tv Your Money CNN June 16, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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find out at 4:00 p.m. they're not in love, they're not married but they are raising chirp together. meet new kind of modern family. all that straight ahead. i'm fredericka whitfield. up next, a world economy in turmoil. derail america's economic comeback. christine romans has answers. "your money" starts right now. another week of volatility in the markets. the reason, we global unrest and uncertainty about the fed's role in propping up the economy. i'm christine romans, this is your money. from space, earth appears peaceful. take a closer look. while signs point a u.s. economy ready to take off, the rest of the world is struggling to take flight. riots in turkey. slowing growth in china. unrest over harsh cuts in greece. from extreme greed to extreme fear. concerns over a global recession
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already creating volatility for investors. this week saw the biggest single day decline on the dow this year. >> i would give our economy a b to b plus. >> the other guy getting a d is dragging us down. >> why might you not be feeling optimistic? housing prices on the rise. less unemployment numbers. but will the u.s. be dragged down by a world economy in turmoil. want to bring in keith, ceo of risk management and michelle myers, from bank of america. let me start with you, keith. you say the economy gets a b minus. we could get an a. what makes you so optimistic. how do we get that a? >> if we did more of the same, it would be awesome. a b plus could be an a. an a is what it is relative to the world already. to get a stronger dollar would be my number one choice. perversely to have a strong
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dollar we need to get ben bernanke out of the way. the thing that scares me the most is him not getting out of the way. if you get him out of the way and the market is trying to get him out of the way, the dollar strengthingens, accommodate prices come down, job growth very good and you get consumption growth in the economy as well which is really how this economy works. i want to see more of that. >> household balance sheets have been improving. keith, you say get benn bernanke out of the way, you mean the economy strong enough he doesn't have to be pumping $5 billion into the economy. >> he has to stop with the bonds buying and taper. >> take off the training wheels and let go. no michelle, what's your rating on the economy? >> i don't know. i would be a little bit more careful than keith saying let's remove all the policy and ben
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bernanke's presence in the economy. the fed has done an extremely important role in the last several years lessening the impact of this recession. it was a real meltdown we were experiencing in '08 and we're seeing an economy still healing from this extremely deep recession. yes. things are working better in the economy. the housing market looking better. auto production and sales picking up, some cyclical parts are showing signs of healing and strength that could generate a more sustainable healthy recovery. i think we're in the beginning stages of that. what would worry me if you take away the fed policy too easily and take away the interest rates, and the two sectors performing the best in housing and autos could start to suffer. be very careful thinking about policy prescriptions for the economy right now. >> what you're both illustrating to me was the word of the week, taper.
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not a canal. what everyone thinks the fed is going to be doing with its bond buying program, hinting it will move to end it as the economy improves. the hint of that pushed the fear index 27% higher over the last month. keith, what would happen assuming the fed pulls back and you get your wish and ben bernanke gets out of the way? >> i don't want him to jump, get out of the way in a measured pace. jobless continues down and housing better and consumption good, the guy should get out of the way. i don't expect a freakout of interest rates going higher. as a country, people are really really scared where they should be more progressive in thinking. go back to 1982 to 1992, interest rates went up and the world didn't end last i checked. interest rates going up is a pro growth signal and people are
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tough enough to handle it and people are tired of fear mongering of what might happen if a central planner doesn't hold our hand. >> according to pimco, the world's largest bond investor, we're likely to see another recession. europe's economy continues to struggle and even china's growth has been slowing. michelle, what effect would another global recession have on this u.s. recovery? >> it would be pretty poor timing. it's growth in china -- if growth in china did go faster than we're expecting. if europe starts to weaken significantly again, it will impact global trade and impact the u.s. recovery as well. you're already seeing signs of that in the u.s. our manufacturing industry has been slow to recover. we've seen weak data outside auto production in the u.s.
