie, i'm so glad you're okay. thank you so much --
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>> i'll play the lottery tonight. >> you play the lottery. i heard the powerball winner has come forward, so we should have another round pretty shortly. bernie, thank you so much. i appreciate it. let me just reset for you and take a step back and show you the scene before the building fell. i'm a visual person. this helps me to sort of understand what has happened. this was before all of this happened, this is the building here, you see this with the hoagie city sign this is the building that was supposed to be demoed. you've seen the thrift store. this is the only bit that is still standing after this building went this way. i want to show you here in a minute, sort of minutes before the demolition, but this is -- i don't know, an adult center, adult bookstore area. this had been demoed. so, you know, i don't know what the building folks were thinking, but according to eyewitnesses on the scene, when you demo this building, this was an empty lot, this was perhaps supposed to go this way. instead it went this way. to the next one. michael, and we can see right before, so, again, i mentioned
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the empty lot, where the bookstore was, this was the building to be demoed. this was the thrift store. and so now we have seen it was this building. and, by the way, the l train, the subway was right here. hearing from the fire commissioner, he said not too much happened down there. but just imagine waiting for the subway on your -- what is this, wednesday? early wednesday morning and sort of hearing and feeling that happening above ground. joining me now on the phone is cnn's don lemon, who is in philadelphia. and, don, you're the one, you've been talking to your sources as we heard the fire commissioner saying 14 people now pulled out, one is dead. is that correct? >> according to sources. the fire commissioner -- my sources here on the ground are confirming that the mayor in the press conference a short time ago would not comment on it. he said he didn't want to comment on it at the moment, but as soon as he got more information that he felt comfortable, that he would confirm. but sources -- two sources close
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to the investigation are telling me one person is dead and it is a woman. and, brooke, i'm standing here looking at this, hard to believe anybody survived this. you've been showing the pictures there. i'm looking at the facade of this thrift store. the thrift store, by the way, i used to use to come in and give barely used goods to give suits to people who needed them to go on job interviews when i lived here. it is a very heavily traveled store with people coming in to get service and people coming in to help the needy as well. and i'm looking at firefighters sitting here on the ground, and a grocery store, a local market has donated bananas and oranges and apples and fruits and some are eating and drinking water. i'm also watching a giant dump truck that just backed in here about 30 seconds ago, so they can put some debris inside of this truck. >> heard from the fire commissioner, you know, they're bringing in the best of the best technology, special ops teams.
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it is still an active search situation, don lemon, as soon as you get any more information -- >> i've got some information updates, let me give it to you real quickly. university of pennsylvania hospital, five people there in stable condition. five people at jefferson hospital in stable condition. nonlife threatening. they are thinking when i spoke to the -- a short time ago, some people were released. and three people were taken to houman hospital. one of them was released. and then there was one in fair condition, one in good. fair, of course, meaning conditions are not as good. they're feeling some sort of discomfort, that sort of thing. but doesn't appear to be life threatening. >> incredible to your point, off the top there, given what you're looking at in person, the fact that so many of these people, you know, survived with minor injuries, cuts, bruises, is stunning. don lemon in philadelphia.
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don, thank you. another big story we're following for you today, paris jackson, 15-year-old daughter of pop icon michael jackson, rushed to a hospital in los angeles today. want to go straight to miguel marquez live in los angeles outside of the jackson home. and, miguel, what more do you know? how is paris jackson doing? >> reporter: it sounds like the bottom line is it sounds like she's doing okay according to a statement from a family lawyer. we know l.a. county fire department said they responded to the grandparents' home where paris jackson lives in calabasas around 1:27 in the morning for a possible overdose situation. not clear what exactly happened before all of this occurred. we do know that she had some tweets as any 15-year-old would, they were interesting to say the least. one of them was i wonder why tears are so salty and then quoting the beatles as well, said, yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as though they're here to stay. family spokesperson or lawyer
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released a statement short time ago saying that she's a sensitive 15-year-old, things are difficult no matter who you are. it is especially difficult when you lose the person closest to you, meaning her father, obviously. paris is physically fine and is getting appropriate medical attention. paris has been part of this lawsuit. she's one of the people suing aeg, the concert promotion, over the wrongful death of her father michael jackson. she's been deposed twice in the past on that, they were tearful depositions, very tough depositions. and she's expected to testify in court again. yesterday was a tough day in court with the lawyers saying that she and her grandmother and her brothers and sisters were trying to extort money out of the concert promoter and this is a lot for a 15-year-old to take on. the bottom line, though, brooke, sounds like she's doing fine. back to you. >> i'm glad she's doing okay. miguel marquez, thank you so much. standing up to the u.s. government, a federal agency wants chrysler to recall almost 3 million jeeps.
