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tv   New Day  CNN  June 17, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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mickelson coming in second for a sixth time. >> "new day" starts right now. this is "ñew day" with boy, oh, boy. i am chris cuomo. it's june 17th. it's monday. 6:00 in the east. just when i thought it couldn't get more exciting, you hear james earl jones saying your name. how much better? >> does that mean we arrived? that is how i would like to start my day every day. good morning, everybody. i'm kate bolduan. thank goodness this day is finally here. a little butterflies, but feeling good. >> we've got a lot of fancy new digs behind us, but we're going áo have fun. think you might see behind the scenes stuff as we work out the kinks. >> exactly. everything is brand new here, including the show, but also the poll we ha+e this morning, brand new. we're talking about a dramatic shift in the president's numbers
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as he begins the g-8 summit in northern ireland. president obama's approval rating dropped eight points since just last month, from 53% to 45%. the number of people who disapprove of obama went up 9%. also, after a week of revelations about the nsa's surveillance programs, 40% say the government has gone too far when it comes to restricting civil liberties. what does it all mean? coming to break it all down is john king, cnn's national correspondent. d8glad to see you, brother. >> welcome. glad to see you all. >> the question is how do you explain this drop? >> reporter: don't overinvest in one poll. never overi'vest in one poll, but there are clear flashing danger and warning signs for the president in our new numbers this morning. number one, let's look at younger people. the president back in the election, both elections, the people have been great for the americans. young americans more than anyone
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concerned about privacy. they don't like their phones, their e-mails being looked at by by young voters, down 17 points in one month. that's a huge swing in one month. that's a key part of the president's base. that's a big deal.ç now look at independents. the president is going to win rating right there in just a month. pqr(j they hear about this, they're concerned. they actually support the idea of the government tracking terrorists. they think this president might have gone too far. little big. people get to the competence question, can a democratic president, a president who believes in the government as an instrument for good, if people start to doubt he can manage the >> let's unpack it one step at a time, john. the first is trustwort$iness. no politician wants to take a hit to that, right? is fair point. what does that mean in context? we're not just talking about policy. we're not saying we don't like the economy. we're not saying it's this one program. we don't trust you. >> reporter: and that becomes a
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huge problem for a progressive presi"ent who needs to tell people, let me use the government to make you) life better. if you don't trust him, his disapproval rating is up and you think government is too big -- 6 in 10 americans now think government is too big, that he can't manage it effectively. this is like a political version of an underwater mortgage, if you will. his disapproval is above 50. people don't trust the government. you look at this coming out, is he trustworthy? 49% say yes. that's up 58% since just last month. so he's taking a hit. something has americans stoppint and saying, hey, wait a minute. when you're early second term with the midterms just around the corner, don't invest in one poll, but if you're president and you know the clock is ticking, that's trouble. >> it's one thing about the nsa or about a policy, but if it's whether or not he's believable, it makes it difficult to come back, even it's just one poll. john, thank you very much for helping us unpack it. we'll have you on plenty on "new
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day." still two hours ago, the president arrived in northern ire lapped for the g-8 summit, this as an explosive report in a british newspaper, "the guardian," who claims uk intelligence officials spied on their allies at two g-20 summit meetings in london in 2009. the source for the story is familiar, nsa leaker edward snowden. jessica yellin is traveling with the president. she's joining me from ireland. jessica, welcome to "new day." >> ry8orter: thanks, kate. good morning. it's already a busy day here. mrs. obama surprised a crowd of irish students, introducing her husband before a big speech she jusá gave on peace. she and the girls made the trip, and they will go to dublin to çee some obama family history. as for the big story you just talked about and the president and the latest revelations from "the guardian," they're certain to put a chill on an already tense set of meetings this
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afternoon. the report alleges classified documents show the u.s. tried to intercept then russian president dmitri medv vedyev's phone call. the president will talk to russia over syria, afghanistan, and the fight against terrorism, and this latest report is not going to warm the mood in that % room, kate. >> have you gotten any specific reaction from the administration on this report? >> reporter: the administration is not commenting directly on the report, but you could argue that "the guardian" article will take some heat off the u.s. because it alleges that the british were busy in 2009 setting up fake internet cafes to download foreign diplomats' e-mails, accounts, and passwords. if true, then you know the u.s. isn't alone in its snooping. the u.s. says all of these reports are irresponsible and egregious and will damage
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counterterrorism efforts. all these revelations, all the snowden news are certain -- and the timing of this release are certain to ensure maximum discomfort at the meetings today, kate. >> i would say that. jessica yellin traveling with the president for us. not what they want to be talking about. major economic issues. >> it's not going to go away. let's stay on the issue of sur+eillance. in that exclusive cnn poll released just moments ago, it shows most americans support government surveillance of phone records. 51% of those polled say it is right for the government to track americans' phone calls. 48% say it's wrong. let's bring in dana bash joining us from capitol hill, where we're learning new information this mornr'g about just how much information the nsa was given by apple and facebook, among other companies. dana, welcome to "new day." d8it's great to have you. what's the latest? >> reporter: thank you. great to be here.
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we're told that intelligence agencies might declassify details of thwarted plots as soon as today, chris, thanks to pressure from lawmakers here who now have to publicly defqnd these programs they've secretly been voting on and overseeing for years. a full court obama americans' concerns about secret surveillance programs led by the republican house intelligence chairman. >> if you can see just the number of cases where we've actually stopped a plot, i think americans will come to a different conclusion than all the misleading rhetoric i've heard over the last few weeks. >> reporter: intelligence agencies are now working to declassify specifics a!out dozenses of terror plots that the national security agency director told congress the secret service programs helped disrupt. over the weekend, the government unlocked a terror. they helped prevent terror lots "here in the homeland and in more than 20 countries around
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the world." supporters of surveillance programs tried to beat back thoughts that the government is listening to phone calls in the u.s. >> it's against the law for the u.s. to record and monitor americans' phone calls. >> reporter: another sup(orter, dick cheney, someone who rarely agrees with the obama white house, does on this. the gop vice president on the day of 9/11 says these programs cát have prevented that attack. >> i guess i'd ask everybody to pause and don't automatically fold the nsa in with the other stuff that's going on in the obama administration because this is a program run by professionals. it's done great work. it has saved lives. >> reporter: but nay sayers like colorado democrat mark udall are not giving up. >> i don't think that collec$n% millions and millions of americans' phone calls -- this is the metadata, time, place, to whom you direct the calls -- is making us any safer. >> reporter: mark udall is one of several lawmakers who have been pushing in closed,
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put more curbs on these programs. he's hoping, now that they've become public, he'll have better luck doing that, chris. >> dana, it seems there's a lot of talking around the actual facts here. when are we going to hear, here's what the program's doing, here's what's wrong, here's what justifies snowden coming out. here's why he's a patriot and not just a leaker. when will we get the there there? >> reporter: when it comes to declassifying information, which is really how they hope to show the there there, we'll probably see it as soon as today. the problem that we have, as you uz know, is there are a lot of people inside the intelligence agencies who are not comfortable revealing anything that's classified, especially on foiled terror plots because they're concerned about revealing sources and methods. so there's a very big risk, internal debate going on, on just how to do that. but there is pressure on not just lawmakers, but companies you referred to, apple and t got to
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show americans why we're doing it. we have to prove it. we hope these details will help. especially when you have the leaked documents out there. dana bash, thanks so much for your reporting. we appreciate it. there is cautious hope this morning that iran's new president elecd this weekend could help ease re&ations with the west. the country's new president is while vowing to release scores of political prisoners. live from abu dhabi this morning, the question for everyone here in the u.s. is what could this mean for tense or nonexistent u.s.-iranian relations, particularly on the critical issue of the country's nuclear program? what are you hearing? >> reporter: it's still way too early to say, kate, but certainly this is a candidate who's come in and injected some optimism and hope that maybe iran can improve its relations with the west. coming into this campaign, many thought this was a sham
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election, that the supreme leader and the hard line establishment hp" set the stage for one of their loyalists to come in and win. but in comes hassan rohani, a dark horse, who starts passionately criticizing the regime, calling for improved relations with the west, and the opposition movement, the @&hc reformists responded to him. they came out en massq he not only won, he trounced the field. however, he's not going to be able to change things by in the end, the big man in charge in iran who decides everything about the nuclear program is the supreme leader, and he's the final decider. certainly some optimism in iran after this win. >> some optimism in a country where they doesn't seem to be much very often. reza sayah, thanks so much. we're going to be speaking to christiane amanpour with much more on this and other topics. a lot going on with big implications for the u.s. >> just because it seems like it's far away, always has implications with what we do
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here at home. >> the iranian nuclear program. let's get to the stories developing right now. the man known as the principal architect of the september 11th attacks in court today, khalid sheikh mohammed and four suspected co-conspirators expected to appear in a program. the pretrial hearings could take much of the week. and the motion changes. a hit man and key witness testifying today against mob boss james "whitey" bulger. the two, once very tight, will meet face to face for the first time in 31 years. john martorano's testimony could be pivotal. he's expected to describe murders they allegedly committed together. bulgq) is charged in the murders of 19 people along with corruption and racketeering charges. was the super bowl ring intercepted, or was it a gift?
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a spokesman for the patriots owner robert kraft says he was just spinning a yarn for laughs when he said rusárp' president vladimir putin swiped his bling. putin's spokesman says it was a gift and called kraft's story weird. you can count on having much more in the next hour. miami heat heading home, facing elimination in the nba finals. last night the spurs took a 3-2 the spurs manu ginobili knocked down 18 points. tuesday night, game six in miami. chris, pop the popcorn. a game is happening. take a look at this. a shocked teenager in washington state grabbing her phone when she saw a bear run past her car. >> oh my [ bleep ]! i'm following a bear. >> we've got a foot pursuit, people. 18-year-old daniela matthews used some pretty colorful when she was in hot pursuit.ut,
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the bear jumped a fence in a neighbor's yard. by the time animal control arrived on scene, that bear was g-o-n-e. i don't know. i guess i wasn't in that car. i don't think i'd be chasing after a bear. >> can i tell you? i did this. there was a coyote in my neighborhood a couple of months ago. o idea why i decided to chase it out of the area with my car. >> how did it end? is >> i'm slightly embarrassed i just told that on national television. it just was instinct. >> i was going to place a citizen's arrest. >> i'll take chasing the bear rather than the other way around. >> the bear chasing you? >> any day. story of the morning, sports, but important to get at. deja vu all over again for golf's phil mickelson sunday at the u.s. open. the man known as lefty, the fan favorite, coming so close as he has so many times before. mickelson finished two shots behind the winner, england's justin rose, kudos to him. beautiful round played by him.
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good enough to tie for second for mickelson, and that's great. this is a record sixth time he's been runner-up. of course, in sports, you want to be number one. cnn's rachel nichols has more on this. g second, not a bad word in itself. perfectly respectable, but in this place, at this sporting event, for this man, it is the very definition of anguish. and on sunday, when phil mickelson finished runner-up at the u.s. open for a record sixth time, it was almost too much to take. >> for me, it's very heart breaking. this could have been the big -- a really big turnaround for me and how i look at the u.s. open, the tournament that i'd like to win after having so many good opportunities. >> reporter: in 2006, mickelson led this tournament heading into thq final hole, then hit his driver into the roof of a nearby tent, followed by a shot straight into a tree. this year he started the week in california, attending his daughter's eighth grade graduatrjjy
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he then hopped a cross-country red eye, went straight to the course, and teed off for his opening round on no sleep. so when mickelson went into sunday, father's day, with the lead here once again, even eventual winner justin rose thought a mickelson win was fated. >> he really showed the true spirit of father hood, being at home for his father's graduation earlier in the week, and putting the tournament as his second priority. that's very admirabladmirable, for him. >> reporter: it wasn't just father's day. sunday was mickelson's birthday, his 43rd, a reminder of his dwindling chances here. more salt in an already open toughest for me because at 43 and coming so close five times, it would have changed the way i looked at this tournament. if i never get the open, then i look back, and i think that -- every time i think of the u.s. open, i just think of heart break. >> look, he's won his majors. i love lefty. i believe he's such a great
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competitor, and you saw how he went to see his kid's graduation first. it's tough to be second. you want to be first. but he's the real deal. >> as the great band journey put it, don't stop believing. > and a new twist in colorado's worst wildfires in history. were they caused by an arsonist? plus, is this man who's lived in minnesota for decades a former nazi leader? is one report says yes. the family fightin(p()y i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business?