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we're a global open economy. what happens in china and europe will certainly matter for our outlook as well. >> for most of the people watching us rights n now, their house or job is how they create wealth, not a big investment portfolio. talk to me about those two things. for someone watching me now, i have no control over china or ben bernanke, how can regular people make money right now or protect their money? what do you tell people? >> a great question to ask. housing is a big part of that. we're seeing real signs of life in the housing market. quite encouraging. last year, home prices up about
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starting to see that appreciation is very powerful in terms of building back household wealth, fueling consumer spending and helping to support overall confidence. >> do you agree? >> the first time in consumer positive. you get a lot of people very regressive, americans are fed up with that, getting on with their life and things they own are going up in price. housing prices could go up 10 to 15%. it could be phenomenal. >> i hope it happens in my zip code. it's all local. thank you. double irish with a dutch sandwich. not the latest lunch crave. a corporate tax gimmick that has
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the double irish with a dutch sandwich. it lets people route their money to pay taxes. why do they go to these lengths and extremes. the u.s. has the highest tax rate in the world, 39.1% taking into account personal. the average for the world is 29 1/2%. most companies do not pay that top rate. thanks to loopholes and special treatment, they pay closer to 29%. some sectors like utility companies pay on average of 12% while big energy companies pay more. it's a system that encourages companies to employ armies of accountants and tax attorneys to lower their tax burdens. who's at fault? just ask senator rand paul. >> i think that the congress
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should be on trial here for creating a bizarre and byzantine tax code that runs into the tens of thousands of pages, for creating a tax code that simply doesn't compete with the rest of the world. >> senators rand paul makes a very good point. congress writes these laws. congress is the owner of those volumes and volumes of books the tax code full of loopholes and some of those tax codes and loopholes written by industries that benefit from them. want to bring in laura tyson president of president clinton's economic council and today economic advisor for competitive taxation. you say forming the corporate tax system could unleash economic growth. tell me how. >> basically, we're starting with te notion of bringing the corporate tax rate down. study after study has shown, as the oecd said corporate taxation is the most inefficient form of taxation. it discourages investment, it
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encourages companies, when they can be mobile to look for lower tax environments in which to place economic activity. if we want to create investment incentives here for u.s. companies and foreign companies and jobs here, we have to start with a competitive corporate tax rate. that's the first step, bringing the rate down. the second step is paying for that by getting rid of the kind of loopholes, preference, credits, subsidies that have been added to the code over the past 30 years. that really distort the code. economists worry a lot about distortions. why do you prefer one sector to another sector? one firm to another firm? this is really inefficient and distorts the allocation of capital that discourages growth. we can get growth going by a much lower rate and by getting rid of it, paying for that lower rated through base broadening. >> to get reform, republicans
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and democrats need to give something up. corporate tax rate as share of gdp is historically low. you can see companies like apple under our current tax system. pay for profits they earn overseas only when they bring it to the u.s. and keep money offshore. you say we need a territorial tax system. explain in laymen's terms, for our audience, how would that work? snow what we need is a system more similar to the systems of the other advance industrial countries that are home to companies that compete with our company. what is the rest of the world doing here? what the rest of the world is doing is basically saying to a company, look, if you earn income outside your headquarters country because you're running real economic activity there, basically selling into that market, how you compete around the world. that income when you bring it back, you may pay some tax on
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some portion of that but a lot will come back without any additional domestic tax. that's what the rest of the world does. the rest of the world has a variety of different ways of trying to handle the fact there's some money abroad which is really shifting from one location to another location not because of real economic activity in those locations but because of tax haven, low tax status. countries have said, we can figure out a way to handle this movement of income and when money comes back from our companies, we'll subject it to some tax but nothing like the tax rate or that you would confront that am would confront if it brought its income back to the united states. we have a system now where essentially there is a very strong incentive for a company selling abroad, competing abroad, earning income abroad, paying taxes abroad, not to bring that money back.
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that hurts the u.s. economy. we want that money back. we need that money back for creating jobs here. for creating investments in our community here. >> we'll see if tax reform is something that can happen in the foreseeable future. >> i am optimistic. >> the policies and optimistic are two different things. coming up, the lowest mortgage rates in history are quickly disappearing. how to lock in the best rate right now. to eat. then rest. to fuel the metabolic cycle they were born to have, purina one created new healthy metabolism wet and dry. with purina one and the right activity, we're turning feeding into a true nature experience. join us at
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that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. let's get to work. ameriprise financial. more within reach. more evidence of the turnaround in housing. as prices rise, fewer americans are under water on their mortgages. 9.7 million people still owe more than their house is worth but down from 10.5 million in 2012. that's great if you're looking to sell but a double whammy from house hunters. not only are prices rising, mortgage rates are creeping higher as well. if you're buying, three little words, lock it in. to buy this house, just a few weeks ago, you might have locked in a mortgage at 3.5%.