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thing is, chrysler is refusing to make that move. coming up next, why chrysler is taking such a hard stance and what it means for anyone who owns a jeep in question here. also, just a short time ago, the florida lottery announcing the winner for the single biggest lottery jackpot in u.s. history. it will put a smile on your face. or not. if you played. and you didn't win. we'll take you to florida. that's coming up.
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let's get started at in a very rare move, chrysler is now refusing to recall nearly 3 million suvs that federal safety regulators say are in danger of bursting into flames if in an accident. the national highway traffic safety administration says the gas tanks and two models of jeeps are in a vulnerable spot, a vulnerable location, and are prone to catch fire if the vehicle is hit from behind. we take a look at this. this is the aftermath of the fiery crash, happened just yesterday on a highway in houston, texas. what you're looking at, this burned out wreck, that is what
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is left of a jeep cherokee. the driver was killed, just like more than 300 other people in similar accidents involving jeeps. so regulators want 1993 to 2004 jeep grand cherokees and 2002 to 2007 jeep liberties recalled. but the thing is, chrysler is refusing. it contends the gas tank design is safe. let me quote the company. we believe nhtsa's initial conclusions are based on an incomplete analysis of the underlying data and wee are committed to continuing work kgt agency to resolve this disagreement. caught in the middle, jeep owners. many of you. rick newman, good to see you. so, car companies and the government usually, you know, quietly negotiate the recalls, then they announce it, we announce it to the public, but
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nobody has refused to issue recalls since 1996, why is chrysler doing this? >> chrysler thinks they're right. they have mustered their own safety sa fi safety statistics to rebut what the government has said. they said they identified at least 24 other models that had a worse safety record going by the same parameter than the jeeps in question and they're pointing out none of these cars have been recalled. our cars are actually -- these jeeps are actually safer than the other ones and, in fact, they exceed the government safety standards. so they're saying, look, you guys, the government issued standards, we met the standards and in fact exceeded them. there is no reason for a recall here. >> so all i can do is think about the two points, 7 million jeep owners because i would think what am i supposed to do. >> that's the big question. so both sides in this case have basically left consumers with no answer. and i think the way to think
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about this is, first of all, 300 fatalities perhaps, that is over 20 years and these have been pretty popular cars, so there have been a lost these on the road, a lot of miles. just to put this in perspective. i extrapolated from the government's numbers, if you drove one of these jeeps for ten years, the odds of this happening to you would still be something like one in 100,000. now, the odds of you being in a lot of other dangerous situations are much higher than that. you can probably slow down by five or ten miles per hour on the who i way and highway and i safety. even if you wanted to do something about this, you can't really take it to a dealership because chrysler hasn't come up for a fix for it. the choices are, forget about it and don't worry about it, but pay attention to where this goes or sell it or trade it or maybe just relegate it to being your second or third car that you just take out on weekends with the dogs or something like that. other than that, owners don't
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have a lot of choice. >> maybe your math will help some jeep owners sleep better at night, perhaps just watch and wait hopefully for some sort of negotiation between the federal -- >> we'll have an answer sooner or later. >> rick newman, we'll be looking for that answer. thank you so much, sir. today, we have the answer to the $590 million question, we have now learned who won big. folks, this is a record lotto jackpot. we have been waiting for a winner for weeks. there is a great story behind this. we're live in florida next. (announcer) born with a natural