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what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. welcome back, everybody. to "new day." our first day. i'm chris cuomo, kate bolduan,
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michaela pereira. let's bring in christine romans. she has all the money reports for us. google taking its content to the stratosphere. it's releasing 30 hot air balloons to bring wi-fi to people who aren't connected. 60 people in new zealan" had an antenna attached to their homes which will pick up the signal from the balloon. and google is going old school, finding touchscreens too difficult for people to use. it's bringing back buttons and k'obs on the dashboard. i kid you not. "the wall street journal" said some people had such a difficult time using touchscreens in cars, rá was dragging down ford's quality scores. you might start finding knobs and dials again. >> how are stocks shaping up? >> futures up 100 points. your 401(k) took a hit last week. we think it should start the week pretty well today. >> just from our "new day" family to you, america, money time. christine, thanks so much.
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a very serious story coming out of colorado, something we've been following since last week. investigators now suspect arson in the massive black forest wildfire in central colorado. the 16,000 acres that have burned so far are now concerned a crime sce'e. agents from the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and exploives are now assisting state fire officials with the investigation. lots of questions surrounding just how this began. cnn's george howell is live from colorado springs. george, of course, welcome to "new day," but to the serious news, how is it looking? what are you learning this àmorning? >> reporter: kate, good morning. yeah, an arson investigator is d8here along with other officia. arson iáhjáju$e many possibilities that they're looking into, as they consider this area a crime scene. there is some good news, though. just yesterday we got this update it's now at 65% containment. that's great news, and we got that just after a big rain shower. we could see that number go up again today. the focus right now, kate, is
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for these firefighters to hold the perimeter, and go into the fire, find any hot spots, and put them out. >> george, you're talking about 65% containment. that's a big jump from over the weekend. weather was not cooperating last week. was it weather, or were the firefighters just finally able to get in front of it? >> reporter: it was a combinatrjz of both. on friday we got this big rain shower, and then saturday the same. that helped with firefighters because t$at's when they were going in. they were putting out many of those hot s(ots. they're making a lot of progress. kate, the hope is that more rain comes here today, mav!e in the next day or so. that will help him to put this fire out. >> put the fire out, and then the investigatio' continues. george howell on top of it for us. thanks so much, george. if you care about the àdefense of marriage act or affirmative action, it could be a huge, even historic day at the supreme court. justices are about to rule on some controversial and divisive cases that could redefine what it means to be an american.
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cnn's crime and justice correspondent joe johns is in d.c. with more. i'm welcoming this morning. thanks for being on "new day" with us on this first day. d8>> reporter: thanks, chris. glad to be here. this is the supreme court back in the middle of america's culture wars. four big cases, three big issues here before the suprqsq court, including affirmative action, whether it's okay to use race in admissions at colleges, the voting rights act, whether the 1965 voting rights act is a thing of the past, and two hutt gay rights cases, the defense of marriage act and proposition 8 in california. these are all issues right on the fault lines of red state and blue state america. these decisions could come out between anywhere now and the end of the month. certainly, a lot of anticipation here, chris. >> joe, thank you very much. obviously, always a little bit of a mystery about which cases will be decided. there's a lot on the table here. it's not just another day, kate, where these decisions are just legal. they're going to have an effect
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on everyday life. >> there have been two major decisions with major rulings coming out of the supreme court. it's an interesting time for the supreme court and for all americans. let's get to the weather center for what you need to know. let's start out with the good news, colorado. they deserve it. it's been so tough for them. forecast of thunderstorms again. look what's it's doing for them. that's amazing. they've had days of single digit humiditi humidities. we'll see it drop in the afternoon to the 20s, but we're not looking at critical fire danger yet. we're watching a ridge of high pressure building in by wednesday. there's a low in california. when those get close to each other, we are going to have the chance for stronger winds. hopefully, we get some rain the next several days, and we can recover up until then. let's go from the good to the bad. kind of gloomy, not too much rain, a 30% chance for scattered showers. let's go from good to the real
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bad. about the that's where it's really gloomy. they're going to be talking about one to two inches of rain there. pretty ugly. across the plains, that's where we're going to have our sevq)e threat for weather. of course, that is beautiful there. we're talking about the local weather. that is at the bottom of your screen. >> do you remember what we talked about? you can om bring good news on a monday? >> got a little better, and then it went downhill. >> i tried. >> indra having her hands tied by the truth. >> indra having my back being from the west coast. >> it's feeling good. >> it is feeling good. coming up on "new day," a 95-year-old minnesota man accused of being a former nazi commander. family members insist he is no nazi dad. and what do you do when a 30-foot long, 50,000 pound whale shark comes cruising alongside your boat? you'll hear from a florida teen z decided to do maybe a not smart thing. mind. >> did not compute in this boy's
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mind. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪
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letting it play a little bit. the song is called "it's time to begin." welcome, everyone. i'm chris cuomo. thank you for letting us from our home into yours. >> and i'm kate bolduan. thank you for joining us. is this 94-year-old man, who has lived in minnesota for decades, a former nazi ) jááq(ort says yes, but his family is fighting back this
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morning. plus the internet blew up last night after miss utah, a contestant in the miss usa pageant, gave a long and fumbling answer to a question. is it fair to beat up on her like this? a lot of news always on "new day." let's get to michaela pereira with the news right now. prñsident obama's approval numbers in a free fall. they have fallen eight points in just the last month. for the first time, a majority of americans do not believe he is honest and trustworthy. a new poll suggests revelations about thq nsa surveillance programs and the irs's scrutiny of tea party reforms are taking their toll? is a new revelation from nsa leaker edward snowden, "the guardian," says documents he provided show they tracked attendees at the g-20 in 2009. "the guardian" reports analysts received round the clock
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summaries of calls and got updates from delegates in order to inte)cept e-mails and key strokes. prince philip out of the hospital. he has been recovering from abdzminal surgery he received earlier this month. cnn international correspondent mathew chance standing by in london. welcome to "new day," mathew. >> reporter: glad to be here, michaela. >> i understand the prince was able to leave under his own power. >> reporter: absolutely. he looked much better coming out of the hospital than when he went in 11 days ago. we were expecting him to come out in a wheelchair, something like that, had abdominal surgery. he walked out under his own steam. he was smiling. he was shaking hands. he was thanking people. he got in the car and drove off to windsor castle. one of the reasons, the doctors said, even though he's had surgery, he's had 11 nights of rest. he's 92 years old. buckingham palace telling us he
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had convalesce for another two months. >> he certainly looks well considering what he's been through. matthew chance reporting for us from london. a 9/11 operator from new yok city being hailed at a hero. joanne payne spent eight hours on the phone with a woman who had a stroke. had troubl the dispatcher where she was because her speech was slurred. he managed to keep her on the phone from 1:00 in the morning until 8:30 that night. they were able to track her to an apartment on the east side. we're told she remains hospitalized. >> talk about going above and beyond. >> and so calm. a voice in a storm. really helped that woman stay focused and stay conscious. >> 911 operators too often wind up on the bad side and what they did wrong. >> they often only make news when they do bad. this one is a hee roar for sure. now to shocking allegations
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that a former nazi commander has been living secretly in the u.s. for over sex decades. the associated press claims he managed to conceal his past and enter the u.s. in 1949. miguel marquez is in los angeles. my good friend, always great to have you, especially on the first day of "new day." >> reporter: very good to be congratulations on the new show. the ap says it has it right on this. the family says it is dead wrong. it is incredibly emotional, obviously. the stakes and the outcome could not be higher. is he or isn't he? the allegation that 94-year-old michael karkoc hid his nazi past for 70 years has shocked this minneapolis suburb. >> the nazi thing was big. i would feel differently about him. >> reporter: the allegation begins with mr. karkoc's own
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memoir, claiming he helped found the ukraine self-defense legion, an offshoot of the nazis. his son claims he's innocent. >> the associated press intentionally and maliciously defamed ou) father, michael karkoc. >> reporter: the associated press alleges mr. karkoc lied about his military service when he entered the u.s. in 1949, was in charge of the nazi directed divisio' when it nearly wiped out the polish town, and the unit may have taken part in the ruthless oppression of warsaw during the end of the war. even the associated press admits there is no evidence mr. karkoc was directly involved in any of it. >> to quote ap, "records do not show that karkoc had a direct hand in war crimes," my father was never a nazi. >> reporter: still the ap says it sticks by its reporting, and the department of justice will only say it looks into all
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credible allegations of nazi w!ñ crimes. if this one is found to be credible, trying mr. karkoc in court could be a long process. >> what they will try to do is try to strip him of his united states citizenship and then deport him. >> reporte9: so what would have to happen, he would have to be denaturalized as a u.s. citizen, deporte", and then tried eventually in either germany or poland. all of that could take a long time. at over 90 years old, it's not clear he would make it it t$rough that entire process. back to you guys. >> still quite a set of revelations. d8much. still coming up on "new day," a big league pitcher carried off the field after being struck in the head by a vicious line drive. is it time for baseball to think more about safety. also an amazing recovery in there we'll tell you about. and a beauty queen has a brain cramp. the morning miss utah would like to forget. ahead on "new day."
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welcome back to "new day." hope you're having a good morning so far. let's go around the world for the news happening around the globe, including north korea proposing high level talks with the united states after, of course, months of threatening war. diana is in south korea with the latest. >> reporter: two months ago, north korea was threatening nuclear war. now it says it wants direct talks with d.c. but it wants to keep its nuclear weapons until the u.s. gets rid of theirs. washington's response was cool.
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it says it's happy to talk but only if those talks are real, that north korea can't talk its way out of sanctions. it has to prove with actions, not words, that it means business. back to you. >> diana, thank you so much. now let's go to south africa. iconic leader nelson mandela continues to recover from a lung infection at a pretoria hospital. >> reporter: today is a celebration in south africa commemorating the apartheid d8struggle. the man at the center of the apartheid movement, nelson mandela, recovering from a lung infection, particularly pneumon pneumonia. we have heard from his wife who says she thanks people for their generosity, saying it has light e ene" their burden of anxiety at this time. >> everyone around the world wishes him well. to mexico, where nici parker has been tracking a cat, who could become the next mayor of p
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town called chalapa. >> if you're a cat lover in the mexican city of chalapa, there may be only one candidate for mayor. morris the cat has exploded on facebook, with 121,000 likes. and owner says many people are tired of the empty promises of politicians. morris isn't the only animal with dreams of political office. also competing across mexico, dogs, a chicken, and a donkev in ciudad juarez. >> sometimes i think cats and dogs could probably run government bqáter. >> that's good. i like it. i like it enough. i like it better than i liked the game last night. sitting home, a little nervous about "new day," take my mind off it with the game. watched the heat get a beatdown. the spurs are one win away from winning their fifth nba title.