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rates may never be that low again. >> if you are either in the market to buy a house or on the fence about refinancing, i would say, do not wait. >> reporter: mortgage rates are historically low but a sudden move higher, up half a percentage point in six weeks. not the rates went up very dramatically and quickly. >> reporter: ironically an improving economy is to blame. >> unemployment is down. stock market is doing really well. median home price is up, people feeling better, out there buying again. economy does well, you will see a rising rate environment. >> reporter: you will see it on your monthly payment. 3 1/2%, you pay $898. and 9$954 bucks at 4%. down payment, credit score an income determine the rate you'll pay. >> borrowers getting the best rate are putting 20 to 25% down.
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they have income that is documentable, so they're providing w-2s and federal tax returns and they have an excellent credit score, something over 700 or 720. >> reporter: a quick closing date also helps. >> you get your best rate from a lender if you lock in for 30 days. standard to lock in for 60 days. the longer you go out the more expensive it will be. >> reporter: ask your lender about a float-down provision so your rate could be adjusted lower if rates do slip again. if you're still looking for the right house, make sure you're pre-approved for a mortgage and pay down your debt while interest rates on auto loans and credit cards are still low. this is the time to take advantage of those rates. be as aggressive as you can paying down your debt. once they start to rise, there won't be a stop. >> no stop and the lowest mortgage rates for history may be gone for good. up next, america's deepest secrets outsourced everyday to
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contractors and public companies making billions of dollars. what many americans may not know next. [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. biotene -- if you've got it, you know how hard it can be to breathe and man, you know how that feels. copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment
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america's deepest secrets are outsourced everyday to contractors at dozens of companies, public companies making billions of dollars. i'm christine romans, this is your money. internet and file transfers. we know the government is watching. it's stored in places like this. this is the new facility in utah. 1 million square feet, the largest of several across the country. but the government alone doesn't see those secrets. it's big business. the nsa leak controversy that brought into sharp focus what many americans may not know. big companieses who only responsibility is to return profit for their shareholders, are doing some of the most sensitive work of american national security. 22% of all security clearances are held by contractors, workers like edward snowden, who made
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122,000 dollars a year working for booz allen hamilton before he was fired monday for taking those secrets public. and guess what? our government has even outsourced the process of granting all but the highest of security clearances. ron brownstein joins me now in the "national journal" this weekend. his piece is called "so long privacy." the book 1984 zoomed up but big brother has become a public partnership. it includes northrup grumm manned, lockheed martin and even dell where snowden worked before booz allen. a senator wants to reign in the outsour outsourcing. is that possible at this point? >> there's always been a big contracting sized of the defense establishment. it grew exponentially after 9/11 partly because of the sense we had to ramp up quickly on a lot of different fronts and partly
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ideological in a republican sector having private companies grow rather than government. there's a lot of debate what this will mean, what the revelations mean about the debate for privacy. i think it's pretty unequivocal it will lead to sharp questioning to the extent we're relying on companies in the national bureaucracy. >> booze hamilton 99% of its revenue from the government. it wouldn't $34 billion in contract -- won $4 billion in contracts in 2012 makes it only the 14th largest contractor. national security director james clapper previously worked for booz allen and the former nsa director john mcconnell now the vice-chairman. among all these revelations, who do people trust the most? >> we're focusing on the national security side of this because that's what has been revealed.
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we have this new national heartland monitor poll we do every quarter. it shows a lot of angxiety abou not only the national security but commercial side. we are living out loud in public in this new wired world. in our poll, there's enormous distrust of government but also cell phone and internet providers, social media sites, they face a lot of skepticism. the most trusted institutions guarding your privacy those you have a more direct relationship with, surprisingly at the top of our list, employers were the most trusted. >> i think there's a lot of willing sharing of information. your financial information rests in hundreds if not thousands of places, and we log in and we give that information. every time we use our credit card some place we're giving our information. the government the idea of the government and these public companies watching you, that's when people get upset. >> first of all, i would say maybe the most striking thing of
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all in our poll, roughly 75% or more of the public said just about anything you would want to keep private, your financial records, health records, whereabouts, cell phone records they believe somebody is accessing them. i think you're right. there is a special concern about the government. there is concern about commercial intrusions into privacy and the trade-off we make of getting services, in many cases for free, whether social media sites or search engines. the price we're paying are them acquiring and compiling and using for commercial purposes information about us. this is an issue i think will come to more of a head. the nsa raises one side of it. the commercial side is another real side for people, too. >> ron brownstein, great to see you. have a nice weekend. >> thank you. we don't know how much the government spends on intelligence. that's not public information. judging from the profits its contractors make it's a lot of money. is it really that scary?