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before we talk powerball, let me show you the big board. the dow is below the 15,000 mark. this is the first time it dipped below that mark since the 7th of may. couple of reasons maybe as we're just about a little less than 40 minutes before the closing bell, worries of an economic slowdown, and also people wondering how much longer the federal reserve will continue to help boost our economy. you can always check the numbers. go cnn this just in, the biggest single ticket lottery jackpot winner in u.s. history was named a short time ago. the florida lottery says 84-year-old gloria mackenzie. look at that check and all those zeros. she is the lucky winner of the record $590 million powerball jackpot. the winning ticket was purchased at her publix grocery store in
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zephyrhills, florida, more than two weeks ago. and we showed you the big picture of the check because miss mackenzie did not attend today's news conference. but she will be collecting that check. john zarrella was there for the historic announcement. he joins me from zephyrhills, florida. john zarrella, i'm sorry the check is not going to you, my friend. instead this woman who apare apparently cut in line and that's how she got the ticket. is this the story i'm hearing? >> it is an amazing, amazing story. we have been waiting here for two and a half weeks, waiting for the winner to come forward. ever since we got word that the publix behind me is where the winning ticket was sold back on may 18th. there was all kinds of speculation, people were just chomping at the bit here in zephyrhills to find out who the lucky winner was. there was talk it was a publix employee, somebody from the walmart, retired couple from one of the communities, retire .commuretire ment
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communities near here. all of that put to bed today in tallahassee, florida, at the lottery headquarters where mrs. mackenzie did not as you mention come out and speak with the media. but she's already lined up her legal represent representation, lined up her financial planners, all that was done ahead of time, according to lottery officials. and she claims the check before taxes, the actual amount is, brooke, $370,896,780. she opted to take it in a lump sum, in a lump sum, so she can help prop up the stock market if it has some issues. >> get it back above the 15,000 mark. >> yeah, the lottery secretary did read a message from mrs. mackenzie at the press conference. >> mrs. mackenzie has declined to the opportunity to speak with the media today. however, she did ask and i share this statement with you. we bought the winning ticket as
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a single ticket even though we bought four other tickets before the drawing. while in line at publix, another lottery player was kind enough to let me go ahead of them in line to purchase the winning quick pick ticket. we are grateful for this blessing of winning the florida lottery powerball jackpot and appreciate the interest of the public, state of florida and the lottery. >> so it was a quick pick ticket, and somebody in front of her let her go in front of them and she gets the winning ticket. not to say that whoever let her get in front was going to buy a quick pick, but -- and one piece of advice i picked up from an elderly couple that drove by here a few minutes ago, they said, congratulations to her and a message to all grandchildren out there, make sure you send thank you letters to your grandparents at christmas time because you never know. >> yes, growing up at the south,
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my mom making me write thanks, there is a reason. there is a reason. >> there is a reason. >> thank you, john zarrella, on that, congratulations to her, of course. and now to some tougher news here, building comes crashing down late this morning in a busy part of philadelphia, center city. 22nd and market streets. more than a dozen people were trapped in this rubble. what is the process, though, if you're a firefighter, right there, going brick by brick, trying to listen for people, how do you listen? what tools are you using? we'll talk live to a firefighter in studio next. few industries are changing more rapidly than healthcare. by earning your degree from capella university, you'll have the knowledge to advance your career while making a difference in the lives of patients.