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let's bring in our friend andy sholes with more on "the lose, and you were wrong. >> whatever i pick, do the opposite. looked like the heat were going to take control of this series d8after winning game four in blowout fashion. the spurs changed things up and answered right back with a blowout of their own. spurs head coach, gregg popovich, he's looking for a way to get manu ginobili going he put him in the starting lineup for the first time in a year, and it worked. ginobili had a season high 24 points to go along with 10 assists. this game was close in the fourth quarter until the spurs danny green on fire once again. he smashed the nba finals record for three-pointers, hitting six more while scoring 24 points. spurs cruise for the win, 114-104 was the final. series now going back to miami for game six tomorrow night. san antonio just needing one more win. the heat, they're going to have
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to win back to back games now at home if they hope to win their second straight nba title. >> if they want to be a great team, they have to show it now. let's move on to something that matters a lot more. alex cobb, pitcher, what do we know? >> this is a scary moment on saturday. fifth inning of royals-rays game. takes a shot at the plate, hits right at cobb's ear. he was taken out on stretcher, conscious the whole way to the hospital. he actually tweeted once he got to the hospital that he was okay. he was diagnosed with a concussion. áhere's no timetable for his return, guys. this has kind of rekindled the discussion about whether pitchers should wear some sort of protective gear on their head >> give us the pro and con on it. what do you hear? is >> there's talk maybe they could wear some sort of kevlar hat or put some sort of metal protective piece inside the cap. that makes the hat a lot heavier. people say pitchers would be uncomfortable with that and
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would affect the way they pitch in the game. >> what's more important, comfort or safety? five times in five months. it's shocking when you see this happen. it's not going to end well for somebody. >> just like in football. they don't get paid to be safe. >> exactly. there's danger in the game. >> it's tough. lastly here, a nice prison visit story. this combines a lot of elements. >> who says nice prison visit? is >> you've got t.o. and chad jau johnson. this is like the blues brothers of nfl comedy. >> they might not be in the nfl anymore, but they're still good buddies. chad johnson is in jail right now in florida because of that butt slap he gave his lawyer when he was about to get his plea deal accepted. the judge didn't like that gesture. she threw out the plea dealand he's in jail for 30 days. t.o. coming to visit him on saturday. he actually tweeted about the visit, saying johnson was in good spirits, but he does need a >> he's got 30 days to think about that haircut.
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we can deal with it afterward, i guess. >> andy, thank you very much. let's get back to indra peterson in the weathq) center tracking the weather across the country. >> you guys tell me to start with good news, but it's tough. there's rain pretty much everywhere. i just moved to new york. i don't know what's going on. look at the rain once again in the forecast today. scattered showers, about a 30% chance. what happened to a bepuáiful summer in new york? look at these totals for june out towards the northeast and mid-atlantic. we're talking fr+e to seven inches above normal for this time of year, and there's more in the forecast today. the only hint of good nquák it's not as bad as the south today. the southeast, anywhere from two to four inches right along the cold front where we're going to see thunderstorms. i do have good news. that comes from colorado. chance for thunderstorms still in the forecast. that's great. they need all the moisture they can get, and still looking for that threat of thunderstorms today. they're going to have that for the next day or two. hopefully, that helps get containment on this fire. if you want the local news, right there on the bottom o# the
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screen. >> right there on the bottom of the screen. 65% contained. that's what george howell sai". hope that number ticks up more. >> important feature, bottom of the screen, local news on "new day." just want to let you know. it's our first day. bottom of your screen, see your local weather. coming up, a new cnn poll shows the president's approval ratings are falling fast. we'll tell you just how bad it is. and you hear that song? how a super bowl ring could rekindle the cold war possibly? or possibly not. >> is it a marriage proposal? i didn't hear that. >> that was not even something i considered. everybody has different investment objectives,
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d8revealed himself this week. you saw this guy all over the news, edward snowden, the high school dropout computer nerd with the pole dancing girlfriend who says he could wiretap anyone in the world, including the president. i fr'd this shocking. a computer nerd with a girlfriend? >> president obama is traveling people are upset. people are mad. people are upset because the trip is expected to cost million. to go to africa. mostly for security, hotel p((ááj(urjjr( biden wants
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a giraffe. >> i wasn't expecting that last one. >> that's a full belly laugh. >> i think jimmy wins. >> i think jimmy wins that one too. >> is i'm going with jimmy. >> that is the only time you're going to hear consensus. >> on the comedy. we agree on other things. >> we agree on other things. that's right. welcome back, everybody, to our first day of "new day." we're kicking off 30 minutes of commercial-free news. we want to start with some of the stories that everyone will be talking about at one point or another today, including this. new miss usa has been crowned, but it's not miss connecticut, the winner, everyone's talking about this morning. people are piling on pour miss utah, marisa powell, after she fumbled her response to a question on why women in the u.s. earn less than men. >> i think you can relate this back to education and how we are continuing to try to strive to
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figure out how to create jobs right now. that is the biggest problem. i think, especially the men, are seen as the leaders of this, and so we need to try to figure out how to create education better. >> before you two, i'll get your of a similar flub that happened in the 2007 miss usa pageant. who could forget miss south carolina? >> some people out there in our nation don't have that, and i believe that our education, such as south africa and iraq, everywhere like such as. so what do you think? >> it's tough to watch. >> be care#ul. >> this is the thing. i'm never going to be an apologist for beauty queens. not everybody's forte is
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thinking fast. >> some of the questions are harder than we want world peace questions. >> however, don't they know these questions are coming? is >> maybe not. >> they know áough questions are going to be coming, don't they? >> are you going to be switzerland on this one? >> that's who i am. it's hard for me to judge because i've done much worse. >> that's true. >> i don't know if you notice, but we live in a glass house at the moment. d8>> anyone who lives in a glas house, the old saying, should not throw stones, and we live in a massive glass house. on our first day, i think we say, congratulations, miss connecticut. >> not going to win the crown that way. >> i don't think it was as bad as south carolina. >> r don't think it was as bad as people are making it out to be. you try ad libbing an answer. >> in heels. >> in heels, walking backwards. next story is easier to take a side on, either really stupid or really daring. you decide. a florida teenager boating with
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friends off the coast of captiva island whe' they come across a 30-foot, 50,000 pound whale shark. i don't think they're vicious. who cares? he decides, what am i going to do here? i'm going to hop into the water with the 30-foot beast, and i'm going to ride around with it. that's him grabbing the nose of a whale shark that could suck him in and not remember he did it 20 seconds later, which is ñow long the guy stayed on top. obviously, the whale shark didn't hurt him, but they did see a couple of other predators and got back into the boat. let's take a little listen to this. >> there were two big bull sharks in the area. so that's why i was kind of hauling it back to the boat really quickly. >> now, in defense of him, what he says is he knows that it's a whale shark. he knows they're not vicious. >> they're filter feeders. they're the largest fish and largesá shark in the world. but their mouth can be five feet wide. i love whale sharks. >> you can look like plankton.
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i'm just saying. you don't want to be mistaken by an animal that doesn't have good eyesight. >> it's not about being mistaken for a fish or a plankton. this is what we did on my honeymoon. we went to belize. >> you jumped on a whale shark? >> we went scuba diving and had the good fortune of seeing a whale shark. in belize, if you touch a whale shark, you're fined because they're such a pride of that d8they're vulnerable. they're not endangered, but they're vulnerable. keep your distance. stay in the boat. >> i was going to make an argument that we didn't see teenage girls do this, but a teenage girl chased a bear in her car an hour ago. >> stay in the boat. what do you think? tired of hearing us yap about it. yap about it yourself. go to >> we have something you like, a quick trip through stories lighting up newspapers ynd blogs
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this morning and every morning. michaela starts us off. "usa today," a troubling story says bullying and aggressive behavior by siblings can be just as damage as bullying by peers. it can lead to anxiety and depression. mayor michael bloomberg wants to expand a composting program and turn food, table scraps into biofuel. bloomberg says it can be used to power lights and appliances. "the wall street journal" says the u.s. and europe apparently can't agree on standards for air traffic control. the disagreement would mean two kinds of equipment for transatlantic flights. airlines, to be certain.e >> absolutely is. christine romans joins uáy she's got the business news we need to know. what do you have? >> we're gearing up for a rally, folks. the major average is up .75% this morning. stocks have been volatile, selling off the past few weeks. the s&p 500, 14% so far this
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year. futures up right now. juáu thinking about money can corrupt you. a new study says people just seeing images of money are more likely to do something unethical like steal or hire a candidate who says he's willing to share confidential insider information. i do a lot of thinking about money. and samsung plans to give away 1 million copies of jay-z's new album july 4th only to samsung galaxy users. the public can get it three days later. >> finally it pays to be an android user, what? >> michaela and her android. >> finally, indra is in the weather center with what you need to know before you head out the door. i want you to feel like it's a monday. rain, rain, and more rain, pretty much everywhere you go. northeast, about a 30% chance for scattered showers, not a big deal. go to the southeast and ouch. one to two inches, some places even as much as two to four inches right along the cold
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front. in one place, rain is actually good news, and that is in chance for showers today. unfortunately, we could see a change coming up. we'll give you those details coming up in just a few minutes. >> details to come. lots of weather going on. it's near the top of the hour. this morning reversal of fortune. a cnn exclusive, the president's poll numbers plunge. younger voters are fleeing from him, and why do so many now find him untrustworthy? tapped. another report that a world leader tapped into world leaders' phones and e-mails.% today those leaders are gathering again in the uk. our president is there. lord of the ring. new details this morning. did vladimir putin steal the patriot owner's super bowl ring? a he said, he said battle causing major diplomatic headaches. >> your "new day" starts right now.