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jay leno say there's an easier way. >> people are up in arms about this nsa spying thing. if the government really wants to follow every move, do what everybody else does, stalk us on facebook. that's how you do it. >> we told you the sales of the book "1984" is surging this week, the story of a society where big brother is watching you. robin williams says, times have changed. >> it's not big brother anymore, it's little snitch. >> with cell phones and all that information all brings us back to edward snowden the former booz allen hamilton employee rekindled the fear big brother is watching you. your employer wants to know plenty about you, are you on drugs? do you have a prison record or subject to a credit check. imagine if your employer needed to screen you for betrayal and espionage. all part of the government outsourcing to big business. >> hi. talking about the kind of access edward snowden had the first step is to be sponsored by a
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government agency or cleared government contractor. clearance by itself isn't enough to get access to sensitive material. you have to prove the cleared individual absolutely 100% needs know the classified information. other than that, we are talking about lengthy background checks, personal interviews and mi microscopic evaluation of your personal history. >> i'm no different from anybody else. i don't have special skills. i'm just another guy. >> another guy with access to highly sensitive classified information. >> anybody in the positions of access with the technical capabilities that i had could suck out secrets, pass them on the open market. >> reporter: but to be in that position, snowden would first have to have undergone a thorough background investigation before being hire hired. >> these are very strictly regulated and rigorous processes people are going through. the higher up the level we get towards any kind of security clearance they get much more
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intense and in depth. >> reporter: this 127 page questionnaire is the first step towards gaining access to all three levels of security clearance. confidential, secret and top secret. it asks about your criminal and your employment history. it also asks whether or not you've ever illegally accessed a computer database and about your loyalty to the u.s. government. at higher levels, investigators may conduct background checks on close family members and examine records going back a decade. >> a lot will take a year or longer depending on the level. >> reporter: and may include former acquaintances and former coworkers. >> they will reach out to people you haven't thought of or people you forgot all about. >> reporter: for top secret clearance, some candidates will also undergo a psychological evaluation to assess trustworthiness. >> there are things you can see in somebody's past experience, whether they are more-or-less
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likely to be a whistle-blower and violate regulations. >> reporter: the defense department has noted seven different personality traits associated with espionage and betrayal including risk seeking, impulsiveness and narcissism. >> people who do display narcissistic tendencies tend to think they can live by their own rules an don't necessarily have to conform to societal expectations or rules. >> reporter: the psychological evaluations and background checks are far from fail safe. >> the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. in most careers, individuals come porch situations they haven't been in before. therefore it's hard to extrapolate from past experience what someone is going to do in the future. >> so in edward snowden'scation, could he have obtained his security clearance once and taken it from contractor to contractor. we know before booz allen he
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worked for dell. before that at the nsa earlier on. one time get securitiy clearanc and like a portable -- >> right. in edward snowden's case, it's difficult to know what he himself would have had to gone through. in general if you have clearance, that level of clearance is transferable between government agencies. if you're jumping from secret to top secret, a promotion, obviously they will look at you again. if your status isn't active a long period of time, not active a long period of time or spend a long period of time abroad, they will take another close look at you. >> thank you. so interesting. your government is watching you. guess who's watching your government and pretty much everything else going on in this country? chinese hackers. one thing the government and the chinese president failed to agree on might be the biggest threat to the u.s. economy on.
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hoo-hoo hoo. sir... i'll get it together i promise... heeheehee. jimmy: ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? ronny: i'd say happier than the pillsbury doughboy on his way to a baking convention. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. in parks across the country, families are coming together to play, stay active, and enjoy the outdoors. and for the last four summers, coca-cola has asked america to choose its favorite park through our coca-cola parks contest. winning parks can receive a grant of up to $100,000. part of our goal to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make... together.