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let me get you the latest here on what is still an active search and rescue situation at
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this building collapse location at 22nd and market streets here in the center of center city in philadelphia. sources tell cnn one person was killed and 13 people were hurt today when a building collapsed on top of this salvation army thrift store at 22nd and market street, forgive me. a vacant four story building was being demolished when it toppled on to the salvation army next door, which, by the way, was still a functioning thrift store. people were coming and going. people were working there. you see all these teams, these rescue crews, first responder, firefighters, construction workers we were told by eyewitnesses working brick by brick by brick to tri to sy to there was anyone else trapped in there. we heard from the mayor and the fire commissioner saying this whole process could still take up to another 12 to 24 hours. and so just to give a little perspective on what these firefighters are going through, right at this moment in philadelphia, steven woodworth
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is an assistant chief with the atlanta fire department. thank you so much for taking a minute out of i'm sure your busy day to come talk to me. we were talking at commercial break and you said as we look at the pictures on tv, it looks absolutely crazy and chaotic. you say it is organized chaos. what do you mean? >> that's correct. actually a different phase that we go through in building collapse. the first phase they're going to do is remove all the surface victims. the victims that you can see on top of the pile, easily can be removed, very little debris removal to get to them. they'll remove them out. then the next thing they're probably going to do is start working on getting what we call void exploration. when buildings collapse, large pieces of furniture, machinery, aisles of clothing, sofas, anything that is strong enough to hold up is going to create a void where people can be. if you see the firefighters going down inside the pile, that's what they're doing, they're doing void ex-plo rations. they'll go in there, search with
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flashlights, hands, call out for people. they're listening. >> when you mention calling out for people, i heard a fire commissioner saying they were listening and heard some voices. so what kind of technology do you have at your disposal to be able to hear? because there could be people way, way underneath. they said they were going to the basement to hear the peeps possibly. >> yeah, the first thing they're going to do is get firefighters in there and do those void searches and if somebody is trapped and you call out to them, they'll answer you generally, if they can. the other thing is if they're way down in a pile, there are electronic devices, both acoustic and seismic, one of them is the acoustic is just a simple microphone we can lower down into voids, find a hole that goes deep in the pile, lower it in there. if you call out, they'll be able to hear you. the seismic is a little more technical, a little more difficult to use. but what it does is any vibrations that can be picked up they'll put it in different
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spots around the pile and they'll try to triangulate in on something. so that if you were to just sit there and tap, in a steady rhythm, well, a steady rhythm is something if a person might do one, two, three, one, two, three, or they might be hitting on an i-beam or something, those are sounds you can pick up and you know to focus in on those areas. >> incredible watching all the different people helping out and just to think that this thrift store, next to this building to be demolished was still open, a lot of questions still on this one. but steven woodworth, i appreciate you coming in so much. atlanta fire. >> not a problem. thank you. now an announcement today by president obama has some saying it is a slap in the face to republicans. this ceremony happening just last hour. new national security adviser, not exactly a favorite diplomat among republicans. "the lead's" jake tapper has reaction next.
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want to take you back to philadelphia quickly. we established a live picture of the scene and of our correspondent there don lemon. don, show me what you're seeing. >> reporter: yeah. look behind me. there it is. all there. you can see that they got the backhoes in there and cranes and trying to get all that rubble out and doing it very gingerly because they're not exactly sure how many people are still in there. if there is a person in there. earlier you heard the mayor say they thought at least two people were in there, one was brought out. they gave us details on how they got the person out. the person was talking to them. they sent in dog, the dog found the person, person talking to them, they sent down water and food and got that woman out. the mayor told us live on the air not long ago. also cnn confirming two sources tell me that one person is dead, a woman. the mayor held a press conference here a short time
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ago. he would not comment on it. one reason, brooke, the fire department was here, very quickly, less than two puts, if you look over there, see that flag above the mural there, that's the fire department. the fire department is in the same block, literally, three or four buildings down. so there you go, see it. and then before i let you go, you see the dumpster truck here. there it is right there. this dumpster has been brought in just a short time ago and they're going to be putting the debris in that truck and removing it from the scene. and hopefully if someone is in there, brooke, they will find that person alive and get them out. >> hopefully so, don lemon in philadelphia. don, thank you. talking to the atlanta fire assistant fire chief telling me people in collapses like this, depending how warm it is, could actually be okay after 90 hours trapped before they're rescued. fingers crossed on that one. now to washington, jake tapper, with the big news today, jake, the president naming susan rice as his national security adviser. i know a lot of republicans