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>> what you need to know. >> this is a program run by professionals, saved many lives. >> what you just have to see. >> a shot like that could come. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan, and michaela pereira. >> good morning, good morning, good morning. >> good morning. >> i know i need to continue and say good morning to everyone. i'm kate bolduan. but i just want to stop and say we just got our news by james earl jones. >> i think he says your name bet, by the way. >> he does. thank you, james earl jones, and i'll always say james earl jones. i'm michaela pereira, by the way. thanks for joining us. >> and i'm chris cuomo. 7:00 in the east, and we're in the middle of 30 minutes of commercial-free news. a major drop in approval for the president this morning. president obama's approval rating slipped to 45% this
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morning from 53% last month. that's eight points. now 54% of people disapprove of the president. here to help us break it down, john king, cnn's chief national correspndent. john, welcome back on the show. good to have you. obviously, they're troubling. obviously, it was a big drop. the question is how do you think the administration will try to package this? >> you try to move on. you try to focus on things that are your strength. chris, kate, and michaela, good morning to you. you're a second term president. the clock is ticking towards the midterm election where history tells you your party is going to suffer. you're trying to get things done in the first couple of years. d8he wants republicans to work with him on immigration reform, some of his spending priorities. he wants to go back to conservative democrats and maybe make a second run at background checks and gun control. everybody in office will look at these pollings and say you have a weaker president at the moment. don't overinvest in one poll. remember how he won two elections, independence and young voters. look at the numbers, a 17-point drop in his approval rating in
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just one month. they don't like people reading their e-mails, tapping their phone calls. now the government says theje accusations by mr. snowden are overexaggerated. independents, the president down ten points in just a month. when you look at this and you're the president trying to get things done, you need to try to turn those numbers around. if you're a republican or democrat who might disagree with the president, you're going to look at these numbers and say, i don't need to play with him right now. he's weak. let's see if he can turn it. >> you list out the major points. startling. 18 to 29-yqp)-olds dropped in their support by 17 points. you just mentioned the independents dropping by 10 the president doesn't have to worry about re-election. o work with him. what about democrats especially who are worki'g towards what do these numbers say for them? >> reporter: that's the problem here. if you look back at the last couple years of the george bush presidency, rising opposition t% the iraq war, katrina, and people thought especially repu!licans, president was trying to push immigration, trying to push social security,
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and democrats started backing away. if they start backing away from president obama, it's a big deal. they have a very polarized washington. the president's personal characteristics down too, now 49%. a big drop just from may. it's a democratic president trying to convince you, as the government implements the obama health care plan, trying to convince you government is an instrument of good. 57% of americans now disagree with the president's views about the size and the power of government. 53% say he can't govern, can't manage the government effectively. again, it's only one poll, but if those numbers stick, especially for a democratic president, getting tough things already hard gets even tougher. >> especially when, john, having problems with policy is one thing. when it's pe)sonal, much more difficult to deal with politically. true enough. >> reporter: the great strength of this president has always been through the tough times that people like him. always been his rallying base when you do have. remember he went through a very tough economy. one of the striking parts is that the economy is actually
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starting to get better. when the president's nus!ers are going down but the economy is going up, if you study politics, it's that rising tide of an economy that holds a president in trouble up. if you're team obama and people are feeling better about the economy but your numbers are going down, the new warning light is flashing. >> john, thank you for that. appreciate that. maybe see the president doing some more feel good appearances coming up. >> that's exactly what we're going to see. president obama is in northern ireland for the g-8 summit. his trip comes aá a difficult time. the british newspaper, "the guardian," has dropped yet another security bombshel&. it claims in 2009 british intelligence spied on its allies at two g-20 summit meetings in london. our jessica yellin has more from the g-8 summit in ireland. >> reporter: kate, president obama arrived at the summit site, and he will sit down for his first one-on-one meeting in the next hour, and it's with british prime minister david casq) cameron. the two now have something new in common. the latest report from "the
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guardian" fingers both the u.s. and the uk for spying on foreign leaders. d8g-20 summit british and amerin spy agencies tried to intercept calls and e-mails from leaders, including the russians. the british are putting out a round of no comments on the report. the u.s. says all these reports about spying and surveillance are irresponsible and egregious and put the u.s.'s fight against counterterrorism at risk. but u.s. officials won't confirm or deny whether the u.s. tried to eavesdrop on russia's prqár"ent in 2009. this latest report, time to release the very first day of this g-8 summit is bound to spread the outrage here. now g-8 leaders can be angry at powers on both sides of the atlantic. kate? >> and changing the focus of what the summit is all about. major economic issues globally we'll still be dealing with. and now the focus is going to be
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on are you spying on me or not? >> got to talk about what's on the table. áhe white house trying hard to convince americans the nsa's secret surveillance is good for the country. it is a tough sell. take a look the aa brand new cnn/orc poll. 51% of americans think the government conducting records is the right thing to do. distinguished with this, 48% saying it was wrong, pretty much equal if you factor in the margin of error in the polls. let's bring in dana bash live from capitol hill this morning. da dp'a, again, welcome to "new day." what do these numbers mean in terms of where the policy will take us in washington? >> reporter: it means that government officials who say that these programs, these surveillance programs help stop terror plots are going to have to prove it. we're told that could happen as soon as today by declassifying details that show that these surveillance programs actually stop terror plots, made americans safer, and all of this is going to happen because of pressure from lawmakers who approved it and powerful executives at internet companies
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who are forced to make it happen. a full court obama administration press to cals americans' concerns about secret surveillance programs led by the republican house intelligence chairman. >> if you can see just the number of cases where we've actually stopped a plot, i think americans will come to a different conclusion than all the misleading rhetoric i've heard over the last few weeks. >> reporter: intelligence agencies are now working to declassify specifics about dozens of terror plots that the national security agency director told congress the secret programs helped disrupt. over the weekend, the government unveiled a teaser. this document claiming phone data collection programs have helped prevent terror ploás, "here in the homeland and in more than 20 countries around the world." supporters of the surveillance programs are trying to beat back suggestions the government is listening in on calls in the u.s. >> it's against the law for the and monitor u.s.,
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americans' phone calls. >> reporter: another supporter, dick cheney, someone who rarely agrees with the obama white house, does on this. the president says on the day of 9/11 these programs could have prevented that attack. >> i guess i would ask americans to pause and not lump the nsa this program has done great work. it has saved lives. >> reporter: but nay sayers like colorado democrat mark udall are not giving up. >> i don't think collecting millions and millions of americans' phone calls -- this is the metadata. this is time, place, to whom you direct the calls -- is making us any safer. >> reporter: and mark udall is one of several lawmakers on the intelligence committee who say they've seen the intelligence, and t$ey just don't believe these terror plots the intelligence agencies are saying were stopped really aren't helped much but the programs,
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but supporters say that's simply not true. they're begging on the fact that, when it's releaseded to the public, they'll say, it's tangible. i understand it. >> when is the key word, dana. thank you very much for the reporting. when are we going to hear what's in the leaked documents? when are we going to know what's going on? we'll talk about nsa operations with house majority leader eric cantor. as a result of security threats by passengers, flights disrupted. a colorado bound flight and an egypt bound flight diverted to skwot lp scotland. pamela, what's going on? a very scary weekend for passengers. >> reporter: a very tense weekend, especially for nervous flyers like me. imagine being tens of thousands d8something is wrong with your that's what happened to passengers over the weekend.
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is this rare, or could it be the norm? it's not the way passengers expected to arrive in denver on saturday. take a look at this cell phone video. a bomb squad, firefighters, and police rushed to a frontier airlines plane flying from knoxville after a man on board the flight claimed he had a bomb in his backpack. >> if you looked around, you could see everybody's eyes were real wide, and their jaws were dropped. >> reporter: nick dannonberger says he was sitting across the aisle from the unruly passenger and describes how the crew quickly jumped into action. >> they went and tried to remove the backpack from the guy and took him to the very back of the plane. then they started insulating it with other people's bags and seat cushions and what not. >> reporter: no bomb was found in the bag, and the man was new york's jfk airport found a threatening note inside a plane's bathroom, saying, i'll set this plane on fire. the flight was diverted to scotland. no one was harmed, and police
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are still investigating the incident. >> my concern is are we seeing a large trend of nonviolent terrorist threats on aircraft? >> reporter: flight experts say passengers behaving badly is on the rise. this picture shouj a passenger duct taped to his seat after he became disruptive on a flight from iceland to new york in january. and just last month, a man on a flight from anchorage, alaska, to portland, oregon, attempted to open an emergency exit, passengers restraining him with seat belt extenders and shoe laces. these incidents can not only be frightening, but costly and inconvenient. >> you're talking about tens of thousands of dollars of cost to the airlines. you're also talking about obviously a lot of passengers being put out. >> and an air scare of a different kind. president george w. bush's flight was delayed after a pilot reported smelling fire on board.
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everything was fine. but pilots say it's proof thpá aviation safety measures are working. still it's clear that these types of incidents take a tremendous toll in other ways. >> i was also thinking, as we were watching t$is, there's those scenarios where you think this happens to someone else. it doesn't happen tz me. they're happening more and more. unfortunately, they're bound to happen to you. >> it's very unsettling. that's what they're saying. travel has become so much more of a hassle, so much more inconvenient, and that puts people over the edge, according to experts we're talking to. >> i make a point of looking at the passengers i'm on the plane with now. i never used to do that. i geá into my book. i make eye contact, watch people, watch their behavior now. i never used to do that. >> now you have to watch a person at the emergency exit. are they going to try to open the door in flight? that's very troubling. >> cuomo is an air marshal. >> you've got layers of problems. flying is scary, and on top of it, just our national history what's happened with airplanes, and the threats of terrorism take it to a new level. that's why everybody is always on edge, as you saw with the passengers with the guy duct
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taped to the seat. thank you very much. moving on to another story that is developing. a crime scene that covers 16,000 acres. that's what officials in colorado are dealing with as they look into the most destructive fire in the state's history. by the way, still burning and dangerous. let's bring in cnn's george howell in colorado springs. george, welcome on the show again this morning. what's the latest? >> reporter: chris, good morning. we know that an arson investigator is here on the scene. they're looking into arson as ját of many possibilities as it falls in the scope of scrutiny to be considered a crime scene. they're working to determine the point of origin. tpáuiut narrowing that down. we still do not yet know the cause for fire. want to bring your attention back to the sun coming up there. you see no smoke on the horizon. that's great news. yesterday we learned this fire is now 65% contained. the hope is that there will be more rainfall today as we saw over the weekend, chris. to help with this fire fight.
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again, good news at this point. 65% containment with this fire. >> george, thank you very much. 65% is great. let's remind everybody. not over there yet. please keep your eyes and your hearts thinking about colorado. in less than three hours, we expect to hear from iran's newly elected president. many are calling hassan rohani a moderate. many are wondering how much of a reformer he really is. cnn's chief international correspondent christiane amanpour joins us. >> delighted to be here with you. >> here's the basic question. is the new boss the same as the old boss? s what the answer? >> you know, in a word, no. appearances matter. he is more centrist. we had eight excruciating years of the bombastic ahmadinejad. with this new man, who has publicly said he's a centrist, a moderate he's in the reformist camp. he wants to do something di#ferent. he said it for inside iran and outside iran. that will make a difference.
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it will calm down the temperature and perhaps provide at least an opportunity. >> he wins big, gets a majority vote with multipeople in there. 18 million votes, they say, were cast. so that's good. on the other side, since '79 a fixture in the government. he's alignedkhomeini. he is known to have suppressed pro democracy movements. how do you balance? is >> not pro democracy movement, and everyone was aligned with khomeini. these are the founding fathers of the revolution. all of these were moderates, but within the system, there is a group of people who are more centrist and who want a better day for iran, particularly with the united states and the west. now is a huge time of trouble in iran, and this man wants to work his way out of it. will he be able to? will the united states seize the outstretched arm? we'll wait and see. >> the word syria now enters into the dialogue. already a pledge of support, you understand this world so much better. iran, shiite, helping assad, the head of syria.
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shiite, in what was seen as a sunni-shiite conflict, or is it a thus! in the eye to the u.s.? does this man make it more likely we'll have to get involved? >> rohani, i don't think, will make it more likely. what i do think is the united states has committed itself to doing something very little so far. we don't know what the president is actually going to do beyond small arms. take it as a negotiation. you and i, we all know, if the president wants a negotiated settlement to syria, he's got to have a balance of power. right now assad is winning. so what the u.s. wants to do is try to bolster the rebels a little bit to make it a little bit more of a fair and level playing field because they want to have a peace conference. >> you know what people are worried about here, christiane. we can'tútake another incursion. we can't put more boots on the grou'd. we're still not out of iraq. you have afghanistan. how do you think this helps shape the dialogue for people here at home? >> first of all, there will be no boots on the ground. the president has made that very clear. and everybody's made that it's certainly not necessary. the idea is to try to arm and %
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train the opposition, who the president has already put america's backing behind. if you back the opposition, you've got to give the moderate opposition the wherewithal to be able to stand up and create a level playing field in the event that either they win or you can have some kind of negotiated settlement. the president has brought the united states out of iraq. afghanistan will happen. and you're right, nobody wants another engagement. this is a vital issue, and the bad guys, iran, hezbollah, are aligned withxassad. >> christiane amanpour, thank you so much for the perspective. >> thank you. congratulations to all of you. >> we'll be listening what we hear in this spqq(r from president rohani. >> very important. we'll all bq listening. coming up in less than three hourák supreme court justices may rule on some controversial and very divisive cases that could redefine what it mea's to be an american. cnn's crime and justice correspondent joe johns is in d.c., outside the supreme court, with more. joe, we've got same-sex marriage. issue of affirmative action.
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what could we see today? is >> reporter: we could see any of the four big cases, kate. this is the supreme court returning to the culture wars in this country, as they do occasionally. as you said, we have affirmative action. that's a question of whether you can use race in college admissions. voting rights. the question of whether the 1965 voting rights act could be a thing of the past. of course, those two big gay marriage cases and whether gay marriage ought to be treated the very same as heterosexual marriage in this country. these are issues right on the fault lines of red state and blue state america, and we could see any one of those four cases dehided today, kate. >> joe, on the issue -- on the same-sex marriage, on the is struck down or however the justices decide, it's a little convoluted thinking, but i wanted to get your thoughts on this. if the defense of marriage act, if the justices strike down that part of the defense of marriage
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act any time, obviously, in this coming month, that leaves -- that creates more questions than answers for so many states, especially states who currently do not allow same-sex marriage. if they strike down that restriction against gi+ing federal benefits to same-sex couples, what does that mean for the states who don't allow same-sex marriage? >> reporter: it's really just a mixed bag, kate. as you know from covering this, all about how the court actually decides the case. so if you have a number of states -- and we do -- that say they don't believe in gay marriage, doesn't work for them, it creates a real conflict between them and the other states. a lot of people suggested you have sort of two americas going forway once again, red states and what they believe in and blue sáates and what they believe in. all about how the court decides a case. there are probably 20 different iterations of how they could, kate. >> joe johns, tracking it all for us. joe, thanks so much. >> you bet. >> huge cases.