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just about everyday the u.s. is under attack, repeated cyber-take. hackers in places like china ant just going after government and military secrets. u.s. businesses are some of the most valuable and vulnerable targets. businesses rarely admit they've been hacked unless they have to. why? if they talk about intrusion on company systems they risk the public's trust. if they're publicly traded, the stock can sink. one study found the announcement of a hack can cause shares to drop as much as 5%. cybersecurity was the top priority for president obama in his historic meeting with chinese presidents that happened last week. the two agreed on climate change
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and no agreement on the issue of hacking. the director of irvine and "death by hacking" and author of the book "america the vulnerable," joel, let me start with you. two companies? no. those that have been hacked and those that have been hacked but don't know it yet. is it really as pervasive as that? >> pretty much. pretty much. if that's an exaggeration, not an exaggeration by very far. the degree of penetration of american businesses and western businesses is astounding, absolutely astounding. >> so interesting to me. we have all this focus on the government watching surveillance programs so much in the spotlight. really, what you have every single day are foreign entities, foreign servers outside shanghai, looking into america's
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biggest corporate secrets and that's something that could be quite damaging to the american economy. >> it can. we're seeing a dramatic shift of intellectual property west to ea east. what people tend not to understand is that businesses and governments create, store and transmit information on the same porous internet that you and i use in our person relations. secrecy and privacy are really pretty much the same thing. they're just asserted by different actors, you and i assert a privacy interest, your company and governor and employer assert a secrecy interest. in both case, someone asserting the right and ability to keep somebody else from knowing something. since we're all transmitting and working on all these incredibly porous networks where identities are easy to spoof, both privacy and secrecy are heading south rapidly.
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>> peter, let me bring you in. i will look at sectors. manufacturing, 24%. look at government, half that share. look at this. these are top industries attacked in 2027. how does this affect the economy in the long run? >> this takes something like auto or pharmaceutical company. they spend anywhere from 20 to 25% of revenues on research and development. if a chinese company can come in and hack and steal that pill or that process, basically, they've saved that amount and create a competitive advantage that st l steals american jobs. one example. a second example documented by chinese hackers, they went in and probed the networks of these oil companies to look at the bids for oil so they can undercut the bids. another one. google. google goes over to china, establishes a very strong presence there, gets something like 70% of the market share and the chinese government decides we won't let that happen.
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they go in and hack their source code and basically push google back to hong kong and out of the country. >> let me ask you, what do you think the president should do? what do you think the administration should do? we've had year after year of these strategic economic dialogues, where there's a lot of talking and you measure success in millimeters when we have miles and miles go here. what should this administration do? what makes the chinese change? >> it's important to understand we're not in a war, not even in a cold war with chinese. we are economically int interdependent on china. they are, hate to say it, our banker. the idea that we could somehow stop economic relations with china is a dream. >> edward snowden said in the morning post the u.s. is hacking china, which played very very
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well in china. the chinese officials always the foreign minister always says they do not hack, is there no cybe cyber-espionage, the government does not try look at our secrets and they don't need our secrets for the record. joel, edward snowden says it goes both ways. >> let me make a distinction between the kind of esspionage going on since pre-libbbiblical times. political military espionage. that goes on, everybody does it, we do it, americans should hope we're good at it and we are. what we don't do, we don't use our intelligence services in aid of u.s. businesses. w why? two really good reasons. one is that we really do believe in the international law protecting intellectual property. we're not going to follow a different policy than that.
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secondly, we're not going to go to china or russia to steal technology. they don't have that much technology. we're producing it at a rapid rate. there's a real difference the chinese are trying to obscure between the kind of espionage everybody acknowledges goes on and this use of state intelligence services to take the other guys private industry. that's what's really an important distinction and it's going on, the chinese are doing it. >> peter, last word to you. >> well, i think joel's dead wrong about this issue about war with china. we've been in an undeclared trade war since 2001. they've shut down 50,000 of our factories. we lost 5 million manufacturing jobs and have 25 million people unemployed for the very simple reason they do things like manipulate their currency and steal our technology. i think the problem here is
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white house and congress have not shown a strong face to china. for all practical purposes the president has been a unich on this issue and china keeps having their way with us. as my good friend, gordan change has said the only country preparing to kill americans. china is different than brazil and australia and every country we trade with. we should trade less with them until they straighten up in temps of stealing our secrets. >> peter navarro, using volcano i haven't heard in a long time. using vocabulary i haven't heard in a long time. thank you. this will continue. coming up, warren buffet has ideas of driving our recovery. >> look what we 13ed using 50%. imagine 100% rather than 50%. and what you could do with buffet's billions if you went to
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a birthday. could washington actually hold the solution? next. there's a reason no one says "easy like monday morning." sundays are the warrior's day to unplug and recharge. what if this feeling could last all week? with centurylink as your trusted partner, it can. our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and dedicated support, your business can shine all week long.