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don't like that one bit. too bad for them, you know, she gets the job automatically, no senate confirmation needed. here she is, susan rice. >> i'm proud to have worked so closely with you for more than six years. and i'm deeply grateful for your enduring confidence in me. as you outlined, we have vital opportunities to seize and ongoing challenges to confront. we have much still to accomplish on behalf of the american people. and i look forward to continuing to serve on your national security team. >> jake tapper, here is my question, number one, for you. now, naming a figure that republicans have attacked so, so much, is the president sending them a signal? >> well, he has been somewhat defiant in the last few weeks and months when it comes to statements like this, we saw the other day him nominating three
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district court judges all at the same time, which is an unusual approach. he was trying to make a point about his view of obstructionism by republicans in the senate. this, of course, is somewhat defiant in that case. it is also just a fact that dr. susan rice and he have been very good friends and she has been a loyal adviser to him for a long time. and the president does not think -- he said this months ago, when her names with being bandied about as a possible secretary of state nominee, he ultimately went in a different direction, but at the time, he said that it was not fair to go after susan rice for the benghazi controversy and i think it can be argued if you look at the talking points, the e-mails that were released a few weeks ago that we cover extensively, she did not have a role in the talking points. in a way she's been unfairly targeted for a legitimate controversy and serious questions about the administration's role in what
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they did leading up to benghazi and after benghazi in many ways she has unfairly taken the flack for it. i think by doing that, and also by withdrawing from the race to be secretary of state, withdrawing her name from consideration, she earned a lot of points with the president and she is being rewarded for being loyal and also being a trusted adviser. >> we'll look for your coverage of the big susan rice story today. also jake tapper, you are exclu have exclusive video in the show today. >> i know you watch every day. >> every day, dvr'd, on my phone. >> as you're relaxing from your -- >> yes, so relaxing. >> just one thing you want to -- i know last night you were glued to your e-mail reading all about first lady michelle obama and the fund-raiser in washington, d.c. being heckled. and there were no official cameras there. but we on the lead, well, we're a crafty and resourceful bunch and we do have some exclusive video taken of this
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confrontation between an lgbt activist heckling michelle obama, michelle obama's forceful response. you'll want to tune in and see this very revealing moment with the first lady. >> i've only read all about it, of course. but not seen it. >> you get to see it now. that's my point. this is television. a visual medium. >> we'll look for it. we'll look for it at the top of the hour. thanks so much. chrysler, they're refusing to, you know, recall -- refusing to recall because this is what the federal government is asking them to do. recall these, you know, just about 300 -- excuse me, 3 million jeeps. next we talked with someone who witnessed a deadly accident involving one of these jeeps. she actually got so concerned, she did some research, organized a petition, and that's just the beginning of this story. that's next. i am an american success story. i'm a teacher. i'm a firefighter. i'm a carpenter. i'm an accountant. a mechanical engineer.
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now to a fight that could affect the safety of you and your family. the national highway traffic safety administration says nearly 3 million jeeps could catch fire if they're rear-ended. the agency wants chrysler to
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recall each and every one of them, but in this rare move, chrysler says no. it is a battle between the with titans here, the u.s. government and the third largest automaker in the whole country. what really is at stake? brian todd, we sent you out and about to find out. there you are in front of a jeep. show me the problem that the government wants fixed, please. >> well, brooke, the problem is in the design, according to the government's highway safety arm and according to public safety advocates, nonprofits and others. this is a 2002 jeep liberty. design is not in the front. we wanted to show you the make and the model of the car we're talking about here. jeep liberty of a certain type of era, certain year and the jeep grand cherokee. the problem is in the design of the gas tank. the safety advocates say the problem is the gas tank is right behind here, right behind the rear axle. if the car gets rear-ended, somehow accordions back here, it just bursts into flames. now, the problem since this -- these model years has been
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corrected and moved to the front of the rear axle. but there is still millions of these vehicles out there. and safety advocates, brooke, and the government's highway traffic safety arm nhtsa want to recall these, about 2.7 of these vehicle and that's what chrysler is fighting right now. >> thank you for showing us. now we understand what the problem is. i know that, brian, you talked to a woman who witnessed one of these accidents herself. >> reporter: that's right. her name is janelle embry. she was driving along with her father on interstate 81 in winchester, ra ha winchester, virginia. the car behind her was a jeep grand cherokee. an 18 wheeler rammed the jeep, going 60 miles or more. she said that car accordioned. there were three people inside the car. her father got out, broke the windows of the car, pulled one of the people out safely. but there was a teenager, 18-year-old boy, and a woman driving the car who were killed.