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again, another crazy end to the session. >> my mom says my tie's not straight. is it better now? all right, mom? better? >> thank you, mrs. cuomo, looking out. thank you, thank you. you want to continue? >> my whole morning's blown. >> you'll be fine. we'll play through. >> chris won't make it through. it's a very busy news morning. let's get to michaela pereira with the other stories developing. we begin with a major about face for north korea. it is proposing high level talks with the u.s., saying it is ready to discuss easing tensions and pulling the plug on its nuclear ambitions. a top north korean official says they're willing to meet at any time and at any place the u.s. wants. it also proposed talks with south korea this month, but that agreement fell apart. a bloody weekend in chicago. the chicago tribune reporting a staggering 46 people shot, 7 of them fatally, in separate incidents of violence. cnn has not been able to independently confirm these numbers yet.
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chicago has seen a large dip in overall homicide and shooting numbers so far this year, but this latest rash of shootings is casting doubt on the chicago pd's crime fighting strategy. >ñ> it is week two of jury selection of the george zimmerman trial. the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with second degree murder for killing an unarmed florida teenager trayvon martin. zimmerman claims the shooting was in self-defense. so far, 29 jurors have passed initial screening by the prosecution and the defense. the six-person jury will be sequestered during the trial. today julie hermann takes over as athletic director of rutgers university. hermann replaces tim pernetti, who was forced to resign after coach mike rice was caught on tape physically and mentally abusing his player. some former volleyball players at the university of tennessee says hermann abused them when she coached there back in the '90s. she is denying those charges.
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talk about devotion. this is quite a story. i need to breathe through it. a 68-year-old man wanted to get a second tattoo in honor of his 28-year-old wife. wait for it. he got this tattoo >>. oh, no. >> in a bikini, pushing a lawn mower, on his bald spot. his kids paid the tab for the trip to the parlor. it was a father's day present. i can't with this story. >> you know what, i actually love it. why not? men don't really like to go bald. ñ> why not? he's got a tattoo on the top of his head. >> dress it up. >> you're owning the male pattern baldness cover-up story here. if people are going to stare at it, stare at something they enjoy. >> he makes his wife look pretty >> it's like one of the mud flaps on the back of a truck. >> i'm like yosemite sam, back off. 68-28, amen.
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bravo for him. unless she's 6 feet tall, she's not going to see it. it's on the top of his head. it $ad to hurt. what do you think? go to our website. let us know. tattoo on the head, love or no? is coming up next on "new day," can a super bowl ring rekindle the cold war? we're only kind of joking. we'll tell you about the showdown between the owner of the new england patriots and vladimir putin. and a moment of prayer before the i dos. whv this wedding photo went viral. i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting
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to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ can help you do what you do... even better. we've been bringing people together. today, we'd like people to come together on something that concerns all of us. obesity. and as the nation's leading beverage company, we can play an important role. that includes continually providing more options. giving people easy ways to help make informed choices. and offering portion controlled versions of our most popular drinks. it also means working with our industry to voluntarily change what's offered in schools. but beating obesity will take continued action by all of us, based on one simple common sense fact... all calories count. and if you eat and drink more calories than you burn off,
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you'll gain weight. that goes for coca-cola, and everything else with calories. finding a solution will take all of us. but at coca-cola, we know when people come together, good things happen. to learn more, visit happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in!
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this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? welcome back to "new day." on the first day. it's great to be with all of you. and yet i digress because here is a u.s.-russia dispute no one saw coming. a spokesman for the owner of the new england patriots says robert
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kraft was only joking when he accused vladimir putin of swiping his super bowl ring. putin denied it, saying it was a gift. here's john berman. he has more on the international swipe scam suggestion. >ñ it is a new day here at cnn. the qutáurjy is it a new day for the cold war? is it beginning again? president obama set to sit down with russian president vladimir putin in just a few hours with some of áhe world's most important issues on the agenda -- syria, nuclear proliferation. but no issue perhaps more contentious and more confusing than super bow& jewelry. vladimir putin is an imposing character, but is he a jewel thief? you decide. russian president vladimir putin was a kgb agent, martial arts expert, goes topless, and has intercontinental ballistic missiles. new england patrruj owner robert kraft, he has tom brady. so it's pretty much a fair fight. a fight between a nuclear super power and a football su(er power
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over all things, jewelry. not just any jewelry, it's a brewing international incident over a ring, a super bowl ring. >> i'm tremendously humbled by this great honor. >> at a gala in new york city last thursday, kraft told the crowd that putin altjtáñ swiped his super bowl ring back in 2005, when they met in st. petersburg. according to kraft, putin admired the ring encrusted with 124 diamonds and said, i can kill someone with this ring. kraft went on to explain, i put my hand out, and he put it in his pocket, and three kgb guys got arou'd him and walked out. putin, a thief? a spokesman for the president says, nyet. "i was there when it happened. so what mr. kraft is saying now away from him and mr. putin and saw and heard how mr. kraft gave this ring as a gift." maybe it's a case of lost in
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translation. literally, maybe he lost the ring because of translation, or maybe there were bigger global forces involved. "the new york post," which broke the story of kraft's comments on thursday quotes kraft as saying that white house officials urged him to say the ring was a gift. in the interest of u.s.-soviet relations. and now mr. kraft seems to be can baing off a bit. the patriots releasing a statement, "it's a humorous anecdotal story that robert retells for laughs. he loves his storing is at the kremlin, and as he stated in 2005, he continues to have great respect for russia and the leadership of president putin." >> so the 94 carat ring, which is big, is in the state library where all officials gifts are kept. it's worth $25,000. you know what's nice for robert kraft? his team has three super bowls.
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so he's got more. i wouldn't show them off to angela merkel or anything like that. keep it to yourself. >> one aspect of this controversy is did robert kraft have a change of heart because he doesn't think the patriots will win another one any time soon because of the preemin essence of the jets in his division? >> stay tuned for that. >> that's coming, and it's going to be very eye-opening. there's another level of dimension to this. we have to get the moscow reaction. let's bring in cnn's phil black joining us this morning. phil, you understand the dimension of this. what's going on there in moscow? >> reporter: chris, there are many russians who often refer to vladimir putin as a thief, people who don't like him, but they're usually talking about allegations of stolen votes or stolen government money. never before jewelry. now, this precious ring, we understand, is being kept behind those historic red walls of the kremlin in a special vault reserved for the president's most valuable gifts. there it looks likely to stay because his spokesman has said if robert kraft is upset, if
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he's suffq)ing at the loss, then president putin is prepared to buy him a new ring of equal value. there is no suggestion the original ring will be returned. we asked him about it. didn't even want to talk about that idea. however that ring came to be in vladimir putin's pocket, it looks pretty unlikely it's going to be returned to the man whose name is engraved on it. chris? >> phil black, thank you very much. here, did a little research. a gift is a legal thing, has legal elements. here they are. one, you must have donative intent. what do we know about that? >> excuse me? >> donative, to give. robert kraft gave him the ring, but then he said i put my hand back out. is that clear giving of a gift? acceptance. vladimir putin takes the gift, puts it in his pocket. known as the third element, receipt, walks away. >> you had me at donative intent. >> my mind just went blank. >> legally speaking, i think the
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guy with nuclear weapons wins. >> always wins. >> always wins. weapon? >> i think he is. that's a great point. he's like a merb, multiwar headed intercontinental ballistic missile. >> i don't think he should get it back. it's in the kremlin. >> i would just say have fun with that. i'm not going to ask for it back. >> if this would have been the new york jets, this never would have happened. you only have one ring, you never give it away. >> separating you two. we're not going there today. >> it stings because it's true. let's move on to something that's much more -- >> you say it with authority. >> because my jets are not so bad. >> because you're a liar. very sweet one. a picture of a marine's weddi'g going viral. bree and josh curtis, a couple in lynchburg, virginia, holding hands before taking vows. their eyes are closed, of course. they're trying to avoid one
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another. you know the superstition. on bree's tumblr account, she described the moment like this. my husband prayed that god would bless the marriage, through thick or thin, together, we would never lose hope in one another. >> i love those very, very sweet moments. >> it's a beautiful moment. a nod to tradition, not seeing each other, but obviously wanting to spend that moment. their faith is something that ties them together. very lovely. >> i love that this is going viral. this is a nice thing to see going viral. >> people do like to share good news, though. we're going to try to do that a little bit more as well. >> good segue to a segment coming up later. >> i thought you were going to say t$e weather. >> not much good news on the weather department. we'll get to that. on these top stories, let us know what you're thinking, let's get to the not good news, which is indra petersons. she's the not good news bringer sorry, indra. >> day one, i quit. >> total yichlt i am trying, though. we are starting with colorado, which is a hint of
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good news. got to take what we can get. they've been seeing small thunderstorms over the weekend, and with that, fire coverage is up 66%. we all know we get the sun out during the day, and the number goes down. good news, we're not seeing it go as low with the single dinl i digits and teens. no critical fire danger today and tomorrow. by wednesday, a dome of high pressure builds in. what does that mean? that means the temperatures are going to go up. talking about 90s back in the forecast. to make it worse, a low is going to get close. the difference between high and low, that's pressure. too complicated? just think that means winds. see the winds picking up today and tuesday. another day or so to recover from the fire. after that, tougher conditions out there. in the northeast, stil& talking about the rain. cuomo, we've got to talk about five to seven inches above normal. i'm not taking the hit on this weather. what is the deal? >> move back to california? >> hey, why not, right? >> we need you. i'm sorry about new york. i apologize. >> that's all i needed. that's all i had to hear. >> chris is the new york
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apologist. >> is that your job to apologize? >> it's a new day. i'm in charge of all complaints in new york. i hp+e a twitter account. use it for that. coming up on the show, tampa bay rays pitcher alex cobb recovering from a concussion. he was hit in the head by a fierce line drive. you just saw it there. question is what will the mlb do to prevent these kinds of injuries, if anything? is hitting the road, hitting the open road with all the comforts of home. this?could you not like about john berman has our "new day" award of the day award. yes, you heard that correct. >> that's a barca lounger going about 30. and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us.
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whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. and i've been around the toughest guys in football. and now i'm training guys who leak a little to guard their manhood. with man style protection... whoa... of new depend shields and guards. who are you? this is my house. perfect. come with me. built you a little man space under here. how 'bout that. sweet. see depend shields and guards are made to fit guys. that's awesome. i trained that guy now it's your turn. go online for my tips to help guard your manhood. with new depend, shields and guards. i tthan probablycare moreanyone else.and we've had this farm for 30 years. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us.