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now, that's progressive. gy you may not know it but you could owe thousands of dollars from all the birthday parties you attended in your life. the rights to the song "happy birthday" are owned by a music group and the rights to own it could be returned to the public domain. and if so president obama could still be on the hook for his rendition. ♪ happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you ♪ >> did you know that was a copyright on the happy birthday song. with gridlock so strong, no surprise the republicans have a different take. >> this is your birthday song it doesn't last too long, hey ♪ >> i'm not sure speaker bainner needs to worry about being sued
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for a copyright infringement on that version. when warren buffet speaks, investors listen. poppy, buffet has big ideas about speeding up the american recovery. what did he have to say? >> hey there, christine. warren buffet has a message for corporate america. you're underutilizing most of the talent in this country, women. he sat down with us in omaha for an exclusive interview focusing on women, work, and america's future. he talked about how he has watched women from his sisters to peers to friends treated as second class citizens and told how they couldn't do as as well as men and does not believe women in the workplace always get a fair shake. >> the message my sisters heard, they didn't hear verbally, heard it through all kinds of actions of people that they didn't have the same future i had. >> it's interesting. you saw this play out in your
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own family. >> sure. >> you had two sisters you say your floor was their was that parenting? society? >> it was society but it came through parenting and came through their teachers. in every way, they were told sort of the best thing was if they married well and i was told, you know, that everything in the world was available to me. if i had -- i was born in 1930. if i had exactly the same wiring i have but i had been a female, my life would have been entirely different. >> i wonder if your message is more for women or more for men? >> it's for both. for both. men should realize if they had male workers and those workers could accomplish more if they had more education or whatever it might be, they'd jump on that in a second. to take half the people and not recognize they have just as many potential as the other and use them is a big mistake. >> as you've been more outspoken
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about women and the workforce there are some that have come back at you and said what about berkshire hathaway? 70 plus companies and five female ceos and only 13 of your board members are women. should change be happening at berkshire and should you be doing this? >> change has been happening at berkshire. of the last five directors appointed three are women. in terms of ceos, i probably only appointed maybe six or seven ceos because they come with the businesses and stay. >> when this is a new ceo needed or board member, do you look specifically more at women to see if there is a woman of equal caliber to take the job to have that diversity? >> i will pick the best person in the end. if there are two on a scale of 9 to 10, one is a woman, she will probably get the job. >> one important part of this discussion is there have been some that say the rise of women means the downfall of men.
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>> that's crazy, like saying if you educate more people it hurts the ones already educated of the sort. it's to meet their potential. >> our thanks to warren buffett for that. now, as for why he's speaking out about this now, he told me that he's been talking about this to student groups that come visit him for years but after he read the book "lean in" he decided this is a message to put out there more broadly, the way he puts it, look how much america accomplished not even using 100% of our talent. he says there is much more that we can do. if you would like to read his essay on women and work, just go to christine? >> thanks, poppy. for more on the empowerment of
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shoes with three-inch heels or higher than any other kind of shoe. head hunters say what you wear on your feet projects power in the office but are sky high heels worth the pain? ♪ j.lo's are expensive an designer. ♪ kelly hickler seeks revenge in hers. most say the higher the better but not all boots are made for walking. ♪ a new survey by the college of podiatry finds the average women begins feeling pain after one hour and six minutes of strutting around in the stilettos. despite the agony, 43% of women say they have continued to wear uncomfortable shoes. >> 32 and bunion free and
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wearing high heels my whole life an i'm going to still rock them. >> 36% of women say they wear shoes that didn't fit in the name of fashion. >> you can't go to a party without your shoes. >> it can cause stress fractures, bone spurs and encourage hammertoe formation. >> new york city podiatrist says women should know a sexy pair of shoes may be causing not so sexy problems for your feet. >> even younger girls are having problems with their feet due to high heel use. >> mary jeans. i thought these were an urban shoe myth. >> fanly footwear took a toll on sarah jessica parker. >> hello, lover. >> she recently said that all that time in stilettos ruined her et
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