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and janelle had this to say about how this accident affected her and turned her into a safety advocate. >> i knew something was wrong with the jeep. i knew it was. just by looking at it. just watching it happen, the fire, everybody being alive, the fire starting in the back, and then a couple of people are dead. so i started doing some research online, i discovered that this is a problem a lot of experts have been pursuing to get recalled. and i just decided that the probably the most -- the thing i could do with the biggest impact would be a petition. >> reporter: now chrysler, awe said, is fighting this recall. chrysler saying in a statement, quote, we believe that nhtsa, the national highway traffic safety administration, we believe nhtsa's initial conclusions are based on an incomplete analysis of the underlying data and we're committed to continuing working with the agency to resolve this disagreement. again, a crucial point, brooke,
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that chrysler is making is that a lot of these accidents that these advocates are talking about are high speed, high energy accidents, and that the design of these vehicles would make no difference anyway. of course, the government and these safety advocates are saying that's not true. it is in the design of these vehicles. they're trying to recall jeep grand cherokees between the years of 1993 and >> between 2002 and 2007. since those came out, those gas tanks have been moved forward in the vehicles. >> brian todd, thank you voe much. if you drive a jeep and if you want to read more about this and see if your jeep falls under the recall category, go to >> coming up next, an emotional update to a story we brought to you yesterday. where spoke to the mother of one of the first graders shot and killed back in december at sandy hook elementary school. she was one of the people trying to prevent the release of the
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photos, the 911 calls. we're hearing if he gets her wish.
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governor of connecticut, governor dana malloy is set to dine a bill that would bring some relief to the families of the children killed at sandy hook elementary school. this bill will prevent the
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release of gruesome crime scene photos and videos of the killing along with portions of 911 calls. yesterday, the mother of one of the children, dylan hockley, he was shot and killed inside one of the classrooms explained to me why the records, the documents should not be released. mom is nicole. and dylan was her little boy. he is survived by a big brother, 8-year-old jake. >> i can't fathom the horror of him googling his brother in ten years time and coming up with seeing photos or hearing a tape of his killing. there's just no need for that. these photos are particularly gruesome. this is one of the worst atrocities that's happened in the united states. there's no reason and no public interest reason for these photos to be released. we're very concerned about political opportunists using these to advance their agendas
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for hoaxers and conspiracy theorists to harass us further. >> the bill does allow for certain images and audio to be released if and only if the victim's family or survivor gives written consent. coming up tonight, nancy grace is taking you behind bars. she speaks with inmates at this high profile jail about life there. i'm talk to nancy about what she encountered and what surprised her. don't miss this. just like a tablet. so easy to use, it won a best of ces award from cnet. talk to nancy about what she encountered and what surprised her. don't miss this. l talk to nancye encountered and what surprised her. don't miss this. l talk to nancy she encountered and what surprised her. don't miss this. with the available mylink system. ♪ [ beeps ] ingeniously connecting you to your life and the road. that's american ingenuity to find new roads.
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all right, let me tell you this story. allegations of police brutality captured on video, putting jasper, texas, back in the news. happening right before the anniversary of a murder that put jasper in a very ugly racial divide in the spotlight 15 years ago this friday. the 1998 killing of james byrd jr., the black man who was dragged to death behind a pickup truck by three white men. this surveillance video right here shows two white officers taking down 25-year-old curika diggals held at the police station for failing to pay a $150 traffic ticket. watch, and you can see diggals. here show goes, being pushed. second officer pushes in and slams her head against the counter. she's dragged to a cell. here she is being dragged on the ground. she says she was afraid she would die.
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>> i thought they were going to kill me, and i cried and i cried and i cried and didn't nobody come. >> cnn has called the jasper police department and district attorney. neither has called us back. but this week, jasper city council fired both police officer said and the d.a. is investigating whether they should face criminal charges. she is considering filing a lawsuit. >> before i let you go, let's throw that big board up and see how the numbers are doing, and once again, we're seconds away from the closing bell on this wednesday afternoon and it's still below the 15,000 mark, at least for now. people perhaps afraid of some sort of economic slowdown. people worried that the federal reserve isn't going to continue boosting the economy in the fashion they have for so many months in the past. keeping a close eye on the numbers since we haven't seen it close below


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