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our new home on "new day." that's a tv monitor. here we are. >> it takes a while. you might as well get scenery. don't even worry about us. what's your name? >> or you can call me mo. i'm kate bolduan. it is monday, june 17th. just about 7:40 in the east. ahead in this half hour, a lot going on. devastating blow to the head. a tampa bay rays pitcher hit in the ear over the weekend. now many are asking if safety changes need to be made to the game of baseball. >> rachel nichols is here to break it down for us. very important story on many angles. lots of news. let's get to michaela pereira. r' the news right now, president obama's approval numbers taking a dive. they've fallen eight points in
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just the last month. also alarming, his disapproval numbers going up nine points. for the first time, a majority of americans do not believe he is honest and trustworthy. new poll numbers suggest revelations about the nsa surveillance programs and the irs's scrutiny of tea party programs are taking their toll. "the guardian" citing documents from nsa leaker edward snowden reports british intel tracked delegates at the g-20 economic summit back in 2009. this year's syria's civil war looms large at the summit. the u.s., the uk, and france trying to put pressure on russia over its support of the syrian government. frederick is in do maamascus jog us. good morning and welcome to "new day." i want to hear discussion about whether the g-8 is going to change anything. >> reporter: hi, michaela. i don't think anybody on the government side or the rebel side thinks the summit is going
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to change anything in the short term. certainly, it will take more than one meeting to change anything simply because the violence is so bad. the street i'm standing on is called the meza highway. it's a major street in damascus. just 300 yards that way, there was a major suicide attack that hit a syrian military base checkpoint. those are the kinds of things you see every day. at the same time, you have the syrian government launching a major offensive in the north of the country. right now people say they're not even inclined to go to the negotiating table. on top of that, michaela, you have the whole thing about the chemical weapons, where the u.s. is, of course, now saying it fqq&s confident the syrian regime has used them. the russians say they believe that is, quote, fabricated. therefore, it's going to be very difficult for these two sides agree together let alone have this make any difference, michaela. >> frederik, we appreciate that. thanks so much. in other news, the couple children and sailing away to cuba are due in a courtroom this
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morning. josh and sharon had lost custody of the two boys because o# drug and weapons charges. sharon's parents eventually got custody of the children. josh hakin tied up sharon's mom in her tampa home, took the children, and fled. the cuban government sent them back to the united states. we're told the boys were not injured. they have pleaded not guilty. this is an amazing father's day story sure to tug at your heart stri'gs. after being separated for 24 years, a woman who was adopted found her biological father. it turns out both volunteered at the very same phoenix rescue mission for an entire year but had never crossed paths until she called him. >> incredible to see both of us in the same place so comfortable and so familiar. >> when you start thinking about father'j day, in my mind, i and what he's done for me, and i think how he's blessed me to be a father. it's made my family complete. that kiss on the forehead is what gets me. pastor russell says he gave amy
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up for adoption because he was struggling with addiction at the time. i'm p' adopted kid. those kind of stories -- >> people don't know how close to the heart this is. >> those kinds of stories are very, very close to home. it's a beautiful moment when that happens. rá doesn't always turn out great. when you see the reunions happen, it's life changing. >> thank you for bringing that to us. >> differe't kind of life changer we're going to talk to you about now. this blistering line drive to the ear saturday in a frightening scene. cobb carried off the field on a stretcher. he suffered a concussion. big question is an obvious one. is it time for baseball to enact new safety measures? cnn's rachel nichols joining us now. thanks for coming to "new day." appreciate it, rachel. >> it's great to be here. >> tough one. we've heard it before. this one a dramatic example. what does it mean? >> not so great to be at the ballpark over the weekend. fans in the stands, they heard that great crack that normally signifies a home run only that's not what iá was. it was the sound of a baseball going off of alex cobb's skull.
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take a look. not an easy thing to be part of. it is one of the most disturbing sights in baseball. >> oh! >> reporter: a pitcher, defenseless, getting hit in the head by a ball traveling more than 100 miles an hour and reaching the mound in about a dpthird of a second. tampa bay pitcher alex cobb tweeted that he woke up with, quote, only a minor headache the day after being hit by a line drive, but he's hardly the only victim. just last month, j.a. happ had to be removed from the field, blood pouring from his ear. a year before, brando' mccarthy had to have major brain surgery. he's still struggling with procedures. >> when you see line drives go >> reporter: and it's not just major leaguers. gunnar sandberg was 18 years old
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when a ball struck him. gunnar's family would like to d8pitcher's helmets like this prototype. >> i think it would give everyone who wears it confidence out on the field. >> reporter: but while major league baseball officials have studied several possibilities, they know that helmets only cover 40% of a player's head. cobb was hit below the cap line. anything more protective, like a hockey goalie mask, is considered too bulky for a player to wear and still pitch properly. >> whoever comes up with a solution for this, they're never going to have to work again in their life and probably generations of their family won't have to work. >> it seems obvious, right? >> major league pitchers, i've talked to plenty of them. they've wondered how long is it going to be, unfortunately, until someone dies on the field? is that what it's going to take? is they had a batter struck by a pitch who died on the field in 1920, cleveland indians batter. they didn't require batting helmets until 1970, took 50
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years. even that sadly might not make a difference. >> what is the balance, though? this may be an obvious question. why not, even if it's just 40% coverage of the head, why not wear some kind of pitching helmet? >> pitchers say that maybe it's uncomfortable. it's not what they're used to. usually big equipment changes like that, they try to get in at the little league level so kids grow up using it. you saw the kid who was 16 years old. he had to have brain surgery where they removed part of his skull. if you're a parent and you have a kid who's on the field and vulnerable. there's no padding. there's no nothing. i think you want to look into this and find out whether your kid should be wea)ing something like this. >> pro level is one thipg. they're big boys. they get to make their own decisions. the kids especially, in a way baseball is even behind football in terms of the didialogue. hopefully, this motivates it. here's to alex cobb and his family. good luck with the recovery. appreciate it. coming up on "new day," a texas mom fights off a carjacker. when i say fights off, i mean,
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she takes off after a man with a knife like it was an action movie. how did she get out of the car and save her kids? then get ready for the first "new day" award of the day award. why this guy in his lazy boy snagged top honors. >> rachel nichols, you get one for being on the show today. >> i feel like thpá's the soundtrack. i'm the next american success story. working for a company where over seventy-five percent of store management started as hourly associates. there's opportunity here. i can use walmart's education benefits to get a degree, maybe work in it, or be an engineer, helping walmart conserve energy. even today, when our store does well, i earn quarterly bonuses. when people look at me, i hope they see someone working their way up. vo: opportunity, that's the real walmart. we know it's your videoconference of the day. hi! hi, buddy! that's why the free wifi and hot breakfast
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are something to smile about. book a great getaway now and feel the hamptonality
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welcome !ack to "new day," christine romans has all the news you need to know. >> traung morning on wall
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street. the dow, nasdaq, ssand p future. all right, lock it in. the call among consumers. the fed has kept mortgage rates at rock bottom lows. the 30-year hovering around 4%. the 15-year fixq" now up to 3.1%. whole food workers can now speak any language to to each other. after two whole food employees were accused of speaking spanish to each other on the job. whole foods denies that and says performance was the issue, not language. it is that time of the morning, john berman is here to give us his new day award of the day, award.
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>> you want to distinguish it between all other awards you see in the morning. it's a bird, it's a plane, it's me, still. it's a guy driving a lazy boy down a highway in china. talk about faster than a speeding bullet. more powerful than a locomotive. now, i know you may ask yourself a question. why is this man driving a chair down a street in china. getting a seat in china could be perilous. that man takes a seat that the womp' thinks is hers. what does she do? she says, i'll sit here anyway. it. >> i know exactly what chris is thinking right now. yup, why is he fighting this. >> no, i'm wondering why the person in the back have their hand on the chair. >> the bus is pretty much empty. >> there are a lot of seats. >> what is it about that seat.
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>> it's the good chair. you know, always one jz the subway. >> let's leave that for a second. we want to recognize the guy driving the lazy boy down the highway, again. he has it all figured out. what is the award today? it is our man of steel award. man of steel in honor of the film produced by the same company that owns cnn. >> got to plug it. >> i said "man of steel" awar" because he is, in fact, a superman. >> he is a bug guard. >> good stuff, john. good award, i like it. >> the inaugural "new day" award of the day. >> will there be a second. coming up next on "new day," americans are down on president obama. what is behind his plummeting poll numbers. a texas woman who let a carjacker know he was messing with the wrong mom. straight ahead on "new day."
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thanks for being with us. [ male announcer ] erica had a rough day. good thing she's got the citi simplicity card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate, ever. because she's got other things to stress about. ♪ go to to apply. 14 clubs. that's what they tell us a legal golf bag can hold. and while that leaves a little room for balls and tees,
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it doesn't leave room for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day, or the to-do list of tomorrow. only 14 clubs pick up the right one and drive it right down the middle of pure michigan. your trip begins at woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help.
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hear that is music. that sqp's we take a quick trip
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through all the newsmaking headlines this morning. michaela is here. >> here we go. in the telegraph copper pipes could be to blame for bad hair days. washing your hair with water containing copper can lead to split ends and unmadgeable hair. a twist to the term, wine pairings. a former wine journalist has launched a dating site for wine lovers. it matches up folks who want to split a bottle of wine with that special somebody. from "the wall street journal" camel racing coming to the new jersey meadowlands. they'll saddle up this saturday night and ostage racing. ostrich racing. >> say hello to nischelle turner. welcome to "new day." >> thank you for having me here. he's not a businessman, he's a businessman.
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the company plans to give copies of jay-z's album to 1 million samsung users. and a surprise winner at the 40th daytime emmy awards. nbc "day of our lives" took home the award for outstanding drama series. 35 years since "days" won for best soap. going up for auction next month. a grandmother apparently kept a lock of his hair all these years. it's expected to sell for between 2,300 and $3,100. >> probably the same name as you. >> hash tag creepy. >> going to say, finally, indra pet petersons is in the weather center. >> i'm happy it's a monday and not a friday. so much rain in the forecast. northeast not too bad. 30% chance of showers.
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in the southeast, though, i just want to get, we were talking one to two inches and some thunderstorms two to four inches out there. ouch. good news in colorado they have the threat for thunderstorms, as well. that is helping with wildfires. there is a change, we need to update on what could change in colorado in just a bit. >> we'll wait to see that. now, the top of the hour, it's time for the top news. the president's poll numbers plummet as more americans find him untrustworthy. why his image is taking a beating and can he turn it around. new details. just how much information did apaal give the feds about users' accounts? the numbers just out this morning. don't mess with mom. meet the woman who fought off a carjacker and then ran the suspect over. anything to protect her kids.
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your "new day" starts right now. >> what you need to know -- >> six in ten americans think government is too big. he can'á manage it effectively. 15 boys went into that barbersho(. 15 men walked out. d8good morning. good morning. good morning, everyone. welcome back to "new day." i'm kate bolduan. >> the headline this morning, the president's approval rating is dropping like a stone as he arrives in northern ireland for the g-8 summit. take a look at our brand-new cnn poll. 45% of americans believe the president is doing a good job. that is an eight-point pluñge in one month. let's bring in jessica yellin
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who is traveling with the president. >> reporter: president obama can't seem to get out from under his dark cloud. fueling the fall in his approval -- >> nobody is listening to the content of people's phone calls. >> reporter: six in ten d8president has handled surveillance of u.s. citizens. scoring worse than president bush on this issue. a series of controversies is a eroding americans' trust in him. >> the irs has to operate with absolute integrity. >> i have complete confidence in >> reporter: the number of eral. americans who think president obama is honest dropped eight points since may. though long been his strong suit now only 49% of americans saytr >> our nation is still threatened by terrorists from benghazi to boston. >> reporter: he rates above 50% on terrorism, but that number took a 13-point hit in the last month. all this has fueled a stunning
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17-point plunge with his core base of supporters. people under the age of 30. president obama is having a áough go at home and is now attorney to face fire at this summit in northern ireland for the latest revelations about u.s. surveillance and a slow response in syria. >> the latest revelations from edward snowden are only increasing the tensions around today's meeting here. the british and the u.s. d8on the latest guardian report that their spy agencies were snooping on foreign lea"ers when the british last hosted one of these global summits in 2009. as we speak, president obama is meeting with british prime minister david cameron. so, the next question then is, who is listening in on that meeting? chris, kate? >> jessica, thank you very much. >> the intrigue continues. >> amazing number of stories.
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that orc poll out this morning we were talking about shows a majority of americans support government surveillance of phone records. 51% say it's right for the government to track americans' phone calls. 48% say it's wrong. cnn's dana bash is live on capitol hill with more on this. our chief congressional correspondent. welcome to "new day" what else can you tell me? what is the latest on capitol hill to find out about these nra surveillance leaks? >> there could be news today that intelligence agencies could be releasing declassified information on the terror plots that they say have been thwarted because of these sweeping surveillance programs. now, we heard from opponents of these programs that have been briefed with the classified information. they're just not as productive and as positive as people have said. and that these terror plots could have been thwarted in other ways.
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supporters say thpá's simply not true that gathering this data, especially phone records has been incredibly helpful and they hope that tangible information that they see, really, info)mation on how they were made safer to help them digest this idea of having their phone data collected in such a big way. the problem, kate, it's unclep) how much is actually going to be put forward because we are told there is a vigorous debate inside the intelligence community what is declassify. a lot of screamish iis isish an sources and methods in the intelligence community. we'll see what they put forward. >> we'll be tracking that. that's absolutely for sure. dana hill on capitol hill, that's for sure. many a other big stories coming out of washington today. let's talk about them all with congressman eric cantor. the house majority leader and republican congressman from virginia. congressman, welcome to "new day." >> good morning.
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congratulations on "the new day." >> i want to get to the poll numbers. new poll numbers out saying many things. couple important points, the president's approval rating has slipped by eight points in just one month. but here's a really interesting point that got my attention. this poll also asked, do you trust and is the president, is the president trustworthy and is he honest? people's belief in that dropped are you surprised that the president's trustworthy rating has take aen a hit? >> well, certainly, i would think it's troubling for the president in the fact that half the american people now don't think the president is trustworthy and honest. and what they're witnessing is a u(árr'gton and a government that has abused its power. and, frankly, has lost focus on the issue that most americans care about which is getting people back to work. that's why we as house republicans are very focused on trying to restore the faith in our government and the trust that people should have in that
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government, as well as their faith in the economy. >> congressman, how do you separate when you talk about all the scandals coming out of washington. how do you try to separate congress and the republican house from these scandals, as well. how do you separate yourself from the trust deficit that we're seeing the president has. >> clqp)ly, congress' role is oversight and we're engaged in a very rigorous oversight. many of these agencies that have committed this violation of trust in the american peoplq as the irs issues, in particular, i think raise big concerns. we've got both chairman camp on the ways and meanj committee, as well as chairman issa interviewing the necessary people and reviewing the documents to understand exactly what was going on. as you know, there was news out this morning which indicated the kind of targeting of conservative groups was not just
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taking place or was not just made aware and people in cincinnati. it actually was communicated back to washington, which, again, i think, underscores the importance of investigations and hearings. we have to get ño the bottom of this. the facts will lead us to the truth and hopefully all of that will restore people's faith in government. )ight now we have a lot to work to do as this administration abused its power and violated the trust of the people. >> let me ask you about the nsa leaks. who know what when. there is talk from your colleagues about declassifying some of this information to show to the american people. what did you know about the program before it leaked? >> well, these were programs that were put into law after 9/11. àas we knew and saw that day, to think the unthinkable. these programs have assisted
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lawmakers in going after terrorists. but, again, i think it's important that the american people can see that we put a priority on national security, but, equally, a priority on civil liberties. that's what makes america who we are and i think the discussion that will unfold through the committee process and the oversight hearings are going to be able to demonstrate that. these programs, hopefully, will be proven to strike that balance that's so necessary in our country. >> congressman, you're talking about priorities and that's an issue facing congress every day because you have kind of conflicting priorities on what you fund and what you do not fund. you're pushing the kids' first act. this is basically, you want to fund research for pediatric disorders and how you want to do that. you want to pay for eliminating funds. d8see private money kind of tak out of the political process, why is that a good way, why is that the good route to go, even
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though, obviously, funding >> it doesn't seem the president has put forward his best, you know, off aer in terms of wanting to come to an agreement with house republicans who for years now have insisted that t got to get this debt deficit managed down.this debt we need to bring it to balance in ten years. but it also means we have to set our priorities. americans, as well as conservatives and liberals and democrats and i think all of us can agree that research and science has, in fact, a&lowed america to lead with innovation. certainly if we put our priority on health care research, pediatrics, in particular, we can help kids. we can help cure disease, which also will lower costs. and i tell you, kate, i have a
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constituent. her name is katie and she is 12 years old. she was diagnosed with a brain tumor when she was 1-year-old. she is struggling back and forth to st. jude and other hospitals and is doing quite well. but has a condition as a child, as a 12-year-old that, frankly, lot of research around it. and, so, if we can help people and kids like katie, we can, obviously, put them and their families at ease and cure their disease and back on track to a healthy life and also try to deal with some of the $ealth care costs that continue to spiral out of control here in washington. >> a lot on your plate and a busy session heading into the race into the july 4th recess. eric cantor, thank you for your time this morning, sir. >> thank you. clearly a very busy morning. let's get to michaela for the other big stories developing.
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>> he says number one on his agenda a, fixing the economy. he also talk aed about creating substantive relationships with other countries. the candidate was an unlikely winner but he'll take office august 3rd. first lady michelle obama in dublin. also check out a special performance of "river dance" at a local theater. it looks like blind activist is at odds with new york university. he first made headlines last year when he escaped houáq arrest in china and now being forced to leave nyu. he believes the university, which wants to build a campus in shanghai is being pressured by the chinese. but school officials say his one-year fellowship is coming to an end. nelson mandela's loved ones expressing their appreciation to supporters around the globe.
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his wife says the family has been overwhelmed with so much love and generosity. mandela in serious condition ár'ce he was first rushed to the hospital with a recurring lung infection more than a week ago. president zuma now says his health is improving. a quick-thinking texas mom went head-to-head with a carjacker and she won. the alleged criminal in the hospital while the woman's two young sons are home safe and sound. she's being called a hero. meet a mom with ner+es of steel. dorothy baker was leaving this drugstore with her 2 and 5-year-old sons when she says a knife-wielding robber popped out from the back seat of her van. knife. atening my kids with a >> reporter: police identified the suspect as 54-year-old martinez. he demanded money and tried to force her to drive to an atm machine. >> i asked him how much he needed and he said $200. i didn't have that kind of cash.
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i had $20 in my account. i have to figure out how to get it or my kids would get hurt. she ignored his demand to make a curve. >> i thought if i swerve, he's not wearing a seatbelt. she says she then pushed him to the passenger seat and punched d8him in the face and then she made some demand of her own. >> i told him to get out of my car and he said fine and he started running. the next thing i thought, if he gets away, he can do this to someone else. he kind of zagged and i turned intending to clip him in the side or something to get him to stop and i ended up actually running completely over him. >> reporter: martinez was airlifted to the hospital for treatment. baker says she's no hero. she said she did what she needed to do to protect her family.
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she has the scars áo prove it. >> that's all i was thinking, get him away from my kids. >> she didn't want him out there doing that to somebody else. >> just amazing. love of the mother. in times of crisis you see it come up again and again. >> don't you think the police will also say, don't do that. it seems like that is a dangerous thing to do. >> it is (sqp)ly a crime of passion when she reacted so quickly as a mother could. >> it gets a little tricky. are you allowed to run him over? one of the things we love about this story, it's good news. we're saying the news is so dark and that's all you peop&e talk about is the bad news. guess what, we get green with you. tell you about the good news out there. stories about people doing the right thing every chance. a heartwarming story out of california about a little boy beating cancer. after going through treatment, showing signs of radiation
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therapy, right, we know what happens, you lose your hair. he was nervous about returning to school. what do classmates do? 15 decide to go to the barbershop and shave their heads in solidarity. listen to what it meant to the boy's mother. >> 15 boys wept s went into th barbershop and 15 men walked out. every time i think about it, it brings tears to my eyes. >> really gets you. >> the fact that fourth graders would think of that on their own. they just wanted their buddy to feel okay. >> makes a world of difference to the kid, too. >> especially at that age. >> sure does. >> a lot of acceptance. >> good stuff going on. we'll bring that to you and much, much more. young children missing and their parents are under suspicion. the latest in the search. and family discord. paul mccarthy's son is speaking
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welcome back to "new day" everybody. thank you for joining us the first day of our show. bring your attention to someone that couldn't matter more. two different missing children. questions about the parents in both.
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nick valencia has the latest >> reporter: hundreds scoured in ohio river bank looking for a missing toddler. they looked through streets and garbage cans to find 18-month-old. her mother, angela, is in jail. charged with child endangerment after her daughter disappeared. the search has been gor'g on for two weeks. >> the baby was injured at one point. she was aware of it and did not seek medical attention for the baby. >> i am not going to say she was directly responsible for anything, but my daughter was in her care at the time this happened and the police are handling it the way they feel they need to. >> reporter: in a missing baby case in unica, new york, because the father waited two weeks before reporting him missing. >> if you know where he is or if he is alive or dead, please, please, call the unica police. >> reporter: the father, javon
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said he left his 9-month-old on the front porch after locking he said he walked to the back of the house to find a way in and by the time he got back, little levon was gone. he didn't tell anybody for two weeks. >> the father asked for an attorney and no longer wanted to speak to us. so, at this point, we've had no communication with the father at a this point. >> reporter: neighbors are troubled. >> i'm &ike petrified now because my baby. >> in the casq of both missing children, police are lacking solid leads and they hope that somebody comes forward with info)mation that will lead to a break in the cases. nick valencia, cnn, atlanta. >> our thanks to nick. let's start with what matters most. if you're from unica or toledo. take a look at the pictures. elena 18 months old orange shorts with flowers p'd two feet
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tall, brown hair p'd blue eyes. levon seeing wearing nothing but a diaper. if you have information about these missing children, please contact the center for missing and exploited children at 1-800-the-lost. let's bring in hln nancy grace following both cases and joining me from atlanta. welcome to "new day" and thp'k you for being here with us, first of all. >> thank you, thank you for inviting me. good morning. >> good morning. let's start with elena. very curious that starts as a little bit of a custody dispute. the father comes to get the baby and the mother doesn't want to give her up and she goes back and gets the baby and she later tells police the baby was hurt and didn't get her care. that's why she's in jail on bond and future charges maybe. what do you see here? >> well, number one, i have here in my hand the affidavit from
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police who have arrested the mother on child endangerment. and what we learned from that, pie careful reading of what police say is that the mother says that the child, her little baby just 18 months old, elena, was "hurt." and she didn't take her for medical treatment. you know what, i'm #rankly disgusted with the. i talked to the chief of police and the paternal grandfather and they told me this is how it went down. the father, the bio dad comes over to pick up the baby, elena. nobody will give him the baby. they screw around on the front porch for like two hours. they hear the mother inside. she then comes out and says, oh, the baby's gone. okay. that is a lie. now, obviously, i am not a lie detector. but that's a lie. i also know that a van, a gmc
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sufs safari has been searched. now, why would they be searching a van if the baby was hurt inside the home and why didn't they take the baby to the hospital? last night john david told ñe he had a stomach ache and my mother had to stop me from taking him to the emergency room. this morning he's fine. the most important thing, thq mom is behind bars on this technical charge. she's going to crack and then we're going to hear the truth. >> we also understand, nancy, help me with this. that the discussion that the mother had with the police also led to searching the specific part of toledo and there were questions about the ex-boyfriend and others involved. a lot of speculation. what do we know about where the investigation is leading at this time? >> well, i think that áhere is a parallel investigation going on, that means they're looking for a live child and a dead child.
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typically when children are killed following an abduction, they are killed within the first three hours, according to statistics. i want the baby it be alive. dead. i'd also like to know, where is the boyfriend? why isn't he front and center out there begging for help? mom's behind bars, but where is the boyfriend? i only hear from the natural father's family. nothing from the boyfriend who is apparently there when the baby was "hurt." he should be out scouring the streets and bodies of water looking for this child. where is he? >> let me take your attention quickly levon. >> levon. >> i'm sorry, levon. we're told two weeks before he what do you make of it? >> well, this is what we know. at about 11:30 that night. mom is in rehab. number one. that's the jumping off point.
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mommy's in rehab. not judging. dad says the boy, the baby boy, 9 months old can't sleep. he takes the boy for a walk around the neighborhood. did anybody ever hear of rocking them? so he goes for a walk, gets home and he's locked himself out. leaves the baby and nothi'g but a diaper on the front porch and climbs through a back window and comes out and the baby's gone, again. to me, both the stories stink and i also don't see the father anywhere looking for the baby. he has not taken part in the searches and, not only that, he waited two weeks and then his mother called the police. "é(hone call to police. it's like these people treat these babies like their pets. >> yet, still no charges in that case. u'like with elena where the mother is right now in custody. >> you know what, these things take time and in some of these jurisdictions, they have never prosecuted a murder case without
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a body. so, that's what they're waiting on. but, you know what, i don't think thq-q going to have to wait too long in the first case can baby elena and mother behind pbars. she's not going to take that kindly and she's going to crack and blurt out what happened. then they'll find out the truth and with the other one, it may take a little bit longer. >> thank you for coming on "new day." look forward to having you back. appreciate it, my friend. >> thank you, friend. coming up on "new day," our first day on air here. feels good. doesn't mean that we haven't been spendajt any time together. let me tell you that. look at michaela. also, there it is. that's the part i was waiting for. all right, then, how about this. watch out for that deer. john berman will be here to tell us what he learned on the internet. now, who's laughing the guy getting the beat down or the deer? >> he keeps the shot pretty steady given the fact they were
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8:33 am
sorry, honey. congestion, for it's smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the busses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution to the earth. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment. [ girl ] there are man-eating sharks in every ocean... but we still swim. every second, somewhere in the world, lightning strikes... but we still play in the rain. poisonous snakes can be found in 49 of the 50 states, but we still go looking for adventure.
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a car can crash... a house can crumble... but we still drive... and love coming home. because i think deep down we know... all the bad things that can happen in life... they can't stop us from making our lives... good. ♪ ♪ welcome back, everybody, to "new day." this is the first day of new day
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and the only day that i can say that. i'm chris krcuomo. >> and the first day of the rest of our lives. i'm kate bolduan. 8:35 in the east. straight to mu killa with the five things you teneed to know r your new day. >> what they need to know before they head out the door so they can impress their friends they're knowledgeable. in an hour we exprotect the supreme court to issue historic decisions and wait to see if they'll issue rules on same-sex marriage, affirmative action and gene patents. number two, it is week two of jury selection. so far, 29 policy jurors have passed an initial screening by the prosecution and defense. zimmerman a 'eighborhood watch volunteer charged with second degree murder for killing unarmed florida teenager. zimmerman insists it was
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self-defense. a couple are due in a florida courtroom. josh and sharon have lost custody of the two young boys because of drug and weapons charges. they have pleaded not guilty. the members of the royal family gather at windsor castle for order service. usually given to someone who served the public or majesty herself personally. the duchss of cambridge who is expecting is also expected to attend. at number five, the heat heading home with their backs to the wall. the san antonio spurs took game five. 114-104 are now a win away from an nba title. to hockey, the stanley cup "éáhe series is bruins in chica. you know where i'll be.
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bedtim. a picture of what we can expect for the new day and the new week. >> so true. we definitely have some good news. in colorado, tough last couple weeks still a threat for thunderstorms in the forecast, that is good news because it brings the humidity up, not to mention the obvious part, the rain. 57%, yes, that is great. the sun comes out and things go farther down, we'll see. the numbers go not as low as the single digits or teens. no critical fire danger today. stay that way for the next two days. after that, a change in the forecastñ dome of high pressure builds in, which is not good news. temperpáures are going to go up and make things worse, we'll talk about a low and a high close to each other. when that happenswe'll start to kick up the winds. low humidity there, as well. a little bit more on what's going on in the rest of the country coming up in a little bit. >> we could just sit and listen to this for the next few minutes. >> no, because the people will get in our ears and yell at us. those people. >> so, why are we sitting on
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this couch? because we like it and it's new and also because we want to talk about, this is our first day of "new day." and the folks wanted us to spend time together and get to know each other. >> too much time together? >> no t was very nice. we got a little -- how are we going to set this up. we each did a story on what our passions are but first got together at a barbecue. that was just me, by the way. and a little gunfire. >> play that. >> who wants the cheeseburger that's not cooked to death? >> nothing says nice to meet you better than a barbecue. that's are where the "new day" family got together to share some food and some of ourselves. >> perfection. >> we come from different places. i'm from new york. kate indiana and michaela, california. where she was the number one morning anchor in l.a., you know. >> you believe i' fate?
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>> i really do. my life has only ever been that way. when i look back on my life, everything has been leading me to this. >> as for chris, his time as a lawyer led him to journalism. fighting on behalf of the little guy. >> the reason that people from lower socio economic groups they don't have somebody to work the system. and kate patrolled congress working her capitol hill sources. >> working in the bubble of washingtonright? my gut check is when i go home to indiana and gives you a good gut check. >> family always brings you right back to earth. >> our biggest shared belief, yes, it is all about family. >> let me see the ring. >> married. >> good lord. >> we were so yin and yang. i'm like cuky, loud. he can be very cool as a cucumber. >> michaela has the most unique family. one her family built through the love of adoption.
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>> my parents are cool people. they adopted five girls in the '70s. >> all adopted? >> tell us about your kids. i only met them on your iphone. >> bella is my oldest, love of my life. 7-year-old is mario. he is the only boy in my entire family and the baby is catalina who we call chacha. the sides and musical tastes of our new family. here's what we know so far. we can be courageous. >> you see a green target, shoot it. >> compassionate. >> look at these smiles. r can't take it. >> and very competitive. >> let's have our special shake because people who catch fish. >> and one thing is for surq the best is yet to come. >> i got your back. >> that was a fun weekend.
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>> really good weekend. >> this is the thing, what's been interesting watching is that watching the friendship develop, she and i are going to gang up on you because it needs two of us to take on one of you. >> that's true. >> draws in the criticism. >> i've got something for you, christopher. >> what? >> this is a very exciting day for chris, obviously, "new day." but also a tough day he could not take his oldest, bella, to camp today which was very tough for him. but we have something that is a close second. take a listen, buddy. >> hi, daddy. i just wanted to wish you and michaela and kate good lu(i on your new show, "new day." >> daddy, good luck on "new day" happy father's day. >> happy "new day" daddy. say it, again. i love you, daddy, because i
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don't like you. >> wait, tell him what chacha says. she goes, i bite your face. pthat was very sweet. you're not getting the tears out of me jz day one. look, i'm so excited to start the show, but my baby, the 10-year-old is going to camp for the first time for three weeks she's gone. i didn't get to take her up there. that is tough. she was the first o'e to say, how are you going to pay for ow, camp? good point. >> well done, bella. those little snippets, you're going to see a lot more. all throughout the week for you. >> we had a chance to sort of see each one of us in the best light and perhaps each one of us in our worst light, too. don't you think? >> áhe other side of the piece. >> we are very compqáitive, that you'll see throughout the week. >> you have three wall flowers who don't have much personality. so, yeah, it's going to be fun. >> stay tuned, bucket up, america. >> this is the funnest process i had in a long time. >> other than when he had a root
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canal last week. up next on "new day" willy wonka why the original candy man has some not so sweet things to say. a convenience store caper gone w)ong. this guy definitely don't have the moves like jagger. there it is right there. [ male announcer ] erica had a rough day.
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[ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card is the only card that never has late fees, a penalty rate, or an annual fee, ever. go to to apply. or an annual fee, ever. otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seen before.
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>> a lot of good musc today. welcome back to "new day." time for the top four with nischelle turner. >> the song says don't stop the party. the number four story, pop four. paul mccartney's eldest son, james, is speaking out in a candid interview. he admits after his mother, linda, passed he slept in the same bed with his father thinking it would be too sad for paul to sleep alone. he thinks of nancy as his new mother and she makes his father very, very happy. he also went on to say his first stepmother, heather mills, not his favorite. talked a little bit about that. felt weird talking about it because she is a good mother to beatrice, but not a good stepmother. >> breaking box office numbers. number three, yes. we are talking about super man, super money haul. the man of steel the biggest june opener of all-time making
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$196.6 million. >> jaw dropping. >> worldwide in the first four days and on its way to becoming the most successful "superman" film. it's going to kill them. >> everybody i know couldn't wait to go see it and signaled summer was coming. >> the viewers loved it and -- i heard, i have a good friend into the comic series and she likes how it was advanced. >> christopher nolan was brought in and he was brought in as a consultant and mentor on this to done it. >> i knew i cut you off. >> lot of close ups. our number two story this morning, gene wilder's harsh words. the a(uju is best known for playing the original willy wonka in 1971 and didn't hold back on his thoughts in the remake.
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he did praise johnny depth's perfoper performance. i preferred the first one. but it's right in the line of tim burton. you have to love his take. >> you have to love the weirdness and the crazy mind and he does not. >> it is a celebration of weird. >> hate him for just a moment when he doesn't get the ticket. >> they only drank the bubble soda. give them the prize. >> another thing we all love. >> oh, good. >> in the words, i want the number one story, now! it's kim kardashian and kanye west welcomed their first child on saturday. she was born five weeks early. you know hlna.j. hammer talked to kris and she said that mama and baby are doing fine and that
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the baby is beautiful. >> no name yet? >> no name yet. but we hear it will begin with a k. >> shocker. >> have to be running out of k names soon. >> you thi6z the paparazzi will back off a little bit and leave them alone? >> no. >> not going to happen. >> thank god the baby is healthy. >> and apparently kanye was there for the birth and all is well this morning. >> congratulations to the new mom and pop. >> thank you very much. coming up on "new day" a convenience store robbery gone very wrong. this is definitely not how this guy thought it would go down. and it's just one of the things john berman learned on the internet. i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases.
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that is why we must bring in our man of the morning john berman to tell us what it is he learned on the internet today. >> i should tell you, chris, our new cnn poll reveals that more than 60% of us are looking at videos on the worldwide web. i think because there's so much you can learn. now, i've been up all night trying to educate myself and this is what i have loved on the internet. i learn that people do
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questionable things. for instance, do you think it is a good idea to jump over a fire pit. so, i can report to you, i learned it is a bad idea to jump over a fire pit. >> don't leap two feet. >> i just think, why would you do that? >> because you don't like to face down a bet. >> there it is. doesn't get said better than that. >> i don't think she dunked a basketball before. >> alcohol consumption may be involved. >> i love you, honey, jump over the fire. >> here is a bad idea. check this out right now. you know that crime doesn't pay. crime not a good idea. look what happens to this guy tries to rob a convenience store. if you lack basic coordination. >> he's down, just stay down. >> you think he's down from ppr' or shame? >> it's both. just lack of general coordination. >> i think someone's coming after him. he seems clearly confused. >> watch his legs kick. >> then he just gives in.
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>> maybe he fell ill the second walked into the convenience store. again, as he was trying to get out of there. walking not his strong point. >> hand of fate. >> all right, the other thing i learned, let's talk about bad ideas. do not wildlife. >> wait, listen to the guy running the camera. >> first, he's laughing, but he's getting a beat down. >> now this has been on the internet for a long time. but it's good no matter how you look at it. bambi going down. >> that's like you coming afterú me. i'd take you out. >> you would take me out. >> yes. >> i wouldn't come añ you all crazy paws either. he's got to get his hands up. that was all wrong. >> you would be laughing like the camera guy. >> he's delicate like the deer.
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check out the pants worn at the u.s. opq'. >> strong. >> octopus pants. begging the question. >> come on now. >> these are real pants. you, too, can have octopus on your leg. >> you know who else loves those pants? nobody. i love those pants, said nobody ever. >> that is what i learned on the internets. a treasure-trove of information. all of it true. >> always believe the internet. >> always bring it to you. >> relatively fa(uup&ly accurate. >> how did day one feel? >> solid. >> who even knew? >> j.b., how was it?


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